@incollection{CzarneckiBensberg2019, author = {Czarnecki, Christian and Bensberg, Frank}, title = {Telekommunikationsunternehmen, Anwendungssysteme f{\"u}r}, series = {Enzyklop{\"a}die der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, booktitle = {Enzyklop{\"a}die der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, publisher = {Gito}, address = {Berlin}, pages = {1 -- 3}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{Czarnecki2019, author = {Czarnecki, Christian}, title = {Robotergesteuerte Prozessautomatisierung}, series = {Enzyklop{\"a}die der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, booktitle = {Enzyklop{\"a}die der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, publisher = {Gito}, address = {Berlin}, pages = {1 -- 3}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{AuthCzarneckiBensbergetal.2019, author = {Auth, Gunnar and Czarnecki, Christian and Bensberg, Frank and Thor, Andreas}, title = {Digitalisierung des Forschungsprozesses aus Sicht von Forschenden - durch Serviceintegration zum pers{\"o}nlichen Forschungsinformationssystem}, series = {Hochschulen in Zeiten der Digitalisierung : Lehre, Forschung und Organisation}, booktitle = {Hochschulen in Zeiten der Digitalisierung : Lehre, Forschung und Organisation}, editor = {Barton, Thomas and M{\"u}ller, Christian and Seel, Christian}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-26617-2 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-26618-9_17}, pages = {287 -- 307}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In der Diskussion {\"u}ber die Digitalisierung der Forschung spielt die Frage nach der optimalen IT-Unterst{\"u}tzung f{\"u}r Forschende eine wichtige Rolle. Forschende k{\"o}nnen heute an ihren Hochschulen bzw. Wissenschaftseinrichtungen auf ein breites Angebot interner IT-Dienstleistungen zur{\"u}ckgreifen, das auch kooperative IT-Dienste umfasst, die von mehreren Institutionen in Zusammenarbeit bereitgestellt werden. Außerhalb der eigenen Organisation und des weiteren Verbunds hat sich im Internet zudem ein breites externes Angebot an innovativen, h{\"a}ufig kostenlos nutzbaren Onlinediensten entwickelt. Neben horizontalen Onlinediensten, die sich prinzipiell an jeden Internetnutzer richten (bspw. Dropbox, Twitter, WhatsApp), nimmt auch die Zahl von vertikalen Diensten f{\"u}r wissenschaftliche bzw. Forschungszwecke immer weiter zu (bspw. GoogleScholar, ResearchGate, figshare). F{\"u}r Forschende er{\"o}ffnen sich damit vielf{\"a}ltige neue M{\"o}glichkeiten, ihren individuellen Forschungsprozess durch digitale Werkzeuge zu verbessern. Aufgrund rechtlicher, technischer und personeller Restriktionen k{\"o}nnen jedoch interne Dienstleister bei der Identifizierung, Auswahl und Nutzung externer Onlinedienste nur wenig Unterst{\"u}tzung leisten. Aus einer serviceorientierten Perspektive stehen Forschende zunehmend vor dem Problem, wie sich heterogene IT-Dienste interner und externer Anbieter in den eigenen Forschungsprozess integrieren lassen. Als L{\"o}sungsansatz skizziert das Kapitel das Konzept eines pers{\"o}nlichen Forschungsinformationssystems nach Gesichtspunkten eines digitalen Servicesystems.}, language = {de} } @incollection{BensbergBuscherCzarnecki2019, author = {Bensberg, Frank and Buscher, Gandalf and Czarnecki, Christian}, title = {Digital transformation and IT topics in the consulting industry: a labor market perspective}, series = {Advances in consulting research : recent findings and practical cases}, booktitle = {Advances in consulting research : recent findings and practical cases}, editor = {Nissen, Volker}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-319-95998-6}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-95999-3_16}, pages = {341 -- 357}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Information technologies, such as big data analytics, cloud computing, cyber physical systems, robotic process automation, and the internet of things, provide a sustainable impetus for the structural development of business sectors as well as the digitalization of markets, enterprises, and processes. Within the consulting industry, the proliferation of these technologies opened up the new segment of digital transformation, which focuses on setting up, controlling, and implementing projects for enterprises from a broad range of sectors. These recent developments raise the question, which requirements evolve for IT consultants as important success factors of those digital transformation projects. Therefore, this empirical contribution provides indications regarding the qualifications and competences necessary for IT consultants in the era of digital transformation from a labor market perspective. On the one hand, this knowledge base is interesting for the academic education of consultants, since it supports a market-oriented design of adequate training measures. On the other hand, insights into the competence requirements for consultants are considered relevant for skill and talent management processes in consulting practice. Assuming that consulting companies pursue a strategic human resource management approach, labor market information may also be useful to discover strategic behavioral patterns.}, language = {en} } @incollection{SchmitzDietzeCzarnecki2019, author = {Schmitz, Manfred and Dietze, Christian and Czarnecki, Christian}, title = {Enabling digital transformation through robotic process automation at Deutsche Telekom}, series = {Enabling digital transformation through robotic process automation at Deutsche Telekom}, booktitle = {Enabling digital transformation through robotic process automation at Deutsche Telekom}, editor = {Urbach, Nils and R{\"o}glinger, Maximilian}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-319-95272-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-95273-4_2}, pages = {15 -- 33}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Due to the high number of customer contacts, fault clearances, installations, and product provisioning per year, the automation level of operational processes has a significant impact on financial results, quality, and customer experience. Therefore, the telecommunications operator Deutsche Telekom (DT) has defined a digital strategy with the objectives of zero complexity and zero complaint, one touch, agility in service, and disruptive thinking. In this context, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) was identified as an enabling technology to formulate and realize DT's digital strategy through automation of rule-based, routine, and predictable tasks in combination with structured and stable data.}, language = {en} } @book{Huening2019, author = {H{\"u}ning, Felix}, title = {Embedded Systems f{\"u}r IoT}, publisher = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, address = {Springer Vieweg}, isbn = {978-3-662-57900-8}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-57901-5}, pages = {VIII, 195 Seiten}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{BosseBarnat2019, author = {Bosse, Elke and Barnat, Miriam}, title = {Kombination qualitativer und quantitativer Methoden zur Untersuchung der Studieneinstiegsphase}, series = {Hochschulbildungsforschung : Theoretische, methodologische und methodische Denkanst{\"o}ße f{\"u}r die Hochschuldidaktik}, booktitle = {Hochschulbildungsforschung : Theoretische, methodologische und methodische Denkanst{\"o}ße f{\"u}r die Hochschuldidaktik}, publisher = {Springer VS}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-20309-2}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-20309-2_10}, pages = {169 -- 184}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Mit Hilfe der Kombination von qualitativen und quantitativen Verfahren zielen Mixed-Methods Ans{\"a}tze darauf ab, einen vertieften Einblick in komplexe Gegenst{\"a}nde zu gewinnen. In der Hochschulbildungsforschung finden sie zunehmend Anklang, da sie besonders geeignet erscheinen, das vielschichtige Wirkungsgef{\"u}ge zu erfassen, das das Lehren und Lernen an Hochschulen auszeichnet. Der Beitrag geht den Potenzialen von Mixed-Methods Ans{\"a}tzen am Beispiel einer Studie zur Studieneingangsphase nach, die den Wirkungszusammenhang zwischen der Nutzung von Angeboten f{\"u}r den Studieneinstieg und der Entwicklung von Studierf{\"a}higkeit untersucht. Der Beitrag veranschaulicht die Integration von Methoden und Ergebnissen, um Chancen und Grenzen von Mixed-Methods Studien f{\"u}r die Hochschulbildungsforschung zu diskutieren.}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-9006, title = {Dimensionen 1-2019: Magazin der FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences - Wir sind FH Aachen!}, address = {Aachen}, organization = {FH Aachen, University of Applied Sciences}, pages = {64 Seiten}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Inhaltsverzeichnis: 6 Wir sind FH! 8 Steigen Sie ein : Wir nehmen Sie mit auf eine Reise der Roboter und Maschinen 18 Grenzenlose F{\"o}rderung : Das Stipendienprogramm geht in das zehnte Jahr 20 Marias neue Kleider : Wissenschaftler unterst{\"u}tzen die Domschatzkammer 24 Die Sprengstoffschn{\"u}ffler : Fliegerbomben im Erdreich: Neues Verfahren auf Basis der Neutronenaktivierungsanalyse 26 Geschafft! : Erster marokkanischer Elektrotechnikstudent macht seinen Doppelabschluss an der FH Aachen 28 Maßgeschneidert : Dr. Denise Milinnus vom INB entwickelt digitale Biosensoren f{\"u}r die personalisierte Medizin 32 Auf H{\"o}henfl{\"u}gen : Tobias Barth macht außergew{\"o}hnliche Luftaufnahmen 36 {\"U}ber alle Berge : Talentscouting er{\"o}ffnet neue Wege 38 Der etwas andere Reisef{\"u}hrer : FH-Studentinnen entwerfen Stadtplan f{\"u}r junge Menschen 42 Warum kommt mein Zug zu sp{\"a}t? : FH-Experten im Interview {\"u}ber Probleme und L{\"o}sungen der Schiene 48 Der Alina-Weg : Alina Richter promoviert bei der Volkswaren-Konzernforschung 51 Selbst ist die Frau : Die 31-j{\"a}hrige Meral Dural studiert erfolgreich Elektrotechnik am FH-Campus J{\"u}lich 52 An der Schnittstelle : INFORM-Professur f{\"u}r angewandte Mathematik und Informatik 53 Kopfnuss 54 Einmal scannen bitte : Forschungsprojekt am MASKOR-Institut wird vom Bund gef{\"o}rdert 56 Inspiriert vom Tier- und Pflanzenmeer : FH-Absolventin Lara Bispinck gewinnt "Future Impact Maker" 60 Schmusekurs mit dem Tiger : FH Aachen f{\"u}hrt Kooperationsverbund mit taiwanesischen Hochschulen an 62 Impressum}, language = {de} } @article{WerkhausenCroninAlbrachtetal.2019, author = {Werkhausen, Amelie and Cronin, Neil J. and Albracht, Kirsten and Bojsen-M{\o}ller, Jens and Seynnes, Olivier R.}, title = {Distinct muscle-tendon interaction during running at different speeds and in different loading conditions}, series = {Journal of Applied Physiology}, volume = {127}, journal = {Journal of Applied Physiology}, number = {1}, issn = {1522-1601}, doi = {10.1152/japplphysiol.00710.2018}, pages = {246 -- 253}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{CordesGligorevicBlicharski2019, author = {Cordes, Sven and Gligorevic, Snjezana and Blicharski, Peter}, title = {Analysis of sine precision influence on DOA estimation using the MUSIC algorithm}, series = {2019 20th International Radar Symposium (IRS)}, booktitle = {2019 20th International Radar Symposium (IRS)}, isbn = {978-3-7369-9860-5}, doi = {10.23919/IRS.2019.8768162}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @article{ErmolaevErichevAntonovetal.2019, author = {Ermolaev, AP and Erichev, VP and Antonov, AA and Grigoryan, GL and Kotliar, Konstantin and Levitsky, YV and Hderi, K and Mazurova, YV}, title = {Assessing retinal photosensitivity in patients with central vision impairment using a portable perimeter (a preliminary report)}, series = {Vestnik oftalmologii}, volume = {135}, journal = {Vestnik oftalmologii}, number = {3}, doi = {10.17116/oftalma201913503146}, pages = {46 -- 54}, year = {2019}, language = {ru} } @article{JildehKirchnerBaltesetal.2019, author = {Jildeh, Zaid B. and Kirchner, Patrick and Baltes, Klaus and Wagner, Patrick H. and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Development of an in-line evaporation unit for the production of gas mixtures containing hydrogen peroxide - numerical modeling and experimental results}, series = {International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer}, volume = {143}, journal = {International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0017-9310}, doi = {10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.118519}, pages = {Article number 118519}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a typical surface sterilization agent for packaging materials used in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage industries. We use the finite-elements method to analyze the conceptual design of an in-line thermal evaporation unit to produce a heated gas mixture of air and evaporated H2O2 solution. For the numerical model, the required phase-transition variables of pure H2O2 solution and of the aerosol mixture are acquired from vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) diagrams derived from vapor-pressure formulations. This work combines homogeneous single-phase turbulent flow with heat-transfer physics to describe the operation of the evaporation unit. We introduce the apparent heat-capacity concept to approximate the non-isothermal phase-transition process of the H2O2-containing aerosol. Empirical and analytical functions are defined to represent the temperature- and pressure-dependent material properties of the aqueous H2O2 solution, the aerosol and the gas mixture. To validate the numerical model, the simulation results are compared to experimental data on the heating power required to produce the gas mixture. This shows good agreement with the deviations below 10\%. Experimental observations on the formation of deposits due to the evaporation of stabilized H2O2 solution fits the prediction made from simulation results.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{EngemannBadriWenningetal.2019, author = {Engemann, Heiko and Badri, Sriram and Wenning, Marius and Kallweit, Stephan}, title = {Implementation of an Autonomous Tool Trolley in a Production Line}, series = {Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics. RAAD 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 980}, booktitle = {Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics. RAAD 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 980}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-19648-6}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-19648-6_14}, pages = {117 -- 125}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @article{SchwarzGebhardtSchleseretal.2019, author = {Schwarz, Alexander and Gebhardt, Andreas and Schleser, Markus and Popoola, Patricia}, title = {New Welding Joint Geometries Manufactured by Powder Bed Fusion from 316L}, series = {Materials Performance and Characterization 8}, journal = {Materials Performance and Characterization 8}, number = {in press}, issn = {2379-1365}, doi = {10.1520/MPC20180096}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @article{BucurLazarescuPopetal.2019, author = {Bucur, Alexandru and Lazarescu, Lucian and Pop, Grigore Marian and Achimas, Gheorghe and Gebhardt, Andreas}, title = {Tribological performance of biodegradable lubricants under different surface roughness of tools}, series = {Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering}, volume = {17}, journal = {Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering}, number = {1}, issn = {1583-7904}, pages = {172 -- 178}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @article{ThomaRavi2019, author = {Thoma, Andreas and Ravi, Sridhar}, title = {Significance of parallel computing on the performance of Digital Image Correlation algorithms in MATLAB}, pages = {1 -- 17}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Digital Image Correlation (DIC) is a powerful tool used to evaluate displacements and deformations in a non-intrusive manner. By comparing two images, one of the undeformed reference state of a specimen and another of the deformed target state, the relative displacement between those two states is determined. DIC is well known and often used for post-processing analysis of in-plane displacements and deformation of specimen. Increasing the analysis speed to enable real-time DIC analysis will be beneficial and extend the field of use of this technique. Here we tested several combinations of the most common DIC methods in combination with different parallelization approaches in MATLAB and evaluated their performance to determine whether real-time analysis is possible with these methods. To reflect improvements in computing technology different hardware settings were also analysed. We found that implementation problems can reduce the efficiency of a theoretically superior algorithm such that it becomes practically slower than a suboptimal algorithm. The Newton-Raphson algorithm in combination with a modified Particle Swarm algorithm in parallel image computation was found to be most effective. This is contrary to theory, suggesting that the inverse-compositional Gauss-Newton algorithm is superior. As expected, the Brute Force Search algorithm is the least effective method. We also found that the correct choice of parallelization tasks is crucial to achieve improvements in computing speed. A poorly chosen parallelisation approach with high parallel overhead leads to inferior performance. Finally, irrespective of the computing mode the correct choice of combinations of integerpixel and sub-pixel search algorithms is decisive for an efficient analysis. Using currently available hardware realtime analysis at high framerates remains an aspiration.}, language = {en} } @article{BartellaKamalScholletal.2019, author = {Bartella, Alexander K. and Kamal, Mohammad and Scholl, Ingrid and Schiffer, Stefan and Steegmann, Julius and Ketelsen, Dominik and H{\"o}lzle, Frank W. and Lethaus, Bernd}, title = {Virtual reality in preoperative imaging in maxillofacial surgery: implementation of "the next level"?}, series = {British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery}, volume = {57}, journal = {British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery}, number = {7}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0266-4356}, doi = {10.1016/j.bjoms.2019.02.014}, pages = {644 -- 648}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @article{CapriMorsianiSantoroetal.2019, author = {Capri, Miriam and Morsiani, Cristina and Santoro, Aurelia and Moriggi, Manuela and Conte, Maria and Martucci, Morena and Bellavista, Elena and Fabbri, Cristina and Giampieri, Enrico and Albracht, Kirsten and Fl{\"u}ck, Martin and Ruoss, Severin and Brocca, Lorenza and Canepari, Monica and Longa, Emanuela and Giulio, Irene Di and Bottinelli, Roberto and Cerretelli, Paolo and Salvioli, Stefano and Gelfi, Cecilia and Franceschi, Claudio and Narici, Marco and Rittweger, J{\"o}rn}, title = {Recovery from 6-month spaceflight at the International Space Station: muscle-related stress into a proinflammatory setting}, series = {The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology}, volume = {33}, journal = {The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1096/fj.201801625R}, pages = {5168 -- 5180}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GaldiHartungDugelay2019, author = {Galdi, Chiara and Hartung, Frank and Dugelay, Jean-Luc}, title = {Socrates: A database of realistic data for source camera recognition on smartphones}, series = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods - Volume 1: ICPRAM}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods - Volume 1: ICPRAM}, isbn = {978-989-758-351-3}, doi = {10.5220/0007403706480655}, pages = {648 -- 655}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @article{QuittmannAbelAlbrachtetal.2019, author = {Quittmann, Oliver J. and Abel, Thomas and Albracht, Kirsten and Str{\"u}der, Heiko K.}, title = {Reliability of muscular activation patterns and their alterations during incremental handcycling in able-bodied participants}, series = {Sports Biomechanics}, journal = {Sports Biomechanics}, number = {Article in press}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, address = {London}, issn = {1752-6116}, doi = {10.1080/14763141.2019.1593496}, year = {2019}, language = {en} }