@inproceedings{ZaehlBiewendtWolfetal.2022, author = {Z{\"a}hl, Philipp M. and Biewendt, Marcel and Wolf, Martin R. and Eggert, Mathias}, title = {Requirements for competence developing games in the environment of SE Competence Development}, series = {AKWI-Tagungsband zur 35. AKWI-Jahrestagung}, booktitle = {AKWI-Tagungsband zur 35. AKWI-Jahrestagung}, publisher = {GITO}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-95545-409-8}, doi = {10.30844/AKWI_2022_05}, pages = {73 -- 88}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Many of today's factors make software development more and more complex, such as time pressure, new technologies, IT security risks, et cetera. Thus, a good preparation of current as well as future software developers in terms of a good software engineering education becomes progressively important. As current research shows, Competence Developing Games (CDGs) and Serious Games can offer a potential solution. This paper identifies the necessary requirements for CDGs to be conducive in principle, but especially in software engineering (SE) education. For this purpose, the current state of research was summarized in the context of a literature review. Afterwards, some of the identified requirements as well as some additional requirements were evaluated by a survey in terms of subjective relevance.}, language = {en} } @misc{Zimmer2022, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Zimmer, Miriam}, title = {Uniform : Identit{\"a}tsbildende Prozesse uniformer Bekleidungspraxen}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {241 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Kleidung umgibt den menschlichen K{\"o}rper seit etwa 75.000 Jahren. Seitdem dient sie dabei l{\"a}ngst mehr nur als Schutz, sondern ist zu einem wichtigen Kommunikationsmittel geworden. Vor allem Identit{\"a}t spielte schon immer eine wichtige Rolle in ihrer Funktion. Im 15. Jahrhundert entstand die erste Uniform, die durch identische Kleidung Zusammengeh{\"o}rigkeit vermitteln sollte. Dieses Konzept findet heute in der Corporate Fashion, Berufskleidung und zivilen Kontexten Verwendung und vermittelt nebenher Visionen und Philosophien der Corporate Identities. In dieser Arbeit wurde eine tiefgehende Recherche {\"u}ber die Geschichte, Funktion und Wirkung von Uniformen betrieben und Kategorien untersucht, in die sich diese einteilen lassen. Anschließend wurden die Ergebnisse in einem ausgew{\"a}hlten Layout als Buch zusammengefasst und mit Portraits uniformtragender Menschen unterst{\"u}tzt. Abschließend folgt ein Leitfaden, der eine gezielte Gestaltung von Uniformen erm{\"o}glicht.}, language = {de} } @article{ZhantlessovaSavitskayaKistaubayevaetal.2022, author = {Zhantlessova, Sirina and Savitskaya, Irina and Kistaubayeva, Aida and Ignatova, Ludmila and Talipova, Aizhan and Pogrebnjak, Alexander and Digel, Ilya}, title = {Advanced "Green" prebiotic composite of bacterial cellulose/pullulan based on synthetic biology-powered microbial coculture strategy}, series = {Polymers}, volume = {14}, journal = {Polymers}, number = {15}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2073-4360}, doi = {10.3390/polym14153224}, pages = {Artikel 3224}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Bacterial cellulose (BC) is a biopolymer produced by different microorganisms, but in biotechnological practice, Komagataeibacter xylinus is used. The micro- and nanofibrillar structure of BC, which forms many different-sized pores, creates prerequisites for the introduction of other polymers into it, including those synthesized by other microorganisms. The study aims to develop a cocultivation system of BC and prebiotic producers to obtain BC-based composite material with prebiotic activity. In this study, pullulan (PUL) was found to stimulate the growth of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG better than the other microbial polysaccharides gellan and xanthan. BC/PUL biocomposite with prebiotic properties was obtained by cocultivation of Komagataeibacter xylinus and Aureobasidium pullulans, BC and PUL producers respectively, on molasses medium. The inclusion of PUL in BC is proved gravimetrically by scanning electron microscopy and by Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy. Cocultivation demonstrated a composite effect on the aggregation and binding of BC fibers, which led to a significant improvement in mechanical properties. The developed approach for "grafting" of prebiotic activity on BC allows preparation of environmentally friendly composites of better quality.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ZahraPhaniSrujanChicoCaminosetal.2022, author = {Zahra, Mahdi and Phani Srujan, Merige and Chico Caminos, Ricardo Alexander and Schmitz, Pascal and Herrmann, Ulf and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e} and Schmitz, Mark and Gielen, Hans and Gedle, Yibekal and Dersch, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Modeling the thermal behavior of solar salt in electrical resistance heaters for the application in PV-CSP hybrid power plants}, series = {SOLARPACES 2020}, booktitle = {SOLARPACES 2020}, number = {2445 / 1}, publisher = {AIP conference proceedings / American Institute of Physics}, address = {Melville, NY}, isbn = {978-0-7354-4195-8}, issn = {1551-7616 (online)}, doi = {10.1063/5.0086268}, pages = {9 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) systems are able to store energy cost-effectively in their integrated thermal energy storage (TES). By intelligently combining Photovoltaics (PV) systems with CSP, a further cost reduction of solar power plants is expected, as well as an increase in dispatchability and flexibility of power generation. PV-powered Resistance Heaters (RH) can be deployed to raise the temperature of the molten salt hot storage from 385 °C up to 565 °C in a Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC) plant. To avoid freezing and decomposition of molten salt, the temperature distribution in the electrical resistance heater is investigated in the present study. For this purpose, a RH has been modeled and CFD simulations have been performed. The simulation results show that the hottest regions occur on the electric rod surface behind the last baffle. A technical optimization was performed by adjusting three parameters: Shell-baffle clearance, electric rod-baffle clearance and number of baffles. After the technical optimization was carried out, the temperature difference between the maximum temperature and the average outlet temperature of the salt is within the acceptable limits, thus critical salt decomposition has been avoided. Additionally, the CFD simulations results were analyzed and compared with results obtained with a one-dimensional model in Modelica.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Wolf2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Wolf, Nina}, title = {Koexistieren : Die Stufen der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung - Vom Nutztier bis zum Personenrecht}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {114 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Seit 2002 ist der Tierschutz fest im Grundgesetz verankert, jedoch herrscht immer noch ein enormes Ungleichgewicht bei der letztendlichen Durchsetzung gegen{\"u}ber der Tiernutzungsinteressen. Die Nichteinhaltung des Tierschutzes stellt nicht nur aus Tierwohlsicht, sondern auch aus Klimaschutzgr{\"u}nden eine ernst zu nehmende Problematik dar, welche wir nur gemeinsam angehen k{\"o}nnen. Die Gesellschaft sollte sich {\"u}ber das eigene Konsumverhalten bewusst werden, gleichermaßen m{\"u}ssen auch {\"u}berzeugende Alternativen aufgezeigt werden. Thematisch ist die Arbeit in drei Teile gegliedert. Die Geschichte, das Recht der Tiere und die Zukunftsaussichten stehen hier im Fokus. Wichtig ist es, den Istzustand neutral darzustellen, um die Fakten nicht zu harmonisieren. Die Publikation soll nicht abschrecken, vielmehr soll sie die Leser:innen motivieren, Dinge {\"a}ndern zu wollen. Denn nur miteinander k{\"o}nnen wir friedlich „koexistieren".}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{WiegnerVolkerMainzetal.2022, author = {Wiegner, Jonas and Volker, Hanno and Mainz, Fabian and Backes, Andreas and L{\"o}ken, Michael and H{\"u}ning, Felix}, title = {Wiegand-effect-powered wireless IoT sensor node}, series = {ITG-Fb. 303: Sensoren und Messsysteme}, booktitle = {ITG-Fb. 303: Sensoren und Messsysteme}, publisher = {VDE Verlag GmbH}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-8007-5835-7}, pages = {255 -- 260}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In this article we describe an Internet-of-Things sensing device with a wireless interface which is powered by the oftenoverlooked harvesting method of the Wiegand effect. The sensor can determine position, temperature or other resistively measurable quantities and can transmit the data via an ultra-low power ultra-wideband (UWB) data transmitter. With this approach we can energy-self-sufficiently acquire, process, and wirelessly transmit data in a pulsed operation. A proof-of-concept system was built up to prove the feasibility of the approach. The energy consumption of the system is analyzed and traced back in detail to the individual components, compared to the generated energy and processed to identify further optimization options. Based on the proof-of-concept, an application demonstrator was developed. Finally, we point out possible use cases.}, language = {en} } @misc{WiegnerVolkerMainzetal.2022, author = {Wiegner, Jonas and Volker, Hanno and Mainz, Fabian and Backes, Andreas and L{\"o}ken, Michael and H{\"u}ning, Felix}, title = {Wiegand-Effect-Powered Wireless IT Sensor Node}, year = {2022}, abstract = {With the growing interest in small distributed sensors for the "Internet of Things", more attention is being paid to energy harvesting techologies. Reducing or eliminating the need for external power sources or batteries make devices more self-sufficient, more reliable, and reduces maintenance requirements. The Wiegand effect is a proven technology for harvesting small amounts of electrical power from mechanical motion.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Wick2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Wick, Dorian}, title = {bulk : Konzeption und Gestaltung einer mobilen Anwendung eines nachhaltigen Unverpackt-Lieferservice}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {171 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die Welt wird wortw{\"o}rtlich von Plastik {\"u}berschwemmt- und trotzdem ist kein Ende des trivialen Verpackungsmaterials in Sicht. Die, die sich den Konsequenzen ihres Konsumverhaltens bewusst sind, haben immer noch keinen fl{\"a}chendeckenden Zugang zu Unverpacktl{\"a}den und es mangelt schlicht an praktischen Alternativen. Hier kn{\"u}pft die App „bulk" an und schl{\"a}gt ausschließlich unverpackte Lebensmittel vor - bequem bis zur Haust{\"u}r geliefert. Das Angebot ist qualitativ hochwertig und meist regional. F{\"u}r ein positives Kauferlebnis veranschaulicht „bulk", wie viel Plastik mit den Produkten im Vergleich zu einem konventionellen Wocheneinkauf eingespart werden kann. Das gibt Nutzer:Innen eine Grundlage, ihre Entscheidungen kritisch zu hinterfragen und schult den Blick f{\"u}r den Impact sich summierender Kleinigkeiten.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Wick2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Wick, Dorian}, title = {Konzeption und Gestaltung einer mobilen Anwendung eines nachhaltigen Unverpackt-Lieferservice}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {171 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die Welt wird wortw{\"o}rtlich von Plastik {\"u}berschwemmt - und trotzdem ist kein Ende des trivialen Verpackungsmaterials in Sicht. Die, die sich den Konsequenzen ihres Konsumverhaltens bewusst sind, haben immer noch keinen fl{\"a}chendeckenden Zugang zu Unverpacktl{\"a}den und es mangelt schlicht an praktischen Alternativen. Hier kn{\"u}pft die App „bulk" an und schl{\"a}gt ausschließlich unverpackte Lebensmittel vor - bequem bis zur Haust{\"u}r geliefert. Das Angebot ist qualitativ hochwertig und meist regional. F{\"u}r ein positives Kauferlebnis veranschaulicht „bulk", wie viel Plastik mit den Produkten im Vergleich zu einem konventionellen Wocheneinkauf eingespart werden kann. Das gibt Nutzer:Innen eine Grundlage, ihre Entscheidungen kritisch zu hinterfragen und schult den Blick f{\"u}r den Impact sich summierender Kleinigkeiten.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Wetzlar2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Wetzlar, Jana}, title = {Vielgut Festival 2022 : Etablierung eines neuen Musikfestivals in Aachen}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {45 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Endlich! Nach {\"u}ber zwei Jahren kulturellen Stillstands richtet der Musiknetzwerk Aachen e.V. ein Festival aus. Die Bachelorandin Jana Wetzlar {\"u}bernimmt hierbei die Veranstaltungsplanung und -bewerbung. Der erste Teil der Arbeit umfasst die Erarbeitung eines einzigartigen Festivalkonzepts, bei dem die F{\"o}rderung von jungen Newcomerk{\"u}nstler:innen und die {\"o}kologische Nachhaltigkeit der Veranstaltung im Vordergrund stehen. Eine weitere Besonderheit stellt das parit{\"a}tisch besetzte K{\"u}nstler:innen-Line-Up dar. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden eine umfangreiche Werbekampagne sowie ein passendes Corporate Design entwickelt, die die Besonderheiten des Festivals hervorheben und viele Festivalbesucher:innen generieren sollen. Die {\"u}bergeordneten Ziele der Arbeit bestehen darin, einen Beitrag zur gesellschaftlichen Etablierung des Musiknetzwerk Aachen e.V. zu leisten und die Voraussetzungen f{\"u}r ein j{\"a}hrlich wiederkehrendes Festival zu schaffen.}, language = {de} } @article{WerfelGuenthnerHapfelmeieretal.2022, author = {Werfel, Stanislas and G{\"u}nthner, Roman and Hapfelmeier, Alexander and Hanssen, Henner and Kotliar, Konstantin and Heemann, Uwe and Schmaderer, Christoph}, title = {Identification of cardiovascular high-risk groups from dynamic retinal vessel signals using untargeted machine learning}, series = {Cardiovascular Research}, volume = {118}, journal = {Cardiovascular Research}, number = {2}, editor = {Guzik, Tomasz J.}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford}, issn = {0008-6363}, doi = {10.1093/cvr/cvab040}, pages = {612 -- 621}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Dynamic retinal vessel analysis (DVA) provides a non-invasive way to assess microvascular function in patients and potentially to improve predictions of individual cardiovascular (CV) risk. The aim of our study was to use untargeted machine learning on DVA in order to improve CV mortality prediction and identify corresponding response alterations.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WeldenSeverinsPoghossianetal.2022, author = {Welden, Melanie and Severins, Robin and Poghossian, Arshak and Wege, Christina and Siegert, Petra and Keusgen, Michael and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Studying the immobilization of acetoin reductase with Tobacco mosaic virus particles on capacitive field-effect sensors}, series = {2022 IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN)}, booktitle = {2022 IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN)}, publisher = {IEEE}, isbn = {978-1-6654-5860-3 (Online)}, doi = {10.1109/ISOEN54820.2022.9789657}, pages = {4 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {A capacitive electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor (EISCAP) biosensor modified with Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) particles for the detection of acetoin is presented. The enzyme acetoin reductase (AR) was immobilized on the surface of the EISCAP using TMV particles as nanoscaffolds. The study focused on the optimization of the TMV-assisted AR immobilization on the Ta 2 O 5 -gate EISCAP surface. The TMV-assisted acetoin EISCAPs were electrochemically characterized by means of leakage-current, capacitance-voltage, and constant-capacitance measurements. The TMV-modified transducer surface was studied via scanning electron microscopy.}, language = {en} } @article{WeldenSeverinsPoghossianetal.2022, author = {Welden, Melanie and Severins, Robin and Poghossian, Arshak and Wege, Christina and Bongaerts, Johannes and Siegert, Petra and Keusgen, Michael and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Detection of acetoin and diacetyl by a tobacco mosaic virus-assisted field-effect biosensor}, series = {Chemosensors}, volume = {10}, journal = {Chemosensors}, number = {6}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2227-9040}, doi = {10.3390/chemosensors10060218}, pages = {Artikel 218}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Acetoin and diacetyl have a major impact on the flavor of alcoholic beverages such as wine or beer. Therefore, their measurement is important during the fermentation process. Until now, gas chromatographic techniques have typically been applied; however, these require expensive laboratory equipment and trained staff, and do not allow for online monitoring. In this work, a capacitive electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor sensor modified with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) particles as enzyme nanocarriers for the detection of acetoin and diacetyl is presented. The enzyme acetoin reductase from Alkalihalobacillus clausii DSM 8716ᵀ is immobilized via biotin-streptavidin affinity, binding to the surface of the TMV particles. The TMV-assisted biosensor is electrochemically characterized by means of leakage-current, capacitance-voltage, and constant capacitance measurements. In this paper, the novel biosensor is studied regarding its sensitivity and long-term stability in buffer solution. Moreover, the TMV-assisted capacitive field-effect sensor is applied for the detection of diacetyl for the first time. The measurement of acetoin and diacetyl with the same sensor setup is demonstrated. Finally, the successive detection of acetoin and diacetyl in buffer and in diluted beer is studied by tuning the sensitivity of the biosensor using the pH value of the measurement solution.}, language = {en} } @article{WeldenPoghossianVahidpouretal.2022, author = {Welden, Melanie and Poghossian, Arshak and Vahidpour, Farnoosh and Wendlandt, Tim and Keusgen, Michael and Wege, Christina and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Towards multi-analyte detection with field-effect capacitors modified with tobacco mosaic virus bioparticles as enzyme nanocarriers}, series = {Biosensors}, volume = {12}, journal = {Biosensors}, number = {1}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2079-6374}, doi = {10.3390/bios12010043}, pages = {Artikel 43}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Utilizing an appropriate enzyme immobilization strategy is crucial for designing enzyme-based biosensors. Plant virus-like particles represent ideal nanoscaffolds for an extremely dense and precise immobilization of enzymes, due to their regular shape, high surface-to-volume ratio and high density of surface binding sites. In the present work, tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) particles were applied for the co-immobilization of penicillinase and urease onto the gate surface of a field-effect electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor capacitor (EISCAP) with a p-Si-SiO₂-Ta₂O₅ layer structure for the sequential detection of penicillin and urea. The TMV-assisted bi-enzyme EISCAP biosensor exhibited a high urea and penicillin sensitivity of 54 and 85 mV/dec, respectively, in the concentration range of 0.1-3 mM. For comparison, the characteristics of single-enzyme EISCAP biosensors modified with TMV particles immobilized with either penicillinase or urease were also investigated. The surface morphology of the TMV-modified Ta₂O₅-gate was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Additionally, the bi-enzyme EISCAP was applied to mimic an XOR (Exclusive OR) enzyme logic gate.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WeissHeslenfeldSaeweetal.2022, author = {Weiss, Christian and Heslenfeld, Jonas and Saewe, Jasmin Kathrin and Bremen, Sebastian and H{\"a}fner, Constantin Leon}, title = {Investigation on the influence of powder humidity in Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF)}, series = {Procedia CIRP 12th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2022]}, volume = {111}, booktitle = {Procedia CIRP 12th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2022]}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {2212-8271}, doi = {10.1016/j.procir.2022.08.102}, pages = {115 -- 120}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In the Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) process, parts are built out of metal powder material by exposure of a laser beam. During handling operations of the powder material, several influencing factors can affect the properties of the powder material and therefore directly influence the processability during manufacturing. Contamination by moisture due to handling operations is one of the most critical aspects of powder quality. In order to investigate the influences of powder humidity on LPBF processing, four materials (AlSi10Mg, Ti6Al4V, 316L and IN718) are chosen for this study. The powder material is artificially humidified, subsequently characterized, manufactured into cubic samples in a miniaturized process chamber and analyzed for their relative density. The results indicate that the processability and reproducibility of parts made of AlSi10Mg and Ti6Al4V are susceptible to humidity, while IN718 and 316L are barely influenced.}, language = {en} } @incollection{WeberBomholtButenweg2022, author = {Weber, Felix and Bomholt, Frederik and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Erdbeben- und Schwingungsschutz von Bauwerken}, series = {2023 BetonKalender: Wasserundurchl{\"a}ssiger Beton, Br{\"u}ckenbau}, booktitle = {2023 BetonKalender: Wasserundurchl{\"a}ssiger Beton, Br{\"u}ckenbau}, editor = {Bergmeister, Konrad and Fingerloos, Frank and W{\"o}rner, Johann-Dietrich}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {9783433611180}, doi = {10.1002/9783433611180.ch16}, pages = {779 -- 859}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die herk{\"o}mmlichen Maßnahmen wie die Kapazit{\"a}tsbemessung der Tragwerksstruktur, die Isolation des Bauwerks mittels Basisisolatoren, die D{\"a}mpfungserh{\"o}hung der Struktur mittels Inter-Story-D{\"a}mpfern und die Schwingungsreduktion mittels Schwingungstilgern gegen Einwirkungen durch Erdbeben, Wind, Verkehr und Personen auf die Bauwerke. Erg{\"a}nzend wird die erdbebengerechte Auslegung und Isolation von nichttragenden Bauteilen behandelt. F{\"u}r die betrachteten Systeme werden die Bewegungsdifferenzialgleichungen unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der wesentlichen Nichtlinearit{\"a}ten angegeben. Die vorgestellten Weiterentwicklungen in den Bereichen der Basisisolatoren, D{\"a}mpfern und Schwingungstilgern zeigen, dass das modellbasierte Design mittels Simulation ein sehr effektives, {\"o}konomisches und dank der heutigen Computerleistung auch zeiteffizientes Werkzeug darstellt.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Voth2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Voth, Emily}, title = {KiWA : Die Garderobe f{\"u}r kleine Selbstst{\"a}ndige}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {117 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Kindertagesst{\"a}tten bieten Kleinkindern den Zugang zu unbeschwertem und spielerischem Lernen. Was also, wenn schon der Eingangsbereich die Reiz{\"u}berflutung bereit h{\"a}lt, der Stauraum der Entfaltung der Kinder nicht gerecht wird und ihre Eigenst{\"a}ndigkeit ungef{\"o}rdert bleibt? Es kommt zu unzufriedenen Kindern und Frustration aller Beteilligten. "KIWA" ist das Garderobensystem f{\"u}r Kinder zur St{\"a}rkung der heranwachsenden Selbstst{\"a}ndigkeit. Mithilfe von pers{\"o}nlichen Wiedererkennungsmerkmalen wird Eigenverantwortung geschult. Leicht und sicher zu erreichender Stauraum sorgt f{\"u}r Ordnung. Spielerisches lernen trotz Ordnung.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Vornewald2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Vornewald, Klara Franziska}, title = {Graphic Novel : Konzeptionierung und Umsetzung einer Graphic Novel f{\"u}r Kinder}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {147 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Die Graphic Novel „Traumspiel" erz{\"a}hlt eine kindgerechte Fantasiegeschichte zum Thema Traum. Ansatz des Projektes war die Frage, wie wohl eine Welt auss{\"a}he, in der Tr{\"a}ume eine greifbare Entit{\"a}t darstellen. Ziel war es, diese Welt und eine dort spielende Geschichte zu erschaffen und beides visuell in einer Graphic Novel zum Leben zu erwecken. In „Traumspiel" werden Menschen unwissentlich nachts in ein Traumland entf{\"u}hrt, wo ihnen die Tr{\"a}ume als Marionettentheater vorgespielt werden. Erz{\"a}hlt wird die Geschichte eines Kindes, das auf diese Weise je einen Traum und Albtraum erlebt. Die Illustrationen sind mit Tusche gemalt. Durch die Beschr{\"a}nkung auf drei Farben werden verschiedene Aspekte der Geschichte visuell unterschieden. Entstanden ist eine Graphic Novel, in der alle konzeptionellen und gestalterischen Entscheidungen aufeinander aufbauen, um eine spannende Geschichte zu erz{\"a}hlen.}, language = {de} } @article{vonHaefenKrautwaldStolleetal.2022, author = {von H{\"a}fen, Hajo and Krautwald, Clemens and Stolle, Jacob and Bung, Daniel Bernhard and Goseberg, Nils}, title = {Overland flow of broken solitary waves over a two-dimensional coastal plane}, series = {Coastal Engineering}, volume = {175}, journal = {Coastal Engineering}, number = {August}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1872-7379}, doi = {10.1016/j.coastaleng.2022.104125}, pages = {14 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Landslides, rock falls or related subaerial and subaqueous mass slides can generate devastating impulse waves in adjacent waterbodies. Such waves can occur in lakes and fjords, or due to glacier calving in bays or at steep ocean coastlines. Infrastructure and residential houses along coastlines of those waterbodies are often situated on low elevation terrain, and are potentially at risk from inundation. Impulse waves, running up a uniform slope and generating an overland flow over an initially dry adjacent horizontal plane, represent a frequently found scenario, which needs to be better understood for disaster planning and mitigation. This study presents a novel set of large-scale flume test focusing on solitary waves propagating over a 1:14.5 slope and breaking onto a horizontal section. Examining the characteristics of overland flow, this study gives, for the first time, insight into the fundamental process of overland flow of a broken solitary wave: its shape and celerity, as well as its momentum when wave breaking has taken place beforehand.}, language = {en} } @misc{Vogt2022, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Vogt, Lena}, title = {Arch{\"a}ologischer Restaurator : Ausstellungskonzept R{\"o}misch-Germanisches Museum K{\"o}ln}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {23 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Alte, geschichtsrelevante und thematisch angeordnete Objekte, welche man in den Vitrinen der Museen betrachten kann, das kennt sicher jeder. Doch wie kommen diese Artefakte eigentlich in die Vitrinen? Welche Menschen sind daf{\"u}r verantwortlich, dass wir diese Kulturg{\"u}ter bestaunen k{\"o}nnen? In diesem tempor{\"a}ren Ausstellungskonzept f{\"u}r das R{\"o}misch-Germanische Museum K{\"o}ln geht es darum, die sonst verborgene Arbeit der Restauratoren des Museums f{\"u}r die Besucher:innen sichtbar zu machen, ihnen genauere Einblicke in die Arbeit mit ihren Anforderungen zu geben und Restaurierungsprozesse auf zu zeigen. Diese Arbeit demonstriert, wie es abseits der {\"O}ffentlichkeit aussieht und wer daf{\"u}r verantwortlich ist, dass wir einen Einblick in die vergangenen Zeit erhalten k{\"o}nnen. Das Projekt zeigt eine m{\"o}gliche Bespielung des Museums, wie das Berufsbild der Restauratoren in die Dauerausstellung integriert werden k{\"o}nnte.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{VeettilRakshitSchopenetal.2022, author = {Veettil, Yadu Krishna Morassery and Rakshit, Shantam and Schopen, Oliver and Kemper, Hans and Esch, Thomas and Shabani, Bahman}, title = {Automated Control System Strategies to Ensure Safety of PEM Fuel Cells Using Kalman Filters}, series = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICE-SEAM 2021), Melaka, Malaysia}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICE-SEAM 2021), Melaka, Malaysia}, editor = {Bin Abdollah, Mohd Fadzli and Amiruddin, Hilmi and Singh, Amrik Singh Phuman and Munir, Fudhail Abdul and Ibrahim, Asriana}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {Singapore}, isbn = {978-981-19-3178-9}, issn = {2195-4356}, doi = {10.1007/978-981-19-3179-6_55}, pages = {296 -- 299}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Having well-defined control strategies for fuel cells, that can efficiently detect errors and take corrective action is critically important for safety in all applications, and especially so in aviation. The algorithms not only ensure operator safety by monitoring the fuel cell and connected components, but also contribute to extending the health of the fuel cell, its durability and safe operation over its lifetime. While sensors are used to provide peripheral data surrounding the fuel cell, the internal states of the fuel cell cannot be directly measured. To overcome this restriction, Kalman Filter has been implemented as an internal state observer. Other safety conditions are evaluated using real-time data from every connected sensor and corrective actions automatically take place to ensure safety. The algorithms discussed in this paper have been validated thorough Model-in-the-Loop (MiL) tests as well as practical validation at a dedicated test bench.}, language = {en} } @misc{VarrialeKukaTippkoetteretal.2022, author = {Varriale, Ludovica and Kuka, Katrin and Tippk{\"o}tter, Nils and Ulber, Roland}, title = {Use of a green biomass in a biorefinery platform}, series = {Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, volume = {94}, journal = {Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, number = {9}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {0009-286X}, doi = {10.1002/cite.202255095}, pages = {1299}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The emerging environmental issues due to the use of fossil resources are encouraging the exploration of new renewable resources. Biomasses are attracting more interest due to the low environmental impacts, low costs, and high availability on earth. In this scenario, green biorefineries are a promising platform in which green biomasses are used as feedstock. Grasses are mainly composed of cellulose and hemicellulose, and lignin is available in a small amount. In this work, a perennial ryegrass was used as feedstock to develop a green bio-refinery platform. Firstly, the grass was mechanically pretreated, thus obtaining a press juice and a press cake fraction. The press juice has high nutritional values and can be employed as part of fermentation media. The press cake can be employed as a substrate either in enzymatic hydrolysis or in solid-state fermentation. The overall aim of this work was to demonstrate different applications of both the liquid and the solid fractions. For this purpose, the filamentous fungus A. niger and the yeast Y. lipolythica were selected for their ability to produce citric acid. Finally, the possibility was assessed to use the press juice as part of fermentation media to cultivate S. cerevisiae and lactic acid bacteria for ethanol and lactic acid fermentation.}, language = {en} } @article{ValeroBungErpicumetal.2022, author = {Valero, Daniel and Bung, Daniel Bernhard and Erpicum, Sebastien and Peltier, Yann and Dewals, Benjamin}, title = {Unsteady shallow meandering flows in rectangular reservoirs: a modal analysis of URANS modelling}, series = {Journal of Hydro-environment Research}, journal = {Journal of Hydro-environment Research}, number = {In Press}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1570-6443}, doi = {10.1016/j.jher.2022.03.002}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Shallow flows are common in natural and human-made environments. Even for simple rectangular shallow reservoirs, recent laboratory experiments show that the developing flow fields are particularly complex, involving large-scale turbulent structures. For specific combinations of reservoir size and hydraulic conditions, a meandering jet can be observed. While some aspects of this pseudo-2D flow pattern can be reproduced using a 2D numerical model, new 3D simulations, based on the unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations, show consistent advantages as presented herein. A Proper Orthogonal Decomposition was used to characterize the four most energetic modes of the meandering jet at the free surface level, allowing comparison against experimental data and 2D (depth-averaged) numerical results. Three different isotropic eddy viscosity models (RNG k-ε, k-ε, k-ω) were tested. The 3D models accurately predicted the frequency of the modes, whereas the amplitudes of the modes and associated energy were damped for the friction-dominant cases and augmented for non-frictional ones. The performance of the three turbulence models remained essentially similar, with slightly better predictions by RNG k-ε model in the case with the highest Reynolds number. Finally, the Q-criterion was used to identify vortices and study their dynamics, assisting on the identification of the differences between: i) the three-dimensional phenomenon (here reproduced), ii) its two-dimensional footprint in the free surface (experimental observations) and iii) the depth-averaged case (represented by 2D models).}, language = {en} } @article{VahidpourGuthmanArreolaetal.2022, author = {Vahidpour, Farnoosh and Guthman, Eric and Arreola, Julia and Alghazali, Yousef H. M. and Wagner, Torsten and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Assessment of Various Process Parameters for Optimized Sterilization Conditions Using a Multi-Sensing Platform}, series = {Foods}, volume = {11}, journal = {Foods}, number = {5}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2304-8158}, doi = {10.3390/foods11050660}, pages = {Artikel 660}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In this study, an online multi-sensing platform was engineered to simultaneously evaluate various process parameters of food package sterilization using gaseous hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂). The platform enabled the validation of critical aseptic parameters. In parallel, one series of microbiological count reduction tests was performed using highly resistant spores of B. atrophaeus DSM 675 to act as the reference method for sterility validation. By means of the multi-sensing platform together with microbiological tests, we examined sterilization process parameters to define the most effective conditions with regards to the highest spore kill rate necessary for aseptic packaging. As these parameters are mutually associated, a correlation between different factors was elaborated. The resulting correlation indicated the need for specific conditions regarding the applied H₂O₂ gas temperature, the gas flow and concentration, the relative humidity and the exposure time. Finally, the novel multi-sensing platform together with the mobile electronic readout setup allowed for the online and on-site monitoring of the sterilization process, selecting the best conditions for sterility and, at the same time, reducing the use of the time-consuming and costly microbiological tests that are currently used in the food package industry.}, language = {en} } @article{VahidpourAlghazaliAkcaetal.2022, author = {Vahidpour, Farnoosh and Alghazali, Yousef H. M. and Akca, Sevilay and Hommes, Gregor and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {An Enzyme-Based Interdigitated Electrode-Type Biosensor for Detecting Low Concentrations of H₂O₂ Vapor/Aerosol}, series = {Chemosensors}, volume = {10}, journal = {Chemosensors}, number = {6}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2227-9040}, doi = {10.3390/chemosensors10060202}, pages = {Arikel 202}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This work introduces a novel method for the detection of H₂O₂ vapor/aerosol of low concentrations, which is mainly applied in the sterilization of equipment in medical industry. Interdigitated electrode (IDE) structures have been fabricated by means of microfabrication techniques. A differential setup of IDEs was prepared, containing an active sensor element (active IDE) and a passive sensor element (passive IDE), where the former was immobilized with an enzymatic membrane of horseradish peroxidase that is selective towards H₂O₂. Changes in the IDEs' capacitance values (active sensor element versus passive sensor element) under H₂O₂ vapor/aerosol atmosphere proved the detection in the concentration range up to 630 ppm with a fast response time (<60 s). The influence of relative humidity was also tested with regard to the sensor signal, showing no cross-sensitivity. The repeatability assessment of the IDE biosensors confirmed their stable capacitive signal in eight subsequent cycles of exposure to H₂O₂ vapor/aerosol. Room-temperature detection of H₂O₂ vapor/aerosol with such miniaturized biosensors will allow a future three-dimensional, flexible mapping of aseptic chambers and help to evaluate sterilization assurance in medical industry.}, language = {en} } @article{UysalFiratCreutzetal.2022, author = {Uysal, Karya and Firat, Ipek Serat and Creutz, Till and Aydin, Inci Cansu and Artmann, Gerhard and Teusch, Nicole and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l}, title = {A novel in vitro wound healing assay using free-standing, ultra-thin PDMS membranes}, series = {membranes}, volume = {2023}, journal = {membranes}, number = {13(1)}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, doi = {10.3390/membranes13010022}, pages = {Artikel 22}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Advances in polymer science have significantly increased polymer applications in life sciences. We report the use of free-standing, ultra-thin polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membranes, called CellDrum, as cell culture substrates for an in vitro wound model. Dermal fibroblast monolayers from 28- and 88-year-old donors were cultured on CellDrums. By using stainless steel balls, circular cell-free areas were created in the cell layer (wounding). Sinusoidal strain of 1 Hz, 5\% strain, was applied to membranes for 30 min in 4 sessions. The gap circumference and closure rate of un-stretched samples (controls) and stretched samples were monitored over 4 days to investigate the effects of donor age and mechanical strain on wound closure. A significant decrease in gap circumference and an increase in gap closure rate were observed in trained samples from younger donors and control samples from older donors. In contrast, a significant decrease in gap closure rate and an increase in wound circumference were observed in the trained samples from older donors. Through these results, we propose the model of a cell monolayer on stretchable CellDrums as a practical tool for wound healing research. The combination of biomechanical cell loading in conjunction with analyses such as gene/protein expression seems promising beyond the scope published here.}, language = {en} } @article{UysalCreutzFiratetal.2022, author = {Uysal, Karya and Creutz, Till and Firat, Ipek Seda and Artmann, Gerhard and Teusch, Nicole and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l}, title = {Bio-functionalized ultra-thin, large-area and waterproof silicone membranes for biomechanical cellular loading and compliance experiments}, series = {Polymers}, volume = {14}, journal = {Polymers}, number = {11}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2073-4360}, pages = {2213}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Biocompatibility, flexibility and durability make polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membranes top candidates in biomedical applications. CellDrum technology uses large area, <10 µm thin membranes as mechanical stress sensors of thin cell layers. For this to be successful, the properties (thickness, temperature, dust, wrinkles, etc.) must be precisely controlled. The following parameters of membrane fabrication by means of the Floating-on-Water (FoW) method were investigated: (1) PDMS volume, (2) ambient temperature, (3) membrane deflection and (4) membrane mechanical compliance. Significant differences were found between all PDMS volumes and thicknesses tested (p < 0.01). They also differed from the calculated values. At room temperatures between 22 and 26 °C, significant differences in average thickness values were found, as well as a continuous decrease in thicknesses within a 4 °C temperature elevation. No correlation was found between the membrane thickness groups (between 3-4 µm) in terms of deflection and compliance. We successfully present a fabrication method for thin bio-functionalized membranes in conjunction with a four-step quality management system. The results highlight the importance of tight regulation of production parameters through quality control. The use of membranes described here could also become the basis for material testing on thin, viscous layers such as polymers, dyes and adhesives, which goes far beyond biological applications.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{UlmerMostafaWollert2022, author = {Ulmer, Jessica and Mostafa, Youssef and Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {Digital Twin Academy: From Zero to Hero through individual learning experiences}, series = {Tagungsband AALE 2022: Wissenstransfer im Spannungsfeld von Autonomisierung und Fachkr{\"a}ftemangel}, booktitle = {Tagungsband AALE 2022: Wissenstransfer im Spannungsfeld von Autonomisierung und Fachkr{\"a}ftemangel}, isbn = {978-3-910103-00-9}, doi = {10.33968/2022.33}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:l189-qucosa2-776097}, pages = {1 -- 9}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Digital twins are seen as one of the key technologies of Industry 4.0. Although many research groups focus on digital twins and create meaningful outputs, the technology has not yet reached a broad application in the industry. The main reasons for this imbalance are the complexity of the topic, the lack of specialists, and the unawareness of the twin opportunities. The project "Digital Twin Academy" aims to overcome these barriers by focusing on three actions: Building a digital twin community for discussion and exchange, offering multi-stage training for various knowledge levels, and implementing realworld use cases for deeper insights and guidance. In this work, we focus on creating a flexible learning platform that allows the user to select a training path adjusted to personal knowledge and needs. Therefore, a mix of basic and advanced modules is created and expanded by individual feedback options. The usage of personas supports the selection of the appropriate modules.}, language = {en} } @article{UlmerBraunChengetal.2022, author = {Ulmer, Jessica and Braun, Sebastian and Cheng, Chi-Tsun and Dowey, Steve and Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {Gamification of virtual reality assembly training: Effects of a combined point and level system on motivation and training results}, series = {International Journal of Human-Computer Studies}, volume = {165}, journal = {International Journal of Human-Computer Studies}, number = {Art. No. 102854}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1071-5819}, doi = {10.1016/j.ijhcs.2022.102854}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Virtual Reality (VR) offers novel possibilities for remote training regardless of the availability of the actual equipment, the presence of specialists, and the training locations. Research shows that training environments that adapt to users' preferences and performance can promote more effective learning. However, the observed results can hardly be traced back to specific adaptive measures but the whole new training approach. This study analyzes the effects of a combined point and leveling VR-based gamification system on assembly training targeting specific training outcomes and users' motivations. The Gamified-VR-Group with 26 subjects received the gamified training, and the Non-Gamified-VR-Group with 27 subjects received the alternative without gamified elements. Both groups conducted their VR training at least three times before assembling the actual structure. The study found that a level system that gradually increases the difficulty and error probability in VR can significantly lower real-world error rates, self-corrections, and support usages. According to our study, a high error occurrence at the highest training level reduced the Gamified-VR-Group's feeling of competence compared to the Non-Gamified-VR-Group, but at the same time also led to lower error probabilities in real-life. It is concluded that a level system with a variable task difficulty should be combined with carefully balanced positive and negative feedback messages. This way, better learning results, and an improved self-evaluation can be achieved while not causing significant impacts on the participants' feeling of competence.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{UlmerBraunChengetal.2022, author = {Ulmer, Jessica and Braun, Sebastian and Cheng, Chi-Tsun and Dowey, Steve and Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {Usage of digital twins for gamification applications in manufacturing}, series = {Procedia CIRP Leading manufacturing systems transformation - Proceedings of the 55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2022}, volume = {107}, booktitle = {Procedia CIRP Leading manufacturing systems transformation - Proceedings of the 55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2022}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {2212-8271}, doi = {10.1016/j.procir.2022.05.044}, pages = {675 -- 680}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Gamification applications are on the rise in the manufacturing sector to customize working scenarios, offer user-specific feedback, and provide personalized learning offerings. Commonly, different sensors are integrated into work environments to track workers' actions. Game elements are selected according to the work task and users' preferences. However, implementing gamified workplaces remains challenging as different data sources must be established, evaluated, and connected. Developers often require information from several areas of the companies to offer meaningful gamification strategies for their employees. Moreover, work environments and the associated support systems are usually not flexible enough to adapt to personal needs. Digital twins are one primary possibility to create a uniform data approach that can provide semantic information to gamification applications. Frequently, several digital twins have to interact with each other to provide information about the workplace, the manufacturing process, and the knowledge of the employees. This research aims to create an overview of existing digital twin approaches for digital support systems and presents a concept to use digital twins for gamified support and training systems. The concept is based upon the Reference Architecture Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) and includes information about the whole life cycle of the assets. It is applied to an existing gamified training system and evaluated in the Industry 4.0 model factory by an example of a handle mounting.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{TrinidadAvila2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Trinidad Avila, Maria Alejandra}, title = {Work Habitat : Modular-skalierbare Office Markenstrategie f{\"u}r rasant wachsende Startups}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {141 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {„Work Habitat" ist eine markenorientierte Officel{\"o}sung, die auf skalierbare Weise mit einem Start-up mitw{\"a}chst und in Kooperation mit dem Unternehmen academa GmbH entstanden ist. Diese Brand Experience f{\"o}rdert Teambuilding und Identifikation mit dem Unternehmen. Sie passt sich an die Teammitglieder an, indem sie einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf das Office-System bewahrt. Ferner stellt sie eine nahtlose Verbindung digitaler und analoger Arbeitswelten dar und bietet eine einladende Umgebung verschiedener Arten zu Arbeiten an: von Deep-Focus bis zur kooperativen Zusammenarbeit und der Anregung zwangloser Begegnungen. Die modularen Komponenten k{\"o}nnen trotz Ver{\"a}nderungen, Umz{\"u}gen oder unerwartet rasanten Entwicklungen nachhaltig und flexibel eingesetzt werden. Eine schnelllebige Welt erfordert eine angebrachte, sich ihr anpassende New-Work-Umgebung.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Treutlein2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Treutlein, Antonia}, title = {Entwicklung eines Erscheinungsbildes f{\"u}r die Meeresschutzorganisation Ocean Care}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {99 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Ocean Care ist eine politisch unabh{\"a}ngige Non-Profit-Organisation mit Sitz in der Schweiz. Sie setzt sich seit 1989 f{\"u}r den Schutz von Meeress{\"a}ugern und deren Lebensraum ein. Seit 2011 ist Ocean Care außerdem UN-Sonderberaterin f{\"u}r Fragen im Meeresschutz. Da Ocean Care die {\"O}ffentlichkeit f{\"u}r das Thema Meeresschutz sensibilisieren m{\"o}chte und ihre Arbeit durch Spenden finanziert wird, ist ein professionelles, vertrauenerweckendes Erscheinungsbild unerl{\"a}sslich. Durch ein zeitgem{\"a}ßes und seri{\"o}ses Design, welches sich von anderen Organisationen abhebt, kann die Zielgruppe erweitert und die Bedeutsamkeit der Arbeit hervorgehoben werden. Das neue Erscheinungsbild beruht auf der Idee, dass sich die Informationen unter der Meeresoberfl{\"a}che befinden. Die Linie, die den Meeresspiegel visualisiert, dient außerdem medien{\"u}bergreifend als Orientierungshilfe.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Traut2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Traut, Eva Melina}, title = {Vom {\"O}ko-Dino zur Lifestyle-Marke : Rebranding f{\"u}r die Bio-Lebensmittelmarke Alnatura}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {49 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Das Thema „Bio" ist auf dem Markt l{\"a}ngst zu einem Mainstream geworden und vor allem bei j{\"u}ngeren Zielgruppen sehr gefragt. Umso wichtiger ist es f{\"u}r Bio-Marken wie ALNATURA, sich zu definieren, um neben innovativen, nachhaltigen Start-up-Marken noch aufzufallen. Aktuell ist ALNATURA vorwiegend aufgrund der hochwertigen Produkte sowie einer transparenten Kommunikation bekannt. Jedoch fehlt es den Produkten an einheitlichem Design mit Wiedererkennungswert. Diese Arbeit zeigt einen Ansatz f{\"u}r ein neues, zeitgem{\"a}ßes Gestaltungskonzept. Im Zuge dessen wurde das Unternehmenslogo modifiziert sowie Farben, Schrift und Gestaltungsraster neu definiert. Um das neue Image der Marke bekannt zu machen, wurde zudem eine Plakatkampagne entwickelt. Das Projekt zeigt, wie sich eine Bio-Marke weg vom {\"O}ko-Image und hin zu einer modernen Lifestyle-Marke mit Relevanz entwickeln kann.}, language = {de} } @article{TranTrinhDaoetal.2022, author = {Tran, Ngoc Trinh and Trinh, Tu Luc and Dao, Ngoc Tien and Giap, Van Tan and Truong, Manh Khuyen and Dinh, Thuy Ha and Staat, Manfred}, title = {FEM shakedown analysis of structures under random strength with chance constrained programming}, series = {Vietnam Journal of Mechanics}, volume = {44}, journal = {Vietnam Journal of Mechanics}, number = {4}, publisher = {Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST)}, issn = {0866-7136}, doi = {10.15625/0866-7136/17943}, pages = {459 -- 473}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Direct methods, comprising limit and shakedown analysis, are a branch of computational mechanics. They play a significant role in mechanical and civil engineering design. The concept of direct methods aims to determine the ultimate load carrying capacity of structures beyond the elastic range. In practical problems, the direct methods lead to nonlinear convex optimization problems with a large number of variables and constraints. If strength and loading are random quantities, the shakedown analysis can be formulated as stochastic programming problem. In this paper, a method called chance constrained programming is presented, which is an effective method of stochastic programming to solve shakedown analysis problems under random conditions of strength. In this study, the loading is deterministic, and the strength is a normally or lognormally distributed variable.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{TranTrinhDaoetal.2022, author = {Tran, Ngoc Trinh and Trinh, Tu Luc and Dao, Ngoc Tien and Giap, Van Tan and Truong, Manh Khuyen and Dinh, Thuy Ha and Staat, Manfred}, title = {Limit and shakedown analysis of structures under random strength}, series = {Proceedings of (NACOME2022) The 11th National Conference on Mechanics, Vol. 1. Solid Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Artificial Intelligence, Teaching and Training}, booktitle = {Proceedings of (NACOME2022) The 11th National Conference on Mechanics, Vol. 1. Solid Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Artificial Intelligence, Teaching and Training}, publisher = {Nha xuat ban Khoa hoc tu nhien va Cong nghe (Verlag Naturwissenschaft und Technik)}, address = {Hanoi}, isbn = {978-604-357-084-7}, pages = {510 -- 518}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Direct methods comprising limit and shakedown analysis is a branch of computational mechanics. It plays a significant role in mechanical and civil engineering design. The concept of direct method aims to determinate the ultimate load bearing capacity of structures beyond the elastic range. For practical problems, the direct methods lead to nonlinear convex optimization problems with a large number of variables and onstraints. If strength and loading are random quantities, the problem of shakedown analysis is considered as stochastic programming. This paper presents a method so called chance constrained programming, an effective method of stochastic programming, to solve shakedown analysis problem under random condition of strength. In this our investigation, the loading is deterministic, the strength is distributed as normal or lognormal variables.}, language = {en} } @article{TopcuMadabhushiStaat2022, author = {Top{\c{c}}u, Murat and Madabhushi, Gopal S.P. and Staat, Manfred}, title = {A generalized shear-lag theory for elastic stress transfer between matrix and fibres having a variable radius}, series = {International Journal of Solids and Structures}, volume = {239-240}, journal = {International Journal of Solids and Structures}, number = {Art. No. 111464}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {New York, NY}, issn = {0020-7683}, doi = {10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2022.111464}, year = {2022}, abstract = {A generalized shear-lag theory for fibres with variable radius is developed to analyse elastic fibre/matrix stress transfer. The theory accounts for the reinforcement of biological composites, such as soft tissue and bone tissue, as well as for the reinforcement of technical composite materials, such as fibre-reinforced polymers (FRP). The original shear-lag theory proposed by Cox in 1952 is generalized for fibres with variable radius and with symmetric and asymmetric ends. Analytical solutions are derived for the distribution of axial and interfacial shear stress in cylindrical and elliptical fibres, as well as conical and paraboloidal fibres with asymmetric ends. Additionally, the distribution of axial and interfacial shear stress for conical and paraboloidal fibres with symmetric ends are numerically predicted. The results are compared with solutions from axisymmetric finite element models. A parameter study is performed, to investigate the suitability of alternative fibre geometries for use in FRP.}, language = {en} } @misc{TopcuMadabhushiStaat2022, author = {Topcu, Murat and Madabhushi, Gopal Santana Phani and Staat, Manfred}, title = {Datasets from FEM Simulations done with COMSOL Multiphysics and Code_Aster}, doi = {10.6084/m9.figshare.19333295.v2}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Datasets from FEM Simulations done with COMSOL Multiphysics and Code_Aster for an elastic stress transfer between matrix and fibres having a variable radius.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Toma2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Toma, Paul}, title = {Scriptum : Geochronologische Darstellung der Schriftentstehung vom 33. Jh. v. Chr. bis heute}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {159 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Scriptum ist ein Interface mit Installationscharakter, welches die geschichtliche Entstehung von Schriftsystemen aus einer geochronologischen Perspektive darstellt. Die Installation wurde haupts{\"a}chlich f{\"u}r Museumsausstellungen konzipiert und besteht aus einer Wandprojektion, die durch iPads im Raum von mehreren Nutzern gleichzeitig gesteuert werden kann. Auf der Projektion sind alle 145 von Noto Sans unterst{\"u}tzten Schriftsysteme zu finden, die nach ihrer {\"o}rtlichen Entstehung auf einer Weltkarte platziert wurden. Die Arbeit beruht auf dem wissenschaftlichen Datensatz aus dem Projekt „The World's Writing Systems" aufrufbar unter www.worldswritingsystems.org. Neben dem Informierungszweck dient die Installation auch als ein Ausrufezeichen f{\"u}r die Idee, dass Schrift ein wichtiger Aspekt unseres Kulturerbes ist und als ein Spiegel f{\"u}r die Evolution der Menschheit betrachtet werden kann.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Timme2022, author = {Timme, Michael}, title = {Wettbewerbsregeln (\S\S 24-27)}, series = {M{\"u}nchener Kommentar zum europ{\"a}ischen und deutschen Wettbewerbsrecht : Kartellrecht, Beihilfenrecht, Vergaberecht / hrsg von Franz J{\"u}rgen S{\"a}cker / Band 2: Deutsches Wettbewerbsrecht Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschr{\"a}nkungen (GWB), \S\S 1-96, 185, 186}, booktitle = {M{\"u}nchener Kommentar zum europ{\"a}ischen und deutschen Wettbewerbsrecht : Kartellrecht, Beihilfenrecht, Vergaberecht / hrsg von Franz J{\"u}rgen S{\"a}cker / Band 2: Deutsches Wettbewerbsrecht Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschr{\"a}nkungen (GWB), \S\S 1-96, 185, 186}, publisher = {Beck}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-406-75876-8}, pages = {589 -- 608}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @article{Timme2022, author = {Timme, Michael}, title = {Beweislast beim gutgl{\"a}ubigen Erwerb eines Kraftfahrzeugs ohne Erhalt der Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil II — Zugleich eine Besprechung von BGH, Urt. v. 23.9.2022 - V ZR 148/21, MDR 2022, 1542}, series = {Monatsschrift f{\"u}r Deutsches Recht}, volume = {77}, journal = {Monatsschrift f{\"u}r Deutsches Recht}, number = {1}, publisher = {Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, issn = {0340-1812}, doi = {doi.org/10.9785/mdtr-2023-770102}, pages = {r5 -- r7}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Im Handel mit Kraftfahrzeugen geh{\"o}ren Aspekte des gutgl{\"a}ubigen Erwerbs zu den beinahe allt{\"a}glichen Standardproblemen. Der BGH f{\"u}gt in seiner Entscheidung v. 23.9.2022-VZR148/21, MDR 2022, 1541 diesem im Detail breit gef{\"a}cherten Themenfeld einen weiteren Mosaikstein hinzu: Der Erwerber erhielt das verkaufte Kfz ohne {\"U}bergabe einer Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil II, behauptet aber, diese Bescheinigung sei dem vom ihm eingeschalteten Vermittler bei Erwerb (als F{\"a}lschung) vorgelegt worden. Tats{\"a}chlich befand sich das Original durchg{\"a}ngig beim wahren Eigent{\"u}mer, der nunmehr Herausgabe des Fahrzeugs verlangt. Der BGH sch{\"u}tzt in dieser Gestaltung im Ergebnis den Erwerber. Die Entscheidung ist in mehrfacher Hinsicht bemerkenswert.}, language = {de} } @article{ThiebesKleinZingsheimetal.2022, author = {Thiebes, Anja Lena and Klein, Sarah and Zingsheim, Jonas and M{\"o}ller, Georg H. and G{\"u}rzing, Stefanie and Reddemann, Manuel A. and Behbahani, Mehdi and Cornelissen, Christian G.}, title = {Effervescent atomizer as novel cell spray technology to decrease the gas-to-liquid ratio}, series = {pharmaceutics}, volume = {14}, journal = {pharmaceutics}, number = {11}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, doi = {10.3390/pharmaceutics14112421}, pages = {Artikel 2421}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Cell spraying has become a feasible application method for cell therapy and tissue engineering approaches. Different devices have been used with varying success. Often, twin-fluid atomizers are used, which require a high gas velocity for optimal aerosolization characteristics. To decrease the amount and velocity of required air, a custom-made atomizer was designed based on the effervescent principle. Different designs were evaluated regarding spray characteristics and their influence on human adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells. The arithmetic mean diameters of the droplets were 15.4-33.5 µm with decreasing diameters for increasing gas-to-liquid ratios. The survival rate was >90\% of the control for the lowest gas-to-liquid ratio. For higher ratios, cell survival decreased to approximately 50\%. Further experiments were performed with the design, which had shown the highest survival rates. After seven days, no significant differences in metabolic activity were observed. The apoptosis rates were not influenced by aerosolization, while high gas-to-liquid ratios caused increased necrosis levels. Tri-lineage differentiation potential into adipocytes, chondrocytes, and osteoblasts was not negatively influenced by aerosolization. Thus, the effervescent aerosolization principle was proven suitable for cell applications requiring reduced amounts of supplied air. This is the first time an effervescent atomizer was used for cell processing.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Theis2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Theis, Alina Naomi}, title = {Nur ein Freitag : Ein Kurzfilm {\"u}ber Verlust und Freundschaft im Schatten des Zweiten Weltkrieges.}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {103 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Der Film zeigt die wahre Geschichte des 15-j{\"a}hrigen Hans Jokisch, welche auf den Erz{\"a}hlungen seiner j{\"u}ngeren Schwester, der Zeitzeugin Maria Theis (geb. Jokisch), beruhen. Der Fokus liegt auf der Sichtweise von Kindern und Jugendlichen, einer Generation, die mit dem und im Zweiten Weltkrieg aufgewachsen ist und die gleichzeitig die letzte Generation ist, die uns das Erlebte noch aus erster Hand berichten kann. Hans gelangt mit seiner Familie nach einer harten Flucht vor der Frontlinie zur{\"u}ck in seine Heimat in Schlesien. Doch ihr geliebtes Heim ist besetzt von Familie Sch{\"o}ppe. Sie haben keine Wahl, die beiden Familien m{\"u}ssen sich das Haus von nun an teilen. Im Laufe der Zeit wird das Jokisch Haus auch f{\"u}r Familie Sch{\"o}ppe ein Zuhause und Hans freundet sich mit dem Jungen Bruno Sch{\"o}ppe an. Als Deutschland 1945 kapituliert und Schlesien nun zu Polen geh{\"o}rt, m{\"u}ssen pl{\"o}tzlich beide Familien endg{\"u}ltig das Haus und all ihren Besitz zur{\"u}cklassen. Hans und Bruno beschließen, die Zwangsenteignung nicht hinzunehmen, doch ihr naiver Plan wird ihnen fast zum Verh{\"a}ngnis.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{TamaldinMansorMatYaminetal.2022, author = {Tamaldin, Noreffendy and Mansor, Muhd Rizuan and Mat Yamin, Ahmad Kamal and Bin Abdollah, Mohd Fadzli and Esch, Thomas and Tonoli, Andrea and Reisinger, Karl Heinz and Sprenger, Hanna and Razuli, Hisham}, title = {Development of UTeM United Future Fuel Design Training Center Under Erasmus+ United Program}, series = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICE-SEAM 2021), Melaka, Malaysia}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICE-SEAM 2021), Melaka, Malaysia}, editor = {Bin Abdollah, Mohd Fadzli and Amiruddin, Hilmi and Singh, Amrik Singh Phuman and Munir, Fudhail Abdul and Ibrahim, Asriana}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {Singapore}, isbn = {978-981-19-3178-9}, issn = {2195-4356}, doi = {10.1007/978-981-19-3179-6_50}, pages = {274 -- 278}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The industrial revolution IR4.0 era have driven many states of the art technologies to be introduced especially in the automotive industry. The rapid development of automotive industries in Europe have created wide industry gap between European Union (EU) and developing countries such as in South-East Asia (SEA). Indulging this situation, FH Joanneum, Austria together with European partners from FH Aachen, Germany and Politecnico Di Torino, Italy is taking initiative to close the gap utilizing the Erasmus+ United grant from EU. A consortium was founded to engage with automotive technology transfer using the European ramework to Malaysian, Indonesian and Thailand Higher Education Institutions (HEI) as well as automotive industries. This could be achieved by establishing Engineering Knowledge Transfer Unit (EKTU) in respective SEA institutions guided by the industry partners in their respective countries. This EKTU could offer updated, innovative, and high-quality training courses to increase graduate's employability in higher education institutions and strengthen relations between HEI and the wider economic and social environment by addressing Universityindustry cooperation which is the regional priority for Asia. It is expected that, the Capacity Building Initiative would improve the quality of higher education and enhancing its relevance for the labor market and society in the SEA partners. The outcome of this project would greatly benefit the partners in strong and complementary partnership targeting the automotive industry and enhanced larger scale international cooperation between the European and SEA partners. It would also prepare the SEA HEI in sustainable partnership with Automotive industry in the region as a mean of income generation in the future.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Surowiec2022, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Surowiec, Julia Andrea}, title = {Das wahre Gewicht des Smartphones : eine informative Erfahrung zu den {\"o}kologischen Auswirkungen}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {70 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Das Smartphone geh{\"o}rt zu den innovativsten Ger{\"a}ten unserer Zeit und befindet sich in einem st{\"a}ndigen Wandel, der nach immer mehr Leistung, gr{\"o}ßeren Displays und besseren Kameras strebt. Mit neuen Modellen, die j{\"a}hrlich auf den Markt kommen und den Milliarden Smartphones, die verkauft werden, entsteht aber nicht nur ein großer Markt voller Angebote, sondern gleichzeitig große Probleme f{\"u}r unsere Umwelt und letztlich auch f{\"u}r uns. Die Smartphone-Industrie schadet massiv unserem {\"O}kosystem. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist die Aufkl{\"a}rung {\"u}ber die Auswirkungen der Smartphone-Industrie. Daf{\"u}r wurden Visualisierung zu Daten und Prozessen gestaltet, die viele Aspekte des Lebenszyklus des Smartphones mit einbeziehen. Die Betrachter:innen sollen so informativ aufgekl{\"a}rt werden, ihren eigenen Konsum zu dem Thema {\"u}berdenken und ein Bewusstsein f{\"u}r ihren Elektronikverbrauch entwickeln.}, language = {de} } @article{StaeudleSeynnesLapsetal.2022, author = {St{\"a}udle, Benjamin and Seynnes, Olivier and Laps, Guido and Br{\"u}ggemann, Gert-Peter and Albracht, Kirsten}, title = {Altered gastrocnemius contractile behavior in former achilles tendon rupture patients during walking}, series = {Frontiers in Physiology}, volume = {13}, journal = {Frontiers in Physiology}, publisher = {Frontiers Research Foundation}, address = {Lausanne}, issn = {1664-042X}, doi = {10.3389/fphys.2022.792576}, pages = {12 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Achilles tendon rupture (ATR) remains associated with functional limitations years after injury. Architectural remodeling of the gastrocnemius medialis (GM) muscle is typically observed in the affected leg and may compensate force deficits caused by a longer tendon. Yet patients seem to retain functional limitations during—low-force—walking gait. To explore the potential limits imposed by the remodeled GM muscle-tendon unit (MTU) on walking gait, we examined the contractile behavior of muscle fascicles during the stance phase. In a cross-sectional design, we studied nine former patients (males; age: 45 ± 9 years; height: 180 ± 7 cm; weight: 83 ± 6 kg) with a history of complete unilateral ATR, approximately 4 years post-surgery. Using ultrasonography, GM tendon morphology, muscle architecture at rest, and fascicular behavior were assessed during walking at 1.5 m⋅s-1 on a treadmill. Walking patterns were recorded with a motion capture system. The unaffected leg served as control. Lower limbs kinematics were largely similar between legs during walking. Typical features of ATR-related MTU remodeling were observed during the stance sub-phases corresponding to series elastic element (SEE) lengthening (energy storage) and SEE shortening (energy release), with shorter GM fascicles (36 and 36\%, respectively) and greater pennation angles (8° and 12°, respectively). However, relative to the optimal fascicle length for force production, fascicles operated at comparable length in both legs. Similarly, when expressed relative to optimal fascicle length, fascicle contraction velocity was not different between sides, except at the time-point of peak series elastic element (SEE) length, where it was 39 ± 49\% lower in the affected leg. Concomitantly, fascicles rotation during contraction was greater in the affected leg during the whole stance-phase, and architectural gear ratios (AGR) was larger during SEE lengthening. Under the present testing conditions, former ATR patients had recovered a relatively symmetrical walking gait pattern. Differences in seen AGR seem to accommodate the profound changes in MTU architecture, limiting the required fascicle shortening velocity. Overall, the contractile behavior of the GM fascicles does not restrict length- or velocity-dependent force potentials during this locomotor task.}, language = {en} } @incollection{StriebingMuellerSchraudneretal.2022, author = {Striebing, Clemens and M{\"u}ller, J{\"o}rg and Schraudner, Martina and Gewinner, Irina Valerie and Guerrero Morales, Patricia and Hochfeld, Katharina and Hoffman, Shekinah and Kmec, Julie A. and Nguyen, Huu Minh and Schneider, Jannick and Sheridan, Jennifer and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Trimble O'Connor, Lindsey and Vandevelde-Rougale, Agn{\`e}s}, title = {Promoting diversity and combatting discrimination in research organizations: a practitioner's guide}, series = {Diversity and discrimination in research organizations}, booktitle = {Diversity and discrimination in research organizations}, publisher = {Emerald Publishing Limited}, address = {Bingley}, isbn = {978-1-80117-959-1 (Print)}, doi = {10.1108/978-1-80117-956-020221012}, pages = {421 -- 442}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The essay is addressed to practitioners in research management and from academic leadership. It describes which measures can contribute to creating an inclusive climate for research teams and preventing and effectively dealing with discrimination. The practical recommendations consider the policy and organizational levels, as well as the individual perspective of research managers. Following a series of basic recommendations, six lessons learned are formulated, derived from the contributions to the edited collection on "Diversity and Discrimination in Research Organizations."}, language = {en} } @incollection{SteuerDankertLeichtScholten2022, author = {Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen}, title = {Perceiving diversity : an explorative approach in a complex research organization.}, series = {Diversity and discrimination in research organizations}, booktitle = {Diversity and discrimination in research organizations}, publisher = {Emerald Publishing Limited}, address = {Bingley}, isbn = {978-1-80117-959-1 (Print)}, doi = {10.1108/978-1-80117-956-020221010}, pages = {365 -- 392}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Diversity management is seen as a decisive factor for ensuring the development of socially responsible innovations (Beacham and Shambaugh, 2011; Sonntag, 2014; L{\´o}pez, 2015; Uebernickel et al., 2015). However, many diversity management approaches fail due to a one-sided consideration of diversity (Thomas and Ely, 2019) and a lacking linkage between the prevailing organizational culture and the perception of diversity in the respective organization. Reflecting the importance of diverse perspectives, research institutions have a special responsibility to actively deal with diversity, as they are publicly funded institutions that drive socially relevant development and educate future generations of developers, leaders and decision-makers. Nevertheless, only a few studies have so far dealt with the influence of the special framework conditions of the science system on diversity management. Focusing on the interdependency of the organizational culture and diversity management especially in a university research environment, this chapter aims in a first step to provide a theoretical perspective on the framework conditions of a complex research organization in Germany in order to understand the system-specific factors influencing diversity management. In a second step, an exploratory cluster analysis is presented, investigating the perception of diversity and possible influencing factors moderating this perception in a scientific organization. Combining both steps, the results show specific mechanisms and structures of the university research environment that have an impact on diversity management and rigidify structural barriers preventing an increase of diversity. The quantitative study also points out that the management level takes on a special role model function in the scientific system and thus has an influence on the perception of diversity. Consequently, when developing diversity management approaches in research organizations, it is necessary to consider the top-down direction of action, the special nature of organizational structures in the university research environment as well as the special role of the professorial level as role model for the scientific staff.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{StaatTran2022, author = {Staat, Manfred and Tran, Ngoc Trinh}, title = {Strain based brittle failure criteria for rocks}, series = {Proceedings of (NACOME2022) The 11th National Conference on Mechanics, Vol. 1. Solid Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Artificial Intelligence, Teaching and Training}, booktitle = {Proceedings of (NACOME2022) The 11th National Conference on Mechanics, Vol. 1. Solid Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Artificial Intelligence, Teaching and Training}, publisher = {Nha xuat ban Khoa hoc tu nhien va Cong nghe (Verlag Naturwissenschaft und Technik)}, address = {Hanoi}, isbn = {978-604-357-084-7}, pages = {500 -- 509}, year = {2022}, abstract = {When confining pressure is low or absent, extensional fractures are typical, with fractures occurring on unloaded planes in rock. These "paradox" fractures can be explained by a phenomenological extension strain failure criterion. In the past, a simple empirical criterion for fracture initiation in brittle rock has been developed. But this criterion makes unrealistic strength predictions in biaxial compression and tension. A new extension strain criterion overcomes this limitation by adding a weighted principal shear component. The weight is chosen, such that the enriched extension strain criterion represents the same failure surface as the Mohr-Coulomb (MC) criterion. Thus, the MC criterion has been derived as an extension strain criterion predicting failure modes, which are unexpected in the understanding of the failure of cohesive-frictional materials. In progressive damage of rock, the most likely fracture direction is orthogonal to the maximum extension strain. The enriched extension strain criterion is proposed as a threshold surface for crack initiation CI and crack damage CD and as a failure surface at peak P. Examples show that the enriched extension strain criterion predicts much lower volumes of damaged rock mass compared to the simple extension strain criterion.}, language = {en} } @misc{Seifert2022, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Seifert, Maren}, title = {Natura Urbis : evolution{\"a}re Prozesse in St{\"a}dten}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {315 Seiten}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Leider zieht es nicht nur uns in die St{\"a}dte. Weil das Wachstum urbaner Gebiete immer tiefer in ihre nat{\"u}rlichen Lebensr{\"a}ume einschneidet, sind viele Tiere und Pflanzen gezwungen, sich den Raum mit dem Menschen zu teilen. Und die, die dort den rauen Bedingungen nicht standhalten k{\"o}nnen, laufen Gefahr, auszusterben. Das Verhalten der Gesellschaft tr{\"a}gt somit zunehmend mehr Verantwortung f{\"u}r den Erhalt der Artenvielfalt, und die Entwicklung von Stadtlandschaften ist l{\"a}ngst zu einer {\"o}kologischen Herausforderung geworden. Je gr{\"o}ßer die Stadt, desto mehr Menschen. Je mehr Menschen, desto schneller auch die evolution{\"a}ren Prozesse, die die Zukunft formen. Diese Masterarbeit m{\"o}chte das Bewusstsein {\"u}ber die Konsequenzen und Chancen unserer Entscheidungen schulen. Der edukative N{\"a}hrwert der Erlebnis-App "Natura Urbis" wird {\"u}ber {\"u}ber zahlreiche informative Beitr{\"a}ge und interaktive Stationen geschaffen. Letztere zeigen spielerisch die faszinierende Sch{\"o}nheit und Harmonie der Natur auf und sind so konzipiert, dass sie auch im Ausstellungskontext Verwendung finden k{\"o}nnten. Denn um Leben zu retten, m{\"u}ssen St{\"a}dte endlich gr{\"u}ner gestaltet werden.}, language = {de} } @article{SchwagerFleschSchwarzboezletal.2022, author = {Schwager, Christian and Flesch, Robert and Schwarzb{\"o}zl, Peter and Herrmann, Ulf and Teixeira Boura, Cristiano Jos{\´e}}, title = {Advanced two phase flow model for transient molten salt receiver system simulation}, series = {Solar Energy}, volume = {232}, journal = {Solar Energy}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0038-092X (print)}, doi = {10.1016/j.solener.2021.12.065}, pages = {362 -- 375}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In order to realistically predict and optimize the actual performance of a concentrating solar power (CSP) plant sophisticated simulation models and methods are required. This paper presents a detailed dynamic simulation model for a Molten Salt Solar Tower (MST) system, which is capable of simulating transient operation including detailed startup and shutdown procedures including drainage and refill. For appropriate representation of the transient behavior of the receiver as well as replication of local bulk and surface temperatures a discretized receiver model based on a novel homogeneous two-phase (2P) flow modelling approach is implemented in Modelica Dymola®. This allows for reasonable representation of the very different hydraulic and thermal properties of molten salt versus air as well as the transition between both. This dynamic 2P receiver model is embedded in a comprehensive one-dimensional model of a commercial scale MST system and coupled with a transient receiver flux density distribution from raytracing based heliostat field simulation. This enables for detailed process prediction with reasonable computational effort, while providing data such as local salt film and wall temperatures, realistic control behavior as well as net performance of the overall system. Besides a model description, this paper presents some results of a validation as well as the simulation of a complete startup procedure. Finally, a study on numerical simulation performance and grid dependencies is presented and discussed.}, language = {en} }