@article{ThulfautGross2000, author = {Thulfaut, Christian and Groß, Rolf Fritz}, title = {Experimentelle Untersuchung der Luftstromvermischung in Hybridzellenk{\"u}hlt{\"u}rmen}, series = {HLH. Heizung, L{\"u}ftung/Klima, Haustechnik}, volume = {51}, journal = {HLH. Heizung, L{\"u}ftung/Klima, Haustechnik}, number = {8}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, issn = {1436-5103}, pages = {48 -- 49}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Zwangsbel{\"u}ftete Nassk{\"u}hlt{\"u}rme haben im Gegensatz zur Trockenk{\"u}hlung bei naßkaltem Wetter Nebelschwaden zur Folge. Dagegen ist bei Naßk{\"u}hlung die spezifische K{\"u}hlleistung durch abgef{\"u}hrte Kondensationsw{\"a}rme h{\"o}her als bei der Trockenk{\"u}hlung. Hybridzellenk{\"u}hlt{\"u}rme kombinieren beide Methoden, so daß ein Mischstrom beider Abluftstr{\"o}me die Wasserdampf-S{\"a}ttigungsgrenze nicht {\"u}berschreitet. Durch das Mischungsverh{\"a}ltnis kann man den gew{\"u}nschten S{\"a}ttigungsgrad einstellen. Je dichter dieser an der S{\"a}ttigungsgrenze liegt, desto h{\"o}her ist die K{\"u}hlleistung. Der von unten zugef{\"u}hrte Luftstrom der Naßk{\"u}hlung und der seitlich zugef{\"u}hrte trockene Abluftstrom m{\"u}ssen sehr gut durchmischt werden, um {\"u}ber den gesamten Austrittsquerschnitt des K{\"u}hlturms die S{\"a}ttigungsgrenze nicht zu {\"u}berschreiten. In einem maßstabsgerechten Modell wurde der Mischungsgrad mit und ohne Einbauten untersucht. {\"U}ber ein Raster von 10 mal 10 Punkten wurde die {\"o}rtliche Temperaturverteilung ermittelt. W{\"a}rmebilanzen ergeben dann die Mischungsg{\"u}te in einer Ebene oberhalb der Zellenkrone. W{\"a}hrend ohne Mischeinbauten der Trockenluftanteil in der Mitte des Querschnitts bei unter 15 \% liegt erh{\"o}hen Einbauten den Trockenluftanteil auf 30 \% bis {\"u}ber 40 \%. Dabei wurde die Trockenluft auf jeder K{\"u}hlturmseite durch 4 konisch zulaufende, unten offene und oben geschlitzte Einbauten kanalisiert. Die Nassluft wurde durch eine im Querschnitt dreieckige Rinne in Richtung der Trockenluftausl{\"a}sse umgelenkt. Im Raster leicht zu lokalisierende Abweichungen vom gew{\"u}nschten Mittelwert zeigen Potential f{\"u}r die weitere Verbesserung der Einbauten.}, language = {de} } @article{Wolf2000, author = {Wolf, Martin R.}, title = {Groupware related task design}, series = {ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin}, volume = {21}, journal = {ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin}, number = {2}, issn = {2372-7403}, doi = {10.1145/605660.605662}, pages = {5 -- 8}, year = {2000}, abstract = {his report summarizes the results of a workshop on Groupware related task design which took place at the International Conference on Supporting Group Work Group'99, Arizona, from 14 th to 17 th November 1999. The workshop was addressed to people from different viewpoints, backgrounds, and domains: - Researchers dealing with questions of task analysis and task modeling for Groupware application from an academic point of view. They may contribute modelbased design approaches or theoretically oriented work - Practitioners with experience in the design and everyday use of groupware systems. They might refer to the practical side of the topic: "real" tasks, "real" problems, "real" users, etc.}, language = {en} } @article{HalbachScheer2000, author = {Halbach, Thorsten and Scheer, Nico}, title = {Transcriptional activation by the PHD finger is inhibited through an adjacent leucine zipper that binds 14-3-3 proteins}, series = {Nucleic Acids Research}, volume = {28}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Research}, number = {18}, issn = {1362-4962}, doi = {10.1093/nar/28.18.3542}, pages = {3542 -- 3550}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{BodeSchlakeIberetal.2000, author = {Bode, J{\"u}rgen and Schlake, Thomas and Iber, Michaela and Sch{\"u}beler, Dirk and Seibler, Jost and Snezhkov, Evgeney and Nikolaev, Lev}, title = {The transgeneticist's toolbox: novel methods for the targeted modification of eukaryotic genomes}, series = {Biological Chemistry}, volume = {381}, journal = {Biological Chemistry}, number = {9-10}, issn = {1431-6730}, doi = {10.1515/BC.2000.103}, pages = {801 -- 813}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{Wollert2000, author = {Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {Ethernet in der Automatisierungstechnik ; 1: Herk{\"o}mmliche Feldbusse im Vergleich zu Ethernet}, series = {Elektronik : Fachmedium f{\"u}r industrielle Anwender und Entwickler}, volume = {Bd. 49}, journal = {Elektronik : Fachmedium f{\"u}r industrielle Anwender und Entwickler}, number = {H. 15}, issn = {0013-5658}, pages = {68 -- 77}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @article{Wollert2000, author = {Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {Ethernet in der Automatisierungstechnik ; 2: Grenzen und M{\"o}glichkeiten des industriellen Ethernet-Einsatzes}, series = {Elektronik : Fachmedium f{\"u}r industrielle Anwender und Entwickler}, volume = {Bd. 49}, journal = {Elektronik : Fachmedium f{\"u}r industrielle Anwender und Entwickler}, number = {H. 21}, issn = {0013-5658}, pages = {66 -- 75}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @article{IdingDuennwaldGreineretal.2000, author = {Iding, Hans and D{\"u}nnwald, Thomas and Greiner, Lasse and Liese, Andreas and M{\"u}ller, Michael and Siegert, Petra and Gr{\"o}tzinger, Joachim and Demir, Ayhan S. and Pohl, Martina}, title = {Benzoylformate Decarboxylase from Pseudomonas putida as Stable Catalyst for the Synthesis of Chiral 2-Hydroxy Ketones}, series = {Chemistry - a European journal}, volume = {Vol. 6}, journal = {Chemistry - a European journal}, number = {Iss. 8}, issn = {1521-3765 (E-Journal); 0947-6539 (Print)}, pages = {1483 -- 1495}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{DuennwaldDemirSiegertetal.2000, author = {D{\"u}nnwald, Thomas and Demir, Ayhan S. and Siegert, Petra and Pohl, Martina and M{\"u}ller, Michael}, title = {Enantioselective Synthesis of (S)-2-Hydroxypropanone Derivatives by Benzoylformate Decarboxylase Catalyzed C-C Bond Formation}, series = {European journal of organic chemistry}, volume = {Vol. 2000}, journal = {European journal of organic chemistry}, number = {Iss. 11}, issn = {0365-5490 (E-Journal); 1099-0690 (E-Journal); 0075-4617 (Print); 0170-2041 (Print); 0947-3440 (Print); 1434-193X (Print); 1434-243X (Print)}, pages = {2161 -- 2170}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{KuperjansEsserMeyeretal.2000, author = {Kuperjans, Isabel and Esser, J. and Meyer, J{\"o}rg and Donner, O.}, title = {Gestaltung und Bewertung von Energieanlagen unter {\"o}kologischen, wirtschaftlichen und technischen Gesichtspunkten}, series = {Umweltwirtschaftsforum : UWF}, volume = {8}, journal = {Umweltwirtschaftsforum : UWF}, number = {3}, issn = {0943-3481}, pages = {53 -- 58}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @article{KuperjansStarkeEsseretal.2000, author = {Kuperjans, Isabel and Starke, M. and Esser, J. and Meyer, J. and Donner, O.}, title = {Analyse und Konzeption von Energieanlagen unter {\"o}kologischen, wirtschaftlichen und technischen Gesichtspunkten}, series = {WLB : Umwelttechnik f{\"u}r Industrie und Kommune}, volume = {44}, journal = {WLB : Umwelttechnik f{\"u}r Industrie und Kommune}, number = {11/12}, issn = {0341-2679}, pages = {26 -- 29}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @article{BrueckSorgerGligorevicetal.2000, author = {Br{\"u}ck, Stefan and Sorger, Ulrich and Gligorevic, Snjezana and Stolte, Norbert}, title = {Interleaving for outer convolutional codes in DS-CDMA systems}, series = {IEEE transactions on communications}, volume = {Vol. 48}, journal = {IEEE transactions on communications}, number = {Iss. 7}, issn = {0090-6778}, pages = {1100 -- 1107}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{Alt2000, author = {Alt, Helmut}, title = {Benchmark der Netznutzungspreise}, series = {Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen : et ; Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Energiewirtschaft, Recht, Technik und Umwelt}, volume = {Bd. 50}, journal = {Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen : et ; Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Energiewirtschaft, Recht, Technik und Umwelt}, number = {H. 11}, issn = {0013-743X}, pages = {846 -- 850}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @article{GerigkMaassTakorsetal.2000, author = {Gerigk, M. and Maaß, D. and Takors, Ralf and Kreutzer, A. and Wandrey, Christian and Bongaerts, Johannes and Wubbolts, Marcel}, title = {Fermentative Herstellung von L-Phenylalanin im Fed-Batch Verfahren mit E. coli unter Einbindung eines integrierten Aufarbeitungsverfahrens}, series = {Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik (CIT)}, volume = {Vol. 72}, journal = {Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik (CIT)}, number = {Iss. 9}, issn = {1522-2640 (E-Journal); 0009-286X (Print)}, pages = {926 -- 927}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @article{WemhoenerHafnerSchwarzer2000, author = {Wemh{\"o}ner, Carsten and Hafner, Bernd and Schwarzer, Klemens}, title = {Simulation of solar thermal systems with CARNOT blockset in the environment MATLAB-Simulink}, pages = {1 -- 6}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{MelissSpaete2000, author = {Meliß, Michael and Sp{\"a}te, Frank}, title = {The solar heating system with seasonal storage at the Solar-Campus J{\"u}lich}, series = {Solar energy. Vol. 69 (2000), iss. 6}, journal = {Solar energy. Vol. 69 (2000), iss. 6}, issn = {0038-092X}, pages = {525 -- 533}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{StreunBrandenburgLarueetal.2000, author = {Streun, M. and Brandenburg, G. and Larue, H. and Zimmermann, E. and Ziemons, Karl and Halling, H.}, title = {Pulse recording by free-running sampling}, series = {2000 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vol. 2}, journal = {2000 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vol. 2}, issn = {1082-3654}, pages = {9/179 -- 9/181}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Pulses from a position-sensitive photomultiplier (PS-PMT) are recorded by free running ADCs at a sampling rate of 40 MHz. A four-channel acquisition-board has been developed which is equipped with four 12 bit-ADCs connected to one FPGA (field programmable gate array). The FPGA manages data acquisition and the transfer to the host computer. It can also work as a digital trigger, so a separate hardware-trigger can be omitted. The method of free running sampling provides a maximum of information, besides the pulse charge and amplitude also pulse shape and starting time are contained in the sampled data. These informations are crucial for many tasks such as distinguishing between different scintillator materials, determination of radiation type, pile-up recovery, coincidence detection or time-of-flight applications. The absence of an analog integrator allows coping with very high count rates. Since this method is going to be employed in positron emission tomography (PET), the position of an event is another important information. The simultaneous readout of four channels allows localization by means of center-of-gravity weighting. First results from a test setup with LSO-scintillators coupled to the PS-PMT are presented}, language = {en} } @article{BussmannEngelsFussetal.2000, author = {Bussmann, N. and Engels, R. and Fuss, L. and Kemmerling, G. and Reinartz, R. and Langen, K.-J. and Schelten, J. and Ziemons, Karl}, title = {Performance measurement of a new high resolution detector system for I-131 thyroid studies}, series = {2000 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vol. 3}, journal = {2000 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Vol. 3}, issn = {1082-3654}, pages = {22/35 -- 22/37}, year = {2000}, abstract = {A 2-dimensional detector system for high resolution thyroid I-131 scintigraphy was developed. It has a sensitive area of 4 cm×4 cm and consists of a lead-collimator and an array of 10×10 EGO crystals combined with a position sensitive photomultiplier. The spatial resolution and the sensitivity of the detector has been measured and compared to two commercially available gamma-cameras. Furthermore first patient measurements have been carried out}, language = {de} } @article{FinkMarshallShahetal.2000, author = {Fink, G. R. and Marshall, J. C. and Shah, N. J. and Weiss, P.H. and Halligan, P. W. and Grosse-Ruyken, M. and Ziemons, Karl and Zilles, K. and Freund, H. J.}, title = {Line bisection judgments implicate right parietal cortex and cerebellum as assessed by fMRI}, series = {Neurology}, volume = {54}, journal = {Neurology}, number = {6}, isbn = {1526-632X}, pages = {1324 -- 1331}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{TaylorSchmitzZiemonsetal.2000, author = {Taylor, J. G. and Schmitz, N. and Ziemons, Karl and Grosse-Ruyken, M.-L. and Gruber, O. and M{\"u}ller-G{\"a}rtner, H.-W. and Shah, N. J.}, title = {The network of brain areas involved in the motion aftereffect}, series = {Neuroimage}, volume = {11}, journal = {Neuroimage}, number = {4}, isbn = {1053-8119}, pages = {257 -- 270}, year = {2000}, abstract = {A network of brain areas is expected to be involved in supporting the motion aftereffect. The most active components of this network were determined by means of an fMRI study of nine subjects exposed to a visual stimulus of moving bars producing the effect. Across the subjects, common areas were identified during various stages of the effect, as well as networks of areas specific to a single stage. In addition to the well-known motion-sensitive area MT the prefrontal brain areas BA44 and 47 and the cingulate gyrus, as well as posterior sites such as BA37 and BA40, were important components during the period of the motion aftereffect experience. They appear to be involved in control circuitry for selecting which of a number of processing styles is appropriate. The experimental fMRI results of the activation levels and their time courses for the various areas are explored. Correlation analysis shows that there are effectively two separate and weakly coupled networks involved in the total process. Implications of the results for awareness of the effect itself are briefly considered in the final discussion.}, language = {en} } @article{KotliarLanzlWittaetal.2000, author = {Kotliar, Konstantin and Lanzl, Ines M. and Witta, Birka and Vilser, Walthard}, title = {Reaktion retinaler Gef{\"a}ßdurchmesser auf 100 \% O2-Atmung - funktionelle Messung mit dem Retinal Vessel Analyzer an 10 Probanden / Lanzl, Ines M. ; Witta, Birke ; Kotliar, Konstantin ; Vilser, Walthard}, series = {Klinische Monatsbl{\"a}tter f{\"u}r Augenheilkunde. 217 (2000), H. 4}, journal = {Klinische Monatsbl{\"a}tter f{\"u}r Augenheilkunde. 217 (2000), H. 4}, publisher = {-}, isbn = {1439-3999}, pages = {231 -- 235}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @article{WolfFoltzSchlicketal.2000, author = {Wolf, Martin R. and Foltz, Christian and Schlick, Christopher and Luczak, Holger}, title = {Empirische Untersuchung eines Groupware-basierten Unterst{\"u}tzungs-Systems f{\"u}r verfahrenstechnische Entwickler / Wolf, M. ; Foltz, C. ; Schlick, C. ; Luczak, H.}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Arbeitswissenschaft. 54 (2000), H. 3-4}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Arbeitswissenschaft. 54 (2000), H. 3-4}, publisher = {-}, isbn = {0340-2444}, pages = {258 -- 266}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @article{Wolf2000, author = {Wolf, Martin R.}, title = {Groupware related task design}, series = {ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin. 21 (2000), H. 2}, journal = {ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin. 21 (2000), H. 2}, publisher = {-}, pages = {5 -- 8}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{WolfFoltzLuczaketal.2000, author = {Wolf, Martin R. and Foltz, Christian and Luczak, Holger and Eggersmann, M.}, title = {Entwurf eines Referenzszenarios zur Analyse und Gestaltung von Entwicklungsprozessen in der verfahrenstechnischen Industrie / Foltz, C.; Wolf, M.; Luczak, H.; Eggersmann, M.; Schneider, R.; Marquardt, W.}, series = {Komplexe Arbeitssysteme - Herausforderung f{\"u}r Analyse und Gestaltung : Bericht zum 46. Arbeitswissenschaftlichen Kongress der Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Arbeitswissenschaft vom 15. - 18. M{\"a}rz 2000 ; [Technische Universit{\"a}t Berlin]}, journal = {Komplexe Arbeitssysteme - Herausforderung f{\"u}r Analyse und Gestaltung : Bericht zum 46. Arbeitswissenschaftlichen Kongress der Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Arbeitswissenschaft vom 15. - 18. M{\"a}rz 2000 ; [Technische Universit{\"a}t Berlin]}, publisher = {GfA-Press}, address = {Dortmund}, isbn = {3-9806222-5-8}, pages = {545 -- 548}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @article{WolfFoltzSchlicketal.2000, author = {Wolf, Martin R. and Foltz, Christian and Schlick, Christopher and Luczak, Holger}, title = {Entwicklung und Evaluation eines groupware-basierten Unterst{\"u}tzungssystems f{\"u}r verfahrenstechnische Entwickler / Wolf, M.; Foltz, C.; Schlick, C.; Luczak, H.}, series = {Komplexe Arbeitssysteme - Herausforderung f{\"u}r Analyse und Gestaltung : Bericht zum 46. Arbeitswissenschaftlichen Kongress der Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Arbeitswissenschaft vom 15. - 18. M{\"a}rz 2000 ; [Technische Universit{\"a}t Berlin]}, journal = {Komplexe Arbeitssysteme - Herausforderung f{\"u}r Analyse und Gestaltung : Bericht zum 46. Arbeitswissenschaftlichen Kongress der Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Arbeitswissenschaft vom 15. - 18. M{\"a}rz 2000 ; [Technische Universit{\"a}t Berlin]}, publisher = {GfA-Press}, address = {Dortmund}, isbn = {3-9806222-5-8}, pages = {95 -- 98}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @article{WolfFoltzSchlicketal.2000, author = {Wolf, Martin R. and Foltz, Christian and Schlick, Christopher and Luczak, Holger}, title = {Empirical Investigation of a workspace model for Chemical engineers / Wolf, Martin ; Foltz, Christian ; Schlick, Christopher ; Luczak, Holger}, series = {Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting July 2000. 44 (2000), H. 6}, journal = {Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting July 2000. 44 (2000), H. 6}, publisher = {-}, pages = {612 -- 615}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{BohnFunkeHeueretal.2000, author = {Bohn, Dieter E. and Funke, Harald and Heuer, Tom and B{\"u}tikofer, J.}, title = {Numerical and experimental investigations of the influence of different swirl-ratios on the temperature streak equalization in a 4-stage turbine}, series = {ASME Turbo Expo 2000 ; Munich, May 8-11 2000}, journal = {ASME Turbo Expo 2000 ; Munich, May 8-11 2000}, address = {Munich}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{HartungRamme2000, author = {Hartung, Frank and Ramme, F.}, title = {Digital rights management and watermarking of multimedia content for m-commerce applications / Hartung, F. ; Ramme, F.}, series = {IEEE Communications Magazine. 38 (2000), H. 11}, journal = {IEEE Communications Magazine. 38 (2000), H. 11}, isbn = {0163-6804}, pages = {78 -- 84}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{Damrau2000, author = {Damrau, Karin}, title = {Fantastic Spatial Combinations in Film}, series = {Architectural design : AD. 70 (2000), H. 1}, journal = {Architectural design : AD. 70 (2000), H. 1}, isbn = {0003-8504}, pages = {58 -- 61}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{BaltzerSchubnel2000, author = {Baltzer, Wolfgang and Schubnel, Christian}, title = {Planungs- und Ausf{\"u}hrungskonzept f{\"u}r einen Strassentunnel unter den Randbedingungen eines Konzessionsmodells: Beispiel Warnowquerung Rostock / Baltzer, Wolfgang ; Schubnel, Christian}, series = {Unterirdisches Bauen 2000. Herausforderungen und Entwicklungspotentiale. Vortr{\"a}ge der STUVA-Tagung '99 in Frankfurt am Main}, journal = {Unterirdisches Bauen 2000. Herausforderungen und Entwicklungspotentiale. Vortr{\"a}ge der STUVA-Tagung '99 in Frankfurt am Main}, publisher = {Alba}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {978-3-87094-640-1}, pages = {189 -- 194}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @article{GrotendorstDornseiffer2000, author = {Grotendorst, Johannes and Dornseiffer, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Computer-aided Modelling and Simulation of the Thermodynamics of Steam Reforming / Grotendorst, Johannes ; Dornseiffer, J{\"u}rgen}, series = {Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 51 (2000), H. 5}, journal = {Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 51 (2000), H. 5}, isbn = {0378-4754}, pages = {451 -- 471}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{ReisselBitschStamm2000, author = {Reißel, Martin and Bitsch, G. and Stamm, H.}, title = {A Stern Door Slam Fatigue Calculation / Bitsch, G. ; Reißel, M. ; Stamm, H.}, series = {Proceedings of the 18. CAD-FEM Users Meeting}, journal = {Proceedings of the 18. CAD-FEM Users Meeting}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{EnningPischingerRakeetal.2000, author = {Enning, Manfred and Pischinger, S. and Rake, H. and Kr{\"u}ger, M.}, title = {Mehrgr{\"o}ßenregelung beim direkt einspritzenden Pkw-Dieselmotor / Pischinger, S. ; Rake, H. ; Kr{\"u}ger, M. ; Enning, M. ; Fieweger, K. ; Kinoo, B. ; Schloßer, A.}, series = {Dieselmotorentechnik 2000 : aktueller Stand und Entwicklungstendenzen ; mit 17 Tabellen und 106 Literaturstellen / Michael Bargende. Ulf Essers (Hrsg.)}, journal = {Dieselmotorentechnik 2000 : aktueller Stand und Entwicklungstendenzen ; mit 17 Tabellen und 106 Literaturstellen / Michael Bargende. Ulf Essers (Hrsg.)}, publisher = {Expert-Verl.}, address = {Renningen-Malmsheim}, isbn = {3-8169-1829-8}, pages = {198 -- 217}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @article{SchubaWrona2000, author = {Schuba, Marko and Wrona, Konrad}, title = {Mobile Chip Electronic Commerce: Enabling Credit Card Payment for Mobile Devices / Schuba, Marko ; Wrona, Konrad}, pages = {1 -- 6}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{SchubaHaverkortSchneider2000, author = {Schuba, Marko and Haverkort, Boudewijn R. and Schneider, Gaby}, title = {Performance evaluation of multicast communication in packet-switched networks / Schuba, Marko ; Haverkort, Boudewijn R. ; Schneider, Gaby}, series = {Performance Evaluation. 39 (2000), H. 1-4}, journal = {Performance Evaluation. 39 (2000), H. 1-4}, isbn = {0166-5316}, doi = {10.1016/S0166-5316(99)00058-9}, pages = {61 -- 80}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{PrumeFrankenMaieretal.2000, author = {Prume, Klaus and Franken, Klaus and Maier, Horst R. and Waser, Rainer}, title = {Finite-Element Analysis of Ceramic Multilayer Capacitors: Failure Probability Caused by Wave Soldering and Bending Loads / Franken, Klaus ; Maier, Horst R. ; Prume, Klaus ; Waser, Rainer}, series = {Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 83 (2000), H. 6}, journal = {Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 83 (2000), H. 6}, isbn = {0002-7820}, pages = {1433 -- 1440}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{PrumeWaserFrankenetal.2000, author = {Prume, Klaus and Waser, Rainer and Franken, Klaus and Maier, Horst R.}, title = {Finite-Element Analysis of Ceramic Multilayer Capacitors: Modeling and Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy for a Nondestructive Failure Test / Prume, Klaus ; Waser, Rainer ; Franken, Klaus ; Maier, Horst R. ;}, series = {Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 83 (2000), H. 5}, journal = {Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 83 (2000), H. 5}, isbn = {0002-7820}, pages = {1153 -- 1159}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{PrumeWaser2000, author = {Prume, Klaus and Waser, Rainer}, title = {Finite-element simulation of coupled characteristics of ceramic multilayer capacitors under transient electrical loading / Prume, Klaus ; Waser, Rainer}, series = {Proceedings of the 2000 12th IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics. Vol. 2}, journal = {Proceedings of the 2000 12th IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics. Vol. 2}, pages = {675 -- 678}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{EngelsDoegeElend2000, author = {Engels, Elmar and Doege, E. and Elend, L. E.}, title = {Modifizierte Ziehkissenklemmung erweitert Pressen-Arbeitsbereich / Doege, E. ; Elend, L. 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