@article{HacklKahmannWegmannetal.2016, author = {Hackl, Michael and Kahmann, Stephanie Lucina and Wegmann, Kilian and Ries, Christian and Staat, Manfred and M{\"u}ller, Lars-Peter}, title = {Shortening osteotomy of the proximal radius — a treatment option for isolated osteoarthritis of the lateral column of the elbow joint?}, series = {Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy}, volume = {Volume 24}, journal = {Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy}, number = {Supplement 1}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0942-2056}, doi = {10.1007/s00167-016-4080-7}, pages = {128 -- 129}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Treatment of posttraumatic osteoarthritis of the radial column of the elbow joint remains a challenging yet common issue. While partial joint replacement leads to high revision rates, radial head excision has shown to severely increase joint instability. Shortening osteotomy of the radius could be an option to decrease the contact pressure of the radiohumeral joint and thereby pain levels without causing valgus instability. Hence, the aim of this biomechanical study was to evaluate the effects of radial shortening on axial load distribution and valgus stability of the elbow joint.}, language = {en} } @article{PeloniCeriottiDachwald2016, author = {Peloni, Alessandro and Ceriotti, Matteo and Dachwald, Bernd}, title = {Solar-sail trajectory design for a multiple near-earth-asteroid rendezvous mission}, series = {Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics}, volume = {39}, journal = {Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics}, number = {12}, publisher = {AIAA}, address = {Reston, Va.}, issn = {0731-5090}, doi = {10.2514/1.G000470}, pages = {2712 -- 2724}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The scientific interest for near-Earth asteroids as well as the interest in potentially hazardous asteroids from the perspective of planetary defense led the space community to focus on near-Earth asteroid mission studies. A multiple near-Earth asteroid rendezvous mission with close-up observations of several objects can help to improve the characterization of these asteroids. This work explores the design of a solar-sail spacecraft for such a mission, focusing on the search of possible sequences of encounters and the trajectory optimization. This is done in two sequential steps: a sequence search by means of a simplified trajectory model and a set of heuristic rules based on astrodynamics, and a subsequent optimization phase. A shape-based approach for solar sailing has been developed and is used for the first phase. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated through a fully optimized multiple near-Earth asteroid rendezvous mission. The results show that it is possible to visit five near-Earth asteroids within 10 years with near-term solar-sail technology.}, language = {en} } @article{TuraliyevaYeshibaevSaparbekovaetal.2016, author = {Turaliyeva, M. and Yeshibaev, A. and Saparbekova, A. and Akynova, L. and Abildayeva, R. and Sadenova, M. and Sartayeva, K. and Schieffer, Andre and Digel, Ilya}, title = {Species composition and injuriousness of stranger xylophilous fauna affecting indigenous urban dendroflora of Central Asia}, series = {Asian journal of microbiology, biotechnology \& environmental sciences : AJMBES}, volume = {18}, journal = {Asian journal of microbiology, biotechnology \& environmental sciences : AJMBES}, number = {2}, publisher = {EM International}, issn = {0972-3005}, pages = {359 -- 366}, year = {2016}, abstract = {At the present time, one of the most serious environmental problems of Central Asia and South Kazakhstan is the ongoing large-scale deterioration of principal urban tree populations. Several major centers of massive spread of invasive plant pests have been found in urban dendroflora of this region. The degree of damage of seven most wide-spread aboriginal tree species was found to range from 21.4±1.1 to 85.4±1.8\%. In particular, the integrity of the native communities of sycamore (Platanus spp.), willow (Salix spp.), poplar (Populus spp.) and elm (Ulmus spp.) is highly endangered. Our taxonomic analysis of the most dangerous tree pests of the region has revealed them as neobiontic xylophilous insects such as Cossus cossus L. (Order: Lepidoptera L.) Monochamus urussovi Fisch., Monochamus sutor L., Acanthocinus aedelis L. and {\~N}etonia aureate L. (Order: Coleoptera L.). We relate the origin of this threatening trend with the import of industrial wood in the mid 90’s of the last century that was associated with high degree of the constructional work in the region. Because of the absence of efficient natural predators of the pest species, the application of microbiological methods of the pest control and limitation is suggested.}, language = {en} } @article{RosinButenwegKlinkel2016, author = {Rosin, Julia and Butenweg, Christoph and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {Stabilit{\"a}tsnachweis f{\"u}r seismisch beanspruchte Tankbauwerke nach dem LBA/MNA-Konzept}, series = {Bauingenieur}, volume = {91}, journal = {Bauingenieur}, number = {12}, publisher = {VDI Fachmedien}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, issn = {0005-6650}, doi = {10.37544/0005-6650-2016-12-74}, pages = {518 -- 526}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Eine seismische Anregung verursacht in einem Fl{\"u}ssigkeitstank einen kombinierten Spannungszustand, was zu einem Stabilit{\"a}tsversagen der h{\"a}ufig sehr d{\"u}nnwandigen Konstruktionen f{\"u}hren kann. F{\"u}r die Durchf{\"u}hrung von Stabilit{\"a}tsnachweisen stehen verschiedene Verfahren zur Verf{\"u}gung. {\"U}blicherweise werden aus Gr{\"u}nden der Einfachheit spannungsbasierte Verfahren angewendet. Diese sind f{\"u}r Einheitslastf{\"a}lle experimentell abgesichert, wobei eine {\"U}bertragung auf kombinierte Spannungszust{\"a}nde wie im Erdbebenfall nur begrenzt m{\"o}glich ist. Alternativ kann ein globales, numerisches Konzept, das LBA/MNA-Verfahren, angewendet werden. Das Verfahren kombiniert eine materiell nichtlineare Berechnung (MNA) mit einer linearen Beulanalyse (LBA) und erfasst die Interaktion verschiedener gleichzeitig auftretender Beanspruchungen implizit im Nachweis. Dieser Beitrag demonstriert die Anwendung der Verfahren am Beispiel verschiedener Tankgeometrien mit H{\"o}he/Radius-Verh{\"a}ltnissen zwischen 1 ≤ H/R ≤ 2 und Radius/Tankwand-Verh{\"a}ltnissen zwischen 500 ≤ R/t ≤ 1000 und diskutiert zus{\"a}tzlich die Defizite der spannungsbasierten Nachweisverfahren.}, language = {de} } @article{KrollLudwigs2016, author = {Kroll-Ludwigs, Kathrin}, title = {St{\"a}rkung der Parteiautonomie durch die Europ{\"a}ischen G{\"u}terrechtsverordnungen}, series = {Neue Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienrecht - NZFam}, volume = {3}, journal = {Neue Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Familienrecht - NZFam}, number = {23}, publisher = {Beck}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, issn = {2198-2333}, pages = {1061 -- 1065}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Mit der Verabschiedung der Europ{\"a}ischen G{\"u}terrechtsverordnung f{\"u}r Ehegatten und eingetragene Partner hat der Unionsgesetzgeber die Vereinheitlichung des Kollisionsrechts in Europa weiter vorangetrieben. Zentraler Baustein beider Rechtsakte ist die Parteiautonomie, die mit Blick auf Eheleute an bew{\"a}hrte Traditionen ankn{\"u}pft, f{\"u}r Lebenspartner aber eine echte Neuerung bringt.}, language = {de} } @article{AlKaidyTippkoetter2016, author = {Al-Kaidy, Huschyar and Tippk{\"o}tter, Nils}, title = {Superparamagnetic hydrophobic particles as shell material for digital microfluidic droplets and proof-of-principle reaction assessments with immobilized laccase}, series = {Engineering in Life Sciences}, volume = {16}, journal = {Engineering in Life Sciences}, number = {3}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, doi = {10.1002/elsc.201400124}, pages = {222 -- 230}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In the field of biotechnology and molecular biology, the use of small liquid volumes has significant advantages. In particular, screening and optimization runs with acceptable amounts of expensive and hardly available catalysts, reagents, or biomolecules are feasible with microfluidic technologies. The presented new microfluidic system is based on the inclusion of small liquid volumes by a protective shell of magnetizable microparticles. Hereby, discrete aqueous microreactor drops with volumes of 1-30 μL can be formed on a simple planar surface. A digital movement and manipulation of the microreactor is performed by overlapping magnetic forces. The magnetic forces are generated by an electrical coil matrix positioned below a glass plate. With the new platform technology, several discrete reaction compartments can be moved simultaneously on one surface. Due to the magnetic fields, the reactors can even be merged to initiate reactions by mixing or positioned above surface-immobilized catalysts and then opened by magnetic force. Comparative synthesis routes of the magnetizable shell particles and superhydrophobic glass slides including their performance and stability with the reaction platform are described. The influence of diffusive mass transport during the catalyzed reaction is discussed by evaluation finite element model of the microreactor. Furthermore, a first model dye reaction of the enzyme laccase has been established.}, language = {en} } @article{KnobeGiesenPlateetal.2016, author = {Knobe, M. and Giesen, M. and Plate, S. and Gradl-Dietsch, G. and Buecking, B. and Eschbach, D. and Laack, Walter van and Pape, H.-C.}, title = {The Aachen mobility and balance index to measure physiological falls risk: a comparison with the Tinetti POMA scale}, series = {European Journal Of Trauma And Emergency Surgery}, volume = {42}, journal = {European Journal Of Trauma And Emergency Surgery}, number = {5}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1863-9941}, doi = {10.1007/s00068-016-0693-2}, pages = {537 -- 545}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Purpose The most commonly used mobility assessments for screening risk of falls among older adults are rating scales such as the Tinetti performance oriented mobility assessment (POMA). However, its correlation with falls is not always predictable and disadvantages of the scale include difficulty to assess many of the items on a 3-point scale and poor specificity. The purpose of this study was to describe the ability of the new Aachen Mobility and Balance Index (AMBI) to discriminate between subjects with a fall history and subjects without such events in comparison to the Tinetti POMA Scale. Methods For this prospective cohort study, 24 participants in the study group and 10 in the control group were selected from a population of patients in our hospital who had met the stringent inclusion criteria. Both groups completed the Tinetti POMA Scale (gait and balance component) and the AMBI (tandem stance, tandem walk, ten-meter-walk-test, sit-to-stand with five repetitions, 360° turns, timed-up-and-go-test and measurement of the dominant hand grip strength). A history of falls and hospitalization in the past year were evaluated retrospectively. The relationships among the mobility tests were examined with Bland-Altmananalysis. Receiver-operated characteristics curves, sensitivity and specificity were calculated. Results The study showed a strong negative correlation between the AMBI (17 points max., highest fall risk) and Tinetti POMA Scale (28 points max., lowest fall risk; r = -0.78, p < 0.001) with an excellent discrimination between community-dwelling older people and a younger control group. However, there were no differences in any of the mobility and balance measurements between participants with and without a fall history with equal characteristics in test comparison (AMBI vs. Tinetti POMA Scale: AUC 0.570 vs. 0.598; p = 0.762). The Tinetti POMA Scale (cut-off <20 points) showed a sensitivity of 0.45 and a specificity of 0.69, the AMBI a sensitivity of 0.64 and a specificity of 0.46 (cut-off >5 points). Conclusion The AMBI comprises mobility and balance tasks with increasing difficulty as well as a measurement of the dominant hand-grip strength. Its ability to identify fallers was comparable to the Tinetti POMA Scale. However, both measurement sets showed shortcomings in discrimination between fallers and non-fallers based on a self-reported retrospective falls-status.}, language = {en} } @article{SchmidtForkmannSinkeetal.2016, author = {Schmidt, Katharina and Forkmann, Katarina and Sinke, C. and Gratz, Marcel and Bitz, Andreas and Bingel, Ulrike}, title = {The differential effect of trigeminal vs. peripheral pain stimulation on visual processing and memory encoding is influenced by pain-related fear}, series = {NeuroImage}, volume = {134}, journal = {NeuroImage}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1053-8119}, doi = {10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.03.026}, pages = {386 -- 395}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Compared to peripheral pain, trigeminal pain elicits higher levels of fear, which is assumed to enhance the interruptive effects of pain on concomitant cognitive processes. In this fMRI study we examined the behavioral and neural effects of trigeminal (forehead) and peripheral (hand) pain on visual processing and memory encoding. Cerebral activity was measured in 23 healthy subjects performing a visual categorization task that was immediately followed by a surprise recognition task. During the categorization task subjects received concomitant noxious electrical stimulation on the forehead or hand. Our data show that fear ratings were significantly higher for trigeminal pain. Categorization and recognition performance did not differ between pictures that were presented with trigeminal and peripheral pain. However, object categorization in the presence of trigeminal pain was associated with stronger activity in task-relevant visual areas (lateral occipital complex, LOC), memory encoding areas (hippocampus and parahippocampus) and areas implicated in emotional processing (amygdala) compared to peripheral pain. Further, individual differences in neural activation between the trigeminal and the peripheral condition were positively related to differences in fear ratings between both conditions. Functional connectivity between amygdala and LOC was increased during trigeminal compared to peripheral painful stimulation. Fear-driven compensatory resource activation seems to be enhanced for trigeminal stimuli, presumably due to their exceptional biological relevance.}, language = {en} } @article{FerreinSteinbauer2016, author = {Ferrein, Alexander and Steinbauer, Gerald}, title = {The Interplay of Aldebaran and RoboCup}, series = {KI - K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz}, volume = {30}, journal = {KI - K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz}, number = {3-4}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1610-1987}, doi = {10.1007/s13218-016-0440-1}, pages = {325 -- 326}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @article{PaulssenLengkeekLeetal.2016, author = {Paulßen, Elisabeth and Lengkeek, Nigel A. and Le, Van So and Pellegrini, Paul A. and Greguric, Ivan and Weiner, Ron}, title = {The role of additives in moderating the influence of Fe(III) and Cu(II) on the radiochemical yield of [⁶⁸Ga(DOTATATE)]}, series = {Applied Radiation and Isotopes}, volume = {107}, journal = {Applied Radiation and Isotopes}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1872-9800}, doi = {10.1016/j.apradiso.2015.09.008}, pages = {13 -- 16}, year = {2016}, abstract = {[⁶⁸Ga(DOTATATE)] has demonstrated its clinical usefulness. Both Fe³⁺ and Cu²⁺, potential contaminants in Gallium-68 generator eluent, substantially reduce the radiochemical (RC) yield of [⁶⁸Ga(DOTATATE)] if the metal/ligand ratio of 1:1 is exceeded. A variety of compounds were examined for their potential ability to reduce this effect. Most had no effect on RC yield. However, addition of phosphate diminished the influence of Fe³⁺ by likely forming an insoluble iron salt. Addition of ascorbic acid reduced Cu²⁺ and Fe³⁺ to Cu⁺ and Fe²⁺ respectively, both of which have limited impact on RC yields. At low ligand amounts (5 nmol DOTATATE), the addition of 30 nmol phosphate (0.19 mM) increased the tolerance of Fe3⁺ from 4 nmol to 10 nmol (0.06 mM), while the addition of ascorbic acid allowed high RC yields (>95\%) in the presence of 40 nmol Fe³⁺ (0.25 mM) and 100 nmol Cu²⁺ (0.63 mM). The effect of ascorbic acid was highly pH-dependant, and gave optimal results at pH 3.}, language = {en} }