@article{UlberPothMonzonetal.2010, author = {Ulber, Roland and Poth, Sebastian and Monzon, Magaly and Tippk{\"o}tter, Nils}, title = {Prozessintegration von Hydrolyse und Fermentation von Cellulose- Faserstoff}, series = {Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, volume = {82}, journal = {Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, number = {1-2}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {1522-2640}, doi = {10.1002/cite.200900103}, pages = {135 -- 139}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Ein viel versprechender erneuerbarer Rohstoff f{\"u}r die Produktion von Chemikalien und Treibstoffen ist Lignocellulose aus pflanzlicher Biomasse. Die darin enthaltenen Zucker k{\"o}nnen mittels enzymatischer Hydrolyse freigesetzt und fermentativ zu Ethanol umgesetzt werden. Ein interessanter Ansatz ist dabei die simultane Verzuckerung und Fermentation. Hefen und Enzyme haben mit 30 °C bzw. 50 °C zwar unterschiedliche Temperaturoptima, es konnte aber gezeigt werden, dass auch bei den niedrigeren Temperaturen eine Umsetzung der Cellulose zu Glucose erfolgt, wenn auch langsamer als bei optimalen Bedingungen. Außerdem konnte in Vorversuchen gezeigt werden, dass Ethanol in den zu erwartenden Konzentrationen keinen Einfluss auf die enzymatische Umsetzung hat.}, language = {de} } @article{UllrichGrottkeRossaintetal.2010, author = {Ullrich, Sebastian and Grottke, Oliver and Rossaint, Rolf and Staat, Manfred and Deserno, Thomas M. and Kuhlen, Torsten}, title = {Virtual Needle Simulation with Haptics for Regional Anaesthesia}, pages = {3 Seiten}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @article{VogtMottaghyWolfetal.2010, author = {Vogt, C. and Mottaghy, Darius and Wolf, A. and Rath, V. and Pechnig, R. and Clauser, C.}, title = {Reducing temperature uncertainties by stochastic geothermal reservoir modelling}, series = {Geophysical Journal International}, volume = {181}, journal = {Geophysical Journal International}, number = {1}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford}, issn = {1365-246X}, doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04498.x}, pages = {321 -- 333}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Quantifying and minimizing uncertainty is vital for simulating technically and economically successful geothermal reservoirs. To this end, we apply a stochastic modelling sequence, a Monte Carlo study, based on (i) creating an ensemble of possible realizations of a reservoir model, (ii) forward simulation of fluid flow and heat transport, and (iii) constraining post-processing using observed state variables. To generate the ensemble, we use the stochastic algorithm of Sequential Gaussian Simulation and test its potential fitting rock properties, such as thermal conductivity and permeability, of a synthetic reference model and—performing a corresponding forward simulation—state variables such as temperature. The ensemble yields probability distributions of rock properties and state variables at any location inside the reservoir. In addition, we perform a constraining post-processing in order to minimize the uncertainty of the obtained distributions by conditioning the ensemble to observed state variables, in this case temperature. This constraining post-processing works particularly well on systems dominated by fluid flow. The stochastic modelling sequence is applied to a large, steady-state 3-D heat flow model of a reservoir in The Hague, Netherlands. The spatial thermal conductivity distribution is simulated stochastically based on available logging data. Errors of bottom-hole temperatures provide thresholds for the constraining technique performed afterwards. This reduce the temperature uncertainty for the proposed target location significantly from 25 to 12 K (full distribution width) in a depth of 2300 m. Assuming a Gaussian shape of the temperature distribution, the standard deviation is 1.8 K. To allow a more comprehensive approach to quantify uncertainty, we also implement the stochastic simulation of boundary conditions and demonstrate this for the basal specific heat flow in the reservoir of The Hague. As expected, this results in a larger distribution width and hence, a larger, but more realistic uncertainty estimate. However, applying the constraining post-processing the uncertainty is again reduced to the level of the post-processing without stochastic boundary simulation. Thus, constraining post-processing is a suitable tool for reducing uncertainty estimates by observed state variables.}, language = {en} } @article{vonKnobelsdorfBrenkenhoffFrauenrathProthmannetal.2010, author = {von Knobelsdorf-Brenkenhoff, Florian and Frauenrath, Tobias and Prothmann, Marcel and Dieringer, Matthias A. and Hezel, Fabian and Renz, Wolfgang and Kretschel, Kerstin and Niendorf, Thoralf and Schulz-Menger, Jeanette}, title = {Cardiac chamber quantification using magnetic resonance imaging at 7 Tesla—a pilot study}, volume = {20}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, issn = {0938-7994}, doi = {10.1007/s00330-010-1888-2}, pages = {2844 -- 2852}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Objectives Interest in cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) at 7 T is motivated by the expected increase in spatial and temporal resolution, but the method is technically challenging. We examined the feasibility of cardiac chamber quantification at 7 T. Methods A stack of short axes covering the left ventricle was obtained in nine healthy male volunteers. At 1.5 T, steady-state free precession (SSFP) and fast gradient echo (FGRE) cine imaging with 7 mm slice thickness (STH) were used. At 7 T, FGRE with 7 mm and 4 mm STH were applied. End-diastolic volume, end-systolic volume, ejection fraction and mass were calculated. Results All 7 T examinations provided excellent blood/myocardium contrast for all slice directions. No significant difference was found regarding ejection fraction and cardiac volumes between SSFP at 1.5 T and FGRE at 7 T, while volumes obtained from FGRE at 1.5 T were underestimated. Cardiac mass derived from FGRE at 1.5 and 7 T was larger than obtained from SSFP at 1.5 T. Agreement of volumes and mass between SSFP at 1.5 T and FGRE improved for FGRE at 7 T when combined with an STH reduction to 4 mm. Conclusions This pilot study demonstrates that cardiac chamber quantification at 7 T using FGRE is feasible and agrees closely with SSFP at 1.5 T.}, language = {en} } @article{WagnerMiyamotoSchoeningetal.2010, author = {Wagner, Torsten and Miyamoto, Ko-ichiro and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef and Yoshinobu, Tatsuo}, title = {Novel combination of digital light processing (DLP) and light-addressable potentiometric sensors (LAPS) for flexible chemical imaging}, series = {Procedia Engineering}, volume = {5}, journal = {Procedia Engineering}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1877-7058}, doi = {10.1016/j.proeng.2010.09.161}, pages = {520 -- 523}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Chemical imaging systems allow the visualisation of the distribution of chemical species on the sensor surface. This work represents a new flexible approach of read out in a light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) with the help of a digital light processing (DLP) set-up. The DLP, known well for video projectors, consists of a mirror-array MEMS device which allows fast and flexible generation of light patterns. With the help of these light patterns the sensor surface of the LAPS device can be read out sequentially in a raster like scheme (scanning LAPS). The DLP approach has several advantages compared to conventional scanning LAPS set-ups, e.g., the spot size, the shape and the intensity of the light pointer can be changed easily and no mechanical movement is necessary, which reduces the size of the set-up and increases the stability and speed of measurement.}, language = {en} } @article{WagnerWernerMiyamotoetal.2010, author = {Wagner, Torsten and Werner, Frederik and Miyamoto, Ko-ichiro and Ackermann, Hans-Josef and Yoshinobu, Tatsuo and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {FPGA-based LAPS device for the flexible design of sensing sites on functional interfaces}, series = {Physica Status Solidi (A)}, volume = {207}, journal = {Physica Status Solidi (A)}, number = {4}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {1862-6300}, doi = {10.1002/pssa.200983320}, pages = {844 -- 849}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The development of new interfaces for (bio-)chemical sensors requires comprehensive analyses and testing. The light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) can be used as a platform to investigate the sensitivity of a newly developed interface towards (bio-)chemical agents. LAPS measurements are spatially resolved by utilisation of focused light beams to define individual measurement spots. In this work, a new digitally modulated LAPS set-up based on an FPGA design will be introduced to increase the number of measurement spots, to shorten the measurement time and to improve the measurement accuracy.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WalterGligorevicDetertetal.2010, author = {Walter, Michael and Gligorevic, Snjezana and Detert, Thorben and Schnell, Michael}, title = {UHF/VHF air-to-air propagation measurements}, series = {Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) : 12 - 16 April 2010, Barcelona, Spain}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) : 12 - 16 April 2010, Barcelona, Spain}, organization = {European Association on Antennas and Propagation}, isbn = {978-1-4244-6431-9 ; 978-84-7653-472-4}, pages = {1 -- 5}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WernerSpelthahnSchoeningetal.2010, author = {Werner, Frederik and Spelthahn, Heiko and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef and Krumbe, Christoph and Wagner, Torsten and Yoshinobu, Tatsuo and Keusgen, Michael}, title = {Neue Ansteuerungselektronik f{\"u}r LAPS-basierte Biosensoren zur gleichzeitig ortsaufgel{\"o}sten Messung der pH-Konzentration}, series = {Tagungsband: Sensoren und Messsysteme 2010}, booktitle = {Tagungsband: Sensoren und Messsysteme 2010}, publisher = {VDE Verlag}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-8007-3260-9}, pages = {109 -- 114}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Ein lichtadressierbarer potentiometrischer Sensor (LAPS) kann die Konzentration eines oder mehrerer Analyten ortsaufgel{\"o}st auf der Sensoroberfl{\"a}che nachweisen. Dazu wird mit einer modulierten Lichtquelle die Halbleiterstruktur des zu untersuchenden Bereiches angeregt und ein entsprechender Photostrom ausgelesen. Durch gleichzeitige Anregung mehrere Bereiche durch Lichtquellen mit unterschiedlichen Modulationsfrequenzen k{\"o}nnen diese auch zeitgleich ausgelesen werden. Mit der neuen, hier vorgestellten Ansteuerungselektronik integriert in einem "Field Programmable Gate Array" (FPGA) ist es m{\"o}glich, mehrere Leuchtquellen gleichzeitig mit unterschiedlichen, w{\"a}hrend der Laufzeit festlegbaren Frequenzen, Phasen und Lichtintensit{\"a}ten zu betreiben. Somit kann das Frequenzverhalten des Sensors untersucht und die Konzentration des Analyten {\"u}ber das Oberfl{\"a}chenpotential mit Hilfe von Strom/Spannungs-Kurven und Phase/Spannungs-Kurven bestimmt werden.}, language = {de} } @article{WiescherKotliarNeuhannetal.2010, author = {Wiescher, A. and Kotliar, Konstantin and Neuhann, T. and Lanzl, Ines M.}, title = {Rasch progrediente Visusminderung beider Augen bei einem jungen Patienten}, series = {Der Ophthalmologe}, volume = {105}, journal = {Der Ophthalmologe}, number = {4}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1433-0423}, doi = {10.1007/s00347-007-1586-x}, pages = {389 -- 392}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Ein 34-j{\"a}hriger m{\"a}nnlicher Patient stellte sich zur Abkl{\"a}rung einer seit dem 9. Lebensjahr bestehenden und im letzten Jahr rasch progredienten Visusminderung beider Augen bei uns vor. Er beschrieb eine subjektiv zunehmende, im Spiegel f{\"u}r ihn selbst sichtbare, weißliche Tr{\"u}bung in der Pupille beidseits und eine starke Blendempfindlichkeit. Nebenbefundlich gab er rezidivierende Konjunktivitiden und morgens verklebte Lider an. Eine Allergie auf Gr{\"a}serpollen und eine Unvertr{\"a}glichkeit auf Alkohol sowie mehrere Lebensmittel seien ebenfalls bekannt. Zus{\"a}tzlich leidet der Patient an stark ausgepr{\"a}gtem atopischem Ekzem. Dieses wurde nie systemisch, sondern nur bei Bedarf mit kortisonhaltiger Salbe therapiert.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Wilke2010, author = {Wilke, Thomas}, title = {Piemont - Grenzregion zwischen Frankreich und Italien}, series = {Sehnsucht Italien - Die sch{\"o}nsten Kunstlandschaften von Piemont bis Sizilien}, booktitle = {Sehnsucht Italien - Die sch{\"o}nsten Kunstlandschaften von Piemont bis Sizilien}, editor = {Heussler, Carla}, publisher = {WBG}, address = {Darmstadt}, isbn = {978-3-534-22986-4}, pages = {13 -- 24}, year = {2010}, language = {de} }