@incollection{Timme2022, author = {Timme, Michael}, title = {Wettbewerbsregeln (\S\S 24-27)}, series = {M{\"u}nchener Kommentar zum europ{\"a}ischen und deutschen Wettbewerbsrecht : Kartellrecht, Beihilfenrecht, Vergaberecht / hrsg von Franz J{\"u}rgen S{\"a}cker / Band 2: Deutsches Wettbewerbsrecht Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschr{\"a}nkungen (GWB), \S\S 1-96, 185, 186}, booktitle = {M{\"u}nchener Kommentar zum europ{\"a}ischen und deutschen Wettbewerbsrecht : Kartellrecht, Beihilfenrecht, Vergaberecht / hrsg von Franz J{\"u}rgen S{\"a}cker / Band 2: Deutsches Wettbewerbsrecht Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschr{\"a}nkungen (GWB), \S\S 1-96, 185, 186}, publisher = {Beck}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-406-75876-8}, pages = {589 -- 608}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @incollection{ThulfautGrossRenz2000, author = {Thulfaut, Christian and Groß, Rolf Fritz and Renz, Ulrich}, title = {Messwerterfassung und -auswertung mit LabView: Experimentelle Analyse der Mischungsg{\"u}te in Hybridzellenk{\"u}hlt{\"u}rmen}, series = {Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis. Begleitband zum Kongress VIP 2000}, booktitle = {Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis. Begleitband zum Kongress VIP 2000}, editor = {Jamal, Rahman and Jaschinski, Hans}, publisher = {H{\"u}thig}, address = {Heidelberg}, isbn = {3-7785-2789-4 (print)}, pages = {54 -- 60}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Zur K{\"u}hlung von Abw{\"a}rmestr{\"o}men aus Kraftwerksprozessen werden in zunehmenden Maße Hybridzellenk{\"u}hlt{\"u}rme mit Zwangskonvektion eingesetzt, deren wesentlicher Vorteil ihre geringe Bauh{\"o}he ist. Um bei derartigen K{\"u}hlt{\"u}rmen eine Sichtbehinderung oder Glatteisgef{\"a}hrdung durch bodennahen Nebel zu vermeiden, muss durch eine optimale Vermischung des Trocken- und Naßluftanteils gew{\"a}hrleistet sein, daß aus der K{\"u}hlturmkrone keine Nebelschwaden austreten. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Industrie betreibt der Lehrstuhl f{\"u}r W{\"a}rme{\"u}bertragung und Klimatechnik der RWTH Aachen einen Versuchsstand zur Erfassung der Mischungsg{\"u}te in Hybridzellenk{\"u}hlt{\"u}rmen. In maßstabsgerechter Nachbildung k{\"o}nnen dabei am Modell alle relevanten Einflußgr{\"o}ßen wie K{\"u}hlturmgeometrie, Gestaltung zus{\"a}tzlicher Mischeinbauten sowie die Betriebsparameter variiert werden. Mit Hilfe einer unter LabView 5.01 erstellten Software werden sowohl die l3etriebszust{\"u}ncle online {\"u}berwacht, als auch die ben{\"o}tigten Meßwerte zur Bestimmung der Mischungsg{\"u}te erfaßt. {\"U}ber die grafische Oberfl{\"a}che k{\"o}nnen s{\"a}mtliche Meßoptionen gesteuert sowie alle Meßdaten visualisiert und kontrolliert werden. In das LabView-Programm sind dar{\"u}ber hinaus Routinen zur Auswertung der Daten implementiert worden, die sowohl eine direkte Darstellung der Ergebnisse in Form von Diagrammen erm{\"o}glichen, als auch zur Weiterverarbeitung einen Datenexport in eine Microsoft- Excel-Tabelle vorsehen.}, language = {de} } @incollection{GrossThulfautRenz2000, author = {Groß, Rolf Fritz and Thulfaut, Christian and Renz, Ulrich}, title = {On-Line Simulation mit LabView: Experimentelle und numerische Analyse homogener Gasphasenreaktionen aus Kraftwerksprozessen,}, series = {Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis. Begleitband zum Kongress VIP 2000}, booktitle = {Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis. Begleitband zum Kongress VIP 2000}, editor = {Jamal, Rahman and Jaschinski, Hans}, publisher = {H{\"u}thig}, address = {Heidelberg}, isbn = {3-7785-2789-4 (print)}, pages = {103 -- 108}, year = {2000}, abstract = {The institute of heat transfer and air conditioning at the Aachen University of Technology operates several test facilities in order to investigate homogeneous and catalytical processes for the reduction of gaseous pollutants (e.g. nitrous oxide) of flue gases in a tempeature range up to 900°C. One test facility consists of a stainless steel reactor in which the influence of reducing additives can be investigated. The software tool, created with LabVIEW 5.01, offers the possibility to measure, visualize and control all relevant physical quantities and to gain a numerical solution of the problem by solving the one dimensional, steady state conservation equations.}, language = {de} } @incollection{DautzenbergGrossRenz1996, author = {Dautzenberg, H. and Groß, Rolf Fritz and Renz, Ulrich}, title = {Meßtechnik auf dem Pr{\"u}fstand: Forschung zur Heißgasfiltration}, series = {Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis. Begleitband zum Kongress VIP 1996}, booktitle = {Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis. Begleitband zum Kongress VIP 1996}, editor = {Jamal, Rahman}, publisher = {National Instruments Germany}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, pages = {202 -- 208}, year = {1996}, abstract = {Im Rahmen von Forschungsvorhaben des BMBF und verschiedener Industriepartner betreibt der Lehrstuhl f{\"u}r W{\"a}rme{\"u}bertragung und Klimatechnik der RWTH Aachen Pilotanlagen und Pr{\"u}fst{\"a}nde f{\"u}r Untersuchungen auf dem Gebiet der Heißgasfiltration mit keramischen Filterelementen. Als wesentlicher Garant f{\"u}r den Erfolg der Forschungsarbeit muß die auf das jeweilige Projekt genau abgestimmte Meß- und Regelungstechnik angesehen werden. Hierbei z{\"a}hlt neben der Auswahl geeigneter Hardwarekomponenten auch die Softwareentwicklung unter einer leistungsstarken und zuverl{\"a}ssigen Programmierumgebung. Anhand des Aufbaus dreier Versuchsanlagen im Technikumsmaßstab soll das Anforderungsprofil an die Meßtechnik bis hin zur Umsetzung innerhalb der Anlage skizziert werden. Der Heißgasfiltrationspr{\"u}fstand im Heizkraftwerk der RWTH Aachen dient der Beobachtung des Reinigungsverhaltens keramischer Filterelemente bei der Heißgasentstaubung im Temperaturbereich bis 850 Grad C. Wesentlich f{\"u}r die Meßwerterfassung ist hierbei die Kopplung eines Orion-Datenloggers der Firma Schlumberger mit LabView 4.0. Im Hochtemperaturofen des Lehrstuhls werden instation{\"a}re Druckmessungen an einer keramischen Filterkerze w{\"a}hrend eines Abreinigungsimpulses bei 950 Grad C mit hoher Samplingrate durchgef{\"u}hrt. Hierbei {\"u}bernimmt eine durch LabView 4.0 angesteuerte E-Series Karte der Firma National Instruments die Signalaufnahme. Die katalytische Schadstoffreduktion und Entstaubung heißer Rauchgase bei 900 Grad C sind Ziele der Untersuchungen in einer erstellten Versuchsanlage mit einem Quarzglasreaktor. Die Signalerfassung und -konditionierung erfolgt {\"u}ber SCXI in Verbindung mit LabView 4.0, die Steuerung der Anlage {\"u}bernehmen zwei Multifunktionskarten (National Instruments).}, language = {de} } @incollection{GrossMuellerHertingetal.1997, author = {Groß, Rolf Fritz and M{\"u}ller, D. and Herting, D. and Schneemann, A. and Renz, Ulrich}, title = {Modulare Messdatenerfassung in Forschung und Lehre}, series = {Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis : Begleitband zum Kongress VIP '97}, booktitle = {Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis : Begleitband zum Kongress VIP '97}, editor = {Rahman, Jamal and Jaschinski, Hans}, publisher = {H{\"u}thig}, address = {Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-7785-2667-5 Pp.}, pages = {282 -- 288}, year = {1997}, abstract = {The Lehrstuhl f{\"u}r W{\"a}rme{\"u}bertragung und Klimatechnik at the Aachen University of Technology operates several test facilities to investigate fundamentals of heat and mass transfer supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the Minister f{\"u}r Forschung und Technologie and the industry. In order to get high-resolution and reproselection of hardware components is as critical as the design of software routines to perform successful and accurate measurements. In the following the development of the measurement and control system for three different test facilities is presented and discussed. Special attention is given to the education of students within the framework of laboratories and scientific experiments.}, language = {de} } @incollection{EngelmannBaumann2023, author = {Engelmann, Ulrich M. and Baumann, Martin}, title = {Moderationsexpertise f{\"u}r QMBs - Onlinemoderation}, series = {Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen}, booktitle = {Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen}, editor = {Herbig, Nicola and Poppelreuter, Stefan}, publisher = {T{\"U}V-Verlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-8249-0714-4}, pages = {Kapitel 10816}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Damit Sie auch in den immer h{\"a}ufiger werdenden Onlineveranstaltungen als Moderator gut bestehen, sollten Sie wissen, was bei der Onlinemoderation im Besonderen zu beachten ist. In diesem dritten Teil der Beitragsserie erfahren Sie, warum online anders als offline ist. Die technischen M{\"o}glichkeiten werden vorgestellt und auch wie diese zu nutzen sind. Schließlich erhalten Sie Tipps, die Sie beim Sprechen online beachten sollten.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Engelmann2023, author = {Engelmann, Ulrich M.}, title = {Moderationsexpertise - Onlinemoderation}, series = {IT-Servicemanagement}, booktitle = {IT-Servicemanagement}, editor = {Lindinger, Markus and Bartsch, Oliver}, publisher = {T{\"U}V-Verlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-8249-1154-7}, pages = {Kapitel 05532}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Damit Sie auch in den immer h{\"a}ufiger werdenden Onlineveranstaltungen als Moderator gut bestehen, sollten Sie wissen, was bei der Onlinemoderation im Besonderen zu beachten ist. In diesem dritten Teil der Beitragsserie erfahren Sie, warum online anders als offline ist. Die technischen M{\"o}glichkeiten werden vorgestellt und auch wie diese zu nutzen sind. Schließlich erhalten Sie Tipps, die Sie beim Sprechen online beachten sollten.}, language = {de} } @incollection{GrossHeckenRenz1999, author = {Groß, Rolf Fritz and Hecken, M. and Renz, Ulrich}, title = {Hot gas filtration with ceramic filter candles: experimental and numerical investigations on fluid flow during element cleaning}, series = {High temperature gas cleaning. Vol. 2}, booktitle = {High temperature gas cleaning. Vol. 2}, editor = {Dittler, A. and Hemmer, G. and Kasper, G.}, publisher = {KIT Institut f{\"u}r Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik und Mechanik}, address = {Karlsruhe}, isbn = {3-9805220-1-6}, pages = {862 -- 873}, year = {1999}, abstract = {Ceramic hot gas filters are widely used in combined cycles based on pressurised fluidised beds. They fulfil most of the demands with respect to cleaning efficiency and long time durability, but their operation regarding the consumption of pulse gas and energy still has to be optimised. Experimental investigations were carried out to measure the flow field, the pressure and the gas temperature inside the filter candle during pulse jet cleaning. These results are compared with the results of a numerical procedure based on a solution of the two - dimensional conservation equations for momentum and energy. The observed difficulties handling different flow regimes like highly turbulent flow as well as Darcy flow simultaneously are discussed.}, language = {en} } @incollection{HeimesKampkerKehreretal.2023, author = {Heimes, Heiner Hans and Kampker, Achim and Kehrer, Mario and D{\"u}nnwald, Simon and Heetfeld, Lennart and Polzenberg, Jens and Budde, Lucas and Keusen, Maximilian and Pandey, Rahul and R{\"o}th, Thilo}, title = {Fahrzeugstruktur}, series = {Elektromobilit{\"a}t: Grundlagen einer Fortschrittstechnologie}, booktitle = {Elektromobilit{\"a}t: Grundlagen einer Fortschrittstechnologie}, editor = {Kampker, Achim and Heimes, Heiner Hans}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-662-65811-6 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-65812-3_5}, pages = {69 -- 106}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Um sowohl Treibhausgas-Emissionen zu verringern als auch Kraftstoffressourcen zu schonen, wird zunehmend an einer Transformation konventionell angetriebener Kraftfahrzeuge hin zu elektrifizierten Antriebskonzepten gearbeitet. Basierend auf herk{\"o}mmlichen Fahrzeugen mit Verbrennungsmotor wurde eine Vielzahl neuer Antriebssysteme mit verschiedenem Elektrifizierungsgrad entwickelt. Mitte der 1990er-Jahre kamen erste Fahrzeuge mit einem Hybridantrieb auf den Markt. Die Kombination aus Verbrennungs- und Elektromotor erlaubt eine Verbrauchsreduktion und Bremsenergier{\"u}ckgewinnung sowie lokal emissionsfreies Fahren.}, language = {de} } @incollection{HeimesKampkerDornetal.2023, author = {Heimes, Heiner Hans and Kampker, Achim and Dorn, Benjamin and Kehrer, Mario and D{\"u}nnwald, Simon and Badura, Dennis and Terren, Maximilian and R{\"o}th, Thilo}, title = {Produktionsprozesse der Fahrzeugstruktur}, series = {Elektromobilit{\"a}t: Grundlagen einer Fortschrittstechnologie}, booktitle = {Elektromobilit{\"a}t: Grundlagen einer Fortschrittstechnologie}, editor = {Kampker, Achim and Heimes, Heiner Hans}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-662-65811-6 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-65812-3_13}, pages = {227 -- 247}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @incollection{FreyerKempt2023, author = {Freyer, Nils and Kempt, Hendrik}, title = {AI-DSS in healthcare and their power over health-insecure collectives}, series = {Justice in global health}, booktitle = {Justice in global health}, editor = {Bhakuni, Himani and Miotto, Lucas}, publisher = {Routledge}, address = {London}, isbn = {9781003399933}, doi = {10.4324/9781003399933-4}, pages = {38 -- 55}, year = {2023}, abstract = {AI-based systems are nearing ubiquity not only in everyday low-stakes activities but also in medical procedures. To protect patients and physicians alike, explainability requirements have been proposed for the operation of AI-based decision support systems (AI-DSS), which adds hurdles to the productive use of AI in clinical contexts. This raises two questions: Who decides these requirements? And how should access to AI-DSS be provided to communities that reject these standards (particularly when such communities are expert-scarce)? This chapter investigates a dilemma that emerges from the implementation of global AI governance. While rejecting global AI governance limits the ability to help communities in need, global AI governance risks undermining and subjecting health-insecure communities to the force of the neo-colonial world order. For this, this chapter first surveys the current landscape of AI governance and introduces the approach of relational egalitarianism as key to (global health) justice. To discuss the two horns of the referred dilemma, the core power imbalances faced by health-insecure collectives (HICs) are examined. The chapter argues that only strong demands of a dual strategy towards health-secure collectives can both remedy the immediate needs of HICs and enable them to become healthcare independent.}, language = {en} } @incollection{FissabreWilson2022, author = {Fissabre, Anke and Wilson, Ariane}, title = {Hypotheses on the Tower of Monthoiron: A Built Design of Italian and Leonardian Inspiration in France}, series = {Leonardo da Vinci: l'architettura / Léonard de Vinci : l'architecture}, booktitle = {Leonardo da Vinci: l'architettura / Léonard de Vinci : l'architecture}, editor = {Di Teodoro, Francesco P. and Ferretti, Emanuela and Frommel, Sabine and Schlimme, Hermann}, publisher = {Campisano Editore}, address = {Roma}, isbn = {979-12-80956-00-2}, pages = {287 -- 300}, year = {2022}, language = {mul} } @incollection{FruehwaldPetersonHasenstab2012, author = {Fr{\"u}hwald, Katja and Peterson, Leif Arne and Hasenstab, Andreas}, title = {Pr{\"u}fverfahren zur Begutachtung der Materialeigenschaften von Holztragwerken}, series = {Bauphysik-Kalender 2012: Schwerpunkt: Geb{\"a}udediagnostik}, booktitle = {Bauphysik-Kalender 2012: Schwerpunkt: Geb{\"a}udediagnostik}, editor = {Fouad, Nabil A.}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {9783433029862 (Print)}, doi = {10.1002/9783433601235.ch4}, pages = {103 -- 155}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Dieses Kapitel beinhaltet: - Einleitung - Ausgew{\"a}hlte typische Sch{\"a}den an Holzbauwerken - Das Material Holz und seine Besonderheiten - Bestandserfassung - Labormethoden - Begutachtungsbeispiele - Zusammenfassung und Schlussfolgerungen - Literatur}, language = {de} } @incollection{Dreschers2023, author = {Dreschers, Martin}, title = {\S25 Arbeitsrechtliche Probleme im Rahmen der Betriebsfortf{\"u}hrung}, series = {Betriebsfortf{\"u}hrung in Restrukturierung und Insolvenz}, booktitle = {Betriebsfortf{\"u}hrung in Restrukturierung und Insolvenz}, editor = {M{\"o}nning, Rolf-Dieter}, publisher = {RWS Verlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-8145-2012-4 (print)}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.15375/9783814558882-028}, pages = {947 -- 988}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @incollection{Dreschers2023, author = {Dreschers, Martin}, title = {\S18 Grenz{\"u}berschreitende Eigenverwaltung}, series = {HRI II - Handbuch Restrukturierung in der Insolvenz}, booktitle = {HRI II - Handbuch Restrukturierung in der Insolvenz}, editor = {K{\"u}bler, Bruno M. and Bork, Reinhard and Pr{\"u}tting, Hanns}, publisher = {RWS Verlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-8145-2010-0 (print)}, doi = {10.15375/9783814558714-028}, pages = {524 -- 556}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @incollection{Kotliar2021, author = {Kotliar, Konstantin}, title = {Ocular rigidity: clinical approach}, series = {Ocular Rigidity, Biomechanics and Hydrodynamics of the Eye}, booktitle = {Ocular Rigidity, Biomechanics and Hydrodynamics of the Eye}, editor = {Pallikaris, I. and Tsilimbaris, M. K. and Dastiridou, A. I.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-64422-2}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-64422-2_2}, pages = {15 -- 43}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The term ocular rigidity is widely used in clinical ophthalmology. Generally it is assumed as a resistance of the whole eyeball to mechanical deformation and relates to biomechanical properties of the eye and its tissues. Basic principles and formulas for clinical tonometry, tonography and pulsatile ocular blood flow measurements are based on the concept of ocular rigidity. There is evidence for altered ocular rigidity in aging, in several eye diseases and after eye surgery. Unfortunately, there is no consensual view on ocular rigidity: it used to make a quite different sense for different people but still the same name. Foremost there is no clear consent between biomechanical engineers and ophthalmologists on the concept. Moreover ocular rigidity is occasionally characterized using various parameters with their different physical dimensions. In contrast to engineering approach, clinical approach to ocular rigidity claims to characterize the total mechanical response of the eyeball to its deformation without any detailed considerations on eye morphology or material properties of its tissues. Further to the previous chapter this section aims to describe clinical approach to ocular rigidity from the perspective of an engineer in an attempt to straighten out this concept, to show its advantages, disadvantages and various applications.}, language = {en} } @incollection{ReimerBraunBallmann2007, author = {Reimer, Lars and Braun, Carsten and Ballmann, Josef}, title = {Computational study of the aeroelastic equilibrium configuration of a swept wind tunnel wing model in subsonic flow}, series = {High performance computing in science and engineering '06. Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2006 / Wolfgang E. Nagel ... Eds.}, booktitle = {High performance computing in science and engineering '06. Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) 2006 / Wolfgang E. Nagel ... Eds.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin [u.a.]}, isbn = {978-3-540-36165-7}, pages = {421 -- 434}, year = {2007}, abstract = {In the Collaborative Research Center SFB 401 at RWTH Aachen University, the numerical aeroelastic method SOFIA for direct numerical aeroelastic simulation is being progressively developed. Numerical results obtained by applying SOFIA were compared with measured data of static and dynamic aeroelastic wind tunnel tests for an elastic swept wing in subsonic flow.}, language = {en} } @incollection{ReimerBraunWellmeretal.2010, author = {Reimer, Lars and Braun, Carsten and Wellmer, Georg and Behr, Marek and Ballmann, Josef}, title = {Development of a modular method for computational aero-structural analysis of aircraft}, series = {Summary of flow modulation and fluid-structure interaction findings. Results of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 401 at the RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 1997-2008 / ed.: Wolfgang Schr{\"o}der. Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design. Vol. 109}, booktitle = {Summary of flow modulation and fluid-structure interaction findings. Results of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 401 at the RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 1997-2008 / ed.: Wolfgang Schr{\"o}der. Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design. Vol. 109}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-642-04087-0}, pages = {205 -- 238}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @incollection{BrittenBraunHesseetal.2003, author = {Britten, G. and Braun, Carsten and Hesse, M. and Ballmann, Josef}, title = {Computational aeroelasticity with reduced structural models}, series = {Flow modulation and fluid-structure interaction at airplane wings : research results of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 401 at RWTH Aachen, University of Technology, Aachen, Germany / Josef Ballmann (Ed.) Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design. Vol. 84}, booktitle = {Flow modulation and fluid-structure interaction at airplane wings : research results of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 401 at RWTH Aachen, University of Technology, Aachen, Germany / Josef Ballmann (Ed.) Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design. Vol. 84}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-540-40209-8}, pages = {275 -- 299}, year = {2003}, language = {en} } @incollection{EngelmannBaumann2022, author = {Engelmann, Ulrich M. and Baumann, Martin}, title = {Moderationsexpertise f{\"u}r QMBs - das Mindset}, series = {Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen}, booktitle = {Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen}, editor = {Herbig, Nicola and Poppelreuter, Stefan}, edition = {59. Update}, publisher = {T{\"U}V-Verlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-8249-0714-4}, pages = {Kapitel 10814}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Teamsitzungen, Arbeitsgruppentreffen, Kickoffs und Meetings - sie alle werden mit dem Ziel durchgef{\"u}hrt, innerhalb einer vorgegebenen Zeitspanne ein gemeinsames Arbeitsziel zu erreichen. Damit die Zielerreichung auch bei komplexeren Arbeitsauftr{\"a}gen nicht vom Zufall abh{\"a}ngt, empfiehlt es sich, die Leitung des Ablaufs einem Moderator zu {\"u}bertragen. In diesem Beitrag einer mehrteiligen Serie wird beschrieben, {\"u}ber welches Mindset der Moderator verf{\"u}gen sollte, welche grunds{\"a}tzlichen Methoden hilfreich sind und was bei der Onlinemoderation im Besonderen zu beachten ist.}, language = {de} } @incollection{ButenwegKlinkel2014, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {Dynamisches Verhalten von Stahlbetonplatten unter Impact-Belastungen}, series = {Massivbau im Wandel : Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Josef Hegger}, booktitle = {Massivbau im Wandel : Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Josef Hegger}, publisher = {Ernst}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-939051-20-9}, pages = {369 -- 380}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @incollection{MeskourisGellertButenweg2010, author = {Meskouris, Konstantin and Gellert, Christoph and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Neuer Ansatz f{\"u}r die Bemessung von Mauerwerksbauten}, series = {Innovationen im konstruktiven Ingenieurbau : Methoden - Materialien - Bauwerke ; Festschrift Professor Hirschfeld / hrsg. von Karl Beucke}, booktitle = {Innovationen im konstruktiven Ingenieurbau : Methoden - Materialien - Bauwerke ; Festschrift Professor Hirschfeld / hrsg. von Karl Beucke}, publisher = {Bauhaus-Univ. Weimar}, address = {Weimar}, pages = {217 -- 224}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @incollection{AltayTaddeiButenwegetal.2014, author = {Altay, Okyay and Taddei, Francesca and Butenweg, Christoph and Klinkel, Sven}, title = {Vibration mitigation of wind turbine towers with tuned mass dampers}, series = {Wind turbine control and monitoring. (Advances in industrial control)}, booktitle = {Wind turbine control and monitoring. (Advances in industrial control)}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham ; Heidelberg ; New York ; Dordrecht ; London}, isbn = {978-3-319-08412-1 (Print) ; 978-3-319-08413-8 (E-Book)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-08413-8_12}, pages = {337 -- 373}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Because of its minor environmental impact, electricity generation using wind power is getting remarkable. The further growth of the wind industry depends on technological solutions to the challenges in production and construction of the turbines. Wind turbine tower vibrations, which limit power generation efficiency and cause fatigue problems with high maintenance costs, count as one of the main structural difficulties in the wind energy sector. To mitigate tower vibrations auxiliary measures are necessary. The effectiveness of tuned mass damper is verified by means of a numeric study on a 5 MW onshore reference wind turbine. Hereby, also seismic-induced vibrations and soil-structure interaction are considered. Acquired results show that tuned mass damper can effectively reduce resonant tower vibrations and improve the fatigue life of wind turbines. This chapter is also concerned with tuned liquid column damper and a semiactive application of it. Due to its geometric versatility and low prime costs, tuned liquid column dampers are a good alternative to other damping measures, in particular for slender structures like wind turbines.}, language = {en} } @incollection{ButenwegNorda2014, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Norda, H.}, title = {Erdbebenberechnung von Mauerwerksbauten nach DIN EN 1998-1:2010-12}, series = {Mauerwerksbau-Praxis nach Eurocode / Schubert, Schneider, Schoch (Hrsg.). - 3., vollst{\"a}ndig {\"u}berarbeitete Auflage}, booktitle = {Mauerwerksbau-Praxis nach Eurocode / Schubert, Schneider, Schoch (Hrsg.). - 3., vollst{\"a}ndig {\"u}berarbeitete Auflage}, publisher = {Beuth}, address = {Berlin, Wien, Z{\"u}rich}, isbn = {978-3-410-22739-7}, pages = {367 -- 412}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @incollection{Eggert2019, author = {Eggert, Mathias}, title = {Big Data Research - How to Structure the Changes of the Past Decade?}, series = {The Art of Structuring}, booktitle = {The Art of Structuring}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-06234-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-06234-7_26}, pages = {271 -- 281}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In the past decade, many IS researchers focused on researching the phenomenon of Big Data. At the same time, the relevance of data protection gets more attention than ever before. In particular, since the enactment of the European General Data Protection Regulation in May 2018 Information Systems research should provide answers for protecting personal data. The article at hand presents a structuring framework for Big Data research outcome and the consideration of data protection. IS Researchers might use the framework in order to structure Big Data literature and to identify research gaps that should be addressed in the future.}, language = {en} } @incollection{KuhlmannButenwegMeskourisetal.2012, author = {Kuhlmann, Wolfram and Butenweg, Christoph and Meskouris, Konstantin and Kempen, Thomas}, title = {Simulation des Tragverhaltens des Aachener Doms im Erdbebenfall}, series = {Die karolingische Pfalzkapelle in Aachen : Material, Bautechnik, Restaurierung. (Arbeitshefte der rheinischen Denkmalpflege ; 78)}, booktitle = {Die karolingische Pfalzkapelle in Aachen : Material, Bautechnik, Restaurierung. (Arbeitshefte der rheinischen Denkmalpflege ; 78)}, publisher = {Wernersche Verlags-Gesellschaft}, address = {Worms}, isbn = {978-3-88462-325-1}, pages = {237 -- 248}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @incollection{ButenwegRoeser2016, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Roeser, W.}, title = {Auslegung von Bauwerken gegen Erdbeben - Rechenbeispiele}, series = {Stahlbetonbau aktuell 2016 : Praxishandbuch / herausgegeben von: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Josef Hegger, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Mark}, booktitle = {Stahlbetonbau aktuell 2016 : Praxishandbuch / herausgegeben von: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Josef Hegger, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Mark}, publisher = {Beuth Verlag GmbH}, address = {Berlin ; Wien ; Z{\"u}rich}, isbn = {978-3-410-25202-3 (Print) ; 978-3-410-25203-0 (E-Book)}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @incollection{ButenwegGellertMeyer2010, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Gellert, Christoph and Meyer, Udo}, title = {Erdbebenbemessung bei Mauerwerksbauten}, series = {Mauerwerk-Kalender 2010: Normen f{\"u}r Bemessung und Ausf{\"u}hrung}, booktitle = {Mauerwerk-Kalender 2010: Normen f{\"u}r Bemessung und Ausf{\"u}hrung}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-433-60040-6 ; 978-3-433-60040-5}, doi = {10.1002/9783433600405.ch7}, pages = {141 -- 167}, year = {2010}, language = {de} } @incollection{ButenwegRoeser2012, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Roeser, W.}, title = {Erdbebenbemessung von Stahlbetontragwerken nach DIN EN 1998-1}, series = {Stahlbetonbau aktuell : Praxishandbuch}, booktitle = {Stahlbetonbau aktuell : Praxishandbuch}, publisher = {Beuth}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-410-21932-3 (Print) ; 978-341-02193-3-0 (E-Book)}, pages = {A.1 -- A.43}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @incollection{ButenwegGellertMeyer2021, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Gellert, Christoph and Meyer, Udo}, title = {Erdbebenbemessung bei Mauerwerksbauten}, series = {Mauerwerk Kalender 2021: Kunststoffverankerungen Digitalisierung im Mauerwerksbau}, booktitle = {Mauerwerk Kalender 2021: Kunststoffverankerungen Digitalisierung im Mauerwerksbau}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {9783433032930}, doi = {10.1002/9783433610732.ch12}, pages = {329 -- 355}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt den seismischen Nachweis von Mauerwerksbauten in Deutschland auf Grundlage der DIN EN 1998-1/NA vor, wobei auch die wesentlichen {\"A}nderungen zu der Norm DIN 4149 vergleichend erl{\"a}utert werden. Vorgestellt werden die Definition der Erdbebeneinwirkung, das seismische Verhalten von Mauerwerksbauten und die Erl{\"a}uterung der Rechenverfahren. Darauf aufbauend wird die Anwendung an drei Praxisbeispielen demonstriert.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Dachwald2017, author = {Dachwald, Bernd}, title = {Light propulsion systems for spacecraft}, series = {Optical nano and micro actuator technology}, booktitle = {Optical nano and micro actuator technology}, editor = {Knopf, George K. and Otani, Yukitoshi}, publisher = {CRC Press}, address = {Boca Raton}, isbn = {9781315217628 (eBook)}, pages = {577 -- 598}, year = {2017}, language = {en} } @incollection{AkimbekovZhanadilovnaUalievaetal.2020, author = {Akimbekov, Nuraly S. and Zhanadilovna, Abdieva G. and Ualieva, Perizat S. and Abaihanovna, Zhusipova D. and Digel, Ilya and Savitskaya, Irina S. and Zhubanova, Azhar Achmet}, title = {Functionalization of Carbon Based Wound Dressings with Antimicrobial Phytoextracts for Bioactive Treatment of Septic Wounds}, series = {Carbon Nanomaterials in Biomedicine and the Environment}, booktitle = {Carbon Nanomaterials in Biomedicine and the Environment}, publisher = {Jenny Stanford Publishing}, address = {Singapore}, isbn = {978-981-4800-27-3}, doi = {10.1201/9780429428647-11}, pages = {211 -- 228}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The treatment of septic wounds with curative dressings based on biocomposites containing sage and marigold phytoextracts was effective in in vitro and in vivo experiments. These dressings caused the purification of the wound surface from purulent-necrotic masses three days earlier than in the other experimental groups. The consequence of an increase in incidents of severe course of the wound and the observed tendency to increase the number of adverse effects is the development of long-term recurrent wound processes. To treat purulent wounds, the following tactics were used: The purulent wounds of animals were covered with the examined wound dressing, and then the next day samples were taken, the procedure was performed once in 2 days. To obtain the active nanostructured sorbents such as carbonized rice husks, they are functionalized with biologically active components possessing antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, immunomodulating, antiallergic and other types of properties.}, language = {en} } @incollection{SavitskayaKistaubayevaAkimbekovetal.2020, author = {Savitskaya, Irina S. and Kistaubayeva, Aida S. and Akimbekov, Nuraly S. and Digel, Ilya and Shokatayeva, Dina and Zhubanova, Azhar Achmet}, title = {Prospective Use of Probiotics Immobilized on Sorbents with Nanostructured Surfaces}, series = {Carbon Nanomaterials in Biomedicine and the Environment}, booktitle = {Carbon Nanomaterials in Biomedicine and the Environment}, publisher = {Jenny Stanford Publishing}, address = {Singapore}, isbn = {978-981-4800-27-3}, doi = {10.1201/9780429428647-12}, pages = {229 -- 267}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Activated carbons are known as excellent adsorbents. Their applications include the adsorptive removal of color, odor, taste, undesirable organic and inorganic pollutants from drinking and waste water; air purification in inhabited spaces; purification of many chemicals, pharmaceutical products and many others. This chapter elucidates the role of normal microflora in the maintenance of human health and presents materials on possible clinical displays of microecological infringements and ways of their correction. It presents new developments concerning new probiotics with immobilized Lactobacillus and Bacillus. The chapter considers the mechanisms of the intestine disbacteriosis correction by sorbed probiotics. It demonstrates the advantages and creation prospects of immobilized probiotics developed on the basis of carbonized rice husk. There are great prospects for the development of medical biotechnology due to use of carbon sorbents with a nanostructured surface. Microbial communities form a biocenosis of the biotope and together with the host organism create permanent or temporary ecosystems.}, language = {en} } @incollection{DiekmannEggert2021, author = {Diekmann, Julian and Eggert, Mathias}, title = {Is a Progressive Web App an Alternative for Native App Development?}, series = {3. Wissenschaftsforum: Digitale Transformation (WiFo21) (Lecture Notes in Informatics ; P-319)}, booktitle = {3. Wissenschaftsforum: Digitale Transformation (WiFo21) (Lecture Notes in Informatics ; P-319)}, publisher = {Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik}, address = {Darmstadt}, isbn = {978-3-88579-713-5}, pages = {35 -- 48}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The existence of several mobile operating systems, such as Android and iOS, is a challenge for developers because the individual platforms are not compatible with each other and require separate app developments. For this reason, cross-platform approaches have become popular but lack in cloning the native behavior of the different operating systems. Out of the plenty cross-platform approaches, the progressive web app (PWA) approach is perceived as promising but needs further investigation. Therefore, the paper at hand aims at investigating whether PWAs are a suitable alternative for native apps by developing a PWA clone of an existing app. Two surveys are conducted in which potential users test and evaluate the PWA prototype with regard to its usability. The survey results indicate that PWAs have great potential, but cannot be treated as a general alternative to native apps. For guiding developers when and how to use PWAs, four design guidelines for the development of PWA-based apps are derived based on the results.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Dachwald2010, author = {Dachwald, Bernd}, title = {Solar sail dynamics and control}, series = {Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering}, booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Hoboken}, doi = {10.1002/9780470686652.eae292}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Solar sails are large and lightweight reflective structures that are propelled by solar radiation pressure. This chapter covers their orbital and attitude dynamics and control. First, the advantages and limitations of solar sails are discussed and their history and development status is outlined. Because the dynamics of solar sails is governed by the (thermo-)optical properties of the sail film, the basic solar radiation pressure force models have to be described and compared before parameters to measure solar sail performance can be defined. The next part covers the orbital dynamics of solar sails for heliocentric motion, planetocentric motion, and motion at Lagrangian equilibrium points. Afterwards, some advanced solar radiation pressure force models are described, which allow to quantify the thrust force on solar sails of arbitrary shape, the effects of temperature, of light incidence angle, of surface roughness, and the effects of optical degradation of the sail film in the space environment. The orbital motion of a solar sail is strongly coupled to its rotational motion, so that the attitude control of these soft and flexible structures is very challenging, especially for planetocentric orbits that require fast attitude maneuvers. Finally, some potential attitude control methods are sketched and selection criteria are given.}, language = {en} } @incollection{ZhubanovaMansurovDigel2020, author = {Zhubanova, Azhar A. and Mansurov, Zulkhair A. and Digel, Ilya}, title = {Use of Advanced Nanomaterials for Bioremediation of Contaminated Ecosystems}, series = {Carbon Nanomaterials in Biomedicine and the Environment}, booktitle = {Carbon Nanomaterials in Biomedicine and the Environment}, publisher = {Jenny Stanford Publishing}, address = {Singapore}, isbn = {978-981-4800-27-3}, doi = {10.1201/9780429428647-18}, pages = {353 -- 378}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This chapter shows that nanomaterials obtained by high-temperature carbonization of inexpensive plant raw material such as rice husk, grape seeds, and walnut shells can serve as a basis for the production of highly efficient microbial drugs, biodestructors, biosorbents, and biocatalysts, which are promising for the remediation of the ecosystem contaminated with heavy and radioactive metals, oil and oil products. A strong interest in engineering zymology is dictated by the necessity to address the issues of monitoring enzymatic processes, treatment, and diagnosis of a number of common human diseases, environmental pollution, quality control of pharmaceuticals and food. Nanomaterials obtained by high-temperature carbonization of cheap plant raw material such as-rice husks, grape seeds and walnut shells, can serve as a basis for creating of highly effective microbial preparations-biodestructors, biosorbents and biocatalysts, which are promising for the use of contaminated ecosystems, and for restoration of human intestine microecology.}, language = {en} } @incollection{AkimbekovDigelRazzaque2022, author = {Akimbekov, Nuraly S. and Digel, Ilya and Razzaque, Mohammed S.}, title = {Role of vitamins in maintaining structure and function of intestinal microbiome}, series = {Comprehensive Gut Microbiota}, booktitle = {Comprehensive Gut Microbiota}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {978-0-12-822036-8}, doi = {10.1016/B978-0-12-819265-8.00043-7}, pages = {320 -- 334}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The recent advances in microbiology have shed light on understanding the role of vitamins beyond the nutritional range. Vitamins are critical in contributing to healthy biodiversity and maintaining the proper function of gut microbiota. The sharing of vitamins among bacterial populations promotes stability in community composition and diversity; however, this balance becomes disturbed in various pathologies. Here, we overview and analyze the ability of different vitamins to selectively and specifically induce changes in the intestinal microbial community. Some schemes and regularities become visible, which may provide new insights and avenues for therapeutic management and functional optimization of the gut microbiota.}, language = {en} } @incollection{GkatzogiasVeljkovivPohorylesetal.2022, author = {Gkatzogias, Konstantinos and Veljkoviv, Ana and Pohoryles, Daniel A. and Tsionis, Georgios and Bournas, Dionysios A. and Crowley, Helen and Norl{\´e}n, Hedvig and Butenweg, Christoph and Gervasio, Helena and Manfredi, Vincenzo and Masi, Angelo and Zaharieva, Roumiana}, title = {Policy practice and regional impact assessment for building renovation}, series = {REEBUILD Integrated Techniques for the Seismic Strengthening \& Energy Efficiency of Existing Buildings}, booktitle = {REEBUILD Integrated Techniques for the Seismic Strengthening \& Energy Efficiency of Existing Buildings}, editor = {Gkatzogias, Konstantinos and Tsionis, Georgios}, publisher = {Publications Office of the European Union}, address = {Luxembourg}, isbn = {978-92-76-60454-9}, issn = {1831-9424}, doi = {10.2760/883122}, pages = {1 -- 68}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The work presented in this report provides scientific support to building renovation policies in the EU by promoting a holistic point of view on the topic. Integrated renovation can be seen as a nexus between European policies on disaster resilience, energy efficiency and circularity in the building sector. An overview of policy measures for the seismic and energy upgrading of buildings across EU Member States identified only a few available measures for combined upgrading. Regulatory framework, financial instruments and digital tools similar to those for energy renovation, together with awareness and training may promote integrated renovation. A framework for regional prioritisation of building renovation was put forward, considering seismic risk, energy efficiency, and socioeconomic vulnerability independently and in an integrated way. Results indicate that prioritisation of building renovation is a multidimensional problem. Depending on priorities, different integrated indicators should be used to inform policies and accomplish the highest relative or most spread impact across different sectors. The framework was further extended to assess the impact of renovation scenarios across the EU with a focus on priority regions. Integrated renovation can provide a risk-proofed, sustainable, and inclusive built environment, presenting an economic benefit in the order of magnitude of the highest benefit among the separate interventions. Furthermore, it presents the unique capability of reducing fatalities and energy consumption at the same time and, depending on the scenario, to a greater extent.}, language = {en} } @incollection{WeberBomholtButenweg2022, author = {Weber, Felix and Bomholt, Frederik and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Erdbeben- und Schwingungsschutz von Bauwerken}, series = {2023 BetonKalender: Wasserundurchl{\"a}ssiger Beton, Br{\"u}ckenbau}, booktitle = {2023 BetonKalender: Wasserundurchl{\"a}ssiger Beton, Br{\"u}ckenbau}, editor = {Bergmeister, Konrad and Fingerloos, Frank and W{\"o}rner, Johann-Dietrich}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {9783433611180}, doi = {10.1002/9783433611180.ch16}, pages = {779 -- 859}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die herk{\"o}mmlichen Maßnahmen wie die Kapazit{\"a}tsbemessung der Tragwerksstruktur, die Isolation des Bauwerks mittels Basisisolatoren, die D{\"a}mpfungserh{\"o}hung der Struktur mittels Inter-Story-D{\"a}mpfern und die Schwingungsreduktion mittels Schwingungstilgern gegen Einwirkungen durch Erdbeben, Wind, Verkehr und Personen auf die Bauwerke. Erg{\"a}nzend wird die erdbebengerechte Auslegung und Isolation von nichttragenden Bauteilen behandelt. F{\"u}r die betrachteten Systeme werden die Bewegungsdifferenzialgleichungen unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der wesentlichen Nichtlinearit{\"a}ten angegeben. Die vorgestellten Weiterentwicklungen in den Bereichen der Basisisolatoren, D{\"a}mpfern und Schwingungstilgern zeigen, dass das modellbasierte Design mittels Simulation ein sehr effektives, {\"o}konomisches und dank der heutigen Computerleistung auch zeiteffizientes Werkzeug darstellt.}, language = {de} } @incollection{ButenwegThierauf1999, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Thierauf, G.}, title = {Automatic design of reinforced concrete structures with parallel computing}, series = {Innovative computational methods for structural mechanics}, booktitle = {Innovative computational methods for structural mechanics}, editor = {Papadrakakis, M. and Topping, B.H.V.}, publisher = {Saxe-Coburg Publication}, address = {Edinburgh}, isbn = {1-874672-05-9}, doi = {10.4203/csets.1.14}, pages = {305 -- 318}, year = {1999}, abstract = {A concept for the analysis and optimal design of reinforced concrete structures is described. It is based on a nonlinear optimization algorithm and a finite element program for linear and nonlinear analysis of structures. With the aim of minimal cost design a two stage optimization using efficient gradient algorithm is developed. The optimization problems on global (structural) and local (crosssectional) level are formulated. A parallelization concept for solving the two stage optimization problem in minimal time is presented. Examples are included to illustrate the practical use and the effectively of the parallelization in the area of engineering design.}, language = {en} } @incollection{MeskourisButenwegKalkeretal.2007, author = {Meskouris, Konstantin and Butenweg, Christoph and Kalker, Ines and Mistler, Michael}, title = {Numerical simulation of historic masonry buildings}, series = {Antike Erdbeben im alpinen und zirkumalpinen Raum : Befunde und Probleme in arch{\"a}ologischer, historischer und seismologischer Sicht ; Beitr{\"a}ge des Interdisziplin{\"a}ren Workshops Schloss Hohenkammer, 14./15. Mai 2004 = Earthquakes in antiquity in the alpine and circum-alpine region / Gerhard H. Waldherr ; Anselm Smolka (Hrsg.) (Geographica Historica ; 24)}, booktitle = {Antike Erdbeben im alpinen und zirkumalpinen Raum : Befunde und Probleme in arch{\"a}ologischer, historischer und seismologischer Sicht ; Beitr{\"a}ge des Interdisziplin{\"a}ren Workshops Schloss Hohenkammer, 14./15. Mai 2004 = Earthquakes in antiquity in the alpine and circum-alpine region / Gerhard H. Waldherr ; Anselm Smolka (Hrsg.) (Geographica Historica ; 24)}, publisher = {Franz Steiner Verlag}, address = {Stuttgart}, isbn = {978-3-515-09030-8 ; 3-515-09030-4}, pages = {171 -- 189}, year = {2007}, language = {en} } @incollection{MeskourisButenweg2008, author = {Meskouris, Konstantin and Butenweg, Christoph}, title = {Erdbebensichere Auslegung von Bauwerken nach DIN 4149:2005}, series = {Betonkalender 2008: Konstruktiver Wasserbau, erdbebensicheres Bauen. Band 2}, booktitle = {Betonkalender 2008: Konstruktiver Wasserbau, erdbebensicheres Bauen. Band 2}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-433-01839-2 (Print) ; 978-3-433-01854-5 (E-Book)}, doi = {10.1002/9783433600702.ch5}, pages = {1 -- 54}, year = {2008}, language = {de} } @incollection{ButenwegGellert2007, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Gellert, Christoph}, title = {Berechnung und Bemessung von durch Erdbeben beanspruchten Mauerwerksbauten nach DIN 4149 (04.2005)}, series = {Mauerwerksbau-Praxis / Schubert ; Schneider ; Schoch (Hrsg.)}, booktitle = {Mauerwerksbau-Praxis / Schubert ; Schneider ; Schoch (Hrsg.)}, publisher = {Werner Verlag}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-9343-6938-3 ; 978-3-9343-6938-2}, pages = {363 -- 393}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @incollection{ButenwegEbenau1996, author = {Butenweg, Christoph and Ebenau, C.}, title = {Entwicklung eines objekt-orientierten FE-Programms}, series = {Forum Bauinformatik - Junge Wissenschaftler forschen, Cottbus '96}, booktitle = {Forum Bauinformatik - Junge Wissenschaftler forschen, Cottbus '96}, publisher = {VDI-Verlag}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {978-3-18-313504-2}, pages = {60 -- 65}, year = {1996}, language = {de} } @incollection{AkimbekovDigelSherelkhanetal.2022, author = {Akimbekov, Nuraly S. and Digel, Ilya and Sherelkhan, Dinara K. and Razzaque, Mohammed S.}, title = {Vitamin D and Phosphate Interactions in Health and Disease}, series = {Phosphate Metabolism}, booktitle = {Phosphate Metabolism}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-91621-3}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-91623-7_5}, pages = {37 -- 46}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Vitamin D plays an essential role in calcium and inorganic phosphate (Pi) homeostasis, maintaining their optimal levels to assure adequate bone mineralization. Vitamin D, as calcitriol (1,25(OH)2D), not only increases intestinal calcium and phosphate absorption but also facilitates their renal reabsorption, leading to elevated serum calcium and phosphate levels. The interaction of 1,25(OH)2D with its receptor (VDR) increases the efficiency of intestinal absorption of calcium to 30-40\% and phosphate to nearly 80\%. Serum phosphate levels can also influence 1,25 (OH)2D and fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) levels, i.e., higher phosphate concentrations suppress vitamin D activation and stimulate parathyroid hormone (PTH) release, while a high FGF23 serum level leads to reduced vitamin D synthesis. In the vitamin D-deficient state, the intestinal calcium absorption decreases and the secretion of PTH increases, which in turn causes the stimulation of 1,25(OH)2D production, resulting in excessive urinary phosphate loss. Maintenance of phosphate homeostasis is essential as hyperphosphatemia is a risk factor of cardiovascular calcification, chronic kidney diseases (CKD), and premature aging, while hypophosphatemia is usually associated with rickets and osteomalacia. This chapter elaborates on the possible interactions between vitamin D and phosphate in health and disease.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Alexopoulos2013, author = {Alexopoulos, Spiros}, title = {Biomass technology and bio-fuels: Heating/cooling and power}, series = {Renewable energy systems : theory, innovations, and intelligent applications / eds.: Socrates Kaplanis and Eleni Kaplani}, booktitle = {Renewable energy systems : theory, innovations, and intelligent applications / eds.: Socrates Kaplanis and Eleni Kaplani}, publisher = {Nova Science Publ.}, address = {Hauppauge, NY}, isbn = {9781624177415}, pages = {501 -- 523}, year = {2013}, language = {en} } @incollection{DigelMansurovBiisenbaevetal.2012, author = {Digel, Ilya and Mansurov, Zulkhair and Biisenbaev, Makhmut and Savitskaya, Irina and Kistaubaeva, Aida and Akimbekov, Nuraly S. and Zhubanova, Azhar}, title = {Heterogeneous Composites on the Basis of Microbial Cells and Nanostructured Carbonized Sorbents}, series = {Composites and Their Applications}, booktitle = {Composites and Their Applications}, editor = {Hu, Ning}, publisher = {Intech}, address = {London}, isbn = {978-953-51-0706-4}, doi = {10.5772/47796}, pages = {249 -- 272}, year = {2012}, abstract = {The fact that microorganisms prefer to grow on liquid/solid phase surfaces rather than in the surrounding aqueous phase was noticed long time ago [1]. Virtually any surface - animal, mineral, or vegetable - is a subject for microbial colonization and subsequent biofilm formation. It would be adequate to name just a few notorious examples on microbial colonization of contact lenses, ship hulls, petroleum pipelines, rocks in streams and all kinds of biomedical implants. The propensity of microorganisms to become surface-bound is so profound and ubiquitous that it vindicates the advantages for attached forms over their free-ranging counterparts [2]. Indeed, from ecological and evolutionary standpoints, for many microorganisms the surface-bound state means dwelling in nutritionally favorable, non-hostile environments [3]. Therefore, in most of natural and artificial ecosystems surface-associated microorganisms vastly outnumber organisms in suspension and often organize into complex communities with features that differ dramatically from those of free cells [4].}, language = {en} } @incollection{DigelSadykovTemizArtmannetal.2015, author = {Digel, Ilya and Sadykov, R. and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l and Artmann, Gerhard}, title = {Changes in intestinal microflora in rats induced by oral exposure to low lead (II) concentrations}, series = {Lead Exposure and Poisoning: Clinical Symptoms, Medical Management and Preventive Strategies}, booktitle = {Lead Exposure and Poisoning: Clinical Symptoms, Medical Management and Preventive Strategies}, publisher = {Nova Science Publ.}, isbn = {9781634826990}, pages = {75 -- 99}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @incollection{DachwaldUlamecKowalskietal.2023, author = {Dachwald, Bernd and Ulamec, Stephan and Kowalski, Julia and Boxberg, Marc S. and Baader, Fabian and Biele, Jens and K{\"o}mle, Norbert}, title = {Ice melting probes}, series = {Handbook of Space Resources}, booktitle = {Handbook of Space Resources}, editor = {Badescu, Viorel and Zacny, Kris and Bar-Cohen, Yoseph}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-97912-6 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-97913-3_29}, pages = {955 -- 996}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The exploration of icy environments in the solar system, such as the poles of Mars and the icy moons (a.k.a. ocean worlds), is a key aspect for understanding their astrobiological potential as well as for extraterrestrial resource inspection. On these worlds, ice melting probes are considered to be well suited for the robotic clean execution of such missions. In this chapter, we describe ice melting probes and their applications, the physics of ice melting and how the melting behavior can be modeled and simulated numerically, the challenges for ice melting, and the required key technologies to deal with those challenges. We also give an overview of existing ice melting probes and report some results and lessons learned from laboratory and field tests.}, language = {en} } @incollection{LuczakWolfSchlicketal.1999, author = {Luczak, Holger and Wolf, Martin R. and Schlick, Christopher and Springer, J. and Foltz, Christian}, title = {Personenorientierte Arbeitsprozesse und Kommunikationsforrnen}, series = {Integration von Entwicklungssystemen in Ingenieuranwendungen : substantielle Verbesserung der Entwicklungsprozesse}, booktitle = {Integration von Entwicklungssystemen in Ingenieuranwendungen : substantielle Verbesserung der Entwicklungsprozesse}, editor = {Nagl, Walter}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-540-63920-9}, pages = {403 -- 422}, year = {1999}, language = {de} }