@inproceedings{MuellerVeggianHaenniBeuscheretal.2006, author = {Mattea M{\"u}ller-Veggian and D. R. Haenni and H. Beuscher and R. M. Lieder}, title = {Weak coupling of a neutron hole to a ¹⁴⁶ Gd core ; an in-beam study of ¹⁴⁵ Gd}, booktitle = {Structure of medium-heavy nuclei, 1979 : proceedings of the 6. European Physical Soc. Nuclear Divisional Conference on the Structure of Medium-Heavy Nuclei held in Rhodes, Greece, 1-4 May 1979 / ed. Committee: G. S. Anagnostatos ... - (Conference series / Institute of Physics London, Bristol ; 49)}, pages = {133}, year = {2006}, }