@article{HacklNacovKammerlohretal.2021, author = {Hackl, Michael and Nacov, Julia and Kammerlohr, Sandra and Staat, Manfred and Buess, Eduard and Leschinger, Tim and M{\"u}ller, Lars-Peter and Wegmann, Kilian}, title = {Intratendinous Strain Variations of the Supraspinatus Tendon Depending on Repair Technique: A Biomechanical Analysis Regarding the Cause of Medial Cuff Failure}, series = {The American Journal of Sports Medicine}, volume = {49}, journal = {The American Journal of Sports Medicine}, number = {7}, publisher = {Sage}, address = {London}, issn = {1552-3365}, doi = {10.1177/03635465211006138}, pages = {1847 -- 1853}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SchulzeBuxlohGross2021, author = {Schulze-Buxloh, Lina and Groß, Rolf Fritz}, title = {Interdisciplinary Course Smart Building Engineering: A new approach of teaching freshmen in remote teamwork project under pandemic restrictions}, series = {New Perspectives in Science Education - International Conference}, booktitle = {New Perspectives in Science Education - International Conference}, publisher = {Filodiritto}, address = {Bologna}, pages = {4 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In the context of the Corona pandemic and its impact on teaching like digital lectures and exercises a new concept especially for freshmen in demanding courses of Smart Building Engineering became necessary. As there were hardly any face-to-face events at the university, the new teaching concept should enable a good start into engineering studies under pandemic conditions anyway and should also replace the written exam at the end. The students should become active themselves in small teams instead of listening passively to a lecture broadcast online with almost no personal contact. For this purpose, a role play was developed in which the freshmen had to work out a complete solution to the realistic problem of designing, construction planning and implementing a small guesthouse. Each student of the team had to take a certain role like architect, site manager, BIM-manager, electrician and the technitian for HVAC installations. Technical specifications must be complied with, as well as documentation, time planning and cost estimate. The final project folder had to contain technical documents like circuit diagrams for electrical components, circuit diagrams for water and heating, design calculations and components lists. On the other hand construction schedule, construction implementation plan, documentation of the construction progress and minutes of meetings between the various trades had to be submitted as well. In addition to the project folder, a model of the construction project must also be created either as a handmade model or as a digital 3D-model using Computer-aided design (CAD) software. The first steps in the field of Building information modelling (BIM) had also been taken by creating a digital model of the building showing the current planning status in real time as a digital twin. This project turned out to be an excellent training of important student competencies like teamwork, communication skills, and self -organisation and also increased motivation to work on complex technical questions. The aim of giving the student a first impression on the challenges and solutions in building projects with many different technical trades and their points of view was very well achieved and should be continued in the future.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Butenweg2021, author = {Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Integrated approach for monitoring and management of buildings with digital building models and modern sensor technologies}, series = {Proceedings of the International Conference Civil Engineering 2021 - Achievements and Visions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference Civil Engineering 2021 - Achievements and Visions}, editor = {Kuzmanović, Vladan and Ignjatović, Ivan}, publisher = {University of Belgrade}, address = {Belgrade}, pages = {67 -- 75}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Nowadays modern high-performance buildings and facilities are equipped with monitoring systems and sensors to control building characteristics like energy consumption, temperature pattern and structural safety. The visualization and interpretation of sensor data is typically based on simple spreadsheets and non-standardized user-oriented solutions, which makes it difficult for building owners, facility managers and decision-makers to evaluate and understand the data. The solution of this problem in the future are integrated BIM-Sensor approaches which allow the generation of BIM models incorporating all relevant information of monitoring systems. These approaches support both the dynamic visualization of key structural performance parameters, the effective long-term management of sensor data based on BIM and provide a user-friendly interface to communicate with various stakeholders. A major benefit for the end user is the use of the BIM software architecture, which is the future standard anyway. In the following, the application of the integrated BIM-Sensor approach is illustrated for a typical industrial facility as a part of an early warning and rapid response system for earthquake events currently developed in the research project "ROBUST" with financial support by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWI).}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Schmitz2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Schmitz, Jennifer}, title = {Inklusives Design: Multisensorisches Branding f{\"u}r sehbehinderte, blinde und sehende Menschen}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {77 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Multisensorisches Branding bezeichnet die Gestaltung f{\"u}r mindestens zwei Sinne. Diese Bachelorarbeit beinhaltet daher ein Konzept, um sehbehinderten Menschen und Blinden das Branding einer Marke im Bereich der Bekleidungsindustrie zug{\"a}nglich zu machen. Durch die gezielte Kombination von Haptik und Optik ist im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eine Bekleidungsmarke entstanden, deren Textilien jegliche Informationen f{\"u}r sehbehinderte und blinde Menschen enthalten, ohne dabei auf eine ansprechende Optik f{\"u}r Sehende zu verzichten. Vor allem durch neu entwickelte Open Source Symbole, die f{\"u}hlbar sind, und einen Barcode wird Betroffenen in Zukunft der Kauf von Bekleidung sowie der Waschvorgang erleichtert.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{ŠakićMilijašMarinkovićetal.2021, author = {Šakić, Bogdan and Milijaš, Aleksa and Marinković, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {Influence of prior in-plane damage on the out-of-plane response of non-load bearing unreinforced masonry walls under seismic load}, series = {Proceedings of COMPDYN 2021}, booktitle = {Proceedings of COMPDYN 2021}, editor = {Papadrakakis, Manolis and Fragiadakis, Michalis}, publisher = {National Technical University of Athens}, address = {Athen}, isbn = {9786188507258}, issn = {2623-3347}, doi = {10.7712/120121.8527.18913}, pages = {808 -- 828}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Reinforced concrete frames with masonry infill walls are popular form of construction all over the world as well in seismic regions. While severe earthquakes can cause high level of damage of both reinforced concrete and masonry infills, earthquakes of lower to medium intensity some-times can cause significant level of damage of masonry infill walls. Especially important is the level of damage of face loaded infill masonry walls (out-of-plane direction) as out-of-plane load cannot only bring high level of damage to the wall, it can also be life-threating for the people near the wall. The response in out-of-plane direction directly depends on the prior in-plane damage, as previous investigation shown that it decreases resistance capacity of the in-fills. Behaviour of infill masonry walls with and without prior in-plane load is investigated in the experimental campaign and the results are presented in this paper. These results are later compared with analytical approaches for the out-of-plane resistance from the literature. Conclusions based on the experimental campaign on the influence of prior in-plane damage on the out-of-plane response of infill walls are compared with the conclusions from other authors who investigated the same problematic.}, language = {en} } @article{BrockhausBehbahaniMurisetal.2021, author = {Brockhaus, Moritz K. and Behbahani, Mehdi and Muris, Farina and Jansen, Sebastian V. and Schmitz-Rode, Thomas and Steinseifer, Ulrich and Clauser, Johanna C.}, title = {In vitro thrombogenicity testing of pulsatile mechanical circulatory support systems: Design and proof-of-concept}, series = {Artificial Organs}, volume = {45}, journal = {Artificial Organs}, number = {12}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {1525-1594}, doi = {10.1111/aor.14046}, pages = {1513 -- 1521}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Thrombogenic complications are a main issue in mechanical circulatory support (MCS). There is no validated in vitro method available to quantitatively assess the thrombogenic performance of pulsatile MCS devices under realistic hemodynamic conditions. The aim of this study is to propose a method to evaluate the thrombogenic potential of new designs without the use of complex in-vivo trials. This study presents a novel in vitro method for reproducible thrombogenicity testing of pulsatile MCS systems using low molecular weight heparinized porcine blood. Blood parameters are continuously measured with full blood thromboelastometry (ROTEM; EXTEM, FIBTEM and a custom-made analysis HEPNATEM). Thrombus formation is optically observed after four hours of testing. The results of three experiments are presented each with two parallel loops. The area of thrombus formation inside the MCS device was reproducible. The implantation of a filter inside the loop catches embolizing thrombi without a measurable increase of platelet activation, allowing conclusions of the place of origin of thrombi inside the device. EXTEM and FIBTEM parameters such as clotting velocity (α) and maximum clot firmness (MCF) show a total decrease by around 6\% with a characteristic kink after 180 minutes. HEPNATEM α and MCF rise within the first 180 minutes indicate a continuously increasing activation level of coagulation. After 180 minutes, the consumption of clotting factors prevails, resulting in a decrease of α and MCF. With the designed mock loop and the presented protocol we are able to identify thrombogenic hot spots inside a pulsatile pump and characterize their thrombogenic potential.}, language = {en} } @article{LowisFergusonPaulssenetal.2021, author = {Lowis, Carsten and Ferguson, Simon and Paulßen, Elisabeth and Hoehr, Cornelia}, title = {Improved Sc-44 production in a siphon-style liquid target on a medical cyclotron}, series = {Applied Radiation and Isotopes}, volume = {172}, journal = {Applied Radiation and Isotopes}, number = {Art. 109675}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0969-8043}, doi = {10.1016/j.apradiso.2021.109675}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Najarov2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Najarov, Azer}, title = {Ich sehe was, was Du nicht siehst: Herkunft \& Identit{\"a}t j{\"u}discher Menschen in Deutschland nach der Nachkriegszeit}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {105 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Wir alle haben schon einmal von ihnen geh{\"o}rt. Die einen kennen sie aus dem Geschichtsunterricht, die anderen haben sie vielleicht auch schon mal bewusst oder unbewusst auf der Straße gesehen. Einige sind es sogar selbst. Die Rede ist von j{\"u}dischen Menschen in Deutschland. In unserer Bundesrepublik wird die j{\"u}dische Bev{\"o}lkerung unausweichlich mit dem Gedanken des Holocausts verbunden. J{\"u}dinnen und Juden wird somit eine Identit{\"a}t zugesprochen, mit der sie nichts zu tun haben. Es findet eine Stigmatisierung statt. Dabei sind j{\"u}dische Menschen heutzutage so divers wie noch nie. Das Printmedium »Ich sehe was, was Du nicht siehst« beleuchtet diese selten wahrgenommene Diversit{\"a}t und zeigt durch spannende Interviews eine j{\"u}dische Welt, die außerhalb der NS-Verbrechen liegt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus findet man Informationen zu verschiedenen j{\"u}dischen Br{\"a}uchen, historischen Ereignissen und interessanten Infografiken. }, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Devjatko2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Devjatko, Elli}, title = {Hyphan - ein modulares Sitzsystem mit intelligenten Materialien}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {173 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Hyphan ist ein modulares System, welches sich aus diversen Grundelementen aufbaut. Die M{\"o}glichkeiten des Aufbaus sind vielseitig und Umfangreich. Achsiale- sowie lineare Erweiterung sorgen f{\"u}r ein Modul Umfang, der zahlreiche Fl{\"a}che erschaffen kann. So kann L{\"a}nge und Tiefe eines Objekts umfangreich sowie vielf{\"a}ltig gestaltet werden. Hyphan wendet sich an die Bed{\"u}rfnisse der Neuen Generationen, versucht flexibel in seiner Form zu sein und zuverl{\"a}ssig, langlebig und qualitativ in seinem Material. Durch die Diskussion {\"u}ber die neuen Formen der Mobilit{\"a}t und dem Nachhaltigkeitsaspekt sehe ich in der Gestaltung von urbanen Knotenpunkten und ihren Interior sehr großes Potenzial f{\"u}r Hyphan.}, language = {de} } @article{DickhoffHorikawaFunke2021, author = {Dickhoff, Jens and Horikawa, Atsushi and Funke, Harald}, title = {Hydrogen Combustion - new DLE Combustor Addresses NOx Emissions and Flashback}, series = {Turbomachinery international : the global journal of energy equipment}, volume = {62}, journal = {Turbomachinery international : the global journal of energy equipment}, number = {4}, publisher = {MJH Life Sciences}, address = {Cranbury}, issn = {2767-2328}, pages = {26 -- 27}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @article{ErpicumCrookstonBombardellietal.2021, author = {Erpicum, Sebastien and Crookston, Brian M. and Bombardelli, Fabian and Bung, Daniel Bernhard and Felder, Stefan and Mulligan, Sean and Oertel, Mario and Palermo, Michele}, title = {Hydraulic structures engineering: An evolving science in a changing world}, series = {Wires Water}, volume = {8}, journal = {Wires Water}, number = {2}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {2049-1948}, doi = {10.1002/wat2.1505}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Keller2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Keller, Valeria}, title = {HUMAN(E): Ein Projekt zur Humanisierung der Arbeitswelt}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {49 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {"HUMAN(E) at work" ist ein Projekt, welches auf Basis eigener Erfahrung entstanden ist. Ein Magazin in Zeitungsoptik sollte an den humanit{\"a}ren Gedanken bez{\"u}glich der Arbeitswelt des 21. Jahrhunderts ankn{\"u}pfen. Das Ziel: Einen Dialog schaffen f{\"u}r Selbstreflexion, Erfahrungsaustausch und die Entdeckung neuer Arbeitsmethoden am Arbeitsplatz. Weg vom typisch tayloristisch-gepr{\"a}gtem Arbeiter, hin zur besseren Work-Life-Balance. Begleitet durch die "nahe" Optik der Zeitung und Illustrationen mit dem Menschen im Vordergrund, versucht das Magazin nicht nur zu informieren, sondern auch M{\"o}glichkeiten aufzutun. So sind nicht nur aufregende Arbeitsstellen zu finden, sondern unterst{\"u}tzt auch die M{\"o}glichkeit sich in schwierigen Arbeitslagen Geh{\"o}r zu verschaffen. Ein einfaches Druckprinzip mit Zeitungspapier und begrenzten Farben erm{\"o}glicht außerdem einen g{\"u}nstigen Preis und dadurch hohe Erreichbarkeit in verschiedensten Personenkreisen.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MertensPuetzBrauneretal.2021, author = {Mertens, Alexander and P{\"u}tz, Sebastian and Brauner, Philipp and Brillowski, Florian Sascha and Buczak, Nadine and Dammers, Hannah and van Dyck, Marc and Kong, Iris and K{\"o}nigs, Peter and Kortomeikel, Frauke Carole and Rodemann, Niklas and Schaar, Anne Kathrin and Steuer-Dankert, Linda and Wlecke, Shari and Gries, Thomas and Leicht-Scholten, Carmen and Nagel, Saskia K. and Piller, Frank Thomas and Schuh, G{\"u}nther and Ziefle, Martina and Nitsch, Verena}, title = {Human digital shadow: Data-based modeling of users and usage in the internet of production}, series = {14th Conference Human System Interaction Conference Proceedings}, booktitle = {14th Conference Human System Interaction Conference Proceedings}, publisher = {IEEE}, doi = {10.1109/HSI52170.2021.9538729}, pages = {1 -- 8}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Digital Shadows as the aggregation, linkage and abstraction of data relating to physical objects are a central vision for the future of production. However, the majority of current research takes a technocentric approach, in which the human actors in production play a minor role. Here, the authors present an alternative anthropocentric perspective that highlights the potential and main challenges of extending the concept of Digital Shadows to humans. Following future research methodology, three prospections that illustrate use cases for Human Digital Shadows across organizational and hierarchical levels are developed: human-robot collaboration for manual work, decision support and work organization, as well as human resource management. Potentials and challenges are identified using separate SWOT analyses for the three prospections and common themes are emphasized in a concluding discussion.}, language = {en} } @article{GrundlachBaumannEngelmann2021, author = {Grundlach, Michael and Baumann, Martin and Engelmann, Ulrich M.}, title = {How Multimodal Examinations Can Increase Sustainable Student Gain by Aligning Teaching and Assessment}, series = {Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering}, volume = {7}, journal = {Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering}, number = {7/2}, editor = {D{\"o}ssel, Olaf}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {2364-5504}, doi = {10.1515/cdbme-2021-2019}, pages = {73 -- 76}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Modern industry and multi-discipline projects require highly trained individuals with resilient science and engineering back-grounds. Graduates must be able to agilely apply excellent theoretical knowledge in their subject matter as well as essential practical "hands-on" knowledge of diverse working processes to solve complex problems. To meet these demands, university education follows the concept of Constructive Alignment and thus increasingly adopts the teaching of necessary practical skills to the actual industry requirements and assessment routines. However, a systematic approach to coherently align these three central teaching demands is strangely absent from current university curricula. We demonstrate the feasibility of implementing practical assessments in a regular theory-based examination, thus defining the term "blended assessment". We assessed a course for natural science and engineering students pursuing a career in biomedical engineering, and evaluated the benefit of blended assessment exams for students and lecturers. Our controlled study assessed the physiological background of electrocardiograms (ECGs), the practical measurement of ECG curves, and their interpretation of basic pathologic alterations. To study on long time effects, students have been assessed on the topic twice with a time lag of 6 months. Our findings suggest a significant improvement in student gain with respect to practical skills and theoretical knowledge. The results of the reassessments support these outcomes. From the lecturers' point of view, blended assessment complements practical training courses while keeping organizational effort manageable. We consider blended assessment a viable tool for providing an improved student gain, industry-ready education format that should be evaluated and established further to prepare university graduates optimally for their future careers.}, language = {en} } @article{BohndickBosseJaenschetal.2021, author = {Bohndick, Carla and Bosse, Elke and J{\"a}nsch, Vanessa K. and Barnat, Miriam}, title = {How different diversity factors affect the perception of first-year requirements in higher education}, series = {Frontline Learning Research}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontline Learning Research}, number = {2}, publisher = {EARLI}, issn = {2295-3159}, doi = {10.14786/flr.v9i2.667}, pages = {78 -- 95}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In the light of growing university entry rates, higher education institutions not only serve larger numbers of students, but also seek to meet first-year students' ever more diverse needs. Yet to inform universities how to support the transition to higher education, research only offers limited insights. Current studies tend to either focus on the individual factors that affect student success or they highlight students' social background and their educational biography in order to examine the achievement of selected, non-traditional groups of students. Both lines of research appear to lack integration and often fail to take organisational diversity into account, such as different types of higher education institutions or degree programmes. For a more comprehensive understanding of student diversity, the present study includes individual, social and organisational factors. To gain insights into their role for the transition to higher education, we examine how the different factors affect the students' perception of the formal and informal requirements of the first year as more or less difficult to cope with. As the perceived requirements result from both the characteristics of the students and the institutional context, they allow to investigate transition at the interface of the micro and the meso level of higher education. Latent profile analyses revealed that there are no profiles with complex patterns of perception of the first-year requirements, but the identified groups rather differ in the overall level of perceived challenges. Moreover, SEM indicates that the differences in the perception largely depend on the individual factors self-efficacy and volition.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Peterson2021, author = {Peterson, Leif Arne}, title = {Holzbau}, series = {Wof{\"u}r braucht man das eigentlich? Ein Handbuch f{\"u}r Mathematiklehrkr{\"a}fte der Sekundarstufe I und II}, booktitle = {Wof{\"u}r braucht man das eigentlich? Ein Handbuch f{\"u}r Mathematiklehrkr{\"a}fte der Sekundarstufe I und II}, editor = {Schl{\"u}ter, Dominik}, publisher = {BoD}, address = {Norderstedt}, isbn = {978-3-7543-2606-0}, pages = {21 -- 23}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @article{OertelBung2021, author = {Oertel, Mario and Bung, Daniel Bernhard}, title = {Hochwasserschutz - eine Aufgabe f{\"u}r eine nachhaltige Wasserwirtschaft}, series = {Wasserwirtschaft}, volume = {111}, journal = {Wasserwirtschaft}, number = {9-10}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, issn = {0043-0978}, pages = {3 -- 19}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Funger2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Funger, Marvin}, title = {Historie kinetischer Typografie: zeitliche Abbildung der Entstehung und Ver{\"a}nderung kinetischer Typografie}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {235 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die heutige, vielf{\"a}ltige kinetische Typografie hat eine lange Entwicklung durchgemacht. Die Darstellung dieser in einer zeitlichen Reihenfolge vermittelt ein Verst{\"a}ndnis {\"u}ber Ursprung und Evolution. Die Publikation stellt die historische, analoge sowie die moderne, digitale Entwicklung dar. Dabei wird die Verbindung und der Einfluss der damaligen Gestaltung in der heutigen Umsetzung beleuchtet. Die Plakatreihe erkl{\"a}rt drei Anwendungsm{\"o}glichkeiten der kinetischen Typografie. Hierbei werden teils reale Objekte nachgestellt, um die Wiedererkennung dieser im Alltag zu f{\"o}rdern. Gemeinsam zeigen die Plakate und die Publikation ein breites Spektrum der kinetischen Typografie und f{\"o}rdern das Verst{\"a}ndnis dieser digitalen Umsetzung von Schrift in bewegter Form.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Friede2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Friede, Celine}, title = {Herbothecary: Eine App f{\"u}r den eigenen Apothekergarten}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {108 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {„Gegen jedes Leiden ist ein Kraut gewachsen" lautet eine alte Volksweisheit. Doch auch heute, in einer Zeit, in der wir Verantwortung in unserer eigenen Gesundheit {\"u}bernehmen m{\"o}chten, w{\"a}chst das Interesse an Pflanzenheilkunde stetig. Das Projekt „Herbothecary" schafft einen einfachen Zugang zur Welt der Heilpflanzen. Dies geschieht mithilfe einer App, die als Auswahlhilfe f{\"u}r Samen dient und alle n{\"o}tigen Informationen zur Heilwirkung und Identifikation der Pflanze bietet. Auch prozessbegleitende Anleitungen finden die Nutzenden hier. Um das Packaging-Design der Samen besonders nachhaltig zu gestalten, besteht dieses aus Samenpapier. Die Samenp{\"a}ckchen k{\"o}nnen nach der Nutzung also einfach eingepflanzt werden, anstatt diese wegzuwerfen, wodurch unn{\"o}tiger Verpackungsm{\"u}ll vermieden wird. „Herbothecary" dient als Grundlage f{\"u}r den Anbau deines eigenen Apothekergartens.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Buchenroth2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Buchenroth, Gina}, title = {Hanging shoes: ein Schuhregal f{\"u}r Sneaker}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {122 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Dieses Jahr werden allein in Deutschland ca. 47 Millionen Sneaker verkauft. Die Sneakerbranche boomt und ist nicht mehr aufzuhalten. Was zu Beginn nur ein Sportschuh war, ist heute ein Lifestyleprodukt und auf dem Markt und im Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. Der Hype um den neuesten Sneaker ist unglaublich groß und das Bed{\"u}rfnis nach dem Pr{\"a}sentieren und dem zur Schau stellen w{\"a}chst. Mit der float collection gelingt es, den Verkaufs- und Ausstellungsraum ganz individuell und vielseitig zu gestalten. Das Besondere hier ist, dass die Schuhe sich visuell schwebend in den Regalen etablieren und so von allen Seiten betrachtet werden k{\"o}nnen. Das Konstrukt ist modular und bringt durch das Material Metall eine lange Produktlebensdauer mit sich. So bringst du nicht nur die Sneaker, sondern auch die Herzen deiner Kunden zum Schweben. Let the shoes float.}, language = {de} } @book{Laack2021, author = {Laack, Walter van}, title = {Gr{\"o}ßer als das ganze Universum}, publisher = {van Laack GmbH}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-936624-38-0}, pages = {120 Seiten}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Cremer2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Cremer, Lara}, title = {Grenzg{\"a}nger: Japan in Deutschland}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {132 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Durch die enorme geografische und kulturelle Entfernung zwischen Deutschland und Japan entstehen zwischen den beiden Kulturen immer wieder Vorurteile und Missverst{\"a}ndnisse. Diese wurzeln oft in gegenseitiger Kontaktscheue, welche wiederum aus {\"A}ngsten entsteht, sich dem Gegen{\"u}ber nicht angemessen genug verhalten zu k{\"o}nnen, und behindern so an einem authentischen Austausch. Das medien{\"u}bergreifende Nachschlagewerk „Grenzg{\"a}nger" berichtet {\"u}ber verschiedenste Schnittstellen zwischen Deutschland und Japan, die den Austausch und die Zusammenarbeit der beiden L{\"a}nder vorantreiben. Kern dabei ist es, zu zeigen, wie zwei sehr unterschiedliche Kulturen sich doch bei genauerem Hinsehen gleichen und sowohl aus Gemeinsamkeiten als auch Unterschieden lernen und gemeinsam wachsen kann. Es soll Ber{\"u}hrungs{\"a}ngste aufl{\"o}sen und die Rezipierenden inspirieren, offener dem vermeintlich Fremden gegen{\"u}berzutreten. }, language = {de} } @inproceedings{ChajanSchulteTiggesRekeetal.2021, author = {Chajan, Eduard and Schulte-Tigges, Joschua and Reke, Michael and Ferrein, Alexander and Matheis, Dominik and Walter, Thomas}, title = {GPU based model-predictive path control for self-driving vehicles}, series = {IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)}, booktitle = {IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York, NY}, isbn = {978-1-7281-5394-0}, doi = {10.1109/IV48863.2021.9575619}, pages = {1243 -- 1248}, year = {2021}, abstract = {One central challenge for self-driving cars is a proper path-planning. Once a trajectory has been found, the next challenge is to accurately and safely follow the precalculated path. The model-predictive controller (MPC) is a common approach for the lateral control of autonomous vehicles. The MPC uses a vehicle dynamics model to predict the future states of the vehicle for a given prediction horizon. However, in order to achieve real-time path control, the computational load is usually large, which leads to short prediction horizons. To deal with the computational load, the control algorithm can be parallelized on the graphics processing unit (GPU). In contrast to the widely used stochastic methods, in this paper we propose a deterministic approach based on grid search. Our approach focuses on systematically discovering the search area with different levels of granularity. To achieve this, we split the optimization algorithm into multiple iterations. The best sequence of each iteration is then used as an initial solution to the next iteration. The granularity increases, resulting in smooth and predictable steering angle sequences. We present a novel GPU-based algorithm and show its accuracy and realtime abilities with a number of real-world experiments.}, language = {en} } @article{KarschuckKaulenPoghossianetal.2021, author = {Karschuck, Tobias and Kaulen, Corinna and Poghossian, Arshak and Wagner, Patrick H. and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Gold nanoparticle-modified capacitive field-effect sensors: Studying the surface density of nanoparticles and coupling of charged polyelectrolyte macromolecules}, series = {Electrochemical Science Advances}, volume = {2}, journal = {Electrochemical Science Advances}, number = {5}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {0938-5193}, doi = {10.1002/elsa.202100179}, pages = {10 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The coupling of ligand-stabilized gold nanoparticles with field-effect devices offers new possibilities for label-free biosensing. In this work, we study the immobilization of aminooctanethiol-stabilized gold nanoparticles (AuAOTs) on the silicon dioxide surface of a capacitive field-effect sensor. The terminal amino group of the AuAOT is well suited for the functionalization with biomolecules. The attachment of the positively-charged AuAOTs on a capacitive field-effect sensor was detected by direct electrical readout using capacitance-voltage and constant capacitance measurements. With a higher particle density on the sensor surface, the measured signal change was correspondingly more pronounced. The results demonstrate the ability of capacitive field-effect sensors for the non-destructive quantitative validation of nanoparticle immobilization. In addition, the electrostatic binding of the polyanion polystyrene sulfonate to the AuAOT-modified sensor surface was studied as a model system for the label-free detection of charged macromolecules. Most likely, this approach can be transferred to the label-free detection of other charged molecules such as enzymes or antibodies.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Wahlefeld2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Wahlefeld, Leon}, title = {Generative Gestaltung: wie eine Herangehensweise die Zukunft des Designs revolutionieren k{\"o}nnte.}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {188 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Diese Bachelorarbeit setzt sich mit der „Generativen Gestaltung" und ihren M{\"o}glichkeiten f{\"u}r Gestaltende auseinander. Die automatisierte Bearbeitung eines gestalterischen Projektes soll vorrangig Vorteile beim Arbeiten mit großen Datenmengen bieten. Ziel war es, eine Plakatreihe zu entwerfen, die auf der Grundlage eines Codes - also eines strikten Regelwerks - basiert. Mithilfe dieses Verfahrens kann auf Knopfdruck eine beliebige Menge an Plakaten generiert werden. Durch die Festlegung bestimmter Parameter innerhalb des Codes wird gew{\"a}hrleistet, dass jedes ausgespielte Plakat anders ist als sein Vorg{\"a}nger. Diese Arbeit dient als eine erste anskizzierte Grundlage daf{\"u}r, wie grafischer Output automatisiert und vor allem aktualisiert generiert werden kann. Dieses Prinzip kann auf eine Vielzahl von Inhalten und Umsetzungen angewendet werden.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Halstrick2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Halstrick, Anna-Marie}, title = {Generation Pro Impfen: die Gesellschaft zum Impfen animieren. Eine Aufkl{\"a}rungskampagne f{\"u}r eine h{\"o}here Impfbereitschaft.}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {171 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Jeder hat schon etwas vom Impfen geh{\"o}rt, trotzdem wird es von vielen vernachl{\"a}ssigt. Das Thema Impfen hat besonders im vergangenen Jahr an Relevanz gewonnen. Vor allem durch die Corona-Pandemie wird der Menschheit bewusst, welch wichtige Bedeutung ein Impfstoff hat. Doch auch abgesehen von der Impfung gegen Covid-19 sind Impfungen wichtig f{\"u}r unser aller Gesundheit. Viele lebenswichtige Impfungen werden vernachl{\"a}ssigt oder sind in der {\"o}ffentlichen Wahrnehmung weniger pr{\"a}sent. Genau das soll die Kampagne verhindern. Das Ziel ist es, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene auf das Thema aufmerksam zu machen. Die Kampagne soll zeigen, dass schon ein kleiner Piekser Leben retten kann. Gleichzeitig bietet sie auch die M{\"o}glichkeit, den Aufruf direkt umzusetzen. Lokale und terminbezogene Veranstaltungen helfen dabei. Dieses Projekt versucht durch eine Info-Tour, der Unwissenheit {\"u}ber Impfungen entgegenzuwirken.}, language = {de} } @article{RichterBraunsteinStaeudleetal.2021, author = {Richter, Charlotte and Braunstein, Bjoern and St{\"a}udle, Benjamin and Attias, Julia and Suess, Alexander and Weber, Tobias and Mileva, Katja N. and Rittweger, Joern and Green, David A. and Albracht, Kirsten}, title = {Gastrocnemius medialis contractile behavior is preserved during 30\% body weight supported gait training}, series = {Frontiers in Sports and Active Living}, volume = {2021}, journal = {Frontiers in Sports and Active Living}, number = {2}, publisher = {Frontiers}, address = {Lausanne}, issn = {2624-9367}, doi = {10.3389/fspor.2020.614559}, pages = {Artikel 614559}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Rehabilitative body weight supported gait training aims at restoring walking function as a key element in activities of daily living. Studies demonstrated reductions in muscle and joint forces, while kinematic gait patterns appear to be preserved with up to 30\% weight support. However, the influence of body weight support on muscle architecture, with respect to fascicle and series elastic element behavior is unknown, despite this having potential clinical implications for gait retraining. Eight males (31.9 ± 4.7 years) walked at 75\% of the speed at which they typically transition to running, with 0\% and 30\% body weight support on a lower-body positive pressure treadmill. Gastrocnemius medialis fascicle lengths and pennation angles were measured via ultrasonography. Additionally, joint kinematics were analyzed to determine gastrocnemius medialis muscle-tendon unit lengths, consisting of the muscle's contractile and series elastic elements. Series elastic element length was assessed using a muscle-tendon unit model. Depending on whether data were normally distributed, a paired t-test or Wilcoxon signed rank test was performed to determine if body weight supported walking had any effects on joint kinematics and fascicle-series elastic element behavior. Walking with 30\% body weight support had no statistically significant effect on joint kinematics and peak series elastic element length. Furthermore, at the time when peak series elastic element length was achieved, and on average across the entire stance phase, muscle-tendon unit length, fascicle length, pennation angle, and fascicle velocity were unchanged with respect to body weight support. In accordance with unchanged gait kinematics, preservation of fascicle-series elastic element behavior was observed during walking with 30\% body weight support, which suggests transferability of gait patterns to subsequent unsupported walking.}, language = {en} } @article{RichterBraunsteinStaeudleetal.2021, author = {Richter, Charlotte and Braunstein, Bj{\"o}rn and St{\"a}udle, Benjamin and Attias, Julia and S{\"u}ss, Alexander and Weber, Tobias and Mileva, Katya N. and Rittweger, J{\"o}rn and Green, David A. and Albracht, Kirsten}, title = {Gastrocnemius medialis contractile behavior during running differs between simulated Lunar and Martian gravities}, series = {Scientific reports}, volume = {11}, journal = {Scientific reports}, number = {Article number: 22555}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {London}, issn = {2045-2322}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-021-00527-9}, pages = {13 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The international partnership of space agencies has agreed to proceed forward to the Moon sustainably. Activities on the Lunar surface (0.16 g) will allow crewmembers to advance the exploration skills needed when expanding human presence to Mars (0.38 g). Whilst data from actual hypogravity activities are limited to the Apollo missions, simulation studies have indicated that ground reaction forces, mechanical work, muscle activation, and joint angles decrease with declining gravity level. However, these alterations in locomotion biomechanics do not necessarily scale to the gravity level, the reduction in gastrocnemius medialis activation even appears to level off around 0.2 g, while muscle activation pattern remains similar. Thus, it is difficult to predict whether gastrocnemius medialis contractile behavior during running on Moon will basically be the same as on Mars. Therefore, this study investigated lower limb joint kinematics and gastrocnemius medialis behavior during running at 1 g, simulated Martian gravity, and simulated Lunar gravity on the vertical treadmill facility. The results indicate that hypogravity-induced alterations in joint kinematics and contractile behavior still persist between simulated running on the Moon and Mars. This contrasts with the concept of a ceiling effect and should be carefully considered when evaluating exercise prescriptions and the transferability of locomotion practiced in Lunar gravity to Martian gravity.}, language = {en} } @article{ZabirovSchleserBucherer2021, author = {Zabirov, Alexander and Schleser, Markus and Bucherer, Sebastian}, title = {F{\"u}ge- und Dichtkonzept f{\"u}r einen Leichtbauverbrennungsmotor}, series = {adh{\"a}sion KLEBEN \& DICHTEN}, volume = {65}, journal = {adh{\"a}sion KLEBEN \& DICHTEN}, number = {11}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, address = {Cham}, issn = {2192-8681}, doi = {10.1007/s35145-021-0531-5}, pages = {12 -- 19}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @article{GoettenFingerHavermannetal.2021, author = {G{\"o}tten, Falk and Finger, Felix and Havermann, Marc and Braun, Carsten and Marino, Matthew and Bil, Cees}, title = {Full configuration drag estimation of short-to-medium range fixed-wing UAVs and its impact on initial sizing optimization}, series = {CEAS Aeronautical Journal}, volume = {12}, journal = {CEAS Aeronautical Journal}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1869-5590 (Online)}, doi = {10.1007/s13272-021-00522-w}, pages = {589 -- 603}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The paper presents the derivation of a new equivalent skin friction coefficient for estimating the parasitic drag of short-to-medium range fixed-wing unmanned aircraft. The new coefficient is derived from an aerodynamic analysis of ten different unmanned aircraft used for surveillance, reconnaissance, and search and rescue missions. The aircraft is simulated using a validated unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes approach. The UAV's parasitic drag is significantly influenced by the presence of miscellaneous components like fixed landing gears or electro-optical sensor turrets. These components are responsible for almost half of an unmanned aircraft's total parasitic drag. The new equivalent skin friction coefficient accounts for these effects and is significantly higher compared to other aircraft categories. It is used to initially size an unmanned aircraft for a typical reconnaissance mission. The improved parasitic drag estimation yields a much heavier unmanned aircraft when compared to the sizing results using available drag data of manned aircraft.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Vorholt2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Vorholt, Lara}, title = {Fitted Fashion: Sizing-L{\"o}sung zur Steigerung der Konversion \& Reduzierung von E-Commerce-Retouren}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, pages = {235 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Zahl der Nutzenden beim Onlineshopping ist in den letzten Jahren deutlich gewachsen. Eines der gr{\"o}ßten Probleme dabei: Die Retouren. Sowohl die Wirtschaft als auch die Umwelt leiden darunter. Der Hauptgrund f{\"u}r R{\"u}cksendungen sind dabei Schwierigkeiten bei der Auswahl der individuell richtigen Gr{\"o}ße. Das Ziel dieses Projektes ist es daher, eine 3D-K{\"o}rperscan-App zu erstellen. Mit dieser ist es m{\"o}glich, einen auf die eigenen K{\"o}rpermaße angepassten Avatar zu erstellen und eine angepasste Stilberatung f{\"u}r die jeweilige K{\"o}rperform angeboten zu bekommen. Zudem gibt es eine Applikation in Form eines Software Development Kits, welches in Onlineshops eingebunden werden kann. Mit Hilfe der Applikation bekommen Konsumenten die richtige Gr{\"o}ße auch beim Onlineshopping angezeigt und t{\"a}tigen so weniger Fehlk{\"a}ufe. Dies bringt nicht nur Vorteile f{\"u}r die Umwelt mit sich und den Unternehmen eine massive Kostenersparnis durch die Einsparung von Retouren, M{\"u}ll und Personal, sondern schlussendlich auch eine zufriedenere Kundschaft.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Buechel2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {B{\"u}chel, Carolin}, title = {Fitnesssport: Gestaltung eines mobilen Outdoor-Trainingssystems}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {212 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Der Wunsch nach Gesundheit und Individualisierung der eigenen Freizeit als Ausgleich zum Alltag ist heute in der Gesellschaft so ausgepr{\"a}gt wie noch nie. Dabei sind die positiven Auswirkungen k{\"o}rperlicher Aktivit{\"a}t auf das Immunsystem, die Lebenserwartung und die Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit immer bekannter. Diese Abschlussarbeit greift die erkannte Entwicklung und den wachsenden Wunsch der Nutzenden nach individuellem Fitnesstraining im Freien auf. Das entstandene Outdoor-Trainingssystem „TREICK" erm{\"o}glicht ein mobiles, orts- und zeitunabh{\"a}ngiges Training der eigenen Fitness. Durch „TREICK" kann der Sportler physiologisch sinnvolle Eigengewichts{\"u}bungen in einer selbst gew{\"a}hlten Umgebung ausf{\"u}hren, wodurch das Wohlbefinden und damit die Gesundheit gef{\"o}rdert werden kann. Das System kann als Rucksack oder Fahrradtasche transportiert werden, wobei die Trainingsmatte als Verpackung dient.}, language = {de} } @article{HeuermannHarzheimCronenbroeck2021, author = {Heuermann, Holger and Harzheim, Thomas and Cronenbroeck, Tobias}, title = {First SIMO harmonic radar based on the SFCW concept and the HR transfer function}, series = {Remote sensing}, volume = {13}, journal = {Remote sensing}, number = {24}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2072-4292}, doi = {10.3390/rs13245088}, pages = {23 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This paper presents a new SIMO radar system based on a harmonic radar (HR) stepped frequency continuous wave (SFCW) architecture. Simple tags that can be electronically individually activated and deactivated via a DC control voltage were developed and combined to form an MO array field. This HR operates in the entire 2.45 GHz ISM band for transmitting the illumination signal and receives at twice the stimulus frequency and bandwidth centered around 4.9 GHz. This paper presents the development, the basic theory of a HR system for the characterization of objects placed into the propagation path in-between the radar and the reflectors (similar to a free-space measurement with a network analyzer) as well as first measurements performed by the system. Further detailed measurement series will be made available later on to other researchers to develop AI and machine learning based signal processing routines or synthetic aperture radar algorithms for imaging, object recognition, and feature extraction. For this purpose, the necessary information is published in this paper. It is explained in detail why this SIMO-HR can be an attractive solution augmenting or replacing existing systems for radar measurements in production technology for material under test measurements and as a simplified MIMO system. The novel HR transfer function, which is a basis for researchers and developers for material characterization or imaging algorithms, is introduced and metrologically verified in a well traceable coaxial setup.}, language = {en} } @incollection{BensbergAuthCzarnecki2021, author = {Bensberg, Frank and Auth, Gunnar and Czarnecki, Christian}, title = {Finding the perfect RPA match : a criteria-based selection method for RPA solutions}, series = {Robotic process automation : Management, technology, applications}, booktitle = {Robotic process automation : Management, technology, applications}, editor = {Czarnecki, Christian and Fettke, Peter}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Oldenbourg}, isbn = {978-3-11-067677-8}, doi = {10.1515/9783110676693-201}, pages = {47 -- 75}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The benefits of robotic process automation (RPA) are highly related to the usage of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software products that can be easily implemented and customized by business units. But, how to find the best fitting RPA product for a specific situation that creates the expected benefits? This question is related to the general area of software evaluation and selection. In the face of more than 75 RPA products currently on the market, guidance considering those specifics is required. Therefore, this chapter proposes a criteria-based selection method specifically for RPA. The method includes a quantitative evaluation of costs and benefits as well as a qualitative utility analysis based on functional criteria. By using the visualization of financial implications (VOFI) method, an application-oriented structure is provided that opposes the total cost of ownership to the time savings times salary (TSTS). For the utility analysis a detailed list of functional criteria for RPA is offered. The whole method is based on a multi-vocal review of scientific and non-scholarly literature including publications by business practitioners, consultants, and vendors. The application of the method is illustrated by a concrete RPA example. The illustrated structures, templates, and criteria can be directly utilized by practitioners in their real-life RPA implementations. In addition, a normative decision process for selecting RPA alternatives is proposed before the chapter closes with a discussion and outlook.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{May2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {May, Leonie}, title = {Finding Love: Ein animierter Kurzfilm}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {46 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Bei "Finding Love - Ein animierter Kurzfilm" handelt es sich um einen 2D-Animationsshort. Er erz{\"a}hlt die Geschichte von zwei jungen M{\"a}nnern, welche beide {\"a}hnliche Trauer erfahren mussten und sich gegenseitig wieder zur{\"u}ck auf die Beine helfen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, ohne Worte und vor allem mit Bildgewalt bestimmte Emotionen zu vermitteln. Der Eigeninhalt der Arbeit umfasst jeden Schritt der Produktion eines animierten Kurzfilms. Dazu geh{\"o}ren Konzeptzeichnungen, Storyboard, Hintergr{\"u}nde, Animation, Cleanup und Vertonung. Besonderes Augenmerk wird bei der Produktion auf die Animation gelegt, insbesondere durch die Komplexit{\"a}t der animierten Charaktere. Letztendlich wird eine herzerw{\"a}rmende, doch bitters{\"u}ße und traurige Geschichte erz{\"a}hlt, welche den Zuschauer tief ber{\"u}hrt.}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{BornheimGriegerBialonski2021, author = {Bornheim, Tobias and Grieger, Niklas and Bialonski, Stephan}, title = {FHAC at GermEval 2021: Identifying German toxic, engaging, and fact-claiming comments with ensemble learning}, series = {Proceedings of the GermEval 2021 Workshop on the Identification of Toxic, Engaging, and Fact-Claiming Comments : 17th Conference on Natural Language Processing KONVENS 2021}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the GermEval 2021 Workshop on the Identification of Toxic, Engaging, and Fact-Claiming Comments : 17th Conference on Natural Language Processing KONVENS 2021}, publisher = {Heinrich Heine University}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, doi = {10.48415/2021/fhw5-x128}, pages = {105 -- 111}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{TranStaat2021, author = {Tran, Ngoc Trinh and Staat, Manfred}, title = {FEM shakedown analysis of Kirchhoff-Love plates under uncertainty of strength}, series = {Proceedings of UNCECOMP 2021}, booktitle = {Proceedings of UNCECOMP 2021}, isbn = {978-618-85072-6-5}, doi = {10.7712/120221.8041.19047}, pages = {323 -- 338}, year = {2021}, abstract = {A new formulation to calculate the shakedown limit load of Kirchhoff plates under stochastic conditions of strength is developed. Direct structural reliability design by chance con-strained programming is based on the prescribed failure probabilities, which is an effective approach of stochastic programming if it can be formulated as an equivalent deterministic optimization problem. We restrict uncertainty to strength, the loading is still deterministic. A new formulation is derived in case of random strength with lognormal distribution. Upper bound and lower bound shakedown load factors are calculated simultaneously by a dual algorithm.}, language = {en} } @article{Bung2021, author = {Bung, Daniel Bernhard}, title = {Extreme flooding in Western Germany: some thoughts on hazards, return periods and risk}, series = {Hydrolink}, journal = {Hydrolink}, number = {4}, publisher = {International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)}, address = {Madrid}, pages = {108 -- 113}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The low-pressure system Bernd involved extreme rainfalls in the Western part of Germany in July 2021, resulting in major floods, severe damages and a tremendous number of casualties. Such extreme events are rare and full flood protection can never be ensured with reasonable financial means. But still, this event must be starting point to reconsider current design concepts. This article aims at sharing some thoughts on potential hazards, the selection of return periods and remaining risk with the focus on Germany.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ButenwegBursiNardinetal.2021, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Bursi, Oreste S. and Nardin, Chiara and Lanese, Igor and Pavese, Alberto and Marinković, Marko and Paolacci, Fabrizio and Quinci, Gianluca}, title = {Experimental investigation on the seismic performance of a multi-component system for major-hazard industrial facilities}, series = {Conference Proceedings: Pressure Vessels \& Piping Conference Vol.5}, booktitle = {Conference Proceedings: Pressure Vessels \& Piping Conference Vol.5}, publisher = {American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)}, address = {New York}, isbn = {9780791885352}, doi = {10.1115/PVP2021-61696}, pages = {8 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Past earthquakes demonstrated the high vulnerability of industrial facilities equipped with complex process technologies leading to serious damage of the process equipment and multiple and simultaneous release of hazardous substances in industrial facilities. Nevertheless, the design of industrial plants is inadequately described in recent codes and guidelines, as they do not consider the dynamic interaction between the structure and the installations and thus the effect of seismic response of the installations on the response of the structure and vice versa. The current code-based approach for the seismic design of industrial facilities is considered not enough for ensure proper safety conditions against exceptional event entailing loss of content and related consequences. Accordingly, SPIF project (Seismic Performance of Multi-Component Systems in Special Risk Industrial Facilities) was proposed within the framework of the European H2020 - SERA funding scheme (Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe). The objective of the SPIF project is the investigation of the seismic behaviour of a representative industrial structure equipped with complex process technology by means of shaking table tests. The test structure is a three-story moment resisting steel frame with vertical and horizontal vessels and cabinets, arranged on the three levels and connected by pipes. The dynamic behaviour of the test structure and of its relative several installations is investigated. Furthermore, both process components and primary structure interactions are considered and analyzed. Several PGA-scaled artificial ground motions are applied to study the seismic response at different levels. After each test, dynamic identification measurements are carried out to characterize the system condition. The contribution presents the experimental setup of the investigated structure and installations, selected measurement data and describes the obtained damage. Furthermore, important findings for the definition of performance limits, the effectiveness of floor response spectra in industrial facilities will be presented and discussed.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MilijašŠakićMarinkovićetal.2021, author = {Milijaš, Aleksa and Šakić, Bogdan and Marinković, Marko and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Experimental investigation of behaviour of masonry infilled RC frames under out-of-plane loading}, series = {Proceedings of COMPDYN 2021}, booktitle = {Proceedings of COMPDYN 2021}, editor = {Papadrakakis, Manolis and Fragiadakis, Michalis}, publisher = {National Technical University of Athens}, address = {Athen}, isbn = {978-618-85072-5-8}, issn = {2623-3347}, doi = {10.7712/120121.8528.18914}, pages = {829 -- 846}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Masonry infills are commonly used as exterior or interior walls in reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures and they can be encountered all over the world, including earthquake prone regions. Since the middle of the 20th century the behaviour of these non-structural elements under seismic loading has been studied in numerous experimental campaigns. However, most of the studies were carried out by means of in-plane tests, while there is a lack of out-of-plane experimental investigations. In this paper, the out-of-plane tests carried out on full scale masonry infilled frames are described. The results of the out-of-plane tests are presented in terms of force-displacement curves and measured out-of-plane displacements. Finally, the reliability of existing analytical approaches developed to estimate the out-of-plane strength of masonry infills is examined on presented experimental results.}, language = {en} } @incollection{LeiseAltherr2021, author = {Leise, Philipp and Altherr, Lena}, title = {Experimental evaluation of resilience metrics in a fluid system}, series = {Mastering Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering}, booktitle = {Mastering Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-78356-3}, pages = {442 -- 447}, year = {2021}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KronigerHorikawaFunkeetal.2021, author = {Kroniger, Daniel and Horikawa, Atsushi and Funke, Harald and Pf{\"a}ffle, Franziska and Kishimoto, Tsuyoshi and Okada, Koichi}, title = {Experimental and numerical investigation on the effect of pressure on micromix hydrogen combustion}, series = {Conference Proceedings Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea and Air, Volume 3A: Combustion, Fuels, and Emissions}, booktitle = {Conference Proceedings Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea and Air, Volume 3A: Combustion, Fuels, and Emissions}, publisher = {ASME}, address = {New York, NY}, doi = {10.1115/GT2021-58926}, pages = {11 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The micromix (MMX) combustion concept is a DLN gas turbine combustion technology designed for high hydrogen content fuels. Multiple non-premixed miniaturized flames based on jet in cross-flow (JICF) are inherently safe against flashback and ensure a stable operation in various operative conditions. The objective of this paper is to investigate the influence of pressure on the micromix flame with focus on the flame initiation point and the NOx emissions. A numerical model based on a steady RANS approach and the Complex Chemistry model with relevant reactions of the GRI 3.0 mechanism is used to predict the reactive flow and NOx emissions at various pressure conditions. Regarding the turbulence-chemical interaction, the Laminar Flame Concept (LFC) and the Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) are compared. The numerical results are validated against experimental results that have been acquired at a high pressure test facility for industrial can-type gas turbine combustors with regard to flame initiation and NOx emissions. The numerical approach is adequate to predict the flame initiation point and NOx emission trends. Interestingly, the flame shifts its initiation point during the pressure increase in upstream direction, whereby the flame attachment shifts from anchoring behind a downstream located bluff body towards anchoring directly at the hydrogen jet. The LFC predicts this change and the NOx emissions more accurately than the EDC. The resulting NOx correlation regarding the pressure is similar to a non-premixed type combustion configuration.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Eschbach2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Eschbach, Lara}, title = {ESPACE - ESCAPE}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Arbeit „ESPACE-ESCAPE" befasst sich mit der Frage, was entstehen kann, wenn man sich bewusst auf das einl{\"a}sst, was ist, und welche ungeahnten R{\"a}ume sich er{\"o}ffnen, wenn dieser Zustand erst einmal akzeptiert und somit erkundet werden kann. Die Fotografien erz{\"a}hlen in ihrem Zusammenspiel von einer Suche, von Niedergeschlagenheit und dem Gef{\"u}hl nicht von der Stelle zu kommen. Davon, sich im Kreis zu bewegen. Von vorbeiziehenden Tagen, Wochen und Monaten. Dem Wechsel zwischen Licht und Dunkelheit, deren Grenzen sich aufl{\"o}sen und ineinander {\"u}bergehen. Dem Wunsch danach, es der Natur gleichzutun und in einen Schlaf zu fallen. Nur f{\"u}r eine kurze lange Weile dem Winter entgehen. So eine Art Winterschlaf eben. Die Fotografien b{\"u}ndeln dieses kollektive Gef{\"u}hl als melancholische Sicht auf den unendlich erscheinenden Winter und dennoch: Zwischen den Zeilen liegen eine verborgene Sch{\"o}nheit, Hoffnung und Neuanfang.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Henkenjohann2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Henkenjohann, Janne}, title = {Erlebnisraum Theater: Entwicklung des Corporate Designs sowie crossmedialer Konzepte}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {181 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Kunst des Theaters ist alt. Gegenw{\"a}rtig z{\"a}hlt sie allerdings immer noch zu den wichtigsten Tr{\"a}gern des k{\"u}nstlerischen Kulturguts. Doch die Welt in der wir leben hat sich in den letzten Jahren deutlich ver{\"a}ndert. Sie ist komplexer geworden. Die Anzahl der losen Informationen, die in unsere Wahrnehmungsbereiche hineinragen, hat sich explosionsartig erh{\"o}ht. Ein großer Anteil dieser Ver{\"a}nderung ist auf die Digitalisierung verschiedener Lebensbereiche zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren. Die Werkzeuge, welche im Zuge der Digitalisierung kreiert wurden, werden von den meisten heute selbstverst{\"a}ndlich genutzt. Doch was bedeutet diese neue Entwicklung f{\"u}r das Theater und wie sollte es auf diese Ver{\"a}nderungen reagieren? Als gestalterische Antwort entstand ein neues Erscheinungsbild, welches crossmedial sowohl die analogen S{\"a}ulen des Theaters, als auch die neuen digitalen Formen des Alltags auffangen und kommunizieren kann.}, language = {de} } @article{ButenwegKubalskiElDeibetal.2021, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Kubalski, Thomas and El-Deib, Khaled and Gellert, Christoph}, title = {Erdbebennachweis von Mauerwerksbauten nach DIN EN 1998-1/NA-2021}, series = {Bautechnik : Zeitschrift f{\"u}r den gesamten Ingenieurbau}, volume = {98}, journal = {Bautechnik : Zeitschrift f{\"u}r den gesamten Ingenieurbau}, number = {11}, editor = {Jesse, Dirk}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, issn = {1437-0999}, doi = {10.1002/bate.202100064}, pages = {852 -- 863}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Mauerwerksbauten in Deutschland sind mit Einf{\"u}hrung des nationalen Anwendungsdokuments DIN EN 1998-1/NA auf Grundlage einer neuen probabilistischen Erdbebenkarte nachzuweisen. F{\"u}r erfolgreiche Erdbebennachweise {\"u}blicher Grundrissformen von Mauerwerksbauten stehen in dem zuk{\"u}nftigen Anwendungsdokument neue rechnerische Nachweism{\"o}glichkeiten zur Verf{\"u}gung, mit denen die Tragf{\"a}higkeitsreserven von Mauerwerksbauten in der Baupraxis mit einem {\"u}berschaubaren Aufwand besser in Ansatz gebracht werden k{\"o}nnen. Das Standardrechenverfahren ist weiterhin der kraftbasierte Nachweis, der nun mit h{\"o}heren Verhaltensbeiwerten im Vergleich zur DIN 4149 durchgef{\"u}hrt werden kann. Die h{\"o}heren Verhaltensbeiwerte basieren auf der besseren Ausnutzung der geb{\"a}udespezifischen Verformungsf{\"a}higkeit und Energiedissipation sowie der Lastumverteilung der Schubkr{\"a}fte im Grundriss mit Ansatz von Rahmentragwirkung durch Wand-Deckeninteraktionen. Alternativ dazu kann ein nichtlinearer Nachweis auf Grundlage von Pushover-Analysen zur Anwendung kommen. Vervollst{\"a}ndigt werden die Regelungen f{\"u}r Mauerwerksbauten durch neue Regelungen f{\"u}r nichttragende Innenw{\"a}nde und Außenmauerschalen. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die Grundlagen und Hintergr{\"u}nde der neuen rechnerischen Nachweise in DIN EN 1998-1/NA vor und demonstriert deren Anwendung an einem Beispiel aus der Praxis.}, language = {de} } @article{ElDeibButenwegKlinkel2021, author = {El-Deib, Khaled and Butenweg, Christoph and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {Erdbebennachweis von Mauerwerksbauten mit realistischen Modellen und erh{\"o}hten Verhaltensbeiwerten}, series = {Mauerwerk}, volume = {2021}, journal = {Mauerwerk}, number = {3}, editor = {Jesse, Dirk}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {1437-1022}, doi = {10.1002/dama.202110014}, pages = {110 -- 119}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Die Anwendung des linearen Nachweiskonzepts auf Mauerwerksbauten f{\"u}hrt dazu, dass bereits heute Standsicherheitsnachweise f{\"u}r Geb{\"a}ude mit {\"u}blichen Grundrissen in Gebieten mit moderaten Erdbebeneinwirkungen nicht mehr gef{\"u}hrt werden k{\"o}nnen. Diese Problematik wird sich in Deutschland mit der Einf{\"u}hrung kontinuierlicher probabilistischer Erdbebenkarten weiter versch{\"a}rfen. Aufgrund der Erh{\"o}hung der seismischen Einwirkungen, die sich vielerorts ergibt, ist es erforderlich, die vorhandenen, bislang nicht ber{\"u}cksichtigten Tragf{\"a}higkeitsreserven in nachvollziehbaren Nachweiskonzepten in der Baupraxis verf{\"u}gbar zu machen. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt ein Konzept f{\"u}r die geb{\"a}udespezifische Ermittlung von erh{\"o}hten Verhaltensbeiwerten vor. Die Verhaltensbeiwerte setzen sich aus drei Anteilen zusammen, mit denen die Lastumverteilung im Grundriss, die Verformungsf{\"a}higkeit und Energiedissipation sowie die {\"U}berfestigkeiten ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. F{\"u}r die rechnerische Ermittlung dieser drei Anteile wird ein nichtlineares Nachweiskonzept auf Grundlage von Pushover-Analysen vorgeschlagen, in denen die Interaktionen von W{\"a}nden und Geschossdecken durch einen Einspanngrad beschrieben werden. F{\"u}r die Bestimmung der Einspanngrade wird ein nichtlinearer Modellierungsansatz eingef{\"u}hrt, mit dem die Interaktion von W{\"a}nden und Decken abgebildet werden kann. Die Anwendung des Konzepts mit erh{\"o}hten geb{\"a}udespezifischen Verhaltensbeiwerten wird am Beispiel eines Mehrfamilienhauses aus Kalksandsteinen demonstriert. Die Ergebnisse der linearen Nachweise mit erh{\"o}hten Verhaltensbeiwerten f{\"u}r dieses Geb{\"a}ude liegen deutlich n{\"a}her an den Ergebnissen nichtlinearer Nachweise und somit bleiben {\"u}bliche Grundrisse in Erdbebengebieten mit den traditionellen linearen Rechenans{\"a}tzen nachweisbar.}, language = {de} } @incollection{ButenwegGellertMeyer2021, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Gellert, Christoph and Meyer, Udo}, title = {Erdbebenbemessung bei Mauerwerksbauten}, series = {Mauerwerk Kalender 2021: Kunststoffverankerungen Digitalisierung im Mauerwerksbau}, booktitle = {Mauerwerk Kalender 2021: Kunststoffverankerungen Digitalisierung im Mauerwerksbau}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {9783433032930}, doi = {10.1002/9783433610732.ch12}, pages = {329 -- 355}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt den seismischen Nachweis von Mauerwerksbauten in Deutschland auf Grundlage der DIN EN 1998-1/NA vor, wobei auch die wesentlichen {\"A}nderungen zu der Norm DIN 4149 vergleichend erl{\"a}utert werden. Vorgestellt werden die Definition der Erdbebeneinwirkung, das seismische Verhalten von Mauerwerksbauten und die Erl{\"a}uterung der Rechenverfahren. Darauf aufbauend wird die Anwendung an drei Praxisbeispielen demonstriert.}, language = {de} } @article{AlexyukBogoyavlenskiyAlexyuketal.2021, author = {Alexyuk, Madina and Bogoyavlenskiy, Andrey and Alexyuk, Pavel and Moldakhanov, Yergali and Berezin, Vladimir E. and Digel, Ilya}, title = {Epipelagic microbiome of the Small Aral Sea: Metagenomic structure and ecological diversity}, series = {MicrobiologyOpen}, volume = {10}, journal = {MicrobiologyOpen}, number = {1}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Weinheim}, issn = {2045-8827}, doi = {10.1002/mbo3.1142}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Microbial diversity studies regarding the aquatic communities that experienced or are experiencing environmental problems are essential for the comprehension of the remediation dynamics. In this pilot study, we present data on the phylogenetic and ecological structure of microorganisms from epipelagic water samples collected in the Small Aral Sea (SAS). The raw data were generated by massive parallel sequencing using the shotgun approach. As expected, most of the identified DNA sequences belonged to Terrabacteria and Actinobacteria (40\% and 37\% of the total reads, respectively). The occurrence of Deinococcus-Thermus, Armatimonadetes, Chloroflexi in the epipelagic SAS waters was less anticipated. Surprising was also the detection of sequences, which are characteristic for strict anaerobes—Ignavibacteria, hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria, and archaeal methanogenic species. We suppose that the observed very broad range of phylogenetic and ecological features displayed by the SAS reads demonstrates a more intensive mixing of water masses originating from diverse ecological niches of the Aral-Syr Darya River basin than presumed before.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Mann2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Mann, Judith}, title = {Entwicklung eines neuen Erscheinungsbildes f{\"u}r das Museum f{\"u}r Ostasiatische Kunst K{\"o}ln}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {89 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Seit dem Zeitpunkt seiner Gr{\"u}ndung im Jahr 1909 lautet der Auftrag des K{\"o}lner Museums f{\"u}r Ostasiatische Kunst, der europ{\"a}ischen Gesellschaft die Kunst Ostasiens nahezubringen, f{\"u}r ein besseres Verst{\"a}ndnis und die Wertsch{\"a}tzung seiner Kultur zu sorgen und somit auch Rassismus und kolonialistischem Denken entgegenzuwirken - ein Anliegen, welches noch heute von unver{\"a}nderter Relevanz und Dringlichkeit ist. Im Zentrum des neuen Erscheinungsbildes steht der gest{\"u}rzte Buchstabe K und die somit entstehende Kombination von horizontaler und vertikaler, traditionell ostasiatischer Leserichtung deutet auf visueller Ebene ein Zusammenspiel zwischen den Kulturen an. Die Farbgebung des neuen Erscheinungsbildes greift die ruhige Atmosph{\"a}re des Museums auf und sorgt in Kombination mit einem streng gegliederten Raster f{\"u}r klare Struktur und Orientierung.}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Krier2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Krier, Tessy}, title = {Entwicklung eines Multifunktionsdrucksystems nach dem Modell der Kreislaufwirtschaft}, publisher = {FH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, school = {Fachhochschule Aachen}, pages = {159 Seiten}, year = {2021}, abstract = {„Printen" ist ein Multifunktionsdrucksystem, welches dem Nutzer erm{\"o}glicht, es zu reparieren. Das Elektroschrottaufkommen der Welt steigt, deshalb legte die EU neue Maßnahmen zum {\"O}kodesign fest. Diese sollen die Reparierbarkeit von Produkten f{\"o}rdern und geplante Obsoleszenz unterbinden. Ein Vorzeigebeispiel f{\"u}r geplanten Obsoleszenz ist der Drucker. Das System besteht aus einem Drucker und Scanner, an dem der Nutzer Reparaturen vornehmen kann. Dadurch soll eine st{\"a}rkere Bindung zum selbst reparierten Ger{\"a}t entstehen und die Lebensdauer verl{\"a}ngert werden. Durch ein {\"o}ffnungsf{\"a}higes Geh{\"a}use wird die Reparatur erm{\"o}glicht. Eine Farbcodierung im Inneren erleichtert die Orientierung und visualisiert zusammengeh{\"o}rende Elemente. Außerdem wurde der Aufbau des Druckers aufger{\"a}umt und vereinfacht. So k{\"o}nnen einzelne Komponenten problemlos ausgetauscht werden. Ganz nach der Devise: Einfach printen!}, language = {de} }