@article{HengsbachEngelCwienczeketal.2023, author = {Hengsbach, Jan-Niklas and Engel, Mareike and Cwienczek, Marcel and Stiefelmaier, Judith and Tippk{\"o}tter, Nils and Ulber, Roland}, title = {Scalable unseparated bioelectrochemical reactors by using a carbon fiber brush as stirrer and working electrode}, series = {ChemElectroChem}, volume = {10}, journal = {ChemElectroChem}, number = {21}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {2196-0216}, doi = {10.1002/celc.202300440}, pages = {9 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The concept of energy conversion into platform chemicals using bioelectrochemical systems (BES) has gained increasing attention in recent years, as the technology simultaneously provides an opportunity for sustainable chemical production and tackles the challenge of Power-to-X technologies. There are many approaches to realize the industrial scale of BES. One concept is to equip standard bioreactors with static electrodes. However, large installations resulted in a negative influence on various reactor parameters. In this study, we present a new single-chamber BES based on a stirred tank reactor in which the stirrer was replaced by a carbon fiber brush, performing the functions of the working electrode and the stirrer. The reactor is characterized in abiotic studies and electro-fermentations with Clostridium acetobutylicum. Compared to standard reactors an increase in butanol production of 20.14±3.66 \% shows that the new BES can be efficiently used for bioelectrochemical processes.}, language = {en} } @article{DitzhausGaigall2022, author = {Ditzhaus, Marc and Gaigall, Daniel}, title = {Testing marginal homogeneity in Hilbert spaces with applications to stock market returns}, series = {Test}, volume = {2022}, journal = {Test}, number = {31}, publisher = {Springer}, issn = {1863-8260}, doi = {10.1007/s11749-022-00802-5}, pages = {749 -- 770}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This paper considers a paired data framework and discusses the question of marginal homogeneity of bivariate high-dimensional or functional data. The related testing problem can be endowed into a more general setting for paired random variables taking values in a general Hilbert space. To address this problem, a Cram{\´e}r-von-Mises type test statistic is applied and a bootstrap procedure is suggested to obtain critical values and finally a consistent test. The desired properties of a bootstrap test can be derived that are asymptotic exactness under the null hypothesis and consistency under alternatives. Simulations show the quality of the test in the finite sample case. A possible application is the comparison of two possibly dependent stock market returns based on functional data. The approach is demonstrated based on historical data for different stock market indices.}, language = {en} } @article{GrajewskiKleefeld2023, author = {Grajewski, Matthias and Kleefeld, Andreas}, title = {Detecting and approximating decision boundaries in low-dimensional spaces}, series = {Numerical Algorithms}, volume = {93}, journal = {Numerical Algorithms}, number = {4}, publisher = {Springer Science+Business Media}, address = {Dordrecht}, issn = {1572-9265}, pages = {35 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {A method for detecting and approximating fault lines or surfaces, respectively, or decision curves in two and three dimensions with guaranteed accuracy is presented. Reformulated as a classification problem, our method starts from a set of scattered points along with the corresponding classification algorithm to construct a representation of a decision curve by points with prescribed maximal distance to the true decision curve. Hereby, our algorithm ensures that the representing point set covers the decision curve in its entire extent and features local refinement based on the geometric properties of the decision curve. We demonstrate applications of our method to problems related to the detection of faults, to multi-criteria decision aid and, in combination with Kirsch's factorization method, to solving an inverse acoustic scattering problem. In all applications we considered in this work, our method requires significantly less pointwise classifications than previously employed algorithms.}, language = {en} } @article{HaegerProbstJaegeretal.2023, author = {Haeger, Gerrit and Probst, Johanna and Jaeger, Karl-Erich and Bongaerts, Johannes and Siegert, Petra}, title = {Novel aminoacylases from Streptomyces griseus DSM 40236 and their recombinant production in Streptomyces lividans}, series = {FEBS Open Bio}, volume = {13}, journal = {FEBS Open Bio}, number = {12}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Hoboken, NJ}, issn = {2211-5463}, doi = {10.1002/2211-5463.13723}, pages = {2224 -- 2238}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Amino acid-based surfactants are valuable compounds for cosmetic formulations. The chemical synthesis of acyl-amino acids is conventionally performed by the Schotten-Baumann reaction using fatty acyl chlorides, but aminoacylases have also been investigated for use in biocatalytic synthesis with free fatty acids. Aminoacylases and their properties are diverse; they belong to different peptidase families and show differences in substrate specificity and biocatalytic potential. Bacterial aminoacylases capable of synthesis have been isolated from Burkholderia, Mycolicibacterium, and Streptomyces. Although several proteases and peptidases from S. griseus have been described, no aminoacylases from this species have been identified yet. In this study, we investigated two novel enzymes produced by S. griseus DSM 40236ᵀ . We identified and cloned the respective genes and recombinantly expressed an α-aminoacylase (EC, designated SgAA, and an ε-lysine acylase (EC, designated SgELA, in S. lividans TK23. The purified aminoacylase SgAA was biochemically characterized, focusing on its hydrolytic activity to determine temperature- and pH optima and stabilities. The aminoacylase could hydrolyze various acetyl-amino acids at the Nα -position with a broad specificity regarding the sidechain. Substrates with longer acyl chains, like lauroyl-amino acids, were hydrolyzed to a lesser extent. Purified aminoacylase SgELA specific for the hydrolysis of Nε -acetyl-L-lysine was unstable and lost its enzymatic activity upon storage for a longer period but could initially be characterized. The pH optimum of SgELA was pH 8.0. While synthesis of acyl-amino acids was not observed with SgELA, SgAA catalyzed the synthesis of lauroyl-methionine.}, language = {en} } @article{WeldenSeverinsPoghossianetal.2022, author = {Welden, Melanie and Severins, Robin and Poghossian, Arshak and Wege, Christina and Bongaerts, Johannes and Siegert, Petra and Keusgen, Michael and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Detection of acetoin and diacetyl by a tobacco mosaic virus-assisted field-effect biosensor}, series = {Chemosensors}, volume = {10}, journal = {Chemosensors}, number = {6}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2227-9040}, doi = {10.3390/chemosensors10060218}, pages = {Artikel 218}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Acetoin and diacetyl have a major impact on the flavor of alcoholic beverages such as wine or beer. Therefore, their measurement is important during the fermentation process. Until now, gas chromatographic techniques have typically been applied; however, these require expensive laboratory equipment and trained staff, and do not allow for online monitoring. In this work, a capacitive electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor sensor modified with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) particles as enzyme nanocarriers for the detection of acetoin and diacetyl is presented. The enzyme acetoin reductase from Alkalihalobacillus clausii DSM 8716ᵀ is immobilized via biotin-streptavidin affinity, binding to the surface of the TMV particles. The TMV-assisted biosensor is electrochemically characterized by means of leakage-current, capacitance-voltage, and constant capacitance measurements. In this paper, the novel biosensor is studied regarding its sensitivity and long-term stability in buffer solution. Moreover, the TMV-assisted capacitive field-effect sensor is applied for the detection of diacetyl for the first time. The measurement of acetoin and diacetyl with the same sensor setup is demonstrated. Finally, the successive detection of acetoin and diacetyl in buffer and in diluted beer is studied by tuning the sensitivity of the biosensor using the pH value of the measurement solution.}, language = {en} } @article{AkimbekovDigelTastambeketal.2021, author = {Akimbekov, Nuraly S. and Digel, Ilya and Tastambek, Kuanysh T. and Sherelkhan, Dinara K. and Jussupova, Dariya B. and Altynbay, Nazym P.}, title = {Low-rank coal as a source of humic substances for soil amendment and fertility management}, series = {Agriculture}, volume = {11}, journal = {Agriculture}, number = {12}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2077-0472}, doi = {10.3390/agriculture11121261}, pages = {25 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Humic substances (HS), as important environmental components, are essential to soil health and agricultural sustainability. The usage of low-rank coal (LRC) for energy generation has declined considerably due to the growing popularity of renewable energy sources and gas. However, their potential as soil amendment aimed to maintain soil quality and productivity deserves more recognition. LRC, a highly heterogeneous material in nature, contains large quantities of HS and may effectively help to restore the physicochemical, biological, and ecological functionality of soil. Multiple emerging studies support the view that LRC and its derivatives can positively impact the soil microclimate, nutrient status, and organic matter turnover. Moreover, the phytotoxic effects of some pollutants can be reduced by subsequent LRC application. Broad geographical availability, relatively low cost, and good technical applicability of LRC offer the advantage of easy fulfilling soil amendment and conditioner requirements worldwide. This review analyzes and emphasizes the potential of LRC and its numerous forms/combinations for soil amelioration and crop production. A great benefit would be a systematic investment strategy implicating safe utilization and long-term application of LRC for sustainable agricultural production.}, language = {en} } @article{WeldenJablonskiWegeetal.2021, author = {Welden, Rene and Jablonski, Melanie and Wege, Christina and Keusgen, Michael and Wagner, Patrick Hermann and Wagner, Torsten and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Light-Addressable Actuator-Sensor Platform for Monitoring and Manipulation of pH Gradients in Microfluidics: A Case Study with the Enzyme Penicillinase}, series = {Biosensors}, volume = {11}, journal = {Biosensors}, number = {6}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2079-6374}, doi = {10.3390/bios11060171}, pages = {Artikel 171}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The feasibility of light-addressed detection and manipulation of pH gradients inside an electrochemical microfluidic cell was studied. Local pH changes, induced by a light-addressable electrode (LAE), were detected using a light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) with different measurement modes representing an actuator-sensor system. Biosensor functionality was examined depending on locally induced pH gradients with the help of the model enzyme penicillinase, which had been immobilized in the microfluidic channel. The surface morphology of the LAE and enzyme-functionalized LAPS was studied by scanning electron microscopy. Furthermore, the penicillin sensitivity of the LAPS inside the microfluidic channel was determined with regard to the analyte's pH influence on the enzymatic reaction rate. In a final experiment, the LAE-controlled pH inhibition of the enzyme activity was monitored by the LAPS.}, language = {en} } @article{MaurerRiekeSchemmetal.2023, author = {Maurer, Florian and Rieke, Christian and Schemm, Ralf and Stollenwerk, Dominik}, title = {Analysis of an urban grid with high photovoltaic and e-mobility penetration}, series = {Energies}, volume = {16}, journal = {Energies}, number = {8}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {1996-1073}, doi = {10.3390/en16083380}, pages = {18 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This study analyses the expected utilization of an urban distribution grid under high penetration of photovoltaic and e-mobility with charging infrastructure on a residential level. The grid utilization and the corresponding power flow are evaluated, while varying the control strategies and photovoltaic installed capacity in different scenarios. Four scenarios are used to analyze the impact of e-mobility. The individual mobility demand is modelled based on the largest German studies on mobility "Mobilit{\"a}t in Deutschland", which is carried out every 5 years. To estimate the ramp-up of photovoltaic generation, a potential analysis of the roof surfaces in the supply area is carried out via an evaluation of an open solar potential study. The photovoltaic feed-in time series is derived individually for each installed system in a resolution of 15 min. The residential consumption is estimated using historical smart meter data, which are collected in London between 2012 and 2014. For a realistic charging demand, each residential household decides daily on the state of charge if their vehicle requires to be charged. The resulting charging time series depends on the underlying behavior scenario. Market prices and mobility demand are therefore used as scenario input parameters for a utility function based on the current state of charge to model individual behavior. The aggregated electricity demand is the starting point of the power flow calculation. The evaluation is carried out for an urban region with approximately 3100 residents. The analysis shows that increased penetration of photovoltaics combined with a flexible and adaptive charging strategy can maximize PV usage and reduce the need for congestion-related intervention by the grid operator by reducing the amount of kWh charged from the grid by 30\% which reduces the average price of a charged kWh by 35\% to 14 ct/kWh from 21.8 ct/kWh without PV optimization. The resulting grid congestions are managed by implementing an intelligent price or control signal. The analysis took place using data from a real German grid with 10 subgrids. The entire software can be adapted for the analysis of different distribution grids and is publicly available as an open-source software library on GitHub.}, language = {en} } @article{ThiebesKleinZingsheimetal.2022, author = {Thiebes, Anja Lena and Klein, Sarah and Zingsheim, Jonas and M{\"o}ller, Georg H. and G{\"u}rzing, Stefanie and Reddemann, Manuel A. and Behbahani, Mehdi and Cornelissen, Christian G.}, title = {Effervescent atomizer as novel cell spray technology to decrease the gas-to-liquid ratio}, series = {pharmaceutics}, volume = {14}, journal = {pharmaceutics}, number = {11}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, doi = {10.3390/pharmaceutics14112421}, pages = {Artikel 2421}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Cell spraying has become a feasible application method for cell therapy and tissue engineering approaches. Different devices have been used with varying success. Often, twin-fluid atomizers are used, which require a high gas velocity for optimal aerosolization characteristics. To decrease the amount and velocity of required air, a custom-made atomizer was designed based on the effervescent principle. Different designs were evaluated regarding spray characteristics and their influence on human adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells. The arithmetic mean diameters of the droplets were 15.4-33.5 µm with decreasing diameters for increasing gas-to-liquid ratios. The survival rate was >90\% of the control for the lowest gas-to-liquid ratio. For higher ratios, cell survival decreased to approximately 50\%. Further experiments were performed with the design, which had shown the highest survival rates. After seven days, no significant differences in metabolic activity were observed. The apoptosis rates were not influenced by aerosolization, while high gas-to-liquid ratios caused increased necrosis levels. Tri-lineage differentiation potential into adipocytes, chondrocytes, and osteoblasts was not negatively influenced by aerosolization. Thus, the effervescent aerosolization principle was proven suitable for cell applications requiring reduced amounts of supplied air. This is the first time an effervescent atomizer was used for cell processing.}, language = {en} } @article{WeldenPoghossianVahidpouretal.2022, author = {Welden, Melanie and Poghossian, Arshak and Vahidpour, Farnoosh and Wendlandt, Tim and Keusgen, Michael and Wege, Christina and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Towards multi-analyte detection with field-effect capacitors modified with tobacco mosaic virus bioparticles as enzyme nanocarriers}, series = {Biosensors}, volume = {12}, journal = {Biosensors}, number = {1}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2079-6374}, doi = {10.3390/bios12010043}, pages = {Artikel 43}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Utilizing an appropriate enzyme immobilization strategy is crucial for designing enzyme-based biosensors. Plant virus-like particles represent ideal nanoscaffolds for an extremely dense and precise immobilization of enzymes, due to their regular shape, high surface-to-volume ratio and high density of surface binding sites. In the present work, tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) particles were applied for the co-immobilization of penicillinase and urease onto the gate surface of a field-effect electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor capacitor (EISCAP) with a p-Si-SiO₂-Ta₂O₅ layer structure for the sequential detection of penicillin and urea. The TMV-assisted bi-enzyme EISCAP biosensor exhibited a high urea and penicillin sensitivity of 54 and 85 mV/dec, respectively, in the concentration range of 0.1-3 mM. For comparison, the characteristics of single-enzyme EISCAP biosensors modified with TMV particles immobilized with either penicillinase or urease were also investigated. The surface morphology of the TMV-modified Ta₂O₅-gate was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Additionally, the bi-enzyme EISCAP was applied to mimic an XOR (Exclusive OR) enzyme logic gate.}, language = {en} } @article{ZhantlessovaSavitskayaKistaubayevaetal.2022, author = {Zhantlessova, Sirina and Savitskaya, Irina and Kistaubayeva, Aida and Ignatova, Ludmila and Talipova, Aizhan and Pogrebnjak, Alexander and Digel, Ilya}, title = {Advanced "Green" prebiotic composite of bacterial cellulose/pullulan based on synthetic biology-powered microbial coculture strategy}, series = {Polymers}, volume = {14}, journal = {Polymers}, number = {15}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2073-4360}, doi = {10.3390/polym14153224}, pages = {Artikel 3224}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Bacterial cellulose (BC) is a biopolymer produced by different microorganisms, but in biotechnological practice, Komagataeibacter xylinus is used. The micro- and nanofibrillar structure of BC, which forms many different-sized pores, creates prerequisites for the introduction of other polymers into it, including those synthesized by other microorganisms. The study aims to develop a cocultivation system of BC and prebiotic producers to obtain BC-based composite material with prebiotic activity. In this study, pullulan (PUL) was found to stimulate the growth of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG better than the other microbial polysaccharides gellan and xanthan. BC/PUL biocomposite with prebiotic properties was obtained by cocultivation of Komagataeibacter xylinus and Aureobasidium pullulans, BC and PUL producers respectively, on molasses medium. The inclusion of PUL in BC is proved gravimetrically by scanning electron microscopy and by Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy. Cocultivation demonstrated a composite effect on the aggregation and binding of BC fibers, which led to a significant improvement in mechanical properties. The developed approach for "grafting" of prebiotic activity on BC allows preparation of environmentally friendly composites of better quality.}, language = {en} } @article{HafidiElHatkaSchmitzetal.2024, author = {Hafidi, Youssef and El Hatka, Hicham and Schmitz, Dominik and Krauss, Manuel and Pettrak, J{\"u}rgen and Biel, Markus and Ittobane, Najim}, title = {Sustainable soil additives for water and micronutrient supply: swelling and chelating properties of polyaspartic acid hydrogels utilizing newly developed crosslinkers}, series = {Gels}, volume = {10}, journal = {Gels}, number = {3}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2310-2861}, doi = {10.3390/gels10030170}, pages = {Artikel 170}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Drought and water shortage are serious problems in many arid and semi-arid regions. This problem is getting worse and even continues in temperate climatic regions due to climate change. To address this problem, the use of biodegradable hydrogels is increasingly important for the application as water-retaining additives in soil. Furthermore, efficient (micro-)nutrient supply can be provided by the use of tailored hydrogels. Biodegradable polyaspartic acid (PASP) hydrogels with different available (1,6-hexamethylene diamine (HMD) and L-lysine (LYS)) and newly developed crosslinkers based on diesters of glycine (GLY) and (di-)ethylene glycol (DEG and EG, respectively) were synthesized and characterized using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and regarding their swelling properties (kinetic, absorbency under load (AUL)) as well as biodegradability of PASP hydrogel. Copper (II) and zinc (II), respectively, were loaded as micronutrients in two different approaches: in situ with crosslinking and subsequent loading of prepared hydrogels. The results showed successful syntheses of di-glycine-ester-based crosslinkers. Hydrogels with good water-absorbing properties were formed. Moreover, the developed crosslinking agents in combination with the specific reaction conditions resulted in higher water absorbency with increased crosslinker content used in synthesis (10\% vs. 20\%). The prepared hydrogels are candidates for water-storing soil additives due to the biodegradability of PASP, which is shown in an exemple. The incorporation of Cu(II) and Zn(II) ions can provide these micronutrients for plant growth.}, language = {en} } @article{YoshinobuMiyamotoWagneretal.2024, author = {Yoshinobu, Tatsuo and Miyamoto, Ko-ichiro and Wagner, Torsten and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Field-effect sensors combined with the scanned light pulse technique: from artificial olfactory images to chemical imaging technologies}, series = {Chemosensors}, volume = {12}, journal = {Chemosensors}, number = {2}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2227-9040}, doi = {10.3390/chemosensors12020020}, pages = {Artikel 20}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The artificial olfactory image was proposed by Lundstr{\"o}m et al. in 1991 as a new strategy for an electronic nose system which generated a two-dimensional mapping to be interpreted as a fingerprint of the detected gas species. The potential distribution generated by the catalytic metals integrated into a semiconductor field-effect structure was read as a photocurrent signal generated by scanning light pulses. The impact of the proposed technology spread beyond gas sensing, inspiring the development of various imaging modalities based on the light addressing of field-effect structures to obtain spatial maps of pH distribution, ions, molecules, and impedance, and these modalities have been applied in both biological and non-biological systems. These light-addressing technologies have been further developed to realize the position control of a faradaic current on the electrode surface for localized electrochemical reactions and amperometric measurements, as well as the actuation of liquids in microfluidic devices.}, language = {en} } @article{SchoeningBronderWuetal.2017, author = {Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef and Bronder, Thomas and Wu, Chunsheng and Scheja, Sabrina and Jessing, Max and Metzger-Boddien, Christoph and Keusgen, Michael and Poghossian, Arshak}, title = {Label-Free DNA Detection with Capacitive Field-Effect Devices—Challenges and Opportunities}, series = {Proceedings}, volume = {1}, journal = {Proceedings}, number = {8}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2504-3900}, doi = {10.3390/proceedings1080719}, pages = {Artikel 719}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Field-effect EIS (electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor) sensors modified with a positively charged weak polyelectrolyte layer have been applied for the electrical detection of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) immobilization and hybridization by the intrinsic molecular charge. The EIS sensors are able to detect the existence of target DNA amplicons in PCR (polymerase chain reaction) samples and thus, can be used as tool for a quick verification of DNA amplification and the successful PCR process. Due to their miniaturized setup, compatibility with advanced micro- and nanotechnologies, and ability to detect biomolecules by their intrinsic molecular charge, those sensors can serve as possible platform for the development of label-free DNA chips. Possible application fields as well as challenges and limitations will be discussed.}, language = {en} } @article{ElBerguiAbouabdillahBouriougetal.2023, author = {El Bergui, Omnia and Abouabdillah, Aziz and Bourioug, Mohamed and Schmitz, Dominik and Biel, Markus and Aboudrare, Abdellah and Krauss, Manuel and Jomaa, Ahlem and Romuli, Sebastian and M{\"u}ller, Joachim and Fagroud, Mustapha and Bouabid, Rachid}, title = {Innovative solutions for drought: Evaluating hydrogel application on onion cultivation (Allium cepa) in Morocco}, series = {Water}, volume = {15}, journal = {Water}, number = {11}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, doi = {10.3390/w15111972}, pages = {Artikel 1972}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Throughout the last decade, and particularly in 2022, water scarcity has become a critical concern in Morocco and other Mediterranean countries. The lack of rainfall during spring was worsened by a succession of heat waves during the summer. To address this drought, innovative solutions, including the use of new technologies such as hydrogels, will be essential to transform agriculture. This paper presents the findings of a study that evaluated the impact of hydrogel application on onion (Allium cepa) cultivation in Meknes, Morocco. The treatments investigated in this study comprised two different types of hydrogel-based soil additives (Arbovit® polyacrylate and Huminsorb® polyacrylate), applied at two rates (30 and 20 kg/ha), and irrigated at two levels of water supply (100\% and 50\% of daily crop evapotranspiration; ETc). Two control treatments were included, without hydrogel application and with both water amounts. The experiment was conducted in an open field using a completely randomized design. The results indicated a significant impact of both hydrogel-type dose and water dose on onion plant growth, as evidenced by various vegetation parameters. Among the hydrogels tested, Huminsorb® Polyacrylate produced the most favorable outcomes, with treatment T9 (100\%, HP, 30 kg/ha) yielding 70.55 t/ha; this represented an increase of 11 t/ha as compared to the 100\% ETc treatment without hydrogel application. Moreover, the combination of hydrogel application with 50\% ETc water stress showed promising results, with treatment T4 (HP, 30 kg, 50\%) producing almost the same yield as the 100\% ETc treatment without hydrogel while saving 208 mm of water.}, language = {en} } @article{HeuermannHarzheimCronenbroeck2021, author = {Heuermann, Holger and Harzheim, Thomas and Cronenbroeck, Tobias}, title = {First SIMO harmonic radar based on the SFCW concept and the HR transfer function}, series = {Remote sensing}, volume = {13}, journal = {Remote sensing}, number = {24}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs13245088}, pages = {23 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This paper presents a new SIMO radar system based on a harmonic radar (HR) stepped frequency continuous wave (SFCW) architecture. Simple tags that can be electronically individually activated and deactivated via a DC control voltage were developed and combined to form an MO array field. This HR operates in the entire 2.45 GHz ISM band for transmitting the illumination signal and receives at twice the stimulus frequency and bandwidth centered around 4.9 GHz. This paper presents the development, the basic theory of a HR system for the characterization of objects placed into the propagation path in-between the radar and the reflectors (similar to a free-space measurement with a network analyzer) as well as first measurements performed by the system. Further detailed measurement series will be made available later on to other researchers to develop AI and machine learning based signal processing routines or synthetic aperture radar algorithms for imaging, object recognition, and feature extraction. For this purpose, the necessary information is published in this paper. It is explained in detail why this SIMO-HR can be an attractive solution augmenting or replacing existing systems for radar measurements in production technology for material under test measurements and as a simplified MIMO system. The novel HR transfer function, which is a basis for researchers and developers for material characterization or imaging algorithms, is introduced and metrologically verified in a well traceable coaxial setup.}, language = {en} } @article{VahidpourAlghazaliAkcaetal.2022, author = {Vahidpour, Farnoosh and Alghazali, Yousef H. M. and Akca, Sevilay and Hommes, Gregor and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {An Enzyme-Based Interdigitated Electrode-Type Biosensor for Detecting Low Concentrations of H₂O₂ Vapor/Aerosol}, series = {Chemosensors}, volume = {10}, journal = {Chemosensors}, number = {6}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2227-9040}, doi = {10.3390/chemosensors10060202}, pages = {Arikel 202}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This work introduces a novel method for the detection of H₂O₂ vapor/aerosol of low concentrations, which is mainly applied in the sterilization of equipment in medical industry. Interdigitated electrode (IDE) structures have been fabricated by means of microfabrication techniques. A differential setup of IDEs was prepared, containing an active sensor element (active IDE) and a passive sensor element (passive IDE), where the former was immobilized with an enzymatic membrane of horseradish peroxidase that is selective towards H₂O₂. Changes in the IDEs' capacitance values (active sensor element versus passive sensor element) under H₂O₂ vapor/aerosol atmosphere proved the detection in the concentration range up to 630 ppm with a fast response time (<60 s). The influence of relative humidity was also tested with regard to the sensor signal, showing no cross-sensitivity. The repeatability assessment of the IDE biosensors confirmed their stable capacitive signal in eight subsequent cycles of exposure to H₂O₂ vapor/aerosol. Room-temperature detection of H₂O₂ vapor/aerosol with such miniaturized biosensors will allow a future three-dimensional, flexible mapping of aseptic chambers and help to evaluate sterilization assurance in medical industry.}, language = {en} } @article{AbbasHedwigBalcetal.2023, author = {Abbas, Karim and Hedwig, Lukas and Balc, Nicolae and Bremen, Sebastian}, title = {Advanced FFF of PEEK: Infill strategies and material characteristics for rapid tooling}, series = {Polymers}, volume = {2023}, journal = {Polymers}, number = {15}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, doi = {10.3390/polym15214293}, pages = {Artikel 4293}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Traditional vulcanization mold manufacturing is complex, costly, and under pressure due to shorter product lifecycles and diverse variations. Additive manufacturing using Fused Filament Fabrication and high-performance polymers like PEEK offer a promising future in this industry. This study assesses the compressive strength of various infill structures (honeycomb, grid, triangle, cubic, and gyroid) when considering two distinct build directions (Z, XY) to enhance PEEK's economic and resource efficiency in rapid tooling. A comparison with PETG samples shows the behavior of the infill strategies. Additionally, a proof of concept illustrates the application of a PEEK mold in vulcanization. A peak compressive strength of 135.6 MPa was attained in specimens that were 100\% solid and subjected to thermal post-treatment. This corresponds to a 20\% strength improvement in the Z direction. In terms of time and mechanical properties, the anisotropic grid and isotropic cubic infill have emerged for use in rapid tooling. Furthermore, the study highlights that reducing the layer thickness from 0.15 mm to 0.1 mm can result in a 15\% strength increase. The study unveils the successful utilization of a room-temperature FFF-printed PEEK mold in vulcanization injection molding. The parameters and infill strategies identified in this research enable the resource-efficient FFF printing of PEEK without compromising its strength properties. Using PEEK in rapid tooling allows a cost reduction of up to 70\% in tool production.}, language = {en} } @article{BertzMolinnusSchoeningetal.2023, author = {Bertz, Morten and Molinnus, Denise and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef and Homma, Takayuki}, title = {Real-time monitoring of H₂O₂ sterilization on individual bacillus atrophaeus spores by optical sensing with trapping Raman spectroscopy}, series = {Chemosensors}, volume = {8}, journal = {Chemosensors}, number = {11}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2227-9040}, doi = {10.3390/chemosensors11080445}, pages = {Artikel 445}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂), a strong oxidizer, is a commonly used sterilization agent employed during aseptic food processing and medical applications. To assess the sterilization efficiency with H₂O₂, bacterial spores are common microbial systems due to their remarkable robustness against a wide variety of decontamination strategies. Despite their widespread use, there is, however, only little information about the detailed time-resolved mechanism underlying the oxidative spore death by H₂O₂. In this work, we investigate chemical and morphological changes of individual Bacillus atrophaeus spores undergoing oxidative damage using optical sensing with trapping Raman microscopy in real-time. The time-resolved experiments reveal that spore death involves two distinct phases: (i) an initial phase dominated by the fast release of dipicolinic acid (DPA), a major spore biomarker, which indicates the rupture of the spore's core; and (ii) the oxidation of the remaining spore material resulting in the subsequent fragmentation of the spores' coat. Simultaneous observation of the spore morphology by optical microscopy corroborates these mechanisms. The dependence of the onset of DPA release and the time constant of spore fragmentation on H₂O₂ shows that the formation of reactive oxygen species from H₂O₂ is the rate-limiting factor of oxidative spore death.}, language = {en} } @article{BiewendtBlaschkeBoehnert2020, author = {Biewendt, Marcel and Blaschke, Florian and B{\"o}hnert, Arno}, title = {The rebound effect - a systematic review of the current state of affairs}, series = {European Journal of Economics and Business Studies}, volume = {6}, journal = {European Journal of Economics and Business Studies}, number = {1}, publisher = {Revistia}, address = {London}, issn = {2601-8659}, doi = {10.26417/134nvy47z}, pages = {106 -- 120}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This publication is intended to present the current state of research on the rebound effect. First, a systematic literature review is carried out to outline (current) scientific models and theories. Research Question 1 follows with a mathematical introduction of the rebound effect, which shows the interdependence of consumer behaviour, technological progress, and interwoven effects for both. Thereupon, the research field is analysed for gaps and limitations by a systematic literature review. To ensure quantitative and qualitative results, a review protocol is used that integrates two different stages and covers all relevant publications released between 2000 and 2019. Accordingly, 392 publications were identified that deal with the rebound effect. These papers were reviewed to obtain relevant information on the two research questions. The literature review shows that research on the rebound effect is not yet comprehensive and focuses mainly on the effect itself rather than solutions to avoid it. Research Question 2 finds that the main gap, and thus the limitations, is that not much research has been published on the actual avoidance of the rebound effect yet. This is a major limitation for practical application by decision-makers and politicians. Therefore, a theoretical analysis was carried out to identify potential theories and ideas to avoid the rebound effect. The most obvious idea to solve this problem is the theory of a Steady-State Economy (SSE), which has been described and reviewed.}, language = {en} }