@article{ButenwegFaeckeFehlingetal.2010, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and F{\"a}cke, Andreas and Fehling, Ekkehard and Gellert, Christoph and Gierga, Michael and Meyer, Udo and R{\"u}tschlin, Andreas H. and St{\"u}rz, Jochen}, title = {Energieeffizient und erdbebensicher Bauen mit monolithischem Ziegelmauerwerk}, series = {Mauerwerk : European journal of masonry}, volume = {14}, journal = {Mauerwerk : European journal of masonry}, number = {1}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1432-3427}, doi = {10.1002/dama.201000456}, pages = {3 -- 9}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Moderne Bauwerke m{\"u}ssen heute eine hohe energetische Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit aufweisen und gleichzeitig alle einwirkenden Lasten sicher abtragen. Dies stellt insbesondere in Erdbebengebieten hohe Anforderungen an die verwendeten Baustoffe. Am baupraktischen Beispiel einer Doppelhaush{\"a}lfte wird demonstriert, dass die Symbiose aus energieeffizientem und gleichzeitig erdbebensicherem Bauen in der h{\"o}chsten deutschen Erdbebenzone mit monolithischem Ziegelmauerwerk gut realisierbar ist. Als Ziegelmauerwerk werden f{\"u}r die Außenw{\"a}nde w{\"a}rmetechnisch optimierte Hochlochziegel verwendet, die sowohl die Anforderungen der Energieeinsparverordnung 2009 als auch die Anforderungen an Mauerwerkbaustoffe nach den aktuellen Erdbebennormen erf{\"u}llen. Der Erdbebennachweis der Doppelhaush{\"a}lfte erfolgt mit einem nichtlinearen Nachweisverfahren, das f{\"u}r eine einfache praktische Anwendung programmtechnisch umgesetzt wurde. F{\"u}r den Nachweis wurden aus zyklischen Schubwandversuchen ermittelte Last-Verformungskurven verwendet. Das gesamte in Deutschland noch nicht normativ geregelte Nachweiskonzept wurde im Rahmen einer Zustimmung im Einzelfall gepr{\"u}ft und genehmigt.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{GoemmelNiendorfFrauenrathetal.2010, author = {G{\"o}mmel, Andreas and Niendorf, Thoralf and Frauenrath, Tobias and Otten, Mario and Butenweg, Christoph and Kob, Malte}, title = {3D vocal fold geometry mapping using Magnetic Resonance Imaging}, series = {Fortschritte der Akustik : 36. Deutsche Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik, Band 1}, booktitle = {Fortschritte der Akustik : 36. Deutsche Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik, Band 1}, publisher = {Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Akustik}, address = {Berlin}, organization = {Deutsche Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik <36, 2010, Berlin>}, isbn = {978-3-9808659-8-2}, pages = {271 -- 272}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @misc{AlexopoulosHoffschmidt2010, author = {Alexopoulos, Spiros and Hoffschmidt, Bernhard}, title = {Solarthermische Kraftwerke mit thermischen Speichern}, series = {Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, volume = {82}, journal = {Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, number = {9}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, isbn = {1522-2640}, doi = {10.1002/cite.201050678}, pages = {1606}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Solarthermische Kraftwerke stellen eine bedeutende Technologieoption f{\"u}r einen nachhaltigen Energiemix der Zukunft dar. Sie konzentrieren die Strahlung der Sonne, erzeugen W{\"a}rme und wandeln diese mit konventioneller Kraftwerkstechnik in Strom um. Die W{\"a}rme kann auch gespeichert werden, so dass der Betrieb w{\"a}hrend des Durchzugs von Wolken m{\"o}glich ist und bis in die Abendstunden hinein verl{\"a}ngert werden kann. Zu den solarthermischen Kraftwerken geh{\"o}ren neben der Parabolrinne und dem Solarturm der Fresnel-Kollektor und die Dish-Stirling-Systeme. Im Zuge einer sp{\"a}teren Vergr{\"o}ßerung des Solarfeldes von Solarkraftwerken kann mithilfe von thermischen Energiespeichern die solare Energieerzeugung bei gleichbleibender Kraftwerksleistung sukzessiv bis um den Faktor 3 erweitert werden. Es besteht so die M{\"o}glichkeit einer massiven Substitution von fossilen Brennstoffen.Bei den ersten solarthermischen Speichern f{\"u}r die SEGS-Parabolrinnekraftwerke wurde {\"O}l als Speichermedium eingesetzt. Ein weiteres Speichermedium ist Salzschmelze, die im Andasol-1-Projekt in Spanien sowie bei Solarturmkraftwerken eingesetzt wird. Beton ist ein weiteres m{\"o}gliches Speichermaterial f{\"u}r Parabolrinnensysteme. Eine weitere Alternative bei einem Solarturmkraftwerk mit Luft als W{\"a}rmetr{\"a}germedium ist die Verwendung von keramischen Feuerfestmaterialien in Form von Sch{\"u}ttungen oder stapelbaren, por{\"o}sen Elementen. In J{\"u}lich wurde das weltweit erste solarthermische Turmkraftwerk mit einer Leistung von 1,5 MWe, das Luft als W{\"a}rmetr{\"a}germedium einsetzt und einen solchen Speicher verwendet, gebaut.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{GeimerSauerbornHoffschmidtetal.2010, author = {Geimer, Konstantin and Sauerborn, Markus and Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Schmitz, Mark and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim}, title = {Test facility for absorber specimens of solar tower power plants}, series = {Advances in Science and Technology}, volume = {74}, booktitle = {Advances in Science and Technology}, publisher = {Trans Tech Publications}, address = {Baech}, doi = {10.4028/www.scientific.net/AST.74.266}, pages = {266 -- 271}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The Solar-Institute J{\"u}lich (SIJ) has initiated the construction of the first and only German solar tower power plant and is now involved in the accompanying research. The power plant for experimental and demonstration purposes in the town of J{\"u}lich started supplying electric energy in the beginning of 2008. The central receiver plant features as central innovation an open volumetric receiver, consisting of porous ceramic elements that simultaneously absorb the concentrated sunlight and transfer the heat to ambient air passing through the pores so that an average temperature of 680°C is reached. The subsequent steam cycle generates up to 1.5 MWe. A main field of research at the SIJ is the optimization of the absorber structures. To analyze the capability of new absorber specimens a special test facility was developed and set up in the laboratory. A high-performance near-infrared radiator offers for single test samples a variable and repeatable beam with a power of up to 320 kW/m² peak. The temperatures achieved on the absorber surface can reach more than 1000°C. To suck ambient air through the open absorber - like on the tower - it is mounted on a special blower system. An overview about the test facility and some recent results will be presented.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BouquegneauKernRousseau2010, author = {Bouquegneau, Christian and Kern, Alexander and Rousseau, Alain}, title = {Lightning safety guidelines}, pages = {6 Seiten}, year = {2010}, abstract = {This paper introduces lightning to the layman, noting the right behaviour in front of thunderstorms as well as protective measures against lightning. It also contributes to the prevention of lightning injuries and damages. This report was prepared by the authors inside the AHG1 Group for IEC TC81 (Lightning Protection).}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KernFrentzelBehrens2010, author = {Kern, Alexander and Frentzel, Ralf and Behrens, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Simulation of the transient voltages in the auxiliary power network of a large power plant in case of a direct lightning strike to the high-voltage overhead transmission line}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York}, isbn = {978-88-905519-0-1}, doi = {10.1109/ICLP.2010.7845756}, pages = {749-1 -- 749-7}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Large power plants can be endangered by lightning strikes with possible consequences regarding their safety and availability. A special scenario is a lightning strike to the HV overhead transmission line close to the power plant's connection to the power grid. If then additionally a so-called shielding failure of the overhead ground wire on top of the overhead transmission line is assumed, i.e. the lightning strikes directly into a phase conductor, this is an extreme electromagnetic disturbance. The paper deals with the numerical simulation of such a lightning strike and the consequences on the components of the power plant's auxiliary power network connected to different voltage levels.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KernSchelthoffMathieu2010, author = {Kern, Alexander and Schelthoff, Christof and Mathieu, Moritz}, title = {Probability of lightning strikes to air-terminations of structures using the electro-geometrical model theory and the statistics of lightning current parameters}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York}, isbn = {978-88-905519-0-1}, doi = {10.1109/ICLP.2010.7845757}, pages = {750-1 -- 750-8}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Planning the air-terminations for a structure to be protected the use of the rolling-sphere method (electro-geometrical model) is the best way from the physics of lightning point-of-view. Therefore, international standards prefer this method. However, using the rolling-sphere method only results in possible point-of-strikes on a structure without giving information about the probability of strikes at the individual points compared to others.}, language = {en} } @misc{FrauenrathRenzRiegeretal.2010, author = {Frauenrath, Tobias and Renz, Wolfgang and Rieger, Jan and G{\"o}mmel, Andreas and Butenweg, Christoph and Niendorf, Thoralf}, title = {High Spatial Resolution 3D MRI of the Larynx Using a Dedicated TX/RX Phased Array Coil at 7.0T}, series = {2010 ISMRM-ESMRMB joint annual meeting}, journal = {2010 ISMRM-ESMRMB joint annual meeting}, issn = {1545-4428}, year = {2010}, abstract = {MRI holds great potential for elucidating laryngeal and vocal fold anatomy together with the assessment of physiological processes associated in human phonation. However, MRI of human phonation remains very challenging due to the small size of the targeted structures, interfering signal from fat, air between the vocal folds and surrounding muscles and physiological motion. These anatomical/physiological constraints translate into stringent technical requirements in balancing, scan time, image contrast, immunity to physiological motion, temporal resolution and spatial resolution. Motivated by these challenges and limitations this study is aiming at translating the sensitivity gain at ultra-high magnetic fields for enhanced high spatial resolution 3D imaging of the larynx and vocal tract. To approach this goal a dedicated two channel TX/RX larynx coil is being proposed.}, language = {en} } @article{FleischhakerEversDey2010, author = {Fleischhaker, Robert and Evers, J{\"o}rg and Dey, Tarak N.}, title = {Phase modulation induced by cooperative effects in electromagnetically induced transparency}, series = {Physical Review A - Atomic, molecular, and optical physics}, volume = {82}, journal = {Physical Review A - Atomic, molecular, and optical physics}, number = {1}, publisher = {AIP Publishing}, address = {Melville, NY}, issn = {1050-2947}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.82.013815}, pages = {013815}, year = {2010}, abstract = {We analyze the influence of dipole-dipole interactions in an electromagnetically induced transparency set up for a density at the onset of cooperative effects. To this end, we include mean-field models for the influence of local-field corrections and radiation trapping into our calculation. We show both analytically and numerically that the polarization contribution to the local field strongly modulates the phase of a weak pulse. We give an intuitive explanation for this local-field-induced phase modulation and demonstrate that it distinctively differs from the nonlinear self-phase-modulation that a strong pulse experiences in a Kerr medium.}, language = {en} } @misc{DieringerRenzLindeletal.2010, author = {Dieringer, Matthias A. and Renz, Wolfgang and Lindel, Tomasz Dawid and Seifert, Frank and Frauenrath, Tobias and Waiczies, Helmar and von Knobelsdorff-Brenkhoff, Florian and Santoro, Davide and Hoffmann, Werner and Ittermann, Bernd and Schulz-Menger, Jeanette and Niendorf, Thoralf}, title = {4CH TX/RX Surface Coil for 7T: Design, Optimization and Application for Cardiac Function Imaging}, series = {2010 ISMRM-ESMRMB joint annual meeting}, journal = {2010 ISMRM-ESMRMB joint annual meeting}, issn = {1545-4428}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Practical impediments of ultra high field cardiovascular MR (CVMR) can be catalogued in exacerbated magnetic field and radio frequency (RF) inhomogeneities, susceptibility and off-resonance effects, conductive and dielectric effects in tissue, and RF power deposition constraints, which all bear the potential to spoil the benefit of CVMR at 7T. Therefore, a four element cardiac transceive surface coil array was developed. Cardiac imaging provided clinically acceptable signal homogeneity with an excellent blood myocardium contrast. Subtle anatomic structures, such as pericardium, mitral and tricuspid valves and their apparatus, papillary muscles, and trabecles were accurately delineated.}, language = {en} }