@incollection{HinkeVervierBrauneretal.2022, author = {Hinke, Christian and Vervier, Luisa and Brauner, Philipp and Schneider, Sebastian and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Ziefle, Martina and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {Capability configuration in next generation manufacturing}, series = {Forecasting next generation manufacturing : digital shadows, human-machine collaboration, and data-driven business models}, booktitle = {Forecasting next generation manufacturing : digital shadows, human-machine collaboration, and data-driven business models}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-031-07733-3}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-07734-0_6}, pages = {95 -- 106}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Industrial production systems are facing radical change in multiple dimensions. This change is caused by technological developments and the digital transformation of production, as well as the call for political and social change to facilitate a transformation toward sustainability. These changes affect both the capabilities of production systems and companies and the design of higher education and educational programs. Given the high uncertainty in the likelihood of occurrence and the technical, economic, and societal impacts of these concepts, we conducted a technology foresight study, in the form of a real-time Delphi analysis, to derive reliable future scenarios featuring the next generation of manufacturing systems. This chapter presents the capabilities dimension and describes each projection in detail, offering current case study examples and discussing related research, as well as implications for policy makers and firms. Specifically, we discuss the benefits of capturing expert knowledge and making it accessible to newcomers, especially in highly specialized industries. The experts argue that in order to cope with the challenges and circumstances of today's world, students must already during their education at university learn how to work with AI and other technologies. This means that study programs must change and that universities must adapt their structural aspects to meet the needs of the students.}, language = {en} } @incollection{BraunerVervierBrillowskietal.2022, author = {Brauner, Philipp and Vervier, Luisa and Brillowski, Florian and Dammers, Hannah and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Schneider, Sebastian and Baier, Ralph and Ziefle, Martina and Gries, Thomas and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen and Mertens, Alexander and Nagel, Saskia K.}, title = {Organization Routines in Next Generation Manufacturing}, series = {Forecasting Next Generation Manufacturing}, booktitle = {Forecasting Next Generation Manufacturing}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-031-07734-0}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-07734-0_5}, pages = {75 -- 94}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Next Generation Manufacturing promises significant improvements in performance, productivity, and value creation. In addition to the desired and projected improvements regarding the planning, production, and usage cycles of products, this digital transformation will have a huge impact on work, workers, and workplace design. Given the high uncertainty in the likelihood of occurrence and the technical, economic, and societal impacts of these changes, we conducted a technology foresight study, in the form of a real-time Delphi analysis, to derive reliable future scenarios featuring the next generation of manufacturing systems. This chapter presents the organization dimension and describes each projection in detail, offering current case study examples and discussing related research, as well as implications for policy makers and firms. Specifically, we highlight seven areas in which the digital transformation of production will change how we work, how we organize the work within a company, how we evaluate these changes, and how employment and labor rights will be affected across company boundaries. The experts are unsure whether the use of collaborative robots in factories will replace traditional robots by 2030. They believe that the use of hybrid intelligence will supplement human decision-making processes in production environments. Furthermore, they predict that artificial intelligence will lead to changes in management processes, leadership, and the elimination of hierarchies. However, to ensure that social and normative aspects are incorporated into the AI algorithms, restricting measurement of individual performance will be necessary. Additionally, AI-based decision support can significantly contribute toward new, socially accepted modes of leadership. Finally, the experts believe that there will be a reduction in the workforce by the year 2030.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MertensBraunerBaieretal.2022, author = {Mertens, Alexander and Brauner, Philipp and Baier, Ralph and Brillowski, Florian and Dammers, Hannah and van Dyck, Marc and Kong, Iris and K{\"o}nigs, Peter and Kordtomeikel, Frauke and Liehner, Gian Luca and P{\"u}tz, Sebastian and Rodermann, Niklas and Schaar, Anne Kathrin and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Vervier, Luisa and Wlecke, Shari and Gries, Thomas and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen and Nagel, Saskia K. and Piller, Frank T. and Schuh, G{\"u}nther and Ziefle, Martina and Nitsch, Verena}, title = {Modelling Human Factors in Cyber Physical Production Systems by the Integration of Human Digital Shadows}, series = {Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events}, booktitle = {Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events}, editor = {Michael, Judith and Pfeiffer, J{\´e}r{\^o}me and Wortmann, Andreas}, publisher = {GI Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik}, address = {Bonn}, doi = {10.18420/modellierung2022ws-018}, pages = {147 -- 149}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The future of industrial manufacturing and production will increasingly manifest in the form of cyber-physical production systems. Here, Digital Shadows will act as mediators between the physical and digital world to model and operationalize the interactions and relationships between different entities in production systems. Until now, the associated concepts have been primarily pursued and implemented from a technocentric perspective, in which human actors play a subordinate role, if they are considered at all. This paper outlines an anthropocentric approach that explicitly considers the characteristics, behavior, and traits and states of human actors in socio-technical production systems. For this purpose, we discuss the potentials and the expected challenges and threats of creating and using Human Digital Shadows in production.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MertensPuetzBrauneretal.2021, author = {Mertens, Alexander and P{\"u}tz, Sebastian and Brauner, Philipp and Brillowski, Florian Sascha and Buczak, Nadine and Dammers, Hannah and van Dyck, Marc and Kong, Iris and K{\"o}nigs, Peter and Kortomeikel, Frauke Carole and Rodemann, Niklas and Schaar, Anne Kathrin and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Wlecke, Shari and Gries, Thomas and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen and Nagel, Saskia K. and Piller, Frank Thomas and Schuh, G{\"u}nther and Ziefle, Martina and Nitsch, Verena}, title = {Human digital shadow: Data-based modeling of users and usage in the internet of production}, series = {14th Conference Human System Interaction Conference Proceedings}, booktitle = {14th Conference Human System Interaction Conference Proceedings}, publisher = {IEEE}, doi = {10.1109/HSI52170.2021.9538729}, pages = {1 -- 8}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Digital Shadows as the aggregation, linkage and abstraction of data relating to physical objects are a central vision for the future of production. However, the majority of current research takes a technocentric approach, in which the human actors in production play a minor role. Here, the authors present an alternative anthropocentric perspective that highlights the potential and main challenges of extending the concept of Digital Shadows to humans. Following future research methodology, three prospections that illustrate use cases for Human Digital Shadows across organizational and hierarchical levels are developed: human-robot collaboration for manual work, decision support and work organization, as well as human resource management. Potentials and challenges are identified using separate SWOT analyses for the three prospections and common themes are emphasized in a concluding discussion.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{SteuerDankert2020, author = {Steuer-Dankert, Linda}, title = {Diversity in complex organizations : the triangle of diversity management, change management and organizational culture from a system-theoretical perspective}, doi = {10.18154/RWTH-2020-11830}, pages = {298}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Insbesondere im wirtschaftlichen Kontext wird die Diversit{\"a}t von Belegschaften zunehmend als ein kritischer Erfolgsfaktor gesehen. Neben dem Potenzial, welches sich laut Studien aus einem vielf{\"a}ltigen Team ergibt, werden jedoch ebenfalls die aus menschlicher Diversit{\"a}t resultierenden Herausforderungen thematisiert und wissenschaftlich untersucht. Sowohl aus dem Potenzial als auch aus den Herausforderungen ergibt sich dabei die Notwendigkeit der Implementierung eines organisationsspezifischen Diversity Managements, welches die Gewinnung neuer Mitarbeiter*innen einerseits und das Management der vorhandenen Vielfalt andererseits gleichermaßen unterst{\"u}tzt. In der psychologischen, sozial- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Literatur gibt es unterschiedliche Definitionen von Diversit{\"a}t, woraus sich verschiedene Perspektiven auf das Vorgehen bei der Gestaltung und Umsetzung eines Diversity Management Ansatzes ergeben. Insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der Komplexit{\"a}t des Organisationsumfeldes und der steigenden Anforderungen an die organisationsinterne Agilit{\"a}t besteht die Notwendigkeit, Diversit{\"a}t in Organisationen st{\"a}rker zu reflektieren und systemspezifische Ans{\"a}tze zu entwickeln. Dies erfordert die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung organisationsspezifischer Strukturen und Prozesse sowie die Reflexion des Wandels der Organisationskultur durch die Umsetzung eines Diversity Management Ansatzes, der die gegebene Komplexit{\"a}t aufgreift und bew{\"a}ltigen kann. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus sind die psychologischen Auswirkungen solcher Ver{\"a}nderungen auf die Mitarbeiter*innen zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen, um Reaktanzen zu vermeiden und eine nachhaltige Umsetzung von Diversity Management zu erm{\"o}glichen. In Ermangelung entsprechender Ans{\"a}tze im Rahmen {\"o}ffentlich finanzierter, komplexer Forschungsorganisationen, ist das Ziel dieser Dissertation die Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Forschungsdesigns, welches die Ans{\"a}tze des Diversity- und Change Managements mit der Organisationskultur verkn{\"u}pft, indem es eine systemtheoretische Perspektive einnimmt. Dabei wird das Forschungsdesign auf eine komplexe wissenschaftliche Organisation angewendet. Als Basis dient die in Teil A durchgef{\"u}hrte Betrachtung des aktuellen Forschungsstandes aus einer interdisziplin{\"a}ren Perspektive und die damit einhergehende umfassende Einf{\"u}hrung in das Forschungsfeld. Im Zuge dessen wird detailliert auf die begriffliche Definition von Diversit{\"a}t eingegangen, bevor dann die psychologischen Konzepte im Diversit{\"a}tskontext den {\"U}bergang zu einer differenzierten Auseinandersetzung mit dem Konzept des Diversity Managements bilden. Auf dieser Grundlage werden das Forschungsdesign sowie die daraus resultierenden Forschungsphasen abgeleitet. Teil A stellt somit die theoretische Grundlage f{\"u}r die in Teil B pr{\"a}sentierten Fachaufs{\"a}tze dar. Jeder Fachaufsatz beleuchtet dabei in chronologischer Reihenfolge die unterschiedlichen Forschungsphasen. Fachaufsatz I pr{\"a}sentiert den sechsstufigen Forschungsansatz und beleuchtet die besonderen Rahmenbedingungen des Forschungsobjektes aus einer theoretischen Perspektive. Im Anschluss werden die Ergebnisse der Organisationsanalyse, welche zugleich Phase I und II des Forschungskonzeptes darstellen, vorgestellt. Aufbauend auf diesen Forschungsergebnissen fokussiert Forschungsaufsatz II die Darlegung der Ergebnisse aus Forschungsphase III, der Befragung der F{\"u}hrungsebene. Die Befragung thematisierte dabei die Wahrnehmung von Diversity und Diversity Management auf F{\"u}hrungsebene, die Verkn{\"u}pfung von Diversit{\"a}t mit Innovation sowie die Reflexion des eigenen F{\"u}hrungsstils. Als Ergebnis der Befragung konnten sechs Typen identifiziert werden, die das F{\"u}hrungsverst{\"a}ndnis im Diversit{\"a}tskontext widerspiegeln und somit den Ansatzpunkt f{\"u}r eine top-down gerichtete Diversity Management Strategie darstellen. Darauf aufbauend wird in Forschungsphase IV die Mitarbeiter*innenebene beforscht. Im Zentrum der quantitativen Befragung standen die vorherrschenden Einstellungen zum Themenkomplex Diversity und Diversity Management, die Wahrnehmung von Diversit{\"a}t sowie die Untersuchung des Einflusses der F{\"u}hrungsebene auf die Mitarbeiter*innenebene. Forschungsaufsatz III pr{\"a}sentiert erste Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung. Die Analyse weist auf eine unterschiedliche Gewichtung der verschiedenen Diversit{\"a}tskategorien hinsichtlich der Verkn{\"u}pfung mit Innovationen und somit der Reflexion des Kontextes zwischen Diversit{\"a}t und Innovationen hin. Vergleichbar mit den identifizierten Typen auf der F{\"u}hrungsebene, deutet die Analyse auf die Existenz unterschiedlicher Reflexionsgrade auf Mitarbeiter*innenebene hin. Auf Basis dessen wird im Rahmen von Forschungsaufsatz IV eine n{\"a}here Untersuchung des Reflexionsgrades auf Mitarbeiter*innenebene pr{\"a}sentiert und der Diversity Management Ansatz mit Elementen des Change Managements kombiniert. Besondere Ber{\"u}cksichtigung findet als Schlussfolgerung einer theoretischen Analyse die Organisationskultur als zentrales Element bei der Entwicklung und Einf{\"u}hrung eines Diversity Management Ansatzes in eine komplexe Forschungsorganisation in Deutschland. Die Analyse zeigt, dass die Wahrnehmung von Diversit{\"a}t heterogen aber zun{\"a}chst losgel{\"o}st vom individuellen Hintergrund ist (im Rahmen dieser Analyse lag der Fokus auf den Diversit{\"a}tskategorien Gender und Herkunft). Hinsichtlich der Wertsch{\"a}tzung von Diversit{\"a}t zeigt sich dabei ebenfalls ein heterogenes Bild. In der Gesamtbetrachtung stimmen lediglich 17\% der Mitarbeiter*innen zu, dass Diversit{\"a}tskategorien wie Gender, Herkunft oder auch Alter einen Mehrwert darstellen k{\"o}nnen. Zugleich bewertet diese Gruppe die dem Thema beigemessene Wichtigkeit im CoE als ausreichend. Zusammengefasst lassen sich folgende Erkenntnisse im Rahmen dieser Dissertation ableiten und dienen somit als Grundlage f{\"u}r die Entwicklung eines Diversity Management Ansatzes: (1) Die Entwicklung eines bedarfsorientierten Diversity Management Ansatzes erfordert einen systemtheoretischen Prozess, der sowohl organisationsinterne als auch externe Einflussfaktoren ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Der im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes entwickelte sechsstufige Forschungsprozess hat sich dabei als geeignetes Instrument erwiesen. (2)Im Rahmen {\"o}ffentlicher Forschungseinrichtungen lassen sich dabei drei zentrale Faktoren identifizieren: die individuelle Reflexionsebene, die Organisationskultur sowie extern beeinflusste Organisationsstrukturen, Prozesse und Systeme.(3)Vergleichbar mit privatwirtschaftlichen Unternehmen hat auch in wissenschaftlichen Organisationen die F{\"u}hrungsebene einen maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die Wahrnehmung von Diversit{\"a}t und somit einen Einfluss auf die Umsetzung einer Diversity Management Strategie. Daher ist auch im wissenschaftlichen Kontext, bedingt durch die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen des Hochschulsystems, ein top-down Ansatz f{\"u}r eine nachhaltige Implementierung erforderlich. (4) Diversity Management steht in einem engen Zusammenhang mit einem organisationalen Wandel, was die Reflexion von Ver{\"a}nderungsprozesse aus einer psychologischen Perspektive erfordert und eine Verkn{\"u}pfung von Diversity und Change Management bedingt. Aufbauend auf den im Rahmen des entwickelten Forschungskonzeptes gewonnenen zentralen Erkenntnissen wird ein Ansatz entwickelt, der die Ableitung theoretischer Implikationen sowie Implikationen f{\"u}r das Management erm{\"o}glicht. Insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der Reflexion der besonderen Rahmenbedingungen {\"o}ffentlich finanzierter Forschungsorganisationen werden dar{\"u}ber hinaus politische Implikationen abgeleitet, die auf die Ver{\"a}nderung struktureller Dimensionen abzielen.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PhilippBrillowskiDammersetal.2020, author = {Philipp, Brauner and Brillowski, Florian Sascha and Dammers, Hannah and K{\"o}nigs, Peter and Kordtomeikel, Frauke Carole and Petruck, Henning and Schaar, Anne Kathrin and Schmitz, Seth and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Mertens, Alexander and Gries, Thomas and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen and Nagel, Saskia K. and Nitsch, Verena and Schuh, G{\"u}nther and Ziefle, Martina}, title = {A research framework for human aspects in the internet of production: an intra-company perspective}, series = {Proceedings of the AHFE 2020}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AHFE 2020}, editor = {Mrugalska, Beata and Trzcielinski, Stefan and Karwowski, Waldemar and Nicolantonio, Massimo Di and Roossi, Emilio}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-51980-3}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-51981-0_1}, pages = {3 -- 17}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Digitalization in the production sector aims at transferring concepts and methods from the Internet of Things (IoT) to the industry and is, as a result, currently reshaping the production area. Besides technological progress, changes in work processes and organization are relevant for a successful implementation of the "Internet of Production" (IoP). Focusing on the labor organization and organizational procedures emphasizes to consider intra-company factors such as (user) acceptance, ethical issues, and ergonomics in the context of IoP approaches. In the scope of this paper, a research approach is presented that considers these aspects from an intra-company perspective by conducting studies on the shop floor, control level and management level of companies in the production area. Focused on four central dimensions—governance, organization, capabilities, and interfaces—this contribution presents a research framework that is focused on a systematic integration and consideration of human aspects in the realization of the IoP.}, language = {en} } @incollection{vondenDrieschSteuerDankertBergetal.2020, author = {von den Driesch, Elena and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Berg, Tobias and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {Implementation of gender and diversity perspectives in transport development plans in germany}, series = {Engendering cities: designing sustainable urban spaces for all}, booktitle = {Engendering cities: designing sustainable urban spaces for all}, publisher = {Routledge}, address = {London}, isbn = {978-1-351-20090-5}, pages = {90 -- 109}, year = {2020}, abstract = {As mobility should ensure the accessibility to and participation in society, transport planning has to deal with a variety of gender and diversity categories affecting users' mobility needs and patterns. Exemplified by an analysis of an instrument of transport development processes - German Transport Development Plans (TDPs) - we investigated to what extent diverse target groups and their mobility requirements are implemented in transport strategy papers. Research results illustrate a still-prevalent neglect of several relevant gender and diversity categories while prioritizing and focusing on eco-friendly topics. But how sustainable can transport be without facing the diversification of life circumstances?}, language = {en} } @incollection{LeichtScholtenSteuerDankert2020, author = {Leicht-Scholten, Carmen and Steuer-Dankert, Linda}, title = {Educating engineers for socially responsible solutions through design thinking}, series = {Design thinking in higher education: interdisciplinary encounters}, booktitle = {Design thinking in higher education: interdisciplinary encounters}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Singapore}, isbn = {978-981-15-5780-4}, doi = {10.1007/978-981-15-5780-4}, pages = {229 -- 246}, year = {2020}, abstract = {There is a broad international discussion about rethinking engineering education in order to educate engineers to cope with future challenges, and particularly the sustainable development goals. In this context, there is a consensus about the need to shift from a mostly technical paradigm to a more holistic problem-based approach, which can address the social embeddedness of technology in society. Among the strategies suggested to address this social embeddedness, design thinking has been proposed as an essential complement to engineering precisely for this purpose. This chapter describes the requirements for integrating the design thinking approach in engineering education. We exemplify the requirements and challenges by presenting our approach based on our course experiences at RWTH Aachen University. The chapter first describes the development of our approach of integrating design thinking in engineering curricula, how we combine it with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as well as the role of sustainability and social responsibility in engineering. Secondly, we present the course "Expanding Engineering Limits: Culture, Diversity, and Gender" at RWTH Aachen University. We describe the necessity to theoretically embed the method in social and cultural context, giving students the opportunity to reflect on cultural, national, or individual "engineering limits," and to be able to overcome them using design thinking as a next step for collaborative project work. The paper will suggest that the successful implementation of design thinking as a method in engineering education needs to be framed and contextualized within Science and Technology Studies (STS).}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SteuerDankertLeichtScholten2019, author = {Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {Diversity- and innovation management in complex engineering organizations}, series = {7th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship: Embracing Diversity in Organisations. April 5th - 6th, 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia}, booktitle = {7th International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship: Embracing Diversity in Organisations. April 5th - 6th, 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia}, editor = {Tipurić, Darko and Hruška, Domagoj}, publisher = {Governance Research and Development Centre (CIRU)}, address = {Zagreb}, pages = {136 -- 157}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Diversity is increasingly being addressed as an innovation-promoting factor. For this reason, companies and institutions tackle the integration of a diversity management approach that enables a heterogenic perspective on innovation development. However, system-theoretical frameworks state that the implementation of diversity measures that are not tailored to the needs of the organization often leads to a rejection or reactivity with regard to the management approach. In this context, especially organizations, which are characterized by a specific hierarchical structure, a dominant habitus or specialist culture, must face the challenge of realizing a sustainable change of the corporate culture that sets the basis for implementing diversity management approaches. The presented research project focuses on analyzing the situation in a huge scientific collaborative project - so called Cluster of Excellence (CoE) - with the aim to implement a diversity - and innovation management strategy. Considering the influencing determinants, the CoE is characterized by its embeddedness in the scientific system, a complex organizational structure, and a high fluctuation rate. The paper presents a systemic approach of reflecting these factors in order to develop a diversity- and innovation management strategy. In this frame, the results of a quantitative survey of CoE employees and derived mindset-types are presented. The results show a need for taking different mindset-types into account, to be able to develop a tailored management strategy. The aim of the project is to give recommendations for developing a sustainable management concept that promotes both diversity and innovation by drawing on the persisting mindsets of organization members while reflecting top down as well as bottom up factors of implementation processes as well as the psychology of change. This paper addresses all who are concerned with the management of human resources in innovation processes and are striving for a cultural change within the framework of complex organizations.}, language = {en} } @article{SteuerDankertGilmartinMulleretal.2019, author = {Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Gilmartin, Shannon K. and Muller, Carol B. and Dungs, Carolin and Sheppard, Sheri and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {Expanding engineering limits : a concept for socially responsible education of engineers}, series = {The international journal of engineering education}, volume = {35}, journal = {The international journal of engineering education}, number = {2}, isbn = {0949-149X}, pages = {658 -- 673}, year = {2019}, language = {en} }