@inproceedings{ThomaFisherBertrandetal.2020, author = {Thoma, Andreas and Fisher, Alex and Bertrand, Olivier and Braun, Carsten}, title = {Evaluation of possible flight strategies for close object evasion from bumblebee experiments}, series = {Living Machines 2020: Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems}, booktitle = {Living Machines 2020: Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems}, editor = {Vouloutsi, Vasiliki and Mura, Anna and Tauber, Falk and Speck, Thomas and Prescott, Tony J. and Verschure, Paul F. M. J.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-64312-6}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-64313-3_34}, pages = {354 -- 365}, year = {2020}, language = {en} } @article{GoettenHavermannBraunetal.2020, author = {G{\"o}tten, Falk and Havermann, Marc and Braun, Carsten and Marino, Matthew and Bil, Cees}, title = {Airfoil drag at low-to-medium reynolds numbers: A novel estimation method}, series = {AIAA Journal}, volume = {58}, journal = {AIAA Journal}, number = {7}, publisher = {AIAA}, address = {Reston, Va.}, issn = {1533-385X}, doi = {10.2514/1.J058983}, pages = {2791 -- 2805}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This paper presents a novel method for airfoil drag estimation at Reynolds numbers between 4×10⁵ and 4×10⁶. The novel method is based on a systematic study of 40 airfoils applying over 600 numerical simulations and considering natural transition. The influence of the airfoil thickness-to-chord ratio, camber, and freestream Reynolds number on both friction and pressure drag is analyzed in detail. Natural transition significantly affects drag characteristics and leads to distinct drag minima for different Reynolds numbers and thickness-to-chord ratios. The results of the systematic study are used to develop empirical correlations that can accurately predict an airfoil drag at low-lift conditions. The new approach estimates a transition location based on airfoil thickness-to-chord ratio, camber, and Reynolds number. It uses the transition location in a mixed laminar-turbulent skin-friction calculation, and corrects the skin-friction coefficient for separation effects. Pressure drag is estimated separately based on correlations of thickness-to-chord ratio, camber, and Reynolds number. The novel method shows excellent accuracy when compared with wind-tunnel measurements of multiple airfoils. It is easily integrable into existing aircraft design environments and is highly beneficial in the conceptual design stage.}, language = {en} } @article{HeinEubanksHibberdetal.2020, author = {Hein, Andreas M. and Eubanks, T. Marshall and Hibberd, Adam and Fries, Dan and Schneider, Jean and Lingam, Manasvi and Kennedy, Robert and Perakis, Nikolaos and Dachwald, Bernd and Kervella, Pierre}, title = {Interstellar Now! Missions to and sample returns from nearby interstellar objects}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, pages = {1 -- 8}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The recently discovered first high velocity hyperbolic objects passing through the Solar System, 1I/'Oumuamua and 2I/Borisov, have raised the question about near term missions to Interstellar Objects. In situ spacecraft exploration of these objects will allow the direct determination of both their structure and their chemical and isotopic composition, enabling an entirely new way of studying small bodies from outside our solar system. In this paper, we map various Interstellar Object classes to mission types, demonstrating that missions to a range of Interstellar Object classes are feasible, using existing or near-term technology. We describe flyby, rendezvous and sample return missions to interstellar objects, showing various ways to explore these bodies characterizing their surface, dynamics, structure and composition. Interstellar objects likely formed very far from the solar system in both time and space; their direct exploration will constrain their formation and history, situating them within the dynamical and chemical evolution of the Galaxy. These mission types also provide the opportunity to explore solar system bodies and perform measurements in the far outer solar system.}, language = {en} } @techreport{ThomaLaarmannMerkensetal.2020, author = {Thoma, Andreas and Laarmann, Lukas and Merkens, Torsten and Franzke, Till and M{\"o}hren, Felix and Buttermann, Lilly and van der Weem, Dirk and Fischer, Maximilian and Misch, Philipp and B{\"o}hme, Mirijam and R{\"o}th, Thilo and Hebel, Christoph and Ritz, Thomas and Franke, Marina and Braun, Carsten}, title = {Entwicklung eines intermodalen Mobilit{\"a}tskonzeptes f{\"u}r die Pilotregion NRW/Rhein-Maas Euregio und Schaffung voller Kundenakzeptanz durch Transfer von Standards aus dem PKW-Bereich auf ein Flugtaxi : Schlussbericht : Projektakronym: SkyCab (Kategorie B) : Laufzeit in Monaten: 6 : Hauptthema: Kategorie B: Innovative Ideen mit Bezug zu UAS/Flugtaxis}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {97 Seiten}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{HippeFingerGoettenetal.2020, author = {Hippe, Jonas and Finger, Felix and G{\"o}tten, Falk and Braun, Carsten}, title = {Propulsion System Qualification of a 25 kg VTOL-UAV: Hover Performance of Single and Coaxial Rotors and Wind-Tunnel Experiments on Cruise Propellers}, series = {Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress - DLRK 2020}, booktitle = {Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress - DLRK 2020}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This paper presents an approach for UAV propulsion system qualification and validation on the example of FH Aachen's 25 kg cargo UAV "PhoenAIX". Thrust and power consumption are the most important aspects of a propulsion system's layout. In the initial design phase, manufacturers' data has to be trusted, but the validation of components is an essential step in the design process. This process is presented in this paper. The vertical takeoff system is designed for efficient hover; therefore, performance under static conditions is paramount. Because an octo-copter layout with coaxial rotors is considered, the impact of this design choice is analyzed. Data on thrust, voltage stability, power consumption, rotational speed, and temperature development of motors and controllers are presented for different rotors. The fixed-wing propulsion system is designed for efficient cruise flight. At the same time, a certain static thrust has to be provided, as the aircraft needs to accelerate to cruise speed. As for the hover-system, data on different propellers is compared. The measurements were taken for static conditions, as well as for different inflow velocities, using the FH-Aachen's wind-tunnel.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GoettenFingerHavermannetal.2020, author = {G{\"o}tten, Falk and Finger, Felix and Havermann, Marc and Braun, Carsten and Marino, Matthew and Bil, Cees}, title = {Full Configuration Drag Estimation of Small-to-Medium Range UAVs and its Impact on Initial Sizing Optimization}, series = {CEAS Aeronautical Journal}, volume = {12}, booktitle = {CEAS Aeronautical Journal}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Wien}, issn = {1869-5590}, doi = {10.1007/s13272-021-00522-w}, pages = {589 -- 603}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The paper presents the derivation of a new equivalent skin friction coefficient for estimating the parasitic drag of short-to-medium range fixed-wing unmanned aircraft. The new coefficient is derived from an aerodynamic analysis of ten different unmanned aircraft used on surveillance, reconnaissance, and search and rescue missions. The aircraft are simulated using a validated unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes approach. The UAV's parasitic drag is significantly influenced by the presence of miscellaneous components like fixed landing gears or electro-optical sensor turrets. These components are responsible for almost half of an unmanned aircraft's total parasitic drag. The new equivalent skin friction coefficient accounts for these effects and is significantly higher compared to other aircraft categories. It is used to initially size an unmanned aircraft for a typical reconnaissance mission. The improved parasitic drag estimation yields a much heavier unmanned aircraft when compared to the sizing results using available drag data of manned aircraft.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{FingerBraunBil2020, author = {Finger, Felix and Braun, Carsten and Bil, Cees}, title = {Comparative assessment of parallel-hybrid-electric propulsion systems for four different aircraft}, series = {AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum}, booktitle = {AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum}, doi = {10.2514/6.2020-1502}, pages = {15 Seiten}, year = {2020}, abstract = {As battery technologies advance, electric propulsion concepts are on the edge of disrupting aviation markets. However, until electric energy storage systems are ready to allow fully electric aircraft, the combination of combustion engine and electric motor as a hybrid-electric propulsion system seems to be a promising intermediate solution. Consequently, the design space for future aircraft is expanded considerably, as serial-hybrid-, parallel-hybrid-, fully-electric, and conventional propulsion systems must all be considered. While the best propulsion system depends on a multitude of requirements and considerations, trends can be observed for certain types of aircraft and certain types of missions. This paper provides insight into some factors that drive a new design towards either conventional or hybrid propulsion systems. General aviation aircraft, VTOL air taxis, transport aircraft, and UAVs are chosen as case studies. Typical missions for each class are considered, and the aircraft are analyzed regarding their take-off mass and primary energy consumption. For these case studies, a high-level approach is chosen, using an initial sizing methodology. Results indicate that hybrid-electric propulsion systems should be considered if the propulsion system is sized by short-duration power constraints (e.g. take-off, climb). However, if the propulsion system is sized by a continuous power requirement (e.g. cruise), hybrid-electric systems offer hardly any benefit.}, language = {en} } @article{DachwaldUlamecPostbergetal.2020, author = {Dachwald, Bernd and Ulamec, Stephan and Postberg, Frank and Sohl, Frank and Vera, Jean-Pierre de and Christoph, Waldmann and Lorenz, Ralph D. and Hellard, Hugo and Biele, Jens and Rettberg, Petra}, title = {Key technologies and instrumentation for subsurface exploration of ocean worlds}, series = {Space Science Reviews}, volume = {216}, journal = {Space Science Reviews}, number = {Art. 83}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Dordrecht}, issn = {1572-9672}, doi = {10.1007/s11214-020-00707-5}, pages = {45}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In this chapter, the key technologies and the instrumentation required for the subsurface exploration of ocean worlds are discussed. The focus is laid on Jupiter's moon Europa and Saturn's moon Enceladus because they have the highest potential for such missions in the near future. The exploration of their oceans requires landing on the surface, penetrating the thick ice shell with an ice-penetrating probe, and probably diving with an underwater vehicle through dozens of kilometers of water to the ocean floor, to have the chance to find life, if it exists. Technologically, such missions are extremely challenging. The required key technologies include power generation, communications, pressure resistance, radiation hardness, corrosion protection, navigation, miniaturization, autonomy, and sterilization and cleaning. Simpler mission concepts involve impactors and penetrators or - in the case of Enceladus - plume-fly-through missions.}, language = {en} } @article{GoettenFinger2020, author = {G{\"o}tten, Falk and Finger, Felix}, title = {PhoenAIX - Die modulare Transportdrohne}, series = {Ingenieurspiegel}, volume = {2020}, journal = {Ingenieurspiegel}, number = {1}, publisher = {Public Verlag}, address = {Bingen}, isbn = {1868-5919}, pages = {38 -- 40}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die autonome, unbemannte Luftfahrt ist einer der Schl{\"u}sselsektoren f{\"u}r die Zukunft der Luftfahrt. In diesem rasant wachsenden Bereich nehmen senkrecht startende und senkrecht landende Flugzeuge (Vertical Take-Off and Landing - VTOL) einen besonderen Platz ein. Ein VTOL-Flugzeug (manchmal auch „Transitionsflugger{\"a}t" genannt) verbindet die Eigenschaft des Helikopters, {\"u}berall starten und landen zu k{\"o}nnen, mit den Geschwindigkeits-, Reichweiten und Flugdauervorteilen des Starrfl{\"u}glers. Grunds{\"a}tzlich wird die Senkrechtstart- und -landef{\"a}higkeit sowohl von zivilen als auch von milit{\"a}rischen Betreibern unbemannter Flugger{\"a}te (UAVs) gew{\"u}nscht. Trotzdem bietet der Markt nur eine geringe Anzahl von VTOL-UAVs, da qualitativ hochwertige Entw{\"u}rfe eine ausgesprochene Herausforderung in der Entwicklung darstellen. An der FH Aachen wird deshalb seit {\"u}ber 5 Jahren an der Auslegung und Analyse von solchen unbemannten VTOL Flugzeugen geforscht. Das neuste Projekt ist der Eigenentwurf einer großen, senkrechtstartenden Transportdrohne. Das „PhoenAIX" getaufte Flugger{\"a}t wird von Falk G{\"o}tten und Felix Finger im Rahmen einer EFRE-F{\"o}rderung entwickelt.}, language = {de} } @article{KreyerMuellerEsch2020, author = {Kreyer, J{\"o}rg and M{\"u}ller, Marvin and Esch, Thomas}, title = {A Calculation Methodology for Predicting Exhaust Mass Flows and Exhaust Temperature Profiles for Heavy-Duty Vehicles}, series = {SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles}, volume = {13}, journal = {SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles}, number = {2}, publisher = {SAE International}, address = {Warrendale, Pa.}, issn = {1946-3928}, doi = {10.4271/02-13-02-0009}, pages = {129 -- 143}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The predictive control of commercial vehicle energy management systems, such as vehicle thermal management or waste heat recovery (WHR) systems, are discussed on the basis of information sources from the field of environment recognition and in combination with the determination of the vehicle system condition. In this article, a mathematical method for predicting the exhaust gas mass flow and the exhaust gas temperature is presented based on driving data of a heavy-duty vehicle. The prediction refers to the conditions of the exhaust gas at the inlet of the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) cooler and at the outlet of the exhaust gas aftertreatment system (EAT). The heavy-duty vehicle was operated on the motorway to investigate the characteristic operational profile. In addition to the use of road gradient profile data, an evaluation of the continuously recorded distance signal, which represents the distance between the test vehicle and the road user ahead, is included in the prediction model. Using a Fourier analysis, the trajectory of the vehicle speed is determined for a defined prediction horizon. To verify the method, a holistic simulation model consisting of several hierarchically structured submodels has been developed. A map-based submodel of a combustion engine is used to determine the EGR and EAT exhaust gas mass flows and exhaust gas temperature profiles. All simulation results are validated on the basis of the recorded vehicle and environmental data. Deviations from the predicted values are analyzed and discussed.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GeibenGoettenHavermann2020, author = {Geiben, Benedikt and G{\"o}tten, Falk and Havermann, Marc}, title = {Aerodynamic analysis of a winged sub-orbital spaceplane}, publisher = {DGLR}, address = {Bonn}, doi = {10.25967/530170}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This paper primarily presents an aerodynamic CFD analysis of a winged spaceplane geometry based on the Japanese Space Walker proposal. StarCCM was used to calculate aerodynamic coefficients for a typical space flight trajectory including super-, trans- and subsonic Mach numbers and two angles of attack. Since the solution of the RANS equations in such supersonic flight regimes is still computationally expensive, inviscid Euler simulations can principally lead to a significant reduction in computational effort. The impact on accuracy of aerodynamic properties is further analysed by comparing both methods for different flight regimes up to a Mach number of 4.}, language = {en} } @article{GazdaMaurischat2020, author = {Gazda, Quentin and Maurischat, Andreas}, title = {Special functions and Gauss-Thakur sums in higher rank and dimension}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, pages = {26 Seiten}, year = {2020}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AdamsLosekammCzupalla2020, author = {Adams, Moritz and Losekamm, Martin J. and Czupalla, Markus}, title = {Development of the Thermal Control System for the RadMap Telescope Experiment on the International Space Station}, series = {International Conference on Environmental Systems}, booktitle = {International Conference on Environmental Systems}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2020}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KreyerMuellerEsch2020, author = {Kreyer, J{\"o}rg and M{\"u}ller, Marvin and Esch, Thomas}, title = {A Map-Based Model for the Determination of Fuel Consumption for Internal Combustion Engines as a Function of Flight Altitude}, publisher = {DGLR}, address = {Bonn}, doi = {10.25967/490162}, pages = {13 Seiten}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In addition to very high safety and reliability requirements, the design of internal combustion engines (ICE) in aviation focuses on economic efficiency. The objective must be to design the aircraft powertrain optimized for a specific flight mission with respect to fuel consumption and specific engine power. Against this background, expert tools provide valuable decision-making assistance for the customer. In this paper, a mathematical calculation model for the fuel consumption of aircraft ICE is presented. This model enables the derivation of fuel consumption maps for different engine configurations. Depending on the flight conditions and based on these maps, the current and the integrated fuel consumption for freely definable flight emissions is calculated. For that purpose, an interpolation method is used, that has been optimized for accuracy and calculation time. The mission boundary conditions flight altitude and power requirement of the ICE form the basis for this calculation. The mathematical fuel consumption model is embedded in a parent program. This parent program presents the simulated fuel consumption by means of an example flight mission for a representative airplane. The focus of the work is therefore on reproducing exact consumption data for flight operations. By use of the empirical approaches according to Gagg-Farrar [1] the power and fuel consumption as a function of the flight altitude are determined. To substantiate this approaches, a 1-D ICE model based on the multi-physical simulation tool GT-Suite® has been created. This 1-D engine model offers the possibility to analyze the filling and gas change processes, the internal combustion as well as heat and friction losses for an ICE under altitude environmental conditions. Performance measurements on a dynamometer at sea level for a naturally aspirated ICE with a displacement of 1211 ccm used in an aviation aircraft has been done to validate the 1-D ICE model. To check the plausibility of the empirical approaches with respect to the fuel consumption and performance adjustment for the flight altitude an analysis of the ICE efficiency chain of the 1-D engine model is done. In addition, a comparison of literature and manufacturer data with the simulation results is presented.}, language = {en} } @article{KhayyamJamaliBabHadiasharetal.2020, author = {Khayyam, Hamid and Jamali, Ali and Bab-Hadiashar, Alireza and Esch, Thomas and Ramakrishna, Seeram and Jalil, Mahdi and Naebe, Minoo}, title = {A Novel Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithm for Limited and Big Data Modelling with Application in Industry 4.0}, series = {IEEE Access}, journal = {IEEE Access}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York, NY}, isbn = {2169-3536}, doi = {10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2999898}, pages = {1 -- 12}, year = {2020}, abstract = {To meet the challenges of manufacturing smart products, the manufacturing plants have been radically changed to become smart factories underpinned by industry 4.0 technologies. The transformation is assisted by employment of machine learning techniques that can deal with modeling both big or limited data. This manuscript reviews these concepts and present a case study that demonstrates the use of a novel intelligent hybrid algorithms for Industry 4.0 applications with limited data. In particular, an intelligent algorithm is proposed for robust data modeling of nonlinear systems based on input-output data. In our approach, a novel hybrid data-driven combining the Group-Method of Data-Handling and Singular-Value Decomposition is adapted to find an offline deterministic model combined with Pareto multi-objective optimization to overcome the overfitting issue. An Unscented-Kalman-Filter is also incorporated to update the coefficient of the deterministic model and increase its robustness against data uncertainties. The effectiveness of the proposed method is examined on a set of real industrial measurements.}, language = {en} } @article{HailerWeberNevelingetal.2020, author = {Hailer, Benjamin and Weber, Tobias and Neveling, Sebastian and Dera, Samuel and Arent, Jan-Christoph and Middendorf, Peter}, title = {Development of a test device to determine the frictional behavior between honeycomb and prepreg layers under realistic manufacturing conditions}, series = {Journal of Sandwich Structures \& Materials}, journal = {Journal of Sandwich Structures \& Materials}, number = {Volume 23, Issue 7}, publisher = {Sage}, address = {London}, issn = {1530-7972}, doi = {10.1177/1099636220923986}, pages = {3017 -- 3043}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In the friction tests between honeycomb with film adhesive and prepreg, the relative displacement occurs between the film adhesive and the prepreg. The film adhesive does not shift relative to the honeycomb. This is consistent with the core crush behavior where the honeycomb moves together with the film adhesive, as can be seen in Figure 2(a). The pull-through forces of the friction measurements between honeycomb and prepreg at 1 mm deformation are plotted in Figure 17(a). While the friction at 100°C is similar to the friction at 120°C, it decreases significantly at 130°C and exhibits a minimum at 140°C. At 150°C, the friction rises again slightly and then sharply at 160°C. Since the viscosity of the M18/1 prepreg resin drops significantly before it cures [23], the minimum friction at 140°C could result from a minimum viscosity of the mixture of prepreg resin and film adhesive before the bond subsequently cures. Figure 17(b) shows the mean value curve of the friction measurements at 140°C. The error bars, which represent the standard deviation, reveal the good repeatability of the tests. The force curve is approximately horizontal between 1 mm and 2 mm. The friction then slightly rises. As with interlaminar friction measurements, this could be due to the fact that resin is removed by friction and the proportion of boundary lubrication increases. Figure 18 shows the surfaces after the friction measurement. The honeycomb cell walls are clearly visible in the film adhesive. There are areas where the film adhesive is completely removed and the carrier material of the film adhesive becomes visible. In addition, the viscosity of the resin changes as the curing progresses during the friction test. This can also affect the force-displacement curve.}, language = {en} } @article{HoevelerBauknechtWolfetal.2020, author = {Hoeveler, B. and Bauknecht, Andr{\´e} and Wolf, C. Christian and Janser, Frank}, title = {Wind-Tunnel Study of a Wing-Embedded Lifting Fan Remaining Open in Cruise Flight}, series = {Journal of Aircraft}, volume = {57}, journal = {Journal of Aircraft}, number = {4}, publisher = {AIAA}, address = {Reston, Va.}, issn = {1533-3868}, doi = {10.2514/1.C035422}, year = {2020}, abstract = {It is investigated whether a nonrotating lifting fan remaining uncovered during cruise flight, as opposed to being covered by a shutter system, can be realized with limited additional drag and loss of lift during cruise flight. A wind-tunnel study of a wing-embedded lifting fan has been conducted at the Side Wind Test Facility G{\"o}ttingen of DLR, German Aerospace Center in G{\"o}ttingen using force, pressure, and stereoscopic particle image velocimetry techniques. The study showed that a step on the lower side of the wing in front of the lifting fan duct increases the lift-to-drag ratio of the whole model by up to 25\% for all positive angles of attack. Different sizes and inclinations of the step had limited influence on the surface pressure distribution. The data indicate that these parameters can be optimized to maximize the lift-to-drag ratio. A doubling of the curvature radius of the lifting fan duct inlet lip on the upper side of the wing affected the lift-to-drag ratio by less than 1\%. The lifting fan duct inlet curvature can therefore be optimized to maximize the vertical fan thrust of the rotating lifting fan during hovering without affecting the cruise flight performance with a nonrotating fan.}, language = {en} } @article{KhayyamJamaliBabHadiasharetal.2020, author = {Khayyam, Hamid and Jamali, Ali and Bab-Hadiashar, Alireza and Esch, Thomas and Ramakrishna, Seeram and Jalili, Mahdi and Naebe, Minoo}, title = {A Novel Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithm for Limited and Big Data Modeling with Application in Industry 4.0}, series = {IEEE Access}, volume = {8}, journal = {IEEE Access}, number = {Art. 9108222}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York, NY}, issn = {2169-3536}, doi = {10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2999898}, pages = {111381 -- 111393}, year = {2020}, abstract = {To meet the challenges of manufacturing smart products, the manufacturing plants have been radically changed to become smart factories underpinned by industry 4.0 technologies. The transformation is assisted by employment of machine learning techniques that can deal with modeling both big or limited data. This manuscript reviews these concepts and present a case study that demonstrates the use of a novel intelligent hybrid algorithms for Industry 4.0 applications with limited data. In particular, an intelligent algorithm is proposed for robust data modeling of nonlinear systems based on input-output data. In our approach, a novel hybrid data-driven combining the Group-Method of Data-Handling and Singular-Value Decomposition is adapted to find an offline deterministic model combined with Pareto multi-objective optimization to overcome the overfitting issue. An Unscented-Kalman-Filter is also incorporated to update the coefficient of the deterministic model and increase its robustness against data uncertainties. The effectiveness of the proposed method is examined on a set of real industrial measurements.}, language = {en} } @article{MaurischatPerkins2020, author = {Maurischat, Andreas and Perkins, Rudolph}, title = {Taylor coefficients of Anderson generating functions and Drinfeld torsion extensions}, number = {Vol. 18, No. 01}, publisher = {World Scientific}, address = {Singapur}, doi = {10.1142/S1793042122500099}, pages = {113 -- 130}, year = {2020}, abstract = {We generalize our work on Carlitz prime power torsion extension to torsion extensions of Drinfeld modules of arbitrary rank. As in the Carlitz case, we give a description of these extensions in terms of evaluations of Anderson generating functions and their hyperderivatives at roots of unity. We also give a direct proof that the image of the Galois representation attached to the p-adic Tate module lies in the p-adic points of the motivic Galois group. This is a generalization of the corresponding result of Chang and Papanikolas for the t-adic case.}, language = {en} } @article{SmithKotliarLammertynetal.2020, author = {Smith, Wayne and Kotliar, Konstantin and Lammertyn, Leandi and Ramoshaba, Nthai E. and Vilser, Walthard and Huisman, Hugo W. and Schutte, Aletta E.}, title = {Retinal vessel caliber and caliber responses in true normotensive black and white adults: The African-PREDICT study}, series = {Microvascular Research}, volume = {128}, journal = {Microvascular Research}, number = {Article 103937}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0026-2862}, doi = {10.1016/j.mvr.2019.103937}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Purpose Globally, a detrimental shift in cardiovascular disease risk factors and a higher mortality level are reported in some black populations. The retinal microvasculature provides early insight into the pathogenesis of systemic vascular diseases, but it is unclear whether retinal vessel calibers and acute retinal vessel functional responses differ between young healthy black and white adults. Methods We included 112 black and 143 white healthy normotensive adults (20-30 years). Retinal vessel calibers (central retinal artery and vein equivalent (CRAE and CRVE)) were calculated from retinal images and vessel caliber responses to flicker light induced provocation (FLIP) were determined. Additionally, ambulatory blood pressure (BP), anthropometry and blood samples were collected. Results The groups displayed similar 24 h BP profiles and anthropometry (all p > .24). Black participants demonstrated a smaller CRAE (158 ± 11 vs. 164 ± 11 MU, p < .001) compared to the white group, whereas CRVE was similar (p = .57). In response to FLIP, artery maximal dilation was greater in the black vs. white group (5.6 ± 2.1 vs. 3.3 ± 1.8\%; p < .001). Conclusions Already at a young age, healthy black adults showed narrower retinal arteries relative to the white population. Follow-up studies are underway to show if this will be related to increased risk for hypertension development. The reason for the larger vessel dilation responses to FLIP in the black population is unclear and warrants further investigation.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{HauggKreyerKemperetal.2020, author = {Haugg, Albert Thomas and Kreyer, J{\"o}rg and Kemper, Hans and Hatesuer, Katerina and Esch, Thomas}, title = {Heat exchanger for ORC. adaptability and optimisation potentials}, series = {IIR International Rankine 2020 Conference}, booktitle = {IIR International Rankine 2020 Conference}, doi = {10.18462/iir.rankine.2020.1224}, pages = {10 Seiten}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The recovery of waste heat requires heat exchangers to extract it from a liquid or gaseous medium into another working medium, a refrigerant. In Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC) on Combustion Engines there are two major heat sources, the exhaust gas and the water/glycol fluid from the engine's cooling circuit. A heat exchanger design must be adapted to the different requirements and conditions resulting from the heat sources, fluids, system configurations, geometric restrictions, and etcetera. The Stacked Shell Cooler (SSC) is a new and very specific design of a plate heat exchanger, created by AKG, which allows with a maximum degree of freedom the optimization of heat exchange rate and the reduction of the related pressure drop. This optimization in heat exchanger design for ORC systems is even more important, because it reduces the energy consumption of the system and therefore maximizes the increase in overall efficiency of the engine.}, language = {en} } @article{GoettenHavermannBraunetal.2020, author = {G{\"o}tten, Falk and Havermann, Marc and Braun, Carsten and Marino, Matthew and Bil, Cees}, title = {Improved Form Factor for Drag Estimation of Fuselages with Various Cross Sections}, series = {Journal of Aircraft}, journal = {Journal of Aircraft}, publisher = {AIAA}, address = {Reston, Va.}, issn = {1533-3868}, doi = {10.2514/1.C036032}, pages = {1 -- 13}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The paper presents an aerodynamic investigation of 70 different streamlined bodies with fineness ratios ranging from 2 to 10. The bodies are chosen to idealize both unmanned and small manned aircraft fuselages and feature cross-sectional shapes that vary from circular to quadratic. The study focuses on friction and pressure drag in dependency of the individual body's fineness ratio and cross section. The drag forces are normalized with the respective body's wetted area to comply with an empirical drag estimation procedure. Although the friction drag coefficient then stays rather constant for all bodies, their pressure drag coefficients decrease with an increase in fineness ratio. Referring the pressure drag coefficient to the bodies' cross-sectional areas shows a distinct pressure drag minimum at a fineness ratio of about three. The pressure drag of bodies with a quadratic cross section is generally higher than for bodies of revolution. The results are used to derive an improved form factor that can be employed in a classic empirical drag estimation method. The improved formulation takes both the fineness ratio and cross-sectional shape into account. It shows superior accuracy in estimating streamlined body drag when compared with experimental data and other form factor formulations of the literature.}, language = {en} } @article{WildSchrezenmeierCzupallaetal.2020, author = {Wild, Dominik and Schrezenmeier, Johannes and Czupalla, Markus and F{\"o}rstner, Roger}, title = {Thermal Characterization of additive manufactured Integral Structures for Phase Change Applications}, series = {2020 International Conference on Environmental Systems}, journal = {2020 International Conference on Environmental Systems}, publisher = {Texas Tech University}, year = {2020}, abstract = {"Infused Thermal Solutions" (ITS) introduces a method for passive thermal control to stabilize structural components thermally without active heating and cooling systems, by using phase change material (PCM) in combination with lattice - both embedded into an additive manufactured integral structure. The technology is currently under development. This paper presents the results of the thermal property measurements performed on additive manufactured ITS breadboards. Within the breadboard campaigns key characteristics of the additive manufactured specimens were derived: Mechanical parameters: specimen impermeability, minimum wall thickness, lattice structure, subsequent heat treatment. Thermal properties: thermo-optical surface properties of the additive manufactured raw material, thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity measurements. As a conclusion the paper introduces an overview of potential ITS hardware applications, expected to increase the thermal performance.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ThomaFisherBraun2020, author = {Thoma, Andreas and Fisher, Alex and Braun, Carsten}, title = {Improving the px4 avoid algorithm by bio-inspired flight strategies}, series = {DLRK2020 - „Luft- und Raumfahrt - Verantwortung in allen Dimensionen"}, booktitle = {DLRK2020 - „Luft- und Raumfahrt - Verantwortung in allen Dimensionen"}, doi = {10.25967/530183}, pages = {10 Seiten}, year = {2020}, language = {en} } @article{GoettenHavermannBraunetal.2020, author = {G{\"o}tten, Falk and Havermann, Marc and Braun, Carsten and Marino, Matthew and Bil, Cees}, title = {Wind-tunnel and CFD investigations of UAV landing gears and turrets - Improvements in empirical drag estimation}, series = {Aerospace Science and Technology}, volume = {107}, journal = {Aerospace Science and Technology}, number = {Art. 106306}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1270-9638}, doi = {10.1016/j.ast.2020.106306}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This paper analyzes the drag characteristics of several landing gear and turret configurations that are representative of unmanned aircraft tricycle landing gears and sensor turrets. A variety of these components were constructed via 3D-printing and analyzed in a wind-tunnel measurement campaign. Both turrets and landing gears were attached to a modular fuselage that supported both isolated components and multiple components at a time. Selected cases were numerically investigated with a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes approach that showed good accuracy when compared to wind-tunnel data. The drag of main gear struts could be significantly reduced via streamlining their cross-sectional shape and keeping load carrying capabilities similar. The attachment of wheels introduced interference effects that increased strut drag moderately but significantly increased wheel drag compared to isolated cases. Very similar behavior was identified for front landing gears. The drag of an electro-optical and infrared sensor turret was found to be much higher than compared to available data of a clean hemisphere-cylinder combination. This turret drag was merely influenced by geometrical features like sensor surfaces and the rotational mechanism. The new data of this study is used to develop simple drag estimation recommendations for main and front landing gear struts and wheels as well as sensor turrets. These recommendations take geometrical considerations and interference effects into account.}, language = {en} } @article{Schueckhaus2020, author = {Sch{\"u}ckhaus, Ulrich}, title = {Die SkyCab-Erfinder im WFMG-Interview}, series = {Business in MG}, journal = {Business in MG}, number = {1}, pages = {6 -- 7}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{FingerdeVriesVosetal.2020, author = {Finger, Felix and de Vries, Reynard and Vos, Roelof and Braun, Carsten and Bil, Cees}, title = {A comparison of hybrid-electric aircraft sizing methods}, series = {AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum}, booktitle = {AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum}, doi = {10.2514/6.2020-1006}, pages = {31 Seiten}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The number of case studies focusing on hybrid-electric aircraft is steadily increasing, since these configurations are thought to lead to lower operating costs and environmental impact than traditional aircraft. However, due to the lack of reference data of actual hybrid-electric aircraft, in most cases, the design tools and results are difficult to validate. In this paper, two independently developed approaches for hybrid-electric conceptual aircraft design are compared. An existing 19-seat commuter aircraft is selected as the conventional baseline, and both design tools are used to size that aircraft. The aircraft is then re-sized under consideration of hybrid-electric propulsion technology. This is performed for parallel, serial, and fully-electric powertrain architectures. Finally, sensitivity studies are conducted to assess the validity of the basic assumptions and approaches regarding the design of hybrid-electric aircraft. Both methods are found to predict the maximum take-off mass (MTOM) of the reference aircraft with less than 4\% error. The MTOM and payload-range energy efficiency of various (hybrid-) electric configurations are predicted with a maximum difference of approximately 2\% and 5\%, respectively. The results of this study confirm a correct formulation and implementation of the two design methods, and the data obtained can be used by researchers to benchmark and validate their design tools.}, language = {en} } @article{FingerGoettenBraunetal.2020, author = {Finger, Felix and G{\"o}tten, Falk and Braun, Carsten and Bil, Cees}, title = {Mass, primary energy, and cost: the impact of optimization objectives on the initial sizing of hybrid-electric general aviation aircraft}, series = {CEAS Aeronautical Journal}, volume = {2020}, journal = {CEAS Aeronautical Journal}, number = {11}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Heidelberg}, issn = {1869-5590}, doi = {10.1007/s13272-020-00449-8}, pages = {713 -- 730}, year = {2020}, abstract = {For short take-off and landing (STOL) aircraft, a parallel hybrid-electric propulsion system potentially offers superior performance compared to a conventional propulsion system, because the short-take-off power requirement is much higher than the cruise power requirement. This power-matching problem can be solved with a balanced hybrid propulsion system. However, there is a trade-off between wing loading, power loading, the level of hybridization, as well as range and take-off distance. An optimization method can vary design variables in such a way that a minimum of a particular objective is attained. In this paper, a comparison between the optimization results for minimum mass, minimum consumed primary energy, and minimum cost is conducted. A new initial sizing algorithm for general aviation aircraft with hybrid-electric propulsion systems is applied. This initial sizing methodology covers point performance, mission performance analysis, the weight estimation process, and cost estimation. The methodology is applied to the design of a STOL general aviation aircraft, intended for on-demand air mobility operations. The aircraft is sized to carry eight passengers over a distance of 500 km, while able to take off and land from short airstrips. Results indicate that parallel hybrid-electric propulsion systems must be considered for future STOL aircraft.}, language = {en} } @article{FingerBraunBil2020, author = {Finger, Felix and Braun, Carsten and Bil, Cees}, title = {Impact of Battery Performance on the Initial Sizing of Hybrid-Electric General Aviation Aircraft}, series = {Journal of Aerospace Engineering}, volume = {33}, journal = {Journal of Aerospace Engineering}, number = {3}, publisher = {ASCE}, address = {Reston, Va.}, issn = {1943-5525}, doi = {10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0001113}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Studies suggest that hybrid-electric aircraft have the potential to generate fewer emissions and be inherently quieter when compared to conventional aircraft. By operating combustion engines together with an electric propulsion system, synergistic benefits can be obtained. However, the performance of hybrid-electric aircraft is still constrained by a battery's energy density and discharge rate. In this paper, the influence of battery performance on the gross mass for a four-seat general aviation aircraft with a hybrid-electric propulsion system is analyzed. For this design study, a high-level approach is chosen, using an innovative initial sizing methodology to determine the minimum required aircraft mass for a specific set of requirements and constraints. Only the peak-load shaving operational strategy is analyzed. Both parallel- and serial-hybrid propulsion configurations are considered for two different missions. The specific energy of the battery pack is varied from 200 to 1,000 W⋅h/kg, while the discharge time, and thus the normalized discharge rating (C-rating), is varied between 30 min (2C discharge rate) and 2 min (30C discharge rate). With the peak-load shaving operating strategy, it is desirable for hybrid-electric aircraft to use a light, low capacity battery system to boost performance. For this case, the battery's specific power rating proved to be of much higher importance than for full electric designs, which have high capacity batteries. Discharge ratings of 20C allow a significant take-off mass reduction aircraft. The design point moves to higher wing loadings and higher levels of hybridization if batteries with advanced technology are used.}, language = {en} } @article{FingerBraunBil2020, author = {Finger, Felix and Braun, Carsten and Bil, Cees}, title = {Comparative assessment of parallel-hybrid-electric propulsion systems for four different aircraft}, series = {Journal of Aircraft}, volume = {57}, journal = {Journal of Aircraft}, number = {5}, publisher = {AIAA}, address = {Reston, Va.}, issn = {1533-3868}, doi = {10.2514/1.C035897}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Until electric energy storage systems are ready to allow fully electric aircraft, the combination of combustion engine and electric motor as a hybrid-electric propulsion system seems to be a promising intermediate solution. Consequently, the design space for future aircraft is expanded considerably, as serial hybrid-electric, parallel hybrid-electric, fully electric, and conventional propulsion systems must all be considered. While the best propulsion system depends on a multitude of requirements and considerations, trends can be observed for certain types of aircraft and certain types of missions. This Paper provides insight into some factors that drive a new design toward either conventional or hybrid propulsion systems. General aviation aircraft, regional transport aircraft vertical takeoff and landing air taxis, and unmanned aerial vehicles are chosen as case studies. Typical missions for each class are considered, and the aircraft are analyzed regarding their takeoff mass and primary energy consumption. For these case studies, a high-level approach is chosen, using an initial sizing methodology. Only parallel-hybrid-electric powertrains are taken into account. Aeropropulsive interaction effects are neglected. Results indicate that hybrid-electric propulsion systems should be considered if the propulsion system is sized by short-duration power constraints. However, if the propulsion system is sized by a continuous power requirement, hybrid-electric systems offer hardly any benefit.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{TamaldinEschTonolietal.2020, author = {Tamaldin, Noreffendy and Esch, Thomas and Tonoli, Andrea and Reisinger, Karl Heinz and Sprenger, Hanna and Razuli, Hisham}, title = {ERASMUS+ United CBHE Automotive International Collaboration from European to South East Asia}, series = {Proceedings of the 2nd African International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd African International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management}, publisher = {IEOM Society International}, address = {Southfield}, isbn = {978-1-7923-6123-4}, issn = {2169-8767}, pages = {2970 -- 2972}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The industrial revolution especially in the IR4.0 era have driven many states of the art technologies to be introduced. The automotive industry as well as many other key industries have also been greatly influenced. The rapid development of automotive industries in Europe have created wide industry gap between European Union (EU) and developing countries such as in South East Asia (SEA). Indulging this situation, FH JOANNEUM, Austria together with European partners from FH Aachen, Germany and Politecnico di Torino, Italy are taking initiative to close down the gap utilizing the Erasmus+ United Capacity Building in Higher Education grant from EU. A consortium was founded to engage with automotive technology transfer using the European framework to Malaysian, Indonesian and Thailand Higher Education Institutions (HEI) as well as automotive industries in respective countries. This could be achieved by establishing Engineering Knowledge Transfer Unit (EKTU) in respective SEA institutions guided by the industry partners in their respective countries. This EKTU could offer updated, innovative and high-quality training courses to increase graduate's employability in higher education institutions and strengthen relations between HEI and the wider economic and social environment by addressing University-industry cooperation which is the regional priority for Asia. It is expected that, the Capacity Building Initiative would improve the quality of higher education and enhancing its relevance for the labor market and society in the SEA partners. The outcome of this project would greatly benefit the partners in strong and complementary partnership targeting the automotive industry and enhanced larger scale international cooperation between the European and SEA partners. It would also prepare the SEA HEI in sustainable partnership with Automotive industry in the region as a mean of income generation in the future.}, language = {en} } @misc{EcclestonDrummondMiddletonetal.2020, author = {Eccleston, Paul and Drummond, Rachel and Middleton, Kevin and Bishop, Georgia and Caldwell, Andrew and Desjonqueres, Lucile and Tosh, Ian and Cann, Nick and Crook, Martin and Hills, Matthew and Pearson, Chris and Simpson, Caroline and Stamper, Richard and Tinetti, Giovanna and Pascale, Enzo and Swain, Mark and Holmes, Warren A. and Wong, Andre and Puig, Ludovic and Pilbratt, G{\"o}ran and Linder, Martin and Boudin, Nathalie and Ertel, Hanno and Gambicorti, Lisa and Halain, Jean-Philippe and Pace, Emanuele and Vilardell, Francesc and G{\´o}mez, Jos{\´e} M. and Colom{\´e}, Josep and Amiaux, J{\´e}r{\^o}me and Cara, Christophe and Berthe, Michel and Moreau, Vincent and Morgante, Gianluca and Malaguti, Giuseppe and Alonso, Gustavo and {\´A}lvarez, Javier P. and Ollivier, Marc and Philippon, Anne and Hellin, Marie-Laure and Roose, Steve and Frericks, Martin and Krijger, Matthijs and Rataj, Miroslaw and Wawer, Piotr and Skup, Konrad and Sobiecki, Mateusz and Christian Jessen, Niels and M{\o}ller Pedersen, S{\o}ren and Hargrave, Peter and Griffin, Matt and Ottensamer, Roland and Hunt, Thomas and Rust, Duncan and Saleh, Aymen and Winter, Berend and Focardi, Mauro and Da Deppo, Vania and Zuppella, Paola and Czupalla, Markus}, title = {The ARIEL payload: A technical overview}, series = {Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave}, volume = {11443}, journal = {Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave}, editor = {Lystrup, Makenzie and Perrin, Marshall D. and Batalha, Natalie and Siegler, Nicholas and Tong, Edward C.}, publisher = {SPIE}, address = {Washington}, doi = {10.1117/12.2561478}, pages = {114430Z}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The Atmospheric Remote-Sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey, ARIEL, has been selected to be the next (M4) medium class space mission in the ESA Cosmic Vision programme. From launch in 2028, and during the following 4 years of operation, ARIEL will perform precise spectroscopy of the atmospheres of ~1000 known transiting exoplanets using its metre-class telescope. A three-band photometer and three spectrometers cover the 0.5 µm to 7.8 µm region of the electromagnetic spectrum. This paper gives an overview of the mission payload, including the telescope assembly, the FGS (Fine Guidance System) - which provides both pointing information to the spacecraft and scientific photometry and low-resolution spectrometer data, the ARIEL InfraRed Spectrometer (AIRS), and other payload infrastructure such as the warm electronics, structures and cryogenic cooling systems.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{FunkeBeckmannKeinzetal.2021, author = {Funke, Harald and Beckmann, Nils and Keinz, Jan and Horikawa, Atsushi}, title = {30 years of dry low NOx micromix combustor research for hydrogen-rich fuels: an overview of past and present activities}, series = {Conference Proceedings Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea and Air, Volume 4B: Combustion, Fuels, and Emissions}, booktitle = {Conference Proceedings Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea and Air, Volume 4B: Combustion, Fuels, and Emissions}, publisher = {ASME}, address = {New York, NY}, isbn = {978-0-7918-8413-3}, doi = {10.1115/GT2020-16328}, pages = {14 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The paper presents an overview of the past and present of low-emission combustor research with hydrogen-rich fuels at Aachen University of Applied Sciences. In 1990, AcUAS started developing the Dry-Low-NOx Micromix combustion technology. Micromix reduces NOx emissions using jet-in-crossflow mixing of multiple miniaturized fuel jets and combustor air with an inherent safety against flashback. At first, pure hydrogen as fuel was investigated with lab-scale applications. Later, Micromix prototypes were developed for the use in an industrial gas turbine Honeywell/Garrett GTCP-36-300, proving low NOx characteristics during real gas turbine operation, accompanied by the successful definition of safety laws and control system modifications. Further, the Micromix was optimized for the use in annular and can combustors as well as for fuel-flexibility with hydrogen-methane-mixtures and hydrogen-rich syngas qualities by means of extensive experimental and numerical simulations. In 2020, the latest Micromix application will be demonstrated in a commercial 2 MW-class gas turbine can-combustor with full-scale engine operation. The paper discusses the advances in Micromix research over the last three decades.}, language = {en} } @article{KezerashviliDachwald2021, author = {Kezerashvili, Roman Ya and Dachwald, Bernd}, title = {Preface: Solar sailing: Concepts, technology, and missions II}, series = {Advances in Space Research}, volume = {67}, journal = {Advances in Space Research}, number = {9}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0273-1177}, doi = {10.1016/j.asr.2021.01.037}, pages = {2559 -- 2560}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @article{HeiligersSchoutetensDachwald2021, author = {Heiligers, Jeannette and Schoutetens, Frederic and Dachwald, Bernd}, title = {Photon-sail equilibria in the alpha centauri system}, series = {Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics}, volume = {44}, journal = {Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics}, number = {5}, issn = {1533-3884}, doi = {10.2514/1.G005446}, pages = {1053 -- 1061}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @techreport{HebelMerkensFeyerletal.2021, author = {Hebel, Christoph and Merkens, Torsten and Feyerl, G{\"u}nter and Kemper, Hans and Busse, Daniel}, title = {Elektromobilit{\"a}t - Verbundprojekt "COSTARTebus": Comprehensive strategy to accelerate the integration of electric-buses into existing public transport systems - Teilprojekt A : Berichtszeitraum: 01.01.2018-31.10.2020}, publisher = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {219 Seiten}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @article{GoettenHavermannBraunetal.2021, author = {G{\"o}tten, Falk and Havermann, Marc and Braun, Carsten and Marino, Matthew and Bil, Cees}, title = {Aerodynamic Investigations of UAV Sensor Turrets - A Combined Wind-tunnel and CFD Approach}, series = {SciTech 2021, AIAA SciTech Forum, online, WW, Jan 11-15, 2021}, journal = {SciTech 2021, AIAA SciTech Forum, online, WW, Jan 11-15, 2021}, publisher = {AIAA}, address = {Reston, Va.}, doi = {10.2514/6.2021-1535}, pages = {1 -- 12}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SchoutetensDachwaldHeiligers2021, author = {Schoutetens, Frederic and Dachwald, Bernd and Heiligers, Jeannette}, title = {Optimisation of photon-sail trajectories in the alpha-centauri system using evolutionary neurocontrol}, series = {8th ICATT 2021}, booktitle = {8th ICATT 2021}, pages = {1 -- 15}, year = {2021}, abstract = {With the increased interest for interstellar exploration after the discovery of exoplanets and the proposal by Breakthrough Starshot, this paper investigates the optimisation of photon-sail trajectories in Alpha Centauri. The prime objective is to find the optimal steering strategy for a photonic sail to get captured around one of the stars after a minimum-time transfer from Earth. By extending the idea of the Breakthrough Starshot project with a deceleration phase upon arrival, the mission's scientific yield will be increased. As a secondary objective, transfer trajectories between the stars and orbit-raising manoeuvres to explore the habitable zones of the stars are investigated. All trajectories are optimised for minimum time of flight using the trajectory optimisation software InTrance. Depending on the sail technology, interstellar travel times of 77.6-18,790 years can be achieved, which presents an average improvement of 30\% with respect to previous work. Still, significant technological development is required to reach and be captured in the Alpha-Centauri system in less than a century. Therefore, a fly-through mission arguably remains the only option for a first exploratory mission to Alpha Centauri, but the enticing results obtained in this work provide perspective for future long-residence missions to our closest neighbouring star system.}, language = {en} } @article{MeyerGranrathFeyerletal.2021, author = {Meyer, Max-Arno and Granrath, Christian and Feyerl, G{\"u}nter and Richenhagen, Johannes and Kaths, Jakob and Andert, Jakob}, title = {Closed-loop platoon simulation with cooperative intelligent transportation systems based on vehicle-to-X communication}, series = {Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory}, volume = {106}, journal = {Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory}, number = {Art. 102173}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1569-190X}, doi = {10.1016/j.simpat.2020.102173}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{EnglhardWeberArent2021, author = {Englhard, Markus and Weber, Tobias and Arent, Jan-Christoph}, title = {Efficiency enhancement for CFRP-Prepregautoclave manufacturing by means of simulation-assisted loading optimization}, series = {Proceedings of SAMPE Europe Conference 2021}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SAMPE Europe Conference 2021}, pages = {8 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {A new method for improved autoclave loading within the restrictive framework of helicopter manufacturing is proposed. It is derived from experimental and numerical studies of the curing process and aims at optimizing tooling positions in the autoclave for fast and homogeneous heat-up. The mold positioning is based on two sets of information. The thermal properties of the molds, which can be determined via semi-empirical thermal simulation. The second information is a previously determined distribution of heat transfer coefficients inside the autoclave. Finally, an experimental proof of concept is performed to show a cycle time reduction of up to 31\% using the proposed methodology.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KronigerHorikawaFunkeetal.2021, author = {Kroniger, Daniel and Horikawa, Atsushi and Funke, Harald and Pf{\"a}ffle, Franziska}, title = {Numerical investigation of micromix hydrogen flames at different combustor pressure levels}, series = {The Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering (ICOPE)}, booktitle = {The Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering (ICOPE)}, doi = {10.1299/jsmeicope.2021.15.2021-0237}, pages = {4 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This study investigates the influence of pressure on the temperature distribution of the micromix (MMX) hydrogen flame and the NOx emissions. A steady computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis is performed by simulating a reactive flow with a detailed chemical reaction model. The numerical analysis is validated based on experimental investigations. A quantitative correlation is parametrized based on the numerical results. We find, that the flame initiation point shifts with increasing pressure from anchoring behind a downstream located bluff body towards anchoring upstream at the hydrogen jet. The numerical NOx emissions trend regarding to a variation of pressure is in good agreement with the experimental results. The pressure has an impact on both, the residence time within the maximum temperature region and on the peak temperature itself. In conclusion, the numerical model proved to be adequate for future prototype design exploration studies targeting on improving the operating range.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{HorikawaOkadaYamaguchietal.2021, author = {Horikawa, Atsushi and Okada, Kunio and Yamaguchi, Masato and Aoki, Shigeki and Wirsum, Manfred and Funke, Harald and Kusterer, Karsten}, title = {Combustor development and engine demonstration of micro-mix hydrogen combustion applied to M1A-17 gas turbine}, series = {Conference Proceedings Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea and Air, Volume 3B: Combustion, Fuels, and Emissions}, booktitle = {Conference Proceedings Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea and Air, Volume 3B: Combustion, Fuels, and Emissions}, doi = {10.1115/GT2021-59666}, pages = {13 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Kawasaki Heavy Industries, LTD. (KHI) has research and development projects for a future hydrogen society. These projects comprise the complete hydrogen cycle, including the production of hydrogen gas, the refinement and liquefaction for transportation and storage, and finally the utilization in a gas turbine for electricity and heat supply. Within the development of the hydrogen gas turbine, the key technology is stable and low NOx hydrogen combustion, namely the Dry Low NOx (DLN) hydrogen combustion. KHI, Aachen University of Applied Science, and B\&B-AGEMA have investigated the possibility of low NOx micro-mix hydrogen combustion and its application to an industrial gas turbine combustor. From 2014 to 2018, KHI developed a DLN hydrogen combustor for a 2MW class industrial gas turbine with the micro-mix technology. Thereby, the ignition performance, the flame stability for equivalent rotational speed, and higher load conditions were investigated. NOx emission values were kept about half of the Air Pollution Control Law in Japan: 84ppm (O2-15\%). Hereby, the elementary combustor development was completed. From May 2020, KHI started the engine demonstration operation by using an M1A-17 gas turbine with a co-generation system located in the hydrogen-fueled power generation plant in Kobe City, Japan. During the first engine demonstration tests, adjustments of engine starting and load control with fuel staging were investigated. On 21st May, the electrical power output reached 1,635 kW, which corresponds to 100\% load (ambient temperature 20 °C), and thereby NOx emissions of 65 ppm (O2-15, 60 RH\%) were verified. Here, for the first time, a DLN hydrogen-fueled gas turbine successfully generated power and heat.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KronigerHorikawaFunkeetal.2021, author = {Kroniger, Daniel and Horikawa, Atsushi and Funke, Harald and Pf{\"a}ffle, Franziska and Kishimoto, Tsuyoshi and Okada, Koichi}, title = {Experimental and numerical investigation on the effect of pressure on micromix hydrogen combustion}, series = {Conference Proceedings Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea and Air, Volume 3A: Combustion, Fuels, and Emissions}, booktitle = {Conference Proceedings Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea and Air, Volume 3A: Combustion, Fuels, and Emissions}, publisher = {ASME}, address = {New York, NY}, doi = {10.1115/GT2021-58926}, pages = {11 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The micromix (MMX) combustion concept is a DLN gas turbine combustion technology designed for high hydrogen content fuels. Multiple non-premixed miniaturized flames based on jet in cross-flow (JICF) are inherently safe against flashback and ensure a stable operation in various operative conditions. The objective of this paper is to investigate the influence of pressure on the micromix flame with focus on the flame initiation point and the NOx emissions. A numerical model based on a steady RANS approach and the Complex Chemistry model with relevant reactions of the GRI 3.0 mechanism is used to predict the reactive flow and NOx emissions at various pressure conditions. Regarding the turbulence-chemical interaction, the Laminar Flame Concept (LFC) and the Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) are compared. The numerical results are validated against experimental results that have been acquired at a high pressure test facility for industrial can-type gas turbine combustors with regard to flame initiation and NOx emissions. The numerical approach is adequate to predict the flame initiation point and NOx emission trends. Interestingly, the flame shifts its initiation point during the pressure increase in upstream direction, whereby the flame attachment shifts from anchoring behind a downstream located bluff body towards anchoring directly at the hydrogen jet. The LFC predicts this change and the NOx emissions more accurately than the EDC. The resulting NOx correlation regarding the pressure is similar to a non-premixed type combustion configuration.}, language = {en} } @article{Maurischat2021, author = {Maurischat, Andreas}, title = {Algebraic independence of the Carlitz period and its hyperderivatives}, pages = {1 -- 12}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @article{BohndickBosseJaenschetal.2021, author = {Bohndick, Carla and Bosse, Elke and J{\"a}nsch, Vanessa K. and Barnat, Miriam}, title = {How different diversity factors affect the perception of first-year requirements in higher education}, series = {Frontline Learning Research}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontline Learning Research}, number = {2}, publisher = {EARLI}, issn = {2295-3159}, doi = {10.14786/flr.v9i2.667}, pages = {78 -- 95}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In the light of growing university entry rates, higher education institutions not only serve larger numbers of students, but also seek to meet first-year students' ever more diverse needs. Yet to inform universities how to support the transition to higher education, research only offers limited insights. Current studies tend to either focus on the individual factors that affect student success or they highlight students' social background and their educational biography in order to examine the achievement of selected, non-traditional groups of students. Both lines of research appear to lack integration and often fail to take organisational diversity into account, such as different types of higher education institutions or degree programmes. For a more comprehensive understanding of student diversity, the present study includes individual, social and organisational factors. To gain insights into their role for the transition to higher education, we examine how the different factors affect the students' perception of the formal and informal requirements of the first year as more or less difficult to cope with. As the perceived requirements result from both the characteristics of the students and the institutional context, they allow to investigate transition at the interface of the micro and the meso level of higher education. Latent profile analyses revealed that there are no profiles with complex patterns of perception of the first-year requirements, but the identified groups rather differ in the overall level of perceived challenges. Moreover, SEM indicates that the differences in the perception largely depend on the individual factors self-efficacy and volition.}, language = {en} } @article{DickhoffHorikawaFunke2021, author = {Dickhoff, Jens and Horikawa, Atsushi and Funke, Harald}, title = {Hydrogen Combustion - new DLE Combustor Addresses NOx Emissions and Flashback}, series = {Turbomachinery international : the global journal of energy equipment}, volume = {62}, journal = {Turbomachinery international : the global journal of energy equipment}, number = {4}, publisher = {MJH Life Sciences}, address = {Cranbury}, issn = {2767-2328}, pages = {26 -- 27}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @article{SeefeldtDachwald2021, author = {Seefeldt, Patric and Dachwald, Bernd}, title = {Temperature increase on folded solar sail membranes}, series = {Advances in Space Research}, volume = {67}, journal = {Advances in Space Research}, number = {9}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0273-1177}, doi = {10.1016/j.asr.2020.09.026}, pages = {2688 -- 2695}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KohlbergerWildKasperetal.2021, author = {Kohlberger, David-Sharif and Wild, Dominik and Kasper, Stefan and Czupalla, Markus}, title = {Modeling and analyses of a thermal passively stabilized LEO/GEO star tracker with embedded phase change material applying the Infused Thermal Solutions (ITS) method}, series = {ICES202: Satellite, Payload, and Instrument Thermal Control}, booktitle = {ICES202: Satellite, Payload, and Instrument Thermal Control}, publisher = {Texas Tech University}, address = {Lubbock, Tex.}, pages = {12 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Phase change materials offer a way of storing excess heat and releasing it when it is needed. They can be utilized as a method to control thermal behavior without the need for additional energy. This work focuses on exploring the potential of using phase change materials to passively control the thermal behavior of a star tracker by infusing it with a fitting phase change material. Based on the numerical model of the star trackers thermal behavior using ESATAN-TMS without implemented phase change material, a fitting phase change material for selected orbits is chosen and implemented in the thermal model. The altered thermal behavior of the numerical model after the implementation is analyzed for different amounts of the chosen phase change materials using an ESATAN-based subroutine developed by the FH Aachen. The PCM-modelling-subroutine is explained in the paper ICES-2021-110. The results show that an increasing amount of phase change material increasingly damps temperature oscillations. Using an integral part structure some of the mass increase can be compensated.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WildCzupallaFoerstner2021, author = {Wild, Dominik and Czupalla, Markus and F{\"o}rstner, Roger}, title = {Modeling, prediction and test of additive manufactured integral structures with embedded lattice and phase change material applying Infused Thermal Solutions (ITS)}, series = {ICES104: Advances in Thermal Control Technology}, booktitle = {ICES104: Advances in Thermal Control Technology}, publisher = {Texas Tech University}, address = {Lubbock, Tex.}, pages = {12 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Infused Thermal Solutions (ITS) introduces a method for passive thermal control to stabilize structural components thermally without active heating and cooling systems, but with phase change material (PCM) for thermal energy storage (TES), in combination with lattice - both embedded in additive manufactured functional structures. In this ITS follow-on paper a thermal model approach and associated predictions are presented, related on the ITS functional breadboards developed at FH Aachen. Predictive TES by PCM is provided by a specially developed ITS PCM subroutine, which is applicable in ESATAN. The subroutine is based on the latent heat storage (LHS) method to numerically embed thermo-physical PCM behavior. Furthermore, a modeling approach is introduced to numerically consider the virtual PCM/lattice nodes within the macro-encapsulated PCM voids of the double wall ITS design. Related on these virtual nodes, in-plane and out-of-plane conductive links are defined. The recent additive manufactured ITS breadboard series are thermally cycled in the thermal vacuum chamber, both with and without embedded PCM. Related on breadboard hardware tests, measurement results are compared with predictions and are subsequently correlated. The results of specific simulations and measurements are presented. Recent predictive results of star tracker analyses are also presented in ICES-2021-106, based on this ITS PCM subroutine.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SchopenKemperEsch2021, author = {Schopen, Oliver and Kemper, Hans and Esch, Thomas}, title = {Development of a comparison methodology and evaluation matrix for electrically driven compressors in ICE and FC}, series = {Proceedings of the 1st UNITED - Southeast Asia Automotive Interest Group (SAIG) International Conference}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st UNITED - Southeast Asia Automotive Interest Group (SAIG) International Conference}, publisher = {FH Joanneum}, address = {Graz}, isbn = {978-3-902103-94-9}, pages = {45 -- 46}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In addition to electromobility and alternative drive systems, a focus is set on electrically driven compressors (EDC), with a high potential for increasing the efficiency of internal combustion engines (ICE) and fuel cells [01]. The primary objective is to increase the ICE torque, provided independently of the ICE speed by compressing the intake air and consequently the ICE filling level supported by the compressor. For operation independent from the ICE speed, the EDC compressor is decoupled from the turbine by using an electric compressor motor (CM) instead of the turbine. ICE performances can be increased by the use of EDC where individual compressor parameters are adapted to the respective application area [02] [03]. This task contains great challenges, increased by demands with regard to pollutant reduction while maintaining constant performance and reduced fuel consumption. The FH-Aachen is equipped with an EDC test bench which enables EDC-investigations in various configurations and operating modes. Characteristic properties of different compressors can be determined, which build the basis for a comparison methodology. Subject of this project is the development of a comparison methodology for EDC with an associated evaluation method and a defined overall evaluation method. For the application of this comparison methodology, corresponding series of measurements are carried out on the EDC test bench using an appropriate test device.}, language = {en} }