@article{KolditzAlbinAbeletal.2016, author = {Kolditz, Melanie and Albin, Thivaharan and Abel, Dirk and Fasse, Alessandro and Br{\"u}ggemann, Gert-Peter and Albracht, Kirsten}, title = {Evaluation of foot position and orientation as manipulated variables to control external knee adduction moments in leg extension training}, series = {Computer methods and programs in biomedicine}, volume = {171}, journal = {Computer methods and programs in biomedicine}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0169-2607}, doi = {10.1016/j.cmpb.2016.09.005}, pages = {81 -- 86}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background and Objective Effective leg extension training at a leg press requires high forces, which need to be controlled to avoid training-induced damage. In order to avoid high external knee adduction moments, which are one reason for unphysiological loadings on knee joint structures, both training movements and the whole reaction force vector need to be observed. In this study, the applicability of lateral and medial changes in foot orientation and position as possible manipulated variables to control external knee adduction moments is investigated. As secondary parameters both the medio-lateral position of the center of pressure and the frontal-plane orientation of the reaction force vector are analyzed. Methods Knee adduction moments are estimated using a dynamic model of the musculoskeletal system together with the measured reaction force vector and the motion of the subject by solving the inverse kinematic and dynamic problem. Six different foot conditions with varying positions and orientations of the foot in a static leg press are evaluated and compared to a neutral foot position. Results Both lateral and medial wedges under the foot and medial and lateral shifts of the foot can influence external knee adduction moments in the presented study with six healthy subjects. Different effects are observed with the varying conditions: the pose of the leg is changed and the direction and center of pressure of the reaction force vector is influenced. Each effect results in a different direction or center of pressure of the reaction force vector. Conclusions The results allow the conclusion that foot position and orientation can be used as manipulated variables in a control loop to actively control knee adduction moments in leg extension training.}, language = {en} } @article{BelavyAlbrachtBrueggemannetal.2016, author = {Belavy, Daniel L. and Albracht, Kirsten and Br{\"u}ggemann, Gert-Peter and Vergroesen, Pieter-Paul A. and Dieen, Jaap H. van}, title = {Can exercise positively influence the intervertebral disc?}, series = {Sports Medicine}, volume = {46}, journal = {Sports Medicine}, number = {4}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1179-2035}, doi = {10.1007/s40279-015-0444-2}, pages = {473 -- 485}, year = {2016}, abstract = {To better understand what kinds of sports and exercise could be beneficial for the intervertebral disc (IVD), we performed a review to synthesise the literature on IVD adaptation with loading and exercise. The state of the literature did not permit a systematic review; therefore, we performed a narrative review. The majority of the available data come from cell or whole-disc loading models and animal exercise models. However, some studies have examined the impact of specific sports on IVD degeneration in humans and acute exercise on disc size. Based on the data available in the literature, loading types that are likely beneficial to the IVD are dynamic, axial, at slow to moderate movement speeds, and of a magnitude experienced in walking and jogging. Static loading, torsional loading, flexion with compression, rapid loading, high-impact loading and explosive tasks are likely detrimental for the IVD. Reduced physical activity and disuse appear to be detrimental for the IVD. We also consider the impact of genetics and the likelihood of a 'critical period' for the effect of exercise in IVD development. The current review summarises the literature to increase awareness amongst exercise, rehabilitation and ergonomic professionals regarding IVD health and provides recommendations on future directions in research.}, language = {en} } @article{KolditzAlbinBrueggemannetal.2016, author = {Kolditz, Melanie and Albin, Thivaharan and Br{\"u}ggemann, Gert-Peter and Abel, Dirk and Albracht, Kirsten}, title = {Robotergest{\"u}tztes System f{\"u}r ein verbessertes neuromuskul{\"a}res Aufbautraining der Beinstrecker}, series = {at - Automatisierungstechnik}, volume = {64}, journal = {at - Automatisierungstechnik}, number = {11}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {2196-677X}, doi = {10.1515/auto-2016-0044}, pages = {905 -- 914}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Neuromuskul{\"a}res Aufbautraining der Beinstrecker ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil in der Rehabilitation und Pr{\"a}vention von Muskel-Skelett-Erkrankungen. Effektives Training erfordert hohe Muskelkr{\"a}fte, die gleichzeitig hohe Belastungen von bereits gesch{\"a}digten Strukturen bedeuten. Um trainingsinduzierte Sch{\"a}digungen zu vermeiden, m{\"u}ssen diese Kr{\"a}fte kontrolliert werden. Mit heutigen Trainingsger{\"a}ten k{\"o}nnen diese Ziele allerdings nicht erreicht werden. F{\"u}r ein sicheres und effektives Training sollen durch den Einsatz der Robotik, Sensorik, eines Regelkreises sowie Muskel-Skelett-Modellen Belastungen am Zielgewebe direkt berechnet und kontrolliert werden. Auf Basis zweier Vorstudien zu m{\"o}glichen Stellgr{\"o}ßen wird der Aufbau eines robotischen Systems vorgestellt, das sowohl f{\"u}r Forschungszwecke als auch zur Entwicklung neuartiger Trainingsger{\"a}te verwendet werden kann.}, language = {de} } @article{HacklMuellerStaatetal.2016, author = {Hackl, Michael and M{\"u}ller, Lars-Peter and Staat, Manfred and Kahmann, Stephanie Lucina and Wegmann, Kilian}, title = {Proximal phalangeal neck fractures of the hand — a biomechanical comparison of three fixation techniques}, series = {Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy}, volume = {Volume 24}, journal = {Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy}, number = {Supplement 1}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0942-2056}, doi = {10.1007/s00167-016-4080-7}, pages = {148 -- 149}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Plate osteosynthesis of displaced proximal phalangeal neck fractures of the hand allows early mobilization due to a stable internal fixation. Nevertheless, joint stiffness—because of soft tissue irritation—represents a common complication leading to high complication rates. Del Pinal et al. recently reported promising clinical results for a new, minimally invasive fixation technique with a cannulated headless intramedullary compression screw. Hence, the aim of this study was to compare plate fixation of proximal phalangeal neck fractures to less two less invasive techniques: Crossed k-wire fixation and intramedullary screw fixation. We hypothesized that these fixation techniques provide inferior stability when compared to plate osteosynthesis.}, language = {en} } @article{HacklKahmannWegmannetal.2016, author = {Hackl, Michael and Kahmann, Stephanie Lucina and Wegmann, Kilian and Ries, Christian and Staat, Manfred and M{\"u}ller, Lars-Peter}, title = {Shortening osteotomy of the proximal radius — a treatment option for isolated osteoarthritis of the lateral column of the elbow joint?}, series = {Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy}, volume = {Volume 24}, journal = {Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy}, number = {Supplement 1}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0942-2056}, doi = {10.1007/s00167-016-4080-7}, pages = {128 -- 129}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Treatment of posttraumatic osteoarthritis of the radial column of the elbow joint remains a challenging yet common issue. While partial joint replacement leads to high revision rates, radial head excision has shown to severely increase joint instability. Shortening osteotomy of the radius could be an option to decrease the contact pressure of the radiohumeral joint and thereby pain levels without causing valgus instability. Hence, the aim of this biomechanical study was to evaluate the effects of radial shortening on axial load distribution and valgus stability of the elbow joint.}, language = {en} } @article{WegmannHacklStaatetal.2016, author = {Wegmann, Kilian and Hackl, Michael and Staat, Manfred and Mayer, Katharina and M{\"u}ller, Lars-Peter}, title = {Double plate osteosynthesis of proximal ulna fractures: biomechanical and clinical results}, series = {Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy}, volume = {Volume 24}, journal = {Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy}, number = {Supplement 1}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0942-2056}, doi = {10.1007/s00167-016-4079-0}, pages = {58 -- 59}, year = {2016}, abstract = {While plate fixation of proximal ulna fractures might lead to superior clinical results compared to tension band wiring, regular plates represent an established risk factor for wound complications. The olecranon double plates (Medartis, Basel, CH) might decrease complications related to the osteosynthesis because of their low profile and better anatomical fit. This study aimed to evaluate the biomechanical performance and clinical results of the olecranon double plates.}, language = {en} } @article{HacklLeschingerStaatetal.2016, author = {Hackl, Michael and Leschinger, T. and Staat, Manfred and M{\"u}ller, Lars-Peter and Wegmann, Kilian}, title = {Reconstruction of the interosseous membrane in the Essex Lopresti lesion — a biomechanical evaluation}, series = {Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy}, volume = {Volume 24}, journal = {Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy}, number = {Supplement 1}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0942-2056}, doi = {10.1007/s00167-016-4080-7}, pages = {130 -- 131}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Surgical reconstruction of the interosseous membrane (IOM) could restore longitudinal forearm stability to avoid persisting disability due to capituloradial and ulnocarpal impingement in Essex Lopresti lesions. This biomechanical study aimed to assess longitudinal forearm stability of intact specimens, after sectioning of the IOM and after reconstruction with a TightRope construct using either a single or double bundle technique.}, language = {en} } @article{WeberArentMuenchetal.2016, author = {Weber, Tobias and Arent, Jan-Christoph and M{\"u}nch, Lukas and Duhovic, Miro and Balvers, Johannes Mattheus}, title = {A fast method for the generation of boundary conditions for thermal autoclave simulation}, series = {Composites Part A}, volume = {88}, journal = {Composites Part A}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1359-835X}, doi = {10.1016/j.compositesa.2016.05.036}, pages = {216 -- 225}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Manufacturing process simulation enables the evaluation and improvement of autoclave mold concepts early in the design phase. To achieve a high part quality at low cycle times, the thermal behavior of the autoclave mold can be investigated by means of simulations. Most challenging for such a simulation is the generation of necessary boundary conditions. Heat-up and temperature distribution in an autoclave mold are governed by flow phenomena, tooling material and shape, position within the autoclave, and the chosen autoclave cycle. This paper identifies and summarizes the most important factors influencing mold heat-up and how they can be introduced into a thermal simulation. Thermal measurements are used to quantify the impact of the various parameters. Finally, the gained knowledge is applied to develop a semi-empirical approach for boundary condition estimation that enables a simple and fast thermal simulation of the autoclave curing process with reasonably high accuracy for tooling optimization.}, language = {en} } @article{SchmidtForkmannSinkeetal.2016, author = {Schmidt, Katharina and Forkmann, Katarina and Sinke, C. and Gratz, Marcel and Bitz, Andreas and Bingel, Ulrike}, title = {The differential effect of trigeminal vs. peripheral pain stimulation on visual processing and memory encoding is influenced by pain-related fear}, series = {NeuroImage}, volume = {134}, journal = {NeuroImage}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1053-8119}, doi = {10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.03.026}, pages = {386 -- 395}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Compared to peripheral pain, trigeminal pain elicits higher levels of fear, which is assumed to enhance the interruptive effects of pain on concomitant cognitive processes. In this fMRI study we examined the behavioral and neural effects of trigeminal (forehead) and peripheral (hand) pain on visual processing and memory encoding. Cerebral activity was measured in 23 healthy subjects performing a visual categorization task that was immediately followed by a surprise recognition task. During the categorization task subjects received concomitant noxious electrical stimulation on the forehead or hand. Our data show that fear ratings were significantly higher for trigeminal pain. Categorization and recognition performance did not differ between pictures that were presented with trigeminal and peripheral pain. However, object categorization in the presence of trigeminal pain was associated with stronger activity in task-relevant visual areas (lateral occipital complex, LOC), memory encoding areas (hippocampus and parahippocampus) and areas implicated in emotional processing (amygdala) compared to peripheral pain. Further, individual differences in neural activation between the trigeminal and the peripheral condition were positively related to differences in fear ratings between both conditions. Functional connectivity between amygdala and LOC was increased during trigeminal compared to peripheral painful stimulation. Fear-driven compensatory resource activation seems to be enhanced for trigeminal stimuli, presumably due to their exceptional biological relevance.}, language = {en} } @article{PfaffSchmidt2016, author = {Pfaff, Raphael and Schmidt, Bernd}, title = {Daten in der Cloud - und dann?}, series = {Deine Bahn}, journal = {Deine Bahn}, number = {6}, publisher = {Bahn-Fachverlag}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {0948-7263}, pages = {50 -- 55}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Schienenverkehrssysteme stehen in zunehmendem Wettbewerb, sowohl untereinander als auch mit anderen Verkehrstr{\"a}gern. Als wichtiger Aspekt zur Steigerung der Kosteneffizienz wird die Digitalisierung des Betriebs und der Fahrzeuge betrachtet. {\"U}ber eine Prognose der Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit bzw. Restlebensdauer von Subsystemen k{\"o}nnen mittels Digitalisierung die Instandhaltungskosten gesenkt werden. Die geringen Fehlerraten im System Bahn machen die Nutzung besonderer Simulationstechniken notwendig. In diesem Beitrag wird gezeigt, wie sich die Subsystemverf{\"u}gbarkeit aus den beobachteten Fehlerraten der Teilfunktionen vorhersagen l{\"a}sst.}, language = {de} }