@article{OlbertzThiergart2010, author = {Olbertz, Klaus and Thiergart, Kirsten}, title = {B{\"o}rsengang leicht gemacht? Gesellschafts- und arbeitsrechtliche Aspekte bei {\"U}bernahme und Verschmelzung eines Zielunternehmens auf die SPAC in der Rechtsform der SE}, series = {Betriebs-Berater: BB ; Recht, Wirtschaft, Steuern}, journal = {Betriebs-Berater: BB ; Recht, Wirtschaft, Steuern}, publisher = {Beck}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, issn = {0340-7918}, pages = {1547}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Die SPAC-SE ist b{\"o}rsenf{\"a}hig und damit eine f{\"u}r eine SPAC grunds{\"a}tzlich geeignete Rechtsform. Die Tatsache, dass es sich hierbei (zun{\"a}chst) um eine leere, arbeitnehmerlose H{\"u}lle handelt, {\"a}ndert hieran nichts. Die Gr{\"u}ndung einer solchen Vorrats-SE ist trotz fehlender Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung unter teleologischer Reduktion von Art. 12 II SE-VO zul{\"a}ssig. Im Gegenzug muss die Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung gemaß \S 18 III SEBG analog nachgeholt werden, wenn das sp{\"a}ter erworbene Zielunternehmen auf die SPAC-SE verschmolzen werden soll. Aus gesellschaftsrechtlicher Sicht ist zu beachten, dass die SPAC-SE mit Sitz in Deutschland, welche auch den deutschen, aktienrechtlichen Bestimmungen unterliegt, nur bedingt f{\"u}r eine SPAC geeignet erscheint. Das deutsche Aktienrecht enth{\"a}lt strenge Regelungen, die der f{\"u}r eine SPAC-SE erforderlichen Flexibilit{\"a}t entgegenstehen k{\"o}nnen. Dies gilt insbesondere f{\"u}r das Erfordernis der Zustimmung der Hauptversammlung zur Akquisition des Zielunternehmens, die R{\"u}ckzahlung des Treuhandverm{\"o}gens an Aktion{\"a}re, die der Akquisition nicht zugestimmt haben und die Liquidation der SPAC-SE im Falle des Scheiterns des Erwerbs des Zielobjektes.}, language = {de} } @article{RiglingEilmannKoechlietal.2010, author = {Rigling, Andreas and Eilmann, Britta and Koechli, Roger and Dobbertin, Matthias}, title = {Mistletoe-induced crown degradation in Scots pine in a xeric environment}, series = {Tree Physiology}, volume = {30}, journal = {Tree Physiology}, number = {7}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford}, issn = {1758-4469 (Online)}, doi = {10.1093/treephys/tpq038}, pages = {845 -- 832}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Increasing Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) mortality has been recently observed in the dry inner valleys of the European Alps. Besides drought, infection with pine mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. austriacum) seems to play an important role in the mortality dynamics of Scots pines, but how mistletoes promote pine decline remains unclear. To verify whether pine mistletoe infection weakens the host via crown degradation, as observed for dwarf mistletoes, we studied the negative effects of pine mistletoe infestation on the photosynthetic tissues and branch growth of pairs of infested and non-infested branches. Pine mistletoe infection leads to crown degradation in its host by reducing the length, the radial increment, the ramification, the needle length and the number of needle years of the infested branches. This massive loss in photosynthetic tissue results in a reduction in primary production and a subsequent decrease in carbohydrate availability. The significant reduction in needle length due to mistletoe infection is an indication for a lower water and nutrient availability in infested branches. Thus, mistletoe infection might lead to a decrease in the availability of water and carbohydrates, the two most important growth factors, which are already shortened due to the chronic drought situation in the area. Therefore, pine mistletoe increases the risk of drought-induced mortality of its host when growing in a xeric environment.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Hirschberg2010, author = {Hirschberg, Rainer}, title = {Energetische Bewertung raumlufttechnischer Anlagen. Vereinfachtes Verfahren nach DIN V 18599}, series = {Deutsche K{\"a}lte-Klima-Tagung 2010 Magdeburg}, booktitle = {Deutsche K{\"a}lte-Klima-Tagung 2010 Magdeburg}, publisher = {DKV}, address = {Hannover}, isbn = {978-3-932715-46-4}, pages = {26 Seiten}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Unter Energieeffizienz wird verstanden, dass ein definiertes Ziel mit m{\"o}glichst wenig Energie erreicht wird. Im Beitrag wird zun{\"a}chst eine Formel zur Berechnung der Gesamtenergieeffizienz eines Geb{\"a}udes angegeben. Darauf aufbauend wird ein 3-S{\"a}ulen-Modell zur Energieeinsparung vorgeschlagen. Es beinhaltet vereinfachte Verfahren zur Berechnung der Betriebseigenschaften von Heizanlagen, raumlufttechnischen Anlagen und K{\"u}hl- und Kaltwasseranlagen. Am Beispiel einer RLT-Anlage wird die Vorgehensweise der Bewertung n{\"a}her erl{\"a}utert. Zusammenfassend wird festgestellt, dass das vereinfachte Verfahren eine schnelle und sichere energetische Bewertung der genannten Anlagen erlaubt,, zu Pr{\"a}senzwissen f{\"u}hrt, die Haupteinflussgr{\"o}ßen aufzeigt und eine Anlagenbewertung ohne Geb{\"a}udebewertung gew{\"a}hrleistet. Das vereinfachte Verfahren wird im Fr{\"u}hjahr 2011 verf{\"u}gbar sein. Es soll Bestandteil der DIN V 18599 werden, und die EnEV 2012 soll darauf Bezug nehmen.}, language = {de} } @article{KirchnerOberlaenderFriedrichetal.2010, author = {Kirchner, Patrick and Oberl{\"a}nder, Jan and Friedrich, Peter and Rysstad, Gunnar and Berger, J{\"o}rg and Keusgen, Michael and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Realization of a calorimetric gas sensor on polyimide foil for applications in aseptic food industry}, series = {Procedia Engineering}, volume = {5}, journal = {Procedia Engineering}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1877-7058}, doi = {10.1016/j.proeng.2010.09.098}, pages = {264 -- 267}, year = {2010}, abstract = {A calorimetric gas sensor is presented for the monitoring of gas-phase H2O2 at elevated temperature during sterilization processes in aseptic food industry. The sensor consists of two temperature-sensitive thin-film resistances built up on a polyimide foil with a thickness of 25 μm, which are passivated with a layer of SU-8 photo resist and catalytically activated with manganese(IV) oxide. Instead of an active heating structure, the calorimetric sensor utilizes the elevated temperature of an evaporated H2O2 aerosol. In an experimental set-up, the sensor has shown a sensitivity of 4.78 °C/(\%v/v) in a H2O2 concentration range of 0 to 10\% v/v at an evaporation temperature of 240 ∘C. Furthermore, the sensor possesses the same, unchanged sensor signal even at varied evaporation temperatures of the gas stream. The sensor characterization demonstrates the suitability of the calorimetric gas sensor for monitoring the efficiency of sterilization processes.}, language = {en} } @article{WagnerMiyamotoSchoeningetal.2010, author = {Wagner, Torsten and Miyamoto, Ko-ichiro and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef and Yoshinobu, Tatsuo}, title = {Novel combination of digital light processing (DLP) and light-addressable potentiometric sensors (LAPS) for flexible chemical imaging}, series = {Procedia Engineering}, volume = {5}, journal = {Procedia Engineering}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1877-7058}, doi = {10.1016/j.proeng.2010.09.161}, pages = {520 -- 523}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Chemical imaging systems allow the visualisation of the distribution of chemical species on the sensor surface. This work represents a new flexible approach of read out in a light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) with the help of a digital light processing (DLP) set-up. The DLP, known well for video projectors, consists of a mirror-array MEMS device which allows fast and flexible generation of light patterns. With the help of these light patterns the sensor surface of the LAPS device can be read out sequentially in a raster like scheme (scanning LAPS). The DLP approach has several advantages compared to conventional scanning LAPS set-ups, e.g., the spot size, the shape and the intensity of the light pointer can be changed easily and no mechanical movement is necessary, which reduces the size of the set-up and increases the stability and speed of measurement.}, language = {en} } @article{MiyamotoKanekoMatsuoetal.2010, author = {Miyamoto, Ko-ichiro and Kaneko, Kazumi and Matsuo, Akira and Wagner, Torsten and Kanoh, Shin`ichiro and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef and Yoshinobu, Tatsuo}, title = {Miniaturized chemical imaging sensor system using an OLED display panel}, series = {Procedia Engineering}, volume = {5}, journal = {Procedia Engineering}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1877-7058}, doi = {10.1016/j.proeng.2010.09.160}, pages = {516 -- 519}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The chemical imaging sensor is a semiconductor-based chemical sensor that can visualize the two-dimensional distribution of specific ions or molecules in the solution. In this study, we developed a miniaturized chemical imaging sensor system with an OLED display panel as a light source that scans the sensor plate. In the proposed configuration, the display panel is placed directly below the sensor plate and illuminates the back surface. The measured area defined by illumination can be arbitrarily customized to fit the size and the shape of the sample to be measured. The waveform of the generated photocurrent, the currentvoltage characteristics and the pH sensitivity were investigated and pH imaging with this miniaturized system was demonstrated.}, language = {en} } @article{SrivastavaSinghAggarwaletal.2010, author = {Srivastava, Alok and Singh, Virendra and Aggarwal, Pranav and Schneeweiss, F. and Scherer, Ulrich W. and Friedrich, W.}, title = {Optical studies of insulating polymers for radiation dose monitoring}, series = {Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics}, volume = {48}, journal = {Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics}, number = {11}, publisher = {Council Of Scientific And Industrial Research (CSIR), National Institute Of Science Communication and Policy Research (NIScPR)}, address = {New Delhi}, isbn = {0019-5596}, pages = {782 -- 786}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The optical study carried out on insulating polymers namely polyethyleneterephthalate (PET) and polyvinylchloride (PVC) has been described. The polymers are exposed to different radiation doses by exposing them to swift heavy ions of carbon (90 MeV), silicon (120 MeV) and nickel (100 MeV) which influence on their optical properties. The studies show that amongst the investigated polymers, PVC and PET have potential for application as dosimeter beyond a threshold dose which is strongly dependent on the nature of the material and the radiation type. The optical micrographs show a distinct change in colour of the sample with increase in radiation dose.}, language = {en} } @article{AbouzarPedrazaSchoeningetal.2010, author = {Abouzar, Maryam H. and Pedraza, A. M. and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef and Poghossian, Arshak}, title = {Label-free DNA hybridization and denaturation detection by means of field-effect nanoplate SOI capacitors functionalized with gold nanoparticles}, series = {Procedia Engineering}, volume = {5}, journal = {Procedia Engineering}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1877-7058}, doi = {10.1016/j.proeng.2010.09.259}, pages = {918 -- 921}, year = {2010}, abstract = {A new approach for a label-free electrical detection of DNA hybridization and denaturation using an array of individually addressable field-effect nanoplate SOI (silicon-on-insulator) capacitors functionalized with gold nanoparticles is presented. By using a constant-capacitance measuring setup in a differential mode, signal changes of ∼110 mV and ∼70 mV have been registered after the DNA hybridization and denaturation events, respectively.}, language = {en} } @article{GebhardtSchmidtHoetteretal.2010, author = {Gebhardt, Andreas and Schmidt, Frank-Michael and H{\"o}tter, Jan-Steffen and Sokalla, Wolfgang and Sokalla, Patrick}, title = {Additive manufacturing by selective laser melting the realizer desktop machine and its application for the dental industry}, series = {Physics Procedia}, volume = {5 B}, journal = {Physics Procedia}, number = {2}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1875-3892}, doi = {10.1016/j.phpro.2010.08.082}, pages = {543 -- 549}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Additive Manufacturing of metal parts by Selective Laser Melting has become a powerful tool for the direct manufacturing of complex parts mainly for the aerospace and medical industry. With the introduction of its desktop machine, Realizer targeted the dental market. The contribution describes the special features of the machine, discusses details of the process and shows manufacturing results focused on metal dental devices.}, language = {en} } @article{BohrnStuetzFleischeretal.2010, author = {Bohrn, Ulrich and St{\"u}tz, Evamaria and Fleischer, Maximilian and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Real-time detection of CO by eukaryotic cells}, series = {Procedia Engineering}, volume = {5}, journal = {Procedia Engineering}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1877-7058}, pages = {17 -- 20}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In this contribution, we focus on the detection of toxic gases with living eukaryotic cells. A cell-based gas sensor system, able to measure the effects of direct exposure of gases to cells in real-time, was set up. Impedance data as well as oxygen consumption of Chinese hamster lung fibroblast cells (V79) were analysed upon exposure to carbon monoxide (CO). The CO (diluted in wet synthetic air) affects the cell respiration as indicated by an attenuated respiration signal after the CO exposure as well as an instant increase of the capacitive part of the impedance signal during the gas exposure.}, language = {en} }