@inproceedings{PothMonzonTippkoetteretal.2010, author = {Poth, Sebastian and Monzon, Magaly and Tippk{\"o}tter, Nils and Ulber, Roland}, title = {Lignocellulosic biorefinery : process integration of hydrolysis and fermentation}, series = {Proceedings / 11th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp : August 16 - 19, 2010, Hamburg, Germany}, booktitle = {Proceedings / 11th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp : August 16 - 19, 2010, Hamburg, Germany}, publisher = {vTi}, address = {Hamburg}, pages = {65 -- 68}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @incollection{BuxbaumLangeRingbeck2009, author = {Buxbaum, Bernd and Lange, Robert and Ringbeck, Thorsten}, title = {3D-Imaging}, series = {Handbuch Fahrerassistenzsysteme : Grundlagen, Komponenten und Systeme f{\"u}r aktive Sicherheit und Komfort ; mit 45 Tabellen}, booktitle = {Handbuch Fahrerassistenzsysteme : Grundlagen, Komponenten und Systeme f{\"u}r aktive Sicherheit und Komfort ; mit 45 Tabellen}, editor = {Winner, Hermann}, edition = {1. Auflage}, publisher = {Vieweg + Teubner}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-8348-0287-3}, pages = {187 -- 197}, year = {2009}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Jacobs2007, author = {Jacobs, Stephan}, title = {Verwendung von Netzwerkmustern in der Telekommunikationsindustrie : [Vortragsfolien]}, series = {Test Patterns - Intelligente Wiederverwendung von Testware : Software-QS-Tag 2007 ; 08. November 2007, N{\"u}rnberg}, booktitle = {Test Patterns - Intelligente Wiederverwendung von Testware : Software-QS-Tag 2007 ; 08. November 2007, N{\"u}rnberg}, pages = {49 S. : zahlr. Ill. und graph. Darst.}, year = {2007}, abstract = {"[...] Der erste Teil des Vortags konzentriert sich auf die bei Ericsson gemachten Erfahrungen. Welche Muster wurden identifiziert, f{\"u}r welche Tests wurden sie eingesetzt. Wie werden diese Muster verwendet, wie werden sie beschrieben und spezifiziert. Und schließlich, wie entsteht eine Art Standardisierung, in der das Wissen {\"u}ber diese Muster als Organisationswissen zur Verf{\"u}gung steht. Im zweiten Teil des Vortrags werden die bei Ericsson gemachten Erfahrungen verallgemeinert. Die bei Ericsson verwendeten Muster werden auf allgemeine Strukturen {\"u}bertragen (z.B. Client-Server). Es wird gezeigt, wie die Zuordnung von Testverfahren auf Netzwerkmuster auch in anderen Dom{\"a}nen verwendet wird und welche Vorteile sich damit erzielen lassen." Quelle: http://www.qs-tag.de/fileadmin/software-qs-tag/public/2007/abstract_jacobs.shtml}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{SchreiberKraftZuendorf2017, author = {Schreiber, Marc and Kraft, Bodo and Z{\"u}ndorf, Albert}, title = {Metrics driven research collaboration: focusing on common project goals continuously}, series = {Proceedings : 2017 IEEE/ACM 4th International Workshop on Software Engineering Research and Industrial Practice : SER\&IP 2017 : 21 May 2017 Buenos Aires, Argentina}, booktitle = {Proceedings : 2017 IEEE/ACM 4th International Workshop on Software Engineering Research and Industrial Practice : SER\&IP 2017 : 21 May 2017 Buenos Aires, Argentina}, editor = {Bilof, Randall}, publisher = {IEEE Press}, address = {Piscataway, NJ}, isbn = {978-1-5386-2797-6}, doi = {10.1109/SER-IP.2017..6}, pages = {41 -- 47}, year = {2017}, language = {en} } @article{SchierenKleinschmidtSchmutzetal.2019, author = {Schieren, Mark and Kleinschmidt, Joris and Schmutz, Axel and Loop, Torsten and Gatzweiler, Karl-Heinz and Staat, Manfred and Wappler, Frank and Defosse, Jerome}, title = {Comparison of forces acting on maxillary incisors during tracheal intubation with different laryngoscopy techniques: a blinded manikin study}, series = {Anaesthesia}, volume = {74}, journal = {Anaesthesia}, number = {12}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, address = {Oxford}, isbn = {1365-2044}, doi = {10.1111/anae.14815}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @article{Kuperjans2011, author = {Kuperjans, Isabel}, title = {Gute Planung ist alles : Energieeffizienz in der Pharmaproduktion}, series = {Pharma + Food}, volume = {2011}, journal = {Pharma + Food}, number = {2}, publisher = {H{\"u}thig}, address = {Heidelberg}, issn = {1434-8942}, pages = {8 -- 10}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @book{Kurz2018, author = {Kurz, Melanie}, title = {Designstreit : exemplarische Kontroversen {\"u}ber Gestaltung}, publisher = {Wilhelm Fink}, address = {Paderborn}, isbn = {978-3-7705-6294-7 (Druckausgabe)}, pages = {304 Seiten}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Die Geschichte des Designs ist ges{\"a}umt von Auseinandersetzungen. Debattiert wird unter Berufsgenossen, in Interessensverb{\"a}nden, zwischen Wettbewerbern und nicht zuletzt an Hochschulen; als Foren dienen zum Beispiel Zeitungen, Konferenzen oder Gerichtss{\"a}le. Doch welche Gr{\"u}nde gibt es f{\"u}r Streit {\"u}ber Design? Die Kontroversen beschr{\"a}nken sich keineswegs auf die {\"A}sthetik von Artefakten. Auch haben wir es trotz der Vielfalt an Streitf{\"a}llen nicht mit einem un{\"u}berschaubaren Feld von zusammenhanglosen Einzelereignissen zu tun. Wie das vorliegende Buch anhand historischer Kontroversen zeigt, lassen sich im Bereich der Gestaltung Streitkategorien identifizieren. Die Diskursanalyse verr{\"a}t, dass sich die Konfliktursachen im Verlauf der Designhistorie kaum ver{\"a}ndern. So haben die angef{\"u}hrten Dispute erstaunliche {\"A}hnlichkeit mit aktuellen Debatten im Fach. Sie sind Lehrst{\"u}cke und k{\"o}nnen dazu anregen, eine Streitkultur im Design zu etablieren, die sich davon distanziert, den Meinungsgegner in ein politisches Lager zu ›verr{\"a}umen‹.}, language = {de} } @incollection{HirschWahle1978, author = {Hirsch, G. and Wahle, Michael}, title = {Auslegungskriterien f{\"u}r Dynamische Schwingungsd{\"a}mpfer f{\"u}r schwach ged{\"a}mpfte elastische Strukturen unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung einer der Masseverteilung nicht proportionalen Zusatzd{\"a}mpfung}, series = {Hans Ebner : Ged{\"a}chtnis-Kolloquium am 27./28. Oktober 1977 in Aachen. - (Mitteilung aus dem Institut f{\"u}r Leichtbau, Aachen ; 1)}, booktitle = {Hans Ebner : Ged{\"a}chtnis-Kolloquium am 27./28. Oktober 1977 in Aachen. - (Mitteilung aus dem Institut f{\"u}r Leichtbau, Aachen ; 1)}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {374 -- 400}, year = {1978}, language = {de} } @article{Staat2021, author = {Staat, Manfred}, title = {An extension strain type Mohr-Coulomb criterion}, series = {Rock mechanics and rock engineering}, volume = {54}, journal = {Rock mechanics and rock engineering}, number = {12}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {Cham}, issn = {1434-453X}, doi = {10.1007/s00603-021-02608-7}, pages = {6207 -- 6233}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Extension fractures are typical for the deformation under low or no confining pressure. They can be explained by a phenomenological extension strain failure criterion. In the past, a simple empirical criterion for fracture initiation in brittle rock has been developed. In this article, it is shown that the simple extension strain criterion makes unrealistic strength predictions in biaxial compression and tension. To overcome this major limitation, a new extension strain criterion is proposed by adding a weighted principal shear component to the simple criterion. The shear weight is chosen, such that the enriched extension strain criterion represents the same failure surface as the Mohr-Coulomb (MC) criterion. Thus, the MC criterion has been derived as an extension strain criterion predicting extension failure modes, which are unexpected in the classical understanding of the failure of cohesive-frictional materials. In progressive damage of rock, the most likely fracture direction is orthogonal to the maximum extension strain leading to dilatancy. The enriched extension strain criterion is proposed as a threshold surface for crack initiation CI and crack damage CD and as a failure surface at peak stress CP. Different from compressive loading, tensile loading requires only a limited number of critical cracks to cause failure. Therefore, for tensile stresses, the failure criteria must be modified somehow, possibly by a cut-off corresponding to the CI stress. Examples show that the enriched extension strain criterion predicts much lower volumes of damaged rock mass compared to the simple extension strain criterion.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AdomeitWillms1984, author = {Adomeit, G. and Willms, Herbert}, title = {Experimental investigation of the acceleration of deflagration in wake flow}, series = {Safety of thermal water reactors : proceedings of a Seminar on the Results of the European Communities' Indirect Action Research Programme on Safety of Thermal Water Reactors, held in Brussels, 1-3 October 1984 / Commission of the European Communities}, booktitle = {Safety of thermal water reactors : proceedings of a Seminar on the Results of the European Communities' Indirect Action Research Programme on Safety of Thermal Water Reactors, held in Brussels, 1-3 October 1984 / Commission of the European Communities}, editor = {Skupinski, Edwin}, publisher = {Graham \& Trotman [u.a.]}, address = {London Gaithersburg, Md.}, isbn = {0-86010-678-0}, pages = {294 -- 304}, year = {1984}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{HirschWahle1978, author = {Hirsch, G. and Wahle, Michael}, title = {Design criteria for dynamic vibration absorbers with regard to the nonproportional damping}, series = {Proceedings / The Third US National Conference on Wind Engineering Research, February 26 - March 1, 1978, University of Florida, Gainesville}, booktitle = {Proceedings / The Third US National Conference on Wind Engineering Research, February 26 - March 1, 1978, University of Florida, Gainesville}, editor = {Leadon, Bernhard M.}, publisher = {Univ. of Florida, Div. of Continuing Education Publ.}, address = {Gainsville, Fla.}, pages = {507 -- 510}, year = {1978}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BeerHaidnWillms1995, author = {Beer, Stefan and Haidn, O.J. and Willms, Herbert}, title = {Control of stoichiometric propellant supply in an H2/O2-spinning reserve system}, series = {Combustion technologies for a clean environment : selected papers from the proceedings of the first international conference, Vilamoura, Portugal, September 3 - 6, 1991. - (Energy, combustion and the environment ;1)}, booktitle = {Combustion technologies for a clean environment : selected papers from the proceedings of the first international conference, Vilamoura, Portugal, September 3 - 6, 1991. - (Energy, combustion and the environment ;1)}, editor = {Carvalho, Maria da Gra{\c{c}}a}, publisher = {Gordon and Breach}, address = {Basel [u.a.]}, isbn = {2-88124-619-2}, pages = {825 -- 838}, year = {1995}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{HartmannKallweitFeldusenetal.2012, author = {Hartmann, Axel and Kallweit, Stephan and Feldusen, Antje and Schr{\"o}der, Wolfgang}, title = {Detection of upstream propagating sound waves at buffet flow using high-speed PIV}, pages = {14 S. : graph. Darst.}, year = {2012}, language = {en} } @incollection{Raatschen2010, author = {Raatschen, Hans-J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Von der K{\"o}niglichen H{\"o}heren Maschinenbauschule Aachen zu den Ingenieurfachbereichen der FH Aachen}, series = {Ingenieurfreunde FH Aachen : 75 Jahre F{\"o}rderverein; Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik, Maschinenbau und Mechatronik}, booktitle = {Ingenieurfreunde FH Aachen : 75 Jahre F{\"o}rderverein; Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik, Maschinenbau und Mechatronik}, publisher = {Klinkenberg}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-941704-03-9}, pages = {13 -- 18}, year = {2010}, subject = {Geschichte}, language = {de} } @article{LuisierLempiaeinenScherbichleretal.2014, author = {Luisier, Rapha{\"e}lle and Lempi{\"a}inen, Harri and Scherbichler, Nina and Braeuning, Albert and Geissler, Miriam and Dubost, Valerie and M{\"u}ller, Arne and Scheer, Nico and Chibout, Salah-Dine and Hara, Hisanori and Picard, Frank and Theil, Diethilde and Couttet, Philippe and Vitobello, Antonio and Grenet, Olivier and Grasl-Kraupp, Bettina and Ellinger-Ziegelbauer, Heidrung and Thomson, John P. and Meehan, Richard R. and Elcombe, Clifford R. and Henderson, Colin J. and Wolf, C. Roland and Schwarz, Michael and Moulin, Pierre and Terranova, Remi and Moggs, Jonathan G.}, title = {Phenobarbital Induces Cell Cycle Transcriptional Responses in Mouse Liver Humanized for Constitutive Androstane and Pregnane X Receptors}, series = {Toxicological Sciences}, volume = {139}, journal = {Toxicological Sciences}, number = {2}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford}, issn = {1094-2025}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1093/toxsci/kfu038}, pages = {501 -- 511}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) and the pregnane X receptor (PXR) are closely related nuclear receptors involved in drug metabolism and play important roles in the mechanism of phenobarbital (PB)-induced rodent nongenotoxic hepatocarcinogenesis. Here, we have used a humanized CAR/PXR mouse model to examine potential species differences in receptor-dependent mechanisms underlying liver tissue molecular responses to PB. Early and late transcriptomic responses to sustained PB exposure were investigated in liver tissue from double knock-out CAR and PXR (CARᴷᴼ-PXRᴷᴼ), double humanized CAR and PXR (CARʰ-PXRʰ), and wild-type C57BL/6 mice. Wild-type and CARʰ-PXRʰ mouse livers exhibited temporally and quantitatively similar transcriptional responses during 91 days of PB exposure including the sustained induction of the xenobiotic response gene Cyp2b10, the Wnt signaling inhibitor Wisp1, and noncoding RNA biomarkers from the Dlk1-Dio3 locus. Transient induction of DNA replication (Hells, Mcm6, and Esco2) and mitotic genes (Ccnb2, Cdc20, and Cdk1) and the proliferation-related nuclear antigen Mki67 were observed with peak expression occurring between 1 and 7 days PB exposure. All these transcriptional responses were absent in CARᴷᴼ-PXRᴷᴼ mouse livers and largely reversible in wild-type and CARʰ-PXRʰ mouse livers following 91 days of PB exposure and a subsequent 4-week recovery period. Furthermore, PB-mediated upregulation of the noncoding RNA Meg3, which has recently been associated with cellular pluripotency, exhibited a similar dose response and perivenous hepatocyte-specific localization in both wild-type and CARʰ-PXRʰ mice. Thus, mouse livers coexpressing human CAR and PXR support both the xenobiotic metabolizing and the proliferative transcriptional responses following exposure to PB.}, language = {en} } @article{BhattaraiStaat2018, author = {Bhattarai, Aroj and Staat, Manfred}, title = {Computational comparison of different textile implants to correct apical prolapse in females}, series = {Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering}, volume = {4}, journal = {Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering}, number = {1}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, doi = {10.1515/cdbme-2018-0159}, pages = {661 -- 664}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Prosthetic textile implants of different shapes, sizes and polymers are used to correct the apical prolapse after hysterectomy (removal of the uterus). The selection of the implant before or during minimally invasive surgery depends on the patient's anatomical defect, intended function after reconstruction and most importantly the surgeon's preference. Weakness or damage of the supporting tissues during childbirth, menopause or previous pelvic surgeries may put females in higher risk of prolapse. Numerical simulations of reconstructed pelvic floor with weakened tissues and organ supported by textile product models: DynaMesh®-PRS soft, DynaMesh®-PRP soft and DynaMesh®-CESA from FEG Textiletechnik mbH, Germany are compared.}, language = {en} } @misc{HoehnerDultmeyerWahle1993, author = {H{\"o}hner, Peter and Dultmeyer, Josef and Wahle, Michael}, title = {Federanordnung f{\"u}r einen Rollstuhl : Offenlegungsschrift / Europ{\"a}ische Patentschrift}, publisher = {Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt / Europ{\"a}isches Patentamt / United States Patent and Trademark Office}, address = {M{\"u}nchen / Den Hague u.a.}, pages = {4 S. : Ill.}, year = {1993}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{BarnatMergner2017, author = {Barnat, Miriam and Mergner, Julia}, title = {Forschungsbasierte Qualit{\"a}tsentwicklung am Beispiel der Analyse von Lernprozessen und der Wirksamkeit von F{\"o}rderprogrammen}, series = {3. Internationale Tagung f{\"u}r Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement und Qualit{\"a}tsentwicklung im Hochschulbereich 2.-3. Februar 2017}, booktitle = {3. Internationale Tagung f{\"u}r Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement und Qualit{\"a}tsentwicklung im Hochschulbereich 2.-3. Februar 2017}, pages = {28 Seiten}, year = {2017}, language = {de} } @article{BragardConradvanHoeketal.2011, author = {Bragard, Michael and Conrad, M. and van Hoek, H. and De Doncker, R. W.}, title = {The integrated emitter turn-off thyristor (IETO) : an innovative thyristor-based high power semiconductor device using MOS assisted turn-off}, series = {IEEE transactions on industry applications}, volume = {47}, journal = {IEEE transactions on industry applications}, number = {5}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York}, issn = {0093-9994}, doi = {10.1109/TIA.2011.2161432}, pages = {2175 -- 2182}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{RingbeckHagebeuker2007, author = {Ringbeck, Thorsten and Hagebeuker, Bianca}, title = {A 3D time of flight camera of object detection}, series = {Optical 3-D measurement techniques VIII : applications in GIS, mapping, manufacturing, quality control, robotics, navigation, mobile mapping, medical imaging, cultural heritage, VR generation and animation; papers presented to the conference organized at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, July 9 - 12, 2007. - Vol. 1}, booktitle = {Optical 3-D measurement techniques VIII : applications in GIS, mapping, manufacturing, quality control, robotics, navigation, mobile mapping, medical imaging, cultural heritage, VR generation and animation; papers presented to the conference organized at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, July 9 - 12, 2007. - Vol. 1}, editor = {Gr{\"u}n, Armin}, publisher = {ETH}, address = {Z{\"u}rich}, isbn = {3-906467-67-8 (Gesamtwerk)}, pages = {1 -- 16}, year = {2007}, language = {en} }