@incollection{Stapenhorst2019, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {Werkzeuge und ihre Wirkungsmacht}, series = {Werkbund Akademiereihe. hefte 19-20 / 2017-2018}, booktitle = {Werkbund Akademiereihe. hefte 19-20 / 2017-2018}, editor = {Deutscher Werkbund NW e.V.,}, isbn = {978-3-00-062587-9}, pages = {62 -- 74}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{Stapenhorst2011, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {Identit{\`a} di paesaggi nascosti}, series = {La casa. Le forme dello stare}, booktitle = {La casa. Le forme dello stare}, editor = {Monestiroli, Antonio and Semerani, Luciano}, publisher = {Skira}, address = {Mailand}, isbn = {978-88-572-1006-3}, pages = {92 -- 101}, year = {2011}, language = {it} } @techreport{StapenhorstVanDenBerghGoliaschetal.2016, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin and Van Den Bergh, Wim and Goliasch, Simon and K{\"u}hnle, Christian and L{\"a}ufer, Jonas and Ring, Jana and Schmalt, Nicola}, title = {Roman traces for cross-border identification}, series = {Design Strategies for Transforming Cross-Border Regions}, journal = {Design Strategies for Transforming Cross-Border Regions}, pages = {5}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The research group focuses on the characteristics in the land-and cityscapes of the Drielanden-zone, which contribute to generate common identities, as well as on those features that trigger differences and specificities of the adjacent countries that enrich the perception of the zone. In this research, the instruments of cartography and land survey system serve to detect and localize the fragmented appearance of relevant historic elements. These analytic procedures help to develop strategies for infrastructures and processes that gradually initiate local forms of cross-border tourism. The architectural research displays how top-down and bottom-up interventions can be combined in order to guarantee a sustainable use and development of the considered area.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Stapenhorst2016, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {La Land Art come forma di cartografia applicata / Land Art as a Form of Applied Cartography}, series = {Tracciare piani, disegnare carte / Sketching plans, drawing maps}, booktitle = {Tracciare piani, disegnare carte / Sketching plans, drawing maps}, editor = {Palma, Riccardo and Dutto, Andrea Alberto}, publisher = {Accademia University Press}, address = {Turin}, isbn = {978-88-99982-24-9}, pages = {195}, year = {2016}, language = {it} } @book{Stapenhorst2016, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {Cento Tavole}, publisher = {RWTH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {50 Seiten}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @incollection{GuggerStapenhorst2008, author = {Gugger, Harry and Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {From city to detail: the sphere of the architect}, series = {Explorations in architecture}, booktitle = {Explorations in architecture}, editor = {Geiser, Reto}, publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user}, address = {Basel}, isbn = {978-3-7643-8921-5}, pages = {50 -- 53}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DiIorioNobileStapenhorst2010, author = {Di Iorio, Marina and Nobile, Maria Luna and Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {Martinella}, series = {Edifici alti e paesaggio}, booktitle = {Edifici alti e paesaggio}, editor = {Bovati, Marco and Di Franco, Andrea}, publisher = {Maggioli}, address = {Santarcangelo di Romagna}, isbn = {978-88-387-4434-1}, pages = {191 -- 202}, year = {2010}, language = {it} } @inproceedings{PfaffSchmidtWilbringetal.2019, author = {Pfaff, Raphael and Schmidt, Bernd and Wilbring, Daniela and Franzen, Julian}, title = {Wagon4.0 - the smart wagon for improved integration into Industry 4.0 plants}, series = {Proceedings of the International Heavy Haul Association STS Conference 2019}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Heavy Haul Association STS Conference 2019}, pages = {7 Seiten}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In many instances, freight vehicles exchange load or information with plants that are or will soon be Industry4.0 plants. The Wagon4.0 concept, as developed in close cooperation with e.g. port or mine operations, offers a maximum in railway operational efficiency while providing strong business cases already in the respective plant interaction. The Wagon4.0 consists of main components, a power supply, data network, sensors, actuators and an operating system, the so called WagonOS. The Wagon OS is implemented in a granular, self-sufficient manner, to allow basic features such as WiFi-Mesh and train christening in remote areas without network connection. Furthermore, the granularity of the operating system allows to extend the familiar app concept to freight rail rolling stock, making it possible to use specialised actuators for certain applications, e.g. an electrical parking brake or an auxiliary drive. In order to facilitate migration to the Wagon4.0 for existing fleets, a migration concept featuring five levels of technical adaptation was developed. The present paper investigates the benefits of Wagon4.0-implementations for the particular challenges of heavy haul operations by focusing on train christening, ep-assisted braking, autonomous last mile and traction boost operation as well as improved maintenance schedules}, language = {en} } @incollection{Stapenhorst2014, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {Organizzare l'addizione}, series = {Atlante di progettazione architettonica}, booktitle = {Atlante di progettazione architettonica}, editor = {Palma, Riccardo and Ravagnati, Carlo}, publisher = {Citt{\`a}StudiEdizioni}, address = {Mailand}, isbn = {978-88-251-7385-7}, pages = {490 -- 505}, year = {2014}, language = {it} } @phdthesis{Stapenhorst2012, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {The concept as an operant instrument within the interdisciplinarity of the architectural design process}, publisher = {Politecnico di Torino}, address = {Turin}, pages = {242 Seiten}, year = {2012}, abstract = {In the introduction to their book "What is philosophy?" Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari deplore the inflationary and trivialised use of the term concept: "Finally, the most shameful moment came when computer science, marketing, design and advertising, all the disciplines of communication, seized hold of the word concept itself and said: 'This is our concern, we are the creative ones, we are the ideas men! We are the friends of the concept, we put in our computers.' " This doctoral thesis shares the concern of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, but still, it is a thesis in architecture and thus collocated within the field of the representatives of the "ideas men". It engages in architectural design theory, and refers in particular to the investigation of methodological approaches within the design process. Therefore, the thesis will not contribute to the philosophical dimension of the term, but intends to overcome its imprecise use within the architectural discourse, in compliance with Eug{\`e}ne Viollet-le-Duc's admonition relative to vague definitions: "Dans les arts, et dans l'architecture en particulier, les d{\´e}finitions vagues ont caus{\´e} bien des erreurs, ont laiss{\´e} germer bien des pr{\´e}jug{\´e}s, enraciner bien des id{\´e}es fausses. On met un mot en avant, chacun y attache un sens diff{\´e}rent." The term concept in architecture is very often used as pure marketing collateral, it serves to sell an idea, a product, a design. Its functional applicability is reduced to a special manner of illustration, produced as one of the various design presentation documents at the end of the design process. In contrast, the original contribution of this thesis aims to give a precise, instrumental dimension to the term concept: the concept is the expression of a specific logic, capable to guide the decisional sequences of the process and thus to improve the quality of the designed projects. The motivation to define a specific instrumentality of the concept is closely connected to the issue of interdisciplinarity in the architects' profession. The interdisciplinary character of the architectural field is widely accepted and discussed as such, but the thesis intends to give a more precise definition of the various kinds of competences involved by classifying them into either the internal or the external group. The traditional notion of interdisciplinarity, predominantly seen as collaboration between architects and technical experts, and, most notably, the historical, sometimes contentious, relationship between architects and engineers is described. Referring to recent developments, the transformation of the architect's role within the professional sphere, marked by an increasing importance of diverse influences and linked to a growing risk of marginalisation, is illustrated. The thesis describes different ways to adapt to this specific kind of interdisciplinarity, which generally requires the architect's ability to connect and to integrate various contents, different points of view and diverse scales. On the other hand, the big potential which is implicit in the interdisciplinary field is exposed: architects can inform their core competence, the design, by extracting contents of different disciplinary competences, pertaining or not pertaining to their own professional field. They have the possibility to cross fields of external competences in a selective way and by doing so they can build up a corpus of knowledge capable to generate and communicate guidelines and systematic methodologies for their design. At the end, the analysis of these two aspects allows the definition of a more specific professional profile of the architect as specialist of interdisciplinarity. The thesis is concerned with the theories around the design process. The design process is seen as open to inspection and critical evaluation, with major focus on the decisional sequences which characterise it. It concentrates on the process' descriptiveness and the degree of self-conscious approaches applied within it. The importance of regulative, strategic mechanisms is illustrated by testimonies taken from a series of design researches and leads to the functional definition of the figure of the concept as representation of a coherent set of ideas, as generator of a project-specific system of rules and as communicator of decisional strategies. The concept's function is furthermore defined as communicative interface which generates and transmits the system of rules authoritative for all the disciplinary competences involved in the design process, a communicative interface which constitutes a basis of shared convictions capable to increase the efficiency of collaboration. Furthermore, the concept's capacity to explore and elaborate the contents of external disciplines is identified as a possible methodological approach to innovative design thinking. The approach to a specific functional definition of the concept is continued by the description of a series of instruments that are simultaneously generating and communicating it. It is outlined to which degree the concept itself is already the result of an ideational process, collocated within the initial phase of the design proceedings, serving as a guideline to them, but still continuously evolving and adapting in its progression. In addition, it is illustrated how all the diverse instruments of the concept are operational media through which the knowledge transition between different disciplines can occur. The considerations about the concept as operational instrument of design are elaborated with regard to a number of examples of didactical applications that are particularly involved in the development and teaching of specific design methods. These examples illustrate the interrelations between design theory and design education. They are derived from very different schools of architecture and diverse mindsets, but all of them transmit models of conceptual design thinking.}, language = {en} } @book{Stapenhorst2016, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {Concept : a dialogic instrument in architectural design}, publisher = {Jovis}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-86859-364-8}, pages = {207 Seiten}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Concept - this is a key term in architectural discourse. However, all too often it is used imprecisely or merely for marketing purposes. What is a concept actually? This publication moves between design theory and design practice and follows the history of the definition of concept in architecture, leading to the formulation of a specifically instrumental and operative definition. It bases concept in architecture on its strategic potential in design decision-making processes. In the changing profession of the designing architect, decisions are increasingly made in multidisciplinary groups. Concept can serve as a dialogic instrument in the process, making it possible to process heterogeneous information from a range of spheres of knowledge. The effective presentation of selected information becomes a relevant interface in the design process, which has a significant influence on the quality of the design.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Stapenhorst2017, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {Robustheit}, series = {Hiatus. Architekturen f{\"u}r die gebrauchte Stadt}, booktitle = {Hiatus. Architekturen f{\"u}r die gebrauchte Stadt}, editor = {Frank, Ute and Lindenmayer, Verena and Loewenberg, Patrick and Rocneanu, Carla}, publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user}, address = {Basel}, isbn = {978-3-0356-1386-5}, pages = {155 -- 164}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @incollection{Stapenhorst2016, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {Grids. Projektdokumentationen als Denkinstrument}, series = {Manifestationen im Entwurf}, booktitle = {Manifestationen im Entwurf}, editor = {Schmitz, Thomas H. and H{\"a}ußling, Roger and Mareis, Claudia and Groninger, Hannah}, publisher = {Transcript}, address = {Bielefeld}, isbn = {978-3-8394-3160-3}, doi = {10.1515/9783839431603-009}, pages = {185 -- 216}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{StapenhorstGessnerWoerd2017, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin and Geßner, Stephan and Woerd, Jan Dirk van der}, title = {ArchitecTours - a close look on structures around us}, series = {Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia}, editor = {B{\"o}gle, Annette and Grohmann, Manfred}, publisher = {IASS}, address = {Madrid}, issn = {2518-6582}, pages = {9 Seiten}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Architects and civil engineers work together regularly during their professional days and are irreplaceable for each other. This co-operation is sometimes made more difficult by the differences in their disciplinary languages and approaches. Structures are evaluated by architects on the basis of criteria such as spatial impact and usability, while civil engineers analyze them more closely by their bearing and deformation properties, as well as by constructive aspects. This diversity of assessment criteria and approaches is often continued in both academic disciplines in the view on structures. Within the framework of the Exploratory Teaching Space (ETS), a funding program to improve teaching at RWTH Aachen University and to promote new teaching concepts, a project was carried out jointly by the Junior Professorship of Tool-Culture at the Faculty of Architecture and the Institute of Structural Concrete at the Faculty of Civil Engineering. The aim of the project is to present buildings in such a way that the differences in perception between architects and civil engineers are reduced and the common understanding is promoted. The project develops a database, which contains a collection of striking buildings from Aachen and the surrounding area. The buildings are categorized according to terms that come from both disciplinary areas. The collection can be freely explored or crossed through learning trails. The medium of film plays a special role in presenting the buildings. The buildings are assigned to different categories of load bearing structures as linear, planar and spatial structures, and further to different types of material, functional programs and spatial characteristics. Since the buildings are located in the direct vicinity of Aachen, they can be visited by the students. This makes them more sensitive to their environment. Intrinsic motivation, as well as implicit learning is encouraged. The paper will provide a detailed report of the project, its implementation, the feedback of the students and the plans for further development.}, language = {en} } @article{AsarStapenhorst2020, author = {Asar, Hande and Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {Zvi Hecker: Drawing on drawing}, series = {Archives of Design Research}, volume = {33}, journal = {Archives of Design Research}, number = {3}, publisher = {Korean Society of Design Science}, address = {Seongnam}, issn = {1226-8046}, doi = {10.15187/adr.2020.}, pages = {45 -- 53}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Background: Architectural representation, nurtured by the interaction between design thinking and design action, is inherently multi-layered. However, the representation object cannot always reflect these layers. Therefore, it is claimed that these reflections and layerings can gain visibility through 'performativity in personal knowledge', which basically has a performative character. The specific layers of representation produced during the performativity in personal knowledge permit insights about the 'personal way of designing' [1]. Therefore, the question, 'how can these layered drawings be decomposed to understand the personal way of designing', can be defined as the beginning of the study. On the other hand, performativity in personal knowledge in architectural design is handled through the relationship between explicit and tacit knowledge and representational and non-representational theory. To discuss the practical dimension of these theoretical relations, Zvi Hecker's drawing of the Heinz-Galinski-School is examined as an example. The study aims to understand the relationships between the layers by decomposing a layered drawing analytically in order to exemplify personal ways of designing. Methods: The study is based on qualitative research methodologies. First, a model has been formed through theoretical readings to discuss the performativity in personal knowledge. This model is used to understand the layered representations and to research the personal way of designing. Thus, one drawing of Hecker's Heinz-Galinski-School project is chosen. Second, its layers are decomposed to detect and analyze diverse objects, which hint to different types of design tools and their application. Third, Zvi Hecker's statements of the design process are explained through the interview data [2] and other sources. The obtained data are compared with each other. Results: By decomposing the drawing, eleven layers are defined. These layers are used to understand the relation between the design idea and its representation. They can also be thought of as a reading system. In other words, a method to discuss Hecker's performativity in personal knowledge is developed. Furthermore, the layers and their interconnections are described in relation to Zvi Hecker's personal way of designing. Conclusions: It can be said that layered representations, which are associated with the multilayered structure of performativity in personal knowledge, form the personal way of designing.}, language = {en} } @article{StapenhorstZabekHildebrand2018, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin and Zabek, Magdalena and Hildebrand, Linda}, title = {Communication process and information flow in the architectural planning context}, series = {Creativity game : theory and practice of spatial planning}, journal = {Creativity game : theory and practice of spatial planning}, number = {6}, publisher = {University of Ljubljana}, address = {Ljubljana}, doi = {10.15292/IU-CG.2018.06.066-073}, pages = {66 -- 73}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Against the background of growing data in everyday life, data processing tools become more powerful to deal with the increasing complexity in building design. The architectural planning process is offered a variety of new instruments to design, plan and communicate planning decisions. Ideally the access to information serves to secure and document the quality of the building and in the worst case, the increased data absorbs time by collection and processing without any benefit for the building and its user. Process models can illustrate the impact of information on the design- and planning process so that architect and planner can steer the process. This paper provides historic and contemporary models to visualize the architectural planning process and introduces means to describe today's situation consisting of stakeholders, events and instruments. It explains conceptions during Renaissance in contrast to models used in the second half of the 20th century. Contemporary models are discussed regarding their value against the background of increasing computation in the building process.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Stapenhorst2019, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {Heimat entwerfen?}, series = {Das Eigene und das Fremde - Heimat in Zeiten der Mobilit{\"a}t}, booktitle = {Das Eigene und das Fremde - Heimat in Zeiten der Mobilit{\"a}t}, editor = {Hasse, J{\"u}rgen}, publisher = {Karl Alber}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-495-49029-7 (print)}, doi = {10.5771/9783495817568}, pages = {215 -- 246}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @article{StapenhorstMotta2018, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin and Motta, Luciano}, title = {Citt{\`a} Olivettiana in Ivrea, Italien}, series = {Bauwelt}, volume = {109}, journal = {Bauwelt}, number = {22}, publisher = {Bauverlag BV}, address = {G{\"u}tersloh}, issn = {0005-6855}, pages = {20 -- 31}, year = {2018}, language = {de} } @book{StapenhorstMeerbach2019, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin and Meerbach, Kerstin}, title = {Studie zur forschungsbezogenen Lehre an der Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r Architektur der RWTH Aachen}, publisher = {RWTH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, doi = {10.18154/rWth-2019-06163}, pages = {140 Seiten}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{Stapenhorst2020, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {Multidimensionale Arbeitsbl{\"a}tter}, series = {Artefakte des Entwerfens}, booktitle = {Artefakte des Entwerfens}, editor = {Lyngs{\o} Christensen, Rikke and Drach, Ekkerhard and Gasperoni, Lidia and Hallama, Doris and Hougaard, Anna Katrine and Liptau, Ralf}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag der TU Berlin}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-7983-3256-0}, issn = {2566-9656}, doi = {10.14279/depositonce-8508.2}, pages = {202 -- 224}, year = {2020}, abstract = {K{\"o}nnen wir Skizzenbl{\"a}tter, die gemischte Systeme von Text und Bildanteilen zeigen, als r{\"a}umliche und zeitliche Verdichtung von Reflexionsmilieus verstehen? Wie wirkt sich die durch die r{\"a}umliche Begrenzung des Blatts bedingte gleichzeitige Anwesenheit von Text und Bild aus, welche Wechselwirkungen entfalten sich? Diese Fragenstellungen f{\"u}hren zur Definition der ‚Multidimensionalen Arbeitsbl{\"a}tter', die als geeignetes Medium der Analyse von entwerferischen Denkprozessen verstanden werden. Anhand von f{\"u}nf Beispielen wird beschrieben, wie durch dekompositorische Prozeduren Zeichnungsgenealogien sichtbar gemacht werden k{\"o}nnen, die intensive Auskunft {\"u}ber Entwurfshandlungen geben.}, language = {de} } @article{StapenhorstDutto2020, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin and Dutto, Andrea Alberto}, title = {Turin: Industriedenkmal wird Kulturzentrum wird Lazarett}, series = {Bauwelt}, volume = {111}, journal = {Bauwelt}, number = {13}, publisher = {Bauverlag BV}, address = {G{\"u}tersloh}, issn = {0005-6855}, pages = {56 -- 59}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @incollection{EbertSchneiderStapenhorst2022, author = {Ebert, Carola and Schneider, Tatjana and Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {Undergraduate Research in Architecture}, series = {The Cambridge Handbook of Undergraduate Research}, booktitle = {The Cambridge Handbook of Undergraduate Research}, editor = {Mieg, Harald A. and Ambos, Elizabeth and Brew, Angela and Galli, Dominique and Lehmann, Judith}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {Cambridge}, isbn = {9781108869508}, doi = {10.1017/9781108869508.049}, pages = {355 -- 362}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Architecture is a university subject with educational roots in both the technical university and art/specialized architecture schools, yet it lacks a strong research orientation and is focused on professional expertise. This chapter explores the particular role of research within architectural education in general by discussing two different cases for the implementation of undergraduate research in architecture: during the late 1990s and early 2000s at the University of Sheffield, UK, and during the 2010s at RWTH Aachen University, Germany. These examples illustrate the asynchronous beginnings of similar developments, and also contextualize differences in disciplinary habitus and pedagogical approaches between Sheffield, where research impulses stemmed from within the Architectural Humanities, and Aachen with its strong tradition as a technical university.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Stapenhorst2023, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {The didactic experimentation on housing modules for cycle travellers}, series = {MAACC. Modulo abitativo autosufficiente per cicloviaggiatori e camminatori.}, booktitle = {MAACC. Modulo abitativo autosufficiente per cicloviaggiatori e camminatori.}, editor = {Callegari, Guido and De Giorgi, Claudia and Occelli, Chiara L.M. and Palma, Riccardo}, publisher = {LetteraVentidue Edizioni Srl}, address = {Siracusa}, isbn = {978-88-6242-778-4}, pages = {40 -- 44}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @techreport{BarnatArntzBerneckeretal.2024, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Barnat, Miriam and Arntz, Kristian and Bernecker, Andreas and Fissabre, Anke and Franken, Norbert and Goldbach, Daniel and H{\"u}ning, Felix and J{\"o}rissen, J{\"o}rg and Kirsch, Ansgar and Pettrak, J{\"u}rgen and Rexforth, Matthias and Josef, Rosenkranz and Terstegge, Andreas}, title = {Strategische Gestaltung von Studieng{\"a}ngen f{\"u}r die Zukunft: Ein kollaborativ entwickeltes Self-Assessment}, series = {Hochschulforum Digitalisierung - Diskussionspapier}, journal = {Hochschulforum Digitalisierung - Diskussionspapier}, publisher = {Stifterverband f{\"u}r die Deutsche Wissenschaft}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {2365-7081}, pages = {16 Seiten}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Das Diskussionspapier beschreibt einen Prozess an der FH Aachen zur Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Self-Assessment-Tools f{\"u}r Studieng{\"a}nge. Dieser Prozess zielte darauf ab, die Relevanz der Themen Digitalisierung, Internationalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit in Studieng{\"a}ngen zu st{\"a}rken. Durch Workshops und kollaborative Entwicklung mit Studiendekan:innen entstand ein Fragebogen, der zur Reflexion und strategischen Weiterentwicklung der Studieng{\"a}nge dient.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Fissabre2024, author = {Fissabre, Anke}, title = {Eine moderne Sainte-Chapelle in K{\"o}ln. Otto Bartnings Stahlkirche auf der Pressa 1928}, series = {Baugedanken: Einsichten, Ansichten, Aussichten f{\"u}r Jan Pieper zum 80. Geburtstag}, booktitle = {Baugedanken: Einsichten, Ansichten, Aussichten f{\"u}r Jan Pieper zum 80. Geburtstag}, editor = {Naujokat, Anke and Hake, Verena and Schindler, Bruno and Sch{\"o}tten, Bj{\"o}rn}, publisher = {Geym{\"u}ller Verag f{\"u}r Architektur}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-943164-87-9}, pages = {66 -- 81}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @incollection{Finkenberger2024, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria}, title = {Transformatives Handeln als disziplin{\"u}berschreitende, kollektive Aktion. Stadtentwicklung trifft k{\"u}nstlerische und kollaborative Handlungspraxen}, series = {Por{\"o}s-Werden : geteilte R{\"a}ume, urbane Dramaturgien, performatives Kuratieren}, booktitle = {Por{\"o}s-Werden : geteilte R{\"a}ume, urbane Dramaturgien, performatives Kuratieren}, editor = {B{\"u}scher, Barbara and Krasny, Elke and Ortmann, Lucie}, publisher = {Turia + Kant}, address = {Wien}, isbn = {978-3-98514-543-0}, pages = {144 -- 158}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @article{Finkenberger2021, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria}, title = {Wohnen als Produktionsgemeinschaftsaufgabe}, series = {Jahrbuch f{\"u}r Christliche Sozialwissenschaften}, journal = {Jahrbuch f{\"u}r Christliche Sozialwissenschaften}, number = {62}, publisher = {Aschendorff}, address = {M{\"u}nster}, issn = {0075-2584}, doi = {10.17879/jcsw-2021-3537}, pages = {31 -- 42}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Wohnen als neue soziale Frage ist mehr als die Produktion neuer Formen von Wohnen und deren architektonischer Gestalt, und auch mehr als nur die Umsetzung sich ver{\"a}ndernder, jedoch individuell formulierter Wohnw{\"u}nsche. Sie spannt sich auf zwischen gesellschafts- und nachhaltigkeitspolitischen, hardcore-kapitalistischen und globalen Rahmenbedingungen, Hardware und Software, Individuum und Gemeinwohl, Konsum und Mitgestaltung. Entscheidend sind die Akteure und die Art und Weise, wie und nach welchen Maßst{\"a}ben sie handeln. Entscheidend ist aber auch, Wohnen sowohl kontextuell wie auch programmatisch neu zu denken und dadurch zu neuen Mischungen, Nachbarschaften und Bewertungskriterien einer Projekt- und Stadtentwicklung zu kommen, die mehr als die Summe seiner Einzelteile wollen - ein gutes Leben f{\"u}r Alle abseits der Frage des Geldbeutels und der sozialen Zugeh{\"o}rigkeit.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Finkenberger2018, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria}, title = {Die Stadt als st{\"a}dtisch-theatrale Versuchsanordnung: Wie wollen wir in Zukunft leben und welche Stadt brauchen wir daf{\"u}r?}, series = {Un/Certain Futures - Rollen des Designs in gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen}, booktitle = {Un/Certain Futures - Rollen des Designs in gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen}, publisher = {transcript}, address = {Bielefeld}, isbn = {9783839443323}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1515/9783839443323-009}, pages = {86 -- 95}, year = {2018}, language = {de} } @article{Finkenberger2014, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria}, title = {Vox populi. (Transformations-)potenziale nachkriegsmoderner Freiraumressourcen}, series = {Stadt+Gr{\"u}n}, volume = {2014}, journal = {Stadt+Gr{\"u}n}, number = {1}, publisher = {Patzer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0948-9770}, pages = {31 -- 35}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Heute wie damals werden die großz{\"u}gigen und offenen Siedlungsstrukturen der ersten Nachkriegsjahrzehnte mit ihrem hohen Anteil an "Gr{\"u}n" vielfach gesch{\"a}tzt und als solche nicht grundlegend hinterfragt. "Gr{\"u}n" verheißt im Allgemeinen Licht, Luft und Sonne, Freizeit und Erholung und gilt als etwas W{\"u}nschenswertes im st{\"a}dtischen Kontext. Unbeachtet bleibt, dass dem Begriff "Gr{\"u}n" zun{\"a}chst keine Eigenschaften oder Qualit{\"a}ten zugewiesen sind - er sagt noch lange nichts {\"u}ber dessen r{\"a}umliche Qualit{\"a}t, dessen Nutzbarkeit, Erreichbarkeit und Zug{\"a}nglichkeit aus. Abstandsgr{\"u}n und Straßenbegleitgr{\"u}n ist eben auch "Gr{\"u}n". Neben einer quantitativen Argumentation, welche {\"o}kologischen Aspekte wie Biotopvernetzung, Stadt- und Mikroklima ber{\"u}cksichtigt, sollten wir verst{\"a}rkt qualitativ denken und damit die Grundlage f{\"u}r einen erweiterten und wesentlich differenzierteren Diskurs {\"u}ber urbane Freir{\"a}ume ebnen.}, language = {de} } @article{FinkenbergerSchlaich2014, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria and Schlaich, Christoph}, title = {Mehr als Wohnen. Vom Zusammenleben in integrierten Nachbarschaften}, series = {APuZ - Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte}, volume = {2014}, journal = {APuZ - Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte}, number = {20-21}, publisher = {Bundeszentrale f{\"u}r politische Bildung - bpb}, address = {Bonn}, issn = {2194-3621}, pages = {46 -- 52}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Neue D{\"o}rfer braucht das Land! D{\"o}rfer in der Stadt und D{\"o}rfer auf dem Land (…). Die Planung und Gestaltung nachhaltiger Raumsysteme, die durch ein neues Verst{\"a}ndnis des gemeinschaftlichen Besitzes (und dessen Nutzung) ressourcenfressende Individualisierungstendenzen unserer Gesellschaft {\"u}berwinden, aber zugleich gr{\"o}ßtm{\"o}glichen Freiraum f{\"u}r eine individuelle Pers{\"o}nlichkeitsentfaltung zur Verf{\"u}gung stellen." Dieses Zitat der Hamburger Initiative "Wir sind Dorf" beschreibt eine aktuelle Diskussion in unserer Gesellschaft, die sowohl in der Forschung und forschungsgeleiteten Initiativen, in Politik und Planung als auch in der B{\"u}rger-schaft stattfindet. Sie wird nicht nur auf wissenschaftlichen Veranstaltungen gef{\"u}hrt, sondern auch in konkreten Projekten f{\"u}r integrative Lebenswelten, die Fragestellungen von Ern{\"a}hrung und Energieversorgung, von Arbeit und {\"O}konomie, aber auch eines neuen r{\"a}umlichen und sozialen Miteinanders einbeziehen. Anders als bei den weit verbreiteten Baugruppen geht es nicht ausschließlich um die Schaffung von Wohnraum. Die Nachbarschaftsidee verbindet das Bed{\"u}rfnis nach gemeinschaftlichem Wohnen und Wirtschaften mit einer neuen Werteorientierung, die auf pers{\"o}nlicher Verantwortungs{\"u}bernahme beruht.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Finkenberger2013, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria}, title = {Vox populi. (Transformations-)potenziale nachkriegsmoderner Freiraumressourcen}, series = {Gr{\"u}n modern - G{\"a}rten und Parks der 1950er bis 1970er Jahre}, booktitle = {Gr{\"u}n modern - G{\"a}rten und Parks der 1950er bis 1970er Jahre}, editor = {Bredenbeck, Martin}, publisher = {BHU}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {9783925374357}, pages = {31 -- 38}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @article{Finkenberger2022, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria}, title = {Strukturwandel als transformative Wende}, series = {disP: The Planning Review}, volume = {58}, journal = {disP: The Planning Review}, number = {3}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, address = {Abingdon}, issn = {0251-3625}, doi = {10.1080/02513625.2022.2158603}, pages = {86 -- 94}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{Finkenberger2022, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria}, title = {Transformatives Forschen, Lehren und Handeln im Rheinischen Braunkohlerevier}, series = {Forum Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung}, volume = {2022}, journal = {Forum Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung}, number = {2}, publisher = {vhw}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1439-7242}, pages = {69 -- 72}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die Institution Hochschule hat das Potenzial, {\"u}ber transformatives Forschen und Lehren und den entsprechenden Wissenstransfer in den lokalen Kontext strategisch-verl{\"a}ssliche Partnerin der Großen Transformation zur Nachhaltigkeit zu werden und bei der Ausbildung von Pionierinnen und Pionieren des Wandels mitzuwirken. Der Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunkt „Zukunftsf{\"a}hige Transformation" am Fachbereich Architektur der FH Aachen widmet sich seit 2020 dem Tagebauumfeld Hambach im Rheinischen Revier, um dort angewandt und in Kooperation neue Narrative, innovative Prozesse, ortsbezogene Konzepte und strategische Projekte zu entwickeln und umzusetzen.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Finkenberger2022, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria}, title = {R{\"a}umliche Transformation als Planungsaufgabe}, series = {Zur{\"u}ck in die Zukunft. Denkmalpflege und Strukturwandel im Rheinischen Revier}, booktitle = {Zur{\"u}ck in die Zukunft. Denkmalpflege und Strukturwandel im Rheinischen Revier}, editor = {Pufke, Andrea}, publisher = {LVR-Amt f{\"u}r Denkmalpflege im Rheinland}, address = {Pulheim}, pages = {70 -- 77}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @book{Tuennemann2023, author = {T{\"u}nnemann, Thomas}, title = {Formine 2023 : Concezione II}, publisher = {FH Aachen, Fachbereich Architektur}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-9811003-2-7}, publisher = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {112 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Der diesj{\"a}hrige Workshop steht im Zeichen der r{\"a}umlichen Konzeption. Das Erfahren und Definieren des engsten, ganz eigenen Betrachtungsraums, bis hin zur weitl{\"a}ufigen {\"o}ffentlichen Umgebung des Ortes ist hierbei der erste Schritt. Hierzu stehen alle konzeptionellen Werkzeuge - von der Entwicklung vereinzelter Skizzenabfolgen, bis hin zur Collage - in den ersten Tagen des Workshops zur Verf{\"u}gung. All diese {\"U}berlegungen, Konzepte und Entw{\"u}rfe werden in eine Plastik {\"u}berf{\"u}hrt.}, language = {de} } @article{FissabreRottke2023, author = {Fissabre, Anke and Rottke, Evelin}, title = {Das Quelle-Fertighaus : Einklang von Maß, Konstruktion und Entwurf}, series = {architectura}, volume = {51}, journal = {architectura}, number = {1}, editor = {Bergdoll, Barry and Schwarting, Andreas and Tragbar, Klaus}, publisher = {Deutscher Kunstverlag (DKV)}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {2569-1554}, doi = {10.1515/atc-2021-1005}, pages = {57 -- 78}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The steel prefabricated family house ›Quelle-Fertighaus‹ designed and constructed by the German company Quelle, is an innovative modular system commercialised in 1962. All aspects of the Quelle-Fertighaus are planned on the principle of minimal effort for maximal flexibility. The clever design of the ground plan based on a 4 m × 7 m module offers the flexibility for either one to three additional modules. The steel construction is innovative and unique, consisting of load-bearing portal frames acting as braces. The house design is furthermore characterised by a simple metrical grid layout and the practical placement of the foundation and basement, which allowed the very cost-effective production and the lowest price for a prefabricated family house in Germany during the postwar era. Nowadays its portal-frame-construction offers an interesting approach for its renovation and transformation according to present building demands.}, language = {de} } @incollection{FissabreWilson2022, author = {Fissabre, Anke and Wilson, Ariane}, title = {Hypotheses on the Tower of Monthoiron: A Built Design of Italian and Leonardian Inspiration in France}, series = {Leonardo da Vinci: l'architettura / Léonard de Vinci : l'architecture}, booktitle = {Leonardo da Vinci: l'architettura / Léonard de Vinci : l'architecture}, editor = {Di Teodoro, Francesco P. and Ferretti, Emanuela and Frommel, Sabine and Schlimme, Hermann}, publisher = {Campisano Editore}, address = {Roma}, isbn = {979-12-80956-00-2}, pages = {287 -- 300}, year = {2022}, language = {mul} } @techreport{GhinaiyaLehmannGoettsche2022, author = {Ghinaiya, Jagdishkumar and Lehmann, Thomas Martin and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim}, title = {LOCAL+ - ein kreislauff{\"a}higer Holzmodulbau mit nachhaltigem Energie- und Wohnraumkonzept}, series = {Bauphysik}, volume = {44}, journal = {Bauphysik}, number = {3}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Hoboken}, issn = {0171-5445 (Print)}, doi = {10.1002/bapi.202200010}, pages = {136 -- 142}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Mit dem Beitrag des Teams der FH Aachen zum SDE 21/22 wird im Projekt LOCAL+ ein kreislauff{\"a}higer Holzmodulbau mit einem innovativen Wohnraumkonzept geplant und umgesetzt. Ziel dieses Konzeptes ist die Verringerung des stetig steigenden Wohnfl{\"a}chenbedarfs durch ein Raum-in-Raum Konzept. Geb{\"a}udetechnisch wird in dem Projekt nicht nur das Einzelgeb{\"a}ude betrachtet, sondern unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des Geb{\"a}udebestandes wird f{\"u}r das Quartier ein innovatives und nachhaltiges Energiekonzept entwickelt. Ein zentrales Wasserstoffsystem ist f{\"u}r ein Quartier geplant, um den Stromverbrauch aus dem Netz im Winter zu reduzieren. Zentraler Bestandteil des TGA-Konzepts ist ein unterirdischer Eisspeicher, eine PVT und eine W{\"a}rmepumpe mit intelligenter Regelstrategie. Ein Teil des neuen Geb{\"a}udes (Design Challenge DC) wird in Wuppertal als Hausdemonstrationseinheit (HDU) pr{\"a}sentiert. Eine hygrothermische Simulation der HDU wurde mit der WUFI-Software durchgef{\"u}hrt. Da im Innenraum Lehmmodule und -platten als Feuchtigkeitspuffer verwendet werden, spielen die Themen Feuchtigkeit, Holzf{\"a}ule und Schimmelwachstum eine wichtige Rolle.}, language = {de} } @book{Tuennemann2022, author = {T{\"u}nnemann, Thomas}, title = {Formine 2022 : Concezione I}, publisher = {FH Aachen, Fachbereich Architektur}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {3-9811003-9-5}, publisher = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {116 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Der diesj{\"a}hrige Workshop steht im Zeichen der r{\"a}umlichen Konzeption. Das Definieren und Erfahren des engsten, ganz eigenen Betrachtungsraums, bis hin zur weitl{\"a}ufigen {\"o}ffentlichen Umgebung des Ortes ist hierbei der erste Schritt. Hierzu stehen alle konzeptionellen Werkzeuge - von der Entwicklung vereinzelter Skizzenabfolgen, bis hin zur Collage - in den ersten Tagen des Workshops zur Verf{\"u}gung. Abschließend gilt es, den Aufbau - das „Sichzusammenf{\"u}gen" aus Form, Relation und Material - in einer Plastik zu vereinen.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Fissabre2022, author = {Fissabre, Anke}, title = {kirchen-bauhaus? - Die Kunstgewerbeschule in Aachen unter Rudolf Schwarz}, series = {Zwischen den Zeiten - Besatzung und Aufbruch in Aachen, 1919-1932}, booktitle = {Zwischen den Zeiten - Besatzung und Aufbruch in Aachen, 1919-1932}, editor = {Soldwisch, Ines and Schmitz, Stefan}, publisher = {Aachener Karnevalsverein (AKV)}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-9825016-0-4}, pages = {54 -- 65}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @incollection{Fissabre2022, author = {Fissabre, Anke}, title = {Ein Entwurf f{\"u}r die Umnutzung der Bauten des j{\"u}dischen Friedhofs an der L{\"u}tticher Straße}, series = {Der j{\"u}dische Friedhof Aachen L{\"u}tticher Straße Aachen}, booktitle = {Der j{\"u}dische Friedhof Aachen L{\"u}tticher Straße Aachen}, editor = {Dux, Holger A.}, publisher = {Mayersche Buchhandlung Aachen GmbH}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-87519-266-7}, pages = {71 -- 74}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @incollection{Fissabre2022, author = {Fissabre, Anke}, title = {Die Bauten des j{\"u}dischen Friedhofs an der L{\"u}tticher Straße}, series = {Der J{\"u}dische Friedhof Aachen}, booktitle = {Der J{\"u}dische Friedhof Aachen}, editor = {Dux, Holger A.}, publisher = {Mayersche Buchhandlung Aachen GmbH}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-87519-266-7}, pages = {51 -- 69}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @book{Tuennemann2019, author = {T{\"u}nnemann, Thomas}, title = {Formine 2019 : In Cima}, publisher = {FH Aachen, Fachbereich Architektur}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-9820159-1-0}, publisher = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {135 Seiten}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @article{Fissabre2021, author = {Fissabre, Anke}, title = {Ein pazifistisches Kriegerdenkmal der Moderne. Das Totenkreuz von Rudolf Schwarz}, series = {In situ: Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Architekturgeschichte}, journal = {In situ: Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Architekturgeschichte}, number = {1}, publisher = {Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft}, address = {Worms}, issn = {1866-959X}, pages = {127 -- 138}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @article{Finkenberger2019, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria}, title = {Bodenpolitik als Instrument strategischer Transformation}, series = {UrbanLab-Magazin : Fachzeitschrift f{\"u}r Stadt- und Quartierplanung}, volume = {2019}, journal = {UrbanLab-Magazin : Fachzeitschrift f{\"u}r Stadt- und Quartierplanung}, number = {05}, pages = {18 -- 25}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @article{FinkenbergerVeil2020, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria and Veil, Katja}, title = {R{\"a}umliche Transformation}, series = {RaumPlanung : Fachzeitschrift f{\"u}r r{\"a}umliche Planung und Forschung}, volume = {205}, journal = {RaumPlanung : Fachzeitschrift f{\"u}r r{\"a}umliche Planung und Forschung}, number = {1}, publisher = {IfR (Informationskreis f{\"u}r Raumplanung)}, address = {Dortmund}, issn = {0176-7534}, pages = {6 -- 11}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @book{PieperBuggertFissabreetal.2019, author = {Pieper, Jan and Buggert, Daniel and Fissabre, Anke and Helmenstein, Caroline and Niethammer, Bernhard and Schindler, Bruno}, title = {Sabbioneta: Atlas}, publisher = {Geym{\"u}ller - Verlag f{\"u}r Architektur}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-943164-21-3}, pages = {264 S.}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MatchaKarzelQuasten2008, author = {Matcha, Heike and Karzel, R{\"u}diger and Quasten, Gero}, title = {Architectural Design with Parametric Modeling \& Customized Mass Production: Explorations and Case Studies in Architectural Design and Production Methods}, series = {Language and the Scientific Imagination. The 11th International Conference of ISSEI, Language Centre, University of Helsinki (Finland) 28 July - 2 August 2008}, booktitle = {Language and the Scientific Imagination. The 11th International Conference of ISSEI, Language Centre, University of Helsinki (Finland) 28 July - 2 August 2008}, pages = {19 Seiten}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Matcha2007, author = {Matcha, Heike}, title = {Parametric possibilities: designing with parametric modelling}, series = {Predicting the Future [25th eCAADe Conference Proceedings]}, booktitle = {Predicting the Future [25th eCAADe Conference Proceedings]}, isbn = {978-0-9541183-6-5}, pages = {849 -- 856}, year = {2007}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KarzerMatcha2009, author = {Karzer, R{\"u}diger and Matcha, Heike}, title = {Experimental design-build: teaching parameter-based design}, series = {Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design [27th eCAADe Conference Proceedings]}, booktitle = {Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design [27th eCAADe Conference Proceedings]}, isbn = {978-0-9541183-8-9}, doi = {10.52842/conf.ecaade.2009.153}, pages = {153 -- 158}, year = {2009}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MatchaQuasten2009, author = {Matcha, Heike and Quasten, Gero}, title = {A Parametric-Typological Tool: More Diversity for Mass Produced Single Family Homes Through Parametrized Design and Customized Mass Production}, series = {Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design [27th eCAADe Conference Proceedings}, booktitle = {Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design [27th eCAADe Conference Proceedings}, isbn = {978-0-9541183-8-9}, pages = {409 -- 416}, year = {2009}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MatchaLjubas2010, author = {Matcha, Heike and Ljubas, Ante}, title = {Parametric Origami: Adaptable temporary buildings}, series = {Future cities: 28th eCAADe Conference Proceedings. eCAADe: Conferences. Zurich, Switzerland}, booktitle = {Future cities: 28th eCAADe Conference Proceedings. eCAADe: Conferences. Zurich, Switzerland}, isbn = {978-0-9541183-7-2}, pages = {243 -- 251}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @book{Matcha2008, author = {Matcha, Heike}, title = {Expo 15 : Experimental Parametric Object ; Entwurf eines Messestandes f{\"u}r den Fachbereich Architektur der Technischen Universit{\"a}t Darmstadt}, publisher = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Darmstadt}, address = {Darmstadt}, pages = {26 S. : Ill.}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @book{Matcha2010, author = {Matcha, Heike}, title = {Expo 15 : Experimental Parametric Object ; Realisierung des Messestandes "Digital Origami" f{\"u}r den Fachbereich Architektur der Technischen Universit{\"a}t Darmstadt}, publisher = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Darmstadt}, address = {Darmstadt}, pages = {54 S. : Ill.}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @book{Matcha2009, author = {Matcha, Heike}, title = {Expo 15 : Experimental Parametric Object ; Realisierung des Messestandes "M{\"o}biusband" f{\"u}r den Fachbereich Architektur der Technischen Universit{\"a}t Darmstadt}, publisher = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Darmstadt}, address = {Darmstadt}, pages = {56 S. : Ill.}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @book{KarzelMatcha2008, author = {Karzel, R{\"u}diger and Matcha, Heike}, title = {expo15 - experimental parametric object}, publisher = {Eigenverlag TUD}, address = {Darmstadt}, pages = {50 Seiten}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @incollection{Matcha2007, author = {Matcha, Heike}, title = {Parametrischer Geb{\"a}udeentwurf}, series = {Parametrik, Strategie, Produktion: Von der digitalen Planung zur technischen Umsetzung}, booktitle = {Parametrik, Strategie, Produktion: Von der digitalen Planung zur technischen Umsetzung}, editor = {Hauschild, Moritz and Karzel, R{\"u}diger}, publisher = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Darmstadt}, address = {Darmstadt}, pages = {14 -- 15}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @incollection{Matcha2007, author = {Matcha, Heike}, title = {Vom Industriellen Bauen zu parametrischen Planungsprozessen}, series = {Parametrik, Strategie, Produktion: Von der digitalen Planung zur technischen Umsetzung}, booktitle = {Parametrik, Strategie, Produktion: Von der digitalen Planung zur technischen Umsetzung}, editor = {Hauschild, Moritz and Karzel, R{\"u}diger}, publisher = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Darmstadt}, address = {Darmstadt}, pages = {12 -- 13}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @incollection{MatchaBarczikAgkathidis2009, author = {Matcha, Heike and Barczik, G{\"u}nter and Agkathidis, Asterios}, title = {Produktive Prozesse: Mehr Vielfalt, Komplexit{\"a}t und Kreativit{\"a}t im Entwerfen mittels parametrisierter generativer Algorithmen}, series = {Modulare Strukturen in Entwurf und Architektur}, booktitle = {Modulare Strukturen in Entwurf und Architektur}, publisher = {BIS-Publishers}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {978-90-6369-208-7}, pages = {126 -- 130}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @incollection{Matcha2010, author = {Matcha, Heike}, title = {Regelbasierte Planung - Parametrik}, series = {Digitale Prozesse : Planung, Gestaltung, Fertigung}, booktitle = {Digitale Prozesse : Planung, Gestaltung, Fertigung}, editor = {Hauschild, Moritz and Karzel, R{\"u}diger}, publisher = {Detail}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-95553-022-8}, doi = {10.11129/detail.9783955530228}, pages = {24 -- 24}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @incollection{Matcha2010, author = {Matcha, Heike}, title = {Regelbasierte Planung - Parametrik}, series = {Digitale Prozesse: Planung, Gestaltung, Fertigung}, booktitle = {Digitale Prozesse: Planung, Gestaltung, Fertigung}, editor = {Hauschild, Moritz and Karzel, R{\"u}diger}, publisher = {Ed. Detail}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-920034-35-5}, pages = {24 -- 24}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @incollection{MatchaBarczik2011, author = {Matcha, Heike and Barczik, G{\"u}nter}, title = {Mass Diversity: Individualized housing via parametric typology}, series = {Structuralism Reloaded? Rule-Based Design in Architecture and Urbanism}, booktitle = {Structuralism Reloaded? Rule-Based Design in Architecture and Urbanism}, editor = {Valena, Tomas and Avermaete, Tom and Vrachliotis, Georg}, publisher = {Edition Axel Menges}, address = {Fellbach}, isbn = {978-3-936681-47-5}, pages = {354 -- 358}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @incollection{MatchaKarzelPahl2013, author = {Matcha, Heike and Karzel, R{\"u}diger and Pahl, Katja-Annika}, title = {Lehre als Praxis als Forschung: 1:1 Entwicklung von Messest{\"a}nden unter Einsatz parametrisierter Software und computergesteuerter Herstellung}, series = {ECHT?! Zum Bezug von Praxis und Lehre in der Architekturausbildung}, booktitle = {ECHT?! Zum Bezug von Praxis und Lehre in der Architekturausbildung}, publisher = {TUDpress - Verlag der Wissenschaften}, address = {Dresden}, isbn = {978-3-94433111-9}, pages = {95 -- 108}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @book{Matcha2007, author = {Matcha, Heike}, title = {Add-on : vorgefertigte Einheiten zur Erweiterung von Geschosswohnungsbauten ; Forschungsprojekt Sommersemester 2007}, publisher = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Darmstadt}, address = {Darmstadt}, isbn = {3-9808079-9-1}, pages = {160 S. : {\"u}berw. Ill.}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @book{MatchaQuastenRabighomi2010, author = {Matcha, Heike and Quasten, Gero and Rabighomi, Hossein}, title = {Qualit{\"a}tssteigerung im verdichteten Wohnungsbau {\"u}ber Erzeugung gr{\"o}ßerer Vielfalt und Flexibilit{\"a}t durch individualisierte Massenfertigung am Beispiel gestapelter Reihenh{\"a}user}, publisher = {Fraunhofer IRB Verlag}, address = {Stuttgart}, isbn = {978-3-8167-8216-2}, pages = {171 S. : graph. Darst.}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @book{Matcha2009, author = {Matcha, Heike}, title = {Qualit{\"a}tssteigerung im verdichteten Wohnungsbau {\"u}ber Erzeugung gr{\"o}ßerer Vielfalt und Flexibilit{\"a}t durch individualisierte Massenfertigung am Beispiel gestapelter Reihenh{\"a}user ; Bauforschungsprojekt innerhalb der Forschungsinitiative "Zukunft Bau"}, publisher = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Darmstadt}, address = {Darmstadt}, isbn = {978-3-88536-102-2}, pages = {171 S. : zahlr. Ill., graph. Darst.}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @book{Matcha2010, author = {Matcha, Heike}, title = {Lamborghini an der Spree : Masterentwurf WS 2008/2009}, publisher = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Darmstadt}, address = {Darmstadt}, isbn = {978-3-88536-113-8}, pages = {65 S. : {\"u}berw. Ill.}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @book{Matcha2010, author = {Matcha, Heike}, title = {Konzerthaus in Stralsund : Masterentwurf SS 2009}, publisher = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Darmstadt}, address = {Darmstadt}, isbn = {978-3-88536-114-5}, pages = {83 S. : {\"u}berw. Ill.}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @book{Matcha2010, author = {Matcha, Heike}, title = {Therme mit G{\"a}stehaus : Masterentwurf WS 2009/2010}, publisher = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Darmstadt}, address = {Darmstadt}, isbn = {978-3-88536-115-2}, pages = {75 S. : {\"u}berw. Ill}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @article{Matcha2015, author = {Matcha, Heike}, title = {Parametrized Systems: Conceiving of Buildings as Assemblies of Varied Parts}, series = {Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015}, journal = {Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015}, editor = {Martens, B.}, pages = {143 -- 148}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Matcha2016, author = {Matcha, Heike}, title = {From Designing Buildings from Systems to Designing Systems for Buildings}, series = {Complexity \& Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1}, booktitle = {Complexity \& Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1}, editor = {Herneoja, Aulikki and {\"O}sterlund, Toni and Markkanen, Piia}, publisher = {ECAADe}, address = {Oulu, Finland}, doi = {10.52842/conf.ecaade.2016.1.237}, pages = {237 -- 240}, year = {2016}, abstract = {We study the novel possibilities computer aided design and production open up for the design of building systems. Such systems today can, via individualized mass production, consist of a larger number and more complex parts than previously and therefore be assembled into more complex wholes. This opens up the possibility of designing specialized systems specifically for single buildings. The common order of starting with a building system and designing a building using this system can be reversed to designing a building first and then developing a system specifically for that building. We present and discuss research that incorporates students design projects into research work and fosters links between research and teaching.}, language = {en} } @book{Matcha2019, author = {Matcha, Heike}, title = {Wabentheke : elementiertes großformatiges M{\"o}bel in 3D-Druck}, publisher = {Fachbereich Architektur, FH Aachen, University of Applied Science}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-9820371-1-0}, pages = {50 Seiten}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @book{FissabreMatcha2018, author = {Fissabre, Anke and Matcha, Heike}, title = {KreuzPlus : zwei Kreuze und zwei M{\"o}bel f{\"u}r die Kreuzkirche in Heinsberg}, publisher = {Fachbereich Architektur, FH Aachen, University of Applied Science}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-9820371-0-3}, pages = {50 Seiten}, year = {2018}, language = {de} } @incollection{Finkenberger2018, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria}, title = {Schwellenreiten}, series = {Prozesse reflexiven Entwerfens : Entwerfen und Forschen in Architektur und Landschaft}, booktitle = {Prozesse reflexiven Entwerfens : Entwerfen und Forschen in Architektur und Landschaft}, editor = {Buchert, Margitta}, publisher = {JOVIS Verlag}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-86859-558-1}, pages = {208 -- 226}, year = {2018}, language = {de} } @incollection{FinkenbergerBaumeister2017, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria and Baumeister, Eva-Maria}, title = {Working in between : Die Stadt von der anderen Seite sehen : Where Urban Planning Meets Artistic Practice}, series = {New Stakeholders of Urban Change : A Question of Culture and Attitude?. - (Perspectives in Metropolitan Research ; IV)}, booktitle = {New Stakeholders of Urban Change : A Question of Culture and Attitude?. - (Perspectives in Metropolitan Research ; IV)}, editor = {Berger, Hilke Marit and Ziemer, Gesa}, publisher = {JOVIS Verlag}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-86859-487-4}, pages = {119 -- 129}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @incollection{FinkenbergerBaumeisterKoch2019, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria and Baumeister, Eva-Maria and Koch, Christian}, title = {Themen}, series = {Komplement und Verst{\"a}rker: zum Verh{\"a}ltnis von Stadtplanung, k{\"u}nstlerischen Praktiken und Kulturinstitutionen}, booktitle = {Komplement und Verst{\"a}rker: zum Verh{\"a}ltnis von Stadtplanung, k{\"u}nstlerischen Praktiken und Kulturinstitutionen}, publisher = {JOVIS Verlag}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-86859-578-9}, pages = {50 -- 57}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{FinkenbergerHerbertMalornyetal.2019, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria and Herbert, Saskia and Malorny, Thomas and Koch, Christian}, title = {Perforierte Wirklichkeit und m{\"o}gliche Zuk{\"u}nfte : ein Gespr{\"a}ch}, series = {Komplement und Verst{\"a}rker : zum Verh{\"a}ltnis von Stadtplanung, k{\"u}nstlerischen Praktiken und Kulturinstitutionen}, booktitle = {Komplement und Verst{\"a}rker : zum Verh{\"a}ltnis von Stadtplanung, k{\"u}nstlerischen Praktiken und Kulturinstitutionen}, publisher = {JOVIS Verlag}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-86859-578-9}, pages = {108 -- 129}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{FinkenbergerBaumeisterKoch2019, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria and Baumeister, Eva-Maria and Koch, Christian}, title = {Komplement und Verst{\"a}rker : der Diskurs geht weiter}, series = {Komplement und Verst{\"a}rker : zum Verh{\"a}ltnis von Stadtplanung, k{\"u}nstlerischen Praktiken und Kulturinstitutionen}, booktitle = {Komplement und Verst{\"a}rker : zum Verh{\"a}ltnis von Stadtplanung, k{\"u}nstlerischen Praktiken und Kulturinstitutionen}, publisher = {JOVIS Verlag}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-86859-578-9}, pages = {40 -- 49}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{FinkenbergerBaumeisterKoch2019, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria and Baumeister, Eva-Maria and Koch, Christian}, title = {Komplement und Verst{\"a}rker : Wandel durch neue Allianzen}, series = {Komplement und Verst{\"a}rker : zum Verh{\"a}ltnis von Stadtplanung, k{\"u}nstlerischen Praktiken und Kulturinstitutionen}, booktitle = {Komplement und Verst{\"a}rker : zum Verh{\"a}ltnis von Stadtplanung, k{\"u}nstlerischen Praktiken und Kulturinstitutionen}, publisher = {JOVIS Verlag}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-86859-578-9}, pages = {10 -- 39}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @article{MatchaLjubasGueldemet2018, author = {Matcha, Heike and Ljubas, Ante and Gueldemet, Harun}, title = {Printing a Coffee Bar: An investigation into mid-scale 3D printing}, series = {Computing for a better tomorrow - Proceedings of the 36th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland, 19-21 September 2018}, journal = {Computing for a better tomorrow - Proceedings of the 36th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland, 19-21 September 2018}, editor = {Kepczynska-Walczak, A.}, pages = {59 -- 68}, year = {2018}, abstract = {We present and discuss an exploration of the possibilities and properties of 3D printing with a printing space of 1 cubic meter, and how those can be integrated into architectural education through an experimental design and research course with students of architecture.We expand on issues presented at the eCAADe conference 2017 in Rome [Ref 6] by increasing the complexity and size of our prints, printing not a model to scale, but a full scale funtional prototype of a usable architectural object: A coffee bar.}, language = {en} } @book{TuennemannAzzab2018, author = {T{\"u}nnemann, Thomas and Azzab, Miriam}, title = {Sulla Strada : Workshop Formine 2018}, publisher = {FH Aachen, Fachbereich Architektur}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-9820159-0-3}, publisher = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {122 Seiten}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Impressum | Inhalt 03 Thomas T{\"u}nnemann | Unterwegs...am Wege 04 Projekte 06 Annelie Wirtz | Arrivato 08 Sebastian Rupp | Tracce Passate 18 Henri Boh | Terrazze sopra il lago 28 Hermann Stuzmann | L´Ammissione {\`e} Gratuita 32 Vivienne Scheidz | IL Potere dei Simboli 34 Felix Keller | Strada Infinita 38 Moran Dorner | Catturato nel Posto 42 Kevin Osterkamp | Vortice 46 Kristina Foidle | La Vespa e il Fico 52 Simon Rix | Sognare Sulla Strada 58 Jennifer Sikora | Strada Pietrosa 66 Sabrina Fr{\"o}mbgen | Bolla di Pensiero 72 Miriam Azzab | Il Momento 78 Georg M{\"o}rke | Sentiero stretto 84 Saskia Fr{\"o}mbgen | Nuova Prospetiva 90 Frank Drehsen | A grado a grado 96 Caronlin Gr{\"u}n | Le prospettive 100 Thomas T{\"u}nnemann | Flusso nella Foresta 104 Atmosph{\"a}risches Auf die K{\"u}che | Kulinarisches 114 Carpe Diem | Fotografisches 116}, language = {de} } @incollection{CalliessKrollLudwigs2015, author = {Calliess, Gralf-Peter and Kroll-Ludwigs, Kathrin}, title = {Art. 6 Rome III-Regulation (consent and material validity)}, series = {Rome Regulations : commentary}, booktitle = {Rome Regulations : commentary}, publisher = {Wolters Kluwer}, isbn = {9789041147547}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @incollection{Fissabre2018, author = {Fissabre, Anke}, title = {Vom Schiff an Land oder von der Muschel zur Rocaille}, series = {Schwimmender Barock : Das Schiff als Repr{\"a}sentationsobjekt}, booktitle = {Schwimmender Barock : Das Schiff als Repr{\"a}sentationsobjekt}, editor = {Priesterjahn, Maike}, publisher = {Bebra Verlag}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-89809-153-4}, pages = {59 -- 65}, year = {2018}, language = {de} } @article{Fissabre2018, author = {Fissabre, Anke}, title = {Die Relevanz der historischen Bauforschung f{\"u}r neue Impulse in Stadtplanung und Architektur. Das Beispiel der Chiesa della SS. Maria Incoronata und des Servitenklosters in Sabbioneta.}, series = {archimaera}, journal = {archimaera}, number = {Nr. 7, Juli 2018}, publisher = {Archimaera}, address = {Aachen}, issn = {1865-7001}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0009-21-47067}, pages = {99 -- 105}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Durch die Bauforschung im Rahmen des mehrj{\"a}hrigen Projektes "Die Hochkorridore von Sabbioneta" konnten der Verlauf und viele Anschl{\"u}sse der hochliegenden G{\"a}nge an bestehende Bauten weitgehend gekl{\"a}rt werden. Im Bereich der Chiesa della SS. Maria Incoronata und des angrenzenden Servitenklosters f{\"u}hrten die Bauuntersuchungen zu v{\"o}llig neuen Erkenntnissen {\"u}ber den ehemaligen Verlauf des Hochkorridors und damit zu einer Neuinterpretation des baulichen Ensembles sowie seiner Bedeutung f{\"u}r die Idealstadt. Aus dieser historischen Umdeutung entstanden Ideen f{\"u}r die Umnutzung des ehemaligen Servitenklosters und seiner angrenzenden Freifl{\"a}chen, die im Rahmen von studentischen Entw{\"u}rfen am Lehrstuhl f{\"u}r Baugeschichte und Denkmalpflege in Kooperation mit dem Lehrstuhl f{\"u}r Landschaftsarchitektur der RWTH Aachen weiterentwickelt wurden. Somit stellten sich Befunde einer historisch orientierten Bauforschung mit {\"u}bergeordneter Fragestellung als neue Impulsgeber f{\"u}r Stadtplanung, Architektur und Denkmalpflege heraus.}, language = {de} } @article{FissabreWilson2018, author = {Fissabre, Anke and Wilson, Ariane}, title = {Der Turm mit zehn Spornen - Ein in Monthoiron gebauter Entwurf von Leonardo Da Vinci?}, series = {In situ: Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Architekturgeschichte}, journal = {In situ: Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Architekturgeschichte}, number = {1}, publisher = {Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft}, address = {Worms}, issn = {1866-959X}, pages = {65 -- 82}, year = {2018}, language = {de} } @article{Wilke2017, author = {Wilke, Thomas}, title = {Newly found plans for the chapel of the Holy Shroud}, series = {Studi Piemontesi}, volume = {XLVI}, journal = {Studi Piemontesi}, number = {1}, issn = {0392-7261}, pages = {75 -- 85}, year = {2017}, language = {en} } @article{Wilke2006, author = {Wilke, Thomas}, title = {[Tagungsbericht zu:] Bourbon - Habsburg - Oranien 1700 (Marburg, 19. - 21.10.2006).}, series = {ArtHist.net}, journal = {ArtHist.net}, year = {2006}, language = {de} } @article{Wilke2012, author = {Wilke, Thomas}, title = {Architekturzeichnung als Instrument der Theoriebildung. Lineamenta vs. Portraicture - Architekturdarstellung zwischen Wissenschaft und {\"O}ffentlichkeit. Tagung des DFG-Netzwerks-Schnittstelle Bild in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Lehrstuhl f{\"u}r Kunstgeschichte der Universit{\"a}t Regensburg, 28.4.2012.}, series = {Kunstchronik}, volume = {65}, journal = {Kunstchronik}, number = {9/10}, publisher = {Fachverlag Hans Carl}, address = {N{\"u}rnberg}, issn = {0023-5474}, pages = {494 -- 499}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @article{Wilke2008, author = {Wilke, Thomas}, title = {[Rezension zu: ] Gundula Lang: B{\"u}rgerliche Privatg{\"a}rten in deutschen Landen um 1800. Fallstudien zu Gestalt, Nutzung und Bedeutung im Kontext des gesellschaftlichen Umbruchs, Worms: Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft 2007}, series = {Sehepunkte}, volume = {8}, journal = {Sehepunkte}, number = {9}, issn = {1618-6168}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @article{Wilke2011, author = {Wilke, Thomas}, title = {[Rezension zu: ] Simone Meyder: "Mehr k{\"o}niglich als frei". Robert de Cotte und das Bauen in Straßburgnach 1681, M{\"u}nster: Waxmann 2010}, series = {Sehepunkte}, volume = {11}, journal = {Sehepunkte}, number = {2}, issn = {1618-6168}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @article{Wilke2015, author = {Wilke, Thomas}, title = {[Rezension zu: ] Yvonne Prinzessin von Cro{\"y}: Das H{\^o}tel de Galliffet (1784-1792). Pariser Baupraxis undAusstattungskunst am feudalen Privatbau des ausgehenden Ancien R{\´e}gime, Hildesheim: Olms 2014}, series = {Sehepunkte}, volume = {15}, journal = {Sehepunkte}, number = {9}, issn = {1618-6168}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{Wilke2017, author = {Wilke, Thomas}, title = {[Rezension zu:] Deutsch, Kristina: Jean Marot. Un graveur d'architecture {\`a} l'{\´e}poque de Louis XIV. (= Ars et Scientia; 12), Berlin; Boston 2015.}, series = {ArtHist.net}, journal = {ArtHist.net}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @incollection{Wilke2015, author = {Wilke, Thomas}, title = {Lepautre}, series = {Allgemeines K{\"u}nstler-Lexikon. Bd. 84}, booktitle = {Allgemeines K{\"u}nstler-Lexikon. Bd. 84}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-11-023189-2}, pages = {157 -- 160}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @incollection{Wilke2017, author = {Wilke, Thomas}, title = {Ranson, Pierre}, series = {Allgemeines K{\"u}nstler-Lexikon. Online}, booktitle = {Allgemeines K{\"u}nstler-Lexikon. Online}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @incollection{Wilke2017, author = {Wilke, Thomas}, title = {Patte, Pierre}, series = {Allgemeines K{\"u}nstler-Lexikon. Bd. 94}, booktitle = {Allgemeines K{\"u}nstler-Lexikon. Bd. 94}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-11-023260-8}, pages = {429 -- 430}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @incollection{Wilke2017, author = {Wilke, Thomas}, title = {Peyre, Antoine-Francois}, series = {Allgemeines K{\"u}nstler-Lexikon. Bd. 95}, booktitle = {Allgemeines K{\"u}nstler-Lexikon. Bd. 95}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-11-023261-5}, pages = {300 -- 301}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @incollection{Wilke2017, author = {Wilke, Thomas}, title = {Peyre, Marie-Josephe}, series = {Allgemeines K{\"u}nstler-Lexikon. Bd. 95}, booktitle = {Allgemeines K{\"u}nstler-Lexikon. Bd. 95}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-11-023261-5}, pages = {301 -- 302}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @article{Wilke2004, author = {Wilke, Thomas}, title = {Vergessene Planungen - Die Kapelle im Neuen Schloß in Stuttgart}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r w{\"u}rttembergische Landesgeschichte (ZWLG)}, volume = {63}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r w{\"u}rttembergische Landesgeschichte (ZWLG)}, issn = {0044-3786}, pages = {169 -- 201}, year = {2004}, language = {de} } @incollection{Wilke2007, author = {Wilke, Thomas}, title = {Architektonische Innovation in Deutschland und Italien vor 1848: Gottfried Semper und Alessandro Antonelli}, series = {Gottfried Semper - Dresden und Europa : die moderne Renaissance der K{\"u}nste ; Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums der Technischen Universit{\"a}t Dresden aus Anlass des 200. Geburtstags von Gottfried Semper}, booktitle = {Gottfried Semper - Dresden und Europa : die moderne Renaissance der K{\"u}nste ; Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums der Technischen Universit{\"a}t Dresden aus Anlass des 200. Geburtstags von Gottfried Semper}, editor = {Karge, Henrik}, publisher = {Dt. Kunstverl.}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-422-06606-3}, pages = {277 -- 288}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @incollection{Wilke2010, author = {Wilke, Thomas}, title = {Vorlagegraphik versus K{\"u}nstlergraphik: {\"U}berlegungen zu Jean Lepautres Kupferstichfolgen f{\"u}r die Innenraumgestaltung}, series = {Druckgraphik : zwischen Reproduktion und Invention}, booktitle = {Druckgraphik : zwischen Reproduktion und Invention}, editor = {Castor, Markus A.}, publisher = {Dt. Kunstverl.}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-422-06940-4}, pages = {419 -- 432}, year = {2010}, language = {de} }