@inproceedings{StaatHeitzer2002, author = {Staat, Manfred and Heitzer, Michael}, title = {The restricted influence of kinematic hardening on shakedown loads}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Structural design analyses are conducted with the aim of verifying the exclusion of ratcheting. To this end it is important to make a clear distinction between the shakedown range and the ratcheting range. In cyclic plasticity more sophisticated hardening models have been suggested in order to model the strain evolution observed in ratcheting experiments. The hardening models used in shakedown analysis are comparatively simple. It is shown that shakedown analysis can make quite stable predictions of admissible load ranges despite the simplicity of the underlying hardening models. A linear and a nonlinear kinematic hardening model of two-surface plasticity are compared in material shakedown analysis. Both give identical or similar shakedown ranges. Structural shakedown analyses show that the loading may have a more pronounced effect than the hardening model.}, subject = {Biomedizinische Technik}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DachwaldSeboldtHaeusler2002, author = {Dachwald, Bernd and Seboldt, Wolfgang and H{\"a}usler, Bernd}, title = {Performance requirements for near-term interplanetary solar sailcraft missions}, series = {6th International AAAF Symposium on Space Propulsion: Propulsion for Space Transportation of the XXIst Century}, booktitle = {6th International AAAF Symposium on Space Propulsion: Propulsion for Space Transportation of the XXIst Century}, pages = {9 Seiten}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Solar sailcraft provide a wide range of opportunities for high-energy low-cost missions. To date, most mission studies require a rather demanding performance that will not be realized by solar sailcraft of the first generation. However, even with solar sailcraft of moderate performance, scientifically relevant missions are feasible. This is demonstrated with a Near Earth Asteroid sample return mission and various planetary rendezvous missions.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Staat2003, author = {Staat, Manfred}, title = {Design by Analysis of Pressure Components by non-linear Optimization}, year = {2003}, abstract = {This paper presents the direct route to Design by Analysis (DBA) of the new European pressure vessel standard in the language of limit and shakedown analysis (LISA). This approach leads to an optimization problem. Its solution with Finite Element Analysis is demonstrated for some examples from the DBA-Manual. One observation from the examples is, that the optimisation approach gives reliable and close lower bound solutions leading to simple and optimised design decision.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SeboldtDachwald2003, author = {Seboldt, Wolfgang and Dachwald, Bernd}, title = {Solar sails for near-term advanced scientific deep space missions}, series = {Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Combustion and Propulsion}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Combustion and Propulsion}, pages = {14 Seiten}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Solar sails are propelled in space by reflecting solar photons off large mirroring surfaces, thereby transforming the momentum of the photons into a propulsive force. This innovative concept for low-thrust space propulsion works without any propellant and thus provides a wide range of opportunities for highenergy low-cost missions. Offering an efficient way of propulsion, solar sailcraft could close a gap in transportation options for highly demanding exploration missions within our solar system and even beyond. On December 17th, 1999, a significant step was made towards the realization of this technology: a lightweight solar sail structure with an area of 20 m × 20 m was successfully deployed on ground in a large facility at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) at Cologne. The deployment from a package of 60 cm × 60 cm × 65 cm with a total mass of less than 35 kg was achieved using four extremely light-weight carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) booms with a specific mass of 100 g/m. The paper briefly reviews the basic principles of solar sails as well as the technical concept and its realization in the ground demonstration experiment, performed in close cooperation between DLR and ESA. Next possible steps are outlined. They could comprise the in-orbit demonstration of the sail deployment on the upper stage of a low-cost rocket and the verification of the propulsion concept by an autonomous and free flying solar sail in the frame of a scientific mission. It is expected that the present design could be extended to sail sizes of about (40 m)2 up to even (70 m)2 without significant mass penalty. With these areas, the maximum achievable thrust at 1 AU would range between 10 and 40 mN - comparable to some electric thrusters. Such prototype sails with a mass between 50 and 150 kg plus a micro-spacecraft of 50 to 250 kg would have a maximum acceleration in the order of 0.1 mm/s2 at 1 AU, corresponding to a maximum ∆V-capability of about 3 km/s per year. Two near/medium-term mission examples to a near-Earth asteroid (NEA) will be discussed: a rendezvous mission and a sample return mission.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DigelTemizArtmannNojimaetal.2003, author = {Digel, Ilya and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l and Nojima, H. and Artmann, Gerhard}, title = {Some peculiarities of application of cluster ions generated by plasma in respect of indoor air purification :[abstract]}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Recently, the SHARP Corporation, Japan, has developed the world's first "Plasma Cluster Ions (PCI)" air purification technology using plasma discharge to generate cluster ions. The new plasma cluster device releases positive and negative ions into the air, which are able to decompose and deactivate harmful airborne substances by chemical reactions. Because cluster ions consist of positive and negative ions that normally exist in the natural world, they are completely harmless and safe to humans. The amount of ozone generated by cluster ions is less than 0.01 ppm, which is significantly less than the 0.05-ppm standard for industrial operations and consumer electronics. This amount, thus, has no harming effects whatsoever on the human body. But particular properties and chemical processes in PCI treatment are still under study. It has been shown that PCI in most cases show strongly pronounced irreversible killing effects in respect of airborne microflora due to free-radical induced reactions and can be considered as a potent technology to disinfect both home, medical and industrial appliances.}, subject = {Clusterion}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DigelTemizArtmannNojimaetal.2003, author = {Digel, Ilya and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l and Nojima, H. and Artmann, Gerhard}, title = {Effects of plasma generated ions on bacteria : [poster]}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Summary and Conclusions PCIs were clearly effective in terms of their antibacterial effects with the strains tested. This efficacy increased with the time the bacteries were exposed to PCIs. The bactericidal action has proved to be irreversible. PCIs were significantly less effective in shadowed areas. PCI exposure caused multiple protein damages as observed in SDS PAGE studies. There was no single but multiple molecular mechanism causing the bacterial death.}, subject = {Clusterion}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DigelTemizArtmannNojimaetal.2003, author = {Digel, Ilya and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l and Nojima, H. and Artmann, Gerhard}, title = {Plasma-generated cluster ions' effects on indoor microflora : [abstract]}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Recently, SHARP corporation has developed the world's first "Plasma Cluster Ions® (PCI)" air purification technology, which uses plasma discharge to generate cluster ions. The new Plasma Cluster Device releases positive and negative ions into the air, which are harmless to humans and are able to decompose and deactivate airborne substances by chemical reactions. In the past, phenomenological tests on the efficacy of the PCI air purification technology on microbial cells have been conducted. In most cases, it has been shown that PCI demonstrated strongly pronounced killing effects on microorganisms. However, the particular mechanisms of PCI action still have to be uncovered.}, subject = {Clusterion}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DigelTemizArtmannArtmannetal.2003, author = {Digel, Ilya and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l and Artmann, Gerhard and Nojima, H.}, title = {Plasma cluster ions (PCI) influence on microbial cells viability : [abstract]}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Recently, SHARP corporation has developed the world's first "Plasma Cluster Ions (PCI)" air purification technology, which uses plasma discharge to generate cluster ions. The new plasma cluster device releases into the air positive and negative ions, which are harmless to humans and are able to decompose and deactivate airborne substances by chemical reactions. A lot of phenomenological tests of the PCI air purification technology on microbial cells have been conducted. And, in most cases, it has been shown that PCI demonstrate strongly pronounced killing effect. Although, the particular mechanisms of PCI action are still not evident. We studied variations in resistance to PCI among gram-positive airborne microorganisms, as well as some dose-dependent, spatial, cultural and biochemical properties of PCI action in respect of Staphylococcus spp, Enterococcus spp, Micrococcus spp.}, subject = {Clusterion}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DigelDemirciTrzewiketal.2004, author = {Digel, Ilya and Demirci, Taylan and Trzewik, J{\"u}rgen and Linder, Peter and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l}, title = {Fibroblast response to mechanical stress: role of the adhesion substrate : [abstract]}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Mechanical stimulation of the cells resulted in evident changes in the cell morphology, protein composition and gene expression. Microscopically, additional formation of stress fibers accompanied by cell re-arrangements in a monolayer was observed. Also, significant activation of p53 gene was revealed as compared to control. Interestingly, the use of CellTech membrane coating induced cell death after mechanical stress had been applied. Such an effect was not detected when fibronectin had been used as an adhesion substrate.}, subject = {Fibroblast}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Dachwald2004, author = {Dachwald, Bernd}, title = {Solar sail performance requirements for missions to the outer solar system and beyond}, series = {55th International Astronautical Congress 2004}, booktitle = {55th International Astronautical Congress 2004}, doi = {10.2514/6.IAC-04-S.P.11}, pages = {1 -- 9}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Solar sails enable missions to the outer solar system and beyond, although the solar radiation pressure decreases with the square of solar distance. For such missions, the solar sail may gain a large amount of energy by first making one or more close approaches to the sun. Within this paper, optimal trajectories for solar sail missions to the outer planets and into near interstellar space (200 AU) are presented. Thereby, it is shown that even near/medium-term solar sails with relatively moderate performance allow reasonable transfer times to the boundaries of the solar system.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SeboldtBlomeDachwaldetal.2004, author = {Seboldt, Wolfgang and Blome, Hans-Joachim and Dachwald, Bernd and Richter, Lutz}, title = {Proposal for an integrated European space exploration strategy}, series = {55th International Astronautical Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, the International Academy of Astronautics, and the International Institute of Space Law}, booktitle = {55th International Astronautical Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, the International Academy of Astronautics, and the International Institute of Space Law}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Recently, in his vision for space exploration, US president Bush announced to extend human presence across the solar system, starting with a human return to the Moon as early as 2015 in preparation for human exploration of Mars and other destinations. In Europe, an exploration program, termed AURORA, was established by ESA in 2001 - funded on a voluntary basis by ESA member states - with a clear focus on Mars and the ultimate goal of landing humans on Mars around 2030 in international cooperation. In 2003, a Human Spaceflight Vision Group was appointed by ESA with the task to develop a vision for the role of human spaceflight during the next quarter of the century. The resulting vision focused on a European-led lunar exploration initiative as part of a multi-decade, international effort to strengthen European identity and economy. After a review of the situation in Europe concerning space exploration, the paper outlines an approach for a consistent positioning of exploration within the existing European space programs, identifies destinations, and develops corresponding scenarios for an integrated strategy, starting with robotic missions to the Moon, Mars, and near-Earth asteroids. The interests of the European planetary in-situ science community, which recently met at DLR Cologne, are considered. Potential robotic lunar missions comprise polar landings to search for frozen volatiles and a sample return. For Mars, the implementation of a modest robotic landing mission in 2009 to demonstrate the capability for landing and prepare more ambitious and complex missions is discussed. For near-Earth asteroid exploration, a low-cost in-situ technology demonstration mission could yield important results. All proposed scenarios offer excellent science and could therefore create synergies between ESA's mandatory and optional programs in the area of planetary science and exploration. The paper intents to stimulate the European discussion on space exploration and reflects the personal view of the authors.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Dachwald2005, author = {Dachwald, Bernd}, title = {Global optimization of low-thrust space missions using evolutionary neurocontrol}, series = {Proceedings of the international workshop on global optimization}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the international workshop on global optimization}, pages = {85 -- 90}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Low-thrust space propulsion systems enable flexible high-energy deep space missions, but the design and optimization of the interplanetary transfer trajectory is usually difficult. It involves much experience and expert knowledge because the convergence behavior of traditional local trajectory optimization methods depends strongly on an adequate initial guess. Within this extended abstract, evolutionary neurocontrol, a method that fuses artificial neural networks and evolutionary algorithms, is proposed as a smart global method for low-thrust trajectory optimization. It does not require an initial guess. The implementation of evolutionary neurocontrol is detailed and its performance is shown for an exemplary mission.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DachwaldBaturkinCoverstoneetal.2005, author = {Dachwald, Bernd and Baturkin, Volodymyr and Coverstone, Victoria and Diedrich, Ben and Garbe, Gregory and G{\"o}rlich, Marianne and Leipold, Manfred and Lura, Franz and Macdonald, Malcolm and McInnes, Colin and Mengali, Giovanni and Quarta, Alessandro and Rios-Reyes, Leonel and Scheeres, Daniel J. and Seboldt, Wolfgang and Wie, Bong}, title = {Potential effects of optical solar sail degredation on trajectory design}, series = {AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist}, booktitle = {AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist}, pages = {1 -- 23}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The optical properties of the thin metalized polymer films that are projected for solar sails are assumed to be affected by the erosive effects of the space environment. Their degradation behavior in the real space environment, however, is to a considerable degree indefinite, because initial ground test results are controversial and relevant inspace tests have not been made so far. The standard optical solar sail models that are currently used for trajectory design do not take optical degradation into account, hence its potential effects on trajectory design have not been investigated so far. Nevertheless, optical degradation is important for high-fidelity solar sail mission design, because it decreases both the magnitude of the solar radiation pressure force acting on the sail and also the sail control authority. Therefore, we propose a simple parametric optical solar sail degradation model that describes the variation of the sail film's optical coefficients with time, depending on the sail film's environmental history, i.e., the radiation dose. The primary intention of our model is not to describe the exact behavior of specific film-coating combinations in the real space environment, but to provide a more general parametric framework for describing the general optical degradation behavior of solar sails. Using our model, the effects of different optical degradation behaviors on trajectory design are investigated for various exemplary missions.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DachwaldKahleWie2006, author = {Dachwald, Bernd and Kahle, Ralph and Wie, Bong}, title = {Solar sail Kinetic Energy Impactor (KEI) mission design tradeoffs for impacting and deflecting asteroid 99942 Apophis}, series = {AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference and Exhibit}, booktitle = {AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference and Exhibit}, doi = {10.2514/6.2006-6178}, pages = {1 -- 20}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Near-Earth asteroid 99942 Apophis provides a typical example for the evolution of asteroid orbits that lead to Earth-impacts after a close Earth-encounter that results in a resonant return. Apophis will have a close Earth-encounter in 2029 with potential very close subsequent Earth-encounters (or even an impact) in 2036 or later, depending on whether it passes through one of several so-called gravitational keyholes during its 2029-encounter. Several pre-2029-deflection scenarios to prevent Apophis from doing this have been investigated so far. Because the keyholes are less than 1 km in size, a pre-2029 kinetic impact is clearly the best option because it requires only a small change in Apophis' orbit to nudge it out of a keyhole. A single solar sail Kinetic Energy Impactor (KEI) spacecraft that impacts Apophis from a retrograde trajectory with a very high relative velocity (75-80 km/s) during one of its perihelion passages at about 0.75 AU would be a feasible option to do this. The spacecraft consists of a 160 m x 160 m, 168 kg solar sail assembly and a 150 kg impactor. Although conventional spacecraft can also achieve the required minimum deflection of 1 km for this approx. 320 m-sized object from a prograde trajectory, our solar sail KEI concept also allows the deflection of larger objects. In this paper, we also show that, even after Apophis has flown through one of the gravitational keyholes in 2029, solar sail Kinetic Energy Impactor (KEI) spacecraft are still a feasible option to prevent Apophis from impacting the Earth, but many KEIs would be required for consecutive impacts to increase the total Earth-miss distance to a safe value. In this paper, we elaborate potential pre- and post-2029 KEI impact scenarios for a launch in 2020, and investigate tradeoffs between different mission parameters.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Staat2006, author = {Staat, Manfred}, title = {Problems and chances for probabilistic fracture mechanics in the analysis of steel pressure boundary reliability. - {\"U}berarb. Ausg.}, year = {2006}, abstract = {In: Technical feasibility and reliability of passive safety systems for nuclear power plants. Proceedings of an Advisory Group Meeting held in J{\"u}lich, 21-24 November 1994. - Vienna , 1996. - Seite: 43 - 55 IAEA-TECDOC-920 Abstract: It is shown that the difficulty for probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) is the general problem of the high reliability of a small population. There is no way around the problem as yet. Therefore what PFM can contribute to the reliability of steel pressure boundaries is demon­strated with the example of a typical reactor pressure vessel and critically discussed. Although no method is distinguishable that could give exact failure probabilities, PFM has several addi­tional chances. Upper limits for failure probability may be obtained together with trends for design and operating conditions. Further, PFM can identify the most sensitive parameters, improved control of which would increase reliability. Thus PFM should play a vital role in the analysis of steel pressure boundaries despite all shortcomings.}, subject = {Bruchmechanik}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{LoebSchartnerSeboldtetal.2006, author = {Loeb, Horst W. and Schartner, Karl-Heinz and Seboldt, Wolfgang and Dachwald, Bernd and Streppel, Joern and Meusemann, Hans and Sch{\"u}lke, Peter}, title = {SEP for a lander mission to the jovian moon europa}, series = {57th International Astronautical Congress}, booktitle = {57th International Astronautical Congress}, doi = {10.2514/6.IAC-06-C4.4.04}, pages = {1 -- 12}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Under DLR-contract, Giessen University and DLR Cologne are studying solar-electric propulsion missions (SEP) to the outer regions of the solar system. The most challenging reference mission concerns the transport of a 1.35-tons chemical lander spacecraft into an 80-RJ circular orbit around Jupiter, which would enable to place a 375 kg lander with 50 kg of scientific instruments on the surface of the icy moon "Europa". Thorough analyses show that the best solution in terms of SEP launch mass times thrusting time would be a two-stage EP module and a triple-junction solar array with concentrators which would be deployed step by step. Mission performance optimizations suggest to propel the spacecraft in the first EP stage by 6 gridded ion thrusters, running at 4.0 kV of beam voltage, which would save launch mass, and in the second stage by 4 thrusters with 1.25 to 1.5 kV of positive high voltage saving thrusting time. In this way, the launch mass of the spacecraft would be kept within 5.3 tons. Without a launcher's C3 and interplanetary gravity assists, Jupiter might be reached within about 4 yrs. The spiraling-down into the parking orbit would need another 1.8 yrs. This "large mission" can be scaled down to a smaller one, e.g., by halving all masses, the solar array power, and the number of thrusters. Due to their reliability, long lifetime and easy control, RIT-22 engines have been chosen for mission analysis. Based on precise tests, the thruster performance has been modeled.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{LoebSchartnerDachwaldetal.2007, author = {Loeb, Horst Wolfgang and Schartner, Karl-Heinz and Dachwald, Bernd and Seboldt, Wolfgang}, title = {SEP-Sample return from a main belt asteroid}, series = {30th International Electric Propulsion Conference}, booktitle = {30th International Electric Propulsion Conference}, pages = {1 -- 11}, year = {2007}, abstract = {By DLR-contact, sample return missions to the large main-belt asteroid "19, Fortuna" have been studied. The mission scenario has been based on three ion thrusters of the RIT-22 model, which is presently under space qualification, and on solar arrays equipped with triple-junction GaAs solar cells. After having designed the spacecraft, the orbit-to-orbit trajectories for both, a one-way SEP mission with a chemical sample return and an all-SEP return mission, have been optimized using a combination of artificial neural networks with evolutionary algorithms. Additionally, body-to-body trajectories have been investigated within a launch period between 2012 and 2015. For orbit-to-orbit calculation, the launch masses of the hybrid mission and of the all-SEP mission resulted in 2.05 tons and 1.56 tons, respectively, including a scientific payload of 246 kg. For the related transfer durations 4.14 yrs and 4.62 yrs were obtained. Finally, a comparison between the mission scenarios based on SEP and on NEP have been carried out favouring clearly SEP.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{StadlerEmbsZerlinetal.2007, author = {Stadler, Andreas M. and Embs, Jan P. and Zerlin, Kay and Digel, Ilya and Artmann, Gerhard and Zaccai, Joe and B{\"u}ldt, Georg}, title = {Temperature transitions of hemoglobin and cytosolic water diffusion in human red blood cells : [poster]}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Background Hemoglobin interactions in red blood cells Hemoglobin dynamics in human red blood cells Diffusion of H2O in red blood cells}, subject = {Erythrozyt}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DachwaldMengaliQuartaetal.2007, author = {Dachwald, Bernd and Mengali, Giovanni and Quarta, Alessandro A and Macdonald, Malcolm and McInnes, Colin R}, title = {Optical solar sail degradation modelling}, series = {1st International Symposium on Solar Sailing}, booktitle = {1st International Symposium on Solar Sailing}, pages = {1 -- 27}, year = {2007}, abstract = {We propose a simple parametric OSSD model that describes the variation of the sail film's optical coefficients with time, depending on the sail film's environmental history, i.e., the radiation dose. The primary intention of our model is not to describe the exact behavior of specific film-coating combinations in the real space environment, but to provide a more general parametric framework for describing the general optical degradation behavior of solar sails.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{TranStaatKreissig2007, author = {Tran, Thanh Ngoc and Staat, Manfred and Kreißig, R.}, title = {Finite element shakedown and limit reliability analysis of thin shells}, year = {2007}, abstract = {A procedure for the evaluation of the failure probability of elastic-plastic thin shell structures is presented. The procedure involves a deterministic limit and shakedown analysis for each probabilistic iteration which is based on the kinematical approach and the use the exact Ilyushin yield surface. Based on a direct definition of the limit state function, the non-linear problems may be efficiently solved by using the First and Second Order Reliabiblity Methods (Form/SORM). This direct approach reduces considerably the necessary knowledge of uncertain technological input data, computing costs and the numerical error. In: Computational plasticity / ed. by Eugenio Onate. Dordrecht: Springer 2007. VII, 265 S. (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences ; 7) (COMPLAS IX. Part 1 . International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)). ISBN 978-1-402-06576-7 S. 186-189}, subject = {Finite-Elemente-Methode}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{TranStaatKreissig2007, author = {Tran, Thanh Ngoc and Staat, Manfred and Kreißig, R.}, title = {Calculation of load carrying capacity of shell structures with elasto-plastic material by direct methods}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Material Theory and Nonlinear Dynamics. MatDyn. Hanoi, Vietnam, Sept. 24-26, 2007, 8 p. In this paper, a method is introduced to determine the limit load of general shells using the finite element method. The method is based on an upper bound limit and shakedown analysis with elastic-perfectly plastic material model. A non-linear constrained optimisation problem is solved by using Newton's method in conjunction with a penalty method and the Lagrangean dual method. Numerical investigation of a pipe bend subjected to bending moments proves the effectiveness of the algorithm.}, subject = {Finite-Elemente-Methode}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DachwaldSeboldtLoebetal.2007, author = {Dachwald, Bernd and Seboldt, Wolfgang and Loeb, Horst W. and Schartner, Karl-Heinz}, title = {A comparison of SEP and NEP for a main belt asteroid sample return mission}, series = {7th International Symposium on Launcher Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, 02-05 April 2007}, booktitle = {7th International Symposium on Launcher Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, 02-05 April 2007}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Innovative interplanetary deep space missions, like a main belt asteroid sample return mission, require ever larger velocity increments (∆V s) and thus ever more demanding propulsion capabilities. Providing much larger exhaust velocities than chemical high-thrust systems, electric low-thrust space-propulsion systems can significantly enhance or even enable such high-energy missions. In 1995, a European-Russian Joint Study Group (JSG) presented a study report on "Advanced Interplanetary Missions Using Nuclear-Electric Propulsion" (NEP). One of the investigated reference missions was a sample return (SR) from the main belt asteroid (19) Fortuna. The envisaged nuclear power plant, Topaz-25, however, could not be realized and also the worldwide developments in space reactor hardware stalled. In this paper, we investigate, whether such a mission is also feasible using a solar electric propulsion (SEP) system and compare our SEP results to corresponding NEP results.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DachwaldKahleWie2007, author = {Dachwald, Bernd and Kahle, Ralph and Wie, Bong}, title = {Head-on impact deflection of NEAs: a case study for 99942 Apophis}, series = {Planetary Defense Conference 2007}, booktitle = {Planetary Defense Conference 2007}, pages = {1 -- 12}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Near-Earth asteroid (NEA) 99942 Apophis provides a typical example for the evolution of asteroid orbits that lead to Earth-impacts after a close Earth-encounter that results in a resonant return. Apophis will have a close Earth-encounter in 2029 with potential very close subsequent Earth-encounters (or even an impact) in 2036 or later, depending on whether it passes through one of several less than 1 km-sized gravitational keyholes during its 2029-encounter. A pre-2029 kinetic impact is a very favorable option to nudge the asteroid out of a keyhole. The highest impact velocity and thus deflection can be achieved from a trajectory that is retrograde to Apophis orbit. With a chemical or electric propulsion system, however, many gravity assists and thus a long time is required to achieve this. We show in this paper that the solar sail might be the better propulsion system for such a mission: a solar sail Kinetic Energy Impactor (KEI) spacecraft could impact Apophis from a retrograde trajectory with a very high relative velocity (75-80 km/s) during one of its perihelion passages. The spacecraft consists of a 160 m × 160 m, 168 kg solar sail assembly and a 150 kg impactor. Although conventional spacecraft can also achieve the required minimum deflection of 1 km for this approx. 320 m-sized object from a prograde trajectory, our solar sail KEI concept also allows the deflection of larger objects. For a launch in 2020, we also show that, even after Apophis has flown through one of the gravitational keyholes in 2029, the solar sail KEI concept is still feasible to prevent Apophis from impacting the Earth, but many KEIs would be required for consecutive impacts to increase the total Earth-miss distance to a safe value}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Dachwald2007, author = {Dachwald, Bernd}, title = {Low-Thrust Mission Analysis and Global Trajectory Optimization Using Evolutionary Neurocontrol: New Results}, series = {European Workshop on Space Mission Analysis ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany 10 { 12 Dec 2007}, booktitle = {European Workshop on Space Mission Analysis ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany 10 { 12 Dec 2007}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Interplanetary trajectories for low-thrust spacecraft are often characterized by multiple revolutions around the sun. Unfortunately, the convergence of traditional trajectory optimizers that are based on numerical optimal control methods depends strongly on an adequate initial guess for the control function (if a direct method is used) or for the starting values of the adjoint vector (if an indirect method is used). Especially when many revolutions around the sun are re- quired, trajectory optimization becomes a very difficult and time-consuming task that involves a lot of experience and expert knowledge in astrodynamics and optimal control theory, because an adequate initial guess is extremely hard to find. Evolutionary neurocontrol (ENC) was proposed as a smart method for low-thrust trajectory optimization that fuses artificial neural networks and evolutionary algorithms to so-called evolutionary neurocontrollers (ENCs) [1]. Inspired by natural archetypes, ENC attacks the trajectoryoptimization problem from the perspective of artificial intelligence and machine learning, a perspective that is quite different from that of optimal control theory. Within the context of ENC, a trajectory is regarded as the result of a spacecraft steering strategy that maps permanently the actual spacecraft state and the actual target state onto the actual spacecraft control vector. This way, the problem of searching the optimal spacecraft trajectory is equivalent to the problem of searching (or "learning") the optimal spacecraft steering strategy. An artificial neural network is used to implement such a spacecraft steering strategy. It can be regarded as a parameterized function (the network function) that is defined by the internal network parameters. Therefore, each distinct set of network parameters defines a different network function and thus a different steering strategy. The problem of searching the optimal steering strategy is now equivalent to the problem of searching the optimal set of network parameters. Evolutionary algorithms that work on a population of (artificial) chromosomes are used to find the optimal network parameters, because the parameters can be easily mapped onto a chromosome. The trajectory optimization problem is solved when the optimal chromosome is found. A comparison of solar sail trajectories that have been published by others [2, 3, 4, 5] with ENC-trajectories has shown that ENCs can be successfully applied for near-globally optimal spacecraft control [1, 6] and that they are able to find trajectories that are closer to the (unknown) global optimum, because they explore the trajectory search space more exhaustively than a human expert can do. The obtained trajectories are fairly accurate with respect to the terminal constraint. If a more accurate trajectory is required, the ENC-solution can be used as an initial guess for a local trajectory optimization method. Using ENC, low-thrust trajectories can be optimized without an initial guess and without expert attendance. Here, new results for nuclear electric spacecraft and for solar sail spacecraft are presented and it will be shown that ENCs find very good trajectories even for very difficult problems. Trajectory optimization results are presented for 1. NASA's Solar Polar Imager Mission, a mission to attain a highly inclined close solar orbit with a solar sail [7] 2. a mission to de ect asteroid Apophis with a solar sail from a retrograde orbit with a very-high velocity impact [8, 9] 3. JPL's \2nd Global Trajectory Optimization Competition", a grand tour to visit four asteroids from different classes with a NEP spacecraft}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{StaatTranPham2008, author = {Staat, Manfred and Tran, Thanh Ngoc and Pham, Phu Tinh}, title = {Limit and shakedown reliability analysis by nonlinear programming}, year = {2008}, abstract = {7th International Conference on Reliability of Materials and Structures (RELMAS 2008). June 17 - 20, 2008 ; Saint Petersburg, Russia. pp 354-358. Reprint with corrections in red Introduction Analysis of advanced structures working under extreme heavy loading such as nuclear power plants and piping system should take into account the randomness of loading, geometrical and material parameters. The existing reliability are restricted mostly to the elastic working regime, e.g. allowable local stresses. Development of the limit and shakedown reliability-based analysis and design methods, exploiting potential of the shakedown working regime, is highly needed. In this paper the application of a new algorithm of probabilistic limit and shakedown analysis for shell structures is presented, in which the loading and strength of the material as well as the thickness of the shell are considered as random variables. The reliability analysis problems may be efficiently solved by using a system combining the available FE codes, a deterministic limit and shakedown analysis, and the First and Second Order Reliability Methods (FORM/SORM). Non-linear sensitivity analyses are obtained directly from the solution of the deterministic problem without extra computational costs.}, subject = {Finite-Elemente-Methode}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{TranPhamStaat2008, author = {Tran, Thanh Ngoc and Pham, Phu Tinh and Staat, Manfred}, title = {Reliability analysis of shells based on direct plasticity methods}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Abstracts der CD-Rom Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8) and 5th Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008) 30.06. - 04.07.2008 Venedig, Italien. 2 Seiten Zusammenfassung der Autoren mit graph. Darst. und Literaturverzeichnis}, subject = {Finite-Elemente-Methode}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MansurovZhubanovaDigeletal.2008, author = {Mansurov, Zulkhair and Zhubanova, Azhar A. and Digel, Ilya and Artmann, Gerhard and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l and Savitskaja, Irina S. and Kozhalakova, A. A. and Kistaubaeva, Aida S.}, title = {The sorption of LPS toxic shock by nanoparticles on base of carbonized vegetable raw materials}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Immobilization of lactobacillus on high temperature carbonizated vegetable raw material (rice husk, grape stones) increases their physiological activity and the quantity of the antibacterial metabolits, that consequently lead to increase of the antagonistic activity of lactobacillus. It is implies that the use of the nanosorbents for the attachment of the probiotical microorganisms are highly perspective for decision the important problems, such as the probiotical preparations delivery to the right address and their attachment to intestines mucosa with the following detoxication of gastro-intestinal tract and the normalization of it's microecology. Besides that, thus, the received carbonizated nanoparticles have peculiar properties - ability to sorption of LPS toxical shock and, hence, to the detoxication of LPS.}, subject = {Kohlenstofffaser}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DachwaldOhndorfSpurmannetal.2009, author = {Dachwald, Bernd and Ohndorf, Andreas and Spurmann, J. and Loeb, H. W. and Schartner, Karl-Heinz and Seboldt, Wolfgang}, title = {Mission design for a SEP mission to saturn}, series = {60th International Astronautical Congress 2009 (IAC 2009)}, booktitle = {60th International Astronautical Congress 2009 (IAC 2009)}, publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.}, address = {Red Hook, NY}, isbn = {978-1-61567-908-9}, pages = {11 Seiten}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Within ESA's Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 plan, a mission to explore the Saturnian System, with special emphasis on its two moons Titan and Enceladus, was selected for study, termed TANDEM (Titan and Enceladus Mission). In this paper, we describe an optimized mission design for a TANDEM-derived solar electric propulsion (SEP) mission. We have chosen the SEP mission scenario for the interplanetary transfer of the TANDEM spacecraft because all feasible gravity assist sequences for a chemical transfer between 2015 and 2025 result in long flight times of about nine years. Our SEP system is based on the German RIT ion engine. For our optimized mission design, we have extensively explored the SEP parameter space (specific impulse, thrust level, power level) and have calculated an optimal interplanetary trajectory for each setting. In contrast to the original TANDEM mission concept, which intends to use two launch vehicles and an all-chemical transfer, our SEP mission design requires only a single Ariane 5 ECA launch for the same payload mass. Without gravity assist, it yields a faster and more flexible transfer with a fight time of less than seven years, and an increased payload ratio. Our mission design proves thereby the capability of SEP even for missions into the outer solar system.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DachwaldWurm2009, author = {Dachwald, Bernd and Wurm, P.}, title = {Design concept and modeling of an advanced solar photon thruster}, series = {Advances in the Astronautical Sciences}, booktitle = {Advances in the Astronautical Sciences}, publisher = {American Astronautical Society}, address = {San Diego, Calif.}, isbn = {978-087703554-1}, issn = {00653438}, pages = {723 -- 740}, year = {2009}, abstract = {The so-called "compound solar sail", also known as "Solar Photon Thruster" (SPT), holds the potential of providing significant performance advantages over the flat solar sail. Previous SPT design concepts, however, do not consider shadowing effects and multiple reflections of highly concentrated solar radiation that would inevitably destroy the gossamer sail film. In this paper, we propose a novel advanced SPT (ASPT) design concept that does not suffer from these oversimplifications. We present the equations that describe the thrust force acting on such a sail system and compare its performance with respect to the conventional flat solar sail.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ArinkinDigel2009, author = {Arinkin, Vladimir and Digel, Ilya}, title = {Water bridge phenomenon : [abstract]}, year = {2009}, abstract = {One of interesting but not well known water properties is related to appearance of highly ordered structures in response to strong electrical field. In 1893 Sir William Armstrong placed a cotton thread between two wine glasses filled with chemically pure water. When high DC voltage was applied between the glasses, a connection consisting of water formed, producing a "water bridge"}, subject = {Hydrodynamik}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SpurmannOhndorfDachwaldetal.2009, author = {Spurmann, J{\"o}rn and Ohndorf, Andreas and Dachwald, Bernd and Seboldt, Wolfgang and L{\"o}b, Horst and Schartner, Karl-Heinz}, title = {Interplanetary trajectory optimization for a sep mission to Saturn}, series = {60th International Astronautical Congress 2009}, booktitle = {60th International Astronautical Congress 2009}, isbn = {9781615679089}, pages = {5234 -- 5248}, year = {2009}, abstract = {The recently proposed NASA and ESA missions to Saturn and Jupiter pose difficult tasks to mission designers because chemical propulsion scenarios are not capable of transferring heavy spacecraft into the outer solar system without the use of gravity assists. Thus our developed mission scenario based on the joint NASA/ESA Titan Saturn System Mission baselines solar electric propulsion to improve mission flexibility and transfer time. For the calculation of near-globally optimal low-thrust trajectories, we have used a method called Evolutionary Neurocontrol, which is implemented in the low-thrust trajectory optimization software InTrance. The studied solar electric propulsion scenario covers trajectory optimization of the interplanetary transfer including variations of the spacecraft's thrust level, the thrust unit's specific impulse and the solar power generator power level. Additionally developed software extensions enabled trajectory optimization with launcher-provided hyperbolic excess energy, a complex solar power generator model and a variable specific impulse ion engine model. For the investigated mission scenario, Evolutionary Neurocontrol yields good optimization results, which also hold valid for the more elaborate spacecraft models. Compared to Cassini/Huygens, the best found solutions have faster transfer times and a higher mission flexibility in general.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DachwaldWurm2009, author = {Dachwald, Bernd and Wurm, P.}, title = {Mission analysis for an advanced solar photon thruster}, series = {60th International Astronautical Congress 2009, IAC 2009}, volume = {8}, booktitle = {60th International Astronautical Congress 2009, IAC 2009}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {978-161567908-9}, pages = {6838 -- 6851}, year = {2009}, abstract = {The so-called "compound solar sail", also known as "Solar Photon Thruster" (SPT), is a solar sail design concept, for which the two basic functions of the solar sail, namely light collection and thrust direction, are uncoupled. In this paper, we introduce a novel SPT concept, termed the Advanced Solar Photon Thruster (ASPT). This model does not suffer from the simplified assumptions that have been made for the analysis of compound solar sails in previous studies. We present the equations that describe the force, which acts on the ASPT. After a detailed design analysis, the performance of the ASPT with respect to the conventional flat solar sail (FSS) is investigated for three interplanetary mission scenarios: An Earth-Venus rendezvous, where the solar sail has to spiral towards the Sun, an Earth-Mars rendezvous, where the solar sail has to spiral away from the Sun, and an Earth-NEA rendezvous (to near-Earth asteroid 1996FG3), where a large orbital eccentricity change is required. The investigated solar sails have realistic near-term characteristic accelerations between 0.1 and 0.2mm/s2. Our results show that a SPT is not superior to the flat solar sail unless very idealistic assumptions are made.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{SchartnerLoebDachwaldetal.2009, author = {Schartner, Karl-Heinz and Loeb, H. W. and Dachwald, Bernd and Ohndorf, Andreas}, title = {Perspectives of electric propulsion for outer planetary and deep space missions}, series = {European Planetary Science Congress 2009}, booktitle = {European Planetary Science Congress 2009}, pages = {416 -- 416}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Solar-electric propulsion (SEP) is superior with respect to payload capacity, flight time and flexible launch window to the conventional interplanetary transfer method using chemical propulsion combined with gravity assists. This fact results from the large exhaust velocities of electric low-thrust propulsion and is favourable also for missions to the giant planets, Kuiper-belt objects and even for a heliopause probe (IHP) as shown in three studies by the authors funded by DLR. They dealt with a lander for Europa and a sample return mission from a mainbelt asteroid [1], with the TANDEM mission [2]; the third recent one investigates electric propulsion for the transfer to the edge of the solar system. All studies are based on triple-junction solar arrays, on rf-ion thrusters of the qualified RIT-22 type and they use the intelligent trajectory optimization program InTrance [3].}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{O'HerasDigelTemizArtmann2009, author = {O\'Heras, Carlos and Digel, Ilya and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l}, title = {Nanostructured carbon-based column for LPS/protein adsorption : [abstract]}, year = {2009}, abstract = {The absence of a general method for endotoxin removal from liquid interfaces gives an opportunity to find new methods and materials to overcome this gap. Activated nanostructured carbon is a promising material that showed good adsorption properties due to its vast pore network and high surface area. The aim of this study is to find the adsorption rates for a carboneous material produced at different temperatures, as well as to reveal possible differences between the performance of the material for each of the adsorbates used during the study (hemoglobin, serum albumin and lipopolysaccharide, LPS).}, subject = {Kohlenstofffaser}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ElBashirDigel2009, author = {ElBashir, Rasha and Digel, Ilya}, title = {Effect of nitric oxide gas on hydrogels : [abstract]}, year = {2009}, abstract = {The results support our theory that the NO gas has an influence in increasing the translational diffusion of hydrogels and it accelerates the melting process of the gels.}, subject = {Stickstoffmonoxid}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BassamDigelArtmann2009, author = {Bassam, Rasha and Digel, Ilya and Artmann, Gerhard}, title = {Effect of nitric oxide on protein thermal stability : [abstract]}, year = {2009}, abstract = {As a deduction from these results, we can conclude that proteins mainly in vitro, denaturate totally at a temperature between 57°C -62°C, and they also affected by NO and different ions types. In which mainly, NO cause earlier protein denaturation, which means that, NO has a destabilizing effect on proteins, and also different ions will alter the protein denaturation in which, some ions will cause earlier protein denaturation while others not.}, subject = {Stickstoffmonoxid}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GehlerOberBloebaumDachwald2009, author = {Gehler, M. and Ober-Bl{\"o}baum, S. and Dachwald, Bernd}, title = {Application of discrete mechanics and optimal control to spacecraft in non-keplerian motion around small solar system bodies}, series = {Procceedings of the 60th International Astronautical Congress}, booktitle = {Procceedings of the 60th International Astronautical Congress}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {978-161567908-9}, pages = {1360 -- 1371}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Prolonged operations close to small solar system bodies require a sophisticated control logic to minimize propellant mass and maximize operational efficiency. A control logic based on Discrete Mechanics and Optimal Control (DMOC) is proposed and applied to both conventionally propelled and solar sail spacecraft operating at an arbitrarily shaped asteroid in the class of Itokawa. As an example, stand-off inertial hovering is considered, recently identified as a challenging part of the Marco Polo mission. The approach is easily extended to stand-off orbits. We show that DMOC is applicable to spacecraft control at small objects, in particular with regard to the fact that the changes in gravity are exploited by the algorithm to optimally control the spacecraft position. Furthermore, we provide some remarks on promising developments.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DigelDachwaldArtmannetal.2009, author = {Digel, Ilya and Dachwald, Bernd and Artmann, Gerhard and Linder, Peter and Funke, O.}, title = {A concept of a probe for particle analysis and life detection in icy environments}, year = {2009}, abstract = {A melting probe equipped with autofluorescence-based detection system combined with a light scattering unit, and, optionally, with a microarray chip would be ideally suited to probe icy environments like Europa's ice layer as well as the polar ice layers of Earth and Mars for recent and extinct live.}, subject = {Sonde}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ArtmannStadlerEmbsetal.2010, author = {Artmann, Gerhard and Stadler, Andreas M. and Embs, Jan P. and Zaccai, Giuseppe and B{\"u}ldt, Georg and Digel, Ilya and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l}, title = {The crucial role of water in a phase transition of hemoglobin at body temperature : [abstract]}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The observation of a temperature transition of hemoglobin occurring at a critical temperature close to body temperature}, subject = {H{\"a}moglobin}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DigelLeimenaDachwaldetal.2010, author = {Digel, Ilya and Leimena, W. and Dachwald, Bernd and Linder, Peter and Porst, Dariusz and Kayser, Peter and Funke, O. and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l and Artmann, Gerhard}, title = {In-situ biological decontamination of an ice melting probe : [abstract]}, year = {2010}, abstract = {The objective of our study was to investigate the efficacy of different in-situ decontamination protocols in the conditions of thermo-mechanical ice-melting.}, subject = {Sonde}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BorggraefeDachwald2010, author = {Borggr{\"a}fe, Andreas and Dachwald, Bernd}, title = {Mission performance evaluation for solar sails using a refined SRP force model with variable optical coefficients}, series = {2nd International Symposium on Solar Sailing}, booktitle = {2nd International Symposium on Solar Sailing}, pages = {1 -- 6}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Solar sails provide ignificant advantages over other low-thrust propulsion systems because they produce thrust by the momentum exchange from solar radiation pressure (SRP) and thus do not consume any propellant.The force exerted on a very thin sail foil basically depends on the light incidence angle. Several analytical SRP force models that describe the SRP force acting on the sail have been established since the 1970s. All the widely used models use constant optical force coefficients of the reflecting sail material. In 2006,MENGALI et al. proposed a refined SRP force model that takes into account the dependancy of the force coefficients on the light incident angle,the sail's distance from the sun (and thus the sail emperature) and the surface roughness of the sail material [1]. In this paper, the refined SRP force model is compared to the previous ones in order to identify the potential impact of the new model on the predicted capabilities of solar sails in performing low-cost interplanetary space missions. All force models have been implemented within InTrance, a global low-thrust trajectory optimization software utilizing evolutionary neurocontrol [2]. Two interplanetary rendezvous missions, to Mercury and the near-Earth asteroid 1996FG3, are investigated. Two solar sail performances in terms of characteristic acceleration are examined for both scenarios, 0.2 mm/s2 and 0.5 mm/s2, termed "low" and "medium" sail performance. In case of the refined SRP model, three different values of surface roughness are chosen, h = 0 nm, 10 nm and 25 nm. The results show that the refined SRP force model yields shorter transfer times than the standard model.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KurulganDemirciLinderDemircietal.2010, author = {Kurulgan Demirci, Eylem and Linder, Peter and Demirci, Taylan and Gierkowski, Jessica R. and Digel, Ilya and Gossmann, Matthias and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l}, title = {rhAPC reduces the endothelial cell permeability via a decrease of cellular mechanical contractile tensions : [abstract]}, year = {2010}, abstract = {In this study, the CellDrum technology quanitfying cellular mechanical tension on a pico-scale was used to investigate the effect of LPS (lipopolysaccharide) on HAoEC (Human Aortic Endothelial Cell) tension.}, subject = {Endothelzelle}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{PhamVuTranetal.2010, author = {Pham, Phu Tinh and Vu, Khoi Duc and Tran, Thanh Ngoc and Staat, Manfred}, title = {A primal-dual algorithm for shakedown analysis of elastic-plastic bounded linearly kinematic hardening bodies}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{NguyenRaatschenStaat2010, author = {Nguyen, N.-H. and Raatschen, Hans-J{\"u}rgen and Staat, Manfred}, title = {A hyperelastic model of biological tissue materials in tubular organs}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{TranStaat2010, author = {Tran, Thanh Ngoc and Staat, Manfred}, title = {Shakedown analysis of two dimensional structures by an edge-based smoothed finite element method}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AbelBoninAlbrachtetal.2010, author = {Abel, Thomas and Bonin, Dominik and Albracht, Kirsten and Zeller, Sebastian and Br{\"u}ggemann, Gert-Peter and Burkett, Brendan and Str{\"u}der, Heiko K.}, title = {Kinematic profile of the elite handcyclist}, series = {28th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, Marquette, Michigan, USA, July 19 - 23, 2010}, booktitle = {28th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, Marquette, Michigan, USA, July 19 - 23, 2010}, issn = {1999-4168}, pages = {140 -- 141}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{OhndorfDachwaldSeboldtetal.2011, author = {Ohndorf, Andreas and Dachwald, Bernd and Seboldt, Wolfgang and Schartner, Karl-Heinz}, title = {Flight times to the heliopause using a combination of solar and radioisotope electric propulsion}, series = {32nd International Electric Propulsion Conference}, booktitle = {32nd International Electric Propulsion Conference}, pages = {1 -- 12}, year = {2011}, abstract = {We investigate the interplanetary flight of a low-thrust space probe to the heliopause,located at a distance of about 200 AU from the Sun. Our goal was to reach this distance within the 25 years postulated by ESA for such a mission (which is less ambitious than the 15-year goal set by NASA). Contrary to solar sail concepts and combinations of allistic and electrically propelled flight legs, we have investigated whether the set flight time limit could also be kept with a combination of solar-electric propulsion and a second, RTG-powered upper stage. The used ion engine type was the RIT-22 for the first stage and the RIT-10 for the second stage. Trajectory optimization was carried out with the low-thrust optimization program InTrance, which implements the method of Evolutionary Neurocontrol,using Artificial Neural Networks for spacecraft steering and Evolutionary Algorithms to optimize the Neural Networks' parameter set. Based on a parameter space study, in which the number of thrust units, the unit's specific impulse, and the relative size of the solar power generator were varied, we have chosen one configuration as reference. The transfer time of this reference configuration was 29.6 years and the fastest one, which is technically more challenging, still required 28.3 years. As all flight times of this parameter study were longer than 25 years, we further shortened the transfer time by applying a launcher-provided hyperbolic excess energy up to 49 km2/s2. The resulting minimal flight time for the reference configuration was then 27.8 years. The following, more precise optimization to a launch with the European Ariane 5 ECA rocket reduced the transfer time to 27.5 years. This is the fastest mission design of our study that is flexible enough to allow a launch every year. The inclusion of a fly-by at Jupiter finally resulted in a flight time of 23.8 years,which is below the set transfer-time limit. However, compared to the 27.5-year transfer,this mission design has a significantly reduced launch window and mission flexibility if the escape direction is restricted to the heliosphere's "nose".}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{TranNovacekTolbaetal.2011, author = {Tran, Thanh Ngoc and Novacek, V. and Tolba, R. and Klinge, U. and Turquier, F. and Staat, Manfred}, title = {Experimental and Computational approach to study colorectal anastomosis. ISB2011, Proceedings of the XXIII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Brussels, Belgium, July 3-7, 2011}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Summary: This paper presents a methodology to study and understand the mechanics of stapled anastomotic behaviors by combining empirical experimentation and finite element analysis. Performance of stapled anastomosis is studied in terms of leakage and numerical results which are compared to in vitro experiments performed on fresh porcine tissue. Results suggest that leaks occur between the tissue and staple legs penetrating through the tissue.}, subject = {Anastomose}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{LoebSchartnerDachwaldetal.2011, author = {Loeb, Horst W. and Schartner, Karl-Heinz and Dachwald, Bernd and Ohndorf, Andreas and Seboldt, Wolfgang}, title = {An Interstellar - Heliopause mission using a combination of solar/radioisotope electric propulsion}, series = {Presented at the 32nd International Electric Propulsion Conference}, booktitle = {Presented at the 32nd International Electric Propulsion Conference}, pages = {1 -- 7}, year = {2011}, abstract = {There is common agreement within the scientific community that in order to understand our local galactic environment it will be necessary to send a spacecraft into the region beyond the solar wind termination shock. Considering distances of 200 AU for a new mission, one needs a spacecraft travelling at a speed of close to 10 AU/yr in order to keep the mission duration in the range of less than 25 yrs, a transfer time postulated by ESA.Two propulsion options for the mission have been proposed and discussed so far: the solar sail propulsion and the ballistic/radioisotope electric propulsion. As a further alternative, we here investigate a combination of solar-electric propulsion and radioisotope-electric propulsion. The solar-electric propulsion stage consists of six 22 cm diameter "RIT-22"ion thrusters working with a high specific impulse of 7377 s corresponding to a positive grid voltage of 5 kV. Solar power of 53 kW BOM is provided by a light-weight solar array. The REP-stage consists of four space-proven 10 cm diameter "RIT-10" ion thrusters that will be operating one after the other for 9 yrs in total. Four advanced radioisotope generators provide 648 W at BOM. The scientific instrument package is oriented at earlier studies. For its mass and electric power requirement 35 kg and 35 W are assessed, respectively. Optimized trajectory calculations, treated in a separate contribution, are based on our "InTrance" method.The program yields a burn out of the REP stage in a distance of 79.6 AU for a usage of 154 kg of Xe propellant. With a C3 = 45,1 (km/s)2 a heliocentric probe velocity of 10 AU/yr is reached at this distance, provided a close Jupiter gravity assist adds a velocity increment of 2.7 AU/yr. A transfer time of 23.8 yrs results for this scenario requiring about 450 kg Xe for the SEP stage, jettisoned at 3 AU. We interpret the SEP/REP propulsion as a competing alternative to solar sail and ballistic/REP propulsion. Omiting a Jupiter fly-by even allows more launch flexibility, leaving the mission duration in the range of the ESA specification.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ArtmannDigelLinderetal.2011, author = {Artmann, Gerhard and Digel, Ilya and Linder, Peter and Temiz Artmann, Ayseg{\"u}l}, title = {Biophysical and Engineering Contributions to Plant Research}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Tests with palm tree leaves have just started yet and scan data are in the process to be analyzed. The final goal of future project for palm tree gender and species recognition will be to develop optical scanning technology to be applied to date palm tree leaves for in-situ screening purposes. Depending on the software used and the particular requirements of the users the technology potentially shall be able to identify palm tree diseases, palm tree gender, and species of young date palm trees by scanning leaves.}, subject = {Pflanzenphysiologie}, language = {en} }