TY - GEN A1 - Hering, T. A1 - Ulber, Roland A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Antimikrobielle Oberflächenmodifikation durch Mikropartikel T2 - Chemie Ingenieur Technik N2 - Die Ausbildung von Biofilmen in technischen Anlagen, wie z. B. Kühlkreisläufen, Wasseraufbereitungssystemen und Bioreaktoren, führen zu Materialschäden (Biofouling) und stark erhöhtem Energieaufwand. Im Rahmen der aktuellen Forschungsarbeiten erfolgen aktive sowie passive Bio-Modifikationen auf funktionalisierten magnetischen Mikropartikelober-flächen. Um die verschiedenen funktionalisierten magnetischen Mikropartikel zu analysieren und ihre antimikrobielle Wirkung zu testen, wird der Einsatz einer 3D-gedruckten, magnetischen Plattform für ein Fluoreszenz-basiertes Screening-System untersucht. Für den Oberflächenschutz wurden verschiedene, antimikrobiell funktionalisierte Partikelkombinationen mit dem Mikroorganismus Escherichia coli GFPmut2 in Bezug auf aktiven Oberflächenschutz verglichen. Um die antimikrobielle Oberflächeneffekte von synergistischen Kombinationen unterschiedlich funktionalisierter Partikel zu bestimmen, werden Oberflächen einem Magnetfeld ausgesetzt, das die Mikropartikel als definierte Schicht auf ihnen zurück hält. Diese modifizierten Oberflächen können sowohl durch Fluoreszenzspektroskopie als auch -mikroskopie analysiert werden. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.201650084 N1 - ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2016 und 32. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2016, 12. - 15. September 2016, Eurogress Aachen VL - 88 IS - 9 SP - 1302 PB - Wiley-VCH CY - Weinheim ER - TY - GEN A1 - Kuthan, K. A1 - Al-Kaidy, Huschyar A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Tropfenbasierte Enzymreaktionen auf Glasoberflächen im μL-Maßstab mit ortsaufgelöster pL-Dosierung der Reaktanden T2 - Chemie Ingenieur Technik N2 - Mit der Entwicklung wässriger Tropfen, die mit einer schützenden Hülle magnetisierbarer, hydrophober Partikel umgeben sind, ergeben sich neue Möglichkeiten im Bereich der Mikrofluidik. So können die Tropfen als flüssige Mikroreaktoren eingesetzt werden. Der wässrige Kern dieser Mikroreaktoren besteht aus einer Substratlösung für enzymatische Umsetzungen. Durch Bewegen der Mikroreaktoren können diese über immobilisierten Enzymen positioniert werden, um so einen enzymatischen Umsatz innerhalb der Mikroreaktoren zu realisieren. Hierfür wurde eine neue Mikroreaktorplattform-Technologie etabliert. Die Mikroreaktoren können aufgrund ihrer magnetisierbaren Hüllenpartikel über elektromagnetische Spulen bewegt werden. Die Bewegung erfolgt dabei mit einer automatisierten Aktuatorplattform, bestehend aus einer 3x3 Doppelspulenmatrix mit Magnetkernen. Als modellhaftes Reaktionssystem wird eine Enzymkaskade eingesetzt, die sich aus einer b-Glucosidase, Glucose-Oxidase und Meerrettichperoxidase zusammensetzt. Primär untersuchte Substrate sind Fluorescein-di-b-D-glucopyranoside, und 1-(3,7-Dihydroxy-10H-phenoxazin-10-yl)-ethanon, bei deren Umsatz fluoreszierende Produkte entstehen. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.201650117 N1 - ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2016 und 32. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2016, 12. - 15. September 2016, Eurogress Aachen VL - 88 IS - 9 SP - 1336 EP - 1337 PB - Wiley-VCH CY - Weinheim ER - TY - GEN A1 - Roth, J. A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - New Approach for Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignocellulose with Selective Diffusion Separation of the Monosaccharide Products T2 - Chemie Ingenieur Technik N2 - Enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic material plays an important role in the classical biorefinery approach. Apart from the pretreatment of the raw material, hydrolysis is the basis for the conversion of the cellulose and hemicellulose fraction into fermentable sugars. After hydrolysis, usually a solid-liquid separation takes place, in order to separate the residual plant material from the sugar-rich fraction, which can be subsequently used in a fermentation step. In order to factor out the separation step, the usage of in alginate immobilized crude cellulose fiber beads (CFBs) were evaluated. Pretreated cellulose fibers are incorporated in an alginate matrix together with the relevant enzymes. In doing so, sugars diffuse trough the alginate matrix, allowing a simplified delivery into the surrounding fluid. This again reduces product inhibition of the glucose on the enzyme catalysts. By means of standardized bead production the hydrolysis in lab scale was possible. First results show that liberation of glucose and xylose is possible, allowing a maximum total sugar yield of 75 %. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.201650301 SN - 0009-286X SN - 1522-2640 (eISSN) N1 - ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2016 und 32. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2016, 12. - 15. September 2016, Eurogress Aachen VL - 88 IS - 9 SP - 1237 PB - Wiley-VCH CY - Weinheim ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wulfhorst, H. A1 - Merseburg, J. A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Batteriekomponenten aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen T2 - Chemie Ingenieur Technik N2 - In diesem Beitrag geht es um die Integration von Stoffströmen einer Lignocellulose-Bioraffinerie in Verfahren zur Batterieherstellung. Pflanzliche Reststoffe aus der Biokraftstoffherstellung wie Lignin sollen zur Herstellung neuer Batteriematerialien verwendet werden. Hierbei wird das Lignin als Matrix für die vorgraphitischen C-haltigen Einlagerungsverbindungen in den Elektroden genutzt. Die Si-C-Komposite werden durch das Einbetten von Si in eine Ligninmatrix mit anschließender Carbonisierung hergestellt. Das Lignin hierfür wird durch die sequentielle hydrothermale Vorbehandlung von Buchenholz bei variablen Bedingungen gewonnen und mit Si-Nanopartikel sowie als Referenz ohne Si-Nanopartikel gefällt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die sequenzielle Vorbehandlung höhere Ausbeuten im Vergleich zum LHW- oder Organosolv-Aufschluss liefert. Um eine Anode herzustellen, wurde das resultierende Si–C-Kompositmaterial carbonisiert, auf einen Stromsammler aufgetragen und elektro-chemisch charakterisiert. Der Einfluss der Vorbehandlungsschritte auf den Herstellungsprozess und die ökonomische Bewertung des untersuchten Bioraffinerie-Prozesses wurde mithilfe eines Stoffstrommodells analysiert. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.201650333 SN - 0009-286X SN - 1522-2640 (eISSN) N1 - ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2016 und 32. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2016, 12. - 15. September 2016, Eurogress Aachen VL - 88 IS - 9 SP - 1234 EP - 1235 PB - Wiley-VCH CY - Weinheim ER - TY - GEN A1 - Engel, M. A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Einfluss eines Phenazin-Mediators und elektrischen Potenzials auf die Aceton-Butanol-Ethanol-Fermentation T2 - Chemie Ingenieur Technik N2 - In den letzten Jahren haben nachhaltige, biotechnologische Prozesse zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Die Aceton-Butanol-Ethanol-Fermentation (ABE-Fermentation) mit dem anaeroben Bakterium Clostridium acetobutylicum zur Gewinnung von Biobutanol könnte in diesem Zusammenhang eine Möglichkeit der nachhaltigen Kraftstoffproduktion darstellen. In dieser Arbeit wird der Einfluss zusätzlich verfügbarer Elektronen durch den Einsatz des Phenazin-Farbstoffs Neutralrot als Redoxmediator sowie das Anlegen eines elektrischen Potenzials während der ABE-Fermentation untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass das Neutralrot keinen Einfluss auf die Leerlaufspannung von ca. 500 mV vs. Ag/AgCl während der Fermentation hat. Der Mediator bewirkt allerdings eine frühere Butanolbildung sowie höhere Butanolkonzentrationen. Wird zudem die Mediatorkonzentration von 125 mM auf 250 mM angehoben, wird dabei auch die maximale Butanolkonzentration um 36 % ± 1,8 % innerhalb von28 Stunden gesteigert. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.201650105 SN - 0009-286X SN - 1522-2640 (eISSN) N1 - ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2016 und 32. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2016, 12. - 15. September 2016, Eurogress Aachen VL - 88 IS - 9 SP - 1254 PB - Wiley-VCH CY - Weinheim ER - TY - GEN A1 - Capitain, C. A1 - Hering, T. A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Enzymatische Polymerisation von Ligninmodellkomponenten und Organosolv-Lignin mit aromatischen Aminosäuren T2 - Chemie Ingenieur Technik N2 - Die stoffliche Nutzung von Lignin aus Bioraffinerien ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil für den Wertschöpfungsprozess von nachwachsenden, pflanzlichen Rohstoffen. Lignin zählt zu den wenigen erneuerbaren Quellen für phenolische Bestandteile, wird aber derzeit meist nur thermisch verwertet. Ziel dieses Forschungsvorhabens ist die Funktionalisierung von Lignin zur Verbesserung der Adhäsionseigenschaften. Als funktionelle Gruppe wird die aromatische Aminosäure L-DOPA verwendet, die charakteristisch für die Adhäsionskraft von Muscheln ist. Lignin ist ein geeignetes Stützgerüst, da es ein Polymer ist, das durch enzymkatalysierte Polymerisation gebildet wird. Essenziell für die Entwicklung ist ein besseres Verständnis über die Bildung von Lignin-Polymeren und deren verschiedene Eigenschaften. Um die Einflussfaktoren auf Kettenlänge und Polymerisationseffizienz zu untersuchen, werden zurzeit sowohl Ligninmodellkomponenten (LMK) als auch gelöstes Organosolv-Lignin verwendet. Laufende Untersuchungen werden zeigen, ob sich die enzymatische Polymerisationsreaktion auf ein gelöstes Ligninpolymer aus einem Organosolv-Aufschluss übertragen lässt. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.201650374 SN - 0009-286X SN - 1522-2640 (eISSN) N1 - ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2016 und 32. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2016, 12. - 15. September 2016, Eurogress Aachen VL - 88 IS - 9 SP - 1236 PB - Wiley-VCH CY - Weinheim ER - TY - GEN A1 - Möhring, S. A1 - Wulfhorst, Helene A1 - Capitain, Charlotte A1 - Roth, J. A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Fractioning of lignocellulosic biomass: Scale-down and automation of thermal pretreatment for parameter optimization T2 - Chemie Ingenieur Technik N2 - In order to efficiently convert lignocellulose, it is often necessary to conduct a pretreatment. The biomass considered in this study typically comprises of agricultural and horticultural residues, as well as beechwood. A very environmentally friendly method, namely, fungal pretreatment using white-rot fungi, leads to an enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis. In contrast to other processes presented, the energy input is extremely low. However, the fungal growth on the lignocellulosic substrates takes several weeks at least in order to be effective. Thus, the reduction of chemicals and energy for thermal processing is a target of our current research. Liquid hot water (LHW) and solvent-based pretreatment (OrganoSolv) require more complex equipment, as they depend on high temperatures (160 – 180 °C) and enhanced pressure (up to 20 bar). However, they prove to be promising processes in regard to the fractioning of lignocellulose. For optimal lignin recovery the parameters differ from those established in cellulose extraction. A novel screening system scaled down to a reaction volume of 100 mL has been developed and successfully tested for this purpose. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.201650288 SN - 0009-286X SN - 1522-2640 (eISSN) N1 - ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 32. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2016, 12. - 15. September 2016, Eurogress Aachen VL - 88 IS - 9 SP - 1229 PB - Wiley-VCH CY - Weinheim ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Engel, Mareike A1 - Thieringer, Julia A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Linking bioprocess engineering and electrochemistry for sustainable biofuel production T2 - Young Researchers Symposium, YRS 2016. Proceedings N2 - Electromicrobial engineering is an emerging, highly interdisciplinary research area linking bioprocesses with electrochemistry. In this work, microbial electrosynthesis (MES) of biobutanol is carried out during acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fermentations with Clostridium acetobutylicum. A constant electric potential of −600mV (vs. Ag/AgCl) with simultaneous addition of the soluble redox mediator neutral red is used in order to study the electron transfer between the working electrode and the bacterial cells. The results show an earlier initiation of solvent production for all fermentations with applied potential compared to the conventional ABE fermentation. The f inal butanol concentration can be more than doubled by the application of a negative potential combined with addition of neutral red. Moreover a higher biofilm formation on the working electrode compared to control cultivations has been observed. In contrast to previous studies, our results also indicate that direct electron transfer (DET) might be possible with C. acetobutylicum. The presented results make microbial butanol production economically attractive and therefore support the development of sustainable production processes in the chemical industry aspired by the “Centre for resource-efficient chemistry and raw material change” as well as the the project “NanoKat” working on nanostructured catalysts in Kaiserslautern. Y1 - 2016 N1 - Young Researchers Symposium, YRS 2016, 14th - 15th April 2016, Fraunhofer-Zentrum Kaiserslautern SP - 49 EP - 53 PB - Fraunhofer Verlag CY - Karlsruhe ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Harish, Ajay B. A1 - Wriggers, Peter A1 - Jungk, Juliane A1 - Hojdis, Nils A1 - Recker, Carla T1 - Mesoscale Constitutive Modeling of Non-Crystallizing Filled Elastomers JF - Computational Mechanics N2 - Elastomers are exceptional materials owing to their ability to undergo large deformations before failure. However, due to their very low stiffness, they are not always suitable for industrial applications. Addition of filler particles provides reinforcing effects and thus enhances the material properties that render them more versatile for applications like tyres etc. However, deformation behavior of filled polymers is accompanied by several nonlinear effects like Mullins and Payne effect. To this day, the physical and chemical changes resulting in such nonlinear effect remain an active area of research. In this work, we develop a heterogeneous (or multiphase) constitutive model at the mesoscale explicitly considering filler particle aggregates, elastomeric matrix and their mechanical interaction through an approximate interface layer. The developed constitutive model is used to demonstrate cluster breakage, also, as one of the possible sources for Mullins effect observed in non-crystallizing filled elastomers. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s00466-015-1251-1 SN - 1432-0924 VL - 57 SP - 653 EP - 677 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schwab, Lukas A1 - Hojdis, Nils A1 - Lacayo, Jorge A1 - Wilhelm, Manfred T1 - Fourier-Transform Rheology of Unvulcanized, Carbon Black Filled Styrene Butadiene Rubber JF - Macromolecular Materials and Engineering N2 - Rubber materials filled with reinforcing fillers display nonlinear rheological behavior at small strain amplitudes below γ0 < 0.1. Nevertheless, rheological data are analyzed mostly in terms of linear parameters, such as shear moduli (G′, G″), which loose their physical meaning in the nonlinear regime. In this work styrene butadiene rubber filled with carbon black (CB) under large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) is analyzed in terms of the nonlinear parameter I3/1. Three different CB grades are used and the filler load is varied between 0 and 70 phr. It is found that I3/1(φ) is most sensitive to changes of the total accessible filler surface area at low strain amplitudes (γ0 = 0.32). The addition of up to 70 phr CB leads to an increase of I3/1(φ) by a factor of more than ten. The influence of the measurement temperature on I3/1 is pronounced for CB levels above the percolation threshold. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/mame.201500356 SN - 1439-2054 VL - 301 IS - 4 SP - 457 EP - 468 PB - Wiley-VCH CY - Weinheim ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Svaneborg, Carsten A1 - Karimi-Varzaneh, Hossein Ali A1 - Hojdis, Nils A1 - Fleck, Franz A1 - Everaers, Ralf T1 - Multiscale approach to equilibrating model polymer melts JF - Physical Review E N2 - We present an effective and simple multiscale method for equilibrating Kremer Grest model polymer melts of varying stiffness. In our approach, we progressively equilibrate the melt structure above the tube scale, inside the tube and finally at the monomeric scale. We make use of models designed to be computationally effective at each scale. Density fluctuations in the melt structure above the tube scale are minimized through a Monte Carlo simulated annealing of a lattice polymer model. Subsequently the melt structure below the tube scale is equilibrated via the Rouse dynamics of a force-capped Kremer-Grest model that allows chains to partially interpenetrate. Finally the Kremer-Grest force field is introduced to freeze the topological state and enforce correct monomer packing. We generate 15 melts of 500 chains of 10.000 beads for varying chain stiffness as well as a number of melts with 1.000 chains of 15.000 monomers. To validate the equilibration process we study the time evolution of bulk, collective, and single-chain observables at the monomeric, mesoscopic, and macroscopic length scales. Extension of the present method to longer, branched, or polydisperse chains, and/or larger system sizes is straightforward. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.94.032502 SN - 2470-0053 VL - 94 IS - 032502 PB - AIP Publishing CY - Melville, NY ER - TY - PAT A1 - Al-Kaidy, Huschyar A1 - Tippkötter, Nils A1 - Ulber, Roland T1 - Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Kontaktwinkels eines Flüssigkörpers mit einer Festkörperoberfläche N2 - Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung und ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Kontaktwinkels eines flüssigen oder mit Flüssigkeit gefüllten Körpers. Dieser besteht aus einem Träger (1) und einer damit verbundenen, in einem Winkelbereich von mehr als 0 ° bis maximal 90 ° neigbaren Ebene (8) mit einer darin ausgebildeten Abrollbahn (9) für den flüssigen oder mit Flüssigkeit gefüllten Körper. An der Ebene (8) sind mehrere Sensoren (11,12) zur Erfassung der Rolldauer des Körpers entlang der Rollstrecke angeordnet. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass die Einstellung des Neigungswinkels der Ebene (8) über ein Winkelmessgerät (10) erfolgt, wodurch ein Abrollwinkel erfassbar ist, bei dem der Körper in Bewegung gerät. Aus der Rolldauer, der Rollstrecke und dem Abrollwinkel wird der Kontaktwinkel des Körpers ermittelt. Y1 - 2016 N1 - Patent auch unter DE102014000419 und WO2015107159 veröffentlicht. ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Scheer, Nico A1 - Chu, Xiaoyan A1 - Salphati, Laurent A1 - Zamek-Gliszczynski, Maciej J. ED - Nicholls, Glynis T1 - Knockout and humanized animal models to study membrane transporters in drug development T2 - Drug Transporters: Volume 1: Role and Importance in ADME and Drug Development Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-1-78262-379-3 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1039/9781782623793-00298 SP - 298 EP - 332 PB - Royal Society of Chemistry CY - Cambridge ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Scheer, Nico A1 - Wilson, Ian D. T1 - A comparison between genetically humanized and chimeric liver humanized mouse models for studies in drug metabolism and toxicity JF - Drug Discovery Today N2 - Mice that have been genetically humanized for proteins involved in drug metabolism and toxicity and mice engrafted with human hepatocytes are emerging and promising in vivo models for an improved prediction of the pharmacokinetic, drug–drug interaction and safety characteristics of compounds in humans. The specific advantages and disadvantages of these models should be carefully considered when using them for studies in drug discovery and development. Here, an overview on the corresponding genetically humanized and chimeric liver humanized mouse models described to date is provided and illustrated with examples of their utility in drug metabolism and toxicity studies. We compare the strength and weaknesses of the two different approaches, give guidance for the selection of the appropriate model for various applications and discuss future trends and perspectives. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drudis.2015.09.002 SN - 1359-6446 VL - 21 IS - 2 SP - 250 EP - 263 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Dallas, Shannon A1 - Salphati, Laurent A1 - Gomez-Zepeda, David A1 - Wanek, Thomas A1 - Chen, Liangfu A1 - Chu, Xiaoyan A1 - Kunta, Jeevan A1 - Mezler, Mario A1 - Menet, Marie-Claude A1 - Chasseigneaux, Stephanie A1 - Declèves, Xavier A1 - Langer, Oliver A1 - Pierre, Esaie A1 - DiLoreto, Karen A1 - Hoft, Carolin A1 - Laplanche, Loic A1 - Pang, Jodie A1 - Pereira, Tony A1 - Andonian, Clara A1 - Simic, Damir A1 - Rode, Anja A1 - Yabut, Jocelyn A1 - Zhang, Xiaolin A1 - Scheer, Nico T1 - Generation and Characterization of a Breast Cancer Resistance Protein Humanized Mouse Model JF - Molecular Pharmacology N2 - Breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) is expressed in various tissues, such as the gut, liver, kidney and blood brain barrier (BBB), where it mediates the unidirectional transport of substrates to the apical/luminal side of polarized cells. Thereby BCRP acts as an efflux pump, mediating the elimination or restricting the entry of endogenous compounds or xenobiotics into tissues and it plays important roles in drug disposition, efficacy and safety. Bcrp knockout mice (Bcrp−/−) have been used widely to study the role of this transporter in limiting intestinal absorption and brain penetration of substrate compounds. Here we describe the first generation and characterization of a mouse line humanized for BCRP (hBCRP), in which the mouse coding sequence from the start to stop codon was replaced with the corresponding human genomic region, such that the human transporter is expressed under control of the murine Bcrp promoter. We demonstrate robust human and loss of mouse BCRP/Bcrp mRNA and protein expression in the hBCRP mice and the absence of major compensatory changes in the expression of other genes involved in drug metabolism and disposition. Pharmacokinetic and brain distribution studies with several BCRP probe substrates confirmed the functional activity of the human transporter in these mice. Furthermore, we provide practical examples for the use of hBCRP mice to study drug-drug interactions (DDIs). The hBCRP mouse is a promising model to study the in vivo role of human BCRP in limiting absorption and BBB penetration of substrate compounds and to investigate clinically relevant DDIs involving BCRP. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1124/mol.115.102079 SN - 1521-0111 VL - 89 IS - 5 SP - 492 EP - 504 PB - ASPET CY - Bethesda, Md. ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Jin A1 - Heimbach, Tycho A1 - Scheer, Nico A1 - Barve, Avantika A1 - Li, Wenkui A1 - Lin, Wen A1 - He, Handan T1 - Clinical Exposure Boost Predictions by Integrating Cytochrome P450 3A4–Humanized Mouse Studies With PBPK Modeling JF - Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences N2 - NVS123 is a poorly water-soluble protease 56 inhibitor in clinical development. Data from in vitro hepatocyte studies suggested that NVS123 is mainly metabolized by CYP3A4. As a consequence of limited solubility, NVS123 therapeutic plasma exposures could not be achieved even with high doses and optimized formulations. One approach to overcome NVS123 developability issues was to increase plasma exposure by coadministrating it with an inhibitor of CYP3A4 such as ritonavir. A clinical boost effect was predicted by using physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling. However, initial boost predictions lacked sufficient confidence because a key parameter, fraction of drug metabolized by CYP3A4 (ƒₘCYP3A4), could not be estimated with accuracy on account of disconnects between in vitro and in vivo preclinical data. To accurately estimate ƒₘCYP3A4 in human, an in vivo boost effect study was conducted using CYP3A4-humanized mouse model which showed a 33- to 56-fold exposure boost effect. Using a top-down approach, human ƒₘCYP3A4 for NVS123 was estimated to be very high and included in the human PBPK modeling to support subsequent clinical study design. The combined use of the in vivo boost study in CYP3A4-humanized mouse model mice along with PBPK modeling accurately predicted the clinical outcome and identified a significant NVS123 exposure boost (∼42-fold increase) with ritonavir. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/doi.org/10.1016/j.xphs.2016.01.021 SN - 0022-3549 VL - Volume 105 IS - Issue 4 SP - 1398 EP - 1404 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Infantino, Angelo A1 - Paulßen, Elisabeth A1 - Mostacci, Domiziano A1 - Schaffer, Paul A1 - Trinczek, Michael A1 - Hoehr, Cornelia T1 - Assessment of the production of medical isotopes using the Monte Carlo code FLUKA: Simulations against experimental measurements JF - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms N2 - The Monte Carlo code FLUKA is used to simulate the production of a number of positron emitting radionuclides, ¹⁸F, ¹³N, ⁹⁴Tc, ⁴⁴Sc, ⁶⁸Ga, ⁸⁶Y, ⁸⁹Zr, ⁵²Mn, ⁶¹Cu and ⁵⁵Co, on a small medical cyclotron with a proton beam energy of 13 MeV. Experimental data collected at the TR13 cyclotron at TRIUMF agree within a factor of 0.6 ± 0.4 with the directly simulated data, except for the production of ⁵⁵Co, where the simulation underestimates the experiment by a factor of 3.4 ± 0.4. The experimental data also agree within a factor of 0.8 ± 0.6 with the convolution of simulated proton fluence and cross sections from literature. Overall, this confirms the applicability of FLUKA to simulate radionuclide production at 13 MeV proton beam energy. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2015.10.067 SN - 1872-9584 VL - 366 SP - 117 EP - 123 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Paulßen, Elisabeth A1 - Lengkeek, Nigel A. A1 - Le, Van So A1 - Pellegrini, Paul A. A1 - Greguric, Ivan A1 - Weiner, Ron T1 - The role of additives in moderating the influence of Fe(III) and Cu(II) on the radiochemical yield of [⁶⁸Ga(DOTATATE)] JF - Applied Radiation and Isotopes N2 - [⁶⁸Ga(DOTATATE)] has demonstrated its clinical usefulness. Both Fe³⁺ and Cu²⁺, potential contaminants in Gallium-68 generator eluent, substantially reduce the radiochemical (RC) yield of [⁶⁸Ga(DOTATATE)] if the metal/ligand ratio of 1:1 is exceeded. A variety of compounds were examined for their potential ability to reduce this effect. Most had no effect on RC yield. However, addition of phosphate diminished the influence of Fe³⁺ by likely forming an insoluble iron salt. Addition of ascorbic acid reduced Cu²⁺ and Fe³⁺ to Cu⁺ and Fe²⁺ respectively, both of which have limited impact on RC yields. At low ligand amounts (5 nmol DOTATATE), the addition of 30 nmol phosphate (0.19 mM) increased the tolerance of Fe3⁺ from 4 nmol to 10 nmol (0.06 mM), while the addition of ascorbic acid allowed high RC yields (>95%) in the presence of 40 nmol Fe³⁺ (0.25 mM) and 100 nmol Cu²⁺ (0.63 mM). The effect of ascorbic acid was highly pH-dependant, and gave optimal results at pH 3. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2015.09.008 SN - 1872-9800 VL - 107 SP - 13 EP - 16 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Wulfhorst, H. A1 - Duwe, A. A1 - Möhring, S. A1 - Jurca, O. A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Analysis of pretreated biomass by differential scanning 132 calorimetry and multivariate data analysis T2 - New frontiers of biotech-processes (Himmelfahrtstagung) : 02-04 May 2016, Rhein-Mosel-Halle, Koblenz/Germany Y1 - 2016 SP - 132 PB - DECHEMA CY - Frankfurt am Main ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Capitain, C. A1 - Hering, T. A1 - Tippkötter, Nils A1 - Ulber, Roland T1 - Enzymatic polymerization of lignin model compounds and solubilized lignin in an aqueous ethanol extract T2 - New frontiers of biotech-processes (Himmelfahrtstagung) : 02-04 May 2016, Rhein-Mosel-Halle, Koblenz/Germany Y1 - 2016 SP - 151 EP - 152 PB - DECHEMA CY - Frankfurt am Main ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Möhring, S. A1 - Wulfhorst, H. A1 - Roth, J. A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Pretreatment strategies for lignocellulosic biomass T2 - New frontiers of biotech-processes (Himmelfahrtstagung) : 02-04 May 2016, Rhein-Mosel-Halle, Koblenz/Germany Y1 - 2016 SP - 131 PB - DECHEMA CY - Frankfurt am Main ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Roth, J. A1 - Möhring, S. A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Characterization and evaluation of lignocellulosic biomass 130 hydrolysates for ABE fermentation T2 - New frontiers of biotech-processes (Himmelfahrtstagung) : 02-04 May 2016, Rhein-Mosel-Halle, Koblenz/Germany Y1 - 2016 SP - 130 PB - DECHEMA CY - Frankfurt am Main ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Hering, T. A1 - Ulber, Roland A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Development of a screening system for antimicrobial surfaces T2 - New frontiers of biotech-processes (Himmelfahrtstagung) : 02-04 May 2016, Rhein-Mosel-Halle, Koblenz/Germany Y1 - 2016 SP - 129 PB - DECHEMA CY - Frankfurt am Main ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Engel, M. A1 - Thieringer, J. A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Microbial electrosynthesis for sustainable biobutanol production T2 - New frontiers of biotech-processes (Himmelfahrtstagung) : 02-04 May 2016, Rhein-Mosel-Halle, Koblenz/Germany Y1 - 2016 SP - 77 EP - 78 PB - DECHEMA CY - Frankfurt am Main ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wulfhorst, Helene A1 - Duwe, Anna-Maria A1 - Merseburg, Johannes A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Compositional analysis of pretreated (beech) wood using differential scanning calorimetry and multivariate data analysis JF - Tetrahedron N2 - The composition of plant biomass varies depending on the feedstock and pre-treatment conditions and influences its processing in biorefineries. In order to ensure optimal process conditions, the quantitative proportion of the main polymeric components of the pre-treated biomass has to be determined. Current standard procedures for biomass compositional analysis are complex, the measurements are afflicted with errors and therefore often not comparable. Hence, new powerful analytical methods are urgently required to characterize biomass. In this contribution, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) was applied in combination with multivariate data analysis (MVA) to detect the cellulose content of the plant biomass pretreated by Liquid Hot Water (LHW) and Organosolv processes under various conditions. Unlike conventional techniques, the developed analytic method enables the accurate quantification of monosaccharide content of the plant biomass without any previous sample preparation. It is easy to handle and avoids errors in sample preparation. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tet.2016.04.029 VL - 72 IS - 46 SP - 7329 EP - 7334 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Al-Kaidy, Huschyar A1 - Kuthan, Kai A1 - Hering, Thomas A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Aqueous droplets used as enzymatic microreactors and their electromagnetic actuation JF - Journal of Visualized Experiments N2 - For the successful implementation of microfluidic reaction systems, such as PCR and electrophoresis, the movement of small liquid volumes is essential. In conventional lab-on-a-chip-platforms, solvents and samples are passed through defined microfluidic channels with complex flow control installations. The droplet actuation platform presented here is a promising alternative. With it, it is possible to move a liquid drop (microreactor) on a planar surface of a reaction platform (lab-in-a-drop). The actuation of microreactors on the hydrophobic surface of the platform is based on the use of magnetic forces acting on the outer shell of the liquid drops which is made of a thin layer of superhydrophobic magnetite particles. The hydrophobic surface of the platform is needed to avoid any contact between the liquid core and the surface to allow a smooth movement of the microreactor. On the platform, one or more microreactors with volumes of 10 µL can be positioned and moved simultaneously. The platform itself consists of a 3 x 3 matrix of electrical double coils which accommodate either neodymium or iron cores. The magnetic field gradients are automatically controlled. By variation of the magnetic field gradients, the microreactors' magnetic hydrophobic shell can be manipulated automatically to move the microreactor or open the shell reversibly. Reactions of substrates and corresponding enzymes can be initiated by merging the microreactors or bringing them into contact with surface immobilized catalysts. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3791/54643 SN - 1940-087X IS - Issue 126 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Tippkötter, Nils ED - Kaltschmidt, Martin T1 - Grundlagen der bio-chemischen Umwandlung T2 - Energie aus Biomasse : Grundlagen, Techniken und Verfahren Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-662-47437-2 (Print) SN - 978-3-662-47438-9 (Online) U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-47438-9 SP - 1447 EP - 1500 PB - Springer Vieweg CY - Berlin ; Heidelberg ET - 3., aktualisierte, erweiterte Auflage ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Al-Kaidy, Huschyar A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Superparamagnetic hydrophobic particles as shell material for digital microfluidic droplets and proof-of-principle reaction assessments with immobilized laccase JF - Engineering in Life Sciences N2 - In the field of biotechnology and molecular biology, the use of small liquid volumes has significant advantages. In particular, screening and optimization runs with acceptable amounts of expensive and hardly available catalysts, reagents, or biomolecules are feasible with microfluidic technologies. The presented new microfluidic system is based on the inclusion of small liquid volumes by a protective shell of magnetizable microparticles. Hereby, discrete aqueous microreactor drops with volumes of 1–30 μL can be formed on a simple planar surface. A digital movement and manipulation of the microreactor is performed by overlapping magnetic forces. The magnetic forces are generated by an electrical coil matrix positioned below a glass plate. With the new platform technology, several discrete reaction compartments can be moved simultaneously on one surface. Due to the magnetic fields, the reactors can even be merged to initiate reactions by mixing or positioned above surface-immobilized catalysts and then opened by magnetic force. Comparative synthesis routes of the magnetizable shell particles and superhydrophobic glass slides including their performance and stability with the reaction platform are described. The influence of diffusive mass transport during the catalyzed reaction is discussed by evaluation finite element model of the microreactor. Furthermore, a first model dye reaction of the enzyme laccase has been established. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/elsc.201400124 VL - 16 IS - 3 SP - 222 EP - 230 PB - Wiley-VCH CY - Weinheim ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Roth, Jasmine A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Evaluation of lignocellulosic material for butanol production using enzymatic hydrolysate medium JF - Cellulose Chemistry and Technology N2 - Butanol is a promising gasoline additive and platform chemical that can be readily produced via acetone-butanolethanol (ABE) fermentation from pretreated lignocellulosic materials. This article examines lignocellulosic material from beech wood for ABE fermentation, using Clostridium acetobutylicum. First, the utilization of both C₅₋ (xylose) and C₆₋ (glucose) sugars as sole carbon source was investigated in static cultivation, using serum bottles and synthetic medium. The utilization of pentose sugar resulted in a solvent yield of 0.231 g·g_sugar⁻¹, compared to 0.262 g·g_sugar⁻¹ using hexose. Then, the Organosolv pretreated crude cellulose fibers (CF) were enzymatically decomposed, and the resulting hydrolysate medium was analyzed for inhibiting compounds (furans, organic acids, phenolics) and treated with ionexchangers for detoxification. Batch fermentation in a bioreactor using CF hydrolysate medium resulted in a total solvent yield of 0.20 gABE·g_sugar⁻¹. Y1 - 2016 VL - 50 IS - 3-4 SP - 405 EP - 410 PB - Editura Academiei Romane CY - Bukarest ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rösch, C. A1 - Kratz, F. A1 - Hering, T. A1 - Trautmann, S. A1 - Umanskaya, N. A1 - Tippkötter, Nils A1 - Müller-Renno, C.M. A1 - Ulber, Roland A1 - Hannig, M. A1 - Ziegler, C. T1 - Albumin-lysozyme interactions: cooperative adsorption on titanium and enzymatic activity JF - Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces N2 - The interplay of albumin (BSA) and lysozyme (LYZ) adsorbed simultaneously on titanium was analyzed by gel electrophoresis and BCA assay. It was found that BSA and lysozyme adsorb cooperatively. Additionally, the isoelectric point of the respective protein influences the adsorption. Also, the enzymatic activity of lysozyme and amylase (AMY) in mixtures with BSA was considered with respect to a possible influence of protein-protein interaction on enzyme activity. Indeed, an increase of lysozyme activity in the presence of BSA could be observed. In contrast, BSA does not influence the activity of amylase. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2016.09.048 VL - 149 IS - 1 SP - 115 EP - 121 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Lauth, Jakob A1 - Kowalczyk, Jürgen T1 - Einführung in die Physik und Chemie der Grenzflächen und Kolloide Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-662-47018-3 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-47018-3 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Lauth, Jakob T1 - Physikalische Chemie, 1: Grundlagen der Thermodynamik und Verhalten der Gase Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-662-47676-5 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Lauth, Jakob T1 - Physikalische Chemie, 2: Chemische Thermodynamik Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-662-47621-5 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Lauth, Jakob T1 - Physikalische Chemie, 3: Phasengleichgewichte Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-662-47571-3 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Lauth, Jakob T1 - Physikalische Chemie, 4: Reaktionskinetik Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-662-47674-1 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Lauth, Jakob T1 - Physikalische Chemie, 5: Elektrochemie Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-662-47559-1 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Niedermeyer, Angela A1 - Zhou, Bei A1 - Dursun, Gözde A1 - Temiz Artmann, Aysegül A1 - Markert, Bernd T1 - An examination of tissue engineered scaffolds in a bioreactor JF - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics PAMM N2 - Replacement tissues, designed to fill in articular cartilage defects, should exhibit the same properties as the native material. The aim of this study is to foster the understanding of, firstly, the mechanical behavior of the material itself and, secondly, the influence of cultivation parameters on cell seeded implants as well as on cell migration into acellular implants. In this study, acellular cartilage replacement material is theoretically, numerically and experimentally investigated regarding its viscoelastic properties, where a phenomenological model for practical applications is developed. Furthermore, remodeling and cell migration are investigated. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/pamm.201610038 SN - 1617-7061 N1 - Joint Annual Meeting of DMV and GAMM 2016, 87th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) and Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV), Braunschweig, DE, Mar 7-11, 2016 VL - 16 IS - 1 SP - 99 EP - 100 PB - Wiley-VCH CY - Weinheim ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pinkenburg, Olaf A1 - Schiffels, Johannes A1 - Selmer, Thorsten T1 - Das CoLibry-Konzept – ein Werkzeugkasten für die Synthetische Biologie: Bioproduktion JF - BIOspektrum N2 - Regardless of size or destination, synthetic biology starts with com-parably small information units, which need to be combined and properly arranged in order to achieve a certain goal. This may be the de novo synthesis of individual genes from oligonucleotides, a shuffling of protein domains in order to create novel biocatalysts, the assembly of multiple enzyme encoding genes in metabolic pathway design, or strain development at the production stage. The CoLibry concept has been designed in order to close the gap between recombinant production of individual genes and genome editing. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s12268-016-0734-8 VL - 22 IS - 6 SP - 593 EP - 595 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Feuerriegel, Uwe T1 - Verfahrenstechnik mit EXCEL: Verfahrenstechnische Berechnungen effektiv durchführen und professionell dokumentieren Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-658-02902-9 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-02903-6 N1 - 152 Abbildungen, 94 Abbildungen in Farbe Gedruckt in der Bibliothek unter der Signatur: 21 ZNK 11 PB - Springer Fachmedien CY - Wiesbaden ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Heinze, D. A1 - Mang, Thomas A1 - Popescu, C. A1 - Weichold, O. T1 - Effect of side chain length and degree of polymerization on the decomposition and crystallization behaviour of chlorinated poly(vinyl ester) oligomers JF - Thermochimica Acta N2 - Four members of a homologous series of chlorinated poly(vinyl ester) oligomers CCl₃–(CH₂CH (OCO(CH₂)ₘCH₃))ₙ–Cl with degrees of polymerization of 10 and 20 were prepared by telomerisation using carbon tetrachloride. The number of side chain carbon atoms ranges from 2 (poly(vinyl acetate) to 18 (poly(vinyl stearate)). The effect of the n-alkyl side chain length and of the degree of polymerization on the thermal stability and crystallization behaviour of the synthesized compounds was investigated. All oligomers degrade in two major steps by first losing HCl and side chains with subsequent breakdown of the backbone. The members with short side chains, up to poly(vinyl octanoate), are amorphous and show internal plasticization, whereas those with high number of side chain carbon atoms are semi-crystalline due to side-chain crystallization. A better packing for poly(vinyl stearate) is also noticeable. The glass transition and melting temperatures as well as the onset temperature of decomposition are influenced to a larger extent by the side chain length than by the degree of polymerization. Thermal stability is improved if both the size and number of side chains increase, but only a long side chain causes a significant increase of the resistance to degradation. This results in a stabilization of PVAc so that oligomers from poly(vinyl octanoate) on are stable under atmospheric conditions. Thus, the way to design stable, chlorinated PVEs oligomers is to use a long n-alkyl side chain. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tca.2016.05.015 SN - 0040-6031 (electronic) VL - 637 SP - 143 EP - 153 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ghosch, S. A1 - Baier, M. A1 - Schütz, J. A1 - Schneider, Felix A1 - Scherer, Ulrich W. T1 - Analysis of electronic autoradiographs by mathematical post-processing JF - Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids: Incorporating plasma science and plasma technology N2 - Autoradiography is a well-established method of nuclear imaging. When different radionuclides are present simultaneously, additional processing is needed to distinguish distributions of radionuclides. In this work, a method is presented where aluminium absorbers of different thickness are used to produce images with different cut-off energies. By subtracting images pixel-by-pixel one can generate images representing certain ranges of β-particle energies. The method is applied to the measurement of irradiated reactor graphite samples containing several radionuclides to determine the spatial distribution of these radionuclides within pre-defined energy windows. The process was repeated under fixed parameters after thermal treatment of the samples. The greyscale images of the distribution after treatment were subtracted from the corresponding pre-treatment images. Significant changes in the intensity and distribution of radionuclides could be observed in some samples. Due to the thermal treatment parameters the most significant differences were observed in the ³H and ¹⁴C inventory and distribution. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1080/10420150.2016.1155587 SN - 1029-4953 VL - 171 IS - 1-2 SP - 161 EP - 172 PB - Taylor & Francis CY - London ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Molinnus, Denise A1 - Sorich, Maren A1 - Bartz, Alexander A1 - Siegert, Petra A1 - Willenberg, Holger S. A1 - Lisdat, Fred A1 - Poghossian, Arshak A1 - Keusgen, Michael A1 - Schöning, Michael Josef T1 - Towards an adrenaline biosensor based on substrate recycling amplification in combination with an enzyme logic gate JF - Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical N2 - An amperometric biosensor using a substrate recycling principle was realized for the detection of low adrenaline concentrations (1 nM) by measurements in phosphate buffer and Ringer’s solution at pH 6.5 and pH 7.4, respectively. In proof-of-concept experiments, a Boolean logic-gate principle has been applied to develop a digital adrenaline biosensor based on an enzyme AND logic gate. The obtained results demonstrate that the developed digital biosensor is capable for a rapid qualitative determination of the presence/absence of adrenaline in a YES/NO statement. Such digital biosensor could be used in clinical diagnostics for the control of a correct insertion of a catheter in the adrenal veins during adrenal venous-sampling procedure. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2016.06.064 SN - 0925-4005 VL - 237 SP - 190 EP - 195 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Kasper, Katharina A1 - Schiffels, Johannes A1 - Krafft, Simone A1 - Kuperjans, Isabel A1 - Elbers, Gereon A1 - Selmer, Thorsten T1 - Biogas Production on Demand Regulated by Butyric Acid Addition T2 - IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Bd. 32 Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/32/1/012009 SN - 1755-1315 N1 - ICARET 2016, International Conference on Advances in Renewable Energy and Technologies, Putrajaya, MY, Feb 23-25, 2016 VL - 32 SP - 012009/1 EP - 012009/4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Breuer, Lars A1 - Raue, Markus A1 - Strobel, M. A1 - Mang, Thomas A1 - Schöning, Michael Josef A1 - Thoelen, R. A1 - Wagner, Torsten T1 - Hydrogels with incorporated graphene oxide as light-addressable actuator materials for cell culture environments in lab-on-chip systems JF - Physica status solidi (a) N2 - Abstractauthoren Graphene oxide (GO) nanoparticles were incorporated in temperature-sensitive Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm) hydrogels. The nanoparticles increase the light absorption and convert light energy into heat efficiently. Thus, the hydrogels with GO can be stimulated spatially resolved by illumination as it was demonstrated by IR thermography. The temporal progression of the temperature maximum was detected for different concentrations of GO within the polymer network. Furthermore, the compatibility of PNIPAAm hydrogels with GO and cell cultures was investigated. For this purpose, culture medium was incubated with hydrogels containing GO and the viability and morphology of chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells was examined after several days of culturing in presence of this medium. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/pssa.201533056 SN - 1862-6300 VL - 213 IS - 6 SP - 1520 EP - 1525 PB - Wiley-VCH CY - Weinheim ER -