@article{Zimmermann2007, author = {Zimmermann, Doris}, title = {[Kapitel 7] : Externes Rechnungswesen}, series = {Business-Management f{\"u}r Ingenieure : beurteilen - entscheiden - gestalten / Rolf Grap (Hrsg.). - (REFA-Fachbuchreihe Unternehmensentwicklung)}, journal = {Business-Management f{\"u}r Ingenieure : beurteilen - entscheiden - gestalten / Rolf Grap (Hrsg.). - (REFA-Fachbuchreihe Unternehmensentwicklung)}, publisher = {Hanser}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-446-41256-9}, pages = {208 -- 273}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @article{ZhubanovaDigelNojimaetal.2007, author = {Zhubanova, Azhar A. and Digel, Ilya and Nojima, H. and Artmann, Gerhard}, title = {The use of bactericidal effects of cluster ions generated by plasma in medical biotechnology}, year = {2007}, abstract = {The most of conventional methods of air purification use the power of a fan to draw in air and pass it through a filter. The problem of bacterial contamination of inner parts of such a type of air conditioners in some cases draws attention towards alternative air-cleaning systems. Some manufacturers offer to use the ozone's bactericidal and deodorizing effects, but the wide spreading of such systems is restricted by the fact that toxic effects of ozone in respect of human beings are well known. In 2000 Sharp Inc. introduced "Plasma Cluster Ions (PCI)" air purification technology, which uses plasma discharge to generate cluster ions (I 0-14 ). This technology has been developed for those customers that are conscious about health and hygiene. In our experiments, we focused on some principal aspects of plasma-generated ions application - time-dependency and irreversibility of bactericidal action, spatial and kinetic characteristics of emitted cluster particles, their chemical targets in the microbial cells.}, subject = {Clusterion}, language = {en} } @article{ZerlinKasischkeDigeletal.2007, author = {Zerlin, Kay and Kasischke, Nicole and Digel, Ilya and Maggakis-Kelemen, Christina and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l and Porst, Dariusz and Kayser, Peter and Linder, Peter and Artmann, Gerhard}, title = {Structural transition temperature of hemoglobins correlates with species' body temperature}, series = {European Biophysics Journal. 37 (2007), H. 1}, journal = {European Biophysics Journal. 37 (2007), H. 1}, isbn = {1432-1017}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2007}, language = {en} } @article{ZerlinDigelStadleretal.2007, author = {Zerlin, Kay and Digel, Ilya and Stadler, Andreas M. and B{\"u}ldt, Georg and Zaccai, Guiseppe and Artmann, Gerhard}, title = {Dynamics and interactions of hemoglobin in human red blood cells and concentrated hemoglobin solutions}, series = {Regenerative medicine. 2 (2007), H. 5}, journal = {Regenerative medicine. 2 (2007), H. 5}, isbn = {1746-0751}, pages = {573 -- 573}, year = {2007}, language = {en} } @article{WollertKruseVedral2007, author = {Wollert, J{\"o}rg F. and Kruse, Thomas and Vedral, Andreas}, title = {Die Kraft der drei Antennen : zuverl{\"a}ssige Funkkommunikation f{\"u}r die Automatisierungstechnik}, series = {Elektronik : Fachmedium f{\"u}r industrielle Anwender und Entwickler ; Sonderh. Wireless : Fachmedium f{\"u}r Entwicklungen funkbasierter Systeme}, volume = {56}, journal = {Elektronik : Fachmedium f{\"u}r industrielle Anwender und Entwickler ; Sonderh. Wireless : Fachmedium f{\"u}r Entwicklungen funkbasierter Systeme}, number = {Sonderh. 2}, issn = {0013-5658; 1611-5120}, pages = {36 -- 42}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Wollert2007, author = {Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {Mobility - Integration von Offboard-Devices in Fahrzeugen}, series = {Begleittexte zum Entwicklerforum Kfz-Elektronik \& FlexRay Solution Day : 15. Mai 2007, Ludwigsburg / hrsg. von Caspar Grote ...}, booktitle = {Begleittexte zum Entwicklerforum Kfz-Elektronik \& FlexRay Solution Day : 15. Mai 2007, Ludwigsburg / hrsg. von Caspar Grote ...}, publisher = {Design \& Elektronik}, address = {Poing}, pages = {47 -- 54}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Wollert2007, author = {Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {Fahrzeug-Umwelt Kommunikation? Chancen und Herausforderungen}, series = {Begleittexte zum Entwicklerforum Kfz-Elektronik \& FlexRay Solution Day : 15. Mai 2007, Ludwigsburg / hrsg. von Caspar Grote ...}, booktitle = {Begleittexte zum Entwicklerforum Kfz-Elektronik \& FlexRay Solution Day : 15. Mai 2007, Ludwigsburg / hrsg. von Caspar Grote ...}, publisher = {Design \& Elektronik}, address = {Poing}, pages = {39 -- 46}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @article{Wollert2007, author = {Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {Wireless in industriellen Anwendungen}, series = {Elektronik : Fachmedium f{\"u}r industrielle Anwender und Entwickler ; Sonderh. Scout : Leitfaden f{\"u}r Elektronik-Entwickler}, journal = {Elektronik : Fachmedium f{\"u}r industrielle Anwender und Entwickler ; Sonderh. Scout : Leitfaden f{\"u}r Elektronik-Entwickler}, issn = {1863-3420}, pages = {40 -- 46}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @article{Wollert2007, author = {Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {Funk f{\"u}r die Sicherheit auf vier R{\"a}dern : Chancen und Herausforderungen in der Fahrzeug-Umwelt-Kommunikation}, series = {Elektronik automotive : Magazin f{\"u}r Entwicklungen in der Kfz-Elektronik und Telematik}, journal = {Elektronik automotive : Magazin f{\"u}r Entwicklungen in der Kfz-Elektronik und Telematik}, number = {H. 8}, issn = {1614-0125}, pages = {78 -- 83}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @book{Wollert2007, author = {Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {Wireless-Technologies-Kongress 2007 : von der Technologie zur Anwendung ; [wireless technologies, 9. Kongress, 18. - 19. September 2007, Stuttgart] / Hrsg. J{\"o}rg F. Wollert}, publisher = {VDI-Verl.}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, organization = {Wireless-Technologies-Kongress <9, 2007, Stuttgart>}, isbn = {978-3-89838-084-3}, pages = {VIII, 308 S.}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @article{Wollert2007, author = {Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {UWB, ZigBee und Z-Wave in der Automatisierung : neue Konkurrenzsituation bei Short Range Wireless?}, series = {Elektronik : Fachmedium f{\"u}r industrielle Anwender und Entwickler}, volume = {Bd. 56}, journal = {Elektronik : Fachmedium f{\"u}r industrielle Anwender und Entwickler}, number = {H. 2}, issn = {0013-5658}, pages = {62 -- 65}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{WolfUlbrich2007, author = {Wolf, Martin R. and Ulbrich, Daniel}, title = {Decision-Support-System kokas zur Sanierungsplanung und Strategieentwicklung}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Dr.-Ing. Martin Wolf ; Dipl.-Kaufm. Daniel Ulbrich , Dr. Pecher und Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, M{\"u}nchen. 31 S. (S. 139-168). Beitrag zum 1. Aachener Softwaretag in der Wasserwirtschaft < 1, 2007, Aachen>. Zusammenfasung [der Autoren] Die {\"o}ffentlichen Kanalnetze Deutschlands stellen mit einem Wert von rd. 330 Mrd. € ein enormes Anlageverm{\"o}gen dar. Auf Grund des oft schlechten Zustandes und geringer Ausgaben zur Instandhaltung und Erneuerung ist zu erwarten, dass durch die gegenw{\"a}rtige Sanierungspraxis eher ein Substanzwertverzehr des Kanalnetzes als ein Substanzwerterhalt im Sinne des Generationenvertrages erzielt wird. F{\"u}r einen nachhaltigen Betrieb und Erhalt der Kanalnetze sind deshalb Sanierungsstrategien erforderlich, die neben den technischen und gesetzlichen Anforderungen auch den mittel- und langfristigen Substanzwertverlauf ber{\"u}cksichtigen. Dieser wird beeinflusst vom erforderlichen oder durchgef{\"u}hrten Sanierungsumfang, Art und Zusammensetzung der ausgew{\"a}hlten Maßnahmen sowie der zeitlichen Abfolge der Sanierungsmaßnahmen. Erheblichen Einfluss auf den Substanzwertverlauf hat zudem die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der hydraulischen Verh{\"a}ltnisse sowie der optisch nicht sichtbaren Undichtheiten. Entsprechend ist es erforderlich, die tats{\"a}chlich vorhandenen Defizite zu ermitteln und die Sanierungsmaßnahmen sowie eine Strategie zur Umsetzung zu erarbeiten. Da sich gezeigt hat, dass alleine die Einhaltung der technischen und gesetzlichen Anforderung f{\"u}r einen Substanzwerterhalt nicht ausreicht, muss die geplante Strategie im Dr.-Ing. Martin Wolf 139 von 170 Decision-Support-System kokas zur Sanierungsplanung und Strategieentwicklung 1. Aachener Softwaretag in der Wasserwirtschaft Hinblick auf die nachhaltige Wertentwicklung {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft und ggf. Anpassungen vorgenommen werden. Kurzfristig erzielte Einsparungen durch reduzierten Schadensumfang oder einseitige Maßnahmenwahl erm{\"o}glichen zwar im g{\"u}nstigsten Fall, die Anforderungen einzuhalten, gehen jedoch zwangsl{\"a}ufig zu Lasten des Substanzwertes und f{\"u}hren mittel- und langfristig zu einer Versch{\"a}rfung der Kosten- und Geb{\"u}hrensituation. Der monet{\"a}re, am konkreten Sanierungsaufwand orientierte Substanzwertansatz erm{\"o}glicht dabei, technische und kaufm{\"a}nnische Gesichtspunkte praxisnah zu verkn{\"u}pfen und den bestm{\"o}glichen Ausgleich zwischen den gegenl{\"a}ufigen Zielen Substanzwerterhalt und Geb{\"u}hrenkonstanz zu finden.}, subject = {Kanalisation}, language = {de} } @article{WittmannBibringRosenbaueretal.2007, author = {Wittmann, Klaus and Bibring, J.-P. and Rosenbauer, H. and Boehnhardt, H. and Ulamec, S. and Biele, Jens and Espinasse, S. and Feuerbacher, B. and Gaudon, Philippe and Hemmerich, P. and Kletzkine, P. and Moura, Dioc and Mugnuolo, R. and Nietner, G. and P{\"a}tz, B. and Roll, R. and Scheuerle, H. and Szeg{\"o}, Karoly}, title = {The Rosetta Lander ("Philae") Investigations / Bibring, J.-P. ; Rosenbauer, H. ; Boehnhardt, H. ; [...] Wittmann, K.}, series = {Space Science Reviews. 128 (2007), H. 1-4}, journal = {Space Science Reviews. 128 (2007), H. 1-4}, isbn = {0038-6308}, pages = {205 -- 220}, year = {2007}, language = {en} } @incollection{Wilke2007, author = {Wilke, Thomas}, title = {Architektonische Innovation in Deutschland und Italien vor 1848: Gottfried Semper und Alessandro Antonelli}, series = {Gottfried Semper - Dresden und Europa : die moderne Renaissance der K{\"u}nste ; Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums der Technischen Universit{\"a}t Dresden aus Anlass des 200. Geburtstags von Gottfried Semper}, booktitle = {Gottfried Semper - Dresden und Europa : die moderne Renaissance der K{\"u}nste ; Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums der Technischen Universit{\"a}t Dresden aus Anlass des 200. Geburtstags von Gottfried Semper}, editor = {Karge, Henrik}, publisher = {Dt. Kunstverl.}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {3-422-06606-3}, pages = {277 -- 288}, year = {2007}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Wessling2007, author = {Weßling, Matthias}, title = {Leadership Perspectives: Research Findings, Theories, Practical Experiences}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Leadership Perspectives: Research Findings, Theories, Practical Experiences: Results of Leadership Research and exemplarily application cases show the perspectives and consequences for leadership practice and the following requirements for executives in future.}, subject = {Leadership}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Wessling2007, author = {Weßling, Matthias}, title = {Motivation and Leadership - The Reiss-Profile of the 16 Basic Desires: Research results and managerial applications}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Recent Results of the scientific Reiss-Profile (16 basic desires) due to the concept of Prof. Dr. Steven Reiss (State University Ohio, U.S.A.), supplemented by the comparative analysis of empirical motivational profiles of european executives of various companies.}, subject = {Motivation}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Wessling2007, author = {Weßling, Matthias}, title = {Provocative Communication in Coaching and Leadership: scientific research and managerial applications of the Provocative Communication Style}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Concept, scientific research and managerial applications of Provocative Coaching, according to the „Provocative Therapy" of Prof. Dr. Frank Farrelly (University of Wisconsin, U.S.A) in terms of an application of the Provocative Communication Style in specific situations of practical leadership, especially in the role of a coach for their subordinates.}, subject = {Kommunikation}, language = {en} } @incollection{WendorffEggertPohletal.2007, author = {Wendorff, Marion and Eggert, Thorsten and Pohl, Martina and Dresen, Carola and M{\"u}ller, Michael and Jaeger, Karl-Erich and Sprenger, Georg A. and Sch{\"u}rmann, Melanie and Sch{\"u}rmann, Martin and Johnen, Sandra and Sprenger, Gerda and Sahm, Hermann and Inoue, Tomoyuki and Sch{\"o}rken, Ulrich and Breittaupt, Holger and Fr{\"o}lich, Bettina and Heim, Petra and Iding, Hans and Juchem, Bettina and Siegert, Petra and Kula, Maria-Regina and Weckbecker, Andrea and Hummel, Werner and Fessner, Wolf-Dieter and Elling, Lothar and Wolberg, Michael and Bode, Silke and Feldmann, Ralf and Geilenkirchen, Petra and Schubert, Thomas and Walter, Lydia and D{\"u}nnwald, Thomas and Demir, Ayhan S. and Kolter-Jung, Doris and Nitsche, Adam and D{\"u}nkelmann, Pascal and Cosp, Annabel and Lingen, Bettina}, title = {Catalytic asymmetric synthesis : section 2.2}, series = {Asymmetric synthesis with chemical and biological methods / ed. by Dieter Enders ...}, booktitle = {Asymmetric synthesis with chemical and biological methods / ed. by Dieter Enders ...}, publisher = {Wiley-VCH}, address = {Weinheim}, isbn = {978-3-527-31473-7}, pages = {298 -- 413}, year = {2007}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WellmerChenBraunetal.2007, author = {Wellmer, Georg and Chen, B.-H. and Braun, Carsten and Ballmann, Josef}, title = {Numerical prediction of aeroelastic effects on twin-sting-rig mounted models for rear fuselage and empennage flow investigation in transonic windtunnel}, series = {Proceedings / IFASD 2007, CEAS/AIAA/KTH International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, June 18 - 21, 2007, Stockholm, Sweden}, booktitle = {Proceedings / IFASD 2007, CEAS/AIAA/KTH International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, June 18 - 21, 2007, Stockholm, Sweden}, publisher = {KTH}, address = {Stockholm}, organization = {Confederation of European Aerospace Societies ; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, Va. ; Kungliga Tekniska H{\"o}gskolan, Stockholm}, pages = {1 CD-ROM}, year = {2007}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WeissAbanteribaEsch2007, author = {Weiss, Alexander and Abanteriba, Sylvester and Esch, Thomas}, title = {Investigation of Flow Separation Inside a Conical Rocket Nozzle With the Aid of an Annular Cross Flow}, series = {Proceedings of the ASME/JSME 2007 5th Joint Fluids Engineering Conference. Volume 1: Symposia, Parts A and B}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the ASME/JSME 2007 5th Joint Fluids Engineering Conference. Volume 1: Symposia, Parts A and B}, publisher = {American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)}, address = {New York}, isbn = {0-7918-4288-6}, doi = {10.1115/FEDSM2007-37387}, pages = {1861 -- 1871}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Flow separation is a phenomenon that occurs in all kinds of supersonic nozzles sometimes during run-up and shut-down operations. Especially in expansion nozzles of rocket engines with large area ratio, flow separation can trigger strong side loads that can damage the structure of the nozzle. The investigation presented in this paper seeks to establish measures that may be applied to alter the point of flow separation. In order to achieve this, a supersonic nozzle was placed at the exit plane of the conical nozzle. This resulted in the generation of cross flow surrounding the core jet flow from the conical nozzle. Due to the entrainment of the gas stream from the conical nozzle the pressure in its exit plane was found to be lower than that of the ambient. A Cold gas instead of hot combustion gases was used as the working fluid. A mathematical simulation of the concept was validated by experiment. Measurements confirmed the simulation results that due to the introduction of a second nozzle the pressure in the separated region of the conical nozzle was significantly reduced. It was also established that the boundary layer separation inside the conical nozzle was delayed thus allowing an increased degree of overexpansion. The condition established by the pressure measurements was also demonstrated qualitatively using transparent nozzle configurations.}, language = {en} }