@incollection{Golland2022, author = {Golland, Alexander}, title = {Kommentierung von \S 26 Telekommunikation-Telemedien-Datenschutzgesetz}, series = {TTDSG}, booktitle = {TTDSG}, editor = {Riechert, Anne and Wilmer, Thomas}, publisher = {Erich Schmidt}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-503-20978-1}, pages = {439 -- 474}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @incollection{DuffnerUibelPetersonetal.2023, author = {Duffner, Markus and Uibel, Thomas and Peterson, Leif Arne and Moorkamp, Wilfried}, title = {Cross Layers Light - Ein ressourceneffizientes und recyclebares Holz-Wandsystem}, series = {Bauphysik Kalender 2023: Nachhaltigkeit}, booktitle = {Bauphysik Kalender 2023: Nachhaltigkeit}, editor = {Fouad, Nabil A.}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {9783433033890 (Print)}, doi = {10.1002/9783433611289.ch13}, pages = {483 -- 501}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Ein neues tragendes, lagenweise aufgebautes Holzbau-Wandsystem und seine {\"o}konomische und statische Entwicklung werden vorgestellt. Randbedingungen wie Nachhaltigkeit, Ressourceneffizienz und eine beanspruchungsadaptive Konstruktionsweise sind f{\"u}r diese innovative Bauteilentwicklung von zentraler Bedeutung. Eine wesentliche Herausforderung ist die Herstellung der Verbindung der Lagen untereinander zu einem bauphysikalisch und statisch leistungsf{\"a}higen Wandsystem. Die Tragf{\"a}higkeit und Steifigkeit verschiedener Verbindungsvarianten wurden ebenso wie die Eigenschaften der Wandelemente analytisch, numerisch und experimentell untersucht.}, language = {de} } @incollection{AbeleKleefeld2020, author = {Abele, Daniel and Kleefeld, Andreas}, title = {New Numerical Results for the Optimization of Neumann Eigenvalues}, series = {Computational and Analytic Methods in Science and Engineering}, booktitle = {Computational and Analytic Methods in Science and Engineering}, editor = {Constanda, Christian}, publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-48185-8 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-48186-5_1}, pages = {1 -- 20}, year = {2020}, abstract = {We present new numerical results for shape optimization problems of interior Neumann eigenvalues. This field is not well understood from a theoretical standpoint. The existence of shape maximizers is not proven beyond the first two eigenvalues, so we study the problem numerically. We describe a method to compute the eigenvalues for a given shape that combines the boundary element method with an algorithm for nonlinear eigenvalues. As numerical optimization requires many such evaluations, we put a focus on the efficiency of the method and the implemented routine. The method is well suited for parallelization. Using the resulting fast routines and a specialized parametrization of the shapes, we found improved maxima for several eigenvalues.}, language = {en} } @incollection{EngelmannBaumann2023, author = {Engelmann, Ulrich M. and Baumann, Martin}, title = {Moderationsexpertise f{\"u}r QMBs - die Methoden}, series = {Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen}, booktitle = {Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen}, editor = {Herbig, Nicola and Poppelreuter, Stefan}, edition = {60. Update}, publisher = {T{\"U}V-Verlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-8249-0714-4}, pages = {Kapitel 10815}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Damit Sie als Moderator effektiv und professionell moderieren k{\"o}nnen, sollten Sie die entsprechenden Methoden kennen. Mit den richtigen Methoden k{\"o}nnen Sie Diskussionen leiten, Konflikte l{\"o}sen, die Teilnehmer motivieren und daf{\"u}r sorgen, dass die Ziele der Veranstaltung erreicht werden. Außerdem helfen sie Ihnen, eine positive Atmosph{\"a}re zu schaffen und das Interesse der Teilnehmer zu halten. In diesem zweiten Beitrag der mehrteiligen Serie lernen Sie die grunds{\"a}tzlichen Methoden kennen, um erfolgreiche Teamsitzungen, Arbeitsgruppentreffen, Kick-offs und Meetings durchzuf{\"u}hren.}, language = {de} } @incollection{EggertMoulen2023, author = {Eggert, Mathias and Moulen, Tobias}, title = {Auswahl von Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessen zur Anwendung von Robotic Process Automation - Vergleich relevanter Kriterien aus Theorie und Praxis}, series = {Robotik in der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, booktitle = {Robotik in der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, editor = {D'Onofrio, Sara and Meinhardt, Stefan}, publisher = {Springer Vieweg}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-39620-6 (Print)}, pages = {107 -- 129}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Die Auswahl der passenden Gesch{\"a}ftsprozesse f{\"u}r eine Automatisierung mittels Robotic Process Automation (RPA) ist f{\"u}r den Erfolg von RPA-Projekten entscheidend. Das vorliegende Kapitel liefert daf{\"u}r Selektionskriterien, die aus einer qualitativen Studie mit elf interviewten RPA-Experten aus dem Versicherungsumfeld resultieren. Das Ergebnis umfasst eine gewichtete Liste von sieben Dimensionen und 51 Prozesskriterien, welche die Automatisierung mit Softwarerobotern beg{\"u}nstigen beziehungsweise deren Nichterf{\"u}llung eine Umsetzung erschweren oder sogar verhindern. Die drei wichtigsten Kriterien zur Auswahl von Gesch{\"a}ftsprozessen f{\"u}r die Automatisierung mittels RPA umfassen die Entlastung der an dem Prozess mitwirkenden Mitarbeiter (Arbeitnehmerentlastung), die Ausf{\"u}hrbarkeit des Prozesses mittels Regeln (Regelbasierte Prozessteuerung) sowie ein positiver Kosten-Nutzen-Vergleich. Auf diesen Ergebnissen aufbauend wird ein Vergleich mit den bereits bekannten Selektionskriterien aus der Literatur erstellt und diskutiert. Praktiker k{\"o}nnen die Ergebnisse verwenden, um eine systematische Auswahl von RPA-relevanten Prozessen vorzunehmen. Aus wissenschaftlicher Perspektive stellen die Ergebnisse eine Grundlage zur Erkl{\"a}rung des Erfolgs und Misserfolgs von RPA-Projekten dar.}, language = {de} } @incollection{EggertZaehlWolfetal.2023, author = {Eggert, Mathias and Z{\"a}hl, Philipp M. and Wolf, Martin R. and Haase, Martin}, title = {Applying leaderboards for quality improvement in software development projects}, series = {Software Engineering for Games in Serious Contexts}, booktitle = {Software Engineering for Games in Serious Contexts}, editor = {Cooper, Kendra M.L. and Bucchiarone, Antonio}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-031-33337-8 (Print)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-33338-5_11}, pages = {243 -- 263}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Software development projects often fail because of insufficient code quality. It is now well documented that the task of testing software, for example, is perceived as uninteresting and rather boring, leading to poor software quality and major challenges to software development companies. One promising approach to increase the motivation for considering software quality is the use of gamification. Initial research works already investigated the effects of gamification on software developers and come to promising. Nevertheless, a lack of results from field experiments exists, which motivates the chapter at hand. By conducting a gamification experiment with five student software projects and by interviewing the project members, the chapter provides insights into the changing programming behavior of information systems students when confronted with a leaderboard. The results reveal a motivational effect as well as a reduction of code smells.}, language = {en} } @incollection{EngelmannBaumann2023, author = {Engelmann, Ulrich M. and Baumann, Martin}, title = {Moderationsexpertise - das Mindset}, series = {IT-Servicemanagement}, booktitle = {IT-Servicemanagement}, editor = {Lindinger, Markus and Bartsch, Oliver}, edition = {54. Update}, publisher = {T{\"U}V-Verlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-8249-1154-7}, pages = {Kapitel 05530}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Teamsitzungen, Arbeitsgruppentreffen, Kickoffs und Meetings - sie alle werden mit dem Ziel durchgef{\"u}hrt, innerhalb einer vorgegebenen Zeitspanne ein gemeinsames Arbeitsziel zu erreichen. Damit die Zielerreichung auch bei komplexeren Arbeitsauftr{\"a}gen nicht vom Zufall abh{\"a}ngt, empfiehlt es sich, die Leitung des Ablaufs einem Moderator zu {\"u}bertragen. In diesem Beitrag einer dreiteiligen Serie wird beschrieben, {\"u}ber welches Mindset der Moderator verf{\"u}gen sollte, welche grunds{\"a}tzlichen Methoden hilfreich sind und was bei der Onlinemoderation im Besonderen zu beachten ist.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Fissabre2024, author = {Fissabre, Anke}, title = {Eine moderne Sainte-Chapelle in K{\"o}ln. Otto Bartnings Stahlkirche auf der Pressa 1928}, series = {Baugedanken: Einsichten, Ansichten, Aussichten f{\"u}r Jan Pieper zum 80. Geburtstag}, booktitle = {Baugedanken: Einsichten, Ansichten, Aussichten f{\"u}r Jan Pieper zum 80. Geburtstag}, editor = {Naujokat, Anke and Hake, Verena and Schindler, Bruno and Sch{\"o}tten, Bj{\"o}rn}, publisher = {Geym{\"u}ller Verag f{\"u}r Architektur}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-943164-87-9}, pages = {66 -- 81}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @incollection{Finkenberger2013, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria}, title = {Vox populi. (Transformations-)potenziale nachkriegsmoderner Freiraumressourcen}, series = {Gr{\"u}n modern - G{\"a}rten und Parks der 1950er bis 1970er Jahre}, booktitle = {Gr{\"u}n modern - G{\"a}rten und Parks der 1950er bis 1970er Jahre}, editor = {Bredenbeck, Martin}, publisher = {BHU}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {9783925374357}, pages = {31 -- 38}, year = {2013}, language = {de} } @incollection{Finkenberger2018, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria}, title = {Die Stadt als st{\"a}dtisch-theatrale Versuchsanordnung: Wie wollen wir in Zukunft leben und welche Stadt brauchen wir daf{\"u}r?}, series = {Un/Certain Futures - Rollen des Designs in gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen}, booktitle = {Un/Certain Futures - Rollen des Designs in gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen}, publisher = {transcript}, address = {Bielefeld}, isbn = {9783839443323}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1515/9783839443323-009}, pages = {86 -- 95}, year = {2018}, language = {de} } @incollection{MoorkampPetersonUibel2022, author = {Moorkamp, Wilfried and Peterson, Leif Arne and Uibel, Thomas}, title = {Nachhaltige Holzbr{\"u}cken f{\"u}r Geh- und Radwege}, series = {Bauphysik Kalender 2022: Holzbau, 22. Jahrgang}, booktitle = {Bauphysik Kalender 2022: Holzbau, 22. Jahrgang}, editor = {Fouad, Nabil A.}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {9783433033609 (Print)}, doi = {10.1002/9783433611081.ch17}, pages = {574 -- 592}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Am Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Holzbau der Fachhochschule Aachen wurden im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens „Nachhaltige Standardbr{\"u}cken in Holzbauweise" Standardtypen f{\"u}r Geh- und Radwegbr{\"u}cken entwickelt. Die Br{\"u}cken sind durch konsequente Umsetzungen von Maßnahmen des konstruktiven Holzschutzes f{\"u}r eine Nutzung von mehr als 80~Jahren konzipiert. Innovative L{\"o}sungen f{\"u}r Bauteile und Anschl{\"u}sse sowie Materialalternativen im Bereich des Belages und der Gel{\"a}nder erm{\"o}glichen eine wartungsarme Konstruktion und tragen somit zur Wirtschaftlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit bei. Um den Einsatz der entwickelten Standardbr{\"u}ckentypen in der Praxis zu erleichtern, wurden Leistungsverzeichnisse, Musterstatiken, Musterzeichnungen und umfangreiche Detailkataloge als Unterst{\"u}tzung f{\"u}r Planer und Bauherren erstellt. Damit die Randbedingungen f{\"u}r eine lange Lebensdauer w{\"a}hrend der Nutzung der Br{\"u}cke erhalten bleiben, wurden Leitf{\"a}den f{\"u}r die Pflege und Wartung sowie f{\"u}r die Br{\"u}ckenpr{\"u}fung erarbeitet. Der Beitrag gibt Einblicke in das Forschungsvorhaben und seine Resultate.}, language = {de} } @incollection{EngelmannBaumann2023, author = {Engelmann, Ulrich M. and Baumann, Martin}, title = {Moderationsexpertise - die Methoden}, series = {IT-Servicemanagement}, booktitle = {IT-Servicemanagement}, editor = {Lindinger, Markus and Bartsch, Oliver}, edition = {54. Update}, publisher = {T{\"U}V-Verlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-8249-1154-7}, pages = {Kapitel 05531}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Damit Sie als Moderator effektiv und professionell moderieren k{\"o}nnen, sollten Sie die entsprechenden Methoden kennen. Mit den richtigen Methoden k{\"o}nnen Sie Diskussionen leiten, Konflikte l{\"o}sen, die Teilnehmer motivieren und daf{\"u}r sorgen, dass die Ziele der Veranstaltung erreicht werden. Außerdem helfen sie Ihnen, eine positive Atmosph{\"a}re zu schaffen und das Interesse der Teilnehmer zu halten. In diesem zweiten Beitrag der mehrteiligen Serie lernen Sie die grunds{\"a}tzlichen Methoden kennen, um erfolgreiche Teamsitzungen, Arbeitsgruppentreffen, Kick-offs und Meetings durchzuf{\"u}hren.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Golland2022, author = {Golland, Alexander}, title = {Kommentierung von \S 7 Telekommunikation-Telemedien-Datenschutzgesetz}, series = {TTDSG}, booktitle = {TTDSG}, editor = {Riechert, Anne and Wilmer, Thomas}, publisher = {Erich Schmidt}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-503-20978-1}, pages = {145 -- 151}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @incollection{Finkenberger2022, author = {Finkenberger, Isabel Maria}, title = {R{\"a}umliche Transformation als Planungsaufgabe}, series = {Zur{\"u}ck in die Zukunft. Denkmalpflege und Strukturwandel im Rheinischen Revier}, booktitle = {Zur{\"u}ck in die Zukunft. Denkmalpflege und Strukturwandel im Rheinischen Revier}, editor = {Pufke, Andrea}, publisher = {LVR-Amt f{\"u}r Denkmalpflege im Rheinland}, address = {Pulheim}, pages = {70 -- 77}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @incollection{EngelmannBaumann2023, author = {Engelmann, Ulrich M. and Baumann, Martin}, title = {Moderationsexpertise f{\"u}r QMBs - die Methoden}, series = {Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement in Dienstleistungsunternehmen}, booktitle = {Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement in Dienstleistungsunternehmen}, editor = {Thomann, Hermann and Tr{\"a}ger, Thomas}, publisher = {T{\"U}V-Verlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-8249-0473-0}, pages = {Kapitel 08631}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Damit Sie als Moderator effektiv und professionell moderieren k{\"o}nnen, sollten Sie die entsprechenden Methoden kennen. Mit den richtigen Methoden k{\"o}nnen Sie Diskussionen leiten, Konflikte l{\"o}sen, die Teilnehmer motivieren und daf{\"u}r sorgen, dass die Ziele der Veranstaltung erreicht werden. Außerdem helfen sie Ihnen, eine positive Atmosph{\"a}re zu schaffen und das Interesse der Teilnehmer zu halten. In diesem zweiten Beitrag der mehrteiligen Serie lernen Sie die grunds{\"a}tzlichen Methoden kennen, um erfolgreiche Teamsitzungen, Arbeitsgruppentreffen, Kick-offs und Meetings durchzuf{\"u}hren.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Stapenhorst2011, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {Identit{\`a} di paesaggi nascosti}, series = {La casa. Le forme dello stare}, booktitle = {La casa. Le forme dello stare}, editor = {Monestiroli, Antonio and Semerani, Luciano}, publisher = {Skira}, address = {Mailand}, isbn = {978-88-572-1006-3}, pages = {92 -- 101}, year = {2011}, language = {it} } @incollection{Stapenhorst2019, author = {Stapenhorst, Carolin}, title = {Werkzeuge und ihre Wirkungsmacht}, series = {Werkbund Akademiereihe. hefte 19-20 / 2017-2018}, booktitle = {Werkbund Akademiereihe. hefte 19-20 / 2017-2018}, editor = {Deutscher Werkbund NW e.V.,}, isbn = {978-3-00-062587-9}, pages = {62 -- 74}, year = {2019}, language = {de} } @incollection{HoffschmidtAlexopoulosGoettscheetal.2022, author = {Hoffschmidt, Bernhard and Alexopoulos, Spiros and G{\"o}ttsche, Joachim and Sauerborn, Markus and Kaufhold, O.}, title = {High Concentration Solar Collectors}, series = {Comprehensive Renewable Energy (Second Edition) / Volume 3: Solar Thermal Systems: Components and Applications}, booktitle = {Comprehensive Renewable Energy (Second Edition) / Volume 3: Solar Thermal Systems: Components and Applications}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {978-0-12-819734-9}, doi = {10.1016/B978-0-12-819727-1.00058-3}, pages = {198 -- 245}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Solar thermal concentrated power is an emerging technology that provides clean electricity for the growing energy market. To the solar thermal concentrated power plant systems belong the parabolic trough, the Fresnel collector, the solar dish, and the central receiver system. For high-concentration solar collector systems, optical and thermal analysis is essential. There exist a number of measurement techniques and systems for the optical and thermal characterization of the efficiency of solar thermal concentrated systems. For each system, structure, components, and specific characteristics types are described. The chapter presents additionally an outline for the calculation of system performance and operation and maintenance topics. One main focus is set to the models of components and their construction details as well as different types on the market. In the later part of this article, different criteria for the choice of technology are analyzed in detail.}, language = {en} } @incollection{PoghossianSchusserBaeckeretal.2015, author = {Poghossian, Arshak and Schusser, Sebastian and B{\"a}cker, Matthias and Leinhos, Marcel and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {Real-time in-situ electrical monitoring of the degradation of biopolymers using semiconductor field-effect devices}, series = {Biodegradable biopolymers. Vol. 1}, booktitle = {Biodegradable biopolymers. Vol. 1}, publisher = {Nova Science Publ.}, address = {Hauppauge}, isbn = {978-1-63483-632-6}, pages = {135 -- 153}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @incollection{AtmaneHirechKassmietal.2020, author = {Atmane, Ilias and Hirech, Kamal and Kassmi, K. and Mahdi, Zahra and Alexopoulos, Spiros and Schwarzer, Klemens and Chayeb, H. and Bachiri, Najib}, title = {Design and realization of a pilot solar desalination plant in Douar El Hamri in the province of Berkane (Morocco)}, series = {Sustainable entrepreneurship, renewable energy-based projects, and digitalization}, booktitle = {Sustainable entrepreneurship, renewable energy-based projects, and digitalization}, editor = {Omrane, Amina and Kassmi, Khalil and Akram, Muhammad Wasim and Khanna, Ashish and Mostafiz, Imtiaz}, publisher = {CRC Press}, address = {Boca Raton, Fa.}, isbn = {9781000292541 (E-Book)}, pages = {18 Seiten}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Producing fresh water from saline water has become one of the most difficult challenges to overcome especially with the high demand and shortage of fresh water. In this context, as part of a collaboration with Germany, the authors propose a design and implementation of a pilot multi-stage solar desalination system (MSD), remotely controlled, at Douar Al Hamri in the rural town of Boughriba in the province of Berkane, Morocco. More specifically, they present their contribution on the remote control and supervision system, which makes the functioning of the MSD system reliable and guarantees the production of drinking water for the population of Douar. The results obtained show that the electronic cards and computer communication software implemented allow the acquisition of all electrical (currents, voltages, powers, yields), thermal (temperatures of each stage), and meteorological (irradiance and ambient temperature), remote control and maintenance (switching on, off, data transfer). By comparing with the literature carried out in the field of solar energy, the authors conclude that the MSD and electronic desalination systems realized during this work represent a contribution in terms of the reliability and durability of providing drinking water in rural and urban areas.}, language = {en} } @incollection{KrollLudwigs2014, author = {Kroll-Ludwigs, Kathrin}, title = {Vorbemerkung vor \S 1353}, series = {Erman, B{\"u}rgerliches Gesetzbuch : Handkommentar mit AGG, EGBGB (Auszug) , ErbbauRG, LPartG, ProdHaftG, VBVG, VersAus-glG und WEG}, booktitle = {Erman, B{\"u}rgerliches Gesetzbuch : Handkommentar mit AGG, EGBGB (Auszug) , ErbbauRG, LPartG, ProdHaftG, VBVG, VersAus-glG und WEG}, editor = {Ermann, Walter and Grunewald, Barbara and Maier-Reimer, Georg}, publisher = {Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-50447-102-6}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @incollection{EngelmannBaumann2023, author = {Engelmann, Ulrich M. and Baumann, Martin}, title = {Moderationsexpertise f{\"u}r QMBs - das Mindset}, series = {Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement in Dienstleistungsunternehmen}, booktitle = {Qualit{\"a}tsmanagement in Dienstleistungsunternehmen}, editor = {Thomann, Hermann and Tr{\"a}ger, Thomas}, publisher = {T{\"U}V-Verlag}, address = {K{\"o}ln}, isbn = {978-3-8249-0473-0}, pages = {Kapitel 08630}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Teamsitzungen, Arbeitsgruppentreffen, Kickoffs und Meetings - sie alle werden mit dem Ziel durchgef{\"u}hrt, innerhalb einer vorgegebenen Zeitspanne ein gemeinsames Arbeitsziel zu erreichen. Damit die Zielerreichung auch bei komplexeren Arbeitsauftr{\"a}gen nicht vom Zufall abh{\"a}ngt, empfiehlt es sich, die Leitung des Ablaufs einem Moderator zu {\"u}bertragen. In diesem Beitrag einer mehrteiligen Serie wird beschrieben, {\"u}ber welches Mindset der Moderator verf{\"u}gen sollte, welche grunds{\"a}tzlichen Methoden hilfreich sind und was bei der Onlinemoderation im Besonderen zu beachten ist.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Kleefeld2020, author = {Kleefeld, Andreas}, title = {Numerical calculation of interior transmission eigenvalues with mixed boundary conditions}, series = {Computational and Analytic Methods in Science and Engineering}, booktitle = {Computational and Analytic Methods in Science and Engineering}, editor = {Constanda, Christian}, publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-48185-8 (Hardcover)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-48186-5_9}, pages = {173 -- 195}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Interior transmission eigenvalue problems for the Helmholtz equation play an important role in inverse wave scattering. Some distribution properties of those eigenvalues in the complex plane are reviewed. Further, a new scattering model for the interior transmission eigenvalue problem with mixed boundary conditions is described and an efficient algorithm for computing the interior transmission eigenvalues is proposed. Finally, extensive numerical results for a variety of two-dimensional scatterers are presented to show the validity of the proposed scheme.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Kurz2023, author = {Kurz, Melanie}, title = {Waffen und milit{\"a}rische Ausr{\"u}stung in Systemspielzeugwelten}, series = {Design f{\"u}r Spiel, Spaß, Spannung: Gestaltung von Artefakten zum spielerischen Handeln / herausgegeben von Melanie Kurz und Thilo Schwer}, booktitle = {Design f{\"u}r Spiel, Spaß, Spannung: Gestaltung von Artefakten zum spielerischen Handeln / herausgegeben von Melanie Kurz und Thilo Schwer}, publisher = {avedition}, address = {Stuttgart}, isbn = {978-3-89986-396-3}, pages = {104 -- 121}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @incollection{MoorkampPetersonUibel2023, author = {Moorkamp, Wilfried and Peterson, Leif Arne and Uibel, Thomas}, title = {Standardholzbr{\"u}cken f{\"u}r kommunale Geh- und Radwege}, series = {Strukturen, Formen und Prinzipien : Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Trautz}, booktitle = {Strukturen, Formen und Prinzipien : Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Trautz}, editor = {Wehren, Cedric}, publisher = {RWTH Aachen}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {978-3-95886-500-6}, pages = {140 -- 165}, year = {2023}, language = {de} } @incollection{SchultLosseCzarneckietal.2023, author = {Schult, Prince Garcia and Losse, Ann-Kathrin and Czarnecki, Christian and Sultanow, Eldar}, title = {Proposing a Framework to address the Sustainable Development Goals}, series = {EnviroInfo 2023}, booktitle = {EnviroInfo 2023}, publisher = {GI - Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik}, address = {Bonn}, isbn = {978-3-88579-736-4}, issn = {1617-5468}, doi = {10.18420/env2023-022}, pages = {243 -- 249}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Reducing poverty, protecting the planet, and improving life on earth for everyone are the essential goals of the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development"committed by the United Nations (UN). Achieving those goals will require technological innovation as well as their implementation in almost all areas of our business and day-to-day life. This paper proposes a high-level framework that collects and structures different uses cases addressing the goals defined by the UN. Hence, it contributes to the discussion by proposing technical innovations that can be used to achieve those goals. As an example, the goal "Climate Action{\"i}s discussed in detail by describing use cases related to tackling biodiversity loss in order to conservate ecosystems.}, language = {en} } @incollection{NiendorfWinterFrauenrath2012, author = {Niendorf, Thoralf and Winter, Lukas and Frauenrath, Tobias}, title = {Electrocardiogram in an MRI environment: Clinical needs, practical considerations, safety implications, technical solutions and fFuture directions}, series = {Advances in Electrocardiograms - Methods and Analysis}, booktitle = {Advances in Electrocardiograms - Methods and Analysis}, editor = {Millis, Richard}, publisher = {IntechOpen}, address = {London}, isbn = {978-953-307-923-3 (print)}, doi = {10.5772/24340}, pages = {309 -- 324}, year = {2012}, language = {en} } @incollection{Golland2024, author = {Golland, Alexander}, title = {Kommentierung von \S\S 6 bis 10 EKD-Datenschutzgesetz}, series = {EKD-Datenschutzgesetz. Datenschutzbestimmungen der evangelischen Kirche}, booktitle = {EKD-Datenschutzgesetz. Datenschutzbestimmungen der evangelischen Kirche}, editor = {Wagner, Ralph}, publisher = {Nomos}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-8487-8111-9}, pages = {153 -- 228}, year = {2024}, language = {de} } @incollection{HarlacherAltepostElsenetal.2024, author = {Harlacher, Markus and Altepost, Andrea and Elsen, Ingo and Ferrein, Alexander and Hansen-Ampah, Adjan and Merx, Wolfgang and Niehues, Sina and Schiffer, Stefan and Shahinfar, Fatemeh Nasim}, title = {Approach for the identification of requirements on the design of AI-supported work systems (in problem-based projects)}, series = {AI in Business and Economics}, booktitle = {AI in Business and Economics}, editor = {Lausberg, Isabel and Vogelsang, Michael}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {9783110790320}, doi = {10.1515/9783110790320}, pages = {87 -- 99}, year = {2024}, abstract = {To successfully develop and introduce concrete artificial intelligence (AI) solutions in operational practice, a comprehensive process model is being tested in the WIRKsam joint project. It is based on a methodical approach that integrates human, technical and organisational aspects and involves employees in the process. The chapter focuses on the procedure for identifying requirements for a work system that is implementing AI in problem-driven projects and for selecting appropriate AI methods. This means that the use case has already been narrowed down at the beginning of the project and must be completely defined in the following. Initially, the existing preliminary work is presented. Based on this, an overview of all procedural steps and methods is given. All methods are presented in detail and good practice approaches are shown. Finally, a reflection of the developed procedure based on the application in nine companies is given.}, language = {en} } @incollection{LinkeHaertschHoffmannetal.1997, author = {Linke, David-Michael and Haertsch, P. and Hoffmann, Christoph P. and Lindemann, Markus}, title = {Electronic Commerce Plattformen f{\"u}r den Werkzeugmaschinenbau}, series = {Internet im Industrieg{\"u}termarketing - Status quo und Entwicklungsperspektiven am Beispiel der Schweizer Werkzeugmaschinen-Industrie / Johannes Dickel ... (Hrsg.) Thexis-Fachbericht f{\"u}r Marketing. 97,4}, booktitle = {Internet im Industrieg{\"u}termarketing - Status quo und Entwicklungsperspektiven am Beispiel der Schweizer Werkzeugmaschinen-Industrie / Johannes Dickel ... (Hrsg.) Thexis-Fachbericht f{\"u}r Marketing. 97,4}, publisher = {Thexis}, address = {St. Gallen}, isbn = {3-908545-38-2}, pages = {60 -- 85}, year = {1997}, language = {de} } @incollection{HoffmannLindemann1999, author = {Hoffmann, Christoph P. and Lindemann, Markus}, title = {Logistik und internetbasiertes Electronic Commerce}, series = {Schweizer Logistik-Katalog : Logistik, f{\"o}rdern, lagern, verteilen. 1999}, booktitle = {Schweizer Logistik-Katalog : Logistik, f{\"o}rdern, lagern, verteilen. 1999}, publisher = {Binkert}, address = {Lauffenburg}, pages = {16 -- 19}, year = {1999}, language = {de} } @incollection{BechstedtBergHackeretal.1995, author = {Bechstedt, U. and Berg, Georg P. A. and Hacker, Ulrich and Hardt, Arno and H{\"u}rlimann, Werner and Maier, R. and Martin, Siegfried A. and Meissburger, J{\"u}rgen and R{\"o}mer, Josef G. M. and Possen, P. von and Sagefka, Thomas}, title = {BIG KARL and COSY}, series = {The art and science of magnet design. A Festschrift in honor of Klaus Halbach. Vol. 1}, booktitle = {The art and science of magnet design. A Festschrift in honor of Klaus Halbach. Vol. 1}, publisher = {Lawrence Berkeley Lab., Univ. of California}, address = {Berkeley, CA.}, pages = {19 -- 28}, year = {1995}, language = {en} } @incollection{FeldmannDoeringPyschny2016, author = {Feldmann, Marco and D{\"o}ring, Bernd and Pyschny, D.}, title = {Floor systems; Sustainabilty analyses and assessments of steel bridges}, series = {Sustainable steel buildings : a practical guide for structures and envelopes}, booktitle = {Sustainable steel buildings : a practical guide for structures and envelopes}, publisher = {Wiley Blackwell}, address = {Chichester, West Sussex}, isbn = {978-1-118-74079-8 (PDF)}, pages = {198 -- 223}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @incollection{KochPoghossianWegeetal.2018, author = {Koch, Claudia and Poghossian, Arshak and Wege, Christina and Sch{\"o}ning, Michael Josef}, title = {TMV-Based Adapter Templates for Enhanced Enzyme Loading in Biosensor Applications}, series = {Virus-Derived Nanoparticles for Advanced Technologies}, booktitle = {Virus-Derived Nanoparticles for Advanced Technologies}, editor = {Wege, Christina}, publisher = {Humana Press}, address = {New York, NY}, isbn = {978-1-4939-7808-3}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4939-7808-3}, pages = {553 -- 568}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Nanotubular tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) particles and RNA-free lower-order coat protein (CP) aggregates have been employed as enzyme carriers in different diagnostic layouts and compared for their influence on biosensor performance. In the following, we describe a label-free electrochemical biosensor for improved glucose detection by use of TMV adapters and the enzyme glucose oxidase (GOD). A specific and efficient immobilization of streptavidin-conjugated GOD ([SA]-GOD) complexes on biotinylated TMV nanotubes or CP aggregates was achieved via bioaffinity binding. Glucose sensors with adsorptively immobilized [SA]-GOD, and with [SA]-GOD cross-linked with glutardialdehyde, respectively, were tested in parallel on the same sensor chip. Comparison of these sensors revealed that TMV adapters enhanced the amperometric glucose detection remarkably, conveying highest sensitivity, an extended linear detection range and fastest response times. These results underline a great potential of an integration of virus/biomolecule hybrids with electronic transducers for applications in biosensorics and biochips. Here, we describe the fabrication and use of amperometric sensor chips combining an array of circular Pt electrodes, their loading with GOD-modified TMV nanotubes (and other GOD immobilization methods), and the subsequent investigations of the sensor performance.}, language = {en} } @incollection{DachwaldBoehnhardtBrojetal.2014, author = {Dachwald, Bernd and Boehnhardt, Herrmann and Broj, Ulrich and Geppert, Ulrich R. M. E. and Grundmann, Jan Thimo and Seboldt, Wolfgang and Seefeldt, Patric and Spietz, Peter and Johnson, Les and K{\"u}hrt, Ekkehard and Mottola, Stefano and Macdonald, Malcolm and McInnes, Colin R. and Vasile, Massimiliano and Reinhard, Ruedeger}, title = {Gossamer roadmap technology reference study for a multiple NEO Rendezvous Mission}, series = {Advances in solar sailing}, booktitle = {Advances in solar sailing}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin [u.a.]}, isbn = {978-3-642-34906-5 (Print) ; 978-3-642-34907-2 (E-Book)}, pages = {211 -- 226}, year = {2014}, abstract = {A technology reference study for a multiple near-Earth object (NEO) rendezvous mission with solar sailcraft is currently carried out by the authors of this paper. The investigated mission builds on previous concepts, but adopts a strong micro-spacecraft philosophy based on the DLR/ESA Gossamer technology. The main scientific objective of the mission is to explore the diversity of NEOs. After direct interplanetary insertion, the solar sailcraft should—within less than 10 years—rendezvous three NEOs that are not only scientifically interesting, but also from the point of human spaceight and planetary defense. In this paper, the objectives of the study are outlined and a preliminary potential mission profile is presented.}, language = {en} } @incollection{FranzenSteckenPfaffetal.2019, author = {Franzen, Julian and Stecken, Jannis and Pfaff, Raphael and Kuhlenk{\"o}tter, Bernd}, title = {Using the Digital Shadow for a Prescriptive Optimization of Maintenance and Operation : The Locomotive in the Context of the Cyber-Physical System}, series = {Advances in Production, Logistics and Traffic}, booktitle = {Advances in Production, Logistics and Traffic}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-13535-5}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-13535-5_19}, pages = {265 -- 276}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In competition with other modes of transport, rail freight transport is looking for solutions to become more attractive. Short-term success can be achieved through the data-driven optimization of operations and maintenance as well as the application of novel strategies such as prescriptive maintenance. After introducing the concept of prescriptive maintenance, this paper aims to prove that vehicle-focused applications of this approach indeed have the potential to increase attractiveness. However, even greater advantages can be activated if data from the horizontal network of the vehicle is available. Drawing on the state of the art in research and technology in the field of cyber-physical systems (CPS) as well as digital twins and shadows, our work serves to design a system of systems for the horizontal interconnection of a rail vehicle and to conceptualize a draft for a digital twin of a locomotive.}, language = {en} } @incollection{KuhlmannBettziecheRoesleretal.2005, author = {Kuhlmann, W. and Bettzieche, Volker and Roesler, F. and Butenweg, Christoph and K{\"o}nke, C. and Meskouris, Konstantin}, title = {Baudynamische Untersuchung von Talsperren des Ruhrverbandes}, series = {Neubewertung der Erdbebensicherheit von Talsperren in Deutschland : DGEB-Workshop, 28. November 2003 in Potsdam = Assessment of the seismic safety of dams in Germany / organisiert von der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik. K. Meskouris ... (Hrsg.) (DGEB-Publikation ; Nr. 12)}, booktitle = {Neubewertung der Erdbebensicherheit von Talsperren in Deutschland : DGEB-Workshop, 28. November 2003 in Potsdam = Assessment of the seismic safety of dams in Germany / organisiert von der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik. K. Meskouris ... (Hrsg.) (DGEB-Publikation ; Nr. 12)}, publisher = {DGEB}, address = {Aachen}, isbn = {3-930108-08-9}, pages = {37 -- 48}, year = {2005}, language = {de} } @incollection{FerreinNikolovskiLimpertetal.2023, author = {Ferrein, Alexander and Nikolovski, Gjorgji and Limpert, Nicolas and Reke, Michael and Schiffer, Stefan and Scholl, Ingrid}, title = {Controlling a Fleet of Autonomous LHD Vehicles in Mining Operation}, series = {Multi-Robot Systems - New Advances}, booktitle = {Multi-Robot Systems - New Advances}, editor = {K{\"u}{\c{c}}{\"u}k, Serdar}, publisher = {Intech Open}, address = {London}, isbn = {978-1-83768-290-4}, doi = {10.5772/intechopen.113044}, pages = {21 Seiten}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In this chapter, we report on our activities to create and maintain a fleet of autonomous load haul dump (LHD) vehicles for mining operations. The ever increasing demand for sustainable solutions and economic pressure causes innovation in the mining industry just like in any other branch. In this chapter, we present our approach to create a fleet of autonomous special purpose vehicles and to control these vehicles in mining operations. After an initial exploration of the site we deploy the fleet. Every vehicle is running an instance of our ROS 2-based architecture. The fleet is then controlled with a dedicated planning module. We also use continuous environment monitoring to implement a life-long mapping approach. In our experiments, we show that a combination of synthetic, augmented and real training data improves our classifier based on the deep learning network Yolo v5 to detect our vehicles, persons and navigation beacons. The classifier was successfully installed on the NVidia AGX-Drive platform, so that the abovementioned objects can be recognised during the dumper drive. The 3D poses of the detected beacons are assigned to lanelets and transferred to an existing map.}, language = {de} } @incollection{SchubaHoefken2022, author = {Schuba, Marko and H{\"o}fken, Hans-Wilhelm}, title = {Cybersicherheit in Produktion, Automotive und intelligenten Geb{\"a}uden}, series = {IT-Sicherheit - Technologien und Best Practices f{\"u}r die Umsetzung im Unternehmen}, booktitle = {IT-Sicherheit - Technologien und Best Practices f{\"u}r die Umsetzung im Unternehmen}, publisher = {Carl Hanser Verlag}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-446-47223-5}, doi = {10.3139/9783446473478.012}, pages = {193 -- 218}, year = {2022}, language = {de} } @incollection{LuftLuft2021, author = {Luft, Angela and Luft, Nils}, title = {Leitfaden: Systematische Kompetenzentwicklung im Umfeld der Smart Factory}, series = {Handbuch digitale Kompetenzentwiclung}, booktitle = {Handbuch digitale Kompetenzentwiclung}, editor = {Ramin, Philipp}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {978-3-446-46738-5}, doi = {10.3139/9783446469075.005}, pages = {89 -- 120}, year = {2021}, language = {de} } @incollection{PieronekKleefeld2019, author = {Pieronek, Lukas and Kleefeld, Andreas}, title = {The Method of Fundamental Solutions for Computing Interior Transmission Eigenvalues of Inhomogeneous Media}, series = {Integral Methods in Science and Engineering: Analytic Treatment and Numerical Approximations}, booktitle = {Integral Methods in Science and Engineering: Analytic Treatment and Numerical Approximations}, editor = {Constanda, Christian and Harris, Paul}, publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user}, address = {Cham}, isbn = {978-3-030-16077-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-16077-7_28}, pages = {353 -- 365}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The method of fundamental solutions is applied to the approximate computation of interior transmission eigenvalues for a special class of inhomogeneous media in two dimensions. We give a short approximation analysis accompanied with numerical results that clearly prove practical convenience of our alternative approach.}, language = {en} } @incollection{Wollert2006, author = {Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {Bussysteme}, series = {Handbuch der Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik in der Produktion / Hans-J{\"u}rgen Gevatter ... (Hrsg.). - 2. Aufl.}, booktitle = {Handbuch der Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik in der Produktion / Hans-J{\"u}rgen Gevatter ... (Hrsg.). - 2. Aufl.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin [u.a.]}, isbn = {3-540-21207-8 ; 978-3-540-21207-2}, pages = {475 -- 653}, year = {2006}, language = {de} } @incollection{BudaSchuermannWollert2010, author = {Buda, Aurel and Sch{\"u}rmann, Volker and Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {Wireless technologies in factory automation}, series = {Factory automation / ed. by Javier Silvestre-Blanes}, booktitle = {Factory automation / ed. by Javier Silvestre-Blanes}, publisher = {Intech}, address = {London}, isbn = {978-953-7619-42-8}, pages = {29 -- 50}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @incollection{SchuermannBudaJonkeretal.2010, author = {Sch{\"u}rmann, Volker and Buda, Aurel and Jonker, Stefan and Palmhof, Norman and Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {Wireless in future automotive applications}, series = {Mobile and wireless communications network layer and circuit level design / ed. by Salma Ait Fares ...}, booktitle = {Mobile and wireless communications network layer and circuit level design / ed. by Salma Ait Fares ...}, publisher = {Intech}, address = {London}, isbn = {978-953-307-042-1}, pages = {71 -- 92}, year = {2010}, language = {en} } @incollection{Wollert2005, author = {Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {Was der Einsatz von Funktechnik bringt : Wireless-Technologie in der Automation will besonnen geplant werden}, series = {Visions of automation - Blick in die Zukunft der Automatisierung ; Vol. deutsch/englisch}, booktitle = {Visions of automation - Blick in die Zukunft der Automatisierung ; Vol. deutsch/englisch}, publisher = {Heinrich Vogel Verlag}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-8259-1934-4}, pages = {18 -- 23}, year = {2005}, language = {de} } @incollection{WollertRau2012, author = {Wollert, J{\"o}rg F. and Rau, Sebastian}, title = {Energietransparenz und optimierter Energieverbrauch durch ganzheitliche Automatisierungskonzepte}, series = {Smart Energy 2012 : wie smart ist der Weg zur Energiewende? / Uwe Großmann, Ingo Kunold (Hrsg.)}, booktitle = {Smart Energy 2012 : wie smart ist der Weg zur Energiewende? / Uwe Großmann, Ingo Kunold (Hrsg.)}, publisher = {H{\"u}lsbusch}, address = {Gl{\"u}ckstadt}, isbn = {978-3-86488-030-8}, pages = {109 -- 122}, year = {2012}, language = {de} } @incollection{Wollert2005, author = {Wollert, J{\"o}rg F.}, title = {Bluetooth, WLAN und ZigBee f{\"u}r die Automatisierungstechnik}, series = {Jahrbuch Elektrotechnik 2006}, booktitle = {Jahrbuch Elektrotechnik 2006}, publisher = {VDE Verl.}, address = {Berlin [u.a.]}, isbn = {978-3-8007-2895-4}, pages = {27 -- 41}, year = {2005}, language = {de} } @incollection{SchubaHoefken2024, author = {Schuba, Marko and H{\"o}fken, Hans-Wilhelm}, title = {Cybersicherheit in Produktion, Automotive und intelligenten Geb{\"a}uden}, series = {IT-Sicherheit: Technologien und Best Practices f{\"u}r die Umsetzung im Unternehmen}, booktitle = {IT-Sicherheit: Technologien und Best Practices f{\"u}r die Umsetzung im Unternehmen}, editor = {Lang, Michael and L{\"o}hr, Hans}, publisher = {Hanser}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {9783446480827 (Print)}, pages = {311 -- 338}, year = {2024}, language = {de} }