@article{MichelButenwegKinkel2018, author = {Michel, Philipp and Butenweg, Christoph and Kinkel, Sven}, title = {Pile-grid foundations of onshore wind turbines considering soil-structure-interaction under seismic loading}, series = {Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering}, volume = {109}, journal = {Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0267-7261}, doi = {10.1016/j.soildyn.2018.03.009}, pages = {299 -- 311}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In recent years, many onshore wind turbines are erected in seismic active regions and on soils with poor load bearing capacity, where pile grids are inevitable to transfer the loads into the ground. In this contribution, a realistic multi pile grid is designed to analyze the dynamics of a wind turbine tower including frequency dependent soil-structure-interaction. It turns out that different foundations on varying soil configurations heavily influence the vibration response. While the vibration amplitude is mostly attenuated, certain unfavorable combinations of structure and soil parameters lead to amplification in the range of the system's natural frequencies. This testifies the need for overall dynamic analysis in the assessment of the dynamic stability and the holistic frequency tuning of the turbines.}, language = {en} } @article{RosinButenwegCacciatoreetal.2018, author = {Rosin, Julia and Butenweg, Christoph and Cacciatore, Pamela and Boesen, Niklas}, title = {Investigation of the seismic performance of modern masonry buildings during the Emilia Romagna earthquake series}, series = {Mauerwerk}, volume = {22}, journal = {Mauerwerk}, number = {4}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1437-1022}, doi = {10.1002/dama.201800013}, pages = {238 -- 250}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The article presents the investigation of the seismic behaviour of a modern URM building located in the municipality of Finale Emilia in province of Modena, Northern Italy. The building is situated in the centre of the series of the 2012 Northern Italy earthquakes and has not suffered any damage during the earthquake series in 2012. The observed earthquake resistance of the building is compared with predicted resistances based on linear and nonlinear design approaches according to Eurocode. Furthermore, probabilistic analyses based on nonlinear calculation models taking into account scattering of the most relevant input parameters are carried out to identify their influence to the results and to derive fragility curves.}, language = {en} } @article{ButenwegMarinkovicSalatic2019, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Marinkovic, Marko and Salatic, Ratko}, title = {Experimental results of reinforced concrete frames with masonry infills under combined quasi-static in-plane and out-of-plane seismic loading}, series = {Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering}, volume = {17}, journal = {Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1573-1456}, doi = {10.1007/s10518-019-00602-7}, pages = {3397 -- 3422}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @article{KleinButenwegKlinkel2017, author = {Klein, Michel and Butenweg, Christoph and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {The Influence of Soil-Structure-Interaction on the Fatigue Analysis in the Foundation Design of Onshore Wind Turbines}, series = {Procedia Engineering}, volume = {199}, journal = {Procedia Engineering}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1877-7058}, doi = {10.1016/j.proeng.2017.09.325}, pages = {3218 -- 3223}, year = {2017}, language = {en} } @article{MarinkovicButenweg2020, author = {Marinkovic, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Earthquake-proof system for masonry infills in RC frame structures}, series = {International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation}, volume = {5}, journal = {International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation}, number = {2}, publisher = {Inderscience Enterprises}, address = {Olney, Bucks}, issn = {2056-9467}, doi = {10.1504/IJMRI.2020.106328}, pages = {185 -- 208}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @article{MarinkovicButenweg2019, author = {Marinkovic, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Innovative decoupling system for the seismic protection of masonry infill walls in reinforced concrete frames}, series = {Engineering Structures}, volume = {197}, journal = {Engineering Structures}, number = {Article 109435}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0141-0296}, doi = {10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.109435}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @article{ElDeibButenwegKlinkel2020, author = {El-Deib, Khaled and Butenweg, Christoph and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {Erdbebennachweis von Mauerwerksbauten mit realistischen Modellen und erh{\"o}hten Verhaltensbeiwerten}, series = {Bautechnik}, volume = {97}, journal = {Bautechnik}, number = {11}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, doi = {10.1002/bate.202000016}, pages = {756 -- 765}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die Anwendung des linearen Nachweiskonzepts auf Mauerwerksbauten f{\"u}hrt dazu, dass bereits heute Standsicherheitsnachweise f{\"u}r Geb{\"a}ude mit {\"u}blichen Grundrissen in Gebieten mit moderaten Erdbebeneinwirkungen nicht mehr gef{\"u}hrt werden k{\"o}nnen. Diese Problematik wird sich in Deutschland mit der Einf{\"u}hrung kontinuierlicher probabilistischer Erdbebenkarten weiter versch{\"a}rfen. Aufgrund der Erh{\"o}hung der seismischen Einwirkungen, die sich vielerorts ergibt, ist es erforderlich, die vorhandenen, bislang nicht ber{\"u}cksichtigten Tragf{\"a}higkeitsreserven in nachvollziehbaren Nachweiskonzepten in der Baupraxis verf{\"u}gbar zu machen. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt ein Konzept f{\"u}r die geb{\"a}udespezifische Ermittlung von erh{\"o}hten Verhaltensbeiwerten vor. Die Verhaltensbeiwerte setzen sich aus drei Anteilen zusammen, mit denen die Lastumverteilung im Grundriss, die Verformungsf{\"a}higkeit und Energiedissipation sowie die {\"U}berfestigkeiten ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. F{\"u}r die rechnerische Ermittlung dieser drei Anteile wird ein nichtlineares Nachweiskonzept auf Grundlage von Pushover-Analysen vorgeschlagen, in denen die Interaktionen von W{\"a}nden und Geschossdecken durch einen Einspanngrad beschrieben werden. F{\"u}r die Bestimmung der Einspanngrade wird ein nichtlinearer Modellierungsansatz eingef{\"u}hrt, mit dem die Interaktion von W{\"a}nden und Decken abgebildet werden kann. Die Anwendung des Konzepts mit erh{\"o}hten geb{\"a}udespezifischen Verhaltensbeiwerten wird am Beispiel eines Mehrfamilienhauses aus Kalksandsteinen demonstriert. Die Ergebnisse der linearen Nachweise mit erh{\"o}hten Verhaltensbeiwerten f{\"u}r dieses Geb{\"a}ude liegen deutlich n{\"a}her an den Ergebnissen nichtlinearer Nachweise und somit bleiben {\"u}bliche Grundrisse in Erdbebengebieten mit den traditionellen linearen Rechenans{\"a}tzen nachweisbar.}, language = {de} } @article{MarinkovicButenweg2020, author = {Marinkovic, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Ausfachungen aus Ziegelmauerwerk in Stahlbetonrahmentragwerken unter Erdbebenbeanspruchung}, series = {Mauerwerk}, volume = {24}, journal = {Mauerwerk}, number = {4}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {1437-1022}, doi = {10.1002/dama.202000011}, pages = {194 -- 205}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Stahlbetonrahmentragwerke mit Ausfachungen aus Mauerwerk weisen nach Erdbeben h{\"a}ufig schwere Sch{\"a}den auf. Gr{\"u}nde hierf{\"u}r sind die Beanspruchungen der Ausfachungsw{\"a}nde durch die aufgezwungenen Rahmenverformungen in Wandebene und die gleichzeitig auftretenden Tr{\"a}gheitskr{\"a}fte senkrecht zur Wandebene in Kombination mit der konstruktiven Ausf{\"u}hrung des Ausfachungsmauerwerks. Die Ausfachung wird in der Regel knirsch gegen die Rahmenst{\"u}tzen gemauert, wobei der Verschluss der oberen Fuge mit M{\"o}rtel oder Montageschaum erfolgt. Dadurch kommt es im Erdbebenfall zu lokalen Interaktionen zwischen Ausfachung und Rahmen, die in der Folge zu einem Versagen einzelner Ausfachungsw{\"a}nde oder zu einem sukzessiven Versagen des Gesamtgeb{\"a}udes f{\"u}hren k{\"o}nnen. Die beobachteten Sch{\"a}den waren die Motivation daf{\"u}r, in dem europ{\"a}ischen Forschungsprojekt INSYSME f{\"u}r Stahlbetonrahmentragwerke mit Ausfachungen aus hochw{\"a}rmed{\"a}mmenden Ziegelmauerwerk innovative L{\"o}sungen zur Verbesserung des seismischen Verhaltens zu entwickeln. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die im Rahmen des Projekts von den deutschen Projektpartnern (Universit{\"a}t Kassel, SDA-engineering GmbH) entwickelten L{\"o}sungen vor und vergleicht deren seismisches Verhalten mit der traditionellen Ausf{\"u}hrung der Ausfachungsw{\"a}nde. Grundlage f{\"u}r den Vergleich sind statisch-zyklische Wandversuche und Simulationen auf Wandebene. Aus den Ergebnissen werden Empfehlungen f{\"u}r die erdbebensichere Auslegung von Stahlbetonrahmentragwerken mit Ausfachungen aus Ziegelmauerwerk abgeleitet.}, language = {de} } @article{RosinButenwegKlinkel2016, author = {Rosin, Julia and Butenweg, Christoph and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {Stabilit{\"a}tsnachweis f{\"u}r seismisch beanspruchte Tankbauwerke nach dem LBA/MNA-Konzept}, series = {Bauingenieur}, volume = {91}, journal = {Bauingenieur}, number = {12}, publisher = {VDI Fachmedien}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, issn = {0005-6650}, doi = {10.37544/0005-6650-2016-12-74}, pages = {518 -- 526}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Eine seismische Anregung verursacht in einem Fl{\"u}ssigkeitstank einen kombinierten Spannungszustand, was zu einem Stabilit{\"a}tsversagen der h{\"a}ufig sehr d{\"u}nnwandigen Konstruktionen f{\"u}hren kann. F{\"u}r die Durchf{\"u}hrung von Stabilit{\"a}tsnachweisen stehen verschiedene Verfahren zur Verf{\"u}gung. {\"U}blicherweise werden aus Gr{\"u}nden der Einfachheit spannungsbasierte Verfahren angewendet. Diese sind f{\"u}r Einheitslastf{\"a}lle experimentell abgesichert, wobei eine {\"U}bertragung auf kombinierte Spannungszust{\"a}nde wie im Erdbebenfall nur begrenzt m{\"o}glich ist. Alternativ kann ein globales, numerisches Konzept, das LBA/MNA-Verfahren, angewendet werden. Das Verfahren kombiniert eine materiell nichtlineare Berechnung (MNA) mit einer linearen Beulanalyse (LBA) und erfasst die Interaktion verschiedener gleichzeitig auftretender Beanspruchungen implizit im Nachweis. Dieser Beitrag demonstriert die Anwendung der Verfahren am Beispiel verschiedener Tankgeometrien mit H{\"o}he/Radius-Verh{\"a}ltnissen zwischen 1 ≤ H/R ≤ 2 und Radius/Tankwand-Verh{\"a}ltnissen zwischen 500 ≤ R/t ≤ 1000 und diskutiert zus{\"a}tzlich die Defizite der spannungsbasierten Nachweisverfahren.}, language = {de} } @article{ButenwegRosin2020, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Rosin, Julia}, title = {Seismischer Nachweis von Mauerwerksbauten in deutschen Erdbebengebieten}, series = {Mauerwerk}, volume = {24}, journal = {Mauerwerk}, number = {2}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {1437-1022}, doi = {10.1002/dama.202000006}, pages = {108 -- 113}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Mit finanzieller Unterst{\"u}tzung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Mauerwerks- und Wohnungsbau e.V. (DGfM) und des Deutschen Instituts f{\"u}r Bautechnik in Berlin (DIBt) wurden zwei aufeinander aufbauende Forschungsvorhaben zur Verbesserung der seismischen Nachweise von Mauerwerksbauten in deutschen Erdbebengebieten durchgef{\"u}hrt. Zun{\"a}chst wurde das seismische Verhalten von drei modernen unbewehrten Mauerwerksgeb{\"a}uden in der Region Emilia Romagna in Italien w{\"a}hrend der Erdbebenserie im Jahr 2012 in Kooperation mit der Universit{\"a}t Pavia eingehend untersucht. Aufbauend auf den Erkenntnissen dieser Untersuchungen wurde ein verbessertes seismisches Bemessungskonzept f{\"u}r unbewehrte Mauerwerksbauten erarbeitet. Der Beitrag stellt die wesentlichen Ergebnisse dieser Forschungsarbeiten und deren Eingang in die Normung vor.}, language = {de} } @book{BudelmannButenweg2019, author = {Budelmann, Harald and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Mauerwerksbau: Bemessung und Konstruktion : Baustoffe, Bemessung und Ausf{\"u}hrung, Brandschutz und Erdbeben, Nachhaltigkeit, Bewertung und Revitalisierung}, editor = {Gunkler, Erhard}, edition = {2. {\"u}berarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage}, publisher = {Bundesanzeiger Verlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-8462-0371-2}, pages = {XXIV, 738 S. ; Illustrationen, Diagramme}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{ButenwegRajan2014, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Rajan, Sreelakshmy}, title = {Design and construction techniques of AAC masonry buildings in earthquakes regions}, series = {10 years Xella research in Building Materials : Symposium on the 4th and 5th of September, Potsdam 2014}, booktitle = {10 years Xella research in Building Materials : Symposium on the 4th and 5th of September, Potsdam 2014}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @article{ButenwegKubalskiElDeibetal.2021, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Kubalski, Thomas and El-Deib, Khaled and Gellert, Christoph}, title = {Erdbebennachweis von Mauerwerksbauten nach DIN EN 1998-1/NA-2021}, series = {Bautechnik : Zeitschrift f{\"u}r den gesamten Ingenieurbau}, volume = {98}, journal = {Bautechnik : Zeitschrift f{\"u}r den gesamten Ingenieurbau}, number = {11}, editor = {Jesse, Dirk}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1437-0999}, doi = {10.1002/bate.202100064}, pages = {852 -- 863}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Mauerwerksbauten in Deutschland sind mit Einf{\"u}hrung des nationalen Anwendungsdokuments DIN EN 1998-1/NA auf Grundlage einer neuen probabilistischen Erdbebenkarte nachzuweisen. F{\"u}r erfolgreiche Erdbebennachweise {\"u}blicher Grundrissformen von Mauerwerksbauten stehen in dem zuk{\"u}nftigen Anwendungsdokument neue rechnerische Nachweism{\"o}glichkeiten zur Verf{\"u}gung, mit denen die Tragf{\"a}higkeitsreserven von Mauerwerksbauten in der Baupraxis mit einem {\"u}berschaubaren Aufwand besser in Ansatz gebracht werden k{\"o}nnen. Das Standardrechenverfahren ist weiterhin der kraftbasierte Nachweis, der nun mit h{\"o}heren Verhaltensbeiwerten im Vergleich zur DIN 4149 durchgef{\"u}hrt werden kann. Die h{\"o}heren Verhaltensbeiwerte basieren auf der besseren Ausnutzung der geb{\"a}udespezifischen Verformungsf{\"a}higkeit und Energiedissipation sowie der Lastumverteilung der Schubkr{\"a}fte im Grundriss mit Ansatz von Rahmentragwirkung durch Wand-Deckeninteraktionen. Alternativ dazu kann ein nichtlinearer Nachweis auf Grundlage von Pushover-Analysen zur Anwendung kommen. Vervollst{\"a}ndigt werden die Regelungen f{\"u}r Mauerwerksbauten durch neue Regelungen f{\"u}r nichttragende Innenw{\"a}nde und Außenmauerschalen. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die Grundlagen und Hintergr{\"u}nde der neuen rechnerischen Nachweise in DIN EN 1998-1/NA vor und demonstriert deren Anwendung an einem Beispiel aus der Praxis.}, language = {de} } @article{KubalskiButenwegElDeib2022, author = {Kubalski, Thomas and Butenweg, Christoph and El-Deib, Khaled}, title = {Vereinfachte Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der Rahmentragwirkung in Mauerwerksgeb{\"a}uden}, series = {Bautechnik}, volume = {99}, journal = {Bautechnik}, number = {12}, editor = {Jesse, Dirk}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0932-8351}, doi = {10.1002/bate.202200081}, pages = {865 -- 928}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Aufgrund der gestiegenen Anforderungen durch h{\"o}here Ein-wirkungen aus Wind und Erdbeben ist eine Verbesserung und Optimierung der Berechnungs- und Bemessungsans{\"a}tze f{\"u}r Mauerwerksbauten erforderlich. Eine bessere Ausnutzung der Tragwerksreserven ist durch die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der Rah-mentragwirkung mit einer Aktivierung der Deckenscheiben in den Rechenmodellen m{\"o}glich, die in der Praxis aufgrund der Komplexit{\"a}t der Wand-Decken-Interaktion bislang nicht aus-genutzt wird. Im vorliegenden Aufsatz wird ein vereinfachter Ansatz auf Grundlage der mitwirkenden Plattenbreite von Schubw{\"a}nden aus Mauerwerk vorgestellt, der die wesentli-chen Einfl ussfaktoren in parametrisierten Tabellen erfasst. Damit steht den Tragwerksplanern ein einfach anwendbares Werkzeug zur Verf{\"u}gung, um die Rahmentragwirkung in der Mauerwerksbemessung anzusetzen.}, language = {de} } @book{MeskourisButenwegHinzenetal.2019, author = {Meskouris, Konstantin and Butenweg, Christoph and Hinzen, Klaus-G. and H{\"o}ffer, R{\"u}diger}, title = {Structural Dynamics with Applications in Earthquake and Wind Engineering}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-662-57550-5}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-57550-5}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Butenweg2021, author = {Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Integrated approach for monitoring and management of buildings with digital building models and modern sensor technologies}, series = {Proceedings of the International Conference Civil Engineering 2021 - Achievements and Visions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference Civil Engineering 2021 - Achievements and Visions}, editor = {Kuzmanović, Vladan and Ignjatović, Ivan}, publisher = {University of Belgrade}, address = {Belgrade}, pages = {67 -- 75}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Nowadays modern high-performance buildings and facilities are equipped with monitoring systems and sensors to control building characteristics like energy consumption, temperature pattern and structural safety. The visualization and interpretation of sensor data is typically based on simple spreadsheets and non-standardized user-oriented solutions, which makes it difficult for building owners, facility managers and decision-makers to evaluate and understand the data. The solution of this problem in the future are integrated BIM-Sensor approaches which allow the generation of BIM models incorporating all relevant information of monitoring systems. These approaches support both the dynamic visualization of key structural performance parameters, the effective long-term management of sensor data based on BIM and provide a user-friendly interface to communicate with various stakeholders. A major benefit for the end user is the use of the BIM software architecture, which is the future standard anyway. In the following, the application of the integrated BIM-Sensor approach is illustrated for a typical industrial facility as a part of an early warning and rapid response system for earthquake events currently developed in the research project "ROBUST" with financial support by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWI).}, language = {en} } @article{MarinkovićFloresCalvinistiButenweg2020, author = {Marinković, Marko and Flores Calvinisti, Santiago and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Numerical analysis of reinforced concrete frame buildings with decoupled infill walls}, series = {Building Materials and Structures}, volume = {63}, journal = {Building Materials and Structures}, number = {4}, publisher = {Society for Materials and Structures Testing of Serbia}, address = {Belgrad}, issn = {2217-8139}, doi = {10.5937/GRMK2004013M}, pages = {13 -- 48}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Reinforced concrete (RC) buildings with masonry infill walls are widely used in many countries all over the world. Although infills are considered as non-structural elements, they significantly change dynamic characteristics of RC frame structures during earthquake excitation. Recently, significant effort was spent on studying decoupled infills, which are isolated from the surrounding frame usually by adding a gap between frame and infill. In this case, the frame deformation does not activate infill wall, thus infills are not influencing the behaviour of the frame. This paper presents the results of the investigation of the behaviour of RC frame buildings with the INODIS system that decouples masonry infills from the surrounding frame. Effect of masonry infill decoupling was investigated first on the one-bay onestorey frame. This was used as a base for parametric study on the frames with more bays and storeys, as well as on the building level. Change of stiffness and dynamic characteristics was analysed as well as response under earthquake loading. Comparison with the bare frame and traditionally infilled frame was performed. The results show that behaviour of the decoupled infilled frames is similar to the bare frame, whereas behaviour of frames with traditional infills is significantly different and demands complex numerical models. This means that if adequate decoupling is applied, design of}, language = {mul} } @incollection{PieperWaehlisch2017, author = {Pieper, Martin and W{\"a}hlisch, Georg}, title = {Mehrwert von E-Learning durch f{\"a}cher{\"u}bergreifenden Einsatz}, series = {Teaching is Touching the Future \& ePS 2016 - Kompetenzorientiertes Lehren, Lernen und Pr{\"u}fen}, booktitle = {Teaching is Touching the Future \& ePS 2016 - Kompetenzorientiertes Lehren, Lernen und Pr{\"u}fen}, publisher = {UVW Universit{\"a}tsverlag Webler}, address = {Bielefeld}, isbn = {978-3-946017-05-9}, pages = {193 -- 196}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{RensFerreinPoel2008, author = {Rens, Gavin and Ferrein, Alexander and Poel, Etienne van der}, title = {Extending DTGolog to deal with POMD-Ps}, series = {Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa (PRASA 2008)}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa (PRASA 2008)}, organization = {Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa}, pages = {49 -- 54}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{ElDeibButenwegKlinkel2021, author = {El-Deib, Khaled and Butenweg, Christoph and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {Erdbebennachweis von Mauerwerksbauten mit realistischen Modellen und erh{\"o}hten Verhaltensbeiwerten}, series = {Mauerwerk}, volume = {2021}, journal = {Mauerwerk}, number = {3}, editor = {Jesse, Dirk}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {1437-1022}, doi = {10.1002/dama.202110014}, pages = {110 -- 119}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Anwendung des linearen Nachweiskonzepts auf Mauerwerksbauten f{\"u}hrt dazu, dass bereits heute Standsicherheitsnachweise f{\"u}r Geb{\"a}ude mit {\"u}blichen Grundrissen in Gebieten mit moderaten Erdbebeneinwirkungen nicht mehr gef{\"u}hrt werden k{\"o}nnen. Diese Problematik wird sich in Deutschland mit der Einf{\"u}hrung kontinuierlicher probabilistischer Erdbebenkarten weiter versch{\"a}rfen. Aufgrund der Erh{\"o}hung der seismischen Einwirkungen, die sich vielerorts ergibt, ist es erforderlich, die vorhandenen, bislang nicht ber{\"u}cksichtigten Tragf{\"a}higkeitsreserven in nachvollziehbaren Nachweiskonzepten in der Baupraxis verf{\"u}gbar zu machen. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt ein Konzept f{\"u}r die geb{\"a}udespezifische Ermittlung von erh{\"o}hten Verhaltensbeiwerten vor. Die Verhaltensbeiwerte setzen sich aus drei Anteilen zusammen, mit denen die Lastumverteilung im Grundriss, die Verformungsf{\"a}higkeit und Energiedissipation sowie die {\"U}berfestigkeiten ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. F{\"u}r die rechnerische Ermittlung dieser drei Anteile wird ein nichtlineares Nachweiskonzept auf Grundlage von Pushover-Analysen vorgeschlagen, in denen die Interaktionen von W{\"a}nden und Geschossdecken durch einen Einspanngrad beschrieben werden. F{\"u}r die Bestimmung der Einspanngrade wird ein nichtlinearer Modellierungsansatz eingef{\"u}hrt, mit dem die Interaktion von W{\"a}nden und Decken abgebildet werden kann. Die Anwendung des Konzepts mit erh{\"o}hten geb{\"a}udespezifischen Verhaltensbeiwerten wird am Beispiel eines Mehrfamilienhauses aus Kalksandsteinen demonstriert. Die Ergebnisse der linearen Nachweise mit erh{\"o}hten Verhaltensbeiwerten f{\"u}r dieses Geb{\"a}ude liegen deutlich n{\"a}her an den Ergebnissen nichtlinearer Nachweise und somit bleiben {\"u}bliche Grundrisse in Erdbebengebieten mit den traditionellen linearen Rechenans{\"a}tzen nachweisbar.}, language = {de} } @article{GoettscheAlexopoulosDuemmleretal.2019, author = {G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and Alexopoulos, Spiros and D{\"u}mmler, Andreas and Maddineni, S. K.}, title = {Multi-Mirror Array Calculations With Optical Error}, pages = {1 -- 6}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The optical performance of a 2-axis solar concentrator was simulated with the COMSOL Multiphysics® software. The concentrator consists of a mirror array, which was created using the application builder. The mirror facets are preconfigured to form a focal point. During tracking all mirrors are moved simultaneously in a coupled mode by 2 motors in two axes, in order to keep the system in focus with the moving sun. Optical errors on each reflecting surface were implemented in combination with the solar angular cone of ± 4.65 mrad. As a result, the intercept factor of solar radiation that is available to the receiver was calculated as a function of the transversal and longitudinal angles of incidence. In addition, the intensity distribution on the receiver plane was calculated as a function of the incidence angles.}, language = {en} } @article{ŠakićMarinkovićButenwegetal.2023, author = {Šakić, Bogdan and Marinković, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {Influence of slab deflection on the out-of-plane capacity of unreinforced masonry partition walls}, series = {Engineering Structures}, volume = {276}, journal = {Engineering Structures}, editor = {Yang, J.}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0141-0296}, doi = {10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.115342}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Severe damage of non-structural elements is noticed in previous earthquakes, causing high economic losses and posing a life threat for the people. Masonry partition walls are one of the most commonly used non-structural elements. Therefore, their behaviour under earthquake loading in out-of-plane (OOP) direction is investigated by several researches in the past years. However, none of the existing experimental campaigns or analytical approaches consider the influence of prior slab deflection on OOP response of partition walls. Moreover, none of the existing construction techniques for the connection of partition walls with surrounding reinforced concrete (RC) is investigated for the combined slab deflection and OOP loading. However, the inevitable time-dependent behaviour of RC slabs leads to high values of final slab deflections which can further influence boundary conditions of partition walls. Therefore, a comprehensive study on the influence of slab deflection on the OOP capacity of masonry partitions is conducted. In the first step, experimental tests are carried out. Results of experimental tests are further used for the calibration of the numerical model employed for a parametric study. Based on the results, behaviour under combined loading for different construction techniques is explained. The results show that slab deflection leads either to severe damage or to a high reduction of OOP capacity. Existing practical solutions do not account for these effects. In this contribution, recommendations to overcome the problems of combined slab deflection and OOP loading on masonry partition walls are given. Possible interaction of in-plane (IP) loading, with the combined slab deflection and OOP loading on partition walls, is not investigated in this study.}, language = {en} } @article{FrauenrathHezelHeinrichsetal.2009, author = {Frauenrath, Tobias and Hezel, Fabian and Heinrichs, Uwe and Kozerke, Sebastian and Utting, Jane and Kob, Malte and Butenweg, Christoph and Boesiger, Peter and Niendorf, Thoralf}, title = {Feasibility of Cardiac Gating Free of Interference With Electro-Magnetic Fields at 1.5 Tesla, 3.0 Tesla and 7.0 Tesla Using an MR-Stethoscope}, series = {Investigative Radiology}, volume = {44}, journal = {Investigative Radiology}, number = {9}, publisher = {Lippincott Williams \& Wilkins ; (via Ovid)}, address = {Philadelphia, Pa}, issn = {1536-0210 (online)}, doi = {10.1097/RLI.0b013e3181b4c15e}, pages = {539 -- 547}, year = {2009}, language = {en} } @article{ButenwegMarinkovićKubalskietal.2018, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Marinković, Marko and Kubalski, Thomas and Fehling, Ekkehard and Pfetzing, Thomas and Meyer, Udo}, title = {Auslegung von Stahlbetonrahmentragwerken mit Ausfachungen aus Ziegelmauerwerk (Teil 1)}, series = {Ziegelindustrie international : ZI = Brick and tile industry international}, journal = {Ziegelindustrie international : ZI = Brick and tile industry international}, number = {4}, editor = {Voss, Michael}, publisher = {Bauverlag BV GmbH}, address = {G{\"u}tersloh}, issn = {0341-0552}, pages = {30 -- 39}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Im Rahmen des europ{\"a}ischen Verbundprojekts INSYSME wurden von den deutschen Partnern die Systeme IMES und INODIS zur Verbesserung des seismischen Verhaltens von ausgefachten Stahlbetonrahmen entwickelt. Ziel beider Systeme ist es, Stahlbetonrahmen und Ausfachung zu entkoppeln, anstatt die Tragf{\"a}higkeit durch aufwendige und kostspielige zus{\"a}tzliche Bewehrungseinlagen zu erh{\"o}hen. Erste Ergebnisse des Systems IMES f{\"u}r Belastungen in und senkrecht zu der Wandebene werden vorgestellt.}, language = {de} } @article{MarinkovićButenweg2022, author = {Marinković, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Experimental testing of decoupled masonry infills with steel anchors for out-of-plane support under combined in-plane and out-of-plane seismic loading}, series = {Construction and Building Materials}, volume = {318}, journal = {Construction and Building Materials}, number = {1}, editor = {Ford, Michael C.}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1879-0526}, doi = {10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.126041}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Because of simple construction process, high energy efficiency, significant fire resistance and excellent sound isolation, masonry infilled reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures are very popular in most of the countries in the world, as well as in seismic active areas. However, many RC frame structures with masonry infills were seriously damaged during earthquake events, as the traditional infills are generally constructed with direct contact to the RC frame which brings undesirable infill/frame interaction. This interaction leads to the activation of the equivalent diagonal strut in the infill panel, due to the RC frame deformation, and combined with seismically induced loads perpendicular to the infill panel often causes total collapses of the masonry infills and heavy damages to the RC frames. This fact was the motivation for developing different approaches for improving the behaviour of masonry infills, where infill isolation (decoupling) from the frame has been more intensively studied in the last decade. In-plane isolation of the infill wall reduces infill activation, but causes the need for additional measures to restrain out-of-plane movements. This can be provided by installing steel anchors, as proposed by some researchers. Within the framework of European research project INSYSME (Innovative Systems for Earthquake Resistant Masonry Enclosures in Reinforced Concrete Buildings) the system based on a use of elastomers for in-plane decoupling and steel anchors for out-of-plane restrain was tested. This constructive solution was tested and deeply investigated during the experimental campaign where traditional and decoupled masonry infilled RC frames with anchors were subjected to separate and combined in-plane ‬and out-of-plane loading. Based on a detailed evaluation and comparison of the test results, the performance and effectiveness of the developed system are illustrated.}, language = {en} } @incollection{HebelHerrmannRitzetal.2022, author = {Hebel, Christoph and Herrmann, Ulf and Ritz, Thomas and R{\"o}th, Thilo and Anthrakidis, Anette and B{\"o}ker, J{\"o}rg and Franzke, Till and Grodzki, Thomas and Merkens, Torsten and Sch{\"o}ttler, Mirjam}, title = {FlexSHARE - Methodisches Framework zur innovativen Gestaltung der urbanen Mobilit{\"a}t durch Sharing- Angebote}, series = {Transforming Mobility - What Next?}, booktitle = {Transforming Mobility - What Next?}, publisher = {Springer Gabler}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-36429-8}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-36430-4_10}, pages = {153 -- 169}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Das Ziel des INTERREG-Projektes „SHAREuregio" (FKZ: 34.EFRE-0300134) ist es, grenz{\"u}berschreitende Mobilit{\"a}t in der Euregio Rhein-Maas-Nord zu erm{\"o}glichen und zu f{\"o}rdern. Dazu soll ein elektromobiles Car- und Bikesharing- System entwickelt und in der Stadt M{\"o}nchengladbach, im Kreis Viersen sowie in den Gemeinden Roermond und Venlo (beide NL) zusammen mit den Partnern Wirtschaftsf{\"o}rderung M{\"o}nchengladbach, Wirtschaftsf{\"o}rderung f{\"u}r den Kreis Viersen, NEW AG, Goodmoovs (NL), Greenflux (NL) und der FH Aachen implementiert werden. Zun{\"a}chst richtet sich das Angebot, bestehend aus 40 Elektroautos und 40 Elektrofahrr{\"a}dern, an Unternehmen und wird nach einer Erprobungsphase, mit einer gr{\"o}ßeren Anzahl an Fahrzeugen, auch f{\"u}r Privatpersonen verf{\"u}gbar gemacht werden. Die Fahrzeuge stehen bei den jeweiligen Anwendungspartnern in Deutschland und den Niederlanden. Im Rahmen dieses Projektes hat die FH Aachen „FlexSHARE" entwickelt - ein methodisches Framework zur innovativen Gestaltung urbaner Sharing- Angebote. Das Framework erm{\"o}glicht es, anhand von messbaren Kenngr{\"o}ßen, bedarfsgerechte und auf die Region abgestimmte Sharing-Systeme zu entwickeln.}, language = {de} } @incollection{vondenDrieschSteuerDankertBergetal.2020, author = {von den Driesch, Elena and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Berg, Tobias and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {Implementation of gender and diversity perspectives in transport development plans in germany}, series = {Engendering cities: designing sustainable urban spaces for all}, booktitle = {Engendering cities: designing sustainable urban spaces for all}, publisher = {Routledge}, address = {London}, isbn = {978-1-351-20090-5}, pages = {90 -- 109}, year = {2020}, abstract = {As mobility should ensure the accessibility to and participation in society, transport planning has to deal with a variety of gender and diversity categories affecting users' mobility needs and patterns. Exemplified by an analysis of an instrument of transport development processes - German Transport Development Plans (TDPs) - we investigated to what extent diverse target groups and their mobility requirements are implemented in transport strategy papers. Research results illustrate a still-prevalent neglect of several relevant gender and diversity categories while prioritizing and focusing on eco-friendly topics. But how sustainable can transport be without facing the diversification of life circumstances?}, language = {en} } @article{RuppRiekeHandschuhetal.2020, author = {Rupp, Matthias and Rieke, Christian and Handschuh, Nils and Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {Economic and ecological optimization of electric bus charging considering variable electricity prices and CO₂eq intensities}, series = {Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment}, volume = {81}, journal = {Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment}, number = {Article 102293}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1361-9209}, doi = {10.1016/j.trd.2020.102293}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In many cities, diesel buses are being replaced by electric buses with the aim of reducing local emissions and thus improving air quality. The protection of the environment and the health of the population is the highest priority of our society. For the transport companies that operate these buses, not only ecological issues but also economic issues are of great importance. Due to the high purchase costs of electric buses compared to conventional buses, operators are forced to use electric vehicles in a targeted manner in order to ensure amortization over the service life of the vehicles. A compromise between ecology and economy must be found in order to both protect the environment and ensure economical operation of the buses. In this study, we present a new methodology for optimizing the vehicles' charging time as a function of the parameters CO₂eq emissions and electricity costs. Based on recorded driving profiles in daily bus operation, the energy demands of conventional and electric buses are calculated for the passenger transportation in the city of Aachen in 2017. Different charging scenarios are defined to analyze the influence of the temporal variability of CO₂eq intensity and electricity price on the environmental impact and economy of the bus. For every individual day of a year, charging periods with the lowest and highest costs and emissions are identified and recommendations for daily bus operation are made. To enable both the ecological and economical operation of the bus, the parameters of electricity price and CO₂ are weighted differently, and several charging periods are proposed, taking into account the priorities previously set. A sensitivity analysis is carried out to evaluate the influence of selected parameters and to derive recommendations for improving the ecological and economic balance of the battery-powered electric vehicle. In all scenarios, the optimization of the charging period results in energy cost savings of a maximum of 13.6\% compared to charging at a fixed electricity price. The savings potential of CO₂eq emissions is similar, at 14.9\%. From an economic point of view, charging between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. results in the lowest energy costs on average. The CO₂eq intensity is also low in this period, but midday charging leads to the largest savings in CO₂eq emissions. From a life cycle perspective, the electric bus is not economically competitive with the conventional bus. However, from an ecological point of view, the electric bus saves on average 37.5\% CO₂eq emissions over its service life compared to the diesel bus. The reduction potential is maximized if the electric vehicle exclusively consumes electricity from solar and wind power.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{LeichtScholtenSteuerDankertBouffier2016, author = {Leicht-Scholten, Carmen and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Bouffier, Anna}, title = {Facing Future Challenges: Building Engineers for Tomorrow}, series = {Conference proceedings : new perspectives in science education : 5th Conference edition, Florence, Italy, 17-18 March 2016}, booktitle = {Conference proceedings : new perspectives in science education : 5th Conference edition, Florence, Italy, 17-18 March 2016}, isbn = {978-886292-705-5}, pages = {32 -- 37}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Future engineers are increasingly confronted with the so-called Megatrends which are the big social challenges society has to cope with. These Megatrends, such as "Silver Society", "Globalization", "Mobility" and "Female Shift" require an application-oriented perspective on Diversity especially in the engineering field. Therefore, it is necessary to enable future engineers not only to look at the technical perspectives of a problem, but also to be able to see the related questions within societies they are developing their artefacts for. The aim of teaching engineering should be to prepare engineers for these requirements and to draw attention to the diverse needs in a globalized world. Bringing together technical knowledge and social competences which go beyond a mere training of the so-called "soft skills", is a new approach followed at RWTH Aachen University, one of the leading technical universities in Germany. RWTH Aachen University has established the bridging professorship "Gender and Diversity in Engineering" (GDI) which educates engineers with an interdisciplinary approach to expand engineering limits. In the frame of a sustainable teaching concept the research group under the leadership of Prof. Carmen Leicht-Scholten has developed an approach which imparts a supplication-specific Gender and Diversity expertise to engineers. In workshops students gain theoretical knowledge about Gender and Diversity and learn how to transfer their knowledge in their special field of study and later work. To substantiate this, the course participants have to solve case studies from real life. The cases which are developed in collaboration with non-profit organizations and enterprises from economy rise the students to challenges which are inspired by professional life. Evaluation shows the success of this approach as well as an increasing demand for such teaching formats.}, language = {en} } @book{RencklyWaehlisch2017, author = {Renckly, Sven and W{\"a}hlisch, Georg}, title = {Technisches Zeichnen f{\"u}r Dummies}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Weinheim}, isbn = {978-3-527-70966-3}, pages = {347 Seiten}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @article{SattlerRoegerSchwarzboezletal.2020, author = {Sattler, Johannes Christoph and R{\"o}ger, Marc and Schwarzb{\"o}zl, Peter and Buck, Reiner and Macke, Ansgar and Raeder, Christian and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim}, title = {Review of heliostat calibration and tracking control methods}, series = {Solar Energy}, volume = {207}, journal = {Solar Energy}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, doi = {10.1016/j.solener.2020.06.030}, pages = {110 -- 132}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Large scale central receiver systems typically deploy between thousands to more than a hundred thousand heliostats. During solar operation, each heliostat is aligned individually in such a way that the overall surface normal bisects the angle between the sun's position and the aim point coordinate on the receiver. Due to various tracking error sources, achieving accurate alignment ≤1 mrad for all the heliostats with respect to the aim points on the receiver without a calibration system can be regarded as unrealistic. Therefore, a calibration system is necessary not only to improve the aiming accuracy for achieving desired flux distributions but also to reduce or eliminate spillage. An overview of current larger-scale central receiver systems (CRS), tracking error sources and the basic requirements of an ideal calibration system is presented. Leading up to the main topic, a description of general and specific terms on the topics heliostat calibration and tracking control clarifies the terminology used in this work. Various figures illustrate the signal flows along various typical components as well as the corresponding monitoring or measuring devices that indicate or measure along the signal (or effect) chain. The numerous calibration systems are described in detail and classified in groups. Two tables allow the juxtaposition of the calibration methods for a better comparison. In an assessment, the advantages and disadvantages of individual calibration methods are presented.}, language = {en} } @incollection{StangelMesekeHahnSteuerDankert2015, author = {Stangel-Meseke, Martina and Hahn, Pia and Steuer-Dankert, Linda}, title = {Der Individualisierungs-Trend pr{\"a}gt die Unternehmenszukunft}, series = {Diversity Management und Individualisierung}, booktitle = {Diversity Management und Individualisierung}, publisher = {Springer Gabler}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-07484-5}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-07485-2_1}, pages = {1 -- 3}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Laut Zukunftsinstitut (2010) stellt die Individualisierung eine langfristige und nachhaltige Ver{\"a}nderung dar, die die gesamte Gesellschaft (den einzelnen Menschen, Unternehmen, den Staat) betrifft und Auswirkungen auf nahezu alle Lebensbereiche (z. B. Arbeit, Wohnen, Partnerschaft) hat. Die Individualisierung beschreibt dabei die Entwicklung hin zur Fokussierung pers{\"o}nlicher Interessen und Lebensentscheidungen der einzelnen Person (Kunze, Individualisierung, 2011). Der Grund f{\"u}r diese Entwicklung sind laut Kunze (Individualisierung, 2011) Treiber wie steigendes Verm{\"o}gen, Bildung und Mobilit{\"a}t, was die einzelne Person unabh{\"a}ngiger von gr{\"o}ßeren Gemeinschaften macht und mehr Freiheit zur Selbstverwirklichung bietet. Als eine Konsequenz daraus werden Wertevorstellungen nicht mehr einfach hingenommen, sondern f{\"u}r die eigene Person {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft und individualisiert (Kunze, Individualisierung, 2011). So wies Beck bereits 1996 darauf hin, dass Individualisierung meint „erstens die Aufl{\"o}sung und zweitens die Abl{\"o}sung industriegesellschaftlicher Lebensformen durch andere, in denen die Einzelnen ihre Biographie selbst herstellen, inszenieren, zusammenflickschustern m{\"u}ssen" (Beck, Die Erfindung des Politischen, 1996, S. 150).}, language = {de} } @incollection{HoffschmidtAlexopoulosRauetal.2022, author = {Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Alexopoulos, Spiros and Rau, Christoph and Sattler, Johannes Christoph and Anthrakidis, Anette and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and O'Connor, B. and Chico Caminos, Ricardo Alexander and Rend{\´o}n, C. and Hilger, P.}, title = {Concentrating solar power}, series = {Comprehensive Renewable Energy (Second Edition) / Volume 3: Solar Thermal Systems: Components and Applications}, booktitle = {Comprehensive Renewable Energy (Second Edition) / Volume 3: Solar Thermal Systems: Components and Applications}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {978-0-12-819734-9}, pages = {670 -- 724}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The focus of this chapter is the production of power and the use of the heat produced from concentrated solar thermal power (CSP) systems. The chapter starts with the general theoretical principles of concentrating systems including the description of the concentration ratio, the energy and mass balance. The power conversion systems is the main part where solar-only operation and the increase in operational hours. Solar-only operation include the use of steam turbines, gas turbines, organic Rankine cycles and solar dishes. The operational hours can be increased with hybridization and with storage. Another important topic is the cogeneration where solar cooling, desalination and of heat usage is described. Many examples of commercial CSP power plants as well as research facilities from the past as well as current installed and in operation are described in detail. The chapter closes with economic and environmental aspects and with the future potential of the development of CSP around the world.}, language = {en} } @book{LabischWaehlisch2017, author = {Labisch, Susanna and W{\"a}hlisch, Georg}, title = {Technisches Zeichnen: Eigenst{\"a}ndig lernen und effektiv {\"u}ben}, edition = {5. Aufl.}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-18313-4}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-18313-4}, pages = {XI, 300 S. 291 Abb., 50 Abb. in Farbe}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MayBreitbachAlexopoulosetal.2019, author = {May, Martin and Breitbach, Gerd and Alexopoulos, Spiros and Latzke, Markus and B{\"a}umer, Klaus and Uhlig, Ralf and S{\"o}hn, Matthias and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Herrmann, Ulf}, title = {Experimental facility for investigations of wire mesh absorbers for pressurized gases}, series = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, volume = {2126}, booktitle = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, issn = {0094243X}, doi = {10.1063/1.5117547}, pages = {030035-1 -- 030035-9}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @article{SchwarzerGoettscheJellinghaus2006, author = {Schwarzer, Klemens and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and Jellinghaus, Sabine}, title = {FORSCHUNG UND TECHNIK - Messtechnik - Was will der Nutzer? - Eine langfristige Studie hat Nutzer zu einer Farblichtsteuerung befragt. Teil 1: Untersuchungsdesign, Leuchtenentwicklung und Messwerterfassung}, series = {Licht : Planung, Design, Technik, Handel ; Organ der Deutschen Lichttechnischen Gesellschaft e.V. (LiTG) ; Organ des Normenausschusses Lichttechnik (FNL) im DIN Deutsches Institut f{\"u}r Normung e.V. ; Organ des Verbandes Wohnraumleuchten-, Lampenschirm und . 58 (2006), H. 7-8}, journal = {Licht : Planung, Design, Technik, Handel ; Organ der Deutschen Lichttechnischen Gesellschaft e.V. (LiTG) ; Organ des Normenausschusses Lichttechnik (FNL) im DIN Deutsches Institut f{\"u}r Normung e.V. ; Organ des Verbandes Wohnraumleuchten-, Lampenschirm und . 58 (2006), H. 7-8}, isbn = {0024-2861}, pages = {754 -- 759}, year = {2006}, language = {de} } @article{HerrmannSchwarzenbartDittmannGabriel2019, author = {Herrmann, Ulf and Schwarzenbart, Marc and Dittmann-Gabriel, S{\"o}ren}, title = {Speicher statt Kohle. Integration thermischer Stromspeicher in vorhandene Kraftwerksstandorte}, series = {BWK : Das Energie-Fachmagazin}, volume = {71}, journal = {BWK : Das Energie-Fachmagazin}, number = {4}, publisher = {Springer-VDI-Verl.}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, issn = {1436-4883}, pages = {42 -- 45}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @article{RuppHandschuhRiekeetal.2019, author = {Rupp, Matthias and Handschuh, Nils and Rieke, Christian and Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {Contribution of country-specific electricity mix and charging time to environmental impact of battery electric vehicles: A case study of electric buses in Germany}, series = {Applied Energy}, volume = {237}, journal = {Applied Energy}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0306-2619}, doi = {10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.01.059}, pages = {618 -- 634}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @incollection{BraunerVervierBrillowskietal.2022, author = {Brauner, Philipp and Vervier, Luisa and Brillowski, Florian and Dammers, Hannah and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Schneider, Sebastian and Baier, Ralph and Ziefle, Martina and Gries, Thomas and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen and Mertens, Alexander and Nagel, Saskia K.}, title = {Organization Routines in Next Generation Manufacturing}, series = {Forecasting Next Generation Manufacturing}, booktitle = {Forecasting Next Generation Manufacturing}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-031-07734-0}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-07734-0_5}, pages = {75 -- 94}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Next Generation Manufacturing promises significant improvements in performance, productivity, and value creation. In addition to the desired and projected improvements regarding the planning, production, and usage cycles of products, this digital transformation will have a huge impact on work, workers, and workplace design. Given the high uncertainty in the likelihood of occurrence and the technical, economic, and societal impacts of these changes, we conducted a technology foresight study, in the form of a real-time Delphi analysis, to derive reliable future scenarios featuring the next generation of manufacturing systems. This chapter presents the organization dimension and describes each projection in detail, offering current case study examples and discussing related research, as well as implications for policy makers and firms. Specifically, we highlight seven areas in which the digital transformation of production will change how we work, how we organize the work within a company, how we evaluate these changes, and how employment and labor rights will be affected across company boundaries. The experts are unsure whether the use of collaborative robots in factories will replace traditional robots by 2030. They believe that the use of hybrid intelligence will supplement human decision-making processes in production environments. Furthermore, they predict that artificial intelligence will lead to changes in management processes, leadership, and the elimination of hierarchies. However, to ensure that social and normative aspects are incorporated into the AI algorithms, restricting measurement of individual performance will be necessary. Additionally, AI-based decision support can significantly contribute toward new, socially accepted modes of leadership. Finally, the experts believe that there will be a reduction in the workforce by the year 2030.}, language = {en} } @misc{ButenwegGellertReindletal.2009, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Gellert, Christoph and Reindl, Lukas and Meskouris, Konstantin}, title = {A nonlinear method for the seismic safety verification of masonry buildings}, publisher = {National Technical University of Athens}, address = {Athen}, year = {2009}, abstract = {In order for traditional masonry to stay a competitive building material in seismically active regions there is an urgent demand for modern, deformation-based verification procedures which exploit the nonlinear load bearing reserves. The Capacity Spectrum Method (CSM) is a widely accepted design approach in the field of reinforced concrete and steel construction. It compares the seismic action with the load-bearing capacity of the building considering nonlinear material behavior with its post-peak capacity. The bearing capacity of the building is calculated iteratively using single wall capacity curves. This paper presents a new approach for the bilinear approximation of single wall capacity curves in the style of EC6/EC8 respectively FEMA 306/FEMA 356 based on recent shear wall test results of the European Collective-Research Project "ESECMaSE". The application of the CSM to masonry structures by using bilinear approximations of capacity curves as input is demonstrated on the example of a typical German residential home.}, language = {en} } @incollection{StangelMesekeHahnSteuerDankert2015, author = {Stangel-Meseke, Martina and Hahn, Pia and Steuer-Dankert, Linda}, title = {Ausblick: Der individualit{\"a}tsbezogene Diversity Management-Ansatz als Antwort auf Individualisierung}, series = {Diversity Management und Individualisierung}, booktitle = {Diversity Management und Individualisierung}, publisher = {Springer Gabler}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-07485-2}, pages = {23 -- 24}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Der Megatrend Individualisierung fordert von Unternehmen, ihre Strategien und Prozessabl{\"a}ufe bei zunehmender Globalisierung grundlegend zu {\"u}berdenken. W{\"a}hrend Strategien und Prozessabl{\"a}ufe im Unternehmen Standards unterliegen, entwickelt sich unsere Gesellschaft immer st{\"a}rker zu einem individuumszentrierten System, in dem es gilt, Werte und Lebensstile der Individuen zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen und derart wertzusch{\"a}tzen, dass Mitarbeitende motiviert und mit hoher Bindung an das Unternehmen die anstehenden Leistungen f{\"u}r das Unternehmen erbringen. Im Konzept DiM sind Standardisierung und Individualisierung keine gegens{\"a}tzlichen Aspekte, da bei DiM neben der Betrachtung des betriebswirtschaftlichen Nutzens dieses Konzepts f{\"u}r Unternehmen die Wertsch{\"a}tzung des Individuums als genuines Merkmal betont wird.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{StollenwerkRiekeDahmenetal.2016, author = {Stollenwerk, Dominik and Rieke, Christian and Dahmen, Markus and Pieper, Martin}, title = {Biogas Production Modelling : A Control System Engineering Approach}, series = {IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Bd. 32}, booktitle = {IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Bd. 32}, issn = {1755-1315}, doi = {10.1088/1755-1315/32/1/012008}, pages = {012008/1 -- 012008/4}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @incollection{HoffschmidtAlexopoulosRauetal.2021, author = {Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Alexopoulos, Spiros and Rau, Christoph and Sattler, Johannes Christoph and Anthrakidis, Anette and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and O'Connor, B. and Chico Caminos, Ricardo Alexander and Rend{\´o}n, C. and Hilger, P.}, title = {Concentrating Solar Power}, series = {Earth systems and environmental sciences}, booktitle = {Earth systems and environmental sciences}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {978-0-12-409548-9}, doi = {10.1016/B978-0-12-819727-1.00089-3}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The focus of this chapter is the production of power and the use of the heat produced from concentrated solar thermal power (CSP) systems. The chapter starts with the general theoretical principles of concentrating systems including the description of the concentration ratio, the energy and mass balance. The power conversion systems is the main part where solar-only operation and the increase in operational hours. Solar-only operation include the use of steam turbines, gas turbines, organic Rankine cycles and solar dishes. The operational hours can be increased with hybridization and with storage. Another important topic is the cogeneration where solar cooling, desalination and of heat usage is described. Many examples of commercial CSP power plants as well as research facilities from the past as well as current installed and in operation are described in detail. The chapter closes with economic and environmental aspects and with the future potential of the development of CSP around the world.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SchulteSchwagerNoureldinetal.2023, author = {Schulte, Jonas and Schwager, Christian and Noureldin, Kareem and May, Martin and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Herrmann, Ulf}, title = {Gradient controlled startup procedure of a molten-salt power-to-heat energy storage plant based on dynamic process simulation}, series = {SolarPACES: Solar Power \& Chemical Energy Systems}, booktitle = {SolarPACES: Solar Power \& Chemical Energy Systems}, number = {2815 / 1}, publisher = {AIP conference proceedings / American Institute of Physics}, address = {Melville, NY}, isbn = {978-0-7354-4623-6}, issn = {1551-7616 (online)}, doi = {10.1063/5.0148741}, pages = {9 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The integration of high temperature thermal energy storages into existing conventional power plants can help to reduce the CO2 emissions of those plants and lead to lower capital expenditures for building energy storage systems, due to the use of synergy effects [1]. One possibility to implement that, is a molten salt storage system with a powerful power-to-heat unit. This paper presents two possible control concepts for the startup of the charging system of such a facility. The procedures are implemented in a detailed dynamic process model. The performance and safety regarding the film temperatures at heat transmitting surfaces are investigated in the process simulations. To improve the accuracy in predicting the film temperatures, CFD simulations of the electrical heater are carried out and the results are merged with the dynamic model. The results show that both investigated control concepts are safe regarding the temperature limits. The gradient controlled startup performed better than the temperature-controlled startup. Nevertheless, there are several uncertainties that need to be investigated further.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{OetringerDuemmlerGoettsche2020, author = {Oetringer, Kerstin and D{\"u}mmler, Andreas and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim}, title = {Neues Modell zur 1D-Simulation der indirekten Verdunstungsk{\"u}hlung}, series = {DKV-Tagung 2020, AA II.1}, booktitle = {DKV-Tagung 2020, AA II.1}, pages = {250 -- 262}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Im Projekt Coolplan- AIR geht es um die Fortentwicklung und Feld- Validierung eines Berechnungs- und Auslegungstools zur energieeffizienten K{\"u}hlung von Geb{\"a}uden mit luftgest{\"u}tzten Systemen. Neben dem Aufbau und der Weiterentwicklung von Simulationsmodellen erfolgen Vermessungen der Gesamtsysteme anhand von Praxisanlagen im Feld. Eine der betrachteten Anlagen arbeitet mit indirekter Verdunstung. Diese Ver{\"o}ffentlichung zeigt den Entwicklungsprozess und den Aufbau des Simulationsmodells zur Verdunstungsk{\"u}hlung in der Simulationsumgebung Matlab- Simulink mit der CARNOT- Toolbox. Das besondere Augenmerk liegt dabei auf dem physikalischen Modell des W{\"a}rme{\"u}bertragers, in dem die Verdunstung implementiert ist. Dem neuen Modellansatz liegt die Annahme einer aus der Enthalpie- Betrachtung hergeleiteten effektiven W{\"a}rmekapazit{\"a}t zugrunde. Des Weiteren wird der Befeuchtungsgrad als konstant angesehen und eine standardisierte Zunahme der W{\"a}rme{\"u}bertragung des feuchten gegen{\"u}ber dem trockenen W{\"a}rme{\"u}bertrager angenommen. Die Validierung des Modells erfolgte anhand von Literaturdaten. F{\"u}r den trockenen W{\"a}rmetauscher ist der maximale absolute Fehler der berechneten Austrittstemperatur (Zuluft) kleiner als ±0.1 K und f{\"u}r den nassen W{\"a}rmetauscher (K{\"u}hlfall) unter der Annahme eines konstanten Verdunstungsgrades kleiner als ±0.4 K.}, language = {de} } @article{SchwarzerGoettscheJellinghaus2006, author = {Schwarzer, Klemens and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and Jellinghaus, Sabine}, title = {FORSCHUNG UND TECHNIK - Messtechnik - Was will der Nutzer? Eine langfristige Studie hat Nutzer zu einer Farblichtsteuerung befragt (Teil 2)}, series = {Licht : Planung, Design, Technik, Handel ; Organ der Deutschen Lichttechnischen Gesellschaft e.V. (LiTG) ; Organ des Normenausschusses Lichttechnik (FNL) im DIN Deutsches Institut f{\"u}r Normung e.V. ; Organ des Verbandes Wohnraumleuchten-, Lampenschirm und . 58 (2006), H. 9}, journal = {Licht : Planung, Design, Technik, Handel ; Organ der Deutschen Lichttechnischen Gesellschaft e.V. (LiTG) ; Organ des Normenausschusses Lichttechnik (FNL) im DIN Deutsches Institut f{\"u}r Normung e.V. ; Organ des Verbandes Wohnraumleuchten-, Lampenschirm und . 58 (2006), H. 9}, isbn = {0024-2861}, pages = {862 -- 867}, year = {2006}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{SteuerDankertBergLeichtScholten2015, author = {Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Berg, Tobias and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {Breaking the habit - new approaches in engineering education}, series = {Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education}, isbn = {978-2-87352-012-0}, pages = {11}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Within the framework of the project a genderand diversity-oriented teaching evaluation and modern, media-supported blended learning approaches were used in order to achieve the intended goals. First research results of the literature and status quo analysis were already implemented and tested in newly designed teaching approaches, for example in a multidisciplinary introductory lecture of civil engineering at RWTH Aachen University.}, language = {en} } @incollection{SteuerDankertBouffierGaedickeetal.2017, author = {Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Bouffier, Anna and Gaedicke, Sonja and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {Diversifying engineering education: a transdisciplinary approach from RWTH Aachen University}, series = {Strategies for increasing diversity in engineering majors and careers}, booktitle = {Strategies for increasing diversity in engineering majors and careers}, publisher = {IGI Global}, address = {Hershey, USA}, isbn = {9781522522126}, doi = {10.4018/978-1-5225-2212-6.ch010}, pages = {201 -- 235}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Engineers and therefore engineering education are challenged by the increasing complexity of questions to be answered globally. The education of future engineers therefore has to answer with curriculums that build up relevant skills. This chapter will give an example how to bring engineering and social responsibility successful together to build engineers of tomorrow. Through the integration of gender and diversity perspectives, engineering research and teaching is expanded with new perspectives and contents providing an important potential for innovation. Aiming on the enhancement of engineering education with distinctive competencies beyond technical expertise, the teaching approach introduced in the chapter represents key factors to ensure that coming generations of engineers will be able to meet the requirements and challenges a changing globalized world holds for them. The chapter will describe how this approach successfully has been implemented in the curriculum in engineering of a leading technical university in Germany.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ButenwegMeyerFehling2014, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Meyer, Udo and Fehling, Ekkehard}, title = {INSYSME: first activities of the German partners}, series = {9th International Masonry Conference 2014 in Guimaraes, Portugal, 2014}, booktitle = {9th International Masonry Conference 2014 in Guimaraes, Portugal, 2014}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SattlerAlexopoulosChicoCaminosetal.2019, author = {Sattler, Johannes Christoph and Alexopoulos, Spiros and Chico Caminos, Ricardo Alexander and Mitchell, John C. and Ruiz, Victor C. and Kalogirou, Soteris and Ktistis, Panayiotis K. and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Herrmann, Ulf}, title = {Dynamic simulation model of a parabolic trough collector system with concrete thermal energy storage for process steam generation}, series = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, volume = {2126}, booktitle = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, issn = {0094243X}, doi = {10.1063/1.5117663}, pages = {150007-1 -- 150007-8}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GoemmelNiendorfFrauenrathetal.2010, author = {G{\"o}mmel, Andreas and Niendorf, Thoralf and Frauenrath, Tobias and Otten, Mario and Butenweg, Christoph and Kob, Malte}, title = {3D vocal fold geometry mapping using Magnetic Resonance Imaging}, series = {Fortschritte der Akustik : 36. Deutsche Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik, Band 1}, booktitle = {Fortschritte der Akustik : 36. Deutsche Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik, Band 1}, publisher = {Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Akustik}, address = {Berlin}, organization = {Deutsche Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik <36, 2010, Berlin>}, isbn = {978-3-9808659-8-2}, pages = {271 -- 272}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{SteuerDankert2020, author = {Steuer-Dankert, Linda}, title = {Diversity in complex organizations : the triangle of diversity management, change management and organizational culture from a system-theoretical perspective}, doi = {10.18154/RWTH-2020-11830}, pages = {298}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Insbesondere im wirtschaftlichen Kontext wird die Diversit{\"a}t von Belegschaften zunehmend als ein kritischer Erfolgsfaktor gesehen. Neben dem Potenzial, welches sich laut Studien aus einem vielf{\"a}ltigen Team ergibt, werden jedoch ebenfalls die aus menschlicher Diversit{\"a}t resultierenden Herausforderungen thematisiert und wissenschaftlich untersucht. Sowohl aus dem Potenzial als auch aus den Herausforderungen ergibt sich dabei die Notwendigkeit der Implementierung eines organisationsspezifischen Diversity Managements, welches die Gewinnung neuer Mitarbeiter*innen einerseits und das Management der vorhandenen Vielfalt andererseits gleichermaßen unterst{\"u}tzt. In der psychologischen, sozial- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Literatur gibt es unterschiedliche Definitionen von Diversit{\"a}t, woraus sich verschiedene Perspektiven auf das Vorgehen bei der Gestaltung und Umsetzung eines Diversity Management Ansatzes ergeben. Insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der Komplexit{\"a}t des Organisationsumfeldes und der steigenden Anforderungen an die organisationsinterne Agilit{\"a}t besteht die Notwendigkeit, Diversit{\"a}t in Organisationen st{\"a}rker zu reflektieren und systemspezifische Ans{\"a}tze zu entwickeln. Dies erfordert die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung organisationsspezifischer Strukturen und Prozesse sowie die Reflexion des Wandels der Organisationskultur durch die Umsetzung eines Diversity Management Ansatzes, der die gegebene Komplexit{\"a}t aufgreift und bew{\"a}ltigen kann. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus sind die psychologischen Auswirkungen solcher Ver{\"a}nderungen auf die Mitarbeiter*innen zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen, um Reaktanzen zu vermeiden und eine nachhaltige Umsetzung von Diversity Management zu erm{\"o}glichen. In Ermangelung entsprechender Ans{\"a}tze im Rahmen {\"o}ffentlich finanzierter, komplexer Forschungsorganisationen, ist das Ziel dieser Dissertation die Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Forschungsdesigns, welches die Ans{\"a}tze des Diversity- und Change Managements mit der Organisationskultur verkn{\"u}pft, indem es eine systemtheoretische Perspektive einnimmt. Dabei wird das Forschungsdesign auf eine komplexe wissenschaftliche Organisation angewendet. Als Basis dient die in Teil A durchgef{\"u}hrte Betrachtung des aktuellen Forschungsstandes aus einer interdisziplin{\"a}ren Perspektive und die damit einhergehende umfassende Einf{\"u}hrung in das Forschungsfeld. Im Zuge dessen wird detailliert auf die begriffliche Definition von Diversit{\"a}t eingegangen, bevor dann die psychologischen Konzepte im Diversit{\"a}tskontext den {\"U}bergang zu einer differenzierten Auseinandersetzung mit dem Konzept des Diversity Managements bilden. Auf dieser Grundlage werden das Forschungsdesign sowie die daraus resultierenden Forschungsphasen abgeleitet. Teil A stellt somit die theoretische Grundlage f{\"u}r die in Teil B pr{\"a}sentierten Fachaufs{\"a}tze dar. Jeder Fachaufsatz beleuchtet dabei in chronologischer Reihenfolge die unterschiedlichen Forschungsphasen. Fachaufsatz I pr{\"a}sentiert den sechsstufigen Forschungsansatz und beleuchtet die besonderen Rahmenbedingungen des Forschungsobjektes aus einer theoretischen Perspektive. Im Anschluss werden die Ergebnisse der Organisationsanalyse, welche zugleich Phase I und II des Forschungskonzeptes darstellen, vorgestellt. Aufbauend auf diesen Forschungsergebnissen fokussiert Forschungsaufsatz II die Darlegung der Ergebnisse aus Forschungsphase III, der Befragung der F{\"u}hrungsebene. Die Befragung thematisierte dabei die Wahrnehmung von Diversity und Diversity Management auf F{\"u}hrungsebene, die Verkn{\"u}pfung von Diversit{\"a}t mit Innovation sowie die Reflexion des eigenen F{\"u}hrungsstils. Als Ergebnis der Befragung konnten sechs Typen identifiziert werden, die das F{\"u}hrungsverst{\"a}ndnis im Diversit{\"a}tskontext widerspiegeln und somit den Ansatzpunkt f{\"u}r eine top-down gerichtete Diversity Management Strategie darstellen. Darauf aufbauend wird in Forschungsphase IV die Mitarbeiter*innenebene beforscht. Im Zentrum der quantitativen Befragung standen die vorherrschenden Einstellungen zum Themenkomplex Diversity und Diversity Management, die Wahrnehmung von Diversit{\"a}t sowie die Untersuchung des Einflusses der F{\"u}hrungsebene auf die Mitarbeiter*innenebene. Forschungsaufsatz III pr{\"a}sentiert erste Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung. Die Analyse weist auf eine unterschiedliche Gewichtung der verschiedenen Diversit{\"a}tskategorien hinsichtlich der Verkn{\"u}pfung mit Innovationen und somit der Reflexion des Kontextes zwischen Diversit{\"a}t und Innovationen hin. Vergleichbar mit den identifizierten Typen auf der F{\"u}hrungsebene, deutet die Analyse auf die Existenz unterschiedlicher Reflexionsgrade auf Mitarbeiter*innenebene hin. Auf Basis dessen wird im Rahmen von Forschungsaufsatz IV eine n{\"a}here Untersuchung des Reflexionsgrades auf Mitarbeiter*innenebene pr{\"a}sentiert und der Diversity Management Ansatz mit Elementen des Change Managements kombiniert. Besondere Ber{\"u}cksichtigung findet als Schlussfolgerung einer theoretischen Analyse die Organisationskultur als zentrales Element bei der Entwicklung und Einf{\"u}hrung eines Diversity Management Ansatzes in eine komplexe Forschungsorganisation in Deutschland. Die Analyse zeigt, dass die Wahrnehmung von Diversit{\"a}t heterogen aber zun{\"a}chst losgel{\"o}st vom individuellen Hintergrund ist (im Rahmen dieser Analyse lag der Fokus auf den Diversit{\"a}tskategorien Gender und Herkunft). Hinsichtlich der Wertsch{\"a}tzung von Diversit{\"a}t zeigt sich dabei ebenfalls ein heterogenes Bild. In der Gesamtbetrachtung stimmen lediglich 17\% der Mitarbeiter*innen zu, dass Diversit{\"a}tskategorien wie Gender, Herkunft oder auch Alter einen Mehrwert darstellen k{\"o}nnen. Zugleich bewertet diese Gruppe die dem Thema beigemessene Wichtigkeit im CoE als ausreichend. Zusammengefasst lassen sich folgende Erkenntnisse im Rahmen dieser Dissertation ableiten und dienen somit als Grundlage f{\"u}r die Entwicklung eines Diversity Management Ansatzes: (1) Die Entwicklung eines bedarfsorientierten Diversity Management Ansatzes erfordert einen systemtheoretischen Prozess, der sowohl organisationsinterne als auch externe Einflussfaktoren ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Der im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes entwickelte sechsstufige Forschungsprozess hat sich dabei als geeignetes Instrument erwiesen. (2)Im Rahmen {\"o}ffentlicher Forschungseinrichtungen lassen sich dabei drei zentrale Faktoren identifizieren: die individuelle Reflexionsebene, die Organisationskultur sowie extern beeinflusste Organisationsstrukturen, Prozesse und Systeme.(3)Vergleichbar mit privatwirtschaftlichen Unternehmen hat auch in wissenschaftlichen Organisationen die F{\"u}hrungsebene einen maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die Wahrnehmung von Diversit{\"a}t und somit einen Einfluss auf die Umsetzung einer Diversity Management Strategie. Daher ist auch im wissenschaftlichen Kontext, bedingt durch die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen des Hochschulsystems, ein top-down Ansatz f{\"u}r eine nachhaltige Implementierung erforderlich. (4) Diversity Management steht in einem engen Zusammenhang mit einem organisationalen Wandel, was die Reflexion von Ver{\"a}nderungsprozesse aus einer psychologischen Perspektive erfordert und eine Verkn{\"u}pfung von Diversity und Change Management bedingt. Aufbauend auf den im Rahmen des entwickelten Forschungskonzeptes gewonnenen zentralen Erkenntnissen wird ein Ansatz entwickelt, der die Ableitung theoretischer Implikationen sowie Implikationen f{\"u}r das Management erm{\"o}glicht. Insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der Reflexion der besonderen Rahmenbedingungen {\"o}ffentlich finanzierter Forschungsorganisationen werden dar{\"u}ber hinaus politische Implikationen abgeleitet, die auf die Ver{\"a}nderung struktureller Dimensionen abzielen.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PaulsenHoffstadtKrafftetal.2020, author = {Paulsen, Svea and Hoffstadt, Kevin and Krafft, Simone and Leite, A. and Zang, J. and Fonseca-Zang, W. and Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {Continuous biogas production from sugarcane as sole substrate}, series = {Energy Reports}, volume = {6}, booktitle = {Energy Reports}, number = {Supplement 1}, publisher = {Elsevier}, doi = {10.1016/j.egyr.2019.08.035}, pages = {153 -- 158}, year = {2020}, abstract = {A German-Brazilian research project investigates sugarcane as an energy plant in anaerobic digestion for biogas production. The aim of the project is a continuous, efficient, and stable biogas process with sugarcane as the substrate. Tests are carried out in a fermenter with a volume of 10 l. In order to optimize the space-time load to achieve a stable process, a continuous process in laboratory scale has been devised. The daily feed in quantity and the harvest time of the substrate sugarcane has been varied. Analyses of the digester content were conducted twice per week to monitor the process: The ratio of inorganic carbon content to volatile organic acid content (VFA/TAC), the concentration of short-chain fatty acids, the organic dry matter, the pH value, and the total nitrogen, phosphate, and ammonium concentrations were monitored. In addition, the gas quality (the percentages of CO₂, CH₄, and H₂) and the quantity of the produced gas were analyzed. The investigations have exhibited feasible and economical production of biogas in a continuous process with energy cane as substrate. With a daily feeding rate of 1.68gᵥₛ/l*d the average specific gas formation rate was 0.5 m3/kgᵥₛ. The long-term study demonstrates a surprisingly fast metabolism of short-chain fatty acids. This indicates a stable and less susceptible process compared to other substrates.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SildatkeKarwanniKraftetal.2020, author = {Sildatke, Michael and Karwanni, Hendrik and Kraft, Bodo and Schmidts, Oliver and Z{\"u}ndorf, Albert}, title = {Automated Software Quality Monitoring in Research Collaboration Projects}, series = {ICSEW'20: Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops}, booktitle = {ICSEW'20: Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York, NY}, doi = {10.1145/3387940.3391478}, pages = {603 -- 610}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In collaborative research projects, both researchers and practitioners work together solving business-critical challenges. These projects often deal with ETL processes, in which humans extract information from non-machine-readable documents by hand. AI-based machine learning models can help to solve this problem. Since machine learning approaches are not deterministic, their quality of output may decrease over time. This fact leads to an overall quality loss of the application which embeds machine learning models. Hence, the software qualities in development and production may differ. Machine learning models are black boxes. That makes practitioners skeptical and increases the inhibition threshold for early productive use of research prototypes. Continuous monitoring of software quality in production offers an early response capability on quality loss and encourages the use of machine learning approaches. Furthermore, experts have to ensure that they integrate possible new inputs into the model training as quickly as possible. In this paper, we introduce an architecture pattern with a reference implementation that extends the concept of Metrics Driven Research Collaboration with an automated software quality monitoring in productive use and a possibility to auto-generate new test data coming from processed documents in production. Through automated monitoring of the software quality and auto-generated test data, this approach ensures that the software quality meets and keeps requested thresholds in productive use, even during further continuous deployment and changing input data.}, language = {en} } @article{Kuperjans1996, author = {Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {Exergetische und exergo{\"o}konomische Analyse thermischer Prozesse}, series = {Arbeitsbericht / Institut f{\"u}r Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Rheinisch-Westf{\"a}lische Technische Hochschule Aachen}, journal = {Arbeitsbericht / Institut f{\"u}r Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Rheinisch-Westf{\"a}lische Technische Hochschule Aachen}, number = {06}, year = {1996}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KasparGroebelKuperjansetal.2013, author = {Kaspar, K. and Groebel, Simone and Kuperjans, Isabel and Dielmann, Klaus-Peter and Selmer, Thorsten}, title = {Charakterisierung der Bioz{\"o}nose von Biogasfermentern in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit verschiedener Substrate}, series = {Biogas 2013 : 6. Innovationskongress, 23. - 24.05.2013, Osnabr{\"u}ck, Tagungsband}, booktitle = {Biogas 2013 : 6. Innovationskongress, 23. - 24.05.2013, Osnabr{\"u}ck, Tagungsband}, publisher = {Profair Consult+Project}, address = {Hildesheim}, issn = {978-3-9813776-3-7}, pages = {69 -- 74}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{HoeflerKneerGrossetal.2015, author = {H{\"o}fler, M. and Kneer, R. and Groß, Rolf Fritz and Kehrmann, K.}, title = {Chemical determination of oxygen transfer rates, transfer efficiencies and interphases evoked by aeration elements for liquid flows}, series = {Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow VIII. - (WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences ; Volume 89)}, booktitle = {Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow VIII. - (WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences ; Volume 89)}, editor = {Vorobieff, P.}, publisher = {WIT Press}, address = {Southampton}, isbn = {978-1-84564-946-3 (Print-Ausgabe)}, issn = {1746-4471}, pages = {89 -- 101}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AugensteinHerbergsKuperjansetal.2005, author = {Augenstein, Eckardt and Herbergs, S. and Kuperjans, Isabel and Lucas, K.}, title = {Simulation of industrial energy supply systems with integrated cost optimization}, series = {Proceedings of ECOS 2005, the 18th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation, and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems : Trondheim, Norway, June 20 - 22, 2005. - Vol. 2}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ECOS 2005, the 18th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation, and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems : Trondheim, Norway, June 20 - 22, 2005. - Vol. 2}, editor = {Kjelstrup, Signe}, publisher = {Tapir Academic Press}, address = {Trondheim}, isbn = {82-519-2041-8}, pages = {627 -- 634}, year = {2005}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KueppersGroebelKuperjansetal.2011, author = {K{\"u}ppers, Christine and Groebel, Simone and Kuperjans, Isabel and Dielmann, Klaus-Peter}, title = {Molekulargenetische Analysen zur Optimierung der Biogasgewinnung}, series = {Biogas 2011 : 4. Innovationskongress ; Effizienzsteigerung von Biogasanlagen ; Vorstellung der 17 besten Biogas-Innovationen der letzten 12 Monate ; 12. - 13. Mai 2011, im ZUK der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt ; Tagungsband}, booktitle = {Biogas 2011 : 4. Innovationskongress ; Effizienzsteigerung von Biogasanlagen ; Vorstellung der 17 besten Biogas-Innovationen der letzten 12 Monate ; 12. - 13. Mai 2011, im ZUK der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt ; Tagungsband}, publisher = {Profair Consult+Project}, address = {Hildesheim}, isbn = {978-3-9813776-1-3}, pages = {45 -- 48}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{AugensteinHerbergsKuperjans2006, author = {Augenstein, Eckardt and Herbergs, S. and Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {Planung und Bewertung der Geb{\"a}udeenergieversorgung mit TOP-Energy}, series = {Heizungs- und Raumlufttechnik : 1. Fachtagung Leonberg, 31. Januar bis 1. Februar 2006. - (VDI-Berichte ; Nr. 1921)}, booktitle = {Heizungs- und Raumlufttechnik : 1. Fachtagung Leonberg, 31. Januar bis 1. Februar 2006. - (VDI-Berichte ; Nr. 1921)}, publisher = {VDI-Verl.}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {3-18-091921-3}, pages = {57 -- 60}, year = {2006}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KuperjansSchreiberDetermannetal.1998, author = {Kuperjans, Isabel and Schreiber, M. and Determann, L. and Schreiber, R.}, title = {Entscheidungsunterst{\"u}tzung bei der Gestaltung der betrieblichen Energieversorgung und -nutzung}, series = {Innovationen bei der rationellen Energieanwendung : neue Chancen f{\"u}r die Wirtschaft ; Tagung Dortmund, 3. und 4. M{\"a}rz 1998. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1385)}, booktitle = {Innovationen bei der rationellen Energieanwendung : neue Chancen f{\"u}r die Wirtschaft ; Tagung Dortmund, 3. und 4. M{\"a}rz 1998. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1385)}, publisher = {VDI-Verl.}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {3-18-091385-1}, pages = {79 -- 94}, year = {1998}, language = {de} } @incollection{AugensteinGuerzenichKuperjansetal.2004, author = {Augenstein, Eckardt and G{\"u}rzenich, D. and Kuperjans, Isabel and Wrobel, G.}, title = {TOP-Energy : softwaregest{\"u}tzte Analyse und Optimierung industrieller Energieversorgungssysteme}, series = {Entwicklungslinien der Energietechnik 2004}, booktitle = {Entwicklungslinien der Energietechnik 2004}, edition = {CD-ROM-Ausg.}, publisher = {VDI}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, year = {2004}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Betsch2009, author = {Betsch, Matthias}, title = {Umbau einer Mikroturbine zu einer extern befeuerten Maschine mit Ankopplung an eine Station{\"a}re-Wirbelschichtfeuerung}, publisher = {Univ. Rostock, Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r Maschinenbau und Schiffstechnik}, address = {Rostock}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/nbn:de:gbv:28-diss2009-0166-9}, pages = {150 S.}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{AugensteinKuperjansLucas2002, author = {Augenstein, Eckardt and Kuperjans, Isabel and Lucas, K.}, title = {EUSEBIA - Decision-Support-System for Technical, Economical and Ecological Design and Evaluation of Industrial Energy Systems}, series = {ECOS 2002 : proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Berlin, Germany July 3 - 5, 2002. - Vol. 1}, booktitle = {ECOS 2002 : proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Berlin, Germany July 3 - 5, 2002. - Vol. 1}, editor = {Tsatsaronis,, Georgios}, publisher = {Techn. Univ., Inst. for Energy Engineering}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-00-009533-0}, pages = {446 -- 453}, year = {2002}, language = {en} } @article{KuperjansGuerzenichRoosen2005, author = {Kuperjans, Isabel and G{\"u}rzenich, D. and Roosen, P.}, title = {Kostenfunktionen im WWW : Unterst{\"u}tzung der Auslegung energietechnischer Anlagen und deren Verschaltungen}, series = {Gasw{\"a}rme international (GWI)}, volume = {54}, journal = {Gasw{\"a}rme international (GWI)}, number = {1}, issn = {0020-9384}, pages = {19 -- 21}, year = {2005}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KumaranGopinathanRazalietal.2013, author = {Kumaran, P. and Gopinathan, M. and Razali, N. M. and Kuperjans, Isabel and Hariffin, B. and Hamdan, H.}, title = {Preliminary evaluation of atomization characteristics of improved biodiesel for gas turbine application}, series = {IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)}, volume = {16}, booktitle = {IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)}, number = {1}, publisher = {Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP)}, address = {London [u.a.]}, issn = {1755-1315}, doi = {10.1088/1755-1315/16/1/012014}, pages = {012014/1 -- 012014/4}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BirklDiendorferKernetal.2018, author = {Birkl, Josef and Diendorfer, Gerhard and Kern, Alexander and Thern, Stephan}, title = {Extremely high lightning peak currents}, series = {34th International Conference on Ligntning Protection, 02-07 September 2018}, booktitle = {34th International Conference on Ligntning Protection, 02-07 September 2018}, isbn = {978-1-5386-6635-7}, pages = {7 Seiten}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AugensteinKuperjans2001, author = {Augenstein, Eckardt and Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {Softwaregest{\"u}tzte Analyse und Konzeption betrieblicher Energieversorgungsanlagen}, series = {Fortschrittliche Energiewandlung und -anwendung : Schwerpunkt: dezentrale Energiesysteme ; Tagung Bochum, 13. und 14. M{\"a}rz 2001. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1594)}, booktitle = {Fortschrittliche Energiewandlung und -anwendung : Schwerpunkt: dezentrale Energiesysteme ; Tagung Bochum, 13. und 14. M{\"a}rz 2001. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1594)}, publisher = {VDI-Verl.}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {3-18-091594-3}, pages = {313 -- 322}, year = {2001}, language = {de} } @article{KuperjansEsserMeyeretal.2000, author = {Kuperjans, Isabel and Esser, J. and Meyer, J{\"o}rg and Donner, O.}, title = {Gestaltung und Bewertung von Energieanlagen unter {\"o}kologischen, wirtschaftlichen und technischen Gesichtspunkten}, series = {Umweltwirtschaftsforum : UWF}, volume = {8}, journal = {Umweltwirtschaftsforum : UWF}, number = {3}, issn = {0943-3481}, pages = {53 -- 58}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @article{AugensteinHerbergsKuperjans2006, author = {Augenstein, Eckardt and Herbergs, S. and Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {TOP-Energy : ein Werkzeug zur Optimierung der Geb{\"a}udeenergieversorgung}, series = {KI : K{\"a}lte, Luft, Klimatechnik}, journal = {KI : K{\"a}lte, Luft, Klimatechnik}, number = {5}, issn = {1865-5432}, pages = {198 -- 201}, year = {2006}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Groebel2013, author = {Groebel, Simone}, title = {Zusammensetzung der Bioz{\"o}nose der Methanbildung unter Anwendung molekularbiologischer Methoden : Auswahl und Immobilisierung eines prozesstragenden Organismus auf einem Biosensor mit dem Ziel der {\"U}berwachung der Prozessstabilit{\"a}t kommerzieller Biogasanlagen}, publisher = {Univ.-Bibliothek}, address = {Rostock}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @article{PauksztatKuperjansMeyer2005, author = {Pauksztat, Anja and Kuperjans, Isabel and Meyer, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Formeln statt Zahlen : Referenzwerte Formeln zur energetischen Bewertung von Produktionsanlagen}, series = {BWK : das Energie-Fachmagazin}, volume = {57}, journal = {BWK : das Energie-Fachmagazin}, number = {12}, issn = {0006-9612}, pages = {52 -- 55}, year = {2005}, language = {de} } @article{PauksztatKuperjansMeyer2005, author = {Pauksztat, Anja and Kuperjans, Isabel and Meyer, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Produktbezogene Referenzwerte f{\"u}r Energieeffizienz und CO2-Emissionen}, series = {Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen : et ; Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Energiewirtschaft, Recht, Technik und Umwelt}, volume = {55}, journal = {Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen : et ; Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Energiewirtschaft, Recht, Technik und Umwelt}, number = {6}, issn = {0013-743X}, pages = {374 -- 376}, year = {2005}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KuperjansAugenstein2001, author = {Kuperjans, Isabel and Augenstein, Eckardt}, title = {„EUSEBIA - Software zur Analyse und Verbesserung der betrieblichen Energiewirtschaft}, series = {Optimierung in der Energieversorgung : Tagung Veitsh{\"o}chheim, 9. und 10. Oktober 2001. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1627)}, booktitle = {Optimierung in der Energieversorgung : Tagung Veitsh{\"o}chheim, 9. und 10. Oktober 2001. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1627)}, publisher = {VDI-Verl.}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {3-18-091627-3}, pages = {267 -- 268}, year = {2001}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KuperjansSeitzWilhelm1998, author = {Kuperjans, Isabel and Seitz, C.-W. and Wilhelm, H.-G.}, title = {Realisierung einer Fernw{\"a}rmeversorgung mit Kraft-W{\"a}rme-Kopplung f{\"u}r den Wohnwertpark Br{\"u}hl}, series = {Energiemanagement in Kommunen und {\"o}ffentlichen Einrichtungen : Tagung Stuttgart, 16. und 17. September 1998. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1424)}, booktitle = {Energiemanagement in Kommunen und {\"o}ffentlichen Einrichtungen : Tagung Stuttgart, 16. und 17. September 1998. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1424)}, publisher = {VDI-Verl.}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, organization = {Gesellschaft Energietechnik}, issn = {3-18-091424-6}, pages = {129 -- 138}, year = {1998}, language = {de} } @article{WarerkarSchmitzGoettscheetal.2007, author = {Warerkar, Shashikant and Schmitz, Stefan and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and Hoffschmidt, Bernhard}, title = {Wirtschaftlich und flexibel : Luft-Sand-W{\"a}rme{\"u}bertrager f{\"u}r die Energiespeicherung bei Temperaturen bis 800 °C}, series = {Verfahrenstechnik. 41 (2007), H. 4}, journal = {Verfahrenstechnik. 41 (2007), H. 4}, isbn = {0175-5315}, pages = {72 -- 73}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @article{HoffstadtPohenDickeetal.2020, author = {Hoffstadt, Kevin and Pohen, Gino D. and Dicke, Max D. and Paulsen, Svea and Krafft, Simone and Zang, Joachim W. and Fonseca-Zang, Warde A. da and Leite, Athaydes and Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {Challenges and prospects of biogas from energy cane as supplement to bioethanol production}, series = {Agronomy}, volume = {10}, journal = {Agronomy}, number = {6}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2073-4395}, doi = {10.3390/agronomy10060821}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Innovative breeds of sugar cane yield up to 2.5 times as much organic matter as conventional breeds, resulting in a great potential for biogas production. The use of biogas production as a complementary solution to conventional and second-generation ethanol production in Brazil may increase the energy produced per hectare in the sugarcane sector. Herein, it was demonstrated that through ensiling, energy cane can be conserved for six months; the stored cane can then be fed into a continuous biogas process. This approach is necessary to achieve year-round biogas production at an industrial scale. Batch tests revealed specific biogas potentials between 400 and 600 LN/kgVS for both the ensiled and non-ensiled energy cane, and the specific biogas potential of a continuous biogas process fed with ensiled energy cane was in the same range. Peak biogas losses through ensiling of up to 27\% after six months were observed. Finally, compared with second-generation ethanol production using energy cane, the results indicated that biogas production from energy cane may lead to higher energy yields per hectare, with an average energy yield of up to 162 MWh/ha. Finally, the Farm²CBG concept is introduced, showing an approach for decentralized biogas production.}, language = {en} } @article{Kuperjans2011, author = {Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {Gute Planung ist alles : Energieeffizienz in der Pharmaproduktion}, series = {Pharma + Food}, volume = {2011}, journal = {Pharma + Food}, number = {2}, publisher = {H{\"u}thig}, address = {Heidelberg}, issn = {1434-8942}, pages = {8 -- 10}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KuperjansTerpitzTerruhnetal.1999, author = {Kuperjans, Isabel and Terpitz, J. and Terruhn, H. and Wilhelm, H.-G.}, title = {Simulation zur Konzeption und Analyse betrieblicher und kommunaler Nahw{\"a}rmesysteme}, series = {Betriebliches Energiemanagement : Tagung Cottbus, 30. und 31. M{\"a}rz 1999. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1462)}, booktitle = {Betriebliches Energiemanagement : Tagung Cottbus, 30. und 31. M{\"a}rz 1999. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1462)}, publisher = {VDI-Verl.}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {3-18-091462-9}, pages = {195 -- 204}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{GorzalkaDahlkeGoettscheetal.2018, author = {Gorzalka, Philip and Dahlke, Dennis and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and Israel, Martin and Patel, Dhruvkumar and Prahl, Christoph and Schmiedt, Jacob Estevam and Frommholz, Dirk and Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Linkiewicz, Magdalena}, title = {Building Tomograph-From Remote Sensing Data of Existing Buildings to Building Energy Simulation Input}, series = {EBC, Annex 71, Fifth expert meeting, October 17-19, 2018, Innsbruck, Austria}, booktitle = {EBC, Annex 71, Fifth expert meeting, October 17-19, 2018, Innsbruck, Austria}, pages = {17 Seiten}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SattlerSchneiderAngeleetal.2022, author = {Sattler, Johannes Christoph and Schneider, Iesse Peer and Angele, Florian and Atti, Vikrama Naga Babu and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Herrmann, Ulf}, title = {Development of heliostat field calibration methods: Theory and experimental test results}, series = {SolarPACES 2022 conference proceedings}, booktitle = {SolarPACES 2022 conference proceedings}, number = {1}, publisher = {TIB Open Publishing}, address = {Hannover}, issn = {2751-9899 (online)}, doi = {10.52825/solarpaces.v1i.678}, pages = {9 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In this work, three patent pending calibration methods for heliostat fields of central receiver systems (CRS) developed by the Solar-Institut J{\"u}lich (SIJ) of the FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences are presented. The calibration methods can either operate in a combined mode or in stand-alone mode. The first calibration method, method A, foresees that a camera matrix is placed into the receiver plane where it is subjected to concentrated solar irradiance during a measurement process. The second calibration method, method B, uses an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) such as a quadrocopter to automatically fly into the reflected solar irradiance cross-section of one or more heliostats (two variants of method B were tested). The third calibration method, method C, foresees a stereo central camera or multiple stereo cameras installed e.g. on the solar tower whereby the orientations of the heliostats are calculated from the location detection of spherical red markers attached to the heliostats. The most accurate method is method A which has a mean accuracy of 0.17 mrad. The mean accuracy of method B variant 1 is 1.36 mrad and of variant 2 is 1.73 mrad. Method C has a mean accuracy of 15.07 mrad. For method B there is great potential regarding improving the measurement accuracy. For method C the collected data was not sufficient for determining whether or not there is potential for improving the accuracy.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MorandiButenwegBreisetal.2022, author = {Morandi, Paolo and Butenweg, Christoph and Breis, Khaled and Beyer, Katrin and Magenes, Guido}, title = {Behaviour factor q for the seismic design of URM buildings}, series = {The Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology}, booktitle = {The Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology}, editor = {Arion, Cristian and Scupin, Alexandra and Ţigănescu, Alexandru}, isbn = {978-973-100-533-1}, pages = {1184 -- 1194}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Recent earthquakes showed that low-rise URM buildings following codecompliant seismic design and details behaved in general very well without substantial damages. Although advances in simulation tools make nonlinear calculation methods more readily accessible to designers, linear analyses will still be the standard design method for years to come. The present paper aims to improve the linear seismic design method by providing a proper definition of the q-factor of URM buildings. Values of q-factors are derived for low-rise URM buildings with rigid diaphragms, with reference to modern structural configurations realized in low to moderate seismic areas of Italy and Germany. The behaviour factor components for deformation and energy dissipation capacity and for overstrength due to the redistribution of forces are derived by means of pushover analyses. As a result of the investigations, rationally based values of the behaviour factor q to be used in linear analyses in the range of 2.0 to 3.0 are proposed.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ChicoCaminosSchmitzAttietal.2022, author = {Chico Caminos, Ricardo Alexander and Schmitz, Pascal and Atti, Vikrama Naga Babu and Mahdi, Zahra and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Sattler, Johannes Christoph and Herrmann, Ulf and Hilger, Patrick and Dieckmann, Simon}, title = {Development of a micro heliostat and optical qualification assessment with a 3D laser scanning method}, series = {SOLARPACES 2020}, booktitle = {SOLARPACES 2020}, number = {2445 / 1}, publisher = {AIP conference proceedings / American Institute of Physics}, address = {Melville, NY}, isbn = {978-0-7354-4195-8}, issn = {1551-7616 (online)}, doi = {10.1063/5.0086262}, pages = {8 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The Solar-Institut J{\"u}lich (SIJ) and the companies Hilger GmbH and Heliokon GmbH from Germany have developed a small-scale cost-effective heliostat, called "micro heliostat". Micro heliostats can be deployed in small-scale concentrated solar power (CSP) plants to concentrate the sun's radiation for electricity generation, space or domestic water heating or industrial process heat. In contrast to conventional heliostats, the special feature of a micro heliostat is that it consists of dozens of parallel-moving, interconnected, rotatable mirror facets. The mirror facets array is fixed inside a box-shaped module and is protected from weathering and wind forces by a transparent glass cover. The choice of the building materials for the box, tracking mechanism and mirrors is largely dependent on the selected production process and the intended application of the micro heliostat. Special attention was paid to the material of the tracking mechanism as this has a direct influence on the accuracy of the micro heliostat. The choice of materials for the mirror support structure and the tracking mechanism is made in favor of plastic molded parts. A qualification assessment method has been developed by the SIJ in which a 3D laser scanner is used in combination with a coordinate measuring machine (CMM). For the validation of this assessment method, a single mirror facet was scanned and the slope deviation was computed.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MahdiRendonSchwageretal.2019, author = {Mahdi, Zahra and Rend{\´o}n, Carlos and Schwager, Christian and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Herrmann, Ulf}, title = {Novel concept for indirect solar-heated methane reforming}, series = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, volume = {2126}, booktitle = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, publisher = {AIP Publishing}, address = {Melville, NY}, issn = {0094-243X}, doi = {10.1063/1.5117694}, pages = {180014-1 -- 180014-7}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @article{JellinghausGoettscheHoffschmidt2006, author = {Jellinghaus, Sabine and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and Hoffschmidt, Bernhard}, title = {Beleuchtung mit gesteuertem Farblicht - Bewertung eines Prototypen}, series = {Zw{\"o}lftes Symposium Innovative Lichttechnik in Geb{\"a}uden : 26./27. Januar 2006, Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein / OTTI - Training, Seminare, Tagungen. [Fachliche Gesamtleitung: Claus Steffan. Veranst.: OTTI, Bereich Erneuerbare Energien. Mitveranst.: Architektenkammer Baden-W{\"u}rttemberg, Stuttgart ...] / . - (Wissen f{\"u}r Profis)}, journal = {Zw{\"o}lftes Symposium Innovative Lichttechnik in Geb{\"a}uden : 26./27. Januar 2006, Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein / OTTI - Training, Seminare, Tagungen. [Fachliche Gesamtleitung: Claus Steffan. Veranst.: OTTI, Bereich Erneuerbare Energien. Mitveranst.: Architektenkammer Baden-W{\"u}rttemberg, Stuttgart ...] / . - (Wissen f{\"u}r Profis)}, publisher = {OTTI, Bereich Erneuerbare Energien}, address = {Regensburg}, isbn = {3-934681-43-3}, pages = {89 -- 93}, year = {2006}, language = {de} } @article{RegerKuhnhenneHachuletal.2019, author = {Reger, Vitali and Kuhnhenne, Markus and Hachul, Helmut and D{\"o}ring, Bernd and Blanke, Tobias and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim}, title = {Plusenergiegeb{\"a}ude 2.0 in Stahlleichtbauweise}, series = {Stahlbau}, volume = {88}, journal = {Stahlbau}, number = {6}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1437-1049 (E-journal), 0038-9145 (print)}, doi = {10.1002/stab.201900034}, pages = {522 -- 528}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{KnocheKruskaWeberetal.2001, author = {Knoche, K. F. and Kruska, Martin and Weber, P. and Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {Energiemanagement}, series = {Lexikon Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften. - (Lehr- und Handb{\"u}cher zur {\"o}kologischen Unternehmensf{\"u}hrung und Umwelt{\"o}konomie)}, booktitle = {Lexikon Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften. - (Lehr- und Handb{\"u}cher zur {\"o}kologischen Unternehmensf{\"u}hrung und Umwelt{\"o}konomie)}, editor = {Schulz, Werner F.}, publisher = {Oldenbourg}, address = {M{\"u}nchen [u.a.]}, isbn = {3-486-24523-6}, pages = {88 -- 92}, year = {2001}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{AugensteinHerbergsKuperjans2005, author = {Augenstein, Eckardt and Herbergs, S. and Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {TOP-Energy : softwaregest{\"u}tzte Analyse und Optimierung industrieller Energieversorgungssysteme ; Postershow}, series = {Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft : Tagung Stuttgart, 27. und 28. Oktober 2005. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1908)}, booktitle = {Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft : Tagung Stuttgart, 27. und 28. Oktober 2005. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1908)}, publisher = {VDI-Verl.}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {3-18-091908-6}, pages = {279 -- 282}, year = {2005}, language = {de} } @incollection{BouvyKuperjans2004, author = {Bouvy, C. and Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {Mikro-Gasturbinen : eine neue Technologie zur Kraft-W{\"a}rme-Kopplung in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen}, series = {Entwicklungslinien der Energietechnik 2004}, booktitle = {Entwicklungslinien der Energietechnik 2004}, edition = {CD-ROM-Ausg.}, publisher = {VDI-Verlag}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, year = {2004}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{PauksztatKuperjansdeHesselle2006, author = {Pauksztat, Anja and Kuperjans, Isabel and de Hesselle, M.}, title = {Referenzformeln f{\"u}r Energiebedarf und CO2-Emissionen in der Glasindustrie}, series = {Energieeffizienz - Chancen f{\"u}r die Zukunft : Tagung Berlin, 14. und 15. November 2006. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1951)}, booktitle = {Energieeffizienz - Chancen f{\"u}r die Zukunft : Tagung Berlin, 14. und 15. November 2006. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1951)}, edition = {Nichtred. Ms.-Dr.}, publisher = {VDI-Verl.}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {3-18-091951-5}, pages = {179 -- 190}, year = {2006}, language = {de} } @incollection{KruskaKuperjans1999, author = {Kruska, Martin and Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {An{\´a}lisis Thermodin{\´a}micos : [Cap{\´i}tulo 3.3]}, series = {Uso racional de energ{\´i}a : eficiencia energ{\´e}tica y energ{\´i}as renovables. - (Manual para consultores y expertos)}, booktitle = {Uso racional de energ{\´i}a : eficiencia energ{\´e}tica y energ{\´i}as renovables. - (Manual para consultores y expertos)}, publisher = {Ministerio de Energ{\´i}a y Minas}, address = {Lima}, pages = {3.3-1 -- 3.3-15}, year = {1999}, language = {es} } @phdthesis{Kuperjans2000, author = {Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {Verfahren zur Analyse und Bewertung industrieller Energieanlagen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {Getr. Z{\"a}hlung : graph. Darst.}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @article{KuperjansStarkeEsseretal.2000, author = {Kuperjans, Isabel and Starke, M. and Esser, J. and Meyer, J. and Donner, O.}, title = {Analyse und Konzeption von Energieanlagen unter {\"o}kologischen, wirtschaftlichen und technischen Gesichtspunkten}, series = {WLB : Umwelttechnik f{\"u}r Industrie und Kommune}, volume = {44}, journal = {WLB : Umwelttechnik f{\"u}r Industrie und Kommune}, number = {11/12}, issn = {0341-2679}, pages = {26 -- 29}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @book{SchwarzerAltes1983, author = {Schwarzer, Klemens and Altes, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Zum St{\"o}rungsverhalten des HTR 500 : eine Trendanalyse ; [Report] / von J. Altes ... K. Schwarzer ... - (Spezielle Berichte der Kernforschungsanlage J{\"u}lich ; 220)}, publisher = {Zentralbibliothek der Kernforschungsanlage}, address = {J{\"u}lich}, pages = {41 S. : graph. Darst.}, year = {1983}, language = {de} } @article{BreitbachAltesSzimmat1989, author = {Breitbach, Gerd and Altes, J{\"u}rgen and Szimmat, J.}, title = {Anwendung der Finite-Element-Methode bei der Berechnung des W{\"a}rmetransports durch Strahlung / J. Altes ; G. Breitbach ; J. Szimmat}, series = {International FEM-Congress : Baden-Baden, Federal Republic of Germany, 17./18. November 1986}, journal = {International FEM-Congress : Baden-Baden, Federal Republic of Germany, 17./18. November 1986}, publisher = {IKO Software Service GmbH}, address = {Stuttgart}, pages = {127 -- 148}, year = {1989}, language = {de} } @misc{AlexopoulosHoffschmidt2010, author = {Alexopoulos, Spiros and Hoffschmidt, Bernhard}, title = {Solarthermische Kraftwerke mit thermischen Speichern}, series = {Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, volume = {82}, journal = {Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, number = {9}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, isbn = {1522-2640}, doi = {10.1002/cite.201050678}, pages = {1606}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Solarthermische Kraftwerke stellen eine bedeutende Technologieoption f{\"u}r einen nachhaltigen Energiemix der Zukunft dar. Sie konzentrieren die Strahlung der Sonne, erzeugen W{\"a}rme und wandeln diese mit konventioneller Kraftwerkstechnik in Strom um. Die W{\"a}rme kann auch gespeichert werden, so dass der Betrieb w{\"a}hrend des Durchzugs von Wolken m{\"o}glich ist und bis in die Abendstunden hinein verl{\"a}ngert werden kann. Zu den solarthermischen Kraftwerken geh{\"o}ren neben der Parabolrinne und dem Solarturm der Fresnel-Kollektor und die Dish-Stirling-Systeme. Im Zuge einer sp{\"a}teren Vergr{\"o}ßerung des Solarfeldes von Solarkraftwerken kann mithilfe von thermischen Energiespeichern die solare Energieerzeugung bei gleichbleibender Kraftwerksleistung sukzessiv bis um den Faktor 3 erweitert werden. Es besteht so die M{\"o}glichkeit einer massiven Substitution von fossilen Brennstoffen.Bei den ersten solarthermischen Speichern f{\"u}r die SEGS-Parabolrinnekraftwerke wurde {\"O}l als Speichermedium eingesetzt. Ein weiteres Speichermedium ist Salzschmelze, die im Andasol-1-Projekt in Spanien sowie bei Solarturmkraftwerken eingesetzt wird. Beton ist ein weiteres m{\"o}gliches Speichermaterial f{\"u}r Parabolrinnensysteme. Eine weitere Alternative bei einem Solarturmkraftwerk mit Luft als W{\"a}rmetr{\"a}germedium ist die Verwendung von keramischen Feuerfestmaterialien in Form von Sch{\"u}ttungen oder stapelbaren, por{\"o}sen Elementen. In J{\"u}lich wurde das weltweit erste solarthermische Turmkraftwerk mit einer Leistung von 1,5 MWe, das Luft als W{\"a}rmetr{\"a}germedium einsetzt und einen solchen Speicher verwendet, gebaut.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{GeimerSauerbornHoffschmidtetal.2010, author = {Geimer, Konstantin and Sauerborn, Markus and Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Schmitz, Mark and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim}, title = {Test facility for absorber specimens of solar tower power plants}, series = {Advances in Science and Technology}, volume = {74}, booktitle = {Advances in Science and Technology}, publisher = {Trans Tech Publications}, address = {Baech}, doi = {10.4028/www.scientific.net/AST.74.266}, pages = {266 -- 271}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The Solar-Institute J{\"u}lich (SIJ) has initiated the construction of the first and only German solar tower power plant and is now involved in the accompanying research. The power plant for experimental and demonstration purposes in the town of J{\"u}lich started supplying electric energy in the beginning of 2008. The central receiver plant features as central innovation an open volumetric receiver, consisting of porous ceramic elements that simultaneously absorb the concentrated sunlight and transfer the heat to ambient air passing through the pores so that an average temperature of 680°C is reached. The subsequent steam cycle generates up to 1.5 MWe. A main field of research at the SIJ is the optimization of the absorber structures. To analyze the capability of new absorber specimens a special test facility was developed and set up in the laboratory. A high-performance near-infrared radiator offers for single test samples a variable and repeatable beam with a power of up to 320 kW/m² peak. The temperatures achieved on the absorber surface can reach more than 1000°C. To suck ambient air through the open absorber - like on the tower - it is mounted on a special blower system. An overview about the test facility and some recent results will be presented.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BouquegneauKernRousseau2010, author = {Bouquegneau, Christian and Kern, Alexander and Rousseau, Alain}, title = {Lightning safety guidelines}, pages = {6 Seiten}, year = {2010}, abstract = {This paper introduces lightning to the layman, noting the right behaviour in front of thunderstorms as well as protective measures against lightning. It also contributes to the prevention of lightning injuries and damages. This report was prepared by the authors inside the AHG1 Group for IEC TC81 (Lightning Protection).}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KernFrentzelBehrens2010, author = {Kern, Alexander and Frentzel, Ralf and Behrens, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Simulation of the transient voltages in the auxiliary power network of a large power plant in case of a direct lightning strike to the high-voltage overhead transmission line}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York}, isbn = {978-88-905519-0-1}, doi = {10.1109/ICLP.2010.7845756}, pages = {749-1 -- 749-7}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Large power plants can be endangered by lightning strikes with possible consequences regarding their safety and availability. A special scenario is a lightning strike to the HV overhead transmission line close to the power plant's connection to the power grid. If then additionally a so-called shielding failure of the overhead ground wire on top of the overhead transmission line is assumed, i.e. the lightning strikes directly into a phase conductor, this is an extreme electromagnetic disturbance. The paper deals with the numerical simulation of such a lightning strike and the consequences on the components of the power plant's auxiliary power network connected to different voltage levels.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KernSchelthoffMathieu2010, author = {Kern, Alexander and Schelthoff, Christof and Mathieu, Moritz}, title = {Probability of lightning strikes to air-terminations of structures using the electro-geometrical model theory and the statistics of lightning current parameters}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York}, isbn = {978-88-905519-0-1}, doi = {10.1109/ICLP.2010.7845757}, pages = {750-1 -- 750-8}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Planning the air-terminations for a structure to be protected the use of the rolling-sphere method (electro-geometrical model) is the best way from the physics of lightning point-of-view. Therefore, international standards prefer this method. However, using the rolling-sphere method only results in possible point-of-strikes on a structure without giving information about the probability of strikes at the individual points compared to others.}, language = {en} }