@incollection{AbeleKleefeld2020, author = {Abele, Daniel and Kleefeld, Andreas}, title = {New Numerical Results for the Optimization of Neumann Eigenvalues}, series = {Computational and Analytic Methods in Science and Engineering}, booktitle = {Computational and Analytic Methods in Science and Engineering}, editor = {Constanda, Christian}, publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-48185-8 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-48186-5_1}, pages = {1 -- 20}, year = {2020}, abstract = {We present new numerical results for shape optimization problems of interior Neumann eigenvalues. This field is not well understood from a theoretical standpoint. The existence of shape maximizers is not proven beyond the first two eigenvalues, so we study the problem numerically. We describe a method to compute the eigenvalues for a given shape that combines the boundary element method with an algorithm for nonlinear eigenvalues. As numerical optimization requires many such evaluations, we put a focus on the efficiency of the method and the implemented routine. The method is well suited for parallelization. Using the resulting fast routines and a specialized parametrization of the shapes, we found improved maxima for several eigenvalues.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Achtsnicht2020, author = {Achtsnicht, Stefan}, title = {Multiplex-Magnetdetektion von superparamagnetischen Beads zur Identifizierung von Trinkwasserkontaminationen}, doi = {10.18154/RWTH-2020-12052}, pages = {144 Seiten}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die qualitative und quantitative Detektion von Zielsubstanzen innerhalb einer w{\"a}ssrigen Probe ist f{\"u}r viele Fragestellungen von Interesse, etwa bei der Detektion von Kontaminationen in Trinkwasser in Krisensituationen. Hierbei ist es nicht nur wichtig, dass Pathogene m{\"o}glichst sensitiv detektiert werden k{\"o}nnen, sondern auch, dass die Analyse schnell erfolgt, um Betroffenen im Katastrophenfall z{\"u}gig sicheres Trinkwasser zu Verf{\"u}gung stellen zu k{\"o}nnen. Da bei einem solchen Szenario nicht von einer in der N{\"a}he befindlichen funktionierenden Laborinfrastruktur ausgegangen werden kann, ist es wichtig, dass die Messung direkt vor Ort erfolgen kann. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob eine derartige Schnellanalytik mithilfe von superparamagnetischen Beads (MBs) und der magnetischen Frequenzmischtechnik m{\"o}glich ist. Dabei werden die MBs mit Hilfe von prim{\"a}ren Antik{\"o}rpern an die Zielsubstanz gebunden und mit sekund{\"a}ren Antik{\"o}rpern an die Poren-Oberfl{\"a}che eines Polyethylen-Filters fixiert (Sandwich-Immunoassay). So kann die Quantifizierung der Zielsubstanz auf eine magnetische Messung der immobilisierten MB-Marker zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden. Die magnetische Frequenzmischtechnik basiert auf der Anregung der Probe mit Magnetfeldern zweier verschiedener Frequenzen. Die durch die nichtlineare Magnetisierungsform der superparamagnetischen MBs entstehenden Mischfrequenzen werden typischerweise mithilfe einer zweistufigen Lock-in-Detektion analysiert (analoge Demodulation), die in einem Magnetreader als Handheldger{\"a}t realisiert wurde. Zus{\"a}tzlich zu dieser Technik wurde das Prinzip der direkten Digitalisierung des gesamten Antwortsignals mit anschließender Fourier-Analyse der erzeugten Mischfrequenzen experimentell umgesetzt, um die Amplituden und Phasen mehrerer Mischfrequenzen simultan zu erfassen. Eine M{\"o}glichkeit zur Sensitivit{\"a}tssteigerung ist die magnetische Aufkonzentration, indem vor der magnetischen Analyse eine Separation der MBs aus einem gr{\"o}ßeren Probenvolumen mittels magnetischem Feldgradienten durchgef{\"u}hrt wird. Zur Charakterisierung verschiedener kommerzieller MBs hinsichtlich ihrer magnetischen Separierbarkeit wurde ein Aufbau zur Messung ihrer magnetophoretischen Beweglichkeiten realisiert und ihre Geschwindigkeiten im Gradientenfeld mikroskopisch gemessen.Da eine Probe oftmals nicht nur auf eine einzige Zielsubstanz, sondern simultan auf mehrere verschiedene Pathogene hin untersucht werden soll, wurden verschiedene Ans{\"a}tze entwickelt und getestet, die einen solchen multiparametrischen magnetischen Immunoassay erm{\"o}glichen. Einerseits wurde eine r{\"a}umliche Separation der Bindungsbereiche f{\"u}r verschiedene Zielsubstanzen realisiert, die sequentiell ausgewertet werden k{\"o}nnen. Andererseits wurde die Unterscheidung von verschiedenen Zielsubstanzen anhand der Charakteristika der an sie gebundenen, verschieden funktionalisierten MB-Typen untersucht. F{\"u}r eine solche Unterscheidung wurde zum einen die Anregefrequenz der magnetischen Frequenzmischtechnik w{\"a}hrend einer Messung variiert. Damit konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich verschiedene MB-Sorten anhand der Phase ihrer Frequenzmischsignale voneinander unterscheiden lassen. Weiterhin wurde gezeigt, dass sich der Signalverlauf einer bin{\"a}ren Mischung zweier verschiedener MB-Typen als gradueller {\"U}bergang der Verl{\"a}ufe der beiden reinen MB-L{\"o}sungen ergibt. Eine weitere Analysemethode f{\"u}r einen multiparametrischen Immunoassay besteht darin, ein zus{\"a}tzliches einstellbares statisches magnetisches Offsetfeld zu verwenden. Hierf{\"u}r wurden mehrere Aufbauten auf Basis von Permanent- und Elektromagneten simuliert, konstruiert und charakterisiert. Mithilfe von Simulationen konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine auf diesem Verfahren beruhende Unterscheidung f{\"u}r MBs mit unterschiedlichen magnetischen Partikelmomenten m{\"o}glich ist. Als direkte Anwendung des hier entwickelten Magnetreaders in Zusammenspiel mit der digitalen Demodulation wurde ein magnetischer Assay gegen die B-Untereinheit des Choleratoxins in Trinkwasser mit einem niedrigen Detektionslimit von 0,2 ng/ml demonstriert.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{AdamsLosekammCzupalla2020, author = {Adams, Moritz and Losekamm, Martin J. and Czupalla, Markus}, title = {Development of the Thermal Control System for the RadMap Telescope Experiment on the International Space Station}, series = {International Conference on Environmental Systems}, booktitle = {International Conference on Environmental Systems}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2020}, language = {en} } @article{AkimbekovDigelSherelkhanetal.2020, author = {Akimbekov, Nuraly S. and Digel, Ilya and Sherelkhan, Dinara K. and Lutfor, Afzalunnessa B. and Razzaque, Mohammed S.}, title = {Vitamin D and the Host-Gut Microbiome: A Brief Overview}, series = {Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica}, volume = {53}, journal = {Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica}, number = {3}, publisher = {Japan Society of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry}, address = {Osaka}, issn = {1347-5800}, doi = {10.1267/ahc.20011}, pages = {33 -- 42}, year = {2020}, abstract = {There is a growing body of evidence for the effects of vitamin D on intestinal host-microbiome interactions related to gut dysbiosis and bowel inflammation. This brief review highlights the potential links between vitamin D and gut health, emphasizing the role of vitamin D in microbiological and immunological mechanisms of inflammatory bowel diseases. A comprehensive literature search was carried out in PubMed and Google Scholar using combinations of keywords "vitamin D," "intestines," "gut microflora," "bowel inflammation". Only articles published in English and related to the study topic are included in the review. We discuss how vitamin D (a) modulates intestinal microbiome function, (b) controls antimicrobial peptide expression, and (c) has a protective effect on epithelial barriers in the gut mucosa. Vitamin D and its nuclear receptor (VDR) regulate intestinal barrier integrity, and control innate and adaptive immunity in the gut. Metabolites from the gut microbiota may also regulate expression of VDR, while vitamin D may influence the gut microbiota and exert anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating effects. The underlying mechanism of vitamin D in the pathogenesis of bowel diseases is not fully understood, but maintaining an optimal vitamin D status appears to be beneficial for gut health. Future studies will shed light on the molecular mechanisms through which vitamin D and VDR interactions affect intestinal mucosal immunity, pathogen invasion, symbiont colonization, and antimicrobial peptide expression.}, language = {en} } @article{AkimbekovQiaoDigeletal.2020, author = {Akimbekov, Nuraly S. and Qiao, Xiaohui and Digel, Ilya and Abdieva, Gulzhamal and Ualieva, Perizat and Zhubanova, Azhar}, title = {The effect of leonardite-derived amendments on soil microbiome structure and potato yield}, series = {Agriculture}, volume = {10}, journal = {Agriculture}, number = {Art. 147}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, doi = {10.3390/agriculture10050147}, pages = {1 -- 17}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Humic substances originating from various organic matters can ameliorate soil properties, stimulate plant growth, and improve nutrient uptake. Due to the low calorific heating value, leonardite is rather unsuitable as fuel. However, it may serve as a potential source of humic substances. This study was aimed at characterizing the leonardite-based soil amendments and examining the effect of their application on the soil microbial community, as well as on potato growth and tuber yield. A high yield (71.1\%) of humic acid (LHA) from leonardite has been demonstrated. Parental leonardite (PL) and LHA were applied to soil prior to potato cultivation. The 16S rRNA sequencing of soil samples revealed distinct relationships between microbial community composition and the application of leonardite-based soil amendments. Potato tubers were planted in pots in greenhouse conditions. The tubers were harvested at the mature stage for the determination of growth and yield parameters. The results demonstrated that the LHA treatments had a significant effect on increasing potato growth (54.9\%) and tuber yield (66.4\%) when compared to the control. The findings highlight the importance of amending leonardite-based humic products for maintaining the biogeochemical stability of soils, for keeping their healthy microbial community structure, and for increasing the agronomic productivity of potato plants.}, language = {en} } @incollection{AkimbekovZhanadilovnaUalievaetal.2020, author = {Akimbekov, Nuraly S. and Zhanadilovna, Abdieva G. and Ualieva, Perizat S. and Abaihanovna, Zhusipova D. and Digel, Ilya and Savitskaya, Irina S. and Zhubanova, Azhar Achmet}, title = {Functionalization of Carbon Based Wound Dressings with Antimicrobial Phytoextracts for Bioactive Treatment of Septic Wounds}, series = {Carbon Nanomaterials in Biomedicine and the Environment}, booktitle = {Carbon Nanomaterials in Biomedicine and the Environment}, publisher = {Jenny Stanford Publishing}, address = {Singapore}, isbn = {978-981-4800-27-3}, doi = {10.1201/9780429428647-11}, pages = {211 -- 228}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The treatment of septic wounds with curative dressings based on biocomposites containing sage and marigold phytoextracts was effective in in vitro and in vivo experiments. These dressings caused the purification of the wound surface from purulent-necrotic masses three days earlier than in the other experimental groups. The consequence of an increase in incidents of severe course of the wound and the observed tendency to increase the number of adverse effects is the development of long-term recurrent wound processes. To treat purulent wounds, the following tactics were used: The purulent wounds of animals were covered with the examined wound dressing, and then the next day samples were taken, the procedure was performed once in 2 days. To obtain the active nanostructured sorbents such as carbonized rice husks, they are functionalized with biologically active components possessing antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, immunomodulating, antiallergic and other types of properties.}, language = {en} } @article{AsanteAsamaniKleefeldWade2020, author = {Asante-Asamani, E.O. and Kleefeld, Andreas and Wade, B.A.}, title = {A second-order exponential time differencing scheme for non-linear reaction-diffusion systems with dimensional splitting}, series = {Journal of Computational Physics}, volume = {415}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0021-9991}, doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2020.109490}, year = {2020}, abstract = {A second-order L-stable exponential time-differencing (ETD) method is developed by combining an ETD scheme with approximating the matrix exponentials by rational functions having real distinct poles (RDP), together with a dimensional splitting integrating factor technique. A variety of non-linear reaction-diffusion equations in two and three dimensions with either Dirichlet, Neumann, or periodic boundary conditions are solved with this scheme and shown to outperform a variety of other second-order implicit-explicit schemes. An additional performance boost is gained through further use of basic parallelization techniques.}, language = {en} } @article{AsarStapenhorst2020, author = {Asar, Hande and Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {Zvi Hecker: Drawing on drawing}, series = {Archives of Design Research}, volume = {33}, journal = {Archives of Design Research}, number = {3}, publisher = {Korean Society of Design Science}, address = {Seongnam}, issn = {1226-8046}, doi = {10.15187/adr.2020.}, pages = {45 -- 53}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Background: Architectural representation, nurtured by the interaction between design thinking and design action, is inherently multi-layered. However, the representation object cannot always reflect these layers. Therefore, it is claimed that these reflections and layerings can gain visibility through 'performativity in personal knowledge', which basically has a performative character. The specific layers of representation produced during the performativity in personal knowledge permit insights about the 'personal way of designing' [1]. Therefore, the question, 'how can these layered drawings be decomposed to understand the personal way of designing', can be defined as the beginning of the study. On the other hand, performativity in personal knowledge in architectural design is handled through the relationship between explicit and tacit knowledge and representational and non-representational theory. To discuss the practical dimension of these theoretical relations, Zvi Hecker's drawing of the Heinz-Galinski-School is examined as an example. The study aims to understand the relationships between the layers by decomposing a layered drawing analytically in order to exemplify personal ways of designing. Methods: The study is based on qualitative research methodologies. First, a model has been formed through theoretical readings to discuss the performativity in personal knowledge. This model is used to understand the layered representations and to research the personal way of designing. Thus, one drawing of Hecker's Heinz-Galinski-School project is chosen. Second, its layers are decomposed to detect and analyze diverse objects, which hint to different types of design tools and their application. Third, Zvi Hecker's statements of the design process are explained through the interview data [2] and other sources. The obtained data are compared with each other. Results: By decomposing the drawing, eleven layers are defined. These layers are used to understand the relation between the design idea and its representation. They can also be thought of as a reading system. In other words, a method to discuss Hecker's performativity in personal knowledge is developed. Furthermore, the layers and their interconnections are described in relation to Zvi Hecker's personal way of designing. Conclusions: It can be said that layered representations, which are associated with the multilayered structure of performativity in personal knowledge, form the personal way of designing.}, language = {en} } @incollection{AtmaneHirechKassmietal.2020, author = {Atmane, Ilias and Hirech, Kamal and Kassmi, K. and Mahdi, Zahra and Alexopoulos, Spiros and Schwarzer, Klemens and Chayeb, H. and Bachiri, Najib}, title = {Design and realization of a pilot solar desalination plant in Douar El Hamri in the province of Berkane (Morocco)}, series = {Sustainable entrepreneurship, renewable energy-based projects, and digitalization}, booktitle = {Sustainable entrepreneurship, renewable energy-based projects, and digitalization}, editor = {Omrane, Amina and Kassmi, Khalil and Akram, Muhammad Wasim and Khanna, Ashish and Mostafiz, Imtiaz}, publisher = {CRC Press}, address = {Boca Raton, Fa.}, isbn = {9781000292541 (E-Book)}, pages = {18 Seiten}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Producing fresh water from saline water has become one of the most difficult challenges to overcome especially with the high demand and shortage of fresh water. In this context, as part of a collaboration with Germany, the authors propose a design and implementation of a pilot multi-stage solar desalination system (MSD), remotely controlled, at Douar Al Hamri in the rural town of Boughriba in the province of Berkane, Morocco. More specifically, they present their contribution on the remote control and supervision system, which makes the functioning of the MSD system reliable and guarantees the production of drinking water for the population of Douar. The results obtained show that the electronic cards and computer communication software implemented allow the acquisition of all electrical (currents, voltages, powers, yields), thermal (temperatures of each stage), and meteorological (irradiance and ambient temperature), remote control and maintenance (switching on, off, data transfer). By comparing with the literature carried out in the field of solar energy, the authors conclude that the MSD and electronic desalination systems realized during this work represent a contribution in terms of the reliability and durability of providing drinking water in rural and urban areas.}, language = {en} } @incollection{AzatKerimkulovaMansurovetal.2020, author = {Azat, Seitkhan and Kerimkulova, Almagul R. and Mansurov, Zulkhair A. and Adekenov, Sergazy and Artmann, Gerhard}, title = {The Use of Fusicoccin as Anticancer Compound}, series = {Carbon Nanomaterials in Biomedicine and the Environment}, booktitle = {Carbon Nanomaterials in Biomedicine and the Environment}, publisher = {Jenny Stanford Publishing}, address = {New York}, isbn = {978-0-429-42864-7}, doi = {10.1201/9780429428647-8}, pages = {149 -- 172}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The problem of creation and use of sorption materials is of current interest for the practice of the modern medicine and agriculture. Practical importance is production of a biostimulant using a carbon sorbent for a significant increase in productivity, which is very relevant for the regions of Kazakhstan. It is known that a plant phytohormone—fusicoccin—in nanogram concentrations transforms cancer cells to the state of apoptosis. In this regard, there is a scientific practical interest in the development of a highly efficient method for producing fusicoccin from extract of germinated wheat seeds. According to the results of computer modeling, cleaning composite components of fusicoccin using microporous carbon adsorbents not suitable as the size of the molecule of fusicoccin more than micropores and the optimum pore size for purification of constituents of fusicoccin was determined by computer simulation.}, language = {en} } @article{BayerTemizArtmannDigeletal.2020, author = {Bayer, Robin and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l and Digel, Ilya and Falkenstein, Julia and Artmann, Gerhard and Creutz, Till and Hescheler, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Mechano-pharmacological testing of L-Type Ca²⁺ channel modulators via human vascular celldrum model}, series = {Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry}, volume = {54}, journal = {Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry}, publisher = {Cell Physiol Biochem Press}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, issn = {1421-9778}, doi = {10.33594/000000225}, pages = {371 -- 383}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Background/Aims: This study aimed to establish a precise and well-defined working model, assessing pharmaceutical effects on vascular smooth muscle cell monolayer in-vitro. It describes various analysis techniques to determine the most suitable to measure the biomechanical impact of vasoactive agents by using CellDrum technology. Methods: The so-called CellDrum technology was applied to analyse the biomechanical properties of confluent human aorta muscle cells (haSMC) in monolayer. The cell generated tensions deviations in the range of a few N/m² are evaluated by the CellDrum technology. This study focuses on the dilative and contractive effects of L-type Ca²⁺ channel agonists and antagonists, respectively. We analyzed the effects of Bay K8644, nifedipine and verapamil. Three different measurement modes were developed and applied to determine the most appropriate analysis technique for the study purpose. These three operation modes are called, particular time mode" (PTM), "long term mode" (LTM) and "real-time mode" (RTM). Results: It was possible to quantify the biomechanical response of haSMCs to the addition of vasoactive agents using CellDrum technology. Due to the supplementation of 100nM Bay K8644, the tension increased approximately 10.6\% from initial tension maximum, whereas, the treatment with nifedipine and verapamil caused a significant decrease in cellular tension: 10nM nifedipine decreased the biomechanical stress around 6,5\% and 50nM verapamil by 2,8\%, compared to the initial tension maximum. Additionally, all tested measurement modes provide similar results while focusing on different analysis parameters. Conclusion: The CellDrum technology allows highly sensitive biomechanical stress measurements of cultured haSMC monolayers. The mechanical stress responses evoked by the application of vasoactive calcium channel modulators were quantified functionally (N/m²). All tested operation modes resulted in equal findings, whereas each mode features operation-related data analysis.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BedburMoorkampPetersonetal.2020, author = {Bedbur, Christian and Moorkamp, Wilfried and Peterson, Leif Arne and Uibel, Thomas}, title = {Holzbr{\"u}cken mit Natursteinbel{\"a}gen - Untersuchungen zur Aktivierung der Verbundwirkung}, series = {Doktorandenkolloquium Holzbau Forschung + Praxis 2020}, booktitle = {Doktorandenkolloquium Holzbau Forschung + Praxis 2020}, editor = {Kuhlmann, Ulrike}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart, Institut f{\"u}r Konstruktion und Entwurf}, address = {Stuttgart}, pages = {53 -- 60}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @article{BensbergAuthCzarnecki2020, author = {Bensberg, Frank and Auth, Gunnar and Czarnecki, Christian}, title = {Literaturanalyse mit Text Mining}, series = {E-Learning and Education (eleed)}, journal = {E-Learning and Education (eleed)}, number = {13}, editor = {Haake, J{\"o}rg M.}, publisher = {FernUniversit{\"a}t in Hagen}, address = {Hagen}, issn = {1860-7470}, pages = {1 -- 13}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die Durchf{\"u}hrung einer systematischen Literaturrecherche ist eine zentrale Kompetenz wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens und bildet daher einen festen Ausbildungsbestandteil von Bachelor- und Masterstudieng{\"a}ngen. In entsprechenden Lehrveranstaltungen werden Studierende zwar mit den grundlegenden Hilfsmitteln zur Suche und Verwaltung von Literatur vertraut gemacht, allerdings werden die Potenziale textanalytischer Methoden und Anwendungssysteme (Text Mining, Text Analytics) dabei zumeist nicht abgedeckt. Folglich werden Datenkompetenzen, die zur systemgest{\"u}tzten Analyse und Erschließung von Literaturdaten erforderlich sind, nicht hinreichend ausgepr{\"a}gt. Um diese Kompetenzl{\"u}cke zu adressieren, ist an der Hochschule Osnabr{\"u}ck eine Lehrveranstaltung konzipiert und projektorientiert umgesetzt worden, die sich insbesondere an Studierende wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Studieng{\"a}nge richtet. Dieser Beitrag dokumentiert die fachliche sowie technische Ausgestaltung dieser Veranstaltung und zeigt Potenziale f{\"u}r die k{\"u}nftige Weiterentwicklung auf.}, language = {de} } @article{Biewendt2020, author = {Biewendt, Marcel}, title = {Sustainable development: A quantitative analysis regarding the impact of resource rents on state welfare from 2002 to 2017}, series = {SocioEconomic Challenges}, volume = {4}, journal = {SocioEconomic Challenges}, number = {4}, publisher = {ARMG Publishing}, address = {Sumy}, issn = {2520-6214}, doi = {10.21272/sec.4(4).119-131.2020}, pages = {119 -- 131}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This paper uses a quantitative analysis to examine the interdependence and impact of resource rents on socio-economic development from 2002 to 2017. Nigeria and Norway have been chosen as reference countries due to their abundance of natural resources by similar economic performance, while the ranking in the Human Development Index differs dramatically. As the Human Development Index provides insight into a country's cultural and socio-economic characteristics and development in addition to economic indicators, it allows a comparison of the two countries. The hypothesis presented and discussed in this paper was researched before. A qualitative research approach was used in the author's master's thesis "The Human Development Index (HDI) as a Reflection of Resource Abundance (using Nigeria and Norway as a case study)" in 2018. The management of scarce resources is an important aspect in the development of modern countries and those on the threshold of becoming industrialised nations. The effects of a mistaken resource management are not only of a purely economic nature but also of a social and socio-economic nature. In order to present a partial aspect of these dependencies and influences this paper uses a quantitative analysis to examine the interdependence and impact of resource rents on socio-economic development from 2002 to 2017. Nigeria and Norway have been chosen as reference countries due to their abundance of natural resources by similar economic performance, while the ranking in the Human Development Index differs significantly. As the Human Development Index provides insight into a country's cultural and socio-economic characteristics and development in addition to economic indicators, it allows a comparison of the two countries. This paper found out in a holistic perspective that (not or poorly managed) resource wealth in itself has a negative impact on socio-economic development and significantly reduces the productivity of the citizens of a state. This is expressed in particular for the years 2002 till 2017 in a negative correlation of GDP per capita and HDI value with the share respectively the size of resources in the GDP of a country.}, language = {en} } @article{BiewendtBlaschkeBoehnert2020, author = {Biewendt, Marcel and Blaschke, Florian and B{\"o}hnert, Arno}, title = {The rebound effect - a systematic review of the current state of affairs}, series = {European Journal of Economics and Business Studies}, volume = {6}, journal = {European Journal of Economics and Business Studies}, number = {1}, publisher = {Revistia}, address = {London}, issn = {2601-8659}, doi = {10.26417/134nvy47z}, pages = {106 -- 120}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This publication is intended to present the current state of research on the rebound effect. First, a systematic literature review is carried out to outline (current) scientific models and theories. Research Question 1 follows with a mathematical introduction of the rebound effect, which shows the interdependence of consumer behaviour, technological progress, and interwoven effects for both. Thereupon, the research field is analysed for gaps and limitations by a systematic literature review. To ensure quantitative and qualitative results, a review protocol is used that integrates two different stages and covers all relevant publications released between 2000 and 2019. Accordingly, 392 publications were identified that deal with the rebound effect. These papers were reviewed to obtain relevant information on the two research questions. The literature review shows that research on the rebound effect is not yet comprehensive and focuses mainly on the effect itself rather than solutions to avoid it. Research Question 2 finds that the main gap, and thus the limitations, is that not much research has been published on the actual avoidance of the rebound effect yet. This is a major limitation for practical application by decision-makers and politicians. Therefore, a theoretical analysis was carried out to identify potential theories and ideas to avoid the rebound effect. The most obvious idea to solve this problem is the theory of a Steady-State Economy (SSE), which has been described and reviewed.}, language = {en} } @article{BiewendtBlaschkeBoehnert2020, author = {Biewendt, Marcel and Blaschke, Florian and B{\"o}hnert, Arno}, title = {An evaluation of corporate sustainability in context of the Jevons paradox}, series = {SocioEconomic Challenges}, volume = {4}, journal = {SocioEconomic Challenges}, number = {3}, publisher = {ARMG Publishing}, address = {Sumy}, issn = {2520-6214}, doi = {10.21272/sec.4(3).46-65.2020}, pages = {46 -- 65}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The successful implementation and continuous development of sustainable corporate-level solutions is a challenge. These are endeavours in which social, environmental, and financial aspects must be weighed against each other. They can prove difficult to handle and, in some cases, almost unrealistic. Concepts such as green controlling, IT, and manufacturing look promising and are constantly evolving. This paper aims to achieve a better understanding of the field of corporate sustainability (CS). It will evaluate the hypothesis by which Corporate Sustainability thrives, via being efficient, increasing the performance, and raising the value of the input of the enterprises to the resources used. In fact, Corporate Sustainability on the surface could seem to contradict the idea, which supports the understanding that it encourages the reduction of the heavy reliance on the use of natural resources, the overall environmental impact, and above all, their protection. To understand how the contradictory notion of CS came about, in this part of the paper, the emphasis is placed on providing useful insight to this regard. The first part of this paper summarizes various definitions, organizational theories, and measures used for CS and its derivatives like green controlling, IT, and manufacturing. Second, a case study is given that combines the aforementioned sustainability models. In addition to evaluating the hypothesis, the overarching objective of this paper is to demonstrate the use of green controlling, IT, and manufacturing in the corporate sector. Furthermore, this paper outlines the current challenges and possible directions for CS in the future.}, language = {en} } @article{BiewendtBoehnertBlaschke2020, author = {Biewendt, Marcel and B{\"o}hnert, Arno and Blaschke, Florian}, title = {The repercussions of the digital twin in the automotive industry on the new marketing logic}, series = {European Journal of Marketing and Economics}, volume = {4}, journal = {European Journal of Marketing and Economics}, number = {1}, publisher = {Revistia}, address = {London}, issn = {2601-8659}, doi = {10.26417/229eim64f}, pages = {68 -- 73}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Rapid development of virtual and data acquisition technology makes Digital Twin Technology (DT) one of the fundamental areas of research, while DT is one of the most promissory developments for the achievement of Industry 4.0. 48\% percent of organisations implementing the Internet of Things are already using DT or plan to use DT in 2020. The global market for DT is expected to grow by 38 percent annually, reaching USD16 billion by 2023. In addition, the number of participating organisations using digital twins is expected to triple by 2022. DTs are characterised by the integration between physical and virtual spaces. The driving idea for DT is to develop, test and build our devices in a virtual environment. The objective of this paper is to study the impact of DT in the automotive industry on the new marketing logic. This paper outlines the current challenges and possible directions for the future DT in marketing. This paper will be helpful for managers in the industry to use the advantages and potentials of DT.}, language = {en} } @incollection{BorchertTenbrake2020, author = {Borchert, J{\"o}rg and Tenbrake, Andre}, title = {Bewirtschaftung von Flexibilit{\"a}t {\"u}ber Microservices eines Plattformanbieters}, series = {Realisierung Utility 4.0 Band 1}, booktitle = {Realisierung Utility 4.0 Band 1}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-25332-5}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-25332-5_37}, pages = {615 -- 626}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die Energiewirtschaft befindet sich in einem starken Wandel, der v. a. durch die Energiewende und Digitalisierung Druck auf s{\"a}mtliche Marktteilnehmer aus{\"u}bt. Das klassische Gesch{\"a}ftsmodell des Energieversorgungsunternehmens ver{\"a}ndert sich dabei grundlegend. Der kontinuierlich ansteigende Einsatz dezentraler und volatiler Erzeugungsanlagen macht die Identifikation von Flexibilit{\"a}tspotenzialen notwendig, um weiterhin eine hohe Versorgungssicherheit zu gew{\"a}hrleisten. Dieser Schritt ist nur mit einem hohen Digitalisierungsgrad m{\"o}glich. Eine funktionale Plattform mit Microservices, die zu Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessen verbunden werden k{\"o}nnen, wird als M{\"o}glichkeit zur Aktivierung der Flexibilit{\"a}t und Digitalisierung der Energieversorgungsunternehmen im Folgenden vorgestellt.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{BraunChengDoweyetal.2020, author = {Braun, Sebastian and Cheng, Chi-Tsun and Dowey, Steve and Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {Survey on Security Concepts to Adapt Flexible Manufacturing and Operations Management based upon Multi-Agent Systems}, series = {2020 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Proceedings}, booktitle = {2020 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Proceedings}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York, NY}, doi = {10.1109/ISIE45063.2020.9152210}, pages = {5 Seiten}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The increasing digitalization brings new opportunities but also puts new challenges to modern industrial systems. Software agents are one of the key technologies towards self-optimizing factories and are currently used to address the needs of cyber-physical production systems (CPPS). However their interplay in industrial settings needs to be understood better.This paper focusses on securing a cloud infrastructure for multi-agent systems for industrial sites. An industrial site contains multiple production processes that need to communicate with each other and each physical resource is abstracted with a software agent. This volatile architecture needs to be managed and protected from manipulation. The proposed infrastructure presents a security concept for TCP/IP communication between agents, machines, and external networks. It is based on open-source software and tested on a three-node edge cloud controlling a model-plant.}, language = {en} } @article{BreussKleefeld2020, author = {Breuß, Michael and Kleefeld, Andreas}, title = {Implicit monotone difference methods for scalar conservation laws with source terms}, series = {Acta Mathematica Vietnamica}, volume = {45}, journal = {Acta Mathematica Vietnamica}, publisher = {Springer Singapore}, address = {Singapore}, issn = {2315-4144}, doi = {10.1007/s40306-019-00354-1}, pages = {709 -- 738}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In this article, a concept of implicit methods for scalar conservation laws in one or more spatial dimensions allowing also for source terms of various types is presented. This material is a significant extension of previous work of the first author (Breuß SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 43(3), 970-986 2005). Implicit notions are developed that are centered around a monotonicity criterion. We demonstrate a connection between a numerical scheme and a discrete entropy inequality, which is based on a classical approach by Crandall and Majda. Additionally, three implicit methods are investigated using the developed notions. Next, we conduct a convergence proof which is not based on a classical compactness argument. Finally, the theoretical results are confirmed by various numerical tests.}, language = {en} }