@inproceedings{LuBeyerBosiljkovetal.2016, author = {Lu, S. and Beyer, K. and Bosiljkov, V. and Butenweg, Christoph and D'Ayala, D. and Degee, H. and Gams, M. and Klouda, J. and Lagomarsino, S. and Penna, A. and Mojsilovic, N. and da Porto, F. and Sorrentino, L. and Vintzileou, E.}, title = {Next generation of Eurocode 8, masonry chapter}, series = {Brick and Block Masonry Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Padova, Italy, 26-30 June 2016}, booktitle = {Brick and Block Masonry Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Padova, Italy, 26-30 June 2016}, editor = {Modena, Claudio and da Porto, F. and Valluzzi, M.R.}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, address = {London}, isbn = {978-1-138-02999-6 (Print)}, pages = {695 -- 700}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This paper describes the procedure on the evaluation of the masonry chapter for the next generation of Eurocode 8, the European Standard for earthquake-resistant design. In CEN, TC 250/SC8, working group WG 1 has been established to support the subcommittee on the topic of masonry on both design of new structures (EN1998-1) and assessment of existing structures (EN1998-3). The aim is to elaborate suggestions for amendments which fit the current state of the art in masonry and earthquake-resistant design. Focus will be on modelling, simplified methods, linear-analysis (q-values, overstrength-values), nonlinear procedures, out-of-plane design as well as on clearer definition of limit states. Beside these, topics related to general material properties, reinforced masonry, confined masonry, mixed structures and non-structural infills will be covered too. This paper presents the preliminary work and results up to the submission date.}, language = {en} } @techreport{HoeflerGross2016, author = {H{\"o}fler, Matthias and Groß, Rolf Fritz}, title = {Optimierung der Oxidationskinetik von Sulfit zu Sulfat durch effiziente feinblasige Bel{\"u}ftung bei Anlagen zur Rauchgasentschwefelung fossil befeuerter Kraftwerke und Industrieanlagen mittels Seewasser ("Optiox")}, pages = {1 Seite}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Das Forschungsvorhaben Optiox besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Optimierung eines Bel{\"u}ftungsbeckens zur Rauchgasentschwefelung fossil befeuerter Kraftwerke mittels Seewasser. Unter Neutralisierung der entstehenden Hydroniumionen (H3O+) durch die nat{\"u}rliche Alkalit{\"a}t des Seewassers dissoziiert Schwefeldioxid aus dem Rauchgase im vorgeschalteten Absorber beim Phasen{\"u}bergang von der Gas- in die Fl{\"u}ssigphase zu Sulfiten. Im Bel{\"u}ftungsbecken werden diese Sulfite mittels eingeblasener Luft zu Sulfaten oxidiert, was zu einer geringen Erh{\"o}hung der Sulfatfracht vor Einleitung ins Meer f{\"u}hrt, die unterhalb der nat{\"u}rlichen Schwankungen liegt. Daneben dient das Bel{\"u}ftungsbecken der Konditionierung des Seewassers hinsichtlich pH-Wert und Sauerstoffgehalt und ist mit hoch effizienten Bel{\"u}ftern ausgestattet, deren Spezifikation den jeweiligen Randbedingungen, wie Abscheideleistung des Absorbers, Beckengeometrie sowie lokalen Gegebenheiten angepasst wird.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Gaigall2016, author = {Gaigall, Daniel}, title = {Vergleich von statistischen Tests im verbundenen und unabh{\"a}ngigen Stichprobenfall}, publisher = {Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universit{\"a}t Hannover}, address = {Hannover}, doi = {10.15488/8678}, pages = {281 Seiten}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Es werden Effizienzbegriffe zum Vergleich von statistischen Tests basierend auf verschiedenen statistischen Experimenten eingef{\"u}hrt. Dabei handelt es sich um die schon aus dem Vergleich von statistischen Tests in je demselben Modell bekannten asymptotischen relativen Effizienzen wie die Hodges-Lehmann-Effizienz, die Bahadur-Effizienz und die Pitman-Effizienz sowie um Kriterien basierend auf Volumina von Konfidenzbereichen. Effizienzaussagen werden unter anderem f{\"u}r Likelihood-Quotienten-Tests und Waldsche Tests im Rahmen eines allgemeinen multivariaten parametrischen Modells erhalten. Statistische Tests zur Pr{\"u}fung von Hypothesen {\"u}ber die relative Wirksamkeit zweier Experimente werden vorgeschlagen. Auf der Grundlage der erhaltenen Ergebnisse erfolgt ein Vergleich der Wirksamkeit von korrespondierenden Verfahren bei verbundener Stichprobenerhebung und unabh{\"a}ngiger Stichprobenerhebung. Die Rolle der Kovarianzmatrix bei verbundener Stichprobenerhebung wird insbesondere unter der Annahme, dass die zugrunde liegenden Verteilungen durch k-parametrische Exponentialfamilien modellierbar sind, herausgearbeitet. Verbindungen zu Effizienzbegriffen bei Punkt- und Konfidenzbereichssch{\"a}tzverfahren werden aufgezeigt. Ausf{\"u}hrlichere Untersuchungen betreffen die korrespondierenden Hotellingschen T²-Tests im multivariaten Normalverteilungsfall, die klassischen Homogenitatstests bei k × k-Kontingenztafeln und die Wilcoxon Tests in nichtparametrischen Lagealternativmodellen}, language = {de} } @article{HoerenbaumLaumannProkop2016, author = {H{\"o}renbaum, Christoph and Laumann, J{\"o}rg and Prokop, Ines}, title = {Zur Anwendung des Eurocode 3 Teil 1-2 f{\"u}r die Heißbemessung und Anregungen f{\"u}r dessen Novellierung}, series = {Stahlbau}, volume = {85}, journal = {Stahlbau}, number = {6}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn GmbH}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1437-1049}, doi = {10.1002/stab.201610382}, pages = {429 -- 434}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Eurocodes werden bis zum Jahr 2020 im Europ{\"a}ischen Komitee f{\"u}r Normung (CEN), Technisches Komitee TC 250, {\"u}berarbeitet. In Vorbereitung auf die Eurocode-Novellierung haben engagierte Ingenieure im Rahmen der Initiative PraxisRegeln Bau (PRB) die f{\"u}r die praktische Anwendung h{\"a}ufig genutzten Teile des Eurocode 3 untersucht. Mit dem Ziel, die Praxistauglichkeit des Eurocode 3 f{\"u}r die Heißbemessung zu verbessern, wurden die bestehende Norm EN 1993 Teil 1-2 insbesondere in Bezug auf die Anwenderfreundlichkeit analysiert und Vorschl{\"a}ge f{\"u}r die europ{\"a}ische Novellierung erarbeitet. Die Analysen zeigen, dass durch Umstrukturierungen und durch die Einf{\"u}hrung von Tabellen die Verst{\"a}ndlichkeit und Anwenderfreundlichkeit der Regeln f{\"u}r die Heißbemessung bedeutend erh{\"o}ht werden k{\"o}nnen.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{NursinskiStolbergGangatharanCzarnecki2016, author = {Nursinski-Stolberg, Andr{\´e} and Gangatharan, Kiritharan and Czarnecki, Christian}, title = {Development of a subject-oriented reference process model for the telecommunications industry}, series = {GI Edition Proceedings Band 259 INFORMATIK 2016}, booktitle = {GI Edition Proceedings Band 259 INFORMATIK 2016}, editor = {Mayr, Heinrich C. and Pinzger, Martin}, publisher = {Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik e.V.}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {9783885796534}, issn = {1617-5468}, pages = {699 -- 712}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Generally the usage of reference models can be structured top-down or bottom-up. The practical need of agile change and flexible organizational implementation requires a consistent mapping to an operational level. In this context, well-established reference process models are typically structured top-down. The subject-oriented Business Process Management (sBPM) offers a modeling concept that is structured bottom-up and concentrates on the process actors on an operational level. This paper applies sBPM to the enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM), a well-accepted reference process model in the telecommunications industry. The resulting design artifact is a concrete example for a combination of a bottom-up and top-down developed reference model. The results are evaluated and confirmed in practical context through the involvement of the industry body TMForum.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Czarnecki2016, author = {Czarnecki, Christian}, title = {Design und Nutzung einer industriespezifischen Referenzarchitektur f{\"u}r die Telekommunikationsindustrie}, series = {GI Edition Proceedings Band 259 INFORMATIK 2016. 26.-30. September 2016 Klagenfurt}, booktitle = {GI Edition Proceedings Band 259 INFORMATIK 2016. 26.-30. September 2016 Klagenfurt}, editor = {Mayr, Heinrich C. and Pinzger, Martin and Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik e. V. (GI),}, publisher = {K{\"o}llen}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {9783885796534}, issn = {1617-5468}, pages = {807 -- 814}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Zur Unterst{\"u}tzung des Transformationsbedarfs von Telekommunikationsunternehmen sind die Referenzmodelle des TM Forums in der Praxis weltweit anerkannt. Dabei findet jedoch meist eine losgel{\"o}ste Nutzung f{\"u}r spezifische Einzelthemen statt. Daher f{\"u}hrt dieser Artikel die bestehenden Inhalte in einer industriespezifischen, {\"u}bergreifenden Referenzarchitektur zusammen. Der Fokus liegt auf den Ebenen Aufbauorganisation, Prozesse, Applikationen und Daten. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus werden inhaltliche Architekturdom{\"a}nen zur Strukturierung angeboten. Die Referenzarchitektur ist hierarchisch aufgebaut und wird hier beispielhaft f{\"u}r ausgew{\"a}hlte, aggregierte Inhalte beschrieben. Als erste Evaluation wird die Anwendung der Referenzarchitektur in drei Praxisprojekten erl{\"a}utert.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{SteuerDankertLeichtScholten2016, author = {Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {Social responsibility and innovation - Key competencies for engineers}, series = {ICERI 2016: 9th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation: Conference Proceedings : Seville (Spain), 14-16 November}, booktitle = {ICERI 2016: 9th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation: Conference Proceedings : Seville (Spain), 14-16 November}, isbn = {978-84-617-5895-1}, issn = {2340-1095}, doi = {10.21125/iceri.2016.0353}, pages = {5967 -- 5976}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Engineers are of particular importance for the societies of tomorrow. The big social challenges society has to cope with in future, can only be mastered, if engineers link the development and innovation process closely with the requirements of people. As a result, in the frame of the innovation process engineers have to design and develop products for diverse users. Therefore, the consideration of diversity in this process is a core competence engineers should have. Implementing the consideration of diverse requirements into product design is also linked to the development of sustainable products and thus leads to social responsible research and development, the core concept formulated by the EU. For this reason, future engineers should be educated to look at the technical perspectives of a problem embedded in the related questions within societies they are developing their artefacts for. As a result, the aim of teaching engineering should be to prepare engineers for these requirements and to draw attention to the diverse needs in a globalized world. To match the competence profiles of future engineers to the global challenges and the resulting social responsibility, RWTH Aachen University, one of the leading technical universities in Germany, has established the bridging professorship "Gender and Diversity in Engineering" (GDI) which educates engineers with an interdisciplinary approach to expand engineering limits. The interdisciplinary teaching concept of the research group pursues an approach which imparts an application oriented Gender and Diversity expertise to future engineers. In the frame of an established teaching concept, which is a result of experiences and expertise of the research group, students gain theoretical knowledge about Gender and Diversity and learn how to transfer their knowledge into their later field of action. In the frame of the conference the institutional approach will be presented as well as the teaching concept which will be introduced by concrete course examples.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{LeichtScholtenSteuerDankertBouffier2016, author = {Leicht-Scholten, Carmen and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Bouffier, Anna}, title = {Facing Future Challenges: Building Engineers for Tomorrow}, series = {Conference proceedings : new perspectives in science education : 5th Conference edition, Florence, Italy, 17-18 March 2016}, booktitle = {Conference proceedings : new perspectives in science education : 5th Conference edition, Florence, Italy, 17-18 March 2016}, isbn = {978-886292-705-5}, pages = {32 -- 37}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Future engineers are increasingly confronted with the so-called Megatrends which are the big social challenges society has to cope with. These Megatrends, such as "Silver Society", "Globalization", "Mobility" and "Female Shift" require an application-oriented perspective on Diversity especially in the engineering field. Therefore, it is necessary to enable future engineers not only to look at the technical perspectives of a problem, but also to be able to see the related questions within societies they are developing their artefacts for. The aim of teaching engineering should be to prepare engineers for these requirements and to draw attention to the diverse needs in a globalized world. Bringing together technical knowledge and social competences which go beyond a mere training of the so-called "soft skills", is a new approach followed at RWTH Aachen University, one of the leading technical universities in Germany. RWTH Aachen University has established the bridging professorship "Gender and Diversity in Engineering" (GDI) which educates engineers with an interdisciplinary approach to expand engineering limits. In the frame of a sustainable teaching concept the research group under the leadership of Prof. Carmen Leicht-Scholten has developed an approach which imparts a supplication-specific Gender and Diversity expertise to engineers. In workshops students gain theoretical knowledge about Gender and Diversity and learn how to transfer their knowledge in their special field of study and later work. To substantiate this, the course participants have to solve case studies from real life. The cases which are developed in collaboration with non-profit organizations and enterprises from economy rise the students to challenges which are inspired by professional life. Evaluation shows the success of this approach as well as an increasing demand for such teaching formats.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GrundmannBieleDachwaldetal.2016, author = {Grundmann, Jan Thimo and Biele, Jens and Dachwald, Bernd and Grimm, Christian and Lange, Caroline and Ulamec, Stephan}, title = {Small spacecraft for small solar system body science, planetary defence and applications}, series = {IEEE Aerospace Conference 2016}, booktitle = {IEEE Aerospace Conference 2016}, pages = {1 -- 20}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Following the recent successful landings and occasional re-awakenings of PHILAE, the lander carried aboard ROSETTA to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, and the launch of the Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout, MASCOT, aboard the HAYABUSA2 space probe to asteroid (162173) Ryugu we present an overview of the characteristics and peculiarities of small spacecraft missions to small solar system bodies (SSSB). Their main purpose is planetary science which is transitioning from a 'pure' science of observation of the distant to one also supporting in-situ applications relevant for life on Earth. Here we focus on missions at the interface of SSSB science and planetary defence applications. We provide a brief overview of small spacecraft SSSB missions and on this background present recent missions, projects and related studies at the German Aerospace Center, DLR, that contribute to the worldwide planetary defence community. These range from Earth orbit technology demonstrators to active science missions in interplanetary space. We provide a summary of experience from recently flown missions with DLR participation as well as a number of studies. These include PHILAE, the lander of ESA's ROSETTA comet rendezvous mission now on the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, and the Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout, MASCOT, now in cruise to the ~1 km diameter C-type near-Earth asteroid (162173) Ryugu aboard the Japanese sample-return probe HAYABUSA2. We introduce the differences between the conventional methods employed in the design, integration and testing of large spacecraft and the new approaches developed by small spacecraft projects. We expect that the practical experience that can be gained from projects on extremely compressed timelines or with high-intensity operation phases on a newly explored small solar system body can contribute significantly to the study, preparation and realization of future planetary defence related missions. One is AIDA (Asteroid Impact \& Deflection Assessment), a joint effort of ESA, JHU/APL, NASA, OCA and DLR, combining JHU/APL's DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) and ESA's AIM (Asteroid Impact Monitor) spacecraft in a mission towards near-Earth binary asteroid system (65803) Didymos. DLR is currently applying MASCOT heritage and lessons learned to the design of MASCOT2, a lander for the AIM mission to support a bistatic low frequency radar experiment with PHILAE/ROSETTA CONSERT heritage to explore the inner structure of Didymoon which is the designated impact target for DART.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{HallmannHeideckerSchlottereretal.2016, author = {Hallmann, Marcus and Heidecker, Ansgar and Schlotterer, Markus and Dachwald, Bernd}, title = {GTOC8: results and methods of team 15 DLR}, series = {26th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Napa, CA}, booktitle = {26th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Napa, CA}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This paper describes the results and methods used during the 8th Global Trajectory Optimization Competition (GTOC) of the DLR team. Trajectory optimization is crucial for most of the space missions and usually can be formulated as a global optimization problem. A lot of research has been done to different type of mission problems. The most demanding ones are low thrust transfers with e.g. gravity assist sequences. In that case the optimal control problem is combined with an integer problem. In most of the GTOCs we apply a filtering of the problem based on domain knowledge.}, language = {en} }