@masterthesis{Brunsbach2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Brunsbach, Katharina}, title = {Lesesessel im d{\"a}nischen Stil}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {131 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Bei dem M{\"o}bel wurde Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit, Langlebigkeit und zeitloses Design gelegt. Ziel war es, ein M{\"o}bel zu entwerfen, welches bequem, minimalistisch und alltagstauglich ist. Der Sessel mit passendem Hocker besteht aus einem Holzgestell mit aufliegenden Polstern. Die Gestelle sind aus R{\"u}sterholz mit handwerklichen Verbindungen gefertigt. Die Polster bestehen aus 10 cm dickem Schaumstoff, bezogen mit einem Chenille M{\"o}belstoff. Durch l{\"o}sbare Verbindungen und Sitzlatten, die in Austaschungen gesteckt werden, lassen sich die M{\"o}bel vom Endkunden leicht selbst aufbauen und erm{\"o}glichen einen flachen Versandkarton. Der Sessel l{\"a}dt zum Entspannen und Lesen ein. Er ist bequem und gew{\"a}hrleistet dadurch ein stundenlanges Nutzen. „HVILE" ein Ort der Ruhe und Eintritt in eine andere Welt.}, language = {de} } @article{MoraisSumanSchoeningetal.2023, author = {Morais, Paulo V. and Suman, Pedro H. and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef and Siqueira Junior, Jos{\´e} R. and Orlandi, Marcelo O.}, title = {Layer-by-layer film based on Sn₃O₄ nanobelts as sensing units to detect heavy metals using a capacitive field-effect sensor platform}, series = {Chemosensors}, volume = {11}, journal = {Chemosensors}, number = {8}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2227-9040}, doi = {10.3390/chemosensors11080436}, pages = {Artikel 436}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Lead and nickel, as heavy metals, are still used in industrial processes, and are classified as "environmental health hazards" due to their toxicity and polluting potential. The detection of heavy metals can prevent environmental pollution at toxic levels that are critical to human health. In this sense, the electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor (EIS) field-effect sensor is an attractive sensing platform concerning the fabrication of reusable and robust sensors to detect such substances. This study is aimed to fabricate a sensing unit on an EIS device based on Sn₃O₄ nanobelts embedded in a polyelectrolyte matrix of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and polyacrylic acid (PAA) using the layer-by-layer (LbL) technique. The EIS-Sn₃O₄ sensor exhibited enhanced electrochemical performance for detecting Pb²⁺ and Ni²⁺ ions, revealing a higher affinity for Pb²⁺ ions, with sensitivities of ca. 25.8 mV/decade and 2.4 mV/decade, respectively. Such results indicate that Sn₃O₄ nanobelts can contemplate a feasible proof-of-concept capacitive field-effect sensor for heavy metal detection, envisaging other future studies focusing on environmental monitoring.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Baierlein2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Baierlein, Ellen}, title = {Konzerthaus Berlin : Entwicklung eines Erscheinungsbildes f{\"u}r das Konzerthaus Berlin}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {102 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Das Konzerthaus Berlin ist einer der sch{\"o}nsten Orte Berlins f{\"u}r klassische Musik. Dabei steht das Haus auf der Schwelle zwischen langer Tradition und Moderne. Die Qualit{\"a}t an Musik, die dort gespielt wird, soll dabei f{\"u}r alle zug{\"a}nglich sein. Dies machen die unterschiedlichsten Konzerte m{\"o}glich. Um diesen modernen Anspruch auch nach außen zu kommunizieren, wurde ein neues Gestaltungskonzept f{\"u}r das Konzerthaus Berlin entwickelt. Im Fokus des neu entwickelten Corporate Designs steht der Rhythmus Gedanke, welcher sich im Headline Prinzip zeigt sowie medien{\"u}bergreifend in der Layoutgestaltung durch Groß/Klein Kontraste fortsetzt. Das Erscheinungsbild funktioniert dabei sowohl animiert als auch statisch. Musik wird dadurch visuell erfahrbar gemacht und bildet den modernen Fokuspunkt in der Gestaltung.}, language = {de} } @article{Golland2023, author = {Golland, Alexander}, title = {Kompetenz nationaler Wettbewerbsbeh{\"o}rden zur Feststellung eines Verstoßes gegen die DS-GVO}, series = {MMR - Zeitschrift f{\"u}r IT-Recht und Recht der Digitalisierung}, journal = {MMR - Zeitschrift f{\"u}r IT-Recht und Recht der Digitalisierung}, number = {9}, publisher = {Beck}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, pages = {680 -- 683}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Kappel2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Kappel, Jana Naomi}, title = {KLIKK : ein smartes Kinderprodukt f{\"u}r den altersgerechten Einstieg in die digitale Welt}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {163 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die neue Generation wird mit einer Medienwelt konfrontiert, welche nicht auf unsere kleinen Nutzer:innen ausgelegt ist. Die Verwendung von digitalen Medien hatte nie einen gr{\"o}ßeren Einfluss auf unsere Gesellschaft wie im Hier und Jetzt. Somit ist es von großer Relevanz, diese Nutzung kindergerechter zu gestalten und einen sicheren Rahmen f{\"u}r sie zu schaffen. Das Bachelorprojekt „KLIKK" legt einen L{\"o}sungsentwurf f{\"u}r den altersgerechten Einstieg f{\"u}r Kinder in diese digitale Welt vor, um den richtigen Umgang mit Smartwatches und darauf aufbauende Medien zu erm{\"o}glichen und gleichzeitig einen p{\"a}dagogischen Mehrwert zu bieten. Das didaktische Produktkonzept, welches explizit f{\"u}r Kinder designed wurde, beinhaltet das Erlernen des Uhrlesens und befriedigt das aufkommende Bed{\"u}rfnis nach Vernetzung in einem sicheren System. Zudem f{\"o}rdert es die Autonomie und ist an die kindliche Motorik angepasst. Mitinitiator und Namensgeber f{\"u}r diese Konzeption ist die deutsche Kinderuhrenmarke KWIO. KLIKK inkludiert Sicherheit, die Freude am Lernen und bietet eine M{\"o}glichkeit, die Kleinen ganz groß in unsere digitale Welt aufzunehmen.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Vonderhagen2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Vonderhagen, Lisa}, title = {KiBix : Fahrradfahren f{\"u}r Kinder - das nachhaltige Kinderfahrrad aus Kunststoff als Abo-Sharing-System}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {151 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Jedes Jahr werden Hunderttausende Fahrradrahmen produziert. 90 \% davon werden in Asien hergestellt und von dort {\"u}ber die ganze Welt versendet. Mehr als 80 \% der Rahmen werden nach der Nutzung wieder nach Asien zur{\"u}ckgeschickt und landen dort auf riesigen Fahrradfriedh{\"o}fen. Das Kinderfahrradkonzept "KiBix" wirkt diesem Problem entgegen, indem es eine Alternative f{\"u}r das regelm{\"a}ßige Kaufen von neuen Kinderfahrr{\"a}dern bietet. Im Fokus stehen der Kinderfahrradrahmen und die Gabel aus Kunststoff, welche im Spritzgussverfahren produziert werden. Das City-Bike ist in ein Abo-Sharing-System mit R{\"a}dern in unterschiedlichen Gr{\"o}ßen eingebettet, welches durch eine monatliche Geb{\"u}hr wie das Eigene genutzt werden kann. Der hohlgespritzte Rahmen erm{\"o}glicht die Integration kleiner Boxen im Inneren, in denen Kinder ihre pers{\"o}nlichen "Sch{\"a}tze" mitnehmen k{\"o}nnen. Somit vereint das Konzept die drei Segmente Material/Produktion, Sharing-System und die Mitnahme des "Schatzes". "KiBix" gibt Kindern in Zeiten der Digitalisierung und der globalen Erw{\"a}rmung die M{\"o}glichkeit, selbstbestimmt und nachhaltig die Welt zu erkunden.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Keith2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Keith, Anna-Lena}, title = {KI und Sprache : explorativer Blick auf Word Embeddings im NLP}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {271 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz (KI) wird heute vielf{\"a}ltig eingesetzt, so auch im Bereich der Sprache. Pers{\"o}nliche Assistent:innen und Chatbots beeindrucken, da sie so etwas Vielschichtiges wie die menschliche Sprache beherrschen. Dass Maschinen dabei nur komplexen mathematischen Regeln folgen, ist den meisten klar. Doch was verbirgt sich hinter dem vermeintlichen „Sprachverst{\"a}ndnis" einer KI? Word Embeddings bilden eine numerische Repr{\"a}sentation von Sprache ab und dienen einem Machine Learning Algorithmus als eine Art „Wortschatz", mit dem gerechnet werden kann. Das Projekt bildet einen hundertdimensionalen Word Embedding Datensatz auf verschiedene Weise und mittels explorierbarer interaktiver Tools ab. Kombiniert mit Erkl{\"a}rungen und eigenen Erkenntnissen finden sich diese Tools in einem Blog, der fachfremden Einsteigenden ins Thema KI erste tiefergehende Einblicke „hinter die Kulissen" bieten soll."}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Outkina2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Outkina, Ioulia}, title = {Kassandra : wetterbedingte Extremereignisse werden zunehmend die neue Realit{\"a}t bestimmen}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {253 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Wetterbedingte Extremereignisse nehmen mit dem Klimawandel in vielen Regionen der Welt an Intensit{\"a}t und H{\"a}ufigkeit zu. Immer wieder unterstreichen tragische Krisenvorf{\"a}lle die Notwendigkeit der Aufkl{\"a}rung im Nachgang. Doch ausgerechnet wenn sich Leute {\"u}ber eins der aktuellsten und schwerwiegendsten Themen unserer heutigen Zeit informieren wollen, wird es daf{\"u}r keinen konsistenten Kanal in Deutschland geben. Kassandra bietet die M{\"o}glichkeit, sich verst{\"a}ndlich mit den Ereignissen und Missst{\"a}nden sachlich im Krisenbereich auseinanderzusetzen. Transparenz und Seriosit{\"a}t sind Schwerpunkte im qualitativ hochwertigen Bereich, die dabei von Wichtigkeit sind. Mit den Prinzipien des investigativen Journalismus schafft Kassandra als Onlineformat einen Denkanstoß, wie im Bereich der Krisenkommunikation eine Verbesserung stattfinden kann.}, language = {de} } @article{GollandKelbch2023, author = {Golland, Alexander and Kelbch, Niklas}, title = {Kartellrecht vs. Datenschutzrecht: Rechtsgrundlagen f{\"u}r die Datenverarbeitung in sozialen Netzwerken}, series = {DSB Datenschutz-Berater}, journal = {DSB Datenschutz-Berater}, number = {9}, publisher = {DFV Mediengruppe}, address = {Frankfurt a.M.}, issn = {0170-7256}, pages = {247 -- 249}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Riederer2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Riederer, Estella Charlotte}, title = {ITFS : Redesign des Erscheinungsbildes des Internationalen Trickfilm-Festival Stuttgart}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {111 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Film ab! Das Internationale Trickfilm-Festival Stuttgart ist seit 30 Jahren ein fester Bestandteil der internationalen Film- und Animations-Branche und z{\"a}hlt zu einer der renommiertesten Veranstaltungen. Das Festival ist ein Ort der Inspiration und des Austausches - die neusten Animationsfilme werden hier pr{\"a}sentiert, junge Talente entdeckt und gef{\"o}rdert. Im Fokus des neugestalteten Corporate Design steht die eigens entwickelte Schrift, welche den einzigartigen Charakter des Festivals widerspiegelt und so zum Trickfilm der Typografie wird. Das medien{\"u}bergreifende Erscheinungsbild, in animierter oder statischer Form, kommuniziert so die qualitativ hochwertigen Inhalte des Festivals. Durch die dynamische und plakative Gestaltung wird das Festival zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis f{\"u}r alle Besucher:innen.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Heindrichs2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Heindrichs, Maik}, title = {Intrinsic Motion in Type : eine Bewegtbild Plakatreihe f{\"u}r das D{\"u}sseldorfer Schauspielhaus}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {53 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Gestaltung und Programmierung dynamischer Motion-Design Plakate zwecks Kommunikation der Theaterst{\"u}cke des D{\"u}sseldorfer Schauspielhauses. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Typografie und ihrer intrinsischen Bewegung. Der technische Fortschritt bietet viele neue M{\"o}glichkeiten im Umgang mit Schrift. Diese Arbeit dient dazu, mithilfe von aktuellen Techniken einen neuen Ansatz im Bereich Gestaltung mit Schrift, sowie Variable Fonts, in Kombination mit Motion-Design aufzuzeigen. Dies wird anhand von Eigenschaften der Schrift und der inhaltlichen Ebene, ohne die Buchstaben dabei zu dekonstruieren, umgesetzt. Die Bewegungen werden dann in das Format Plakat {\"u}bertragen und dargestellt.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{HueningMund2023, author = {H{\"u}ning, Felix and Mund, Cindy}, title = {Integration of agile development in standard labs}, series = {51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI)}, booktitle = {51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI)}, doi = {10.21427/NK4Z-WS73}, pages = {11 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In addition to the technical content, modern courses at university should also teach professional skills to enhance the competencies of students towards their future work. The competency driven approach including technical as well as professional skills makes it necessary to find a suitable way for the integration into the corresponding module in a scalable and flexible manner. Agile development, for example, is essential for the development of modern systems and applications and makes use of dedicated professional skills of the team members, like structured group dynamics and communication, to enable the fast and reliable development. This paper presents an easy to integrate and flexible approach to integrate Scrum, an agile development method, into the lab of an existing module. Due to the different role models of Scrum the students have an individual learning success, gain valuable insight into modern system development and strengthen their communication and organization skills. The approach is implemented and evaluated in the module Vehicle Systems, but it can be transferred easily to other technical courses as well. The evaluation of the implementation considers feedback of all stakeholders, students, supervisor and lecturers, and monitors the observations during project lifetime.}, language = {en} } @article{ElBerguiAbouabdillahBouriougetal.2023, author = {El Bergui, Omnia and Abouabdillah, Aziz and Bourioug, Mohamed and Schmitz, Dominik and Biel, Markus and Aboudrare, Abdellah and Krauss, Manuel and Jomaa, Ahlem and Romuli, Sebastian and M{\"u}ller, Joachim and Fagroud, Mustapha and Bouabid, Rachid}, title = {Innovative solutions for drought: Evaluating hydrogel application on onion cultivation (Allium cepa) in Morocco}, series = {Water}, volume = {15}, journal = {Water}, number = {11}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, doi = {10.3390/w15111972}, pages = {Artikel 1972}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Throughout the last decade, and particularly in 2022, water scarcity has become a critical concern in Morocco and other Mediterranean countries. The lack of rainfall during spring was worsened by a succession of heat waves during the summer. To address this drought, innovative solutions, including the use of new technologies such as hydrogels, will be essential to transform agriculture. This paper presents the findings of a study that evaluated the impact of hydrogel application on onion (Allium cepa) cultivation in Meknes, Morocco. The treatments investigated in this study comprised two different types of hydrogel-based soil additives (Arbovit® polyacrylate and Huminsorb® polyacrylate), applied at two rates (30 and 20 kg/ha), and irrigated at two levels of water supply (100\% and 50\% of daily crop evapotranspiration; ETc). Two control treatments were included, without hydrogel application and with both water amounts. The experiment was conducted in an open field using a completely randomized design. The results indicated a significant impact of both hydrogel-type dose and water dose on onion plant growth, as evidenced by various vegetation parameters. Among the hydrogels tested, Huminsorb® Polyacrylate produced the most favorable outcomes, with treatment T9 (100\%, HP, 30 kg/ha) yielding 70.55 t/ha; this represented an increase of 11 t/ha as compared to the 100\% ETc treatment without hydrogel application. Moreover, the combination of hydrogel application with 50\% ETc water stress showed promising results, with treatment T4 (HP, 30 kg, 50\%) producing almost the same yield as the 100\% ETc treatment without hydrogel while saving 208 mm of water.}, language = {en} } @misc{Benavides2023, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Benavides, Lucie}, title = {INKAS : User Experience und User Interface einer bestehenden CPQ-Webanwendung zur Erstellung von Konfiguratoren f{\"u}r variantenreiche Produkte.}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {191 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Im Rahmen dieser Masterarbeit wird die komplexe CPQ-Branchenl{\"o}sung INKAS der it-motive AG konzeptionell und gestalterisch {\"u}berarbeitet. Die mehrj{\"a}hrige Entwicklung von INKAS und etlicher separater Komponenten hat zu einer zum Teil inkonsistenten Oberfl{\"a}che gef{\"u}hrt, die Schwierigkeiten bei der Benutzung aufweist. Das neue User Interface, welches diese Masterarbeit entwickelt, soll durch einheitliche Interaktionsprinzipien zum einen die Usability und bestehende Funktionalit{\"a}ten verbessern und zum anderen neue Funktionen leichter integrierbar machen. Diese Masterarbeit demonstriert somit ein Vorgehensmodell, durch welches komplexe existierende Branchenl{\"o}sungen mithilfe eines nutzerzentrierten Redesigns eine nachhaltig verbesserte Produktqualit{\"a}t erreichen und die Integration neuer Technologien erm{\"o}glicht. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch exemplarisch aufgezeigt, wie Designleistungen methodisch in bestehende agile Softwareentwicklungsprozesse integriert werden k{\"o}nnen.}, language = {de} } @article{ŠakićMarinkovićButenwegetal.2023, author = {Šakić, Bogdan and Marinković, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {Influence of slab deflection on the out-of-plane capacity of unreinforced masonry partition walls}, series = {Engineering Structures}, volume = {276}, journal = {Engineering Structures}, editor = {Yang, J.}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0141-0296}, doi = {10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.115342}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Severe damage of non-structural elements is noticed in previous earthquakes, causing high economic losses and posing a life threat for the people. Masonry partition walls are one of the most commonly used non-structural elements. Therefore, their behaviour under earthquake loading in out-of-plane (OOP) direction is investigated by several researches in the past years. However, none of the existing experimental campaigns or analytical approaches consider the influence of prior slab deflection on OOP response of partition walls. Moreover, none of the existing construction techniques for the connection of partition walls with surrounding reinforced concrete (RC) is investigated for the combined slab deflection and OOP loading. However, the inevitable time-dependent behaviour of RC slabs leads to high values of final slab deflections which can further influence boundary conditions of partition walls. Therefore, a comprehensive study on the influence of slab deflection on the OOP capacity of masonry partitions is conducted. In the first step, experimental tests are carried out. Results of experimental tests are further used for the calibration of the numerical model employed for a parametric study. Based on the results, behaviour under combined loading for different construction techniques is explained. The results show that slab deflection leads either to severe damage or to a high reduction of OOP capacity. Existing practical solutions do not account for these effects. In this contribution, recommendations to overcome the problems of combined slab deflection and OOP loading on masonry partition walls are given. Possible interaction of in-plane (IP) loading, with the combined slab deflection and OOP loading on partition walls, is not investigated in this study.}, language = {en} } @article{JanusAchtsnichtTempeletal.2023, author = {Janus, Kevin Alexander and Achtsnicht, Stefan and Tempel, Laura and Drinic, Aleksaner and Kopp, Alexander and Keusgen, Michael and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Influence of fibroin membrane composition and curing parameters on the performance of a biodegradable enzymatic biosensor manufactured from Silicon-Free Carbon}, series = {Physica status solidi : pss. A, Applications and materials science}, volume = {220}, journal = {Physica status solidi : pss. A, Applications and materials science}, number = {22}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {1862-6300 (Print)}, doi = {10.1002/pssa.202300081}, pages = {10 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Herein, fibroin, polylactide (PLA), and carbon are investigated for their suitability as biocompatible and biodegradable materials for amperometric biosensors. For this purpose, screen-printed carbon electrodes on the biodegradable substrates fibroin and PLA are modified with a glucose oxidase membrane and then encapsulated with the biocompatible material Ecoflex. The influence of different curing parameters of the carbon electrodes on the resulting biosensor characteristics is studied. The morphology of the electrodes is investigated by scanning electron microscopy, and the biosensor performance is examined by amperometric measurements of glucose (0.5-10 mM) in phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.4, at an applied potential of 1.2 V versus a Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Instead of Ecoflex, fibroin, PLA, and wound adhesive are tested as alternative encapsulation compounds: a series of swelling tests with different fibroin compositions, PLA, and Ecoflex has been performed before characterizing the most promising candidates by chronoamperometry. Therefore, the carbon electrodes are completely covered with the particular encapsulation material. Chronoamperometric measurements with H2O2 concentrations between 0.5 and 10 mM enable studying the leakage current behavior.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BungLangohrWaldenberger2023, author = {Bung, Daniel Bernhard and Langohr, Phillip and Waldenberger, Lisa}, title = {Influence of cycle number in CFD studies of labyrinth weirs}, series = {Proceedings of the 40th IAHR World Congress (Vienna, 2023)}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 40th IAHR World Congress (Vienna, 2023)}, editor = {Habersack, Helmut and Tritthart, Michael}, publisher = {International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)}, address = {Madrid}, isbn = {978-90-833476-1-5}, issn = {L 2521-7119 (online)}, doi = {10.3850/978-90-833476-1-5_iahr40wc-p0531-cd}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The major advantage of labyrinth weirs over linear weirs is hydraulic efficiency. In hydraulic modeling efforts, this strength contrasts with limited pump capacity as well as limited computational power for CFD simulations. For the latter, reducing the number of investigated cycles can significantly reduce necessary computational time. In this study, a labyrinth weir with different cycle numbers was investigated. The simulations were conducted in FLOW-3D HYDRO as a Large Eddy Simulation. With a mean deviation of 1.75 \% between simulated discharge coefficients and literature design equations, a reasonable agreement was found. For downstream conditions, overall consistent results were observed as well. However, the orientation of labyrinth weirs with a single cycle should be chosen carefully under consideration of the individual research purpose.}, language = {en} } @article{BoehnertBlaschkeBiewendt2023, author = {B{\"o}hnert, Arno and Blaschke, Florian and Biewendt, Marcel}, title = {Impact of sustainability on the strategic direction of luxury companies}, series = {European Journal of Marketing and Economics}, volume = {6}, journal = {European Journal of Marketing and Economics}, number = {1}, publisher = {Revistia}, address = {London}, issn = {2601-8659}, pages = {70 -- 85}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Today's society is undergoing a paradigm shift driven by the megatrend of sustainability. This undeniably affects all areas of Western life. This paper aims to find out how the luxury industry is dealing with this change and what adjustments are made by the companies. For this purpose, interviews were conducted with managers from the luxury industry, in which they were asked about specific measures taken by their companies as well as trends in the industry. In a subsequent evaluation, the trends in the luxury industry were summarized for the areas of ecological, social, and economic sustainability. It was found that the area of environmental sustainability is significantly more focused than the other sub-areas. Furthermore, the need for a customer survey to validate the industry-based measures was identified.}, language = {en} } @article{Golland2023, author = {Golland, Alexander}, title = {Immaterieller Schadensersatz bei Datenschutzverst{\"o}ßen - EuGH tariert aus}, series = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, volume = {2023}, journal = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, number = {26}, publisher = {NWB Verlag}, address = {Herne}, issn = {0028-3460}, pages = {1845 -- 1845}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Umsatzbasierte Bußgelder - wie sonst nur aus dem Kartellrecht bekannt - waren einer der Gr{\"u}nde, warum die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) vor ihrem Inkrafttreten f{\"u}r erhebliches Aufsehen sorgte. Die vielfach relevanteren Schadensersatzanspr{\"u}che, die, wie bei „Dieselgate", aufgrund der Vielzahl von betroffenen Personen und der aus Sicht von Rechtsdienstleistern bestehenden Skalierbarkeit mit weitaus h{\"o}heren Einbußen f{\"u}r Unternehmen einhergehen k{\"o}nnen, blieben zun{\"a}chst unbeachtet. Inzwischen ist der Schadensersatzanspruch gem. Art. 82 DSGVO die Vorschrift, die die meisten Vorlagen zum Europ{\"a}ischen Gerichtshof (EuGH) der letzten Jahre hervorgerufen hat. Am 4.5.2023 hat nun der EuGH (Urteil v. 4.5.2023 - Rs. C-300/21, NWB GAAAJ-41389) in einem Grundsatzurteil {\"u}ber zentrale Fragen rund um den Ersatz immaterieller Sch{\"a}den als Folge von Datenschutzverst{\"o}ßen entschieden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bung2023, author = {Bung, Daniel Bernhard}, title = {Imaging techniques for investigation of free-surface flows in hydraulic laboratories}, doi = {10.25926/BUW/0-172}, pages = {XXIII, 218 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This thesis aims at the presentation and discussion of well-accepted and new imaging techniques applied to different types of flow in common hydraulic engineering environments. All studies are conducted in laboratory conditions and focus on flow depth and velocity measurements. Investigated flows cover a wide range of complexity, e.g. propagation of waves, dam-break flows, slightly and fully aerated spillway flows as well as highly turbulent hydraulic jumps. Newimagingmethods are compared to different types of sensorswhich are frequently employed in contemporary laboratory studies. This classical instrumentation as well as the general concept of hydraulic modeling is introduced to give an overview on experimental methods. Flow depths are commonly measured by means of ultrasonic sensors, also known as acoustic displacement sensors. These sensors may provide accurate data with high sample rates in case of simple flow conditions, e.g. low-turbulent clear water flows. However, with increasing turbulence, higher uncertainty must be considered. Moreover, ultrasonic sensors can provide point data only, while the relatively large acoustic beam footprint may lead to another source of uncertainty in case of relatively short, highly turbulent surface fluctuations (ripples) or free-surface air-water flows. Analysis of turbulent length and time scales of surface fluctuations from point measurements is also difficult. Imaging techniques with different dimensionality, however, may close this gap. It is shown in this thesis that edge detection methods (known from computer vision) may be used for two-dimensional free-surface extraction (i.e. from images taken through transparant sidewalls in laboratory flumes). Another opportunity in hydraulic laboratory studies comes with the application of stereo vision. Low-cost RGB-D sensors can be used to gather instantaneous, three-dimensional free-surface elevations, even in flows with very high complexity (e.g. aerated hydraulic jumps). It will be shown that the uncertainty of these methods is of similar order as for classical instruments. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is a well-accepted and widespread imaging technique for velocity determination in laboratory conditions. In combination with high-speed cameras, PIV can give time-resolved velocity fields in 2D/3D or even as volumetric flow fields. PIV is based on a cross-correlation technique applied to small subimages of seeded flows. The minimum size of these subimages defines the maximum spatial resolution of resulting velocity fields. A derivative of PIV for aerated flows is also available, i.e. the so-called Bubble Image Velocimetry (BIV). This thesis emphasizes the capacities and limitations of both methods, using relatively simple setups with halogen and LED illuminations. It will be demonstrated that PIV/BIV images may also be processed by means of Optical Flow (OF) techniques. OF is another method originating from the computer vision discipline, based on the assumption of image brightness conservation within a sequence of images. The Horn-Schunck approach, which has been first employed to hydraulic engineering problems in the studies presented herein, yields dense velocity fields, i.e. pixelwise velocity data. As discussed hereinafter, the accuracy of OF competes well with PIV for clear-water flows and even improves results (compared to BIV) for aerated flow conditions. In order to independently benchmark the OF approach, synthetic images with defined turbulence intensitiy are used. Computer vision offers new opportunities that may help to improve the understanding of fluid mechanics and fluid-structure interactions in laboratory investigations. In prototype environments, it can be employed for obstacle detection (e.g. identification of potential fish migration corridors) and recognition (e.g. fish species for monitoring in a fishway) or surface reconstruction (e.g. inspection of hydraulic structures). It can thus be expected that applications to hydraulic engineering problems will develop rapidly in near future. Current methods have not been developed for fluids in motion. Systematic future developments are needed to improve the results in such difficult conditions.}, language = {en} }