@inproceedings{FredebeulKrein2008, author = {Fredebeul-Krein, Markus}, title = {Time for revision: The regulation of Germany's next generation networks in the light of new economic and technological challenges on telecom markets : Presentation for the 18th Biennial conference of the International Telecommunications Society, June 24-27, 2008 Montreal, Canada}, year = {2008}, abstract = {On 1st January 1998, the German telecom market was fully liberalised. Since then genuine competition between market participants has developed, based on a comprehensive legal and regulatory framework that provides for safeguards against unfair competition and market power by Deutsche Telekom. Today, about 10 years after the liberalisation of the telecommunications sector a revision of this regulatory approach has become necessary because at least on three dimensions the situation is quite different from the one 10 years ago: First, with numerous established alternative operators in the market monopolies have been successfully challenged and competition introduced. Second, not only is Cable TV becoming in large parts of Germany a viable alternative for the provision of broadband services but also mobile services are becoming increasingly a substitute for fixed services. Last but not least there are important technological changes under way, requiring huge investments in infrastructure upgrades for next generation networks. In the light of these new developments the question is to which extent the current regulatory approach of severe ex-ante regulatory intervention is still appropriate. Is any part of the network of the former incumbent still a bottleneck? A more light handed regulatory approach might be the right response to this new situation. The paper is organised as follows: The first section will briefly examine the economic rationale for regulating network access. Based on the assumption that regulation is always necessary when bottlenecks exist regulatory principles for an efficient network access regime will be derived. The second section compares the situation of the German market in early 1998 with the one of today. Thereby three dimensions will be considered: the degree of competition, the potential for substitution and technological developments. The third section will define some requirements for the future regulation of telecom markets. Proposals will be elaborated how to ensure competitive telecom markets in the light of new economic and technological challenges.}, subject = {Telekommunikationsmarkt}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{FredebeulKreinHaunert2008, author = {Fredebeul-Krein, Markus and Haunert, Martina}, title = {Assessing the effectiveness of price cap regimes for the regulation of fixed telephony markets: has it been successful in achieving competition? : preliminary draft / by Markus Fredebeul-Krein and Martina Haunert. 19th European Regional ITS Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, September 17-19, 2008 Rome, Italy}, year = {2008}, abstract = {1. Introduction 2. Tariff regulation, rebalancing and price caps 3. Price cap regimes in selected European countries 4. Has price cap regulation been successful? 5. Regulatory implications for other countries}, subject = {Telekommunikationsmarkt}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{FredebeulKrein2008, author = {Fredebeul-Krein, Markus}, title = {Die globale Finanzkrise: Ursachen und Bew{\"a}ltigung : Vortrag an der Georg-Simon-Ohm-Schule K{\"o}ln, 2. Dezember 2008, K{\"o}ln}, organization = {FH Aachen, University of Applied Sciences}, year = {2008}, abstract = {- Wie kam es zu der globalen Finanzkrise? - Wodurch zeichnet sich die Finanzkrise aus? - Wer hat die Finanzkrise verschuldet? - Welche Rolle spielten Spekulanten? - Inwiefern ist die Finanzkrise selbstverschuldet? - Ist die Globalisierung Schuld an den Finanzkrisen in zahlreichen Regionen dieser Welt? - Wie wirkt sich die Finanzkrise auf die Realwirtschaft aus? - Welche Wege bieten sich, aus der Krise herauszukommen?}, subject = {Finanzkrise}, language = {de} } @misc{Heger2008, author = {Heger, Michael}, title = {Material zum Leitfaden zur Durchf{\"u}hrung des Mentorenprogramms an der Fachhochschule Aachen}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Inhaltsverzeichnis Material / Anregungen zur einf{\"u}hrenden Großveranstaltung (zu Abschnitt 3, Seite 4 des Leitfadens) • Linkliste Materialien und Anregungen zu ersten (Gruppen-)Treffen (zu Abschnitt 3. a., Seite 5 des Leitfadens) • Lebendige Statistik • Gruppenspiegel • Das Dreieck der Gemeinsamkeiten • Eine R{\"u}ckmeldung sollte sein Material / Anregungen zu weiteren (Gruppen-)Treffen im ersten Semester (zu Abschntt 3. b., Seite 6 des Leitfadens) • Ad (c) Portfolio • Ad (d) WLI-Fragebogen • Wie lerne ich? • Notizen machen • Systematisches Aufgabenl{\"o}sen • ALPEN-Methode • Checkliste f{\"u}r erfolgreiche Gruppen • Von der Stoffmappe zur Lesemappe Material / Anregungen zu (Gruppen-)Treffen im zweiten Semester (zu Abschnitt 3. c., Seite 6 des Leitfadens) • Links • Abschlussbrief Material / Anregungen zur Gestaltung von (erg{\"a}nzenden) Einzelgespr{\"a}chen (zu Abschnitt 3. d., Seite 7 des Leitfadens): • Auszug aus S. Bachmair u. a. (Hrsg.): Beraten will gelernt sein Material / Anregungen zu Auswertung und Qualit{\"a}tsentwicklung (Abschnitt 4, Seite 7) • Personalbogen zum Mentorenprogramm • Zielvereinbarung • Evaluation des Mentorenprogramms / Kurzauswertung • Evaluation des Mentorenprogramms / ausf{\"u}hrlichere Auswertung}, subject = {Hochschuldidaktik}, language = {de} } @misc{Heger2008, author = {Heger, Michael}, title = {Leitfaden zur Durchf{\"u}hrung des Mentorenprogramms an der Fachhochschule Aachen}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Dieser Mentorenleitfaden stellt den Mentoren/-innen der Fachhochschule Aachen Anregungen und Materialien zur konkreten Gestaltung des seit 2006 in der Rahmenpr{\"u}fungsordnung der Hochschule verankerten Mentorenprogramms zur Verf{\"u}gung. Er ist dem Charakter dieser Hochschule entsprechend vornehmlich auf natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftliche Studieng{\"a}nge ausgerichtet, verweist aber auch auf {\"u}ber diese Bereiche hinausgehende Materialien.}, subject = {Hochschuldidaktik}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-241, title = {Dimensionen 2-2008}, organization = {FH Aachen, University of Applied Sciences}, year = {2008}, abstract = {DIMENSIONEN erfahren * Energie - Was sie f{\"u}r unser Leben bedeutet * Sonne gegen den Durst - Wie Forscher am SIJ die Trinkwasserknappheit bek{\"a}mpfen * Kraftpaket durch Wasserstoff - Wie Prof. Thomas Funke Wasserstoffgasturbinen optimiert * Prof. Thomas Esch {\"u}ber die Automobilantriebe der Zukunft * Moderne Alchemie: Aus Abfall wird Treibstoff * Mit Infrarot dem Energieverlust an Wohngeb{\"a}uden auf der Spur * Das Blockheizkraftwerk des Studentenwerks Aachen ist am Netz * Carola Schneiders: Die Frau mit der gr{\"u}nen Seele STUDIUM erleben * Besuch des Triebwerkmuseums im Fachbereich Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik * Semesterprojekt Pro8: Bereits im Studium L{\"o}sungen f{\"u}r die Industrie entwickeln * Der Sommer ist nicht nur zum Grillen da: Sommerschulen an der FH Aachen * Aixtreme Racing: Erfolg und Niederlage auf dem Hockenheimring * Studenten entwickeln Perspektiven f{\"u}r das Lochnertor * Betriebswirtschaft mit besonderem "PLuS" * International Business Management: Ein Master f{\"u}r die internationale Karriere FORSCHUNG entwickeln * Die Professorinnen von morgen? FH Aachen vergibt erste Promotionsstipendien f{\"u}r Doktorandinnen * Studierendensatellit COMPASS-1 im All * FH-Absolvent Dr. J{\"u}rgen Trzewik: "Schuld ist der Spieltrieb" * Gr{\"u}ndung des Instituts f{\"u}r Bioengineering am Campus J{\"u}lich * FH Aachen und WSP GmbH gr{\"u}nden das Institut f{\"u}r Thermoprozesstechnik INTERNATIONAL denken * Mehr Lebensqualit{\"a}t in den Townships S{\"u}dafrikas * FH-Absolvent Erasmus Eller {\"u}ber das Architektenparadies Osteuropa * Gr{\"u}ndung des Freshman-Institutes am Campus J{\"u}lich * Prof. Mattea M{\"u}ller-Veggian: Vom italienischen Staat ausgezeichnet * Honorarprofessur f{\"u}r Dr. Arshak Poghossian PERSONEN begegnen * Birgit Malinowski: Bevorzugte Behandlung unerw{\"u}nscht! * Prof. Alfred Joepen {\"u}bergibt die Leitung des DBS-AC-Netzwerkes an Prof. Hans Mackenstein * Interview mit der Entrepreneurship-Absolventin Andrea Schiefke * Preise und Auszeichnungen * Personalia * Neuberufene Professoren * Neuberufene Honorarprofessoren POLITIK gestalten * Mit dem Blick nach vorne: Vorstellung des Jahresberichtes 2007 * FH Aachen stellt Antrag auf Ausbau des Studienangebotes * Kooperationvertrag zum kombinierten Studiengang Maschinenbau mit dem Berufskolleg J{\"u}lich * Aus dem Fachbereich Design wird der Fachbereich Gestaltung * FH Aachen w{\"a}hlt neue Gremien SERVICE bieten * Neues Onlineportal f{\"u}r internationale Publikationen * Girls'Day 08 * T{\"U}V-Seminar zum Qualit{\"a}tsbeauftragten * Winterprogramm des Aachener Hochschulsports * Messen und Ausstellungen * Zeile f{\"u}r Zeile * Was ist eigentlich... Kraft-W{\"a}rme-Kopplung?}, subject = {Aachen / Fachhochschule Aachen}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{OPUS4-260, title = {Alfha.net / Sektion Bauingenieurwesen: 2. [Zweiter] Erfahrungsaustausch am Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen : Absolventen berichten aus der Praxis}, organization = {FH Aachen, University of Applied Sciences}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Inhaltsverzeichnis: Kettern, J{\"u}rgen : Grußwort des Dekans Kleiker, Walter : Grußwort des Sektionsleiters Bau des alpha.net Wijnhoven, Ralf : Bauausf{\"u}hrung von 14 Brunnenanlagen und 4 km Rohrleitung zur Regelung des Grundwasserstandes und der Vorflut in Voerde-Mehrum. S. 10-11 Ruwisch, Thomas : Spurplan{\"a}nderung im Bahnhof D{\"u}sseldorf-Gerresheim : Wusch, Planung, Planrecht und die Umwelt. S. 12-13. Rickes, Tanja : Bauablaufsteuerung einer Linienbaustelle am Beispiel des Fahrbahnbaus der "HSL-Zuid". S. 14-15. Plum, Andreas : Brandschutzingenieurwesen - Eine Ingenieurdisziplim hat die Akzeptanzschwelle {\"u}berschritten. Teil 1: Brandsimulationsberechnung. S. 18-19 Flesch, Tobias : Brandschutzingenieurwesen - Eine Ingenieurdisziplin hat die Akzeptanzschwelle {\"u}berschritten. Teil 2: Tragwerksbemessung im Brandfall. S. 20-21. M{\"u}ller, Bert : Neubau f{\"u}r die Mediengruppe RTL-Deutschland - High-Tech in dankmalgesch{\"u}tzter Fassade. S. 24-25. Hermens, Gereon : Erh{\"o}hung der Akzeptanz von Wasserkraft durch den Bau von Fischaufstiegsanlagen: Umweltschonende Energie f{\"u}r Natur und Klima. S. 26-27 Klitzing, Bastian : Kl{\"a}ranlagenoptimierung : Zukunftsweisende Planungen im Bereich Abwasserreinigung und Energiegewinnung. S. 28-29. Ginster, Marco : Die neue Rheinbr{\"u}cke Wesel. S. 32-33 Tilke, Hermann ; Wersch, Ralf van : Bauen f{\"u}r einen schnellen Sport. S. 34-35.}, subject = {Aachen / Fachhochschule Aachen / Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen}, language = {de} } @article{Wessling2008, author = {Weßling, Matthias}, title = {Aktives Nachfolger-Coaching f{\"u}r den Mittelstand setzt fr{\"u}h an : innovative Idee f{\"u}r Studierende der FH Aachen}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Es gibt oft Schwierigkeiten in der Unternehmernachfolge wegen fehlender Beratung. Die FH Aachen bietet ihren Studierenden seit 2007 ein Coaching an.}, subject = {Unternehmernachfolge}, language = {de} } @incollection{Schermutzki2008, author = {Schermutzki, Margret}, title = {Learning outcomes - Lernergebnisse : Begriffe, Zusammenh{\"a}nge, Umsetzung und Erfolgsermittlung. Lernergebnisse und Kompetenzvermittlung als elementare Orientierungen des Bologna-Prozesses}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, publisher = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Bei der Beschreibung der Studieng{\"a}nge und Module durch die Hochschulen kommt der Ergebnisorientierung eine hohe Bedeutung zu. Der Beitrag beschreibt in diesem Zusammenhang zun{\"a}chst die Vorgaben des europ{\"a}ischen Qualifikationsrahmens und der sich daraus ergebenden Fokussierung auf die Formulierung von Lernergebnissen. Der Schwerpunkt aber liegt auf praxisrelevanten Vorschl{\"a}gen zu einem methodischen Vorgehen auf allen Ebenen von der Studiengangsbeschreibung {\"u}ber die Verteilung der Kompetenzarten {\"u}ber mehrere Module bis zur Wortwahl. Abschließend wird die an die Wahl der Lehr- und Lernformen gekn{\"u}pfte Notwendigkeit der Ver{\"a}nderung der Pr{\"u}fungsformen betont. Diese sollten inhaltlich und methodisch an die in den Studieng{\"a}ngen und Modulen beschriebenen Lernergebnisse und die Art der zu vermittelnden Kompetenzen angepasst werden. Vorabdruck des Aufsatzes. Erschienen in: Handbuch Qualit{\"a}t in Studium und Lehre : Evaluation nutzen, Akkreditierung sichern, Profil sch{\"a}rfen ( Hrsg. Winfried Benz ... . Berlin: Raabe Kapitel E 3.3 S. 1-30. ISBN 978-3-8183-0207-8 ; 3-8183-0207-3 1. Auflage des Aufsatzes unter dem Titel: Lernergebnisse - Begriffe, Zusammenh{\"a}nge, Umsetzung und Erfolgsermittlung : Lernergebnisse und Kompetenzvermittlung als elementare Orientierungen des Bologna-Prozesses http://opus.bibliothek.fh-aachen.de/opus/volltexte/2007/232/}, subject = {Bologna-Prozess}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-213, title = {Dimensionen 1-2008}, organization = {FH Aachen, University of Applied Sciences}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Magazin der Fachhochschule Aachen / Aachen University of Applied Sciences . Nr. 1/2008 Frauen im Fokus Herausgeber: Rektor der Fachhochschule Aachen Redaktion: Dr. Roger Uhle, Stefanie Erkeling, Sabine Kr{\"u}kel, Daniela Voßenkaul, Nadja Plum {\"U}bersetzung: Julia Schulze Gestaltung: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Doris Casse-Schl{\"u}ter, Dipl.-Des. Markus Nailis DIMENSIONEN erfahren 06 Tragf{\"a}hige Perspektiven f{\"u}r die FH Aachen 12 Aus eins mach drei FORSCHUNG entwickeln 14 Bio- und Nanotechnologien internationl erforschen 16 Solar-Institut J{\"u}lich erobert Forschungsspitze 18 Dienstleistung in HD und Dolby Surround 20 Der entscheidende Augenblick 22 Einchecken an der Kapelle 23 Meldung: Forschung STUDIUM erleben 26 Die Zukunft im Blick 29 Flugzeugtriebwerke als Feuerl{\"o}scher? 30 Auf der Reise durch den Wundergarten des Lichts 34 Online studieren 35 Neuer Studiengang Elektrotechnik 36 Innovative Didaktik auf internationalem Niveau 38 Auf Spurensuche 39 Vom Fl{\"o}z in die Steckdose 40 Bodenst{\"a}ndig abheben 43 Hoch hinaus mit EADS, DLR, MT Aerospace und IABG 44 Meldungen: Studium 46 Messen und Ausstellungen INTERNATIONAL denken 50 Von DETU-Babys, Großfamilien und unbekannten Geburtstagen 52 Im Land der rauen Herzlichkeit 54 Br{\"u}cken bauen 58 Transatlantische Allianzen 59 Miss und Mister FH 2007 am Campus J{\"u}lich gew{\"a}hlt PERSONEN begegnen 60 Mit Leib und Seele Professorin : Lehrpreis 2007 f{\"u}r Prof. Dr. Doris Zimmermann 62 Der Mann der schnellen Runde : Prof. Dr. Holger Heuermann: Vom Hochfrequenz- zum Hochgeschwindigkeitsprofessor 63 Preise und Auszeichnungen 64 Absolventen 2007/2008 70 Neuberufene Professoren SERVICE bieten 74 Girl´s Day an der FH Aachen 74 girls@fh-aachen 76 Soft Skills und Posaunen 78 An den Bed{\"u}rfnissen der Studierenden und Dozenten orientiert 79 Fit zum Finnen! 80 Messen und Ausstellungen 82 Zeile f{\"u}r Zeile 86 Was ist eigentlich ... Gender Mainstreaming? 87 Impressum}, subject = {Aachen / Fachhochschule Aachen}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-214, title = {Jahresbericht 2007}, organization = {FH Aachen, University of Applied Sciences}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Jahresbericht 2007 der Fachhochschule Aachen. Aachen: Fachhochschule 2008. 149 S.: Ill., graph. Darst. Inhaltsverzeichnis: 5 Vorwort des Rektors 9 Chronik 2007 17 Struktur der Hochschule 18 Struktur und Profil der Hochschule 19 Rektorat 21 Entwicklungen der Hochschule 22 Aktuelle Entwicklungen der Hochschule 25 Studium und Lehre 30 Forschung und Entwicklung 34 Finanzen der Hochschule 39 Personal 45 Fachbereiche 46 Fachbereich Architektur 49 Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen 53 Fachbereich Angewandte Naturwissenschaften und Technik 58 Fachbereich Design 63 Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 69 Fachbereich Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik 73 Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften 77 Fachbereich Maschinenbau und Mechatronik 83 Institute und Kompetenzplattformen 84 Institut f{\"u}r Angewandte Polymerchemie (IAP) 86 Institut f{\"u}r Industrieaerodynamik (I.F.I.) 88 Institut f{\"u}r Nano- und Biotechnologien (INB) 92 Institut NOWUM-Energy 94 Solar-Institut J{\"u}lich (SIJ) 98 Freshman Institute 100 Sprachenzentrum (SZ) 104 KOPF Bioengineering 108 KOPF Energie und Umwelt 109 KOPF Polymere Materialien 112 KOPF Synergetic Automotive/Aerospace Engineering (SAAE) 117 Einrichtungen der Hochschule 118 Akademisches Auslandsamt 120 alfha.net 122 Career Service 124 Datenverarbeitungszentrale (DVZ) 126 Gleichstellungsbeauftragte 129 Hochschulbibliothek 132 Studierendensekretariat 133 Technologie- und Wissenstransfer 135 Zentrale Qualit{\"a}tsentwicklung 141 Stabsstellen 142 Allgemeine Studienberatung 144 Stabsstelle f{\"u}r Event Management 146 Stabsstelle f{\"u}r Presse-, {\"O}ffentlichkeitsarbeit und Marketing 149 Impressum und Bildnachweis}, subject = {Aachen / Fachhochschule Aachen}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Hoepner2008, author = {Hoepner, Gert}, title = {Jurorenstatement - Junioren zeigen sich aggressiv}, organization = {DDV Deutscher Dialogmarketing Verband e. V.}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Statement zu den Einreichung des DDP 2008}, subject = {Deutscher Direktmarketing-Verband}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{TranPhamStaat2008, author = {Tran, Thanh Ngoc and Pham, Phu Tinh and Staat, Manfred}, title = {Reliability analysis of shells based on direct plasticity methods}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Abstracts der CD-Rom Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8) and 5th Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008) 30.06. - 04.07.2008 Venedig, Italien. 2 Seiten Zusammenfassung der Autoren mit graph. Darst. und Literaturverzeichnis}, subject = {Finite-Elemente-Methode}, language = {en} } @misc{Kaemper2008, author = {K{\"a}mper, Klaus-Peter}, title = {Lecture notes Sensors and Actuators WS 2008/2009}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Password necessarily. Access only for Students by Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter K{\"a}mper. Winter semester 2008/2009. 488 pages (pdf) Contents 1. Introduction 2. Introduction to Sensors 3. Introduction to Microfabrication 4. Pressure Sensors 5. Acceleration Sensors 6. Angular Rate Sensors 7. Position Sensors 8. Flow Sensors 9. Piezoelectric Actuators 10. Magnetostrictive Actuators 11. Actuators based on Shape Memory Alloys 12. Actuators based on Electrorheological Fluids 13. Actuators based on Magnetorheological Fluids 14. Index}, subject = {Sensor}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{RoderburgSchoening2008, author = {Roderburg, Katharina and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {1. Graduierten-Tagung : 9. September 2008 / [Hrsg.: K. Roderburg ; M. J. Sch{\"o}ning]}, organization = {FH Aachen, University of Applied Sciences / Graduiertentagung <1, 2008>}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:a96-opus-3125}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Tagungsband der Graduiertentagung der FH Aachen, in dem Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden und ihre Forschungsbereiche vorgestellt werden}, subject = {Aachen / Fachhochschule Aachen}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{HeerRedkowitzKraft2008, author = {Heer, Thomas and Redkowitz, Daniel and Kraft, Bodo}, title = {Tool Support for the Integration of Light-Weight Ontologies}, isbn = {978-3-642-00670-8}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Abstract of the authors: In many areas of computer science ontologies become more and more important. The use of ontologies for domain modeling often brings up the issue of ontology integration. The task of merging several ontologies, covering specific subdomains, into one united ontology has to be solved. Many approaches for ontology integration aim at automating the process of ontology alignment. However, a complete automation is not feasible, and user interaction is always required. Nevertheless, most ontology integration tools offer only very limited support for the interactive part of the integration process. In this paper, we present a novel approach for the interactive integration of ontologies. The result of the ontology integration is incrementally updated after each definition of a correspondence between ontology elements. The user is guided through the ontologies to be integrated. By restricting the possible user actions, the integrity of all defined correspondences is ensured by the tool we developed. We evaluated our tool by integrating different regulations concerning building design.}, subject = {Ontologie }, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MansurovZhubanovaDigeletal.2008, author = {Mansurov, Zulkhair and Zhubanova, Azhar A. and Digel, Ilya and Artmann, Gerhard and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l and Savitskaja, Irina S. and Kozhalakova, A. A. and Kistaubaeva, Aida S.}, title = {The sorption of LPS toxic shock by nanoparticles on base of carbonized vegetable raw materials}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Immobilization of lactobacillus on high temperature carbonizated vegetable raw material (rice husk, grape stones) increases their physiological activity and the quantity of the antibacterial metabolits, that consequently lead to increase of the antagonistic activity of lactobacillus. It is implies that the use of the nanosorbents for the attachment of the probiotical microorganisms are highly perspective for decision the important problems, such as the probiotical preparations delivery to the right address and their attachment to intestines mucosa with the following detoxication of gastro-intestinal tract and the normalization of it's microecology. Besides that, thus, the received carbonizated nanoparticles have peculiar properties - ability to sorption of LPS toxical shock and, hence, to the detoxication of LPS.}, subject = {Kohlenstofffaser}, language = {en} } @book{Siedenbiedel2008, author = {Siedenbiedel, Georg}, title = {Internationales Management : Einflussgr{\"o}ßen, Erfolgskriterien, Konzepte ; ... leicht verst{\"a}ndlich}, publisher = {UTB}, address = {Stuttgart}, isbn = {978-3-8252-8364-3}, pages = {XVIII, 374 S. : Ill.; graph. Darst.}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{Frings2008, author = {Frings, Michael}, title = {Neues zur gespaltenen Beitragspflicht der Personengesellschafter}, series = {Neue Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Gesellschaftsrecht : NZG. 11 (2008)}, journal = {Neue Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Gesellschaftsrecht : NZG. 11 (2008)}, isbn = {1434-9272}, pages = {218 -- 219}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{Frings2008, author = {Frings, Michael}, title = {Beitr{\"a}ge und Umlagen im Vereinsrecht}, series = {Neue Wirtschafts-Briefe ; NWB ; Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht ; Sammelwerk ; Aufs{\"a}tze, Kommentare, Gesetzestexte, Urteile}, journal = {Neue Wirtschafts-Briefe ; NWB ; Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht ; Sammelwerk ; Aufs{\"a}tze, Kommentare, Gesetzestexte, Urteile}, publisher = {Verl. Neue Wirtschafts-Briefe}, address = {Herne [u.a.]}, pages = {1251 -- 1260}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{ArtmannHueckRossiteretal.2008, author = {Artmann, Gerhard and Hueck, Isgard S. and Rossiter, Katharine and Schmid-Sch{\"o}nbein, Geert W.}, title = {Fluid Shear Attenuates Endothelial Pseudopodia Formation into the Capillary Lumen / Hueck, Isgard S. ; Rossiter, Katharine ; Artman, Gerhard M. ; Schmid-Sch{\"o}nbein, Geert W.}, series = {Microcirculation. 15 (2008), H. 6}, journal = {Microcirculation. 15 (2008), H. 6}, isbn = {1549-8719}, pages = {531 -- 542}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @book{Artmann2008, author = {Artmann, Gerhard}, title = {Bioengineering in Cell and Tissue Research / Artmann, Gerhard M. ; Chien, Shu (Eds.)}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-540-75408-4}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{ArtmannZerlinDigel2008, author = {Artmann, Gerhard and Zerlin, Kay and Digel, Ilya}, title = {Hemoglobin Senses Body Temperature}, series = {Bioengineering in Cell and Tissue Research / Artmann, Gerhard M. ; Chien, Shu (Eds.)}, journal = {Bioengineering in Cell and Tissue Research / Artmann, Gerhard M. ; Chien, Shu (Eds.)}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-540-75408-4}, pages = {415 -- 447}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{DachwaldSeboldtLoebetal.2008, author = {Dachwald, Bernd and Seboldt, W. and Loeb, H. W and Schartner, K.-H.}, title = {Main Belt Asteroid Sample Return Mission Using Solar Electric Propulsion}, series = {Acta Astronautica. 63 (2008), H. 1-4}, journal = {Acta Astronautica. 63 (2008), H. 1-4}, isbn = {0094-5765}, pages = {91 -- 101}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{StulpeBusch2008, author = {Stulpe, Werner and Busch, Paul}, title = {The structure of classical extensions of quantum probability theory}, series = {Journal of Mathematical Physics. 49 (2008), H. 3}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Physics. 49 (2008), H. 3}, isbn = {1089-7658}, pages = {1 -- 22}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{StaatBaroudTopcuetal.2008, author = {Staat, Manfred and Baroud, G. and Topcu, M. and Sponagel, Stefan}, title = {Soft Materials in Technology and Biology - Characteristics, Properties, and Parameter Identification}, series = {Bioengineering in Cell and Tissue Research / Artmann, Gerhard M. ; Chien, Shu (Eds.)}, journal = {Bioengineering in Cell and Tissue Research / Artmann, Gerhard M. ; Chien, Shu (Eds.)}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-540-75408-4}, pages = {253 -- 315}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{VantStaatBaroud2008, author = {Vant, Christianne and Staat, Manfred and Baroud, Gamal}, title = {Percutaneous Vertebroplasty: A Review of Two Intraoperative Complications}, series = {Bioengineering in Cell and Tissue Research / Artmann, Gerhard M. ; Chien, Shu (Eds.)}, journal = {Bioengineering in Cell and Tissue Research / Artmann, Gerhard M. ; Chien, Shu (Eds.)}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-540-75408-4}, pages = {527 -- 539}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{TemizArtmannKayser2008, author = {Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l and Kayser, Peter}, title = {Why is Sepsis an Ongoing Clinical Challenge? Lipopolysaccharide Effects on Red Blood Cell Volume / Temiz, Ayseg{\"u}l ; Kayser, Peter}, series = {Bioengineering in Cell and Tissue Research / Artmann, Gerhard M. ; Chien, Shu (Eds.)}, journal = {Bioengineering in Cell and Tissue Research / Artmann, Gerhard M. ; Chien, Shu (Eds.)}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-540-75408-4}, pages = {497 -- 508}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{MuehlBinneboeselKlingeetal.2008, author = {M{\"u}hl, Thomas and Binneb{\"o}sel, Marcel and Klinge, Uwe and Goedderz, Thomas}, title = {New objective measurement to characterize the porosity of textile implants}, series = {Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials. 84B (2008), H. 1}, journal = {Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials. 84B (2008), H. 1}, isbn = {1552-4981}, pages = {176 -- 183}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{SchoeningPoghossian2008, author = {Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef and Poghossian, Arshak}, title = {Detection of charged macromolecules by means of field-effect devices (FEDs): possibilities and limitations}, series = {Electrochemical sensors, biosensors and their biomedical applications / ed. by Xueji Zhang ...}, journal = {Electrochemical sensors, biosensors and their biomedical applications / ed. by Xueji Zhang ...}, publisher = {Elsevier Acad. Press}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {978-0-12-373738-0}, pages = {187 -- 212}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @book{Ley2008, author = {Ley, Wilfried}, title = {Handbuch der Raumfahrttechnik / Ley, Wilfried ; Wittmann, Klaus ; Hallmann, Willi [Hrsg.]}, publisher = {Hanser}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-446-41185-2}, pages = {814 S. : zahlr. Ill., graph. Darst.}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{Timme2008, author = {Timme, Michael}, title = {Vollstreckung in Steuererstattungsanspruch - Verfahrensrechte im Festsetzungsverfahren}, series = {Neue juristische Wochenschrift : NJW. 61 (2008), H. 23}, journal = {Neue juristische Wochenschrift : NJW. 61 (2008), H. 23}, isbn = {0341-1915}, pages = {1675 -- 1677}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @book{Hirschberg2008, author = {Hirschberg, Rainer}, title = {Energieeffiziente Geb{\"a}ude : bau- und anlagentechnische L{\"o}sungen ; vereinfachte Verfahren zur energetischen Bewertung ; mit 47 Tabellen ; [Praxishandbuch zur EnEV 2007] / Rainer Hirschberg}, publisher = {M{\"u}ller}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-481-02227-3}, pages = {308 S. : zahlr. graph. Darst.}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{PrumeZalachasLaskewitzetal.2008, author = {Prume, Klaus and Zalachas, Nicolas and Laskewitz, Bernd and Kamlah, Marc}, title = {Effective Piezoelectric Coefficients of Ferroelectric Thin Films on Elastic Substrates / Zalachas, Nicolas ; Laskewitz, Bernd ; Kamlah, Marc ; Prume, Klaus ; Lapusta, Yuri ; Tiedke, Stephan}, series = {Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 20 (2008), H. 6}, journal = {Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 20 (2008), H. 6}, isbn = {1045-389X}, pages = {683 -- 695}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @misc{MangKrombholzHoffmuelleretal.2008, author = {Mang, Thomas and Krombholz, Markus and Hoffm{\"u}ller, Winfried and Burchard, Theodor}, title = {Verfahren zur Herstellung von Sicherheitsfolien : Offenlegungschrift DE 102007055112 A1 ; Offenlegungstag 10.07.2008 / Krombholz, Markus ; Mang, Thomas ; Hoffm{\"u}ller, Winfried ; Burchard, Theodor ; Heim, Manfred}, publisher = {Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, pages = {27 S.}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{MautnerForsterKornhuberetal.2008, author = {Mautner, Karin and Forster, Ralf and Kornhuber, Ralf and Sander, Oliver}, title = {Fast and Reliable Pricing of American Options with Local Volatility / Forster, Ralf ; Kornhuber, Ralf ; Mautner, Karin ; Sander, Oliver}, series = {Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XVII}, journal = {Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XVII}, isbn = {978-3-540-75198-4}, pages = {383 -- 390}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @misc{Engels2008, author = {Engels, Elmar}, title = {Magnetlesekopf, Magnetspeicherleseeinrichtung und Verfahren zum abgesicherten Auslesen und Verarbeiten von magnetisch gespeicherten Daten : Offenlegungsschrift : DE102006049162A1 ; Offenlegungstag: 24.04.2008}, publisher = {Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, pages = {9 S.}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @misc{Engels2008, author = {Engels, Elmar}, title = {Tastatur mit gegen Manipulation gesch{\"u}tzten Tasten : Offenlegungsschrift : DE102006047331A1 ; Offenlegungstag: 10.04.2008}, publisher = {Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, pages = {11 S.}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kurz2008, author = {Kurz, Melanie}, title = {Die Modellmethodik im Formfindungsprozess am Beispiel des Automobildesigns : eine Betrachtung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Entwurfs- und Darstellungsmethoden im Hinblick auf die systematische Entwicklung und die Bewertbarkeit der dreidimensionalen Form artefaktischer Gegenst{\"a}nde im Entstehungsprozess}, publisher = {Dt. Wiss.-Verl.}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-935176-76-7}, pages = {158 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @incollection{Kurz2008, author = {Kurz, Melanie}, title = {Modell}, series = {W{\"o}rterbuch Design : begriffliche Perspektiven des Design}, booktitle = {W{\"o}rterbuch Design : begriffliche Perspektiven des Design}, editor = {Erlhoff, Michael}, publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user}, address = {Basel}, isbn = {978-3-7643-7738-0}, pages = {276 -- 277}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @incollection{Kurz2008, author = {Kurz, Melanie}, title = {Skizze}, series = {W{\"o}rterbuch Design : begriffliche Perspektiven des Design}, booktitle = {W{\"o}rterbuch Design : begriffliche Perspektiven des Design}, editor = {Erlhoff, Michael}, publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user}, address = {Basel}, isbn = {978-3-7643-7738-0}, pages = {367}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @incollection{Kurz2008, author = {Kurz, Melanie}, title = {Styling}, series = {W{\"o}rterbuch Design : begriffliche Perspektiven des Design}, booktitle = {W{\"o}rterbuch Design : begriffliche Perspektiven des Design}, editor = {Erlhoff, Michael}, publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user}, address = {Basel}, isbn = {978-3-7643-7738-0}, pages = {386 -- 387}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Kurz2008, author = {Kurz, Melanie}, title = {On the benefit of moving images for the evaluation of form in virtual space : reflections in model theory}, series = {Design and semantics of form and movement : DeSForM 2008 ; [Hochschule f{\"u}r Gestaltung Offenbach am Main, 6.-7.11.2008]}, booktitle = {Design and semantics of form and movement : DeSForM 2008 ; [Hochschule f{\"u}r Gestaltung Offenbach am Main, 6.-7.11.2008]}, editor = {Feijs, Loe}, publisher = {Philips}, address = {Eindhoven}, isbn = {978-90-809801-2-9}, pages = {31 -- 34}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Kurz2008, author = {Kurz, Melanie}, title = {Theses on the significance of the model in the form-finding process}, series = {"Focused" - Current Design Research Projects and Methods : Swiss Design Network Symposium 2008, 30 - 31 May 2008 Mount Gurten, Berne Switzerland}, booktitle = {"Focused" - Current Design Research Projects and Methods : Swiss Design Network Symposium 2008, 30 - 31 May 2008 Mount Gurten, Berne Switzerland}, publisher = {SwissDesignNetwork, SDN}, address = {Genf}, isbn = {978-3-9523138-0-0}, pages = {115 -- 127}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{ForstKaragiannisLuebbenetal.2008, author = {Forst, Thomas and Karagiannis, E. and L{\"u}bben, G. and Hohberg, C. and Sch{\"o}ndorf, T. and Dikta, Gerhard and Drexler, M. and Morcos, M. and D{\"a}nschel, W. and Borchert, M. and Pf{\"u}tzner, A.}, title = {Pleiotrophic and anti-inflammatory effects of pioglitazone precede the metabolic activity in type 2 diabetic patients with coronary artery disease}, series = {Atherosclerosis. 197 (2008), H. 1}, journal = {Atherosclerosis. 197 (2008), H. 1}, issn = {0021-9150}, doi = {10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2007.05.006}, pages = {311 -- 317}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{KallweitKisifeUtzenradetal.2008, author = {Kallweit, Stephan and Kisife, F. and Utzenrad, M. and Weber, J.}, title = {Hispeed Scanning Stereo PIV hinter einer k{\"u}nstlichen Herzklappe / Kallweit, S. ; Kisife, F. ; Utzenrad, M. ; Weber, J.}, series = {Lasermethoden in der Str{\"o}mungsmesstechnik : 16. Fachtagung, 9. - 11. September 2008, Karlsruhe / veranst. von der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V. Hrsg.: B. Ruck}, journal = {Lasermethoden in der Str{\"o}mungsmesstechnik : 16. Fachtagung, 9. - 11. September 2008, Karlsruhe / veranst. von der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V. Hrsg.: B. Ruck}, publisher = {GALA e.V.}, address = {Karlsruhe}, isbn = {978-3-9805613-4-1}, pages = {29}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{KallweitWillertDuesetal.2008, author = {Kallweit, Stephan and Willert, Chris and Dues, Michael and M{\"u}ller, Ulrich}, title = {PIV for Volume Flow Metering / Kallweit, Stephan ; Willert, Chris ; Dues, Michael ; M{\"u}ller, Ulrich ; Lederer, Thomas}, pages = {6 S.}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{KallweitKaminskyRossietal.2008, author = {Kallweit, Stephan and Kaminsky, Radoslav and Rossi, Massimiliano and Morbiducci, Umberto}, title = {PIV Measurements of Flows in Artificial Heart Valves / Kaminsky, Radoslav ; Kallweit, Stephan ; Rossi, Massimiliano ; Morbiducci, Umberto ; Scalise, Lorenzo}, series = {Particle Image Velocimetry - New Developments and Recent Applications}, journal = {Particle Image Velocimetry - New Developments and Recent Applications}, isbn = {978-3-540-73528-1}, pages = {55 -- 72}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{KraftHeerRetkowitz2008, author = {Kraft, Bodo and Heer, Thomas and Retkowitz, Daniel}, title = {Incremental Ontology Integration / Heer, Thomas ; Retkowitz, Daniel ; Kraft, Bodo}, series = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems : Barcelona, Spain, June 12 - 16, 2008 / organized by INSTICC, Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication ... [Ed. by Jos{\´e} Cordeiro ...]}, journal = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems : Barcelona, Spain, June 12 - 16, 2008 / organized by INSTICC, Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication ... [Ed. by Jos{\´e} Cordeiro ...]}, publisher = {INSTICC}, address = {Setubal}, pages = {13 -- 28}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{Timme2008, author = {Timme, Michael}, title = {Die pers{\"o}nliche Haftung des Kommanditisten bei R{\"u}ckzahlung eines Agios}, series = {Monatsschrift f{\"u}r deutsches Recht : MdR ; Zeitschrift f{\"u}r die Zivilrechts-Praxis. 28 (2008), H. 17}, journal = {Monatsschrift f{\"u}r deutsches Recht : MdR ; Zeitschrift f{\"u}r die Zivilrechts-Praxis. 28 (2008), H. 17}, isbn = {0340-1812}, pages = {959 -- 960}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{KraftHeerRetkowitz2008, author = {Kraft, Bodo and Heer, Thomas and Retkowitz, Daniel}, title = {Algorithm and Tool for Ontology Integration Based on Graph Rewriting / Heer, Thomas ; Retkowitz, Daniel ; Kraft, Bodo}, series = {Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance / Third International Symposium, AGTIVE 2007, Kassel, Germany, October 10-12, 2007, Revised Selected and Invited Papers}, journal = {Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance / Third International Symposium, AGTIVE 2007, Kassel, Germany, October 10-12, 2007, Revised Selected and Invited Papers}, isbn = {978-3-540-89019-5}, pages = {577 -- 582}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{Dikta2008, author = {Dikta, Gerhard}, title = {The Bootstrap in Binary Model Diagnostics}, series = {Frontiers of applied and computational mathematics : New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA, 19 - 21 May 2008 ; [dedicated to Daljit Singh Ahluwalia on his 75th birthday ; Fifth Annual Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics Conference (FACM '08) ; selection of papers] / ed. by Denis Blackmore}, journal = {Frontiers of applied and computational mathematics : New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA, 19 - 21 May 2008 ; [dedicated to Daljit Singh Ahluwalia on his 75th birthday ; Fifth Annual Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics Conference (FACM '08) ; selection of papers] / ed. by Denis Blackmore}, publisher = {World Scientific}, address = {Hackensack, NJ [u.a.]}, isbn = {978-981-283-528-4}, pages = {119 -- 126}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{Hebel2008, author = {Hebel, Christoph}, title = {Taxiverkehr in Deutschland}, series = {Stadt Region Land (2008)}, journal = {Stadt Region Land (2008)}, isbn = {0344-9645}, pages = {21 -- ff}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{LouenHebel2008, author = {Louen, C. and Hebel, Christoph}, title = {Netzgestaltung und Straßenraumentwurf in gewachsenen Wohngebieten mit geringer Fl{\"a}chenverf{\"u}gbarkeit}, series = {Stadt Region Land (2008)}, journal = {Stadt Region Land (2008)}, isbn = {0344-9645}, pages = {89 -- 96}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @book{Eckey2008, author = {Eckey, Ulrich}, title = {Aachen, K{\o}benhavn, 2008 / Damm, Patricia ; [Hrsg: Eckey, Ulrich]}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {129 S. zahlr. Ill.}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @book{Funke2008, author = {Funke, Harald}, title = {Optimierung und Miniaturisierung der Mikro-Misch-Diffusionsverbrennung von Wasserstoff zur potentiellen Anwendung in einer Ultra-Gasturbine. Schlussbericht.}, publisher = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {85 S.}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{FunkeRoennaRobinson2008, author = {Funke, Harald and R{\"o}nna, Uwe and Robinson, A. E.}, title = {Development and testing of a 10 kW diffusive micromix combustor for hydrogen-fuelled μ-scale gas turbines}, series = {Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2008: Power for Land, Sea and Air ; GT2008 ; June 9-13, 2008, Berlin, Germany}, journal = {Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2008: Power for Land, Sea and Air ; GT2008 ; June 9-13, 2008, Berlin, Germany}, publisher = {ASME}, address = {New York, NY}, pages = {1 -- 8}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{Digel2008, author = {Digel, Ilya}, title = {Controlling microbial adhesion : a surface engineering approach}, series = {Bioengineering in Cell and Tissue Research / Artmann, Gerhard M. ; Chien, Shu (Eds.)}, journal = {Bioengineering in Cell and Tissue Research / Artmann, Gerhard M. ; Chien, Shu (Eds.)}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin [u.a.]}, isbn = {978-3-540-75408-4}, pages = {601 -- 625}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{StadlerEmbsDigeletal.2008, author = {Stadler, Andreas M. and Embs, Jan P. and Digel, Ilya and Artmann, Gerhard and Unruh, Tobias and B{\"u}ldt, Georg and Zaccai, Guiseppe}, title = {Cytoplasmic water and hydration layer dynamics in human red blood cells}, series = {Journal of the American Chemical Society. 50 (2008), H. 130}, journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society. 50 (2008), H. 130}, isbn = {1520-5126}, pages = {16852 -- 16853}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{StadlerZerlinDigeletal.2008, author = {Stadler, Andreas M. and Zerlin, Kay and Digel, Ilya and B{\"u}ldt, Georg and Zaccai, Guiseppe and Artmann, Gerhard}, title = {Dynamics and interactions of hemoglobin in red blood cells}, series = {Tissue Engineering Part A. 14 (2008), H. 5}, journal = {Tissue Engineering Part A. 14 (2008), H. 5}, isbn = {1937-3341}, pages = {724 -- 724}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{ArtmannDigelLinderetal.2008, author = {Artmann, Gerhard and Digel, Ilya and Linder, Peter and Porst, Dariusz}, title = {Mechanism of haemoglobin sensing body temperature}, series = {Tissue Engineering Part A. 14 (2008), H. 5}, journal = {Tissue Engineering Part A. 14 (2008), H. 5}, isbn = {1937-3341}, pages = {754 -- 754}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kotliar2008, author = {Kotliar, Konstantin}, title = {Functional in-vivo assessment and biofluidmechanical analysis of age-related and pathological microstructural changes in retinal vessels [Elektronische Ressource]}, publisher = {-}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{DigelKayserArtmann2008, author = {Digel, Ilya and Kayser, Peter and Artmann, Gerhard}, title = {Molecular processes in biological thermosensation}, series = {Journal of Biophysics. 2008 (2008)}, journal = {Journal of Biophysics. 2008 (2008)}, isbn = {1687-8000}, pages = {1 -- 9}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{UibelBlass2008, author = {Uibel, Thomas and Blaß, Hans Joachim}, title = {Spaltverhalten von Holz beim Eindrehen von selbstbohrenden Holzschrauben}, series = {Doktorandenkolloquium Holzbau Forschung und Praxis : Stuttgart, 05./06. M{\"a}rz 2008}, booktitle = {Doktorandenkolloquium Holzbau Forschung und Praxis : Stuttgart, 05./06. M{\"a}rz 2008}, editor = {Kuhlmann, U.}, publisher = {Univ., Inst. f{\"u}r Konstruktion und Entwurf}, address = {Stuttgart}, pages = {135 -- 142}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{StreunBeerHombachetal.2008, author = {Streun, M. and Beer, S. and Hombach, T. and Jahnke, S. and Khodaverdi, M. and Larue, H. and Minwuyelet, S. and Parl, C. and Roeb, G. and Schurr, U. and Ziemons, Karl}, title = {PlanTIS: A positron emission tomograph for imaging 11C transport in plants}, series = {2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vol. 6}, journal = {2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vol. 6}, isbn = {1082-3654}, pages = {4110 -- 4112}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Plant growth and transport processes are highly dynamic. They are characterized by plant-internal control processes and by strong interactions with the spatially and temporally varying environment. Analysis of structure- function relations of growth and transport in plants will strongly benefit from the development of non-invasive techniques. PlanTIS (Plant Tomographic Imaging System) is designed for non-destructive 3D-imaging of positron emitting radiotracers. It will permit functional analysis of the dynamics of carbon distribution in plants including bulky organs. It will be applicable for screening transport properties of plants to evaluate e.g. temperature adaptation of genetically modified plants. PlanTIS is a PET scanner dedicated to monitor the dynamics of the 11C distribution within a plant while or after assimilation of 11CO2. Front end electronics and data acquisition architecture of the scanner are based on the ClearPETTM system [1]. Four detector modules form one of two opposing detector blocks. Optionally, a hardware coincidence detection between the blocks can be applied. In general the scan duration is rather long (~ 1 hour) compared to the decay time of 11C (20 min). As a result the count rates can vary over a wide range and accurate dead time correction is necessary.}, language = {en} } @article{ZiemonsBruyndonckxPerezetal.2008, author = {Ziemons, Karl and Bruyndonckx, P. and Perez, J. M. and Pietrzyk, U. and Rato, P. and Tavernier, S.}, title = {Beyond ClearPET: Next Aims}, series = {5th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro Symposium Proceedings ISBI 2008}, journal = {5th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro Symposium Proceedings ISBI 2008}, isbn = {978-1-4244-2003-2}, pages = {1421 -- 1424}, year = {2008}, abstract = {The CRYSTAL CLEAR collaboration, in short CCC, is a consortium of 12 academic institutions, mainly from Europe, joining efforts in the area of developing instrumentation for nuclear medicine and medical imaging. In the framework of the CCC a high performance small animal PET system, called ClearPET, was developed by using new technologies in electronics and crystals in a phoswich arrangement combining two types of lutetium- based scintillator materials: LSO:Ce and LuYAP:Ce. Our next aim will be the development of hybrid image systems. Hybrid MR-PET imaging has many unique advantages for brain research. This has sparked a new research line within CCC for the development of novel MR-PET compatible technologies. MRI is not as sensitive as PET but PET has poorer spatial resolution than MRI. Two major advantages of PET are sensitivity and its ability to acquire metabolic information. To assess these innovations, the development of a 9.4T hybrid animal MR-PET scanner is proposed based on an existing 9.4T MR scanner that will be adapted to enable simultaneous acquisition of MR and PET data using cutting- edge technology for both MR and PET.}, language = {en} } @article{Pietsch2008, author = {Pietsch, Wolfram}, title = {Der IT-Produktkompass - Ein Instrument f{\"u}r die Analyse von Gesch{\"a}ftsmodellen und die strategiekonforme Positionierung von IT-Produkten}, series = {Industrialisierung des Software-Managements}, journal = {Industrialisierung des Software-Managements}, publisher = {Ges. f{\"u}r Informatik}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {978-3-88579-233-8}, pages = {73 -- 88}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{SchwarzerSilva2008, author = {Schwarzer, Klemens and Silva, Maria Eugenia Vieira da}, title = {Characterisation and design methods of solar cookers / Schwarzer, Klemens ; Silva, Maria Eugenia Vieira da}, series = {Solar energy. 82 (2008), H. 2}, journal = {Solar energy. 82 (2008), H. 2}, isbn = {0038-092X}, pages = {157 -- 163}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @book{Jeromin2008, author = {Jeromin, G{\"u}nter Erich}, title = {Organische Chemie : Ein praxisbezogenes Lehrbuch. Korr. Nachdr. der 2. Aufl.}, publisher = {Deutsch}, address = {Frankfurt am Main}, isbn = {3-8171-1732-9}, pages = {XII, 568 S. : graph. Darst.}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{SelmerPinkenburg2008, author = {Selmer, Thorsten and Pinkenburg, Olaf}, title = {Method of cloning at least one nucleic acid molecule of interest using type IIS restriction endonucleases, and corresponding cloning vectors, kits and system using type IIS restriction endonucleases / Selmer, Thorsten ; Pinkenburg, Olaf}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @misc{JerominSchwarzer2008, author = {Jeromin, G{\"u}nter Erich and Schwarzer, Klemens}, title = {Neuer W{\"a}rmetr{\"a}ger f{\"u}r Solaranlagen : Offenlegungsschrift : DE 102007016738 A1 ; Offenlegungstag: 09.10.2008}, publisher = {Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, pages = {8 S.}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{BehbahaniBehrNicolaietal.2008, author = {Behbahani, Mehdi and Behr, Marek and Nicolai, Mike and Probst, Markus}, title = {Towards Shape Optimization for Ventricular Assist Devices Using Parallel Stabilized FEM}, series = {NIC Symposium 2008 : symposium, 20 - 21 February 2008, Forschungszentrum J{\"u}lich ; proceedings / organized by John von Neumann Institute for Computing. Ed. by Gernot M{\"u}nster; Dietrich Wolf; Manfred Kremer (ed.)}, journal = {NIC Symposium 2008 : symposium, 20 - 21 February 2008, Forschungszentrum J{\"u}lich ; proceedings / organized by John von Neumann Institute for Computing. Ed. by Gernot M{\"u}nster; Dietrich Wolf; Manfred Kremer (ed.)}, publisher = {Forschungszentrum}, address = {J{\"u}lich}, isbn = {978-3-9810843-5-1}, pages = {325 -- 332}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{Heuermann2008, author = {Heuermann, Holger}, title = {A 14 W SPST Switch with Four PIN-Diodes In a 0402-SMD-Package}, isbn = {978-3-8007-3086-5}, pages = {318 -- 321}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{HeuermannHillebrandSadeghfam2008, author = {Heuermann, Holger and Hillebrand, J{\"u}rgen and Sadeghfam, Arash}, title = {Novel Concept of a Digital SigmaDelta-PLL-Phase-Shift-Modulator / Hillebrand, J{\"u}rgen ; Sadeghfam, Arash ; Heuermann, Holger}, isbn = {978-3-8007-3086-5}, pages = {123 -- 126}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{HavermannHaertigReyetal.2008, author = {Havermann, Marc and Haertig, J. and Rey, C. and George, A.}, title = {PIV Measurements in Shock Tunnels and Shock Tubes / Havermann, M. ; Haertig, J. ; Rey, C. ; George, A.}, series = {Particle Image Velocimetry : New Developments and Recent Applications}, journal = {Particle Image Velocimetry : New Developments and Recent Applications}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-540-73528-1}, pages = {429 -- 442}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{HavermannSeilerGeorgesetal.2008, author = {Havermann, Marc and Seiler, F. and Georges, A. and Srulijes, J.}, title = {Progress in Doppler picture velocimetry (DPV) / Seiler, F. ; George, A. ; Srulijes, J. ; Havermann, M.}, series = {Experiments in Fluids. 44 (2008), H. 3}, journal = {Experiments in Fluids. 44 (2008), H. 3}, publisher = {-}, isbn = {1432-1114}, pages = {389 -- 395}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ChristenBarteltKowalskietal.2008, author = {Christen, Marc and Bartelt, Perry and Kowalski, Julia and Stoffel, Lukus}, title = {Calculation of dense snow avalanches in three-dimensional terrain with the numerical simulation programm RAMMS}, series = {Proceedings ISSW 2008 ; International Snow Science Workshop. Whistler 2008}, booktitle = {Proceedings ISSW 2008 ; International Snow Science Workshop. Whistler 2008}, pages = {709 -- 716}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Numerical models have become an essential part of snow avalanche engineering. Recent advances in understanding the rheology of flowing snow and the mechanics of entrainment and deposition have made numerical models more reliable. Coupled with field observations and historical records, they are especially helpful in understanding avalanche flow in complex terrain. However, the application of numerical models poses several new challenges to avalanche engineers. A detailed understanding of the avalanche phenomena is required to specify initial conditions (release zone dimensions and snowcover entrainment rates) as well as the friction parameters, which are no longer based on empirical back-calculations, rather terrain roughness, vegetation and snow properties. In this paper we discuss these problems by presenting the computer model RAMMS, which was specially designed by the SLF as a practical tool for avalanche engineers. RAMMS solves the depth-averaged equations governing avalanche flow with first and second-order numerical solution schemes. A tremendous effort has been invested in the implementation of advanced input and output features. Simulation results are therefore clearly and easily visualized to simplify their interpretation. More importantly, RAMMS has been applied to a series of well-documented avalanches to gauge model performance. In this paper we present the governing differential equations, highlight some of the input and output features of RAMMS and then discuss the simulation of the Gatschiefer avalanche that occurred in April 2008, near Klosters/Monbiel, Switzerland.}, language = {en} } @article{Pieper2008, author = {Pieper, Martin}, title = {Nonlinear integral equations for an inverse electromagnetic scattering problem}, series = {Journal of Physics Conference Series. 124 (2008)}, journal = {Journal of Physics Conference Series. 124 (2008)}, isbn = {1742-6596}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{PieperIvanyshyn2008, author = {Pieper, Martin and Ivanyshyn, Olha}, title = {Nonlinear integral equations for a 3D inverse acoustic scattering problem : abstract / O. Ivanyshyn and M. Pieper}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @incollection{Fabo2008, author = {Fabo, Sabine}, title = {Parasit{\"a}re Strategien}, series = {Konsumguerilla : Widerstand gegen Massenkultur?}, booktitle = {Konsumguerilla : Widerstand gegen Massenkultur?}, editor = {Richard, Birgit}, publisher = {Campus Verlag}, address = {Frankfurt [u.a.]}, isbn = {978-3-593-38762-8}, pages = {69 -- 82}, year = {2008}, subject = {Konsumgesellschaft}, language = {de} } @article{Fabo2008, author = {Fabo, Sabine}, title = {Neue Arten - im Biokosmos des Wahrscheinlichen}, series = {Neue Arten}, journal = {Neue Arten}, editor = {Prohaska, Steffi}, pages = {4 -- 7}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Vorwort zu einer Fotoserie, die im Rahmen einer Diplomarbeit (Studierende: Steffi Prohaska, Betreuer: Prof. Wilhelm Sch{\"u}rmann, SS 2008) entstand.}, subject = {Photographie}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KowalskiMcElwaine2008, author = {Kowalski, Julia and McElwaine, J.}, title = {Two-phase debris flow modeling}, series = {Geophysical Research Abstracts}, booktitle = {Geophysical Research Abstracts}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{Kowalski2008, author = {Kowalski, Julia}, title = {Mathematische Murgangmodellierung}, series = {Newsletter Naturgefahren}, volume = {2008}, journal = {Newsletter Naturgefahren}, number = {2}, organization = {Eidgen{\"o}ssisches Institut f{\"u}r Schnee-und Lawinenforschung SLF}, pages = {4 -- 5}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kowalski2008, author = {Kowalski, Julia}, title = {Two-phase Modeling of Debris Flows}, publisher = {Mensch und Buch}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-86664-524-0}, pages = {148}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @book{GuempelDoerenGebeletal.2008, author = {G{\"u}mpel, Paul and D{\"o}ren, Horst-Peter and Gebel, Wolfgang and Heimann, Winfried and Morath, Rudolf and Schmitz, Karl W. and Uhlig, Georg}, title = {Rostfreie St{\"a}hle. Grundwissen, Konstruktions- und Verarbeitungsweise = Stainless steels. 4., v{\"o}llig neu bearb. Aufl. Kontakt \& Studium ; Bd. 493}, publisher = {Expert-Verl.}, address = {Renningen}, isbn = {978-3-8169-2689-4}, pages = {244 S.: Ill., graph. Darst.}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Braun2008, author = {Braun, Carsten}, title = {Ein modulares Verfahren f{\"u}r die numerische aeroelastische Analyse von Luftfahrzeugen}, series = {Motto: Wissen und Visionen f{\"u}r ein nachhaltiges Wachstum : Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2008, Darmstadt, 23. bis 25. September 2008 / Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V. (DGLR). DGLR-Jahrbuch. 2008}, booktitle = {Motto: Wissen und Visionen f{\"u}r ein nachhaltiges Wachstum : Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2008, Darmstadt, 23. bis 25. September 2008 / Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V. (DGLR). DGLR-Jahrbuch. 2008}, publisher = {DGLR}, address = {Bonn}, pages = {787 -- 796}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @book{HackLindemann2008, author = {Hack, Stefan and Lindemann, Markus}, title = {Enterprise SOA Roadmap}, publisher = {Galileo Pr.}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {1-59229-162-7}, pages = {417 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MuellerHueben2008, author = {M{\"u}ller, Karsten and H{\"u}ben, Susanne}, title = {From rehabilitation strategy up to formation of lots : implementation of a computer-aided decision support system}, series = {11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 31st August to 5th September 2008}, booktitle = {11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 31st August to 5th September 2008}, pages = {12 S. : graph. Darst.}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{Mueller2008, author = {M{\"u}ller, Karsten}, title = {Einsatzm{\"o}glichkeiten von Bilderkennungsverfahren zur Zustandserfassung von Kanalisationen}, series = {Bbr : Leitungsbau, Brunnenbau, Geothermie. Bd. 59. 2008, H. 5}, journal = {Bbr : Leitungsbau, Brunnenbau, Geothermie. Bd. 59. 2008, H. 5}, issn = {1611-1478}, pages = {16 -- 21}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{PolaczekHenn2008, author = {Polaczek, Christa and Henn, Gudrun}, title = {Gute Vorkenntnisse verk{\"u}rzen die Studienzeit}, series = {Mathematikinformation : eine Zeitschrift von Begabtenf{\"o}rderung Mathematik e.V.}, volume = {2008}, journal = {Mathematikinformation : eine Zeitschrift von Begabtenf{\"o}rderung Mathematik e.V.}, number = {49}, publisher = {Begabtenf{\"o}rderung Mathematik}, address = {Neubiberg}, issn = {1612-9156}, pages = {46 -- 50}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{KrokerFaberTrinkletal.2008, author = {Kroker, J. and Faber, Christian and Trinkl, C. and Z{\"o}rner, W.}, title = {Der Garten bleibt - solares Heizen mit W{\"a}rmepumpe und Latentw{\"a}rmespeicher verzichtet auf großfl{\"a}chige Erdw{\"a}rmetauscher}, series = {Erneuerbare Energien : das Magazin. 18 (2008), H. 8}, journal = {Erneuerbare Energien : das Magazin. 18 (2008), H. 8}, issn = {1436-8773}, pages = {46 -- 49}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{SchwarzerKrokerRusack2008, author = {Schwarzer, Klemens and Kroker, Jan and Rusack, Markus}, title = {Technical improvement of a small modular parabolic trough collector}, series = {EuroSun 2008 : 1st International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings ; 7th - 10th October 2008, Lisbon, Portugal : key lectures / ISES, International Solar Energy Society. Vol. 1}, booktitle = {EuroSun 2008 : 1st International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings ; 7th - 10th October 2008, Lisbon, Portugal : key lectures / ISES, International Solar Energy Society. Vol. 1}, publisher = {Sociedade Portuguesa De Energia Solar (SPES)}, address = {Lissabon}, isbn = {978-1-61782-228-5}, pages = {1395 -- 1402}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GoettscheHoffschmidtSchmitzetal.2008, author = {G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Schmitz, S. and Sauerborn, Markus and Rebholz, C. and Iffland, D. and Badst{\"u}bner, R. and Buck, R. and Teufel, E.}, title = {Test of a mini-mirror array for solar concentrating systems}, series = {EuroSun 2008 : 1st International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings ; 7th - 10th October 2008, Lisbon, Portugal : key lectures / ISES, International Solar Energy Society. Vol. 1}, booktitle = {EuroSun 2008 : 1st International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings ; 7th - 10th October 2008, Lisbon, Portugal : key lectures / ISES, International Solar Energy Society. Vol. 1}, publisher = {Sociedade Portuguesa De Energia Solar (SPES)}, address = {Lissabon}, isbn = {978-1-61782-228-5}, pages = {1242 -- 1250}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WarerkarSchmitzGoettscheetal.2008, author = {Warerkar, S. and Schmitz, S. and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Tamme, R.}, title = {Performance analysis of an air-sand heat exchanger prototype for high-temperature storage}, series = {EuroSun 2008 : 1st International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings ; 7th - 10th October 2008, Lisbon, Portugal : key lectures / ISES, International Solar Energy Society. Vol. 1}, booktitle = {EuroSun 2008 : 1st International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings ; 7th - 10th October 2008, Lisbon, Portugal : key lectures / ISES, International Solar Energy Society. Vol. 1}, publisher = {Sociedade Portuguesa De Energia Solar (SPES)}, address = {Lissabon}, isbn = {978-1-61782-228-5}, pages = {2215 -- 2222}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @incollection{GonsiorHoffschmidt2008, author = {Gonsior, Daniel and Hoffschmidt, Bernhard}, title = {Innovative Rußfilter f{\"u}r LKW-Dieselmotoren (Innotrap)}, series = {Feinstaubforschung in Nordrhein-Westfalen. LANUV-Fachbericht. 9}, booktitle = {Feinstaubforschung in Nordrhein-Westfalen. LANUV-Fachbericht. 9}, publisher = {Landesamt f{\"u}r Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz Nordrhein-Westfalen}, address = {Recklinghausen}, isbn = {1864-3930}, pages = {13 -- 14}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Goettsche2008, author = {G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim}, title = {Einsatz nichtinvasiver Messtechnik zur Betriebsanalyse}, series = {Energieeffizienz + Bestand : energetische Sanierung von Geb{\"a}uden ; internationales Anwenderforum ; 14./15. Februar 2008, Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein}, booktitle = {Energieeffizienz + Bestand : energetische Sanierung von Geb{\"a}uden ; internationales Anwenderforum ; 14./15. Februar 2008, Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein}, publisher = {OTTI}, address = {Regensburg}, isbn = {978-3-934681-68-2}, pages = {44 -- 51}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Goettsche2008, author = {G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim}, title = {Das Geb{\"a}ude-Armaturenbrett (GAB) - ein hochaufl{\"o}sendes Monitoring-Tool f{\"u}r Verbrauchsdaten in Privathaushalten}, series = {Energieeffizienz + Bestand : energetische Sanierung von Geb{\"a}uden ; internationales Anwenderforum ; 14./15. Februar 2008, Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein}, booktitle = {Energieeffizienz + Bestand : energetische Sanierung von Geb{\"a}uden ; internationales Anwenderforum ; 14./15. Februar 2008, Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein}, publisher = {OTTI}, address = {Regensburg}, isbn = {978-3-934681-68-2}, pages = {216 -- 223}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @incollection{KrokerHoffschmidtSchwarzeretal.2008, author = {Kroker, Jan and Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Schwarzer, Klemens and Sp{\"a}te, Frank}, title = {PTC 1000 modular parabolic trough collector}, series = {Process heat collectors : state of the art within task 33/IV ; IEA SHC-Task 33 and SolarPACES-Task IV: Solar heat for industrial processes : F{\"o}rderkennzeichen BMBF 0329273A / Solar Heating and Cooling Executive Committee of the International Energy Agency (IEA) ; ed. Werner Weiss}, booktitle = {Process heat collectors : state of the art within task 33/IV ; IEA SHC-Task 33 and SolarPACES-Task IV: Solar heat for industrial processes : F{\"o}rderkennzeichen BMBF 0329273A / Solar Heating and Cooling Executive Committee of the International Energy Agency (IEA) ; ed. Werner Weiss}, publisher = {AEE INTEC}, address = {Gleisdorf}, pages = {45 -- 46}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Schwarzer2008, author = {Schwarzer, Klemens}, title = {Desalination systems with renewable energies}, series = {DME Seminar Desalination and Renewable Energies : June 19 and 20 2008, Solar Institut J{\"u}lich / Deutsche Meerwasserentsalzung e.V.}, booktitle = {DME Seminar Desalination and Renewable Energies : June 19 and 20 2008, Solar Institut J{\"u}lich / Deutsche Meerwasserentsalzung e.V.}, publisher = {DME}, address = {Duisburg}, isbn = {978-3-86861-017-8}, pages = {219 Bl. in getr. Z{\"a}hlung : zahlr. Ill. und graph. Darst., Kt.}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Hoffschmidt2008, author = {Hoffschmidt, Bernhard}, title = {Solar tower power plants}, series = {DME Seminar Desalination and Renewable Energies : June 19 and 20 2008, Solar Institut J{\"u}lich / Deutsche Meerwasserentsalzung e.V.}, booktitle = {DME Seminar Desalination and Renewable Energies : June 19 and 20 2008, Solar Institut J{\"u}lich / Deutsche Meerwasserentsalzung e.V.}, publisher = {DME}, address = {Duisbrug}, isbn = {978-3-86861-017-8}, pages = {219 Bl. in getr. Z{\"a}hlung : zahlr. Ill. und graph. Darst., Kt.}, year = {2008}, language = {en} }