@misc{OPUS4-5159, title = {TecScan Journal : Elektromobilit{\"a}t 2013-01}, organization = {FH Aachen, University of Applied Sciences}, year = {2013}, subject = {Elektromobilit{\"a}t; Elektrofahrzeug; Energieversorungsnetz; Kraftfahrzeugtechnik}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-5160, title = {TecScan Journal : Elektromobilit{\"a}t 2013-02}, organization = {FH Aachen, University of Applied Sciences}, year = {2013}, subject = {Elektromobilit{\"a}t; Elektrofahrzeug; Energieversorungsnetz; Kraftfahrzeugtechnik}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-5161, title = {TecScan Journal : Elektromobilit{\"a}t 2013-03}, organization = {FH Aachen, University of Applied Sciences}, year = {2013}, subject = {Elektromobilit{\"a}t; Elektrofahrzeug; Energieversorungsnetz; Kraftfahrzeugtechnik}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-5725, title = {TecScan Journal : Elektromobilit{\"a}t 2013-04}, year = {2013}, subject = {Elektrofahrzeug}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-5727, title = {TecScan Journal : Elektromobilit{\"a}t 2013-05}, year = {2013}, subject = {Elektrofahrzeug}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-5728, title = {TecScan Journal : Elektromobilit{\"a}t 2013-06}, year = {2013}, subject = {Elektrofahrzeug}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-5729, title = {TecScan Journal : Elektromobilit{\"a}t 2013-07}, year = {2013}, subject = {Elektrofahrzeug}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-5730, title = {TecScan Journal : Elektromobilit{\"a}t 2013-08}, year = {2013}, subject = {Elektrofahrzeug}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-5917, title = {TecScan Journal : Elektromobilit{\"a}t 2013-09}, year = {2013}, subject = {Elektrofahrzeug}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-7864, title = {Dimensionen 1-2013 : Magazin der FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences}, address = {Aachen}, organization = {FH Aachen, University of Applied Sciences}, pages = {92 S.}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Thema 06 Ein halbes Jahrhundert Zukunft | Der Campus J{\"u}lich der FH Aachen wird 50 Jahre alt 09 Ein Scheck f{\"u}rs Scheckkartenlabor | Staatssekret{\"a}r Thomas Rachel {\"u}bergibt F{\"o}rderbescheid f{\"u}r „Opto-Switch" 10 Datissenpralinschen | Walburga H{\"u}llenkremer bildet Industriemechanikerinnen und -mechaniker aus 11 „Arbeit gibts immer" | Mit seiner engagierten Art hat Willi Ziesmann viele Menschen beeindruckt 12 Dem Tumor auf der Spur | {\"U}ber den Einsatz von Radioaktivit{\"a}t in der modernen Medizin 14 Intelligenter Strom | FH Aachen bietet neuen Masterstudiengang Energiewirtschafts-Informatik an Studium 16 Produktwerkstatt | Ein roter Faden f{\"u}r eine ausgezeichnete Lehre 18 Bierkrug auf Knopfdruck | Neue Abbundanlage in Euskirchen steht f{\"u}r Praxisn{\"a}he und den Schulterschluss mit der Region 20 Motorisierte Luftkissen | Studenten bauen ein eigenes Hovercraft f{\"u}r die Weltmeisterschaft 2014 22 „Wir kratzen am Weltraum" | FH-Studierende optimieren H{\"o}henraketen f{\"u}r Experimente in Schwerelosigkeit 24 Goldenes Diplom | Pensionierte Bauingenieure besuchen die FH 26 Wenn Autos miteinander reden | Nachrichtentechnik machts m{\"o}glich 28 Mehr als Geld | Das Stipendienprogramm bietet eine Win-win-Situation f{\"u}r Unternehmen und Studierende 30 Eine Inselkrone f{\"u}r den Bodensee | FH-Studenten gewinnen zweiten Preis beim Architekturwettbewerb Dachwelten 31 Gute Gr{\"u}nde f{\"u}rs Gr{\"u}nden | Das Projekt „TRACE" macht Studierende fit f{\"u}r den Sprung ins Unternehmertum 32 Meldungen/Studium International 34 Mit Bildung Br{\"u}cken bauen | Studierende des Fachbereichs Bauingenieurwesen waren auf Exkursion in China 36 Machts wie Magellan - bereist die Welt! | Tori Patterson und Prof. Fredebeul-Krein zum Thema internationaler Dozentenaustausch 38 {\"U}berleben im interkulturellen Dschungel | Interview mit Prof. Dr. Matthias Weßling 40 Multikulti: Ein t{\"u}rkischst{\"a}mmiger Deutscher in S{\"u}dkorea | Mustafa Kayhan hat ein Semester in Anyang studiert FORSCHUNG UND TRANSFER 42 Doktor down under | Eugen Neu, Julian Schirra und Matthias Eickmann promovieren in Australien 44 Mit Haut und Haar | Zellen im Tabula-Rasa-Zustand 48 Medikamente werden „geerntet" | Neues Verfahren macht es m{\"o}glich, Medikamente g{\"u}nstiger herzustellen 49 App-Hilfe gegen Informationsflut | Neue mobile Anwendung des m2c-lab zur Entsch{\"a}rfung von Krisensituationen 50 Laster ohne Laster | Doktoranden von FH und TH forschen gemeinsam an alternativen Nutzfahrzeugantrieben 51 Erfahrung sammeln, Kontakte kn{\"u}pfen | Seit 2006 haben 20 FH-Studierende ihre Abschlussarbeiten beim Industrieofenbauer und Edelstahlgießer Otto Junker gemacht 52 Schulterschluss von Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft | FH Aachen gr{\"u}ndet Produktionstechnikcluster mit 3win 53 Mit Volldampf | Technologietransfer f{\"u}r die Zukunft Personen 54 FH Aachen trauert um ihren ersten Honorarprofessor | Prof. Dr. h. c. Jesco Freiherr von Puttkamer ist tot 56 Eine Phase des Umbruchs | Prof. Dr. Norbert Janz ist neuer Prorektor f{\"u}r Lehre und Studium 57 Mit Energie und Tatendrang | Carola Schneiders ist neue Energiemanagerin an der FH Aachen 58 Neuer Hochschulrat f{\"u}r die FH | Klaus Hamacher {\"u}bernimmt den Vorsitz 59 Meldungen/Personen 60 Absolventen 2012 | Kr{\"o}nung im Kr{\"o}nungssaal 73 Dienstjubil{\"a}en, B{\"u}cher /Neuauflagen 74 Stipendienvergabe 2012 | Eine ganz besondere Auszeichnung 76 Neuberufene Professoren SERVICE 78 FH als Marke | Einkaufen im Onlineshop 79 Lecker Technik! | Neue FH-Lok am Aachener Hauptbahnhof 80 Knusper, knusper, kn{\"a}uschen… | ...wer baut das sch{\"o}nste H{\"a}uschen 81 Wenn Grundsch{\"u}ler Stift und Papier gegen Laborkittel und Schutzbrille tauschen | „Helle K{\"o}pfe" zu Gast an der FH 82 Hochschule zum Anfassen | Beim FH4you-Camp bekommen Sch{\"u}lerinnen einen ersten Eindruck vom Studium 83 Meldungen/Service, Messen und Veranstaltungen 90 Ortswechsel | Der Ayers Rock von J{\"u}lich 91 Impressum}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-7865, title = {Dimensionen 2-2013 : Magazin der FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences}, address = {Aachen}, organization = {FH Aachen, University of Applied Sciences}, pages = {80 S.}, year = {2013}, abstract = {THEMA 06 Sie sind ihre eigenen Chefs | studierende setzen in eigenverantwortung Projekte um 08 Endlich am Ziel | Aixtreme Racing mit starkem Auftritt bei der Formula student Deutschland 2013 10 Schiff ahoi! | FH-studierende auf Forschungsexpedition in Schottland 12 Ein neues Herz f{\"u}r AC-FH 509 | studierende bauen einen smart auf elektroantrieb um 14 Und es schwimmt doch! | im Baustofflabor der FH Aachen bauen Studierende Kanus aus Beton STUDIUM 16 Der Schwerkraft ein Schnippchen schlagen | Mark G{\"o}r{\"o}g studiert an der FH, arbeitet beim DLR und fliegt schwerelos {\"u}ber Frankreich 19 Tradition trifft Zukunft | Angehende Holzingenieure bauen Wanderh{\"u}tte in der Eifel 20 In der Unterwelt | Der angehende Bauingenieur Markus Thomas arbeitet beim U-Bahn-Bau in D{\"u}sseldorf mit 22 Gegen Mobilfunk-Kriminalit{\"a}t | FH-Studenten unterst{\"u}tzen das Landeskriminalamt 24 Wie eine kleine Stadt | masterstudierende der Architektur entwerfen Neubau f{\"u}r Aachen-Maastrichter Flughafen 26 Mit Leidenschaft und Augenmaß | Parlamentspr{\"a}sident Martin Schulz spricht mit FH-Studierenden {\"u}ber Europa 28 „Wir wollen nicht nur Oberfl{\"a}chen polieren" | Drei junge Kommunikationsdesignerinnen gehen ihren eigenen Weg 30 Das Ringen um Erfolg | Jasmin Sefi Droudi und Yashar Jamali haben ein ungew{\"o}hnliches Hobby 32 Meldungen / Studium INTERNATIONAL 34 „Die Stadt ist unser gr{\"o}ßter Trumpf" | BWL-studierende k{\"o}nnen einen Doppelabschluss mit der Wirtschaftsuniversit{\"a}t Krakau machen 36 Komm du mir mal nach Hause! | FH-Absolvent gr{\"u}ndet erfolgreiches Versandunternehmen 38 Eine Br{\"u}cke gebaut | Die Ningbo University of Technology feiert in diesem Jahr 30-j{\"a}hriges Bestehen 39 Meldungen/International FORSCHUNG UND TRANSFER 40 Neue Wege | An der FH werden Konzepte f{\"u}r die Zukunft der Mobilit{\"a}t entwickelt 44 Damit die Milch nicht sauer wird | Patrick Kirchner promoviert zum Thema „{\"U}berwachung antiseptischer Prozesse in der Lebensmittelproduktion" - mit Auszeichnung 46 Sch{\"o}n und gut | Bei der Entwicklung von Produkten und Prozessen arbeitet Babor eng mit der FH zusammen 48 Zu Gast beim neuen Chef | Jobexpeditionen vermitteln Einblicke in die Unternehmenswelt 49 Emotionen hinter Maschinen und Mathematik | Miranda Fateri ging f{\"u}r drei Monate an die University of Southern California, Los Angeles 50 Frische Luft | Solarturmkraftwerk: neue Stahlreceiver verbessern den Wirkungsgrad 51 Mehr Licht | FH Aachen und Forschungszentrum J{\"u}lich besiegeln die Zukunft der regionalen Solarforschung 52 Unsichtbare Gefahr | Der Einfluss von Vibrationen im Rettungsflugbetrieb auf Pilot und Patient 54 Starker Partner FH Aachen | Die Hochschule erh{\"a}lt 1,7 Millionen Euro F{\"o}rderung vom BMBF 55 Meldungen/Forschung und Transfer PERSONEN 56 Leuchtturm am Forscherhorizont | Prof. Vaeßen wurde in den Senat der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft gew{\"a}hlt 58 Verliebt in Tainan | Alexander Heimann lebt mit seiner taiwanesischen Freundin Sophia in Tainan und macht dort seinen Master 60 Diese Hilfe kommt an | FH-Absolvent Moritz Koch arbeitet zwei Monate lang in einem Aids-Camp in Kenia 61 Dr. Axel Thomas | Entertainer, Workaholic und jetzt auch Professor 62 Nachruf | Prof. Dr. Heino Rick ist verstorben 63 Nachruf | FH Aachen trauert um Prof. Dr. Christian Faber 64 Lehrpr{\"a}mien 2013 66 Neuberufene Professoren SERVICE 68 Vom Winde verweht | Der neue Heißluftballon im FH-Kleid sorgt f{\"u}r Aufsehen in der Luft 70 Facebook | Die FH Aachen auf Facebook 71 Meldungen / Service, Messen und Veranstaltungen 78 Ortswechsel | Grenzen {\"u}berschreiten 79 Impressum}, language = {de} } @misc{AbdelghaniMenaaObareetal.2013, author = {Abdelghani, Adnane and Menaa, Bouzid and Obare, Sherine O. and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Special issue on nanoscale science and technology / guest eds.: Adnane Abdelghani, Bouzid Menaa, Sherine O. Obare, Michael J. Sch{\"o}ning}, series = {International journal of nanotechnology}, volume = {Vol. 10}, journal = {International journal of nanotechnology}, number = {No. 5-7}, issn = {1741-8151 (E-Journal), 1475-7435 (Print)}, pages = {373 -- 619}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @article{AboulnagaPinkenburgSchiffelsetal.2013, author = {Aboulnaga, E. H. and Pinkenburg, O. and Schiffels, Johannes and El-Refai, A. and Buckel, W. and Selmer, Thorsten}, title = {Butyrate production in Escherichia coli: Exploitation of an oxygen tolerant bifurcating butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase/electron transferring flavoprotein complex from Clostridium difficile}, series = {Journal of bacteriology. June 14, 2013}, journal = {Journal of bacteriology. June 14, 2013}, issn = {1098-5530 (E-Journal) ; 0021-9193 (Print)}, pages = {Epub ahead of print}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @article{AbulnagaPinkenburgSchiffelsetal.2013, author = {Abulnaga, El-Hussiny and Pinkenburg, Olaf and Schiffels, Johannes and E-Refai, Ahmed and Buckel, Wolfgang and Selmer, Thorsten}, title = {Effect of an Oxygen-Tolerant Bifurcating Butyryl Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase/Electron-Transferring Flavoprotein Complex from Clostridium difficile on Butyrate Production in Escherichia coli}, series = {Journal of bacteriology}, volume = {195}, journal = {Journal of bacteriology}, number = {16}, issn = {1098-5530 [E-Journal]}, pages = {3704 -- 3713}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AchenbachBoschBreitbachetal.2013, author = {Achenbach, Timm and Bosch, Timo and Breitbach, Gerd and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and Sauerborn, Markus}, title = {Theoretical and experimental investigations regarding open volumetric receivers of CRS}, series = {Energy procedia : proceedings of the SolarPACES 2013 International Conference}, volume = {Vol. 49}, booktitle = {Energy procedia : proceedings of the SolarPACES 2013 International Conference}, issn = {1876-6102}, pages = {1259 -- 1268}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AchenbachBoschBreitbachetal.2013, author = {Achenbach, Timm and Bosch, Timo and Breitbach, Gerd and Sauerborn, Markus}, title = {Simulation zur Absorption und W{\"a}rme{\"u}bertragung an Solarturmabsorbern}, series = {77. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Fr{\"u}hjahrstagung : 4.-8.3.2013}, booktitle = {77. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Fr{\"u}hjahrstagung : 4.-8.3.2013}, organization = {Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft}, pages = {1 -- 14}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @article{AkimbekovDigelTastambeketal.2013, author = {Akimbekov, N. S. and Digel, Ilya and Tastambek, K. T. and Zhubanova, A. A.}, title = {Biocompatibility of carbonized rice husk with a rat heart cells line H9c2}, series = {Experimental Biology}, volume = {59}, journal = {Experimental Biology}, number = {3/1}, issn = {1563-0218}, pages = {23 -- 25}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @article{AkimbekovDigelZhubanova2013, author = {Akimbekov, N. Sh. and Digel, Ilya and Zhubanova, A. A.}, title = {Investigation the Influence of Carbonized Material Based On Rice Husk on Viability and Migration of Fibroblasts in T3B3 Cell Culture}, series = {KazNU Bulletin. Biology series}, volume = {59}, journal = {KazNU Bulletin. Biology series}, number = {3/1}, issn = {1563-0218}, pages = {20 -- 23}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @article{AkimbekovDigelSavitkayaetal.2013, author = {Akimbekov, N.Sh. and Digel, Ilya and Savitkaya, I.S. and Zhubanova, A.A. and Tastambek, K.T.}, title = {Investigations of LPS endotoxin elimination in the flowing column conditions with the sorbent on the basis of carbonized rice husk}, series = {KazNU Bulletin. Biology series}, volume = {57}, journal = {KazNU Bulletin. Biology series}, number = {1}, issn = {1563-0218}, pages = {124 -- 127}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @article{AkimbekovMansurovJandosovetal.2013, author = {Akimbekov, Nuraly Shardarbekovich and Mansurov, Zulkhair and Jandosov, J. and Digel, Ilya and Gossmann, Matthias and Artmann, Gerhard and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l and Zhubanova, Azhar A.}, title = {Wound healing activity of carbonized rice husk}, publisher = {Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland}, address = {B{\"a}ch}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The carbonized rice husk (CRH) was evaluated for its wound healing activity in rats using excision models. In this study, the influences of CRH on wound healing in rat skin in vivo and cellular behavior of human dermal fibroblasts in vitro were investigated. The obtained results showed that the CRH treatment promoted wound epithelization in rats and exhibited moderate inhibition of cell proliferation in vitro. CRH with lanolin oil treated wounds were found to epithelize faster as compared to controls.}, subject = {Wundheilung}, language = {en} } @misc{AlKaidyTippkoetterUlber2013, author = {Al-Kaidy, Huschyar and Tippk{\"o}tter, Nils and Ulber, Roland}, title = {A system and a method for the implementation of chemical, biological or physical reactions [Europ{\"a}ische Patentanmeldung]}, publisher = {Europ{\"a}isches Patentamt}, address = {Den Hague}, pages = {16 Seiten}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The invention relates to a system for the implementation of chemical, biological or physical reactions, consisting of - one or more magnetic micro-reactors, each comprising a shell made of hydrophobic magnetic nanoparticles encapsulating an aqueous core, - a plane platform comprising a surface to receive the micro-reactors, - a source that generates a magnetic field above or underneath the platform for manipulating the one or more hydrophobic magnetic micro-reactors, or for moving them along the surface of the platform from one position to another position, characterized in that the aqueous core of the one or more magnetic micro-reactors contains a reaction solution or buffer, and wherein the magnetic field generated by the source correlates to a defined position on the surface of the platform.}, language = {en} } @article{AlbrachtArampatzis2013, author = {Albracht, Kirsten and Arampatzis, Adamantios}, title = {Exercise-induced changes in triceps surae tendon stiffness and muscle strength affect running economy in humans}, series = {European Journal of Applied Physiology}, volume = {113}, journal = {European Journal of Applied Physiology}, number = {6}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1439-6327}, doi = {10.1007/s00421-012-2585-4}, pages = {1605 -- 1615}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @incollection{Alexopoulos2013, author = {Alexopoulos, Spiros}, title = {Biomass technology and bio-fuels: Heating/cooling and power}, series = {Renewable energy systems : theory, innovations, and intelligent applications / eds.: Socrates Kaplanis and Eleni Kaplani}, booktitle = {Renewable energy systems : theory, innovations, and intelligent applications / eds.: Socrates Kaplanis and Eleni Kaplani}, publisher = {Nova Science Publ.}, address = {Hauppauge, NY}, isbn = {9781624177415}, pages = {501 -- 523}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AltayButenweg2013, author = {Altay, Okyay and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Ermittlung der optimalen Geometrie von Fl{\"u}ssigkeitss{\"a}ulend{\"a}mpfern auf Grundlage neuer Optimierungsans{\"a}tze}, series = {13. D-A-CH Tagung f{\"u}r Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik (D-A-CH 2013) : 29.-30. August 2013, Wien, {\"O}sterreich}, booktitle = {13. D-A-CH Tagung f{\"u}r Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik (D-A-CH 2013) : 29.-30. August 2013, Wien, {\"O}sterreich}, organization = {D-A-CH Tagung f{\"u}r Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik <13, 2013, Wien>}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{AltayButenwegKlinkel2013, author = {Altay, Okyay and Butenweg, Christoph and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {Vibration control of slender structures by semi-active tuned liquid column dampers}, series = {Conference of the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute , Evanston, IL , USA , EMI 2013 , 2013-08-04 - 2013-08-07}, booktitle = {Conference of the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute , Evanston, IL , USA , EMI 2013 , 2013-08-04 - 2013-08-07}, pages = {1 Seite}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @article{AltayButenwegTaddei2013, author = {Altay, Okyay and Butenweg, Christoph and Taddei, Francesca}, title = {Effektivit{\"a}t von Schwingungsd{\"a}mpfern bei Windenergieanlagen}, series = {Bauingenieur : die richtungsweisende Zeitschrift im Bauingenieurswesen ; offizielle Zeitschrift der VDI-Gesellschaft Bautechnik. Beilage: D-A-CH-Mitteilungsblatt}, volume = {Band 88}, journal = {Bauingenieur : die richtungsweisende Zeitschrift im Bauingenieurswesen ; offizielle Zeitschrift der VDI-Gesellschaft Bautechnik. Beilage: D-A-CH-Mitteilungsblatt}, number = {Heft 10}, publisher = {VDI Fachmedien}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, issn = {1436-4867 (E-Journal); 0005-6650 (Print)}, pages = {S11 -- S17}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @article{AndingTabazaStaatetal.2013, author = {Anding, Ralf and Tabaza, Ruth and Staat, Manfred and Trenz, Eva and Lohmann, Philipp and Klinge, Uwe and Kirschner-Hermanns, Ruth}, title = {Introducing a method of in vitro testing of different anchoring systems used for female incontinence and prolapse surgery}, series = {BioMed research international}, volume = {Vol. 2013}, journal = {BioMed research international}, issn = {1110-7251 (E-Journal); 2314-6141 (E-Journal); 1110-7243 (Print); 2314-6133 (Print)}, pages = {Article ID 401417}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @book{AnthrakidisJahnRitzetal.2013, author = {Anthrakidis, Anette and Jahn, Roland and Ritz, Thomas and Sch{\"o}ttler, Mirjam and Wallenborn, Ramona and Warmke, Gisela}, title = {Urbanes eCarSharing in einer vernetzten Gesellschaft}, edition = {1. Aufl.}, publisher = {Steinbeis-Edition}, address = {Stuttgart}, isbn = {978-3-943356-70-0}, pages = {148 S. : zahlr. Ill. und graph. Darst.}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @book{AppelBraehlerBreueretal.2013, author = {Appel, Wolfgang and Br{\"a}hler, Hermann and Breuer, Stefan and Dahlhaus, Ulrich and Esch, Thomas and Hoepke, Erich and Kopp, Stephan and Rhein, Bernd}, title = {Nutzfahrzeugtechnik : Grundlagen, Systeme, Komponenten. 7., {\"u}berarb. u. erw. Aufl.}, publisher = {Vieweg + Teubner}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-8348-2224-6}, pages = {XXXII, 620 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @misc{Bagheri2013, author = {Bagheri, Mohsen}, title = {Mobile Wartungshalle f{\"u}r Kletterroboter f{\"u}r Masten [Europ{\"a}ische Patentanmeldung]}, publisher = {Europ{\"a}isches Patentamt}, address = {Den Hague}, pages = {1 -- 19}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @book{Barnat2013, author = {Barnat, Miriam}, title = {Steuerungsstil : eine Untersuchung von Steuerungsprozessen aus kommunikations- und netzwerkorientierter Perspektive am Beispiel der Wikipedia}, publisher = {Techn. Univ. Hamburg-Harburg}, address = {Hamburg}, doi = {10.15480/882.1132}, pages = {Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 219 S., 5.399 KB) : graph. Darst.}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @book{BarnatHofhuesKennewegetal.2013, author = {Barnat, Miriam and Hofhues, Sandra and Kenneweg, Anne Cornelia and Merkt, Marianne and Salden, Peter and Urban, Diana}, title = {Junge Hochschul- und Mediendidaktik. Forschung und Praxis im Dialog}, publisher = {Zentrum f{\"u}r Hochschul- und Weiterbildung der Universit{\"a}t Hamburg}, address = {Hamburg}, isbn = {2192-1466}, pages = {166 S.}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @article{BassamDigelHescheleretal.2013, author = {Bassam, Rasha and Digel, Ilya and Hescheler, J{\"u}rgen and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l and Artmann, Gerhard}, title = {Effects of spermine NONOate and ATP on protein aggregation: light scattering evidences}, series = {BMC Biophysics}, journal = {BMC Biophysics}, publisher = {BioMed Central}, address = {London}, isbn = {2046-1682}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/10.1186/2046-1682-6-1}, pages = {1 -- 14}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BeckerEggertBruningetal.2013, author = {Becker, J{\"o}rg and Eggert, Mathias and Bruning, Dennis and Saat, Jan}, title = {Applicability of Business Process Model Analysis Approaches - A Case Study in Financial Services Consulting}, series = {Wirtschaftsinformatik Proceedings 2013}, booktitle = {Wirtschaftsinformatik Proceedings 2013}, pages = {1181 -- 1195}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BeckerEggertFleischeretal.2013, author = {Becker, J{\"o}rg and Eggert, Mathias and Fleischer, Stefan and Knackstedt, Ralf}, title = {How to Teach Regulatory Compliant Data Warehouse Engineering?}, series = {Proceedings of the Nineteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Chicago, Illinois, August 15-17, 2013.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Nineteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Chicago, Illinois, August 15-17, 2013.}, pages = {10 S.}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BeckerEggertSaatetal.2013, author = {Becker, J{\"o}rg and Eggert, Mathias and Saat, Jan and Dirding, Philipp}, title = {The Influence of Regulation on Data Warehouse Engineering - Investigating an IT Consulting Case in the Financial Service Industry}, series = {Proceedings of the Nineteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Chicago, Illinois, August 15-17, 2013.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Nineteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Chicago, Illinois, August 15-17, 2013.}, pages = {1 -- 8}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @book{BenkoePlescher2013, author = {Benk{\"o}, Marietta and Plescher, Engelbert}, title = {Space law: reconsidering the definition/delimitation question and the passage of spacecraft through foreign airspace. (Essential air and space law ; 12)}, publisher = {Eleven International Publishing}, address = {The Hague}, isbn = {9789462360761 ; 9462360766 ; 9789460948176}, pages = {VII, 159 S.}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @article{BenzelUtzerath2013, author = {Benzel, Ute and Utzerath, Meike}, title = {Latente Steuern im Zusammenhang mit Beteiligungen an Tochterunternehmen im IFRS-Konzernabschluss}, series = {Internationale Steuer-Rundschau : ISR ; Zeitschrift f{\"u}r internationales Steuerrecht}, journal = {Internationale Steuer-Rundschau : ISR ; Zeitschrift f{\"u}r internationales Steuerrecht}, number = {4}, publisher = {Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, issn = {2194-539X}, pages = {143 -- 148}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @article{BergAngererMartinellietal.2013, author = {Berg, Milena and Angerer, Anita and Martinelli, Walter and Hammer, Stephan and Mottaghy, Darius}, title = {Erkundung des geothermischen Potenzials eines ehemaligen Untertagebergbaus}, series = {BBR - Fachmagazin f{\"u}r Brunnen- und Leitungsbau}, volume = {64}, journal = {BBR - Fachmagazin f{\"u}r Brunnen- und Leitungsbau}, number = {6}, pages = {46 -- 52}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @article{BeverungenEggertVoigtetal.2013, author = {Beverungen, Daniel and Eggert, Mathias and Voigt, Matthias and Rosemann, Michael}, title = {Augmenting Analytical CRM Strategies with Social BI}, series = {International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR)}, volume = {4}, journal = {International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR)}, number = {3}, publisher = {IGI Global}, address = {Hershey}, issn = {1947-3591}, doi = {10.4018/ijbir.2013070103}, pages = {32 -- 49}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @article{BialonskiLehnertz2013, author = {Bialonski, Stephan and Lehnertz, Klaus}, title = {Assortative mixing in functional brain networks during epileptic seizures}, series = {Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science}, volume = {23}, journal = {Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1063/1.4821915}, pages = {033139}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @incollection{BialonskiLehnertz2013, author = {Bialonski, Stephan and Lehnertz, Klaus}, title = {From time series to complex networks: an overview}, series = {Recent Advances in Predicting and Preventing Epileptic Seizures: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Seizure Prediction}, booktitle = {Recent Advances in Predicting and Preventing Epileptic Seizures: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Seizure Prediction}, isbn = {978-981-4525-36-7}, doi = {10.1142/9789814525350_0010}, pages = {132 -- 147}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The network approach towards the analysis of the dynamics of complex systems has been successfully applied in a multitude of studies in the neurosciences and has yielded fascinating insights. With this approach, a complex system is considered to be composed of different constituents which interact with each other. Interaction structures can be compactly represented in interaction networks. In this contribution, we present a brief overview about how interaction networks are derived from multivariate time series, about basic network characteristics, and about challenges associated with this analysis approach.}, language = {en} } @article{BindalSharmaJanseretal.2013, author = {Bindal, Gaurav and Sharma, Sparsh and Janser, Frank and Neu, Eugen}, title = {Detailed analysis of variables affecting wing kinematics of bat flight}, series = {SAE International Journal of Aerospace}, volume = {6}, journal = {SAE International Journal of Aerospace}, number = {2}, issn = {1946-3901}, doi = {10.4271/2013-01-9003}, pages = {811 -- 818}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @article{BitzFelderWittig2013, author = {Bitz, Andreas and Felder, Jorg and Wittig, Tilmann}, title = {Designing MRI Coils with Aid of Simulation}, series = {Microwaves \& RF}, volume = {52}, journal = {Microwaves \& RF}, number = {7}, publisher = {Penton}, address = {Cleveland, Ohio}, issn = {0745-2993}, pages = {56}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BitzKobusScheenenetal.2013, author = {Bitz, Andreas and Kobus, Thiele and Scheenen, Tom W. J. and Ladd, Mark E.}, title = {RF Safety of the Combination of a 31P Tx/Rx Endorectal Coil \& a 1H Tx/Rx Body Array for 31P MRSI of the Prostate at 7T (311.)}, series = {20th Annual ISMRM scientific meeting and exhibition 2012 : Melbourne, Australia, 5 - 11 May 2012}, booktitle = {20th Annual ISMRM scientific meeting and exhibition 2012 : Melbourne, Australia, 5 - 11 May 2012}, number = {Volume 1}, publisher = {Curran}, address = {Red Hook, NY}, isbn = {978-1-62276-943-8}, issn = {1545-4428}, pages = {311}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @incollection{Blome2013, author = {Blome, Hans-Joachim}, title = {Die Tragweite der physikalischen Kosmologie}, series = {Exploring Uncertainty}, booktitle = {Exploring Uncertainty}, publisher = {Springer Gabler}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-00897-0}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-00897-0_6}, pages = {105 -- 150}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @book{BochmannRitz2013, author = {Bochmann, Sandra and Ritz, Thomas}, title = {Prototyping tools for mobile applications}, publisher = {Steinbeis-Ed.}, address = {Stuttgart}, isbn = {978-3-943356-45-8}, pages = {234 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @article{BohrnMuchaWerneretal.2013, author = {Bohrn, Ulrich and Mucha, Andreas and Werner, Frederik and Trattner, Barbara and B{\"a}cker, Matthias and Krumbe, Christoph and Schienle, Meinrad and St{\"u}tz, Evamaria and Schmitt-Landsiedel, Doris and Fleischer, Maximilian and Wagner, Patrick and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {A critical comparison of cell-based sensor systems for the detection of Cr (VI) in aquatic environment}, series = {Sensors and actuators. B: Chemical}, volume = {Vol. 182}, journal = {Sensors and actuators. B: Chemical}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1873-3077 (E-Journal); 0925-4005 (Print)}, pages = {58 -- 65}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @article{BohrnStuetzFleischeretal.2013, author = {Bohrn, Ulrich and St{\"u}tz, Evamaria and Fleischer, Maximilian and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef and Wagner, Patrick}, title = {Using a cell-based gas biosensor for investigation of adverse effects of acetone vapors in vitro}, series = {Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 40 (2013), H. 1}, journal = {Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 40 (2013), H. 1}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {0956-5663}, pages = {393 -- 400}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @article{BouwmanGuldenHeijdenetal.2013, author = {Bouwman, Peter and Gulden, Hanneke van der and Heijden, Ingrid van der and Drost, Rinske and Klijn, Christiaan N. and Prasetyanti, Pramudita and Pieterse, Mark and Wientjens, Ellen and Seibler, Jost and Hogervorst, Frank B. L. and Jonkers, Jos}, title = {A High-Throughput Functional Complementation Assay for Classification of BRCA1 Missense Variants}, series = {Cancer Discovery}, journal = {Cancer Discovery}, number = {3}, issn = {2159-8290}, doi = {10.1158/2159-8290.CD-13-0094}, pages = {1142 -- 1152}, year = {2013}, language = {en} }