@inproceedings{KernMeppelink2001, author = {Kern, Alexander and Meppelink, Jan}, title = {Neue M{\"o}glichkeiten elektrischer Anschl{\"u}sse an die Bewehrung und Untersuchung der Wirkung von Blitzstr{\"o}men in bewehrtem Beton}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Im Rahmen eines modernen Blitzschutzsystems f{\"u}r Stahlbeton-Bauten bietet es sich an, die Betonbewehrung zu benutzen: - Sie kann die Funktionen der Ableitungseinrichtungen und des Blitzschutz- Potentialausgleichs bei einem klassischen Geb{\"a}ude-Blitzschutz {\"u}bernehmen [1]; - Sie kann, ggf. bei entsprechender Erg{\"a}nzung, als ein geschlossener K{\"a}fig ausgebildet werden und damit eine deutliche Reduzierung der Belastung elektrischer / elektronischer Systeme durch blitzinduzierte elektromagnetische Felder erbringen (LEMP-Schutz [2]). Die Nutzung der Bewehrung ist dabei grunds{\"a}tzlich gleichermaßen bei Neubauten wie auch bei Ert{\"u}chtigungen m{\"o}glich und sinnvoll. So stellt die Nutzung der Bewehrung beispielsweise im Bereich von Großkraftwerken eine wesentliche Ert{\"u}chtigungsmaßnahme f{\"u}r den Blitzschutz elektrischer und elektronischer Einrichtungen dar: - Einerseits wird der Blitzschutz-Potentialausgleich durch den Anschluss metallener Einrichtungen wie Elektronik-Schr{\"a}nke, Kabeltrag-Konstruktionen, Rohrleitungen, etc. an die Bewehrung deutlich verbessert. - Andererseits kann bei gr{\"o}ßeren Geb{\"a}uden die elektromagnetische Schirmwirkung durch die elektrische {\"U}berbr{\"u}ckung von vorhandenen Dehnfugen bei Stahlbetonbauten optimiert werden. Diese Dehnfugen sind teilweise nur unzureichend {\"u}berbr{\"u}ckt, so dass bei Blitzeinschlag in das betreffende oder ein benachbartes Geb{\"a}ude an Kabelstrecken, die {\"u}ber die Dehnfuge hinwegf{\"u}hren, rel. hohe Spannungen induziert werden k{\"o}nnen [2, 3]. Die sich um das gesamte Geb{\"a}ude herumziehende oder zwischen zwei Geb{\"a}uden befindliche Dehnfuge muss deshalb im Abstand von maximal einigen Metern {\"u}berbr{\"u}ckt werden. Im Falle von Blitzschutz-Ert{\"u}chtigungen in vorhandenen Geb{\"a}uden wird bisher an jeder geplanten Anschlussstelle die Bewehrung großfl{\"a}chig (\&\#8709; wenige 10 cm) freigelegt, dort ein elektrischer Anschluss zu dem Bewehrungsstab hergestellt, z.B. mittels eines Erdungsfestpunkts, und dann die Betonoberfl{\"a}che wieder geschlossen. Je nach prognostizierter Strombelastung wird teilweise versucht, den {\"u}ber den Anschluss fließenden Strom bereits auf mehrere Bewehrungsst{\"a}be zu verteilen. Dazu sind entweder die kreuzenden St{\"a}be zu verschweißen oder es sind direkt Anschl{\"u}sse an zwei Bewehrungsst{\"a}be herzustellen. All dieses bedeutet einen hohen Aufwand bei der Freilegung der Bewehrung und auch wieder bei der Schließung der entstandenen Betonl{\"o}cher. Es soll deshalb hier untersucht werden, ob es beispielsweise zum Zwecke des Blitzschutz-Potentialausgleichs und auch zur {\"U}berbr{\"u}ckung von Dehnfugen ausreichend ist, den Anschluss an die Bewehrung nach einfachen Verfahren nur jeweils an einen Bewehrungsstab herzustellen. Damit w{\"u}rde der finanzielle und administrative Aufwand an Betonarbeiten deutlich reduziert. Die hier dargestellten Verfahren sind dabei insbesondere f{\"u}r den Einsatz bei Blitzschutz-Ert{\"u}chtigungen in bestehenden Geb{\"a}uden vorgesehen. Abschließend sollen deshalb die M{\"o}glichkeiten zur Pr{\"u}fung korrekter Anschl{\"u}sse, die Grenzen der Verfahren sowie auch die Grenzen der Anwendbarkeit bei Neuanlagen diskutiert werden.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KernNeskakisMueller2001, author = {Kern, Alexander and Neskakis, Apostolos and M{\"u}ller, Klaus-Peter}, title = {Blitzschutzkonzept f{\"u}r eine netz-autarke Hybridanlage am Beispiel der Anlage VATALI auf Kreta}, year = {2001}, abstract = {Netz-autarke Anlagen bestehen {\"u}blicherweise aus einer oder mehreren Photovoltaik- (PV-) Anlagen, ggf. auch Solarthermie- (ST-) Anlagen und einem oder mehreren kleineren Windgeneratoren (sie werden deshalb auch als Hybridanlagen bezeichnet) und werden vor allem in Gegenden mit sehr schlechter {\"o}ffentlicher Energieversorgung eingesetzt, d.h. insbesondere in rel. d{\"u}nn bewohnten Gebieten und in Entwicklungsl{\"a}ndern. Der Blitzschutz von netz-autarken Hybridanlagen ist ein bislang noch vergleichsweise unzureichend bearbeitetes Fachgebiet. F{\"u}r große Windenergie-Anlagen (WEA) wurde in den letzten Jahren eine Zahl von FuE-Projekten durchgef{\"u}hrt, zum Großteil finanziert durch die {\"o}ffentliche Hand, zum kleineren Teil auch durch die Industrie, d.h. die WEAHersteller. Dabei wurden bestehende Defizite im Design der WEA festgestellt und Maßnahmen vorgeschlagen, die vor den mechanischen Zerst{\"o}rungen insbesondere des Rotors und vor den St{\"o}rungen und Zerst{\"o}rungen an den elektrischen / elektronischen Systemen der WEA weitgehend Schutz bieten [1, 2, 3]. Der Stand-der- Normung ist im Entwurf DIN VDE 0127 Teil 24 „Blitzschutz f{\"u}r Windenergieanlagen" (dt. {\"U}bersetzung des internationalen Drafts IEC 61400-24 „Wind turbine generator systems; Part 24: Lightning Protection") dokumentiert [4]. Die Maßnahmen sind allerdings insbesondere f{\"u}r gr{\"o}ßere WEA vorgesehen; im Falle kleinerer WEA lassen sie sich nur bedingt umsetzen. Trotzdem sind auch kleinere WEA rel. stark blitzeinschlaggef{\"a}hrdet, wenn sie auf einer Bergkuppe o.{\"a}. platziert werden. F{\"u}r solche kleinere WEA, wie sie bei Hybridanlagen {\"u}blicherweise Verwendung finden, m{\"u}ssen die Blitzschutzmaßnahmen aus der DIN VDE 0127 Teil 24 angepasst werden. F{\"u}r PV- und ST-Anlagen ist eine entsprechende Blitzschutz-Norm noch nicht in Sicht. Hier ist vor allem der Schutz gegen direkte Blitzeinschl{\"a}ge in die Anlage bzw. die Geb{\"a}ude noch nicht ausreichend beachtet. Blitzfangeinrichtungen sind oft nicht vorgesehen. In aller Regel hat man dabei bisher eine Ausf{\"u}hrungsform des Blitzschutzes realisiert, die prim{\"a}r einen Ferneinschlag ber{\"u}cksichtigt und die dabei entstehenden induzierten, rel. energieschwachen {\"U}berspannungen durch schw{\"a}chere Schutzelemente wie R{\"u}ckstromdioden, Bypassdioden und zum Teil thermisch {\"u}berwachte Varistoren begrenzt [5, 6, 7]. Diese Schutzelemente k{\"o}nnen allerdings bei Naheinschl{\"a}gen bzw. Direkteinschl{\"a}gen {\"u}berlastet und damit zerst{\"o}rt werden. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus k{\"o}nnen Nahoder Direkteinschl{\"a}ge auch zur Schw{\"a}chung der elektrischen Festigkeit der PVModulisolierung f{\"u}hren. Die Folge davon sind lokale extreme W{\"a}rmeentwicklungen, die sogar ein Schmelzen von Glas (sekund{\"a}rer Langzeiteffekt) hervorrufen k{\"o}nnten. Bei einem Blitzeinschlag in die netz-autarke Hybridanlage VATALI auf Kreta im Jahre 2000 wurden sowohl einige mechanische wie auch elektrische Komponenten der Anlage zerst{\"o}rt bzw. zum Teil schwer besch{\"a}digt. Die Anlage VATALI besaß zum Zeitpunkt des Blitzeinschlags keinen wirksamen Blitzschutz. Der Gesamtschaden der Hardware belief sich auf ca. 60.000,- EURO. Die exponierte Stellung der Anlage auf einer Bergspitze stellte und stellt nach wie vor ein enormes Blitzeinschlag-Risiko dar, so dass auch zuk{\"u}nftig mit Blitzeinwirkungen gerechnet werden muss. Die Anlage wurde inspiziert, blitzschutz-technische Erfordernisse definiert und daraus Ert{\"u}chtigungsmaßnahmen abgeleitet, die mit {\"u}berschaubarem Aufwand realisierbar sind.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KernSchelthoffMathieu2012, author = {Kern, Alexander and Schelthoff, Christof and Mathieu, Moritz}, title = {Calculation of interception efficiencies for mesh-type air-terminations according to IEC 62305-3 using a dynamic electro-geometrical model}, series = {International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP) : 2 - 7 Sept. 2012, Vienna}, booktitle = {International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP) : 2 - 7 Sept. 2012, Vienna}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Piscataway, NJ}, organization = {International Conference on Lightning Protection <2012, Wien>}, isbn = {978-1-4673-1896-9 (E-Book) ; 978-1-4673-1898-3 (Print)}, pages = {1 -- 6}, year = {2012}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KobButenweg2004, author = {Kob, Malte and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {A finite element model of the interaction between intra-and extralaryngeal muscles}, series = {International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, August 18-20, 2004, Marseille, France}, booktitle = {International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, August 18-20, 2004, Marseille, France}, organization = {International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics <2004, Marseille>}, pages = {1 -- 2}, year = {2004}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KobGoemmelButenwegetal.2006, author = {Kob, Malte and G{\"o}mmel, Andreas and Butenweg, Christoph and Niendorf, Thoralf}, title = {Training of a combined model of larynx and vocal folds with data from MRI measurements}, series = {The 5th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics: Variations across Cultures and Species, July 12-14, 2006, Tokyo, Japan. Proceedings}, booktitle = {The 5th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics: Variations across Cultures and Species, July 12-14, 2006, Tokyo, Japan. Proceedings}, organization = {International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics <5, 2006, Tokyo>}, pages = {45 -- 46}, year = {2006}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KonradChudobaButenwegetal.2003, author = {Konrad, M. and Chudoba, Rostislav and Butenweg, Christoph and Bruckermann, O.}, title = {Textile reinforced concrete. Part II: Multi-level modeling concept}, series = {Digital proceedings / IKM 2003, proceedings 16th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering [Elektronische Ressource : 10. - 12. Juni 2003, Weimar] / Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar. Ed.: K. G{\"u}rlebeck; L. Hempel; C. K{\"o}nke}, booktitle = {Digital proceedings / IKM 2003, proceedings 16th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering [Elektronische Ressource : 10. - 12. Juni 2003, Weimar] / Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar. Ed.: K. G{\"u}rlebeck; L. Hempel; C. K{\"o}nke}, publisher = {IKM}, address = {Weimar}, organization = {Internationales Kolloquium {\"u}ber Anwendungen der Informatik und Mathematik in Architektur und Bauwesen <16, 2003, Weimar>}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2003}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KrichelKernKraemeretal.2003, author = {Krichel, Frank and Kern, Alexander and Kr{\"a}mer, Heinz-Josef and Wettingfeld, J{\"u}rgen and Reetz, Josef and Kienlein, Manfred}, title = {Blitzschutzmaßnahmen f{\"u}r Photovoltaik- und kleine Windenergieanlagen - Einige Beispiele}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Ein von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft (AG) Solar NRW und diversen Industriepartnern gef{\"o}rdertes und an der Fachhochschule Aachen, Abt. J{\"u}lich durchgef{\"u}hrtes Forschungsprojekt „Blitzschutz f{\"u}r netz-autarke Hybridanlagen" machte es m{\"o}glich, sich mit dem Blitzschutz speziell solcher Anlagen n{\"a}her zu besch{\"a}ftigen. Vermehrt bekannt gewordene Schadensf{\"a}lle an nicht netz-gekoppelten Hybridanlagen waren der Ausl{\"o}ser, den Schutz zu {\"u}berdenken. Definiertes Ziel war es, f{\"u}r netz-autarke energietechnische Anlagen ein Konzept zum Schutz vor Blitzeinwirkungen zu erstellen. Diese Anlagen bestehen {\"u}blicherweise aus einer oder mehreren Photovoltaikanlagen, ggf. auch Solarthermieanlagen und einem oder mehreren kleineren Windgeneratoren (sie werden deshalb auch als Hybridanlagen bezeichnet). Zur Erh{\"o}hung der Versorgungssicherheit kann noch ein Dieselaggregat dazukommen. Hybridanlagen werden vor allem in Gebieten mit sehr schlechter {\"o}ffentlicher Energieversorgung eingesetzt, d.h. insbesondere in relativ d{\"u}nn bewohnten Gebieten und in Entwicklungsl{\"a}ndern. Dem Blitzschutz von Hybridanlagen kommt dabei eine steigende Bedeutung zu. Besonderes Augenmerk in dem genannten Forschungsprojekt sollte dabei auf die technisch/wirtschaftliche Ausgewogenheit des Schutzes gelegt werden: • die Schutzmaßnahmen sollen nur in solchen F{\"a}llen eingesetzt werden, wo dies als Ergebnis von Risikoanalysen sinnvoll erscheint; • f{\"u}r typische netz-autarke Hybridanlagen sollen die Schutzmaßnahmen ohne deutliche Verteuerung realisierbar sein (es soll also kein absoluter Schutz realisiert werden; ggf. soll lediglich der auftretende Schaden soweit m{\"o}glich minimiert werden). Dazu wurde in einem ersten Schritt zun{\"a}chst eine Aufnahme des Iststandes einiger typischer netz-autarker Hybridanlagen und deren einzelnen Komponenten durchgef{\"u}hrt. Aufgrund dessen wurde eine umfassende Risikoanalyse zur Blitzbedrohung dieser Anlagen auf der Basis von VDE V 0185 Teil 2:2002-11 [1] erstellt. Die Ergebnisse m{\"u}ndeten in ein technisch/wirtschaftlich ausgewogenes Konzept f{\"u}r den Anlagen- Blitzschutz (d.h. insbesondere dem Schutz vor direkten Blitzeinschl{\"a}gen und deren unmittelbaren Auswirkungen) nach VDE V 0185 Teil 3:2002-11 [2] und f{\"u}r den Elektronik-Blitzschutz (d.h. f{\"u}r den Schutz vor {\"U}berspannungen durch direkte, insbesondere aber auch indirekte Blitzeinschl{\"a}ge) nach VDE V 0185 Teil 4:2002-11 [3]. Aufgrund der gesammelten Ergebnisse konnten dabei allgemeine Empfehlungen f{\"u}r den {\"A}ußeren und Inneren Blitzschutz von regenerativen Energieerzeugungssystemen erstellt werden. Diese sollen in Schulungen einm{\"u}nden, die f{\"u}r Hersteller und Betreiber von Hybridanlagen angeboten werden. Durch die Anwendung wird der Schutz der Anlagen vor Blitzeinwirkung und elektromagnetischen St{\"o}rungen verbessert, was sich in einer reduzierten Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit bzw. erh{\"o}hten Verf{\"u}gbarkeit wiederspiegelt. An einigen ausgew{\"a}hlten Anlagen werden mit Hilfe der im Projekt involvierten Industriepartner die Schutzmaßnahmen realisiert. Hierbei entstanden den Eigent{\"u}mern bzw. Betreibern der Anlagen keine Kosten. In diesem Beitrag werden beispielhaft drei Anlagenprojekte detailliert gezeigt. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Schweinezuchtfarm in Magall{\´o}n (Spanien, Zaragozza), das bioklimatische Haus (Kreta, Heraklion) und die Tegernseer- H{\"u}tte (Deutschland, Lenggries).}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KubalskiButenweg2015, author = {Kubalski, T. and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Ausfachungsmauerwerk unter kombinierter seismischer Beanspruchung}, series = {Erdbeben und bestehende Bauten : 14. D-A-C-H Tagung 20.08. - 21.08.2015, ETH Z{\"u}rich. (Dokumentation / SIA ; D 0255)}, booktitle = {Erdbeben und bestehende Bauten : 14. D-A-C-H Tagung 20.08. - 21.08.2015, ETH Z{\"u}rich. (Dokumentation / SIA ; D 0255)}, publisher = {SGEB}, address = {Z{\"u}rich}, organization = {D-A-C-H Tagung <14, 2015, Z{\"u}rich>}, isbn = {978-3-03732-060-0}, pages = {117 -- 122}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KubalskiButenwegMarinkovićetal.2017, author = {Kubalski, T. and Butenweg, Christoph and Marinković, Marko and Klinkel, S.}, title = {Investigation Of The Seismic Behaviour Of Infill Masonry Using Numerical Modelling Approaches}, series = {16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 16WCEE 2017 Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th 2017}, booktitle = {16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 16WCEE 2017 Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th 2017}, publisher = {Chilean Association on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (ACHISINA)}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Masonry is a widely spread construction type which is used all over the world for different types of structures. Due to its simple and cheap construction, it is used as non-structural as well as structural element. In frame structures, such as reinforced concrete frames, masonry may be used as infill. While the bare frame itself is able to carry the loads when it comes to seismic events, the infilled frame is not able to warp freely due to the constrained movement. This restraint results in a complex interaction between the infill and the surrounding frame, which may lead to severe damage to the infill as well as the surrounding frame. The interaction is studied in different projects and effective approaches for the description of the behavior are still lacking. Experimental programs are usually quite expensive, while numerical models, once validated, do offer an efficient approach for the investigation of the interaction when horizontally loaded. In order to study the numerous parameters influencing the seismic load bearing behavior, numerical models may be used. Therefore, this contribution presents a numerical approach for the simulation of infill masonry in reinforced concrete frames. Both parts, the surrounding frame as well as the infill are represented by micro modelling approaches to correctly take into account the different types of failure. The adopted numerical model describes the inelastic behavior of the system, as indicated by the obtained results of the overall structural response as well as the formation of damage in the infilled wall. Comparison of the numerical and experimental results highlights the valuable contribution of numerical simulations in the study and design of infilled frames. As damage of the infill masonry may occur in-plane due to the interaction as well as out-of-plane due to the low vertical load, both directions of loading are investigated.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KubalskiMarinkovićButenweg2016, author = {Kubalski, T. and Marinković, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Numerical investigation of masonry infilled R.C. frames}, series = {Brick and Block Masonry. Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Padova, Italy, 26-30 June 2016}, booktitle = {Brick and Block Masonry. Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Padova, Italy, 26-30 June 2016}, editor = {Modena, Claudio}, publisher = {CRC Press}, address = {Leiden}, isbn = {9781315374963}, pages = {1219 -- 1226}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KuhlmannButenwegBettziecheetal.2004, author = {Kuhlmann, Wolfram and Butenweg, Christoph and Bettzieche, Volker and Meskouris, Konstantin}, title = {Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur baudynamischen Beurteilung von Talsperren des Ruhrverbandes}, series = {13. Deutsches Talsperrensymposium in Weimar}, booktitle = {13. Deutsches Talsperrensymposium in Weimar}, organization = {Deutsches Talsperrensymposium <13, 2004, Weimar>}, pages = {1 -- 26}, year = {2004}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KuhlmannButenwegLopezetal.2004, author = {Kuhlmann, Wolfram and Butenweg, Christoph and Lopez, Marijen and Fernandez, Sebastian}, title = {Seismic vulnerability assessment of the historic Aachen Cathedral}, series = {Conference proceedings / 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering [Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 1 - 6, 2004] / [hosted by CAEE/ACGP, Canadian Association for Earthquake Engineering]}, booktitle = {Conference proceedings / 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering [Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 1 - 6, 2004] / [hosted by CAEE/ACGP, Canadian Association for Earthquake Engineering]}, publisher = {CAEE}, address = {Vancouver}, organization = {World Conference on Earthquake Engineering <13, 2004, Vancouver>}, pages = {1 -- 14}, year = {2004}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KumaranGopinathanRazalietal.2013, author = {Kumaran, P. and Gopinathan, M. and Razali, N. M. and Kuperjans, Isabel and Hariffin, B. and Hamdan, H.}, title = {Preliminary evaluation of atomization characteristics of improved biodiesel for gas turbine application}, series = {IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)}, volume = {16}, booktitle = {IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)}, number = {1}, publisher = {Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP)}, address = {London [u.a.]}, issn = {1755-1315}, doi = {10.1088/1755-1315/16/1/012014}, pages = {012014/1 -- 012014/4}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KuperjansAugenstein2001, author = {Kuperjans, Isabel and Augenstein, Eckardt}, title = {„EUSEBIA - Software zur Analyse und Verbesserung der betrieblichen Energiewirtschaft}, series = {Optimierung in der Energieversorgung : Tagung Veitsh{\"o}chheim, 9. und 10. Oktober 2001. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1627)}, booktitle = {Optimierung in der Energieversorgung : Tagung Veitsh{\"o}chheim, 9. und 10. Oktober 2001. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1627)}, publisher = {VDI-Verl.}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {3-18-091627-3}, pages = {267 -- 268}, year = {2001}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KuperjansSchreiberDetermannetal.1998, author = {Kuperjans, Isabel and Schreiber, M. and Determann, L. and Schreiber, R.}, title = {Entscheidungsunterst{\"u}tzung bei der Gestaltung der betrieblichen Energieversorgung und -nutzung}, series = {Innovationen bei der rationellen Energieanwendung : neue Chancen f{\"u}r die Wirtschaft ; Tagung Dortmund, 3. und 4. M{\"a}rz 1998. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1385)}, booktitle = {Innovationen bei der rationellen Energieanwendung : neue Chancen f{\"u}r die Wirtschaft ; Tagung Dortmund, 3. und 4. M{\"a}rz 1998. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1385)}, publisher = {VDI-Verl.}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {3-18-091385-1}, pages = {79 -- 94}, year = {1998}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KuperjansSeitzWilhelm1998, author = {Kuperjans, Isabel and Seitz, C.-W. and Wilhelm, H.-G.}, title = {Realisierung einer Fernw{\"a}rmeversorgung mit Kraft-W{\"a}rme-Kopplung f{\"u}r den Wohnwertpark Br{\"u}hl}, series = {Energiemanagement in Kommunen und {\"o}ffentlichen Einrichtungen : Tagung Stuttgart, 16. und 17. September 1998. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1424)}, booktitle = {Energiemanagement in Kommunen und {\"o}ffentlichen Einrichtungen : Tagung Stuttgart, 16. und 17. September 1998. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1424)}, publisher = {VDI-Verl.}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, organization = {Gesellschaft Energietechnik}, issn = {3-18-091424-6}, pages = {129 -- 138}, year = {1998}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KuperjansTerpitzTerruhnetal.1999, author = {Kuperjans, Isabel and Terpitz, J. and Terruhn, H. and Wilhelm, H.-G.}, title = {Simulation zur Konzeption und Analyse betrieblicher und kommunaler Nahw{\"a}rmesysteme}, series = {Betriebliches Energiemanagement : Tagung Cottbus, 30. und 31. M{\"a}rz 1999. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1462)}, booktitle = {Betriebliches Energiemanagement : Tagung Cottbus, 30. und 31. M{\"a}rz 1999. - (VDI-Berichte ; 1462)}, publisher = {VDI-Verl.}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {3-18-091462-9}, pages = {195 -- 204}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KueppersGroebelKuperjansetal.2011, author = {K{\"u}ppers, Christine and Groebel, Simone and Kuperjans, Isabel and Dielmann, Klaus-Peter}, title = {Molekulargenetische Analysen zur Optimierung der Biogasgewinnung}, series = {Biogas 2011 : 4. Innovationskongress ; Effizienzsteigerung von Biogasanlagen ; Vorstellung der 17 besten Biogas-Innovationen der letzten 12 Monate ; 12. - 13. Mai 2011, im ZUK der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt ; Tagungsband}, booktitle = {Biogas 2011 : 4. Innovationskongress ; Effizienzsteigerung von Biogasanlagen ; Vorstellung der 17 besten Biogas-Innovationen der letzten 12 Monate ; 12. - 13. Mai 2011, im ZUK der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt ; Tagungsband}, publisher = {Profair Consult+Project}, address = {Hildesheim}, isbn = {978-3-9813776-1-3}, pages = {45 -- 48}, year = {2011}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{LahrsKrisamHerrmann2023, author = {Lahrs, Lennart and Krisam, Pierre and Herrmann, Ulf}, title = {Envisioning a collaborative energy system planning platform for the energy transition at the district level}, series = {ECOS 2023. The 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems}, booktitle = {ECOS 2023. The 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems}, publisher = {Procedings of ECOS 2023}, doi = {10.52202/069564-0284}, pages = {3163 -- 3170}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Residential and commercial buildings account for more than one-third of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. Integrated multi-energy systems at the district level are a promising way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by exploiting economies of scale and synergies between energy sources. Planning district energy systems comes with many challenges in an ever-changing environment. Computational modelling established itself as the state-of-the-art method for district energy system planning. Unfortunately, it is still cumbersome to combine standalone models to generate insights that surpass their original purpose. Ideally, planning processes could be solved by using modular tools that easily incorporate the variety of competing and complementing computational models. Our contribution is a vision for a collaborative development and application platform for multi-energy system planning tools at the district level. We present challenges of district energy system planning identified in the literature and evaluate whether this platform can help to overcome these challenges. Further, we propose a toolkit that represents the core technical elements of the platform. Lastly, we discuss community management and its relevance for the success of projects with collaboration and knowledge sharing at their core.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{LatzkeAlexopoulosKronhardtetal.2015, author = {Latzke, Markus and Alexopoulos, Spiros and Kronhardt, Valentina and Rend{\´o}n, Carlos and Sattler, Johannes Christoph}, title = {Comparison of Potential Sites in China for Erecting a Hybrid Solar Tower Power Plant with Air Receiver}, series = {Energy Procedia}, booktitle = {Energy Procedia}, issn = {1876-6102}, doi = {10.1016/j.egypro.2015.03.142}, pages = {1327 -- 1334}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{LeichtScholtenSteuerDankertBouffier2016, author = {Leicht-Scholten, Carmen and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Bouffier, Anna}, title = {Facing Future Challenges: Building Engineers for Tomorrow}, series = {Conference proceedings : new perspectives in science education : 5th Conference edition, Florence, Italy, 17-18 March 2016}, booktitle = {Conference proceedings : new perspectives in science education : 5th Conference edition, Florence, Italy, 17-18 March 2016}, isbn = {978-886292-705-5}, pages = {32 -- 37}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Future engineers are increasingly confronted with the so-called Megatrends which are the big social challenges society has to cope with. These Megatrends, such as "Silver Society", "Globalization", "Mobility" and "Female Shift" require an application-oriented perspective on Diversity especially in the engineering field. Therefore, it is necessary to enable future engineers not only to look at the technical perspectives of a problem, but also to be able to see the related questions within societies they are developing their artefacts for. The aim of teaching engineering should be to prepare engineers for these requirements and to draw attention to the diverse needs in a globalized world. Bringing together technical knowledge and social competences which go beyond a mere training of the so-called "soft skills", is a new approach followed at RWTH Aachen University, one of the leading technical universities in Germany. RWTH Aachen University has established the bridging professorship "Gender and Diversity in Engineering" (GDI) which educates engineers with an interdisciplinary approach to expand engineering limits. In the frame of a sustainable teaching concept the research group under the leadership of Prof. Carmen Leicht-Scholten has developed an approach which imparts a supplication-specific Gender and Diversity expertise to engineers. In workshops students gain theoretical knowledge about Gender and Diversity and learn how to transfer their knowledge in their special field of study and later work. To substantiate this, the course participants have to solve case studies from real life. The cases which are developed in collaboration with non-profit organizations and enterprises from economy rise the students to challenges which are inspired by professional life. Evaluation shows the success of this approach as well as an increasing demand for such teaching formats.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{LoPiparoKernMazzetti2012, author = {Lo Piparo, G. B. and Kern, Alexander and Mazzetti, C.}, title = {Some masterpoints about risk due to lightning}, series = {International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP) : 2 - 7 Sept. 2012, Vienna}, booktitle = {International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP) : 2 - 7 Sept. 2012, Vienna}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Piscataway, NJ}, organization = {International Conference on Lightning Protection <2012, Wien>}, isbn = {978-1-4673-1896-9 (E-Book) ; 978-1-4673-1898-3 (Print)}, pages = {1 -- 6}, year = {2012}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{LoschButenweg1999, author = {Losch, S. and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Qualit{\"a}tsgesteuerte Bemessung von Stahlbetontragwerken mit der FE-Methode}, series = {11. Forum Bauinformatik Darmstadt '99 : [Beitr{\"a}ge der Forumsteilnehmer, die im Rahmen des 11. Forums Bauinformatik vom 22. bis 24. September 1999 in Darmstadt ihre Forschung pr{\"a}sentiert ...] / Tobias Kuhn ... (Hrsg.) (Fortschritt-Berichte VDI : Reihe 4 Bauingenieurwesen ; Nr. 156)}, booktitle = {11. Forum Bauinformatik Darmstadt '99 : [Beitr{\"a}ge der Forumsteilnehmer, die im Rahmen des 11. Forums Bauinformatik vom 22. bis 24. September 1999 in Darmstadt ihre Forschung pr{\"a}sentiert ...] / Tobias Kuhn ... (Hrsg.) (Fortschritt-Berichte VDI : Reihe 4 Bauingenieurwesen ; Nr. 156)}, publisher = {VDI-Verlag}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, organization = {Forum Bauinformatik <11, 1999, Darmstadt>}, isbn = {3-18-315604-0}, pages = {208 -- 215}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{LuBeyerBosiljkovetal.2016, author = {Lu, S. and Beyer, K. and Bosiljkov, V. and Butenweg, Christoph and D'Ayala, D. and Degee, H. and Gams, M. and Klouda, J. and Lagomarsino, S. and Penna, A. and Mojsilovic, N. and da Porto, F. and Sorrentino, L. and Vintzileou, E.}, title = {Next generation of Eurocode 8, masonry chapter}, series = {Brick and Block Masonry Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Padova, Italy, 26-30 June 2016}, booktitle = {Brick and Block Masonry Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Padova, Italy, 26-30 June 2016}, editor = {Modena, Claudio and da Porto, F. and Valluzzi, M.R.}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, address = {London}, isbn = {978-1-138-02999-6 (Print)}, pages = {695 -- 700}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This paper describes the procedure on the evaluation of the masonry chapter for the next generation of Eurocode 8, the European Standard for earthquake-resistant design. In CEN, TC 250/SC8, working group WG 1 has been established to support the subcommittee on the topic of masonry on both design of new structures (EN1998-1) and assessment of existing structures (EN1998-3). The aim is to elaborate suggestions for amendments which fit the current state of the art in masonry and earthquake-resistant design. Focus will be on modelling, simplified methods, linear-analysis (q-values, overstrength-values), nonlinear procedures, out-of-plane design as well as on clearer definition of limit states. Beside these, topics related to general material properties, reinforced masonry, confined masonry, mixed structures and non-structural infills will be covered too. This paper presents the preliminary work and results up to the submission date.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MahdiDerschSchmitzetal.2022, author = {Mahdi, Zahra and Dersch, J{\"u}rgen and Schmitz, Pascal and Dieckmann, Simon and Chico Caminos, Ricardo Alexander and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Herrmann, Ulf and Schwager, Christian and Schmitz, Mark and Gielen, Hans and Gedle, Yibekal and B{\"u}scher, Rauno}, title = {Technical assessment of Brayton cycle heat pumps for the integration in hybrid PV-CSP power plants}, series = {SOLARPACES 2020}, booktitle = {SOLARPACES 2020}, number = {2445 / 1}, publisher = {AIP conference proceedings / American Institute of Physics}, address = {Melville, NY}, isbn = {978-0-7354-4195-8}, issn = {1551-7616 (online)}, doi = {10.1063/5.0086269}, pages = {11 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The hybridization of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) and Photovoltaics (PV) systems is a promising approach to reduce costs of solar power plants, while increasing dispatchability and flexibility of power generation. High temperature heat pumps (HT HP) can be utilized to boost the salt temperature in the thermal energy storage (TES) of a Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC) system from 385 °C up to 565 °C. A PV field can supply the power for the HT HP, thus effectively storing the PV power as thermal energy. Besides cost-efficiently storing energy from the PV field, the power block efficiency of the overall system is improved due to the higher steam parameters. This paper presents a technical assessment of Brayton cycle heat pumps to be integrated in hybrid PV-CSP power plants. As a first step, a theoretical analysis was carried out to find the most suitable working fluid. The analysis included the fluids Air, Argon (Ar), Nitrogen (N2) and Carbon dioxide (CO2). N2 has been chosen as the optimal working fluid for the system. After the selection of the ideal working medium, different concepts for the arrangement of a HT HP in a PV-CSP hybrid power plant were developed and simulated in EBSILON®Professional. The concepts were evaluated technically by comparing the number of components required, pressure losses and coefficient of performance (COP).}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MahdiRendonSchwageretal.2019, author = {Mahdi, Zahra and Rend{\´o}n, Carlos and Schwager, Christian and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Herrmann, Ulf}, title = {Novel concept for indirect solar-heated methane reforming}, series = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, volume = {2126}, booktitle = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, publisher = {AIP Publishing}, address = {Melville, NY}, issn = {0094-243X}, doi = {10.1063/1.5117694}, pages = {180014-1 -- 180014-7}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MarinkovicButenweg2018, author = {Marinkovic, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Innovative System for Earthquake Resistant Masonry Infill Walls}, series = {16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, 18-21 June, 2018}, booktitle = {16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, 18-21 June, 2018}, pages = {1 -- 12}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MarinkovicButenweg2020, author = {Marinkovic, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Seismic behaviour of RC frames with uncoupled masonry infills having two storeys or two bays}, series = {Brick and Block Masonry - From Historical to Sustainable Masonry. Proceedings of the 17th International Brick/Block Masonry Conference}, booktitle = {Brick and Block Masonry - From Historical to Sustainable Masonry. Proceedings of the 17th International Brick/Block Masonry Conference}, publisher = {CRC Press}, address = {London}, doi = {10.1201/9781003098508-72}, pages = {1 -- 7}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Reinforced concrete (RC) structures with masonry infills are widely used for several types of buildings all over the world. However, it is well known that traditional masonry infills constructed with rigid contact to the surrounding RC frame performed rather poor in past earthquakes. Masonry infills showed severe in-plane damages and failed in many cases under out-of-plane seismic loading. As the undesired interactions between frames and infills changes the load transfer on building level, complete collapses of buildings were observed. A possible solution is uncoupling of masonry infills to the frame to reduce the infill contribution activated by the frame deformation under horizontal loading. The paper presents numerical simulations on RC frames equipped with the innovative decoupling system INODIS. The system was developed within the European project INSYSME and allows an effective uncoupling of frame and infill. The simulations are carried out with a micro-modelling approach, which is able to predict the complex nonlinear behaviour resulting from the different materials and their interaction. Each brick is modelled individually and connected taking into account nonlinearity of a brick mortar interface. The calibration of the model is based on small specimen tests and experimental results for one bay one storey frame are used for the validation. The validated model is further used for parametric studies on two storey and two bay infilled frames. The response and change of the structural stiffness are analysed and compared to the traditionally infilled frame. The results confirm the effectiveness of the INODIS system with less damage and relatively low contribution of the infill at high drift levels. In contrast to the uncoupled system configurations, traditionally infilled frames experienced brittle failure at rather low drift levels.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MarinkovićButenweg2019, author = {Marinković, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Experimental and numerical analysis of RC frames with decoupled masonry infills}, series = {7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering}, booktitle = {7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering}, editor = {Papadrakakis, Manolis and Fragiadakis, Michalis}, publisher = {National Technical University of Athens}, address = {Athen}, isbn = {978-618-82844-5-6}, issn = {2623-3347}, doi = {10.7712/120119.7088.18845}, pages = {2464 -- 2479}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Masonry infill walls are commonly used in reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures, also in seismically active areas, although they often experience serious damage during earthquakes. One of the main reasons for their poor behaviour is the connection to the frame, which is usually constructed using mortar. This paper describes the novel solution for infill/frame connection based on application of elastomeric material between them. The system called INODIS (Innovative Decoupled Infill System) has the aim to postpone the activation of infill in in-plane direction and at the same time to provide sufficient out-of-plane support. First, experimental tests on infilled frame specimens are presented and the comparison of the results between traditionally infilled frames and infilled frames with the INODIS system are given. The results are then used for calibration and validation of numerical model, which can be further employed for investigating the influence of some material parameters on the behaviour of infilled frames with the INODIS system.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MarinkovićButenweg2020, author = {Marinković, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Out-of-plane behavior of decoupled masonry infills under seismic loading}, series = {Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering}, pages = {13 Seiten}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Masonry is used in many buildings not only for load-bearing walls, but also for non-load-bearing enclosure elements in the form of infill walls. Many studies confirmed that infill walls interact with the surrounding reinforced concrete frame, thus changing dynamic characteristics of the structure. Consequently, masonry infills cannot be neglected in the design process. However, although the relevant standards contain requirements for infill walls, they do not describe how these requirements are to be met concretely. This leads in practice to the fact that the infill walls are neither dimensioned nor constructed correctly. The evidence of this fact is confirmed by the recent earthquakes, which have led to enormous damages, sometimes followed by the total collapse of buildings and loss of human lives. Recently, the increasing effort has been dedicated to the approach of decoupling of masonry infills from the frame elements by introducing the gap in between. This helps in removing the interaction between infills and frame, but raises the question of out-of-plane stability of the panel. This paper presents the results of the experimental campaign showing the out-of-plane behavior of masonry infills decoupled with the system called INODIS (Innovative decoupled infill system), developed within the European project INSYSME (Innovative Systems for Earthquake Resistant Masonry Enclosures in Reinforced Concrete Buildings). Full scale specimens were subjected to the different loading conditions and combinations of in-plane and out-of-plane loading. Out-of-plane capacity of the masonry infills with the INODIS system is compared with traditionally constructed infills, showing that INODIS system provides reliable out-of-plane connection under various loading conditions. In contrast, traditional infills performed very poor in the case of combined and simultaneously applied in-plane and out-of-plane loading, experiencing brittle behavior under small in-plane drifts followed by high out-of-plane displacements. Decoupled infills with the INODIS system have remained stable under out-of-plane loads, even after reaching high in-plane drifts and being damaged.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MarkinkovicButenwegPaveseetal.2020, author = {Markinkovic, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph and Pavese, A. and Lanese, I. and Hoffmeister, B. and Pinkawa, M. and Vulcu, C. and Bursi, O. and Nardin, C. and Paolacci, F. and Quinci, G. and Fragiadakis, M. and Weber, F. and Huber, P. and Renault, P. and G{\"u}ndel, M. and Dyke, S. and Ciucci, M. and Marino, A.}, title = {Investigation of the seismic behaviour of structural and nonstructural components in industrial facilities by means of shaking table tests}, series = {Seismic design of industrial facilities 2020}, booktitle = {Seismic design of industrial facilities 2020}, publisher = {Apprimus Verlag}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-86359-729-0}, pages = {159 -- 172}, year = {2020}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MartinBergHardtetal.1979, author = {Martin, S. and Berg, G. and Hardt, Arno and H{\"u}rlimann, W. and K{\"o}hler, M. and Meißberger, J. and Sagefka, T. and Schult, O. W. B.}, title = {First experience with the magnet spectrometer 'BIG KARL'}, series = {Use of magnetic spectrometers in nuclear physics : proceedings of the Daresbury study weekend 10 - 11 March 1979}, booktitle = {Use of magnetic spectrometers in nuclear physics : proceedings of the Daresbury study weekend 10 - 11 March 1979}, editor = {Sanderson, N. E.}, publisher = {Daresbury Lab.}, address = {Daresbury}, pages = {38 -- 42}, year = {1979}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MayBreitbachAlexopoulosetal.2019, author = {May, Martin and Breitbach, Gerd and Alexopoulos, Spiros and Latzke, Markus and B{\"a}umer, Klaus and Uhlig, Ralf and S{\"o}hn, Matthias and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Herrmann, Ulf}, title = {Experimental facility for investigations of wire mesh absorbers for pressurized gases}, series = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, volume = {2126}, booktitle = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, issn = {0094243X}, doi = {10.1063/1.5117547}, pages = {030035-1 -- 030035-9}, year = {2019}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MertensBraunerBaieretal.2022, author = {Mertens, Alexander and Brauner, Philipp and Baier, Ralph and Brillowski, Florian and Dammers, Hannah and van Dyck, Marc and Kong, Iris and K{\"o}nigs, Peter and Kordtomeikel, Frauke and Liehner, Gian Luca and P{\"u}tz, Sebastian and Rodermann, Niklas and Schaar, Anne Kathrin and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Vervier, Luisa and Wlecke, Shari and Gries, Thomas and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen and Nagel, Saskia K. and Piller, Frank T. and Schuh, G{\"u}nther and Ziefle, Martina and Nitsch, Verena}, title = {Modelling Human Factors in Cyber Physical Production Systems by the Integration of Human Digital Shadows}, series = {Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events}, booktitle = {Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events}, editor = {Michael, Judith and Pfeiffer, J{\´e}r{\^o}me and Wortmann, Andreas}, publisher = {GI Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik}, address = {Bonn}, doi = {10.18420/modellierung2022ws-018}, pages = {147 -- 149}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The future of industrial manufacturing and production will increasingly manifest in the form of cyber-physical production systems. Here, Digital Shadows will act as mediators between the physical and digital world to model and operationalize the interactions and relationships between different entities in production systems. Until now, the associated concepts have been primarily pursued and implemented from a technocentric perspective, in which human actors play a subordinate role, if they are considered at all. This paper outlines an anthropocentric approach that explicitly considers the characteristics, behavior, and traits and states of human actors in socio-technical production systems. For this purpose, we discuss the potentials and the expected challenges and threats of creating and using Human Digital Shadows in production.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MertensPuetzBrauneretal.2021, author = {Mertens, Alexander and P{\"u}tz, Sebastian and Brauner, Philipp and Brillowski, Florian Sascha and Buczak, Nadine and Dammers, Hannah and van Dyck, Marc and Kong, Iris and K{\"o}nigs, Peter and Kortomeikel, Frauke Carole and Rodemann, Niklas and Schaar, Anne Kathrin and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Wlecke, Shari and Gries, Thomas and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen and Nagel, Saskia K. and Piller, Frank Thomas and Schuh, G{\"u}nther and Ziefle, Martina and Nitsch, Verena}, title = {Human digital shadow: Data-based modeling of users and usage in the internet of production}, series = {14th Conference Human System Interaction Conference Proceedings}, booktitle = {14th Conference Human System Interaction Conference Proceedings}, publisher = {IEEE}, doi = {10.1109/HSI52170.2021.9538729}, pages = {1 -- 8}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Digital Shadows as the aggregation, linkage and abstraction of data relating to physical objects are a central vision for the future of production. However, the majority of current research takes a technocentric approach, in which the human actors in production play a minor role. Here, the authors present an alternative anthropocentric perspective that highlights the potential and main challenges of extending the concept of Digital Shadows to humans. Following future research methodology, three prospections that illustrate use cases for Human Digital Shadows across organizational and hierarchical levels are developed: human-robot collaboration for manual work, decision support and work organization, as well as human resource management. Potentials and challenges are identified using separate SWOT analyses for the three prospections and common themes are emphasized in a concluding discussion.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MeskourisButenweg2005, author = {Meskouris, Konstantin and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Aktuelle Themen des Erdbebeningenieurwesens und der Baudynamik : D-A-CH-Tagung 2005 in K{\"o}ln / K. Meskouris, Chr. Butenweg (Hrsg.). Organisiert von der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik.}, series = {DGEB-Publikation ; 13}, booktitle = {DGEB-Publikation ; 13}, publisher = {DGEB}, address = {Aachen}, organization = {Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik}, isbn = {3-930108-09-7}, pages = {V, 144 S.}, year = {2005}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MeskourisButenwegMistleretal.2004, author = {Meskouris, Konstantin and Butenweg, Christoph and Mistler, Michael and Kuhlmann, Wolfram}, title = {Seismic behaviour of historic masonry buildings}, series = {7th National Congress on Mechanics : Chania, Crete, June 24 - 26, 2004 ; proceedings / ed. A. Kounadis ....}, booktitle = {7th National Congress on Mechanics : Chania, Crete, June 24 - 26, 2004 ; proceedings / ed. A. Kounadis ....}, publisher = {Hellenic Society for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics}, address = {Chania}, organization = {National Congress on Mechanics <7, 2004, Chania, Crete>}, pages = {47 -- 49}, year = {2004}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MeskourisHollerButenwegetal.2009, author = {Meskouris, Konstantin and Holler, Stefan and Butenweg, Christoph and Meiners, Daniel}, title = {A multiphase model with hypoplastic formulation of the solid phase and its application to earthquake engineering problems}, series = {Computational structural dynamics and earthquake engineering / ed. by Manolis Papadrakakis .... (Structures and infrastructures series ; 2)}, booktitle = {Computational structural dynamics and earthquake engineering / ed. by Manolis Papadrakakis .... (Structures and infrastructures series ; 2)}, publisher = {CRC Press}, address = {Boca Raton, Fla. [u.a.]}, isbn = {978-0-415-45261-8}, doi = {10.1201/9780203881637.ch19}, pages = {293 -- 308}, year = {2009}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MeskourisHoltschoppenButenwegetal.2011, author = {Meskouris, Konstantin and Holtschoppen, Britta and Butenweg, Christoph and Rosin, Julia}, title = {Seismic analysis of liquid storage tanks}, series = {Earthquake Geology and Archaeology: Science, Society and Critical facilities : proceedings ; 2nd INQUA-IGCP 567 International Workshop on Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, Archaeology and Engineering ; 19-24 September 2011, Corinth (Greece) / Eds.: C. Gr{\"u}tzner ; R. P{\´e}rez-Lopez ; T. Fern{\´a}ndez Steeger ; I. Papanikolaou ; K. Reicherter ; P. G. Silva ; A. V{\"o}tt. Volume 2}, booktitle = {Earthquake Geology and Archaeology: Science, Society and Critical facilities : proceedings ; 2nd INQUA-IGCP 567 International Workshop on Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, Archaeology and Engineering ; 19-24 September 2011, Corinth (Greece) / Eds.: C. Gr{\"u}tzner ; R. P{\´e}rez-Lopez ; T. Fern{\´a}ndez Steeger ; I. Papanikolaou ; K. Reicherter ; P. G. Silva ; A. V{\"o}tt. Volume 2}, publisher = {The Natural hazards Laboratory, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens}, address = {Athens}, organization = {International Workshop on Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, Archaeology and Engineering <2, 2011, Corinth>}, isbn = {978-960-466-093-3}, pages = {136 -- 139}, year = {2011}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MeskourisMistlerButenweg2006, author = {Meskouris, Konstantin and Mistler, Michael and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Mauerwerksbauten unter Erdbebenbelastung}, series = {Numerische Methoden zur Probleml{\"o}sung im konstruktiven Bauwesen : 34. Aachener Baustofftag ; 02. Februar 2006}, booktitle = {Numerische Methoden zur Probleml{\"o}sung im konstruktiven Bauwesen : 34. Aachener Baustofftag ; 02. Februar 2006}, publisher = {IBAC}, address = {Aachen}, organization = {Aachener Baustofftag <34, 2006>}, pages = {Getr. Z{\"a}hlung}, year = {2006}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MichelZilligenRosinetal.2015, author = {Michel, P. and Zilligen, H. and Rosin, J. and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Seismisches Verhalten pfahlgegr{\"u}ndeter Tankbauwerke}, series = {Erdbeben und bestehende Bauten : 14. D-A-C-H Tagung 20.08. - 21.08.2015, ETH Z{\"u}rich. (Dokumentation / SIA ; D 0255)}, booktitle = {Erdbeben und bestehende Bauten : 14. D-A-C-H Tagung 20.08. - 21.08.2015, ETH Z{\"u}rich. (Dokumentation / SIA ; D 0255)}, publisher = {SGEB}, address = {Z{\"u}rich}, organization = {D-A-C-H Tagung <14, 2015, Z{\"u}rich>}, isbn = {978-3-03732-060-0}, pages = {181 -- 188}, year = {2015}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MichelAlderButenwegetal.2019, author = {Michel, Philipp and Alder, Philipp and Butenweg, Christoph and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {Berechnung der Fluid-Struktur-Interaktion f{\"u}r flexibel gelagerte Fl{\"u}ssigkeitstanks}, series = {16. D-A-CH Tagung Erdbebeningenieurwesen \& Baudynamik: 26. und 27. September 2019, Universit{\"a}t Innsbruck}, booktitle = {16. D-A-CH Tagung Erdbebeningenieurwesen \& Baudynamik: 26. und 27. September 2019, Universit{\"a}t Innsbruck}, isbn = {978-3-200-06454-6}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MichelButenwegKlinkel2018, author = {Michel, Philipp and Butenweg, Christoph and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {Frequency Dependent Impedance Analysis of the Foundation-Soil-Systems of Onshore Wind Turbines}, series = {16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, 18-21 June, 2018}, booktitle = {16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, 18-21 June, 2018}, pages = {1 -- 13}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MichelRosinButenwegetal.2020, author = {Michel, Philipp and Rosin, Julia and Butenweg, Christoph and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {Soil-dependent earthquake spectra in the analysis of liquid-storage-tanks on compliant soil}, series = {Seismic design of industrial facilities 2020}, booktitle = {Seismic design of industrial facilities 2020}, publisher = {Apprimus Verlag}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-86359-729-0}, pages = {245 -- 254}, year = {2020}, abstract = {A further development of the Added-Mass-Method allows the combined representation of the effects of both soil-structure-interaction and fluid-structure interaction on a liquid-filled-tank in one model. This results in a practical method for describing the dynamic fluid pressure on the tank shell during joint movement. The fluid pressure is calculated on the basis of the tank's eigenform and the earthquake acceleration and represented by additional masses on the shell. The bearing on compliant ground is represented by replacement springs, which are calculated dependent on the local soil composition. The influence of the shear modulus of the compliant soil is clearly visible in the pressure curves and the stress distribution in the shell. The acceleration spectra are also dependent on soil stiffness. According to Eurocode-8 the acceleration spectra are determined for fixed soil-classes, instead of calculating the accelerations for each site in direct dependence on the soil composition. This leads to unrealistic sudden changes in the system's response. Therefore, earthquake spectra are calculated for different soil models in direct dependence of the shear modulus. Thus, both the acceleration spectra and the replacement springs match the soil composition. This enables a reasonable and consistent calculation of the system response for the actual conditions at each site.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MilijašŠakićMarinkovićetal.2021, author = {Milijaš, Aleksa and Šakić, Bogdan and Marinković, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Experimental investigation of behaviour of masonry infilled RC frames under out-of-plane loading}, series = {Proceedings of COMPDYN 2021}, booktitle = {Proceedings of COMPDYN 2021}, editor = {Papadrakakis, Manolis and Fragiadakis, Michalis}, publisher = {National Technical University of Athens}, address = {Athen}, isbn = {978-618-85072-5-8}, issn = {2623-3347}, doi = {10.7712/120121.8528.18914}, pages = {829 -- 846}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Masonry infills are commonly used as exterior or interior walls in reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures and they can be encountered all over the world, including earthquake prone regions. Since the middle of the 20th century the behaviour of these non-structural elements under seismic loading has been studied in numerous experimental campaigns. However, most of the studies were carried out by means of in-plane tests, while there is a lack of out-of-plane experimental investigations. In this paper, the out-of-plane tests carried out on full scale masonry infilled frames are described. The results of the out-of-plane tests are presented in terms of force-displacement curves and measured out-of-plane displacements. Finally, the reliability of existing analytical approaches developed to estimate the out-of-plane strength of masonry infills is examined on presented experimental results.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MilijašŠakićMarinkovićetal.2022, author = {Milijaš, Aleksa and Šakić, Bogdan and Marinković, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph and Gams, Matija and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {Effects of prior in-plane damage on out-of-plane response of masonry infills with openings}, series = {The Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology}, booktitle = {The Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology}, editor = {Arion, Cristian and Scupin, Alexandra and Ţigănescu, Alexandru}, isbn = {978-973-100-533-1}, pages = {2747 -- 2756}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Masonry infill walls are the most traditional enclosure system that is still widely used in RC frame buildings all over the world, particularly in seismic active regions. Although infill walls are usually neglected in seismic design, during an earthquake event they are subjected to in-plane and out-of-plane forces that can act separately or simultaneously. Since observations of damage to buildings after recent earthquakes showed detrimental effects of in-plane and out-of-plane load interaction on infill walls, the number of studies that focus on influence of in-plane damage on out-of-plane response has significantly increased. However, most of the xperimental campaigns have considered only solid infills and there is a lack of combined in-plane and out-of-plane experimental tests on masonry infills with openings, although windows and doors strongly affect seismic performance. In this paper, two types of experimental tests on infills with window openings are presented. The first is a pure out-of-plane test and the second one is a sequential in-plane and out-of-plane test aimed at investigating the effects of existing in-plane damage on outof-plane response. Additionally, findings from two tests with similar load procedure that were carried out on fully infilled RC frames in the scope of the same project are used for comparison. Test results clearly show that window opening increased vulnerability of infills to combined seismic actions and that prevention of damage in infills with openings is of the utmost importance for seismic safety.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MilkovaButenwegDumovaJovanoska2020, author = {Milkova, Kristina and Butenweg, Christoph and Dumova-Jovanoska, Elena}, title = {Methodology for development of seismic vulnerability curve for existing unreinforced Masonry buildings}, series = {Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering}, pages = {13 Seiten}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Seismic behavior of an existing unreinforced masonry building built pre-modern code, located in the City of Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia has been investigated in this paper. The analyzed school building is selected as an archetype in an ongoing project named "Seismic vulnerability assessment of existing masonry structures in Republic of North Macedonia (SeismoWall)". Two independent segments were included in this research: Seismic hazard assessment by creating a cite specific response spectra and Seismic vulnerability definition by creating a region - specific series of vulnerability curves for the chosen building topology. A reliable Seismic Hazard Assessment for a selected region is a crucial point for performing a seismic risk analysis of a characteristic building class. In that manner, a scenario - based method that incorporates together the knowledge of tectonic style of the considered region, the active fault characterization, the earth crust model and the historical seismicity named Neo Deterministic approach is used for calculation of the response spectra for the location of the building. Variations of the rupturing process are taken into account in the nucleation point of the rupture, in the rupture velocity pattern and in the istribution of the slip on the fault. The results obtained from the multiple scenarios are obtained as an envelope of the response spectra computed for the cite using the procedure Maximum Credible Seismic Input (MCSI). Capacity of the selected building has been determined by using nonlinear static analysis. MINEA software (SDA Engineering) was used for verification of the structural safety of the chosen unreinforced masonry structure. In the process of optimization of the number of samples, computational cost required in a Monte Carlo simulation is significantly reduced since the simulation is performed on a polynomial response surface function for prediction of the structural response. Performance point, found as the intersection of the capacity of the building and the spectra used, is chosen as a response parameter. Five levels of damage limit states based on the capacity curve of the building are defined in dependency on the yield displacement and the maximum displacement. Maximum likelihood estimation procedure is utilized in the process of vulnerability curves determination. As a result, region specific series of vulnerability curves for the chosen type of masonry structures are defined. The obtained probabilities of exceedance a specific damage states as a result from vulnerability curves are compared with the observed damages happened after the earthquake in July 2017 in the City of Ohrid, North Macedonia.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MilkovaButenwegDumovaJovanoska2021, author = {Milkova, Kristina and Butenweg, Christoph and Dumova-Jovanoska, Elena}, title = {Region-sensitive comprehensive procedure for determination of seismic fragility curves}, series = {1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering 1CroCEE}, booktitle = {1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering 1CroCEE}, publisher = {University of Zagreb}, address = {Zagreb}, doi = {10.5592/CO/1CroCEE.2021.158}, pages = {121 -- 128}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Seismic vulnerability estimation of existing structures is unquestionably interesting topic of high priority, particularly after earthquake events. Having in mind the vast number of old masonry buildings in North Macedonia serving as public institutions, it is evident that the structural assessment of these buildings is an issue of great importance. In this paper, a comprehensive methodology for the development of seismic fragility curves of existing masonry buildings is presented. A scenario - based method that incorporates the knowledge of the tectonic style of the considered region, the active fault characterization, the earth crust model and the historical seismicity (determined via the Neo Deterministic approach) is used for calculation of the necessary response spectra. The capacity of the investigated masonry buildings has been determined by using nonlinear static analysis. MINEA software (SDA Engineering) is used for verification of the structural safety of the structures Performance point, obtained from the intersection of the capacity of the building and the spectra used, is selected as a response parameter. The thresholds of the spectral displacement are obtained by splitting the capacity curve into five parts, utilizing empirical formulas which are represented as a function of yield displacement and ultimate displacement. As a result, four levels of damage limit states are determined. A maximum likelihood estimation procedure for the process of fragility curves determination is noted as a final step in the proposed procedure. As a result, region specific series of vulnerability curves for structures are defined.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MilkovaRosinButenwegetal.2018, author = {Milkova, Kristina and Rosin, Julia and Butenweg, Christoph and Dumova-Jovanoska, Elena}, title = {Development of Seismic Vulnerability Curves for Region Specific Masonry Buildings}, series = {16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, 18-21 June, 2018}, booktitle = {16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, 18-21 June, 2018}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MistlerButenwegAnthoine2004, author = {Mistler, M. and Butenweg, Christoph and Anthoine, A.}, title = {Evaluation of the failure criterion for masonry by homogenisation}, series = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology : [Lisbon, Portugal, 7 - 9 September 2004] / ed. by B. H. V. Topping and C.A. Mota Soares}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology : [Lisbon, Portugal, 7 - 9 September 2004] / ed. by B. H. V. Topping and C.A. Mota Soares}, publisher = {Civil-Comp Press}, address = {Stirling}, organization = {International Conference on Computational Structures Technology <7, 2004, Lissabon>}, isbn = {0-948749-95-4}, doi = {10.4203/ccp.79.201}, pages = {16 Seiten}, year = {2004}, language = {en} }