@incollection{Kurz2023, author = {Kurz, Melanie}, title = {Waffen und milit{\"a}rische Ausr{\"u}stung in Systemspielzeugwelten}, series = {Design f{\"u}r Spiel, Spaß, Spannung: Gestaltung von Artefakten zum spielerischen Handeln / herausgegeben von Melanie Kurz und Thilo Schwer}, booktitle = {Design f{\"u}r Spiel, Spaß, Spannung: Gestaltung von Artefakten zum spielerischen Handeln / herausgegeben von Melanie Kurz und Thilo Schwer}, publisher = {avedition}, address = {Stuttgart}, isbn = {978-3-89986-396-3}, pages = {104 -- 121}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @misc{BragardHueningKowalewski2023, author = {Bragard, Michael and H{\"u}ning, Felix and Kowalewski, Paul}, title = {Vorrichtung zur Relativlagenbestimmung [Offenlegungschrift]}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur Bestimmung einer Relativlage zwischen einem feststehenden Teil und einem zu demselben in eine Bewegungsrichtung bewegbaren beweglichen Teil, wobei der feststehende Teil mit einem Wiegandsensor versehen ist, wobei der Wiegandsensor zwischen zwei gegenpolig zueinander ausgebildeten Permanentmagneten angeordnet ist und dass der bewegliche Teil eine Mehrzahl von beabstandet zueinander angeordneten Magnetisierungsstegen aus einem magnetisch leitenden Material aufweist, die in der Bewegungsrichtung zumindest eine gleich große Erstreckung aufweisen wie der Permanentmagnet, dass ein Abstand zwischen benachbarten Magnetisierungsstegen derart gew{\"a}hlt ist, dass in einer ersten Relativlage ein erster Permanentmagnet von einem der Magnetisierungsstege {\"u}berdeckt ist und ein zweiter Permanentmagnet nicht von einem der Magnetisierungsstege {\"u}berdeckt ist.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Palm2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Palm, Kevin John}, title = {Viva sin Aqua : Konzeption einer Kampagne zum virtuellen Wasserbedarf}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {80 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Den aktuellen Zustand unserer Welt positiv zu beeinflussen, ist ein {\"u}bergeordnetes Ziel, welches nur kollektiv als Gesellschaft erreicht werden kann. Das Einsparen von Ressourcen ist ein leichter Weg f{\"u}r jede einzelne Person, um ihren Beitrag f{\"u}r dieses Ziel zu leisten. Doch wie bewegt man die Bev{\"o}lkerung zum Sparen? Und was soll eingespart werden? Die Kampagne "Viva sin Agua" sensibilisiert f{\"u}r die Ressource Wasser und nutzt dabei den {\"o}ffentlichen Raum. Aufgekl{\"a}rt wird {\"u}ber das sogenannte virtuelle Wasser. Dieses f{\"a}llt in teilweise extremen Mengen f{\"u}r die Produktion jeglicher Konsumwaren an. Das Ziel der Kampagne ist das Kennzeichnen dieses Wasserverbrauchs direkt am Produkt {\"u}ber eigene Labels. Dadurch soll ein Bewusstsein f{\"u}r den kritischen Kontext geschaffen und das allgemeine Konsumverhalten nachhaltig ver{\"a}ndert werden.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Shah2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Shah, Akshat}, title = {Vita : Rehabilitation assistance for digital professionals}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {125 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Vita ist ein Produkt zur Unterst{\"u}tzung von Physiotherapie und Rehabilitation f{\"u}r moderne digitale Profis. Es hilft beim Aufsp{\"u}ren und Erkennen von Haltungsfehlern und gibt positives und sinnvolles Feedback. Ziel des Feedbacks ist es, ein Gef{\"u}hl des Vertrauens in den Genesungsprozess zu schaffen und durch die Nachahmung der menschlichen Ber{\"u}hrung neue, positive Haltungsgewohnheiten zu entwickeln und zu kultivieren.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{VladovaUllrichSultanowetal.2023, author = {Vladova, Gergana and Ullrich, Andr{\´e} and Sultanow, Eldar and Tobolla, Marinho and Sebrak, Sebastian and Czarnecki, Christian and Brockmann, Carsten}, title = {Visual analytics for knowledge management}, series = {INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zuk{\"u}nfte gestalten}, booktitle = {INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zuk{\"u}nfte gestalten}, publisher = {GI - Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {978-3-88579-731-9}, issn = {1617-5468}, doi = {10.18420/inf2023_187}, pages = {1851 -- 1870}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The management of knowledge in organizations considers both established long-term processes and cooperation in agile project teams. Since knowledge can be both tacit and explicit, its transfer from the individual to the organizational knowledge base poses a challenge in organizations. This challenge increases when the fluctuation of knowledge carriers is exceptionally high. Especially in large projects in which external consultants are involved, there is a risk that critical, company-relevant knowledge generated in the project will leave the company with the external knowledge carrier and thus be lost. In this paper, we show the advantages of an early warning system for knowledge management to avoid this loss. In particular, the potential of visual analytics in the context of knowledge management systems is presented and discussed. We present a project for the development of a business-critical software system and discuss the first implementations and results.}, language = {en} } @misc{LippoldtRingbeckHuening2023, author = {Lippoldt, Mario and Ringbeck, Thorsten and H{\"u}ning, Felix}, title = {Verfahren und System zur Erkennung von unerlaubten Fahrzeug-{\"U}berholvorg{\"a}ngen in einer {\"U}berholverbotszone eines Fahrwegs}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Hosseinpour2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Hosseinpour, Seywan}, title = {Velum : Zensur des Visuellen im Iran}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {153 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Dieses multimediale Projekt thematisiert Zensur aus verschiedenen Dimensionen in totalit{\"a}ren, religi{\"o}s-patriarchalischen L{\"a}ndern, insbesondere im Iran. Dadurch wird versucht, mit einem denunzierenden Ansatz zu zeigen, wie Bilder zensiert werden und welche Auswirkungen diese zensierten Bilder auf Betrachter:innen haben. Dabei ist es auch wichtig, wie das Unsichtbare analysiert und verstanden wird. Die Opposition zwischen dem Akt des Visualisierens/Sichtbarmachens und Verbergens/Unsichtbarmachens in den meisten Bildern impliziert die Dialektik von Verh{\"u}llung und Enth{\"u}llung. Das Projekt »Velum« erm{\"o}glicht es den Betrachter:innen, die Zensurpraktiken in totalit{\"a}r-religi{\"o}sen L{\"a}ndern kennenzulernen und zu erfahren, inwieweit die Zensur das t{\"a}gliche Leben durchdrungen und beeinflusst hat -in der Kunst, der Literatur, den Medien usw. Ein Ph{\"a}nomen, das sogar die Privatsph{\"a}re des Individuums beeintr{\"a}chtigt.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Elsen2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Elsen, Charles}, title = {VEKSLE}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {51 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die beste Form der Nachhaltigkeit ist jahrzehntelange Freude. VEKSLE beschreibt eine M{\"o}belkollektion, die sich in Zeiten des {\"U}berangebots und des st{\"a}ndigen Wohnraumwechsels anpasst. Die minimalistische {\"A}sthetik mit hohem Sitzkomfort orientiert sich dabei an den Bed{\"u}rfnissen von Verbraucher:innen und l{\"a}sst sich im Laufe seiner Nutzungsperiode stetig an neue Einrichtungsstyles und Ver{\"a}nderungen anpassen. Als Verwandlungsk{\"u}nstler bereichert VEKSLE jeden Wohnraum. Die gesamte Serie ist unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der schnelllebigen und sich wandelnden Welt entworfen worden und beschreibt ein Konzept, bei dem sich alle Einzelteile kontinuierlich wechseln, pflegen und reparieren lassen. Die Kollektion ist den flexiblen Anforderungen des Menschen gewachsen, birgt f{\"u}r jeden die richtige L{\"o}sung und hinterl{\"a}sst durch die Verwendung von nat{\"u}rlichen und recyclebaren Materialien nachhaltig Eindruck.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Ferraioli2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Ferraioli, Luigi}, title = {Validierung einer Simulationsumgebung f{\"u}r Umfeldsensorik von Schienenfahrzeugen}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {49 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Diese Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit der digitalen Nachbildung eines Testgel{\"a}ndes sowie eines Schienenfahrzeugs in der Simulationsumgebung Gazebo. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der pr{\"a}zisen Abbildung der Umfeldsensorik anhand eines realen Schienenfahrzeuges. Ziel ist die Erzeugung {\"a}quivalenter Messdaten der Simulationsumgebung und des realen Schienenfahrzeuges unter gleichen Einsatzbedingungen. Dazu werden unterschiedliche Verfahren eingesetzt, um die Parameter der einzelnen Sensorik so zu konfigurieren, dass die Messergebnisse mit den Messdaten der realen Sensorik konvergieren. Die Ergebnisse der Messdaten zeigen, dass obwohl die Simulationsumgebung einige physikalische Materialeigenschaften nicht ber{\"u}cksichtigt, eine pr{\"a}zise Abbildung der Sensorik und geometrischen Strukturen des Testgel{\"a}ndes m{\"o}glich ist. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus erm{\"o}glicht die Kombination von Gazebo und ROS2 Integrationstests und die Entwicklung von Softwareanwendungen sowohl in der Simulation als auch auf dem realen Schienenfahrzeug. Eine realit{\"a}tsnahe und reproduzierbare Auswertung der Sensormessdaten der Simulationsumgebung f{\"u}r Schienenfahrzeuge ist somit realisierbar.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Merkel2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Merkel, Tobias}, title = {Unterst{\"u}tzung f{\"u}r Familien : barrierearme Inanspruchnahme von Sozialleistungen f{\"u}r Familien und Kinder}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {199 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Familienbezogene Sozialleistungen sind wichtige Bestandteile eines Sozialstaats: Nicht nur helfen sie Kindern und Familien bei der Bew{\"a}ltigung ihres Alltags, vielmehr sichern sie ein ̈w{\"u}rdevolles Zusammenleben, gleichen in Teilen soziale Unterschiede aus und korrigieren ungleiche Startchancen. Chancengleichheit ist kein triviales Thema: Eine Gesellschaft, die auf sozialen Grundpfeilern aufbaut, muss st{\"a}ndig die Umsetzung dieses eigenen Anspruchs bewerten. Finanzielle Mittel, die deswegen angeboten werden, sind nur dann wirksam, wenn sie Betroffene erreichen. 
Die Nicht-Inanspruchnahme von Sozialleistungen ist ein komplexes Problem. Als Ursache wird gemeinhin die Attraktivit{\"a}t der Leistungen genannt. Vielfach sind aber die Kommunikation und die Informationsbeschaffung entscheidende Faktoren, warum Hilfe ungenutzt bleibt. In dem Projekt ist demgem{\"a}ß zu er{\"o}rtern, wie {\"u}ber zeitgem{\"a}ße digitale Instrumente das Angebot und die Leistungen der Familienkasse zug{\"a}nglich, barrierearm und intuitiv gestaltet werden k{\"o}nnen.}, language = {de} } @article{JanusAchtsnichtDrinicetal.2023, author = {Janus, Kevin Alexander and Achtsnicht, Stefan and Drinic, Aleksander and Kopp, Alexander and Keusgen, Michael and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Transient magnesium-based thin-film temperature sensor on a flexible, bioabsorbable substrate for future medical applications}, series = {Applied Research}, journal = {Applied Research}, number = {Accepted manuscript}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, issn = {2702-4288 (Print)}, doi = {10.1002/appl.202300102}, pages = {22 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In this work, the bioabsorbable materials, namely fibroin, polylactide acid (PLA), magnesium and magnesium oxide are investigated for their application as transient, resistive temperature detectors (RTD). For this purpose, a thin-film magnesium-based meander-like electrode is deposited onto a flexible, bioabsorbable substrate (fibroin or PLA) and encapsulated (passivated) by additional magnesium oxide layers on top and below the magnesium-based electrode. The morphology of different layered RTDs is analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The sensor performance and lifetime of the RTD is characterized both under ambient atmospheric conditions between 30°C and 43°C, and wet tissue-like conditions with a constant temperature regime of 37°C. The latter triggers the degradation process of the magnesium-based layers. The 3-layers RTDs on a PLA substrate could achieve a lifetime of 8.5 h. These sensors also show the best sensor performance under ambient atmospheric conditions with a mean sensitivity of 0.48 Ω/°C ± 0.01 Ω/°C.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SteuerDankert2023, author = {Steuer-Dankert, Linda}, title = {Training future skills - sustainability, interculturality \& innovation in a digital design thinking format}, series = {Proceedings of the 19th International CDIO Conference}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International CDIO Conference}, pages = {12 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The complex questions of today for a world of tomorrow are characterized by their global impact. Solutions must therefore not only be sustainable in the sense of the three pillars of sustainability (economic, environmental, and social) but must also function globally. This goes hand in hand with the need for intercultural acceptance of developed services and products. To achieve this, engineers, as the problem solvers of the future, must be able to work in intercultural teams on appropriate solutions, and be sensitive to intercultural perspectives. To equip the engineers of the future with the so-called future skills, teaching concepts are needed in which students can acquire these methods and competencies in application-oriented formats. The presented course "Applying Design Thinking - Sustainability, Innovation and Interculturality" was developed to teach future skills from the competency areas Digital Key Competencies, Classical Competencies and Transformative Competencies. The CDIO Standard 3.0, in particular the standards 5, 6, 7 and 8, was used as a guideline. The course aims to prepare engineering students from different disciplines and cultures for their future work in an international environment by combining a digital teaching format with an interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary and intercultural setting for solving sustainability challenges. The innovative moment lies in the digital application of design thinking and the inclusion of intercultural as well as trans- and interdisciplinary perspectives in innovation development processes. In this paper, the concept of the course will be presented in detail and the particularities of a digital implementation of design thinking will be addressed. Subsequently, the potentials and challenges will be reflected and practical advice for integrating design thinking in engineering education will be given.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{HuelsenMulsowDabrowskietal.2023, author = {H{\"u}lsen, Benjamin and Mulsow, Niklas A. and Dabrowski, Adam and Brinkmann, Wiebke and G{\"u}tzlaff, Joel and Spies, Leon and Czupalla, Markus and Kirchner, Frank}, title = {Towards an autonomous micro rover with night survivability for lunar exploration}, series = {Proceedings of the 74th International Astronautical Congress}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 74th International Astronautical Congress}, publisher = {dfki}, pages = {12 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In Europe, efforts are underway to develop key technologies that can be used to explore the Moon and to exploit the resources available. This includes technologies for in-situ resource utilization (ISRU), facilitating the possibility of a future Moon Village. The Moon is the next step for humans and robots to exploit the use of available resources for longer term missions, but also for further exploration of the solar system. A challenge for effective exploration missions is to achieve a compact and lightweight robot to reduce launch costs and open up the possibility of secondary payload options. Current micro rover concepts are primarily designed to last for one day of solar illumination and show a low level of autonomy. Extending the lifetime of the system by enabling survival of the lunar night and implementing a high level of autonomy will significantly increase potential mission applications and the operational range. As a reference mission, the deployment of a micro rover in the equatorial region of the Moon is being considered. An overview of mission parameters and a detailed example mission sequence is given in this paper. The mission parameters are based on an in-depth study of current space agency roadmaps, scientific goals, and upcoming flight opportunities. Furthermore, concepts of the ongoing international micro rover developments are analyzed along with technology solutions identified for survival of lunar nights and a high system autonomy. The results provide a basis of a concise requirements set-up to allow dedicated system developments and qualification measures in the future.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{EichenbaumNikolovskiMuelhensetal.2023, author = {Eichenbaum, Julian and Nikolovski, Gjorgji and M{\"u}lhens, Leon and Reke, Michael and Ferrein, Alexander and Scholl, Ingrid}, title = {Towards a lifelong mapping approach using Lanelet 2 for autonomous open-pit mine operations}, series = {2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)}, booktitle = {2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)}, publisher = {IEEE}, isbn = {979-8-3503-2069-5 (Online)}, doi = {10.1109/CASE56687.2023.10260526}, pages = {8 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Autonomous agents require rich environment models for fulfilling their missions. High-definition maps are a well-established map format which allows for representing semantic information besides the usual geometric information of the environment. These are, for instance, road shapes, road markings, traffic signs or barriers. The geometric resolution of HD maps can be as precise as of centimetre level. In this paper, we report on our approach of using HD maps as a map representation for autonomous load-haul-dump vehicles in open-pit mining operations. As the mine undergoes constant change, we also need to constantly update the map. Therefore, we follow a lifelong mapping approach for updating the HD maps based on camera-based object detection and GPS data. We show our mapping algorithm based on the Lanelet 2 map format and show our integration with the navigation stack of the Robot Operating System. We present experimental results on our lifelong mapping approach from a real open-pit mine.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ChircuCzarneckiFriedmannetal.2023, author = {Chircu, Alina and Czarnecki, Christian and Friedmann, Daniel and Pomaskow, Johanna and Sultanow, Eldar}, title = {Towards a Digital Twin of Society}, series = {Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2023}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2023}, publisher = {University of Hawai'i}, address = {Honolulu}, isbn = {978-0-9981331-6-4}, pages = {6748 -- 6757}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This paper describes the potential for developing a digital twin of society- a dynamic model that can be used to observe, analyze, and predict the evolution of various societal aspects. Such a digital twin can help governmental agencies and policy makers in interpreting trends, understanding challenges, and making decisions regarding investments or policies necessary to support societal development and ensure future prosperity. The paper reviews related work regarding the digital twin paradigm and its applications. The paper presents a motivating case study- an analysis of opportunities and challenges faced by the German federal employment agency, Bundesagentur f¨ur Arbeit (BA), proposes solutions using digital twins, and describes initial proofs of concept for such solutions.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Baumann2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Baumann, Ivana Edita}, title = {Toolbar : Werkzeuge des Grafikdesigns}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {96 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Von Zeichentisch und Letraset zu inhaltsbasierter F{\"u}llung und OpenType - wie sich die Werkzeuge des Grafikdesigns entwickelt und die Gestaltungsprozesse beeinflusst haben. Die Bachelorarbeit „Toolbar: Werkzeuge des Grafikdesigns" setzt sich mit der eigenen Disziplin, dem Grafikdesign, auseinander und geht dabei seinen Wurzeln, den Werkzeugen, nach. Im Rahmen dessen werden in Gespr{\"a}chen mit verschiedenen Gestalter*innen Tools und Technologien des Grafikdesigns untersucht und verglichen - angefangen vom analogen Paste-Up bis hin zu modernen Designmethoden. Dabei wird diskutiert, wie sich die Werkzeuge im Laufe der Zeit entwickelt haben und welche Auswirkungen dies auf das Grafikdesign und die Positionierung von Designer*innen hatte. Außerdem wird die Bedeutung von Werkzeugen im kreativen Prozess und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gestaltung hinterfragt und aufgezeigt.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Martinez2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Martinez, Mariana}, title = {The Taste of Memories : a recipe book of memories}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {110 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {What does the word 'home' means and at what age do we give it meaning? Many of us grew up in one, in a home that our parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and relatives shaped. Who, as we grew up, taught us about the world from their perspective as we interpreted and saw it for the first time and with it, its colors, its smells, its tastes, its sounds, its dances, and its languages. When we migrate, we take all that with us, like a piece of luggage that was stored in some corner inside a lung, or inside the memory in a heart's artery. And then you arrive in this new world, which we were told was the Old World, with other colors, other flavors, other words, in which yours no longer make sense. And you try to connect with all your senses, but, above all, we try to belong, because we belonged all our lives to something, to someone, to some place where we learned to be. When we migrate, without saying, we go through the grieve that comes with the beautiful discomfort of leaving everything we once knew. We mourn, because we can't go to lunch at our grandmas on Sundays, or have mom bring us soup when we are sick, or the Christmas meals and celebrations that we like so much, or that special dish that was made for us on our birthdays or on a family BBQ on a Sunday or a holiday. I wonder if emotions come inside us through the taste and respiratory track, if it is that we breathe life, and with that what we love finds its ways inside and finds its corner somewhere in the body. If what we have loved and what we have lived hides somewhere in our body, I doubtlessly think it came in through one of our senses, and in this attempt at my first illustrated book I'll share which, I think, are the senses through which at first instance part of what we perceive as cultural identity enters.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{StarkRiepingEsch2023, author = {Stark, Ralf and Rieping, Carla and Esch, Thomas}, title = {The impact of guide tubes on flow separation in rocket nozzles}, series = {Aerospace Europe Conference 2023 - 10th EUCASS - 9th CEAS}, booktitle = {Aerospace Europe Conference 2023 - 10th EUCASS - 9th CEAS}, pages = {8 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Rocket engine test facilities and launch pads are typically equipped with a guide tube. Its purpose is to ensure the controlled and safe routing of the hot exhaust gases. In addition, the guide tube induces a suction that effects the nozzle flow, namely the flow separation during transient start-up and shut-down of the engine. A cold flow subscale nozzle in combination with a set of guide tubes was studied experimentally to determine the main influencing parameters.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Stapenhorst2023, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {The didactic experimentation on housing modules for cycle travellers}, series = {MAACC. Modulo abitativo autosufficiente per cicloviaggiatori e camminatori.}, booktitle = {MAACC. Modulo abitativo autosufficiente per cicloviaggiatori e camminatori.}, editor = {Callegari, Guido and De Giorgi, Claudia and Occelli, Chiara L.M. and Palma, Riccardo}, publisher = {LetteraVentidue Edizioni Srl}, address = {Siracusa}, isbn = {978-88-6242-778-4}, pages = {40 -- 44}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ZaehlTheisWolfetal.2023, author = {Z{\"a}hl, Philipp M. and Theis, Sabine and Wolf, Martin R. and K{\"o}hler, Klemens}, title = {Teamwork in software development and what personality has to do with it - an overview}, series = {Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality}, booktitle = {Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality}, editor = {Chen, Jessie Y. C. and Fragomeni, Gino}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-031-35633-9 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-35634-6_10}, pages = {130 -- 153}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Due to the increasing complexity of software projects, software development is becoming more and more dependent on teams. The quality of this teamwork can vary depending on the team composition, as teams are always a combination of different skills and personality types. This paper aims to answer the question of how to describe a software development team and what influence the personality of the team members has on the team dynamics. For this purpose, a systematic literature review (n=48) and a literature search with the AI research assistant Elicit (n=20) were conducted. Result: A person's personality significantly shapes his or her thinking and actions, which in turn influences his or her behavior in software development teams. It has been shown that team performance and satisfaction can be strongly influenced by personality. The quality of communication and the likelihood of conflict can also be attributed to personality.}, language = {en} } @book{UibelPeterson2023, author = {Uibel, Thomas and Peterson, Leif Arne}, title = {Tagungsband Aachener Holzbautagung 2023}, editor = {Uibel, Thomas and Peterson, Leif Arne}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, issn = {2197-4489}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @article{DroopChenRadfordetal.2023, author = {Droop, Philipp and Chen, Shaohuang and Radford, Melissa J. and Paulßen, Elisabeth and Gates, Byron D. and Reilly, Raymond M. and Radchenko, Valery and Hoehr, Cornelia}, title = {Synthesis of 197m/gHg labelled gold nanoparticles for targeted radionuclide therapy}, series = {Radiochimica Acta}, volume = {111}, journal = {Radiochimica Acta}, number = {10}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin [u.a.]}, issn = {2193-3405}, doi = {10.1515/ract-2023-0144}, pages = {773 -- 779}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Meitner-Auger-electron emitters have a promising potential for targeted radionuclide therapy of cancer because of their short range and the high linear energy transfer of Meitner-Auger-electrons (MAE). One promising MAE candidate is 197m/gHg with its half-life of 23.8 h and 64.1 h, respectively, and high MAE yield. Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) that are labelled with 197m/gHg could be a helpful tool for radiation treatment of glioblastoma multiforme when infused into the surgical cavity after resection to prevent recurrence. To produce such AuNPs, 197m/gHg was embedded into pristine AuNPs. Two different syntheses were tested starting from irradiated gold containing trace amounts of 197m/gHg. When sodium citrate was used as reducing agent, no 197m/gHg labelled AuNPs were formed, but with tannic acid, 197m/gHg labeled AuNPs were produced. The method was optimized by neutralizing the pH (pH = 7) of the Au/197m/gHg solution, which led to labelled AuNPs with a size of 12.3 ± 2.0 nm as measured by transmission electron microscopy. The labelled AuNPs had a concentration of 50 μg (gold)/mL with an activity of 151 ± 93 kBq/mL (197gHg, time corrected to the end of bombardment).}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Balthazar2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Balthazar, Kim}, title = {SWASH : endlich bequem waschen}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {195 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Der S W A S H ist eine innovative Produktl{\"o}sung zur Reduzierung von Pain Points beim allt{\"a}glichen Reinigen von Textilien. Schmutzige Kleidungsst{\"u}cke m{\"u}ssen in Zukunft weniger mit Wasser und Waschmitteln in Ber{\"u}hrung kommen. Dadurch minimiert sich der Ressourcenverbrauch, die Langlebigkeit der Kleidung wird erh{\"o}ht und die umfangreiche Aufgabe des Waschens wird bequemer, ohne Einbußen in Sauberkeit und Hygiene haben zu m{\"u}ssen. Der S W A S H wird durch KI gesteuert und gew{\"a}hrleistet so eine kinderleichte Nutzbarkeit. Da er mit Wassertanks betrieben wird, ben{\"o}tigt man keinen Wasseranschluss und kann die Platzierung frei w{\"a}hlen. Durch den modularen und minimalistischen Aufbau kann er auf die {\"A}sthetik des individuellen Wohnraums angepasst werden. Der Refresher mit Waschfunktion kann als freistehendes M{\"o}belst{\"u}ck erworben oder in einen vorhandenen Kleiderschrank integriert werden.}, language = {de} } @book{JanserHavermannHoeveleretal.2023, author = {Janser, Frank and Havermann, Marc and Hoeveler, Bastian and Hertz, Cyril and Bergmann, Ole}, title = {Str{\"o}mungslehre und Aerodynamik : inkompressible Profile und Tragfl{\"u}gelaerodynamik, Band 2}, edition = {4. Auflage}, publisher = {Mainz}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-8107-0261-6}, pages = {XIII, 211 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Das vorliegende Buch dient als Grundlage f{\"u}r die Bachelor- und Master-Ausbildung von Studierenden im Fachgebiet Str{\"o}mungslehre und Aerodynamik. Im hier behandelten Teilbereich der inkompressiblen Profile und Tragfl{\"u}gelaerodynamik werden schwerpunktm{\"a}ßig die folgenden Themen besprochen: - Profilaerodynamik - Tragfl{\"u}gelaerodynamik - Flugzeugpolare - Methoden zur Flugbereichserweiterung - Schwebeschub und Schwebeleistung - Propellerblattaerodynamik - Numerische Methoden zur Tragfl{\"u}gelberechnung}, language = {de} } @article{BruksleChwallekKrastina2023, author = {Bruksle, Ieva and Chwallek, Constanze and Krastina, Anzelika}, title = {Strengthening sustainability in entrepreneurship education - implications for shifting entrepreneurial thinking towards sustainability at universities}, series = {ACTA PROSPERITATIS}, volume = {14}, journal = {ACTA PROSPERITATIS}, number = {1}, publisher = {Sciendo}, issn = {1691-6077}, doi = {10.37804/1691-6077-2023-14-37-48}, pages = {37 -- 48}, year = {2023}, abstract = {By developing innovative solutions to social and environmental problems, sustainable ventures carry greatpotential. Entrepreneurship which focuses especially on new venture creation can be developed through education anduniversities, in particular, are called upon to provide an impetus for social change. But social innovations are associatedwith certain hurdles, which are related to the multi-dimensionality, i.e. the tension between creating social,environmental and economic value and dealing with a multiplicity of stakeholders. The already complex field ofentrepreneurship education has to face these challenges. This paper, therefore, aims to identify starting points for theintegration of sustainability into entrepreneurship education. To pursue this goal experiences from three differentproject initiatives between the partner universities: Lapland University of Applied Sciences, FH Aachen University ofApplied Sciences and Turiba University are reflected and findings are systematically condensed into recommendationsfor education on sustainable entrepreneurship.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Leiwen2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Leiwen, Sophie}, title = {Steinreich : Mineralien des Siegerlands}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {69 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Der Aufbau und die Entstehung unseres Planeten sind untrennbar mit der Bildung von Gesteinen verbunden - diese setzen sich aus verschiedenen Mineralien zusammen. Sie sind in der Natur weit verbreitet und spielen eine entscheidende Rolle in unserem t{\"a}glichen Leben. Obwohl vielen Menschen der Nutzen von Bodensch{\"a}tzen bewusst ist, besteht ein geringes Wissen {\"u}ber deren Vorkommen und Relevanz. F{\"u}r die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung des Siegerlandes beispielsweise waren der Abbau und der Handel mit Mineralien von großer Bedeutung. Insbesondere der langj{\"a}hrige Abbau von Eisenerz legte den Grundstein f{\"u}r die gesamte Metallindustrie der Region. Die Publikation visualisiert eine umfangreiche Sammlung Siegerl{\"a}nder Mineralien und vermittelt ein grundlegendes Verst{\"a}ndnis von Mineralien.}, language = {de} } @incollection{MoorkampPetersonUibel2023, author = {Moorkamp, Wilfried and Peterson, Leif Arne and Uibel, Thomas}, title = {Standardholzbr{\"u}cken f{\"u}r kommunale Geh- und Radwege}, series = {Strukturen, Formen und Prinzipien : Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Trautz}, booktitle = {Strukturen, Formen und Prinzipien : Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Trautz}, editor = {Wehren, Cedric}, publisher = {RWTH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-95886-500-6}, pages = {140 -- 165}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Hoffmann2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Hoffmann, Noa}, title = {SpineSans : Erkundung des generativen Potentials modularer Typografie}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {144 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Spine Sans - Erkundung des generativen Potenzials modularer Typografie. „Spine Sans" ist eine dekorative Schriftfamilie, die mit modularen Limitationen gestaltet wurde. Kleinbuchstaben sind in eine obere und untere H{\"a}lfte unterteilt, zwischen denen Raum f{\"u}r spannende generative Effekte entsteht. Schriftzeichen und Effekte wurden unabh{\"a}ngig voneinander, aber auf dem gleichen Spaltenraster gestaltet und passen daher nahtlos zusammen. Beispielhafte Varianten der „Spines" k{\"o}nnen in einem speziell programmierten Web-Interface an selbst geschriebenen Text erkundet werden. Die Galerie an Optionen pr{\"a}sentiert m{\"o}gliche Resultate f{\"u}r die spielerische Kombination. Die zwei Schriftschnitte „Spine Sans Bold" und „Spine Sans Double" k{\"o}nnen auch gemischt werden. Weiter erg{\"a}nzbar um maßgeschneiderte Varianten, kann „Spine Sans" besonders in interaktiven oder animierten Medien effektiv verschiedenste Eindr{\"u}cke vermitteln.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Ostheimer2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Ostheimer, Johanna}, title = {Somnio : ein aufkl{\"a}rendes Medium zum Thema Schlaf im 21. Jahrhundert}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {126 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Jede Nacht aufs Neue begeben wir uns in einen Zustand {\"a}ußerer Ruhe. Unser Bewusstsein geht dabei ganz oder teilweise verloren, wir reagieren vermindert auf {\"a}ußere Reize, die meisten unserer K{\"o}rperfunktionen sind aufgehoben und am n{\"a}chsten Morgen erinnern wir uns maximal an Bruchteile der letzten Stunden: Wir schlafen. Doch was genau passiert mit uns in dieser Zeit? Welche Vorteile bringt es uns zu schlafen? Welche Bedeutung haben unsere Tr{\"a}ume? Und wieso steigt die Zahl an Menschen, die unter Schlafst{\"o}rungen leiden, rapide an? In 'Somnio' wird diesen und weiteren Fragen auf den Grund gegangen und ein Blick in die Welt des Schlafs geboten. Ziel dieser Publikation ist es, Licht in eine oft noch unbekannte und gleichzeitig unglaubliche Welt zu bringen. Eine Welt, in der jeder von uns im Durchschnitt immerhin ein Drittel seines Lebens verbringt.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Stercken2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Stercken, Maike}, title = {Social Media - Segen oder Fluch? : Eine Aufkl{\"a}rungskampagne zu Auswirkungen von Social Media Nutzung}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {82 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Das Projekt „Social Media - Segen oder Fluch" besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit negativen Auswirkungen, die die Nutzung Sozialer Medien haben kann. Soziale Medien werden heutzutage st{\"a}ndig und von fast jedem genutzt, vor allem von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen. Vielen ist aber nicht bewusst, dass sich die Nutzung negativ auf sie und ihre Gesundheit auswirken kann. Eine Kampagne soll daran etwas {\"a}ndern. Soziale Medien bzw. der Content, der die Nutzer:innen negativ beeinflusst, ist wie ein Monster, vor dem sich die Nutzer:innen in acht nehmen m{\"u}ssen. Angesprochen werden haupts{\"a}chlich 12-29-j{\"a}hrige, die Soziale Medien nutzen. Die Kampagne soll durch verschiedene Maßnahmen wie Plakatwerbung und Posts auf Social Media Kan{\"a}len, den negativen Auswirkungen von Social Media Nutzung entgegenwirken. Sie soll {\"u}ber die Auswirkungen aufkl{\"a}ren und zu einem bewussteren Umgang mit Sozialen Netzwerken anregen.}, language = {de} } @article{SanchezCespedesLeasureTejedorGaravitoetal.2023, author = {Sanchez-Cespedes, Lina Maria and Leasure, Douglas Ryan and Tejedor-Garavito, Natalia and Amaya Cruz, Glenn Harry and Garcia Velez, Gustavo Adolfo and Mendoza Beltr{\´a}n, Andryu Enrique and Mar{\´i}n-Salazar, Yenny Andrea and Esch, Thomas and Tatem, Andrew J. and Ospina Boh{\´o}rquez, Mariana Francisca}, title = {Social cartography and satellite-derived building coverage for post-census population estimates in difficult-to-access regions of Colombia}, series = {Population studies : a Journal of Demography}, volume = {78}, journal = {Population studies : a Journal of Demography}, number = {1}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, address = {London}, issn = {1477-4747}, doi = {10.1080/00324728.2023.2190151}, pages = {3 -- 20}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Effective government services rely on accurate population numbers to allocate resources. In Colombia and globally, census enumeration is challenging in remote regions and where armed conflict is occurring. During census preparations, the Colombian National Administrative Department of Statistics conducted social cartography workshops, where community representatives estimated numbers of dwellings and people throughout their regions. We repurposed this information, combining it with remotely sensed buildings data and other geospatial data. To estimate building counts and population sizes, we developed hierarchical Bayesian models, trained using nearby full-coverage census enumerations and assessed using 10-fold cross-validation. We compared models to assess the relative contributions of community knowledge, remotely sensed buildings, and their combination to model fit. The Community model was unbiased but imprecise; the Satellite model was more precise but biased; and the Combination model was best for overall accuracy. Results reaffirmed the power of remotely sensed buildings data for population estimation and highlighted the value of incorporating local knowledge.}, language = {en} } @incollection{StollenwerkFranzkeMaureretal.2023, author = {Stollenwerk, Dominik and Franzke, Till and Maurer, Florian and Reinkensmeier, Sebastian and Kim, Franken and Tambornino, Philipp and Haas, Florian and Rieke, Christian and Hermanuz, Andreas and Borchert, J{\"o}rg and Ritz, Thomas and Sander, Volker}, title = {Smarte Lades{\"a}ulen : Netz- und Marktdienliches {\"o}ffentliches Laden}, series = {Towards the New Normal in Mobility : Technische und betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte}, booktitle = {Towards the New Normal in Mobility : Technische und betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte}, editor = {Proff, Heike}, publisher = {Springer Gabler}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-39437-0 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-39438-7_18}, pages = {287 -- 304}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Stand 01.01.2022 sind in Deutschland 618.460 elektrisch angetriebene KFZ zugelassen. Insgesamt sind derzeit 48.540.878 KFZ zugelassen, was einer Elektromobilit{\"a}tsquote von ca. 1,2 \% entspricht. Derzeit werden Elektromobile {\"u}ber Ladestationen oder Steckdosen mit dem Stromnetz verbunden und {\"u}blicherweise mit der vollen Ladekapazit{\"a}t des Anschlusses aufgeladen, bis das Batteriemanagementsystem des Fahrzeugs abh{\"a}ngig vom Ladezustand der Batterie die Ladeleistung reduziert.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Karry2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Karry, Lena}, title = {siso - lerne was du willst}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {296 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Kinder konsumieren heutzutage f{\"u}r viele Stunden am Tag soziale Medien. Jedoch sind die Inhalte auf diesen Plattformen oftmals nur oberfl{\"a}chlich und bieten wenig bis keinen Mehrwert durch z. B. zus{\"a}tzliches Wissen. Dabei lernen Kinder einfacher, wenn ihr Interesse am Thema geweckt ist und sie Spaß an der Besch{\"a}ftigung haben. Die individuellen Interessen der Kinder - und damit die m{\"o}glichen Lerninhalte - sind vielf{\"a}ltig. Eine m{\"o}gliche L{\"o}sung hierf{\"u}r ist siso. Siso ist eine Lernplattform, die sich dadurch auszeichnet, dass Kinder ihren Interessen nachgehen sowie neue Fertigkeiten und F{\"a}higkeiten erlernen k{\"o}nnen. Des Weiteren regt siso die Nutzer*innen durch Aufgaben dazu an, selbst aktiv zu werden. Durch die in der Anwendung verbaute soziale Komponente k{\"o}nnen Kinder sich auch {\"u}ber ihre Interessen austauschen und dadurch neue Freunde finden.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Kouchev2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Kouchev, Veronique}, title = {Shiba Moments : 2D Adventure Story Game}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {79 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Shiba Moments ist ein 2D-Top-Down-Abenteuer Story-Spiel {\"u}ber die Wertsch{\"a}tzung der Zeit, die wir mit unseren Haustieren verbringen. Als Hundebesitzerin Conny wandert der / die Spieler:in durch eine Shiba-Traumwelt, die vergangene Momente mit ihrem Hund assoziieren und sich mit eigenen seltsamen Tr{\"a}umen vermischen. Die Spieler:innen erwartet eine Geschichte voller Emotionen, dunklem Humor und verr{\"u}ckter Ereignisse!}, language = {de} } @misc{Huening2023, author = {H{\"u}ning, Felix}, title = {Sensorvorrichtung zur Erfassung eines Magnetfelds sowie magnetbasiertes Sensorsystem zur Erfassung einer Bewegung eines beweglichen Objekts}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Eine Sensorvorrichtung (10;110;210;310;410) zur Erfassung eines Magnetfelds, mit einer Wiegand-Sensoreinheit (12;112;212) umfassend: • - mindestens zwei Wiegand-Dr{\"a}hte (20) und • - eine Spulenanordnung (22;122;222), die die mindestens zwei Wiegand-Dr{\"a}hte (20) radial umschließt und die • • • ein Sensorelement (26;126;226) und • • ein Triggerelement (28;128;228), durch das ein Triggermagnetfeld erzeugbar ist, bildet, ist bekannt. Um ein magnetbasiertes Sensorsystem (300;400) zur Erfassung einer Bewegung eines beweglichen Objekts (301;401) zu erm{\"o}glichen, das ohne externe Energieversorgung zuverl{\"a}ssig sowie energieeffizient arbeitet und kosteng{\"u}nstig hergestellt werden kann, ist bei der erfindungsgem{\"a}ßen Sensorvorrichtung (10;110;210;310;410) eine Wiegand-Triggereinheit (14;14a) vorhanden, umfassend: • - einen Wiegand-Draht (30) und • - eine Trigger-Sensorspule (32), die den Wiegand-Draht (30) radial umschließt, wobei ein erstes Ende der Trigger-Sensorspule (32) der Wiegand-Triggereinheit (14;14a) mit einem ersten Ende des Triggerelements (28;128;228) der Wiegand-Sensoreinheit (12;112;212) elektrisch verbunden ist und ein zweites Ende der Trigger-Sensorspule (32) der Wiegand-Triggereinheit (14;14a) mit einem zweiten Ende des Triggerelements (28;128;228) der Wiegand-Sensoreinheit (12;112;212) elektrisch verbunden ist. Auf diese Weise verst{\"a}rkt ein in der Trigger-Sensorspule (32) erzeugter Impuls das Gesamtmagnetfeld, das auf die Wiegand-Dr{\"a}hte (20) in der Sensoreinheit einwirkt, derart, dass die Triggefeldst{\"a}rke aller Wiegand-Dr{\"a}hte (20) {\"u}berschritten wird und diese im wesentlichen zeitgleich ausl{\"o}sen.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{AltherrConzenElsenetal.2023, author = {Altherr, Lena and Conzen, Max and Elsen, Ingo and Frauenrath, Tobias and Lyrmann, Andreas}, title = {Sensor retrofitting of existing buildings in an interdisciplinary teaching project at university level}, series = {Tagungsband AALE 2023 : mit Automatisierung gegen den Klimawandel}, booktitle = {Tagungsband AALE 2023 : mit Automatisierung gegen den Klimawandel}, editor = {Reiff-Stephan, J{\"o}rg and J{\"a}kel, Jens and Schwarz, Andr{\´e}}, publisher = {le-tex publishing services GmbH}, address = {Leipzig}, isbn = {978-3-910103-01-6}, doi = {10.33968/2023.04}, pages = {31 -- 40}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Existing residential buildings have an average lifetime of 100 years. Many of these buildings will exist for at least another 50 years. To increase the efficiency of these buildings while keeping costs at reasonable rates, they can be retrofitted with sensors that deliver information to central control units for heating, ventilation and electricity. This retrofitting process should happen with minimal intervention into existing infrastructure and requires new approaches for sensor design and data transmission. At FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences, students of different disciplines work together to learn how to design, build, deploy and operate such sensors. The presented teaching project already created a low power design for a combined CO2, temperature and humidity measurement device that can be easily integrated into most home automation systems}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KueppersSchubaNeugebaueretal.2023, author = {K{\"u}ppers, Malte and Schuba, Marko and Neugebauer, Georg and H{\"o}ner, Tim and Hack, Sacha}, title = {Security analysis of the KNX smart building protocol}, series = {ARES '23: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security}, booktitle = {ARES '23: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security}, publisher = {ACM}, doi = {10.1145/3600160.3605167}, pages = {1 -- 7}, year = {2023}, abstract = {KNX is a protocol for smart building automation, e.g., for automated heating, air conditioning, or lighting. This paper analyses and evaluates state-of-the-art KNX devices from manufacturers Merten, Gira and Siemens with respect to security. On the one hand, it is investigated if publicly known vulnerabilities like insecure storage of passwords in software, unencrypted communication, or denialof-service attacks, can be reproduced in new devices. On the other hand, the security is analyzed in general, leading to the discovery of a previously unknown and high risk vulnerability related to so-called BCU (authentication) keys.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Nahrings2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Nahrings, Laura Aileen}, title = {Seamless Connection : die Integration eines smarten WLAN Routers in die Wohnumgebung}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {131 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In Deutschland verf{\"u}gen mehr als 95 \% aller Haushalte {\"u}ber einen Internetzugang und das Interesse an Smart Home Anwendungen steigt. Je vernetzter das Zuhause wird, desto mehr Devices m{\"u}ssen dort ihren Platz finden. WLAN Router wirken durch ihre technische Designsprache meist wie Fremdk{\"o}rper im Raum, sodass oft versucht wird, sie zu verstecken. Das soll sich mit „Cobo", dem smarten WLAN Router, {\"a}ndern. Neben der Bereitstellung einer Internetanbindung wird er zum Hub f{\"u}r alle Smart Home Anwendungen. Als Herzst{\"u}ck des Zuhauses sorgt er f{\"u}r die Vernetzung aller Devices und schafft zudem eine Verbindung zwischen Technologie und Interior. Mit seinem minimalistischen Design und der gezielten Auswahl an Materialien und Farben f{\"u}gt sich der intelligente Router in die eigenen vier W{\"a}nde ein. „Cobo" ist kein WLAN Router, der im Schuhregal versteckt werden muss, denn er wird zum Teil der Einrichtung.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Hoffmann2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Hoffmann, Jan-Peter}, title = {Schl{\"u}ter Projekt X}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {109 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Schl{\"u}ter Projekt X ist die fiktive Reanimation des Traktorenherstellers Schl{\"u}ter. Dabei geht es darum, auf Basis der originalen Traktoren eine moderne Maschine zu entwerfen, welche die bew{\"a}hrte und beliebte Formsprache mit moderner Technologie und aktuellen Funktionen verbindet, um den Anforderungen der modernen Landwirtschaft gerecht zu werden. Dazu wurde Projekt X stark modular aufgebaut. Die Fahrzeugkabine l{\"a}sst sich um 180° drehen und gegebenenfalls durch ein vollkommen autonomes Modul austauschen. Die Reifen lassen sich bei Bedarf durch Ketten ersetzen. Projekt X wird elektronisch angetrieben, zur Vermeidung langer Ladezeiten l{\"a}sst sich der gesamte Akkublock in der Motorhaube austauschen.}, language = {de} } @article{HengsbachEngelCwienczeketal.2023, author = {Hengsbach, Jan-Niklas and Engel, Mareike and Cwienczek, Marcel and Stiefelmaier, Judith and Tippk{\"o}tter, Nils and Ulber, Roland}, title = {Scalable unseparated bioelectrochemical reactors by using a carbon fiber brush as stirrer and working electrode}, series = {ChemElectroChem}, volume = {10}, journal = {ChemElectroChem}, number = {21}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {2196-0216}, doi = {10.1002/celc.202300440}, pages = {9 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The concept of energy conversion into platform chemicals using bioelectrochemical systems (BES) has gained increasing attention in recent years, as the technology simultaneously provides an opportunity for sustainable chemical production and tackles the challenge of Power-to-X technologies. There are many approaches to realize the industrial scale of BES. One concept is to equip standard bioreactors with static electrodes. However, large installations resulted in a negative influence on various reactor parameters. In this study, we present a new single-chamber BES based on a stirred tank reactor in which the stirrer was replaced by a carbon fiber brush, performing the functions of the working electrode and the stirrer. The reactor is characterized in abiotic studies and electro-fermentations with Clostridium acetobutylicum. Compared to standard reactors an increase in butanol production of 20.14±3.66 \% shows that the new BES can be efficiently used for bioelectrochemical processes.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Kieslich2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Kieslich, Jasmina}, title = {Roverandom : eine illustrative Aufarbeitung und Neuinterpretation des Kinderbuches von J.R.R Tolkien}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {189 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die Geschichte „Roverandom" von J.R.R Tolkien l{\"a}dt auf eine spannende Reise an der Seite des kleinen Hundes Rover ein, welche zum Mond und in die Tiefsee, vorbei an Zauberern und Drachen f{\"u}hrt. Um das Abenteuer Tolkiens neu aufleben zu lassen, befasst sich dieses Projekt mit der illustrativen Aufarbeitung der Geschichte. Auf Grundlage der Betrachtung von Inspirationen und eigenen Illustrationen des englischen Schriftstellers entwickelte sich eine einheitliche Gestaltung innerhalb des Projekts. Durch die Kombination analoger und digitaler Medien entstanden {\"u}ber 40 Illustrationen, welche verschiedenste Szenen visualisieren und so die Welt des kleinen Hundes Rover auf eine anschauliche Art und Weise darstellen. Die Geschichte „Roverandom" wird so durch eine ganz eigene Bildsprache visuell begleitet und f{\"u}r interessierte Leser:innen neu ge{\"o}ffnet.}, language = {de} } @article{VoegeleJosyabhatlaBalletal.2023, author = {V{\"o}gele, Stefan and Josyabhatla, Vishnu Teja and Ball, Christopher Stephen and Rhoden, Imke and Grajewski, Matthias and R{\"u}bbelke, Dirk and Kuckshinrichs, Wilhelm}, title = {Robust assessment of energy scenarios from stakeholders' perspectives}, series = {Energy}, journal = {Energy}, number = {In Press, Article 128326}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1873-6785 (Online)}, doi = {10.1016/j.energy.2023.128326}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Using scenarios is vital in identifying and specifying measures for successfully transforming the energy system. Such transformations can be particularly challenging and require the support of a broader set of stakeholders. Otherwise, there will be opposition in the form of reluctance to adopt the necessary technologies. Usually, processes for considering stakeholders' perspectives are very time-consuming and costly. In particular, there are uncertainties about how to deal with modifications in the scenarios. In principle, new consulting processes will be required. In our study, we show how multi-criteria decision analysis can be used to analyze stakeholders' attitudes toward transition paths. Since stakeholders differ regarding their preferences and time horizons, we employ a multi-criteria decision analysis approach to identify which stakeholders will support or oppose a transition path. We provide a flexible template for analyzing stakeholder preferences toward transition paths. This flexibility comes from the fact that our multi-criteria decision aid-based approach does not involve intensive empirical work with stakeholders. Instead, it involves subjecting assumptions to robustness analysis, which can help identify options to influence stakeholders' attitudes toward transitions.}, language = {en} } @article{RhodenBallGrajewskietal.2023, author = {Rhoden, Imke and Ball, Christopher Stephen and Grajewski, Matthias and Kuckshinrich, Wilhelm}, title = {Reverse engineering of stakeholder preferences - A multi-criteria assessment of the German passenger car sector}, series = {Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews}, volume = {181}, journal = {Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews}, number = {July 2023}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1364-0321}, doi = {10.1016/j.rser.2023.113352}, pages = {Article number: 113352}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Germany is a frontrunner in setting frameworks for the transition to a low-carbon system. The mobility sector plays a significant role in this shift, affecting different people and groups on multiple levels. Without acceptance from these stakeholders, emission targets are out of reach. This research analyzes how the heterogeneous preferences of various stakeholders align with the transformation of the mobility sector, looking at the extent to which the German transformation paths are supported and where stakeholders are located. Under the research objective of comparing stakeholders' preferences to identify which car segments require additional support for a successful climate transition, a status quo of stakeholders and car performance criteria is the foundation for the analysis. Stakeholders' hidden preferences hinder the derivation of criteria weightings from stakeholders; therefore, a ranking from observed preferences is used. This study's inverse multi-criteria decision analysis means that weightings can be predicted and used together with a recalibrated performance matrix to explore future preferences toward car segments. Results show that stakeholders prefer medium-sized cars, with the trend pointing towards the increased potential for alternative propulsion technologies and electrified vehicles. These insights can guide the improved targeting of policy supporting the energy and mobility transformation. Additionally, the method proposed in this work can fully handle subjective approaches while incorporating a priori information. A software implementation of the proposed method completes this work and is made publicly available.}, language = {en} } @article{BertzMolinnusSchoeningetal.2023, author = {Bertz, Morten and Molinnus, Denise and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef and Homma, Takayuki}, title = {Real-time monitoring of H₂O₂ sterilization on individual bacillus atrophaeus spores by optical sensing with trapping Raman spectroscopy}, series = {Chemosensors}, volume = {8}, journal = {Chemosensors}, number = {11}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2227-9040}, doi = {10.3390/chemosensors11080445}, pages = {Artikel 445}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂), a strong oxidizer, is a commonly used sterilization agent employed during aseptic food processing and medical applications. To assess the sterilization efficiency with H₂O₂, bacterial spores are common microbial systems due to their remarkable robustness against a wide variety of decontamination strategies. Despite their widespread use, there is, however, only little information about the detailed time-resolved mechanism underlying the oxidative spore death by H₂O₂. In this work, we investigate chemical and morphological changes of individual Bacillus atrophaeus spores undergoing oxidative damage using optical sensing with trapping Raman microscopy in real-time. The time-resolved experiments reveal that spore death involves two distinct phases: (i) an initial phase dominated by the fast release of dipicolinic acid (DPA), a major spore biomarker, which indicates the rupture of the spore's core; and (ii) the oxidation of the remaining spore material resulting in the subsequent fragmentation of the spores' coat. Simultaneous observation of the spore morphology by optical microscopy corroborates these mechanisms. The dependence of the onset of DPA release and the time constant of spore fragmentation on H₂O₂ shows that the formation of reactive oxygen species from H₂O₂ is the rate-limiting factor of oxidative spore death.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{KruegerStupp2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Kr{\"u}ger, Niklas and Stupp, Anna-Lena}, title = {Raubgut : Zusammenf{\"u}hrung der in Deutschland befindlichen Objekte aus dem ehemaligen K{\"o}nigreich Benin}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {83 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die Benin-Objekte wurden vor 126 Jahren durch britische Kolonialm{\"a}chte aus ihrer Heimat geraubt. Sie wurden {\"u}ber die ganze Welt verstreut und ca. 1500 St{\"u}cke landeten auch in deutschen Museen. Bei den Objekten handelt es sich um das kulturelle Erbe und das Nationalarchiv eines Volkes. In „Raubgut" finden die Leser:innen eine Zusammenf{\"u}hrung aller Objekte, die sich in deutschen Museen befinden. „Raubgut" ist das Ergebnis einer umfangreichen Recherche, in der die erste Zusammenf{\"u}hrung auf bildlicher Ebene in einem Bildarchiv, auf textlicher Ebene u. a. in einer einzigartigen Inventarliste sowie in Texten zum ehemaligen K{\"o}nigreich, dem Kolonialismus und weiteren Themen gegeben ist. Nach all den Jahren wurde am 01. Juli 2022 die vollst{\"a}ndige Eigentums{\"u}bertragung an Nigeria beschlossen. Ob das nun der Grundstein f{\"u}r die Entwicklung der Restitutionsdebatte war, wird sich in Zukunft zeigen.}, language = {de} } @article{PfaffBabilon2023, author = {Pfaff, Raphael and Babilon, Katharina}, title = {Railway Challenge - moderne Auflage der Rainhill Trials?}, series = {ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau}, volume = {2023}, journal = {ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau}, number = {4}, publisher = {DVV Media Group}, address = {Hamburg}, issn = {0013-2845}, pages = {55 -- 58}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die IMechE Railway Challenge wird j{\"a}hrlich in Stapleford, Großbritannien ausgetragen. Im Rahmen der Challenge entwickeln und bauen Studierende eine Lokomotive und vergleichen sich in verschiedenen Disziplinen, darunter eine automatisierte Zielbremsung, optimale Energier{\"u}ckgewinnung beim Bremsen und minimale Ger{\"a}uschemissionen. Neben diesen und weiteren technischen Wettbewerbsdisziplinen treten die Fahrzeuge und die Teams auch in nicht-technischen Disziplinen wie einer Business Case Challenge an.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Stollenwerk2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Stollenwerk, Hannah}, title = {Rabbit Hole : welchen Einfluss digitale Plattformen auf rechte Radikalisierungsprozesse haben}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {141 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Obwohl 2019 als das Jahr rechtsterroristischer Anschl{\"a}ge weltweit gilt und die rechte Szene in den letzten Jahren auch in der gesellschaftlichen Mitte deutlich an Zuwachs gewinnen konnte, ist das Thema rund um rechtsextreme Online-Radikalisierung noch verh{\"a}ltnism{\"a}ßig wenig erforscht. Laut Expert*innen ist dabei jeder Mensch potenziell f{\"u}r eine Radikalisierung anf{\"a}llig, wenn es die Umst{\"a}nde beg{\"u}nstigen. Dass unsere Leben on- und offline immer weiter miteinander verschmelzen, erh{\"o}ht die Gefahr f{\"u}r eine m{\"o}gliche Radikalisierung zus{\"a}tzlich. »Rabbit Hole« wurde als monothematisch erscheinende Bookazine-Reihe konzipiert, welche pro Ausgabe ein Thema rund um die Gefahren, Herausforderungen und Ph{\"a}nomene, die das Internet und digitale Plattformen mit sich bringen, beleuchtet. Sie soll zur Aufkl{\"a}rung von insbesondere jungen Erwachsenen beitragen. Die erste Ausgabe wurde beispielhaft ausgearbeitet.}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-10805, title = {Pr{\"u}fungsordnung f{\"u}r die Bachelorstudieng{\"a}nge „Biotechnologie" und „Biotechnologie mit Praxis- oder Auslandssemester" im Fachbereich Chemie und Biotechnologie an der FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, organization = {FH Aachen}, pages = {12 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {\S 1 | Geltungsbereich der Pr{\"u}fungsordnung \S 2 | Ziel des Studiums, Zweck der Pr{\"u}fung, Abschlussgrad \S 3 | Beginn, Dauer, Umfang und Gliederung des Studiums \S 4 | Zugang zum Studium, Praktikum \S 5 | Pr{\"u}fungsausschuss \S 6 | Studien- und Pr{\"u}fungselemente \S 7 | Zulassung zu den Pr{\"u}fungen \S 8 | Durchf{\"u}hrung von Pr{\"u}fungen \S 9 | Verbesserungsversuch \S 10 | Anrechnung von Studienzeiten, Studien- und Pr{\"u}fungsleistungen \S 11 | Praxissemester \S 12 | Mobilit{\"a}tssemester (Auslandssemester) \S 13 | Bachelorprojekt\S 14 | Gesamtnote, Zeugnis, Bachelorurkunde \S 15 | Inkrafttreten, Ver{\"o}ffentlichung Anlage 1 | Studienplan Kernstudium Anlage 2 | Allgemeine Kompetenzen}, language = {de} } @article{DellmannGloriusLitvinovetal.2023, author = {Dellmann, Sophia Florence and Glorius, J. and Litvinov, Yu A. and Reifarth, R. and Al-Khasawneh, Kafa and Aliotta, M. and Bott, L. and Br{\"u}ckner, Benjamin and Bruno, C. G. and Chen, Ruijiu and Davinson, T. and Dickel, T. and Dillmann, Iris and Dmytriev, D. and Erbacher, P. and Freire-Fern{\´a}ndez, D. and Forstner, Oliver and Geissel, H. and G{\"o}bel, K. and Griffin, Christopher J. and Grisenti, R. and Gumberidze, Alexandre and Haettner, Emma and Hagmann, Siegbert and Heil, M. and Heß, R. and Hillenbrand, P.-M. and Joseph, R. and Jurado, B. and Kozhuharov, Christophor and Kulikov, I. and L{\"o}her, Bastian and Langer, Christoph and Leckenby, Guy and Lederer-Woods, C. and Lestinsky, M. and Litvinov, S. A. and Lorenz, B. A. and Lorenz, E. and Marsh, J. and Menz, Esther Babette and Morgenroth, T. and Petridis, N. and Pibernat, Jerome and Popp, U. and Psaltis, Athanasios and Sanjari, Shahab and Scheidenberger, C. and Sguazzin, M. and Sidhu, Ragandeep Singh and Spillmann, Uwe and Steck, M. and St{\"o}hlker, T. and Surzhykov, A. and Swartz, J. A. and T{\"o}rnqvist, H. and Varga, L. and Vescovi, Diego and Weick, H. and Weigand, M. and Woods, P. and Xing, Y. and Yamaguchi, Taiyo}, title = {Proton capture on stored radioactive ¹¹⁸Te ions}, series = {EPJ Web of Conferences}, volume = {279}, journal = {EPJ Web of Conferences}, number = {Article Number: 11018}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, issn = {2100-014X}, doi = {10.1051/epjconf/202327911018}, pages = {1 -- 5}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Experimental determination of the cross sections of proton capture on radioactive nuclei is extremely difficult. Therefore, it is of substantial interest for the understanding of the production of the p-nuclei. For the first time, a direct measurement of proton-capture cross sections on stored, radioactive ions became possible in an energy range of interest for nuclear astrophysics. The experiment was performed at the Experimental Storage Ring (ESR) at GSI by making use of a sensitive method to measure (p,γ) and (p,n) reactions in inverse kinematics. These reaction channels are of high relevance for the nucleosyn-thesis processes in supernovae, which are among the most violent explosions in the universe and are not yet well understood. The cross section of the ¹¹⁸Te(p,γ) reaction has been measured at energies of 6 MeV/u and 7 MeV/u. The heavy ions interacted with a hydrogen gas jet target. The radiative recombination process of the fully stripped ¹¹⁸Te ions and electrons from the hydrogen target was used as a luminosity monitor. An overview of the experimental method and preliminary results from the ongoing analysis will be presented.}, language = {en} } @incollection{SchultLosseCzarneckietal.2023, author = {Schult, Prince Garcia and Losse, Ann-Kathrin and Czarnecki, Christian and Sultanow, Eldar}, title = {Proposing a Framework to address the Sustainable Development Goals}, series = {EnviroInfo 2023}, booktitle = {EnviroInfo 2023}, publisher = {GI - Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {978-3-88579-736-4}, issn = {1617-5468}, doi = {10.18420/env2023-022}, pages = {243 -- 249}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Reducing poverty, protecting the planet, and improving life on earth for everyone are the essential goals of the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development"committed by the United Nations (UN). Achieving those goals will require technological innovation as well as their implementation in almost all areas of our business and day-to-day life. This paper proposes a high-level framework that collects and structures different uses cases addressing the goals defined by the UN. Hence, it contributes to the discussion by proposing technical innovations that can be used to achieve those goals. As an example, the goal "Climate Action{\"i}s discussed in detail by describing use cases related to tackling biodiversity loss in order to conservate ecosystems.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{TreulingCzarneckiWolf2023, author = {Treuling, Clemens and Czarnecki, Christian and Wolf, Martin R.}, title = {Projekt WiLMo - Wirtschaftsinformatik Lehr- und Lernmodule}, series = {Angewandte Forschung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik 2023 : Tagungsband zur 36. AKWI-Jahrestagung}, booktitle = {Angewandte Forschung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik 2023 : Tagungsband zur 36. AKWI-Jahrestagung}, pages = {161 -- 169}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die potenziellen Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf die Lehre sind seit langem Gegenstand ausf{\"u}hrlicher Diskussionen innerhalb der Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) (z. B. in Auth et al. 2021, Barton et al. 2019, Klotz et al. 2019). Nicht zuletzt der in nahezu allen Wirtschaftszweigen bestehende Mangel an qualifizierten Fachkr{\"a}ften lenkt den Diskurs auf einen verbesserten Zugang zu Bildung und gleichen Bildungschancen. Aus dieser Vision heraus und dem Schub der Digitalisierung entstehen Bildungskonzepte wie Open Educational Resources (OER), die gesellschaftlichen Problemen, wie dem des Fachkr{\"a}ftemangels, entgegenwirken sollen. Im Rahmen dieses Kurzbeitrags wird das Projekt WiLMo - "Wirtschaftsinformatik Lehr- und Lernmodule" vorgestellt. WiLMo wird im Rahmen von OERContent.nrw unter Beteiligung von sechs Hochschulen entwickelt und gef{\"o}rdert. Alle Projektbeteiligten arbeiten gemeinsam daran, einheitliche digitale Lehr- und Lernmaterialien im OER-Format f{\"u}r die Kernmodule der Wirtschaftsinformatik zu entwickeln und in garantiert hoher Qualit{\"a}t zur Verf{\"u}gung zu stellen.}, language = {de} } @incollection{HeimesKampkerDornetal.2023, author = {Heimes, Heiner Hans and Kampker, Achim and Dorn, Benjamin and Kehrer, Mario and D{\"u}nnwald, Simon and Badura, Dennis and Terren, Maximilian and R{\"o}th, Thilo}, title = {Produktionsprozesse der Fahrzeugstruktur}, series = {Elektromobilit{\"a}t: Grundlagen einer Fortschrittstechnologie}, booktitle = {Elektromobilit{\"a}t: Grundlagen einer Fortschrittstechnologie}, editor = {Kampker, Achim and Heimes, Heiner Hans}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-662-65811-6 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-65812-3_13}, pages = {227 -- 247}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @article{MuesgenanntKoersMcNeilRadchenkoetal.2023, author = {Mues genannt Koers, Lucas and McNeil, S. W. and Radchenko, V. and Paulßen, Elisabeth and Hoehr, Cornelia}, title = {Production of Co-58m in a siphon-style liquid target on a medical cyclotron}, volume = {195}, number = {Art. 110734}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0969-8043}, doi = {10.1016/j.apradiso.2023.110734}, year = {2023}, abstract = {We present the production of 58mCo on a small, 13 MeV medical cyclotron utilizing a siphon style liquid target system. Different concentrated iron(III)-nitrate solutions of natural isotopic distribution were irradiated at varying initial pressures and subsequently separated by solid phase extraction chromatography. The radio cobalt (58m/gCo and 56Co) was successfully produced with saturation activities of (0.35 ± 0.03) MBq μA-1 for 58mCo with a separation recovery of (75 ± 2) \% of cobalt after one separation step utilizing LN-resin.}, language = {en} } @article{ThomaThomessenGardietal.2023, author = {Thoma, Andreas and Thomessen, Karolin and Gardi, Alessandro and Fisher, A. and Braun, Carsten}, title = {Prioritising paths: An improved cost function for local path planning for UAV in medical applications}, series = {The Aeronautical Journal}, journal = {The Aeronautical Journal}, number = {First View}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {Cambridge}, issn = {0001-9240 (Print)}, doi = {10.1017/aer.2023.68}, pages = {1 -- 18}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Even the shortest flight through unknown, cluttered environments requires reliable local path planning algorithms to avoid unforeseen obstacles. The algorithm must evaluate alternative flight paths and identify the best path if an obstacle blocks its way. Commonly, weighted sums are used here. This work shows that weighted Chebyshev distances and factorial achievement scalarising functions are suitable alternatives to weighted sums if combined with the 3DVFH* local path planning algorithm. Both methods considerably reduce the failure probability of simulated flights in various environments. The standard 3DVFH* uses a weighted sum and has a failure probability of 50\% in the test environments. A factorial achievement scalarising function, which minimises the worst combination of two out of four objective functions, reaches a failure probability of 26\%; A weighted Chebyshev distance, which optimises the worst objective, has a failure probability of 30\%. These results show promise for further enhancements and to support broader applicability.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{GreinerJerominSitholeetal.2023, author = {Greiner, Lasse and Jeromin, G{\"u}nter Erich and Sithole, Patience and Petersen, Soenke}, title = {Preprint: Studies on the enzymatic reduction of levulinic acid using Chiralidon-R and Chiralidon-S}, series = {ChemRxiv}, journal = {ChemRxiv}, doi = {10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-jlvcv}, pages = {13 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The enzymatic reduction of levulinic acid by the chiral catalysts Chiralidon-R and Chiralidon-S which are commercially available superabsorbed alcohol dehydrogenases is described. The Chiralidon®-R/S reduces the levulinic acid to the (R,S)-4-hydroxy valeric acid and the (R)- or (S)- gamma-valerolactone.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{BornheimGriegerBlanecketal.2023, author = {Bornheim, Tobias and Grieger, Niklas and Blaneck, Patrick Gustav and Bialonski, Stephan}, title = {Preprint: Speaker attribution in German parliamentary debates with QLoRA-adapted large language models}, series = {arXiv}, journal = {arXiv}, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2309.09902}, pages = {8 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The growing body of political texts opens up new opportunities for rich insights into political dynamics and ideologies but also increases the workload for manual analysis. Automated speaker attribution, which detects who said what to whom in a speech event and is closely related to semantic role labeling, is an important processing step for computational text analysis. We study the potential of the large language model family Llama 2 to automate speaker attribution in German parliamentary debates from 2017-2021. We fine-tune Llama 2 with QLoRA, an efficient training strategy, and observe our approach to achieve competitive performance in the GermEval 2023 Shared Task On Speaker Attribution in German News Articles and Parliamentary Debates. Our results shed light on the capabilities of large language models in automating speaker attribution, revealing a promising avenue for computational analysis of political discourse and the development of semantic role labeling systems.}, language = {en} } @misc{HilleStumpfMayntzetal.2023, author = {Hille, Sebastian and Stumpf, Eike and Mayntz, Joscha and Dahmann, Peter}, title = {Prediction of sound exposure caused by a landing motor glider with recuperating propellers}, series = {AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum}, journal = {AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum}, publisher = {AIAA}, address = {Reston, Va.}, doi = {10.2514/6.2023-0211}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This paper presents an approach to predicting the sound exposure on the ground caused by a landing aircraft with recuperating propellers. The noise source along the trajectory of a flight specified for a steeper approach is simulated based on measurements of sound power levels and additional parameters of a single propeller placed in a wind tunnel. To validate the measured data/measurement results, these simulations are also supported by overflight measurements of a test aircraft. It is shown that the simple source models of propellers do not provide fully satisfactory results since the sound levels are estimated too low. Nevertheless, with a further reference comparison, margins for an acceptable increase in the sound power level of the aircraft on its now steeper approach path could be estimated. Thus, in this case, a +7 dB increase in SWL would not increase the SEL compared to the conventional approach within only 2 km ahead of the airfield.}, language = {en} } @article{SavitskayaZhantlessovaKistaubayevaetal.2023, author = {Savitskaya, Irina and Zhantlessova, Sirina and Kistaubayeva, Aida and Ignatova, Ludmila and Shokatayeva, Dina and Sinyavsky, Yuriy and Kushugulova, Almagul and Digel, Ilya}, title = {Prebiotic cellulose-pullulan matrix as a "vehicle" for probiotic biofilm delivery to the host large intestine}, series = {Polymers}, journal = {Polymers}, number = {16(1)}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, doi = {10.3390/polym16010030}, pages = {Artikel 30}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This study describes the development of a new combined polysaccharide-matrix-based technology for the immobilization of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) bacteria in biofilm form. The new composition allows for delivering the bacteria to the digestive tract in a manner that improves their robustness compared with planktonic cells and released biofilm cells. Granules consisting of a polysaccharide matrix with probiotic biofilms (PMPB) with high cell density (>9 log CFU/g) were obtained by immobilization in the optimized nutrient medium. Successful probiotic loading was confirmed by fluorescence microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The developed prebiotic polysaccharide matrix significantly enhanced LGG viability under acidic (pH 2.0) and bile salt (0.3\%) stress conditions. Enzymatic extract of feces, mimicking colon fluid in terms of cellulase activity, was used to evaluate the intestinal release of probiotics. PMPB granules showed the ability to gradually release a large number of viable LGG cells in the model colon fluid. In vivo, the oral administration of PMPB granules in rats resulted in the successful release of probiotics in the colon environment. The biofilm-forming incubation method of immobilization on a complex polysaccharide matrix tested in this study has shown high efficacy and promising potential for the development of innovative biotechnologies.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ThomaStiemerBraunetal.2023, author = {Thoma, Andreas and Stiemer, Luc and Braun, Carsten and Fisher, Alex and Gardi, Alessandro G.}, title = {Potential of hybrid neural network local path planner for small UAV in urban environments}, series = {AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum}, booktitle = {AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum}, publisher = {AIAA}, address = {Reston, Va.}, doi = {10.2514/6.2023-2359}, pages = {13 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This work proposes a hybrid algorithm combining an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with a conventional local path planner to navigate UAVs efficiently in various unknown urban environments. The proposed method of a Hybrid Artificial Neural Network Avoidance System is called HANNAS. The ANN analyses a video stream and classifies the current environment. This information about the current Environment is used to set several control parameters of a conventional local path planner, the 3DVFH*. The local path planner then plans the path toward a specific goal point based on distance data from a depth camera. We trained and tested a state-of-the-art image segmentation algorithm, PP-LiteSeg. The proposed HANNAS method reaches a failure probability of 17\%, which is less than half the failure probability of the baseline and around half the failure probability of an improved, bio-inspired version of the 3DVFH*. The proposed HANNAS method does not show any disadvantages regarding flight time or flight distance.}, language = {en} } @book{Lauth2023, author = {Lauth, Jakob}, title = {Physical chemistry in a nutshell: Basics for engineers and scientists}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-662-67636-3 (Softcover)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-67637-0}, pages = {XIII, 248 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This book is based on a multimedia course for biological and chemical engineers, which is designed to trigger students' curiosity and initiative. A solid basic knowledge of thermodynamics and kinetics is necessary for understanding many technical, chemical, and biological processes. The one-semester basic lecture course was divided into 12 workshops (chapters). Each chapter covers a practically relevant area of physical chemistry and contains the following didactic elements that make this book particularly exciting and understandable: - Links to Videos at the start of each chapter as preparation for the workshop - Key terms (in bold) for further research of your own - Comprehension questions and calculation exercises with solutions as learning checks - Key illustrations as simple, easy-to-replicate blackboard pictures Humorous cartoons for each workshop (by Faelis) additionally lighten up the text and facilitate the learning process as a mnemonic. To round out the book, the appendix includes a summary of the most popular experiments in basic physical chemistry courses, as well as suggestions for designing workshops with exhibits, experiments, and "questions of the day." Suitable for students minoring in chemistry; chemistry majors are sure to find this slimmed-down, didactically valuable book helpful as well. The book is excellent for self-study.}, language = {en} } @article{KuchlerGuenthnerRibeiroetal.2023, author = {Kuchler, Timon and G{\"u}nthner, Roman and Ribeiro, Andrea and Hausinger, Renate and Streese, Lukas and W{\"o}hnl, Anna and Kesseler, Veronika and Negele, Johanna and Assali, Tarek and Carbajo-Lozoya, Javier and Lech, Maciej and Adorjan, Kristina and Stubbe, Hans Christian and Hanssen, Henner and Kotliar, Konstantin and Haller, Berhard and Heemann, Uwe and Schmaderer, Christoph}, title = {Persistent endothelial dysfunction in post-COVID-19 syndrome and its associations with symptom severity and chronic inflammation}, volume = {26}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {Dordrecht}, doi = {10.1007/s10456-023-09885-6}, pages = {547 -- 563}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Background Post-COVID-19 syndrome (PCS) is a lingering disease with ongoing symptoms such as fatigue and cognitive impairment resulting in a high impact on the daily life of patients. Understanding the pathophysiology of PCS is a public health priority, as it still poses a diagnostic and treatment challenge for physicians. Methods In this prospective observational cohort study, we analyzed the retinal microcirculation using Retinal Vessel Analysis (RVA) in a cohort of patients with PCS and compared it to an age- and gender-matched healthy cohort (n = 41, matched out of n = 204). Measurements and main results PCS patients exhibit persistent endothelial dysfunction (ED), as indicated by significantly lower venular flicker-induced dilation (vFID; 3.42\% ± 1.77\% vs. 4.64\% ± 2.59\%; p = 0.02), narrower central retinal artery equivalent (CRAE; 178.1 [167.5-190.2] vs. 189.1 [179.4-197.2], p = 0.01) and lower arteriolar-venular ratio (AVR; (0.84 [0.8-0.9] vs. 0.88 [0.8-0.9], p = 0.007). When combining AVR and vFID, predicted scores reached good ability to discriminate groups (area under the curve: 0.75). Higher PCS severity scores correlated with lower AVR (R = - 0.37 p = 0.017). The association of microvascular changes with PCS severity were amplified in PCS patients exhibiting higher levels of inflammatory parameters. Conclusion Our results demonstrate that prolonged endothelial dysfunction is a hallmark of PCS, and impairments of the microcirculation seem to explain ongoing symptoms in patients. As potential therapies for PCS emerge, RVA parameters may become relevant as clinical biomarkers for diagnosis and therapy management.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Kleen2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Kleen, Mareike}, title = {Pendelleuchte aus Glas}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {127 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Glas ist seit jeher ein faszinierender Werkstoff. Es findet Anwendung in zahlreichen Gebieten und bietet als Material f{\"u}r Leuchten eine besondere Eleganz. Die Pendelleuchte „Calice di fiori" vereint handwerkliche Kunstfertigkeit und komfortables Design. Sie ist aus mundgeblasenem Glas gefertigt und verleiht durch ihre F{\"a}rbung eine kraftvolle und dynamische Atmosph{\"a}re im Raum. Das besondere Merkmal der Pendelleuchte ist eine {\"O}ffnung, die eine einfache und intuitive Montage erleichtert. Die Pendelleuchte ist mit energieeffizienten LEDs ausgestattet und l{\"a}sst sich mit einem Smart-Home-System bedienen. Die Lichtintensit{\"a}t und Lichtfarbe k{\"o}nnen den individuellen Bed{\"u}rfnissen angepasst werden. „Calice di fiori" mit schnell abnehmbarem Leuchtenschirm f{\"u}gt sich in modern eingerichtete R{\"a}ume ein und bringt einen Hauch Bl{\"u}tenflair mit sich.}, language = {de} } @article{NiedermeierPennerUsherovichetal.2023, author = {Niedermeier, Jana and Penner, Crystal and Usherovich, Samuel and B{\´e}langer-Champagne, Camille and Paulßen, Elisabeth and Hoehr, Cornelia}, title = {Optical Fibers as Dosimeter Detectors for Mixed Proton/Neutron Fields - A Biological Dosimeter}, series = {electronics}, volume = {12}, journal = {electronics}, number = {2}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2079-9292}, doi = {10.3390/electronics12020324}, pages = {11 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In recent years, proton therapy has gained importance as a cancer treatment modality due to its conformality with the tumor and the sparing of healthy tissue. However, in the interaction of the protons with the beam line elements and patient tissues, potentially harmful secondary neutrons are always generated. To ensure that this neutron dose is as low as possible, treatment plans could be created to also account for and minimize the neutron dose. To monitor such a treatment plan, a compact, easy to use, and inexpensive dosimeter must be developed that not only measures the physical dose, but which can also distinguish between proton and neutron contributions. To that end, plastic optical fibers with scintillation materials (Gd₂O₂S:Tb, Gd₂O₂S:Eu, and YVO₄:Eu) were irradiated with protons and neutrons. It was confirmed that sensors with different scintillation materials have different sensitivities to protons and neutrons. A combination of these three scintillators can be used to build a detector array to create a biological dosimeter.}, language = {en} } @article{CheenakulaPaulsenOttetal.2023, author = {Cheenakula, Dheeraja and Paulsen, Svea and Ott, Fabian and Gr{\"o}mping, Markus}, title = {Operational window of a deammonifying sludge for mainstream application in a municipal wastewater treatment plant}, series = {Water and Environment Journal}, volume = {38}, journal = {Water and Environment Journal}, number = {1}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Chichester}, issn = {1747-6593}, doi = {10.1111/wej.12898}, pages = {59 -- 70}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The present work aimed to study the mainstream feasibility of the deammonifying sludge of side stream of municipal wastewater treatment plant (MWWTP) in Kaster, Germany. For this purpose, the deammonifying sludge available at the side stream was investigated for nitrogen (N) removal with respect to the operational factors temperature (15-30°C), pH value (6.0-8.0) and chemical oxygen demand (COD)/N ratio (≤1.5-6.0). The highest and lowest N-removal rates of 0.13 and 0.045 kg/(m³ d) are achieved at 30 and 15°C, respectively. Different conditions of pH and COD/N ratios in the SBRs of Partial nitritation/anammox (PN/A) significantly influenced both the metabolic processes and associated N-removal rates. The scientific insights gained from the current work signifies the possibility of mainstream PN/A at WWTPs. The current study forms a solid basis of operational window for the upcoming semi-technical trails to be conducted prior to the full-scale mainstream PN/A at WWTP Kaster and WWTPs globally.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Kauffmann2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Kauffmann, Michael}, title = {OpenCouch : Therapiesuche leicht gemacht.}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {175 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die Auswirkungen psychischer Erkrankungen stellen ein zunehmendes Thema in unserer Gesellschaft dar. Allein in Deutschland erkranken jedes Jahr ein Viertel aller Menschen psychisch. Besonders seit der Pandemie w{\"a}chst die Nachfrage nach psychotherapeutischer Behandlung stetig an, wodurch die Wartelisten in den Praxen immer l{\"a}nger werden. Betroffene m{\"u}ssen oft ein halbes Jahr oder l{\"a}nger auf einen Therapieplatz warten und sind gezwungen zu nehmen, was gerade frei ist. Dabei ist es f{\"u}r den Therapieerfolg essenziell, dass nicht nur die Therapie auf einen abgestimmt ist, sondern auch die Chemie zwischen Therapeut:in und Patient:in passt. OpenCouch ist eine Anwendung, die Betroffene bei der Therapieplatzsuche unterst{\"u}tzen soll, indem sie Informationen und Tools zur Verf{\"u}gung stellt, um trotz der geringen Verf{\"u}gbarkeit einen Therapieplatz finden zu k{\"o}nnen, der einen Behandlungserfolg garantiert.}, language = {de} } @article{BergPostweilerSteuerDankertLeichtScholten2023, author = {Berg-Postweiler, Julia and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {One size does not fit all: Applying antibias trainings in academia}, series = {The International Journal of Organizational Diversity}, volume = {24}, journal = {The International Journal of Organizational Diversity}, number = {1}, publisher = {Common Ground Research Networks}, issn = {2328-6261 (Print)}, doi = {10.18848/2328-6261/CGP/v24i01/1-23}, pages = {1 -- 23}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Antibias training is increasingly demanded and practiced in academia and industry to increase employees' sensitivity to discrimination, racism, and diversity. Under the heading of "Diversity Management," antibias trainings are mainly offered as one-off workshops intending to raise awareness of unconscious biases, create a diversity-affirming corporate culture, promote awareness of the potential of diversity, and ultimately enable the reflection of diversity in development processes. However, coming from childhood education, research and scientific articles on the sustainable effectiveness of antibias in adulthood, especially in academia, are very scarce. In order to fill this research gap, the article aims to explore how sustainable the effects of individual antibias trainings on participants' behavior are. In order to investigate this, participant observation in a qualitative pre-post setting was conducted, analyzing antibias training in an academic context. Two observers actively participated in the training sessions and documented the activities and reflection processes of the participants. Overall, the results question the effectiveness of single antibias trainings and show that a target-group adaptive approach is mandatory owing to the background of the approach in early childhood education. Therefore, antibias work needs to be adapted to the target group's needs and realities of life. Furthermore, the study reveals that single antibias trainings must be embedded in a holistic diversity management approach to stimulate sustainable reflection processes among the target group. This article is one of the first to scientifically evaluate antibias training effectiveness, especially in engineering sciences and the university context.}, language = {en} } @misc{SteuerDankertBergPostweilerLeichtScholten2023, author = {Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Berg-Postweiler, Julia and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {One does not fit all: applying anti-bias trainings in academia}, series = {Twenty-third international conference on diversity in organizations, communities \& nations June 22 - 23, 2023 Toronto Metropolitan University, Rogers Communication Centre Toronto, Canada}, journal = {Twenty-third international conference on diversity in organizations, communities \& nations June 22 - 23, 2023 Toronto Metropolitan University, Rogers Communication Centre Toronto, Canada}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Anti-bias trainings are increasingly demanded and practiced in academia and industry to increase employees' sensitivity to discrimination, racism, and diversity. Under the heading of "Diversity Management", anti-bias trainings are mainly offered as one-off workshops intending to raise awareness of unconscious biases, create a diversity-affirming corporate culture, awake awareness of the potential of diversity, and ultimately enable the reflection of diversity in development processes. However, coming from childhood education, research and scientific articles on the sustainable effectiveness of anti-bias in adulthood, especially in academia, are very scarce. In order to fill this research gap, the paper explores how sustainable the effects of individual anti-bias trainings on the behavior of participants are. In order to investigate this, participant observation in a qualitative pre-post setting was conducted, analyzing anti-bias trainings in an academic context. Two observers actively participated in the training sessions and documented the activities and reflection processes of the participants. Overall, the results question the effectiveness of single anti-bias trainings and show that a target-group adaptive approach is mandatory due to the background of the approach in early childhood education. Therefore, it can be concluded that anti-bias work needs to be adapted to the target group's needs and reality of life. Furthermore, the study reveals that single anti-bias trainings must be embedded in a holistic diversity management approach to stimulate sustainable reflection processes among the target group. This paper is one of the first to scientifically evaluate anti-bias training effectiveness, especially in engineering sciences and the university context.}, language = {en} } @article{BergmannMoehrenBraunetal.2023, author = {Bergmann, Ole and M{\"o}hren, Felix and Braun, Carsten and Janser, Frank}, title = {On the influence of elasticity on swept propeller noise}, series = {AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum}, journal = {AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum}, publisher = {AIAA}, address = {Reston, Va.}, doi = {10.2514/6.2023-0210}, year = {2023}, abstract = {High aerodynamic efficiency requires propellers with high aspect ratios, while propeller sweep potentially reduces noise. Propeller sweep and high aspect ratios increase elasticity and coupling of structural mechanics and aerodynamics, affecting the propeller performance and noise. Therefore, this paper analyzes the influence of elasticity on forward-swept, backward-swept, and unswept propellers in hover conditions. A reduced-order blade element momentum approach is coupled with a one-dimensional Timoshenko beam theory and Farassat's formulation 1A. The results of the aeroelastic simulation are used as input for the aeroacoustic calculation. The analysis shows that elasticity influences noise radiation because thickness and loading noise respond differently to deformations. In the case of the backward-swept propeller, the location of the maximum sound pressure level shifts forward by 0.5 °, while in the case of the forward-swept propeller, it shifts backward by 0.5 °. Therefore, aeroacoustic optimization requires the consideration of propeller deformation.}, language = {en} } @article{MoehrenBergmannJanseretal.2023, author = {M{\"o}hren, Felix and Bergmann, Ole and Janser, Frank and Braun, Carsten}, title = {On the influence of elasticity on propeller performance: a parametric study}, series = {CEAS Aeronautical Journal}, volume = {14}, journal = {CEAS Aeronautical Journal}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1869-5590 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/s13272-023-00649-y}, pages = {311 -- 323}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The aerodynamic performance of propellers strongly depends on their geometry and, consequently, on aeroelastic deformations. Knowledge of the extent of the impact is crucial for overall aircraft performance. An integrated simulation environment for steady aeroelastic propeller simulations is presented. The simulation environment is applied to determine the impact of elastic deformations on the aerodynamic propeller performance. The aerodynamic module includes a blade element momentum approach to calculate aerodynamic loads. The structural module is based on finite beam elements, according to Timoshenko theory, including moderate deflections. Several fixed-pitch propellers with thin-walled cross sections made of both isotropic and non-isotropic materials are investigated. The essential parameters are varied: diameter, disc loading, sweep, material, rotational, and flight velocity. The relative change of thrust between rigid and elastic blades quantifies the impact of propeller elasticity. Swept propellers of large diameters or low disc loadings can decrease the thrust significantly. High flight velocities and low material stiffness amplify this tendency. Performance calculations without consideration of propeller elasticity can lead to decreased efficiency. To avoid cost- and time-intense redesigns, propeller elasticity should be considered for swept planforms and low disc loadings.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MoehrenBergmannJanseretal.2023, author = {M{\"o}hren, Felix and Bergmann, Ole and Janser, Frank and Braun, Carsten}, title = {On the determination of harmonic propeller loads}, series = {AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum}, booktitle = {AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum}, publisher = {AIAA}, doi = {10.2514/6.2023-2404}, pages = {12 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Dynamic loads significantly impact the structural design of propeller blades due to fatigue and static strength. Since propellers are elastic structures, deformations and aerodynamic loads are coupled. In the past, propeller manufacturers established procedures to determine unsteady aerodynamic loads and the structural response with analytical steady-state calculations. According to the approach, aeroelastic coupling primarily consists of torsional deformations. They neglect bending deformations, deformation velocities, and inertia terms. This paper validates the assumptions above for a General Aviation propeller and a lift propeller for urban air mobility or large cargo drones. Fully coupled reduced-order simulations determine the dynamic loads in the time domain. A quasi-steady blade element momentum approach transfers loads to one-dimensional finite beam elements. The simulation results are in relatively good agreement with the analytical method for the General Aviation propeller but show increasing errors for the slender lift propeller. The analytical approach is modified to consider the induced velocities. Still, inertia and velocity proportional terms play a significant role for the lift propeller due to increased elasticity. The assumption that only torsional deformations significantly impact the dynamic loads of propellers is not valid. Adequate determination of dynamic loads of such designs requires coupled aeroelastic simulations or advanced analytical procedures.}, language = {en} } @article{Gaigall2023, author = {Gaigall, Daniel}, title = {On the applicability of several tests to models with not identically distributed random effects}, series = {Statistics : A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics}, volume = {57}, journal = {Statistics : A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, address = {London}, isbn = {0323-3944}, issn = {1029-4910}, doi = {10.1080/02331888.2023.2193748}, pages = {14 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {We consider Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cram{\´e}r-von-Mises type tests for testing central symmetry, exchangeability, and independence. In the standard case, the tests are intended for the application to independent and identically distributed data with unknown distribution. The tests are available for multivariate data and bootstrap procedures are suitable to obtain critical values. We discuss the applicability of the tests to random effects models, where the random effects are independent but not necessarily identically distributed and with possibly unknown distributions. Theoretical results show the adequacy of the tests in this situation. The quality of the tests in models with random effects is investigated by simulations. Empirical results obtained confirm the theoretical findings. A real data example illustrates the application.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gaigall2023, author = {Gaigall, Daniel}, title = {On selected problems in multivariate analysis}, doi = {10.15488/14304}, pages = {17 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Selected problems in the field of multivariate statistical analysis are treated. Thereby, one focus is on the paired sample case. Among other things, statistical testing problems of marginal homogeneity are under consideration. In detail, properties of Hotelling's T² test in a special parametric situation are obtained. Moreover, the nonparametric problem of marginal homogeneity is discussed on the basis of possibly incomplete data. In the bivariate data case, properties of the Hoeffding-Blum-Kiefer-Rosenblatt independence test statistic on the basis of partly not identically distributed data are investigated. Similar testing problems are treated within the scope of the application of a result for the empirical process of the concomitants for partly categorial data. Furthermore, testing changes in the modeled solvency capital requirement of an insurance company by means of a paired sample from an internal risk model is discussed. Beyond the paired sample case, a new asymptotic relative efficiency concept based on the expected volumes of multidimensional confidence regions is introduced. Besides, a new approach for the treatment of the multi-sample goodness-of-fit problem is presented. Finally, a consistent test for the treatment of the goodness-of-fit problem is developed for the background of huge or infinite dimensional data.}, language = {en} } @article{RingersBialonskiEgeetal.2023, author = {Ringers, Christa and Bialonski, Stephan and Ege, Mert and Solovev, Anton and Hansen, Jan Niklas and Jeong, Inyoung and Friedrich, Benjamin M. and Jurisch-Yaksi, Nathalie}, title = {Novel analytical tools reveal that local synchronization of cilia coincides with tissue-scale metachronal waves in zebrafish multiciliated epithelia}, series = {eLife}, volume = {12}, journal = {eLife}, publisher = {eLife Sciences Publications}, issn = {2050-084X}, doi = {10.7554/eLife.77701}, pages = {27 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Motile cilia are hair-like cell extensions that beat periodically to generate fluid flow along various epithelial tissues within the body. In dense multiciliated carpets, cilia were shown to exhibit a remarkable coordination of their beat in the form of traveling metachronal waves, a phenomenon which supposedly enhances fluid transport. Yet, how cilia coordinate their regular beat in multiciliated epithelia to move fluids remains insufficiently understood, particularly due to lack of rigorous quantification. We combine experiments, novel analysis tools, and theory to address this knowledge gap. To investigate collective dynamics of cilia, we studied zebrafish multiciliated epithelia in the nose and the brain. We focused mainly on the zebrafish nose, due to its conserved properties with other ciliated tissues and its superior accessibility for non-invasive imaging. We revealed that cilia are synchronized only locally and that the size of local synchronization domains increases with the viscosity of the surrounding medium. Even though synchronization is local only, we observed global patterns of traveling metachronal waves across the zebrafish multiciliated epithelium. Intriguingly, these global wave direction patterns are conserved across individual fish, but different for left and right noses, unveiling a chiral asymmetry of metachronal coordination. To understand the implications of synchronization for fluid pumping, we used a computational model of a regular array of cilia. We found that local metachronal synchronization prevents steric collisions, i.e., cilia colliding with each other, and improves fluid pumping in dense cilia carpets, but hardly affects the direction of fluid flow. In conclusion, we show that local synchronization together with tissue-scale cilia alignment coincide and generate metachronal wave patterns in multiciliated epithelia, which enhance their physiological function of fluid pumping.}, language = {en} } @article{HaegerProbstJaegeretal.2023, author = {Haeger, Gerrit and Probst, Johanna and Jaeger, Karl-Erich and Bongaerts, Johannes and Siegert, Petra}, title = {Novel aminoacylases from Streptomyces griseus DSM 40236 and their recombinant production in Streptomyces lividans}, series = {FEBS Open Bio}, volume = {13}, journal = {FEBS Open Bio}, number = {12}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Hoboken, NJ}, issn = {2211-5463}, doi = {10.1002/2211-5463.13723}, pages = {2224 -- 2238}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Amino acid-based surfactants are valuable compounds for cosmetic formulations. The chemical synthesis of acyl-amino acids is conventionally performed by the Schotten-Baumann reaction using fatty acyl chlorides, but aminoacylases have also been investigated for use in biocatalytic synthesis with free fatty acids. Aminoacylases and their properties are diverse; they belong to different peptidase families and show differences in substrate specificity and biocatalytic potential. Bacterial aminoacylases capable of synthesis have been isolated from Burkholderia, Mycolicibacterium, and Streptomyces. Although several proteases and peptidases from S. griseus have been described, no aminoacylases from this species have been identified yet. In this study, we investigated two novel enzymes produced by S. griseus DSM 40236ᵀ . We identified and cloned the respective genes and recombinantly expressed an α-aminoacylase (EC, designated SgAA, and an ε-lysine acylase (EC, designated SgELA, in S. lividans TK23. The purified aminoacylase SgAA was biochemically characterized, focusing on its hydrolytic activity to determine temperature- and pH optima and stabilities. The aminoacylase could hydrolyze various acetyl-amino acids at the Nα -position with a broad specificity regarding the sidechain. Substrates with longer acyl chains, like lauroyl-amino acids, were hydrolyzed to a lesser extent. Purified aminoacylase SgELA specific for the hydrolysis of Nε -acetyl-L-lysine was unstable and lost its enzymatic activity upon storage for a longer period but could initially be characterized. The pH optimum of SgELA was pH 8.0. While synthesis of acyl-amino acids was not observed with SgELA, SgAA catalyzed the synthesis of lauroyl-methionine.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Fleissner2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Fleißner, Annette Michaela}, title = {Niemals gut genug : Narzissmus bei Frauen in der Mutter-Tochter-Beziehung}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {185 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Narzissmus ist ein vielgenutzter Begriff. H{\"a}ufig wird er im Kontext toxischer Beziehungen verwendet. Nur selten wird das Leben von Frauen thematisiert, deren Mutter narzisstisch ist. Die Graphic Novel „Niemals gut genug" leistet einen Beitrag zu diesem wenig beachteten Thema. „Niemals gut genug" schildert anhand von illustrierten Kurzgeschichten allt{\"a}gliche Situationen von T{\"o}chtern narzisstischer M{\"u}tter. Die Kurzgeschichten ber{\"u}cksichtigen die Vielfalt narzisstischer Pers{\"o}nlichkeitsst{\"o}rungen und werfen ein Schlaglicht auf die Vergangenheit narzisstischer M{\"u}tter. Dadurch r{\"u}ckt auch die transgenerationale Weitergabe von Narzissmus in den Fokus. „Niemals gut genug" stellt einen einf{\"u}hlsamen Zugang zu diesem sensiblen Thema dar und hilft dadurch Betroffenen beim Verstehen und Genesen.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Schlepuetz2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Schlep{\"u}tz, Nico}, title = {News Flow : Nachrichten- und Informationsprozesse im digitalen Wandel}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {89 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {"News Flow" Nachrichten- und Informationsprozesse im digitalen Wandel. In der digitalen Welt sind wir von Informationen aus unterschiedlichen Medien umgeben. Die st{\"a}ndige Verf{\"u}gbarkeit f{\"u}hrt zu {\"U}berforderung und Orientierungslosigkeit. Junge Menschen bevorzugen Streaming und Social Media gegen{\"u}ber traditionellen Nachrichten. Angesichts globaler Krisen und Desinformation sind innovative L{\"o}sungen wichtig, um den Informationsfluss zu verbessern. "News Flow" ist eine digitale Anwendung f{\"u}r Alternativen des Nachrichtenkonsums. Sie ber{\"u}cksichtigt individuelle Bed{\"u}rfnisse und nutzt moderne Technologien. Durch die visuelle Vermittlung wird das Interesse an Nachrichten gesteigert und junge Zielgruppen angesprochen. Diese Arbeit stellt sich den Herausforderungen des digitalen Wandels im Nachrichtenbereich und er{\"o}ffnet eine neue Perspektive auf den Nachrichtenkonsum.}, language = {de} } @article{FalkenbergVossBottetal.2023, author = {Falkenberg, Fabian and Voß, Leonie and Bott, Michael and Bongaerts, Johannes and Siegert, Petra}, title = {New robust subtilisins from halotolerant and halophilic Bacillaceae}, series = {Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology}, volume = {107}, journal = {Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1432-0614}, doi = {10.1007/s00253-023-12553-w}, pages = {3939 -- 3954}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The aim of the present study was the characterisation of three true subtilisins and one phylogenetically intermediate subtilisin from halotolerant and halophilic microorganisms. Considering the currently growing enzyme market for efficient and novel biocatalysts, data mining is a promising source for novel, as yet uncharacterised enzymes, especially from halophilic or halotolerant Bacillaceae, which offer great potential to meet industrial needs. Both halophilic bacteria Pontibacillus marinus DSM 16465ᵀ and Alkalibacillus haloalkaliphilus DSM 5271ᵀ and both halotolerant bacteria Metabacillus indicus DSM 16189 and Litchfieldia alkalitelluris DSM 16976ᵀ served as a source for the four new subtilisins SPPM, SPAH, SPMI and SPLA. The protease genes were cloned and expressed in Bacillus subtilis DB104. Purification to apparent homogeneity was achieved by ethanol precipitation, desalting and ion-exchange chromatography. Enzyme activity could be observed between pH 5.0-12.0 with an optimum for SPPM, SPMI and SPLA around pH 9.0 and for SPAH at pH 10.0. The optimal temperature for SPMI and SPLA was 70 °C and for SPPM and SPAH 55 °C and 50 °C, respectively. All proteases showed high stability towards 5\% (w/v) SDS and were active even at NaCl concentrations of 5 M. The four proteases demonstrate potential for future biotechnological applications.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Laack2023, author = {Laack, Walter van}, title = {Nahtoderfahrungen, Sterben und Tod aus der Perspektive von Medizin, Naturwissenschaften und Philosophie}, series = {Thanatologie im deutschsprachigen Raum - Interdisziplin{\"a}re Perspektiven}, booktitle = {Thanatologie im deutschsprachigen Raum - Interdisziplin{\"a}re Perspektiven}, editor = {Ortmanns, Bruno and Brauers, Angelika}, publisher = {Rediroma-Verlag}, isbn = {978-3-98527-661-5}, pages = {129 -- 139}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Heising2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Heising, Michelle}, title = {Nachhaltige Gestaltung im urbanen {\"o}ffentlichen Raum : erneuerbare Energien in Begegnungsr{\"a}ume integrieren}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {83 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {RƎURB (Reurbanization \& Renewable Energy) ist ein Konzept zur Integration von erneuerbaren Energien in einen urbanen Begegnungsraum. Es beinhaltet das Design eines skulpturalen Kleinwindkraftwerks und eines Solar-Pavillons mit einer Sitzlandschaft f{\"u}r einen energieautarken, {\"o}ffentlichen Platz. Durch die Integration eines W-LAN Hotspots und Ladem{\"o}glichkeiten in der Sitzlandschaft bringt RƎURB nicht nur gr{\"u}nen Strom in die Stadt, sondern gew{\"a}hrleistet der Bev{\"o}lkerung auch Zugang zur Digitalisierung und einen kostenlosen Arbeitsraum. Windturbine: Herk{\"o}mmliche Windr{\"a}der k{\"o}nnen in der Stadt nicht genutzt werden. Die RƎURB-Winds{\"a}ule ist darauf spezialisiert, die urbanen Winde aus allen Richtungen aufzunehmen und funktioniert schon bei einem leichten Windstoß. Durch das elegante Design lassen sich die Technologien als {\"a}sthetischen Blickfang in das moderne Stadtbild integrieren.}, language = {de} } @article{LiphardtFernandezGonzaloAlbrachtetal.2023, author = {Liphardt, Anna-Maria and Fernandez-Gonzalo, Rodrigo and Albracht, Kirsten and Rittweger, J{\"o}rn and Vico, Laurence}, title = {Musculoskeletal research in human space flight - unmet needs for the success of crewed deep space exploration}, series = {npj Microgravity}, volume = {9}, journal = {npj Microgravity}, number = {Article number: 9}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, issn = {2373-8065}, doi = {10.1038/s41526-023-00258-3}, pages = {1 -- 9}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Based on the European Space Agency (ESA) Science in Space Environment (SciSpacE) community White Paper "Human Physiology - Musculoskeletal system", this perspective highlights unmet needs and suggests new avenues for future studies in musculoskeletal research to enable crewed exploration missions. The musculoskeletal system is essential for sustaining physical function and energy metabolism, and the maintenance of health during exploration missions, and consequently mission success, will be tightly linked to musculoskeletal function. Data collection from current space missions from pre-, during-, and post-flight periods would provide important information to understand and ultimately offset musculoskeletal alterations during long-term spaceflight. In addition, understanding the kinetics of the different components of the musculoskeletal system in parallel with a detailed description of the molecular mechanisms driving these alterations appears to be the best approach to address potential musculoskeletal problems that future exploratory-mission crew will face. These research efforts should be accompanied by technical advances in molecular and phenotypic monitoring tools to provide in-flight real-time feedback.}, language = {en} } @article{KarschuckSchmidtAchtsnichtetal.2023, author = {Karschuck, Tobias and Schmidt, Stefan and Achtsnicht, Stefan and Poghossian, Arshak and Wagner, Patrick and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Multiplexing system for automated characterization of a capacitive field-effect sensor array}, series = {Physica Status Solidi A}, volume = {220}, journal = {Physica Status Solidi A}, number = {22}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {1862-6300 (Print)}, doi = {10.1002/pssa.202300265}, pages = {7 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In comparison to single-analyte devices, multiplexed systems for a multianalyte detection offer a reduced assay time and sample volume, low cost, and high throughput. Herein, a multiplexing platform for an automated quasi-simultaneous characterization of multiple (up to 16) capacitive field-effect sensors by the capacitive-voltage (C-V) and the constant-capacitance (ConCap) mode is presented. The sensors are mounted in a newly designed multicell arrangement with one common reference electrode and are electrically connected to the impedance analyzer via the base station. A Python script for the automated characterization of the sensors executes the user-defined measurement protocol. The developed multiplexing system is tested for pH measurements and the label-free detection of ligand-stabilized, charged gold nanoparticles.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Raring2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Raring, Theresa}, title = {Multimar Wattforum : die Entwicklung eines neuen Erscheinungsbildes}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {85 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Das Multimar Wattforum ist das gr{\"o}ßte Informationszentrum zum Thema Wattenmeer in Deutschland. Auf {\"u}ber 3000 Quadratmetern k{\"o}nnen große und kleine Besucher:innen eine interaktive Ausstellung {\"u}ber Wale, Watt und Weltnaturerbe bestaunen. Das Wattenmeer ist ein ganz besonderer Lebensraum und bietet vielen Lebewesen Zuflucht. Es wird durch die Gezeiten gepr{\"a}gt, bei Ebbe trocken und der Sonne ausgesetzt, bei Flut nass und salzig. Das neue Erscheinungsbild f{\"u}r das Multimar Wattforum soll die zentralen Werte und Alleinstellungsmerkmale hervorheben und dem Informationszentrum helfen, seiner Aufgabe als bildende, wissenschaftliche und sch{\"u}tzende Einrichtung gerecht zu werden. So wurde ein einheitliches und skalierbares Erscheinungsbild und eine flexible Bild- und Wortmarke entwickel}, language = {de} } @article{AdelsElbersDiehletal.2023, author = {Adels, Klaudia and Elbers, Gereon and Diehl, Bernd and Monakhova, Yulia}, title = {Multicomponent analysis of dietary supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin: comparative low- and high-field NMR spectroscopic study}, series = {Analytical Sciences}, volume = {2023}, journal = {Analytical Sciences}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, address = {Cham}, issn = {1348-2246 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/s44211-023-00433-2}, pages = {13 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {With the prevalence of glucosamine- and chondroitin-containing dietary supplements for people with osteoarthritis in the marketplace, it is important to have an accurate and reproducible analytical method for the quantitation of these compounds in finished products. NMR spectroscopic method based both on low- (80 MHz) and high- (500-600 MHz) field NMR instrumentation was established, compared and validated for the determination of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine in dietary supplements. The proposed method was applied for analysis of 20 different dietary supplements. In the majority of cases, quantification results obtained on the low-field NMR spectrometer are similar to those obtained with high-field 500-600 MHz NMR devices. Validation results in terms of accuracy, precision, reproducibility, limit of detection and recovery demonstrated that the developed method is fit for purpose for the marketed products. The NMR method was extended to the analysis of methylsulfonylmethane, adulterant maltodextrin, acetate and inorganic ions. Low-field NMR can be a quicker and cheaper alternative to more expensive high-field NMR measurements for quality control of the investigated dietary supplements. High-field NMR instrumentation can be more favorable for samples with complex composition due to better resolution, simultaneously giving the possibility of analysis of inorganic species such as potassium and chloride.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Begas2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Begas, Philipp}, title = {Modulares Regalsystem : Stauraumm{\"o}bel f{\"u}r den Bereich Office / Homeoffice}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {117 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Das modulare Regalsystem „MOR{\´E}" ist ein Stauraumm{\"o}bel, welches sich im Bereich des (Home) Office einordnet. Das Produkt dient zur Aufbewahrung von B{\"u}romaterialien und verbessert die Ger{\"a}uschkulisse sowie die Beschaffenheit am Arbeitsplatz. Die potenzielle K{\"a}ufergruppe befindet sich im Alter von 25-67 Jahren, im gew{\"o}hnlichen Arbeitsalter Zeitraum (obere Mittelschicht). Im Fokus des Regalsystems steht der besonders freundliche Auf- und Abbau, welcher werkzeuglos erfolgt. Es ist in verschiedene Richtungen erweiterbar (Steckverbindung) und bietet unendlichen Spielraum der Gestaltung. Durch verschiedenfarbige Kennzeichnungen bietet das Regal ein Ordnungssystem, wodurch schnelleres Finden und Sortieren von Unterlagen m{\"o}glich ist (Grundordnung). Die R{\"u}ckw{\"a}nde dienen neben der Stabilit{\"a}t als Akustik-/ und Sichtschutz. Das Produkt passt sich jeder Raumsituation individuell an. Ist „MOR{\´E}" dein n{\"a}chstes Regalsystem?}, language = {de} } @incollection{Engelmann2023, author = {Engelmann, Ulrich M.}, title = {Moderationsexpertise - Onlinemoderation}, series = {IT-Servicemanagement}, booktitle = {IT-Servicemanagement}, editor = {Lindinger, Markus and Bartsch, Oliver}, publisher = {T{\"U}V-Verlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-8249-1154-7}, pages = {Kapitel 05532}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Damit Sie auch in den immer h{\"a}ufiger werdenden Onlineveranstaltungen als Moderator gut bestehen, sollten Sie wissen, was bei der Onlinemoderation im Besonderen zu beachten ist. In diesem dritten Teil der Beitragsserie erfahren Sie, warum online anders als offline ist. Die technischen M{\"o}glichkeiten werden vorgestellt und auch wie diese zu nutzen sind. Schließlich erhalten Sie Tipps, die Sie beim Sprechen online beachten sollten.}, language = {de} } @incollection{EngelmannBaumann2023, author = {Engelmann, Ulrich M. and Baumann, Martin}, title = {Moderationsexpertise - die Methoden}, series = {IT-Servicemanagement}, booktitle = {IT-Servicemanagement}, editor = {Lindinger, Markus and Bartsch, Oliver}, edition = {54. Update}, publisher = {T{\"U}V-Verlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-8249-1154-7}, pages = {Kapitel 05531}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Damit Sie als Moderator effektiv und professionell moderieren k{\"o}nnen, sollten Sie die entsprechenden Methoden kennen. Mit den richtigen Methoden k{\"o}nnen Sie Diskussionen leiten, Konflikte l{\"o}sen, die Teilnehmer motivieren und daf{\"u}r sorgen, dass die Ziele der Veranstaltung erreicht werden. Außerdem helfen sie Ihnen, eine positive Atmosph{\"a}re zu schaffen und das Interesse der Teilnehmer zu halten. In diesem zweiten Beitrag der mehrteiligen Serie lernen Sie die grunds{\"a}tzlichen Methoden kennen, um erfolgreiche Teamsitzungen, Arbeitsgruppentreffen, Kick-offs und Meetings durchzuf{\"u}hren.}, language = {de} } @incollection{EngelmannBaumann2023, author = {Engelmann, Ulrich M. and Baumann, Martin}, title = {Moderationsexpertise f{\"u}r QMBs - Onlinemoderation}, series = {Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen}, booktitle = {Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen}, editor = {Herbig, Nicola and Poppelreuter, Stefan}, publisher = {T{\"U}V-Verlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-8249-0714-4}, pages = {Kapitel 10816}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Damit Sie auch in den immer h{\"a}ufiger werdenden Onlineveranstaltungen als Moderator gut bestehen, sollten Sie wissen, was bei der Onlinemoderation im Besonderen zu beachten ist. In diesem dritten Teil der Beitragsserie erfahren Sie, warum online anders als offline ist. Die technischen M{\"o}glichkeiten werden vorgestellt und auch wie diese zu nutzen sind. Schließlich erhalten Sie Tipps, die Sie beim Sprechen online beachten sollten.}, language = {de} } @incollection{EngelmannBaumann2023, author = {Engelmann, Ulrich M. and Baumann, Martin}, title = {Moderationsexpertise f{\"u}r QMBs - die Methoden}, series = {Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen}, booktitle = {Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen}, editor = {Herbig, Nicola and Poppelreuter, Stefan}, edition = {60. Update}, publisher = {T{\"U}V-Verlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-8249-0714-4}, pages = {Kapitel 10815}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Damit Sie als Moderator effektiv und professionell moderieren k{\"o}nnen, sollten Sie die entsprechenden Methoden kennen. Mit den richtigen Methoden k{\"o}nnen Sie Diskussionen leiten, Konflikte l{\"o}sen, die Teilnehmer motivieren und daf{\"u}r sorgen, dass die Ziele der Veranstaltung erreicht werden. Außerdem helfen sie Ihnen, eine positive Atmosph{\"a}re zu schaffen und das Interesse der Teilnehmer zu halten. In diesem zweiten Beitrag der mehrteiligen Serie lernen Sie die grunds{\"a}tzlichen Methoden kennen, um erfolgreiche Teamsitzungen, Arbeitsgruppentreffen, Kick-offs und Meetings durchzuf{\"u}hren.}, language = {de} } @incollection{EngelmannBaumann2023, author = {Engelmann, Ulrich M. and Baumann, Martin}, title = {Moderationsexpertise f{\"u}r QMBs - die Methoden}, series = {Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement in Dienstleistungsunternehmen}, booktitle = {Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement in Dienstleistungsunternehmen}, editor = {Thomann, Hermann and Tr{\"a}ger, Thomas}, publisher = {T{\"U}V-Verlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-8249-0473-0}, pages = {Kapitel 08631}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Damit Sie als Moderator effektiv und professionell moderieren k{\"o}nnen, sollten Sie die entsprechenden Methoden kennen. Mit den richtigen Methoden k{\"o}nnen Sie Diskussionen leiten, Konflikte l{\"o}sen, die Teilnehmer motivieren und daf{\"u}r sorgen, dass die Ziele der Veranstaltung erreicht werden. Außerdem helfen sie Ihnen, eine positive Atmosph{\"a}re zu schaffen und das Interesse der Teilnehmer zu halten. In diesem zweiten Beitrag der mehrteiligen Serie lernen Sie die grunds{\"a}tzlichen Methoden kennen, um erfolgreiche Teamsitzungen, Arbeitsgruppentreffen, Kick-offs und Meetings durchzuf{\"u}hren.}, language = {de} } @incollection{EngelmannBaumann2023, author = {Engelmann, Ulrich M. and Baumann, Martin}, title = {Moderationsexpertise f{\"u}r QMBs - das Mindset}, series = {Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement in Dienstleistungsunternehmen}, booktitle = {Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement in Dienstleistungsunternehmen}, editor = {Thomann, Hermann and Tr{\"a}ger, Thomas}, publisher = {T{\"U}V-Verlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-8249-0473-0}, pages = {Kapitel 08630}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Teamsitzungen, Arbeitsgruppentreffen, Kickoffs und Meetings - sie alle werden mit dem Ziel durchgef{\"u}hrt, innerhalb einer vorgegebenen Zeitspanne ein gemeinsames Arbeitsziel zu erreichen. Damit die Zielerreichung auch bei komplexeren Arbeitsauftr{\"a}gen nicht vom Zufall abh{\"a}ngt, empfiehlt es sich, die Leitung des Ablaufs einem Moderator zu {\"u}bertragen. In diesem Beitrag einer mehrteiligen Serie wird beschrieben, {\"u}ber welches Mindset der Moderator verf{\"u}gen sollte, welche grunds{\"a}tzlichen Methoden hilfreich sind und was bei der Onlinemoderation im Besonderen zu beachten ist.}, language = {de} } @incollection{EngelmannBaumann2023, author = {Engelmann, Ulrich M. and Baumann, Martin}, title = {Moderationsexpertise - das Mindset}, series = {IT-Servicemanagement}, booktitle = {IT-Servicemanagement}, editor = {Lindinger, Markus and Bartsch, Oliver}, edition = {54. Update}, publisher = {T{\"U}V-Verlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-8249-1154-7}, pages = {Kapitel 05530}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Teamsitzungen, Arbeitsgruppentreffen, Kickoffs und Meetings - sie alle werden mit dem Ziel durchgef{\"u}hrt, innerhalb einer vorgegebenen Zeitspanne ein gemeinsames Arbeitsziel zu erreichen. Damit die Zielerreichung auch bei komplexeren Arbeitsauftr{\"a}gen nicht vom Zufall abh{\"a}ngt, empfiehlt es sich, die Leitung des Ablaufs einem Moderator zu {\"u}bertragen. In diesem Beitrag einer dreiteiligen Serie wird beschrieben, {\"u}ber welches Mindset der Moderator verf{\"u}gen sollte, welche grunds{\"a}tzlichen Methoden hilfreich sind und was bei der Onlinemoderation im Besonderen zu beachten ist.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{NikolovskiLimpertNessauetal.2023, author = {Nikolovski, Gjorgji and Limpert, Nicolas and Nessau, Hendrik and Reke, Michael and Ferrein, Alexander}, title = {Model-predictive control with parallelised optimisation for the navigation of autonomous mining vehicles}, series = {2023 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)}, booktitle = {2023 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)}, publisher = {IEEE}, isbn = {979-8-3503-4691-6 (Online)}, doi = {10.1109/IV55152.2023.10186806}, pages = {6 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The work in modern open-pit and underground mines requires the transportation of large amounts of resources between fixed points. The navigation to these fixed points is a repetitive task that can be automated. The challenge in automating the navigation of vehicles commonly used in mines is the systemic properties of such vehicles. Many mining vehicles, such as the one we have used in the research for this paper, use steering systems with an articulated joint bending the vehicle's drive axis to change its course and a hydraulic drive system to actuate axial drive components or the movements of tippers if available. To address the difficulties of controlling such a vehicle, we present a model-predictive approach for controlling the vehicle. While the control optimisation based on a parallel error minimisation of the predicted state has already been established in the past, we provide insight into the design and implementation of an MPC for an articulated mining vehicle and show the results of real-world experiments in an open-pit mine environment.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SchwagerAngeleSchwarzboezletal.2023, author = {Schwager, Christian and Angele, Florian and Schwarzb{\"o}zl, Peter and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Herrmann, Ulf}, title = {Model predictive assistance for operational decision making in molten salt receiver systems}, series = {SolarPACES: Solar Power \& Chemical Energy Systems}, booktitle = {SolarPACES: Solar Power \& Chemical Energy Systems}, number = {2815 / 1}, publisher = {AIP conference proceedings / American Institute of Physics}, address = {Melville, NY}, isbn = {978-0-7354-4623-6}, issn = {1551-7616 (online)}, doi = {10.1063/5.0151514}, pages = {8 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Despite the challenges of pioneering molten salt towers (MST), it remains the leading technology in central receiver power plants today, thanks to cost effective storage integration and high cost reduction potential. The limited controllability in volatile solar conditions can cause significant losses, which are difficult to estimate without comprehensive modeling [1]. This paper presents a Methodology to generate predictions of the dynamic behavior of the receiver system as part of an operating assistance system (OAS). Based on this, it delivers proposals if and when to drain and refill the receiver during a cloudy period in order maximize the net yield and quantifies the amount of net electricity gained by this. After prior analysis with a detailed dynamic two-phase model of the entire receiver system, two different reduced modeling approaches where developed and implemented in the OAS. A tailored decision algorithm utilizes both models to deliver the desired predictions efficiently and with appropriate accuracy.}, language = {en} } @book{Heuermann2023, author = {Heuermann, Holger}, title = {Mikrowellentechnik : Feldsimulation, nichtlineare Schaltungstechnik, Komponenten und Subsysteme, Plasmatechnik, Antennen und Ausbreitung}, edition = {2. Auflage}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-41286-9}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-41287-6}, pages = {XVI, 394 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Das Lehrbuch behandelt alle Aspekte, die den aktuellen Stand der GHz-Technik betreffen. Das Buch behandelt die verschiedenen numerischen Feldsimulationsverfahren. Mit vielen modernen Themen.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Alef2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Alef, Sabrina}, title = {Miela : digitale Wissensvermittlung f{\"u}r Vorschulkinder}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {141 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Kinder sind bei der Suche nach Antworten auf ihre Fragen in unserer medialen Gesellschaft stark mit dem digitalen Raum konfrontiert. Diese Medien k{\"o}nnen bei einer nicht kindergerechten Benutzung wichtige Entwicklungsprozesse hindern. Im Gegensatz dazu geben diese aber auch die M{\"o}glichkeit, Kindern wichtige Denkgewohnheiten beizubringen und sie besser auf die Zukunft vorzubereiten. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, eine Verbindung zwischen der analogen und digitalen Welt herzustellen und ein vielf{\"a}ltiges Lernen zu erm{\"o}glichen. Die App „miela" schafft eine neue Ebene der Wissensvermittlung durch die Kombination von digitaler und analoger Welt. Das Userinterface ist altersentsprechend gestaltet und bietet unterschiedliche Themenfelder an, wobei die Wissensvermittlung und die Kreativit{\"a}t im Fokus stehen. Eine Zusammenarbeit mit der Toniebox als digitale Erweiterung kann weitere Themenfelder anbieten.}, language = {de} } @article{TrappLammersEngudaretal.2023, author = {Trapp, Svenja and Lammers, Tom and Engudar, Gokce and Hoehr, Cornelia and Denkova, Antonia G. and Paulßen, Elisabeth and de Kruijff, Robin M.}, title = {Membrane-based microfluidic solvent extraction of Ga-68 from aqueous Zn solutions: towards an automated cyclotron production loop}, series = {EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry}, volume = {2023}, journal = {EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry}, number = {8, Article number: 9}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, issn = {2365-421X}, doi = {10.1186/s41181-023-00195-2}, pages = {1 -- 14}, year = {2023}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{NierlePieper2023, author = {Nierle, Elisabeth and Pieper, Martin}, title = {Measuring social impacts in engineering education to improve sustainability skills}, series = {European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI)}, booktitle = {European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI)}, doi = {10.21427/QPR4-0T22}, pages = {9 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In times of social climate protection movements, such as Fridays for Future, the priorities of society, industry and higher education are currently changing. The consideration of sustainability challenges is increasing. In the context of sustainable development, social skills are crucial to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In particular, the impact that educational activities have on people, communities and society is therefore coming to the fore. Research has shown that people with high levels of social competence are better able to manage stressful situations, maintain positive relationships and communicate effectively. They are also associated with better academic performance and career success. However, especially in engineering programs, the social pillar is underrepresented compared to the environmental and economic pillars. In response to these changes, higher education institutions should be more aware of their social impact - from individual forms of teaching to entire modules and degree programs. To specifically determine the potential for improvement and derive resulting change for further development, we present an initial framework for social impact measurement by transferring already established approaches from the business sector to the education sector. To demonstrate the applicability, we measure the key competencies taught in undergraduate engineering programs in Germany. The aim is to prepare the students for success in the modern world of work and their future contribution to sustainable development. Additionally, the university can include the results in its sustainability report. Our method can be applied to different teaching methods and enables their comparison.}, language = {en} } @article{StiemerThomaBraun2023, author = {Stiemer, Luc Nicolas and Thoma, Andreas and Braun, Carsten}, title = {MBT3D: Deep learning based multi-object tracker for bumblebee 3D flight path estimation}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {18}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {9}, publisher = {PLOS}, address = {San Fancisco}, issn = {1932-6203}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0291415}, pages = {e0291415}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This work presents the Multi-Bees-Tracker (MBT3D) algorithm, a Python framework implementing a deep association tracker for Tracking-By-Detection, to address the challenging task of tracking flight paths of bumblebees in a social group. While tracking algorithms for bumblebees exist, they often come with intensive restrictions, such as the need for sufficient lighting, high contrast between the animal and background, absence of occlusion, significant user input, etc. Tracking flight paths of bumblebees in a social group is challenging. They suddenly adjust movements and change their appearance during different wing beat states while exhibiting significant similarities in their individual appearance. The MBT3D tracker, developed in this research, is an adaptation of an existing ant tracking algorithm for bumblebee tracking. It incorporates an offline trained appearance descriptor along with a Kalman Filter for appearance and motion matching. Different detector architectures for upstream detections (You Only Look Once (YOLOv5), Faster Region Proposal Convolutional Neural Network (Faster R-CNN), and RetinaNet) are investigated in a comparative study to optimize performance. The detection models were trained on a dataset containing 11359 labeled bumblebee images. YOLOv5 reaches an Average Precision of AP = 53, 8\%, Faster R-CNN achieves AP = 45, 3\% and RetinaNet AP = 38, 4\% on the bumblebee validation dataset, which consists of 1323 labeled bumblebee images. The tracker's appearance model is trained on 144 samples. The tracker (with Faster R-CNN detections) reaches a Multiple Object Tracking Accuracy MOTA = 93, 5\% and a Multiple Object Tracking Precision MOTP = 75, 6\% on a validation dataset containing 2000 images, competing with state-of-the-art computer vision methods. The framework allows reliable tracking of different bumblebees in the same video stream with rarely occurring identity switches (IDS). MBT3D has much lower IDS than other commonly used algorithms, with one of the lowest false positive rates, competing with state-of-the-art animal tracking algorithms. The developed framework reconstructs the 3-dimensional (3D) flight paths of the bumblebees by triangulation. It also handles and compares two alternative stereo camera pairs if desired.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Eilert2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Eilert, Denny}, title = {Massenwohnungsbau in Berlin : eine Publikation zur Architektur des Massenwohnungsbaus in Berlin}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {49 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Berlin. Eine Stadt, die immer weiter w{\"a}chst und beinahe aus allen N{\"a}hten platzt. Doch das Problem ist kein neues, denn bereits seit den 1920er-Jahren ist der Wohnraummangel in Berlin ein bekanntes Thema und immer wieder mussten hierf{\"u}r in den letzten 100 Jahren L{\"o}sungen gefunden werden. Diese Publikation dokumentiert einen Querschnitt der Massenwohnbauten in Berlin, welche seit dem ersten Weltkrieg und auch insbesondere nach der Teilung der Stadt f{\"u}r die Unterbringung großer Menschenmengen konzipiert und gebaut wurden. Das Buch kl{\"a}rt {\"u}ber die Entstehung der Viertel und Geb{\"a}ude auf, enth{\"a}lt Interviews einiger Bewohner*innen und bietet zudem fotografisch einen Blick hinter die Fassaden. Das Ziel ist es, das Thema Massenwohnraum vorzustellen und durch die detaillierten Einblicke die damit verkn{\"u}pften - meist negativen - Stigmata abzubauen.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MaurerMiskiwAcostaetal.2023, author = {Maurer, Florian and Miskiw, Kim K. and Acosta, Rebeca Ramirez and Harder, Nick and Sander, Volker and Lehnhoff, Sebastian}, title = {Market abstraction of energy markets and policies - application in an agent-based modeling toolbox}, series = {EI.A 2023: Energy Informatics}, booktitle = {EI.A 2023: Energy Informatics}, editor = {Jorgensen, Bo Norregaard and Pereira da Silva, Luiz Carlos and Ma, Zheng}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-031-48651-7 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-48652-4_10}, pages = {139 -- 157}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In light of emerging challenges in energy systems, markets are prone to changing dynamics and market design. Simulation models are commonly used to understand the changing dynamics of future electricity markets. However, existing market models were often created with specific use cases in mind, which limits their flexibility and usability. This can impose challenges for using a single model to compare different market designs. This paper introduces a new method of defining market designs for energy market simulations. The proposed concept makes it easy to incorporate different market designs into electricity market models by using relevant parameters derived from analyzing existing simulation tools, morphological categorization and ontologies. These parameters are then used to derive a market abstraction and integrate it into an agent-based simulation framework, allowing for a unified analysis of diverse market designs. Furthermore, we showcase the usability of integrating new types of long-term contracts and over-the-counter trading. To validate this approach, two case studies are demonstrated: a pay-as-clear market and a pay-as-bid long-term market. These examples demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed framework.}, language = {en} }