@inproceedings{FiedlerGottschlichMuellerMelcher2021, author = {Fiedler, Gerda and Gottschlich-M{\"u}ller, Birgit and Melcher, Karin}, title = {Online-Pr{\"u}fungen mit STACK Aufgaben}, series = {Tagungsband ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS/EDU 2021}, booktitle = {Tagungsband ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS/EDU 2021}, editor = {Liu-Henke, Xiaobo and Durak, Umut}, publisher = {ARGESIM Verlag}, address = {Wien}, isbn = {978-3-901608-69-8}, doi = {10.11128/arep.45}, pages = {173 -- 178}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Wir stellen hier exemplarisch STACK Aufgaben vor, die frei von der Problematik sind, welche sich durch diverse Kommunikationswege und (webbasierte) Computer Algebra Systeme (CAS) ergibt. Daher sind sie insbesondere f{\"u}r eine Open-Book Online Pr{\"u}fung geeignet, da eine faire Pr{\"u}fungssituation gew{\"a}hrleistet werden kann.}, language = {de} } @article{EmigHebelSchwark2022, author = {Emig, J. and Hebel, Christoph and Schwark, A.}, title = {Einsatzbereiche f{\"u}r Verkehrsnachfragemodelle}, series = {Straßenverkehrstechnik}, volume = {66}, journal = {Straßenverkehrstechnik}, number = {10}, publisher = {Kirschbaum Verlag GmbH}, address = {Bonn}, issn = {0039-2219}, doi = {10.53184/SVT10-2022-2}, pages = {727 -- 736}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In der Praxis bestehen vielf{\"a}ltige Einsatzbereiche f{\"u}r Verkehrsnachfragemodelle. Mit ihnen k{\"o}nnen Kenngr{\"o}ßen des Verkehrsangebots und der Verkehrsnachfrage f{\"u}r den heutigen Zustand wie auch f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige Zust{\"a}nde bereitgestellt werden, um so die Grundlagen f{\"u}r verkehrsplanerische Entscheidungen zu liefern. Die neuen „Empfehlungen zum Einsatz von Verkehrsnachfragemodellen f{\"u}r den Personenverkehr" (EVNM-PV) (FGSV 2022) veranschaulichen anhand von typischen Planungsaufgaben, welche differenzierten Anforderungen daraus f{\"u}r die Modellkonzeption und -erstellung resultieren. Vor dem Hintergrund der konkreten Aufgabenstellung sowie deren spezifischer planerischer Anforderungen bildet die abzuleitende Modellspezifikation die verabredete Grundlage zwischen Auftraggeber und Modellersteller f{\"u}r die konkrete inhaltliche, fachliche Ausgestaltung des Verkehrsmodells.}, language = {de} } @article{HahnHebelManz2022, author = {Hahn, Geogr W. and Hebel, Christoph and Manz, W.}, title = {Die neuen Empfehlungen f{\"u}r Verkehrsnachfragemodellierung im Personenverkehr}, series = {Straßenverkehrstechnik}, volume = {66}, journal = {Straßenverkehrstechnik}, number = {10}, publisher = {Kirschbaum Verlag GmbH}, address = {Bonn}, issn = {0039-2219}, doi = {10.53184/SVT10-2022-1}, pages = {721 -- 726}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die neu erschienenen „Empfehlungen zum Einsatz von Verkehrsnachfragemodellen f{\"u}r den Personenverkehr" liefern erstmals als Empfehlungspapier der Forschungsgesellschaft f{\"u}r Straßen- und Verkehrswesen einen umfassenden {\"U}berblick zu den verschiedenen Aspekten der Modellierung und geben dem Fachplaner konkrete Hilfestellung f{\"u}r die Konzeption von Nachfragemodellen. Das Empfehlungspapier zielt unter anderem darauf ab, die Erwartungen und das Anspruchsniveau in Hinblick auf Sachgerechtigkeit der Modelle, die erzielbare Modellqualit{\"a}t und den Detaillierungsgrad der Modellaussagen zu harmonisieren.}, language = {de} } @incollection{HebelHerrmannRitzetal.2022, author = {Hebel, Christoph and Herrmann, Ulf and Ritz, Thomas and R{\"o}th, Thilo and Anthrakidis, Anette and B{\"o}ker, J{\"o}rg and Franzke, Till and Grodzki, Thomas and Merkens, Torsten and Sch{\"o}ttler, Mirjam}, title = {FlexSHARE - Methodisches Framework zur innovativen Gestaltung der urbanen Mobilit{\"a}t durch Sharing- Angebote}, series = {Transforming Mobility - What Next?}, booktitle = {Transforming Mobility - What Next?}, publisher = {Springer Gabler}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-36429-8}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-36430-4_10}, pages = {153 -- 169}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Das Ziel des INTERREG-Projektes „SHAREuregio" (FKZ: 34.EFRE-0300134) ist es, grenz{\"u}berschreitende Mobilit{\"a}t in der Euregio Rhein-Maas-Nord zu erm{\"o}glichen und zu f{\"o}rdern. Dazu soll ein elektromobiles Car- und Bikesharing- System entwickelt und in der Stadt M{\"o}nchengladbach, im Kreis Viersen sowie in den Gemeinden Roermond und Venlo (beide NL) zusammen mit den Partnern Wirtschaftsf{\"o}rderung M{\"o}nchengladbach, Wirtschaftsf{\"o}rderung f{\"u}r den Kreis Viersen, NEW AG, Goodmoovs (NL), Greenflux (NL) und der FH Aachen implementiert werden. Zun{\"a}chst richtet sich das Angebot, bestehend aus 40 Elektroautos und 40 Elektrofahrr{\"a}dern, an Unternehmen und wird nach einer Erprobungsphase, mit einer gr{\"o}ßeren Anzahl an Fahrzeugen, auch f{\"u}r Privatpersonen verf{\"u}gbar gemacht werden. Die Fahrzeuge stehen bei den jeweiligen Anwendungspartnern in Deutschland und den Niederlanden. Im Rahmen dieses Projektes hat die FH Aachen „FlexSHARE" entwickelt - ein methodisches Framework zur innovativen Gestaltung urbaner Sharing- Angebote. Das Framework erm{\"o}glicht es, anhand von messbaren Kenngr{\"o}ßen, bedarfsgerechte und auf die Region abgestimmte Sharing-Systeme zu entwickeln.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{ChristianMontagSchubaetal.2018, author = {Christian, Esser and Montag, Tim and Schuba, Marko and Allhof, Manuel}, title = {Future critical infrastructure and security - cyberattacks on charging stations}, series = {31st International Electric Vehicle Symposium \& Exhibition and International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference (EVS31 \& EVTeC 2018)}, booktitle = {31st International Electric Vehicle Symposium \& Exhibition and International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference (EVS31 \& EVTeC 2018)}, publisher = {Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (JSAE)}, address = {Tokyo}, isbn = {978-1-5108-9157-9}, pages = {665 -- 671}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SchubaHoefkenLinzbach2022, author = {Schuba, Marko and H{\"o}fken, Hans-Wilhelm and Linzbach, Sophie}, title = {An ICS Honeynet for Detecting and Analyzing Cyberattacks in Industrial Plants}, series = {2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET)}, booktitle = {2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET)}, publisher = {IEEE}, isbn = {978-1-6654-4231-2}, doi = {10.1109/ICECET52533.2021.9698746}, pages = {6 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Cybersecurity of Industrial Control Systems (ICS) is an important issue, as ICS incidents may have a direct impact on safety of people or the environment. At the same time the awareness and knowledge about cybersecurity, particularly in the context of ICS, is alarmingly low. Industrial honeypots offer a cheap and easy to implement way to raise cybersecurity awareness and to educate ICS staff about typical attack patterns. When integrated in a productive network, industrial honeypots may not only reveal attackers early but may also distract them from the actual important systems of the network. Implementing multiple honeypots as a honeynet, the systems can be used to emulate or simulate a whole Industrial Control System. This paper describes a network of honeypots emulating HTTP, SNMP, S7communication and the Modbus protocol using Conpot, IMUNES and SNAP7. The nodes mimic SIMATIC S7 programmable logic controllers (PLCs) which are widely used across the globe. The deployed honeypots' features will be compared with the features of real SIMATIC S7 PLCs. Furthermore, the honeynet has been made publicly available for ten days and occurring cyberattacks have been analyzed}, language = {en} } @incollection{EnglaenderKaminskiSchuba2022, author = {Engl{\"a}nder, Jacques and Kaminski, Lars and Schuba, Marko}, title = {Informationssicherheitsmanagement}, series = {Digitalisierungs- und Informationsmanagement}, booktitle = {Digitalisierungs- und Informationsmanagement}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-662-63757-9}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-63758-6_15}, pages = {373 -- 398}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Daten und Informationen sind die wichtigsten Ressourcen vieler Unternehmen und m{\"u}ssen daher entsprechend gesch{\"u}tzt werden. Getrieben durch die erh{\"o}hte Vernetzung von Informationstechnologie, die h{\"o}here Offenheit infolge datengetriebener Dienstleistungen und eine starke Zunahme an Datenquellen, r{\"u}cken die Gefahren von Informationsdiebstahl, -manipulation und -verlust in den Fokus von produzierenden Unternehmen. Auf dem Weg zum lern- und wandlungsf{\"a}higen Unternehmen kann dies zu einem großen Hindernis werden, da einerseits zu hohe Sicherheitsanforderungen neue Entwicklungen beschr{\"a}nken, andererseits wegen des Mangels an ausreichenden Informationssicherheitskonzepten Unternehmen weniger Innovationen wagen. Deshalb bedarf es individuell angepasster Konzepte f{\"u}r die Bereiche IT-Security, IT-Safety und Datenschutz f{\"u}r vernetzte Produkte, Produktion und Arbeitspl{\"a}tze. Bei der Entwicklung und Durchsetzung dieser Konzepte steht der Faktor Mensch im Zentrum aller {\"U}berlegungen. In diesem Kapitel wird dargestellt, wie der Faktor Mensch bei der Erstellung von Informationssicherheitskonzepten in verschiedenen Phasen zu beachten ist. Beginnend mit der Integration von Informationssystemen und damit verbundenen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, {\"u}ber die Administration, bis hin zur Anwendung durch den Endnutzer, werden Methoden beschrieben, die den Menschen, verbunden mit seinem Mehrwert wie auch den Risiken, einschließen. Dabei werden sowohl Grundlagen aufgezeigt als auch Konzepte vorgestellt, mit denen Entscheider in der Unternehmens-IT Leitlinien f{\"u}r die Informationssicherheit festlegen k{\"o}nnen.}, language = {de} } @incollection{SchubaHoefken2022, author = {Schuba, Marko and H{\"o}fken, Hans-Wilhelm}, title = {Cybersicherheit in Produktion, Automotive und intelligenten Geb{\"a}uden}, series = {IT-Sicherheit - Technologien und Best Practices f{\"u}r die Umsetzung im Unternehmen}, booktitle = {IT-Sicherheit - Technologien und Best Practices f{\"u}r die Umsetzung im Unternehmen}, publisher = {Carl Hanser Verlag}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-446-47223-5}, doi = {10.3139/9783446473478.012}, pages = {193 -- 218}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @techreport{ThomaLaarmannMerkensetal.2020, author = {Thoma, Andreas and Laarmann, Lukas and Merkens, Torsten and Franzke, Till and M{\"o}hren, Felix and Buttermann, Lilly and van der Weem, Dirk and Fischer, Maximilian and Misch, Philipp and B{\"o}hme, Mirijam and R{\"o}th, Thilo and Hebel, Christoph and Ritz, Thomas and Franke, Marina and Braun, Carsten}, title = {Entwicklung eines intermodalen Mobilit{\"a}tskonzeptes f{\"u}r die Pilotregion NRW/Rhein-Maas Euregio und Schaffung voller Kundenakzeptanz durch Transfer von Standards aus dem PKW-Bereich auf ein Flugtaxi : Schlussbericht : Projektakronym: SkyCab (Kategorie B) : Laufzeit in Monaten: 6 : Hauptthema: Kategorie B: Innovative Ideen mit Bezug zu UAS/Flugtaxis}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {97 Seiten}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @techreport{HebelMerkensFeyerletal.2021, author = {Hebel, Christoph and Merkens, Torsten and Feyerl, G{\"u}nter and Kemper, Hans and Busse, Daniel}, title = {Elektromobilit{\"a}t - Verbundprojekt "COSTARTebus": Comprehensive strategy to accelerate the integration of electric-buses into existing public transport systems - Teilprojekt A : Berichtszeitraum: 01.01.2018-31.10.2020}, publisher = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {219 Seiten}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{NikolovskiRekeElsenetal.2021, author = {Nikolovski, Gjorgji and Reke, Michael and Elsen, Ingo and Schiffer, Stefan}, title = {Machine learning based 3D object detection for navigation in unstructured environments}, series = {2021 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Workshops (IV Workshops)}, booktitle = {2021 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Workshops (IV Workshops)}, publisher = {IEEE}, isbn = {978-1-6654-7921-9}, doi = {10.1109/IVWorkshops54471.2021.9669218}, pages = {236 -- 242}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In this paper we investigate the use of deep neural networks for 3D object detection in uncommon, unstructured environments such as in an open-pit mine. While neural nets are frequently used for object detection in regular autonomous driving applications, more unusual driving scenarios aside street traffic pose additional challenges. For one, the collection of appropriate data sets to train the networks is an issue. For another, testing the performance of trained networks often requires tailored integration with the particular domain as well. While there exist different solutions for these problems in regular autonomous driving, there are only very few approaches that work for special domains just as well. We address both the challenges above in this work. First, we discuss two possible ways of acquiring data for training and evaluation. That is, we evaluate a semi-automated annotation of recorded LIDAR data and we examine synthetic data generation. Using these datasets we train and test different deep neural network for the task of object detection. Second, we propose a possible integration of a ROS2 detector module for an autonomous driving platform. Finally, we present the performance of three state-of-the-art deep neural networks in the domain of 3D object detection on a synthetic dataset and a smaller one containing a characteristic object from an open-pit mine.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{HauggKreyerKemperetal.2020, author = {Haugg, Albert Thomas and Kreyer, J{\"o}rg and Kemper, Hans and Hatesuer, Katerina and Esch, Thomas}, title = {Heat exchanger for ORC. adaptability and optimisation potentials}, series = {IIR International Rankine 2020 Conference}, booktitle = {IIR International Rankine 2020 Conference}, doi = {10.18462/iir.rankine.2020.1224}, pages = {10 Seiten}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The recovery of waste heat requires heat exchangers to extract it from a liquid or gaseous medium into another working medium, a refrigerant. In Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC) on Combustion Engines there are two major heat sources, the exhaust gas and the water/glycol fluid from the engine's cooling circuit. A heat exchanger design must be adapted to the different requirements and conditions resulting from the heat sources, fluids, system configurations, geometric restrictions, and etcetera. The Stacked Shell Cooler (SSC) is a new and very specific design of a plate heat exchanger, created by AKG, which allows with a maximum degree of freedom the optimization of heat exchange rate and the reduction of the related pressure drop. This optimization in heat exchanger design for ORC systems is even more important, because it reduces the energy consumption of the system and therefore maximizes the increase in overall efficiency of the engine.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MerkensHebel2021, author = {Merkens, Torsten and Hebel, Christoph}, title = {Sharing mobility concepts - flexible, sustainable, smart}, series = {Proceedings of the 1st UNITED - Southeast Asia Automotive Interest Group (SAIG) International Conference}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st UNITED - Southeast Asia Automotive Interest Group (SAIG) International Conference}, isbn = {978-3-902103-94-9}, pages = {43 -- 44}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ThomaFisherBraun2020, author = {Thoma, Andreas and Fisher, Alex and Braun, Carsten}, title = {Improving the px4 avoid algorithm by bio-inspired flight strategies}, series = {DLRK2020 - „Luft- und Raumfahrt - Verantwortung in allen Dimensionen"}, booktitle = {DLRK2020 - „Luft- und Raumfahrt - Verantwortung in allen Dimensionen"}, doi = {10.25967/530183}, pages = {10 Seiten}, year = {2020}, language = {en} } @article{Schueckhaus2020, author = {Sch{\"u}ckhaus, Ulrich}, title = {Die SkyCab-Erfinder im WFMG-Interview}, series = {Business in MG}, journal = {Business in MG}, number = {1}, pages = {6 -- 7}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{ThomaFisherBertrandetal.2020, author = {Thoma, Andreas and Fisher, Alex and Bertrand, Olivier and Braun, Carsten}, title = {Evaluation of possible flight strategies for close object evasion from bumblebee experiments}, series = {Living Machines 2020: Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems}, booktitle = {Living Machines 2020: Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems}, editor = {Vouloutsi, Vasiliki and Mura, Anna and Tauber, Falk and Speck, Thomas and Prescott, Tony J. and Verschure, Paul F. M. J.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-64312-6}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-64313-3_34}, pages = {354 -- 365}, year = {2020}, language = {en} } @article{GoettenHavermannBraunetal.2020, author = {G{\"o}tten, Falk and Havermann, Marc and Braun, Carsten and Marino, Matthew and Bil, Cees}, title = {Improved Form Factor for Drag Estimation of Fuselages with Various Cross Sections}, series = {Journal of Aircraft}, journal = {Journal of Aircraft}, publisher = {AIAA}, address = {Reston, Va.}, issn = {1533-3868}, doi = {10.2514/1.C036032}, pages = {1 -- 13}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The paper presents an aerodynamic investigation of 70 different streamlined bodies with fineness ratios ranging from 2 to 10. The bodies are chosen to idealize both unmanned and small manned aircraft fuselages and feature cross-sectional shapes that vary from circular to quadratic. The study focuses on friction and pressure drag in dependency of the individual body's fineness ratio and cross section. The drag forces are normalized with the respective body's wetted area to comply with an empirical drag estimation procedure. Although the friction drag coefficient then stays rather constant for all bodies, their pressure drag coefficients decrease with an increase in fineness ratio. Referring the pressure drag coefficient to the bodies' cross-sectional areas shows a distinct pressure drag minimum at a fineness ratio of about three. The pressure drag of bodies with a quadratic cross section is generally higher than for bodies of revolution. The results are used to derive an improved form factor that can be employed in a classic empirical drag estimation method. The improved formulation takes both the fineness ratio and cross-sectional shape into account. It shows superior accuracy in estimating streamlined body drag when compared with experimental data and other form factor formulations of the literature.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GoettenFingerBraunetal.2019, author = {G{\"o}tten, Falk and Finger, Felix and Braun, Carsten and Havermann, Marc and Bil, Cees and Gomez, Francisco}, title = {Empirical Correlations for Geometry Build-Up of Fixed Wing Unmanned Air Vehicles}, series = {APISAT 2018: The Proceedings of the 2018 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT 2018)}, booktitle = {APISAT 2018: The Proceedings of the 2018 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT 2018)}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Singapore}, isbn = {978-981-13-3305-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-981-13-3305-7_109}, pages = {1365 -- 1381}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The results of a statistical investigation of 42 fixed-wing, small to medium sized (20 kg-1000 kg) reconnaissance unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) are presented. Regression analyses are used to identify correlations of the most relevant geometry dimensions with the UAV's maximum take-off mass. The findings allow an empirical based geometry-build up for a complete unmanned aircraft by referring to its take-off mass only. This provides a bridge between very early design stages (initial sizing) and the later determination of shapes and dimensions. The correlations might be integrated into a UAV sizing environment and allow designers to implement more sophisticated drag and weight estimation methods in this process. Additional information on correlation factors for a rough drag estimation methodology indicate how this technique can significantly enhance the accuracy of early design iterations.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{FingerGoettenBraunetal.2019, author = {Finger, Felix and G{\"o}tten, Falk and Braun, Carsten and Bil, Cees}, title = {On Aircraft Design Under the Consideration of Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Systems}, series = {APISAT 2018: The Proceedings of the 2018 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT 2018)}, booktitle = {APISAT 2018: The Proceedings of the 2018 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT 2018)}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Singapore}, isbn = {978-981-13-3305-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-981-13-3305-7_99}, pages = {1261 -- 1272}, year = {2019}, abstract = {A hybrid-electric propulsion system combines the advantages of fuel-based systems and battery powered systems and offers new design freedom. To take full advantage of this technology, aircraft designers must be aware of its key differences, compared to conventional, carbon-fuel based, propulsion systems. This paper gives an overview of the challenges and potential benefits associated with the design of aircraft that use hybrid-electric propulsion systems. It offers an introduction of the most popular hybrid-electric propulsion architectures and critically assess them against the conventional and fully electric propulsion configurations. The effects on operational aspects and design aspects are covered. Special consideration is given to the application of hybrid-electric propulsion technology to both unmanned and vertical take-off and landing aircraft. The authors conclude that electric propulsion technology has the potential to revolutionize aircraft design. However, new and innovative methods must be researched, to realize the full benefit of the technology.}, language = {en} } @article{KreyerMuellerEsch2020, author = {Kreyer, J{\"o}rg and M{\"u}ller, Marvin and Esch, Thomas}, title = {A Calculation Methodology for Predicting Exhaust Mass Flows and Exhaust Temperature Profiles for Heavy-Duty Vehicles}, series = {SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles}, volume = {13}, journal = {SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles}, number = {2}, publisher = {SAE International}, address = {Warrendale, Pa.}, issn = {1946-3928}, doi = {10.4271/02-13-02-0009}, pages = {129 -- 143}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The predictive control of commercial vehicle energy management systems, such as vehicle thermal management or waste heat recovery (WHR) systems, are discussed on the basis of information sources from the field of environment recognition and in combination with the determination of the vehicle system condition. In this article, a mathematical method for predicting the exhaust gas mass flow and the exhaust gas temperature is presented based on driving data of a heavy-duty vehicle. The prediction refers to the conditions of the exhaust gas at the inlet of the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler and at the outlet of the exhaust gas aftertreatment system (EAT). The heavy-duty vehicle was operated on the motorway to investigate the characteristic operational profile. In addition to the use of road gradient profile data, an evaluation of the continuously recorded distance signal, which represents the distance between the test vehicle and the road user ahead, is included in the prediction model. Using a Fourier analysis, the trajectory of the vehicle speed is determined for a defined prediction horizon. To verify the method, a holistic simulation model consisting of several hierarchically structured submodels has been developed. A map-based submodel of a combustion engine is used to determine the EGR and EAT exhaust gas mass flows and exhaust gas temperature profiles. All simulation results are validated on the basis of the recorded vehicle and environmental data. Deviations from the predicted values are analyzed and discussed.}, language = {en} } @article{SerrorHackHenzeetal.2021, author = {Serror, Martin and Hack, Sacha and Henze, Martin and Schuba, Marko and Wehrle, Klaus}, title = {Challenges and Opportunities in Securing the Industrial Internet of Things}, series = {IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics}, volume = {17}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics}, number = {5}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York}, issn = {1941-0050}, doi = {10.1109/TII.2020.3023507}, pages = {2985 -- 2996}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @article{HoevelerBauknechtWolfetal.2020, author = {Hoeveler, B. and Bauknecht, Andr{\´e} and Wolf, C. Christian and Janser, Frank}, title = {Wind-Tunnel Study of a Wing-Embedded Lifting Fan Remaining Open in Cruise Flight}, series = {Journal of Aircraft}, volume = {57}, journal = {Journal of Aircraft}, number = {4}, publisher = {AIAA}, address = {Reston, Va.}, issn = {1533-3868}, doi = {10.2514/1.C035422}, year = {2020}, abstract = {It is investigated whether a nonrotating lifting fan remaining uncovered during cruise flight, as opposed to being covered by a shutter system, can be realized with limited additional drag and loss of lift during cruise flight. A wind-tunnel study of a wing-embedded lifting fan has been conducted at the Side Wind Test Facility G{\"o}ttingen of DLR, German Aerospace Center in G{\"o}ttingen using force, pressure, and stereoscopic particle image velocimetry techniques. The study showed that a step on the lower side of the wing in front of the lifting fan duct increases the lift-to-drag ratio of the whole model by up to 25\% for all positive angles of attack. Different sizes and inclinations of the step had limited influence on the surface pressure distribution. The data indicate that these parameters can be optimized to maximize the lift-to-drag ratio. A doubling of the curvature radius of the lifting fan duct inlet lip on the upper side of the wing affected the lift-to-drag ratio by less than 1\%. The lifting fan duct inlet curvature can therefore be optimized to maximize the vertical fan thrust of the rotating lifting fan during hovering without affecting the cruise flight performance with a nonrotating fan.}, language = {en} } @article{KhayyamJamaliBabHadiasharetal.2020, author = {Khayyam, Hamid and Jamali, Ali and Bab-Hadiashar, Alireza and Esch, Thomas and Ramakrishna, Seeram and Jalili, Mahdi and Naebe, Minoo}, title = {A Novel Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithm for Limited and Big Data Modeling with Application in Industry 4.0}, series = {IEEE Access}, volume = {8}, journal = {IEEE Access}, number = {Art. 9108222}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York, NY}, issn = {2169-3536}, doi = {10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2999898}, pages = {111381 -- 111393}, year = {2020}, abstract = {To meet the challenges of manufacturing smart products, the manufacturing plants have been radically changed to become smart factories underpinned by industry 4.0 technologies. The transformation is assisted by employment of machine learning techniques that can deal with modeling both big or limited data. This manuscript reviews these concepts and present a case study that demonstrates the use of a novel intelligent hybrid algorithms for Industry 4.0 applications with limited data. In particular, an intelligent algorithm is proposed for robust data modeling of nonlinear systems based on input-output data. In our approach, a novel hybrid data-driven combining the Group-Method of Data-Handling and Singular-Value Decomposition is adapted to find an offline deterministic model combined with Pareto multi-objective optimization to overcome the overfitting issue. An Unscented-Kalman-Filter is also incorporated to update the coefficient of the deterministic model and increase its robustness against data uncertainties. The effectiveness of the proposed method is examined on a set of real industrial measurements.}, language = {en} } @article{KhayyamJamaliBabHadiasharetal.2020, author = {Khayyam, Hamid and Jamali, Ali and Bab-Hadiashar, Alireza and Esch, Thomas and Ramakrishna, Seeram and Jalil, Mahdi and Naebe, Minoo}, title = {A Novel Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithm for Limited and Big Data Modelling with Application in Industry 4.0}, series = {IEEE Access}, journal = {IEEE Access}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York, NY}, isbn = {2169-3536}, doi = {10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2999898}, pages = {1 -- 12}, year = {2020}, abstract = {To meet the challenges of manufacturing smart products, the manufacturing plants have been radically changed to become smart factories underpinned by industry 4.0 technologies. The transformation is assisted by employment of machine learning techniques that can deal with modeling both big or limited data. This manuscript reviews these concepts and present a case study that demonstrates the use of a novel intelligent hybrid algorithms for Industry 4.0 applications with limited data. In particular, an intelligent algorithm is proposed for robust data modeling of nonlinear systems based on input-output data. In our approach, a novel hybrid data-driven combining the Group-Method of Data-Handling and Singular-Value Decomposition is adapted to find an offline deterministic model combined with Pareto multi-objective optimization to overcome the overfitting issue. An Unscented-Kalman-Filter is also incorporated to update the coefficient of the deterministic model and increase its robustness against data uncertainties. The effectiveness of the proposed method is examined on a set of real industrial measurements.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DinghoferHartung2020, author = {Dinghofer, Kai and Hartung, Frank}, title = {Analysis of Criteria for the Selection of Machine Learning Frameworks}, series = {2020 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC)}, booktitle = {2020 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC)}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York, NY}, doi = {10.1109/ICNC47757.2020.9049650}, pages = {373 -- 377}, year = {2020}, abstract = {With the many achievements of Machine Learning in the past years, it is likely that the sub-area of Deep Learning will continue to deliver major technological breakthroughs [1]. In order to achieve best results, it is important to know the various different Deep Learning frameworks and their respective properties. This paper provides a comparative overview of some of the most popular frameworks. First, the comparison methods and criteria are introduced and described with a focus on computer vision applications: Features and Uses are examined by evaluating papers and articles, Adoption and Popularity is determined by analyzing a data science study. Then, the frameworks TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch and Caffe are compared based on the previously described criteria to highlight properties and differences. Advantages and disadvantages are compared, enabling researchers and developers to choose a framework according to their specific needs.}, language = {en} } @article{WilbringEnningPfaffetal.2020, author = {Wilbring, Daniela and Enning, Manfred and Pfaff, Raphael and Schmidt, Bernd}, title = {Neue Perspektiven f{\"u}r die Bahn in der Produktions- und Distributionslogistik durch Prozessautomation}, series = {ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau}, volume = {69}, journal = {ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau}, number = {3}, publisher = {DVV Mediagroup}, address = {Hamburg}, issn = {0013-2845}, pages = {15 -- 19}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{FingerdeVriesVosetal.2020, author = {Finger, Felix and de Vries, Reynard and Vos, Roelof and Braun, Carsten and Bil, Cees}, title = {A comparison of hybrid-electric aircraft sizing methods}, series = {AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum}, booktitle = {AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum}, doi = {10.2514/6.2020-1006}, pages = {31 Seiten}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The number of case studies focusing on hybrid-electric aircraft is steadily increasing, since these configurations are thought to lead to lower operating costs and environmental impact than traditional aircraft. However, due to the lack of reference data of actual hybrid-electric aircraft, in most cases, the design tools and results are difficult to validate. In this paper, two independently developed approaches for hybrid-electric conceptual aircraft design are compared. An existing 19-seat commuter aircraft is selected as the conventional baseline, and both design tools are used to size that aircraft. The aircraft is then re-sized under consideration of hybrid-electric propulsion technology. This is performed for parallel, serial, and fully-electric powertrain architectures. Finally, sensitivity studies are conducted to assess the validity of the basic assumptions and approaches regarding the design of hybrid-electric aircraft. Both methods are found to predict the maximum take-off mass (MTOM) of the reference aircraft with less than 4\% error. The MTOM and payload-range energy efficiency of various (hybrid-) electric configurations are predicted with a maximum difference of approximately 2\% and 5\%, respectively. The results of this study confirm a correct formulation and implementation of the two design methods, and the data obtained can be used by researchers to benchmark and validate their design tools.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KreyerMuellerEsch2020, author = {Kreyer, J{\"o}rg and M{\"u}ller, Marvin and Esch, Thomas}, title = {A Map-Based Model for the Determination of Fuel Consumption for Internal Combustion Engines as a Function of Flight Altitude}, publisher = {DGLR}, address = {Bonn}, doi = {10.25967/490162}, pages = {13 Seiten}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In addition to very high safety and reliability requirements, the design of internal combustion engines (ICE) in aviation focuses on economic efficiency. The objective must be to design the aircraft powertrain optimized for a specific flight mission with respect to fuel consumption and specific engine power. Against this background, expert tools provide valuable decision-making assistance for the customer. In this paper, a mathematical calculation model for the fuel consumption of aircraft ICE is presented. This model enables the derivation of fuel consumption maps for different engine configurations. Depending on the flight conditions and based on these maps, the current and the integrated fuel consumption for freely definable flight emissions is calculated. For that purpose, an interpolation method is used, that has been optimized for accuracy and calculation time. The mission boundary conditions flight altitude and power requirement of the ICE form the basis for this calculation. The mathematical fuel consumption model is embedded in a parent program. This parent program presents the simulated fuel consumption by means of an example flight mission for a representative airplane. The focus of the work is therefore on reproducing exact consumption data for flight operations. By use of the empirical approaches according to Gagg-Farrar [1] the power and fuel consumption as a function of the flight altitude are determined. To substantiate this approaches, a 1-D ICE model based on the multi-physical simulation tool GT-Suite® has been created. This 1-D engine model offers the possibility to analyze the filling and gas change processes, the internal combustion as well as heat and friction losses for an ICE under altitude environmental conditions. Performance measurements on a dynamometer at sea level for a naturally aspirated ICE with a displacement of 1211 ccm used in an aviation aircraft has been done to validate the 1-D ICE model. To check the plausibility of the empirical approaches with respect to the fuel consumption and performance adjustment for the flight altitude an analysis of the ICE efficiency chain of the 1-D engine model is done. In addition, a comparison of literature and manufacturer data with the simulation results is presented.}, language = {en} } @incollection{RoethPielen2018, author = {R{\"o}th, Thilo and Pielen, Michael}, title = {Personal Public Vehicle - ein urbanes Fahrzeugkonzept f{\"u}r die „Shared Mobility" der Zukunft}, series = {Karosseriebautage Hamburg 2018, 16. ATZ-Fachtagung}, booktitle = {Karosseriebautage Hamburg 2018, 16. ATZ-Fachtagung}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-22038-9_13}, pages = {189 -- 199}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Die urbane Mobilit{\"a}t ist im Wandel und insbesondere neue innovative Gesch{\"a}ftsmodelle werden einen wesentlichen Teil zur L{\"o}sung von k{\"u}nftigen Mobilit{\"a}tsbed{\"u}rfnissen beitragen. Die sogenannte „Shared Mobility" gilt aktuell neben der Elektrifizierung des Antriebes und autonomem Fahrzeugtechnologien als einer der wichtigsten Trendthemen in der Automobilindustrie. Neue Mobilit{\"a}tsdienstleistungen verlangen dabei verst{\"a}rkt auch neue Fahrzeugkonzepte.}, language = {de} } @incollection{RoethDeutskensKreiskoetheretal.2018, author = {R{\"o}th, Thilo and Deutskens, Christoph and Kreisk{\"o}ther, Kai and Heimes, Heiner Hans and Schittny, Bastian and Ivanescu, Sebastian and Kleine B{\"u}ning, Max and Reinders, Christian and Wessels, Saskia and Haunreiter, Andreas and Reisgen, Uwe and Thiele, Regina and Hameyer, Kay and Doncker, Rik W. de and Sauer, Uwe and Hoek, Hauke van and H{\"u}bner, Mareike and Hennen, Martin and Stolze, Thilo and Vetter, Andreas and Hagedorn, J{\"u}rgen and M{\"u}ller, Dirk and Rewitz, Kai and Wesseling, Mark and Flieger, Bj{\"o}rn}, title = {Entwicklung von elektrofahrzeugspezifischen Systemen}, series = {Elektromobilit{\"a}t}, booktitle = {Elektromobilit{\"a}t}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-662-53137-2}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-53137-2_6}, pages = {279 -- 386}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Die Batterie ist eine der absolut zentralen Komponenten des Elektrofahrzeugs. Die serielle Entwicklung und Produktion dieser Batterien und die Verbesserung der Leistungen wird entscheidend f{\"u}r den Erfolg der Elektromobilit{\"a}t sein. Die Batterie ist jedoch nicht das einzige elektrofahrzeugspezifische System, das neu entwickelt, umkonzipiert oder verbessert werden muss. So sind ebenso die Entwicklung der neuen Fahrzeugstruktur sowie des elektrifizierten Antriebsstranges Teil dieses Kapitels. Weiterhin wird ein Blick auf das bedeutende Thema des Thermomanagements geworfen.}, language = {de} } @article{RuppSchulzeKuperjans2018, author = {Rupp, Matthias and Schulze, Sven and Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {Comparative life cycle analysis of conventional and hybrid heavy-duty trucks}, series = {World electric vehicle journal}, volume = {9}, journal = {World electric vehicle journal}, number = {2}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2032-6653}, doi = {10.3390/wevj9020033}, pages = {Article No. 33}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Heavy-duty trucks are one of the main contributors to greenhouse gas emissions in German traffic. Drivetrain electrification is an option to reduce tailpipe emissions by increasing energy conversion efficiency. To evaluate the vehicle's environmental impacts, it is necessary to consider the entire life cycle. In addition to the daily use, it is also necessary to include the impact of production and disposal. This study presents the comparative life cycle analysis of a parallel hybrid and a conventional heavy-duty truck in long-haul operation. Assuming a uniform vehicle glider, only the differing parts of both drivetrains are taken into account to calculate the environmental burdens of the production. The use phase is modeled by a backward simulation in MATLAB/Simulink considering a characteristic driving cycle. A break-even analysis is conducted to show at what mileage the larger CO2eq emissions due to the production of the electric drivetrain are compensated. The effect of parameter variation on the break-even mileage is investigated by a sensitivity analysis. The results of this analysis show the difference in CO2eq/t km is negative, indicating that the hybrid vehicle releases 4.34 g CO2eq/t km over a lifetime fewer emissions compared to the diesel truck. The break-even analysis also emphasizes the advantages of the electrified drivetrain, compensating the larger emissions generated during production after already a distance of 15,800 km (approx. 1.5 months of operation time). The intersection coordinates, distance, and CO2eq, strongly depend on fuel, emissions for battery production and the driving profile, which lead to nearly all parameter variations showing an increase in break-even distance.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SchulzeMuehleisenFeyerl2018, author = {Schulze, Sven and M{\"u}hleisen, M. and Feyerl, G{\"u}nter}, title = {Adaptive energy management strategy for a heavy-duty truck with a P2-hybrid topology}, series = {18. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium. Proceedings}, booktitle = {18. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium. Proceedings}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-21194-3}, pages = {75 -- 89}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @article{RoethPielenWolffetal.2018, author = {R{\"o}th, Thilo and Pielen, Michael and Wolff, Klaus and L{\"u}diger, Thomas}, title = {Urbane Fahrzeugkonzepte f{\"u}r die Shared Mobility}, series = {Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift - ATZ}, volume = {120}, journal = {Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift - ATZ}, number = {1}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, issn = {0001-2785}, doi = {10.1007/s35148-017-0176-8}, pages = {18 -- 23}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Urbane Mobilit{\"a}tskonzepte der Zukunft erfordern neue Unternehmensformen, idealerweise aus Old Economy und New Economy, sowie eine enge Anbindung an die gesellschaftsrelevante Zukunftsforschung. F{\"u}r neue Fahrzeugkonzepte des Carsharing bedeutet dies, dass alle kostenverursachenden Faktoren erfasst und analysiert werden m{\"u}ssen. Die FH Aachen, share2drive und FEV geben einen Ausblick auf die zuk{\"u}nftige Fahrzeugklasse der Personal Public Vehicles als „Rolling Device".}, language = {de} } @article{WeiheErnstRoethetal.2013, author = {Weihe, Stefan and Ernst, Ansgar and R{\"o}th, Thilo and Proksch, Johannes}, title = {Aluminium-Stahl-Verbundguss im Nutzfahrzeugbau}, series = {ATZ - Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift}, volume = {115}, journal = {ATZ - Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift}, number = {4}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, issn = {2192-8800 (Online)}, pages = {312 -- 316}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In modernen Fahrzeugkarosserien der Großserie kommen zunehmend Materialmischbauweisen zur Anwendung. In Zusammenarbeit der Daimler AG, der Tower Automotive Holding GmbH, der Imperia GmbH sowie der Partnerunternehmen KSM Castings GmbH und Schaufler Tooling GmbH \& Co. KG wird das Leichtbaupotenzial von Aluminiumverbundguss-Stahlblech-Hybriden am Beispiel des vorderen Dachquertr{\"a}gers des Mercedes-Benz Viano/Vito ausf{\"u}hrlich untersucht.}, language = {de} } @article{WeiheErnstRoethetal.2013, author = {Weihe, Stefan and Ernst, Ansgar and R{\"o}th, Thilo and Proksch, Johannes}, title = {Leichtmetall-Stahl-Verbundguss im Nutzfahrzeugbau}, series = {Lightweight Design}, volume = {6}, journal = {Lightweight Design}, number = {2}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {2192-8738 (Online)}, pages = {38 -- 43}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In modernen Fahrzeugkarosserien der Großserie kommen zunehmend Materialmischbauweisen zur Anwendung. In Zusammenarbeit der Daimler AG, der Tower Automotive Holding GmbH, der Imperia GmbH sowie der Partnerunternehmen KSM Castings GmbH und Schaufler Tooling GmbH \& Co. KG wird das Leichtbaupotenzial von Stahlblech-AluminiumverbundgussHybriden am Beispiel des vorderen Dachquertr{\"a}gers des Mercedes-Benz Viano/Vito ausf{\"u}hrlich untersucht.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{LaoBuehrigPolaczekRoeth2011, author = {Lao, B. and B{\"u}hrig-Polaczek, Andreas and R{\"o}th, Thilo}, title = {Funktionsintegrierte Leichtbaustrukturen in gussintensiver Metall-Hybridbauweise}, series = {Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde: Tagungsband zum 18. Symposium ; 30.03.2011 bis 01.04.2011, Chemnitz}, booktitle = {Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde: Tagungsband zum 18. Symposium ; 30.03.2011 bis 01.04.2011, Chemnitz}, editor = {Wielage, Bernhard}, publisher = {Eigenverlag}, address = {Chemnitz}, isbn = {978-3-00-033801-4}, pages = {413 -- 421}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{PaslighFunkeRoethetal.2010, author = {Pasligh, N. and Funke, D. and R{\"o}th, Thilo and Krack, R.}, title = {Leichtbau Quertrager als Stahlblech-Aluminiumdruckguss-Hybrid - Von der numerischen Berechnung bis zum realen Prototypen}, series = {VDI BERICHTE}, booktitle = {VDI BERICHTE}, publisher = {VDI Verlag}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {978-3-18-092107-5}, pages = {688 Seiten}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{NowackRoethBuehrigPolaczeketal.2008, author = {Nowack, N. and R{\"o}th, Thilo and B{\"u}hrig-Polaczek, Andreas and Klaus, G.}, title = {Advanced Sheet Metal Components Reinforced by Light Metal Cast Structures}, series = {Aluminium alloys : their physical and mechanical properties ; [proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys, 22 - 26 Sept. 2008, Aachen, Germany ; ICAA 11]}, booktitle = {Aluminium alloys : their physical and mechanical properties ; [proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys, 22 - 26 Sept. 2008, Aachen, Germany ; ICAA 11]}, number = {2}, editor = {Hirsch, J{\"u}rgen}, isbn = {978-3-527-32367-8}, pages = {2374 -- 2381}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PetersonRoethUibel2017, author = {Peterson, Leif Arne and R{\"o}th, Thilo and Uibel, Thomas}, title = {Holzwerkstoffe in Karosseriestrukturen}, series = {Tagungsband Aachener Holzbautagung 2017}, booktitle = {Tagungsband Aachener Holzbautagung 2017}, editor = {Uibel, Thomas and Peterson, Leif Arne and Baumann, Marcus}, issn = {2197-4489}, pages = {34 -- 45}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @article{PetersonRoethUibel2017, author = {Peterson, Leif Arne and R{\"o}th, Thilo and Uibel, Thomas}, title = {Einsatz von Holzwerkstoffen in Fahrzeugstrukturen}, series = {Bauen mit Holz}, journal = {Bauen mit Holz}, number = {3}, publisher = {Bruderverlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, issn = {0005-6545}, pages = {32 -- 38}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{NeuJanserKhatibietal.2016, author = {Neu, Eugen and Janser, Frank and Khatibi, Akbar A. and Orifici, Adrian C.}, title = {In-flight vibration-based structural health monitoring of aircraft wings}, series = {30th Congress of the internatonal council of the aeronautical sciences : 25.-30. September 2016, Daejeon, Korea}, booktitle = {30th Congress of the internatonal council of the aeronautical sciences : 25.-30. September 2016, Daejeon, Korea}, pages = {10 Seiten}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This work presents a methodology for automated damage-sensitive feature extraction and anomaly detection under multivariate operational variability for in-flight assessment of wings. The method uses a passive excitation approach, i. e. without the need for artificial actuation. The modal system properties (natural frequencies and damping ratios) are used as damage-sensitive features. Special emphasis is placed on the use of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensing technology and the consideration of Operational and Environmental Variability (OEV). Measurements from a wind tunnel investigation with a composite cantilever equipped with FBG and piezoelectric sensors are used to successfully detect an impact damage. In addition, the feasibility of damage localisation and severity estimation is evaluated based on the coupling found between damageand OEV-induced feature changes.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WuKemper2016, author = {Wu, Ziyi and Kemper, Hans}, title = {The optimal 48 V - battery pack for a specific load profile of a heavy duty vehicle}, series = {8. Internationale Fachtagung Kraftwerk Batterie : 26. - 27. April 2016, M{\"u}nster, Deutschland}, booktitle = {8. Internationale Fachtagung Kraftwerk Batterie : 26. - 27. April 2016, M{\"u}nster, Deutschland}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @article{NeuJanserKhatibietal.2017, author = {Neu, Eugen and Janser, Frank and Khatibi, Akbar A. and Orifici, Adrian C.}, title = {Fully Automated Operational Modal Analysis using multi-stage clustering}, series = {Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing}, volume = {Vol. 84, Part A}, journal = {Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0888-3270}, doi = {10.1016/j.ymssp.2016.07.031}, pages = {308 -- 323}, year = {2017}, language = {en} } @article{NeuJanserKhatibietal.2016, author = {Neu, Eugen and Janser, Frank and Khatibi, Akbar A. and Orifici, Adrian C.}, title = {Automated modal parameter-based anomaly detection under varying wind excitation}, series = {Structural Health Monitoring}, volume = {15}, journal = {Structural Health Monitoring}, number = {6}, publisher = {Sage}, address = {London}, issn = {1475-9217}, doi = {10.1177/1475921716665803}, pages = {1 -- 20}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Wind-induced operational variability is one of the major challenges for structural health monitoring of slender engineering structures like aircraft wings or wind turbine blades. Damage sensitive features often show an even bigger sensitivity to operational variability. In this study a composite cantilever was subjected to multiple mass configurations, velocities and angles of attack in a controlled wind tunnel environment. A small-scale impact damage was introduced to the specimen and the structural response measurements were repeated. The proposed damage detection methodology is based on automated operational modal analysis. A novel baseline preparation procedure is described that reduces the amount of user interaction to the provision of a single consistency threshold. The procedure starts with an indeterminate number of operational modal analysis identifications from a large number of datasets and returns a complete baseline matrix of natural frequencies and damping ratios that is suitable for subsequent anomaly detection. Mahalanobis distance-based anomaly detection is then applied to successfully detect the damage under varying severities of operational variability and with various degrees of knowledge about the present operational conditions. The damage detection capabilities of the proposed methodology were found to be excellent under varying velocities and angles of attack. Damage detection was less successful under joint mass and wind variability but could be significantly improved through the provision of the currently encountered operational conditions.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BroennerHoefkenSchuba2016, author = {Broenner, Simon and H{\"o}fken, Hans-Wilhelm and Schuba, Marko}, title = {Streamlining extraction and analysis of android RAM images}, series = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy - ICISSP}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy - ICISSP}, publisher = {SciTePress}, address = {Set{\´u}bal}, organization = {ICISSP International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy <2, 2016, Rome, Italy>}, isbn = {978-989-758-167-0}, doi = {10.5220/0005652802550264}, pages = {255 -- 264}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The Android operating system powers the majority of the world's mobile devices and has been becoming increasingly important in day-to-day digital forensics. Therefore, technicians and analysts are in need of reliable methods for extracting and analyzing memory images from live Android systems. This paper takes different existing, extraction methods and derives a universal, reproducible, reliably documented method for both extraction and analysis. In addition the VOLIX II front-end for the Volatility Framework is extended with additional functionality to make the analysis of Android memory images easier for technically non-adept users.}, language = {en} }