@article{EmhardtJarodzkaBrandGruweletal.2022, author = {Emhardt, Selina N. and Jarodzka, Halszka and Brand-Gruwel, Saskia and Drumm, Christian and Niehorster, Diederick C. and van Gog, Tamara}, title = {What is my teacher talking about? Effects of displaying the teacher's gaze and mouse cursor cues in video lectures on students' learning}, series = {Journal of Cognitive Psychology}, journal = {Journal of Cognitive Psychology}, publisher = {Routledge, Taylor \& Francis Group}, address = {Abingdon}, issn = {2044-5911}, doi = {10.1080/20445911.2022.2080831}, pages = {1 -- 19}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Eye movement modelling examples (EMME) are instructional videos that display a teacher's eye movements as "gaze cursor" (e.g. a moving dot) superimposed on the learning task. This study investigated if previous findings on the beneficial effects of EMME would extend to online lecture videos and compared the effects of displaying the teacher's gaze cursor with displaying the more traditional mouse cursor as a tool to guide learners' attention. Novices (N = 124) studied a pre-recorded video lecture on how to model business processes in a 2 (mouse cursor absent/present) × 2 (gaze cursor absent/present) between-subjects design. Unexpectedly, we did not find significant effects of the presence of gaze or mouse cursors on mental effort and learning. However, participants who watched videos with the gaze cursor found it easier to follow the teacher. Overall, participants responded positively to the gaze cursor, especially when the mouse cursor was not displayed in the video.}, language = {en} } @article{FiedlerOrzadaFloeseretal.2022, author = {Fiedler, Thomas M. and Orzada, Stephan and Fl{\"o}ser, Martina and Rietsch, Stefan H. G. and Schmidt, Simon and Stelter, Jonathan K. and Wittrich, Marco and Quick, Harald H. and Bitz, Andreas and Ladd, Mark E.}, title = {Performance and safety assessment of an integrated transmit array for body imaging at 7 T under consideration of specificabsorption rate, tissue temperature, and thermal dose}, series = {NMR in Biomedicine}, volume = {35}, journal = {NMR in Biomedicine}, number = {5}, publisher = {Wiley}, issn = {0952-3480 (Print)}, doi = {10.1002/nbm.4656}, pages = {1 -- 17}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In this study, the performance of an integrated body-imaging array for 7 T with 32 radiofrequency (RF) channels under consideration of local specific absorption rate (SAR), tissue temperature, and thermal dose limits was evaluated and the imaging performance was compared with a clinical 3 T body coil. Thirty-two transmit elements were placed in three rings between the bore liner and RF shield of the gradient coil. Slice-selective RF pulse optimizations for B1 shimming and spokes were performed for differently oriented slices in the body under consideration of realistic constraints for power and local SAR. To improve the B1+ homogeneity, safety assessments based on temperature and thermal dose were performed to possibly allow for higher input power for the pulse optimization than permissible with SAR limits. The results showed that using two spokes, the 7 T array outperformed the 3 T birdcage in all the considered regions of interest. However, a significantly higher SAR or lower duty cycle at 7 T is necessary in some cases to achieve similar B1+ homogeneity as at 3 T. The homogeneity in up to 50 cm-long coronal slices can particularly benefit from the high RF shim performance provided by the 32 RF channels. The thermal dose approach increases the allowable input power and the corresponding local SAR, in one example up to 100 W/kg, without limiting the exposure time necessary for an MR examination. In conclusion, the integrated antenna array at 7 T enables a clinical workflow for body imaging and comparable imaging performance to a conventional 3 T clinical body coil.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gaigall2016, author = {Gaigall, Daniel}, title = {Vergleich von statistischen Tests im verbundenen und unabh{\"a}ngigen Stichprobenfall}, publisher = {Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universit{\"a}t Hannover}, address = {Hannover}, doi = {10.15488/8678}, pages = {281 Seiten}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Es werden Effizienzbegriffe zum Vergleich von statistischen Tests basierend auf verschiedenen statistischen Experimenten eingef{\"u}hrt. Dabei handelt es sich um die schon aus dem Vergleich von statistischen Tests in je demselben Modell bekannten asymptotischen relativen Effizienzen wie die Hodges-Lehmann-Effizienz, die Bahadur-Effizienz und die Pitman-Effizienz sowie um Kriterien basierend auf Volumina von Konfidenzbereichen. Effizienzaussagen werden unter anderem f{\"u}r Likelihood-Quotienten-Tests und Waldsche Tests im Rahmen eines allgemeinen multivariaten parametrischen Modells erhalten. Statistische Tests zur Pr{\"u}fung von Hypothesen {\"u}ber die relative Wirksamkeit zweier Experimente werden vorgeschlagen. Auf der Grundlage der erhaltenen Ergebnisse erfolgt ein Vergleich der Wirksamkeit von korrespondierenden Verfahren bei verbundener Stichprobenerhebung und unabh{\"a}ngiger Stichprobenerhebung. Die Rolle der Kovarianzmatrix bei verbundener Stichprobenerhebung wird insbesondere unter der Annahme, dass die zugrunde liegenden Verteilungen durch k-parametrische Exponentialfamilien modellierbar sind, herausgearbeitet. Verbindungen zu Effizienzbegriffen bei Punkt- und Konfidenzbereichssch{\"a}tzverfahren werden aufgezeigt. Ausf{\"u}hrlichere Untersuchungen betreffen die korrespondierenden Hotellingschen T²-Tests im multivariaten Normalverteilungsfall, die klassischen Homogenitatstests bei k × k-Kontingenztafeln und die Wilcoxon Tests in nichtparametrischen Lagealternativmodellen}, language = {de} } @article{HaegerGrankinWagner2023, author = {Haeger, Gerrit and Grankin, Alina and Wagner, Michaela}, title = {Construction of an Aspergillus oryzae triple amylase deletion mutant as a chassis to evaluate industrially relevant amylases using multiplex CRISPR/Cas9 editing technology}, series = {Applied Research}, journal = {Applied Research}, number = {Early View}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, issn = {2702-4288}, doi = {10.1002/appl.202200106}, pages = {1 -- 15}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Aspergillus oryzae is an industrially relevant organism for the secretory production of heterologous enzymes, especially amylases. The activities of potential heterologous amylases, however, cannot be quantified directly from the supernatant due to the high background activity of native α-amylase. This activity is caused by the gene products of amyA, amyB, and amyC. In this study, an in vitro CRISPR/Cas9 system was established in A. oryzae to delete these genes simultaneously. First, pyrG of A. oryzae NSAR1 was mutated by exploiting NHEJ to generate a counter-selection marker. Next, all amylase genes were deleted simultaneously by co-transforming a repair template carrying pyrG of Aspergillus nidulans and flanking sequences of amylase gene loci. The rate of obtained triple knock-outs was 47\%. We showed that triple knockouts do not retain any amylase activity in the supernatant. The established in vitro CRISPR/Cas9 system was used to achieve sequence-specific knock-in of target genes. The system was intended to incorporate a single copy of the gene of interest into the desired host for the development of screening methods. Therefore, an integration cassette for the heterologous Fpi amylase was designed to specifically target the amyB locus. The site-specific integration rate of the plasmid was 78\%, with exceptional additional integrations. Integration frequency was assessed via qPCR and directly correlated with heterologous amylase activity. Hence, we could compare the efficiency between two different signal peptides. In summary, we present a strategy to exploit CRISPR/Cas9 for gene mutation, multiplex knock-out, and the targeted knock-in of an expression cassette in A. oryzae. Our system provides straightforward strain engineering and paves the way for development of fungal screening systems.}, language = {en} } @techreport{KlugeKirschBudach2022, author = {Kluge, Katharina and Kirsch, Ansgar and Budach, Christoph}, title = {Digitale Lehre in der Geotechnik: Aktueller Stand und weitere Entwicklungen}, series = {geotechntik}, journal = {geotechntik}, number = {Early View}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0172-6145 (Print)}, doi = {10.1002/gete.202200013}, pages = {8 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Digitale Lehrmaterialien werden seit mehreren Jahren in den Hochschulen eingesetzt und er{\"o}ffnen ganz neue Wege zur Vermittlung des Lehrstoffs. Die Erstellung dieser Lehrmaterialien kann allerdings je nach Art und Qualit{\"a}t sehr zeitintensiv sein und f{\"u}r Lehrende einen großen Mehraufwand bedeuten. Im Rahmen eines Kooperationsprojekts zur Erstellung von Lehrvideos f{\"u}r geotechnische Feld- und Laborversuche haben die Autoren dieses Beitrags allerdings die Erfahrung gemacht, dass das gemeinsame, hochschul{\"u}bergreifende Erstellen von Lehrmaterialien viele Vorteile mit sich bringt. Dadurch inspiriert, f{\"u}hrten die Autoren dieses Berichts eine Umfrage unter den deutschsprachigen Geotechnik-Lehrst{\"u}hlen der (Technischen) Universit{\"a}ten und (Fach-)Hochschulen durch. Nach drei Semestern, in denen Lehrveranstaltungen an den Hochschulen aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie {\"u}berwiegend digital durchgef{\"u}hrt werden mussten, war es ein Ziel dieser Umfrage, den Bestand und den Einsatz digitaler Lehrmaterialien im Fachgebiet Geotechnik zu erheben. Ein weiteres Ziel war die Initiierung eines Netzwerks, in dem sich Geotechnik-Professorinnen und -Professoren zu Lehrthemen austauschen k{\"o}nnen und gemeinsam (digitale) Lehrmaterialien erstellen und nutzen. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt das gemeinsame Lehrprojekt der Autoren vor, pr{\"a}sentiert die Ergebnisse der durchgef{\"u}hrten Umfrage und berichtet {\"u}ber die ersten Aktivit{\"a}ten des neuen Netzwerks.}, language = {de} } @article{GrossTimmer1998, author = {Groß, Rolf Fritz and Timmer, H.}, title = {Energetische und betriebswirtschaftliche Bewertung von K{\"u}hlsystemen f{\"u}r K{\"u}hllager}, series = {HLH. Heizung, L{\"u}ftung/Klima, Haustechnik}, volume = {49}, journal = {HLH. Heizung, L{\"u}ftung/Klima, Haustechnik}, number = {9}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, issn = {1436-5103}, pages = {74 -- 77}, year = {1998}, language = {de} } @incollection{ThulfautGrossRenz2000, author = {Thulfaut, Christian and Groß, Rolf Fritz and Renz, Ulrich}, title = {Messwerterfassung und -auswertung mit LabView: Experimentelle Analyse der Mischungsg{\"u}te in Hybridzellenk{\"u}hlt{\"u}rmen}, series = {Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis. Begleitband zum Kongress VIP 2000}, booktitle = {Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis. Begleitband zum Kongress VIP 2000}, editor = {Jamal, Rahman and Jaschinski, Hans}, publisher = {H{\"u}thig}, address = {Heidelberg}, isbn = {3-7785-2789-4 (print)}, pages = {54 -- 60}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Zur K{\"u}hlung von Abw{\"a}rmestr{\"o}men aus Kraftwerksprozessen werden in zunehmenden Maße Hybridzellenk{\"u}hlt{\"u}rme mit Zwangskonvektion eingesetzt, deren wesentlicher Vorteil ihre geringe Bauh{\"o}he ist. Um bei derartigen K{\"u}hlt{\"u}rmen eine Sichtbehinderung oder Glatteisgef{\"a}hrdung durch bodennahen Nebel zu vermeiden, muss durch eine optimale Vermischung des Trocken- und Naßluftanteils gew{\"a}hrleistet sein, daß aus der K{\"u}hlturmkrone keine Nebelschwaden austreten. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Industrie betreibt der Lehrstuhl f{\"u}r W{\"a}rme{\"u}bertragung und Klimatechnik der RWTH Aachen einen Versuchsstand zur Erfassung der Mischungsg{\"u}te in Hybridzellenk{\"u}hlt{\"u}rmen. In maßstabsgerechter Nachbildung k{\"o}nnen dabei am Modell alle relevanten Einflußgr{\"o}ßen wie K{\"u}hlturmgeometrie, Gestaltung zus{\"a}tzlicher Mischeinbauten sowie die Betriebsparameter variiert werden. Mit Hilfe einer unter LabView 5.01 erstellten Software werden sowohl die l3etriebszust{\"u}ncle online {\"u}berwacht, als auch die ben{\"o}tigten Meßwerte zur Bestimmung der Mischungsg{\"u}te erfaßt. {\"U}ber die grafische Oberfl{\"a}che k{\"o}nnen s{\"a}mtliche Meßoptionen gesteuert sowie alle Meßdaten visualisiert und kontrolliert werden. In das LabView-Programm sind dar{\"u}ber hinaus Routinen zur Auswertung der Daten implementiert worden, die sowohl eine direkte Darstellung der Ergebnisse in Form von Diagrammen erm{\"o}glichen, als auch zur Weiterverarbeitung einen Datenexport in eine Microsoft- Excel-Tabelle vorsehen.}, language = {de} } @incollection{GrossThulfautRenz2000, author = {Groß, Rolf Fritz and Thulfaut, Christian and Renz, Ulrich}, title = {On-Line Simulation mit LabView: Experimentelle und numerische Analyse homogener Gasphasenreaktionen aus Kraftwerksprozessen,}, series = {Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis. Begleitband zum Kongress VIP 2000}, booktitle = {Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis. Begleitband zum Kongress VIP 2000}, editor = {Jamal, Rahman and Jaschinski, Hans}, publisher = {H{\"u}thig}, address = {Heidelberg}, isbn = {3-7785-2789-4 (print)}, pages = {103 -- 108}, year = {2000}, abstract = {The institute of heat transfer and air conditioning at the Aachen University of Technology operates several test facilities in order to investigate homogeneous and catalytical processes for the reduction of gaseous pollutants (e.g. nitrous oxide) of flue gases in a tempeature range up to 900°C. One test facility consists of a stainless steel reactor in which the influence of reducing additives can be investigated. The software tool, created with LabVIEW 5.01, offers the possibility to measure, visualize and control all relevant physical quantities and to gain a numerical solution of the problem by solving the one dimensional, steady state conservation equations.}, language = {de} } @article{HerzwurmKramsPietschetal.2012, author = {Herzwurm, Georg and Krams, Benedikt and Pietsch, Wolfram and Schockert, Sixten}, title = {Report from the 3rd international workshop on requirements prioritization for customer oriented software development (RePriCo'12)}, series = {ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes}, volume = {37}, journal = {ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes}, number = {4}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York}, issn = {0163-5948}, doi = {10.1145/2237796.2237817}, pages = {32 -- 34}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Prioritization is an essential task within requirements engineering to cope with complexity and to establish focus properly. The 3rd Workshop on Requirements Prioritization for customer oriented Software Development (RePriCo'12) focused on requirements prioritization and adjacent themes in the context of customer oriented development of bespoke and standard software. Five submissions have been accepted for the proceedings and for presentation. The report summarizes and points out key findings.}, language = {en} } @techreport{ChristGrossRenz1998, author = {Christ, Ansgar and Groß, Rolf Fritz and Renz, Ulrich}, title = {Str{\"o}mungs-, Filterkuchen- und Abreinigungsmodelle f{\"u}r Heißgasfilter, Teilvorhaben "Numerische Simulation des Abreinigungsvorganges und der Rohgasstr{\"o}mung"}, doi = {10.2314/GBV:50431601X}, pages = {117 Seiten}, year = {1998}, language = {de} }