@article{Staat2003, author = {Staat, Manfred}, title = {Shakedown and ratchetting under tension-torsion loadings: analysis and experiments}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Structural design analyses are conducted with the aim of verifying the exclusion of ratchetting. To this end it is important to make a clear distinction between the shakedown range and the ratchetting range. The performed experiment comprised a hollow tension specimen which was subjected to alternating axial forces, superimposed with constant moments. First, a series of uniaxial tests has been carried out in order to calibrate a bounded kinematic hardening rule. The load parameters have been selected on the basis of previous shakedown analyses with the PERMAS code using a kinematic hardening material model. It is shown that this shakedown analysis gives reasonable agreement between the experimental and the numerical results. A linear and a nonlinear kinematic hardening model of two-surface plasticity are compared in material shakedown analysis.}, subject = {Einspielen }, language = {en} } @article{Staat2005, author = {Staat, Manfred}, title = {Direct finite element route for design-by-analysis of pressure components}, year = {2005}, abstract = {In the new European standard for unfired pressure vessels, EN 13445-3, there are two approaches for carrying out a Design-by-Analysis that cover both the stress categorization method (Annex C) and the direct route method (Annex B) for a check against global plastic deformation and against progressive plastic deformation. This paper presents the direct route in the language of limit and shakedown analysis. This approach leads to an optimization problem. Its solution with Finite Element Analysis is demonstrated for mechanical and thermal actions. One observation from the examples is that the so-called 3f (3Sm) criterion fails to be a reliable check against progressive plastic deformation. Precise conditions are given, which greatly restrict the applicability of the 3f criterion.}, subject = {Einspielen }, language = {en} } @inproceedings{StaatHeitzer2002, author = {Staat, Manfred and Heitzer, Michael}, title = {The restricted influence of kinematic hardening on shakedown loads}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Structural design analyses are conducted with the aim of verifying the exclusion of ratcheting. To this end it is important to make a clear distinction between the shakedown range and the ratcheting range. In cyclic plasticity more sophisticated hardening models have been suggested in order to model the strain evolution observed in ratcheting experiments. The hardening models used in shakedown analysis are comparatively simple. It is shown that shakedown analysis can make quite stable predictions of admissible load ranges despite the simplicity of the underlying hardening models. A linear and a nonlinear kinematic hardening model of two-surface plasticity are compared in material shakedown analysis. Both give identical or similar shakedown ranges. Structural shakedown analyses show that the loading may have a more pronounced effect than the hardening model.}, subject = {Biomedizinische Technik}, language = {en} } @article{Staat2001, author = {Staat, Manfred}, title = {Cyclic plastic deformation tests to verify FEM-based shakedown analyses}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Fatigue analyses are conducted with the aim of verifying that thermal ratcheting is limited. To this end it is important to make a clear distintion between the shakedown range and the ratcheting range (continuing deformation). As part of an EU-supported research project, experiments were carried out using a 4-bar model. The experiment comprised a water-cooled internal tube, and three insulated heatable outer test bars. The system was subjected to alternating axial forces, superimposed with alternating temperatures at the outer bars. The test parameters were partly selected on the basis of previous shakedown analyses. During the test, temperatures and strains were measured as a function of time. The loads and the resulting stresses were confirmed on an ongoing basis during performance of the test, and after it. Different material models were applied for this incremental elasto-plastic analysis using the ANSYS program. The results of the simulation are used to verify the FEM-based shakedown analysis.}, subject = {Materialerm{\"u}dung}, language = {en} } @article{Staat2000, author = {Staat, Manfred}, title = {Direct FEM Limit and Shakedown Analysis with Uncertain Data}, year = {2000}, abstract = {The structural reliability with respect to plastic collapse or to inadaptation is formulated on the basis of the lower bound limit and shakedown theorems. A direct definition of the limit state function is achieved which permits the use of the highly effective first order reliability methods (FORM) is achieved. The theorems are implemented into a general purpose FEM program in a way capable of large-scale analysis. The limit state function and its gradient are obtained from a mathematical optimization problem. This direct approach reduces considerably the necessary knowledge of uncertain technological input data, the computing time, and the numerical error, leading to highly effective and precise reliability analyses.}, subject = {Finite-Elemente-Methode}, language = {en} } @article{VuStaat2004, author = {Vu, Duc-Khoi and Staat, Manfred}, title = {An algorithm for shakedown analysis of structure with temperature dependent yield stress}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This work is an attempt to answer the question: How to use convex programming in shakedown analysis of structures made of materials with temperature-dependent properties. Based on recently established shakedown theorems and formulations, a dual relationship between upper and lower bounds of the shakedown limit load is found, an algorithmfor shakedown analysis is proposed. While the original problem is neither convex nor concave, the algorithm presented here has the advantage of employing convex programming tools.}, subject = {Einspielen }, language = {en} } @article{Staat2000, author = {Staat, Manfred}, title = {Basis Reduction for the Shakedown Problem for Bounded Kinematic Hardening Material}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Limit and shakedown analysis are effective methods for assessing the load carrying capacity of a given structure. The elasto-plastic behavior of the structure subjected to loads varying in a given load domain is characterized by the shakedown load factor, defined as the maximum factor which satisfies the sufficient conditions stated in the corresponding static shakedown theorem. The finite element dicretization of the problem may lead to very large convex optimization. For the effective solution a basis reduction method has been developed that makes use of the special problem structure for perfectly plastic material. The paper proposes a modified basis reduction method for direct application to the two-surface plasticity model of bounded kinematic hardening material. The considered numerical examples show an enlargement of the load carrying capacity due to bounded hardening.}, subject = {Finite-Elemente-Methode}, language = {en} } @article{Staat2001, author = {Staat, Manfred}, title = {LISA - a European project for FEM-based limit and shakedown analysis}, year = {2001}, abstract = {The load-carrying capacity or the safety against plastic limit states are the central questions in the design of structures and passive components in the apparatus engineering. A precise answer is most simply given by limit and shakedown analysis. These methods can be based on static and kinematic theorems for lower and upper bound analysis. Both may be formulated as optimization problems for finite element discretizations of structures. The problems of large-scale analysis and the extension towards realistic material modelling will be solved in a European research project. Limit and shakedown analyses are briefly demonstrated with illustrative examples.}, subject = {Einspielen }, language = {en} } @inproceedings{StaatHeitzerHicken1999, author = {Staat, Manfred and Heitzer, Michael and Hicken, E. F.}, title = {LISA - ein europ{\"a}isches Projekt zur FEM-basierten Traglast- und Einspielanalyse}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Traglast- und Einspielanalysen sind vereinfachte doch exakte Verfahren der Plastizit{\"a}t, die neben ausreichender Verformbarkeit keine einschr{\"a}nkenden Voraussetzungen beinhalten. Die Vereinfachungen betreffen die Beschaffung der Daten und Modelle f{\"u}r Details der Lastgeschichte und des Stoffverhaltens. Anders als die klassische Behandlung nichtlinearer Probleme der Strukturmechanik f{\"u}hrt die Methode auf Optimierungsprobleme. Diese sind bei realistischen FEM-Modellen sehr groß. Das hat die industrielle Anwendung der Traglast- und Einspielanalysen stark verz{\"o}gert. Diese Situation wird durch das Brite-EuRam Projekt LISA grundlegend ge{\"a}ndert. In LISA entsteht auf der Basis des industriellen FEM-Programms PERMAS ein Verfahren zur direkten Berechnung der Tragf{\"a}higkeit duktiler Strukturen. Damit kann der Betriebsbereich von Komponenten und Bauwerken auf den plastischen Bereich erweitert werden, ohne den Aufwand gegen{\"u}ber elastischen Analysen wesentlich zu erh{\"o}hen. Die beachtlichen Rechenzeitgewinne erlauben Parameterstudien und die Berechnung von Interaktionsdiagrammen, die einen schnellen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber m{\"o}gliche Betriebsbereiche vermitteln. Es zeigt sich, daß abh{\"a}ngig von der Komponente und ihren Belastungen teilweise entscheidende Sicherheitsgewinne zur Erweiterung der Betriebsbereiche erzielt werden k{\"o}nnen. Das Vorgehen erfordert vom Anwender oft ein gewisses Umdenken. Es werden keine Spannungen berechnet, um damit Sicherheit und Lebensdauer zu interpretieren. Statt dessen berechnet man direkt die gesuchte Sicherheit. Der Post-Prozessor wird nur noch zur Modell- und Rechenkontrolle ben{\"o}tigt. Das Vorgehen ist {\"a}hnlich der Stabilit{\"a}tsanalyse (Knicken, Beulen). Durch namhafte industrielle Projektpartner werden Validierung und die Anwendbarkeit auf eine breite Palette technischer Probleme garantiert. Die ebenfalls in LISA entwickelten Zuverl{\"a}ssigkeitsanalysen sind nichlinear erst auf der Basis direkter Verfahren effektiv m{\"o}glich. Ohne Traglast- und Einspielanalyse ist plastische Strukturoptimierung auch heute kaum durchf{\"u}hrbar. Auf die vorgesehenen Erweiterungen der Werkstoffmodellierung f{\"u}r nichtlineare Verfestigung und f{\"u}r Sch{\"a}digung konnte hier nicht eingegangen werden. Es herrscht ein deutlicher Mangel an Experimenten zum Nachweis der Grenzen zwischen elastischem Einspielen und dem Versagen durch LCF oder durch Ratchetting.}, subject = {Einspielen }, language = {de} } @inproceedings{StaatHeitzerReindersetal.2001, author = {Staat, Manfred and Heitzer, Michael and Reinders, H. and Schubert, F.}, title = {Einspielen und Ratchetting bei Zug- und Torsionsbelastung: Analyse und Experimente}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Traglast- und Einspielanalysen sind vereinfachte doch exakte Verfahren der klassischen Plastizit{\"a}tstheorie, die neben ausreichender Verformbarkeit keine einschr{\"a}nkenden Voraussetzungen beinhalten. Die Vereinfachungen betreffen die Beschaffung der Daten und Modelle f{\"u}r Details der Lastgeschichte und des Stoffverhaltens. Eine FEM-basierte Traglast- und Einspielanalyse f{\"u}r ideal plastisches Material wurde auf ein kinematisch verfestigendes Materialgesetz erweitert und in das Finite Element Programm PERMAS implementiert. In einem einfachen Zug-Torsionsexperiment wurde eine Hohlprobe mit konstanter Torsion und zyklischer Zugbelastung beansprucht, um die neue Implementierung zu verifizieren. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Einspielanalyse gut mit den experimentellen Ergebnissen {\"u}bereinstimmt. Bei Verfestigung lassen sich wesentlich gr{\"o}ßere Sicherheiten nachweisen. Dieses Potential bedarf weiterer experimenteller Absicherung. Parallel dazu ist die Eisnpieltheorie auf fortschrittliche Verfestigungsans{\"a}tze zu erweitern.}, subject = {Zug-Druck-Beanspruchung}, language = {de} }