@inproceedings{GrundmannBauerBieleetal.2018, author = {Grundmann, Jan Thimo and Bauer, Waldemar and Biele, Jens and Boden, Ralf Christian and Ceriotti, Matteo and Cordero, Federico and Dachwald, Bernd and Dumont, Etienne and Grimm, Christian D. and Herč{\´i}k, David and Ho, Tra-Mi and Jahnke, Rico and Koch, Aaron D and Koncz, Alexander and Krause, Christian and Lange, Caroline and Lichtenheldt, Roy and Maiwald, Volker and Mikschl, Tobias and Mikulz, Eugen and Montenegro, Sergio and Pelivan, Ivanka and Peloni, Alessandro and Quantius, Dominik and Reershemius, Siebo and Renger, Thomas and Riemann, Johannes and Ruffer, Michael and Sasaki, Kaname and Schmitz, Nicole and Seboldt, Wolfgang and Seefeldt, Patric and Spietz, Peter and Spr{\"o}witz, Tom and Sznajder, Maciej and Tardivel, Simon and T{\´o}th, Norbert and Wejmo, Elisabet and Wolff, Friederike and Ziach, Christian}, title = {Small spacecraft based multiple near-earth asteroid rendezvous and landing with near-term solar sails and 'Now-Term 'technologies}, series = {69 th International Astronautical Congress (IAC)}, booktitle = {69 th International Astronautical Congress (IAC)}, pages = {1 -- 18}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Physical interaction with small solar system bodies (SSSB) is the next step in planetary science, planetary in-situ resource utilization (ISRU), and planetary defense (PD). It requires a broader understanding of the surface properties of the target objects, with particular interest focused on those near Earth. Knowledge of composition, multi-scale surface structure, thermal response, and interior structure is required to design, validate and operate missions addressing these three fields. The current level of understanding is occasionally simplified into the phrase, "If you've seen one asteroid, you've seen one asteroid", meaning that the in-situ characterization of SSSBs has yet to cross the threshold towards a robust and stable scheme of classification. This would enable generic features in spacecraft design, particularly for ISRU and science missions. Currently, it is necessary to characterize any potential target object sufficiently by a dedicated pre-cursor mission to design the mission which then interacts with the object in a complex fashion. To open up strategic approaches, much broader in-depth characterization of potential target objects would be highly desirable. In SSSB science missions, MASCOT-like nano-landers and instrument carriers which integrate at the instrument level to their mothership have met interest. By its size, MASCOT is compatible with small interplanetary missions. The DLR-ESTEC Gossamer Roadmap Science Working Groups' studies identified Multiple Near-Earth asteroid (NEA) Rendezvous (MNR) as one of the space science missions only feasible with solar sail propulsion. The Solar Polar Orbiter (SPO) study showed the ability to access any inclination, theDisplaced-L1 (DL1) mission operates close to Earth, where objects of interest to PD and for ISRU reside. Other studies outline the unique capability of solar sails to provide access to all SSSB, at least within the orbit of Jupiter, and significant progress has been made to explore the performance envelope of near-term solar sails for MNR. However, it is difficult for sailcraft to interact physically with a SSSB. We expand and extend the philosophy of the recently qualified DLR Gossamer solar sail deployment technology using efficient multiple sub-spacecraft integration to also include landers for one-way in-situ investigations and sample-return missions by synergetic integration and operation of sail and lander. The MASCOT design concept and its characteristic features have created an ideal counterpart for thisand has already been adapted to the needs of the AIM spacecraft, former part of the NASA-ESA AIDA missionDesigning the 69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Bremen, Germany, 1-5 October 2018. IAC-18-F1.2.3 Page 2 of 17 combined spacecraft for piggy-back launch accommodation enables low-cost massively parallel access to the NEA population.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GrundmannBauerBorchersetal.2019, author = {Grundmann, Jan Thimo and Bauer, Waldemar and Borchers, Kai and Dumont, Etienne and Grimm, Christian D. and Ho, Tra-Mi and Jahnke, Rico and Koch, Aaron D. and Lange, Caroline and Maiwald, Volker and Meß, Jan-Gerd and Mikulz, Eugen and Quantius, Dominik and Reershemius, Siebo and Renger, Thomas and Sasaki, Kaname and Seefeldt, Patric and Spietz, Peter and Spr{\"o}witz, Tom and Sznajder, Maciej and Toth, Norbert and Ceriotti, Matteo and McInnes, Colin and Peloni, Alessandro and Biele, Jens and Krause, Christian and Dachwald, Bernd and Hercik, David and Lichtenheldt, Roy and Wolff, Friederike and Koncz, Alexander and Pelivan, Ivanka and Schmitz, Nicole and Boden, Ralf Christian and Riemann, Johannes and Seboldt, Wolfgang and Wejmo, Elisabet and Ziach, Christian and Mikschl, Tobias and Montenegro, Sergio and Ruffer, Michael and Cordero, Federico and Tardivel, Simon}, title = {Solar sails for planetary defense \& high-energy missions}, series = {IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings}, booktitle = {IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings}, doi = {10.1109/AERO.2019.8741900}, pages = {1 -- 21}, year = {2019}, abstract = {20 years after the successful ground deployment test of a (20 m) 2 solar sail at DLR Cologne, and in the light of the upcoming U.S. NEAscout mission, we provide an overview of the progress made since in our mission and hardware design studies as well as the hardware built in the course of our solar sail technology development. We outline the most likely and most efficient routes to develop solar sails for useful missions in science and applications, based on our developed `now-term' and near-term hardware as well as the many practical and managerial lessons learned from the DLR-ESTEC Gossamer Roadmap. Mission types directly applicable to planetary defense include single and Multiple NEA Rendezvous ((M)NR) for precursor, monitoring and follow-up scenarios as well as sail-propelled head-on retrograde kinetic impactors (RKI) for mitigation. Other mission types such as the Displaced L1 (DL1) space weather advance warning and monitoring or Solar Polar Orbiter (SPO) types demonstrate the capability of near-term solar sails to achieve asteroid rendezvous in any kind of orbit, from Earth-coorbital to extremely inclined and even retrograde orbits. Some of these mission types such as SPO, (M)NR and RKI include separable payloads. For one-way access to the asteroid surface, nanolanders like MASCOT are an ideal match for solar sails in micro-spacecraft format, i.e. in launch configurations compatible with ESPA and ASAP secondary payload platforms. Larger landers similar to the JAXA-DLR study of a Jupiter Trojan asteroid lander for the OKEANOS mission can shuttle from the sail to the asteroids visited and enable multiple NEA sample-return missions. The high impact velocities and re-try capability achieved by the RKI mission type on a final orbit identical to the target asteroid's but retrograde to its motion enables small spacecraft size impactors to carry sufficient kinetic energy for deflection.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GrundmannBauerBieleetal.2018, author = {Grundmann, Jan Thimo and Bauer, Waldemar and Biele, Jens and Boden, Ralf Christian and Ceriotti, Matteo and Cordero, Federico and Dachwald, Bernd and Dumont, Etienne and Grimm, Christian and Herč{\´i}k, David and Herique, Alain and Ho, Tra-Mi and Jahnke, Rico and Koch, Aaron and Kofman, Wlodek and Koncz, Alexander and Krause, Christian and Lange, Caroline and Lichtenheldt, Roy and Maiwald, Volker and Mikschl, Tobias and Mikulz, Eugen and Montenegro, Sergio and Pelivan, Ivanka and Peloni, Alessandro and Plettemeier, Dirk and Quantius, Dominik and Reershemius, Siebo and Renger, Thomas and Riemann, Johannes and Ruffer, Michael and Sasaki, Kaname and Schmitz, Nicole and Seboldt, Wolfgang and Seefeldt, Patric and Spietz, Peter and Spr{\"o}witz, Tom and Sznajder, Maciej and Tardivel, Simon and Toth, Norbert and Wejmo, Elisabet and Wolff, Friederike and Ziach, Christian}, title = {Efficient massively parallel prospection for ISRU by multiple near-earth asteroid rendezvous using near-term solar sails and'now-term'small spacecraft solutions}, series = {2nd Asteroid Science Intersections with In-Space Mine Engineering - ASIME 2018}, booktitle = {2nd Asteroid Science Intersections with In-Space Mine Engineering - ASIME 2018}, pages = {1 -- 33}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Physical interaction with small solar system bodies (SSSB) is key for in-situ resource utilization (ISRU). The design of mining missions requires good understanding of SSSB properties, including composition, surface and interior structure, and thermal environment. But as the saying goes "If you've seen one asteroid, you've seen one Asteroid": Although some patterns may begin to appear, a stable and reliable scheme of SSSB classification still has to be evolved. Identified commonalities would enable generic ISRU technology and spacecraft design approaches with a high degree of re-use. Strategic approaches require much broader in-depth characterization of the SSSB populations of interest to the ISRU community. The DLR-ESTEC GOSSAMER Roadmap Science Working Groups identified target-flexible Multiple Near-Earth asteroid (NEA) Rendezvous (MNR) as one of the missions only feasible with solar sail propulsion, showed the ability to access any inclination and a wide range of heliocentric distances as well as continuous operation close to Earth's orbit where low delta-v objects reside.}, language = {en} } @article{GrundmannDachwaldGrimmetal.2015, author = {Grundmann, Jan Thimo and Dachwald, Bernd and Grimm, Christian D. and Kahle, Ralph and Koch, Aaron Dexter and Krause, Christian and Lange, Caroline and Quantius, Dominik and Ulamec, Stephan}, title = {Spacecraft for Hypervelocity Impact Research - An Overview of Capabilities, Constraints and the Challenges of Getting There}, series = {Procedia Engineering}, volume = {Vol. 103}, journal = {Procedia Engineering}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1877-7058}, doi = {10.1016/j.proeng.2015.04.021}, pages = {151 -- 158}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GrundmannLangeDachwaldetal.2015, author = {Grundmann, Jan Thimo and Lange, Caroline and Dachwald, Bernd and Grimm, Christian and Koch, Aaron and Ulamec, Stephan}, title = {Small Spacecraft in Planetary Defence Related Applications-Capabilities, Constraints, Challenges}, series = {IEEE Aerospace Conference}, booktitle = {IEEE Aerospace Conference}, pages = {1 -- 18}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In this paper we present an overview of the characteristics and peculiarities of small spacecraft missions related to planetary defence applications. We provide a brief overview of small spacecraft missions to small solar system bodies. On this background we present recent missions and selected projects and related studies at the German Aerospace Center, DLR, that contribute to planetary defence related activities. These range from Earth orbit technology demonstrators to active science missions in interplanetary space. We provide a summary of experience from recently flown missions with DLR participation as well as a number of studies. These include PHILAE, the lander recently arrived on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko aboard ESA's ROSETTA comet rendezvous mission, and the Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout, MASCOT, now underway to near-Earth asteroid (162173) 1999 JU3 aboard the Japanese sample-return probe HAYABUSA-2. We introduce the differences between the conventional methods employed in the design, integration and testing of large spacecraft and the new approaches developed by small spacecraft projects. We expect that the practical experience that can be gained from projects on extremely compressed timelines or with high-intensity operation phases on a newly explored small solar system body can contribute significantly to the study, preparation and realization of future planetary defence related missions. One is AIDA (Asteroid Impact \& Deflection Assessment), a joint effort of ESA,JHU/APL, NASA, OCA and DLR, combining JHU/APL's DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) and ESA's AIM (Asteroid Impact Monitor) spacecraft in a mission towards near-Eath binary asteroid (65803) Didymos.}, language = {en} }