@phdthesis{SteuerDankert2020, author = {Steuer-Dankert, Linda}, title = {Diversity in complex organizations : the triangle of diversity management, change management and organizational culture from a system-theoretical perspective}, doi = {10.18154/RWTH-2020-11830}, pages = {298}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Insbesondere im wirtschaftlichen Kontext wird die Diversit{\"a}t von Belegschaften zunehmend als ein kritischer Erfolgsfaktor gesehen. Neben dem Potenzial, welches sich laut Studien aus einem vielf{\"a}ltigen Team ergibt, werden jedoch ebenfalls die aus menschlicher Diversit{\"a}t resultierenden Herausforderungen thematisiert und wissenschaftlich untersucht. Sowohl aus dem Potenzial als auch aus den Herausforderungen ergibt sich dabei die Notwendigkeit der Implementierung eines organisationsspezifischen Diversity Managements, welches die Gewinnung neuer Mitarbeiter*innen einerseits und das Management der vorhandenen Vielfalt andererseits gleichermaßen unterst{\"u}tzt. In der psychologischen, sozial- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Literatur gibt es unterschiedliche Definitionen von Diversit{\"a}t, woraus sich verschiedene Perspektiven auf das Vorgehen bei der Gestaltung und Umsetzung eines Diversity Management Ansatzes ergeben. Insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der Komplexit{\"a}t des Organisationsumfeldes und der steigenden Anforderungen an die organisationsinterne Agilit{\"a}t besteht die Notwendigkeit, Diversit{\"a}t in Organisationen st{\"a}rker zu reflektieren und systemspezifische Ans{\"a}tze zu entwickeln. Dies erfordert die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung organisationsspezifischer Strukturen und Prozesse sowie die Reflexion des Wandels der Organisationskultur durch die Umsetzung eines Diversity Management Ansatzes, der die gegebene Komplexit{\"a}t aufgreift und bew{\"a}ltigen kann. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus sind die psychologischen Auswirkungen solcher Ver{\"a}nderungen auf die Mitarbeiter*innen zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen, um Reaktanzen zu vermeiden und eine nachhaltige Umsetzung von Diversity Management zu erm{\"o}glichen. In Ermangelung entsprechender Ans{\"a}tze im Rahmen {\"o}ffentlich finanzierter, komplexer Forschungsorganisationen, ist das Ziel dieser Dissertation die Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Forschungsdesigns, welches die Ans{\"a}tze des Diversity- und Change Managements mit der Organisationskultur verkn{\"u}pft, indem es eine systemtheoretische Perspektive einnimmt. Dabei wird das Forschungsdesign auf eine komplexe wissenschaftliche Organisation angewendet. Als Basis dient die in Teil A durchgef{\"u}hrte Betrachtung des aktuellen Forschungsstandes aus einer interdisziplin{\"a}ren Perspektive und die damit einhergehende umfassende Einf{\"u}hrung in das Forschungsfeld. Im Zuge dessen wird detailliert auf die begriffliche Definition von Diversit{\"a}t eingegangen, bevor dann die psychologischen Konzepte im Diversit{\"a}tskontext den {\"U}bergang zu einer differenzierten Auseinandersetzung mit dem Konzept des Diversity Managements bilden. Auf dieser Grundlage werden das Forschungsdesign sowie die daraus resultierenden Forschungsphasen abgeleitet. Teil A stellt somit die theoretische Grundlage f{\"u}r die in Teil B pr{\"a}sentierten Fachaufs{\"a}tze dar. Jeder Fachaufsatz beleuchtet dabei in chronologischer Reihenfolge die unterschiedlichen Forschungsphasen. Fachaufsatz I pr{\"a}sentiert den sechsstufigen Forschungsansatz und beleuchtet die besonderen Rahmenbedingungen des Forschungsobjektes aus einer theoretischen Perspektive. Im Anschluss werden die Ergebnisse der Organisationsanalyse, welche zugleich Phase I und II des Forschungskonzeptes darstellen, vorgestellt. Aufbauend auf diesen Forschungsergebnissen fokussiert Forschungsaufsatz II die Darlegung der Ergebnisse aus Forschungsphase III, der Befragung der F{\"u}hrungsebene. Die Befragung thematisierte dabei die Wahrnehmung von Diversity und Diversity Management auf F{\"u}hrungsebene, die Verkn{\"u}pfung von Diversit{\"a}t mit Innovation sowie die Reflexion des eigenen F{\"u}hrungsstils. Als Ergebnis der Befragung konnten sechs Typen identifiziert werden, die das F{\"u}hrungsverst{\"a}ndnis im Diversit{\"a}tskontext widerspiegeln und somit den Ansatzpunkt f{\"u}r eine top-down gerichtete Diversity Management Strategie darstellen. Darauf aufbauend wird in Forschungsphase IV die Mitarbeiter*innenebene beforscht. Im Zentrum der quantitativen Befragung standen die vorherrschenden Einstellungen zum Themenkomplex Diversity und Diversity Management, die Wahrnehmung von Diversit{\"a}t sowie die Untersuchung des Einflusses der F{\"u}hrungsebene auf die Mitarbeiter*innenebene. Forschungsaufsatz III pr{\"a}sentiert erste Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung. Die Analyse weist auf eine unterschiedliche Gewichtung der verschiedenen Diversit{\"a}tskategorien hinsichtlich der Verkn{\"u}pfung mit Innovationen und somit der Reflexion des Kontextes zwischen Diversit{\"a}t und Innovationen hin. Vergleichbar mit den identifizierten Typen auf der F{\"u}hrungsebene, deutet die Analyse auf die Existenz unterschiedlicher Reflexionsgrade auf Mitarbeiter*innenebene hin. Auf Basis dessen wird im Rahmen von Forschungsaufsatz IV eine n{\"a}here Untersuchung des Reflexionsgrades auf Mitarbeiter*innenebene pr{\"a}sentiert und der Diversity Management Ansatz mit Elementen des Change Managements kombiniert. Besondere Ber{\"u}cksichtigung findet als Schlussfolgerung einer theoretischen Analyse die Organisationskultur als zentrales Element bei der Entwicklung und Einf{\"u}hrung eines Diversity Management Ansatzes in eine komplexe Forschungsorganisation in Deutschland. Die Analyse zeigt, dass die Wahrnehmung von Diversit{\"a}t heterogen aber zun{\"a}chst losgel{\"o}st vom individuellen Hintergrund ist (im Rahmen dieser Analyse lag der Fokus auf den Diversit{\"a}tskategorien Gender und Herkunft). Hinsichtlich der Wertsch{\"a}tzung von Diversit{\"a}t zeigt sich dabei ebenfalls ein heterogenes Bild. In der Gesamtbetrachtung stimmen lediglich 17\% der Mitarbeiter*innen zu, dass Diversit{\"a}tskategorien wie Gender, Herkunft oder auch Alter einen Mehrwert darstellen k{\"o}nnen. Zugleich bewertet diese Gruppe die dem Thema beigemessene Wichtigkeit im CoE als ausreichend. Zusammengefasst lassen sich folgende Erkenntnisse im Rahmen dieser Dissertation ableiten und dienen somit als Grundlage f{\"u}r die Entwicklung eines Diversity Management Ansatzes: (1) Die Entwicklung eines bedarfsorientierten Diversity Management Ansatzes erfordert einen systemtheoretischen Prozess, der sowohl organisationsinterne als auch externe Einflussfaktoren ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Der im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes entwickelte sechsstufige Forschungsprozess hat sich dabei als geeignetes Instrument erwiesen. (2)Im Rahmen {\"o}ffentlicher Forschungseinrichtungen lassen sich dabei drei zentrale Faktoren identifizieren: die individuelle Reflexionsebene, die Organisationskultur sowie extern beeinflusste Organisationsstrukturen, Prozesse und Systeme.(3)Vergleichbar mit privatwirtschaftlichen Unternehmen hat auch in wissenschaftlichen Organisationen die F{\"u}hrungsebene einen maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die Wahrnehmung von Diversit{\"a}t und somit einen Einfluss auf die Umsetzung einer Diversity Management Strategie. Daher ist auch im wissenschaftlichen Kontext, bedingt durch die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen des Hochschulsystems, ein top-down Ansatz f{\"u}r eine nachhaltige Implementierung erforderlich. (4) Diversity Management steht in einem engen Zusammenhang mit einem organisationalen Wandel, was die Reflexion von Ver{\"a}nderungsprozesse aus einer psychologischen Perspektive erfordert und eine Verkn{\"u}pfung von Diversity und Change Management bedingt. Aufbauend auf den im Rahmen des entwickelten Forschungskonzeptes gewonnenen zentralen Erkenntnissen wird ein Ansatz entwickelt, der die Ableitung theoretischer Implikationen sowie Implikationen f{\"u}r das Management erm{\"o}glicht. Insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der Reflexion der besonderen Rahmenbedingungen {\"o}ffentlich finanzierter Forschungsorganisationen werden dar{\"u}ber hinaus politische Implikationen abgeleitet, die auf die Ver{\"a}nderung struktureller Dimensionen abzielen.}, language = {en} } @article{SteuerDankertSharmaBlecketal.2017, author = {Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Sharma, Mamta Rameshwarlal and Bleck, Wolfgang and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {Diversity and innovation management in large research groups}, series = {International Journal of Innovation Management}, volume = {5}, journal = {International Journal of Innovation Management}, number = {2}, issn = {1757-5877}, pages = {49 -- 72}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Contemporary research appreciates a diverse workforce as a potential source of innovation. Researchers explore the fine details of why diversity management is central for generating innovations in heterogeneous research groups and how it could be effectively implemented into organizations. Complex research associations that discuss topics with a high impact on society increasingly address the necessity of establishing a diverse workforce to confront the challenges of tomorrow. Characterized by complex management structures as well as hierarchies, research associations have not been a subject of investigation until now. For this reason, the presented research project aims to develop a diversity and innovation management strategy with the ultimate goal of inducing change in the corporate culture. The proposed approach consisted of six phases; the first two phases investigated the status quo of diversity in the existing organizational structures of member institutes and the variety of particular working cultures within the research association. The third and the fourth phases utilized qualitative and quantitative studies. The third phase focused on the connection of management level to diversity and innovation, and the need for diversity and innovation management, and tailor-made methods of implementing them. The first three phases have been accomplished successfully; preliminary results are already available. The fourth phase will mainly focus on exploring the mind-set of the employees. The fifth phase will consolidate the findings in the first four phases into an implementable strategy. The final phase will address the implementation of this strategy into the organization. Phases 4 to 6 have not yet been undertaken}, language = {en} } @incollection{SteuerDankertBouffierGaedickeetal.2017, author = {Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Bouffier, Anna and Gaedicke, Sonja and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {Diversifying engineering education: a transdisciplinary approach from RWTH Aachen University}, series = {Strategies for increasing diversity in engineering majors and careers}, booktitle = {Strategies for increasing diversity in engineering majors and careers}, publisher = {IGI Global}, address = {Hershey, USA}, isbn = {9781522522126}, doi = {10.4018/978-1-5225-2212-6.ch010}, pages = {201 -- 235}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Engineers and therefore engineering education are challenged by the increasing complexity of questions to be answered globally. The education of future engineers therefore has to answer with curriculums that build up relevant skills. This chapter will give an example how to bring engineering and social responsibility successful together to build engineers of tomorrow. Through the integration of gender and diversity perspectives, engineering research and teaching is expanded with new perspectives and contents providing an important potential for innovation. Aiming on the enhancement of engineering education with distinctive competencies beyond technical expertise, the teaching approach introduced in the chapter represents key factors to ensure that coming generations of engineers will be able to meet the requirements and challenges a changing globalized world holds for them. The chapter will describe how this approach successfully has been implemented in the curriculum in engineering of a leading technical university in Germany.}, language = {en} } @article{SchwarzerKrings1996, author = {Schwarzer, Klemens and Krings, T.}, title = {Dissemination of solar cookers with and without temporary storage : a report of concrete examples ; experiences from Chile, India and Mali}, series = {Proceedings / EuroSun '96 : 10. Internationales Sonnenforum. Ed. by A. Goetzberger ... - Bd. 4}, journal = {Proceedings / EuroSun '96 : 10. Internationales Sonnenforum. Ed. by A. Goetzberger ... - Bd. 4}, publisher = {DGS-Sonnenenergie-Verl.}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, pages = {1479 -- 1482}, year = {1996}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ButenwegGellert2008, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Gellert, Christoph}, title = {Displacement based design of masonry structures}, series = {Proceedings of the 14th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference : (Incorporating the 8th Australasian Masonry Conference) : Sydney, Australia, 13.-20. February 2008 / ed. Mark Masia ...}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference : (Incorporating the 8th Australasian Masonry Conference) : Sydney, Australia, 13.-20. February 2008 / ed. Mark Masia ...}, publisher = {University of Newcastle}, address = {Callaghan}, organization = {International Brick and Block Masonry Conference <14, 2008, Sydney>}, isbn = {978-19-2070-1-92-5}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{SchuellerRuhlDinstuehlerSengeretal.2022, author = {Sch{\"u}ller-Ruhl, Aaron and Dinst{\"u}hler, Leonard and Senger, Thorsten and Bergfeld, Stefan and Ingenhag, Christian and Fleischhaker, Robert}, title = {Direct fabrication of arbitrary phase masks in optical glass via ultra-short pulsed laser writing of refractive index modifications}, series = {Applied Physics B}, volume = {128}, journal = {Applied Physics B}, number = {Article number: 208}, editor = {Mackenzie, Jacob}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1432-0649 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/s00340-022-07928-2}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2022}, abstract = {We study the possibility to fabricate an arbitrary phase mask in a one-step laser-writing process inside the volume of an optical glass substrate. We derive the phase mask from a Gerchberg-Saxton-type algorithm as an array and create each individual phase shift using a refractive index modification of variable axial length. We realize the variable axial length by superimposing refractive index modifications induced by an ultra-short pulsed laser at different focusing depth. Each single modification is created by applying 1000 pulses with 15 μJ pulse energy at 100 kHz to a fixed spot of 25 μm diameter and the focus is then shifted axially in steps of 10 μm. With several proof-of-principle examples, we show the feasibility of our method. In particular, we identify the induced refractive index change to about a value of Δn=1.5⋅10-3. We also determine our current limitations by calculating the overlap in the form of a scalar product and we discuss possible future improvements.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MilkovaRosinButenwegetal.2018, author = {Milkova, Kristina and Rosin, Julia and Butenweg, Christoph and Dumova-Jovanoska, Elena}, title = {Development of Seismic Vulnerability Curves for Region Specific Masonry Buildings}, series = {16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, 18-21 June, 2018}, booktitle = {16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, 18-21 June, 2018}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{NeumannAdamBackesetal.2021, author = {Neumann, Hannah and Adam, Mario and Backes, Klaus and B{\"o}rner, Martin and Clees, Tanja and Doetsch, Christian and Glaeser, Susanne and Herrmann, Ulf and May, Johanna and Rosenthal, Florian and Sauer, Dirk Uwe and Stadler, Ingo}, title = {Development of open educational resources for renewable energy and the energy transition process}, series = {ISES SWC 2021}, booktitle = {ISES SWC 2021}, publisher = {International Solar Energy Society}, address = {Freiburg}, doi = {10.18086/swc.2021.47.03}, pages = {6 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The dissemination of knowledge about renewable energies is understood as a social task with the highest topicality. The transfer of teaching content on renewable energies into digital open educational resources offers the opportunity to significantly accelerate the implementation of the energy transition. Thus, in the here presented project six German universities create open educational resources for the energy transition. These materials are available to the public on the internet under a free license. So far there has been no publicly accessible, editable media that cover entire learning units about renewable energies extensively and in high technical quality. Thus, in this project, the content that remains up-to-date for a longer period is appropriately prepared in terms of media didactics. The materials enable lecturers to provide students with in-depth training about technologies for the energy transition. In a particular way, the created material is also suitable for making the general public knowledgeable about the energy transition with scientifically based material.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SattlerSchneiderAngeleetal.2022, author = {Sattler, Johannes Christoph and Schneider, Iesse Peer and Angele, Florian and Atti, Vikrama Naga Babu and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Herrmann, Ulf}, title = {Development of heliostat field calibration methods: Theory and experimental test results}, series = {SolarPACES 2022 conference proceedings}, booktitle = {SolarPACES 2022 conference proceedings}, number = {1}, publisher = {TIB Open Publishing}, address = {Hannover}, issn = {2751-9899 (online)}, doi = {10.52825/solarpaces.v1i.678}, pages = {9 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In this work, three patent pending calibration methods for heliostat fields of central receiver systems (CRS) developed by the Solar-Institut J{\"u}lich (SIJ) of the FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences are presented. The calibration methods can either operate in a combined mode or in stand-alone mode. The first calibration method, method A, foresees that a camera matrix is placed into the receiver plane where it is subjected to concentrated solar irradiance during a measurement process. The second calibration method, method B, uses an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) such as a quadrocopter to automatically fly into the reflected solar irradiance cross-section of one or more heliostats (two variants of method B were tested). The third calibration method, method C, foresees a stereo central camera or multiple stereo cameras installed e.g. on the solar tower whereby the orientations of the heliostats are calculated from the location detection of spherical red markers attached to the heliostats. The most accurate method is method A which has a mean accuracy of 0.17 mrad. The mean accuracy of method B variant 1 is 1.36 mrad and of variant 2 is 1.73 mrad. Method C has a mean accuracy of 15.07 mrad. For method B there is great potential regarding improving the measurement accuracy. For method C the collected data was not sufficient for determining whether or not there is potential for improving the accuracy.}, language = {en} } @article{EdipSesovButenwegetal.2018, author = {Edip, K. and Sesov, V. and Butenweg, Christoph and Bojadjieva, J.}, title = {Development of coupled numerical model for simulation of multiphase soil}, series = {Computers and Geotechnics}, volume = {96}, journal = {Computers and Geotechnics}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0266-352X}, doi = {10.1016/j.compgeo.2017.08.016}, pages = {118 -- 131}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In this paper, a coupled multiphase model considering both non-linearities of water retention curves and solid state modeling is proposed. The solid displacements and the pressures of both water and air phases are unknowns of the proposed model. The finite element method is used to solve the governing differential equations. The proposed method is demonstrated through simulation of seepage test and partially consolidation problem. Then, implementation of the model is done by using hypoplasticity for the solid phase and analyzing the fully saturated triaxial experiments. In integration of the constitutive law error controlling is improved and comparisons done accordingly. In this work, the advantages and limitations of the numerical model are discussed.}, language = {en} } @article{HoffschmidtFernandezKonstandopoulus2001, author = {Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Fernandez, V. and Konstandopoulus, A. G.}, title = {Development of ceramic volumetric receiver technology}, series = {Forschungsbericht : DLR FB. 10 (2001)}, journal = {Forschungsbericht : DLR FB. 10 (2001)}, isbn = {0939-2963}, pages = {51 -- 61}, year = {2001}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SurteesGillespieKernetal.2004, author = {Surtees, A. J. and Gillespie, A. and Kern, Alexander and Rousseau, A.}, title = {DEVELOPMENT OF A RISK ASSESSMENT CALCULATOR BASED ON A SIMPLIFIED FORM OF THE IEC 62305-2 STANDARD ON LIGHTNING PROTECTION}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Neue Blitzschutznorm IEC 62305. Entwicklung einer einfachen Software zur Risikoabw{\"a}gung}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ChicoCaminosSchmitzAttietal.2022, author = {Chico Caminos, Ricardo Alexander and Schmitz, Pascal and Atti, Vikrama Naga Babu and Mahdi, Zahra and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Sattler, Johannes Christoph and Herrmann, Ulf and Hilger, Patrick and Dieckmann, Simon}, title = {Development of a micro heliostat and optical qualification assessment with a 3D laser scanning method}, series = {SOLARPACES 2020}, booktitle = {SOLARPACES 2020}, number = {2445 / 1}, publisher = {AIP conference proceedings / American Institute of Physics}, address = {Melville, NY}, isbn = {978-0-7354-4195-8}, issn = {1551-7616 (online)}, doi = {10.1063/5.0086262}, pages = {8 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The Solar-Institut J{\"u}lich (SIJ) and the companies Hilger GmbH and Heliokon GmbH from Germany have developed a small-scale cost-effective heliostat, called "micro heliostat". Micro heliostats can be deployed in small-scale concentrated solar power (CSP) plants to concentrate the sun's radiation for electricity generation, space or domestic water heating or industrial process heat. In contrast to conventional heliostats, the special feature of a micro heliostat is that it consists of dozens of parallel-moving, interconnected, rotatable mirror facets. The mirror facets array is fixed inside a box-shaped module and is protected from weathering and wind forces by a transparent glass cover. The choice of the building materials for the box, tracking mechanism and mirrors is largely dependent on the selected production process and the intended application of the micro heliostat. Special attention was paid to the material of the tracking mechanism as this has a direct influence on the accuracy of the micro heliostat. The choice of materials for the mirror support structure and the tracking mechanism is made in favor of plastic molded parts. A qualification assessment method has been developed by the SIJ in which a 3D laser scanner is used in combination with a coordinate measuring machine (CMM). For the validation of this assessment method, a single mirror facet was scanned and the slope deviation was computed.}, language = {en} } @article{ArpshofenPoolSommeretal.1983, author = {Arpshofen, Ingo and Pool, M. J. and Sommer, Ferdinand and Gerling, Ulrich and Predel, Bruno and Schultheiss, Emil}, title = {Determination of the integral mixing enthalpies in the Cu-Pd-Si liquid ternary alloy system at 1600 K}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Metallkunde : international journal of materials research and advanced techniques. Bd. 74, H. 1}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Metallkunde : international journal of materials research and advanced techniques. Bd. 74, H. 1}, issn = {0044-3093 ; 0179-4841}, pages = {25 -- 32}, year = {1983}, language = {en} } @article{WernerKrumbeSchumacheretal.2011, author = {Werner, Frederik and Krumbe, Christoph and Schumacher, Katharina and Groebel, Simone and Spelthahn, Heiko and Stellberg, Michael and Wagner, Torsten and Yoshinobu, Tatsuo and Selmer, Thorsten and Keusgen, Michael and Baumann, Marcus and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Determination of the extracellular acidification of Escherichia coli by a light-addressable potentiometric sensor}, series = {Physica status solidi (a) : applications and material science. 208 (2011), H. 6}, journal = {Physica status solidi (a) : applications and material science. 208 (2011), H. 6}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Weinheim}, isbn = {1862-6319}, pages = {1340 -- 1344}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @article{HelsperWiedensohlerWeiseetal.1986, author = {Helsper, Christoph and Wiedensohler, A. and Weise, W. and L{\"u}tkemeier, E.}, title = {Determination of the Bipolar Charge Equilibrium in Pure Gases / Wiedensohler, A. ; Weise, W. ; Helsper, C. ; L{\"u}tkemeier, E.}, series = {Aerosols : formation and reactivity ; proceedings of the second International Aerosol Conference, 22-26 Sept. 1986, Berlin (West) / Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Aerosolforschung (GAeF) ; American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR)}, journal = {Aerosols : formation and reactivity ; proceedings of the second International Aerosol Conference, 22-26 Sept. 1986, Berlin (West) / Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Aerosolforschung (GAeF) ; American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR)}, publisher = {Pergamon Press}, address = {Oxford [u.a.]}, pages = {383 -- 386}, year = {1986}, language = {en} } @article{FoersterTillmannThust1996, author = {F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Tillmann, K. and Thust, M.}, title = {Determination of segregation, elastic strain and thin-foil relaxation in InxGa-1-x As islands on GaAs(001) by high resolution transmission electron microscopy / K. Tillmann ; A. Thust ; M. Lentzen ... A. F{\"o}rster ...}, series = {Philosophical magazine / Letters. 74 (1996), H. 5}, journal = {Philosophical magazine / Letters. 74 (1996), H. 5}, isbn = {1362-3036}, pages = {309 -- 315}, year = {1996}, language = {en} } @article{HelsperFissanThielen1983, author = {Helsper, Christoph and Fißan, H. J. and Thielen, H. J.}, title = {Determination of Particle Size Distributions by Means of an Electrostatic Classifier / Fißan, H. J.; Helsper, C. ; Thielen, H. J.}, series = {Journal of Aerosol Science. 14 (1983), H. 3}, journal = {Journal of Aerosol Science. 14 (1983), H. 3}, isbn = {0021-8502}, pages = {354 -- 357}, year = {1983}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{TakenagaHerreraWerneretal.2013, author = {Takenaga, Shoko and Herrera, Cony F. and Werner, Frederik and Biselli, Manfred and Schnitzler, Thomas and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef and {\"O}hlschl{\"a}ger, Peter and Wagner, Torsten}, title = {Detection of the metabolic activity of cells by differential measurements based on a single light-addressable potentiometric sensor chip}, series = {11. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium : 9.-11.12.2013}, booktitle = {11. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium : 9.-11.12.2013}, organization = {Dresdner Sensor-Symposium <11, 2013>}, isbn = {978-3-9813484-5-3}, pages = {63 -- 67}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @article{RochefortVerverGrunendahletal.2005, author = {Rochefort, E. de and Verver, M. and Grunendahl, A. and Mooi, H. and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Detailed modelling of the lumbar spine for investigations of low back pain}, series = {SAE transactions : papers presented at Society and Section meetings / Society of Automotive Engineers}, volume = {Volume 114}, journal = {SAE transactions : papers presented at Society and Section meetings / Society of Automotive Engineers}, number = {Part 7}, organization = {Society of Automotive Engineers}, issn = {0096-736X}, pages = {788 -- 796}, year = {2005}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{RochefortVerverGrunendahletal.2005, author = {Rochefort, E. de and Verver, M. and Grunendahl, A. and Mooi, H. and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Detailed modelling of the lumbar spine for investigation of low back pain}, series = {Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering Symposium : Iowa City, Iowa June 14-16, 2005. (SAE technical papers series ; 2005-1-2716)}, booktitle = {Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering Symposium : Iowa City, Iowa June 14-16, 2005. (SAE technical papers series ; 2005-1-2716)}, publisher = {SAE International}, address = {Warrendale, Pa.}, organization = {Society of Automotive Engineers}, issn = {0096-736X}, doi = {10.4271/2005-01-2716}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2005}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{HardtAbdelGawadMartinetal.1975, author = {Hardt, Arno and Abdel-Gawad, A and Martin, S. and Reich, J.}, title = {Design procedures for the Juelich QQDDQ high resolution spectrometer}, series = {Proceedings, 5th International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT-5) : Rome, Italy, April 21-25, 1975}, booktitle = {Proceedings, 5th International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT-5) : Rome, Italy, April 21-25, 1975}, pages = {45 -- 51}, year = {1975}, language = {en} } @article{KuertenMottaghyZiegler2015, author = {K{\"u}rten, Sylvia and Mottaghy, Darius and Ziegler, Martin}, title = {Design of plane energy geostructures based on laboratory tests and numerical modelling}, series = {Energy and Buildings}, volume = {107}, journal = {Energy and Buildings}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0378-7788}, doi = {10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.08.039}, pages = {434 -- 444}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @incollection{AtmaneHirechKassmietal.2020, author = {Atmane, Ilias and Hirech, Kamal and Kassmi, K. and Mahdi, Zahra and Alexopoulos, Spiros and Schwarzer, Klemens and Chayeb, H. and Bachiri, N.}, title = {Design and realization of a pilot solar desalination plant in Douar El Hamri in the province of Berkane (Morocco)}, series = {Sustainable entrepreneurship, renewable energy-based projects, and digitalization}, booktitle = {Sustainable entrepreneurship, renewable energy-based projects, and digitalization}, editor = {Omrane, Amina and Kassmi, Khalil and Akram, Muhammad Wasim and Khanna, Ashish and Mostafiz, Imtiaz}, publisher = {CRC Press}, address = {Boca Raton, Fa.}, isbn = {9781000292541 (E-Book)}, pages = {18 Seiten}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Producing fresh water from saline water has become one of the most difficult challenges to overcome especially with the high demand and shortage of fresh water. In this context, as part of a collaboration with Germany, the authors propose a design and implementation of a pilot multi-stage solar desalination system (MSD), remotely controlled, at Douar Al Hamri in the rural town of Boughriba in the province of Berkane, Morocco. More specifically, they present their contribution on the remote control and supervision system, which makes the functioning of the MSD system reliable and guarantees the production of drinking water for the population of Douar. The results obtained show that the electronic cards and computer communication software implemented allow the acquisition of all electrical (currents, voltages, powers, yields), thermal (temperatures of each stage), and meteorological (irradiance and ambient temperature), remote control and maintenance (switching on, off, data transfer). By comparing with the literature carried out in the field of solar energy, the authors conclude that the MSD and electronic desalination systems realized during this work represent a contribution in terms of the reliability and durability of providing drinking water in rural and urban areas.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ButenwegRajan2014, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Rajan, Sreelakshmy}, title = {Design and construction techniques of AAC masonry buildings in earthquakes regions}, series = {10 years Xella research in Building Materials : Symposium on the 4th and 5th of September, Potsdam 2014}, booktitle = {10 years Xella research in Building Materials : Symposium on the 4th and 5th of September, Potsdam 2014}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @article{HoffstadtCheenakulaNikolauszetal.2023, author = {Hoffstadt, Kevin and Cheenakula, Dheeraja and Nikolausz, Marcell and Krafft, Simone and Harms, Hauke and Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {Design and construction of a new reactor for flexible biomethanation of hydrogen}, series = {Fermentation}, volume = {9}, journal = {Fermentation}, number = {8}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2311-5637}, doi = {10.3390/fermentation9080774}, pages = {1 -- 16}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The increasing share of renewable electricity in the grid drives the need for sufficient storage capacity. Especially for seasonal storage, power-to-gas can be a promising approach. Biologically produced methane from hydrogen produced from surplus electricity can be used to substitute natural gas in the existing infrastructure. Current reactor types are not or are poorly optimized for flexible methanation. Therefore, this work proposes a new reactor type with a plug flow reactor (PFR) design. Simulations in COMSOL Multiphysics ® showed promising properties for operation in laminar flow. An experiment was conducted to support the simulation results and to determine the gas fraction of the novel reactor, which was measured to be 29\%. Based on these simulations and experimental results, the reactor was constructed as a 14 m long, 50 mm diameter tube with a meandering orientation. Data processing was established, and a step experiment was performed. In addition, a kLa of 1 h-1 was determined. The results revealed that the experimental outcomes of the type of flow and gas fractions are in line with the theoretical simulation. The new design shows promising properties for flexible methanation and will be tested.}, language = {en} } @article{FoersterRosePietschetal.1995, author = {F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Rose, D. and Pietsch, U. and Metzger, T. H.}, title = {Depth resolved investigations of the relaxation behaviour in strained GaInAs/GaAs superlattices using grazing incidence X-ray diffraction / Rose, D. ; Pietsch, U. ; F{\"o}rster, A. ; Metzger, T. H.}, series = {Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research / Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms. 97 (1995), H. 1-4}, journal = {Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research / Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms. 97 (1995), H. 1-4}, isbn = {0168-583X}, pages = {333 -- 336}, year = {1995}, language = {en} } @article{FoersterRosePietschetal.1994, author = {F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Rose, D. and Pietsch, U. and Metzger, H.}, title = {Depth resolved investigation of the relaxation behaviour in strained GaInAs/GaAs superlattices / Rose, D. ; Pietsch, U. ; F{\"o}rster, A. ; Metzger, H....}, series = {Physica B: condensed matter. 198 (1994), H. 1-3}, journal = {Physica B: condensed matter. 198 (1994), H. 1-3}, isbn = {0921-4526}, pages = {256 -- 258}, year = {1994}, language = {en} } @article{FoersterIndlekoferLueth2002, author = {F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Indlekofer, K.M. and L{\"u}th, H.}, title = {Density-matrix description of a quantum dot system with variable lateral confinement in the single-electron tunneling regime. Indlekofer, K.M.; F{\"o}rster, A.; L{\"u}th, H.}, series = {Physica B: Condensed Matter. 314 (2002), H. 1-4}, journal = {Physica B: Condensed Matter. 314 (2002), H. 1-4}, isbn = {0921-4526}, pages = {499 -- 502}, year = {2002}, language = {en} } @article{BreitbachSchmidtPlutkaSchubertetal.1993, author = {Breitbach, Gerd and Schmidt-Plutka, A. and Schubert, F. and Nickel, H.}, title = {Deformation behaviour of structures exposed at very high temperatures to cyclic thermal and mechanical loadings}, series = {Structural mechanics in reactor technology : transactions of the 12th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Stuttgart, Germany, 15-20 August 1993 / ed. Karl F. Kussmaul. - Bd. L : Inelastic behaviour of solids and structures}, journal = {Structural mechanics in reactor technology : transactions of the 12th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Stuttgart, Germany, 15-20 August 1993 / ed. Karl F. Kussmaul. - Bd. L : Inelastic behaviour of solids and structures}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam [u.a.]}, isbn = {0-444-81515-5}, pages = {203 -- 208}, year = {1993}, language = {en} } @article{FoersterDarmoDubeckyetal.1994, author = {F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Darmo, J. and Dubeck{\´y}, F. and Kordos, P.}, title = {Deep-level states and electrical properties of GaAs grown at 250 °C / J. Darmo ; F. Dubeck{\´y} ; P. Kordos ; A. F{\"o}rster ...}, series = {Materials science and engineering B: Solid\&\#150; state materials for advanced technology. 28 (1994), H. 1-3}, journal = {Materials science and engineering B: Solid\&\#150; state materials for advanced technology. 28 (1994), H. 1-3}, isbn = {0921-5107}, pages = {393 -- 396}, year = {1994}, language = {en} } @article{HelsperFissanKapadietal.1982, author = {Helsper, Christoph and Fißan, H. J. and Kapadi, A. and Liu, B. Y. H.}, title = {Data Inversion by Simplex Minimization for the Electrical Aerosol Analyzer}, series = {Aerosol Science and Technology. 1 (1982), H. 1982}, journal = {Aerosol Science and Technology. 1 (1982), H. 1982}, isbn = {0278-6826}, pages = {136 -- 146}, year = {1982}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ButenwegMarinkovic2018, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Marinkovic, Marko}, title = {Damage reduction system for masonry infill walls under seismic loading}, series = {ce/papers}, volume = {2}, booktitle = {ce/papers}, number = {4}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn Verlag}, address = {Berlin}, doi = {10.1002/cepa.863}, pages = {267 -- 273}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Reinforced concrete (RC) frames with masonry infills are frequently used in seismic regions all over the world. Generally masonry infills are considered as nonstructural elements and thus are typically neglected in the design process. However, the observations made after strong earthquakes have shown that masonry infills can modify the dynamic behavior of the structure significantly. The consequences were total collapses of buildings and loss of human lives. This paper presents the new system INODIS (Innovative Decoupled Infill System) developed within the European research project INSYSME (Innovative Systems for Earthquake Resistant Masonry Enclosures in RC Buildings). INODIS decouples the frame and the masonry infill by means of special U-shaped rubbers placed in between frame and infill. The effectiveness of the system was investigated by means of full scale tests on RC frames with masonry infills subjected to in-plane and out-of-plane loading. Furthermore small specimen tests were conducted to determine material characteristics of the components and the resistances of the connections. Finally, a micromodel was developed to simulate the in-plane behavior of RC frames infilled with AAC blocks with and without installation of the INODIS system.}, language = {en} } @article{FoersterVergheseZamdmeretal.1997, author = {F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Verghese, S. and Zamdmer, N. and Hu, Qing}, title = {Cryogenic picosecond sampling using fiber-coupled photoconductive switch / S. Verghese ; N. Zamdmer ; Qing Hu ; A. F{\"o}rster}, series = {Applied physics letters. 70 (1997), H. 20}, journal = {Applied physics letters. 70 (1997), H. 20}, isbn = {0003-6951}, pages = {2644 -- 2646}, year = {1997}, language = {en} } @article{TillmannFoerster2000, author = {Tillmann, K. and F{\"o}rster, Arnold}, title = {Critical dimensions for the formation of interfacial misfit dislocations of In0.6Ga0.4As islands on GaAs(001)}, series = {Thin Solid Films. 368 (2000), H. 1}, journal = {Thin Solid Films. 368 (2000), H. 1}, isbn = {0040-6090}, pages = {93 -- 104}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @article{MartinBergHackeretal.1985, author = {Martin, S. A. and Berg, G. P. A. and Hacker, U. and Hardt, Arno and K{\"o}hler, M. and Meißburger, J. and Osterfeld, F. and Prasuhn, D. and Riepe, G. and Rogge, M. and Schult, O. W. B. and Speth, J. and Turek, P. and Gaul, G. and Hagedoorn, H. and Heide, J. A. van der and Hinterberger, F. and Huber, M. and Jahn, R. and Mayer-Kuckuk, T. and Poth, H. and Paetz gen. Schieck, H.}, title = {COSY - a cooler synchrotron and storage ring}, series = {IEEE transactions on nuclear science. Vol. 32, iss. 5}, journal = {IEEE transactions on nuclear science. Vol. 32, iss. 5}, issn = {1558-1578 (E-Journal); 0018-9499 (Print)}, pages = {2694 -- 2696}, year = {1985}, language = {en} } @article{FoersterSchaepersMueller1994, author = {F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Sch{\"a}pers, T. and M{\"u}ller, F.}, title = {Control of ballistic electrons in (AlGa)As/GaAs heterostructures by means of superconducting niobium gate structures / T. Sch{\"a}pers ; F. M{\"u}ller ; A. F{\"o}rster ...}, series = {Surface Science. 305 (1994), H. 1-3}, journal = {Surface Science. 305 (1994), H. 1-3}, isbn = {0039-6028}, pages = {460 -- 464}, year = {1994}, language = {en} } @article{KrafftFoersterHartetal.2001, author = {Krafft, B. and F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Hart, A. van der and Sch{\"a}pers, T.}, title = {Control of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in a AlGaAs/GaAs ring by asymmetric and symmetric gate biasing}, series = {Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 9 (2001), H. 4}, journal = {Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 9 (2001), H. 4}, isbn = {1386-9477}, pages = {635 -- 641}, year = {2001}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SchulteSchwagerFrantzetal.2022, author = {Schulte, Jonas and Schwager, Christian and Frantz, Cathy and Schloms, Felix and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Herrmann, Ulf}, title = {Control concept for a molten salt receiver in star design: Development, optimization and testing with cloud passage scenarios}, series = {SolarPACES 2022 conference proceedings}, booktitle = {SolarPACES 2022 conference proceedings}, number = {1}, publisher = {TIB Open Publishing}, address = {Hannover}, issn = {2751-9899 (online)}, doi = {10.52825/solarpaces.v1i.693}, pages = {9 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {A promising approach to reduce the system costs of molten salt solar receivers is to enable the irradiation of the absorber tubes on both sides. The star design is an innovative receiver design, pursuing this approach. The unconventional design leads to new challenges in controlling the system. This paper presents a control concept for a molten salt receiver system in star design. The control parameters are optimized in a defined test cycle by minimizing a cost function. The control concept is tested in realistic cloud passage scenarios based on real weather data. During these tests, the control system showed no sign of unstable behavior, but to perform sufficiently in every scenario further research and development like integrating Model Predictive Controls (MPCs) need to be done. The presented concept is a starting point to do so.}, language = {en} } @article{RuppHandschuhRiekeetal.2019, author = {Rupp, Matthias and Handschuh, Nils and Rieke, Christian and Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {Contribution of country-specific electricity mix and charging time to environmental impact of battery electric vehicles: A case study of electric buses in Germany}, series = {Applied Energy}, volume = {237}, journal = {Applied Energy}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0306-2619}, doi = {10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.01.059}, pages = {618 -- 634}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PaulsenHoffstadtKrafftetal.2020, author = {Paulsen, Svea and Hoffstadt, Kevin and Krafft, Simone and Leite, A. and Zang, J. and Fonseca-Zang, W. and Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {Continuous biogas production from sugarcane as sole substrate}, series = {Energy Reports}, volume = {6}, booktitle = {Energy Reports}, number = {Supplement 1}, publisher = {Elsevier}, doi = {10.1016/j.egyr.2019.08.035}, pages = {153 -- 158}, year = {2020}, abstract = {A German-Brazilian research project investigates sugarcane as an energy plant in anaerobic digestion for biogas production. The aim of the project is a continuous, efficient, and stable biogas process with sugarcane as the substrate. Tests are carried out in a fermenter with a volume of 10 l. In order to optimize the space-time load to achieve a stable process, a continuous process in laboratory scale has been devised. The daily feed in quantity and the harvest time of the substrate sugarcane has been varied. Analyses of the digester content were conducted twice per week to monitor the process: The ratio of inorganic carbon content to volatile organic acid content (VFA/TAC), the concentration of short-chain fatty acids, the organic dry matter, the pH value, and the total nitrogen, phosphate, and ammonium concentrations were monitored. In addition, the gas quality (the percentages of CO₂, CH₄, and H₂) and the quantity of the produced gas were analyzed. The investigations have exhibited feasible and economical production of biogas in a continuous process with energy cane as substrate. With a daily feeding rate of 1.68gᵥₛ/l*d the average specific gas formation rate was 0.5 m3/kgᵥₛ. The long-term study demonstrates a surprisingly fast metabolism of short-chain fatty acids. This indicates a stable and less susceptible process compared to other substrates.}, language = {en} } @article{FleischhakerKraussSchaettigeretal.2013, author = {Fleischhaker, Robert and Krauß, Nico and Sch{\"a}ttiger, Farina and Dekorsy, Thomas}, title = {Consistent characterization of semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors with singe-pulse and pump-probe spectroscopy}, series = {Optics Express}, volume = {21}, journal = {Optics Express}, number = {6}, publisher = {Optica}, address = {Washington, DC}, issn = {1094-4087}, doi = {10.1364/OE.21.006764}, pages = {6764 -- 6776}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KernKrichel2002, author = {Kern, Alexander and Krichel, Frank}, title = {Considerations about the lightning protection system of mains independent renewable energy hybrid-systems - practical experiences}, year = {2002}, abstract = {In the paper a lightning protection design concept for renewable energy hybrid-systems without power mains connection is described. Based on a risk analysis protection measures against direct strikes and overvoltages are shown in an overview. The design concept is realized exemplarily for the hybrid-system VATALI on the Greek island Crete. VATALI, not lightning protected at that time, was a victim of a lightning strike in the year 2000 causing destructions and damages of some mechanical and electrical components with costs of approx. 60.000 €. The hardware costs for the protection measures were about 15.000 €: about 50\% of the costs are due to protection measures against direct strikes, 50\% are due to overvoltage protection.}, language = {en} } @article{KernKrichel2004, author = {Kern, Alexander and Krichel, Frank}, title = {Considerations about the lightning protection system of mains independent renewable energy hybrid-systems - practical experiences}, series = {Journal of electrostatics. 60 (2004), H. 2-4}, journal = {Journal of electrostatics. 60 (2004), H. 2-4}, isbn = {0304-3886}, pages = {257 -- 263}, year = {2004}, language = {en} } @article{BruessermannAshtonLeichtetal.1994, author = {Br{\"u}ssermann, Klaus and Ashton, P. and Leicht, R. and Martens, B.-R.}, title = {Concept of the Konrad repository documentation system for radioactive wastes (DORA) / Ashton, P.; Leicht, R.; Martens, B.-R.; Giller, H. Br{\"u}ssermann, K.}, series = {Kerntechnik 94 : Jahrestagung, 17.-19. Mai 1994, Stuttgart: Tagungsbericht = Nuclear technology, annual meeting 94 / Veranst.: Kerntechnische Gesellschaft; Deutsches Atomforum}, journal = {Kerntechnik 94 : Jahrestagung, 17.-19. Mai 1994, Stuttgart: Tagungsbericht = Nuclear technology, annual meeting 94 / Veranst.: Kerntechnische Gesellschaft; Deutsches Atomforum}, publisher = {INFORUM Verl.- u. Verwaltungs-Ges.}, address = {Bonn}, pages = {294 -- 297}, year = {1994}, language = {en} } @incollection{HoffschmidtAlexopoulosRauetal.2022, author = {Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Alexopoulos, Spiros and Rau, Christoph and Sattler, Johannes Christoph and Anthrakidis, Anette and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and O'Connor, B. and Chico Caminos, Ricardo Alexander and Rend{\´o}n, C. and Hilger, P.}, title = {Concentrating solar power}, series = {Comprehensive Renewable Energy (Second Edition) / Volume 3: Solar Thermal Systems: Components and Applications}, booktitle = {Comprehensive Renewable Energy (Second Edition) / Volume 3: Solar Thermal Systems: Components and Applications}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {978-0-12-819734-9}, pages = {670 -- 724}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The focus of this chapter is the production of power and the use of the heat produced from concentrated solar thermal power (CSP) systems. The chapter starts with the general theoretical principles of concentrating systems including the description of the concentration ratio, the energy and mass balance. The power conversion systems is the main part where solar-only operation and the increase in operational hours. Solar-only operation include the use of steam turbines, gas turbines, organic Rankine cycles and solar dishes. The operational hours can be increased with hybridization and with storage. Another important topic is the cogeneration where solar cooling, desalination and of heat usage is described. Many examples of commercial CSP power plants as well as research facilities from the past as well as current installed and in operation are described in detail. The chapter closes with economic and environmental aspects and with the future potential of the development of CSP around the world.}, language = {en} } @incollection{HoffschmidtAlexopoulosRauetal.2021, author = {Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Alexopoulos, Spiros and Rau, Christoph and Sattler, Johannes Christoph and Anthrakidis, Anette and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and O'Connor, B. and Chico Caminos, Ricardo Alexander and Rend{\´o}n, C. and Hilger, P.}, title = {Concentrating Solar Power}, series = {Earth systems and environmental sciences}, booktitle = {Earth systems and environmental sciences}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {978-0-12-409548-9}, doi = {10.1016/B978-0-12-819727-1.00089-3}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The focus of this chapter is the production of power and the use of the heat produced from concentrated solar thermal power (CSP) systems. The chapter starts with the general theoretical principles of concentrating systems including the description of the concentration ratio, the energy and mass balance. The power conversion systems is the main part where solar-only operation and the increase in operational hours. Solar-only operation include the use of steam turbines, gas turbines, organic Rankine cycles and solar dishes. The operational hours can be increased with hybridization and with storage. Another important topic is the cogeneration where solar cooling, desalination and of heat usage is described. Many examples of commercial CSP power plants as well as research facilities from the past as well as current installed and in operation are described in detail. The chapter closes with economic and environmental aspects and with the future potential of the development of CSP around the world.}, language = {en} } @article{HollerButenwegNohetal.2004, author = {Holler, S. and Butenweg, Christoph and Noh, S.-Y. and Meskouris, Konstantin}, title = {Computational model of textile-reinforced concrete structures}, series = {Computers \& structures : an international journal}, volume = {Volume 82}, journal = {Computers \& structures : an international journal}, number = {Issues 23-26}, issn = {1879-2243 (E-Journal); 0045-7949 (Print)}, doi = {10.1016/j.compstruc.2004.03.076}, pages = {1971 -- 1979}, year = {2004}, language = {en} } @article{AlexopoulosBreitbachHoffschmidtetal.2008, author = {Alexopoulos, Spiros and Breitbach, Gerd and Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Stobbe, P.}, title = {Computational fluid flow of porous resic ceramic filtering modules and optimization of the channel edge form geometry}, series = {Proceedings : April 14 - 18, 2008, Leipzig, Germany / hosted by VDI, Society for Chemical and Process Engineering . Vol 2}, journal = {Proceedings : April 14 - 18, 2008, Leipzig, Germany / hosted by VDI, Society for Chemical and Process Engineering . Vol 2}, publisher = {Filtech Exhibitions}, address = {Meerbusch}, pages = {300 -- 304}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{FoersterRosenauerFischeretal.1997, author = {F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Rosenauer, A. and Fischer, U. and Gerthsen, D.}, title = {Composition evaluation of InxGa1 - xAs Stranski-Krastanow-island structures by strain state analysis / A. Rosenauer ; U. Fischer ; D. Gerthsen ; A. F{\"o}rster}, series = {Applied physics letters. 71 (1997), H. 26}, journal = {Applied physics letters. 71 (1997), H. 26}, isbn = {0003-6951}, pages = {3868 -- 3870}, year = {1997}, language = {en} } @article{FoersterRosenauerFischeretal.1998, author = {F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Rosenauer, A. and Fischer, U. and Gerthsen, D.}, title = {Composition evaluation by lattice fringe analysis. Rosenauer, A.; Fischer U.; Gerthsen D.; F{\"o}rster A.}, series = {Ultramicroscopy. 72 (1998), H. 3-4}, journal = {Ultramicroscopy. 72 (1998), H. 3-4}, isbn = {0304-3991}, pages = {121 -- 133}, year = {1998}, language = {en} } @article{HoylerAprahamianWuetal.2006, author = {Hoyler, Friedrich and Aprahamian, A. and Wu, X. and Lesher, S. R.}, title = {Complete spectroscopy of the 162Dy nucleus / Aprahamian, A. ; Wu, X. ; Lesher, S. R. ; Warner, D. D. ; Gelletly, W. ; B{\"o}rner, H. G. ; Hoyler, F. ; Schreckenbach, K. ; Carsten R. F. ; Shi, Z. R. ; Kusnezov, D. ; Ibrahim, M. ; Macchiavelli, A. O. ; Brinkman}, series = {Nuclear physics / A. 764 (2006)}, journal = {Nuclear physics / A. 764 (2006)}, isbn = {0375-9474}, pages = {42 -- 78}, year = {2006}, language = {en} } @article{HoylerShiSchreckenbacketal.1999, author = {Hoyler, Friedrich and Shi, Z. R. and Schreckenback, K. and Aprahamian, A.}, title = {Complete spectroscopy and the 162Dy nucleus / Z. R. Shi ; K. Schreckenbach ; A. Aprahamian ... F. Hoyler ...}, series = {AIP conference proceedings (1999)}, journal = {AIP conference proceedings (1999)}, isbn = {0094-243X}, pages = {237 -- 238}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{KernRothWiedmann1992, author = {Kern, Alexander and Roth, J. and Wiedmann, J.}, title = {Comparison of the damage for various types of fibre reinforced composites due to different lightning test standards (MIL-STD 1757 A, German military VG-standard 96903)}, series = {Proceedings of the 1992 International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity : October 6-8, 1992, Trump Taj Mahal, Atlantic City, NJ.}, journal = {Proceedings of the 1992 International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity : October 6-8, 1992, Trump Taj Mahal, Atlantic City, NJ.}, publisher = {U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration}, address = {[Atlantic City, N.J.]}, pages = {Getr. Z{\"a}hl. : Ill. + addendum}, year = {1992}, language = {en} } @article{SpaeteFaberSchwarzeretal.2004, author = {Sp{\"a}te, Frank and Faber, Christian and Schwarzer, Klemens and Hartz, Thomas}, title = {Comparison of solar hot water systems in solar settlements - decentralized or centralized systems?}, series = {Proceedings / organised by: ISES Europe ... [Ed.: Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Sonnenenergie e.V. - DGS, Munich ; PSE GmbH - Forschung Entwicklung Marketing, Freiburg]. - Vol. 1}, journal = {Proceedings / organised by: ISES Europe ... [Ed.: Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Sonnenenergie e.V. - DGS, Munich ; PSE GmbH - Forschung Entwicklung Marketing, Freiburg]. - Vol. 1}, publisher = {PSE}, address = {Freiburg [Breisgau]}, isbn = {3-9809656-1-9}, pages = {1-666-1-671}, year = {2004}, language = {en} } @article{KernThomsen1994, author = {Kern, Alexander and Thomsen, M.}, title = {Comparison of single point and equipotential bonding for I\&C systems of large-area industrial sites}, series = {Volume of proceedings : Budapest, Hungary, September 19-23, 1994 / organized by: Technical University of Budapest}, journal = {Volume of proceedings : Budapest, Hungary, September 19-23, 1994 / organized by: Technical University of Budapest}, publisher = {Techn. Univ.}, address = {Budapest}, pages = {Getr. Z{\"a}hlung [ca. 610 S.]}, year = {1994}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{LatzkeAlexopoulosKronhardtetal.2015, author = {Latzke, Markus and Alexopoulos, Spiros and Kronhardt, Valentina and Rend{\´o}n, Carlos and Sattler, Johannes Christoph}, title = {Comparison of Potential Sites in China for Erecting a Hybrid Solar Tower Power Plant with Air Receiver}, series = {Energy Procedia}, booktitle = {Energy Procedia}, issn = {1876-6102}, doi = {10.1016/j.egypro.2015.03.142}, pages = {1327 -- 1334}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @article{BeckerFrauenrathHezeletal.2010, author = {Becker, Meike and Frauenrath, Tobias and Hezel, Fabian and Krombach, Gabriele A. and Kremer, Ute and Koppers, Benedikt and Butenweg, Christoph and Goemmel, Andreas and Utting, Jane F. and Schulz-Menger, Jeanette and Niendorf, Thoralf}, title = {Comparison of left ventricular function assessment using phonocardiogram- and electrocardiogram-triggered 2D SSFP CINE MR imaging at 1.5 T and 3.0 T}, series = {European Radiology}, volume = {20}, journal = {European Radiology}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1432-1084 (Onlineausgabe)}, doi = {10.1007/s00330-009-1676-z}, pages = {1344 -- 1355}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Objective: As high-field cardiac MRI (CMR) becomes more widespread the propensity of ECG to interference from electromagnetic fields (EMF) and to magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) effects increases and with it the motivation for a CMR triggering alternative. This study explores the suitability of acoustic cardiac triggering (ACT) for left ventricular (LV) function assessment in healthy subjects (n=14). Methods: Quantitative analysis of 2D CINE steady-state free precession (SSFP) images was conducted to compare ACT's performance with vector ECG (VCG). Endocardial border sharpness (EBS) was examined paralleled by quantitative LV function assessment. Results: Unlike VCG, ACT provided signal traces free of interference from EMF or MHD effects. In the case of correct Rwave recognition, VCG-triggered 2D CINE SSFP was immune to cardiac motion effects—even at 3.0 T. However, VCG-triggered 2D SSFP CINE imaging was prone to cardiac motion and EBS degradation if R-wave misregistration occurred. ACT-triggered acquisitions yielded LV parameters (end-diastolic volume (EDV), endsystolic volume (ESV), stroke volume (SV), ejection fraction (EF) and left ventricular mass (LVM)) comparable with those derived fromVCG-triggered acquisitions (1.5 T: ESVVCG=(56± 17) ml, EDVVCG=(151±32)ml, LVMVCG=(97±27) g, SVVCG=(94± 19)ml, EFVCG=(63±5)\% cf. ESVACT= (56±18) ml, EDVACT=(147±36) ml, LVMACT=(102±29) g, SVACT=(91± 22) ml, EFACT=(62±6)\%; 3.0 T: ESVVCG=(55±21) ml, EDVVCG=(151±32) ml, LVMVCG=(101±27) g, SVVCG=(96±15) ml, EFVCG=(65±7)\% cf. ESVACT=(54±20) ml, EDVACT=(146±35) ml, LVMACT= (101±30) g, SVACT=(92±17) ml, EFACT=(64±6)\%). Conclusions: ACT's intrinsic insensitivity to interference from electromagnetic fields renders}, language = {en} } @misc{FrauenrathBeckerHezeletal.2010, author = {Frauenrath, Tobias and Becker, Meike and Hezel, Fabian and Krombach, Gabriele A. and Kremer, Ute and Schulz-Menger, Jeanette and Niendorf, Thoralf}, title = {Comparison of Left Function Assessment Using Phonocardiogram and Electrocardiogram Triggered 2D SSFP CINE MR Imaging at 1.5 T and 3.0 T}, series = {2010 ISMRM-ESMRMB joint annual meeting}, journal = {2010 ISMRM-ESMRMB joint annual meeting}, issn = {1545-4428}, year = {2010}, abstract = {As high-field cardiac MRI (CMR) becomes more widespread the propensity of ECG to distortions and mistriggering increases and with it the motivation for a cardiac triggering alternative. Hence, this study explores the suitability of acoustic cardiac triggering (ACT) for left ventricular (LV) function assessment in healthy subjects at 1.5T and 3.0T.}, language = {en} } @article{FoersterHardtdegenUngermanns1995, author = {F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Hardtdegen, Hilde and Ungermanns, C.}, title = {Comparative investigation of electrical and optical characteristics of AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs structures deposited by LP-MOVPE and MBE / H. Hardtdegen ; M. Hollfelder ; C. Ungermanns ... A. F{\"o}rster ...}, series = {Compound semiconductors, 1994 : proceedings of the twenty-first International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors held in San Diego, California, 18 - 22 September, 1994 / ed. by Herb Goronkin ... - (Conference series / Institute of Physics ; 141)}, journal = {Compound semiconductors, 1994 : proceedings of the twenty-first International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors held in San Diego, California, 18 - 22 September, 1994 / ed. by Herb Goronkin ... - (Conference series / Institute of Physics ; 141)}, publisher = {Institute of Physics}, address = {Bristol [u.a.]}, isbn = {0-7503-0226-7}, pages = {81 -- ff.}, year = {1995}, language = {en} } @article{HoffschmidtFendJorgensen2002, author = {Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Fend, Thomas and Jorgensen, Gary}, title = {Comparative assessment of solar concentrator materials / Thomas Fend ; Bernhard Hoffschmidt ; Gary Jorgensen ...}, series = {Renewable energy for local communities of Europe : (toward Rio+10) ; proceedings / EuroSun 2002, the 4th ISES Europe Solar Congress ; Bologna (Italy), 23 - 26 June 2002 / ISES Italia}, journal = {Renewable energy for local communities of Europe : (toward Rio+10) ; proceedings / EuroSun 2002, the 4th ISES Europe Solar Congress ; Bologna (Italy), 23 - 26 June 2002 / ISES Italia}, address = {Bologna}, isbn = {88-900893-0-X}, pages = {paper_125.pdf}, year = {2002}, language = {en} } @article{HoffschmidtFendJorgensenetal.2003, author = {Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Fend, Thomas and Jorgensen, Gary and K{\"u}ster, Harald}, title = {Comparative assessment of solar concentrator materials / Fend, Thomas ; Hoffschmidt, Bernhard ; Jorgensen, Gary ; K{\"u}ster, Harald ; Kr{\"u}ger, Dirk ; Pitz-Paal, Robert ; Riebrock, Peter ; Riffelmann, Klaus-J{\"u}rgen}, series = {Solar energy. 74 (2003), H. 2}, journal = {Solar energy. 74 (2003), H. 2}, isbn = {0038-092X}, pages = {149 -- 155}, year = {2003}, language = {en} } @article{SommerGerlingPredel1984, author = {Sommer, F. and Gerling, Ulrich and Predel, Bruno}, title = {Comments on 'On the evaluation of interchange energies and the equilibrium constant from mixing enthalpies of a regular associated solution' by S. Lele, G.V.S. Sastry, and P. Ramachandrarao = Kommentar zu 'Zur Berechnung der Wechselwirkungsenergien und der Gleichgewichtskonstanten aus Mischungsenthalpien in regul{\"a}ren assoziierten L{\"o}sungen' von S. Lele, G.V.S. Sastry und P. Ramachandrarao}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Metallkunde : international journal of materials research and advanced techniques. Bd. 75, H. 6}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Metallkunde : international journal of materials research and advanced techniques. Bd. 75, H. 6}, issn = {0044-3093 ; 0179-4841}, pages = {449 -- 454}, year = {1984}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{HoeflerKneerGrossetal.2015, author = {H{\"o}fler, M. and Kneer, R. and Groß, Rolf Fritz and Kehrmann, K.}, title = {Chemical determination of oxygen transfer rates, transfer efficiencies and interphases evoked by aeration elements for liquid flows}, series = {Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow VIII. - (WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences ; Volume 89)}, booktitle = {Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow VIII. - (WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences ; Volume 89)}, editor = {Vorobieff, P.}, publisher = {WIT Press}, address = {Southampton}, isbn = {978-1-84564-946-3 (Print-Ausgabe)}, issn = {1746-4471}, pages = {89 -- 101}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @article{FoersterLachenmannFriedrich1997, author = {F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Lachenmann, S. G. and Friedrich, I.}, title = {Charge transport in superconductor/semiconductor/normal-conductor step junctions / S. G. Lachenmann ; I. Friedrich ; A. F{\"o}rster ...}, series = {Physical review / B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 56 (1997), H. 21}, journal = {Physical review / B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 56 (1997), H. 21}, isbn = {1095-3795}, pages = {14108 -- 14115}, year = {1997}, language = {en} } @article{HelsperLuetkemeierWiedensohler1986, author = {Helsper, Christoph and L{\"u}tkemeier, E. and Wiedensohler, A.}, title = {Charge Distribution by Unipolar Charging of Small Aerosol Particles / L{\"u}tkemeier, E. ; Helsper, C. ; Wiedensohler, A.}, series = {Aerosols : formation and reactivity ; proceedings of the second International Aerosol Conference, 22-26 Sept. 1986, Berlin (West) / Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Aerosolforschung (GAeF) ; American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR)}, journal = {Aerosols : formation and reactivity ; proceedings of the second International Aerosol Conference, 22-26 Sept. 1986, Berlin (West) / Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Aerosolforschung (GAeF) ; American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR)}, publisher = {Pergamon Press}, address = {Oxford [u.a.]}, pages = {474 -- 478}, year = {1986}, language = {en} } @article{FoersterNovakKuceraetal.1997, author = {F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Novak, J. and Kucera, M. and Morvic, M.}, title = {Characterization of low-temperature GaAs by galvanomagnetic an photoluminescence measurements / J. Nov{\´a}k ; M. Kucera ; M. Morvic ... A. F{\"o}rster ...}, series = {Materials science and engineering B: Solid\&\#150; state materials for advanced technology. 44 (1997), H. 1-3}, journal = {Materials science and engineering B: Solid\&\#150; state materials for advanced technology. 44 (1997), H. 1-3}, isbn = {0921-5107}, pages = {341 -- 344}, year = {1997}, language = {en} } @article{FoersterMorvicBetkoetal.1999, author = {F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Morvic, M. and Betko, J. and Novak, J.}, title = {Characterization of low-temperature GaAs by conductivity, Hall effect and magnetoresistance measurements. Morvic, M., Betko, J.; Novak, J.; F{\"o}rster, A.; Kordos, P.}, series = {2nd Symposium on Non-Stoichiometric III-V Compounds : [4th - 6th October 1999, Erlangen] / [ed. by T. Marek ...] Friedrich-Alexander-Universit{\"a}t Erlangen-N{\"u}rnberg}, journal = {2nd Symposium on Non-Stoichiometric III-V Compounds : [4th - 6th October 1999, Erlangen] / [ed. by T. Marek ...] Friedrich-Alexander-Universit{\"a}t Erlangen-N{\"u}rnberg}, publisher = {Lehrstuhl f{\"u}r Mikrocharakterisierung}, address = {Erlangen}, isbn = {3-932392-19-1}, pages = {79 -- 85}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @article{HelsperMoelter1991, author = {Helsper, Christoph and M{\"o}lter, W.}, title = {Characteristics of a Nebulizer with Cyclone Preseparator / M{\"o}lter, W. ; Helsper, C.}, series = {Aerosols, their generation, behaviour and applications. Annual Conference of the Aerosol Society / Aerosol Society (UK) ; 5.}, journal = {Aerosols, their generation, behaviour and applications. Annual Conference of the Aerosol Society / Aerosol Society (UK) ; 5.}, address = {Loughborough}, pages = {89 -- 94}, year = {1991}, language = {en} } @article{SchwarzerSilva2008, author = {Schwarzer, Klemens and Silva, Maria Eugenia Vieira da}, title = {Characterisation and design methods of solar cookers / Schwarzer, Klemens ; Silva, Maria Eugenia Vieira da}, series = {Solar energy. 82 (2008), H. 2}, journal = {Solar energy. 82 (2008), H. 2}, isbn = {0038-092X}, pages = {157 -- 163}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{HoffstadtPohenDickeetal.2020, author = {Hoffstadt, Kevin and Pohen, Gino D. and Dicke, Max D. and Paulsen, Svea and Krafft, Simone and Zang, Joachim W. and Fonseca-Zang, Warde A. da and Leite, Athaydes and Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {Challenges and prospects of biogas from energy cane as supplement to bioethanol production}, series = {Agronomy}, volume = {10}, journal = {Agronomy}, number = {6}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2073-4395}, doi = {10.3390/agronomy10060821}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Innovative breeds of sugar cane yield up to 2.5 times as much organic matter as conventional breeds, resulting in a great potential for biogas production. The use of biogas production as a complementary solution to conventional and second-generation ethanol production in Brazil may increase the energy produced per hectare in the sugarcane sector. Herein, it was demonstrated that through ensiling, energy cane can be conserved for six months; the stored cane can then be fed into a continuous biogas process. This approach is necessary to achieve year-round biogas production at an industrial scale. Batch tests revealed specific biogas potentials between 400 and 600 LN/kgVS for both the ensiled and non-ensiled energy cane, and the specific biogas potential of a continuous biogas process fed with ensiled energy cane was in the same range. Peak biogas losses through ensiling of up to 27\% after six months were observed. Finally, compared with second-generation ethanol production using energy cane, the results indicated that biogas production from energy cane may lead to higher energy yields per hectare, with an average energy yield of up to 162 MWh/ha. Finally, the Farm²CBG concept is introduced, showing an approach for decentralized biogas production.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ButenwegGellertReindl2008, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Gellert, Christoph and Reindl, Lukas}, title = {Capacity design of masonry buildings under cyclic loading}, series = {Seismic Risk : Earthquakes in North-Western Europe ; international colloquium ; Li{\`e}ge on 11 and 12 September 2008 / Belgian Seismic Group (BeSeiG). Ed.: T. Camlebeeck ...}, booktitle = {Seismic Risk : Earthquakes in North-Western Europe ; international colloquium ; Li{\`e}ge on 11 and 12 September 2008 / Belgian Seismic Group (BeSeiG). Ed.: T. Camlebeeck ...}, publisher = {Editions de l'Universit{\´e} de Li{\`e}ge}, address = {Li{\`e}ge}, organization = {Belgian Seismic Group}, isbn = {978-2-87456-063-7}, pages = {201 -- 208}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KalkerTollHolleretal.2004, author = {Kalker, Ines and Toll, B. and Holler, Stefan and Butenweg, Christoph and Topping, B. H. V. and Mota Soares, C. A.}, title = {Capacity analysis of textile retrofitted unreinforced masonry}, series = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology : [Lisbon, Portugal, 7 - 9 September 2004] / ed. by B. H. V. Topping ...}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology : [Lisbon, Portugal, 7 - 9 September 2004] / ed. by B. H. V. Topping ...}, publisher = {Civil-Comp Press}, address = {Stirling}, organization = {International Conference on Computational Structures Technology <7, 2004, Lissabon>}, isbn = {0-948749-95-4}, doi = {10.4203/ccp.79.194}, pages = {431 -- 432}, year = {2004}, language = {en} } @incollection{HinkeVervierBrauneretal.2022, author = {Hinke, Christian and Vervier, Luisa and Brauner, Philipp and Schneider, Sebastian and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Ziefle, Martina and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {Capability configuration in next generation manufacturing}, series = {Forecasting next generation manufacturing : digital shadows, human-machine collaboration, and data-driven business models}, booktitle = {Forecasting next generation manufacturing : digital shadows, human-machine collaboration, and data-driven business models}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-031-07733-3}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-07734-0_6}, pages = {95 -- 106}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Industrial production systems are facing radical change in multiple dimensions. This change is caused by technological developments and the digital transformation of production, as well as the call for political and social change to facilitate a transformation toward sustainability. These changes affect both the capabilities of production systems and companies and the design of higher education and educational programs. Given the high uncertainty in the likelihood of occurrence and the technical, economic, and societal impacts of these concepts, we conducted a technology foresight study, in the form of a real-time Delphi analysis, to derive reliable future scenarios featuring the next generation of manufacturing systems. This chapter presents the capabilities dimension and describes each projection in detail, offering current case study examples and discussing related research, as well as implications for policy makers and firms. Specifically, we discuss the benefits of capturing expert knowledge and making it accessible to newcomers, especially in highly specialized industries. The experts argue that in order to cope with the challenges and circumstances of today's world, students must already during their education at university learn how to work with AI and other technologies. This means that study programs must change and that universities must adapt their structural aspects to meet the needs of the students.}, language = {en} } @article{HelsperFissan1983, author = {Helsper, Christoph and Fißan, H. J.}, title = {Calibration of the Polytec HC-15 and HC-70 Optical Particle Counters / Fißan, H. J. ; Helsper, C.}, series = {Aerosols in the mining and industrial work environments, Vol. 3. Instrumentation, Marple, Virgil A. ; Liu, Benjamin Y.}, journal = {Aerosols in the mining and industrial work environments, Vol. 3. Instrumentation, Marple, Virgil A. ; Liu, Benjamin Y.}, publisher = {Ann Arbor Science}, address = {Ann Arbor, Mich.}, pages = {825 -- 829}, year = {1983}, language = {en} } @article{HelsperFissanKasper1984, author = {Helsper, Christoph and Fißan, H. J. and Kasper, W.}, title = {Calibration of Optical Particle Counters with Respect to Particle Size / Fißan, H. J. ; Helsper, C.; Kasper, W.}, series = {Particle and Particle Systems Characterization. 1 (1984), H. 1984}, journal = {Particle and Particle Systems Characterization. 1 (1984), H. 1984}, isbn = {1521-4117}, pages = {108 -- 111}, year = {1984}, language = {en} } @article{KernWiesingerZischank1991, author = {Kern, Alexander and Wiesinger, J. and Zischank, Wolfgang J.}, title = {Calculation of the longitudinal voltage along metal tubes caused by lightning currents and protection measures}, series = {Seventh International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering : Dresden, August 26 - 30 1991}, journal = {Seventh International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering : Dresden, August 26 - 30 1991}, publisher = {Techn. Univ.}, address = {Dresden}, year = {1991}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PfundtVogelsangGerling1988, author = {Pfundt, H. and Vogelsang, D. and Gerling, Ulrich}, title = {Calculation of the crust profile in aluminium reduction cells by thermal computer modelling}, series = {Light metals 1989 : 118th annual meeting of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Las Vegas, NV, Feb. 27 - Mar. 03. 1989}, booktitle = {Light metals 1989 : 118th annual meeting of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Las Vegas, NV, Feb. 27 - Mar. 03. 1989}, publisher = {Minerals, Metals and Materials Soc.}, address = {Warrendale, Pa.}, pages = {371 -- 377}, year = {1988}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KernSchelthoffMathieu2012, author = {Kern, Alexander and Schelthoff, Christof and Mathieu, Moritz}, title = {Calculation of interception efficiencies for mesh-type air-terminations according to IEC 62305-3 using a dynamic electro-geometrical model}, series = {International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP) : 2 - 7 Sept. 2012, Vienna}, booktitle = {International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP) : 2 - 7 Sept. 2012, Vienna}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Piscataway, NJ}, organization = {International Conference on Lightning Protection <2012, Wien>}, isbn = {978-1-4673-1896-9 (E-Book) ; 978-1-4673-1898-3 (Print)}, pages = {1 -- 6}, year = {2012}, language = {en} } @article{KernSchelthoffMathieu2011, author = {Kern, Alexander and Schelthoff, Christof and Mathieu, Moritz}, title = {Calculation of interception efficiencies for airterminations using a dynamic electro-geometrical model}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York}, pages = {1 -- 6}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GorzalkaDahlkeGoettscheetal.2018, author = {Gorzalka, Philip and Dahlke, Dennis and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and Israel, Martin and Patel, Dhruvkumar and Prahl, Christoph and Schmiedt, Jacob Estevam and Frommholz, Dirk and Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Linkiewicz, Magdalena}, title = {Building Tomograph-From Remote Sensing Data of Existing Buildings to Building Energy Simulation Input}, series = {EBC, Annex 71, Fifth expert meeting, October 17-19, 2018, Innsbruck, Austria}, booktitle = {EBC, Annex 71, Fifth expert meeting, October 17-19, 2018, Innsbruck, Austria}, pages = {17 Seiten}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SteuerDankertBergLeichtScholten2015, author = {Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Berg, Tobias and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {Breaking the habit - new approaches in engineering education}, series = {Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education}, isbn = {978-2-87352-012-0}, pages = {11}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Within the framework of the project a genderand diversity-oriented teaching evaluation and modern, media-supported blended learning approaches were used in order to achieve the intended goals. First research results of the literature and status quo analysis were already implemented and tested in newly designed teaching approaches, for example in a multidisciplinary introductory lecture of civil engineering at RWTH Aachen University.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{EdipGarevskiButenwegetal.2014, author = {Edip, Kemal and Garevski, Mihail and Butenweg, Christoph and Sesov, Vlatko and Bojadjieva, Julijana and Gjorgjiev, Igor}, title = {Boundary effects on seismic analysis of multi-storey frames considering soil structure interaction phenomenon}, series = {Seismic design of industrial facilities : proceedings of the International Conference on Seismic Design of Industrial Facilities (SeDIF-Conference) ; [Aachen, 26. - 27. September 2013] / Chair of Structural Statics and Dynamics, RWTH Aachen. Sven Klinkel ..., ed}, booktitle = {Seismic design of industrial facilities : proceedings of the International Conference on Seismic Design of Industrial Facilities (SeDIF-Conference) ; [Aachen, 26. - 27. September 2013] / Chair of Structural Statics and Dynamics, RWTH Aachen. Sven Klinkel ..., ed}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, organization = {International Conference on Seismic Design of Industrial Facilities <2013, Aachen>}, isbn = {978-3-658-02809-1 (Print) ; 978-3-658-02810-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-02810-7_47}, pages = {569 -- 576}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @article{HeelDiktaBraekers2021, author = {Heel, Mareike van and Dikta, Gerhard and Braekers, Roel}, title = {Bootstrap based goodness‑of‑fit tests for binary multivariate regression models}, series = {Journal of the Korean Statistical Society}, volume = {51}, journal = {Journal of the Korean Statistical Society}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {Singapur}, issn = {2005-2863 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/s42952-021-00142-4}, pages = {28 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {We consider a binary multivariate regression model where the conditional expectation of a binary variable given a higher-dimensional input variable belongs to a parametric family. Based on this, we introduce a model-based bootstrap (MBB) for higher-dimensional input variables. This test can be used to check whether a sequence of independent and identically distributed observations belongs to such a parametric family. The approach is based on the empirical residual process introduced by Stute (Ann Statist 25:613-641, 1997). In contrast to Stute and Zhu's approach (2002) Stute \& Zhu (Scandinavian J Statist 29:535-545, 2002), a transformation is not required. Thus, any problems associated with non-parametric regression estimation are avoided. As a result, the MBB method is much easier for users to implement. To illustrate the power of the MBB based tests, a small simulation study is performed. Compared to the approach of Stute \& Zhu (Scandinavian J Statist 29:535-545, 2002), the simulations indicate a slightly improved power of the MBB based method. Finally, both methods are applied to a real data set.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{TomicPennaDeJongetal.2020, author = {Tomic, Igor and Penna, Andrea and DeJong, Matthew and Butenweg, Christoph and Senaldi, Ilaria and Guerrini, Gabriele and Malomo, Daniele and Beyer, Katrin}, title = {Blind predictions of shake table testing of aggregate masonry buildings}, series = {Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In many historical centers in Europe, stone masonry is part of building aggregates, which developed when the layout of the city or village was densified. The analysis of such building aggregates is very challenging and modelling guidelines missing. Advances in the development of analysis methods have been impeded by the lack of experimental data on the seismic response of such aggregates. The SERA project AIMS (Seismic Testing of Adjacent Interacting Masonry Structures) provides such experimental data by testing an aggregate of two buildings under two horizontal components of dynamic excitation. With the aim to advance the modelling of unreinforced masonry aggregates, a blind prediction competition is organized before the experimental campaign. Each group has been provided a complete set of construction drawings, material properties, testing sequence and the list of measurements to be reported. The applied modelling approaches span from equivalent frame models to Finite Element models using shell elements and discrete element models with solid elements. This paper compares the first entries, regarding the modelling approaches, results in terms of base shear, roof displacements, interface openings, and the failure modes.}, language = {en} } @article{RateikeSiebourgSchmidetal.1990, author = {Rateike, Franz-Matthias and Siebourg, W. and Schmid, H. and Anders, S.}, title = {Birefringence - An important property of plastic substrates for magneto-optical storage disks / W. Siebourg ; H. Schmid ; F. M. Rateike ; S. Anders ; U. Grigo ; H. L{\"o}wer}, series = {Polymer engineering \& science / Society of Plastics Engineers. 30 (1990), H. 18}, journal = {Polymer engineering \& science / Society of Plastics Engineers. 30 (1990), H. 18}, isbn = {0032-3888}, pages = {1133 -- 1139}, year = {1990}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{StollenwerkRiekeDahmenetal.2016, author = {Stollenwerk, Dominik and Rieke, Christian and Dahmen, Markus and Pieper, Martin}, title = {Biogas Production Modelling : A Control System Engineering Approach}, series = {IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Bd. 32}, booktitle = {IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Bd. 32}, issn = {1755-1315}, doi = {10.1088/1755-1315/32/1/012008}, pages = {012008/1 -- 012008/4}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @incollection{BechstedtBergHackeretal.1995, author = {Bechstedt, U. and Berg, Georg P. A. and Hacker, U. and Hardt, Arno and H{\"u}rlimann, W. and Maier, R. and Martin, S. and Meissburger, J. and R{\"o}mer, J. G. M. and Possen, P. von and Sagefka, T.}, title = {BIG KARL and COSY}, series = {The art and science of magnet design. A Festschrift in honor of Klaus Halbach. Vol. 1}, booktitle = {The art and science of magnet design. A Festschrift in honor of Klaus Halbach. Vol. 1}, publisher = {Lawrence Berkeley Lab., Univ. of California}, address = {Berkeley, CA.}, pages = {19 -- 28}, year = {1995}, language = {en} } @article{DarmoSchaefferFoersteretal.2000, author = {Darmo, J. and Sch{\"a}ffer, F. and F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Kordos, P.}, title = {Beryllium doped low-temperature-grown MBE GaAs: material for photomixing in the THz frequency range}, series = {ASDAM 2000 : conference proceedings / edited by Jozef Osvald ... [et al.]}, journal = {ASDAM 2000 : conference proceedings / edited by Jozef Osvald ... [et al.]}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Piscataway, NJ}, isbn = {0780359399}, pages = {147 -- 150}, year = {2000}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MorandiButenwegBreisetal.2022, author = {Morandi, Paolo and Butenweg, Christoph and Breis, Khaled and Beyer, Katrin and Magenes, Guido}, title = {Behaviour factor q for the seismic design of URM buildings}, series = {The Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology}, booktitle = {The Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology}, editor = {Arion, Cristian and Scupin, Alexandra and Ţigănescu, Alexandru}, isbn = {978-973-100-533-1}, pages = {1184 -- 1194}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Recent earthquakes showed that low-rise URM buildings following codecompliant seismic design and details behaved in general very well without substantial damages. Although advances in simulation tools make nonlinear calculation methods more readily accessible to designers, linear analyses will still be the standard design method for years to come. The present paper aims to improve the linear seismic design method by providing a proper definition of the q-factor of URM buildings. Values of q-factors are derived for low-rise URM buildings with rigid diaphragms, with reference to modern structural configurations realized in low to moderate seismic areas of Italy and Germany. The behaviour factor components for deformation and energy dissipation capacity and for overstrength due to the redistribution of forces are derived by means of pushover analyses. As a result of the investigations, rationally based values of the behaviour factor q to be used in linear analyses in the range of 2.0 to 3.0 are proposed.}, language = {en} } @article{FoersterOhlerDaniels1997, author = {F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Ohler, C. and Daniels, C.}, title = {Barrier height at clean Au/InAs(100) interfaces / C. Ohler ; C. Daniels ; A. F{\"o}rster ...}, series = {Journal of Vacuum Science \& Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 15 (1997), H. 3}, journal = {Journal of Vacuum Science \& Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 15 (1997), H. 3}, isbn = {0169-4332}, pages = {702 -- 706}, year = {1997}, language = {en} } @article{FoersterOhlerMoers1997, author = {F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Ohler, C. and Moers, J.}, title = {Band offsets at heavily strained III - V interfaces / C. Ohler ; A. F{\"o}rster ; J. Moers...}, series = {Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 30 (1997), H. 10}, journal = {Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 30 (1997), H. 10}, isbn = {0022-3727}, pages = {1436 -- 1441}, year = {1997}, language = {en} } @article{MarxSchenkBehrensetal.2013, author = {Marx, Ulrich and Schenk, Friedrich and Behrens, Jan and Meyr, Ulrike and Wanek, Paul and Zang, Werner and Schmitt, Robert and Br{\"u}stle, Oliver and Zenke, Martin and Klocke, Fritz}, title = {Automatic production of induced pluripotent stem cells}, series = {Procedia CIRP : First CIRP Conference on BioManufacturing}, volume = {Vol. 5}, journal = {Procedia CIRP : First CIRP Conference on BioManufacturing}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {2212-8271}, pages = {2 -- 6}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @incollection{ButenwegThierauf1999, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Thierauf, G.}, title = {Automatic design of reinforced concrete structures with parallel computing}, series = {Innovative computational methods for structural mechanics}, booktitle = {Innovative computational methods for structural mechanics}, editor = {Papadrakakis, M. and Topping, B.H.V.}, publisher = {Saxe-Coburg Publication}, address = {Edinburgh}, isbn = {1-874672-05-9}, doi = {10.4203/csets.1.14}, pages = {305 -- 318}, year = {1999}, abstract = {A concept for the analysis and optimal design of reinforced concrete structures is described. It is based on a nonlinear optimization algorithm and a finite element program for linear and nonlinear analysis of structures. With the aim of minimal cost design a two stage optimization using efficient gradient algorithm is developed. The optimization problems on global (structural) and local (crosssectional) level are formulated. A parallelization concept for solving the two stage optimization problem in minimal time is presented. Examples are included to illustrate the practical use and the effectively of the parallelization in the area of engineering design.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SildatkeKarwanniKraftetal.2020, author = {Sildatke, Michael and Karwanni, Hendrik and Kraft, Bodo and Schmidts, Oliver and Z{\"u}ndorf, Albert}, title = {Automated Software Quality Monitoring in Research Collaboration Projects}, series = {ICSEW'20: Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops}, booktitle = {ICSEW'20: Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York, NY}, doi = {10.1145/3387940.3391478}, pages = {603 -- 610}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In collaborative research projects, both researchers and practitioners work together solving business-critical challenges. These projects often deal with ETL processes, in which humans extract information from non-machine-readable documents by hand. AI-based machine learning models can help to solve this problem. Since machine learning approaches are not deterministic, their quality of output may decrease over time. This fact leads to an overall quality loss of the application which embeds machine learning models. Hence, the software qualities in development and production may differ. Machine learning models are black boxes. That makes practitioners skeptical and increases the inhibition threshold for early productive use of research prototypes. Continuous monitoring of software quality in production offers an early response capability on quality loss and encourages the use of machine learning approaches. Furthermore, experts have to ensure that they integrate possible new inputs into the model training as quickly as possible. In this paper, we introduce an architecture pattern with a reference implementation that extends the concept of Metrics Driven Research Collaboration with an automated software quality monitoring in productive use and a possibility to auto-generate new test data coming from processed documents in production. Through automated monitoring of the software quality and auto-generated test data, this approach ensures that the software quality meets and keeps requested thresholds in productive use, even during further continuous deployment and changing input data.}, language = {en} } @article{FoersterRosenauerRemmele1997, author = {F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Rosenauer, A. and Remmele, T.}, title = {Atomic scale strain measurements by the digital analysis of transmission electron microscopic lattice images / A. Rosenauer ; T. Remmele ; D. Gerthsen ... A. F{\"o}rster}, series = {Optik : international journal for light and electron optics. 105 (1997), H. 3}, journal = {Optik : international journal for light and electron optics. 105 (1997), H. 3}, isbn = {0030-4026}, pages = {99 -- 107}, year = {1997}, language = {en} } @article{FoersterRosenauerOberstetal.1999, author = {F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Rosenauer, A. and Oberst, W. and Gerthsen, D.}, title = {Atomic scale analysis of the indium distribution in InGaAs/GaAs (001) heterostructures: segregation, lateral indium redistribution and the effect of growth interruptions. Rosenauer, A. ; Oberst, W. ; Gerthsen, D. ; F{\"o}rster, A.}, series = {Thin Solid Films. 357 (1999)}, journal = {Thin Solid Films. 357 (1999)}, isbn = {0040-6090}, pages = {18 -- 21}, year = {1999}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ZischankKernFrentzeletal.2000, author = {Zischank, Wolfgang J. and Kern, Alexander and Frentzel, Ralf and Heidler, Fridolin and Seevers, M.}, title = {Assessment of the lightning transient coupling to control cables interconnecting structures in large industrial facilities and power plants}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Large industrial facilities and power plants often require a huge number fo information and control cables between the differnet structures. These I\&C-cables can be routed in reinforced concrete cable ducts or in isolated buried cable runs. KTA 2206 is the German lightning protection standard for nuclear power plants. During the last several years considerable effort has been made to revise this standard. Despite the well established principles and design guidelines for the construction of the lightning protection system, this standard puts special emphasis on the coupling of transient overvoltages to I\&C-cables.}, language = {en} } @misc{FrauenrathdeGeyerd'OrthNiendorf2011, author = {Frauenrath, Tobias and de Geyer d'Orth, Thibaut and Niendorf, Thoralf}, title = {Assessment of Accuracy \& Reproducibility of ECG, Pulse Oximetry \& Phonocardiogram Gating of Cardiac MRI at 7T}, series = {2011 ISMRM Annual Meeting Proceedings}, journal = {2011 ISMRM Annual Meeting Proceedings}, issn = {1545-4428}, year = {2011}, abstract = {At (ultra)high magnetic fields the artifact sensitivity of ECG recordings increases. This bears the risk of R-wave mis-registration which has been consistently reported for ECG triggered CMR at 7.0T. Realizing the constraints of conventional ECG, acoustic cardiac triggering (ACT) has been proposed. The clinical ACT has not been carefully examined yet. For this reason, this work scrutinizes the suitability, accuracy and reproducibility of ACT for CMR at 7.0T. For this purpose, the trigger reliability and trigger detection variance are examined together with an qualitative and quantitative assessment of image quality of the heart at 7.0T.}, language = {en} } @article{FoersterSchaeferLondschien1988, author = {F{\"o}rster, Arnold and Sch{\"a}fer, B.-J. and Londschien, M.}, title = {Arsenic passivation of MOMBE grown GaAs surfaces / B. -J. Sch{\"a}fer ; A. F{\"o}rster ; M. Londschien ...}, series = {Surface Science. 204 (1988), H. 3}, journal = {Surface Science. 204 (1988), H. 3}, isbn = {0039-6028}, pages = {485 -- 490}, year = {1988}, language = {en} }