@inproceedings{BalaskasHoffmeisterButenwegetal.2021, author = {Balaskas, Georgios and Hoffmeister, Benno and Butenweg, Christoph and Pilz, Marco and Bauer, Anna}, title = {Earthquake early warning and response system based on intelligent seismic and monitoring sensors embedded in a communication platform and coupled with BIM models}, series = {Proceedings of COMPDYN 2021}, booktitle = {Proceedings of COMPDYN 2021}, editor = {Papadrakakis, Manolis and Fragiadakis, Michalis}, publisher = {National Technical University of Athens}, address = {Athen}, isbn = {978-618-85072-5-8}, issn = {2623-3347}, doi = {10.7712/120121.8539.18855}, pages = {987 -- 998}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This paper describes the concept of an innovative, interdisciplinary, user-oriented earthquake warning and rapid response system coupled with a structural health monitoring system (SHM), capable to detect structural damages in real time. The novel system is based on interconnected decentralized seismic and structural health monitoring sensors. It is developed and will be exemplarily applied on critical infrastructures in Lower Rhine Region, in particular on a road bridge and within a chemical industrial facility. A communication network is responsible to exchange information between sensors and forward warnings and status reports about infrastructures'health condition to the concerned recipients (e.g., facility operators, local authorities). Safety measures such as emergency shutdowns are activated to mitigate structural damages and damage propagation. Local monitoring systems of the infrastructures are integrated in BIM models. The visualization of sensor data and the graphic representation of the detected damages provide spatial content to sensors data and serve as a useful and effective tool for the decision-making processes after an earthquake in the region under consideration.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ŠakićMilijašMarinkovićetal.2021, author = {Šakić, Bogdan and Milijaš, Aleksa and Marinković, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {Influence of prior in-plane damage on the out-of-plane response of non-load bearing unreinforced masonry walls under seismic load}, series = {Proceedings of COMPDYN 2021}, booktitle = {Proceedings of COMPDYN 2021}, editor = {Papadrakakis, Manolis and Fragiadakis, Michalis}, publisher = {National Technical University of Athens}, address = {Athen}, isbn = {9786188507258}, issn = {2623-3347}, doi = {10.7712/120121.8527.18913}, pages = {808 -- 828}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Reinforced concrete frames with masonry infill walls are popular form of construction all over the world as well in seismic regions. While severe earthquakes can cause high level of damage of both reinforced concrete and masonry infills, earthquakes of lower to medium intensity some-times can cause significant level of damage of masonry infill walls. Especially important is the level of damage of face loaded infill masonry walls (out-of-plane direction) as out-of-plane load cannot only bring high level of damage to the wall, it can also be life-threating for the people near the wall. The response in out-of-plane direction directly depends on the prior in-plane damage, as previous investigation shown that it decreases resistance capacity of the in-fills. Behaviour of infill masonry walls with and without prior in-plane load is investigated in the experimental campaign and the results are presented in this paper. These results are later compared with analytical approaches for the out-of-plane resistance from the literature. Conclusions based on the experimental campaign on the influence of prior in-plane damage on the out-of-plane response of infill walls are compared with the conclusions from other authors who investigated the same problematic.}, language = {en} } @article{ButenwegBursiPaolaccietal.2021, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Bursi, Oreste S. and Paolacci, Fabrizio and Marinković, Marko and Lanese, Igor and Nardin, Chiara and Quinci, Gianluca}, title = {Seismic performance of an industrial multi-storey frame structure with process equipment subjected to shake table testing}, series = {Engineering Structures}, volume = {243}, journal = {Engineering Structures}, number = {15}, editor = {Yang, J.}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0141-0296}, doi = {10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.112681}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Past earthquakes demonstrated the high vulnerability of industrial facilities equipped with complex process technologies leading to serious damage of process equipment and multiple and simultaneous release of hazardous substances. Nonetheless, current standards for seismic design of industrial facilities are considered inadequate to guarantee proper safety conditions against exceptional events entailing loss of containment and related consequences. On these premises, the SPIF project -Seismic Performance of Multi-Component Systems in Special Risk Industrial Facilities- was proposed within the framework of the European H2020 SERA funding scheme. In detail, the objective of the SPIF project is the investigation of the seismic behaviour of a representative industrial multi-storey frame structure equipped with complex process components by means of shaking table tests. Along this main vein and in a performance-based design perspective, the issues investigated in depth are the interaction between a primary moment resisting frame (MRF) steel structure and secondary process components that influence the performance of the whole system; and a proper check of floor spectra predictions. The evaluation of experimental data clearly shows a favourable performance of the MRF structure, some weaknesses of local details due to the interaction between floor crossbeams and process components and, finally, the overconservatism of current design standards w.r.t. floor spectra predictions.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{TranStaat2021, author = {Tran, Ngoc Trinh and Staat, Manfred}, title = {FEM shakedown analysis of Kirchhoff-Love plates under uncertainty of strength}, series = {Proceedings of UNCECOMP 2021}, booktitle = {Proceedings of UNCECOMP 2021}, isbn = {978-618-85072-6-5}, doi = {10.7712/120221.8041.19047}, pages = {323 -- 338}, year = {2021}, abstract = {A new formulation to calculate the shakedown limit load of Kirchhoff plates under stochastic conditions of strength is developed. Direct structural reliability design by chance con-strained programming is based on the prescribed failure probabilities, which is an effective approach of stochastic programming if it can be formulated as an equivalent deterministic optimization problem. We restrict uncertainty to strength, the loading is still deterministic. A new formulation is derived in case of random strength with lognormal distribution. Upper bound and lower bound shakedown load factors are calculated simultaneously by a dual algorithm.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SchoutetensDachwaldHeiligers2021, author = {Schoutetens, Frederic and Dachwald, Bernd and Heiligers, Jeannette}, title = {Optimisation of photon-sail trajectories in the alpha-centauri system using evolutionary neurocontrol}, series = {8th ICATT 2021}, booktitle = {8th ICATT 2021}, pages = {1 -- 15}, year = {2021}, abstract = {With the increased interest for interstellar exploration after the discovery of exoplanets and the proposal by Breakthrough Starshot, this paper investigates the optimisation of photon-sail trajectories in Alpha Centauri. The prime objective is to find the optimal steering strategy for a photonic sail to get captured around one of the stars after a minimum-time transfer from Earth. By extending the idea of the Breakthrough Starshot project with a deceleration phase upon arrival, the mission's scientific yield will be increased. As a secondary objective, transfer trajectories between the stars and orbit-raising manoeuvres to explore the habitable zones of the stars are investigated. All trajectories are optimised for minimum time of flight using the trajectory optimisation software InTrance. Depending on the sail technology, interstellar travel times of 77.6-18,790 years can be achieved, which presents an average improvement of 30\% with respect to previous work. Still, significant technological development is required to reach and be captured in the Alpha-Centauri system in less than a century. Therefore, a fly-through mission arguably remains the only option for a first exploratory mission to Alpha Centauri, but the enticing results obtained in this work provide perspective for future long-residence missions to our closest neighbouring star system.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Rittner2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Rittner, Jasper}, title = {Wald im Wandel}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {21 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Arbeit „Wald im Wandel" besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit dem derzeitigen Zustand des Waldes in Deutschland und seiner kulturhistorischen Bedeutung. Im dazugeh{\"o}rigen Kurzfilm sieht man Aufnahmen der menschlichen Einflussnahme auf den Wald. Diese wurden mit „waldromantischen" Motiven umgestaltet. Die Kraft „waldromantischer" Bilder ist so {\"u}berzeugend, dass hieraus {\"U}berlegungen zu einer klimapolitischen Kampagne entstanden sind. Diese sind auf einer Informations-Webpage mit dem Titel „Projekt: Wald im Wandel" nachzulesen. Die Arbeit schl{\"a}gt eine Br{\"u}cke vom kulturhistorischen Symbol „deutscher Wald" hin zur Gegenwart - und dem Wald in Deutschland als einem potenziellen klimapolitischen Symbol.}, language = {de} } @article{TranStaat2021, author = {Tran, Ngoc Trinh and Staat, Manfred}, title = {Direct plastic structural design under random strength and random load by chance constrained programming}, series = {European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids}, volume = {85}, journal = {European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids}, number = {Article 104106}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0997-7538}, doi = {10.1016/j.euromechsol.2020.104106}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{HandschuhStollenwerkBorchert2021, author = {Handschuh, Nils and Stollenwerk, Dominik and Borchert, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Operation of thermal storage power plants under high renewable grid penetration}, series = {NEIS 2021: Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems}, booktitle = {NEIS 2021: Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems}, publisher = {VDE Verlag}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-8007-5651-3}, pages = {261 -- 265}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The planned coal phase-out in Germany by 2038 will lead to the dismantling of power plants with a total capacity of approx. 30 GW. A possible further use of these assets is the conversion of the power plants to thermal storage power plants; the use of these power plants on the day-ahead market is considerably limited by their technical parameters. In this paper, the influence of the technical boundary conditions on the operating times of these storage facilities is presented. For this purpose, the storage power plants were described as an MILP problem and two price curves, one from 2015 with a relatively low renewable penetration (33 \%) and one from 2020 with a high renewable energy penetration (51 \%) are compared. The operating times were examined as a function of the technical parameters and the critical influencing factors were investigated. The thermal storage power plant operation duration and the energy shifted with the price curve of 2020 increases by more than 25 \% compared to 2015.}, language = {en} } @article{BlankeRegerDoeringetal.2021, author = {Blanke, Tobias and Reger, Vitali and D{\"o}ring, Bernd and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and Kuhnhenne, Markus}, title = {Koaxiale Stahlenergiepf{\"a}hle}, series = {Stahlbau}, volume = {90. 2021}, journal = {Stahlbau}, number = {6}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Weinheim}, pages = {417 -- 424}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Ein entscheidender Teil der Energiewende ist die W{\"a}rmewende im Geb{\"a}udesektor. Ein Schl{\"u}sselelement sind hier W{\"a}rmepumpen. Diese ben{\"o}tigen eine W{\"a}rmequelle, der sie Energie entziehen k{\"o}nnen, um sie auf ein h{\"o}heres Temperaturniveau zu transformieren. Diese W{\"a}rmequelle kann bspw. das Erdreich sein, dessen W{\"a}rme durch Erdsonden erschlossen werden kann. In diesem Beitrag werden in Stahlpf{\"a}hle integrierte Koaxialsonden mit dem Stand der Technik von Erdsonden gleichen Durchmessers bez{\"u}glich ihrer thermischen Leistungsmerkmale verglichen. Die Stahlenergiepf{\"a}hle bieten neben der W{\"a}rmegewinnung weitere Vorteile, da sie auch eine statische Funktion {\"u}bernehmen und r{\"u}ckstandsfrei zur{\"u}ckgebaut werden k{\"o}nnen. Es werden analytische und numerische Berechnungen vorgestellt, um die thermischen Potenziale beider Systeme zu vergleichen. Außerdem wird ein Testaufbau gezeigt, bei dem Stahlenergiepf{\"a}hle in zwei verschiedenen L{\"a}ngen mit vorhandenen g{\"a}ngigen Erdsonden verglichen werden k{\"o}nnen. Die Berechnungen zeigen einen deutlichen thermischen Mehrertrag zwischen 26 \% und 148 \% der Stahlenergiepf{\"a}hle gegen{\"u}ber dem Stand der Technik abh{\"a}ngig vom Erdreich. Die Messergebnisse zeigen einen thermischen Mehrertrag von {\"u}ber 100 \%. Es l{\"a}sst sich also signifikante Erdsondenl{\"a}nge einsparen. Dabei ist zu beachten, dass sich damit der thermisch genutzte Bereich des Erdreichs reduziert, wodurch die thermische Regeneration und/oder das Langzeitverhalten des Erdreichs an Bedeutung gewinnt.}, language = {de} } @article{FaganBitzBjoerkmanBurtscheretal.2021, author = {Fagan, Andrew J. and Bitz, Andreas and Bj{\"o}rkman-Burtscher, Isabella M. and Collins, Christopher M. and Kimbrell, Vera and Raaijmakers, Alexander J. E.}, title = {7T MR Safety}, series = {Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JMRI)}, volume = {53}, journal = {Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JMRI)}, number = {2}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {1522-2586}, doi = {10.1002/jmri.27319}, pages = {333 -- 346}, year = {2021}, language = {en} }