@masterthesis{Flohr2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Flohr, Katharina Sophie}, title = {Real:ly?: Perspektiven \& soziokulturelle Unterschiede in der Berichterstattung}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {105 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Wie real ist unsere Realit{\"a}t? Wie »wirklich« ist das, was wir wahrnehmen und wie »wahr« kann die »Wahrheit« eigentlich sein? Medial vermittelte Informationen spielen f{\"u}r den Prozess der Meinungsbildung eine entscheidende Rolle. In der Wanderausstellung real:ly? geht es um einen Perspektivwechsel. Am Beispiel der »Atomwaffentests auf den Marshallinseln« wird das medial erzeugte Bild amerikanischer Berichterstattung pers{\"o}nlichen Geschichten der Marshaller*innen gegen{\"u}bergestellt: Technologischer Fortschritt, das Wettr{\"u}sten mit der UdSSR und die Macht {\"u}ber die Atombombe treffen auf Erz{\"a}hlungen {\"u}ber Zwangsumsiedlung, Krankheit, Ausbeutung und Abh{\"a}ngigkeit. real:ly? soll daran erinnern, die andere Seite der Medaille zu bedenken und eine andere Perspektive einzunehmen, bevor man seine Meinung bildet. Denn alles, was wir zu wissen glauben, ist nur ein kleiner Teil der ganzen Geschichte.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Franken2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Franken, Florian}, title = {Zeitfenster: Eine Dorfgeschichte aus Bildcollagen}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {113 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Zeit befindet sich im st{\"a}ndigen Wandel. Mit ihr verbindet man Zukunft, Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Letzteres pr{\"a}gt das jetzige Dasein. Der Zeitwandel ist ein Prozess, {\"u}ber den wir uns meist erst nach Jahren bewusstwerden. Besonders, wenn man das Dorf, in welchem man aufgewachsen ist, n{\"a}her betrachtet, f{\"a}llt einem auf, was sich im Laufe der Jahre architektonisch oder infrastrukturell ver{\"a}ndert hat. So stellt sich die Frage, wie das Dorf im letzten Jahrhundert ausgesehen hat. Wie sah es vor, w{\"a}hrend und nach den beiden Weltkriegen aus? Wie war das Dorfleben in der Zwischenkriegszeit? Was hat sich im letzten Jahrhundert ver{\"a}ndert? Diese Arbeit zeigt den Wandel der Zeit, kombiniert aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Damalige Aufnahmeorte wurden erneut aufgesucht, die Fotos aus der gleichen Position wurden neu abgelichtet und miteinander kombiniert.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Wahlefeld2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Wahlefeld, Leon}, title = {Generative Gestaltung: wie eine Herangehensweise die Zukunft des Designs revolutionieren k{\"o}nnte.}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {188 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Diese Bachelorarbeit setzt sich mit der „Generativen Gestaltung" und ihren M{\"o}glichkeiten f{\"u}r Gestaltende auseinander. Die automatisierte Bearbeitung eines gestalterischen Projektes soll vorrangig Vorteile beim Arbeiten mit großen Datenmengen bieten. Ziel war es, eine Plakatreihe zu entwerfen, die auf der Grundlage eines Codes - also eines strikten Regelwerks - basiert. Mithilfe dieses Verfahrens kann auf Knopfdruck eine beliebige Menge an Plakaten generiert werden. Durch die Festlegung bestimmter Parameter innerhalb des Codes wird gew{\"a}hrleistet, dass jedes ausgespielte Plakat anders ist als sein Vorg{\"a}nger. Diese Arbeit dient als eine erste anskizzierte Grundlage daf{\"u}r, wie grafischer Output automatisiert und vor allem aktualisiert generiert werden kann. Dieses Prinzip kann auf eine Vielzahl von Inhalten und Umsetzungen angewendet werden.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Weber2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Weber, Jana}, title = {Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin: Entwicklung eines neuen Erscheinungsbildes}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {125 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Pflanzenvielfalt der Erde steht im Fokus aller Aktivit{\"a}ten am Botanischen Garten und Botanischen Museum Berlin (BGBM). Umfangreiche wissenschaftliche Sammlungen bilden zusammen mit den historischen Garten- und Gew{\"a}chshausanlagen, dem Museum und einer modernen Forschungsinfrastruktur die Grundlage f{\"u}r die dortige Arbeit. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus tr{\"a}gt das BGBM mit seinen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten zu nationalen und internationalen Biodiversit{\"a}tsprogrammen bei. Umso wichtiger ist es, der Einrichtung ein klares und modernes Auftreten zu geben. Das neue Erscheinungsbild l{\"a}sst Garten und Museum durch eine rahmende Typografie zu einer Einheit werden und kommuniziert so auch gleichzeitig das Leitbild der Einrichtung, als „Schaufenster in die Pflanzenwelt" zu dienen. Es positioniert das BGBM zum einen als wissenschaftliche Institution und zum anderen als farbenfrohes Ausflugsziel und Erholungsort.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Wichmann2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Wichmann, Hanna}, title = {Bordsteinkanten: Dokumentation {\"u}ber das Leben als Mensch mit einer Behinderung}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {45 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Fast jeder zehnte Mensch in Deutschland hat eine Behinderung. Dennoch gibt es gegen{\"u}ber diesen Personen eine Menge Vorurteile und unangemessenes Verhalten. Dieses Projekt befasst sich mit der Frage, wie Menschen mit einer Behinderung leben, wie sie denken und welche Rolle Barrieren in ihrem Alltag spielen. Dazu wurden Personen mit unterschiedlichen Lebenseinstellungen und Behinderungen portr{\"a}tiert. Die Arbeit dokumentiert, inwieweit die Behinderung in ihr Leben und in ihre Pers{\"o}nlichkeit mit einspielt. Die Bilderserie in Kombination mit einem Textteil als Printmedium wird erg{\"a}nzt durch eine Audiodatei. Dieses Zusammenspiel ist wichtig, um eine Barrierefreiheit der Arbeit zu gew{\"a}hrleisten. Auch die Bindungsform und Schriftgestaltung orientieren sich an barrierefreier Gestaltung. Das Projekt tr{\"a}gt dazu bei, Barrieren aufzuheben - sowohl in unseren K{\"o}pfen als auch an Bordsteinkanten.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Yilmaz2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Yilmaz, Dilara}, title = {Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden: Entwicklung und Konzeption eines neuen Erscheinungsbildes}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {121 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In Zeiten der COVID-19-Pandemie ist die Aufkl{\"a}rung der Bev{\"o}lkerung, besonders in Hygiene- und Gesundheitsfragen, wichtiger denn je. Das Deutsche Hygiene-Museum macht sich genau das zur Aufgabe. Unter Einbeziehung des Museumsprofils „Das Museum vom Menschen" und der Architektur zwischen Bauhaus und Neoklassizismus erh{\"a}lt das Museum ein neues Erscheinungsbild. Dabei wird der Sammlungsaspekt gezielt visualisiert, denn das Museum zeichnet sich durch einen umfangreichen Sammlungsbestand aus. Die heterogene Sammlungsbreite macht es europaweit zu einem Unikat. Da das Museum einen Teil des Gesundheitssystems darstellt, ist das {\"u}berwiegend rot gehaltene Corporate Design und die Wort-Bild-Marke eine Anlehnung an das Deutsche Rote Kreuz. Das medien{\"u}bergreifende Erscheinungsbild unterstreicht somit die Werte und Besonderheiten des Museums und hat zus{\"a}tzlich den Auftrag, {\"u}ber Hygiene und Gesundheit aufzukl{\"a}ren.}, language = {de} } @article{MeyerHaenelBeehetal.2020, author = {Meyer, S. and H{\"a}nel, Matthias and Beeh, B. and Dittmann-Gabriel, S{\"o}ren and Dluhosch, R. and May, Martin and Herrmann, Ulf}, title = {Multifunktionaler thermischer Stromspeicher f{\"u}r die Strom- und W{\"a}rmeversorgung der Industrie von morgen}, series = {ETG Journal / Energietechnische Gesellschaft im VDE (ETG)}, volume = {2020}, journal = {ETG Journal / Energietechnische Gesellschaft im VDE (ETG)}, number = {1}, issn = {2625-9907}, pages = {6 -- 9}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{SattlerChicoCaminosAttietal.2020, author = {Sattler, Johannes Christoph and Chico Caminos, Ricardo Alexander and Atti, Vikrama Nagababu and {\"U}rlings, Nicolas and Dutta, Siddharth and Ruiz, Victor and Kalogirou, Soteris and Ktistis, Panayiotis and Agathokleous, Rafaela and Alexopoulos, Spiros and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Herrmann, Ulf}, title = {Dynamic simulation tool for a performance evaluation and sensitivity study of a parabolic trough collector system with concrete thermal energy storage}, series = {AIP Conference Proceedings 2303}, booktitle = {AIP Conference Proceedings 2303}, publisher = {American Institute of Physics}, address = {Melville, NY}, issn = {0094-243X}, doi = {10.1063/5.0029277}, pages = {160004}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @article{HerrmannSchwarzenbartDittmannGabrieletal.2019, author = {Herrmann, Ulf and Schwarzenbart, Marc and Dittmann-Gabriel, S{\"o}ren and May, Martin}, title = {Hochtemperatur-W{\"a}rmespeicher f{\"u}r die Strom- und W{\"a}rmewende}, series = {Solarzeitalter : Politik, Kultur und {\"O}konomie erneuerbarer Energien}, volume = {31}, journal = {Solarzeitalter : Politik, Kultur und {\"O}konomie erneuerbarer Energien}, number = {2}, issn = {0937-3802}, pages = {18 -- 23}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Beil2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Beil, Franziska}, title = {Mobilit{\"a}t im Alter: der Rollator der n{\"a}chsten Generation}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {73 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Da die Gesellschaft in Deutschland immer {\"a}lter wird, steigt auch die Nachfrage nach Gehhilfen wie beispielsweise einem Rollator. Im Alter steigt das Erkrankungsrisiko f{\"u}r Krankheiten, die die Mobilit{\"a}t erschweren k{\"o}nnen. An diesem Punkt setzt der Rollator MORO an und bietet wieder Sicherheit beim Gehen. F{\"u}r den MORO sind Hindernisse wie Bordsteinkanten kein Problem, da er sie mit speziellen R{\"a}dern spielend {\"u}berwinden kann. Zus{\"a}tzlich bietet er ergonomische Handgriffe, die entsprechend der jeweiligen Krankheit angepasst und ausgetauscht werden k{\"o}nnen sowie einen Sitz und eine R{\"u}ckenlehne. Da der MORO aus Carbon hergestellt wird, ist er leicht in der Handhabung und somit wird die Mitnahme im Auto oder Bus und Bahn erleichtert. Durch seine verbesserte Ergonomie, individueller Anpassung und Leichtigkeit kann man wieder selbstst{\"a}ndig durch die Welt gehen.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Bos2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Bos, Shania}, title = {Living Books: ein Event rund um das Thema Lesen}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {95 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Living Books ist ein in Aachen stationiertes Event der Buchhandlungskette Mayersche, welches Kinder und Jugendliche zum Lesen animieren soll, indem Technik und Unterhaltungsmedien mit dem Buch verbunden werden. Hierzu werden die M{\"o}glichkeiten der virtuellen Realit{\"a}t genutzt sowie einzigartige Marketingstrategien, die sich ebenfalls neuartiger Technik bedienen, um das Interesse und die Neugierde junger Menschen zu wecken. Vor Ort wird man zum ersten Mal mit dem Buch konfrontiert. Bis dahin wirkt das Event schlichtweg wie ein Fantreffen zu Buchverfilmungen. Nacheinander betreten die jungen Besucher mithilfe einer VR-Brille eine Welt, die einem Buch entstammt, um ihnen die Geschichte spielerisch n{\"a}herzubringen. Mithilfe der neuen Welt und einem pl{\"o}tzlichen Ende soll Neugierde f{\"u}r das Buch geweckt werden. Das Interesse f{\"u}r die Geschichte soll am Ende gr{\"o}ßer sein als die Abneigung gegen das Lesen.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Wrutniak2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Wrutniak, Sophia Stefanie}, title = {Monitoring-System f{\"u}r die Luftrettung: ergonomisches Designkonzept f{\"u}r den medizinischen Anwender}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {129 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Bei einem Luftrettungseinsatz hat die Herstellung der Transportf{\"a}higkeit des Patienten Priorit{\"a}t. Im Anschluss erfolgt das Monitoring w{\"a}hrend des Fluges. Das Problem dabei ist: Es gibt keine einheitliche Basis zur ergonomischen Nutzung und Datenverwertung der medizinischen Ger{\"a}te. Kabel, Positionierung und individuelle Displays beeintr{\"a}chtigen die Anwendenden. Dies kann im schlimmsten Fall die erfolgreiche Patientenbehandlung gef{\"a}hrden und die {\"U}bergabe des Patienten verz{\"o}gern. Im Konzept wurden die Ger{\"a}te drahtlos gestaltet. Mittels Knopfdruck am Ger{\"a}t werden Daten an den Monitor {\"u}bertragen. Schnell und sicher k{\"o}nnen EKG, Blutdruck, SPO2 und Temperatur gemessen und Stethoskop, Ultraschall und Videolaryngoskop verwendet werden. Ein Barcode-Scanner dokumentiert Medikamente und verbrauchte Materialien. Im Anschluss wird ein Zielkrankenhaus ausgew{\"a}hlt, die Ankunftszeit angezeigt und Daten protokolliert und {\"u}bertragen.}, language = {de} } @article{Olbertz2019, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Arbeitsrechtliche Akzente der Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung in 2018 : Ein kurzweiliger R{\"u}ckblick auf das Arbeitsrecht des vergangenen Jahres}, series = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, journal = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, number = {5}, issn = {0028-3460}, pages = {266 -- 279}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @article{Olbertz2019, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Auslandsentsendungen im arbeitsrechtlichen Zusammenhang : Ausgestaltung eines Entsendungsvertrags und mitbestimmungsrechtliche Aspekte}, series = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, journal = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, number = {19}, issn = {0028-3460}, pages = {1400 -- 1406}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @article{Olbertz2019, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Rechtssichere Vereinbarungen von K{\"u}ndigungsfristen im Arbeitsvertrag : Weitestgehende Abdingbarkeit gesetzlicher Vorgaben erm{\"o}glicht passgenaue Gestaltungen}, series = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, journal = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, number = {23}, issn = {0028-3460}, pages = {1693 -- 1699}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @article{Olbertz2019, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Die Optionen des Arbeitgebers nach Krankmeldung des Arbeitnehmers : Ein {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die Rechte und Pflichten des Arbeitgebers bei Arbeitsunf{\"a}higkeit des Mitarbeiters}, series = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, journal = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, number = {30}, issn = {0028-3460}, pages = {2222 -- 2229}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @article{Olbertz2019, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Die arbeitsvertragliche Vereinbarung von Vertragsstrafen : Anforderungen an wirksame Vertragsstrafenabreden in Formulararbeitsvertr{\"a}gen beachten}, series = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, journal = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, number = {45}, issn = {0028-3460}, pages = {3302 -- 3308}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @article{Olbertz2020, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Jahresr{\"u}ckblick Arbeitsrecht 2019 : Gesetzes{\"a}nderungen und insbesondere im Zeichen des Befristungs- und Urlaubsrechts stehende h{\"o}chstrichterliche Rechtsprechung}, series = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, journal = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, number = {8}, publisher = {NWB-Verl.}, address = {Herne}, issn = {0028-3460}, pages = {557 -- 569}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In Fortschreibung des Jahresr{\"u}ckblicks 2018 (Olbertz, NWB 5/2019 S. 266 ) skizziert der vorliegende Beitrag die j{\"u}ngsten nennenswerten Entwicklungen im Arbeitsrecht des Jahres 2019. Im Bereich der Gesetzgebung, mit dem sich der erste Teil des Beitrags befasst, betrifft dies etwa das Fachkr{\"a}fteeinwanderungsgesetz, die angestoßenen Schutzvorschriften f{\"u}r Whistleblower oder das gesetzlich verankerte Recht auf Br{\"u}ckenteilzeit. In der arbeitsrechtlichen h{\"o}chstrichterlichen Rechtsprechung stand das Jahr 2019 insbesondere im Zeichen des Befristungs- und des Urlaubsrechts. Was hier und dar{\"u}ber hinaus wegweisend war, zeigt der zweite Teil des Beitrags.}, language = {de} } @article{Olbertz2020, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {GmbH-Gesch{\"a}ftsf{\"u}hrer: das eine Mal Arbeitnehmer, das andere Mal nicht : Arbeits- und sozialrechtliche Anwendung von Schutzvorschriften auf den Gesch{\"a}ftsf{\"u}hrer von A bis Z}, series = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, journal = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, number = {19}, publisher = {NWB-Verl.}, address = {Herne}, issn = {0028-3460}, pages = {1431 -- 1441}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @article{Olbertz2020, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Wenn der „leitende" Angestellte doch nur ein „normaler" Arbeitnehmer ist ... : Zur Rechtsstellung leitender Angestellter, zu Fehleinsch{\"a}tzungen des Arbeitgebers und Praxishinweisen}, series = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, journal = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, number = {32}, publisher = {NWB-Verl.}, address = {Herne}, issn = {0028-3460}, pages = {2397 -- 2406}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @article{Olbertz2021, author = {Olbertz, Klaus}, title = {Die Dienstreisezeit als Arbeitszeit - oder doch nicht? : Zur arbeitgeberfreundlichen Bewertung von Dienstreisezeiten durch das Bundesarbeitsgericht}, series = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, journal = {NWB - Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht}, number = {1}, issn = {0028-3460}, pages = {38 -- 44}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Der arbeitsrechtlich richtige Umgang mit Zeiten einer Dienstreise kann in der betrieblichen Praxis Probleme bereiten. Ob die Reisezeiten als solche Arbeitszeit i. S. des Arbeitszeitgesetzes (ArbZG ) darstellen, also bspw. auf die t{\"a}gliche H{\"o}chstarbeitszeit angerechnet werden m{\"u}ssen oder nicht, ist oftmals genauso unklar wie die Frage, ob und inwieweit Reisezeiten verg{\"u}tungspflichtig sind. Aber auch, ob ein Arbeitnehmer {\"u}berhaupt zur Durchf{\"u}hrung einer Dienstreise verpflichtet werden kann, ist ein m{\"o}glicher Anlass von Streitigkeiten zwischen den Arbeitsvertragsparteien, wie verschiedene Gerichtsentscheidungen zeigen. Der nachfolgende Beitrag beantwortet die aufgeworfenen Fragen und gibt hierzu einen praxisorientierten {\"U}berblick.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MandekarJentschLutzetal.2021, author = {Mandekar, Swati and Jentsch, Lina and Lutz, Kai and Behbahani, Mehdi and Melnykowycz, Mark}, title = {Earable design analysis for sleep EEG measurements}, series = {UbiComp '21}, booktitle = {UbiComp '21}, doi = {10.1145/3460418.3479328}, pages = {171 -- 175}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Conventional EEG devices cannot be used in everyday life and hence, past decade research has been focused on Ear-EEG for mobile, at-home monitoring for various applications ranging from emotion detection to sleep monitoring. As the area available for electrode contact in the ear is limited, the electrode size and location play a vital role for an Ear-EEG system. In this investigation, we present a quantitative study of ear-electrodes with two electrode sizes at different locations in a wet and dry configuration. Electrode impedance scales inversely with size and ranges from 450 kΩ to 1.29 MΩ for dry and from 22 kΩ to 42 kΩ for wet contact at 10 Hz. For any size, the location in the ear canal with the lowest impedance is ELE (Left Ear Superior), presumably due to increased contact pressure caused by the outer-ear anatomy. The results can be used to optimize signal pickup and SNR for specific applications. We demonstrate this by recording sleep spindles during sleep onset with high quality (5.27 μVrms).}, language = {en} } @article{AlexyukBogoyavlenskiyAlexyuketal.2021, author = {Alexyuk, Madina and Bogoyavlenskiy, Andrey and Alexyuk, Pavel and Moldakhanov, Yergali and Berezin, Vladimir and Digel, Ilya}, title = {Epipelagic microbiome of the Small Aral Sea: Metagenomic structure and ecological diversity}, series = {MicrobiologyOpen}, volume = {10}, journal = {MicrobiologyOpen}, number = {1}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {2045-8827}, doi = {10.1002/mbo3.1142}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Microbial diversity studies regarding the aquatic communities that experienced or are experiencing environmental problems are essential for the comprehension of the remediation dynamics. In this pilot study, we present data on the phylogenetic and ecological structure of microorganisms from epipelagic water samples collected in the Small Aral Sea (SAS). The raw data were generated by massive parallel sequencing using the shotgun approach. As expected, most of the identified DNA sequences belonged to Terrabacteria and Actinobacteria (40\% and 37\% of the total reads, respectively). The occurrence of Deinococcus-Thermus, Armatimonadetes, Chloroflexi in the epipelagic SAS waters was less anticipated. Surprising was also the detection of sequences, which are characteristic for strict anaerobes—Ignavibacteria, hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria, and archaeal methanogenic species. We suppose that the observed very broad range of phylogenetic and ecological features displayed by the SAS reads demonstrates a more intensive mixing of water masses originating from diverse ecological niches of the Aral-Syr Darya River basin than presumed before.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ChajanSchulteTiggesRekeetal.2021, author = {Chajan, Eduard and Schulte-Tigges, Joschua and Reke, Michael and Ferrein, Alexander and Matheis, Dominik and Walter, Thomas}, title = {GPU based model-predictive path control for self-driving vehicles}, series = {IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)}, booktitle = {IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York, NY}, isbn = {978-1-7281-5394-0}, doi = {10.1109/IV48863.2021.9575619}, pages = {1243 -- 1248}, year = {2021}, abstract = {One central challenge for self-driving cars is a proper path-planning. Once a trajectory has been found, the next challenge is to accurately and safely follow the precalculated path. The model-predictive controller (MPC) is a common approach for the lateral control of autonomous vehicles. The MPC uses a vehicle dynamics model to predict the future states of the vehicle for a given prediction horizon. However, in order to achieve real-time path control, the computational load is usually large, which leads to short prediction horizons. To deal with the computational load, the control algorithm can be parallelized on the graphics processing unit (GPU). In contrast to the widely used stochastic methods, in this paper we propose a deterministic approach based on grid search. Our approach focuses on systematically discovering the search area with different levels of granularity. To achieve this, we split the optimization algorithm into multiple iterations. The best sequence of each iteration is then used as an initial solution to the next iteration. The granularity increases, resulting in smooth and predictable steering angle sequences. We present a novel GPU-based algorithm and show its accuracy and realtime abilities with a number of real-world experiments.}, language = {en} } @techreport{StoelzleFeixThomasEngelstaedteretal.2021, author = {St{\"o}lzle-Feix, Sonja and Thomas, Ulrich and Engelst{\"a}dter, Max and Goßmann, Matthias and Linder, Peter and Staat, Manfred and Raman, Aravind Hariharan and Jung, Alexander and Fertig, Niels}, title = {Plattformtechnologie f{\"u}r kardiale Sicherheitspharmakologie basierend auf teilsynthetischem Herzmuskelgewebe (FLEXcyte) : gemeinsamer FuE-Abschlussbericht aller Partner des Verbundprojektes : Projektlaufzeit: 01.10.2018 bis 30.09.2020}, publisher = {Nanion Technologies GmbH}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, doi = {10.2314/KXP:1813208581}, pages = {IV, 85 Seiten, 2 ungez{\"a}hlte Seiten}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @article{HeinkeKnickerAlbracht2021, author = {Heinke, Lars N. and Knicker, Axel J. and Albracht, Kirsten}, title = {Test-retest reliability of the internal shoulder rotator muscles' stretch reflex in healthy men}, series = {Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology}, volume = {62}, journal = {Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology}, number = {Article 102611}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1050-6411}, doi = {10.1016/j.jelekin.2021.102611}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Until now the reproducibility of the short latency stretch reflex of the internal rotator muscles of the glenohumeral joint has not been identified. Twenty-three healthy male participants performed three sets of external shoulder rotation stretches with various pre-activation levels on two different dates of measurement to assess test-retest reliability. All stretches were applied with a dynamometer acceleration of 104°/s2 and a velocity of 150°/s. Electromyographical response was measured via surface EMG. Reflex latencies showed a pre-activation effect (ƞ2 = 0,355). ICC ranged from 0,735 to 0,909 indicating an overall "good" relative reliability. SRD 95\% lay between ±7,0 to ±12,3 ms.. The reflex gain showed overall poor test-retest reproducibility. The chosen methodological approach presented a suitable test protocol for shoulder muscles stretch reflex latency evaluation. A proof-of-concept study to validate the presented methodical approach in shoulder involvement including subjects with clinically relevant conditions is recommended.}, language = {en} } @book{DiktaScheer2021, author = {Dikta, Gerhard and Scheer, Marsel}, title = {Bootstrap Methods: With Applications in R}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-73480-0}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-73480-0}, pages = {XVI, 256 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This book provides a compact introduction to the bootstrap method. In addition to classical results on point estimation and test theory, multivariate linear regression models and generalized linear models are covered in detail. Special attention is given to the use of bootstrap procedures to perform goodness-of-fit tests to validate model or distributional assumptions. In some cases, new methods are presented here for the first time. The text is motivated by practical examples and the implementations of the corresponding algorithms are always given directly in R in a comprehensible form. Overall, R is given great importance throughout. Each chapter includes a section of exercises and, for the more mathematically inclined readers, concludes with rigorous proofs. The intended audience is graduate students who already have a prior knowledge of probability theory and mathematical statistics.}, language = {en} } @article{HeelDiktaBraekers2021, author = {Heel, Mareike van and Dikta, Gerhard and Braekers, Roel}, title = {Bootstrap based goodness‑of‑fit tests for binary multivariate regression models}, series = {Journal of the Korean Statistical Society}, volume = {51}, journal = {Journal of the Korean Statistical Society}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {Singapur}, issn = {2005-2863 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/s42952-021-00142-4}, pages = {28 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {We consider a binary multivariate regression model where the conditional expectation of a binary variable given a higher-dimensional input variable belongs to a parametric family. Based on this, we introduce a model-based bootstrap (MBB) for higher-dimensional input variables. This test can be used to check whether a sequence of independent and identically distributed observations belongs to such a parametric family. The approach is based on the empirical residual process introduced by Stute (Ann Statist 25:613-641, 1997). In contrast to Stute and Zhu's approach (2002) Stute \& Zhu (Scandinavian J Statist 29:535-545, 2002), a transformation is not required. Thus, any problems associated with non-parametric regression estimation are avoided. As a result, the MBB method is much easier for users to implement. To illustrate the power of the MBB based tests, a small simulation study is performed. Compared to the approach of Stute \& Zhu (Scandinavian J Statist 29:535-545, 2002), the simulations indicate a slightly improved power of the MBB based method. Finally, both methods are applied to a real data set.}, language = {en} } @misc{JungMuellerStaat2021, author = {Jung, Alexander and M{\"u}ller, Wolfram and Staat, Manfred}, title = {Corrigendum to "Wind and fairness in ski jumping: A computer modelling analysis" [J. Biomech. 75 (2018) 147-153]}, series = {Journal of Biomechanics}, volume = {128}, journal = {Journal of Biomechanics}, number = {Article number: 110690}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0021-9290}, doi = {10.1016/j.jbiomech.2021.110690}, pages = {1 Seite}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @article{JungStaat2020, author = {Jung, Alexander and Staat, Manfred}, title = {Erratum to "Modeling and simulation of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiac tissue" [GAMM-Mitteilungen, (2019), 42, 4, 10.1002/gamm.201900002]}, series = {GAMM-Mitteilungen}, volume = {43}, journal = {GAMM-Mitteilungen}, number = {4}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH GmbH}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {1522-2608}, doi = {10.1002/gamm.202000011}, year = {2020}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{HueningWacheMagiera2021, author = {H{\"u}ning, Felix and Wache, Franz-Josef and Magiera, David}, title = {Redundant bus systems using dual-mode radio}, series = {Proceedings of Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Singapore}, isbn = {978-981-16-2379-0}, doi = {10.1007/978-981-16-2380-6_73}, pages = {835 -- 842}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Communication via serial bus systems, like CAN, plays an important role for all kinds of embedded electronic and mechatronic systems. To cope up with the requirements for functional safety of safety-critical applications, there is a need to enhance the safety features of the communication systems. One measure to achieve a more robust communication is to add redundant data transmission path to the applications. In general, the communication of real-time embedded systems like automotive applications is tethered, and the redundant data transmission lines are also tethered, increasing the size of the wiring harness and the weight of the system. A radio link is preferred as a redundant transmission line as it uses a complementary transmission medium compared to the wired solution and in addition reduces wiring harness size and weight. Standard wireless links like Wi-Fi or Bluetooth cannot meet the requirements for real-time capability with regard to bus communication. Using the new dual-mode radio enables a redundant transmission line meeting all requirements with regard to real-time capability, robustness and transparency for the data bus. In addition, it provides a complementary transmission medium with regard to commonly used tethered links. A CAN bus system is used to demonstrate the redundant data transfer via tethered and wireless CAN.}, language = {en} } @book{Gell2012, author = {Gell, Sebastian}, title = {Determinants of earnings forecast error, earnings forecast revision and earnings forecast accuracy}, publisher = {Springer Gabler}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-8349-3936-4}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-8349-3937-1}, pages = {XXIV, 125 Seiten}, year = {2012}, abstract = {​Earnings forecasts are ubiquitous in today's financial markets. They are essential indicators of future firm performance and a starting point for firm valuation. Extremely inaccurate and overoptimistic forecasts during the most recent financial crisis have raised serious doubts regarding the reliability of such forecasts. This thesis therefore investigates new determinants of forecast errors and accuracy. In addition, new determinants of forecast revisions are examined. More specifically, the thesis answers the following questions: 1) How do analyst incentives lead to forecast errors? 2) How do changes in analyst incentives lead to forecast revisions?, and 3) What factors drive differences in forecast accuracy?}, language = {en} } @article{KlettkeHomburgGell2015, author = {Klettke, Tanja and Homburg, Carsten and Gell, Sebastian}, title = {How to measure analyst forecast effort}, series = {European Accounting Review}, volume = {24}, journal = {European Accounting Review}, number = {1}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, address = {London}, issn = {0963-8180}, doi = {10.1080/09638180.2014.909291}, pages = {129 -- 146}, year = {2015}, abstract = {We introduce a new way to measure the forecast effort that analysts devote to their earnings forecasts by measuring the analyst's general effort for all covered firms. While the commonly applied effort measure is based on analyst behaviour for one firm, our measure considers analyst behaviour for all covered firms. Our general effort measure captures additional information about analyst effort and thus can identify accurate forecasts. We emphasise the importance of investigating analyst behaviour in a larger context and argue that analysts who generally devote substantial forecast effort are also likely to devote substantial effort to a specific firm, even if this effort might not be captured by a firm-specific measure. Empirical results reveal that analysts who devote higher general forecast effort issue more accurate forecasts. Additional investigations show that analysts' career prospects improve with higher general forecast effort. Our measure improves on existing methods as it has higher explanatory power regarding differences in forecast accuracy than the commonly applied effort measure. Additionally, it can address research questions that cannot be examined with a firm-specific measure. It provides a simple but comprehensive way to identify accurate analysts.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KloeserKohlKraftetal.2021, author = {Kl{\"o}ser, Lars and Kohl, Philipp and Kraft, Bodo and Z{\"u}ndorf, Albert}, title = {Multi-attribute relation extraction (MARE): simplifying the application of relation extraction}, series = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications DeLTA - Volume 1}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications DeLTA - Volume 1}, publisher = {SciTePress}, address = {Set{\´u}bal}, isbn = {978-989-758-526-5}, doi = {10.5220/0010559201480156}, pages = {148 -- 156}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Natural language understanding's relation extraction makes innovative and encouraging novel business concepts possible and facilitates new digitilized decision-making processes. Current approaches allow the extraction of relations with a fixed number of entities as attributes. Extracting relations with an arbitrary amount of attributes requires complex systems and costly relation-trigger annotations to assist these systems. We introduce multi-attribute relation extraction (MARE) as an assumption-less problem formulation with two approaches, facilitating an explicit mapping from business use cases to the data annotations. Avoiding elaborated annotation constraints simplifies the application of relation extraction approaches. The evaluation compares our models to current state-of-the-art event extraction and binary relation extraction methods. Our approaches show improvement compared to these on the extraction of general multi-attribute relations.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AdenackerGerhardsOttenetal.2021, author = {Adenacker, J. and Gerhards, Benjamin and Otten, Christian and Schleser, Markus}, title = {Laserstrahlschweißen von Aluminium-Kupfer-Werkstoffkombinationen f{\"u}r die Elektromobilit{\"a}t}, series = {DVS CONGRESS 2021}, booktitle = {DVS CONGRESS 2021}, publisher = {DVS Media GmbH}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {978-3-96144-146-4}, pages = {31 -- 38}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @article{Timme2021, author = {Timme, Michael}, title = {Rechtsprechungs{\"u}bersicht zum Wohnraummietrecht}, series = {Monatsschrift f{\"u}r Deutsches Recht}, volume = {75}, journal = {Monatsschrift f{\"u}r Deutsches Recht}, number = {1}, publisher = {Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, issn = {2194-4202}, doi = {10.9785/mdtr-2021-750113}, pages = {6 -- 11}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @book{Timme2021, author = {Timme, Michael}, title = {BGB Crashkurs: der sichere Weg durch die Pr{\"u}fung}, edition = {6. Auflage}, publisher = {C.H. Beck}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-406-77349-5}, pages = {160 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Dieser "Crashkurs" eignet sich ausgezeichnet f{\"u}r die kompakte Wiederholung und die zielgerichtete Pr{\"u}fungsvorbereitung. Das Buch ist aufgrund seiner fallbezogenen Ausrichtung vor allem f{\"u}r Anf{\"a}nger gedacht, eignet sich aber auch f{\"u}r fortgeschrittene Studierende zur kompakten Wiederholung. Einfache Merks{\"a}tze, F{\"a}lle, {\"U}bersichten, Definitionen und kurze Zusammenfassungen lassen sich leicht einpr{\"a}gen und geben Sicherheit f{\"u}r die Pr{\"u}fung. Vorteile auf einen Blick: Das wichtigste BGB-Know-how als Repetitorium vor der Pr{\"u}fung, mit erprobten Merks{\"a}tzen und kurzen Zusammenfassungen, Fall f{\"u}r Fall sicher durch die Pr{\"u}fung}, language = {de} } @book{Timme2020, author = {Timme, Michael}, title = {WEG - Wohnungeigentumsgesetz / Hrsg. von Michael Timme . Stand 01.02.2020 ; Edition: 40}, publisher = {Beck}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @book{Timme2020, author = {Timme, Michael}, title = {WEG - Wohnungeigentumsgesetz / Hrsg. von Michael Timme . Stand: 01.05.2020 ; Edition 41}, publisher = {Beck}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Zosgornik2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Zosgornik, Julia}, title = {Tempor{\"a}rer, mobiler Lebensraum: ein Wohnkonzept f{\"u}r Tinyhouses aus alten, ungenutzten Bahnwaggons}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {99 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Das Olympiagel{\"a}nde in M{\"u}nchen wurde im Jahre 1972 durch die M{\"u}nchener S-Bahn erreichbar. Nach der Nutzung w{\"a}hrend der Olympischen Spiele wurde die Strecke weiterhin von der Linie S3angefahren, aber schließlich 1988 stillgelegt und steht seither unter Denkmalschutz. Das umfassende Gel{\"a}nde ist bis heute gut ausgebaut und bietet viel Raum f{\"u}r Freizeitaktivit{\"a}ten. Nun bietet sich dieser Standort f{\"u}r ein neues Wohnkonzept an. Aus alten, nicht mehr nutzbaren Bahnwaggons entstehen Tinyhouse-Module. Aus dem alten Olympiabahnhof der S3 wird ein neues Viertel f{\"u}r junge Leute, Studenten und alle anderen, die sich vorstellen k{\"o}nnen in einem Tinyhouse zu wohnen.}, language = {de} } @misc{Bartsch2021, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Bartsch, Janosch}, title = {Kleidung {\"u}ber Kleidung: eine Bekleidungsserie, die {\"u}ber die Bekleidungsindustrie informiert}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {182 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Kleidung ist ein Kommunikationsmedium. Im Projekt wird Bekleidung als Informationstr{\"a}ger genutzt, um {\"u}ber die verschiedenen Abschnitte im Zyklus eines Kleidungsst{\"u}cks sowie die Missst{\"a}nde in der Bekleidungsindustrie zu informieren. Entstanden sind 6 Kleidungsst{\"u}cke, jeweils eins pro Abschnitt im Zyklus, vom Baumwollanbau {\"u}ber Spinnereien, Produktionsfabriken, dem Einzelhandel und Gebrauch bis zur Entsorgung. Die einfach gehaltenen Kleidungsst{\"u}cke besitzen Aufdrucke. {\"U}ber eine Augmented-Reality-App k{\"o}nnen die Kleidungsst{\"u}cke gescannt werden. In Kombination mit der digitalen Ebene werden die Aufdrucke zu Informationsgrafiken. So wird unter anderem {\"u}ber die grausamen Arbeitsumst{\"a}nde in der Produktion informiert oder dar{\"u}ber, dass wir unsere Kleidungsst{\"u}cke durchschnittlich nur 4x anziehen. Immer geht es darum, den Betrachter dazu anzuregen, seine Konsumentscheidungen zu {\"u}berdenken.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KohlSchmidtsKloeseretal.2021, author = {Kohl, Philipp and Schmidts, Oliver and Kl{\"o}ser, Lars and Werth, Henri and Kraft, Bodo and Z{\"u}ndorf, Albert}, title = {STAMP 4 NLP - an agile framework for rapid quality-driven NLP applications development}, series = {Quality of Information and Communications Technology. QUATIC 2021}, booktitle = {Quality of Information and Communications Technology. QUATIC 2021}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-85346-4}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-85347-1_12}, pages = {156 -- 166}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The progress in natural language processing (NLP) research over the last years, offers novel business opportunities for companies, as automated user interaction or improved data analysis. Building sophisticated NLP applications requires dealing with modern machine learning (ML) technologies, which impedes enterprises from establishing successful NLP projects. Our experience in applied NLP research projects shows that the continuous integration of research prototypes in production-like environments with quality assurance builds trust in the software and shows convenience and usefulness regarding the business goal. We introduce STAMP 4 NLP as an iterative and incremental process model for developing NLP applications. With STAMP 4 NLP, we merge software engineering principles with best practices from data science. Instantiating our process model allows efficiently creating prototypes by utilizing templates, conventions, and implementations, enabling developers and data scientists to focus on the business goals. Due to our iterative-incremental approach, businesses can deploy an enhanced version of the prototype to their software environment after every iteration, maximizing potential business value and trust early and avoiding the cost of successful yet never deployed experiments.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SchmidtsKraftWinkensetal.2021, author = {Schmidts, Oliver and Kraft, Bodo and Winkens, Marvin and Z{\"u}ndorf, Albert}, title = {Catalog integration of heterogeneous and volatile product data}, series = {DATA 2020: Data Management Technologies and Applications}, booktitle = {DATA 2020: Data Management Technologies and Applications}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-83013-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-83014-4_7}, pages = {134 -- 153}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The integration of frequently changing, volatile product data from different manufacturers into a single catalog is a significant challenge for small and medium-sized e-commerce companies. They rely on timely integrating product data to present them aggregated in an online shop without knowing format specifications, concept understanding of manufacturers, and data quality. Furthermore, format, concepts, and data quality may change at any time. Consequently, integrating product catalogs into a single standardized catalog is often a laborious manual task. Current strategies to streamline or automate catalog integration use techniques based on machine learning, word vectorization, or semantic similarity. However, most approaches struggle with low-quality or real-world data. We propose Attribute Label Ranking (ALR) as a recommendation engine to simplify the integration process of previously unknown, proprietary tabular format into a standardized catalog for practitioners. We evaluate ALR by focusing on the impact of different neural network architectures, language features, and semantic similarity. Additionally, we consider metrics for industrial application and present the impact of ALR in production and its limitations.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MeckMuellerAltherretal.2020, author = {Meck, Marvin M. and M{\"u}ller, Tim M. and Altherr, Lena and Pelz, Peter F.}, title = {Improving an industrial cooling system using MINLP, considering capital and operating costs}, series = {Operations Research Proceedings 2019}, booktitle = {Operations Research Proceedings 2019}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-48438-5 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-48439-2_61}, pages = {505 -- 512}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The chemical industry is one of the most important industrial sectors in Germany in terms of manufacturing revenue. While thermodynamic boundary conditions often restrict the scope for reducing the energy consumption of core processes, secondary processes such as cooling offer scope for energy optimisation. In this contribution, we therefore model and optimise an existing cooling system. The technical boundary conditions of the model are provided by the operators, the German chemical company BASF SE. In order to systematically evaluate different degrees of freedom in topology and operation, we formulate and solve a Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Program (MINLP), and compare our optimisation results with the existing system.}, language = {en} } @article{KezerashviliDachwald2021, author = {Kezerashvili, Roman Ya and Dachwald, Bernd}, title = {Preface: Solar sailing: Concepts, technology, and missions II}, series = {Advances in Space Research}, volume = {67}, journal = {Advances in Space Research}, number = {9}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0273-1177}, doi = {10.1016/j.asr.2021.01.037}, pages = {2559 -- 2560}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @article{HeinEubanksLingametal.2022, author = {Hein, Andreas M. and Eubanks, T. Marshall and Lingam, Manasvi and Hibberd, Adam and Fries, Dan and Schneider, Jean and Kervella, Pierre and Kennedy, Robert and Perakis, Nikolaos and Dachwald, Bernd}, title = {Interstellar now! Missions to explore nearby interstellar objects}, series = {Advances in Space Research}, volume = {69}, journal = {Advances in Space Research}, number = {1}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0273-1177}, doi = {10.1016/j.asr.2021.06.052}, pages = {402 -- 414}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The recently discovered first hyperbolic objects passing through the Solar System, 1I/'Oumuamua and 2I/Borisov, have raised the question about near term missions to Interstellar Objects. In situ spacecraft exploration of these objects will allow the direct determination of both their structure and their chemical and isotopic composition, enabling an entirely new way of studying small bodies from outside our solar system. In this paper, we map various Interstellar Object classes to mission types, demonstrating that missions to a range of Interstellar Object classes are feasible, using existing or near-term technology. We describe flyby, rendezvous and sample return missions to interstellar objects, showing various ways to explore these bodies characterizing their surface, dynamics, structure and composition. Their direct exploration will constrain their formation and history, situating them within the dynamical and chemical evolution of the Galaxy. These mission types also provide the opportunity to explore solar system bodies and perform measurements in the far outer solar system.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GrundmannBauerBodenetal.2019, author = {Grundmann, Jan Thimo and Bauer, Waldemar and Boden, Ralf and Ceriotti, Matteo and Chand, Suditi and Cordero, Federico and Dachwald, Bernd and Dumont, Etienne and Grimm, Christian D. and Heiligers, Jeannette and Herč{\´i}k, David and H{\´e}rique, Alain and Ho, Tra-Mi and Jahnke, Rico and Kofman, Wlodek and Lange, Caroline and Lichtenheldt, Roy and McInnes, Colin and Meß, Jan-Gerd and Mikschl, Tobias and Mikulz, Eugen and Montenegro, Sergio and Moore, Iain and Pelivan, Ivanka and Peloni, Alessandro and Plettemeier, Dirk and Quantius, Dominik and Reershemius, Siebo and Renger, Thomas and Riemann, Johannes and Rogez, Yves and Ruffer, Michael and Sasaki, Kaname and Schmitz, Nicole and Seboldt, Wolfgang and Seefeldt, Patric and Spietz, Peter and Spr{\"o}witz, Tom and Sznajder, Maciej and T{\´o}th, Norbert and Vergaaij, Merel and Viavattene, Giulia and Wejmo, Elisabet and Wiedemann, Carsten and Wolff, Friederike and Ziach, Christian}, title = {Flights are ten a sail - Re-use and commonality in the design and system engineering of small spacecraft solar sail missions with modular hardware for responsive and adaptive exploration}, series = {70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC)}, booktitle = {70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC)}, isbn = {9781713814856}, pages = {1 -- 7}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @article{MuellerLeiseLorenzetal.2020, author = {M{\"u}ller, Tim M. and Leise, Philipp and Lorenz, Imke-Sophie and Altherr, Lena and Pelz, Peter F.}, title = {Optimization and validation of pumping system design and operation for water supply in high-rise buildings}, series = {Optimization and Engineering}, volume = {2021}, journal = {Optimization and Engineering}, number = {22}, publisher = {Springer}, issn = {1573-2924}, doi = {10.1007/s11081-020-09553-4}, pages = {643 -- 686}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The application of mathematical optimization methods for water supply system design and operation provides the capacity to increase the energy efficiency and to lower the investment costs considerably. We present a system approach for the optimal design and operation of pumping systems in real-world high-rise buildings that is based on the usage of mixed-integer nonlinear and mixed-integer linear modeling approaches. In addition, we consider different booster station topologies, i.e. parallel and series-parallel central booster stations as well as decentral booster stations. To confirm the validity of the underlying optimization models with real-world system behavior, we additionally present validation results based on experiments conducted on a modularly constructed pumping test rig. Within the models we consider layout and control decisions for different load scenarios, leading to a Deterministic Equivalent of a two-stage stochastic optimization program. We use a piecewise linearization as well as a piecewise relaxation of the pumps' characteristics to derive mixed-integer linear models. Besides the solution with off-the-shelf solvers, we present a problem specific exact solving algorithm to improve the computation time. Focusing on the efficient exploration of the solution space, we divide the problem into smaller subproblems, which partly can be cut off in the solution process. Furthermore, we discuss the performance and applicability of the solution approaches for real buildings and analyze the technical aspects of the solutions from an engineer's point of view, keeping in mind the economically important trade-off between investment and operation costs.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MuellerAltherrLeiseetal.2020, author = {M{\"u}ller, Tim M. and Altherr, Lena and Leise, Philipp and Pelz, Peter F.}, title = {Optimization of pumping systems for buildings: Experimental validation of different degrees of model detail on a modular test rig}, series = {Operations Research Proceedings 2019}, booktitle = {Operations Research Proceedings 2019}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-48438-5}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-48439-2_58}, pages = {481 -- 488}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Successful optimization requires an appropriate model of the system under consideration. When selecting a suitable level of detail, one has to consider solution quality as well as the computational and implementation effort. In this paper, we present a MINLP for a pumping system for the drinking water supply of high-rise buildings. We investigate the influence of the granularity of the underlying physical models on the solution quality. Therefore, we model the system with a varying level of detail regarding the friction losses, and conduct an experimental validation of our model on a modular test rig. Furthermore, we investigate the computational effort and show that it can be reduced by the integration of domain-specific knowledge.}, language = {en} } @article{AltherrLeisePfetschetal.2018, author = {Altherr, Lena and Leise, Philipp and Pfetsch, Marc E. and Schmitt, Andreas}, title = {Algorithmic design and resilience assessment of energy efficient high-rise water supply systems}, series = {Applied Mechanics and Materials}, volume = {885}, journal = {Applied Mechanics and Materials}, publisher = {Trans Tech Publications}, address = {B{\"a}ch}, issn = {1662-7482}, doi = {10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.885.211}, pages = {211 -- 223}, year = {2018}, abstract = {High-rise water supply systems provide water flow and suitable pressure in all levels of tall buildings. To design such state-of-the-art systems, the consideration of energy efficiency and the anticipation of component failures are mandatory. In this paper, we use Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming to compute an optimal placement of pipes and pumps, as well as an optimal control strategy.Moreover, we consider the resilience of the system to pump failures. A resilient system is able to fulfill a predefined minimum functionality even though components fail or are restricted in their normal usage. We present models to measure and optimize the resilience. To demonstrate our approach, we design and analyze an optimal resilient decentralized water supply system inspired by a real-life hotel building.}, language = {en} }