@article{Lind2016, author = {Lind, Thorsten Patric}, title = {Zurechenbarkeit des als Mitglied des Aufsichtsrats einer Aktiengesellschaft erlangten Wissens des Prokuristen einer Bank : BGH, Urteil vom 26.04.2016 - XI ZR 108/15 (OLG M{\"u}nchen)}, series = {LMK : kommentierte BGH-Rechtsprechung ; in Zsarb. mit der Neuen Juristischen Wochenschrift / Lindenmaier-M{\"o}hring}, journal = {LMK : kommentierte BGH-Rechtsprechung ; in Zsarb. mit der Neuen Juristischen Wochenschrift / Lindenmaier-M{\"o}hring}, publisher = {Beck}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, issn = {1611-1095}, pages = {380532}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Mit der vorliegenden, parallel entsprechend in 10 weiteren Verfahren ergangenen Entscheidung behandelte der BGH zum wiederholten Male das Gesch{\"a}ftsmodell der Accessio Wertpapierhandelshaus AG („A AG", fr{\"u}her: Wertpapierhandelshaus Driver \& Bengsch AG). Die klagenden Anleger, zun{\"a}chst nur akquiriert durch ein Tagesgeldkonto mit besonders attraktiven Zinsen, schlossen im Weiteren mit dieser einen Verm{\"o}gensverwaltungsvertrag ab. Zur Abwicklung der Wertpapiergesch{\"a}fte er{\"o}ffneten sie {\"u}ber die A AG zugleich ein Depotkonto bei der beklagten Discount-Brokerin. F{\"u}r dieses erhielt die A AG eine Transaktionsvollmacht. Die Discount-Brokerin schuldete nach den Vertragsdokumenten {\"u}ber die gesetzlichen Aufkl{\"a}rungs- und Erkundigungspflichten bei Auftragsausf{\"u}hrung hinaus keine Anlageberatung („execution-only-business"). Durch nach ihrer Behauptung fehlerhafte Anlageberatung der A AG erlitten die Anleger einen Schaden. In dem Rechtsstreit verlangten sie dessen Ersatz von der Discount-Brokerin, da die A AG zwischenzeitlich insolvent wurde.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Lind2016, author = {Lind, Thorsten Patric}, title = {Wirkungen der Er{\"o}ffnung des Insolvenzverfahrens : \S\S 129, 132, 133, 144, 145}, series = {Bankenkommentar zum Insolvenzrecht. - 3. Auflage}, booktitle = {Bankenkommentar zum Insolvenzrecht. - 3. Auflage}, publisher = {Finanz Colloquium}, address = {Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-95725-016-2}, pages = {1277 -- 1767}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @article{Lind2016, author = {Lind, Thorsten Patric}, title = {R{\"u}ckzahlung von gewinnunabh{\"a}ngigen Aussch{\"u}ttungen bei Aufl{\"o}sung einer stillen Gesellschaft : BGH, Vers{\"a}umnisurteil vom 20.09.2016 - II ZR 120/15 (LG Berlin) : Anmerkung}, series = {Fachdienst Zivilrecht - LMK : kommentierte BGH-Rechtsprechung ; in Zsarb. mit der Neuen Juristischen Wochenschrift / Lindermaier-M{\"o}hring}, journal = {Fachdienst Zivilrecht - LMK : kommentierte BGH-Rechtsprechung ; in Zsarb. mit der Neuen Juristischen Wochenschrift / Lindermaier-M{\"o}hring}, publisher = {Beck}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Zum Zweck der Kapitalanlage beteiligte sich der Bekl. an einer Publikumsgesellschaft. Diese war als (mehrgliedrige) atypische stille Gesellschaft organisiert (vgl. a. BGHZ 199, 104 = DNotZ 2014, 374 = NZG 2013, 1422 = DStR 2014, 45 Rn. 18). Der Gesellschaftsvertrag („GV") sah f{\"u}r diejenigen Gesellschafter, die wie der Bekl. ihre Einlage in Form einer Einmaleinlage erbracht hatten, eine j{\"a}hrliche gewinnunabh{\"a}ngige Aussch{\"u}ttung vor. Es sollte sich dabei ausdr{\"u}cklich nicht um eine Garantieverzinsung handeln. Ende 2009 wurde die stille Gesellschaft durch Mehrheitsbeschluss der Stillen aufgel{\"o}st. Nach dem GV waren die Stillen im Falle ihres Ausscheidens sowie bei „Liquidation des Unternehmens" des Gesch{\"a}ftsinhabers verh{\"a}ltnism{\"a}ßig an dem jeweils seit ihrem Beitritt gebildeten Verm{\"o}gen einschließlich der stillen Reserven sowie eines evtl. Gesch{\"a}ftswerts zu beteiligen (Auseinandersetzungswert). Den sich hiernach f{\"u}r den Bekl. auf seinem Kapitalkonto ergebenden Negativsaldo sollte dieser durch Erstattung der von ihm erhaltenen gewinnunabh{\"a}ngigen Auszahlungen ausgleichen. Anders als das LG als Berufungsinstanz bejahte der BGH auf Grundlage des GV einen R{\"u}ckerstattungsanspruch der klagenden Gesch{\"a}ftsinhaberin.}, language = {de} } @book{LohseLaumannWolf2016, author = {Lohse, Wolfram and Laumann, J{\"o}rg and Wolf, Christian}, title = {Stahlbau, 1: Bemessung von Stahlbauten nach Eurocode mit zahlreichen Beispielen}, edition = {25., {\"u}berarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-8348-0867-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-8348-2058-7}, pages = {XIII, 572 Seiten}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{LuBeyerBosiljkovetal.2016, author = {Lu, S. and Beyer, Katrin and Bosiljkov, V. and Butenweg, Christoph and D'Ayala, D. and Degee, H. and Gams, M. and Klouda, J. and Lagomarsino, S. and Penna, A. and Mojsilovic, N. and da Porto, F. and Sorrentino, L. and Vintzileou, E.}, title = {Next generation of Eurocode 8, masonry chapter}, series = {Brick and Block Masonry Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Padova, Italy, 26-30 June 2016}, booktitle = {Brick and Block Masonry Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Padova, Italy, 26-30 June 2016}, editor = {Modena, Claudio and da Porto, F. and Valluzzi, M.R.}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, address = {London}, isbn = {978-1-138-02999-6 (Print)}, pages = {695 -- 700}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This paper describes the procedure on the evaluation of the masonry chapter for the next generation of Eurocode 8, the European Standard for earthquake-resistant design. In CEN, TC 250/SC8, working group WG 1 has been established to support the subcommittee on the topic of masonry on both design of new structures (EN1998-1) and assessment of existing structures (EN1998-3). The aim is to elaborate suggestions for amendments which fit the current state of the art in masonry and earthquake-resistant design. Focus will be on modelling, simplified methods, linear-analysis (q-values, overstrength-values), nonlinear procedures, out-of-plane design as well as on clearer definition of limit states. Beside these, topics related to general material properties, reinforced masonry, confined masonry, mixed structures and non-structural infills will be covered too. This paper presents the preliminary work and results up to the submission date.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MarinovaKerroumiLintermannetal.2016, author = {Marinova, V. and Kerroumi, I. and Lintermann, A. and G{\"o}bbert, J.H. and Moulinec, C. and Rible, S. and Fournier, Y. and Behbahani, Mehdi}, title = {Numerical Analysis of the FDA Centrifugal Blood Pump}, series = {NIC Symposium 2016}, booktitle = {NIC Symposium 2016}, isbn = {978-3-95806-109-5}, pages = {355 -- 364}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @incollection{Martin2016, author = {Martin, Joachim}, title = {Betriebsorganisation}, series = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, edition = {9., {\"u}berarb. und aktual. Aufl.}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-02838-1 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-02838-1_12}, pages = {1297 -- 1389}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Das Kapitel behandelt, ausgehend von Begriffen und Aufgaben der Betriebsorganisation, die Aufbau- und Ablauforganisation der Bauunternehmung sowie die Gestaltung einer Projekt-organisation. Es folgt eine Darstellung der Managementsysteme f{\"u}r Qualit{\"a}t, Umwelt und Arbeitsschutz, die sich zunehmend als sog. integrierte Managementsysteme (IMS) auch in Bauunternehmen etablieren. Grundlagen des Personalmanagements und des betrieblichen Rechnungswesens, die f{\"u}r eine(n) Baubetriebler(in) relevant sein k{\"o}nnen, erg{\"a}nzen das Kap. Betriebsorganisation. Den Abschluss bilden Hinweise zum Berichtswesen der Baustelle.}, language = {de} } @incollection{MartinMartin2016, author = {Martin, Joachim and Martin, Angelika}, title = {Gr{\"o}ßen, Formeln, Bemessung}, series = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, edition = {9., {\"u}berarb. und aktual. Aufl.}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-02838-1 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-02838-1_1}, pages = {1 -- 61}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Das Kapitel 1 vermittelt eine {\"U}bersicht f{\"u}r den schnellen Gebrauch von Gr{\"o}ßen, Einheiten und Zeichen. Es folgt die Darstellung wichtiger Grundlagen der Mathematik, Lastannahmen und einfacher statischer Systeme. Schließlich werden Hinweise zu charakteristischen Festigkeiten und Tragf{\"a}higkeitsnachweisen f{\"u}r Berechnungen im Mauerwerk, Holz- und Stahlbau sowie Stahlbetonbau gegeben. F{\"u}r eine weitere Vertiefung des Themas empfiehlt sich der Wendehorst Bautechnische Zahlentafel}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Matcha2016, author = {Matcha, Heike}, title = {From Designing Buildings from Systems to Designing Systems for Buildings}, series = {Complexity \& Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1}, booktitle = {Complexity \& Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1}, editor = {Herneoja, Aulikki and {\"O}sterlund, Toni and Markkanen, Piia}, publisher = {ECAADe}, address = {Oulu, Finland}, doi = {10.52842/conf.ecaade.2016.1.237}, pages = {237 -- 240}, year = {2016}, abstract = {We study the novel possibilities computer aided design and production open up for the design of building systems. Such systems today can, via individualized mass production, consist of a larger number and more complex parts than previously and therefore be assembled into more complex wholes. This opens up the possibility of designing specialized systems specifically for single buildings. The common order of starting with a building system and designing a building using this system can be reversed to designing a building first and then developing a system specifically for that building. We present and discuss research that incorporates students design projects into research work and fosters links between research and teaching.}, language = {en} } @article{MiyamotoSatoAbeetal.2016, author = {Miyamoto, Ko-Ichiro and Sato, Takuya and Abe, Minami and Wagner, Torsten and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef and Yoshinobu, Tatsuo}, title = {Light-addressable potentiometric sensor as a sensing element in plug-based microfluidic devices}, series = {Micromachines}, volume = {7}, journal = {Micromachines}, number = {7}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2072-666X}, doi = {10.3390/mi7070111}, pages = {111}, year = {2016}, abstract = {A plug-based microfluidic system based on the principle of the light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) is proposed. The LAPS is a semiconductor-based chemical sensor, which has a free addressability of the measurement point on the sensing surface. By combining a microfluidic device and LAPS, ion sensing can be performed anywhere inside the microfluidic channel. In this study, the sample solution to be measured was introduced into the channel in a form of a plug with a volume in the range of microliters. Taking advantage of the light-addressability, the position of the plug could be monitored and pneumatically controlled. With the developed system, the pH value of a plug with a volume down to 400 nL could be measured. As an example of plug-based operation, two plugs were merged in the channel, and the pH change was detected by differential measurement.}, language = {en} } @article{MiyamotoYuIsodaetal.2016, author = {Miyamoto, Ko-ichiro and Yu, Bing and Isoda, Hiroko and Wagner, Torsten and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef and Yoshinobu, Tatsuo}, title = {Visualization of the recovery process of defects in a cultured cell layer by chemical imaging sensor}, series = {Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical}, volume = {236}, journal = {Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0925-4005}, doi = {10.1016/j.snb.2016.04.018}, pages = {965 -- 969}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The chemical imaging sensor is a field-effect sensor which is able to visualize both the distribution of ions (in LAPS mode) and the distribution of impedance (in SPIM mode) in the sample. In this study, a novel cell assay is proposed, in which the chemical imaging sensor operated in SPIM mode is applied to monitor the recovery of defects in a cell layer brought into proximity of the sensing surface. A reduced impedance at a defect formed artificially in a cell layer was successfully visualized in a photocurrent image. The cell layer was cultured over two weeks, during which the temporal change of the photocurrent distribution corresponding to the recovery of the defect was observed.}, language = {de} } @article{MolinnusSorichBartzetal.2016, author = {Molinnus, Denise and Sorich, Maren and Bartz, Alexander and Siegert, Petra and Willenberg, Holger S. and Lisdat, Fred and Poghossian, Arshak and Keusgen, Michael and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Towards an adrenaline biosensor based on substrate recycling amplification in combination with an enzyme logic gate}, series = {Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical}, volume = {237}, journal = {Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0925-4005}, doi = {10.1016/j.snb.2016.06.064}, pages = {190 -- 195}, year = {2016}, abstract = {An amperometric biosensor using a substrate recycling principle was realized for the detection of low adrenaline concentrations (1 nM) by measurements in phosphate buffer and Ringer's solution at pH 6.5 and pH 7.4, respectively. In proof-of-concept experiments, a Boolean logic-gate principle has been applied to develop a digital adrenaline biosensor based on an enzyme AND logic gate. The obtained results demonstrate that the developed digital biosensor is capable for a rapid qualitative determination of the presence/absence of adrenaline in a YES/NO statement. Such digital biosensor could be used in clinical diagnostics for the control of a correct insertion of a catheter in the adrenal veins during adrenal venous-sampling procedure.}, language = {en} } @article{MoorkampPetersonUibel2016, author = {Moorkamp, Wilfried and Peterson, Leif Arne and Uibel, Thomas}, title = {Mit guten Aussichten. Bericht {\"u}ber den Studiengang Holzingenieurwesen an der FH Aachen}, series = {Bauen mit Holz}, journal = {Bauen mit Holz}, number = {5}, publisher = {Rudolf M{\"u}ller}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, issn = {0005-6545}, pages = {33 -- 36}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @article{MuribYeapEurlingsetal.2016, author = {Murib, Mohammed Sharif and Yeap, Weng Siang and Eurlings, Y. and Grinsven, Bart van and Boyen, Hans-Gerd and Conings, Bert and Michiels, Luc and Ameloot, Marcel and Carleer, R. and Warmer, Johannes and Kaul, Peter Michael and Haenen, Ken and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef and de Ceuninck, Ward A. and Wagner, Patrick Hermann}, title = {Heat-transfer based characterization of DNA on synthetic sapphire chips}, series = {Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical}, volume = {230}, journal = {Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical}, number = {230}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0925-4005}, doi = {10.1016/j.snb.2016.02.027}, pages = {260 -- 271}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In this study, we show that synthetic sapphire (Al₂O₃), an established implant material, can also serve as a platform material for biosensors comparable to nanocrystalline diamond. Sapphire chips, beads, and powder were first modified with (3-aminopropyl) triethoxysilane (APTES), followed by succinic anhydride (SA), and finally single-stranded probe DNA was EDC coupled to the functionalized layer. The presence of the APTES-SA layer on sapphire powders was confirmed by thermogravimetric analyis and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Using planar sapphire chips as substrates and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) as surface-sensitive tool, the sequence of individual layers was analyzed with respect to their chemical state, enabling the quantification of areal densities of the involved molecular units. Fluorescence microscopy was used to demonstrate the hybridization of fluorescently tagged target DNA to the probe DNA, including denaturation- and re-hybridization experiments. Due to its high thermal conductivity, synthetic sapphire is especially suitable as a chip material for the heat-transfer method, which was employed to distinguish complementary- and non-complementary DNA duplexes containing single-nucleotide polymorphisms. These results indicate that it is possible to detect mutations electronically with a chemically resilient and electrically insulating chip material.}, language = {en} } @article{MykoniouButenwegHoltschoppenetal.2016, author = {Mykoniou, Konstantin and Butenweg, Christoph and Holtschoppen, Britta and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {Seismic response analysis of adjacent liquid-storage tanks}, series = {Earthquake engineering and structural dynamics}, volume = {45}, journal = {Earthquake engineering and structural dynamics}, number = {11}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {1096-9845 (E-Journal); 0098-8847 (Print)}, doi = {10.1002/eqe.2726}, pages = {1779 -- 1796}, year = {2016}, abstract = {A refined substructure technique in the frequency domain is developed, which permits consideration of the interaction effects among adjacent containers through the supporting deformable soil medium. The tank-liquid systems are represented by means of mechanical models, whereas discrete springs and dashpots stand for the soil beneath the foundations. The proposed model is employed to assess the responses of adjacent circular, cylindrical tanks for harmonic and seismic excitations over wide range of tank proportions and soil conditions. The influence of the number, spatial arrangement of the containers and their distance on the overall system's behavior is addressed. The results indicate that the cross-interaction effects can substantially alter the impulsive components of response of each individual element in a tank farm. The degree of this impact is primarily controlled by the tank proportions and the proximity of the predominant natural frequencies of the shell-liquid-soil systems and the input seismic motion. The group effects should be not a priori disregarded, unless the tanks are founded on shallow soil deposit overlying very stiff material or bedrock.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MoehringWulfhorstRothetal.2016, author = {M{\"o}hring, S. and Wulfhorst, H. and Roth, J. and Tippk{\"o}tter, Nils}, title = {Pretreatment strategies for lignocellulosic biomass}, series = {New frontiers of biotech-processes (Himmelfahrtstagung) : 02-04 May 2016, Rhein-Mosel-Halle, Koblenz/Germany}, booktitle = {New frontiers of biotech-processes (Himmelfahrtstagung) : 02-04 May 2016, Rhein-Mosel-Halle, Koblenz/Germany}, publisher = {DECHEMA}, address = {Frankfurt am Main}, pages = {131}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @misc{MoehringWulfhorstCapitainetal.2016, author = {M{\"o}hring, S. and Wulfhorst, Helene and Capitain, Charlotte and Roth, J. and Tippk{\"o}tter, Nils}, title = {Fractioning of lignocellulosic biomass: Scale-down and automation of thermal pretreatment for parameter optimization}, series = {Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, volume = {88}, journal = {Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, number = {9}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {0009-286X}, doi = {10.1002/cite.201650288}, pages = {1229}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In order to efficiently convert lignocellulose, it is often necessary to conduct a pretreatment. The biomass considered in this study typically comprises of agricultural and horticultural residues, as well as beechwood. A very environmentally friendly method, namely, fungal pretreatment using white-rot fungi, leads to an enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis. In contrast to other processes presented, the energy input is extremely low. However, the fungal growth on the lignocellulosic substrates takes several weeks at least in order to be effective. Thus, the reduction of chemicals and energy for thermal processing is a target of our current research. Liquid hot water (LHW) and solvent-based pretreatment (OrganoSolv) require more complex equipment, as they depend on high temperatures (160 - 180 °C) and enhanced pressure (up to 20 bar). However, they prove to be promising processes in regard to the fractioning of lignocellulose. For optimal lignin recovery the parameters differ from those established in cellulose extraction. A novel screening system scaled down to a reaction volume of 100 mL has been developed and successfully tested for this purpose.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{NakagawaKallweitMichauxetal.2016, author = {Nakagawa, Masaki and Kallweit, Stephan and Michaux, Frank and Hojo, Teppei}, title = {Typical Velocity Fields and Vortical Structures around a Formula One Car, based on Experimental Investigations using Particle Image Velocimetry}, series = {SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems}, booktitle = {SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems}, issn = {1946-4002}, doi = {10.4271/2016-01-1611}, pages = {18 S.}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @article{NeuJanserKhatibietal.2016, author = {Neu, Eugen and Janser, Frank and Khatibi, Akbar A. and Braun, Carsten and Orifici, Adrian C.}, title = {Operational Modal Analysis of a wing excited by transonic flow}, series = {Aerospace Science and Technology}, volume = {49}, journal = {Aerospace Science and Technology}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1270-9638}, doi = {10.1016/j.ast.2015.11.032}, pages = {73 -- 79}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) is a promising candidate for flutter testing and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of aircraft wings that are passively excited by wind loads. However, no studies have been published where OMA is tested in transonic flows, which is the dominant condition for large civil aircraft and is characterized by complex and unique aerodynamic phenomena. We use data from the HIRENASD large-scale wind tunnel experiment to automatically extract modal parameters from an ambiently excited wing operated in the transonic regime using two OMA methods: Stochastic Subspace Identification (SSI) and Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD). The system response is evaluated based on accelerometer measurements. The excitation is investigated from surface pressure measurements. The forcing function is shown to be non-white, non-stationary and contaminated by narrow-banded transonic disturbances. All these properties violate fundamental OMA assumptions about the forcing function. Despite this, all physical modes in the investigated frequency range were successfully identified, and in addition transonic pressure waves were identified as physical modes as well. The SSI method showed superior identification capabilities for the investigated case. The investigation shows that complex transonic flows can interfere with OMA. This can make existing approaches for modal tracking unsuitable for their application to aircraft wings operated in the transonic flight regime. Approaches to separate the true physical modes from the transonic disturbances are discussed.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{NeuJanserKhatibietal.2016, author = {Neu, Eugen and Janser, Frank and Khatibi, Akbar A. and Orifici, Adrian C.}, title = {In-flight vibration-based structural health monitoring of aircraft wings}, series = {30th Congress of the internatonal council of the aeronautical sciences : 25.-30. September 2016, Daejeon, Korea}, booktitle = {30th Congress of the internatonal council of the aeronautical sciences : 25.-30. September 2016, Daejeon, Korea}, pages = {10 Seiten}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This work presents a methodology for automated damage-sensitive feature extraction and anomaly detection under multivariate operational variability for in-flight assessment of wings. The method uses a passive excitation approach, i. e. without the need for artificial actuation. The modal system properties (natural frequencies and damping ratios) are used as damage-sensitive features. Special emphasis is placed on the use of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensing technology and the consideration of Operational and Environmental Variability (OEV). Measurements from a wind tunnel investigation with a composite cantilever equipped with FBG and piezoelectric sensors are used to successfully detect an impact damage. In addition, the feasibility of damage localisation and severity estimation is evaluated based on the coupling found between damageand OEV-induced feature changes.}, language = {en} } @article{NeuJanserKhatibietal.2016, author = {Neu, Eugen and Janser, Frank and Khatibi, Akbar A. and Orifici, Adrian C.}, title = {Automated modal parameter-based anomaly detection under varying wind excitation}, series = {Structural Health Monitoring}, volume = {15}, journal = {Structural Health Monitoring}, number = {6}, publisher = {Sage}, address = {London}, issn = {1475-9217}, doi = {10.1177/1475921716665803}, pages = {1 -- 20}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Wind-induced operational variability is one of the major challenges for structural health monitoring of slender engineering structures like aircraft wings or wind turbine blades. Damage sensitive features often show an even bigger sensitivity to operational variability. In this study a composite cantilever was subjected to multiple mass configurations, velocities and angles of attack in a controlled wind tunnel environment. A small-scale impact damage was introduced to the specimen and the structural response measurements were repeated. The proposed damage detection methodology is based on automated operational modal analysis. A novel baseline preparation procedure is described that reduces the amount of user interaction to the provision of a single consistency threshold. The procedure starts with an indeterminate number of operational modal analysis identifications from a large number of datasets and returns a complete baseline matrix of natural frequencies and damping ratios that is suitable for subsequent anomaly detection. Mahalanobis distance-based anomaly detection is then applied to successfully detect the damage under varying severities of operational variability and with various degrees of knowledge about the present operational conditions. The damage detection capabilities of the proposed methodology were found to be excellent under varying velocities and angles of attack. Damage detection was less successful under joint mass and wind variability but could be significantly improved through the provision of the currently encountered operational conditions.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{NeumannDuelbergSchifferetal.2016, author = {Neumann, Tobias and D{\"u}lberg, Enno and Schiffer, Stefan and Ferrein, Alexander}, title = {A rotating platform for swift acquisition of dense 3D point clouds}, series = {Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 9th International Conference, ICIRA 2016, Tokyo, Japan, August 22-24, 2016, Proceedings, Part I}, volume = {9834}, booktitle = {Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 9th International Conference, ICIRA 2016, Tokyo, Japan, August 22-24, 2016, Proceedings, Part I}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {978-3-319-43505-3 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-43506-0_22}, pages = {257 -- 268}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @article{NgamgaBialonskiMarwanetal.2016, author = {Ngamga, Eulalie Joelle and Bialonski, Stephan and Marwan, Norbert and Kurths, J{\"u}rgen and Geier, Christian and Lehnertz, Klaus}, title = {Evaluation of selected recurrence measures in discriminating pre-ictal and inter-ictal periods from epileptic EEG data}, series = {Physics Letters A}, volume = {380}, journal = {Physics Letters A}, number = {16}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0375-9601}, doi = {10.1016/j.physleta.2016.02.024}, pages = {1419 -- 1425}, year = {2016}, abstract = {We investigate the suitability of selected measures of complexity based on recurrence quantification analysis and recurrence networks for an identification of pre-seizure states in multi-day, multi-channel, invasive electroencephalographic recordings from five epilepsy patients. We employ several statistical techniques to avoid spurious findings due to various influencing factors and due to multiple comparisons and observe precursory structures in three patients. Our findings indicate a high congruence among measures in identifying seizure precursors and emphasize the current notion of seizure generation in large-scale epileptic networks. A final judgment of the suitability for field studies, however, requires evaluation on a larger database.}, language = {en} } @article{NiedermeyerZhouDursunetal.2016, author = {Niedermeyer, Angela and Zhou, Bei and Dursun, G{\"o}zde and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l and Markert, Bernd}, title = {An examination of tissue engineered scaffolds in a bioreactor}, series = {Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics PAMM}, volume = {16}, journal = {Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics PAMM}, number = {1}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {1617-7061}, doi = {10.1002/pamm.201610038}, pages = {99 -- 100}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Replacement tissues, designed to fill in articular cartilage defects, should exhibit the same properties as the native material. The aim of this study is to foster the understanding of, firstly, the mechanical behavior of the material itself and, secondly, the influence of cultivation parameters on cell seeded implants as well as on cell migration into acellular implants. In this study, acellular cartilage replacement material is theoretically, numerically and experimentally investigated regarding its viscoelastic properties, where a phenomenological model for practical applications is developed. Furthermore, remodeling and cell migration are investigated.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{NiemuellerReuterEwertetal.2016, author = {Niemueller, Tim and Reuter, Sebastian and Ewert, Daniel and Ferrein, Alexander and Jeschke, Sabina and Lakemeyer, Gerhard}, title = {The Carologistics Approach to Cope with the Increased Complexity and New Challenges of the RoboCup Logistics League 2015}, series = {RoboCup 2015: Robot World Cup XIX}, booktitle = {RoboCup 2015: Robot World Cup XIX}, editor = {Almeida, Luis}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-319-29339-4}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-29339-4_4}, pages = {47 -- 59}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{NiemuellerReuterFerrein2016, author = {Niemueller, Tim and Reuter, Sebastian and Ferrein, Alexander}, title = {Fawkes for the RoboCup Logistics League}, series = {RoboCup 2015: Robot World Cup XIX}, booktitle = {RoboCup 2015: Robot World Cup XIX}, editor = {Almeida, Luis}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-319-29339-4}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-29339-4_31}, pages = {365 -- 373}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{NiemuellerReuterFerreinetal.2016, author = {Niemueller, Tim and Reuter, Sebastian and Ferrein, Alexander and Jeschke, Sabina and Lakemeyer, Gerhard}, title = {Evaluation of the RoboCup Logistics League and Derived Criteria for Future Competitions}, series = {RoboCup 2015: Robot World Cup XIX}, booktitle = {RoboCup 2015: Robot World Cup XIX}, editor = {Almeida, Luis}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-319-29339-4}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-29339-4_3}, pages = {31 -- 43}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{NursinskiStolbergGangatharanCzarnecki2016, author = {Nursinski-Stolberg, Andr{\´e} and Gangatharan, Kiritharan and Czarnecki, Christian}, title = {Development of a subject-oriented reference process model for the telecommunications industry}, series = {GI Edition Proceedings Band 259 INFORMATIK 2016}, booktitle = {GI Edition Proceedings Band 259 INFORMATIK 2016}, editor = {Mayr, Heinrich C. and Pinzger, Martin}, publisher = {Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik e.V.}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {9783885796534}, issn = {1617-5468}, pages = {699 -- 712}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Generally the usage of reference models can be structured top-down or bottom-up. The practical need of agile change and flexible organizational implementation requires a consistent mapping to an operational level. In this context, well-established reference process models are typically structured top-down. The subject-oriented Business Process Management (sBPM) offers a modeling concept that is structured bottom-up and concentrates on the process actors on an operational level. This paper applies sBPM to the enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM), a well-accepted reference process model in the telecommunications industry. The resulting design artifact is a concrete example for a combination of a bottom-up and top-down developed reference model. The results are evaluated and confirmed in practical context through the involvement of the industry body TMForum.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{OertelBung2016, author = {Oertel, M. and Bung, Daniel Bernhard}, title = {Scouring processes downstream a crossbar block ramp}, series = {Hydraulic Structures and Water System Management. 6th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Portland, OR, 27-30 June 2016}, booktitle = {Hydraulic Structures and Water System Management. 6th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Portland, OR, 27-30 June 2016}, editor = {Crookston, B. and Tullis, B.}, isbn = {978-1-884575-75-4}, doi = {10.15142/T3340628160853}, pages = {549 -- 559}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @misc{Olbertz2016, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Wirksamkeit einer OT-Mitgliedschaft im Arbeitgeberverband - Anforderungen an die Verbandssatzung}, series = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, journal = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, issn = {1868-1816}, pages = {82 -- 82}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @misc{Olbertz2016, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Vergabe {\"o}ffentlicher Auftr{\"a}ge kann von der Zahlung eines Mindestlohns abh{\"a}ngig gemacht werden}, series = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, journal = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, issn = {1868-1816}, pages = {103 -- 103}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @misc{Olbertz2016, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Abfindungsprogramm nach „Windhundprinzip" ist zul{\"a}ssig}, series = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, journal = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, issn = {1868-1816}, pages = {303 -- 303}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @misc{Olbertz2016, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Verwirkung des Widerspruchsrechts beim Betriebs{\"u}bergang}, series = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, journal = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, issn = {1868-1816}, pages = {511 -- 511}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @misc{Olbertz2016, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Tarifentgelterh{\"o}hungen auf Grund betrieblicher {\"U}bung}, series = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, journal = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, issn = {1868-1816}, pages = {217 -- 217}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @misc{Olbertz2016, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Annahmeverzugslohn bei R{\"u}ckkehrrecht des Arbeitnehmers}, series = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, journal = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, issn = {1868-1816}, pages = {408 -- 408}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @misc{Olbertz2016, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Mitbestimmung des Betriebsrats im Verleiherbetrieb bei Zurverf{\"u}gungstellung von Arbeitsschutzkleidung im Entleiherbetrieb}, series = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, journal = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, issn = {1868-1816}, pages = {489 -- 489}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @misc{Olbertz2016, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Ausschluss von Sozialplanabfindung und Klageverzichtspr{\"a}mie}, series = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, journal = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, issn = {1868-1816}, pages = {391 -- 391}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @misc{Olbertz2016, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Angemessenheit eines Nachtarbeitszuschlags bei dauerhafter Nachtarbeit}, series = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, journal = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, issn = {1868-1816}, pages = {151 -- 151}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @article{Olbertz2016, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {{\"A}nderung des AGB-Rechts: Erforderliche Anpassung von Arbeitsvertr{\"a}gen - Insbesondere Ausschlussfristen sind betroffen}, series = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, journal = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, number = {40}, issn = {1860-9449}, pages = {3028 -- 3032}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Der Gesetzgeber hat k{\"u}rzlich eine {\"A}nderung des Rechts der AGB beschlossen. Diese hat f{\"u}r Arbeitgeber zur Folge, dass sie ihre Muster-Arbeitsvertr{\"a}ge anpassen m{\"u}ssen, wenn sie andernfalls drohende wirtschaftliche Nachteile vermeiden wollen. Mit Wirkung zum 1.10.2016 hat der Gesetzgeber \S 309 Nr. 13 BGB neu gefasst. Nach der bisherigen Fassung waren vorformulierte Vertragsbedingungen unwirksam, die Anzeigen oder Erkl{\"a}rungen gegen{\"u}ber dem Vertragspartner an „eine strengere Form als die Schriftform" banden. Seit dem 1.10.2016 sind vorformulierte Vertragsbedingungen unwirksam, die derartige Anzeigen oder Erkl{\"a}rungen an „eine strengere Form als die Textform" binden. Diese gesetzliche Neuregelung wirkt sich maßgeblich auf die Gestaltung von Arbeitsvertr{\"a}gen aus. Dies betrifft insbesondere die in Arbeitsvertr{\"a}gen gebr{\"a}uchlichen Ausschlussfristen.}, language = {de} } @article{Olbertz2016, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Die neue EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung - Allgemeiner {\"U}berblick und die einzelnen Folgen f{\"u}r den Besch{\"a}ftigtendatenschutz}, series = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, journal = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, number = {28}, issn = {1860-9449}, pages = {2118 -- 2124}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Nach jahrelangem Ringen haben sich die zust{\"a}ndigen Institutionen der EU auf ein einheitliches Datenschutzgesetz, die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DS-GV), geeinigt. Diese ist am 25.5.2016 in Kraft getreten und wird nach einer zweij{\"a}hrigen {\"U}bergangszeit am 25.5.2018 f{\"u}r alle EU-Mitgliedstaaten unmittelbar verbindlich. Verst{\"o}ße hiergegen k{\"o}nnen erhebliche Sanktionen nach sich ziehen. Es drohen Bußgelder von bis zu 20 Mio. € oder bis zu 4 \% des gruppenweiten Jahresumsatzes - je nachdem, welcher Betrag h{\"o}her ist. Die betriebliche Praxis tut also gut daran, sich rechtzeitig mit den neuen Anforderungen zu befassen und diese umzusetzen. Dieser Beitrag gibt einen ersten {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die sich aus der DS-GV ergebenden Konsequenzen f{\"u}r die betriebliche Praxis im Allgemeinen sowie im Hinblick auf die Datenverarbeitung im Besch{\"a}ftigungskontext im Besonderen.}, language = {de} } @article{Olbertz2016, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Arbeitszeit und Verg{\"u}tungspflicht des Arbeitgebers - Entstehung des Lohnanspruchs und arbeitsvertragliche Gestaltungsm{\"o}glichkeiten}, series = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, journal = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, number = {14}, issn = {1860-9449}, pages = {1026 -- 1037}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Kaum ein anderer Begriff h{\"a}lt so viele Varianten und Facetten bereit wie die Arbeitszeit. F{\"u}r die betriebliche Praxis stellt sich dabei regelm{\"a}ßig die Frage, was {\"u}berhaupt zur Arbeitszeit geh{\"o}rt, entsprechend als solche zu verg{\"u}ten ist und welche Optionen bei der Gestaltung der Arbeitsvertr{\"a}ge bestehen. Der folgende Praxisleitfaden gibt einen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die aktuelle Rechtslage und enth{\"a}lt zugleich Hinweise f{\"u}r die Vertragsgestaltung. Die hierzu insbesondere in den letzten Jahren ergangenen zahlreichen aktuellen Gerichtsentscheidungen werden besonders ber{\"u}cksichtigt.}, language = {de} } @article{Olbertz2016, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Bundesregierung beschließt Flexi-Rente}, series = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, journal = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, number = {42}, issn = {1860-9449}, pages = {3145 -- 3147}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Das Bundeskabinett hat sich am 14.9.2016 mit der sog. Flexi-Rente befasst und eine sog. Formulierungshilfe verabschiedet, der ein aus den Regierungsfraktionen des Bundestages einzubringender entsprechender Gesetzesentwurf zur „Flexibilisierung des {\"U}bergangs vom Erwerbsleben in den Ruhestand und zur St{\"a}rkung von Pr{\"a}vention und Rehabilitation im Erwerbsleben (Flexirentengesetz)" folgen soll. Eine entsprechende Vorabfassung des Gesetzesentwurfs liegt bereits vor (BT-Drucks. 18/9787). Mit der Flexi-Rente sollen im Wesentlichen zwei Ziele erreicht werden: Das flexible Arbeiten bis zum Erreichen der Regelaltersgrenze soll gef{\"o}rdert und das Weiterarbeiten {\"u}ber die Regelaltersgrenze hinaus attraktiver gemacht werden. Hierf{\"u}r ist eine Reihe von gesetzlichen {\"A}nderungen geplant, insbesondere im SGB VI und SGB III. Teile des Gesetzes sollen schon zum 1.1.2017 in Kraft treten. Grund genug, sich bereits jetzt einen ersten {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die geplanten Neuerungen zu verschaffen.}, language = {de} } @article{OlbertzGroth2016, author = {Olbertz, Klaus and Groth, Alexandra}, title = {Arbeitnehmer{\"u}berlassung: Neue gesetzliche Spielregeln ab dem 1.1.2017}, series = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, journal = {Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht : GWR}, issn = {1868-1816}, pages = {371 -- 374}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die bereits mit Koalitionsvertrag vom 16.12.2013 in Aussicht genommene Neuregulierung der Leiharbeit steht nunmehr kurz bevor. Nach diversen Korrekturen des urspr{\"u}nglichen Referentenentwurfes des Bundesministeriums f{\"u}r Arbeit und Soziales liegt seit dem 20.7.2016 der endg{\"u}ltige Entwurf des Gesetzes zur {\"A}nderung des Arbeitnehmer{\"u}berlassungsgesetzes und anderer Gesetze vor (A{\"U}G-E). Die {\"A}nderungen sollen zum 1.1.2017 in Kraft treten. Von gr{\"o}ßeren {\"A}nderungen des Gesetzesentwurfs wird allgemein nicht mehr ausgegangen. F{\"u}r die betriebliche Praxis sollte dies Anlass sein, sich bereits jetzt mit den sich abzeichnenden wichtigsten Neuerungen vertraut zu machen und diese entsprechend umzusetzen, um nachteilige Konsequenzen zu vermeiden.}, language = {de} } @article{OlbertzGroth2016, author = {Olbertz, Klaus and Groth, Alexandra}, title = {Elektrofahrzeuge als Dienstfahrzeuge - Arbeitgeberseitige Gestellung von Elektromobilit{\"a}t und ihre arbeitsvertraglichen Gestaltungserfordernisse}, series = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, journal = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, number = {50}, issn = {1860-9449}, pages = {3812}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Elektromobilit{\"a}t ist das Thema der Zukunft. Schon jetzt hat es sich die Bundesregierung zur Aufgabe gemacht, hierzulande bis 2030 den Absatz von Elektroautos kontinuierlich auf sechs Mio. Fahrzeuge zu steigern. Und auch die Nachfrage nach Elektrofahrr{\"a}dern steigt zunehmend. Vor allem der derzeit durch den Gesetzgeber gew{\"a}hrte Umweltbonus sowie weitere steuerliche Anreize machen den Einsatz von Elektroautos und -fahrr{\"a}dern als Dienstfahrzeuge auch f{\"u}r Arbeitgeber zunehmend attraktiv. Will der Arbeitgeber seinen Arbeitnehmern Elektrofahrzeuge {\"u}berlassen, stellt sich die Frage nach der Gestaltung der entsprechenden {\"U}berlassungsvertr{\"a}ge. Der nachfolgende Beitrag gibt hierzu einen {\"U}berblick und beinhaltet Formulierungshilfen f{\"u}r die Vertragsgestaltung.}, language = {de} } @article{OrzadaLaddBitz2016, author = {Orzada, Stephan and Ladd, Mark E. and Bitz, Andreas}, title = {A method to approximate maximum local SAR in multichannel transmit MR systems without transmit phase information}, series = {Magnetic Resonance in Medicine}, volume = {78}, journal = {Magnetic Resonance in Medicine}, number = {2}, publisher = {International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine}, issn = {1522-2594}, doi = {10.1002/mrm.26398}, pages = {805 -- 811}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Purpose To calculate local specific absorption rate (SAR) correctly, both the amplitude and phase of the signal in each transmit channel have to be known. In this work, we propose a method to derive a conservative upper bound for the local SAR, with a reasonable safety margin without knowledge of the transmit phases of the channels. Methods The proposed method uses virtual observation points (VOPs). Correction factors are calculated for each set of VOPs that prevent underestimation of local SAR when the VOPs are applied with the correct amplitudes but fixed phases. Results The proposed method proved to be superior to the worst-case calculation based on the maximum eigenvalue of the VOPs. The mean overestimation for six coil setups could be reduced, whereas no underestimation of the maximum local SAR occurred. In the best investigated case, the overestimation could be reduced from a factor of 3.3 to a factor of 1.7. Conclusion The upper bound for the local SAR calculated with the proposed method allows a fast estimation of the local SAR based on power measurements in the transmit channels and facilitates SAR monitoring in systems that do not have the capability to monitor transmit phases}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{OttenSchmidtWeber2016, author = {Otten, D. and Schmidt, M. and Weber, Tobias}, title = {Advances in Determination of Material Parameters for Functional Simulations Based on Process Simulations}, series = {SAMPE Europe Conference 16 Liege}, booktitle = {SAMPE Europe Conference 16 Liege}, isbn = {978-1-5108-3800-0}, pages = {570 -- 577}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @article{PaulssenLengkeekLeetal.2016, author = {Paulßen, Elisabeth and Lengkeek, Nigel A. and Le, Van So and Pellegrini, Paul A. and Greguric, Ivan and Weiner, Ron}, title = {The role of additives in moderating the influence of Fe(III) and Cu(II) on the radiochemical yield of [⁶⁸Ga(DOTATATE)]}, series = {Applied Radiation and Isotopes}, volume = {107}, journal = {Applied Radiation and Isotopes}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1872-9800}, doi = {10.1016/j.apradiso.2015.09.008}, pages = {13 -- 16}, year = {2016}, abstract = {[⁶⁸Ga(DOTATATE)] has demonstrated its clinical usefulness. Both Fe³⁺ and Cu²⁺, potential contaminants in Gallium-68 generator eluent, substantially reduce the radiochemical (RC) yield of [⁶⁸Ga(DOTATATE)] if the metal/ligand ratio of 1:1 is exceeded. A variety of compounds were examined for their potential ability to reduce this effect. Most had no effect on RC yield. However, addition of phosphate diminished the influence of Fe³⁺ by likely forming an insoluble iron salt. Addition of ascorbic acid reduced Cu²⁺ and Fe³⁺ to Cu⁺ and Fe²⁺ respectively, both of which have limited impact on RC yields. At low ligand amounts (5 nmol DOTATATE), the addition of 30 nmol phosphate (0.19 mM) increased the tolerance of Fe3⁺ from 4 nmol to 10 nmol (0.06 mM), while the addition of ascorbic acid allowed high RC yields (>95\%) in the presence of 40 nmol Fe³⁺ (0.25 mM) and 100 nmol Cu²⁺ (0.63 mM). The effect of ascorbic acid was highly pH-dependant, and gave optimal results at pH 3.}, language = {en} } @article{PeloniCeriottiDachwald2016, author = {Peloni, Alessandro and Ceriotti, Matteo and Dachwald, Bernd}, title = {Solar-sail trajectory design for a multiple near-earth-asteroid rendezvous mission}, series = {Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics}, volume = {39}, journal = {Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics}, number = {12}, publisher = {AIAA}, address = {Reston, Va.}, issn = {0731-5090}, doi = {10.2514/1.G000470}, pages = {2712 -- 2724}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The scientific interest for near-Earth asteroids as well as the interest in potentially hazardous asteroids from the perspective of planetary defense led the space community to focus on near-Earth asteroid mission studies. A multiple near-Earth asteroid rendezvous mission with close-up observations of several objects can help to improve the characterization of these asteroids. This work explores the design of a solar-sail spacecraft for such a mission, focusing on the search of possible sequences of encounters and the trajectory optimization. This is done in two sequential steps: a sequence search by means of a simplified trajectory model and a set of heuristic rules based on astrodynamics, and a subsequent optimization phase. A shape-based approach for solar sailing has been developed and is used for the first phase. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated through a fully optimized multiple near-Earth asteroid rendezvous mission. The results show that it is possible to visit five near-Earth asteroids within 10 years with near-term solar-sail technology.}, language = {en} } @article{PfaffSchmidt2016, author = {Pfaff, Raphael and Schmidt, Bernd}, title = {Daten in der Cloud - und dann?}, series = {Deine Bahn}, journal = {Deine Bahn}, number = {6}, publisher = {Bahn-Fachverlag}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0948-7263}, pages = {50 -- 55}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Schienenverkehrssysteme stehen in zunehmendem Wettbewerb, sowohl untereinander als auch mit anderen Verkehrstr{\"a}gern. Als wichtiger Aspekt zur Steigerung der Kosteneffizienz wird die Digitalisierung des Betriebs und der Fahrzeuge betrachtet. {\"U}ber eine Prognose der Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit bzw. Restlebensdauer von Subsystemen k{\"o}nnen mittels Digitalisierung die Instandhaltungskosten gesenkt werden. Die geringen Fehlerraten im System Bahn machen die Nutzung besonderer Simulationstechniken notwendig. In diesem Beitrag wird gezeigt, wie sich die Subsystemverf{\"u}gbarkeit aus den beobachteten Fehlerraten der Teilfunktionen vorhersagen l{\"a}sst.}, language = {de} } @article{PinkenburgSchiffelsSelmer2016, author = {Pinkenburg, Olaf and Schiffels, Johannes and Selmer, Thorsten}, title = {Das CoLibry-Konzept - ein Werkzeugkasten f{\"u}r die Synthetische Biologie: Bioproduktion}, series = {BIOspektrum}, volume = {22}, journal = {BIOspektrum}, number = {6}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, doi = {10.1007/s12268-016-0734-8}, pages = {593 -- 595}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Regardless of size or destination, synthetic biology starts with com-parably small information units, which need to be combined and properly arranged in order to achieve a certain goal. This may be the de novo synthesis of individual genes from oligonucleotides, a shuffling of protein domains in order to create novel biocatalysts, the assembly of multiple enzyme encoding genes in metabolic pathway design, or strain development at the production stage. The CoLibry concept has been designed in order to close the gap between recombinant production of individual genes and genome editing.}, language = {de} }