@misc{Bartsch2021, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Bartsch, Janosch}, title = {Kleidung {\"u}ber Kleidung: eine Bekleidungsserie, die {\"u}ber die Bekleidungsindustrie informiert}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {182 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Kleidung ist ein Kommunikationsmedium. Im Projekt wird Bekleidung als Informationstr{\"a}ger genutzt, um {\"u}ber die verschiedenen Abschnitte im Zyklus eines Kleidungsst{\"u}cks sowie die Missst{\"a}nde in der Bekleidungsindustrie zu informieren. Entstanden sind 6 Kleidungsst{\"u}cke, jeweils eins pro Abschnitt im Zyklus, vom Baumwollanbau {\"u}ber Spinnereien, Produktionsfabriken, dem Einzelhandel und Gebrauch bis zur Entsorgung. Die einfach gehaltenen Kleidungsst{\"u}cke besitzen Aufdrucke. {\"U}ber eine Augmented-Reality-App k{\"o}nnen die Kleidungsst{\"u}cke gescannt werden. In Kombination mit der digitalen Ebene werden die Aufdrucke zu Informationsgrafiken. So wird unter anderem {\"u}ber die grausamen Arbeitsumst{\"a}nde in der Produktion informiert oder dar{\"u}ber, dass wir unsere Kleidungsst{\"u}cke durchschnittlich nur 4x anziehen. Immer geht es darum, den Betrachter dazu anzuregen, seine Konsumentscheidungen zu {\"u}berdenken.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Bartz2024, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Bartz, Markus}, title = {Dupiano : Ein aus einem Bauelement auffaltbarer Keyboradst{\"a}nder mit dem Erscheinungsbild eines akustischen Klavieres.}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {123 Seiten}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Klavierspielende K{\"u}nstlerinnen und K{\"u}nstler finden sich auf der B{\"u}hne meist an einer Kombination aus Keyboard und Keyboardst{\"a}nder wieder. Zwar kann der Klang eines Klaviers technisch brillant simuliert werden, jedoch verliert das B{\"u}hnenbild den Mehrwert eines traditionellen Klaviers. Um diesem Verlust von Authentizit{\"a}t und Wohlgef{\"u}hl auf der B{\"u}hne endlich etwas entgegenzusetzen, soll ein "dupiano" g{\"a}ngige Keyboardst{\"a}nder ersetzen und s{\"a}mtliche Keyboards in das Erscheinungsbild eines akustischen Klaviers h{\"u}llen. Dadurch sollen auch die visuellen Eindr{\"u}cke, verkn{\"u}pft mit den akustischen, an Authentizit{\"a}t gewinnen und den Klavierauftritt vervollst{\"a}ndigen. Es ist leicht, stabil und ohne Werkzeug in unter 10 Sekunden aufbaubar. Auch der Abbau geschieht in unter 10 Sekunden. Verstaut werden kann es von einer Person in jedem Kofferraum. "dupiano" - was nach Klavier klingt, soll auch so aussehen!}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{BassamAbduljabbar2015, author = {Bassam Abduljabbar, Rasha}, title = {Physikalisch-chemische Steuerung der Proteinstabilit{\"a}t in biologischen Systemen}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @article{BassamDigelHescheleretal.2013, author = {Bassam, Rasha and Digel, Ilya and Hescheler, J{\"u}rgen and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l and Artmann, Gerhard}, title = {Effects of spermine NONOate and ATP on protein aggregation: light scattering evidences}, series = {BMC Biophysics}, journal = {BMC Biophysics}, publisher = {BioMed Central}, address = {London}, isbn = {2046-1682}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/10.1186/2046-1682-6-1}, pages = {1 -- 14}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @article{BassamHeschelerTemizArtmannetal.2012, author = {Bassam, Rasha and Hescheler, J{\"u}rgen and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l and Artmann, Gerhard and Digel, Ilya}, title = {Effects of spermine NONOate and ATP on the thermal stability of hemoglobin}, series = {BMC Biophysics}, volume = {5}, journal = {BMC Biophysics}, publisher = {BioMed Central}, address = {London}, issn = {2046-1682}, doi = {10.1186/2046-1682-5-16}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Background Minor changes in protein structure induced by small organic and inorganic molecules can result in significant metabolic effects. The effects can be even more profound if the molecular players are chemically active and present in the cell in considerable amounts. The aim of our study was to investigate effects of a nitric oxide donor (spermine NONOate), ATP and sodium/potassium environment on the dynamics of thermal unfolding of human hemoglobin (Hb). The effect of these molecules was examined by means of circular dichroism spectrometry (CD) in the temperature range between 25°C and 70°C. The alpha-helical content of buffered hemoglobin samples (0.1 mg/ml) was estimated via ellipticity change measurements at a heating rate of 1°C/min. Results Major results were: 1) spermine NONOate persistently decreased the hemoglobin unfolding temperature T u irrespectively of the Na + /K + environment, 2) ATP instead increased the unfolding temperature by 3°C in both sodium-based and potassium-based buffers and 3) mutual effects of ATP and NO were strongly influenced by particular buffer ionic compositions. Moreover, the presence of potassium facilitated a partial unfolding of alpha-helical structures even at room temperature. Conclusion The obtained data might shed more light on molecular mechanisms and biophysics involved in the regulation of protein activity by small solutes in the cell.}, language = {en} } @book{Bassen2012, author = {Bassen, Yasmine}, title = {Internationale Rechnungslegung von Nonprofit-Organisationen}, publisher = {Eul}, address = {Lohmar}, isbn = {978-3-8441-0167-6}, pages = {XXVII, 246 S. : graph. Darst.}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Bauer2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Bauer, Eva}, title = {Music of the Spheres : der Klang der Planeten}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {59 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {"Die Bachelorarbeit "Music of the Spheres" soll wissenschaftliche und k{\"u}nstlerische Elemente zum Thema "Klang der Planeten" in Form einer popul{\"a}rwissenschaftlichen Publikation versammeln. Seit Beginn der Menschheit fasziniert uns der Blick in den n{\"a}chtlichen Sternenhimmel. Einher geht die Sehnsucht des Unbekannten, die unsere Fantasie befl{\"u}gelt. Als auf die Erde gebundenen Lebewesens treibt uns der Drang, mehr {\"u}ber das Universum da draußen herauszufinden. Dieses Spannungsfeld zwischen Wissensdrang und Fantasie ist eine interessante Grundlage f{\"u}r die geplante Bachelorarbeit. In der Bachelorarbeit sollen unsere Emotionen mit wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen verbunden werden. F{\"u}r das menschliche Ohr ist die Klangwelt des Weltalls, verursacht durch die sich bewegenden Planeten, ohne Hilfsmittel nicht h{\"o}rbar. Nach unseren bekannten physikalischen Erkenntnissen ist es im Weltraum komplett still, aufgrund des im All vorherrschenden Vakuums. Der Schall kann sich nicht wie auf der Erde {\"u}ber Schallwellen ausbreiten. In der Publikation soll der Klang der Planeten beschrieben bzw. dargestellt werden. Die wissenschaftshistorische Dimension soll aufgezeigt werden. So hat man sich zum Beispiel in der Antike musikalische und lyrische Bilder davon gemacht, wie sich der Klang des Weltalls und der Planeten anh{\"o}ren k{\"o}nnte. Weiterhin faszinierte diese Frage K{\"u}nstler unterschiedlicher Epochen und Stilrichtungen, und ist bis heute ein Thema das Anlaß zu k{\"u}nstlerischem Schaffen gibt. In Form einer Printpublikation soll die Bachelorarbeit historische Thesen und aktuelle wissenschaftliche Texte, Forschungsberichte und Klangdokumente zusammenbringen, literarische und musikalische Umsetzungen zum Thema aufzeigen, und mit wissenschaftlichem und k{\"u}nstlerisch-interpretativem Bildmaterial vereinen. Um das Thema visuell zu veranschaulichen, sollen die Texte durch Bilder und Siebdrucke erg{\"a}nzt werden. Selbst erstellte Siebdruck Experimente k{\"o}nnten mit- und ineinander verkn{\"u}pft werden. Die Publikation weißt ein durchgehendes Gestaltungskonzept auf, welches Texte, Illustrationen und Bildmaterial als Einheit verkn{\"u}pfen und wiedererkennbar machen. Ebenfalls ist die Auswahl der verwendeten Materialien und Verarbeitungstechniken, wie Druck, Bindung und Papier zu beachten. Neben dem Text- und Bildmaterial werden Klang-Beispiele eingebunden durch QR Codes. So kann der Leser den QR Code der Siebdrucke scannen, um den von der US-Weltraumorganisation NASA erstellten Klang des Planeten anzuh{\"o}ren. Oder ausgehend von wissenschaftlichem Bildmaterial kann der Leser per Scan eine musikalische Partition zum entsprechenden Planeten anh{\"o}ren. Die angestrebte Zielgruppe besteht aus Wissenschafts- und Designaffinen Personen, die sich insbesondere f{\"u}r den Weltraum interessieren. Entsprechend soll die Gestaltung informativ und gleichzeitig zeitgen{\"o}ssisch sein, um Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen. Mit dem Inhalt der Publikation soll dem Leser gleichzeitig auch der Klang der Planeten h{\"o}rbar zug{\"a}nglich gemacht werden.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Baumann2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Baumann, Ivana Edita}, title = {Toolbar : Werkzeuge des Grafikdesigns}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {96 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Von Zeichentisch und Letraset zu inhaltsbasierter F{\"u}llung und OpenType - wie sich die Werkzeuge des Grafikdesigns entwickelt und die Gestaltungsprozesse beeinflusst haben. Die Bachelorarbeit „Toolbar: Werkzeuge des Grafikdesigns" setzt sich mit der eigenen Disziplin, dem Grafikdesign, auseinander und geht dabei seinen Wurzeln, den Werkzeugen, nach. Im Rahmen dessen werden in Gespr{\"a}chen mit verschiedenen Gestalter*innen Tools und Technologien des Grafikdesigns untersucht und verglichen - angefangen vom analogen Paste-Up bis hin zu modernen Designmethoden. Dabei wird diskutiert, wie sich die Werkzeuge im Laufe der Zeit entwickelt haben und welche Auswirkungen dies auf das Grafikdesign und die Positionierung von Designer*innen hatte. Außerdem wird die Bedeutung von Werkzeugen im kreativen Prozess und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gestaltung hinterfragt und aufgezeigt.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Baumann1989, author = {Baumann, Marcus}, title = {Primary production and phytoplankton growth in the marginal ice zone of the Fram Strait and the interpretation of the field data with autecological experiments (Abstract)}, series = {Oceanography and biology of Arctic seas : selected papers from the ICES Symposium on Marine Sciences of the Arctic and Subarctic Regions, held in Santander, 28 - 30 September 1987. (Rapports et proc{\`e}s-verbaux des r{\´e}unions / Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer ; 188)}, booktitle = {Oceanography and biology of Arctic seas : selected papers from the ICES Symposium on Marine Sciences of the Arctic and Subarctic Regions, held in Santander, 28 - 30 September 1987. (Rapports et proc{\`e}s-verbaux des r{\´e}unions / Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer ; 188)}, editor = {Hempel, G.}, publisher = {International Council for the Exploration of the Sea}, address = {Copenhagen}, organization = {Symposium on Marine Sciences of the Arctic and Subarctic Regions <1987, Santander>}, pages = {128}, year = {1989}, language = {en} } @article{Baumann1996, author = {Baumann, Marcus}, title = {Algenbl{\"u}ten \& Treibhauseffekt : Wechselwirkungen mit anthropogenen Aktivit{\"a}ten}, series = {Wechselwirkung : Wissenschaft \& vernetztes Denken}, volume = {18}, journal = {Wechselwirkung : Wissenschaft \& vernetztes Denken}, number = {81}, issn = {0172-1623}, pages = {6 -- 11}, year = {1996}, language = {de} } @article{BaumannBrandiniStaubes1994, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Brandini, Frederico Pereira and Staubes, Regina}, title = {The influence of light and temperature on carbonspecific DMS release by cultures of Phaeocystis antarctica and three antarctic diatoms / Baumann, Marcus E.M. ; Brandini, Frederico ; Staubes, Regina}, series = {Marine Chemistry. 45 (1994), H. 1-2}, journal = {Marine Chemistry. 45 (1994), H. 1-2}, isbn = {0304-4203}, pages = {129 -- 136}, year = {1994}, language = {en} } @article{BaumannGoeyensSemenehetal.1998, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Goeyens, L. and Semeneh, M. and Elskens, M.}, title = {Phytoplankton nutrient utilisation and nutrient signature in the Southern Ocean / Goeyens, L. ; Semeneh, M. ; Baumann, M.E.M. ; Elskens, M. ; Shopova, D. ; Dehairs, F.}, series = {Journal of Marine Systems. 17 (1998), H. 1-4}, journal = {Journal of Marine Systems. 17 (1998), H. 1-4}, isbn = {0924-7963}, pages = {143 -- 157}, year = {1998}, language = {en} } @article{BaumannGoeyensTregueretal.1995, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Goeyens, L. and Tr{\´e}guer, P. and Baeyens, W.}, title = {The leading role of ammonium in the nitrogen uptake regime of Southern Ocean marginal ice zones / Goeyens, L. ; Tr{\´e}guer, P. ; Baumann, M.E.M. ; Baeyens, W. ; Dehairs, F.}, series = {Journal of Marine Systems. 6 (1995), H. 4}, journal = {Journal of Marine Systems. 6 (1995), H. 4}, isbn = {0924-7963}, pages = {345 -- 361}, year = {1995}, language = {de} } @article{BaumannGradinger1991, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Gradinger, R.}, title = {Distribution of Phytoplankton Communities in Relation to the Large Scale Hydrographical Regime in the Fram Strait 1984 / Gradinger, R. ; Baumann, M.E.M.}, series = {Marine Biology. 111 (1991), H. 2}, journal = {Marine Biology. 111 (1991), H. 2}, isbn = {0025-3162}, pages = {311 -- 321}, year = {1991}, language = {en} } @article{BaumannGronsfeldSchuetzLembach1997, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Gronsfeld, A. and Sch{\"u}tz-Lembach, G.}, title = {Nachdenklichkeit {\"u}ber Nachhaltigkeit : wie uns ein neues Wort alte Probleme neu entdecken l{\"a}ßt}, series = {Wechselwirkung : Wissenschaft \& vernetztes Denken}, volume = {19}, journal = {Wechselwirkung : Wissenschaft \& vernetztes Denken}, number = {87}, issn = {0172-1623}, pages = {6 -- 11}, year = {1997}, language = {de} } @article{BaumannHircheKattneretal.1991, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Hirche, H.-J. and Kattner, G. and Gradinger, R.}, title = {Plankton distribution and the impact of copepod grazing on primary production in Fram Strait, Greenland Sea / Hirche, H.-J. ; Baumann, M.E.M. ; Kattner, G.; Gradinger, R.}, series = {Journal of Marine Systems. 2 (1991), H. 3-4}, journal = {Journal of Marine Systems. 2 (1991), H. 3-4}, isbn = {0924-7963}, pages = {477 -- 494}, year = {1991}, language = {en} } @article{BaumannJahnke1983, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Jahnke, J.}, title = {Chemical and Physical Effects on the Shape and Growth of the Diatom Biddulphia sinensis GREVILLE in Batch Cultures: A Contribution to Bioindication in Plankton Ecology / Jahnke, J. ; Baumann, M.}, series = {Hydrobiological Bulletin . 17 (1983), H. 1}, journal = {Hydrobiological Bulletin . 17 (1983), H. 1}, isbn = {0165-1404}, pages = {5 -- 20}, year = {1983}, language = {en} } @article{BaumannJahnke1986, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Jahnke, J.}, title = {Marine Planktonalgen der Arktis I. Die Haptophycee Phaeocystis pouchetii / Baumann, M. ; Jahnke, J.}, series = {Mikrokosmos. 75 (1986), H. 9}, journal = {Mikrokosmos. 75 (1986), H. 9}, isbn = {0026-3680}, pages = {262 -- 265}, year = {1986}, language = {de} } @article{BaumannJahnke1986, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Jahnke, J.}, title = {Die marine Planktonalge Phaeocystis globosa / Jahnke, J. ; Baumann, M.}, series = {Mikrokosmos. 75 (1986), H. 12}, journal = {Mikrokosmos. 75 (1986), H. 12}, isbn = {0026-3680}, pages = {357 -- 359}, year = {1986}, language = {de} } @article{BaumannKraemer1986, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Kr{\"a}mer, M.}, title = {Marine Planktonalgen der Arktis II. Diatomeen / Baumann, M. ; Kr{\"a}mer, M.}, series = {Mikrokosmos. 75 (1986), H. 10}, journal = {Mikrokosmos. 75 (1986), H. 10}, isbn = {0026-3680}, pages = {306 -- 310}, year = {1986}, language = {de} } @article{BaumannLancelotBrandinietal.1994, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Lancelot, Christiane and Brandini, Frederico Pereira and Sakshaug, Egil and John, David Michael}, title = {The taxonomic identity of the cosmopolitan prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis, a morphological and ecophysiological approach / Baumann, M.E.M. ; Lancelot, C. ; Brandini, F. ; Sakshaug, E. ; John M.}, series = {Journal of Marine Systems. 5 (1994), H. 1}, journal = {Journal of Marine Systems. 5 (1994), H. 1}, isbn = {0924-7963}, pages = {5 -- 22}, year = {1994}, language = {en} } @article{BaumannLaraHubbertenetal.1997, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Lara, R.J. and Hubberten, D.N. and Thomas, D. N.}, title = {Dissolved organic matter studies in enclosed systems: Application of hydophobic fractionation for the assessment of organic nitrogen dynamics / Lara, R.J. ; Hubberten, U. ; Thomas, D.N. ; Baumann, M.E.M. ; Kattner, G.}, series = {Journal of Marine Systems. 13 (1997), H. 1-4}, journal = {Journal of Marine Systems. 13 (1997), H. 1-4}, isbn = {0924-7963}, pages = {155 -- 161}, year = {1997}, language = {en} } @article{BaumannPeschel1998, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Peschel, G.}, title = {Aktuelle Entwicklungen zur Luftreinhaltung in der Stadt Aachen}, series = {Wechselwirkung : Wissenschaft \& vernetztes Denken}, volume = {20}, journal = {Wechselwirkung : Wissenschaft \& vernetztes Denken}, number = {91}, issn = {0172-1623}, pages = {22 -- 29}, year = {1998}, language = {de} } @article{BaumannPeschel1998, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Peschel, G.}, title = {Das Klima Aachens, lokale Anspr{\"u}che und globale Auswirkungen}, series = {Wechselwirkung : Wissenschaft \& vernetztes Denken}, volume = {20}, journal = {Wechselwirkung : Wissenschaft \& vernetztes Denken}, number = {93}, issn = {0172-1623}, pages = {26 -- 33}, year = {1998}, language = {de} } @article{BaumannRousseauVaulotetal.1994, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Rousseau, V. and Vaulot, D. and Casotti, R.}, title = {The life cycle of Phaeocystis (Prymnesiophycae): evidence and hypotheses / Rousseau, V. ; Vaulot, D. ; Casotti, R. ; Cariou, V. ; Lenz, J. ; Gunkel, J. ; Baumann, M.}, series = {Journal of Marine Systems. 5 (1994), H. 1}, journal = {Journal of Marine Systems. 5 (1994), H. 1}, isbn = {0924-7963}, pages = {23 -- 39}, year = {1994}, language = {en} } @article{BaumannSchwarzKotliaretal.2009, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Schwarz, Sonja and Kotliar, Konstantin and Eynatten, Maximilian von and Trucksaess, Arno and Burckhardt, Klaus and Lutz, Jens and Heemann, Uwe and Lanzl, Ines}, title = {Non-diabetic chronic kidney disease influences retinal microvasculature}, series = {Kidney and Blood Pressure Research}, volume = {32}, journal = {Kidney and Blood Pressure Research}, number = {6}, publisher = {-}, isbn = {1423-0143}, pages = {428 -- 433}, year = {2009}, language = {en} } @article{BaumannSemenehDehairsetal.1998, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Semeneh, M. and Dehairs, F. and Elskens, M.}, title = {Nitrogen uptake regime and phytoplankton community structure in the Southern Ocean / Semeneh, M. ; Dehairs, F. ; Elskens, M. ; Baumann, M.E.M. ; Kopczynska, E.E. ; Lancelot, C. ; Goeyens, L.}, series = {Journal of Marine Systems. 17 (1998), H. 1-4}, journal = {Journal of Marine Systems. 17 (1998), H. 1-4}, isbn = {0924-7963}, pages = {159 -- 177}, year = {1998}, language = {en} } @article{BaumannThomasGleitz1992, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Thomas, D. N. and Gleitz, M.}, title = {Efficiency of carbon assimilation and photoacclimation in a small unicellular Chaetoceros species from the Weddel Sea (Antarctica): Influence of temperature and irridiance / Thomas, D. ; Baumann, M.E.M. ; Gleitz, M.}, series = {Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 157 (1992), H. 2}, journal = {Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 157 (1992), H. 2}, isbn = {0022-0981}, pages = {195 -- 209}, year = {1992}, language = {en} } @article{BaumannTillmannAletsee1989, author = {Baumann, Marcus and Tillmann, Urban and Aletsee, Ludwig}, title = {Distribution of Carbon Among Photosynthetic End Products in the Bloom-Forming Arctic Diatom Thalassiosira antarctica COMBER / Tillmann, U. ; Baumann, M.E.M. ; Aletsee, L.}, series = {Polar Biology. 10 (1989), H. 3}, journal = {Polar Biology. 10 (1989), H. 3}, isbn = {0722-4060}, pages = {231 -- 238}, year = {1989}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BaumannTeixeiraBouraEcksteinetal.2012, author = {Baumann, Torsten and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Eckstein, Julian and Dabrowski, Jan and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Schmitz, Stefan and Zunft, Stefan}, title = {Properties of bulk materials for high-temperature air-sand heat exchangers}, series = {30th ISES Biennial Solar World Congress 2011 : Kassel, Germany, 28 August - 2 September 2011. Vol. 2}, booktitle = {30th ISES Biennial Solar World Congress 2011 : Kassel, Germany, 28 August - 2 September 2011. Vol. 2}, publisher = {Curran}, address = {Red Hook, NY}, organization = {International Solar Energy Society}, isbn = {978-1-61839-364-7}, pages = {1270 -- 1278}, year = {2012}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BaumannTeixeiraBouraEcksteinetal.2011, author = {Baumann, Torsten and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Eckstein, Julian and Felinks, Jan and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Schmitz, Stefan and Zunft, Stefan}, title = {Air-sand heat exchanger}, series = {6th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2011) : November 28 - 30, 2011, bcc Berlin Congress Center, Berlin, Germany / EUROSOLAR ...}, booktitle = {6th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2011) : November 28 - 30, 2011, bcc Berlin Congress Center, Berlin, Germany / EUROSOLAR ...}, publisher = {Eurosolar}, address = {Bonn}, pages = {1 CD-ROM}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{BaumannTeixeiraBouraGoettscheetal.2010, author = {Baumann, Torsten and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and O'Connell, Bryan and Schmitz, Stefan and Zunft, Stefan}, title = {Air/Sand heat exchanger design and materials for solar thermal power plant applications}, series = {SolarPACES 2010 : the CSP Conference: electricity, fuels and clean water from concentrated solar energy ; 21 to 24 September 2010, Perpignan, France}, booktitle = {SolarPACES 2010 : the CSP Conference: electricity, fuels and clean water from concentrated solar energy ; 21 to 24 September 2010, Perpignan, France}, publisher = {Soc. OSC}, address = {Saint Maur}, pages = {146 -- 147}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BaumannTeixeiraBouraGoettscheetal.2011, author = {Baumann, Torsten and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Schmitz, Stefan and Zunft, Stefan}, title = {Air-sand heat exchanger: materials and flow properties}, series = {SolarPACES 2011 : concentrating solar power and chemical energy systems : 20 - 23 September, 2011, Granada, Spain}, booktitle = {SolarPACES 2011 : concentrating solar power and chemical energy systems : 20 - 23 September, 2011, Granada, Spain}, address = {Granada}, pages = {1 CD-ROM}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @misc{BaumgartnerWunderlichJaunichetal.2012, author = {Baumgartner, Thomas and Wunderlich, Florian and Jaunich, Arthur and Sato, Tomoo and Bundy, Georg and Grießmann, Nadine and Kowalski, Julia and Burghardt, Stefan and Hanebrink, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Lighting the way: Perspectives on the global lighting market}, edition = {2nd ed.}, address = {McKinsey}, pages = {58}, year = {2012}, language = {en} } @article{BaumgartnerFidlerWethetal.2008, author = {Baumgartner, Werner and Fidler, Florian and Weth, Agnes and Habbecke, Martin and Jakob, Peter and Butenweg, Christoph and B{\"o}hme, Wolfgang}, title = {Investigating the locomotion of the sandfish in desert sand using NMR-Imaging}, series = {PLOS ONE}, volume = {3}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, number = {10}, publisher = {Plos}, address = {San Francisco, California, US}, issn = {1932-6203}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0003309}, pages = {e3309}, year = {2008}, abstract = {The sandfish (Scincus scincus) is a lizard having the remarkable ability to move through desert sand for significant distances. It is well adapted to living in loose sand by virtue of a combination of morphological and behavioural specializations. We investigated the bodyform of the sandfish using 3D-laserscanning and explored its locomotion in loose desert sand using fast nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging. The sandfish exhibits an in-plane meandering motion with a frequency of about 3 Hz and an amplitude of about half its body length accompanied by swimming-like (or trotting) movements of its limbs. No torsion of the body was observed, a movement required for a digging-behaviour. Simple calculations based on the Janssen model for granular material related to our findings on bodyform and locomotor behaviour render a local decompaction of the sand surrounding the moving sandfish very likely. Thus the sand locally behaves as a viscous fluid and not as a solid material. In this fluidised sand the sandfish is able to "swim" using its limbs.}, language = {en} } @article{Baums1992, author = {Baums, Bodo}, title = {Hubschrauberzellen aus Faserverbund-Werkstoffen}, series = {Kunststoffe. 82 (1992), H. 11}, journal = {Kunststoffe. 82 (1992), H. 11}, isbn = {0023-5563}, pages = {1114 -- 1118}, year = {1992}, language = {de} } @incollection{BauschatBennerKlingeetal.2022, author = {Bauschat, J.-Michael and Benner, Miriam and Klinge, Henner and Ziegler, Simon}, title = {Urbane Mobilit{\"a}t entdeckt die 3. Dimension}, series = {Transforming Mobility - What Next?}, booktitle = {Transforming Mobility - What Next?}, publisher = {Springer Gabler}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-36429-8}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-36430-4_53}, pages = {895 -- 916}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Der Themenkomplex urbane Mobilit{\"a}t ist getrieben durch den Verkehrsinfarkt in Ballungszentren, durch Luftverschmutzung und L{\"a}rm, sowie den Trend zum Leben in der Stadt in den st{\"a}dteplanerischen Fokus ger{\"u}ckt. Emissionsneutrale Antriebskonzepte in der Luftfahrt f{\"u}hren zu Ans{\"a}tzen Flugger{\"a}te einzusetzen, die batteriegetrieben vertikal aufsteigen und landen k{\"o}nnen. Flugphysikalisch und energetisch ist diese Technik nur dann sinnvoll, wenn es zwingende Gr{\"u}nde gibt (z.B. Rettungseins{\"a}tze), daher wird der flugphysikalische Hintergrund prinzipiell erl{\"a}utert. Es werden einige aktuelle Lufttransportkonzepte f{\"u}r eine urbane Personenbef{\"o}rderung vorgestellt. Sollte es verst{\"a}rkt zu Lufttransport {\"u}ber St{\"a}dten kommen, m{\"u}ssen betroffene Luftr{\"a}ume geordnet und {\"u}berwacht werden. Wie kompatibel Lufttransportsysteme mit den heute bereits relevanten urbanen Bef{\"o}rderungsmitteln sein m{\"u}ssen, wird kritisch diskutiert. Abschließend werden die Aspekte Akzeptanz durch die Kunden und Wirtschaftlichkeit ebenso angerissen, wie die hochproblematische Rohstoffgewinnung, die Entsorgung und das Recycling von Batterien.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bayer2021, author = {Bayer, Robin}, title = {Development of a novel in-vitro vascular model for determination of physiological and pathophysiological mechanobiology}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t zu K{\"o}ln}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-362212}, pages = {IV, 115 Seiten}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BayerHeschelerArtmannetal.2019, author = {Bayer, Robin and Hescheler, J{\"u}rgen and Artmann, Gerhard and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l}, title = {Treating arterial hypertension in a cell culture well}, series = {3rd YRA MedTech Symposium 2019 : May 24 / 2019 / FH AachenW}, booktitle = {3rd YRA MedTech Symposium 2019 : May 24 / 2019 / FH AachenW}, editor = {Staat, Manfred and Erni, Daniel}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Duisburg-Essen}, address = {Duisburg}, organization = {MedTech Symposium}, isbn = {978-3-940402-22-6}, doi = {10.17185/duepublico/48750}, pages = {5 -- 6}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Hypertension describes the pathological increase of blood pressure, which is most commonly associated with the increase of vascular wall stiffness [1]. Referring to the "Deutsche Bluthochdruck Liga" this pathology shows a growing trend in our aging society. In order to find novel pharmacological and probably personalized treatments, we want to present a functional approach to study biomechanical properties of a human aortic vascular model. In this method review we will give an overview of recent studies which were carried out with the CellDrum technology [2] and underline the added value to already existing standard procedures known from the field of physiology. Herein described CellDrum technology is a system to measure functional mechanical properties of cell monolayers and thin tissue constructs in-vitro. Additionally, the CellDrum enables to elucidate the mechanical response of cells to pharmacological drugs, toxins and vasoactive agents. Due to its highly flexible polymer support, cells can also be mechanically stimulated by steady and cyclic biaxial stretching.}, language = {en} } @article{BayerTemizArtmannDigeletal.2020, author = {Bayer, Robin and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l and Digel, Ilya and Falkenstein, Julia and Artmann, Gerhard and Creutz, Till and Hescheler, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Mechano-pharmacological testing of L-Type Ca²⁺ channel modulators via human vascular celldrum model}, series = {Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry}, volume = {54}, journal = {Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry}, publisher = {Cell Physiol Biochem Press}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, issn = {1421-9778}, doi = {10.33594/000000225}, pages = {371 -- 383}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Background/Aims: This study aimed to establish a precise and well-defined working model, assessing pharmaceutical effects on vascular smooth muscle cell monolayer in-vitro. It describes various analysis techniques to determine the most suitable to measure the biomechanical impact of vasoactive agents by using CellDrum technology. Methods: The so-called CellDrum technology was applied to analyse the biomechanical properties of confluent human aorta muscle cells (haSMC) in monolayer. The cell generated tensions deviations in the range of a few N/m² are evaluated by the CellDrum technology. This study focuses on the dilative and contractive effects of L-type Ca²⁺ channel agonists and antagonists, respectively. We analyzed the effects of Bay K8644, nifedipine and verapamil. Three different measurement modes were developed and applied to determine the most appropriate analysis technique for the study purpose. These three operation modes are called, particular time mode" (PTM), "long term mode" (LTM) and "real-time mode" (RTM). Results: It was possible to quantify the biomechanical response of haSMCs to the addition of vasoactive agents using CellDrum technology. Due to the supplementation of 100nM Bay K8644, the tension increased approximately 10.6\% from initial tension maximum, whereas, the treatment with nifedipine and verapamil caused a significant decrease in cellular tension: 10nM nifedipine decreased the biomechanical stress around 6,5\% and 50nM verapamil by 2,8\%, compared to the initial tension maximum. Additionally, all tested measurement modes provide similar results while focusing on different analysis parameters. Conclusion: The CellDrum technology allows highly sensitive biomechanical stress measurements of cultured haSMC monolayers. The mechanical stress responses evoked by the application of vasoactive calcium channel modulators were quantified functionally (N/m²). All tested operation modes resulted in equal findings, whereas each mode features operation-related data analysis.}, language = {en} } @article{BayonValeroGarciaBartualetal.2016, author = {Bayon, Arnau and Valero, Daniel and Garcia-Bartual, Rafael and Vall{\´e}s-Mor{\´a}n, Francisco Jos{\´e} and L{\´o}pez-Jim{\´e}nez, P. Amparo}, title = {Performance assessment of OpenFOAM and FLOW-3D in the numerical modeling of a low Reynolds number hydraulic jump}, series = {Environmental Modelling \& Software}, volume = {80}, journal = {Environmental Modelling \& Software}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {1364-8152}, doi = {10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.02.018}, pages = {322 -- 335}, year = {2016}, abstract = {A comparative performance analysis of the CFD platforms OpenFOAM and FLOW-3D is presented, focusing on a 3D swirling turbulent flow: a steady hydraulic jump at low Reynolds number. Turbulence is treated using RANS approach RNG k-ε. A Volume Of Fluid (VOF) method is used to track the air-water interface, consequently aeration is modeled using an Eulerian-Eulerian approach. Structured meshes of cubic elements are used to discretize the channel geometry. The numerical model accuracy is assessed comparing representative hydraulic jump variables (sequent depth ratio, roller length, mean velocity profiles, velocity decay or free surface profile) to experimental data. The model results are also compared to previous studies to broaden the result validation. Both codes reproduced the phenomenon under study concurring with experimental data, although special care must be taken when swirling flows occur. Both models can be used to reproduce the hydraulic performance of energy dissipation structures at low Reynolds numbers.}, language = {en} } @book{BaueerGilchRathetal.1990, author = {Ba{\"u}er, Herbert and Gilch, Heinz Gerhard and Rath, Walter and Sch{\"u}mann, Uwe}, title = {Moisture-curing polyurethane-based hot-melt compositions = Feuchth{\"a}rtbare Heisschmelz-Zusammensetzungen auf Polyurethanbasis}, publisher = {Europ{\"a}isches Patentamt}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, year = {1990}, language = {en} } @incollection{BechstedtBergHackeretal.1995, author = {Bechstedt, U. and Berg, Georg P. A. and Hacker, Ulrich and Hardt, Arno and H{\"u}rlimann, Werner and Maier, R. and Martin, Siegfried A. and Meissburger, J{\"u}rgen and R{\"o}mer, Josef G. M. and Possen, P. von and Sagefka, Thomas}, title = {BIG KARL and COSY}, series = {The art and science of magnet design. A Festschrift in honor of Klaus Halbach. Vol. 1}, booktitle = {The art and science of magnet design. A Festschrift in honor of Klaus Halbach. Vol. 1}, publisher = {Lawrence Berkeley Lab., Univ. of California}, address = {Berkeley, CA.}, pages = {19 -- 28}, year = {1995}, language = {en} } @article{BechstedtHaasHackeretal.1985, author = {Bechstedt, U. and Haas, H. and Hacker, Ulrich and Hardt, Arno and Henn, K. and Martin, Siegfried A. and Wimmer, J.}, title = {Magnets for the German Spallation Source SNQ}, series = {IEEE transactions on nuclear science. Vol. 32, iss. 5}, journal = {IEEE transactions on nuclear science. Vol. 32, iss. 5}, issn = {1558-1578 (E-Journal); 0018-9499 (Print)}, pages = {3631 -- 3633}, year = {1985}, language = {en} } @article{BechtSchollmayerMonakhovaetal.2021, author = {Becht, Alexander and Schollmayer, Curd and Monakhova, Yulia and Holzgrabe, Ulrike}, title = {Tracing the origin of paracetamol tablets by near-infrared, mid-infrared, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy using principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis}, series = {Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry}, volume = {413}, journal = {Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, issn = {1618-2650}, doi = {10.1007/s00216-021-03249-z}, pages = {3107 -- 3118}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Most drugs are no longer produced in their own countries by the pharmaceutical companies, but by contract manufacturers or at manufacturing sites in countries that can produce more cheaply. This not only makes it difficult to trace them back but also leaves room for criminal organizations to fake them unnoticed. For these reasons, it is becoming increasingly difficult to determine the exact origin of drugs. The goal of this work was to investigate how exactly this is possible by using different spectroscopic methods like nuclear magnetic resonance and near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy in combination with multivariate data analysis. As an example, 56 out of 64 different paracetamol preparations, collected from 19 countries around the world, were chosen to investigate whether it is possible to determine the pharmaceutical company, manufacturing site, or country of origin. By means of suitable pre-processing of the spectra and the different information contained in each method, principal component analysis was able to evaluate manufacturing relationships between individual companies and to differentiate between production sites or formulations. Linear discriminant analysis showed different results depending on the spectral method and purpose. For all spectroscopic methods, it was found that the classification of the preparations to their manufacturer achieves better results than the classification to their pharmaceutical company. The best results were obtained with nuclear magnetic resonance and near-infrared data, with 94.6\%/99.6\% and 98.7/100\% of the spectra of the preparations correctly assigned to their pharmaceutical company or manufacturer.}, language = {en} } @article{BeckBuchleitnerFerreinetal.2014, author = {Beck, Daniel and Buchleitner, Martin and Ferrein, Alexander and Niem{\"u}ller, Tim and Steinbauer, Gerald}, title = {Mostly Harmless \& AllemaniACs - mixed innovations}, pages = {1 -- 8}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @article{BeckenbachScheidweiler2016, author = {Beckenbach, Isabel and Scheidweiler, Robert}, title = {Perfect ƒ-Matchings and ƒ-Factors in Hypergraphs - A Combinatorial Approach}, series = {Discrete Mathematics}, volume = {240}, journal = {Discrete Mathematics}, number = {10}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {2192-7782}, doi = {10.1016/j.disc.2017.05.005}, pages = {2499 -- 2506}, year = {2016}, abstract = {We prove characterizations of the existence of perfect ƒ-matchings in uniform mengerian and perfect hypergraphs. Moreover, we investigate the ƒ-factor problem in balanced hypergraphs. For uniform balanced hypergraphs we prove two existence theorems with purely combinatorial arguments, whereas for non-uniform balanced hypergraphs we show that the ƒ-factor problem is NP-hard.}, language = {en} } @article{BeckerWallangArtmannetal.2008, author = {Becker, C. and Wallang, C. and Artmann, Gerhard and Jakse, G.}, title = {Mechanotransduction-bioreactor for tissue engineering of a ureter prosthesis}, series = {International Journal of Artificial Organs, The}, volume = {31}, journal = {International Journal of Artificial Organs, The}, number = {7}, issn = {0391-3988}, pages = {583 -- 583}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BeckerBergenerBreukeretal.2011, author = {Becker, J{\"o}rg and Bergener, Philipp and Breuker, Dominic and Delfmann, Patrick and Eggert, Mathias}, title = {An Efficient Business Process Compliance Checking Approach}, series = {Governance and Sustainability in Information Systems. Managing the Transfer and Diffusion of IT : IFIP WG 8.6 International Working Conference, Hamburg, Germany, September 22-24, 2011. Proceedings}, booktitle = {Governance and Sustainability in Information Systems. Managing the Transfer and Diffusion of IT : IFIP WG 8.6 International Working Conference, Hamburg, Germany, September 22-24, 2011. Proceedings}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-24148-2_19}, pages = {282 -- 287}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BeckerBergenerDelfmannetal.2011, author = {Becker, J{\"o}rg and Bergener, Philipp and Delfmann, Patrick and Eggert, Mathias and Weiss, Burkhard}, title = {Supporting Business Process Compliance in Financial Institutions - A Model-Driven Approach}, series = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik : 16 - 18 February 2011, Zurich, Switzerland}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik : 16 - 18 February 2011, Zurich, Switzerland}, pages = {355 -- 364}, year = {2011}, language = {en} }