@article{BaringhausGaigall2015, author = {Baringhaus, Ludwig and Gaigall, Daniel}, title = {On an independence test approach to the goodness-of-fit problem}, series = {Journal of Multivariate Analysis}, volume = {2015}, journal = {Journal of Multivariate Analysis}, number = {140}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0047-259X}, doi = {10.1016/j.jmva.2015.05.013}, pages = {193 -- 208}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Let X₁,…,Xₙ be independent and identically distributed random variables with distribution F. Assuming that there are measurable functions f:R²→R and g:R²→R characterizing a family F of distributions on the Borel sets of R in the way that the random variables f(X₁,X₂),g(X₁,X₂) are independent, if and only if F∈F, we propose to treat the testing problem H:F∈F,K:F∉F by applying a consistent nonparametric independence test to the bivariate sample variables (f(Xᵢ,Xⱼ),g(Xᵢ,Xⱼ)),1⩽i,j⩽n,i≠j. A parametric bootstrap procedure needed to get critical values is shown to work. The consistency of the test is discussed. The power performance of the procedure is compared with that of the classical tests of Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cram{\´e}r-von Mises in the special cases where F is the family of gamma distributions or the family of inverse Gaussian distributions.}, language = {en} } @article{Czarnecki2015, author = {Czarnecki, Christian}, title = {Moderne Telekommunikationsprodukte erfordern standardisierte Gesch{\"a}ftsprozesse}, series = {Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft}, journal = {Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft}, number = {2}, publisher = {Deutsche Telekom AG. Fachhochschule Leipzig}, address = {Leipzig}, pages = {7 -- 7}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @techreport{GeisslerProkopBubneretal.2015, author = {Geißler, Karsten and Prokop, Ines and Bubner, Andr{\´e} and Egner, Ralf and Heyde, Stefan and Kempkes, Marian and K{\"u}hn, Bertram and Laumann, J{\"o}rg and Lieberwirth, Peter and Naumes, Johannes and Ruga, Julija and Schilling, Sivo and Schmidt, Herbert and Ummenhofer, Thomas}, title = {Verbesserung der Praxistauglichkeit der Baunormen durch pr{\"a}normative Arbeit - Teilantrag 3: Stahlbau, Abschlussbericht}, publisher = {Fraunhofer IRB Verlag}, address = {Stuttgart}, isbn = {978-3-8167-9539-1}, pages = {130 Seiten}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{SteuerDankertBergLeichtScholten2015, author = {Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Berg, Tobias and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {Breaking the habit - new approaches in engineering education}, series = {Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education}, isbn = {978-2-87352-012-0}, pages = {11}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Within the framework of the project a genderand diversity-oriented teaching evaluation and modern, media-supported blended learning approaches were used in order to achieve the intended goals. First research results of the literature and status quo analysis were already implemented and tested in newly designed teaching approaches, for example in a multidisciplinary introductory lecture of civil engineering at RWTH Aachen University.}, language = {en} } @incollection{StangelMesekeHahnSteuerDankert2015, author = {Stangel-Meseke, Martina and Hahn, Pia and Steuer-Dankert, Linda}, title = {Ausblick: Der individualit{\"a}tsbezogene Diversity Management-Ansatz als Antwort auf Individualisierung}, series = {Diversity Management und Individualisierung}, booktitle = {Diversity Management und Individualisierung}, publisher = {Springer Gabler}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-07485-2}, pages = {23 -- 24}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Der Megatrend Individualisierung fordert von Unternehmen, ihre Strategien und Prozessabl{\"a}ufe bei zunehmender Globalisierung grundlegend zu {\"u}berdenken. W{\"a}hrend Strategien und Prozessabl{\"a}ufe im Unternehmen Standards unterliegen, entwickelt sich unsere Gesellschaft immer st{\"a}rker zu einem individuumszentrierten System, in dem es gilt, Werte und Lebensstile der Individuen zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen und derart wertzusch{\"a}tzen, dass Mitarbeitende motiviert und mit hoher Bindung an das Unternehmen die anstehenden Leistungen f{\"u}r das Unternehmen erbringen. Im Konzept DiM sind Standardisierung und Individualisierung keine gegens{\"a}tzlichen Aspekte, da bei DiM neben der Betrachtung des betriebswirtschaftlichen Nutzens dieses Konzepts f{\"u}r Unternehmen die Wertsch{\"a}tzung des Individuums als genuines Merkmal betont wird.}, language = {de} } @incollection{StangelMesekeHahnSteuerDankert2015, author = {Stangel-Meseke, Martina and Hahn, Pia and Steuer-Dankert, Linda}, title = {Der Individualisierungs-Trend pr{\"a}gt die Unternehmenszukunft}, series = {Diversity Management und Individualisierung}, booktitle = {Diversity Management und Individualisierung}, publisher = {Springer Gabler}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-07484-5}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-07485-2_1}, pages = {1 -- 3}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Laut Zukunftsinstitut (2010) stellt die Individualisierung eine langfristige und nachhaltige Ver{\"a}nderung dar, die die gesamte Gesellschaft (den einzelnen Menschen, Unternehmen, den Staat) betrifft und Auswirkungen auf nahezu alle Lebensbereiche (z. B. Arbeit, Wohnen, Partnerschaft) hat. Die Individualisierung beschreibt dabei die Entwicklung hin zur Fokussierung pers{\"o}nlicher Interessen und Lebensentscheidungen der einzelnen Person (Kunze, Individualisierung, 2011). Der Grund f{\"u}r diese Entwicklung sind laut Kunze (Individualisierung, 2011) Treiber wie steigendes Verm{\"o}gen, Bildung und Mobilit{\"a}t, was die einzelne Person unabh{\"a}ngiger von gr{\"o}ßeren Gemeinschaften macht und mehr Freiheit zur Selbstverwirklichung bietet. Als eine Konsequenz daraus werden Wertevorstellungen nicht mehr einfach hingenommen, sondern f{\"u}r die eigene Person {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft und individualisiert (Kunze, Individualisierung, 2011). So wies Beck bereits 1996 darauf hin, dass Individualisierung meint „erstens die Aufl{\"o}sung und zweitens die Abl{\"o}sung industriegesellschaftlicher Lebensformen durch andere, in denen die Einzelnen ihre Biographie selbst herstellen, inszenieren, zusammenflickschustern m{\"u}ssen" (Beck, Die Erfindung des Politischen, 1996, S. 150).}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{PirovanoSeefeldtDachwaldetal.2015, author = {Pirovano, Laura and Seefeldt, Patric and Dachwald, Bernd and Noomen, Ron}, title = {Attitude and orbital modeling of an uncontrolled solar-sail experiment in low-Earth orbit}, series = {25th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics ISSFD}, booktitle = {25th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics ISSFD}, pages = {1 -- 15}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Gossamer-1 is the first project of the three-step Gossamer roadmap, the purpose of which is to develop, prove and demonstrate that solar-sail technology is a safe and reliable propulsion technique for long-lasting and high-energy missions. This paper firstly presents the structural analysis performed on the sail to understand its elastic behavior. The results are then used in attitude and orbital simulations. The model considers the main forces and torques that a satellite experiences in low-Earth orbit coupled with the sail deformation. Doing the simulations for varying initial conditions in attitude and rotation rate, the results show initial states to avoid and maximum rotation rates reached for correct and faulty deployment of the sail. Lastly comparisons with the classic flat sail model are carried out to test the hypothesis that the elastic behavior does play a role in the attitude and orbital behavior of the sail}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GrundmannLangeDachwaldetal.2015, author = {Grundmann, Jan Thimo and Lange, Caroline and Dachwald, Bernd and Grimm, Christian and Koch, Aaron and Ulamec, Stephan}, title = {Small Spacecraft in Planetary Defence Related Applications-Capabilities, Constraints, Challenges}, series = {IEEE Aerospace Conference}, booktitle = {IEEE Aerospace Conference}, pages = {1 -- 18}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In this paper we present an overview of the characteristics and peculiarities of small spacecraft missions related to planetary defence applications. We provide a brief overview of small spacecraft missions to small solar system bodies. On this background we present recent missions and selected projects and related studies at the German Aerospace Center, DLR, that contribute to planetary defence related activities. These range from Earth orbit technology demonstrators to active science missions in interplanetary space. We provide a summary of experience from recently flown missions with DLR participation as well as a number of studies. These include PHILAE, the lander recently arrived on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko aboard ESA's ROSETTA comet rendezvous mission, and the Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout, MASCOT, now underway to near-Earth asteroid (162173) 1999 JU3 aboard the Japanese sample-return probe HAYABUSA-2. We introduce the differences between the conventional methods employed in the design, integration and testing of large spacecraft and the new approaches developed by small spacecraft projects. We expect that the practical experience that can be gained from projects on extremely compressed timelines or with high-intensity operation phases on a newly explored small solar system body can contribute significantly to the study, preparation and realization of future planetary defence related missions. One is AIDA (Asteroid Impact \& Deflection Assessment), a joint effort of ESA,JHU/APL, NASA, OCA and DLR, combining JHU/APL's DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) and ESA's AIM (Asteroid Impact Monitor) spacecraft in a mission towards near-Eath binary asteroid (65803) Didymos.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SeefeldtBauerDachwaldetal.2015, author = {Seefeldt, Patric and Bauer, Waldemar and Dachwald, Bernd and Grundmann, Jan Thimo and Straubel, Marco and Sznajder, Maciej and T{\´o}th, Norbert and Zander, Martin E.}, title = {Large lightweight deployable structures for planetary defence: solar sail propulsion, solar concentrator payloads, large-scale photovoltaic power}, series = {4th IAA Planetary Defense Conference - PDC 2015, 13-17 April 2015, Frascati, Roma, Italy}, booktitle = {4th IAA Planetary Defense Conference - PDC 2015, 13-17 April 2015, Frascati, Roma, Italy}, pages = {24}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @article{GollandEngling2015, author = {Golland, Alexander and Engling, Christoph}, title = {Offene und geschlossene WLAN: Rechtliche H{\"u}rden bei Betrieb eines {\"o}ffentlichen Internetzugangs}, series = {DSB Datenschutz-Berater}, volume = {39}, journal = {DSB Datenschutz-Berater}, number = {5}, publisher = {DFV Mediengruppe}, address = {Frankfurt a.M.}, issn = {0170-7256}, pages = {102 -- 103}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{SchaenzleAltherrEdereretal.2015, author = {Sch{\"a}nzle, Christian and Altherr, Lena and Ederer, Thorsten and Pelz, Peter}, title = {TOR - Towards the energetically optimal ventilation system}, pages = {1 Seite}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @article{PoettgenEdererAltherretal.2015, author = {P{\"o}ttgen, Philipp and Ederer, Thorsten and Altherr, Lena and Pelz, Peter F.}, title = {Developing a control strategy for booster stations under uncertain load}, series = {Applied Mechanics and Materials}, volume = {807}, journal = {Applied Mechanics and Materials}, number = {807}, publisher = {Trans Tech Publications}, address = {B{\"a}ch}, isbn = {1662-7482}, doi = {10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.807.241}, pages = {241 -- 246}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Booster stations can fulfill a varying pressure demand with high energy-efficiency, because individual pumps can be deactivated at smaller loads. Although this is a seemingly simple approach, it is not easy to decide precisely when to activate or deactivate pumps. Contemporary activation controls derive the switching points from the current volume flow through the system. However, it is not measured directly for various reasons. Instead, the controller estimates the flow based on other system properties. This causes further uncertainty for the switching decision. In this paper, we present a method to find a robust, yet energy-efficient activation strategy.}, language = {en} } @article{AltherrEdererPoettgenetal.2015, author = {Altherr, Lena and Ederer, Thorsten and P{\"o}ttgen, Philipp and Lorenz, Ulf and Pelz, Peter F.}, title = {Multicriterial optimization of technical systems considering multiple load and availability scenarios}, series = {Applied Mechanics and Materials}, volume = {807}, journal = {Applied Mechanics and Materials}, editor = {Pelz, Peter F. and Groche, Peter}, isbn = {1660-9336}, doi = {10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.807.247}, pages = {247 -- 256}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Cheap does not imply cost-effective -- this is rule number one of zeitgeisty system design. The initial investment accounts only for a small portion of the lifecycle costs of a technical system. In fluid systems, about ninety percent of the total costs are caused by other factors like power consumption and maintenance. With modern optimization methods, it is already possible to plan an optimal technical system considering multiple objectives. In this paper, we focus on an often neglected contribution to the lifecycle costs: downtime costs due to spontaneous failures. Consequently, availability becomes an issue.}, language = {en} } @article{PoettgenEdererAltherretal.2015, author = {P{\"o}ttgen, Philipp and Ederer, Thorsten and Altherr, Lena and Lorenz, Ulf and Pelz, Peter F.}, title = {Examination and optimization of a heating circuit for energy-efficient buildings}, series = {Energy Technology}, volume = {4}, journal = {Energy Technology}, number = {1}, publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, address = {Weinheim}, isbn = {2194-4296}, doi = {10.1002/ente.201500252}, pages = {136 -- 144}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The conference center darmstadtium in Darmstadt is a prominent example of energy efficient buildings. Its heating system consists of different source and consumer circuits connected by a Zortstr{\"o}m reservoir. Our goal was to reduce the energy costs of the system as much as possible. Therefore, we analyzed its supply circuits. The first step towards optimization is a complete examination of the system: 1) Compilation of an object list for the system, 2) collection of the characteristic curves of the components, and 3) measurement of the load profiles of the heat and volume-flow demand. Instead of modifying the system manually and testing the solution by simulation, the second step was the creation of a global optimization program. The objective was to minimize the total energy costs for one year. We compare two different topologies and show opportunities for significant savings.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SchaenzleAltherrEdereretal.2015, author = {Sch{\"a}nzle, Christian and Altherr, Lena and Ederer, Thorsten and Lorenz, Ulf and Pelz, Peter F.}, title = {As good as it can be: Ventilation system design by a combined scaling and discrete optimization method}, series = {Proceedings of FAN 2015}, booktitle = {Proceedings of FAN 2015}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The understanding that optimized components do not automatically lead to energy-efficient systems sets the attention from the single component on the entire technical system. At TU Darmstadt, a new field of research named Technical Operations Research (TOR) has its origin. It combines mathematical and technical know-how for the optimal design of technical systems. We illustrate our optimization approach in a case study for the design of a ventilation system with the ambition to minimize the energy consumption for a temporal distribution of diverse load demands. By combining scaling laws with our optimization methods we find the optimal combination of fans and show the advantage of the use of multiple fans.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AltherrEdererVergeetal.2015, author = {Altherr, Lena and Ederer, Thorsten and Verg{\´e}, Angela and Pelz, Peter F.}, title = {Algorithmische Struktursynthese eines hydrostatischen Getriebes}, series = {Antriebssysteme 2015 : Elektrik, Mechanik, Fluidtechnik in der Anwendung}, booktitle = {Antriebssysteme 2015 : Elektrik, Mechanik, Fluidtechnik in der Anwendung}, publisher = {VDI-Verlag}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {978-3-18-092268-3}, pages = {145 -- 155}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{KlettkeHomburgGell2015, author = {Klettke, Tanja and Homburg, Carsten and Gell, Sebastian}, title = {How to measure analyst forecast effort}, series = {European Accounting Review}, volume = {24}, journal = {European Accounting Review}, number = {1}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, address = {London}, issn = {0963-8180}, doi = {10.1080/09638180.2014.909291}, pages = {129 -- 146}, year = {2015}, abstract = {We introduce a new way to measure the forecast effort that analysts devote to their earnings forecasts by measuring the analyst's general effort for all covered firms. While the commonly applied effort measure is based on analyst behaviour for one firm, our measure considers analyst behaviour for all covered firms. Our general effort measure captures additional information about analyst effort and thus can identify accurate forecasts. We emphasise the importance of investigating analyst behaviour in a larger context and argue that analysts who generally devote substantial forecast effort are also likely to devote substantial effort to a specific firm, even if this effort might not be captured by a firm-specific measure. Empirical results reveal that analysts who devote higher general forecast effort issue more accurate forecasts. Additional investigations show that analysts' career prospects improve with higher general forecast effort. Our measure improves on existing methods as it has higher explanatory power regarding differences in forecast accuracy than the commonly applied effort measure. Additionally, it can address research questions that cannot be examined with a firm-specific measure. It provides a simple but comprehensive way to identify accurate analysts.}, language = {en} } @techreport{BlandfordDachwaldDigeletal.2015, author = {Blandford, Daniel and Dachwald, Bernd and Digel, Ilya and Espe, Clemens and Feldmann, Marco and Francke, Gero and Hiecke, Hannah and Kowalski, Julia and Lindner, Peter and Plescher, Engelbert and Sch{\"o}ngarth, Sarah}, title = {Enceladus Explorer : Schlussbericht — Version: 1.0}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, doi = {10.2314/GBV:86319950X}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{HagerHentschkeHojdisetal.2015, author = {Hager, Jonathan and Hentschke, Reinhard and Hojdis, Nils and Karimi-Varzaneh, Hossein Ali}, title = {Computer Simulation of Particle-Particle Interaction in a Model Polymer Nanocomposite}, series = {Macromolecules}, volume = {48}, journal = {Macromolecules}, number = {24}, issn = {1520-5835}, doi = {10.1021/acs.macromol.5b01864}, pages = {9039 -- 9049}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{OttenSchmidWeber2015, author = {Otten, D. and Schmid, M. and Weber, Tobias}, title = {Advances In Sheet Metal-Forming: Reduction Of Tooling Cost By Methodical Optimization}, series = {Proceedings of SAMPE Europe Conference, Amiens , France}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SAMPE Europe Conference, Amiens , France}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Weber2015, author = {Weber, Tobias}, title = {Manufacturing Process Simulation for Tooling Optimization: Reduction of Quality Issues During Autoclave Manufacturing of Composite Parts}, series = {Proceedings of SAMPE Europe Conference 2015, Amiens, France}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SAMPE Europe Conference 2015, Amiens, France}, pages = {1 -- 8}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WeberEnglhardHaileretal.2015, author = {Weber, Tobias and Englhard, Markus and Hailer, Benjamin and Arent, Jan-Christoph}, title = {Manufacturing Process Simulation for the Prediction of Tool-Part-Interaction and Ply Wrinkling}, series = {Proceedings of SAMPE Europe Conference, Amiens , France}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SAMPE Europe Conference, Amiens , France}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @misc{HuschyarTippkoetterUlber2015, author = {Huschyar, Al-Kaidy and Tippk{\"o}tter, Nils and Ulber, Roland}, title = {System und Verfahren zur Durchf{\"u}hrung von chemischen, biologischen oder physikalischen Reaktionen}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @misc{StadtmuellerTippkoetterUlber2015, author = {Stadtm{\"u}ller, Ralf and Tippk{\"o}tter, Nils and Ulber, Roland}, title = {Method for production of single-stranded macronucleotides}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The invention relates to a method for production of single-stranded macronucleotides by amplifying and ligating an extended monomeric single-stranded target nucleic acid sequence (targetss) into a repetitive cluster of double-stranded target nucleic acid sequences (targetds), and subsequently cloning the construct into a vector (aptagene vector). The aptagene vector is transformed into host cells for replication of the aptagene and isolated in order to optain single-stranded target sequences (targetss). The invention also relates to single-stranded nucleic acids, produced by a method of the invention.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WulfhorstMerseburgTippkoetter2015, author = {Wulfhorst, Helene and Merseburg, Johannes and Tippk{\"o}tter, Nils}, title = {Analyse von Lignocellulose mittels dynamischer Differenzkalorimetrie und Infrarot - Spektrometrie}, series = {12. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium 2015 2015-12-07 - 2015-12-09}, booktitle = {12. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium 2015 2015-12-07 - 2015-12-09}, isbn = {978-3-9813484-9-1}, doi = {10.5162/12dss2015/P6.2}, pages = {210 -- 215}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{Pietsch2015, author = {Pietsch, Wolfram}, title = {Augmenting voice of the customer analysis by analysis of belief}, series = {QFD-Forum}, journal = {QFD-Forum}, number = {30}, issn = {1431-6951}, pages = {1 -- 5}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @article{RoethSlabuKolvenbachetal.2015, author = {R{\"o}th, Anjali A. and Slabu, Ioana and Kolvenbach, K. and Engelmann, Ulrich M. and Baumann, Martin and Schmitz-Rode, T. and Trahms, L. and Neumann, U.}, title = {Aufnahmekinetik von magnetischen Nanopartikeln zur Tumortherapie in humanen Pankreaskarzinomzelllinien}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Gastroenterologie}, volume = {53}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Gastroenterologie}, number = {8}, publisher = {Thieme}, address = {Stuttgart}, issn = {1439-7803}, doi = {10.1055/s-0035-1559529}, pages = {KC139}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{AkimbekovDigelO’Herasetal.2015, author = {Akimbekov, Nuraly S. and Digel, Ilya and O'Heras, C. and Tastambek, K.T. and Savitskaya, I.S. and Ualyeva, P.S. and Mansurov, Z.A. and Zhubanova, A.A.}, title = {Adsorption of bacterial lipopol ysaccharides on carbonized ri ce husks obtained in the batch experiments}, series = {KazNU Bulletin. Biology series}, volume = {60}, journal = {KazNU Bulletin. Biology series}, number = {No 1/2}, issn = {1563-0218}, pages = {144 -- 148}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @incollection{MuellerJungSchmoelzer2015, author = {Mueller, Wolfram and Jung, Alexander and Schm{\"o}lzer, Bernhard}, title = {Der Einfluss der H{\"o}he {\"u}ber dem Meeresspiegel auf die Flugbahnen im Schispringen}, series = {Jahrbuch 2015 - {\"O}sterreichische Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Alpin- und H{\"o}henmedizin}, booktitle = {Jahrbuch 2015 - {\"O}sterreichische Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Alpin- und H{\"o}henmedizin}, editor = {Faulhaber, Martin and Schobersberger, Wolfgang and Schobersberger, Beatrix and Sumann, G{\"u}nther and Domej, Wolfgang}, publisher = {{\"O}sterreichische Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Alpin- und H{\"o}henmedizin}, address = {Innsbruck}, isbn = {978-3-9501312-5-3}, pages = {173 -- 190}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{Matcha2015, author = {Matcha, Heike}, title = {Parametrized Systems: Conceiving of Buildings as Assemblies of Varied Parts}, series = {Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015}, journal = {Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015}, editor = {Martens, B.}, pages = {143 -- 148}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Seifarth2015, author = {Seifarth, Volker}, title = {Ureteral tissue engineering : development of a bioreactor system and subsequent characterization of the generated biohybrids}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsbibliothek Duisburg-Essen}, address = {Duisburg ; Essen}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gossmann2015, author = {Goßmann, Matthias}, title = {Entwicklung eines autokontraktilen Herzmuskelmodells zur funktionalen Medikamenten- und Toxinforschung}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsbibliothek Duisburg-Essen}, address = {Duisburg ; Essen}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{BassamAbduljabbar2015, author = {Bassam Abduljabbar, Rasha}, title = {Physikalisch-chemische Steuerung der Proteinstabilit{\"a}t in biologischen Systemen}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @incollection{FiedlerHennMelcher2015, author = {Fiedler, Gerda and Henn, Gudrun and Melcher, Karin}, title = {ANPAK - Ein Anpassungskurs f{\"u}r Studienanf{\"a}nger in den Ingenieurwissenschaften}, series = {Qualifizierung von Studierenden im Student-Life-Cycle. Tagungsband zum Mosbacher Tag der Lehre am 23.10.2014 /}, booktitle = {Qualifizierung von Studierenden im Student-Life-Cycle. Tagungsband zum Mosbacher Tag der Lehre am 23.10.2014 /}, editor = {Morschheuser, Petra}, publisher = {Duale Hochschule Baden-W{\"u}rttemberg (DHBW)}, address = {Mosbach}, isbn = {978-3-943656-02-2}, pages = {90 -- 93}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Duong2015, author = {Duong, Minh Tuan}, title = {Hyperelastic modeling and soft-tissue growth integrated with the smoothed finite element method - SFEM}, publisher = {RWTH Aachen University}, pages = {174 S.}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @incollection{WolfKapelyukhScheeretal.2015, author = {Wolf, C. Roland and Kapelyukh, Yury and Scheer, Nico and Henderson, Colin J.}, title = {Application of Humanised and Other Transgenic Models to Predict Human Responses to Drugs}, editor = {Wilson, Alan G. E.}, publisher = {RSC Publ.}, address = {Cambridge}, isbn = {978-1-78262-778-4}, doi = {10.1039/9781782622376-00152}, pages = {152 -- 176}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The use of transgenic animal models has transformed our knowledge of complex biochemical pathways in vivo. It has allowed disease processes to be modelled and used in the development of new disease prevention and treatment strategies. They can also be used to define cell- and tissue-specific pathways of gene regulation. A further major application is in the area of preclinical development where such models can be used to define pathways of chemical toxicity, and the pathways that regulate drug disposition. One major application of this approach is the humanisation of mice for the proteins that control drug metabolism and disposition. Such models can have numerous applications in the development of drugs and in their more sophisticated use in the clinic.}, language = {en} } @article{HendersonMclaughlinScheeretal.2015, author = {Henderson, Colin J. and Mclaughlin, Lesley A. and Scheer, Nico and Stanley, Lesley A. and Wolf, C. Roland}, title = {Cytochrome b5 Is a Major Determinant of Human Cytochrome P450 CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 Activity In Vivo s}, series = {Molecular Pharmacology}, volume = {87}, journal = {Molecular Pharmacology}, number = {4}, publisher = {ASPET}, address = {Bethesda}, issn = {1521-0111}, doi = {10.1124/mol.114.097394}, pages = {733 -- 739}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @article{HoughNalwalkDingetal.2015, author = {Hough, Lindsay B. and Nalwalk, Julia W. and Ding, Xinxin and Scheer, Nico}, title = {Opioid Analgesia in P450 Gene Cluster Knockout Mice: A Search for Analgesia-Relevant Isoforms}, series = {Drug Metabolism and Disposition}, volume = {43}, journal = {Drug Metabolism and Disposition}, number = {9}, issn = {1521-009x}, doi = {10.1124/dmd.115.065490}, pages = {1326 -- 1330}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @article{ScheerKapelyukhRodeetal.2015, author = {Scheer, Nico and Kapelyukh, Yury and Rode, Anja and Oswald, Stefan and Busch, Diana and Mclaughlin, Lesley A. and Lin, De and Henderson, Colin J. and Wolf, C. Roland}, title = {Defining Human Pathways of Drug Metabolism In Vivo through the Development of a Multiple Humanized Mouse Model}, series = {Drug Metabolism and Disposition}, volume = {43}, journal = {Drug Metabolism and Disposition}, number = {11}, publisher = {ASPET}, address = {Bethesda}, issn = {1521-009x}, doi = {10.1124/dmd.115.065656}, pages = {1679 -- 1690}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @incollection{KrollLudwigs2015, author = {Kroll-Ludwigs, Kathrin}, title = {Art. 5 Rom III-Regulation (choice of applicable law by the parties)}, series = {Rome Regulations : commentary}, booktitle = {Rome Regulations : commentary}, editor = {Calliess, Gralf-Peter}, edition = {2nd ed.}, publisher = {Wolters Kluwer}, isbn = {9789041147547}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @incollection{KrollLudwigs2015, author = {Kroll-Ludwigs, Kathrin}, title = {Art. 7 Rome III-Regulation (formal validity)}, series = {Rome Regulations : commentary}, booktitle = {Rome Regulations : commentary}, editor = {Colliess, Gralf-Peter}, edition = {2nd ed.}, publisher = {Wolters Kluwer}, isbn = {9789041147547}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @incollection{CalliessKrollLudwigs2015, author = {Calliess, Gralf-Peter and Kroll-Ludwigs, Kathrin}, title = {Art. 6 Rome III-Regulation (consent and material validity)}, series = {Rome Regulations : commentary}, booktitle = {Rome Regulations : commentary}, publisher = {Wolters Kluwer}, isbn = {9789041147547}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @incollection{KrollLudwigs2015, author = {Kroll-Ludwigs, Kathrin}, title = {Kommentierung zu EU-LP-G{\"u}terVO}, series = {Europ{\"a}isches Zivilprozess- und Kollisionsrecht EuZPR/EuIPR, Band IV}, booktitle = {Europ{\"a}isches Zivilprozess- und Kollisionsrecht EuZPR/EuIPR, Band IV}, editor = {Rauscher, Thomas}, edition = {4., neu bearbeitete Auflage}, publisher = {Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-504-38437-1}, doi = {10.9785/9783504384371-008}, pages = {1147 -- 1188}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @incollection{KrollLudwigs2015, author = {Kroll-Ludwigs, Kathrin}, title = {Kommentierung zu EU-EheG{\"u}terVO-E}, series = {Europ{\"a}isches Zivilprozess- und Kollisionsrecht EuZPR/EuIPR, Band IV}, booktitle = {Europ{\"a}isches Zivilprozess- und Kollisionsrecht EuZPR/EuIPR, Band IV}, editor = {Rauscher, Thomas}, edition = {4., neu bearbeitete Auflage}, publisher = {Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-504-38437-1}, doi = {10.9785/9783504384371-007}, pages = {1081 -- 1146}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{AnthrakidisHerrmannSchornetal.2015, author = {Anthrakidis, Anette and Herrmann, Ulf and Schorn, Christian and Schwarzer, Klemens and Wedding, Philipp}, title = {Weiterentwicklung und Erprobung eines neuartigen Verfahrens zur Bestimmung der Effizienz von konzentrierenden solarthermischen Kollektoren}, series = {25. OTTI Symposium Thermische Solarenergie}, booktitle = {25. OTTI Symposium Thermische Solarenergie}, pages = {15 Seiten}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{AnthrakidisHerrmannSchornetal.2015, author = {Anthrakidis, Anette and Herrmann, Ulf and Schorn, Christian and Schwarzer, Klemens and Wedding, Philipp and Weis, Fabian}, title = {Development and Testing of a Novel Method for the Determination of the Efficiency of Concentrating Solar Thermal Collectors}, series = {Conference Proceedings Solar World Congress 2015, Daegu, Korea, 08 - 12 November 2015}, booktitle = {Conference Proceedings Solar World Congress 2015, Daegu, Korea, 08 - 12 November 2015}, pages = {9 Seiten}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @article{KrollLudwigs2015, author = {Kroll-Ludwigs, Kathrin}, title = {Anmerkung zu OLG M{\"u}nchen: Erbscheinserteilung nach Eintritt des Nacherbfalls, Beschl. v. 1.10.2014 - Wx 314/14}, series = {DNotZ - Deutsche Notar-Zeitschrift}, journal = {DNotZ - Deutsche Notar-Zeitschrift}, number = {5}, publisher = {Beck}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, issn = {0340-8604}, pages = {385 -- 390}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{KrollLudwigs2015, author = {Kroll-Ludwigs, Kathrin}, title = {Anforderungen des Unionsrechts an die standardisierte Darstellung des Namens : Anmerkung zu EuGH, Urt. v. 2. Oktober 2014, Rs. C-101/13 - Stadt Karlsruhe}, series = {GRP : Zeitschrift f{\"u}r das Privatrecht der Europ{\"a}ischen Union}, journal = {GRP : Zeitschrift f{\"u}r das Privatrecht der Europ{\"a}ischen Union}, number = {6}, publisher = {Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, issn = {2193-9519}, pages = {282 -- 285}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{BehbahaniRibleMoulinecetal.2015, author = {Behbahani, Mehdi and Rible, Sebastian and Moulinec, Charles and Fournier, Yvan and Nicolai, Mike and Crosetto, Paolo}, title = {Simulation of the FDA Centrifugal Blood Pump Using High Performance Computing}, series = {World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering}, volume = {9}, booktitle = {World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering}, number = {5}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @article{SchneiderTran2015, author = {Schneider, Felix and Tran, Duc Hung}, title = {On the relation between the fair value option and bid-ask spreads: descriptive evidence on the recognition of credit risk changes under IFRS}, series = {Journal of Business Economics}, volume = {85}, journal = {Journal of Business Economics}, number = {9}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1861-8928}, doi = {10.1007/s11573-015-0776-2}, pages = {1049 -- 1081}, year = {2015}, language = {en} }