@inproceedings{SchulzeBuxlohGross2021, author = {Schulze-Buxloh, Lina and Groß, Rolf Fritz}, title = {Miniature urban farming plant: a complex educational "Toy" for engineering students}, series = {The Future of Education 11th Edition 2021}, booktitle = {The Future of Education 11th Edition 2021}, pages = {4 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Urban farming is an innovative and sustainable way of food production and is becoming more and more important in smart city and quarter concepts. It also enables the production of certain foods in places where they usually dare not produced, such as production of fish or shrimps in large cities far away from the coast. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to show students such concepts and systems in real life as part of courses: visits of such industry plants are sometimes not possible because of distance or are permitted by the operator for hygienic reasons. In order to give the students the opportunity of getting into contact with such an urban farming system and its complex operation, an industrial urban farming plant was set up on a significantly smaller scale. Therefore, all needed technical components like water aeriation, biological and mechanical filtration or water circulation have been replaced either by aquarium components or by self-designed parts also using a 3D-printer. Students from different courses like mechanical engineering, smart building engineering, biology, electrical engineering, automation technology and civil engineering were involved in this project. This "miniature industrial plant" was also able to start operation and has now been running for two years successfully. Due to Corona pandemic, home office and remote online lectures, the automation of this miniature plant should be brought to a higher level in future for providing a good control over the system and water quality remotely. The aim of giving the student a chance to get to know the operation of an urban farming plant was very well achieved and the students had lots of fun in "playing" and learning with it in a realistic way.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BlankeSchmidtGoettscheetal.2022, author = {Blanke, Tobias and Schmidt, Katharina S. and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and D{\"o}ring, Bernd and Frisch, J{\´e}r{\^o}me and van Treeck, Christoph}, title = {Time series aggregation for energy system design: review and extension of modelling seasonal storages}, series = {Energy Informatics}, volume = {5}, booktitle = {Energy Informatics}, number = {1, Article number: 17}, editor = {Weidlich, Anke and Neumann, Dirk and Gust, Gunther and Staudt, Philipp and Sch{\"a}fer, Mirko}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, issn = {2520-8942}, doi = {10.1186/s42162-022-00208-5}, pages = {14 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Using optimization to design a renewable energy system has become a computationally demanding task as the high temporal fluctuations of demand and supply arise within the considered time series. The aggregation of typical operation periods has become a popular method to reduce effort. These operation periods are modelled independently and cannot interact in most cases. Consequently, seasonal storage is not reproducible. This inability can lead to a significant error, especially for energy systems with a high share of fluctuating renewable energy. The previous paper, "Time series aggregation for energy system design: Modeling seasonal storage", has developed a seasonal storage model to address this issue. Simultaneously, the paper "Optimal design of multi-energy systems with seasonal storage" has developed a different approach. This paper aims to review these models and extend the first model. The extension is a mathematical reformulation to decrease the number of variables and constraints. Furthermore, it aims to reduce the calculation time while achieving the same results.}, language = {en} } @techreport{KlugeKirschBudach2022, author = {Kluge, Katharina and Kirsch, Ansgar and Budach, Christoph}, title = {Digitale Lehre in der Geotechnik: Aktueller Stand und weitere Entwicklungen}, series = {geotechntik}, journal = {geotechntik}, number = {Early View}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0172-6145 (Print)}, doi = {10.1002/gete.202200013}, pages = {8 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Digitale Lehrmaterialien werden seit mehreren Jahren in den Hochschulen eingesetzt und er{\"o}ffnen ganz neue Wege zur Vermittlung des Lehrstoffs. Die Erstellung dieser Lehrmaterialien kann allerdings je nach Art und Qualit{\"a}t sehr zeitintensiv sein und f{\"u}r Lehrende einen großen Mehraufwand bedeuten. Im Rahmen eines Kooperationsprojekts zur Erstellung von Lehrvideos f{\"u}r geotechnische Feld- und Laborversuche haben die Autoren dieses Beitrags allerdings die Erfahrung gemacht, dass das gemeinsame, hochschul{\"u}bergreifende Erstellen von Lehrmaterialien viele Vorteile mit sich bringt. Dadurch inspiriert, f{\"u}hrten die Autoren dieses Berichts eine Umfrage unter den deutschsprachigen Geotechnik-Lehrst{\"u}hlen der (Technischen) Universit{\"a}ten und (Fach-)Hochschulen durch. Nach drei Semestern, in denen Lehrveranstaltungen an den Hochschulen aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie {\"u}berwiegend digital durchgef{\"u}hrt werden mussten, war es ein Ziel dieser Umfrage, den Bestand und den Einsatz digitaler Lehrmaterialien im Fachgebiet Geotechnik zu erheben. Ein weiteres Ziel war die Initiierung eines Netzwerks, in dem sich Geotechnik-Professorinnen und -Professoren zu Lehrthemen austauschen k{\"o}nnen und gemeinsam (digitale) Lehrmaterialien erstellen und nutzen. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt das gemeinsame Lehrprojekt der Autoren vor, pr{\"a}sentiert die Ergebnisse der durchgef{\"u}hrten Umfrage und berichtet {\"u}ber die ersten Aktivit{\"a}ten des neuen Netzwerks.}, language = {de} } @article{HoerenbaumLaumannProkop2016, author = {H{\"o}renbaum, Christoph and Laumann, J{\"o}rg and Prokop, Ines}, title = {Zur Anwendung des Eurocode 3 Teil 1-2 f{\"u}r die Heißbemessung und Anregungen f{\"u}r dessen Novellierung}, series = {Stahlbau}, volume = {85}, journal = {Stahlbau}, number = {6}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn GmbH}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1437-1049}, doi = {10.1002/stab.201610382}, pages = {429 -- 434}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Eurocodes werden bis zum Jahr 2020 im Europ{\"a}ischen Komitee f{\"u}r Normung (CEN), Technisches Komitee TC 250, {\"u}berarbeitet. In Vorbereitung auf die Eurocode-Novellierung haben engagierte Ingenieure im Rahmen der Initiative PraxisRegeln Bau (PRB) die f{\"u}r die praktische Anwendung h{\"a}ufig genutzten Teile des Eurocode 3 untersucht. Mit dem Ziel, die Praxistauglichkeit des Eurocode 3 f{\"u}r die Heißbemessung zu verbessern, wurden die bestehende Norm EN 1993 Teil 1-2 insbesondere in Bezug auf die Anwenderfreundlichkeit analysiert und Vorschl{\"a}ge f{\"u}r die europ{\"a}ische Novellierung erarbeitet. Die Analysen zeigen, dass durch Umstrukturierungen und durch die Einf{\"u}hrung von Tabellen die Verst{\"a}ndlichkeit und Anwenderfreundlichkeit der Regeln f{\"u}r die Heißbemessung bedeutend erh{\"o}ht werden k{\"o}nnen.}, language = {de} } @techreport{GeisslerProkopBubneretal.2015, author = {Geißler, Karsten and Prokop, Ines and Bubner, Andr{\´e} and Egner, Ralf and Heyde, Stefan and Kempkes, Marian and K{\"u}hn, Bertram and Laumann, J{\"o}rg and Lieberwirth, Peter and Naumes, Johannes and Ruga, Julija and Schilling, Sivo and Schmidt, Herbert and Ummenhofer, Thomas}, title = {Verbesserung der Praxistauglichkeit der Baunormen durch pr{\"a}normative Arbeit - Teilantrag 3: Stahlbau, Abschlussbericht}, publisher = {Fraunhofer IRB Verlag}, address = {Stuttgart}, isbn = {978-3-8167-9539-1}, pages = {130 Seiten}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @book{LaumannFeldmannFrickeletal.2022, author = {Laumann, J{\"o}rg and Feldmann, Markus and Frickel, J{\"o}rg and Krahwinkel, Manuel and Kraus, Matthias and Strangh{\"o}ner, Natalie and Ummenhofer, Thomas}, title = {Petersen Stahlbau : Grundlagen der Berechnung und baulichen Ausbildung von Stahlbauten}, edition = {5. Auflage}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-20510-2}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-20510-2}, pages = {XXIII, 1919 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die Theorie und Konstruktion der wichtigsten Bereiche der Stahlbautechnik werden von den Grundlagen her entwickelt und durch viele Beispiele praxisbezogen erl{\"a}utert. Das Buch ist aus Vorlesungen im Grund- und Vertiefungsstudium des Bauingenieurwesens entstanden. Der Inhalt wird zum Teil systematisch, zum Teil exemplarisch dargestellt. F{\"u}r Konstrukteure und Statiker in den technischen B{\"u}ros, der Beratenden Ingenieure und der Pr{\"u}f{\"a}mter enth{\"a}lt das Buch aufbereitete Berechnungsverfahren und Konstruktionsvorschl{\"a}ge in großer Zahl.}, language = {de} } @article{KindmannKrausLaumannetal.2022, author = {Kindmann, Rolf and Kraus, Matthias and Laumann, J{\"o}rg and Vette, Jan}, title = {Verallgemeinerte Berechnungsmethode f{\"u}r in Beton eingespannte Stahlprofile - Einspanntiefen, Tragf{\"a}higkeitsnachweise und Bemessungshilfen}, series = {Stahlbau}, volume = {93}, journal = {Stahlbau}, number = {Early View}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn GmbH}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1437-1049}, doi = {10.1002/stab.202200024}, pages = {1 -- 25}, year = {2022}, abstract = {St{\"u}tzen und Tr{\"a}ger aus Stahlprofilen k{\"o}nnen in Fundamente oder W{\"a}nde aus Stahlbeton einbetoniert werden. Diese Anschl{\"u}sse wirken in der Regel wie Einspannungen, die eine ausreichende Einspanntiefe erfordern. Im Folgenden wird eine verallgemeinerte Berechnungsmethode f{\"u}r in Stahlbetonkonstruktionen eingespannte Stahlprofile aus gewalzten I-Profilen, geschweißten I-Profilen, runden Hohlprofilen, eckigen Hohlprofilen und einzelligen Kastenquerschnitten vorgestellt. F{\"u}r Beanspruchungen infolge einachsiger Biegung um die starke und schwache Profilachse werden der profilabh{\"a}ngige Ansatz der Betondruckspannungen im Einspannbereich und die Ermittlung der Einspanntiefe behandelt. Unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der Normalkraft werden an den maßgebenden Stellen Tragf{\"a}higkeitsnachweise f{\"u}r die Stahlprofile gef{\"u}hrt. Als Erg{\"a}nzung zu den Berechnungsformeln werden Bemessungshilfen zur Verf{\"u}gung gestellt, die die Wahl der mitwirkenden Breiten und der Einspanntiefen erleichtert.}, language = {de} } @article{EmigHebelSchwark2022, author = {Emig, J. and Hebel, Christoph and Schwark, A.}, title = {Einsatzbereiche f{\"u}r Verkehrsnachfragemodelle}, series = {Straßenverkehrstechnik}, volume = {66}, journal = {Straßenverkehrstechnik}, number = {10}, publisher = {Kirschbaum Verlag GmbH}, address = {Bonn}, issn = {0039-2219}, doi = {10.53184/SVT10-2022-2}, pages = {727 -- 736}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In der Praxis bestehen vielf{\"a}ltige Einsatzbereiche f{\"u}r Verkehrsnachfragemodelle. Mit ihnen k{\"o}nnen Kenngr{\"o}ßen des Verkehrsangebots und der Verkehrsnachfrage f{\"u}r den heutigen Zustand wie auch f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige Zust{\"a}nde bereitgestellt werden, um so die Grundlagen f{\"u}r verkehrsplanerische Entscheidungen zu liefern. Die neuen „Empfehlungen zum Einsatz von Verkehrsnachfragemodellen f{\"u}r den Personenverkehr" (EVNM-PV) (FGSV 2022) veranschaulichen anhand von typischen Planungsaufgaben, welche differenzierten Anforderungen daraus f{\"u}r die Modellkonzeption und -erstellung resultieren. Vor dem Hintergrund der konkreten Aufgabenstellung sowie deren spezifischer planerischer Anforderungen bildet die abzuleitende Modellspezifikation die verabredete Grundlage zwischen Auftraggeber und Modellersteller f{\"u}r die konkrete inhaltliche, fachliche Ausgestaltung des Verkehrsmodells.}, language = {de} } @article{HahnHebelManz2022, author = {Hahn, Geogr W. and Hebel, Christoph and Manz, W.}, title = {Die neuen Empfehlungen f{\"u}r Verkehrsnachfragemodellierung im Personenverkehr}, series = {Straßenverkehrstechnik}, volume = {66}, journal = {Straßenverkehrstechnik}, number = {10}, publisher = {Kirschbaum Verlag GmbH}, address = {Bonn}, issn = {0039-2219}, doi = {10.53184/SVT10-2022-1}, pages = {721 -- 726}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die neu erschienenen „Empfehlungen zum Einsatz von Verkehrsnachfragemodellen f{\"u}r den Personenverkehr" liefern erstmals als Empfehlungspapier der Forschungsgesellschaft f{\"u}r Straßen- und Verkehrswesen einen umfassenden {\"U}berblick zu den verschiedenen Aspekten der Modellierung und geben dem Fachplaner konkrete Hilfestellung f{\"u}r die Konzeption von Nachfragemodellen. Das Empfehlungspapier zielt unter anderem darauf ab, die Erwartungen und das Anspruchsniveau in Hinblick auf Sachgerechtigkeit der Modelle, die erzielbare Modellqualit{\"a}t und den Detaillierungsgrad der Modellaussagen zu harmonisieren.}, language = {de} } @incollection{HebelHerrmannRitzetal.2022, author = {Hebel, Christoph and Herrmann, Ulf and Ritz, Thomas and R{\"o}th, Thilo and Anthrakidis, Anette and B{\"o}ker, J{\"o}rg and Franzke, Till and Grodzki, Thomas and Merkens, Torsten and Sch{\"o}ttler, Mirjam}, title = {FlexSHARE - Methodisches Framework zur innovativen Gestaltung der urbanen Mobilit{\"a}t durch Sharing- Angebote}, series = {Transforming Mobility - What Next?}, booktitle = {Transforming Mobility - What Next?}, publisher = {Springer Gabler}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-36429-8}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-36430-4_10}, pages = {153 -- 169}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Das Ziel des INTERREG-Projektes „SHAREuregio" (FKZ: 34.EFRE-0300134) ist es, grenz{\"u}berschreitende Mobilit{\"a}t in der Euregio Rhein-Maas-Nord zu erm{\"o}glichen und zu f{\"o}rdern. Dazu soll ein elektromobiles Car- und Bikesharing- System entwickelt und in der Stadt M{\"o}nchengladbach, im Kreis Viersen sowie in den Gemeinden Roermond und Venlo (beide NL) zusammen mit den Partnern Wirtschaftsf{\"o}rderung M{\"o}nchengladbach, Wirtschaftsf{\"o}rderung f{\"u}r den Kreis Viersen, NEW AG, Goodmoovs (NL), Greenflux (NL) und der FH Aachen implementiert werden. Zun{\"a}chst richtet sich das Angebot, bestehend aus 40 Elektroautos und 40 Elektrofahrr{\"a}dern, an Unternehmen und wird nach einer Erprobungsphase, mit einer gr{\"o}ßeren Anzahl an Fahrzeugen, auch f{\"u}r Privatpersonen verf{\"u}gbar gemacht werden. Die Fahrzeuge stehen bei den jeweiligen Anwendungspartnern in Deutschland und den Niederlanden. Im Rahmen dieses Projektes hat die FH Aachen „FlexSHARE" entwickelt - ein methodisches Framework zur innovativen Gestaltung urbaner Sharing- Angebote. Das Framework erm{\"o}glicht es, anhand von messbaren Kenngr{\"o}ßen, bedarfsgerechte und auf die Region abgestimmte Sharing-Systeme zu entwickeln.}, language = {de} } @article{CheenakulaHoffstadtKrafftetal.2022, author = {Cheenakula, Dheeraja and Hoffstadt, Kevin and Krafft, Simone and Reinecke, Diana and Klose, Holger and Kuperjans, Isabel and Gr{\"o}mping, Markus}, title = {Anaerobic digestion of algal-bacterial biomass of an Algal Turf Scrubber system}, series = {Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery}, volume = {13}, journal = {Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {2190-6823}, doi = {10.1007/s13399-022-03236-z}, pages = {15 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This study investigated the anaerobic digestion of an algal-bacterial biofilm grown in artificial wastewater in an Algal Turf Scrubber (ATS). The ATS system was located in a greenhouse (50°54′19ʺN, 6°24′55ʺE, Germany) and was exposed to seasonal conditions during the experiment period. The methane (CH4) potential of untreated algal-bacterial biofilm (UAB) and thermally pretreated biofilm (PAB) using different microbial inocula was determined by anaerobic batch fermentation. Methane productivity of UAB differed significantly between microbial inocula of digested wastepaper, a mixture of manure and maize silage, anaerobic sewage sludge, and percolated green waste. UAB using sewage sludge as inoculum showed the highest methane productivity. The share of methane in biogas was dependent on inoculum. Using PAB, a strong positive impact on methane productivity was identified for the digested wastepaper (116.4\%) and a mixture of manure and maize silage (107.4\%) inocula. By contrast, the methane yield was significantly reduced for the digested anaerobic sewage sludge (50.6\%) and percolated green waste (43.5\%) inocula. To further evaluate the potential of algal-bacterial biofilm for biogas production in wastewater treatment and biogas plants in a circular bioeconomy, scale-up calculations were conducted. It was found that a 0.116 km2 ATS would be required in an average municipal wastewater treatment plant which can be viewed as problematic in terms of space consumption. However, a substantial amount of energy surplus (4.7-12.5 MWh a-1) can be gained through the addition of algal-bacterial biomass to the anaerobic digester of a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Wastewater treatment and subsequent energy production through algae show dominancy over conventional technologies.}, language = {en} } @techreport{ThomaLaarmannMerkensetal.2020, author = {Thoma, Andreas and Laarmann, Lukas and Merkens, Torsten and Franzke, Till and M{\"o}hren, Felix and Buttermann, Lilly and van der Weem, Dirk and Fischer, Maximilian and Misch, Philipp and B{\"o}hme, Mirijam and R{\"o}th, Thilo and Hebel, Christoph and Ritz, Thomas and Franke, Marina and Braun, Carsten}, title = {Entwicklung eines intermodalen Mobilit{\"a}tskonzeptes f{\"u}r die Pilotregion NRW/Rhein-Maas Euregio und Schaffung voller Kundenakzeptanz durch Transfer von Standards aus dem PKW-Bereich auf ein Flugtaxi : Schlussbericht : Projektakronym: SkyCab (Kategorie B) : Laufzeit in Monaten: 6 : Hauptthema: Kategorie B: Innovative Ideen mit Bezug zu UAS/Flugtaxis}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {97 Seiten}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @techreport{HebelMerkensFeyerletal.2021, author = {Hebel, Christoph and Merkens, Torsten and Feyerl, G{\"u}nter and Kemper, Hans and Busse, Daniel}, title = {Elektromobilit{\"a}t - Verbundprojekt "COSTARTebus": Comprehensive strategy to accelerate the integration of electric-buses into existing public transport systems - Teilprojekt A : Berichtszeitraum: 01.01.2018-31.10.2020}, publisher = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {219 Seiten}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @article{ValeroBungErpicumetal.2022, author = {Valero, Daniel and Bung, Daniel Bernhard and Erpicum, Sebastien and Peltier, Yann and Dewals, Benjamin}, title = {Unsteady shallow meandering flows in rectangular reservoirs: a modal analysis of URANS modelling}, series = {Journal of Hydro-environment Research}, journal = {Journal of Hydro-environment Research}, number = {In Press}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1570-6443}, doi = {10.1016/j.jher.2022.03.002}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Shallow flows are common in natural and human-made environments. Even for simple rectangular shallow reservoirs, recent laboratory experiments show that the developing flow fields are particularly complex, involving large-scale turbulent structures. For specific combinations of reservoir size and hydraulic conditions, a meandering jet can be observed. While some aspects of this pseudo-2D flow pattern can be reproduced using a 2D numerical model, new 3D simulations, based on the unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations, show consistent advantages as presented herein. A Proper Orthogonal Decomposition was used to characterize the four most energetic modes of the meandering jet at the free surface level, allowing comparison against experimental data and 2D (depth-averaged) numerical results. Three different isotropic eddy viscosity models (RNG k-ε, k-ε, k-ω) were tested. The 3D models accurately predicted the frequency of the modes, whereas the amplitudes of the modes and associated energy were damped for the friction-dominant cases and augmented for non-frictional ones. The performance of the three turbulence models remained essentially similar, with slightly better predictions by RNG k-ε model in the case with the highest Reynolds number. Finally, the Q-criterion was used to identify vortices and study their dynamics, assisting on the identification of the differences between: i) the three-dimensional phenomenon (here reproduced), ii) its two-dimensional footprint in the free surface (experimental observations) and iii) the depth-averaged case (represented by 2D models).}, language = {en} } @article{HagenkampBlankeDoering2021, author = {Hagenkamp, Markus and Blanke, Tobias and D{\"o}ring, Bernd}, title = {Thermoelectric building temperature control: a potential assessment}, series = {International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering}, volume = {13}, journal = {International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, doi = {10.1007/s40095-021-00424-x}, pages = {241 -- 254}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This study focuses on thermoelectric elements (TEE) as an alternative for room temperature control. TEE are semi-conductor devices that can provide heating and cooling via a heat pump effect without direct noise emissions and no refrigerant use. An efficiency evaluation of the optimal operating mode is carried out for different numbers of TEE, ambient temperatures, and heating loads. The influence of an additional heat recovery unit on system efficiency and an unevenly distributed heating demand are examined. The results show that TEE can provide heat at a coefficient of performance (COP) greater than one especially for small heating demands and high ambient temperatures. The efficiency increases with the number of elements in the system and is subject to economies of scale. The best COP exceeds six at optimal operating conditions. An additional heat recovery unit proves beneficial for low ambient temperatures and systems with few TEE. It makes COPs above one possible at ambient temperatures below 0 ∘C. The effect increases efficiency by maximal 0.81 (from 1.90 to 2.71) at ambient temperature 5 K below room temperature and heating demand Q˙h=100W but is subject to diseconomies of scale. Thermoelectric technology is a valuable option for electricity-based heat supply and can provide cooling and ventilation functions. A careful system design as well as an additional heat recovery unit significantly benefits the performance. This makes TEE superior to direct current heating systems and competitive to heat pumps for small scale applications with focus on avoiding noise and harmful refrigerants.}, language = {en} } @article{BlankeRegerDoeringetal.2021, author = {Blanke, Tobias and Reger, Vitali and D{\"o}ring, Bernd and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and Kuhnhenne, Markus}, title = {Koaxiale Stahlenergiepf{\"a}hle}, series = {Stahlbau}, volume = {90. 2021}, journal = {Stahlbau}, number = {6}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Weinheim}, pages = {417 -- 424}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Ein entscheidender Teil der Energiewende ist die W{\"a}rmewende im Geb{\"a}udesektor. Ein Schl{\"u}sselelement sind hier W{\"a}rmepumpen. Diese ben{\"o}tigen eine W{\"a}rmequelle, der sie Energie entziehen k{\"o}nnen, um sie auf ein h{\"o}heres Temperaturniveau zu transformieren. Diese W{\"a}rmequelle kann bspw. das Erdreich sein, dessen W{\"a}rme durch Erdsonden erschlossen werden kann. In diesem Beitrag werden in Stahlpf{\"a}hle integrierte Koaxialsonden mit dem Stand der Technik von Erdsonden gleichen Durchmessers bez{\"u}glich ihrer thermischen Leistungsmerkmale verglichen. Die Stahlenergiepf{\"a}hle bieten neben der W{\"a}rmegewinnung weitere Vorteile, da sie auch eine statische Funktion {\"u}bernehmen und r{\"u}ckstandsfrei zur{\"u}ckgebaut werden k{\"o}nnen. Es werden analytische und numerische Berechnungen vorgestellt, um die thermischen Potenziale beider Systeme zu vergleichen. Außerdem wird ein Testaufbau gezeigt, bei dem Stahlenergiepf{\"a}hle in zwei verschiedenen L{\"a}ngen mit vorhandenen g{\"a}ngigen Erdsonden verglichen werden k{\"o}nnen. Die Berechnungen zeigen einen deutlichen thermischen Mehrertrag zwischen 26 \% und 148 \% der Stahlenergiepf{\"a}hle gegen{\"u}ber dem Stand der Technik abh{\"a}ngig vom Erdreich. Die Messergebnisse zeigen einen thermischen Mehrertrag von {\"u}ber 100 \%. Es l{\"a}sst sich also signifikante Erdsondenl{\"a}nge einsparen. Dabei ist zu beachten, dass sich damit der thermisch genutzte Bereich des Erdreichs reduziert, wodurch die thermische Regeneration und/oder das Langzeitverhalten des Erdreichs an Bedeutung gewinnt.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MerkensHebel2021, author = {Merkens, Torsten and Hebel, Christoph}, title = {Sharing mobility concepts - flexible, sustainable, smart}, series = {Proceedings of the 1st UNITED - Southeast Asia Automotive Interest Group (SAIG) International Conference}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st UNITED - Southeast Asia Automotive Interest Group (SAIG) International Conference}, isbn = {978-3-902103-94-9}, pages = {43 -- 44}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @article{BlankeHagenkampDoeringetal.2021, author = {Blanke, Tobias and Hagenkamp, Markus and D{\"o}ring, Bernd and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and Reger, Vitali and Kuhnhenne, Markus}, title = {Net-exergetic, hydraulic and thermal optimization of coaxial heat exchangers using fixed flow conditions instead of fixed flow rates}, series = {Geothermal Energy}, volume = {9}, journal = {Geothermal Energy}, number = {Article number: 19}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {2195-9706}, doi = {10.1186/s40517-021-00201-3}, pages = {23 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Previous studies optimized the dimensions of coaxial heat exchangers using constant mass fow rates as a boundary condition. They show a thermal optimal circular ring width of nearly zero. Hydraulically optimal is an inner to outer pipe radius ratio of 0.65 for turbulent and 0.68 for laminar fow types. In contrast, in this study, fow conditions in the circular ring are kept constant (a set of fxed Reynolds numbers) during optimization. This approach ensures fxed fow conditions and prevents inappropriately high or low mass fow rates. The optimization is carried out for three objectives: Maximum energy gain, minimum hydraulic efort and eventually optimum net-exergy balance. The optimization changes the inner pipe radius and mass fow rate but not the Reynolds number of the circular ring. The thermal calculations base on Hellstr{\"o}m's borehole resistance and the hydraulic optimization on individually calculated linear loss of head coefcients. Increasing the inner pipe radius results in decreased hydraulic losses in the inner pipe but increased losses in the circular ring. The net-exergy diference is a key performance indicator and combines thermal and hydraulic calculations. It is the difference between thermal exergy fux and hydraulic efort. The Reynolds number in the circular ring is instead of the mass fow rate constant during all optimizations. The result from a thermal perspective is an optimal width of the circular ring of nearly zero. The hydraulically optimal inner pipe radius is 54\% of the outer pipe radius for laminar fow and 60\% for turbulent fow scenarios. Net-exergetic optimization shows a predominant infuence of hydraulic losses, especially for small temperature gains. The exact result depends on the earth's thermal properties and the fow type. Conclusively, coaxial geothermal probes' design should focus on the hydraulic optimum and take the thermal optimum as a secondary criterion due to the dominating hydraulics.}, language = {en} } @article{ValeroSchalkoFriedrichetal.2021, author = {Valero, Daniel and Schalko, Isabella and Friedrich, Heide and Abad, Jorge D. and Bung, Daniel Bernhard and Donchyts, Gennadii and Felder, Stefan and Ferreira, Rui M. L. and Hohermuth, Benjamin and Kramer, Matthias and Li, Danxun and Mendes, Luis and Moreno-Rodenas, Antonio and Nones, Michael and Paron, Paolo and Ruiz-Villanueva, Virginia and Wang, Ruo-Qian and Franca, Mario J.}, title = {Pathways towards democratization of hydro-environment observations and data}, series = {Iahr White Paper Series}, journal = {Iahr White Paper Series}, number = {1}, publisher = {International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)}, pages = {1 -- 9}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @article{HennesLaumann2021, author = {Hennes, Philipp and Laumann, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Ansatz der Drehbehinderung aus Koppelpfetten mit d{\"u}nnwandigen kaltgeformten Z-Profilen}, series = {Stahlbau}, volume = {90}, journal = {Stahlbau}, number = {3}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1437-1049}, doi = {10.1002/stab.202000104}, pages = {158 -- 168}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @article{ErpicumCrookstonBombardellietal.2021, author = {Erpicum, Sebastien and Crookston, Brian M. and Bombardelli, Fabian and Bung, Daniel Bernhard and Felder, Stefan and Mulligan, Sean and Oertel, Mario and Palermo, Michele}, title = {Hydraulic structures engineering: An evolving science in a changing world}, series = {Wires Water}, volume = {8}, journal = {Wires Water}, number = {2}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {2049-1948}, doi = {10.1002/wat2.1505}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @article{BungCrookstonValero2020, author = {Bung, Daniel Bernhard and Crookston, Brian M. and Valero, Daniel}, title = {Turbulent free-surface monitoring with an RGB-D sensor: the hydraulic jump case}, series = {Journal of Hydraulic Research}, journal = {Journal of Hydraulic Research}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, address = {London}, issn = {1814-2079}, doi = {10.1080/00221686.2020.1844810}, year = {2020}, language = {en} } @book{LohseLaumannWolf2020, author = {Lohse, Wolfram and Laumann, J{\"o}rg and Wolf, Christian}, title = {Stahlbau 2}, edition = {21., vollst. akt. und {\"u}berarb. Aufl.}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-8348-2116-4}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-8348-2116-4}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @article{ValeroChansonBung2020, author = {Valero, Daniel and Chanson, Hubert and Bung, Daniel Bernhard}, title = {Robust estimators for free surface turbulence characterization: A stepped spillway application}, series = {Flow Measurement and Instrumentation}, volume = {76}, journal = {Flow Measurement and Instrumentation}, number = {Art. 101809}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0955-5986}, doi = {10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2020.101809}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Robust estimators are parameters insensitive to the presence of outliers. However, they presume the shape of the variables' probability density function. This study exemplifies the sensitivity of turbulent quantities to the use of classic and robust estimators and the presence of outliers in turbulent flow depth time series. A wide range of turbulence quantities was analysed based upon a stepped spillway case study, using flow depths sampled with Acoustic Displacement Meters as the flow variable of interest. The studied parameters include: the expected free surface level, the expected fluctuation intensity, the depth skewness, the autocorrelation timescales, the vertical velocity fluctuation intensity, the perturbations celerity and the one-dimensional free surface turbulence spectrum. Three levels of filtering were utilised prior to applying classic and robust estimators, showing that comparable robustness can be obtained either using classic estimators together with an intermediate filtering technique or using robust estimators instead, without any filtering technique.}, language = {en} } @techreport{FischedickSchoofHebeletal.2018, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Fischedick, Manfred and Schoof, Ren{\´e} and Hebel, Christoph and Merkens, Torsten}, title = {Sektorenkopplung als Herausforderung und Chance f{\"u}r das Energieland NRW : Handlungsoptionen und Ergebnispapier der Expertengruppe AG 4 „Sektoren- kopplung" im Netzwerk Netze und Speicher der EnergieAgentur.NRW im Auftrag des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen / EnergieAgentur.NRW GmbH}, pages = {68 Seiten}, year = {2018}, language = {de} } @article{KuhnhenneRegerPyschnyetal.2020, author = {Kuhnhenne, Markus and Reger, Vitali and Pyschny, Dominik and D{\"o}ring, Bernd}, title = {Influence of airtightness of steel sandwich panel joints on heat losses}, series = {E3S Web of Conferences 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020)}, volume = {172}, journal = {E3S Web of Conferences 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020)}, number = {Art. 05008}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, address = {Les Ulis}, doi = {10.1051/e3sconf/202017205008}, pages = {6}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Energy saving ordinances requires that buildings must be designed in such a way that the heat transfer surface including the joints is permanently air impermeable. The prefabricated roof and wall panels in lightweight steel constructions are airtight in the area of the steel covering layers. The sealing of the panel joints contributes to fulfil the comprehensive requirements for an airtight building envelope. To improve the airtightness of steel sandwich panels, additional sealing tapes can be installed in the panel joint. The influence of these sealing tapes was evaluated by measurements carried out by the RWTH Aachen University - Sustainable Metal Building Envelopes. Different installation situations were evaluated by carrying out airtightness tests for different joint distances. In addition, the influence on the heat transfer coefficient was also evaluated using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The combination of obtained air volume flow and transmission losses enables to create an "effective heat transfer coefficient" due to transmission and infiltration. This summarizes both effects in one value and is particularly helpful for approximate calculations on energy efficiency.}, language = {en} } @article{GronsfeldJoachimMalecha2019, author = {Gronsfeld, Richard and Joachim, Klubert and Malecha, Hartmut}, title = {3-D-Visualisierung von vorhandenen Staubauwerken zur holistischen Planung und {\"U}berwachung}, series = {Wasserwirtschaft}, volume = {109}, journal = {Wasserwirtschaft}, number = {5}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {2192-8762}, doi = {10.1007/s35147-019-0075-x}, pages = {82 -- 85}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{BedburMoorkampPetersonetal.2020, author = {Bedbur, Christian and Moorkamp, Wilfried and Peterson, Leif Arne and Uibel, Thomas}, title = {Holzbr{\"u}cken mit Natursteinbel{\"a}gen - Untersuchungen zur Aktivierung der Verbundwirkung}, series = {Doktorandenkolloquium Holzbau Forschung + Praxis 2020}, booktitle = {Doktorandenkolloquium Holzbau Forschung + Praxis 2020}, editor = {Kuhlmann, Ulrike}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Konstruktion und Entwurf}, address = {Stuttgart}, pages = {53 -- 60}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{BedburThullMoorkampetal.2019, author = {Bedbur, Christian and Thull, J. and Moorkamp, Wilfried and Uibel, Thomas}, title = {Standardbr{\"u}cken f{\"u}r Geh- und Radwege}, series = {Tagungsband 4. Aachener Holzbautagung 2019: 12. und 13. September an der FH Aachen}, booktitle = {Tagungsband 4. Aachener Holzbautagung 2019: 12. und 13. September an der FH Aachen}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, issn = {2197-4489}, pages = {34 -- 45}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{JockwerKleiberUibel2018, author = {Jockwer, R. and Kleiber, M. and Uibel, Thomas}, title = {Criteria for Evaluating the Simplification of Design Rules for Dowel-type Fasteners}, series = {International Network on Timber Engineering Research, INTER : proceedings, meeting 51, 10 - 13 August 2016, Tallinn, Estonia}, booktitle = {International Network on Timber Engineering Research, INTER : proceedings, meeting 51, 10 - 13 August 2016, Tallinn, Estonia}, editor = {G{\"o}rlacher, Rainer}, publisher = {Timber Scientific Publishing, KIT Holzbau und Baukonstruktionen}, address = {Karlsruhe}, pages = {461 -- 466}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{UibelMoorkamp2018, author = {Uibel, Thomas and Moorkamp, Wilfried}, title = {Geh- und Radwegbr{\"u}cken in NRW - Bestandsanalyse und Perspektiven}, series = {Holzbr{\"u}ckenbau in der Offensive : Erhaltung, Ert{\"u}chtigung, Neubauten : 5. Internationale Holzbr{\"u}ckentage (IHB 2018) FILharmonie Filderstadt, Filderstadt/Stuttgart (DE), 17./18. April 2018}, booktitle = {Holzbr{\"u}ckenbau in der Offensive : Erhaltung, Ert{\"u}chtigung, Neubauten : 5. Internationale Holzbr{\"u}ckentage (IHB 2018) FILharmonie Filderstadt, Filderstadt/Stuttgart (DE), 17./18. April 2018}, publisher = {forum-holzbau}, address = {Biel}, isbn = {978-3-906226-19-4}, pages = {19 -- 32}, year = {2018}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{DuffnerMoorkampPetersonetal.2018, author = {Duffner, Markus and Moorkamp, Wilfried and Peterson, Leif Arne and Uibel, Thomas}, title = {Untersuchungen zur Tragf{\"a}higkeit und Steifigkeit eines neuartigen Wandelements in Holzbauweisen}, series = {Doktorandenkolloquium Holzbau Forschung + Praxis : Stuttgart, 08./09. M{\"a}rz 2018}, booktitle = {Doktorandenkolloquium Holzbau Forschung + Praxis : Stuttgart, 08./09. M{\"a}rz 2018}, editor = {Kuhlmann, Ulrike}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Konstruktion und Entwurf}, address = {Stuttgart}, pages = {131 -- 139}, year = {2018}, language = {de} } @article{RegerKuhnhenneEbbertetal.2020, author = {Reger, Vitali and Kuhnhenne, Markus and Ebbert, Thiemo and Hachul, Helmut and Blanke, Tobias and D{\"o}ring, Bernd}, title = {Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien durch thermische Aktivierung von Komponenten aus Stahl}, series = {Stahlbau}, volume = {2020}, journal = {Stahlbau}, number = {Volume 89, Issue 6512-519}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1437-1049}, doi = {10.1002/stab.202000031}, pages = {512 -- 519}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die Versorgung von Neubauten soll m{\"o}glichst weitgehend unabh{\"a}ngig von fossilen Energietr{\"a}gern erfolgen. Erneuerbare Energien spielen daf{\"u}r eine gewichtige Rolle. Eine gute M{\"o}glichkeit, erneuerbare Energien ohne viel zus{\"a}tzlichen Aufwand nutzbar zu machen, ist, bereits vorhandenen Komponenten im Geb{\"a}ude zus{\"a}tzliche Funktionen zu geben. Hier kann bspw. die Fassade oder das Dach solarthermisch aktiviert oder durch Fotovoltaikmodule erg{\"a}nzt werden. Auch Tiefgr{\"u}ndungen k{\"o}nnen neben der statischen Funktion noch eine geothermische Funktion zur Aufnahme oder Abgabe von W{\"a}rme erhalten. Neben der Erzeugung bietet sich auch f{\"u}r die Verteilung der W{\"a}rme oder K{\"a}lte im Geb{\"a}ude die Integration in Bauteile an. Hier kann bspw. der Boden durch eine Fußbodenheizung oder die Decke durch Deckenstrahlplatten aktiviert werden. Im Rahmen der Ver{\"o}ffentlichung wird auf die thermische Aktivierung von Stahlkomponenten eingegangen. Es wird eine L{\"o}sung vorgestellt, die vorgeh{\"a}ngte hinterl{\"u}ftete Stahlfassade (VHF) solarthermisch zu aktivieren. Außerdem werden zwei M{\"o}glichkeiten zur geothermischen Aktivierung von Tiefgr{\"u}ndungen mittels Stahlpf{\"a}hlen gezeigt. Zuletzt wird ein System zur thermischen Aktivierung von Stahltrapezprofilen an der Decke erl{\"a}utert, welches W{\"a}rme zuf{\"u}hren oder bei Bedarf abf{\"u}hren kann.}, language = {de} } @article{RichterWichernGroempingetal.2020, author = {Richter, L. and Wichern, M. and Gr{\"o}mping, Markus and Robecke, U. and Haberkamp, J.}, title = {Ammonium recovery from process water of digested sludge dewatering by membrane contactors}, series = {Water Practice and Technology}, volume = {15}, journal = {Water Practice and Technology}, number = {1}, publisher = {IWA Publishing}, address = {London}, issn = {1751-231X}, doi = {10.2166/wpt.2020.002}, pages = {84 -- 91}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Membrane contactors are a promising alternative for nitrogen removal and recovery from process water compared to other physicochemical and biological sidestream treatment processes. M{\"u}nster wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is the first municipal WWTP in Germany operating a full-scale membrane contactor system to improve the nitrogen elimination and recovery efficiency. Factors influencing the operation and membrane performance are investigated in an accompanying research project. Additional operational aspects of the applied membrane modules are investigated in detail using a bench-scale membrane contactor. First results of the full-scale application demonstrate a high nitrogen removal efficiency of >95\%.}, language = {de} } @article{KerresGredigkHoffmannJatheetal.2020, author = {Kerres, Karsten and Gredigk-Hoffmann, Sylvia and Jathe, R{\"u}diger and Orlik, Stefan and Sariyildiz, Mustafa and Schmidt, Torsten and Sympher, Klaus-Jochen and Uhlenbroch, Adrian}, title = {Future approaches for sewer system condition assessment}, series = {Water Practice \& Technology}, journal = {Water Practice \& Technology}, number = {15 (2)}, publisher = {IWA Publishing}, address = {London}, issn = {1751-231X}, doi = {10.2166/wpt.2020.027}, pages = {386 -- 393}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Different analytical approaches exist to describe the structural substance or wear reserve of sewer systems. The aim is to convert engineering assessments of often complex defect patterns into computational algorithms and determine a substance class for a sewer section or manhole. This analytically determined information is essential for strategic rehabilitation planning processes up to network level, as it corresponds to the most appropriate rehabilitation type and can thus provide decision-making support. Current calculation methods differ clearly from each other in parts, so that substance classes determined by the different approaches are only partially comparable with each other. The objective of the German R\&D cooperation project 'SubKanS' is to develop a methodology for classifying the specific defect patterns resulting from the interaction of all the individual defects, and their severities and locations. The methodology takes into account the structural substance of sewer sections and manholes, based on real data and theoretical considerations analogous to the condition classification of individual defects. The result is a catalogue of defect patterns and characteristics, as well as associated structural substance classifications of sewer systems (substance classes). The methodology for sewer system substance classification is developed so that the classification of individual defects can be transferred into a substance class of the sewer section or manhole, eventually taking into account further information (e.g. pipe material, nominal diameter, etc.). The result is a validated methodology for automated sewer system substance classification.}, language = {en} } @article{ValeroBungCrookston2019, author = {Valero, D. and Bung, Daniel Bernhard and Crookston, B. M.}, title = {Closure to "Energy Dissipation of a Type III Basin under Design and Adverse Conditions for Stepped and Smooth Spillways"}, series = {Journal of Hydraulic Engineering}, volume = {146}, journal = {Journal of Hydraulic Engineering}, number = {2}, publisher = {ASCE}, address = {Reston, Va.}, doi = {10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001669}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BungOertel2019, author = {Bung, Daniel Bernhard and Oertel, Mario}, title = {Wave breaking over a submerged horizontal plate: Optical Flow, LES and RANS}, series = {E-proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress September 1-6, 2019, Panama City, Panama}, booktitle = {E-proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress September 1-6, 2019, Panama City, Panama}, doi = {10.3850/38WC092019-0509}, pages = {3690 -- 3698}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{TullisCrookstonBung2019, author = {Tullis, Blake P. and Crookston, Brian M. and Bung, Daniel Bernhard}, title = {Weir head-discharge relationships: A multi-lab exercise}, series = {Proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress (Panama, 2019)}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress (Panama, 2019)}, publisher = {IAHR}, address = {Madrid}, issn = {2521-716X (Online)}, doi = {10.3850/38WC092019-0806}, pages = {14 Seiten}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Though weir flow has been studied for centuries, there still remains some nuances of weir flow that are not well understood. Therefore, an international study was conducted in which 20 different hydraulics laboratories from around the world built and tested two linear weirs (quarter-round and half-round crested weirs) of common geometry. The only unconstrained dimension was the weir length, which could be adjusted to match the width of the test flume. Participating laboratories used the instrumentation and data collection methodologies of their choosing for head and discharge measurements. The experimental results found significant variability in the discharge coefficients as a function of dimensionless upstream head, as well as in the head-discharge relationships (as much as 50\% in some cases). Potential sources contributing to the scatter may have included head meter instrumentation, flow meter instrumentation, approach flow length (flume length upstream of weir), head measurement location, nappe behavior, laboratory measurement methods and experimental setup, and the care and skill of the investigator (human error). Analyzing the data as a function of instrumentation types, approach length, and head measurement location did not provide any insight regarding the variations. Nappe behavior (e.g., aeration), which could be influenced by laboratory-specific conditions, varied among the datasets primarily for the half-round crested weir (about 20\%).}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ValeroKramerBungetal.2019, author = {Valero, Daniel and Kramer, Matthias and Bung, Daniel Bernhard and Chanson, Hubert}, title = {A stochastic bubble generator for air-water flow research}, series = {E-proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress, September 1-6, 2019, Panama City, Panama}, booktitle = {E-proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress, September 1-6, 2019, Panama City, Panama}, doi = {10.3850/38WC092019-0909}, pages = {5714 -- 5721}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KerpenSchooneesSchlurmannetal.2019, author = {Kerpen, Nils B. and Schoonees, Talia and Schlurmann, Torsten and Valero, Daniel and Bung, Daniel Bernhard}, title = {waveSTEPS - Wellenauf- und Wellen{\"u}berlauf an getreppten Deckwerken}, series = {24. KFKI-Seminar 2019, 21.11.2019}, booktitle = {24. KFKI-Seminar 2019, 21.11.2019}, pages = {2 Seiten}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @book{KrauseUlke2019, author = {Krause, Thomas and Ulke, Bernd}, title = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb: Klausurvorbereitung mit ausf{\"u}hrlichen L{\"o}sungen}, edition = {3., Auflage}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-23126-2}, pages = {XI, 347 Seiten ; Illustrationen}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @book{KrauseUlke2019, author = {Krause, Thomas and Ulke, Bernd}, title = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb: Klausurvorbereitung mit ausf{\"u}hrlichen L{\"o}sungen}, edition = {3., {\"u}berarb. Aufl.}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien}, address = {Wiesbaden}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-23127-9}, pages = {XI, 347 S., 227 Abb.}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @article{WoliszSchuetzBlankeetal.2017, author = {Wolisz, Henryk and Sch{\"u}tz, Thomas and Blanke, Tobias and Hagenkamp, Markus and Kohrn, Markus and Wesseling, Mark and M{\"u}ller, Dirk}, title = {Cost optimal sizing of smart buildings' energy system components considering changing end-consumer electricity markets}, series = {Energy}, volume = {137}, journal = {Energy}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, doi = {10.1016/j.energy.2017.06.025}, pages = {715 -- 728}, year = {2017}, language = {en} } @incollection{Lemke2019, author = {Lemke, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Arbeitssicherheit}, series = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-23127-9}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-23127-9_12}, pages = {335 -- 344}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{Streit2019, author = {Streit, Wilfried}, title = {Kalkulation}, series = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-23127-9}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-23127-9_11}, pages = {273 -- 334}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{Martin2019, author = {Martin, Joachim}, title = {Betriebsorganisation}, series = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-23127-9}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-23127-9_10}, pages = {255 -- 272}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{Krause2019, author = {Krause, Thomas}, title = {Schalung und Ger{\"u}ste}, series = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-23127-9 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-23127-9_9}, pages = {241 -- 253}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Die grunds{\"a}tzliche Planung von Schalungsaufgaben wird heute in der Regel im Rahmen der Arbeitsvorbereitung von den entsprechenden Stabsabteilungen oder als Serviceleistung von den Schalungsherstellern mit Anwendung von spezieller Software und den technischen Unterlagen f{\"u}r die jeweiligen Schalungsger{\"a}te durchgef{\"u}hrt. Diese Programme und technischen Unterlagen stehen in der Regel auch den Mitarbeitern in der Bauleitung zur Verf{\"u}gung, werden dort aber eher seltener genutzt. Zur Anwendung auf der Baustelle stellen die Schalungshersteller neben den technischen Unterlagen Bemessungstabellen zur Verf{\"u}gung, welche die Auswahl und Dimensionierung einzelner Schalungen wesentlich erleichtern. Die nachfolgend aufgef{\"u}hrten Beispiele aus dem Bereich Schalung und Ger{\"u}ste beschreiben Aufgaben, die im Baustellenbetrieb auf die Bauleitung zu kommen k{\"o}nnen und auch ohne Unterst{\"u}tzung einer Stabsabteilung gel{\"o}st werden k{\"o}nnen.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Ulke2019, author = {Ulke, Bernd}, title = {Boden, Baugrube, Verbau}, series = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-23127-9 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-23127-9_8}, pages = {165 -- 239}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Im folgenden Kapitel werden die wichtigsten geotechnischen Nachweise sowie praxisnahe Beispiele f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb aufgef{\"u}hrt. Es wird im Wesentlichen auf die Bodenbeschreibung und Klassifikation nach DIN 18196 sowie nach DIN 18300 eingegangen, welche sowohl f{\"u}r die weiteren Berechnungen als auch f{\"u}r die Kalkulation von großer Bedeutung sind. Die aus der Praxis aufgef{\"u}hrten Beispiele verdeutlichen verschiedene Untersuchungs- und Auswertungsmethoden f{\"u}r direkte und indirekte Aufschl{\"u}sse, diese enthalten Labor- und Feldversuche, mit denen man die Verdichtbarkeit von B{\"o}den auswertet und quantifiziert, sowie viele andere Themenbereiche wie Erddruckberechnungen sowie Spannungs- und Setzungsberechnungen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus werden exemplarisch bestimmte Verbauarten bez{\"u}glich ihrer Bemessung erl{\"a}utert. Es wird ebenfalls auf das Thema Wasserhaltung eingegangen und die erforderlichen Maßnahmen beschrieben, um bestimmte Versagensmechanismen - wie z.B. den hydraulischen Grundbruch - zu verhindern.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Krause2019, author = {Krause, Thomas}, title = {Baumaschinen}, series = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-23127-9}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-23127-9_7}, pages = {155 -- 163}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{Ulke2019, author = {Ulke, Bernd}, title = {Arbeitsvorbereitung und Ablaufplanung}, series = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-23127-9}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-23127-9_6}, pages = {117 -- 154}, year = {2019}, language = {de} }