@inproceedings{FunkeEschRoosen2009, author = {Funke, Harald and Esch, Thomas and Roosen, Peter}, title = {Using motor gasoline for aircrafts - coping with growing bio-fuel-caused risks by understanding cause-effect relationship}, series = {Fuels 2009 : mineral oil based and alternative fuels ; 7th international colloquium ; January 14 - 15, 2009}, booktitle = {Fuels 2009 : mineral oil based and alternative fuels ; 7th international colloquium ; January 14 - 15, 2009}, editor = {Bartz, Wilfried J.}, publisher = {Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE)}, address = {Ostfildern}, isbn = {978-3-924813-75-8}, pages = {237 -- 244}, year = {2009}, abstract = {The utilisation of vehicle-oriented gasoline in general aviation is very desirable for both ecological and economical reasons, as well as for general considerations of availability. As of today vehicle fuels may be used if the respective engine and cell are certified for such an operation. For older planes a supplementary technical certificate is provided for gasoline mixtures with less than 1 \% v/v ethanol only, though. Larger admixtures of ethanol may lead to sudden engine malfunction and should be considered as considerable security risks. Major problems are caused by the partially ethanol non-withstanding materials, a necessarily changed stochiometric adjustment of the engine for varying ethanol shares and the tendency for phase separation in the presence of absorbed water. The concepts of the flexible fuel vehicles are only partially applicable in the view of air security.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{FingerGoettenBraunetal.2019, author = {Finger, Felix and G{\"o}tten, Falk and Braun, Carsten and Bil, Cees}, title = {On Aircraft Design Under the Consideration of Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Systems}, series = {APISAT 2018: The Proceedings of the 2018 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT 2018)}, booktitle = {APISAT 2018: The Proceedings of the 2018 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT 2018)}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Singapore}, isbn = {978-981-13-3305-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-981-13-3305-7_99}, pages = {1261 -- 1272}, year = {2019}, abstract = {A hybrid-electric propulsion system combines the advantages of fuel-based systems and battery powered systems and offers new design freedom. To take full advantage of this technology, aircraft designers must be aware of its key differences, compared to conventional, carbon-fuel based, propulsion systems. This paper gives an overview of the challenges and potential benefits associated with the design of aircraft that use hybrid-electric propulsion systems. It offers an introduction of the most popular hybrid-electric propulsion architectures and critically assess them against the conventional and fully electric propulsion configurations. The effects on operational aspects and design aspects are covered. Special consideration is given to the application of hybrid-electric propulsion technology to both unmanned and vertical take-off and landing aircraft. The authors conclude that electric propulsion technology has the potential to revolutionize aircraft design. However, new and innovative methods must be researched, to realize the full benefit of the technology.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{FingerdeVriesVosetal.2020, author = {Finger, Felix and de Vries, Reynard and Vos, Roelof and Braun, Carsten and Bil, Cees}, title = {A comparison of hybrid-electric aircraft sizing methods}, series = {AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum}, booktitle = {AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum}, doi = {10.2514/6.2020-1006}, pages = {31 Seiten}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The number of case studies focusing on hybrid-electric aircraft is steadily increasing, since these configurations are thought to lead to lower operating costs and environmental impact than traditional aircraft. However, due to the lack of reference data of actual hybrid-electric aircraft, in most cases, the design tools and results are difficult to validate. In this paper, two independently developed approaches for hybrid-electric conceptual aircraft design are compared. An existing 19-seat commuter aircraft is selected as the conventional baseline, and both design tools are used to size that aircraft. The aircraft is then re-sized under consideration of hybrid-electric propulsion technology. This is performed for parallel, serial, and fully-electric powertrain architectures. Finally, sensitivity studies are conducted to assess the validity of the basic assumptions and approaches regarding the design of hybrid-electric aircraft. Both methods are found to predict the maximum take-off mass (MTOM) of the reference aircraft with less than 4\% error. The MTOM and payload-range energy efficiency of various (hybrid-) electric configurations are predicted with a maximum difference of approximately 2\% and 5\%, respectively. The results of this study confirm a correct formulation and implementation of the two design methods, and the data obtained can be used by researchers to benchmark and validate their design tools.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{FiedlerGottschlichMuellerMelcher2021, author = {Fiedler, Gerda and Gottschlich-M{\"u}ller, Birgit and Melcher, Karin}, title = {Online-Pr{\"u}fungen mit STACK Aufgaben}, series = {Tagungsband ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS/EDU 2021}, booktitle = {Tagungsband ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS/EDU 2021}, editor = {Liu-Henke, Xiaobo and Durak, Umut}, publisher = {ARGESIM Verlag}, address = {Wien}, isbn = {978-3-901608-69-8}, doi = {10.11128/arep.45}, pages = {173 -- 178}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Wir stellen hier exemplarisch STACK Aufgaben vor, die frei von der Problematik sind, welche sich durch diverse Kommunikationswege und (webbasierte) Computer Algebra Systeme (CAS) ergibt. Daher sind sie insbesondere f{\"u}r eine Open-Book Online Pr{\"u}fung geeignet, da eine faire Pr{\"u}fungssituation gew{\"a}hrleistet werden kann.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{EnningHilgers2023, author = {Enning, Manfred and Hilgers, Rudolf}, title = {Die Assistierte Bremsprobe als Br{\"u}cke zur Vollautomatisierung des Schieneng{\"u}terverkehrs}, series = {IRSA 2023: Tagungsband, Proceedings}, booktitle = {IRSA 2023: Tagungsband, Proceedings}, editor = {Nießen, Nils and Schindler, Christian}, publisher = {RWTH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, doi = {10.18154/RWTH-2024-00257}, pages = {60 -- 75}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{ElsenSchmalzbauer2011, author = {Elsen, Ingo and Schmalzbauer, Michael}, title = {Messsystematik zur Steuerung der Produkt- und Prozessqualit{\"a}t in Systemintegrationsprojekten - ein Erfahrungsbericht}, series = {Software Engineering 2011 - Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, 21. - 25. Februar 2011 in Karlsruhe}, booktitle = {Software Engineering 2011 - Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, 21. - 25. Februar 2011 in Karlsruhe}, editor = {Reussner, Ralf and Grund, Matthias and Oberweis, Andreas and Tichy, Walter}, publisher = {Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik eV}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {9783885792772}, issn = {1617-5468}, pages = {1 Seite}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Der Erfolg eines Softwarenentwicklungsprojektes insbesondere eines Systemintegrationsprojektes wird mit der Erf{\"u}llung des „Teufelsdreiecks", „In-Time", „In-Budget", „In-Quality" gemessen. Hierzu ist die Kenntnis der Software- und Prozessqualit{\"a}t essenziell, um die Einhaltung der Qualit{\"a}tskriterien festzustellen, aber auch, um eine Vorhersage hinsichtlich Termin- und Budgettreue zu treffen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde in der T-Systems Systems Integration ein System aus verschiedenen Key Performance Indikatoren entworfen und in der Organisation implementiert, das genau das leistet und die Kriterien f{\"u}r CMMI Level 3 erf{\"u}llt.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{ElsenKraissKrumbiegel1997, author = {Elsen, Ingo and Kraiss, Karl-Friedrich and Krumbiegel, Dirk}, title = {Pixel based 3D object recognition with bidirectional associative memories}, series = {International Conference on Neural Networks 1997}, booktitle = {International Conference on Neural Networks 1997}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York}, isbn = {0-7803-4122-8}, pages = {1679 -- 1684}, year = {1997}, abstract = {This paper addresses the pixel based recognition of 3D objects with bidirectional associative memories. Computational power and memory requirements for this approach are identified and compared to the performance of current computer architectures by benchmarking different processors. It is shown, that the performance of special purpose hardware, like neurocomputers, is between one and two orders of magnitude higher than the performance of mainstream hardware. On the other hand, the calculation of small neural networks is performed more efficiently on mainstream processors. Based on these results a novel concept is developed, which is tailored for the efficient calculation of bidirectional associative memories. The computational efficiency is further enhanced by the application of algorithms and storage techniques which are matched to characteristics of the application at hand.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ElsenHawariJohnen2010, author = {Elsen, Ingo and Hawari, Asma and Johnen, Uwe}, title = {Produktkernel in der Systemintegration (Erfahrungsbericht aus der Praxis)}, series = {Vom Projekt zum Produkt - Fachtagung des GI-Fachausschusses Management der Anwendungsentwicklung und -wartung im Fachbereich Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI-MAW), 1. - 3. Dezember 2010 in Aachen}, booktitle = {Vom Projekt zum Produkt - Fachtagung des GI-Fachausschusses Management der Anwendungsentwicklung und -wartung im Fachbereich Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI-MAW), 1. - 3. Dezember 2010 in Aachen}, editor = {Pietsch, Wolfram and Krams, Benedikt}, publisher = {Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik eV}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {9783885792727}, issn = {1617-5468}, pages = {93 -- 102}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In der Vergangenheit basierten große Systemintegrationsprojekte in der Regel auf Individualentwicklungen f{\"u}r einzelne Kunden. Getrieben durch Kostendruck steigt aber der Bedarf nach standardisierten L{\"o}sungen, die gleichzeitig die individuellen Anforderungen des jeweiligen Umfelds ber{\"u}cksichtigen. T-Systems GEI GmbH wird beiden Anforderungen mit Produktkerneln gerecht. Neben den technischen Aspekten der Kernelentwicklung spielen besonders organisatorische Aspekte eine Rolle, um Kernel effizient und qualitativ hochwertig zu entwickeln, ohne deren Funktionalit{\"a}ten ins Uferlose wachsen zu lassen. Umgesetzt hat T-Systems dieses Konzept f{\"u}r Flughafeninformationssysteme. Damit kann dem wachsenden Bedarf der Flughafenbetreiber nach einer effizienten und kosteng{\"u}nstigen Softwarel{\"o}sung zur Unterst{\"u}tzung Ihrer Gesch{\"a}ftsprozesse entsprochen werden.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Elsen1998, author = {Elsen, Ingo}, title = {A pixel based approach to view based object recognition with self-organizing neural networks}, series = {IECON'98. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society}, booktitle = {IECON'98. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York}, isbn = {0-7803-4503-7}, doi = {10.1109/IECON.1998.724032}, pages = {2040 -- 2044}, year = {1998}, abstract = {This paper addresses the pixel based classification of three dimensional objects from arbitrary views. To perform this task a coding strategy, inspired by the biological model of human vision, for pixel data is described. The coding strategy ensures that the input data is invariant against shift, scale and rotation of the object in the input domain. The image data is used as input to a class of self organizing neural networks, the Kohonen-maps or self-organizing feature maps (SOFM). To verify this approach two test sets have been generated: the first set, consisting of artificially generated images, is used to examine the classification properties of the SOFMs; the second test set examines the clustering capabilities of the SOFM when real world image data is applied to the network after it has been preprocessed to be invariant against shift, scale and rotation. It is shown that the clustering capability of the SOFM is strongly dependant on the invariance coding of the images.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DuranParedesMottaghyHerrmannetal.2020, author = {Duran Paredes, Ludwin and Mottaghy, Darius and Herrmann, Ulf and Groß, Rolf Fritz}, title = {Online ground temperature and soil moisture monitoring of a shallow geothermal system with non-conventional components}, series = {EGU General Assembly 2020}, booktitle = {EGU General Assembly 2020}, year = {2020}, abstract = {We present first results from a newly developed monitoring station for a closed loop geothermal heat pump test installation at our campus, consisting of helix coils and plate heat exchangers, as well as an ice-store system. There are more than 40 temperature sensors and several soil moisture content sensors distributed around the system, allowing a detailed monitoring under different operating conditions.In the view of the modern development of renewable energies along with the newly concepts known as Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 (high-tech strategy from the German government), we created a user-friendly web application, which will connect the things (sensors) with the open network (www). Besides other advantages, this allows a continuous remote monitoring of the data from the numerous sensors at an arbitrary sampling rate.Based on the recorded data, we will also present first results from numerical simulations, taking into account all relevant heat transport processes.The aim is to improve the understanding of these processes and their influence on the thermal behavior of shallow geothermal systems in the unsaturated zone. This will in turn facilitate the prediction of the performance of these systems and therefore yield an improvement in their dimensioning when designing a specific shallow geothermal installation.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DinghoferHartung2020, author = {Dinghofer, Kai and Hartung, Frank}, title = {Analysis of Criteria for the Selection of Machine Learning Frameworks}, series = {2020 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC)}, booktitle = {2020 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC)}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York, NY}, doi = {10.1109/ICNC47757.2020.9049650}, pages = {373 -- 377}, year = {2020}, abstract = {With the many achievements of Machine Learning in the past years, it is likely that the sub-area of Deep Learning will continue to deliver major technological breakthroughs [1]. In order to achieve best results, it is important to know the various different Deep Learning frameworks and their respective properties. This paper provides a comparative overview of some of the most popular frameworks. First, the comparison methods and criteria are introduced and described with a focus on computer vision applications: Features and Uses are examined by evaluating papers and articles, Adoption and Popularity is determined by analyzing a data science study. Then, the frameworks TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch and Caffe are compared based on the previously described criteria to highlight properties and differences. Advantages and disadvantages are compared, enabling researchers and developers to choose a framework according to their specific needs.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DeyElsenFerreinetal.2021, author = {Dey, Thomas and Elsen, Ingo and Ferrein, Alexander and Frauenrath, Tobias and Reke, Michael and Schiffer, Stefan}, title = {CO2 Meter: a do-it-yourself carbon dioxide measuring device for the classroom}, series = {PETRA '21: Proceedings of the 14th Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference}, booktitle = {PETRA '21: Proceedings of the 14th Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference}, editor = {Makedon, Fillia}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York}, isbn = {9781450387927}, doi = {10.1145/3453892.3462697}, pages = {292 -- 299}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In this paper we report on CO2 Meter, a do-it-yourself carbon dioxide measuring device for the classroom. Part of the current measures for dealing with the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is proper ventilation in indoor settings. This is especially important in schools with students coming back to the classroom even with high incidents rates. Static ventilation patterns do not consider the individual situation for a particular class. Influencing factors like the type of activity, the physical structure or the room occupancy are not incorporated. Also, existing devices are rather expensive and often provide only limited information and only locally without any networking. This leaves the potential of analysing the situation across different settings untapped. Carbon dioxide level can be used as an indicator of air quality, in general, and of aerosol load in particular. Since, according to the latest findings, SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitted primarily in the form of aerosols, carbon dioxide may be used as a proxy for the risk of a virus infection. Hence, schools could improve the indoor air quality and potentially reduce the infection risk if they actually had measuring devices available in the classroom. Our device supports schools in ventilation and it allows for collecting data over the Internet to enable a detailed data analysis and model generation. First deployments in schools at different levels were received very positively. A pilot installation with a larger data collection and analysis is underway.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ChristianMontagSchubaetal.2018, author = {Christian, Esser and Montag, Tim and Schuba, Marko and Allhof, Manuel}, title = {Future critical infrastructure and security - cyberattacks on charging stations}, series = {31st International Electric Vehicle Symposium \& Exhibition and International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference (EVS31 \& EVTeC 2018)}, booktitle = {31st International Electric Vehicle Symposium \& Exhibition and International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference (EVS31 \& EVTeC 2018)}, publisher = {Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (JSAE)}, address = {Tokyo}, isbn = {978-1-5108-9157-9}, pages = {665 -- 671}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ChicoCaminosSchmitzAttietal.2022, author = {Chico Caminos, Ricardo Alexander and Schmitz, Pascal and Atti, Vikrama Naga Babu and Mahdi, Zahra and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Sattler, Johannes Christoph and Herrmann, Ulf and Hilger, Patrick and Dieckmann, Simon}, title = {Development of a micro heliostat and optical qualification assessment with a 3D laser scanning method}, series = {SOLARPACES 2020}, booktitle = {SOLARPACES 2020}, number = {2445 / 1}, publisher = {AIP conference proceedings / American Institute of Physics}, address = {Melville, NY}, isbn = {978-0-7354-4195-8}, issn = {1551-7616 (online)}, doi = {10.1063/5.0086262}, pages = {8 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The Solar-Institut J{\"u}lich (SIJ) and the companies Hilger GmbH and Heliokon GmbH from Germany have developed a small-scale cost-effective heliostat, called "micro heliostat". Micro heliostats can be deployed in small-scale concentrated solar power (CSP) plants to concentrate the sun's radiation for electricity generation, space or domestic water heating or industrial process heat. In contrast to conventional heliostats, the special feature of a micro heliostat is that it consists of dozens of parallel-moving, interconnected, rotatable mirror facets. The mirror facets array is fixed inside a box-shaped module and is protected from weathering and wind forces by a transparent glass cover. The choice of the building materials for the box, tracking mechanism and mirrors is largely dependent on the selected production process and the intended application of the micro heliostat. Special attention was paid to the material of the tracking mechanism as this has a direct influence on the accuracy of the micro heliostat. The choice of materials for the mirror support structure and the tracking mechanism is made in favor of plastic molded parts. A qualification assessment method has been developed by the SIJ in which a 3D laser scanner is used in combination with a coordinate measuring machine (CMM). For the validation of this assessment method, a single mirror facet was scanned and the slope deviation was computed.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BroennerHoefkenSchuba2016, author = {Broenner, Simon and H{\"o}fken, Hans-Wilhelm and Schuba, Marko}, title = {Streamlining extraction and analysis of android RAM images}, series = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy - ICISSP}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy - ICISSP}, publisher = {SciTePress}, address = {Set{\´u}bal}, organization = {ICISSP International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy <2, 2016, Rome, Italy>}, isbn = {978-989-758-167-0}, doi = {10.5220/0005652802550264}, pages = {255 -- 264}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The Android operating system powers the majority of the world's mobile devices and has been becoming increasingly important in day-to-day digital forensics. Therefore, technicians and analysts are in need of reliable methods for extracting and analyzing memory images from live Android systems. This paper takes different existing, extraction methods and derives a universal, reproducible, reliably documented method for both extraction and analysis. In addition the VOLIX II front-end for the Volatility Framework is extended with additional functionality to make the analysis of Android memory images easier for technically non-adept users.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AltherrDoeringFrauenrathetal.2024, author = {Altherr, Lena and D{\"o}ring, Bernd and Frauenrath, Tobias and Groß, Rolf and Mohan, Nijanthan and Oyen, Marc and Schnittcher, Lukas and Voß, Norbert}, title = {DiggiTwin: ein interdisziplin{\"a}res Projekt zur Nutzung digitaler Zwillinge auf dem Weg zu einem klimaneutralen Geb{\"a}udebestand}, series = {Tagungsband AALE 2024 : Fit f{\"u}r die Zukunft: praktische L{\"o}sungen f{\"u}r die industrielle Automation}, booktitle = {Tagungsband AALE 2024 : Fit f{\"u}r die Zukunft: praktische L{\"o}sungen f{\"u}r die industrielle Automation}, editor = {Reiff-Stephan, J{\"o}rg and J{\"a}kel, Jens and Schwarz, Andr{\´e}}, publisher = {le-tex publishing services GmbH}, address = {Leipzig}, isbn = {978-3-910103-02-3}, doi = {10.33968/2024.67}, pages = {341 -- 346}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Im Hinblick auf die Klimaziele der Bundesrepublik Deutschland konzentriert sich das Projekt Diggi Twin auf die nachhaltige Geb{\"a}udeoptimierung. Grundlage f{\"u}r eine ganzheitliche Geb{\"a}ude{\"u}berwachung und -optimierung bildet dabei die Digitalisierung und Automation im Sinne eines Smart Buildings. Das interdisziplin{\"a}re Projekt der FH Aachen hat das Ziel, ein bestehendes Hochschulgeb{\"a}ude und einen Neubau an klimaneutrale Standards anzupassen. Im Rahmen des Projekts werden bekannte Verfahren, wie das Building Information Modeling (BIM), so erweitert, dass ein digitaler Geb{\"a}udezwilling entsteht. Dieser kann zur Optimierung des Geb{\"a}udebetriebs herangezogen werden, sowie als Basis f{\"u}r eine Erweiterung des Bewertungssystems Nachhaltiges Bauen (BNB) dienen. Mithilfe von Sensortechnologie und k{\"u}nstlicher Intelligenz kann so ein pr{\"a}zises Monitoring wichtiger Geb{\"a}udedaten erfolgen, um ungenutzte Energieeinsparpotenziale zu erkennen und zu nutzen. Das Projekt erforscht und setzt methodische Erkenntnisse zu BIM und digitalen Geb{\"a}udezwillingen praxisnah um, indem es spezifische Fragen zur Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz von Geb{\"a}uden untersucht und konkrete L{\"o}sungen f{\"u}r die Geb{\"a}udeoptimierung entwickelt.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{AltherrConzenElsenetal.2023, author = {Altherr, Lena and Conzen, Max and Elsen, Ingo and Frauenrath, Tobias and Lyrmann, Andreas}, title = {Sensor retrofitting of existing buildings in an interdisciplinary teaching project at university level}, series = {Tagungsband AALE 2023 : mit Automatisierung gegen den Klimawandel}, booktitle = {Tagungsband AALE 2023 : mit Automatisierung gegen den Klimawandel}, editor = {Reiff-Stephan, J{\"o}rg and J{\"a}kel, Jens and Schwarz, Andr{\´e}}, publisher = {le-tex publishing services GmbH}, address = {Leipzig}, isbn = {978-3-910103-01-6}, doi = {10.33968/2023.04}, pages = {31 -- 40}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Existing residential buildings have an average lifetime of 100 years. Many of these buildings will exist for at least another 50 years. To increase the efficiency of these buildings while keeping costs at reasonable rates, they can be retrofitted with sensors that deliver information to central control units for heating, ventilation and electricity. This retrofitting process should happen with minimal intervention into existing infrastructure and requires new approaches for sensor design and data transmission. At FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences, students of different disciplines work together to learn how to design, build, deploy and operate such sensors. The presented teaching project already created a low power design for a combined CO2, temperature and humidity measurement device that can be easily integrated into most home automation systems}, language = {en} }