@incollection{KrollLudwigs2015, author = {Kroll-Ludwigs, Kathrin}, title = {Art. 5 Rom III-Regulation (choice of applicable law by the parties)}, series = {Rome Regulations : commentary}, booktitle = {Rome Regulations : commentary}, editor = {Calliess, Gralf-Peter}, edition = {2nd ed.}, publisher = {Wolters Kluwer}, isbn = {9789041147547}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @incollection{CalliessKrollLudwigs2015, author = {Calliess, Gralf-Peter and Kroll-Ludwigs, Kathrin}, title = {Art. 6 Rome III-Regulation (consent and material validity)}, series = {Rome Regulations : commentary}, booktitle = {Rome Regulations : commentary}, publisher = {Wolters Kluwer}, isbn = {9789041147547}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @incollection{KrollLudwigs2015, author = {Kroll-Ludwigs, Kathrin}, title = {Art. 7 Rome III-Regulation (formal validity)}, series = {Rome Regulations : commentary}, booktitle = {Rome Regulations : commentary}, editor = {Colliess, Gralf-Peter}, edition = {2nd ed.}, publisher = {Wolters Kluwer}, isbn = {9789041147547}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @incollection{Borchert2012, author = {Borchert, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Aufbau von Handelseinheiten}, series = {Energiehandel in Europa}, booktitle = {Energiehandel in Europa}, editor = {Zenke, Ines}, edition = {3. Aufl.}, publisher = {Beck}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-406-63237-2}, pages = {467 -- 479}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @incollection{StangelMesekeHahnSteuerDankert2015, author = {Stangel-Meseke, Martina and Hahn, Pia and Steuer-Dankert, Linda}, title = {Ausblick: Der individualit{\"a}tsbezogene Diversity Management-Ansatz als Antwort auf Individualisierung}, series = {Diversity Management und Individualisierung}, booktitle = {Diversity Management und Individualisierung}, publisher = {Springer Gabler}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-07485-2}, pages = {23 -- 24}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Der Megatrend Individualisierung fordert von Unternehmen, ihre Strategien und Prozessabl{\"a}ufe bei zunehmender Globalisierung grundlegend zu {\"u}berdenken. W{\"a}hrend Strategien und Prozessabl{\"a}ufe im Unternehmen Standards unterliegen, entwickelt sich unsere Gesellschaft immer st{\"a}rker zu einem individuumszentrierten System, in dem es gilt, Werte und Lebensstile der Individuen zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen und derart wertzusch{\"a}tzen, dass Mitarbeitende motiviert und mit hoher Bindung an das Unternehmen die anstehenden Leistungen f{\"u}r das Unternehmen erbringen. Im Konzept DiM sind Standardisierung und Individualisierung keine gegens{\"a}tzlichen Aspekte, da bei DiM neben der Betrachtung des betriebswirtschaftlichen Nutzens dieses Konzepts f{\"u}r Unternehmen die Wertsch{\"a}tzung des Individuums als genuines Merkmal betont wird.}, language = {de} } @incollection{ButenwegKubalskiMarinkovicetal.2016, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Kubalski, Thomas and Marinkovic, Marko and Pfetzing, Thomas and Ismail, Mohammed and Fehling, Ekkehard}, title = {Ausfachungen aus Ziegelmauerwerk}, series = {Mauerwerk-Kalender 2016: Baustoffe, Sanierung, Eurocode-Praxis}, booktitle = {Mauerwerk-Kalender 2016: Baustoffe, Sanierung, Eurocode-Praxis}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-433-03131-5}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @incollection{ButenwegRoeser2016, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Roeser, W.}, title = {Auslegung von Bauwerken gegen Erdbeben - Rechenbeispiele}, series = {Stahlbetonbau aktuell 2016 : Praxishandbuch / herausgegeben von: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Josef Hegger, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Mark}, booktitle = {Stahlbetonbau aktuell 2016 : Praxishandbuch / herausgegeben von: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Josef Hegger, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Mark}, publisher = {Beuth Verlag GmbH}, address = {Berlin ; Wien ; Z{\"u}rich}, isbn = {978-3-410-25202-3 (Print) ; 978-3-410-25203-0 (E-Book)}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @incollection{MelissSpaete1997, author = {Meliß, Michael and Sp{\"a}te, Frank}, title = {Auslegung von solarthermischen Anlagen}, series = {Regenerative Energiequellen : Praktikum / ed. Michael Meliß}, booktitle = {Regenerative Energiequellen : Praktikum / ed. Michael Meliß}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-540-63218-2}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-60864-3_3}, pages = {23 -- 47}, year = {1997}, language = {de} } @incollection{HirschWahle1978, author = {Hirsch, G. and Wahle, Michael}, title = {Auslegungskriterien f{\"u}r Dynamische Schwingungsd{\"a}mpfer f{\"u}r schwach ged{\"a}mpfte elastische Strukturen unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung einer der Masseverteilung nicht proportionalen Zusatzd{\"a}mpfung}, series = {Hans Ebner : Ged{\"a}chtnis-Kolloquium am 27./28. Oktober 1977 in Aachen. - (Mitteilung aus dem Institut f{\"u}r Leichtbau, Aachen ; 1)}, booktitle = {Hans Ebner : Ged{\"a}chtnis-Kolloquium am 27./28. Oktober 1977 in Aachen. - (Mitteilung aus dem Institut f{\"u}r Leichtbau, Aachen ; 1)}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {374 -- 400}, year = {1978}, language = {de} } @incollection{EggertMoulen2023, author = {Eggert, Mathias and Moulen, Tobias}, title = {Auswahl von Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessen zur Anwendung von Robotic Process Automation - Vergleich relevanter Kriterien aus Theorie und Praxis}, series = {Robotik in der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, booktitle = {Robotik in der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, editor = {D'Onofrio, Sara and Meinhardt, Stefan}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-39620-6 (Print)}, pages = {107 -- 129}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die Auswahl der passenden Gesch{\"a}ftsprozesse f{\"u}r eine Automatisierung mittels Robotic Process Automation (RPA) ist f{\"u}r den Erfolg von RPA-Projekten entscheidend. Das vorliegende Kapitel liefert daf{\"u}r Selektionskriterien, die aus einer qualitativen Studie mit elf interviewten RPA-Experten aus dem Versicherungsumfeld resultieren. Das Ergebnis umfasst eine gewichtete Liste von sieben Dimensionen und 51 Prozesskriterien, welche die Automatisierung mit Softwarerobotern beg{\"u}nstigen beziehungsweise deren Nichterf{\"u}llung eine Umsetzung erschweren oder sogar verhindern. Die drei wichtigsten Kriterien zur Auswahl von Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessen f{\"u}r die Automatisierung mittels RPA umfassen die Entlastung der an dem Prozess mitwirkenden Mitarbeiter (Arbeitnehmerentlastung), die Ausf{\"u}hrbarkeit des Prozesses mittels Regeln (Regelbasierte Prozessteuerung) sowie ein positiver Kosten-Nutzen-Vergleich. Auf diesen Ergebnissen aufbauend wird ein Vergleich mit den bereits bekannten Selektionskriterien aus der Literatur erstellt und diskutiert. Praktiker k{\"o}nnen die Ergebnisse verwenden, um eine systematische Auswahl von RPA-relevanten Prozessen vorzunehmen. Aus wissenschaftlicher Perspektive stellen die Ergebnisse eine Grundlage zur Erkl{\"a}rung des Erfolgs und Misserfolgs von RPA-Projekten dar.}, language = {de} } @incollection{ButenwegThierauf1999, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Thierauf, G.}, title = {Automatic design of reinforced concrete structures with parallel computing}, series = {Innovative computational methods for structural mechanics}, booktitle = {Innovative computational methods for structural mechanics}, editor = {Papadrakakis, M. and Topping, B.H.V.}, publisher = {Saxe-Coburg Publication}, address = {Edinburgh}, isbn = {1-874672-05-9}, doi = {10.4203/csets.1.14}, pages = {305 -- 318}, year = {1999}, abstract = {A concept for the analysis and optimal design of reinforced concrete structures is described. It is based on a nonlinear optimization algorithm and a finite element program for linear and nonlinear analysis of structures. With the aim of minimal cost design a two stage optimization using efficient gradient algorithm is developed. The optimization problems on global (structural) and local (crosssectional) level are formulated. A parallelization concept for solving the two stage optimization problem in minimal time is presented. Examples are included to illustrate the practical use and the effectively of the parallelization in the area of engineering design.}, language = {en} } @incollection{EngemannDuKallweitetal.2020, author = {Engemann, Heiko and Du, Shengzhi and Kallweit, Stephan and Ning, Chuanfang and Anwar, Saqib}, title = {AutoSynPose: Automatic Generation of Synthetic Datasets for 6D Object Pose Estimation}, series = {Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of MLIS 2020}, booktitle = {Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of MLIS 2020}, publisher = {IOS Press}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {978-1-64368-137-5}, doi = {10.3233/FAIA200770}, pages = {89 -- 97}, year = {2020}, abstract = {We present an automated pipeline for the generation of synthetic datasets for six-dimension (6D) object pose estimation. Therefore, a completely automated generation process based on predefined settings is developed, which enables the user to create large datasets with a minimum of interaction and which is feasible for applications with a high object variance. The pipeline is based on the Unreal 4 (UE4) game engine and provides a high variation for domain randomization, such as object appearance, ambient lighting, camera-object transformation and distractor density. In addition to the object pose and bounding box, the metadata includes all randomization parameters, which enables further studies on randomization parameter tuning. The developed workflow is adaptable to other 3D objects and UE4 environments. An exemplary dataset is provided including five objects of the Yale-CMU-Berkeley (YCB) object set. The datasets consist of 6 million subsegments using 97 rendering locations in 12 different UE4 environments. Each dataset subsegment includes one RGB image, one depth image and one class segmentation image at pixel-level.}, language = {en} } @incollection{StangelMesekeHahnSteuerDankert2013, author = {Stangel-Meseke, Martina and Hahn, Pia and Steuer-Dankert, Linda}, title = {Balance durch Diversity Management : L{\"o}sungsans{\"a}tze f{\"u}r unternehmerische Herausforderungen aus Megatrends}, series = {Balance Management}, booktitle = {Balance Management}, publisher = {Springer Gabler}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-02191-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-02192-4_6}, pages = {145 -- 166}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Unsere unternehmerische Umwelt befindet sich in einem zunehmend dynamischen Wandel. Dies f{\"u}hrt dazu, dass Herausforderungen, denen sich Unternehmen stellen m{\"u}ssen, immer komplexer werden. Hier gilt es zunehmend, eine Balance zwischen verschiedenen Spannungsfeldern zu erreichen. Sogenannte Megatrends stellen die Treiber dieses Wandels dar. Als Megatrend werden nach dem Zukunftsinstitut (2010a) richtungsweisende Ver{\"a}nderungstendenzen aufgefasst, die alle Bereiche des Lebens sowohl individuell als auch gesellschaftlich beeinflussen und langfristige Auswirkungen haben.}, language = {de} } @incollection{StaatHeitzer2003, author = {Staat, Manfred and Heitzer, M.}, title = {Basis reduction technique for limit and shakedown problems}, series = {Numerical Methods for Limit and Shakedown Analysis. Deterministic and Probabilistic Approach. NIC Series Vol. 15 / Ed. by Staat, M.; Heitzer, M.}, booktitle = {Numerical Methods for Limit and Shakedown Analysis. Deterministic and Probabilistic Approach. NIC Series Vol. 15 / Ed. by Staat, M.; Heitzer, M.}, publisher = {John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC)}, address = {J{\"u}lich}, isbn = {3-00-010001-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0001-2018112115}, pages = {1 -- 55}, year = {2003}, language = {en} } @incollection{KrauseUlke2024, author = {Krause, Thomas and Ulke, Bernd}, title = {Bauabrechnung und Mengenermittlung}, series = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, editor = {Krause, Thomas and Ulke, Bernd and Ferger, Martin}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-41329-3 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-41330-9_7}, pages = {333 -- 397}, year = {2024}, abstract = {n diesem Kapitel werden die Abrechnungsvorschriften wichtiger ATV kurz, aber umfassend zusammengestellt. Einigen Abrechnungsbestimmungen f{\"u}r Einzelleistungen, die keine Nebenleistungen sind ((siehe DIN 18299 und Abschnitt 4 der jeweiligen ATV), sind mit aufgenommen worden; die ATV enthalten jedoch weitergehende Festlegungen {\"u}ber Nebenleistungen und Besondere Leistungen. Im Anschluss folgen Hinweise zu den Toleranzen im Hochbau sowie im Straßenbau.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Krause2019, author = {Krause, Thomas}, title = {Bauabrechnung und Mengenermittlung}, series = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-23127-9}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-23127-9_5}, pages = {101 -- 116}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{Krause2016, author = {Krause, Thomas}, title = {Bauabrechnung und Mengenermittlung}, series = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, edition = {9., {\"u}berarb. und aktual. Aufl.}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-02838-1 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-02838-1_7}, pages = {963 -- 1027}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In diesem Kapitel werden die Abrechnungsvorschriften wichtiger ATV kurz, aber umfassend zusammengestellt. Einigen Abrechnungsbestimmungen f{\"u}r Einzelleistungen, die keine Nebenleistungen sind ((siehe DIN 18299 und Abschnitt 4 der jeweiligen ATV), sind mit aufgenommen worden; die ATV enthalten jedoch weitergehende Festlegungen {\"u}ber Nebenleistungen und Besondere Leistungen. Im Anschluss folgen Hinweise zu den Toleranzen im Hochbau sowie im Straßenbau.}, language = {de} } @incollection{KuhlmannBettziecheRoesleretal.2005, author = {Kuhlmann, W. and Bettzieche, Volker and Roesler, F. and Butenweg, Christoph and K{\"o}nke, C. and Meskouris, Konstantin}, title = {Baudynamische Untersuchung von Talsperren des Ruhrverbandes}, series = {Neubewertung der Erdbebensicherheit von Talsperren in Deutschland : DGEB-Workshop, 28. November 2003 in Potsdam = Assessment of the seismic safety of dams in Germany / organisiert von der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik. K. Meskouris ... (Hrsg.) (DGEB-Publikation ; Nr. 12)}, booktitle = {Neubewertung der Erdbebensicherheit von Talsperren in Deutschland : DGEB-Workshop, 28. November 2003 in Potsdam = Assessment of the seismic safety of dams in Germany / organisiert von der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik. K. Meskouris ... (Hrsg.) (DGEB-Publikation ; Nr. 12)}, publisher = {DGEB}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {3-930108-08-9}, pages = {37 -- 48}, year = {2005}, language = {de} } @incollection{Schloesser2016, author = {Schl{\"o}sser, Karl Helmut}, title = {Baukosten und Finanzierung}, series = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, edition = {9., {\"u}berarb. und aktual. Aufl.}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-02838-1 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-02838-1_5}, pages = {423 -- 634}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @incollection{Ulke2019, author = {Ulke, Bernd}, title = {Baukosten und Finanzierung}, series = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-23127-9}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-23127-9_4}, pages = {89 -- 100}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{KrauseOettel2016, author = {Krause, Thomas and Oettel, Britta}, title = {Baumaschinen}, series = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, edition = {9., {\"u}berarb. und aktual. Aufl.}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-02838-1 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-02838-1_9}, pages = {1069 -- 1163}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Leistungsermittlung und Bemessung von Baumaschinen f{\"u}r die folgenden Bereiche werden bearbeitet: Maschinen f{\"u}r den Betonbau, Hebezeuge, Maschinen f{\"u}r den Erdbau, Straßenbaumaschinen, R{\"u}ckbauger{\"a}te und Elemente der Baustelleneinrichtung}, language = {de} } @incollection{Krause2024, author = {Krause, Thomas}, title = {Baumaschinen}, series = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, editor = {Krause, Thomas and Ulke, Bernd and Ferger, Martin}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-41329-3 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-41330-9_8}, pages = {399 -- 498}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die Leistungsermittlung und Bemessung von Baumaschinen f{\"u}r die folgenden Bereiche werden bearbeitet: Maschinen f{\"u}r den Betonbau, Hebezeuge, Maschinen f{\"u}r den Erdbau, Straßenbaumaschinen, R{\"u}ckbauger{\"a}te und Elemente der Baustelleneinrichtung.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Krause2019, author = {Krause, Thomas}, title = {Baumaschinen}, series = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-23127-9}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-23127-9_7}, pages = {155 -- 163}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{RickerUlke2024, author = {Ricker, Marcus and Ulke, Bernd}, title = {Baustoffe}, series = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, editor = {Krause, Thomas and Ulke, Bernd and Ferger, Martin}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-41329-3 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-41330-9_2}, pages = {61 -- 148}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In diesem Kapitel werden die Eigenschaften der Baustoffe Bitumen, Beton und Mauerwerk insbesondere unter dem Aspekt der Anwendung im Baustellenbetrieb dargestellt.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Ulke2024, author = {Ulke, Bernd}, title = {Bauwirtschaft}, series = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, editor = {Krause, Thomas and Ulke, Bernd and Ferger, Martin}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-41329-3 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-41330-9_4}, pages = {17 -- 261}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die Leistungen der Bauwirtschaft und deren wirtschaftliche Bedeutung in Deutschland werden anhand einer Vielzahl statistischer Daten verdeutlicht. Die im Vergleich zu anderen Wirtschaftsbereichen auftretenden branchenspezifischen Besonderheiten der Bauwirtschaft werden anhand von verschiedenen Kriterien herausgearbeitet. Das Zusammenspiel der einzelnen Akteure des Sektors und die dabei sich ergebenden bzw. zu beachtenden Rechts- und Vertragsgrundlagen werden dargestellt. Aufgrund der meist erheblichen H{\"o}he des eingesetzten Kapitals werden auch notwendige Formen der Risikoabsicherungen und der in der Branche {\"u}blichen und teilweise vorgeschriebenen Versicherungsm{\"o}glichkeiten angesprochen.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Schloesser2016, author = {Schl{\"o}sser, Karl Helmut}, title = {Bauwirtschaft und Baurecht}, series = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, edition = {9., {\"u}berarb. und aktual. Aufl.}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-02838-1 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-02838-1_4}, pages = {179 -- 421}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Leistungen der Bauwirtschaft und deren wirtschaftliche Bedeutung in Deutschland werden anhand einer Vielzahl statistischer Daten verdeutlicht. Die im Vergleich zu anderen Wirtschaftsbereichen auftretenden branchenspezifischen Besonderheiten der Bauwirtschaft werden anhand von verschiedenen Kriterien herausgearbeitet. Das Zusammenspiel der einzelnen Akteure des Sektors und die dabei sich ergebenden bzw. zu beachtenden Rechts- und Vertragsgrundlagen werden dargestellt. Aufgrund der meist erheblichen H{\"o}he des eingesetzten Kapitals aufseiten der Auftraggeber, aber auch seitens der Bauunternehmen w{\"a}hrend der Bauausf{\"u}hrung sowie der besonderen Verantwortung der Beratenden Ingenieure werden auch notwendige Formen der Risikoabsicherungen und der in der Branche {\"u}blichen und teilweise vorgeschriebenen Versicherungsm{\"o}glichkeiten angesprochen. Intensive Beachtung finden auch die Auswirkungen des {\"O}ffentlichen Baurechts (Baugesetzbuch, Bauordnung NRW, Baunutzungsverordnung) auf Planung, Bau und Betrieb baulicher Anlagen und der dabei verwendeten Bauprodukte.}, language = {de} } @incollection{LanzlSeidovaDuehringetal.2009, author = {Lanzl, I. and Seidova, S.-F. and D{\"u}hring, C. von and Kotliar, Konstantin}, title = {Befunde der dynamischen Gef{\"a}ßanalyse am Auge bei Gesunden und Glaukom-Patienten mit praxisrelevanter Bedeutung}, series = {Mikrozirkulation beim Glaukom}, booktitle = {Mikrozirkulation beim Glaukom}, editor = {Erb, Carl}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, pages = {33 -- 39}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @incollection{ClassenDoerenCodanietal.2000, author = {Claßen, R. and D{\"o}ren, Horst-Peter and Codani, L. and Watermeyer, Klaus}, title = {Begleitende Untersuchungen beim L{\"o}ten mit vor{\"u}bergehend fl{\"u}ssiger Phase (TL PB) einschließlich Aktivkomponente an Verbindungen verschiedener Kupfer- und Kohlenstoffwerkstoffe (CFC).}, series = {Fortschritte in der Metallographie. Vortragstexte der 33. Metallographie-Tagung, 15.-17. September 1999 in Rostock. Hrsg. Gerhard Schneider... Praktische Metallographie. Sonderband 31.}, booktitle = {Fortschritte in der Metallographie. Vortragstexte der 33. Metallographie-Tagung, 15.-17. September 1999 in Rostock. Hrsg. Gerhard Schneider... Praktische Metallographie. Sonderband 31.}, publisher = {Werkstoff-Informationsgesellschaft}, address = {Frankfurt}, pages = {97 -- 104}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @incollection{Timme2014, author = {Timme, Michael}, title = {Begriffsbestimmungen}, series = {Wohnungseigentumsgesetz : Gesetz {\"u}ber das Wohnungseigentum und das Dauerwohnrecht ; Kommentar}, booktitle = {Wohnungseigentumsgesetz : Gesetz {\"u}ber das Wohnungseigentum und das Dauerwohnrecht ; Kommentar}, edition = {2. Auflage}, publisher = {Beck}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-406-66025-2}, pages = {1 -- 23}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @incollection{Martin2019, author = {Martin, Joachim}, title = {Bemessung von Baukonstruktionen}, series = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-23127-9}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-23127-9_1}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{NiemuellerLakemeyerReuteretal.2017, author = {Niemueller, T. and Lakemeyer, G. and Reuter, S. and Jeschke, S. and Ferrein, Alexander}, title = {Benchmarking of Cyber-Physical Systems in Industrial Robotics: The RoboCup Logistics League as a CPS Benchmark Blueprint}, series = {Cyber-Physical Systems: Foundations, Principles and Applications}, booktitle = {Cyber-Physical Systems: Foundations, Principles and Applications}, publisher = {Academic Press}, address = {London}, doi = {10.1016/B978-0-12-803801-7.00013-4}, pages = {193 -- 207}, year = {2017}, abstract = {In the future, we expect manufacturing companies to follow a new paradigm that mandates more automation and autonomy in production processes. Such smart factories will offer a variety of production technologies as services that can be combined ad hoc to produce a large number of different product types and variants cost-effectively even in small lot sizes. This is enabled by cyber-physical systems that feature flexible automated planning methods for production scheduling, execution control, and in-factory logistics. During development, testbeds are required to determine the applicability of integrated systems in such scenarios. Furthermore, benchmarks are needed to quantify and compare system performance in these industry-inspired scenarios at a comprehensible and manageable size which is, at the same time, complex enough to yield meaningful results. In this chapter, based on our experience in the RoboCup Logistics League (RCLL) as a specific example, we derive a generic blueprint for how a holistic benchmark can be developed, which combines a specific scenario with a set of key performance indicators as metrics to evaluate the overall integrated system and its components.}, language = {de} } @incollection{SchneiderWisselinkCzarneckietal.2024, author = {Schneider, Dominik and Wisselink, Frank and Czarnecki, Christian and N{\"o}lle, Nikolai}, title = {Benefits and framework conditions for information-driven business models concerning the Internet of Things}, series = {Digitalization in companies}, booktitle = {Digitalization in companies}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-39093-8 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-39094-5_5}, pages = {59 -- 75}, year = {2024}, abstract = {In the context of the increasing digitalization, the Internet of Things (IoT) is seen as a technological driver through which completely new business models can emerge in the interaction of different players. Identified key players include traditional industrial companies, municipalities and telecommunications companies. The latter, by providing connectivity, ensure that small devices with tiny batteries can be connected almost anywhere and directly to the Internet. There are already many IoT use cases on the market that provide simplification for end users, such as Philips Hue Tap. In addition to business models based on connectivity, there is great potential for information-driven business models that can support or enhance existing business models. One example is the IoT use case Park and Joy, which uses sensors to connect parking spaces and inform drivers about available parking spaces in real time. Information-driven business models can be based on data generated in IoT use cases. For example, a telecommunications company can add value by deriving more decision-relevant information - called insights - from data that is used to increase decision agility. In addition, insights can be monetized. The monetization of insights can only be sustainable, if careful attention is taken and frameworks are considered. In this chapter, the concept of information-driven business models is explained and illustrated with the concrete use case Park and Joy. In addition, the benefits, risks and framework conditions are discussed.}, language = {en} } @incollection{ButenwegGellert2007, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Gellert, Christoph}, title = {Berechnung und Bemessung von durch Erdbeben beanspruchten Mauerwerksbauten nach DIN 4149 (04.2005)}, series = {Mauerwerksbau-Praxis / Schubert ; Schneider ; Schoch (Hrsg.)}, booktitle = {Mauerwerksbau-Praxis / Schubert ; Schneider ; Schoch (Hrsg.)}, publisher = {Werner Verlag}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-9343-6938-3 ; 978-3-9343-6938-2}, pages = {363 -- 393}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @incollection{MelissSpaete1997, author = {Meliß, Michael and Sp{\"a}te, Frank}, title = {Berechnung von Sonnenstand und -strahlung}, series = {Regenerative Energiequellen : Praktikum / ed. Michael Meliß}, booktitle = {Regenerative Energiequellen : Praktikum / ed. Michael Meliß}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-540-63218-2}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-60864-3_2}, pages = {5 -- 22}, year = {1997}, language = {de} } @incollection{Benner2014, author = {Benner, Joachim}, title = {Berechnungsmethoden der W{\"a}lzlagerreibung und Einflussgr{\"o}ßen}, series = {SMK 2014 : Schweizer Maschinenelemente Kolloquim 25. und 26. November 2014}, booktitle = {SMK 2014 : Schweizer Maschinenelemente Kolloquim 25. und 26. November 2014}, publisher = {TUDpress Verl. der Wissenschaften}, address = {Dresden}, isbn = {978-3-944331-81-2}, pages = {151 -- 170}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @incollection{BorchertMichels2012, author = {Borchert, J{\"o}rg and Michels, A.}, title = {Beschaffungsstrategien an der Schnittstelle Energiehandel / Vertrieb}, series = {Energiehandel in Europa}, booktitle = {Energiehandel in Europa}, editor = {Zenke, ines}, edition = {3. Aufl.}, publisher = {Beck}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-406-63237-2}, pages = {508 -- 522}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @incollection{MichelsBorchert2009, author = {Michels, A. and Borchert, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Beschaffungsstrategien an der Schnittstelle Energiehandel/Vertrieb}, series = {Energiehandel in Europa}, booktitle = {Energiehandel in Europa}, editor = {Zenke, Ines}, edition = {2. Aufl.}, publisher = {Beck}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-406-58373-5}, pages = {467 -- 481}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @incollection{Vismann2015, author = {Vismann, Ulrich}, title = {Beton}, series = {Wendehorst bautechnische Zahlentafeln / hrsg. von Ulrich Vismann. Ernst Biener ... 35. Aufl.}, booktitle = {Wendehorst bautechnische Zahlentafeln / hrsg. von Ulrich Vismann. Ernst Biener ... 35. Aufl.}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-01689-0 ; 978-3-410-24199-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-01689-0_11}, pages = {477 -- 495}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @incollection{Vismann2012, author = {Vismann, Ulrich}, title = {Beton nach DIN 1045-2}, series = {Wendehorst Bautechnische Zahlentafeln}, booktitle = {Wendehorst Bautechnische Zahlentafeln}, editor = {Vismann, Ulrich}, edition = {34}, publisher = {Vieweg + Teubner}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-8348-0960-5}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-8348-8613-2_11}, pages = {571 -- 600}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @incollection{Martin2019, author = {Martin, Joachim}, title = {Betriebsorganisation}, series = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-23127-9}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-23127-9_10}, pages = {255 -- 272}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{Martin2016, author = {Martin, Joachim}, title = {Betriebsorganisation}, series = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, edition = {9., {\"u}berarb. und aktual. Aufl.}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-02838-1 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-02838-1_12}, pages = {1297 -- 1389}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Das Kapitel behandelt, ausgehend von Begriffen und Aufgaben der Betriebsorganisation, die Aufbau- und Ablauforganisation der Bauunternehmung sowie die Gestaltung einer Projekt-organisation. Es folgt eine Darstellung der Managementsysteme f{\"u}r Qualit{\"a}t, Umwelt und Arbeitsschutz, die sich zunehmend als sog. integrierte Managementsysteme (IMS) auch in Bauunternehmen etablieren. Grundlagen des Personalmanagements und des betrieblichen Rechnungswesens, die f{\"u}r eine(n) Baubetriebler(in) relevant sein k{\"o}nnen, erg{\"a}nzen das Kap. Betriebsorganisation. Den Abschluss bilden Hinweise zum Berichtswesen der Baustelle.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Kurz2019, author = {Kurz, Melanie}, title = {Betrifft Design : von historischen Zukunftsperspektiven zu gegenw{\"a}rtigen Vergangenheitssehns{\"u}chten}, series = {Positionen des Neuen : Zukunft im Design}, booktitle = {Positionen des Neuen : Zukunft im Design}, publisher = {avedition}, address = {Stuttgart}, isbn = {978-3-89986-301-7}, pages = {136 -- 144}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{BorchertTenbrake2020, author = {Borchert, J{\"o}rg and Tenbrake, Andre}, title = {Bewirtschaftung von Flexibilit{\"a}t {\"u}ber Microservices eines Plattformanbieters}, series = {Realisierung Utility 4.0 Band 1}, booktitle = {Realisierung Utility 4.0 Band 1}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-25332-5}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-25332-5_37}, pages = {615 -- 626}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die Energiewirtschaft befindet sich in einem starken Wandel, der v. a. durch die Energiewende und Digitalisierung Druck auf s{\"a}mtliche Marktteilnehmer aus{\"u}bt. Das klassische Gesch{\"a}ftsmodell des Energieversorgungsunternehmens ver{\"a}ndert sich dabei grundlegend. Der kontinuierlich ansteigende Einsatz dezentraler und volatiler Erzeugungsanlagen macht die Identifikation von Flexibilit{\"a}tspotenzialen notwendig, um weiterhin eine hohe Versorgungssicherheit zu gew{\"a}hrleisten. Dieser Schritt ist nur mit einem hohen Digitalisierungsgrad m{\"o}glich. Eine funktionale Plattform mit Microservices, die zu Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessen verbunden werden k{\"o}nnen, wird als M{\"o}glichkeit zur Aktivierung der Flexibilit{\"a}t und Digitalisierung der Energieversorgungsunternehmen im Folgenden vorgestellt.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Eggert2019, author = {Eggert, Mathias}, title = {Big Data Research - How to Structure the Changes of the Past Decade?}, series = {The Art of Structuring}, booktitle = {The Art of Structuring}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-06234-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-06234-7_26}, pages = {271 -- 281}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In the past decade, many IS researchers focused on researching the phenomenon of Big Data. At the same time, the relevance of data protection gets more attention than ever before. In particular, since the enactment of the European General Data Protection Regulation in May 2018 Information Systems research should provide answers for protecting personal data. The article at hand presents a structuring framework for Big Data research outcome and the consideration of data protection. IS Researchers might use the framework in order to structure Big Data literature and to identify research gaps that should be addressed in the future.}, language = {en} } @incollection{BechstedtBergHackeretal.1995, author = {Bechstedt, U. and Berg, Georg P. A. and Hacker, Ulrich and Hardt, Arno and H{\"u}rlimann, Werner and Maier, R. and Martin, Siegfried A. and Meissburger, J{\"u}rgen and R{\"o}mer, Josef G. M. and Possen, P. von and Sagefka, Thomas}, title = {BIG KARL and COSY}, series = {The art and science of magnet design. A Festschrift in honor of Klaus Halbach. Vol. 1}, booktitle = {The art and science of magnet design. A Festschrift in honor of Klaus Halbach. Vol. 1}, publisher = {Lawrence Berkeley Lab., Univ. of California}, address = {Berkeley, CA.}, pages = {19 -- 28}, year = {1995}, language = {en} } @incollection{MufflerPothSiekeretal.2011, author = {Muffler, Kai and Poth, Sabastian and Sieker, Tim and Tippk{\"o}tter, Nils and Ulber, Roland and Sell, Dieter}, title = {Bio-feedstocks}, series = {Comprehensive biotechnology : principles and practices in industry, agcriculture, medicine and the environment. Volume 2: Engineering fundamentals of biotechnology}, booktitle = {Comprehensive biotechnology : principles and practices in industry, agcriculture, medicine and the environment. Volume 2: Engineering fundamentals of biotechnology}, editor = {Moo-Young, Murray}, edition = {2. edition}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {978-0-444-53352-4}, doi = {10.1016/B978-0-08-088504-9.00088-X}, pages = {93 -- 101}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @incollection{MansurovJandosovChenchiketal.2020, author = {Mansurov, Zulkhair A. and Jandosov, Jakpar and Chenchik, D. and Azat, Seitkhan and Savitskaya, Irina S. and Kistaubaeva, Aida and Akimbekov, Nuraly S. and Digel, Ilya and Zhubanova, Azhar Achmet}, title = {Biocomposite Materials Based on Carbonized Rice Husk in Biomedicine and Environmental Applications}, series = {Carbon Nanomaterials in Biomedicine and the Environment}, booktitle = {Carbon Nanomaterials in Biomedicine and the Environment}, publisher = {Jenny Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd.}, address = {Singapore}, isbn = {978-981-4800-27-3}, doi = {10.1201/9780429428647-2}, pages = {3 -- 32}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This chapter describes the prospects for biomedical and environmental engineering applications of heterogeneous materials based on nanostructured carbonized rice husk. Efforts in engineering enzymology are focused on the following directions: development and optimization of immobilization methods leading to novel biotechnological and biomedical applications; construction of biocomposite materials based on individual enzymes, multi-enzyme complexes and whole cells, targeted on realization of specific industrial processes. Molecular biological and biochemical studies on cell adhesion focus predominantly on identification, isolation and structural analysis of attachment-responsible biological molecules and their genetic determinants. The chapter provides a short overview of applications of the biocomposite materials based of nanostructured carbonized adsorbents. It emphasizes that further studies and better understanding of the interactions between CNS and microbial cells are necessary. The future use of living cells as biocatalysts, especially in the environmental field, needs more systematic investigations of the microbial adsorption phenomenon.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Alexopoulos2013, author = {Alexopoulos, Spiros}, title = {Biomass technology and bio-fuels: Heating/cooling and power}, series = {Renewable energy systems : theory, innovations, and intelligent applications / eds.: Socrates Kaplanis and Eleni Kaplani}, booktitle = {Renewable energy systems : theory, innovations, and intelligent applications / eds.: Socrates Kaplanis and Eleni Kaplani}, publisher = {Nova Science Publ.}, address = {Hauppauge, NY}, isbn = {9781624177415}, pages = {501 -- 523}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @incollection{WagemannTippkoetter2018, author = {Wagemann, Kurt and Tippk{\"o}tter, Nils}, title = {Biorefineries: a short introduction}, series = {Biorefineries}, booktitle = {Biorefineries}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-319-97117-9}, doi = {10.1007/10_2017_4}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The terms bioeconomy and biorefineries are used for a variety of processes and developments. This short introduction is intended to provide a delimitation and clarification of the terminology as well as a classification of current biorefinery concepts. The basic process diagrams of the most important biorefinery types are shown.}, language = {en} } @incollection{OsterhageBialonskiStanieketal.2008, author = {Osterhage, Hannes and Bialonski, Stephan and Staniek, Matth{\"a}us and Schindler, Kaspar and Wagner, Tobias and Elger, Christian E. and Lehnertz, Klaus}, title = {Bivariate and multivariate time series analysis techniques and their potential impact for seizure prediction}, series = {Seizure Prediction in Epilepsy: From Basic Mechanisms to Clinical Applications}, booktitle = {Seizure Prediction in Epilepsy: From Basic Mechanisms to Clinical Applications}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, isbn = {978-3-527-62519-2}, doi = {10.1002/9783527625192.ch15}, pages = {189 -- 208}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @incollection{Wollert2005, author = {Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {Bluetooth, WLAN und ZigBee f{\"u}r die Automatisierungstechnik}, series = {Jahrbuch Elektrotechnik 2006}, booktitle = {Jahrbuch Elektrotechnik 2006}, publisher = {VDE Verl.}, address = {Berlin [u.a.]}, isbn = {978-3-8007-2895-4}, pages = {27 -- 41}, year = {2005}, language = {de} } @incollection{Ulke2016, author = {Ulke, Bernd}, title = {Boden, Baugrube, Verbau}, series = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, edition = {9., {\"u}berarb. und aktual. Aufl.}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-02838-1 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-02838-1_10}, pages = {1165 -- 1246}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die L{\"o}sung den Baugrund betreffender Fragestellungen beginnen i. d. R. mit der Durchf{\"u}hrung von Baugrunderkundungen, um alle notwendigen Parameter zu erhalten, die f{\"u}r die Planung und Durchf{\"u}hrung von Bauvorhaben notwendig sind. Im Folgenden werden die wichtigsten Erkundungen in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der erforderlichen G{\"u}teklasse der Proben beschrieben und vorgestellt.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Ulke2019, author = {Ulke, Bernd}, title = {Boden, Baugrube, Verbau}, series = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-23127-9 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-23127-9_8}, pages = {165 -- 239}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Im folgenden Kapitel werden die wichtigsten geotechnischen Nachweise sowie praxisnahe Beispiele f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb aufgef{\"u}hrt. Es wird im Wesentlichen auf die Bodenbeschreibung und Klassifikation nach DIN 18196 sowie nach DIN 18300 eingegangen, welche sowohl f{\"u}r die weiteren Berechnungen als auch f{\"u}r die Kalkulation von großer Bedeutung sind. Die aus der Praxis aufgef{\"u}hrten Beispiele verdeutlichen verschiedene Untersuchungs- und Auswertungsmethoden f{\"u}r direkte und indirekte Aufschl{\"u}sse, diese enthalten Labor- und Feldversuche, mit denen man die Verdichtbarkeit von B{\"o}den auswertet und quantifiziert, sowie viele andere Themenbereiche wie Erddruckberechnungen sowie Spannungs- und Setzungsberechnungen. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus werden exemplarisch bestimmte Verbauarten bez{\"u}glich ihrer Bemessung erl{\"a}utert. Es wird ebenfalls auf das Thema Wasserhaltung eingegangen und die erforderlichen Maßnahmen beschrieben, um bestimmte Versagensmechanismen - wie z.B. den hydraulischen Grundbruch - zu verhindern.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Ulke2024, author = {Ulke, Bernd}, title = {Boden, Baugrube, Verbau}, series = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, editor = {Krause, Thomas and Ulke, Bernd and Ferger, Martin}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-41329-3 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-41330-9_9}, pages = {499 -- 658}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Die L{\"o}sung den Baugrund betreffender Fragestellungen beginnen i. d. R. mit der Durchf{\"u}hrung von Baugrunderkundungen, um alle notwendigen Parameter zu erhalten, die f{\"u}r die Planung und Durchf{\"u}hrung von Bauvorhaben notwendig sind. Im Folgenden werden die wichtigsten Erkundungen in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der erforderlichen G{\"u}teklasse der Proben beschrieben und vorgestellt.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Fabo2000, author = {Fabo, Sabine}, title = {Born to be wired : Anmerkungen zur Sichtbarkeit von Netzwerken}, series = {Artefakte Artefiktionen : Transformationsprozesse zeitgen{\"o}ssischer Literaturen, Medien, K{\"u}nste, Architekturen f{\"u}r Christian W. Thomsen zum 60. Geburtstag}, booktitle = {Artefakte Artefiktionen : Transformationsprozesse zeitgen{\"o}ssischer Literaturen, Medien, K{\"u}nste, Architekturen f{\"u}r Christian W. Thomsen zum 60. Geburtstag}, editor = {Krewani, Angela}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Winter}, address = {Heidelberg}, isbn = {3-8253-1076-0}, pages = {271 -- 281}, year = {2000}, language = {de} } @incollection{Krause2001, author = {Krause, Gregor}, title = {Brenchmarking elektrischer Energie in Zweckbauten - Aussagef{\"a}higkeit von Energiekennzahlen}, series = {Betriebliches Energiemanagement : Tagung Cottbus, 6. und 7. M{\"a}rz 2001. (VDI-Berichte ; 1593)}, booktitle = {Betriebliches Energiemanagement : Tagung Cottbus, 6. und 7. M{\"a}rz 2001. (VDI-Berichte ; 1593)}, publisher = {VDI-Verlag}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {3180915935}, pages = {413 -- 422}, year = {2001}, language = {de} } @incollection{MelznerFerger2024, author = {Melzner, J{\"u}rgen and Ferger, Martin}, title = {Building Information Modeling}, series = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {Zahlentafeln f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, editor = {Krause, Thomas and Ulke, Bernd and Ferger, Martin}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-41329-3 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-41330-9_15}, pages = {1051 -- 1073}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Durch die Einf{\"u}hrung von Building Information Modeling (BIM) sowohl projektspezifisch als auch in ganze Unternehmungen hat die Baubranche einen weitreichenden Ver{\"a}nderungsprozess angestoßen. Building Information Modeling kann als eine Methode angesehen werden, um die Informationsasymmetrien zwischen den Projektbeteiligten so gering wie m{\"o}glich zu halten.}, language = {de} } @incollection{DrummLemckeOberle2007, author = {Drumm, Christian and Lemcke, Jens and Oberle, Daniel}, title = {Business Process Management And Semantic Technologies}, series = {The Semantic Web}, booktitle = {The Semantic Web}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Boston, MA}, isbn = {978-0-387-48531-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-0-387-48531-7_10}, pages = {207 -- 239}, year = {2007}, language = {en} } @incollection{Wollert2006, author = {Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {Bussysteme}, series = {Handbuch der Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik in der Produktion / Hans-J{\"u}rgen Gevatter ... (Hrsg.). - 2. Aufl.}, booktitle = {Handbuch der Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik in der Produktion / Hans-J{\"u}rgen Gevatter ... (Hrsg.). - 2. Aufl.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin [u.a.]}, isbn = {3-540-21207-8 ; 978-3-540-21207-2}, pages = {475 -- 653}, year = {2006}, language = {de} } @incollection{KirchnerReisertSchoening2014, author = {Kirchner, Patrick and Reisert, Steffen and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Calorimetric gas sensors for hydrogen peroxide monitoring in aseptic food processes}, series = {Gas sensing fundamentals. (Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors ; 15)}, booktitle = {Gas sensing fundamentals. (Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors ; 15)}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-642-54518-4 (Print) ; 978-3-642-54519-1 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/5346_2013_51}, pages = {279 -- 309}, year = {2014}, abstract = {For the sterilisation of aseptic food packages it is taken advantage of the microbicidal properties of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Especially, when applied in vapour phase, it has shown high potential of microbial inactivation. In addition, it offers a high environmental compatibility compared to other chemical sterilisation agents, as it decomposes into oxygen and water, respectively. Due to a lack in sensory detection possibilities, a continuous monitoring of the H2O2 concentration was recently not available. Instead, the sterilisation efficacy is validated using microbiological tests. However, progresses in the development of calorimetric gas sensors during the last 7 years have made it possible to monitor the H2O2 concentration during operation. This chapter deals with the fundamentals of calorimetric gas sensing with special focus on the detection of gaseous hydrogen peroxide. A sensor principle based on a calorimetric differential set-up is described. Special emphasis is given to the sensor design with respect to the operational requirements under field conditions. The state-of-the-art regarding a sensor set-up for the on-line monitoring and secondly, a miniaturised sensor for in-line monitoring are summarised. Furthermore, alternative detection methods and a novel multi-sensor system for the characterisation of aseptic sterilisation processes are described.}, language = {en} } @incollection{HinkeVervierBrauneretal.2022, author = {Hinke, Christian and Vervier, Luisa and Brauner, Philipp and Schneider, Sebastian and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Ziefle, Martina and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {Capability configuration in next generation manufacturing}, series = {Forecasting next generation manufacturing : digital shadows, human-machine collaboration, and data-driven business models}, booktitle = {Forecasting next generation manufacturing : digital shadows, human-machine collaboration, and data-driven business models}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-031-07733-3}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-07734-0_6}, pages = {95 -- 106}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Industrial production systems are facing radical change in multiple dimensions. This change is caused by technological developments and the digital transformation of production, as well as the call for political and social change to facilitate a transformation toward sustainability. These changes affect both the capabilities of production systems and companies and the design of higher education and educational programs. Given the high uncertainty in the likelihood of occurrence and the technical, economic, and societal impacts of these concepts, we conducted a technology foresight study, in the form of a real-time Delphi analysis, to derive reliable future scenarios featuring the next generation of manufacturing systems. This chapter presents the capabilities dimension and describes each projection in detail, offering current case study examples and discussing related research, as well as implications for policy makers and firms. Specifically, we discuss the benefits of capturing expert knowledge and making it accessible to newcomers, especially in highly specialized industries. The experts argue that in order to cope with the challenges and circumstances of today's world, students must already during their education at university learn how to work with AI and other technologies. This means that study programs must change and that universities must adapt their structural aspects to meet the needs of the students.}, language = {en} } @incollection{WendorffEggertPohletal.2007, author = {Wendorff, Marion and Eggert, Thorsten and Pohl, Martina and Dresen, Carola and M{\"u}ller, Michael and Jaeger, Karl-Erich and Sprenger, Georg A. and Sch{\"u}rmann, Melanie and Sch{\"u}rmann, Martin and Johnen, Sandra and Sprenger, Gerda and Sahm, Hermann and Inoue, Tomoyuki and Sch{\"o}rken, Ulrich and Breittaupt, Holger and Fr{\"o}lich, Bettina and Heim, Petra and Iding, Hans and Juchem, Bettina and Siegert, Petra and Kula, Maria-Regina and Weckbecker, Andrea and Hummel, Werner and Fessner, Wolf-Dieter and Elling, Lothar and Wolberg, Michael and Bode, Silke and Feldmann, Ralf and Geilenkirchen, Petra and Schubert, Thomas and Walter, Lydia and D{\"u}nnwald, Thomas and Demir, Ayhan S. and Kolter-Jung, Doris and Nitsche, Adam and D{\"u}nkelmann, Pascal and Cosp, Annabel and Lingen, Bettina}, title = {Catalytic asymmetric synthesis : section 2.2}, series = {Asymmetric synthesis with chemical and biological methods / ed. by Dieter Enders ...}, booktitle = {Asymmetric synthesis with chemical and biological methods / ed. by Dieter Enders ...}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, isbn = {978-3-527-31473-7}, pages = {298 -- 413}, year = {2007}, language = {en} } @incollection{Mertens1997, author = {Mertens, Josef}, title = {Certification of supersonic civil transports}, series = {New design concepts for high speed air transport. - (Courses and lectures / International Centre for Mechanical Sciences ; 366)}, booktitle = {New design concepts for high speed air transport. - (Courses and lectures / International Centre for Mechanical Sciences ; 366)}, editor = {Sobieczky, H.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Wien [u.a.]}, isbn = {3-2118-2815-X}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-7091-2658-5_6}, pages = {97 -- 103}, year = {1997}, abstract = {Since certification of Concorde new certification standards were introduced including many new regulations to improve flight safety. Most of these standards are to prevent severe accidents in the future which happened in the past (here: after Concorde's certification). A new SCT has to fulfill these standards, although Concorde had none of these accidents. But accidents - although they sometimes occurred only for a specific aircraft type - have to be avoided for any (new) aircraft. Because of existing aircraft without typical accident types having demonstrated their reliability, they are allowed to go on based on their old certification; although sometimes new rules prevent accident types which are not connected to specific aircraft types - like e.g. evacuation rules. Anyway, Concorde is allowed to fly based on its old certification, and hopefully in the future will fly as safely as in the past. But a new SCT has to fulfill updated rules like any other aircraft, and it has to be "just another aircraft" [75].}, language = {en} } @incollection{DigelSadykovTemizArtmannetal.2015, author = {Digel, Ilya and Sadykov, R. and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l and Artmann, Gerhard}, title = {Changes in intestinal microflora in rats induced by oral exposure to low lead (II) concentrations}, series = {Lead Exposure and Poisoning: Clinical Symptoms, Medical Management and Preventive Strategies}, booktitle = {Lead Exposure and Poisoning: Clinical Symptoms, Medical Management and Preventive Strategies}, publisher = {Nova Science Publ.}, isbn = {9781634826990}, pages = {75 -- 99}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @incollection{MufflerTippkoetterUlber2010, author = {Muffler, Kai and Tippk{\"o}tter, Nils and Ulber, Roland}, title = {Chemical feedstocks and fine chemicals from other substrates}, series = {Handbook of hydrocarbon and lipid microbiology. Volume 4: Consequences of microbial interactions with hydrocarbons, oils and lipids. - (Springer reference)}, booktitle = {Handbook of hydrocarbon and lipid microbiology. Volume 4: Consequences of microbial interactions with hydrocarbons, oils and lipids. - (Springer reference)}, editor = {Timmis, Kenneth N.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin [u.a.]}, isbn = {978-3-540-77588-1}, doi = {10.1007\%2F978-3-540-77587-4_214}, pages = {2891 -- 2902}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @incollection{DachwaldUlamecBiele2013, author = {Dachwald, Bernd and Ulamec, Stephan and Biele, Jens}, title = {Clean in situ subsurface exploration of icy environments in the solar system}, series = {Habitability of other planets and satellites. - (Cellular origin, life in extreme habitats and astrobiology ; 28)}, booktitle = {Habitability of other planets and satellites. - (Cellular origin, life in extreme habitats and astrobiology ; 28)}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Dordrecht}, isbn = {978-94-007-6545-0 (Druckausgabe)}, pages = {367 -- 397}, year = {2013}, abstract = {"To assess the habitability of the icy environments in the solar system, for example, on Mars, Europa, and Enceladus, the scientific analysis of material embedded in or underneath their ice layers is very important. We consider self-steering robotic ice melting probes to be the best method to cleanly access these environments, that is, in compliance with planetary protection standards. The required technologies are currently developed and tested."}, language = {en} } @incollection{GohTopcuMadabhushietal.2024, author = {Goh, Kheng Lim and Top{\c{c}}u, Murat and Madabhushi, Gopal S. P. and Staat, Manfred}, title = {Collagen fibril reinforcement in connective tissue extracellular matrices}, series = {Handbook of the extracellular matrix}, booktitle = {Handbook of the extracellular matrix}, editor = {Maia, Fatima Raquel Azevedo and Miguel Oliveira, J. and Reis, Rui L.}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-031-56362-1 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-56363-8_6}, pages = {89 -- 108}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The connective tissues such as tendons contain an extracellular matrix (ECM) comprising collagen fibrils scattered within the ground substance. These fibrils are instrumental in lending mechanical stability to tissues. Unfortunately, our understanding of how collagen fibrils reinforce the ECM remains limited, with no direct experimental evidence substantiating current theories. Earlier theoretical studies on collagen fibril reinforcement in the ECM have relied predominantly on the assumption of uniform cylindrical fibers, which is inadequate for modelling collagen fibrils, which possessed tapered ends. Recently, Top{\c{c}}u and colleagues published a paper in the International Journal of Solids and Structures, presenting a generalized shear-lag theory for the transfer of elastic stress between the matrix and fibers with tapered ends. This paper is a positive step towards comprehending the mechanics of the ECM and makes a valuable contribution to formulating a complete theory of collagen fibril reinforcement in the ECM.}, language = {en} } @incollection{BrittenBraunHesseetal.2003, author = {Britten, G. and Braun, Carsten and Hesse, M. and Ballmann, Josef}, title = {Computational aeroelasticity with reduced structural models}, series = {Flow modulation and fluid-structure interaction at airplane wings : research results of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 401 at RWTH Aachen, University of Technology, Aachen, Germany / Josef Ballmann (Ed.) Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design. Vol. 84}, booktitle = {Flow modulation and fluid-structure interaction at airplane wings : research results of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 401 at RWTH Aachen, University of Technology, Aachen, Germany / Josef Ballmann (Ed.) Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design. Vol. 84}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-540-40209-8}, pages = {275 -- 299}, year = {2003}, language = {en} } @incollection{BhattaraiFrotscherStaat2018, author = {Bhattarai, Aroj and Frotscher, Ralf and Staat, Manfred}, title = {Computational Analysis of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction}, series = {Women's Health and Biomechanics}, booktitle = {Women's Health and Biomechanics}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-319-71574-2}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-71574-2_17}, pages = {217 -- 230}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) is characterized by the failure of the levator ani (LA) muscle to maintain the pelvic hiatus, resulting in the descent of the pelvic organs below the pubococcygeal line. This chapter adopts the modified Humphrey material model to consider the effect of the muscle fiber on passive stretching of the LA muscle. The deformation of the LA muscle subjected to intra-abdominal pressure during Valsalva maneuver is compared with the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination of a nulliparous female. Numerical result shows that the fiber-based Humphrey model simulates the muscle behavior better than isotropic constitutive models. Greater posterior movement of the LA muscle widens the levator hiatus due to lack of support from the anococcygeal ligament and the perineal structure as a consequence of birth-related injury and aging. Old and multiparous females with uncontrolled urogenital and rectal hiatus tend to develop PFDs such as prolapse and incontinence.}, language = {en} } @incollection{ReimerWellmerBraunetal.2009, author = {Reimer, Lars and Wellmer, Georg and Braun, Carsten and Ballmann, Josef}, title = {Computational methods for aero-structural analysis and optimisation of aircrafts based on reduced-order structural models}, series = {MEGADESIGN and MegaOpt - German initiatives for aerodynamic simulation and optimization in aircraft design. Results of the closing symposium of the MEGADESIGN and MegaOpt projects, Braunschweig, Germany, 23 - 24 May, 2007 / Norbert Kroll ... (Eds.) Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design. Vol. 107}, booktitle = {MEGADESIGN and MegaOpt - German initiatives for aerodynamic simulation and optimization in aircraft design. Results of the closing symposium of the MEGADESIGN and MegaOpt projects, Braunschweig, Germany, 23 - 24 May, 2007 / Norbert Kroll ... (Eds.) Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design. Vol. 107}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-642-04092-4}, pages = {135 -- 150}, year = {2009}, abstract = {In this part of the MEGADESIGN project, aeroelastic effects are introduced into the aerodynamic analysis of aircrafts by coupling DLR's flow solvers TAU and FLOWer to a Timoshenko-beam solver. The emerging aeroelastic solvers and a method for the automatic identification of Timoshenko-beam models for wing-box structures were integrated into a simulation environment enabling the combined optimisation of aerodynamic wing shape and structure.}, language = {en} } @incollection{ReimerBraunBallmann2007, author = {Reimer, Lars and Braun, Carsten and Ballmann, Josef}, title = {Computational study of the aeroelastic equilibrium configuration of a swept wind tunnel wing model in subsonic flow}, series = {High performance computing in science and engineering '06. Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2006 / Wolfgang E. Nagel ... Eds.}, booktitle = {High performance computing in science and engineering '06. Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2006 / Wolfgang E. Nagel ... Eds.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin [u.a.]}, isbn = {978-3-540-36165-7}, pages = {421 -- 434}, year = {2007}, abstract = {In the Collaborative Research Center SFB 401 at RWTH Aachen University, the numerical aeroelastic method SOFIA for direct numerical aeroelastic simulation is being progressively developed. Numerical results obtained by applying SOFIA were compared with measured data of static and dynamic aeroelastic wind tunnel tests for an elastic swept wing in subsonic flow.}, language = {en} } @incollection{HoffschmidtAlexopoulosRauetal.2022, author = {Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Alexopoulos, Spiros and Rau, Christoph and Sattler, Johannes Christoph and Anthrakidis, Anette and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and O'Connor, B. and Chico Caminos, Ricardo Alexander and Rend{\´o}n, C. and Hilger, P.}, title = {Concentrating solar power}, series = {Comprehensive Renewable Energy (Second Edition) / Volume 3: Solar Thermal Systems: Components and Applications}, booktitle = {Comprehensive Renewable Energy (Second Edition) / Volume 3: Solar Thermal Systems: Components and Applications}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {978-0-12-819734-9}, pages = {670 -- 724}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The focus of this chapter is the production of power and the use of the heat produced from concentrated solar thermal power (CSP) systems. The chapter starts with the general theoretical principles of concentrating systems including the description of the concentration ratio, the energy and mass balance. The power conversion systems is the main part where solar-only operation and the increase in operational hours. Solar-only operation include the use of steam turbines, gas turbines, organic Rankine cycles and solar dishes. The operational hours can be increased with hybridization and with storage. Another important topic is the cogeneration where solar cooling, desalination and of heat usage is described. Many examples of commercial CSP power plants as well as research facilities from the past as well as current installed and in operation are described in detail. The chapter closes with economic and environmental aspects and with the future potential of the development of CSP around the world.}, language = {en} } @incollection{HoffschmidtAlexopoulosRauetal.2021, author = {Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Alexopoulos, Spiros and Rau, Christoph and Sattler, Johannes Christoph and Anthrakidis, Anette and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and O'Connor, B. and Chico Caminos, Ricardo Alexander and Rend{\´o}n, C. and Hilger, P.}, title = {Concentrating Solar Power}, series = {Earth systems and environmental sciences}, booktitle = {Earth systems and environmental sciences}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {978-0-12-409548-9}, doi = {10.1016/B978-0-12-819727-1.00089-3}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The focus of this chapter is the production of power and the use of the heat produced from concentrated solar thermal power (CSP) systems. The chapter starts with the general theoretical principles of concentrating systems including the description of the concentration ratio, the energy and mass balance. The power conversion systems is the main part where solar-only operation and the increase in operational hours. Solar-only operation include the use of steam turbines, gas turbines, organic Rankine cycles and solar dishes. The operational hours can be increased with hybridization and with storage. Another important topic is the cogeneration where solar cooling, desalination and of heat usage is described. Many examples of commercial CSP power plants as well as research facilities from the past as well as current installed and in operation are described in detail. The chapter closes with economic and environmental aspects and with the future potential of the development of CSP around the world.}, language = {en} } @incollection{HoffschmidtAlexopoulosRauetal.2012, author = {Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Alexopoulos, Spiros and Rau, Christoph and Sattler, Johannes Christoph and Anthrakidis, Anette and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and O'Connor, P. and Hilger, Patrick}, title = {Concentrating solar power}, series = {Comprehensive renewable energy / ed. Ali Sayigh. Vol. 3: Solar thermal systems: components and applications}, volume = {3}, booktitle = {Comprehensive renewable energy / ed. Ali Sayigh. Vol. 3: Solar thermal systems: components and applications}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {978-0-08-087872-0}, doi = {10.1016/B978-0-08-087872-0.00319-X}, pages = {595 -- 636}, year = {2012}, language = {en} } @incollection{FerreinNikolovskiLimpertetal.2023, author = {Ferrein, Alexander and Nikolovski, Gjorgji and Limpert, Nicolas and Reke, Michael and Schiffer, Stefan and Scholl, Ingrid}, title = {Controlling a Fleet of Autonomous LHD Vehicles in Mining Operation}, series = {Multi-Robot Systems - New Advances}, booktitle = {Multi-Robot Systems - New Advances}, editor = {K{\"u}{\c{c}}{\"u}k, Serdar}, publisher = {Intech Open}, address = {London}, isbn = {978-1-83768-290-4}, doi = {10.5772/intechopen.113044}, pages = {21 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In this chapter, we report on our activities to create and maintain a fleet of autonomous load haul dump (LHD) vehicles for mining operations. The ever increasing demand for sustainable solutions and economic pressure causes innovation in the mining industry just like in any other branch. In this chapter, we present our approach to create a fleet of autonomous special purpose vehicles and to control these vehicles in mining operations. After an initial exploration of the site we deploy the fleet. Every vehicle is running an instance of our ROS 2-based architecture. The fleet is then controlled with a dedicated planning module. We also use continuous environment monitoring to implement a life-long mapping approach. In our experiments, we show that a combination of synthetic, augmented and real training data improves our classifier based on the deep learning network Yolo v5 to detect our vehicles, persons and navigation beacons. The classifier was successfully installed on the NVidia AGX-Drive platform, so that the abovementioned objects can be recognised during the dumper drive. The 3D poses of the detected beacons are assigned to lanelets and transferred to an existing map.}, language = {de} } @incollection{DuffnerUibelPetersonetal.2023, author = {Duffner, Markus and Uibel, Thomas and Peterson, Leif Arne and Moorkamp, Wilfried}, title = {Cross Layers Light - Ein ressourceneffizientes und recyclebares Holz-Wandsystem}, series = {Bauphysik Kalender 2023: Nachhaltigkeit}, booktitle = {Bauphysik Kalender 2023: Nachhaltigkeit}, editor = {Fouad, Nabil A.}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {9783433033890 (Print)}, doi = {10.1002/9783433611289.ch13}, pages = {483 -- 501}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Ein neues tragendes, lagenweise aufgebautes Holzbau-Wandsystem und seine {\"o}konomische und statische Entwicklung werden vorgestellt. Randbedingungen wie Nachhaltigkeit, Ressourceneffizienz und eine beanspruchungsadaptive Konstruktionsweise sind f{\"u}r diese innovative Bauteilentwicklung von zentraler Bedeutung. Eine wesentliche Herausforderung ist die Herstellung der Verbindung der Lagen untereinander zu einem bauphysikalisch und statisch leistungsf{\"a}higen Wandsystem. Die Tragf{\"a}higkeit und Steifigkeit verschiedener Verbindungsvarianten wurden ebenso wie die Eigenschaften der Wandelemente analytisch, numerisch und experimentell untersucht.}, language = {de} } @incollection{NiemuellerZwillingLakemeyeretal.2017, author = {Niemueller, Tim and Zwilling, Frederik and Lakemeyer, Gerhard and L{\"o}bach, Matthias and Reuter, Sebastian and Jeschke, Sabina and Ferrein, Alexander}, title = {Cyber-Physical System Intelligence}, series = {Industrial Internet of Things}, booktitle = {Industrial Internet of Things}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-319-42559-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-42559-7_17}, pages = {447 -- 472}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Cyber-physical systems are ever more common in manufacturing industries. Increasing their autonomy has been declared an explicit goal, for example, as part of the Industry 4.0 vision. To achieve this system intelligence, principled and software-driven methods are required to analyze sensing data, make goal-directed decisions, and eventually execute and monitor chosen tasks. In this chapter, we present a number of knowledge-based approaches to these problems and case studies with in-depth evaluation results of several different implementations for groups of autonomous mobile robots performing in-house logistics in a smart factory. We focus on knowledge-based systems because besides providing expressive languages and capable reasoning techniques, they also allow for explaining how a particular sequence of actions came about, for example, in the case of a failure.}, language = {en} } @incollection{SchubaHoefken2022, author = {Schuba, Marko and H{\"o}fken, Hans-Wilhelm}, title = {Cybersicherheit in Produktion, Automotive und intelligenten Geb{\"a}uden}, series = {IT-Sicherheit - Technologien und Best Practices f{\"u}r die Umsetzung im Unternehmen}, booktitle = {IT-Sicherheit - Technologien und Best Practices f{\"u}r die Umsetzung im Unternehmen}, publisher = {Carl Hanser Verlag}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-446-47223-5}, doi = {10.3139/9783446473478.012}, pages = {193 -- 218}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @incollection{SchubaHoefken2024, author = {Schuba, Marko and H{\"o}fken, Hans-Wilhelm}, title = {Cybersicherheit in Produktion, Automotive und intelligenten Geb{\"a}uden}, series = {IT-Sicherheit: Technologien und Best Practices f{\"u}r die Umsetzung im Unternehmen}, booktitle = {IT-Sicherheit: Technologien und Best Practices f{\"u}r die Umsetzung im Unternehmen}, editor = {Lang, Michael and L{\"o}hr, Hans}, publisher = {Hanser}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {9783446480827 (Print)}, pages = {311 -- 338}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @incollection{Fabo2017, author = {Fabo, Sabine}, title = {Das Dokumentarische als offene Konstruktion}, series = {Doris Frohnapfel, Documentary derivative}, booktitle = {Doris Frohnapfel, Documentary derivative}, publisher = {Totalverlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-942040-03-7}, pages = {5 -- 23}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @incollection{Doeren1990, author = {D{\"o}ren, Horst-Peter}, title = {Das Schweißen von Austenit-Ferrit-Verbindungen}, series = {Jahrbuch Schweißtechnik. 1991}, booktitle = {Jahrbuch Schweißtechnik. 1991}, publisher = {DVS-Verlag}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {3-87155-725-0}, pages = {57 -- 63}, year = {1990}, language = {de} } @incollection{NiemuellerReuterEwertetal.2015, author = {Niemueller, Tim and Reuter, Sebastian and Ewert, Daniel and Ferrein, Alexander and Jeschke, Sabina and Lakemeyer, Gerhard}, title = {Decisive Factors for the Success of the Carologistics RoboCup Team in the RoboCup Logistics League 2014}, series = {RoboCup 2014: Robot World Cup XVIII}, booktitle = {RoboCup 2014: Robot World Cup XVIII}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {978-3-319-18615-3}, pages = {155 -- 167}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @incollection{BorchertHintze2009, author = {Borchert, J{\"o}rg and Hintze, D.}, title = {Der Aufbau von Handelseinheiten}, series = {Energiehandel in Europa}, booktitle = {Energiehandel in Europa}, editor = {Zenke, Ines}, edition = {2. Aufl.}, publisher = {Beck}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-406-58373-5}, pages = {393 -- 410}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @incollection{Ulke2019, author = {Ulke, Bernd}, title = {Der baurechtliche Vertrag}, series = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, booktitle = {{\"U}bungsaufgaben und Berechnungen f{\"u}r den Baubetrieb}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-23127-9}, pages = {63 -- 87}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Anhand von kurzen theoretischen Einf{\"u}hrungen werden anhand von Beispielen die wesentlichen Aspekte des baurechtlichen Vertrages erl{\"a}utert. Nach einer Einf{\"u}hrung {\"u}ber das Zustandekommen von (Bau-) Vertr{\"a}gen wird die f{\"u}r Streitf{\"a}lle unerl{\"a}ssliche Dokumentation auf Baustellen erl{\"a}utert. Hierbei werden Hinweise zur Erstellung von Protokollen, zum E-Mail bei Großprojekten und zur Dokumentation von Stundenlohnarbeiten gegeben. Des Weiteren wird eine Schriftverkehrsliste vorgestellt, die zur Nachverfolgung des Schriftverkehrs bei Großprojekten unerl{\"a}sslich ist. Anschließend werden die typischen Vertragsarten vorgestellt, die bei der Abwicklung von Großprojekten zu beachten sind und die Unterschiede werden durch Fallbeispiele erl{\"a}utert. Einen Schwerpunkt des Kapitels bilden auftragsnehmerseitige Verz{\"u}ge sowie mangelbehaftete Leistungen. Hier werden Hinweise gegeben, wie in den entsprechenden Situationen zu reagieren ist.}, language = {de} } @incollection{MuellerJungSchmoelzer2015, author = {Mueller, Wolfram and Jung, Alexander and Schm{\"o}lzer, Bernhard}, title = {Der Einfluss der H{\"o}he {\"u}ber dem Meeresspiegel auf die Flugbahnen im Schispringen}, series = {Jahrbuch 2015 - {\"O}sterreichische Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Alpin- und H{\"o}henmedizin}, booktitle = {Jahrbuch 2015 - {\"O}sterreichische Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Alpin- und H{\"o}henmedizin}, editor = {Faulhaber, Martin and Schobersberger, Wolfgang and Schobersberger, Beatrix and Sumann, G{\"u}nther and Domej, Wolfgang}, publisher = {{\"O}sterreichische Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Alpin- und H{\"o}henmedizin}, address = {Innsbruck}, isbn = {978-3-9501312-5-3}, pages = {173 -- 190}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @incollection{Borchert1997, author = {Borchert, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Der Elektrizit{\"a}tsmarkt in Indonesien und Beteiligungsm{\"o}glichkeiten privater Unternehmen}, series = {Investitionsf{\"u}hrer ASEAN, Indochina, 1997 : Brunei, Indonesien, Kambodscha, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippinen, Singapur, Thailand, Vietnam}, booktitle = {Investitionsf{\"u}hrer ASEAN, Indochina, 1997 : Brunei, Indonesien, Kambodscha, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippinen, Singapur, Thailand, Vietnam}, edition = {Stand: Mai 1997}, publisher = {Berliner Bank AG}, address = {Berlin}, pages = {42 -- 52}, year = {1997}, language = {de} } @incollection{BlachianFissabre2002, author = {Blachian, Marion and Fissabre, Anke}, title = {Der Hof Dorfstraße 32 in Kaulsdorf : Bauforschung und Dorfgeschichte}, series = {Die Denkmale in Berlin : Bezirk Marzahn-Hellersdorf : Ortsteile Kaulsdorf, Mahlsdorf und Hellersdorf}, booktitle = {Die Denkmale in Berlin : Bezirk Marzahn-Hellersdorf : Ortsteile Kaulsdorf, Mahlsdorf und Hellersdorf}, publisher = {Lukas-Verlag}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-931836-73-8}, pages = {102 -- 107}, year = {2002}, language = {de} } @incollection{StangelMesekeHahnSteuerDankert2015, author = {Stangel-Meseke, Martina and Hahn, Pia and Steuer-Dankert, Linda}, title = {Der Individualisierungs-Trend pr{\"a}gt die Unternehmenszukunft}, series = {Diversity Management und Individualisierung}, booktitle = {Diversity Management und Individualisierung}, publisher = {Springer Gabler}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-07484-5}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-07485-2_1}, pages = {1 -- 3}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Laut Zukunftsinstitut (2010) stellt die Individualisierung eine langfristige und nachhaltige Ver{\"a}nderung dar, die die gesamte Gesellschaft (den einzelnen Menschen, Unternehmen, den Staat) betrifft und Auswirkungen auf nahezu alle Lebensbereiche (z. B. Arbeit, Wohnen, Partnerschaft) hat. Die Individualisierung beschreibt dabei die Entwicklung hin zur Fokussierung pers{\"o}nlicher Interessen und Lebensentscheidungen der einzelnen Person (Kunze, Individualisierung, 2011). Der Grund f{\"u}r diese Entwicklung sind laut Kunze (Individualisierung, 2011) Treiber wie steigendes Verm{\"o}gen, Bildung und Mobilit{\"a}t, was die einzelne Person unabh{\"a}ngiger von gr{\"o}ßeren Gemeinschaften macht und mehr Freiheit zur Selbstverwirklichung bietet. Als eine Konsequenz daraus werden Wertevorstellungen nicht mehr einfach hingenommen, sondern f{\"u}r die eigene Person {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft und individualisiert (Kunze, Individualisierung, 2011). So wies Beck bereits 1996 darauf hin, dass Individualisierung meint „erstens die Aufl{\"o}sung und zweitens die Abl{\"o}sung industriegesellschaftlicher Lebensformen durch andere, in denen die Einzelnen ihre Biographie selbst herstellen, inszenieren, zusammenflickschustern m{\"u}ssen" (Beck, Die Erfindung des Politischen, 1996, S. 150).}, language = {de} } @incollection{Reichert2014, author = {Reichert, Walter}, title = {Der Vertriebsingenieur: Ausbildung und Beruf}, series = {Berufsstart Technik : das Karriereportal f{\"u}r junge Akademiker ; Ingenieure, Naturwissenschaftler, Informatiker}, booktitle = {Berufsstart Technik : das Karriereportal f{\"u}r junge Akademiker ; Ingenieure, Naturwissenschaftler, Informatiker}, publisher = {Resch}, address = {Großenkneten}, pages = {456 -- 458}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @incollection{AtmaneHirechKassmietal.2020, author = {Atmane, Ilias and Hirech, Kamal and Kassmi, K. and Mahdi, Zahra and Alexopoulos, Spiros and Schwarzer, Klemens and Chayeb, H. and Bachiri, Najib}, title = {Design and realization of a pilot solar desalination plant in Douar El Hamri in the province of Berkane (Morocco)}, series = {Sustainable entrepreneurship, renewable energy-based projects, and digitalization}, booktitle = {Sustainable entrepreneurship, renewable energy-based projects, and digitalization}, editor = {Omrane, Amina and Kassmi, Khalil and Akram, Muhammad Wasim and Khanna, Ashish and Mostafiz, Imtiaz}, publisher = {CRC Press}, address = {Boca Raton, Fa.}, isbn = {9781000292541 (E-Book)}, pages = {18 Seiten}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Producing fresh water from saline water has become one of the most difficult challenges to overcome especially with the high demand and shortage of fresh water. In this context, as part of a collaboration with Germany, the authors propose a design and implementation of a pilot multi-stage solar desalination system (MSD), remotely controlled, at Douar Al Hamri in the rural town of Boughriba in the province of Berkane, Morocco. More specifically, they present their contribution on the remote control and supervision system, which makes the functioning of the MSD system reliable and guarantees the production of drinking water for the population of Douar. The results obtained show that the electronic cards and computer communication software implemented allow the acquisition of all electrical (currents, voltages, powers, yields), thermal (temperatures of each stage), and meteorological (irradiance and ambient temperature), remote control and maintenance (switching on, off, data transfer). By comparing with the literature carried out in the field of solar energy, the authors conclude that the MSD and electronic desalination systems realized during this work represent a contribution in terms of the reliability and durability of providing drinking water in rural and urban areas.}, language = {en} } @incollection{AltherrEdererLorenzetal.2016, author = {Altherr, Lena and Ederer, Thorsten and Lorenz, Ulf and Pelz, Peter F. and P{\"o}ttgen, Philipp}, title = {Designing a feedback control system via mixed-integer programming}, series = {Operations Research Proceedings 2014: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research}, booktitle = {Operations Research Proceedings 2014: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research}, editor = {L{\"u}bbecke, Marco E. and Koster, Arie and Letmathe, Peter and Madlener, Reihard and Preis, Britta and Walther, Grit}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-319-28695-2}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-28697-6_18}, pages = {121 -- 127}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Pure analytical or experimental methods can only find a control strategy for technical systems with a fixed setup. In former contributions we presented an approach that simultaneously finds the optimal topology and the optimal open-loop control of a system via Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP). In order to extend this approach by a closed-loop control we present a Mixed Integer Program for a time discretized tank level control. This model is the basis for an extension by combinatorial decisions and thus for the variation of the network topology. Furthermore, one is able to appraise feasible solutions using the global optimality gap.}, language = {en} } @incollection{ReimerBraunWellmeretal.2010, author = {Reimer, Lars and Braun, Carsten and Wellmer, Georg and Behr, Marek and Ballmann, Josef}, title = {Development of a modular method for computational aero-structural analysis of aircraft}, series = {Summary of flow modulation and fluid-structure interaction findings. Results of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 401 at the RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 1997-2008 / ed.: Wolfgang Schr{\"o}der. Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design. Vol. 109}, booktitle = {Summary of flow modulation and fluid-structure interaction findings. Results of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 401 at the RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 1997-2008 / ed.: Wolfgang Schr{\"o}der. Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design. Vol. 109}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-642-04087-0}, pages = {205 -- 238}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @incollection{Goldbach2013, author = {Goldbach, Daniel}, title = {Diagnosemaßnahmen in der funktionalen Sicherheit}, series = {Diagnose in mechatronischen Fahrzeugsystemen, VI : neue Verfahren f{\"u}r Test, Pr{\"u}fung und Diagnose von E/E-Systemen im Kfz : 7. Tagung "Diagnose in Mechatronischen Fahrzeugsystemen". Bernhard B{\"a}ker ... (Hrsg.)}, booktitle = {Diagnose in mechatronischen Fahrzeugsystemen, VI : neue Verfahren f{\"u}r Test, Pr{\"u}fung und Diagnose von E/E-Systemen im Kfz : 7. Tagung "Diagnose in Mechatronischen Fahrzeugsystemen". Bernhard B{\"a}ker ... (Hrsg.)}, publisher = {Expert Verlag}, address = {Renningen}, isbn = {978-3-8169-3221-5}, pages = {179 -- 198}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @incollection{HoepnerSchminke2013, author = {Hoepner, Gert and Schminke, Lutz H.}, title = {Dialog-Marketing - 2 in 1 - mehr als 3-fach erfolgreich}, series = {Marketing in Forschung und Praxis : [Jubil{\"a}umsausgabe zum 40-j{\"a}hrigen Bestehen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft f{\"u}r Marketing] / hrsg. von G{\"u}nter Hofbauer ...}, booktitle = {Marketing in Forschung und Praxis : [Jubil{\"a}umsausgabe zum 40-j{\"a}hrigen Bestehen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft f{\"u}r Marketing] / hrsg. von G{\"u}nter Hofbauer ...}, publisher = {Uni-Ed.}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-942171-98-4}, pages = {375 -- 396}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @incollection{SaldenFischerBarnat2016, author = {Salden, Peter and Fischer, Kathrin and Barnat, Miriam}, title = {Didaktische Studiengangentwicklung: Rahmenkonzepte und Praxisbeispiel}, series = {P{\"a}dagogische Hochschulentwicklung. Von der Programmierung zur Implementierung}, booktitle = {P{\"a}dagogische Hochschulentwicklung. Von der Programmierung zur Implementierung}, publisher = {Springer VS}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-12067-2}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-12067-2_9}, pages = {133 -- 149}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Studiengangentwicklung ist ein komplexer Prozess, in dem strukturelle Vorgaben beachtet, viele unterschiedliche Akteure/-innen einbezogen und nicht zuletzt angemessene didaktische L{\"o}sungen zum Erreichen der angestrebten Lernergebnisse gefunden werden m{\"u}ssen. Der vorliegende Text nimmt besonders den letzten Punkt in den Blick: Er zeigt, wie Studiengangentwicklung zu einem Thema der (Hochschul-)Didaktik geworden ist und wie sich der didaktische Ansatz von struktur- und prozessorientierten Ans{\"a}tzen unterscheidet, aber auch, wie er mit diesen zusammenh{\"a}ngt. An einem Beispiel aus dem Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen wird veranschaulicht, was didaktische Studiengangentwicklung in der Praxis ausmacht und wie eine konkrete Implementierung verlaufen kann. Auf dieser Grundlage wird abschließend ein erweitertes Modell der didaktischen Studiengangentwicklung vorgeschlagen.}, language = {de} } @incollection{TeschersMarkhoeferMandelartz2003, author = {Teschers, Reimar and Markh{\"o}fer, J{\"o}rg and Mandelartz, Johannes}, title = {Die Aluminiumr{\"u}ckf{\"u}hrung aus dem Automobilbereich}, series = {Resource-orientated analysis of metallic raw materials : findings of CRC 525 for aluminium. (Reihe Materie und Material ; 17.)}, booktitle = {Resource-orientated analysis of metallic raw materials : findings of CRC 525 for aluminium. (Reihe Materie und Material ; 17.)}, publisher = {Forschungszentrum J{\"u}lich}, address = {J{\"u}lich}, isbn = {3-89336-342-4}, pages = {7.1 -- 7.12}, year = {2003}, language = {de} } @incollection{Fissabre2022, author = {Fissabre, Anke}, title = {Die Bauten des j{\"u}dischen Friedhofs an der L{\"u}tticher Straße}, series = {Der J{\"u}dische Friedhof Aachen}, booktitle = {Der J{\"u}dische Friedhof Aachen}, editor = {Dux, Holger A.}, publisher = {Mayersche Buchhandlung Aachen GmbH}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-87519-266-7}, pages = {51 -- 69}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @incollection{Fabo2012, author = {Fabo, Sabine}, title = {Die Kunst der Irritation und ihr Mehrwert}, series = {Vielen Dank f{\"u}r Ihren Einkauf : Konsumkultur aus Sicht von Design, Kunst und Medien}, booktitle = {Vielen Dank f{\"u}r Ihren Einkauf : Konsumkultur aus Sicht von Design, Kunst und Medien}, publisher = {Transcript Verlag}, address = {Bielefeld}, isbn = {978-3-8376-2170-9}, pages = {112 -- 145}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @incollection{Fabo2004, author = {Fabo, Sabine}, title = {Die Museumsinsel und die neuen Medien}, series = {Einf{\"u}hrung in die Kunstwissenschaft}, booktitle = {Einf{\"u}hrung in die Kunstwissenschaft}, editor = {K{\"o}stler, Andreas and Hensel, Thomas}, publisher = {Reimer}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-496-01271-4}, pages = {45 -- 60}, year = {2004}, language = {de} } @incollection{LindemannKlein1997, author = {Lindemann, Markus and Klein, Stefan}, title = {Die Nutzung von Internet-Diensten im Rahmen des Elektronischen Datenaustauschs - Architekturvarianten und ein Anwendungsszenario}, series = {Wirtschaftsinformatik '97 - Internationale Gesch{\"a}ftst{\"a}tigkeit auf der Basis flexibler Organisationsstrukturen und leistungsf{\"a}higer Informationssysteme / Hermann Krallmann (Hrsg.)}, booktitle = {Wirtschaftsinformatik '97 - Internationale Gesch{\"a}ftst{\"a}tigkeit auf der Basis flexibler Organisationsstrukturen und leistungsf{\"a}higer Informationssysteme / Hermann Krallmann (Hrsg.)}, publisher = {Physica-Verlag}, address = {Heidelberg}, isbn = {3-7908-0999-3}, pages = {513 -- 531}, year = {1997}, language = {de} }