@masterthesis{Theis2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Theis, Alina Naomi}, title = {Nur ein Freitag : Ein Kurzfilm {\"u}ber Verlust und Freundschaft im Schatten des Zweiten Weltkrieges.}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {103 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Der Film zeigt die wahre Geschichte des 15-j{\"a}hrigen Hans Jokisch, welche auf den Erz{\"a}hlungen seiner j{\"u}ngeren Schwester, der Zeitzeugin Maria Theis (geb. Jokisch), beruhen. Der Fokus liegt auf der Sichtweise von Kindern und Jugendlichen, einer Generation, die mit dem und im Zweiten Weltkrieg aufgewachsen ist und die gleichzeitig die letzte Generation ist, die uns das Erlebte noch aus erster Hand berichten kann. Hans gelangt mit seiner Familie nach einer harten Flucht vor der Frontlinie zur{\"u}ck in seine Heimat in Schlesien. Doch ihr geliebtes Heim ist besetzt von Familie Sch{\"o}ppe. Sie haben keine Wahl, die beiden Familien m{\"u}ssen sich das Haus von nun an teilen. Im Laufe der Zeit wird das Jokisch Haus auch f{\"u}r Familie Sch{\"o}ppe ein Zuhause und Hans freundet sich mit dem Jungen Bruno Sch{\"o}ppe an. Als Deutschland 1945 kapituliert und Schlesien nun zu Polen geh{\"o}rt, m{\"u}ssen pl{\"o}tzlich beide Familien endg{\"u}ltig das Haus und all ihren Besitz zur{\"u}cklassen. Hans und Bruno beschließen, die Zwangsenteignung nicht hinzunehmen, doch ihr naiver Plan wird ihnen fast zum Verh{\"a}ngnis.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{TamaldinMansorMatYaminetal.2022, author = {Tamaldin, Noreffendy and Mansor, Muhd Rizuan and Mat Yamin, Ahmad Kamal and Bin Abdollah, Mohd Fadzli and Esch, Thomas and Tonoli, Andrea and Reisinger, Karl Heinz and Sprenger, Hanna and Razuli, Hisham}, title = {Development of UTeM United Future Fuel Design Training Center Under Erasmus+ United Program}, series = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICE-SEAM 2021), Melaka, Malaysia}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICE-SEAM 2021), Melaka, Malaysia}, editor = {Bin Abdollah, Mohd Fadzli and Amiruddin, Hilmi and Singh, Amrik Singh Phuman and Munir, Fudhail Abdul and Ibrahim, Asriana}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {Singapore}, isbn = {978-981-19-3178-9}, issn = {2195-4356}, doi = {10.1007/978-981-19-3179-6_50}, pages = {274 -- 278}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The industrial revolution IR4.0 era have driven many states of the art technologies to be introduced especially in the automotive industry. The rapid development of automotive industries in Europe have created wide industry gap between European Union (EU) and developing countries such as in South-East Asia (SEA). Indulging this situation, FH Joanneum, Austria together with European partners from FH Aachen, Germany and Politecnico Di Torino, Italy is taking initiative to close the gap utilizing the Erasmus+ United grant from EU. A consortium was founded to engage with automotive technology transfer using the European ramework to Malaysian, Indonesian and Thailand Higher Education Institutions (HEI) as well as automotive industries. This could be achieved by establishing Engineering Knowledge Transfer Unit (EKTU) in respective SEA institutions guided by the industry partners in their respective countries. This EKTU could offer updated, innovative, and high-quality training courses to increase graduate's employability in higher education institutions and strengthen relations between HEI and the wider economic and social environment by addressing Universityindustry cooperation which is the regional priority for Asia. It is expected that, the Capacity Building Initiative would improve the quality of higher education and enhancing its relevance for the labor market and society in the SEA partners. The outcome of this project would greatly benefit the partners in strong and complementary partnership targeting the automotive industry and enhanced larger scale international cooperation between the European and SEA partners. It would also prepare the SEA HEI in sustainable partnership with Automotive industry in the region as a mean of income generation in the future.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Tabel2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Tabel, Tobias}, title = {Sen(se)sation : VR Produktvision mit multisensorischem Einfluss auf die menschliche Wahrnehmung}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {83 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Das Sen(se)sation VR-Produktkonzept erm{\"o}glicht Nutzer*Innen die nahezu vollkommen realistische Darstellung virtuell generierter Welten. Das Konzept ist in genauer Betrachtung des aktuellen Technikstands und der Analyse von Zukunftstrends konzipiert worden und stellt eine Produktvision dar, die in sp{\"a}testens 5 Jahren problemlos umsetzbar sein wird. Um nicht den Eindruck einer unfundierten Zukunftsvision zu erzeugen, wurde sich bei der Konstruktion der integrierten Features auf aktuell erh{\"a}ltliche Vergleichsprodukte bezogen. Das Sen(se)sation VR System zeigt neue M{\"o}glichkeiten die Gestaltungs- und Technikbereich derzeitiger VR Brillen und Controller. Durch die Fokussierung des Produkts auf die Manipulation und Stimulation der f{\"u}nf Hauptsinne des Menschen wird ein so hoher Grad der Immersion erzeugt, dass die Wahrnehmung von Realit{\"a}t und Virtualit{\"a}t beinah verschwimmen k{\"o}nnte.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Switalla2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Switalla, Justin}, title = {Applause : Entwicklung eines Dokumentationssystems f{\"u}r die station{\"a}re Altenpflege - Konzeption einer zukunftsgewandten Dokumentationsl{\"o}sung}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {213 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Der Personalmangel in der Pflege ist vor allem durch die Pandemie in den Fokus der {\"O}ffentlichkeit ger{\"u}ckt. Diese Situation wird sich in den n{\"a}chsten Jahren aufgrund der steigenden Pflegequote in Folge des demografischen Wandels weiter zuspitzen. Das Dokumentieren der durchgef{\"u}hrten T{\"a}tigkeiten nimmt dabei viel Zeit in Anspruch, die nicht den Bewohner:innen zugutekommt. Das Dokumentationssystem „Applause" soll Pflege- und Betreuungskr{\"a}fte in ihrer Arbeit unterst{\"u}tzen und durch die einfache Nutzerf{\"u}hrung den Schulungsaufwand reduzieren. Durch die Integration von modernen medizinischen Sensoren kann innerhalb des Systems der aktuelle Gesundheitsstatus der Bewohner:innen eingesehen werden. Zus{\"a}tzlich wird die interne sowie externe Kommunikation innerhalb des Dokumentationssystems abgebildet. Bei Letzterer wird mittels einer datenschutzkonformen Software die auf Fax basierende Kommunikation abgel{\"o}st.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Surowiec2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Surowiec, Julia Andrea}, title = {Das wahre Gewicht des Smartphones : eine informative Erfahrung zu den {\"o}kologischen Auswirkungen}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {70 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Das Smartphone geh{\"o}rt zu den innovativsten Ger{\"a}ten unserer Zeit und befindet sich in einem st{\"a}ndigen Wandel, der nach immer mehr Leistung, gr{\"o}ßeren Displays und besseren Kameras strebt. Mit neuen Modellen, die j{\"a}hrlich auf den Markt kommen und den Milliarden Smartphones, die verkauft werden, entsteht aber nicht nur ein großer Markt voller Angebote, sondern gleichzeitig große Probleme f{\"u}r unsere Umwelt und letztlich auch f{\"u}r uns. Die Smartphone-Industrie schadet massiv unserem {\"O}kosystem. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist die Aufkl{\"a}rung {\"u}ber die Auswirkungen der Smartphone-Industrie. Daf{\"u}r wurden Visualisierung zu Daten und Prozessen gestaltet, die viele Aspekte des Lebenszyklus des Smartphones mit einbeziehen. Die Betrachter:innen sollen so informativ aufgekl{\"a}rt werden, ihren eigenen Konsum zu dem Thema {\"u}berdenken und ein Bewusstsein f{\"u}r ihren Elektronikverbrauch entwickeln.}, language = {de} } @article{StaeudleSeynnesLapsetal.2022, author = {St{\"a}udle, Benjamin and Seynnes, Olivier and Laps, Guido and Br{\"u}ggemann, Gert-Peter and Albracht, Kirsten}, title = {Altered gastrocnemius contractile behavior in former achilles tendon rupture patients during walking}, series = {Frontiers in Physiology}, volume = {13}, journal = {Frontiers in Physiology}, publisher = {Frontiers Research Foundation}, address = {Lausanne}, issn = {1664-042X}, doi = {10.3389/fphys.2022.792576}, pages = {12 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Achilles tendon rupture (ATR) remains associated with functional limitations years after injury. Architectural remodeling of the gastrocnemius medialis (GM) muscle is typically observed in the affected leg and may compensate force deficits caused by a longer tendon. Yet patients seem to retain functional limitations during—low-force—walking gait. To explore the potential limits imposed by the remodeled GM muscle-tendon unit (MTU) on walking gait, we examined the contractile behavior of muscle fascicles during the stance phase. In a cross-sectional design, we studied nine former patients (males; age: 45 ± 9 years; height: 180 ± 7 cm; weight: 83 ± 6 kg) with a history of complete unilateral ATR, approximately 4 years post-surgery. Using ultrasonography, GM tendon morphology, muscle architecture at rest, and fascicular behavior were assessed during walking at 1.5 m⋅s-1 on a treadmill. Walking patterns were recorded with a motion capture system. The unaffected leg served as control. Lower limbs kinematics were largely similar between legs during walking. Typical features of ATR-related MTU remodeling were observed during the stance sub-phases corresponding to series elastic element (SEE) lengthening (energy storage) and SEE shortening (energy release), with shorter GM fascicles (36 and 36\%, respectively) and greater pennation angles (8° and 12°, respectively). However, relative to the optimal fascicle length for force production, fascicles operated at comparable length in both legs. Similarly, when expressed relative to optimal fascicle length, fascicle contraction velocity was not different between sides, except at the time-point of peak series elastic element (SEE) length, where it was 39 ± 49\% lower in the affected leg. Concomitantly, fascicles rotation during contraction was greater in the affected leg during the whole stance-phase, and architectural gear ratios (AGR) was larger during SEE lengthening. Under the present testing conditions, former ATR patients had recovered a relatively symmetrical walking gait pattern. Differences in seen AGR seem to accommodate the profound changes in MTU architecture, limiting the required fascicle shortening velocity. Overall, the contractile behavior of the GM fascicles does not restrict length- or velocity-dependent force potentials during this locomotor task.}, language = {en} } @incollection{StriebingMuellerSchraudneretal.2022, author = {Striebing, Clemens and M{\"u}ller, J{\"o}rg and Schraudner, Martina and Gewinner, Irina Valerie and Guerrero Morales, Patricia and Hochfeld, Katharina and Hoffman, Shekinah and Kmec, Julie A. and Nguyen, Huu Minh and Schneider, Jannick and Sheridan, Jennifer and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Trimble O'Connor, Lindsey and Vandevelde-Rougale, Agn{\`e}s}, title = {Promoting diversity and combatting discrimination in research organizations: a practitioner's guide}, series = {Diversity and discrimination in research organizations}, booktitle = {Diversity and discrimination in research organizations}, publisher = {Emerald Publishing Limited}, address = {Bingley}, isbn = {978-1-80117-959-1 (Print)}, doi = {10.1108/978-1-80117-956-020221012}, pages = {421 -- 442}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The essay is addressed to practitioners in research management and from academic leadership. It describes which measures can contribute to creating an inclusive climate for research teams and preventing and effectively dealing with discrimination. The practical recommendations consider the policy and organizational levels, as well as the individual perspective of research managers. Following a series of basic recommendations, six lessons learned are formulated, derived from the contributions to the edited collection on "Diversity and Discrimination in Research Organizations."}, language = {en} } @incollection{SteuerDankertLeichtScholten2022, author = {Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {Perceiving diversity : an explorative approach in a complex research organization.}, series = {Diversity and discrimination in research organizations}, booktitle = {Diversity and discrimination in research organizations}, publisher = {Emerald Publishing Limited}, address = {Bingley}, isbn = {978-1-80117-959-1 (Print)}, doi = {10.1108/978-1-80117-956-020221010}, pages = {365 -- 392}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Diversity management is seen as a decisive factor for ensuring the development of socially responsible innovations (Beacham and Shambaugh, 2011; Sonntag, 2014; L{\´o}pez, 2015; Uebernickel et al., 2015). However, many diversity management approaches fail due to a one-sided consideration of diversity (Thomas and Ely, 2019) and a lacking linkage between the prevailing organizational culture and the perception of diversity in the respective organization. Reflecting the importance of diverse perspectives, research institutions have a special responsibility to actively deal with diversity, as they are publicly funded institutions that drive socially relevant development and educate future generations of developers, leaders and decision-makers. Nevertheless, only a few studies have so far dealt with the influence of the special framework conditions of the science system on diversity management. Focusing on the interdependency of the organizational culture and diversity management especially in a university research environment, this chapter aims in a first step to provide a theoretical perspective on the framework conditions of a complex research organization in Germany in order to understand the system-specific factors influencing diversity management. In a second step, an exploratory cluster analysis is presented, investigating the perception of diversity and possible influencing factors moderating this perception in a scientific organization. Combining both steps, the results show specific mechanisms and structures of the university research environment that have an impact on diversity management and rigidify structural barriers preventing an increase of diversity. The quantitative study also points out that the management level takes on a special role model function in the scientific system and thus has an influence on the perception of diversity. Consequently, when developing diversity management approaches in research organizations, it is necessary to consider the top-down direction of action, the special nature of organizational structures in the university research environment as well as the special role of the professorial level as role model for the scientific staff.}, language = {en} } @misc{SteuerDankertBernhardLangolfetal.2022, author = {Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Bernhard, Sebastian and Langolf, Jessica and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {Managing change and acceptance of digitalization strategies - Implementing the vision of „Internet of Production" (IoP) in existing corporate structures}, series = {Textile Impulse f{\"u}r die Zukunft: Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2022}, journal = {Textile Impulse f{\"u}r die Zukunft: Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2022}, pages = {153 -- 153}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The vision of the Internet of Production is to enable a new level of crossdomain collaboration by providing semantically adequate and context-aware data from production, development \& usage in real-time.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Steimel2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Steimel, Nina}, title = {An den Rand gedr{\"a}ngt : die Marginalisierung unserer St{\"a}dte}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {55 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In der Arbeit »An den Rand gedr{\"a}ngt-Die Marginalisierung unserer St{\"a}dte« wird anhand des Fl{\"a}chenverbrauchs des ruhenden Verkehrs er{\"o}rtert, inwieweit der private Pkw die Entwicklung unserer St{\"a}dte bestimmt. Die Zusammenstellung verschiedener Texte, Raumbeobachtungen und fotografischer Zeitdokumente soll die Problematik und Aktualit{\"a}t des Themas verst{\"a}rken. Schritt f{\"u}r Schritt sollen die Leser:innen einen neuen Blick auf die eigene Stadt gewinnen und f{\"u}r das Problem der akuten Fl{\"a}chenknappheit sensibilisiert werden. Das Werk versteht sich als Aufruf, unseren Straßenraum zu entkarbonisieren, ihn neu zu entdecken und die m{\"o}glichen Chancen im Wandel zu erkennen. Dabei geht es zun{\"a}chst nicht um die Aufz{\"a}hlung von Klimasch{\"a}den, die Abschaffung von Parkpl{\"a}tzen oder gar des Autos, sondern um die Auswirkungen, die Parkpl{\"a}tze auf unser Leben haben und vor allem um ihr Potenzial f{\"u}r die Zukunft.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{StaatTran2022, author = {Staat, Manfred and Tran, Ngoc Trinh}, title = {Strain based brittle failure criteria for rocks}, series = {Proceedings of (NACOME2022) The 11th National Conference on Mechanics, Vol. 1. Solid Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Artificial Intelligence, Teaching and Training}, booktitle = {Proceedings of (NACOME2022) The 11th National Conference on Mechanics, Vol. 1. Solid Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Artificial Intelligence, Teaching and Training}, publisher = {Nha xuat ban Khoa hoc tu nhien va Cong nghe (Verlag Naturwissenschaft und Technik)}, address = {Hanoi}, isbn = {978-604-357-084-7}, pages = {500 -- 509}, year = {2022}, abstract = {When confining pressure is low or absent, extensional fractures are typical, with fractures occurring on unloaded planes in rock. These "paradox" fractures can be explained by a phenomenological extension strain failure criterion. In the past, a simple empirical criterion for fracture initiation in brittle rock has been developed. But this criterion makes unrealistic strength predictions in biaxial compression and tension. A new extension strain criterion overcomes this limitation by adding a weighted principal shear component. The weight is chosen, such that the enriched extension strain criterion represents the same failure surface as the Mohr-Coulomb (MC) criterion. Thus, the MC criterion has been derived as an extension strain criterion predicting failure modes, which are unexpected in the understanding of the failure of cohesive-frictional materials. In progressive damage of rock, the most likely fracture direction is orthogonal to the maximum extension strain. The enriched extension strain criterion is proposed as a threshold surface for crack initiation CI and crack damage CD and as a failure surface at peak P. Examples show that the enriched extension strain criterion predicts much lower volumes of damaged rock mass compared to the simple extension strain criterion.}, language = {en} } @techreport{SiegertBongaertsWagneretal.2022, author = {Siegert, Petra and Bongaerts, Johannes and Wagner, Torsten and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef and Selmer, Thorsten}, title = {Abschlussbericht zum Projekt zur {\"U}berwachung biotechnologischer Prozesse mittels Diacetyl-/Acetoin-Biosensor und Evaluierung von Acetoin-Reduktasen zur Verwendung in Biotransformationen}, address = {Aachen}, organization = {FH Aachen}, pages = {16 Seiten}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @misc{Seifert2022, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Seifert, Maren}, title = {Natura Urbis : evolution{\"a}re Prozesse in St{\"a}dten}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {315 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Leider zieht es nicht nur uns in die St{\"a}dte. Weil das Wachstum urbaner Gebiete immer tiefer in ihre nat{\"u}rlichen Lebensr{\"a}ume einschneidet, sind viele Tiere und Pflanzen gezwungen, sich den Raum mit dem Menschen zu teilen. Und die, die dort den rauen Bedingungen nicht standhalten k{\"o}nnen, laufen Gefahr, auszusterben. Das Verhalten der Gesellschaft tr{\"a}gt somit zunehmend mehr Verantwortung f{\"u}r den Erhalt der Artenvielfalt, und die Entwicklung von Stadtlandschaften ist l{\"a}ngst zu einer {\"o}kologischen Herausforderung geworden. Je gr{\"o}ßer die Stadt, desto mehr Menschen. Je mehr Menschen, desto schneller auch die evolution{\"a}ren Prozesse, die die Zukunft formen. Diese Masterarbeit m{\"o}chte das Bewusstsein {\"u}ber die Konsequenzen und Chancen unserer Entscheidungen schulen. Der edukative N{\"a}hrwert der Erlebnis-App "Natura Urbis" wird {\"u}ber {\"u}ber zahlreiche informative Beitr{\"a}ge und interaktive Stationen geschaffen. Letztere zeigen spielerisch die faszinierende Sch{\"o}nheit und Harmonie der Natur auf und sind so konzipiert, dass sie auch im Ausstellungskontext Verwendung finden k{\"o}nnten. Denn um Leben zu retten, m{\"u}ssen St{\"a}dte endlich gr{\"u}ner gestaltet werden.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Sehl2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Sehl, Kristina}, title = {Adapt or die : Heimische W{\"a}lder im Wandel durch Mensch und Zeit}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {316 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Wo einst fast l{\"u}ckenlos Laubw{\"a}lder wuchsen, steht heute nur noch ein Drittel der urspr{\"u}nglichen Waldfl{\"a}che. Echte Urw{\"a}lder gibt es hier schon lange nicht mehr: Die Rede ist vom deutschen Wald. Unsere Welt ist im Wandel. Auch in unseren heimischen W{\"a}ldern lassen sich die Einfl{\"u}sse von Mensch und Klimawandel auf die Biodiversit{\"a}t beobachten. Die illustrierte Publikation „Adapt or die" l{\"a}dt mit mehr als 80 großformatigen Artenportraits, Habitat-Kartierungen und gestalteten Themenklappenseiten zur Auseinandersetzung mit dem Wandel unserer heimischen W{\"a}lder ein. Dabei sensibilisiert sie f{\"u}r einen bewussteren Umgang mit Umwelt und Natur. Erweiterungen durch Augmented Reality bieten vereinzelt neben dem Printprodukt aktualisierbare Prognosen, digital und ressourcenschonend. Das komplexe {\"O}kosystem des Waldes reagiert empfindlich auf Ver{\"a}nderungen: Wer sich nicht anpassen kann, wird verschwinden.}, language = {de} } @article{SchuellerRuhlDinstuehlerSengeretal.2022, author = {Sch{\"u}ller-Ruhl, Aaron and Dinst{\"u}hler, Leonard and Senger, Thorsten and Bergfeld, Stefan and Ingenhag, Christian and Fleischhaker, Robert}, title = {Direct fabrication of arbitrary phase masks in optical glass via ultra-short pulsed laser writing of refractive index modifications}, series = {Applied Physics B}, volume = {128}, journal = {Applied Physics B}, number = {Article number: 208}, editor = {Mackenzie, Jacob}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1432-0649 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/s00340-022-07928-2}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2022}, abstract = {We study the possibility to fabricate an arbitrary phase mask in a one-step laser-writing process inside the volume of an optical glass substrate. We derive the phase mask from a Gerchberg-Saxton-type algorithm as an array and create each individual phase shift using a refractive index modification of variable axial length. We realize the variable axial length by superimposing refractive index modifications induced by an ultra-short pulsed laser at different focusing depth. Each single modification is created by applying 1000 pulses with 15 μJ pulse energy at 100 kHz to a fixed spot of 25 μm diameter and the focus is then shifted axially in steps of 10 μm. With several proof-of-principle examples, we show the feasibility of our method. In particular, we identify the induced refractive index change to about a value of Δn=1.5⋅10-3. We also determine our current limitations by calculating the overlap in the form of a scalar product and we discuss possible future improvements.}, language = {en} } @article{SchwagerFleschSchwarzboezletal.2022, author = {Schwager, Christian and Flesch, Robert and Schwarzb{\"o}zl, Peter and Herrmann, Ulf and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e}}, title = {Advanced two phase flow model for transient molten salt receiver system simulation}, series = {Solar Energy}, volume = {232}, journal = {Solar Energy}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0038-092X (print)}, doi = {10.1016/j.solener.2021.12.065}, pages = {362 -- 375}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In order to realistically predict and optimize the actual performance of a concentrating solar power (CSP) plant sophisticated simulation models and methods are required. This paper presents a detailed dynamic simulation model for a Molten Salt Solar Tower (MST) system, which is capable of simulating transient operation including detailed startup and shutdown procedures including drainage and refill. For appropriate representation of the transient behavior of the receiver as well as replication of local bulk and surface temperatures a discretized receiver model based on a novel homogeneous two-phase (2P) flow modelling approach is implemented in Modelica Dymola®. This allows for reasonable representation of the very different hydraulic and thermal properties of molten salt versus air as well as the transition between both. This dynamic 2P receiver model is embedded in a comprehensive one-dimensional model of a commercial scale MST system and coupled with a transient receiver flux density distribution from raytracing based heliostat field simulation. This enables for detailed process prediction with reasonable computational effort, while providing data such as local salt film and wall temperatures, realistic control behavior as well as net performance of the overall system. Besides a model description, this paper presents some results of a validation as well as the simulation of a complete startup procedure. Finally, a study on numerical simulation performance and grid dependencies is presented and discussed.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SchwagerAngeleNourietal.2022, author = {Schwager, Christian and Angele, Florian and Nouri, Bijan and Schwarzb{\"o}zl, Peter and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Herrmann, Ulf}, title = {Impact of DNI forecast quality on performance prediction for a commercial scale solar tower: Application of nowcasting DNI maps to dynamic solar tower simulation}, series = {SolarPACES 2022 conference proceedings}, booktitle = {SolarPACES 2022 conference proceedings}, number = {1}, publisher = {TIB Open Publishing}, address = {Hannover}, issn = {2751-9899 (online)}, doi = {10.52825/solarpaces.v1i.675}, pages = {9 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Concerning current efforts to improve operational efficiency and to lower overall costs of concentrating solar power (CSP) plants with prediction-based algorithms, this study investigates the quality and uncertainty of nowcasting data regarding the implications for process predictions. DNI (direct normal irradiation) maps from an all-sky imager-based nowcasting system are applied to a dynamic prediction model coupled with ray tracing. The results underline the need for high-resolution DNI maps in order to predict net yield and receiver outlet temperature realistically. Furthermore, based on a statistical uncertainty analysis, a correlation is developed, which allows for predicting the uncertainty of the net power prediction based on the corresponding DNI forecast uncertainty. However, the study reveals significant prediction errors and the demand for further improvement in the accuracy at which local shadings are forecasted.}, language = {en} } @article{SchulteTiggesFoersterNikolovskietal.2022, author = {Schulte-Tigges, Joschua and F{\"o}rster, Marco and Nikolovski, Gjorgji and Reke, Michael and Ferrein, Alexander and Kaszner, Daniel and Matheis, Dominik and Walter, Thomas}, title = {Benchmarking of various LiDAR sensors for use in self-driving vehicles in real-world environments}, series = {Sensors}, volume = {22}, journal = {Sensors}, number = {19}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {1424-8220}, doi = {10.3390/s22197146}, pages = {20 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Abstract In this paper, we report on our benchmark results of the LiDAR sensors Livox Horizon, Robosense M1, Blickfeld Cube, Blickfeld Cube Range, Velodyne Velarray H800, and Innoviz Pro. The idea was to test the sensors in different typical scenarios that were defined with real-world use cases in mind, in order to find a sensor that meet the requirements of self-driving vehicles. For this, we defined static and dynamic benchmark scenarios. In the static scenarios, both LiDAR and the detection target do not move during the measurement. In dynamic scenarios, the LiDAR sensor was mounted on the vehicle which was driving toward the detection target. We tested all mentioned LiDAR sensors in both scenarios, show the results regarding the detection accuracy of the targets, and discuss their usefulness for deployment in self-driving cars.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SchulteSchwagerFrantzetal.2022, author = {Schulte, Jonas and Schwager, Christian and Frantz, Cathy and Schloms, Felix and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Herrmann, Ulf}, title = {Control concept for a molten salt receiver in star design: Development, optimization and testing with cloud passage scenarios}, series = {SolarPACES 2022 conference proceedings}, booktitle = {SolarPACES 2022 conference proceedings}, number = {1}, publisher = {TIB Open Publishing}, address = {Hannover}, issn = {2751-9899 (online)}, doi = {10.52825/solarpaces.v1i.693}, pages = {9 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {A promising approach to reduce the system costs of molten salt solar receivers is to enable the irradiation of the absorber tubes on both sides. The star design is an innovative receiver design, pursuing this approach. The unconventional design leads to new challenges in controlling the system. This paper presents a control concept for a molten salt receiver system in star design. The control parameters are optimized in a defined test cycle by minimizing a cost function. The control concept is tested in realistic cloud passage scenarios based on real weather data. During these tests, the control system showed no sign of unstable behavior, but to perform sufficiently in every scenario further research and development like integrating Model Predictive Controls (MPCs) need to be done. The presented concept is a starting point to do so.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SchubaHoefkenLinzbach2022, author = {Schuba, Marko and H{\"o}fken, Hans-Wilhelm and Linzbach, Sophie}, title = {An ICS Honeynet for Detecting and Analyzing Cyberattacks in Industrial Plants}, series = {2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET)}, booktitle = {2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET)}, publisher = {IEEE}, isbn = {978-1-6654-4231-2}, doi = {10.1109/ICECET52533.2021.9698746}, pages = {6 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Cybersecurity of Industrial Control Systems (ICS) is an important issue, as ICS incidents may have a direct impact on safety of people or the environment. At the same time the awareness and knowledge about cybersecurity, particularly in the context of ICS, is alarmingly low. Industrial honeypots offer a cheap and easy to implement way to raise cybersecurity awareness and to educate ICS staff about typical attack patterns. When integrated in a productive network, industrial honeypots may not only reveal attackers early but may also distract them from the actual important systems of the network. Implementing multiple honeypots as a honeynet, the systems can be used to emulate or simulate a whole Industrial Control System. This paper describes a network of honeypots emulating HTTP, SNMP, S7communication and the Modbus protocol using Conpot, IMUNES and SNAP7. The nodes mimic SIMATIC S7 programmable logic controllers (PLCs) which are widely used across the globe. The deployed honeypots' features will be compared with the features of real SIMATIC S7 PLCs. Furthermore, the honeynet has been made publicly available for ten days and occurring cyberattacks have been analyzed}, language = {en} } @incollection{SchubaHoefken2022, author = {Schuba, Marko and H{\"o}fken, Hans-Wilhelm}, title = {Cybersicherheit in Produktion, Automotive und intelligenten Geb{\"a}uden}, series = {IT-Sicherheit - Technologien und Best Practices f{\"u}r die Umsetzung im Unternehmen}, booktitle = {IT-Sicherheit - Technologien und Best Practices f{\"u}r die Umsetzung im Unternehmen}, publisher = {Carl Hanser Verlag}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-446-47223-5}, doi = {10.3139/9783446473478.012}, pages = {193 -- 218}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{SchopenShabaniEschetal.2022, author = {Schopen, Oliver and Shabani, Bahman and Esch, Thomas and Kemper, Hans and Shah, Neel}, title = {Quantitative evaluation of health management designs for fuel cell systems in transport vehicles}, series = {2nd UNITED-SAIG International Conference Proceedings}, booktitle = {2nd UNITED-SAIG International Conference Proceedings}, editor = {Rahim, S.A. and As'arry, A. and Zuhri, M.Y.M. and Harmin, M.Y. and Rezali, K.A.M. and Hairuddin, A.A.}, pages = {1 -- 3}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Focusing on transport vehicles, mainly with regard to aviation applications, this paper presents compilation and subsequent quantitative evaluation of methods aimed at building an optimum integrated health management solution for fuel cell systems. The methods are divided into two different main types and compiled in a related scheme. Furthermore, different methods are analysed and evaluated based on parameters specific to the aviation context of this study. Finally, the most suitable method for use in fuel cell health management systems is identified and its performance and suitability is quantified.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{SchollStolle2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Scholl, Lisa and Stolle, Jana}, title = {Raising the bar for chronic care : a digital tool to support the self-management of chronic conditions}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {307 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Nahezu jede:r zweite Deutsche ist chronisch krank - Tendenz steigend. Damit geh{\"o}ren chronische Krankheiten laut RKI zu den h{\"a}ufigsten und bedeutsamsten Gesundheitsproblemen weltweit. F{\"u}r Betroffene bedeutet eine chronische Erkrankung je nach Schweregrad eine Einschr{\"a}nkung im Alltag sowie verringerte Lebensqualit{\"a}t. Die Health App »nomi« greift die Herausforderungen dieser Menschen auf und revolutioniert die Beobachtung ihrer Symptome und Faktoren. Das schnelle, flexible Tracking wird von Wearables erm{\"o}glicht. Durch den Vergleich von Faktoren werden Zusammenh{\"a}nge abgebildet und das eigene Verst{\"a}ndnis der Erkrankung gef{\"o}rdert. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus k{\"o}nnen diese Daten in Form von Berichten f{\"u}r {\"A}rzt:innen freigegeben werden und bieten somit eine authentische Einsicht in den Krankheitsverlauf. Individuelle Routinen und Erinnerungen f{\"o}rdern das Selbstmanagement. Somit steigert „nomi" langfristig die Lebensqualit{\"a}t Betroffener - als zuverl{\"a}ssiger Begleiter.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Schnitzler2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Schnitzler, Nora}, title = {Identifikation und Bewertung geeigneter Mikrostrukturierungen zum Schutz von Biohybridbeschichtungen von Zahnimplantaten vor Abrasion beim Z{\"a}hneputzen}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {67 S.}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die Oberfl{\"a}chen dentaler Implantate sind definiert durch eine raue Oberfl{\"a}che, um die Integration in den menschlichen Knochen zu optimieren. Entz{\"u}ndungen des umgebenden Zahnfleisches z{\"a}hlen dabei zu den h{\"a}ufigsten Komplikationen nach einer Implantation. Diese Entz{\"u}ndungen entstehen haupts{\"a}chlich durch bakterielle Infektionen des Weichgewebes an der Implantations-Stelle. Die raue Oberfl{\"a}che tr{\"a}gt jedoch zu einer solchen Infektion bei. Da der Implantat-Kopf zum Teil aus dem Knochen herausragt, erfolgt beispielsweise beim Z{\"a}hneputzen eine Freilegung der Implantat-Oberfl{\"a}che. Die durch die Rauheit vergr{\"o}ßerte Oberfl{\"a}che bietet dabei ideale Voraussetzungen f{\"u}r eine Bakterienansiedlung. In der aktuellen Forschung steht die Entwicklung einer Oberfl{\"a}che im Vordergrund, die eine antibakterielle Funktionalisierung erzeugt. Diese verhindert die Bakterienansiedlung und wirkt einer Entz{\"u}ndung entgegen. Um die Beschichtung vor Verschleiß zu sch{\"u}tzen und ihre Lebensdauer der antibakteriellen Wirkung zu erh{\"o}hen, ist es m{\"o}glich die Oberfl{\"a}che mit einer Mikrostruktur zu versehen. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Identifikation geeigneter Mikrostrukturierungen, die der antibakteriellen Beschichtung einen optimalen Schutz vor Verschleiß bieten. Am Beispiel von Titan-Zahnimplantaten wird der Schutz der aufgetragenen Biohybridbeschichtung gegen abrasiven Verschleiß untersucht. Im Vorfeld wird eine Analyse der fertigungstechnischen M{\"o}glichkeiten mit Blick auf dentale Implantate und Mikrostrukturen durchgef{\"u}hrt, um das ein passendes Verfahren zu identifizieren. Die Analogiebauteile als Probenk{\"o}rper werden, mithilfe des zuvor ausgew{\"a}hlten Verfahrens, mit verschiedenen Mikrostrukturen versehen. Im Rahmen einer Versuchsdurchf{\"u}hrung, die die mechanische Belastung bei einem Zahnputzdurchgang imitiert, werden die verschiedenen Mikrostrukturen auf ihre Eignung f{\"u}r diese Anwendung {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Ein Vorversuch dient zur Identifizierung eines geeigneten Ankerpeptids, welches den bindenden Bestandteil der Biohybridbeschichtung darstellt. Aus drei zuvor ausgew{\"a}hlten Ankerpeptiden wird das mit der besten Adh{\"a}sionsf{\"a}higkeit herausgestellt. Im finalen Versuchsdurchlauf wird das Ankerpeptid auf die Oberfl{\"a}chen, die mit den Mikrostrukturen versehen sind, aufgetragen. Dabei ist das Ziel eine Mikrostruktur herauszustellen, die den h{\"o}chstm{\"o}glichen Schutz bietet. Durch eine Fluoreszenzpr{\"u}fung mithilfe eines Flourescence Plate Readers wird jede Kombination nach den Belastungsversuchen auf den Restanteil der Beschichtung {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Das Ergebnis stellt eine Mikrostruktur dar, die den bestm{\"o}glichen Schutz bietet. Dies ist erkennbar durch den h{\"o}chsten Anteil an Restbeschichtung. Eine Strukturierung mit sogenannten Micro-Grooves in Kombination mit dem MacHis-Ankerpeptid erzielte in der Analyse der Belastungssimulationen die besten Ergebnisse bez{\"u}glich des Schutzes der Beschichtung. Durch die Versuche best{\"a}tigte sich eine weitere Annahme. Die Strukturierung der Oberfl{\"a}che erzielt einen deutlich h{\"o}heren Schutz im Vergleich zu einer unstrukturierten Oberfl{\"a}che. Zudem hat sich herausgestellt, dass eine Beschichtung mit dem sogenannten PEO-Verfahren eine deutlich gr{\"o}ßere Adh{\"a}sion der Biohybridbeschichtung erzielt. Dies wird jedoch Thema weiterf{\"u}hrender Forschungen sein und kein Bestandteil der vorliegenden Arbeit.}, language = {de} } @article{SchneiderSchwabedalBialonski2022, author = {Schneider, Jules and Schwabedal, Justus T. C. and Bialonski, Stephan}, title = {Schlafspindeln - Funktion, Detektion und Nutzung als Biomarker f{\"u}r die psychiatrische Diagnostik}, series = {Der Nervenarzt}, journal = {Der Nervenarzt}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, issn = {1433-0407}, doi = {10.1007/s00115-022-01340-z}, pages = {1 -- 8}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Hintergrund: Die Schlafspindel ist ein Graphoelement des Elektroenzephalogramms (EEG), das im Leicht- und Tiefschlaf beobachtet werden kann. Ver{\"a}nderungen der Spindelaktivit{\"a}t wurden f{\"u}r verschiedene psychiatrische Erkrankungen beschrieben. Schlafspindeln zeigen aufgrund ihrer relativ konstanten Eigenschaften Potenzial als Biomarker in der psychiatrischen Diagnostik. Methode: Dieser Beitrag liefert einen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber den Stand der Wissenschaft zu Eigenschaften und Funktionen der Schlafspindeln sowie {\"u}ber beschriebene Ver{\"a}nderungen der Spindelaktivit{\"a}t bei psychiatrischen Erkrankungen. Verschiedene methodische Ans{\"a}tze und Ausblicke zur Spindeldetektion werden hinsichtlich deren Anwendungspotenzial in der psychiatrischen Diagnostik erl{\"a}utert. Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerung: W{\"a}hrend Ver{\"a}nderungen der Spindelaktivit{\"a}t bei psychiatrischen Erkrankungen beschrieben wurden, ist deren exaktes Potenzial f{\"u}r die psychiatrische Diagnostik noch nicht ausreichend erforscht. Diesbez{\"u}glicher Erkenntnisgewinn wird in der Forschung gegenw{\"a}rtig durch ressourcenintensive und fehleranf{\"a}llige Methoden zur manuellen oder automatisierten Spindeldetektion ausgebremst. Neuere Detektionsans{\"a}tze, die auf Deep-Learning-Verfahren basieren, k{\"o}nnten die Schwierigkeiten bisheriger Detektionsmethoden {\"u}berwinden und damit neue M{\"o}glichkeiten f{\"u}r die praktisch}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Schmitz2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Schmitz, Tim}, title = {Technikmuseum Hugo Junkers : Entwicklung und Konzeption eines neuen Erscheinungsbildes}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {80 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Hugo Junkers ist Pionier der fr{\"u}hen nationalen und internationalen Luftfahrt. Seit 2002 sticht das Technikmuseum Hugo Junkers inhaltlich hervor mit einer F{\"u}lle einzigartiger Ausstellungsst{\"u}cke wie restaurierte Flugzeuge und originalgetreue Nachbauten. Geleitet wird das Privatmuseum von ehrenamtlichen Mitgliedern, die teils selbst vom Fach sind und mit ihrer Arbeit im Museum f{\"u}r stetigen Wandel sorgen. Doch leider ist von dieser Qualit{\"a}t im jetzigem Corporate Design noch nichts wiederzuerkennen. Die Arbeit nimmt sich dieser an und greift das f{\"u}r die Junkers Flugzeuge typische Wellblech auf. So wird ein signifikantes Unterscheidungsmerkmal zu anderen Technikmuseen dieser Art geschaffen. Durch die Kombination eines streng geordneten Liniensystems und einer sehr freien Anordnung der Bilder wird ein spannendes visuelles Auftreten geschaffen. Damit wird das Museum attraktiver f{\"u}r Besucher:Innen gestaltet und somit endlich der hochwertigen Arbeit gerecht, die die Mitglieder des Technikmuseums leisten.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Schmitz2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Schmitz, Moritz}, title = {Kochen inklusiver gestalten. : Bed{\"u}rfnisorientiertes K{\"u}chensystem f{\"u}r Menschen mit Sehbeeintr{\"a}chtigungen}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {153 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Es ist nachweislich ges{\"u}nder und h{\"a}ufig g{\"u}nstiger selber zu kochen und es gibt dem Menschen mehr Kontrolle {\"u}ber seine Ern{\"a}hrung. Bis dato wird keine K{\"u}chenmaschine angeboten, die von blinden Menschen bedient werden kann, obwohl gerade solche Produkte den Alltag dieser Gruppe enorm vereinfachen k{\"o}nnten. „Clu." ist ein modulares K{\"u}chensystem, welches von einer App unterst{\"u}tzt wird. Die Basis besteht aus einer K{\"u}chenmaschine, die {\"u}ber Sprache und haptische Bedienelemente gesteuert wird. Durch die Anwendung des Mehr-Sinne-Prinzip, der Simplifizierung von Funktionen und der Einbindung von Smart Home Komponenten werden nicht nur Menschen mit Sehbeeintr{\"a}chtigungen profitieren. Beispielsweise funktioniert das Kochen nach Rezept nun {\"a}hnlich wie das H{\"o}ren eines H{\"o}rbuches und die User k{\"o}nnen sich dem in ihrem favorisierten Tempo annehmen. „Clu." ist ein Ansatz f{\"u}r eine neue Kategorie von Produkten, die zeigen, wie attraktiv inklusivere Produktl{\"o}sungen aussehen k{\"o}nnen.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Schmalfuss2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Schmalfuss, Vanessa Dana}, title = {LGBTQIA+ : Aufkl{\"a}rungskampagne f{\"u}r die Reduzierung des Gebrauchs von Schimpfw{\"o}rtern an Schulen}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {135 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Der Missbrauch von Schimpfw{\"o}rtern im Bereich Schule, die sich gegen LGBTQIA+ richten, ist nach wie vor ein ernst zu nehmendes Problem. Durch eine Aufkl{\"a}rungskampagne wird diesem Problem entgegengewirkt. Da man den Sch{\"u}ler:innen das Benutzen von Schimpfw{\"o}rtern nicht ganz abgew{\"o}hnen kann, wird ihnen durch die Kampagne vorgemacht, wie man besser, cooler und intelligenter schimpft. Durch das Motto "Richtig schimpfen ganz unkompliziert" zeigt die Kampagne den Sch{\"u}ler:innen, wie man auf eine smarte Art und Weise mit Worten umgeht und gleichzeitig den eigenen Gebrauch von Schimpfw{\"o}rtern reflektiert.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Schiffers2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Schiffers, Simon}, title = {Historische Stoffe im Spielfilm : Zwischen Authentizit{\"a}t und Unterhaltung}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {107 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Historische Stoffe im Spielfilm Zwischen Authentizit{\"a}t und Unterhaltung Spielfilme {\"u}ber wahre Begebenheiten stellen sich der Herausforderung, historisch korrekte Darstellung mit einer spannenden und sehenswerten Pr{\"a}sentation zu kombinieren. Dies ist ein schwieriger Balance Akt, gerade bei Studentenprojekten mit geringem Budget. Im Kurzfilm {\"u}ber Julius Erasmus, dem „Totengr{\"a}ber von Vossenack", wurde sich dieser Aufgabe gestellt. Inhaltlich werden seine m{\"o}glichen Beweggr{\"u}nde dargestellt, die ihn dazu brachten kurz nach dem 2. Weltkrieg zahlreiche gefallene Soldaten im ehemaligen Kampfgebiet im H{\"u}rtgenwald zu begraben. Die schriftliche Dokumentation des Projektes zeigt die Recherche des verfilmten Stoffes, Herausforderungen w{\"a}hrend der Produktion, sowie pers{\"o}nliche Eindr{\"u}cke und Lerneffekte. Letztendlich ist ein Werk entstanden, dass respektvoll mit der zu Grunde liegenden Geschichte umgeht und gleichsam ein cineastisches Erlebnis f{\"u}r den Zuschauer darstellt.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Scherer2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Scherer, Maike}, title = {Social Integrity for distributed Workforces : ein Design System f{\"u}r soziale Interaktion eines Unternehmens}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {125 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Eine Applikation f{\"u}r die soziale Interaktion zwischen Teams und Arbeitnehmern eines Unternehmens, welche Remote und/oder Hybrid arbeiten. Wissen teilen, Weiterbilden, Wohlf{\"u}hlen In den letzten zwei Jahren kam es auf Grund der Corona-Pandemie, trotz der vielen Kommunikationsm{\"o}glichkeiten, im Privat-, sowie Arbeitsleben zu erheblichen sozialen Einschr{\"a}nkungen. Genau hier setzt die Applikation „Companion" an, um dem Arbeitnehmer das In-Office-Gef{\"u}hl auch Remote {\"u}bersetzen zu k{\"o}nnen. Der Arbeitnehmer kann mit seinen Kollegen sozialisieren, diese besser kennenlernen und wird zus{\"a}tzlich durch Events und Workshops professionell weitergebildet.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{SattlerSchneiderAngeleetal.2022, author = {Sattler, Johannes Christoph and Schneider, Iesse Peer and Angele, Florian and Atti, Vikrama Naga Babu and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Herrmann, Ulf}, title = {Development of heliostat field calibration methods: Theory and experimental test results}, series = {SolarPACES 2022 conference proceedings}, booktitle = {SolarPACES 2022 conference proceedings}, number = {1}, publisher = {TIB Open Publishing}, address = {Hannover}, issn = {2751-9899 (online)}, doi = {10.52825/solarpaces.v1i.678}, pages = {9 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In this work, three patent pending calibration methods for heliostat fields of central receiver systems (CRS) developed by the Solar-Institut J{\"u}lich (SIJ) of the FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences are presented. The calibration methods can either operate in a combined mode or in stand-alone mode. The first calibration method, method A, foresees that a camera matrix is placed into the receiver plane where it is subjected to concentrated solar irradiance during a measurement process. The second calibration method, method B, uses an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) such as a quadrocopter to automatically fly into the reflected solar irradiance cross-section of one or more heliostats (two variants of method B were tested). The third calibration method, method C, foresees a stereo central camera or multiple stereo cameras installed e.g. on the solar tower whereby the orientations of the heliostats are calculated from the location detection of spherical red markers attached to the heliostats. The most accurate method is method A which has a mean accuracy of 0.17 mrad. The mean accuracy of method B variant 1 is 1.36 mrad and of variant 2 is 1.73 mrad. Method C has a mean accuracy of 15.07 mrad. For method B there is great potential regarding improving the measurement accuracy. For method C the collected data was not sufficient for determining whether or not there is potential for improving the accuracy.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SattlerAttiAlexopoulosetal.2022, author = {Sattler, Johannes Christoph and Atti, Vikrama Naga Babu and Alexopoulos, Spiros and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Herrmann, Ulf and Dutta, Siddharth and Kioutsioukis, Ioannis}, title = {DNI forecast tool for the smart operation of a parabolic trough collector system with concrete thermal energy storage: Theory, results and outlook}, series = {SolarPACES 2022 conference proceedings}, booktitle = {SolarPACES 2022 conference proceedings}, number = {1}, publisher = {TIB Open Publishing}, address = {Hannover}, issn = {2751-9899 (online)}, doi = {10.52825/solarpaces.v1i.731}, pages = {9 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This work presents a basic forecast tool for predicting direct normal irradiance (DNI) in hourly resolution, which the Solar-Institut J{\"u}lich (SIJ) is developing within a research project. The DNI forecast data shall be used for a parabolic trough collector (PTC) system with a concrete thermal energy storage (C-TES) located at the company KEAN Soft Drinks Ltd in Limassol, Cyprus. On a daily basis, 24-hour DNI prediction data in hourly resolution shall be automatically produced using free or very low-cost weather forecast data as input. The purpose of the DNI forecast tool is to automatically transfer the DNI forecast data on a daily basis to a main control unit (MCU). The MCU automatically makes a smart decision on the operation mode of the PTC system such as steam production mode and/or C-TES charging mode. The DNI forecast tool was evaluated using historical data of measured DNI from an on-site weather station, which was compared to the DNI forecast data. The DNI forecast tool was tested using data from 56 days between January and March 2022, which included days with a strong variation in DNI due to cloud passages. For the evaluation of the DNI forecast reliability, three categories were created and the forecast data was sorted accordingly. The result was that the DNI forecast tool has a reliability of 71.4 \% based on the tested days. The result fulfils SIJ's aim to achieve a reliability of around 70 \%, but SIJ aims to still improve the DNI forecast quality.}, language = {en} } @article{RuebbelkeVoegeleGrajewskietal.2022, author = {R{\"u}bbelke, Dirk and V{\"o}gele, Stefan and Grajewski, Matthias and Zobel, Luzy}, title = {Hydrogen-based steel production and global climate protection: An empirical analysis of the potential role of a European cross border adjustment mechanism}, series = {Journal of Cleaner Production}, volume = {380}, journal = {Journal of Cleaner Production}, number = {Part 2, Art. Nr.:135040}, publisher = {Elsevier}, issn = {0959-6526}, doi = {10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.135040}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The European Union's aim to become climate neutral by 2050 necessitates ambitious efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Large reductions can be attained particularly in energy intensive sectors like iron and steel. In order to prevent the relocation of such industries outside the EU in the course of tightening environmental regulations, the establishment of a climate club jointly with other large emitters and alternatively the unilateral implementation of an international cross-border carbon tax mechanism are proposed. This article focuses on the latter option choosing the steel sector as an example. In particular, we investigate the financial conditions under which a European cross border mechanism is capable to protect hydrogen-based steel production routes employed in Europe against more polluting competition from abroad. By using a floor price model, we assess the competitiveness of different steel production routes in selected countries. We evaluate the climate friendliness of steel production on the basis of specific GHG emissions. In addition, we utilize an input-output price model. It enables us to assess impacts of rising cost of steel production on commodities using steel as intermediates. Our results raise concerns that a cross-border tax mechanism will not suffice to bring about competitiveness of hydrogen-based steel production in Europe because the cost tends to remain higher than the cost of steel production in e.g. China. Steel is a classic example for a good used mainly as intermediate for other products. Therefore, a cross-border tax mechanism for steel will increase the price of products produced in the EU that require steel as an input. This can in turn adversely affect competitiveness of these sectors. Hence, the effects of higher steel costs on European exports should be borne in mind and could require the cross-border adjustment mechanism to also subsidize exports.}, language = {en} } @article{RoethenbacherCesariDoppleretal.2022, author = {R{\"o}thenbacher, Annika and Cesari, Matteo and Doppler, Christopher E.J. and Okkels, Niels and Willemsen, Nele and Sembowski, Nora and Seger, Aline and Lindner, Marie and Brune, Corinna and Stefani, Ambra and H{\"o}gl, Birgit and Bialonski, Stephan and Borghammer, Per and Fink, Gereon R. and Schober, Martin and Sommerauer, Michael}, title = {RBDtector: an open-source software to detect REM sleep without atonia according to visual scoring criteria}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {12}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, number = {Article number: 20886}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {London}, issn = {2045-2322}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-022-25163-9}, pages = {1 -- 14}, year = {2022}, abstract = {REM sleep without atonia (RSWA) is a key feature for the diagnosis of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behaviour disorder (RBD). We introduce RBDtector, a novel open-source software to score RSWA according to established SINBAR visual scoring criteria. We assessed muscle activity of the mentalis, flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS), and anterior tibialis (AT) muscles. RSWA was scored manually as tonic, phasic, and any activity by human scorers as well as using RBDtector in 20 subjects. Subsequently, 174 subjects (72 without RBD and 102 with RBD) were analysed with RBDtector to show the algorithm's applicability. We additionally compared RBDtector estimates to a previously published dataset. RBDtector showed robust conformity with human scorings. The highest congruency was achieved for phasic and any activity of the FDS. Combining mentalis any and FDS any, RBDtector identified RBD subjects with 100\% specificity and 96\% sensitivity applying a cut-off of 20.6\%. Comparable performance was obtained without manual artefact removal. RBD subjects also showed muscle bouts of higher amplitude and longer duration. RBDtector provides estimates of tonic, phasic, and any activity comparable to human scorings. RBDtector, which is freely available, can help identify RBD subjects and provides reliable RSWA metrics.}, language = {en} } @misc{Rouenhoff2022, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Rouenhoff, Saskia}, title = {Blind - invisible connection : ein Spiel zur kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit den sozialen Medien.}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {321 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Im Computerspiel „blind - invisible connection" taucht der Spieler in eine Fantasiewelt ein, die die sozialen Medien widerspiegelt und von einer Maschine beherrscht wird. Um zu erfahren, was in dieser Welt geschehen ist, muss die Geschichte Schritt f{\"u}r Schritt erspielt und wie ein Puzzle zusammengesetzt werden. Dabei interagieren die Spieler:innen mittels Dialogen mit den Bewohner:innen der Fantasiewelt und l{\"o}sen R{\"a}tsel, die die Geschichte enth{\"u}llen. Durch Analogien zwischen der Fantasiewelt und den sozialen Medien wird die Funktionsweise und der Einfluss der Plattformen auf die Menschen und die Gesellschaft verdeutlicht. So wird eine Reflexion des eigenen Umgangs mit den sozialen Medien angeregt und Gespr{\"a}chsstoff f{\"u}r Diskussionen unter den Spieler:innen und Mitmenschen geliefert.}, language = {de} } @misc{RothkranzKrafftTippkoetter2022, author = {Rothkranz, Berit and Krafft, Simone and Tippk{\"o}tter, Nils}, title = {Media optimization for sustainable fuel production: How to produce biohydrogen from renewable resources with Thermotoga neapolitana}, series = {Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, volume = {94}, journal = {Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, number = {9}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {0009-286X}, doi = {10.1002/cite.202255305}, pages = {1298 -- 1299}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Hydrogen is playing an increasingly important role in research and politics as an energy carrier of the future. Since hydrogen has commonly been produced from methane by steam reforming, the need for climate-friendly, alternative production routes is emerging. In addition to electrolysis, fermentative routes for the production of so-called biohydrogen are "green" alternatives. The application of microorganisms offers the advantage of sustainable production from renewable resources using easily manageable technologies. In this project, the hyperthermophilic, anaerobic microorganism Thermotoga neapolitana is used for the productio nof biohydrogen from renewable resources. The enzymatically hydrolyzed resources were used in fermentation leading to yield coefficients of 1.8 mole H₂ per mole glucose when using hydrolyzed straw and ryegrass supplemented with medium, respectively. These results are similar to the hydrogen yields when using Thermotoga basal medium with glucose (TBGY) as control group. In order to minimize the supplementation of the hydrolysate and thus increase the economic efficiency of the process, the essential media components were identified. The experiments revealed NaCl, KCl, and glucose as essential components for cell growth as well as biohydrogen production. When excluding NaCl, a decrease of 96\% in hydrogen production occured.}, language = {en} } @article{RossiWinandsButenweg2022, author = {Rossi, Leonardo and Winands, Mark H. M. and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Monte Carlo Tree Search as an intelligent search tool in structural design problems}, series = {Engineering with Computers : An International Journal for Simulation-Based Engineering}, volume = {38}, journal = {Engineering with Computers : An International Journal for Simulation-Based Engineering}, number = {4}, editor = {Zhang, Jessica}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {Cham}, issn = {1435-5663}, doi = {10.1007/s00366-021-01338-2}, pages = {3219 -- 3236}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is a search technique that in the last decade emerged as a major breakthrough for Artificial Intelligence applications regarding board- and video-games. In 2016, AlphaGo, an MCTS-based software agent, outperformed the human world champion of the board game Go. This game was for long considered almost infeasible for machines, due to its immense search space and the need for a long-term strategy. Since this historical success, MCTS is considered as an effective new approach for many other scientific and technical problems. Interestingly, civil structural engineering, as a discipline, offers many tasks whose solution may benefit from intelligent search and in particular from adopting MCTS as a search tool. In this work, we show how MCTS can be adapted to search for suitable solutions of a structural engineering design problem. The problem consists of choosing the load-bearing elements in a reference reinforced concrete structure, so to achieve a set of specific dynamic characteristics. In the paper, we report the results obtained by applying both a plain and a hybrid version of single-agent MCTS. The hybrid approach consists of an integration of both MCTS and classic Genetic Algorithm (GA), the latter also serving as a term of comparison for the results. The study's outcomes may open new perspectives for the adoption of MCTS as a design tool for civil engineers.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Roentgen2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Roentgen, Matthis}, title = {Ketten, die die Welt umspannen : wie funktioniert Blockchain-Technologie und was kann sie uns bieten?}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {57 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Bitcoins und NFTs sind l{\"a}ngst keine Neuheit mehr und vielen bereits ein Begriff. Doch was genau steckt hinter digitalen W{\"a}hrungen und kryptografischen Tokens? »Ketten, die die Welt umspannen« ist die erste Ausgabe des »101.mag« und setzt sich mit dieser Frage auseinander. Das Magazin versucht {\"u}ber ein unkonventionelles Layout, interessante Artikel und spannende Illustrationen seine Leser:innen in die Welt der vielversprechenden Technologie einzuf{\"u}hren. Die Kommunikationen zwischen Mensch und Computer steht nicht nur thematisch im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit. Auch die Gestaltung profitiert von dieser Zusammenarbeit. So wurde der Fließtext mithilfe eines Processing-Tools {\"u}ber das Raster verteilt. Auch die Illustration wurde {\"u}ber ein weiteres Programm in verpixelte Grafiken umgewandelt. Die statischen Bild- und Textelemente werden durch kleine Animationen erg{\"a}nzt. Diese werden im digitalen Raum eingesetzt und unterst{\"u}tzen so das gesamte Konzept auf multimedialer Ebene. Das Ergebnis ist ein besonderes Magazin, welches eine neue Richtung einschl{\"a}gt.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{RigaPitilakisButenwegetal.2022, author = {Riga, Evi and Pitilakis, Kyriazis and Butenweg, Christoph and Apostolaki, Stefania and Karatzetzou, Anna}, title = {Investigating the impact of the new European Seismic Hazard Model ESHM20 on the seismic design and safety control of industrial facilities}, series = {The Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology}, booktitle = {The Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology}, editor = {Arion, Cristian and Scupin, Alexandra and Ţigănescu, Alexandru}, isbn = {978-973-100-533-1}, pages = {3261 -- 3270}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The seismic performance and safety of major European industrial facilities has a global interest for Europe, its citizens and economy. A potential major disaster at an industrial site could affect several countries, probably far beyond the country where it is located. However, the seismic design and safety assessment of these facilities is practically based on national, often outdated seismic hazard assessment studies, due to many reasons, including the absence of a reliable, commonly developed seismic hazard model for whole Europe. This important gap is no more existing, as the 2020 European Seismic Hazard Model ESHM20 was released in December 2021. In this paper we investigate the expected impact of the adoption of ESHM20 on the seismic demand for industrial facilities, through the comparison of the ESHM20 probabilistic hazard at the sites where industrial facilities are located with the respective national and European regulations. The goal of this preliminary work in the framework of Working Group 13 of the European Association for Earthquake Engineering (EAEE), is to identify potential inadequacies in the design and safety control of existing industrial facilities and to highlight the expected impact of the adoption of the new European Seismic Hazard Model on the design of new industrial facilities and the safety assessment of existing ones.}, language = {en} } @article{QuittmannAbelAlbrachtetal.2022, author = {Quittmann, Oliver J. and Abel, Thomas and Albracht, Kirsten and Str{\"u}der, Heiko K.}, title = {Biomechanics of all-out handcycling exercise: kinetics, kinematics and muscular activity of a 15-s sprint test in able-bodied participants}, series = {Sports Biomechanics}, volume = {21}, journal = {Sports Biomechanics}, number = {10}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, address = {London}, issn = {1752-6116 (Onlineausgabe)}, doi = {10.1080/14763141.2020.1745266}, pages = {1200 -- 1223}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This study aims to quantify the kinematics, kinetics and muscular activity of all-out handcycling exercise and examine their alterations during the course of a 15-s sprint test. Twelve able-bodied competitive triathletes performed a 15-s all-out sprint test in a recumbent racing handcycle that was attached to an ergometer. During the sprint test, tangential crank kinetics, 3D joint kinematics and muscular activity of 10 muscles of the upper extremity and trunk were examined using a power metre, motion capturing and surface electromyography (sEMG), respectively. Parameters were compared between revolution one (R1), revolution two (R2), the average of revolution 3 to 13 (R3) and the average of the remaining revolutions (R4). Shoulder abduction and internal-rotation increased, whereas maximal shoulder retroversion decreased during the sprint. Except for the wrist angles, angular velocity increased for every joint of the upper extremity. Several muscles demonstrated an increase in muscular activation, an earlier onset of muscular activation in crank cycle and an increased range of activation. During the course of a 15-s all-out sprint test in handcycling, the shoulder muscles and the muscles associated to the push phase demonstrate indications for short-duration fatigue. These findings are helpful to prevent injuries and improve performance in all-out handcycling.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PuetzBaierBrauneretal.2022, author = {P{\"u}tz, Sebastian and Baier, Ralph and Brauner, Philipp and Brillowski, Florian and Dammers, Hannah and Liehner, Luca and Mertens, Alexander and Rodemann, Niklas and Schneider, Sebastian and Schollemann, Alexander and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Vervier, Luisa and Gries, Thomas and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen and Nagel, Saskia K. and Piller, Frank T. and Schuh, G{\"u}nther and Ziefle, Martina and Nitsch, Verena}, title = {An interdisciplinary view on humane interfaces for digital shadows in the internet of production}, series = {2022 15th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI)}, booktitle = {2022 15th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI)}, publisher = {IEEE}, isbn = {978-1-6654-6823-7 (Print)}, issn = {2158-2246 (Print)}, doi = {10.1109/HSI55341.2022.9869467}, pages = {8 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Digital shadows play a central role for the next generation industrial internet, also known as Internet of Production (IoP). However, prior research has not considered systematically how human actors interact with digital shadows, shaping their potential for success. To address this research gap, we assembled an interdisciplinary team of authors from diverse areas of human-centered research to propose and discuss design and research recommendations for the implementation of industrial user interfaces for digital shadows, as they are currently conceptualized for the IoP. Based on the four use cases of decision support systems, knowledge sharing in global production networks, human-robot collaboration, and monitoring employee workload, we derive recommendations for interface design and enhancing workers' capabilities. This analysis is extended by introducing requirements from the higher-level perspectives of governance and organization.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Puzich2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Puzich, Simon}, title = {komuniiio : Generationenaustausch \& Engagement neu gedacht}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {259 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Aktuelle Ehren{\"a}mter und M{\"o}glichkeiten des Austauschs sind in alten Strukturen festgefahren und erfahren wenig Aufmerksamkeit. Die Potenziale von {\"a}lteren Generationen werden zu selten gesch{\"a}tzt und ausgesch{\"o}pft. Dazu werden Sie in vielen neuen Dingen und Anwendungen nicht als Nutzer:innengruppe beachtet und somit Schritt f{\"u}r Schritt ausgegrenzt. Der Ansatz dieser Arbeit war es, eine gesellschaftlich f{\"o}rdernde digitale Oberfl{\"a}che f{\"u}r den Generationenaustausch zwischen jung und alt zu schaffen - unabh{\"a}ngig von Vereinsstrukturen oder Organisationen. Vereinen wir das Bewusstsein der Alten mit der Neugier und Innovationskraft der Jungen, um eine Zukunft zu schaffen, in der es sich lohnt, jung zu sein, als auch alt zu werden.}, language = {de} } @article{PourshahidiEngelmannOffenhaeusseretal.2022, author = {Pourshahidi, Ali Mohammad and Engelmann, Ulrich M. and Offenh{\"a}usser, Andreas and Krause, Hans-Joachim}, title = {Resolving ambiguities in core size determination of magnetic nanoparticles from magnetic frequency mixing data}, series = {Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials}, volume = {563}, journal = {Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials}, number = {In progress, Art. No. 169969}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0304-8853}, doi = {10.1016/j.jmmm.2022.169969}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Frequency mixing magnetic detection (FMMD) has been widely utilized as a measurement technique in magnetic immunoassays. It can also be used for the characterization and distinction (also known as "colourization") of different types of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) based on their core sizes. In a previous work, it was shown that the large particles contribute most of the FMMD signal. This leads to ambiguities in core size determination from fitting since the contribution of the small-sized particles is almost undetectable among the strong responses from the large ones. In this work, we report on how this ambiguity can be overcome by modelling the signal intensity using the Langevin model in thermodynamic equilibrium including a lognormal core size distribution fL(dc,d0,σ) fitted to experimentally measured FMMD data of immobilized MNPs. For each given median diameter d0, an ambiguous amount of best-fitting pairs of parameters distribution width σ and number of particles Np with R2 > 0.99 are extracted. By determining the samples' total iron mass, mFe, with inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), we are then able to identify the one specific best-fitting pair (σ, Np) one uniquely. With this additional externally measured parameter, we resolved the ambiguity in core size distribution and determined the parameters (d0, σ, Np) directly from FMMD measurements, allowing precise MNPs sample characterization.}, language = {en} } @article{PourshahidiAchtsnichtOffenhaeusseretal.2022, author = {Pourshahidi, Ali Mohammad and Achtsnicht, Stefan and Offenh{\"a}usser, Andreas and Krause, Hans-Joachim}, title = {Frequency Mixing Magnetic Detection Setup Employing Permanent Ring Magnets as a Static Offset Field Source}, series = {Sensors}, volume = {22}, journal = {Sensors}, number = {22}, editor = {Offenh{\"a}usser, Andreas}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {1424-8220}, doi = {10.3390/s22228776}, pages = {12 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Frequency mixing magnetic detection (FMMD) has been explored for its applications in fields of magnetic biosensing, multiplex detection of magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) and the determination of core size distribution of MNP samples. Such applications rely on the application of a static offset magnetic field, which is generated traditionally with an electromagnet. Such a setup requires a current source, as well as passive or active cooling strategies, which directly sets a limitation based on the portability aspect that is desired for point of care (POC) monitoring applications. In this work, a measurement head is introduced that involves the utilization of two ring-shaped permanent magnets to generate a static offset magnetic field. A steel cylinder in the ring bores homogenizes the field. By variation of the distance between the ring magnets and of the thickness of the steel cylinder, the magnitude of the magnetic field at the sample position can be adjusted. Furthermore, the measurement setup is compared to the electromagnet offset module based on measured signals and temperature behavior.}, language = {en} } @article{PoghossianKarschuckWagneretal.2022, author = {Poghossian, Arshak and Karschuck, Tobias and Wagner, Patrick and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Field-Effect Capacitors Decorated with Ligand-Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles: Modeling and Experiments}, series = {Biosensors}, volume = {12}, journal = {Biosensors}, number = {5}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2079-6374}, doi = {10.3390/bios12050334}, pages = {Artikel 334}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Nanoparticles are recognized as highly attractive tunable materials for designing field-effect biosensors with enhanced performance. In this work, we present a theoretical model for electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor capacitors (EISCAP) decorated with ligand-stabilized charged gold nanoparticles. The charged AuNPs are taken into account as additional, nanometer-sized local gates. The capacitance-voltage (C-V) curves and constant-capacitance (ConCap) signals of the AuNP-decorated EISCAPs have been simulated. The impact of the AuNP coverage on the shift of the C-V curves and the ConCap signals was also studied experimentally on Al-p-Si-SiO₂ EISCAPs decorated with positively charged aminooctanethiol-capped AuNPs. In addition, the surface of the EISCAPs, modified with AuNPs, was characterized by scanning electron microscopy for different immobilization times of the nanoparticles.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Plura2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Plura, Annika}, title = {Health Literacy : Konzeption und Entwurf eines digitalen Informationsangebots zum Thema Gesundheit}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {63 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Nicht zuletzt die Corona-Pandemie hat gezeigt: Gesundheit geht alle Menschen etwas an. Vom Begriff „Health Literacy" haben viele aber noch nie geh{\"o}rt. Damit gemeint ist die menschliche Gesundheitskompetenz, also die F{\"a}higkeit, mit gesundheitsrelevanten Informationen richtig umzugehen und daraus selbstbestimmte Entscheidungen in Gesundheitsfragen ableiten zu k{\"o}nnen. In dieser Arbeit wurden dazu wichtige Aspekte aus der Studie HLS-GER 1 interaktiv und erlebbar aufbereitet. Durch das ausgew{\"a}hlte Informationsdesign wird die Thematik zug{\"a}nglich gemacht und aufgezeigt, welche gravierenden Auswirkungen schlecht ausgebildete Health Literacy auf die Selbstbestimmtheit und Chancengleichheit der Menschen hat. "Health Literacy" legt den Finger in die Wunde und zeigt, dass vor allem im Bildungskontext noch sehr viel Handlungsbedarf ist.}, language = {de} } @article{PhilippEfthimiouPaganoetal.2022, author = {Philipp, Mohr and Efthimiou, Nikos and Pagano, Fiammetta and Kratochwil, Nicolaus and Pizzichemi, Marco and Tsoumpas, Charalampos and Auffray, Etiennette and Ziemons, Karl}, title = {Image reconstruction analysis for positron emission tomography with heterostructured scintillators}, series = {IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences}, volume = {7}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences}, number = {1}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York, NY}, issn = {2469-7311}, doi = {10.1109/TRPMS.2022.3208615}, pages = {41 -- 51}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The concept of structure engineering has been proposed for exploring the next generation of radiation detectors with improved performance. A TOF-PET geometry with heterostructured scintillators with a pixel size of 3.0×3.1×15 mm3 was simulated using Monte Carlo. The heterostructures consisted of alternating layers of BGO as a dense material with high stopping power and plastic (EJ232) as a fast light emitter. The detector time resolution was calculated as a function of the deposited and shared energy in both materials on an event-by-event basis. While sensitivity was reduced to 32\% for 100 μm thick plastic layers and 52\% for 50 μm, the CTR distribution improved to 204±49 ps and 220±41 ps respectively, compared to 276 ps that we considered for bulk BGO. The complex distribution of timing resolutions was accounted for in the reconstruction. We divided the events into three groups based on their CTR and modeled them with different Gaussian TOF kernels. On a NEMA IQ phantom, the heterostructures had better contrast recovery in early iterations. On the other hand, BGO achieved a better contrast to noise ratio (CNR) after the 15th iteration due to the higher sensitivity. The developed simulation and reconstruction methods constitute new tools for evaluating different detector designs with complex time responses.}, language = {en} } @article{PfaffEnningSutter2022, author = {Pfaff, Raphael and Enning, Manfred and Sutter, Stefan}, title = {A risk‑based approach to automatic brake tests for rail freight service: incident analysis and realisation concept}, series = {SN Applied Sciences}, volume = {4}, journal = {SN Applied Sciences}, number = {4}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, issn = {2523-3971}, doi = {10.1007/s42452-022-05007-x}, pages = {1 -- 14}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This study reviews the practice of brake tests in freight railways, which is time consuming and not suitable to detect certain failure types. Public incident reports are analysed to derive a reasonable brake test hardware and communication architecture, which aims to provide automatic brake tests at lower cost than current solutions. The proposed solutions relies exclusively on brake pipe and brake cylinder pressure sensors, a brake release position switch as well as radio communication via standard protocols. The approach is embedded in the Wagon 4.0 concept, which is a holistic approach to a smart freight wagon. The reduction of manual processes yields a strong incentive due to high savings in manual labour and increased productivity.}, language = {en} } @article{PennerUsherovichNiedermeieretal.2022, author = {Penner, Crystal and Usherovich, Samuel and Niedermeier, Jana and B{\´e}langer-Champagne, Camille and Trinczek, Michael and Paulßen, Elisabeth and Hoehr, Cornelia}, title = {Organic Scintillator-Fibre Sensors for Proton Therapy Dosimetry: SCSF-3HF and EJ-260}, series = {electronics}, volume = {12}, journal = {electronics}, number = {1}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2079-9292}, doi = {10.3390/electronics12010011}, pages = {12 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In proton therapy, the dose from secondary neutrons to the patient can contribute to side effects and the creation of secondary cancer. A simple and fast detection system to distinguish between dose from protons and neutrons both in pretreatment verification as well as potentially in vivo monitoring is needed to minimize dose from secondary neutrons. Two 3 mm long, 1 mm diameter organic scintillators were tested for candidacy to be used in a proton-neutron discrimination detector. The SCSF-3HF (1500) scintillating fibre (Kuraray Co. Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan) and EJ-260 plastic scintillator (Eljen Technology, Sweetwater, TX, USA) were irradiated at the TRIUMF Neutron Facility and the Proton Therapy Research Centre. In the proton beam, we compared the raw Bragg peak and spread-out Bragg peak response to the industry standard Markus chamber detector. Both scintillator sensors exhibited quenching at high LET in the Bragg peak, presenting a peak-to-entrance ratio of 2.59 for the EJ-260 and 2.63 for the SCSF-3HF fibre, compared to 3.70 for the Markus chamber. The SCSF-3HF sensor demonstrated 1.3 times the sensitivity to protons and 3 times the sensitivity to neutrons as compared to the EJ-260 sensor. Combined with our equations relating neutron and proton contributions to dose during proton irradiations, and the application of Birks' quenching correction, these fibres provide valid candidates for inexpensive and replicable proton-neutron discrimination detectors}, language = {en} } @article{PeereBlanke2022, author = {Peere, Wouter and Blanke, Tobias}, title = {GHEtool: An open-source tool for borefield sizing in Python}, series = {Journal of Open Source Software}, volume = {7}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Software}, number = {76}, editor = {Vernon, Chris}, issn = {2475-9066}, doi = {10.21105/joss.04406}, pages = {1 -- 4, 4406}, year = {2022}, abstract = {GHEtool is a Python package that contains all the functionalities needed to deal with borefield design. It is developed for both researchers and practitioners. The core of this package is the automated sizing of borefield under different conditions. The sizing of a borefield is typically slow due to the high complexity of the mathematical background. Because this tool has a lot of precalculated data, GHEtool can size a borefield in the order of tenths of milliseconds. This sizing typically takes the order of minutes. Therefore, this tool is suited for being implemented in typical workflows where iterations are required. GHEtool also comes with a graphical user interface (GUI). This GUI is prebuilt as an exe-file because this provides access to all the functionalities without coding. A setup to install the GUI at the user-defined place is also implemented and available at: https://www.mech.kuleuven.be/en/tme/research/thermal_systems/tools/ghetool.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Pauly2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Pauly, Tim Christian}, title = {Fantasy : Die Gefahren des Internets und der Sozialen Medien in Bezug auf Kinder}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {96 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Anhand der Geschichte des Protagonisten Max, wird auf die Gefahr des Internets und der Sozialen Medien hinsichtlich Kinder aufmerksam gemacht. Kinder sind im Internet einigen Gefahren ausgesetzt und ihre Eltern sind sich dessen oftmals kaum bewusst oder haben Probleme, das Tun der Kinder im Auge zu behalten. Die Geschichte wird durch die Lyrik eines Liedes erz{\"a}hlt. Im dazugeh{\"o}rigen Musikvideo bekommen die Zuschauer:innen einen Einblick in Max Leben und sein Leid. Des Weiteren ist zu sehen, wie Max den T{\"a}ter verurteilt, seine Fantasie gestohlen zu haben. Unklar bleibt, ob sein Auftreten w{\"a}hrenddessen in der Wirklichkeit oder aus seiner verbliebenen Fantasie heraus passiert. Sein schweres Schicksal, ausgedr{\"u}ckt mit aller H{\"a}rte, soll den Zuschauenden schockierend auf die Problematik aufmerksam machen. Das Projekt soll helfen, diese fehlende Aufmerksamkeit einzud{\"a}mmen.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Papenheim2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Papenheim, Aline}, title = {Modern Gender : die Selbstbestimmung maskuliner K{\"o}rper}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {161 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In der aktuellen Gesellschaft ist ein Konsens davon sp{\"u}rbar, wie „M{\"a}nnlichkeit" aussehen soll. In der fotografischen Arbeit wird hinterfragt, ob dieses Bild von Maskulinit{\"a}t flexibler gestaltet werden kann und muss. {\"U}ber verschiede Online-Plattformen wurde nach m{\"a}nnlich gelesenen Personen gesucht, die bereit waren, ihre „feminine" Seite in Bezug auf ihr Aussehen innerhalb eines gesch{\"u}tzten Raumes portr{\"a}tieren zu lassen. Die Arbeit wird in einem Bildband und einem Ausstellungskonzept pr{\"a}sentiert und besteht aus einem 18-monatigem Prozess, 4 bereisten St{\"a}dten und 30 Shootings. 80 Fotografien zeigen das Experiment, die Freude, aber auch die {\"U}berwindungskraft der Portr{\"a}tierten, die notwendig ist, um Genderklischees zu brechen. Die Individualit{\"a}t der Menschen wird in den b{\"u}hnenartigen Darstellungen hervorgehoben und gibt einen Denkanstoß zur Neugestaltung und {\"O}ffnung des Begriffes „Maskulinit{\"a}t".}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{OstkottePetersHueningetal.2022, author = {Ostkotte, Sebastian and Peters, Constantin and H{\"u}ning, Felix and Bragard, Michael}, title = {Design, implementation and verification of an rotational incremental position encoder based on the magnetic Wiegand effect}, series = {2022 ELEKTRO (ELEKTRO)}, booktitle = {2022 ELEKTRO (ELEKTRO)}, publisher = {IEEE}, isbn = {978-1-6654-6726-1}, issn = {2691-0616}, doi = {10.1109/ELEKTRO53996.2022.9803477}, pages = {6 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This paper covers the use of the magnetic Wiegand effect to design an innovative incremental encoder. First, a theoretical design is given, followed by an estimation of the achievable accuracy and an optimization in open-loop operation. Finally, a successful experimental verification is presented. For this purpose, a permanent magnet synchronous machine is controlled in a field-oriented manner, using the angle information of the prototype.}, language = {en} } @article{OjovanSteinmetz2022, author = {Ojovan, Michael I. and Steinmetz, Hans-J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Approaches to Disposal of Nuclear Waste}, series = {Energies}, volume = {15}, journal = {Energies}, number = {20}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {1996-1073}, doi = {10.3390/en15207804}, pages = {Artikel 7804}, year = {2022}, abstract = {We present a concise mini overview on the approaches to the disposal of nuclear waste currently used or deployed. The disposal of nuclear waste is the end point of nuclear waste management (NWM) activities and is the emplacement of waste in an appropriate facility without the intention to retrieve it. The IAEA has developed an internationally accepted classification scheme based on the end points of NWM, which is used as guidance. Retention times needed for safe isolation of waste radionuclides are estimated based on the radiotoxicity of nuclear waste. Disposal facilities usually rely on a multi-barrier defence system to isolate the waste from the biosphere, which comprises the natural geological barrier and the engineered barrier system. Disposal facilities could be of a trench type, vaults, tunnels, shafts, boreholes, or mined repositories. A graded approach relates the depth of the disposal facilities' location with the level of hazard. Disposal practices demonstrate the reliability of nuclear waste disposal with minimal expected impacts on the environment and humans.}, language = {en} } @misc{Nordmann2022, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Nordmann, Alexander}, title = {Prozess{\"u}berwachung beim Werkzeugschleifen von WC-Co Hartmetallschaftfr{\"a}sern}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {xi, 54 Seiten}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{NiggeMans2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Nigge-Mans, Leonard}, title = {Entwicklung einer Arbeitsplatzleuchte}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {74 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {F{\"u}r manche mag es banal wirken, doch f{\"u}r Gestalter:innen ist sie unverzichtbar: eine wirklich gute Leuchte f{\"u}r den Arbeitsplatz. Sie hat n{\"a}mlich einen enormen Einfluss auf die Konzentration und den Komfort. Zudem erm{\"o}glicht gutes Licht erst ein sauberes und farbechtes Ergebnis. Daf{\"u}r wurde in diesem Projekt die perfekte Leuchte entwickelt. Sie leuchtet die Arbeitsfl{\"a}che ideal aus und unterst{\"u}tzt das Lesen, Schreiben oder die Arbeit mit technischen Ger{\"a}ten. Durch f{\"u}nf Drehpunkte ist die Leuchte in alle Richtungen zu bewegen und l{\"a}sst sich somit individuell auf ihre Aufgaben anpassen. Außerdem wurde Wert daraufgelegt, bestehende Normen und Vorschiften einzuhalten, um den Arbeit- und Gesundheitsschutz zu gew{\"a}hrleisten. Feierabend? Durch die Dim-Funktion wird die Arbeitsleuchte zu einer gem{\"u}tlichen Lichtquelle. Unter anderem durch die unsichtbare Stromf{\"u}hrung {\"u}berzeugt die Lampe mit ihrer minimalistischen Designsprache und l{\"a}sst sich in unterschiedlichste R{\"a}ume integrieren.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{NiederwestbergSchneiderTeixeiraBouraetal.2022, author = {Niederwestberg, Stefan and Schneider, Falko and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Herrmann, Ulf}, title = {Introduction to a direct irradiated transparent tube particle receiver}, series = {SOLARPACES 2020}, booktitle = {SOLARPACES 2020}, number = {2445 / 1}, publisher = {AIP conference proceedings / American Institute of Physics}, address = {Melville, NY}, isbn = {978-0-7354-4195-8}, issn = {1551-7616 (online)}, doi = {10.1063/5.0086735}, pages = {9 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {New materials often lead to innovations and advantages in technical applications. This also applies to the particle receiver proposed in this work that deploys high-temperature and scratch resistant transparent ceramics. With this receiver design, particles are heated through direct-contact concentrated solar irradiance while flowing downwards through tubular transparent ceramics from top to bottom. In this paper, the developed particle receiver as well as advantages and disadvantages are described. Investigations on the particle heat-up characteristics from solar irradiance were carried out with DEM simulations which indicate that particle temperatures can reach up to 1200 K. Additionally, a simulation model was set up for investigating the dynamic behavior. A test receiver at laboratory scale has been designed and is currently being built. In upcoming tests, the receiver test rig will be used to validate the simulation results. The design and the measurement equipment is described in this work.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Nicolay2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Nicolay, Victoria}, title = {Shaping the future of gender equality}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {171 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die Thematik um die Gleichberechtigung von Mann und Frau ist eine hoch aktuelle und wird die Gesellschaft auch in Zukunft weiterhin besch{\"a}ftigen. Probleme bestehen dabei {\"u}berall auf der Welt, unterscheiden sich jedoch grundlegend. Obwohl die Voraussetzungen global andere sind, ist das Ziel das gleiche. Die Gleichberechtigung von Mann und Frau. Mit Equality Help entsteht eine M{\"o}glichkeit, individuelle L{\"o}sungen und Hilfestellungen f{\"u}r jede:n einzelne:n Nutzer:in zu finden. Entscheidend ist dabei die Zusammenarbeit von Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Hilfsorganisationen. Mit Hilfe der Digitalisierung kann ein globaler Austausch stattfinden, sowie effizient Prozesse erleichtert werden und f{\"u}r die Thematik sensibilisiert werden. Ziel ist es, Betroffenen zu helfen, als auch jeden Einzelnen in Verantwortung zu nehmen um den gesellschaftlichen Wandel positiv zu beeinflussen. }, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Neumann2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Neumann, Julius}, title = {Traces of urban change}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {72 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Eine Stadt ist das Ergebnis eines komplexen Urbanisierungsprozesses. Dieser ist vor allem dadurch bestimmt, dass immer mehr Menschen in St{\"a}dten leben. Das Wachstum und Altern von St{\"a}dten machen st{\"a}ndige r{\"a}umliche und bauliche Ver{\"a}nderungen erforderlich. Die Bachelorarbeit verdeutlicht diese strukturellen Ver{\"a}nderungen der Stadt Aachen anhand von analogen Fotografien im Jahr 2022. Dabei werden Spuren aus unterschiedlichen Zeiten betrachtet und nat{\"u}rliche oder durch den Menschen beeinflusste Ver{\"a}nderungen in Form von Verfall, Nutzung und Erneuerung aufgezeigt. Ziel ist es, den Blick auf Details des urbanen Wandels zu richten, um diesen wahrnehmbar und bewusst zu machen. Die Betrachter:innen sollen zum Nachdenken und genauen Hinschauen angeregt werden. Die Fotografien versuchen den zur{\"u}ckliegenden Ver{\"a}nderungsprozess erkennen zu lassen und damit gewissermaßen dessen Geschichte abzubilden.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Nelles2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Nelles, Charlene}, title = {Brain Hack}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {77 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Protagonistin des Films ist Cassandra Becker, eine 25-j{\"a}hrige Informatikstudentin und Mitglied der Hackerorganisation PFABW (Progress For a Better World). Sie hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Welt zu einem besseren Ort zu machen. Sie legt sich allerdings mit den falschen Leuten an und wird f{\"u}r die Verbreitung eines zerst{\"o}rerischen Computervirus verantwortlich gemacht, der gesundheitliche Folgen f{\"u}r den Menschen mit sich bringt. Sie und ihr bester Freund Jake Fischer haben bei einem PFABW-Mitglied Zuflucht gefunden. Dort versuchen sie gemeinsam herauszufinden, was es mit dem mysteri{\"o}sen Virus auf sich hat.}, language = {de} } @article{MuellerSeginWeigandetal.2022, author = {Mueller, Tobias and Segin, Alexander and Weigand, Christoph and Schmitt, Robert H.}, title = {Feature selection for measurement models}, series = {International journal of quality \& reliability management}, journal = {International journal of quality \& reliability management}, number = {Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print.}, publisher = {Emerald Group Publishing Limited}, address = {Bingley}, issn = {0265-671X}, doi = {10.1108/IJQRM-07-2021-0245}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Purpose In the determination of the measurement uncertainty, the GUM procedure requires the building of a measurement model that establishes a functional relationship between the measurand and all influencing quantities. Since the effort of modelling as well as quantifying the measurement uncertainties depend on the number of influencing quantities considered, the aim of this study is to determine relevant influencing quantities and to remove irrelevant ones from the dataset. Design/methodology/approach In this work, it was investigated whether the effort of modelling for the determination of measurement uncertainty can be reduced by the use of feature selection (FS) methods. For this purpose, 9 different FS methods were tested on 16 artificial test datasets, whose properties (number of data points, number of features, complexity, features with low influence and redundant features) were varied via a design of experiments. Findings Based on a success metric, the stability, universality and complexity of the method, two FS methods could be identified that reliably identify relevant and irrelevant influencing quantities for a measurement model. Originality/value For the first time, FS methods were applied to datasets with properties of classical measurement processes. The simulation-based results serve as a basis for further research in the field of FS for measurement models. The identified algorithms will be applied to real measurement processes in the future.}, language = {en} } @article{MorandiButenwegBreisetal.2022, author = {Morandi, Paolo and Butenweg, Christoph and Breis, Khaled and Beyer, Katrin and Magenes, Guido}, title = {Latest findings on the behaviour factor q for the seismic design of URM buildings}, series = {Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering}, volume = {20}, journal = {Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering}, number = {11}, editor = {Ansal, Atilla}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {Cham}, issn = {1573-1456}, doi = {10.1007/s10518-022-01419-7}, pages = {5797 -- 5848}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Recent earthquakes as the 2012 Emilia earthquake sequence showed that recently built unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings behaved much better than expected and sustained, despite the maximum PGA values ranged between 0.20-0.30 g, either minor damage or structural damage that is deemed repairable. Especially low-rise residential and commercial masonry buildings with a code-conforming seismic design and detailing behaved in general very well without substantial damages. The low damage grades of modern masonry buildings that was observed during this earthquake series highlighted again that codified design procedures based on linear analysis can be rather conservative. Although advances in simulation tools make nonlinear calculation methods more readily accessible to designers, linear analyses will still be the standard design method for years to come. The present paper aims to improve the linear seismic design method by providing a proper definition of the q-factor of URM buildings. These q-factors are derived for low-rise URM buildings with rigid diaphragms which represent recent construction practise in low to moderate seismic areas of Italy and Germany. The behaviour factor components for deformation and energy dissipation capacity and for overstrength due to the redistribution of forces are derived by means of pushover analyses. Furthermore, considerations on the behaviour factor component due to other sources of overstrength in masonry buildings are presented. As a result of the investigations, rationally based values of the behaviour factor q to be used in linear analyses in the range of 2.0-3.0 are proposed.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MorandiButenwegBreisetal.2022, author = {Morandi, Paolo and Butenweg, Christoph and Breis, Khaled and Beyer, Katrin and Magenes, Guido}, title = {Behaviour factor q for the seismic design of URM buildings}, series = {The Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology}, booktitle = {The Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology}, editor = {Arion, Cristian and Scupin, Alexandra and Ţigănescu, Alexandru}, isbn = {978-973-100-533-1}, pages = {1184 -- 1194}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Recent earthquakes showed that low-rise URM buildings following codecompliant seismic design and details behaved in general very well without substantial damages. Although advances in simulation tools make nonlinear calculation methods more readily accessible to designers, linear analyses will still be the standard design method for years to come. The present paper aims to improve the linear seismic design method by providing a proper definition of the q-factor of URM buildings. Values of q-factors are derived for low-rise URM buildings with rigid diaphragms, with reference to modern structural configurations realized in low to moderate seismic areas of Italy and Germany. The behaviour factor components for deformation and energy dissipation capacity and for overstrength due to the redistribution of forces are derived by means of pushover analyses. As a result of the investigations, rationally based values of the behaviour factor q to be used in linear analyses in the range of 2.0 to 3.0 are proposed.}, language = {en} } @incollection{MoorkampPetersonUibel2022, author = {Moorkamp, Wilfried and Peterson, Leif Arne and Uibel, Thomas}, title = {Nachhaltige Holzbr{\"u}cken f{\"u}r Geh- und Radwege}, series = {Bauphysik Kalender 2022: Holzbau, 22. Jahrgang}, booktitle = {Bauphysik Kalender 2022: Holzbau, 22. Jahrgang}, editor = {Fouad, Nabil A.}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {9783433033609 (Print)}, doi = {10.1002/9783433611081.ch17}, pages = {574 -- 592}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Am Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Holzbau der Fachhochschule Aachen wurden im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens „Nachhaltige Standardbr{\"u}cken in Holzbauweise" Standardtypen f{\"u}r Geh- und Radwegbr{\"u}cken entwickelt. Die Br{\"u}cken sind durch konsequente Umsetzungen von Maßnahmen des konstruktiven Holzschutzes f{\"u}r eine Nutzung von mehr als 80~Jahren konzipiert. Innovative L{\"o}sungen f{\"u}r Bauteile und Anschl{\"u}sse sowie Materialalternativen im Bereich des Belages und der Gel{\"a}nder erm{\"o}glichen eine wartungsarme Konstruktion und tragen somit zur Wirtschaftlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit bei. Um den Einsatz der entwickelten Standardbr{\"u}ckentypen in der Praxis zu erleichtern, wurden Leistungsverzeichnisse, Musterstatiken, Musterzeichnungen und umfangreiche Detailkataloge als Unterst{\"u}tzung f{\"u}r Planer und Bauherren erstellt. Damit die Randbedingungen f{\"u}r eine lange Lebensdauer w{\"a}hrend der Nutzung der Br{\"u}cke erhalten bleiben, wurden Leitf{\"a}den f{\"u}r die Pflege und Wartung sowie f{\"u}r die Br{\"u}ckenpr{\"u}fung erarbeitet. Der Beitrag gibt Einblicke in das Forschungsvorhaben und seine Resultate.}, language = {de} } @article{MonakhovaSobolevaFedotovaetal.2022, author = {Monakhova, Yulia and Soboleva, Polina M. and Fedotova, Elena S. and Musina, Kristina T. and Burmistrova, Natalia A.}, title = {Quantum chemical calculations of IR spectra of heparin disaccharide subunits}, series = {Computational and Theoretical Chemistry}, volume = {1217}, journal = {Computational and Theoretical Chemistry}, number = {Article number: 113891}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {New York, NY}, isbn = {2210-271X}, doi = {10.1016/j.comptc.2022.113891}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Heparin is a natural polysaccharide, which plays essential role in many biological processes. Alterations in building blocks can modify biological roles of commercial heparin products, due to significant changes in the conformation of the polymer chain. The variability structure of heparin leads to difficulty in quality control using different analytical methods, including infrared (IR) spectroscopy. In this paper molecular modelling of heparin disaccharide subunits was performed using quantum chemistry. The structural and spectral parameters of these disaccharides have been calculated using RHF/6-311G. In addition, over-sulphated chondroitin sulphate disaccharide was studied as one of the most widespread contaminants of heparin. Calculated IR spectra were analyzed with respect to specific structure parameters. IR spectroscopic fingerprint was found to be sensitive to substitution pattern of disaccharide subunits. Vibrational assignments of calculated spectra were correlated with experimental IR spectral bands of native heparin. Chemometrics was used to perform multivariate analysis of simulated spectral data.}, language = {en} } @article{MonakhovaDiehl2022, author = {Monakhova, Yulia and Diehl, Bernd W.K.}, title = {Multinuclear NMR screening of pharmaceuticals using standardization by 2H integral of a deuterated solvent}, series = {Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis}, volume = {209}, journal = {Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis}, number = {Article number: 114530}, publisher = {Elsevier}, isbn = {0731-7085}, doi = {10.1016/j.jpba.2021.114530}, year = {2022}, abstract = {NMR standardization approach that uses the 2H integral of deuterated solvent for quantitative multinuclear analysis of pharmaceuticals is described. As a proof of principle, the existing NMR procedure for the analysis of heparin products according to US Pharmacopeia monograph is extended to the determination of Na+ and Cl- content in this matrix. Quantification is performed based on the ratio of a 23Na (35Cl) NMR integral and 2H NMR signal of deuterated solvent, D2O, acquired using the specific spectrometer hardware. As an alternative, the possibility of 133Cs standardization using the addition of Cs2CO3 stock solution is shown. Validation characteristics (linearity, repeatability, sensitivity) are evaluated. A holistic NMR profiling of heparin products can now also be used for the quantitative determination of inorganic compounds in a single analytical run using a single sample. In general, the new standardization methodology provides an appealing alternative for the NMR screening of inorganic and organic components in pharmaceutical products.}, language = {en} } @article{MonakhovaDiehl2022, author = {Monakhova, Yulia and Diehl, Bernd W.K.}, title = {Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy as an elegant tool for a complete quality control of crude heparin material}, series = {Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis}, volume = {219}, journal = {Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis}, number = {Article number: 114915}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {New York, NY}, issn = {0731-7085}, doi = {10.1016/j.jpba.2022.114915}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometric methods for the quantitative analysis of pure heparin in crude heparin is proposed. For quantification, a two-step routine was developed using a USP heparin reference sample for calibration and benzoic acid as an internal standard. The method was successfully validated for its accuracy, reproducibility, and precision. The methodology was used to analyze 20 authentic porcine heparinoid samples having heparin content between 4.25 w/w \% and 64.4 w/w \%. The characterization of crude heparin products was further extended to a simultaneous analysis of these common ions: sodium, calcium, acetate and chloride. A significant, linear dependence was found between anticoagulant activity and assayed heparin content for thirteen heparinoids samples, for which reference data were available. A Diffused-ordered NMR experiment (DOSY) can be used for qualitative analysis of specific glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in heparinoid matrices and, potentially, for quantitative prediction of molecular weight of GAGs. NMR spectrometry therefore represents a unique analytical method suitable for the simultaneous quantitative control of organic and inorganic composition of crude heparin samples (especially heparin content) as well as an estimation of other physical and quality parameters (molecular weight, animal origin and activity).}, language = {en} } @article{MolinnusJanusFangetal.2022, author = {Molinnus, Denise and Janus, Kevin Alexander and Fang, Anyelina C. and Drinic, Aleksander and Achtsnicht, Stefan and K{\"o}pf, Marius and Keusgen, Michael and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Thick-film carbon electrode deposited onto a biodegradable fibroin substrate for biosensing applications}, series = {Physica status solidi (a)}, volume = {219}, journal = {Physica status solidi (a)}, number = {23}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {1862-6319}, doi = {10.1002/pssa.202200100}, pages = {1 -- 9}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This study addresses a proof-of-concept experiment with a biocompatible screen-printed carbon electrode deposited onto a biocompatible and biodegradable substrate, which is made of fibroin, a protein derived from silk of the Bombyx mori silkworm. To demonstrate the sensor performance, the carbon electrode is functionalized as a glucose biosensor with the enzyme glucose oxidase and encapsulated with a silicone rubber to ensure biocompatibility of the contact wires. The carbon electrode is fabricated by means of thick-film technology including a curing step to solidify the carbon paste. The influence of the curing temperature and curing time on the electrode morphology is analyzed via scanning electron microscopy. The electrochemical characterization of the glucose biosensor is performed by amperometric/voltammetric measurements of different glucose concentrations in phosphate buffer. Herein, systematic studies at applied potentials from 500 to 1200 mV to the carbon working electrode (vs the Ag/AgCl reference electrode) allow to determine the optimal working potential. Additionally, the influence of the curing parameters on the glucose sensitivity is examined over a time period of up to 361 days. The sensor shows a negligible cross-sensitivity toward ascorbic acid, noradrenaline, and adrenaline. The developed biocompatible biosensor is highly promising for future in vivo and epidermal applications.}, language = {en} } @article{MolinnusIkenJohnenetal.2022, author = {Molinnus, Denise and Iken, Heiko and Johnen, Anna Lynn and Richstein, Benjamin and Hellmich, Lena and Poghossian, Arshak and Knoch, Joachim and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Miniaturized pH-Sensitive Field-Effect Capacitors with Ultrathin Ta₂O₅ Films Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition}, series = {physica status solidi (a) applications and materials science}, volume = {219}, journal = {physica status solidi (a) applications and materials science}, number = {8}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {1862-6319}, doi = {10.1002/pssa.202100660}, pages = {7 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Miniaturized electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor capacitors (EISCAPs) with ultrathin gate insulators have been studied in terms of their pH-sensitive sensor characteristics: three different EISCAP systems consisting of Al-p-Si-Ta2O5(5 nm), Al-p-Si-Si3N4(1 or 2 nm)-Ta2O5 (5 nm), and Al-p-Si-SiO2(3.6 nm)-Ta2O5(5 nm) layer structures are characterized in buffer solution with different pH values by means of capacitance-voltage and constant capacitance method. The SiO2 and Si3N4 gate insulators are deposited by rapid thermal oxidation and rapid thermal nitridation, respectively, whereas the Ta2O5 film is prepared by atomic layer deposition. All EISCAP systems have a clear pH response, favoring the stacked gate insulators SiO2-Ta2O5 when considering the overall sensor characteristics, while the Si3N4(1 nm)-Ta2O5 stack delivers the largest accumulation capacitance (due to the lower equivalent oxide thickness) and a higher steepness in the slope of the capacitance-voltage curve among the studied stacked gate insulator systems.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MilijašŠakićMarinkovićetal.2022, author = {Milijaš, Aleksa and Šakić, Bogdan and Marinković, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph and Gams, Matija and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {Effects of prior in-plane damage on out-of-plane response of masonry infills with openings}, series = {The Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology}, booktitle = {The Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology}, editor = {Arion, Cristian and Scupin, Alexandra and Ţigănescu, Alexandru}, isbn = {978-973-100-533-1}, pages = {2747 -- 2756}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Masonry infill walls are the most traditional enclosure system that is still widely used in RC frame buildings all over the world, particularly in seismic active regions. Although infill walls are usually neglected in seismic design, during an earthquake event they are subjected to in-plane and out-of-plane forces that can act separately or simultaneously. Since observations of damage to buildings after recent earthquakes showed detrimental effects of in-plane and out-of-plane load interaction on infill walls, the number of studies that focus on influence of in-plane damage on out-of-plane response has significantly increased. However, most of the xperimental campaigns have considered only solid infills and there is a lack of combined in-plane and out-of-plane experimental tests on masonry infills with openings, although windows and doors strongly affect seismic performance. In this paper, two types of experimental tests on infills with window openings are presented. The first is a pure out-of-plane test and the second one is a sequential in-plane and out-of-plane test aimed at investigating the effects of existing in-plane damage on outof-plane response. Additionally, findings from two tests with similar load procedure that were carried out on fully infilled RC frames in the scope of the same project are used for comparison. Test results clearly show that window opening increased vulnerability of infills to combined seismic actions and that prevention of damage in infills with openings is of the utmost importance for seismic safety.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{MeyerVanderSteeg2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Meyer, Laura and Van der Steeg, Yasmeena}, title = {Heimat : ein interaktives und informatives Erlebnis zur individuellen Definition von Heimat}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {107 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {"Heimat" - Ein Begriff, der in den vergangenen Jahren wieder an Brisanz gewonnen hat. Die aktuelle Definition im Duden beschreibt ihn als Geburts- oder Wohnort. Aber hat Heimat wirklich nur eine Definition? Durch ein begehbares Erlebnis werden die Betrachter:Innen Schritt f{\"u}r Schritt an den Heimatbegriff herangef{\"u}hrt. Neben der aktuellen Defintion werden sie {\"u}ber den Wandel des Heimatbegriffs und seiner Bedeutung in der Geschichte der letzten Jahrhunderte aufgekl{\"a}rt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus k{\"o}nnen sie andere Heimaten entdecken und im Anschluss an einem interaktiven Tisch spielerisch eigene Heimatdefinitionen finden und sie mit denen der Anderen vergleichen. Die Arbeit soll veranschaulichen, wie individuell der Heimatbegriff ist und dass sich eben hinter jeder sogenannten Heimat eine ganz pers{\"o}nliche Geschichte verbirgt.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MertensBraunerBaieretal.2022, author = {Mertens, Alexander and Brauner, Philipp and Baier, Ralph and Brillowski, Florian and Dammers, Hannah and van Dyck, Marc and Kong, Iris and K{\"o}nigs, Peter and Kordtomeikel, Frauke and Liehner, Gian Luca and P{\"u}tz, Sebastian and Rodermann, Niklas and Schaar, Anne Kathrin and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Vervier, Luisa and Wlecke, Shari and Gries, Thomas and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen and Nagel, Saskia K. and Piller, Frank T. and Schuh, G{\"u}nther and Ziefle, Martina and Nitsch, Verena}, title = {Modelling Human Factors in Cyber Physical Production Systems by the Integration of Human Digital Shadows}, series = {Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events}, booktitle = {Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events}, editor = {Michael, Judith and Pfeiffer, J{\´e}r{\^o}me and Wortmann, Andreas}, publisher = {GI Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik}, address = {Bonn}, doi = {10.18420/modellierung2022ws-018}, pages = {147 -- 149}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The future of industrial manufacturing and production will increasingly manifest in the form of cyber-physical production systems. Here, Digital Shadows will act as mediators between the physical and digital world to model and operationalize the interactions and relationships between different entities in production systems. Until now, the associated concepts have been primarily pursued and implemented from a technocentric perspective, in which human actors play a subordinate role, if they are considered at all. This paper outlines an anthropocentric approach that explicitly considers the characteristics, behavior, and traits and states of human actors in socio-technical production systems. For this purpose, we discuss the potentials and the expected challenges and threats of creating and using Human Digital Shadows in production.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Menrath2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Menrath, Maike}, title = {Konzept zur Lebensmittelnahversorgung außerhalb urbaner Strukturen : Verkaufspunkt f{\"u}r l{\"a}ndliche Gebiete}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {131 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {L{\"a}ndliche Regionen sind h{\"a}ufig infrastrukturell schlechter versorgt als urbane R{\"a}ume, was sich insbesondere auf die Versorgung mit G{\"u}tern des t{\"a}glichen Bedarfs niederschl{\"a}gt. Menschen außerhalb st{\"a}dtischer Ballungsgebiete m{\"u}ssen deswegen oft lange Anfahrten zu Superm{\"a}rkten in Kauf nehmen. Hierbei sind sie vor allem auf das Auto angewiesen. In dieser Arbeit ist „ILSE" entstanden. Eine Verkaufsbox, die Menschen in l{\"a}ndlichen Raumstrukturen besser mit Waren versorgt, indem sie dort aufgestellt wird, wo sie auch wirklich ben{\"o}tigt wird. Dank digitaler Verkaufstechnologien ist „ILSE" durchgehend ge{\"o}ffnet, auch, wenn andere Superm{\"a}rkte l{\"a}ngst geschlossen sind. Mit einer App wird der Kundschaft der Zugang zum Verkaufsraum und das Bezahlen erm{\"o}glicht.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Meesters2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Meesters, Elena}, title = {Gestaltung eines h{\"a}uslichen Telemonitoringsystems zur Prognose kardialer Dekompensation}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {113 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Herzinsuffizienz ist eine der h{\"a}ufigsten Herzerkrankungen in Deutschland. Sie ist fortschreitend und nicht heilbar. Der Krankheitsverlauf ist gepr{\"a}gt von pl{\"o}tzlichen, z.T. lebensbedrohlichen Verschlechterungen und Krankenhauseinweisungen, nach denen die Leistung des Herzen vermindert bleibt. Diese Dekompensationen lassen sich bisher im heimischen Umfeld nicht durch Messwerte vorhersehen. Dieses Ger{\"a}t bestimmt die Fl{\"u}ssigkeitsansammlungen in der Lunge, die ein mittelfristiges Symptom einer Dekompensation sind. Außerdem misst es {\"u}ber einen Hautsensor die im Schweiß enthaltene Menge eines Proteins, das bei {\"U}berdehnung des Herzmuskels vermehrt im Blutplasma zu finden ist. So k{\"o}nnen Dekompensationen bis zu zwei Wochen vor einem akuten Ereignis detektiert und behandelt werden. Außerdem gibt es tagesformabh{\"a}ngige Tipps f{\"u}r die Alltagsgestaltung mit der Erkrankung.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MayntzKeimerDahmannetal.2022, author = {Mayntz, Joscha and Keimer, Jona and Dahmann, Peter and Hille, Sebastian and Stumpf, Eike and Fisher, Alex and Dorrington, Graham}, title = {Electrical Drive and Regeneration in General Aviation Flight with Propellers}, series = {Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2020}, booktitle = {Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2020}, publisher = {DGLR}, address = {Bonn}, doi = {10.25967/530100}, pages = {8 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Electric flight has the potential for a more sustainable and energy-saving way of aviation compared to fossil fuel aviation. The electric motor can be used as a generator inflight to regenerate energy during descent. Three different approaches to regenerating with electric propeller powertrains are proposed in this paper. The powertrain is to be set up in a wind tunnel to determine the propeller efficiency in both working modes as well as the noise emissions. Furthermore, the planned flight tests are discussed. In preparation for these tests, a yaw stability analysis is performed with the result that the aeroplane is controllable during flight and in the most critical failure case. The paper shows the potential for inflight regeneration and addresses the research gaps in the dual role of electric powertrains for propulsion and regeneration of general aviation aircraft.}, language = {en} } @article{Maurischat2022, author = {Maurischat, Andreas}, title = {Algebraic independence of the Carlitz period and its hyperderivatives}, series = {Journal of Number Theory}, volume = {240}, journal = {Journal of Number Theory}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Orlando, Fla.}, issn = {0022-314X}, doi = {10.1016/j.jnt.2022.01.006}, pages = {145 -- 162}, year = {2022}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Maurer2022, author = {Maurer, Florian}, title = {Framework to provide a simulative comparison of different energy market designs}, series = {Energy Informatics}, volume = {5}, booktitle = {Energy Informatics}, number = {2, Article number: 12}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, issn = {2520-8942}, doi = {10.1186/s42162-022-00215-6}, pages = {18 -- 20}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Useful market simulations are key to the evaluation of diferent market designs existing of multiple market mechanisms or rules. Yet a simulation framework which has a comparison of diferent market mechanisms in mind was not found. The need to create an objective view on different sets of market rules while investigating meaningful agent strategies concludes that such a simulation framework is needed to advance the research on this subject. An overview of diferent existing market simulation models is given which also shows the research gap and the missing capabilities of those systems. Finally, a methodology is outlined how a novel market simulation which can answer the research questions can be developed.}, language = {en} } @article{MarinkovićButenweg2022, author = {Marinković, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Experimental testing of decoupled masonry infills with steel anchors for out-of-plane support under combined in-plane and out-of-plane seismic loading}, series = {Construction and Building Materials}, volume = {318}, journal = {Construction and Building Materials}, number = {1}, editor = {Ford, Michael C.}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1879-0526}, doi = {10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.126041}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Because of simple construction process, high energy efficiency, significant fire resistance and excellent sound isolation, masonry infilled reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures are very popular in most of the countries in the world, as well as in seismic active areas. However, many RC frame structures with masonry infills were seriously damaged during earthquake events, as the traditional infills are generally constructed with direct contact to the RC frame which brings undesirable infill/frame interaction. This interaction leads to the activation of the equivalent diagonal strut in the infill panel, due to the RC frame deformation, and combined with seismically induced loads perpendicular to the infill panel often causes total collapses of the masonry infills and heavy damages to the RC frames. This fact was the motivation for developing different approaches for improving the behaviour of masonry infills, where infill isolation (decoupling) from the frame has been more intensively studied in the last decade. In-plane isolation of the infill wall reduces infill activation, but causes the need for additional measures to restrain out-of-plane movements. This can be provided by installing steel anchors, as proposed by some researchers. Within the framework of European research project INSYSME (Innovative Systems for Earthquake Resistant Masonry Enclosures in Reinforced Concrete Buildings) the system based on a use of elastomers for in-plane decoupling and steel anchors for out-of-plane restrain was tested. This constructive solution was tested and deeply investigated during the experimental campaign where traditional and decoupled masonry infilled RC frames with anchors were subjected to separate and combined in-plane ‬and out-of-plane loading. Based on a detailed evaluation and comparison of the test results, the performance and effectiveness of the developed system are illustrated.}, language = {en} } @article{MarinkovicButenweg2022, author = {Marinkovic, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Numerical analysis of the in-plane behaviour of decoupled masonry infilled RC frames}, series = {Engineering Structures}, volume = {272}, journal = {Engineering Structures}, number = {1}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0141-0296}, doi = {10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.114959}, pages = {18 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Damage of reinforced concrete (RC) frames with masonry infill walls has been observed after many earthquakes. Brittle behaviour of the masonry infills in combination with the ductile behaviour of the RC frames makes infill walls prone to damage during earthquakes. Interstory deformations lead to an interaction between the infill and the RC frame, which affects the structural response. The result of this interaction is significant damage to the infill wall and sometimes to the surrounding structural system too. In most design codes, infill walls are considered as non-structural elements and neglected in the design process, because taking into account the infills and considering the interaction between frame and infill in software packages can be complicated and impractical. A good way to avoid negative aspects arising from this behavior is to ensure no or low-interaction of the frame and infill wall, for instance by decoupling the infill from the frame. This paper presents the numerical study performed to investigate new connection system called INODIS (Innovative Decoupled Infill System) for decoupling infill walls from surrounding frame with the aim to postpone infill activation to high interstory drifts thus reducing infill/frame interaction and minimizing damage to both infills and frames. The experimental results are first used for calibration and validation of the numerical model, which is then employed for investigating the influence of the material parameters as well as infill's and frame's geometry on the in-plane behaviour of the infilled frames with the INODIS system. For all the investigated situations, simulation results show significant improvements in behaviour for decoupled infilled RC frames in comparison to the traditionally infilled frames.}, language = {en} } @article{MandekarHollandThielenetal.2022, author = {Mandekar, Swati and Holland, Abigail and Thielen, Moritz and Behbahani, Mehdi and Melnykowycz, Mark}, title = {Advancing towards Ubiquitous EEG, Correlation of In-Ear EEG with Forehead EEG}, series = {Sensors}, volume = {22}, journal = {Sensors}, number = {4}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {1424-8220}, doi = {10.3390/s22041568}, pages = {1 -- 19}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Wearable EEG has gained popularity in recent years driven by promising uses outside of clinics and research. The ubiquitous application of continuous EEG requires unobtrusive form-factors that are easily acceptable by the end-users. In this progression, wearable EEG systems have been moving from full scalp to forehead and recently to the ear. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that emerging ear-EEG provides similar impedance and signal properties as established forehead EEG. EEG data using eyes-open and closed alpha paradigm were acquired from ten healthy subjects using generic earpieces fitted with three custom-made electrodes and a forehead electrode (at Fpx) after impedance analysis. Inter-subject variability in in-ear electrode impedance ranged from 20 kΩ to 25 kΩ at 10 Hz. Signal quality was comparable with an SNR of 6 for in-ear and 8 for forehead electrodes. Alpha attenuation was significant during the eyes-open condition in all in-ear electrodes, and it followed the structure of power spectral density plots of forehead electrodes, with the Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.92 between in-ear locations ELE (Left Ear Superior) and ERE (Right Ear Superior) and forehead locations, Fp1 and Fp2, respectively. The results indicate that in-ear EEG is an unobtrusive alternative in terms of impedance, signal properties and information content to established forehead EEG.}, language = {en} } @article{MalinowskiFournierHorbachetal.2022, author = {Malinowski, Daniel and Fournier, Yvan and Horbach, Andreas and Frick, Michael and Magliani, Mirko and Kalverkamp, Sebastian and Hildinger, Martin and Spillner, Jan and Behbahani, Mehdi and Hima, Flutura}, title = {Computational fluid dynamics analysis of endoluminal aortic perfusion}, series = {Perfusion}, volume = {0}, journal = {Perfusion}, number = {0}, publisher = {Sage}, address = {London}, issn = {1477-111X}, doi = {10.1177/02676591221099809}, pages = {1 -- 8}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Introduction: In peripheral percutaneous (VA) extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) procedures the femoral arteries perfusion route has inherent disadvantages regarding poor upper body perfusion due to watershed. With the advent of new long flexible cannulas an advancement of the tip up to the ascending aorta has become feasible. To investigate the impact of such long endoluminal cannulas on upper body perfusion, a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) study was performed considering different support levels and three cannula positions. Methods: An idealized literature-based- and a real patient proximal aortic geometry including an endoluminal cannula were constructed. The blood flow was considered continuous. Oxygen saturation was set to 80\% for the blood coming from the heart and to 100\% for the blood leaving the cannula. 50\% and 90\% venoarterial support levels from the total blood flow rate of 6 l/min were investigated for three different positions of the cannula in the aortic arch. Results: For both geometries, the placement of the cannula in the ascending aorta led to a superior oxygenation of all aortic blood vessels except for the left coronary artery. Cannula placements at the aortic arch and descending aorta could support supra-aortic arteries, but not the coronary arteries. All positions were able to support all branches with saturated blood at 90\% flow volume. Conclusions: In accordance with clinical observations CFD analysis reveals, that retrograde advancement of a long endoluminal cannula can considerably improve the oxygenation of the upper body and lead to oxygen saturation distributions similar to those of a central cannulation.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MahdiDerschSchmitzetal.2022, author = {Mahdi, Zahra and Dersch, J{\"u}rgen and Schmitz, Pascal and Dieckmann, Simon and Chico Caminos, Ricardo Alexander and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Herrmann, Ulf and Schwager, Christian and Schmitz, Mark and Gielen, Hans and Gedle, Yibekal and B{\"u}scher, Rauno}, title = {Technical assessment of Brayton cycle heat pumps for the integration in hybrid PV-CSP power plants}, series = {SOLARPACES 2020}, booktitle = {SOLARPACES 2020}, number = {2445 / 1}, publisher = {AIP conference proceedings / American Institute of Physics}, address = {Melville, NY}, isbn = {978-0-7354-4195-8}, issn = {1551-7616 (online)}, doi = {10.1063/5.0086269}, pages = {11 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The hybridization of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) and Photovoltaics (PV) systems is a promising approach to reduce costs of solar power plants, while increasing dispatchability and flexibility of power generation. High temperature heat pumps (HT HP) can be utilized to boost the salt temperature in the thermal energy storage (TES) of a Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC) system from 385 °C up to 565 °C. A PV field can supply the power for the HT HP, thus effectively storing the PV power as thermal energy. Besides cost-efficiently storing energy from the PV field, the power block efficiency of the overall system is improved due to the higher steam parameters. This paper presents a technical assessment of Brayton cycle heat pumps to be integrated in hybrid PV-CSP power plants. As a first step, a theoretical analysis was carried out to find the most suitable working fluid. The analysis included the fluids Air, Argon (Ar), Nitrogen (N2) and Carbon dioxide (CO2). N2 has been chosen as the optimal working fluid for the system. After the selection of the ideal working medium, different concepts for the arrangement of a HT HP in a PV-CSP hybrid power plant were developed and simulated in EBSILON®Professional. The concepts were evaluated technically by comparing the number of components required, pressure losses and coefficient of performance (COP).}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{LosseGehrkeUllrichetal.2022, author = {Losse, Ann-Kathrin and Gehrke, Melanie and Ullrich, Andr{\´e} and Czarnecki, Christian and Sultanow, Eldar and Breithaupt, Carsten and Koch, Christian}, title = {Entwicklung einer Open-Data-Referenzarchitektur f{\"u}r die Luftfahrtindustrie}, series = {INFORMATIK 2022 - Informatik in den Naturwissenschaften, Proceedings}, booktitle = {INFORMATIK 2022 - Informatik in den Naturwissenschaften, Proceedings}, publisher = {GI - Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {978-3-88579-720-3}, issn = {1617-5468}, doi = {10.18420/inf2022_103}, pages = {1203 -- 1209}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Open Data impliziert die freie Zug{\"a}nglichkeit, Verf{\"u}gbarkeit und Wiederverwendbarkeit von Datens{\"a}tzen. Obwohl hochwertige Datens{\"a}tze {\"o}ffentlich verf{\"u}gbar sind, ist der Zugang zu diesen und die Transparenz {\"u}ber die Formate nicht immer gegeben. Dies mindert die optimale Nutzung des Potenzials zur Wertsch{\"o}pfung, trotz der vorherrschenden Einigkeit {\"u}ber ihre Chancen. Denn Open Data erm{\"o}glicht das Vorantreiben von Compliance-Themen wie Transparenz und Rechenschaftspflicht bis hin zur F{\"o}rderung von Innovationen. Die Nutzung von Open Data erfordert Mut und eine gemeinsame Anstrengung verschiedener Akteure und Branchen. Im Rahmen des vorliegenden Beitrags werden auf Grundlage des Design Science-Ansatzes eine Open Data Capability Map sowie darauf aufbauend eine Datenarchitektur f{\"u}r Open Data in der Luftfahrtindustrie an einem Beispiel entwickelt.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Liske2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Liske, Lara}, title = {Nach der Karte : Mappings migrantischer Narrative}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {67 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Durch demographischen Wandel wird der Kontrast zwischen der starr {\"u}ber Grenzziehung definierten Kartographie und der tats{\"a}chlichen Bewegung von Menschen immer st{\"a}rker. In dieser Arbeit wird der vermeintlichen Neutralit{\"a}t einer gew{\"o}hnlichen Karte auf den Zahn gef{\"u}hlt. Denn statt sich auf die geografischen Regeln zu beschr{\"a}nken, versteht sie den Raum als ein komplexes Netzwerk sozialer Beziehungszusammenh{\"a}nge. Sie orientiert sich daf{\"u}r an migrantischen Lebensgeschichten, die zahlreiche Verbindungen zwischen unterschiedliche Orte spannen. Die Dreidimensionalit{\"a}t dieser Konstruktion {\"o}ffnet dazu den Blick f{\"u}r die vielen Dimensionen dieser geografischen Bewegung. Durch den Perspektivwechsel wird der Ansatz hinterfragt, unter dem Kartographie bis jetzt betrachtet wurde. Das Raumkonzept wird weiter-gedacht - {\"u}ber Grenzen hinweg.}, language = {de} } @article{LindnerBurgerRutledgeetal.2022, author = {Lindner, Simon and Burger, Ren{\´e} and Rutledge, Douglas N. and Do, Xuan Tung and Rumpf, Jessica and Diehl, Bernd W. K. and Schulze, Margit and Monakhova, Yulia}, title = {Is the calibration transfer of multivariate calibration models between high- and low-field NMR instruments possible? A case study of lignin molecular weight}, series = {Analytical chemistry}, volume = {94}, journal = {Analytical chemistry}, number = {9}, publisher = {ACS Publications}, address = {Washington, DC}, isbn = {1520-6882}, doi = {10.1021/acs.analchem.1c05125}, pages = {3997 -- 4004}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Although several successful applications of benchtop nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in quantitative mixture analysis exist, the possibility of calibration transfer remains mostly unexplored, especially between high- and low-field NMR. This study investigates for the first time the calibration transfer of partial least squares regressions [weight average molecular weight (Mw) of lignin] between high-field (600 MHz) NMR and benchtop NMR devices (43 and 60 MHz). For the transfer, piecewise direct standardization, calibration transfer based on canonical correlation analysis, and transfer via the extreme learning machine auto-encoder method are employed. Despite the immense resolution difference between high-field and low-field NMR instruments, the results demonstrate that the calibration transfer from high- to low-field is feasible in the case of a physical property, namely, the molecular weight, achieving validation errors close to the original calibration (down to only 1.2 times higher root mean square errors). These results introduce new perspectives for applications of benchtop NMR, in which existing calibrations from expensive high-field instruments can be transferred to cheaper benchtop instruments to economize.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Lesmeister2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Lesmeister, David}, title = {VIUR : urbanes Lagerfeuer}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {131 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Es kann ganze Lebensr{\"a}ume ausl{\"o}schen, und doch w{\"a}re unsere Welt nicht die gleiche ohne Feuer. Feuer spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der menschlichen Evolution und diente unseren Vorfahren zum Schutz vor wilden Tieren, Kochen und zum W{\"a}rmen. Auch Gespr{\"a}che am Lagerfeuer sollen einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die soziale und kulturelle Evolution des Menschen gehabt haben. Kein Wunder also, dass die Menschen bis heute mit Feuer ein Gef{\"u}hl von Gemeinschaft und Geborgenheit verbinden. Genau diese Wirkung greift „VIUR" auf und macht Feuer alltagstauglich f{\"u}r eine Welt, die von Urbanisierung und Digitalisierung gepr{\"a}gt ist. Entstanden ist ein Hybrid aus einem Tischfeuer und einem Grill. Somit entsteht sowohl das sinnliche Erlebnis einer Feuerstelle als auch die M{\"o}glichkeit, kleine Speisen zuzubereiten. Die smarte Konstruktion und ein Sicherheitsbrennstoff, mit dem sich kaum Rauch entwickeln kann, erm{\"o}glicht die Nutzung im kleinen Garten, aber eben auch auf einem Stadtbalkon. So kann das Lagerfeuer wieder seinen Zauber entfalten.}, language = {de} } @misc{Leontieva2022, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Leontieva, Ksenia Andreevna}, title = {Die Facetten Hamburgs}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {137 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Im Rahmen dieser Masterarbeit entsteht ein neues Erscheinungsbild f{\"u}r die "Stiftung Historische Museen Hamburg". Dabei wurde ein medien{\"u}bergreifendes Gestaltungskonzept entwickelt, welches dazu dienen soll, die Stiftung und deren musealen Einrichtungen modern, aussagekr{\"a}ftig und repr{\"a}sentativ neu aufleben zu lassen, als auch das Interesse unserer Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte zu wecken und damit die Zielgruppe zu erweitern. Hierzu wurde das Corporate Design neu entwickelt, minimalisiert und modernisiert. Durch den aufger{\"a}umten und organisierten digitalen Auftritt gelangen Interessenten schneller und gezielter zu Informationen {\"u}ber die Stiftung, die einzelnen Museen und deren Programm und Ausstellungen. Zus{\"a}tzlich dienen als weiterf{\"u}hrende Informationsquellen neu getslatete analoge Medien in Form von Plakaten, Flyern, Brosch{\"u}ren und Eintrittskarten. Weitestgehend wurde das Corporate Design in den urbanen Lebensraum der Stadt Hamburg integriert und neu interpretiert. Aus dem Gestaltungskonzept l{\"a}sst sich ebenfalls ein neues Leitsystem zur besseren Orientierung in den Museen ableiten. Das Designkonzept zieht sich wie ein roter Faden durch alle Medien, um eine Einheit und einen Wiedererkennungswert zu schaffen und seri{\"o}s und informativ zu wirken. Das Projekt ist rein fiktiv.}, language = {de} } @article{LenzKahmannBehbahanietal.2022, author = {Lenz, Maximilian and Kahmann, Stephanie Lucina and Behbahani, Mehdi and Pennig, Lenhard and Hackl, Michael and Leschinger, Tim and M{\"u}ller, Lars-Peter and Wegmann, Kilian}, title = {Influence of rotator cuff preload on fracture configuration in proximal humerus fractures: a proof of concept for fracture simulation}, series = {Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery}, journal = {Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, issn = {1434-3916}, doi = {10.1007/s00402-022-04471-9}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Introduction In regard of surgical training, the reproducible simulation of life-like proximal humerus fractures in human cadaveric specimens is desirable. The aim of the present study was to develop a technique that allows simulation of realistic proximal humerus fractures and to analyse the influence of rotator cuff preload on the generated lesions in regards of fracture configuration. Materials and methods Ten cadaveric specimens (6 left, 4 right) were fractured using a custom-made drop-test bench, in two groups. Five specimens were fractured without rotator cuff preload, while the other five were fractured with the tendons of the rotator cuff preloaded with 2 kg each. The humeral shaft and the shortened scapula were potted. The humerus was positioned at 90° of abduction and 10° of internal rotation to simulate a fall on the elevated arm. In two specimens of each group, the emergence of the fractures was documented with high-speed video imaging. Pre-fracture radiographs were taken to evaluate the deltoid-tuberosity index as a measure of bone density. Post-fracture X-rays and CT scans were performed to define the exact fracture configurations. Neer's classification was used to analyse the fractures. Results In all ten cadaveric specimens life-like proximal humerus fractures were achieved. Two III-part and three IV-part fractures resulted in each group. The preloading of the rotator cuff muscles had no further influence on the fracture configuration. High-speed videos of the fracture simulation revealed identical fracture mechanisms for both groups. We observed a two-step fracture mechanism, with initial impaction of the head segment against the glenoid followed by fracturing of the head and the tuberosities and then with further impaction of the shaft against the acromion, which lead to separation of the tuberosities. Conclusion A high energetic axial impulse can reliably induce realistic proximal humerus fractures in cadaveric specimens. The preload of the rotator cuff muscles had no influence on initial fracture configuration. Therefore, fracture simulation in the proximal humerus is less elaborate. Using the presented technique, pre-fractured specimens are available for real-life surgical education.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Lenz2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Lenz, Lena}, title = {Frauen sind der Boss : eine Kampagne f{\"u}r mehr Gleichberechtigung in F{\"u}hrungspositionen}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {93 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Man k{\"o}nnte vermuten, dass in einem so weit entwickelten Land wie Deutschland Geschlechterdiskriminierung bereits erfolgreich {\"u}berwunden wurde - doch das entspricht nicht der Realit{\"a}t. Besonders in F{\"u}hrungspositionen f{\"a}llt dieses Ungleichgewicht auf. Eine Ursache daf{\"u}r ist das historisch etablierte Rollenverst{\"a}ndnis, aber auch vonseiten der Frauen gibt es h{\"a}ufig ein grundlegendes Problem: Sie trauen sich zu wenig zu. Die Kampagne soll junge Frauen dazu motivieren, ihre beruflichen Ambitionen hoch anzusetzen und zielstrebig zu verfolgen. Das Online-Portal "femiverse" ist dabei ihr Wegbereiter. Es erm{\"o}glicht einen direkten Austausch mit anderen Nutzer:innen und er{\"o}ffnet durch Workshops mit Unternehmer:innen neue Perspektiven. Die Bezeichnung „Powerfrau" ist {\"u}berholt - Frauen in F{\"u}hrungspositionen sind keine Ausnahmetalente, sie sind die Normalit{\"a}t von morgen.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Lebrecht2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Lebrecht, Rike-Charlotte}, title = {Inga : ein modulares hydroponisches System f{\"u}r Endverbraucher}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit wurde sich mit der Frage auseinandergesetzt, wie sich der Nahrungsmittelanbau im urbanen Raum entwickeln k{\"o}nnte. Eine spannende Alternative zu traditionellen Anbaumethoden ist die Hydroponik, der Anbau von Pflanzen ohne Erde. Basierend auf dieser Technologie wurde in diesem Projekt ein Indoor-Garden-System gestaltet, welches den Nahrungsmittelanbau zur{\"u}ck zur Verbraucher:In bringt und zu einem bewussteren Umgang mit Lebensmitteln anregen soll. Denn mit „INGA" kann frisches, pestizidfreies Blattgem{\"u}se ganz einfach zu Hause selbst angebaut werden. Das hydroponische System schafft mithilfe einer N{\"a}hrstoffl{\"o}sung und k{\"u}nstlichem Licht optimale Wachstumsbedingungen f{\"u}r die Pflanzen - ganz unabh{\"a}ngig von {\"o}rtlichen Gegebenheiten. Mithilfe seiner Modularit{\"a}t k{\"o}nnen Nutzer:Innen „INGA" nach Belieben konfigurieren. Damit wird es einer breiten Zielgruppe mit unterschiedlichen Bed{\"u}rfnissen gerecht und erm{\"o}glicht pestizidfreie Nahrung - auch in den St{\"a}dten.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Lawrenz2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Lawrenz, Anne Murielle}, title = {Lebens.Mittel.Punkt : Konzeption und Gestaltung einer Anwendung f{\"u}r Ern{\"a}hrungsberatung}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {119 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {„kocotte" (eine Abwandlung eines kleinen Kochtopfs) soll drei aktuelle ­Ern{\"a}hrungstrends kombinieren: Gesundheit, Nachhaltigkeit und Genuss. Der Markt bietet viele Angebote, die einen oder auch zwei Themen kombinieren - von Special-Interest-Publikationen {\"u}ber Di{\"a}tprogramme bis hin zu Foodvereinigungen - alle mit Daseinsberechtigung. Will oder muss ich aber beispielsweise meine Essgewohnheiten umstellen, gibt es kein {\"u}berzeugendes Werkzeug, das mir alle drei Themen zusammenfasst. Hier soll „kocotte" ein neues Angebot machen.}, language = {de} } @book{Lauth2022, author = {Lauth, Jakob}, title = {Physikalische Chemie kompakt}, publisher = {Springer Spektrum}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-662-64587-1}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-64588-8}, pages = {XXIV, 263 Seiten}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @book{LaumannFeldmannFrickeletal.2022, author = {Laumann, J{\"o}rg and Feldmann, Markus and Frickel, J{\"o}rg and Krahwinkel, Manuel and Kraus, Matthias and Strangh{\"o}ner, Natalie and Ummenhofer, Thomas}, title = {Petersen Stahlbau : Grundlagen der Berechnung und baulichen Ausbildung von Stahlbauten}, edition = {5. Auflage}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-20510-2}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-20510-2}, pages = {XXIII, 1919 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die Theorie und Konstruktion der wichtigsten Bereiche der Stahlbautechnik werden von den Grundlagen her entwickelt und durch viele Beispiele praxisbezogen erl{\"a}utert. Das Buch ist aus Vorlesungen im Grund- und Vertiefungsstudium des Bauingenieurwesens entstanden. Der Inhalt wird zum Teil systematisch, zum Teil exemplarisch dargestellt. F{\"u}r Konstrukteure und Statiker in den technischen B{\"u}ros, der Beratenden Ingenieure und der Pr{\"u}f{\"a}mter enth{\"a}lt das Buch aufbereitete Berechnungsverfahren und Konstruktionsvorschl{\"a}ge in großer Zahl.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Laubkermeier2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Laubkermeier, Kim}, title = {trust me}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {94 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {"trust me" ist eine schwarz-weiß Fotoserie, pr{\"a}sentiert als Diashow mit unterlegtem Soundtrack. Es geht um das Vertrauen zwischen Model, Fotografin und Betrachter:innen. Die Darsteller sind ausschließlich homosexuelle M{\"a}nner und begeben sich in intime Situationen und Posen. Die Fotos sind {\"u}berwiegend Aktaufnahmen und nehmen eine pornografische Richtung an. Die Fragestellung zu Beginn war, wie weit vertrauen die unerfahrenen Models der Fotografin und was sind diese bereit, von sich zu zeigen. Die offene Kommunikation {\"u}ber die Richtung des Projekts war die essenzielle Basis f{\"u}r die Fotoshootings. W{\"a}hrend des Fotografierens lag der Fokus auf m{\"o}glichst verschiedenen Blickwinkeln, Kulissen, Ausleuchtungen und Motiven. Zus{\"a}tzlich war der sensible Umgang mit den M{\"a}nnern eine Vertrauensprobe."trust me" l{\"a}sst auf diversen Ebenen tief blicken und zeigt, wie loslassen aussieht.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Lauber2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Lauber, Nico}, title = {Kinetische Piktogramme als Visualisierung : animierte Piktogramme als Kommunikationsmittel im kulturellen Raum}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {65 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit wurden kinetische Piktogramme als Kommunikationsmittel f{\"u}r das Stadttheater Aachen erstellt. Diese sollen als Erweiterung des bestehenden Corporate Designs ein j{\"u}ngeres Publikum zu der bestehenden Zuschauerschaft hinzugewinnen. Die Piktogramme sind dabei inhaltlich an verschiedene Auff{\"u}hrungen des Theaters angepasst und unterst{\"u}tzen die Typografie in animierten Plakaten f{\"u}r die Außenwerbung. Die Umsetzung der kinetischen Piktogramme wurde als Variable Font vollzogen. Damit l{\"a}sst sich der Schriftschnitt durch verschiedene Interpolation-Achsen nach Belieben manipulieren. Dazu werden die Zwischenschritte automatisch errechnet, was die Technik optimal f{\"u}r eine 2D-Animation macht. Anhand konkreter Anwendungsbeispiele zeigt diese Arbeit die vielen Vorteile von Variable Fonts und wirft damit einen Blick in das weite Feld ihrer spannenden M{\"o}glichkeiten, die bis dato l{\"a}ngst noch nicht voll ausgesch{\"o}pft wurden.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Larscheid2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Larscheid, Maja Marlene}, title = {The Future of Fitness : Konzeption und Gestaltung einer digitalen Fitness- und Gesundheitsanwendung}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {153 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Laut einer Langzeitstudie bewegt sich mehr als ein Viertel der Weltbev{\"o}lkerung - rund 2 Milliarden Menschen - zu wenig. Trotzdem ließ sich zuletzt klares Interesse an Fitness- und Gesundheitsm{\"o}glichkeiten am stetigen Anstieg der Fitnessstudio-Mitgliederzahl erkennen. Nachdem die Zahl seit 2006 jedes Jahr anstieg, fiel sie in den Pandemie-Jahren. Seit der Pandemie besteht also Bedarf nach einer flexibleren L{\"o}sung zu klassischen Studios. Um diesen Bedarf zu decken, wurde eine digitale L{\"o}sung zum Thema entwickelt. Dazu wurden Sport und Ern{\"a}hrung zusammengefasst. Das beinhaltet Videoanleitungen, Ern{\"a}hrungs- und Trainingsplanerstellung, individuelle K{\"o}rperanalyse im Onboarding-Prozess, Verbindung mit Wearables und ein flexibles Online- sowie Studioangebot. Meine Zielgruppe sind Menschen, die flexibel Sport machen, mit Sport anfangen oder ihre allgemeine Gesundheit verbessern wollen.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{LangohrBungCrookston2022, author = {Langohr, Philipp and Bung, Daniel Bernhard and Crookston, Brian M.}, title = {Hybrid investigation of labyrinth weirs: Discharge capacity and energy dissipation}, series = {Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress}, editor = {Ortega-S{\´a}nchez, Miguel}, publisher = {International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)}, address = {Madrid}, isbn = {978-90-832612-1-8}, issn = {2521-7119 (print)}, doi = {10.3850/IAHR-39WC252171192022738}, pages = {2313 -- 2318}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The replacement of existing spillway crests or gates with labyrinth weirs is a proven techno-economical means to increase the discharge capacity when rehabilitating existing structures. However, additional information is needed regarding energy dissipation of such weirs, since due to the folded weir crest, a three-dimensional flow field is generated, yielding more complex overflow and energy dissipation processes. In this study, CFD simulations of labyrinth weirs were conducted 1) to analyze the discharge coefficients for different discharges to compare the Cd values to literature data and 2) to analyze and improve energy dissipation downstream of the structure. All tests were performed for a structure at laboratory scale with a height of approx. P = 30.5 cm, a ratio of the total crest length to the total width of 4.7, a sidewall angle of 10° and a quarter-round weir crest shape. Tested headwater ratios were 0.089 ≤ HT/P ≤ 0.817. For numerical simulations, FLOW-3D Hydro was employed, solving the RANS equations with use of finite-volume method and RNG k-ε turbulence closure. In terms of discharge capacity, results were compared to data from physical model tests performed at the Utah Water Research Laboratory (Utah State University), emphasizing higher discharge coefficients from CFD than from the physical model. For upstream heads, some discrepancy in the range of ± 1 cm between literature, CFD and physical model tests was identified with a discussion regarding differences included in the manuscript. For downstream energy dissipation, variable tailwater depths were considered to analyze the formation and sweep-out of a hydraulic jump. It was found that even for high discharges, relatively low downstream Froude numbers were obtained due to high energy dissipation involved by the three-dimensional flow between the sidewalls. The effects of some additional energy dissipation devices, e.g. baffle blocks or end sills, were also analyzed. End sills were found to be non-effective. However, baffle blocks with different locations may improve energy dissipation downstream of labyrinth weirs.}, language = {en} } @book{Laack2022, author = {Laack, Walter van}, title = {Greater Than the Entire Universe}, publisher = {van Laack GmbH}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-936624-52-6}, pages = {120 Seiten}, year = {2022}, language = {en} } @book{Laack2022, author = {Laack, Walter van}, title = {Aufruf zum Nachdenken: Corona und neue Kriege - Wie kann die Menschheit {\"u}berleben?}, publisher = {van Laack GmbH}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-936624-56-4}, pages = {56 Seiten}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @book{Laack2022, author = {Laack, Walter van}, title = {Schnittstelle Tod: Was lernen wir durch Corona {\"u}ber Leben und Tod?}, publisher = {van Laack GmbH}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-936624-53-3}, pages = {108 Seiten}, year = {2022}, language = {de} }