TY - RPRT A1 - Schermutzki, Margret A1 - Peters-Burns, Alice T1 - Umstellung auf Bachelor- und Masterabschlüsse an der FH Aachen : BLK-Projekt Entwicklung und Erprobung eines integrierten Leistungspunktesystems in der Weiterentwicklung modularisierter Studiengänge am Beispiel der Ingenieurwissenschaften N2 - Bei der Einführung von Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen sind die entsprechenden gesetzlichen Anforderungen zu beachten sowie die Anforderungen von Akkreditierungsrat und Akkreditierungsagentur. Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge müssen modularisiert sein und in ein Leistungspunktesystem integriert. Die Leistungspunkte müssen auf der tatsächlichen Arbeitsbelastung der Studierenden basieren. Bei der Konzeption von Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen soll zunächst eine Bedarfsermittlung erfolgen. Besteht ein Bedarf, soll ein Abschlussprofil basierend auf den Kompetenzen (besondere Beachtung verdienen die Schlüsselqualifikationen), über die der Absolvent verfügen soll, erstellt werden. Aus diesem wird ein Curriculum mit Modulen abgeleitet. Die Module werden mit Leistungspunkten versehen und auf einem Modulbogen zwecks Transparenz beschrieben. Dabei ist der Paradigmenwechsel vom Lehrenden zum Lernenden zu beachten – Lernergebnisse statt Lernziele. Die Lernergebnisse werden mittels Kompetenzen ausgedrückt. Der Studiengang wird des weiteren im Diploma Supplement, welches der Studierende bei Abschluss zusätzlich zum Zeugnis erhält, dokumentiert. ECTS ist aber auch mit weiteren Auflagen verbunden. Noch herrührend von ECTS als reinem Transfersystem müssen beim Austausch von Studierenden die Formulare ECTS Application, Learning Agreement und Transcript of Records vom Fachbereich in Abstimmung mit der jeweiligen Partnerhochschule ausgefüllt werden, (siehe Anlagen 4 und 5). Zur Information aller Studierenden sollen die folgenden Dokumente bereitstehen: Ein Ratgeber für Gaststudierende, eine Beschreibung der Hochschule und der Fachbereiche (nach bestimmten Kriterien) sowie Beschreibungen aller Module (siehe Anlage). Die Fachhochschule hat diese Informationen schon zum größten Teil auf ihrer Website dargestellt. Wichtig ist die Pflege der Daten, die von den einzelnen Fachbereichen bzw. den Lehrenden übernommen werden muss, da nur sie die Richtigkeit und Aktualität der Daten gewährleisten können. KW - Bologna-Prozess KW - Leistungspunktsysteme KW - Ingenieurstudiengänge KW - ECTS KW - Modularisierung KW - Master KW - Bachelor Y1 - 2004 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Kirchhof, M. A1 - Kraft, Bodo T1 - UML-based modeling of architectural knowledge and design N2 - IASSE-2004 - 13th International Conference on Intelligent and Adaptive Systems and Software Engineering eds. W. Dosch, N. Debnath, pp. 245-250, ISCA, Cary, NC, 1-3 July 2004, Nice, France We introduce a UML-based model for conceptual design support in civil engineering. Therefore, we identify required extensions to standard UML. Class diagrams are used for elaborating building typespecific knowledge: Object diagrams, implicitly contained in the architect’s sketch, are validated against the defined knowledge. To enable the use of industrial, domain-specific tools, we provide an integrated conceptual design extension. The developed tool support is based on graph rewriting. With our approach architects are enabled to deal with semantic objects during early design phase, assisted by incremental consistency checks. KW - UML KW - UML KW - Unified Modeling Language KW - UML KW - Unified Modeling Language Y1 - 2004 ER - TY - THES A1 - Eigel, Nick T1 - uCo - the universal communicator : robotische Konversationen unserer Zukunft N2 - Kommunikationsroboter für den Kundenservice. Aktuell werden große Fortschritte im Bereich von künstlicher Intelligenz und Robotik getätigt, sodass wir bald intelligente Maschinen unter uns haben werden. Daher müssen wir uns die Frage beantworten, welche Rolle diese einnehmen sollen und vor allem wie wir mit ihnen interagieren und kommunizieren wollen. "uCo" bewältigt dies mithilfe einer mobilen, robotischen Plattform, welche mit einem holografischen 3-D-Interface ausgestattet ist. Neben der Entwicklung des robotischen Körpers beinhaltet das Projekt "uCo" die Grundlage für ein Kommunikationssystem für "uCo's" Gesicht. "uCo" kommuniziert hauptsächlich über Sprache, wird dabei jedoch von einem speziell entwickelten Mimik- und Emotionssytem unterstützt. "uCo" als Konzept versucht, erste Antworten auf die komplexen gestalterischen und moralischen Fragen zu geben, die mit der Entwicklung von künstlicher Intelligenz einhergehen. Und wer weiß - vielleicht wirst du eines Tages von einem "uCo" beraten. KW - Robotik KW - Hologram KW - Kommunikation KW - künstliche Intelligenz KW - KI Y1 - 2022 PB - FH Aachen CY - Aachen ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Drescher, Hans Paul T1 - Turbulence - minimum dissipation and maximum macroscopic momentum exchange N2 - The minimum dissipation requirement of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes is applied to characterize the existence of laminar and non-laminar, and the co-existence of laminar and turbulent flow zones. Local limitations of the different zones and three different forms of transition are defined. For the Couette flow a non-local “corpuscular” flow mechanism explains the logarithmic law-of-the-wall, maximum turbulent dimensions and a value x=0,415 for the v. Kármán constant. Limitations of the logarithmic law near the wall and in the centre of the experiment are interpreted. Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - THES A1 - Stein, Hannah T1 - Träume hoch, klein Dani! N2 - "Träume hoch, klein Dani!” ist ein Pappkinderbuch mit Schieb- und Drehfunktionen für Kinder ab 3 Jahren. Diese Bachelorarbeit beinhaltet das Schreiben einer Kindergeschichte, das Gestalten der Illustrationen, das Konzeptionieren der interaktiven Funktionen und das Binden und Bauen des Buches. Gut gestaltete Kinderbücher spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Entwicklung von Kindern. Kinderbücher fördern die Sprachentwicklung, unterstützen kritisches Denken, lehren wichtige Werte und Moral, begünstigen das Lernen der Grundlagen des Lesens und Schreibens und regen die Kreativität an. Pappbücher mit zusätzlichen interaktiven Funktionen trainieren die Hand- und Augenkoordination und damit die motorischen Fähigkeiten des Kindes. Ziel war es, ein Pappkinderbuch für junge Kinder zu gestalten, das Jung und Alt begeistert und Spaß bereitet. KW - Kinderbuch KW - Pappbuch KW - Illustration KW - interaktiv KW - Schiebefunktionen Y1 - 2024 PB - FH Aachen CY - Aachen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Janus, Kevin Alexander A1 - Achtsnicht, Stefan A1 - Drinic, Aleksander A1 - Kopp, Alexander A1 - Keusgen, Michael A1 - Schöning, Michael Josef T1 - Transient magnesium-based thin-film temperature sensor on a flexible, bioabsorbable substrate for future medical applications JF - Applied Research N2 - In this work, the bioabsorbable materials, namely fibroin, polylactide acid (PLA), magnesium and magnesium oxide are investigated for their application as transient, resistive temperature detectors (RTD). For this purpose, a thin-film magnesium-based meander-like electrode is deposited onto a flexible, bioabsorbable substrate (fibroin or PLA) and encapsulated (passivated) by additional magnesium oxide layers on top and below the magnesium-based electrode. The morphology of different layered RTDs is analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The sensor performance and lifetime of the RTD is characterized both under ambient atmospheric conditions between 30°C and 43°C, and wet tissue-like conditions with a constant temperature regime of 37°C. The latter triggers the degradation process of the magnesium-based layers. The 3-layers RTDs on a PLA substrate could achieve a lifetime of 8.5 h. These sensors also show the best sensor performance under ambient atmospheric conditions with a mean sensitivity of 0.48 Ω/°C ± 0.01 Ω/°C. KW - Silk fibroin KW - Polylactide acid KW - Bioabsorbable KW - Resistive temperature detector Y1 - 2023 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/appl.202300102 SN - 2702-4288 (Print) N1 - Corresponding author: Michael Josef Schöning IS - Accepted manuscript PB - Wiley-VCH ER - TY - THES A1 - Breuer, Annika T1 - Transformativer Designguide: Konzeption eines digitalen Guides für nachhaltige Designentwicklungen N2 - Designer entwerfen und gestalten oft, ohne die Gewährleistung von Ressourcen zu berücksichtigen. Natürliche Ressourcen werden im Übermaß verbraucht. Die Erde kommt mit dem Erneuern nicht mehr hinterher. Der Transformative Designguide ist ein digitaler Leitfaden für nachhaltige Designprozesse, der zu mehr Bewusstsein in der Produktion und im Design führt, um Ressourcen langfristig einzusparen. Der Guide vermittelt ein umfassendes Bild und liefert alle benötigten Infos auf einen Blick. Das Design des Guides zeigt, dass nachhaltiges Design mehr Qualität durch erhöhtes bewusstes Denken und Seriosität mit sich bringt. Die verschiedenen Herangehensweisen werden in einer einzigartigen 360° Navigation angezeigt. Animierte Grafiken scannen Materialien und Prozesse auf Nachhaltigkeit. Das Design des Guides wirkt dynamisch und sorgt für mehr Aufklärung im Bereich Ressourcenschutz. KW - Transformativer Designguide KW - Ressourcen KW - Konsum KW - Nachhaltigkeit Y1 - 2021 PB - FH Aachen CY - Aachen ER - TY - THES A1 - Neumann, Julius T1 - Traces of urban change N2 - Eine Stadt ist das Ergebnis eines komplexen Urbanisierungsprozesses. Dieser ist vor allem dadurch bestimmt, dass immer mehr Menschen in Städten leben. Das Wachstum und Altern von Städten machen ständige räumliche und bauliche Veränderungen erforderlich. Die Bachelorarbeit verdeutlicht diese strukturellen Veränderungen der Stadt Aachen anhand von analogen Fotografien im Jahr 2022. Dabei werden Spuren aus unterschiedlichen Zeiten betrachtet und natürliche oder durch den Menschen beeinflusste Veränderungen in Form von Verfall, Nutzung und Erneuerung aufgezeigt. Ziel ist es, den Blick auf Details des urbanen Wandels zu richten, um diesen wahrnehmbar und bewusst zu machen. Die Betrachter:innen sollen zum Nachdenken und genauen Hinschauen angeregt werden. Die Fotografien versuchen den zurückliegenden Veränderungsprozess erkennen zu lassen und damit gewissermaßen dessen Geschichte abzubilden. KW - Fotografie KW - analog KW - Bildband KW - Aachen KW - Stadt Y1 - 2022 PB - FH Aachen CY - Aachen ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Fredebeul-Krein, Markus T1 - Towards trade facilitation via regulatory convergence: An analysis of the TTIP chapter on Electronic Communications T2 - Regional ITS Conference of the International Telecommunications Society. Cambridge, United Kingdom, 7-9 September 2016 N2 - To give the exchange of goods and services between the European Union (EU) and the United States (U.S.) new momentum the two parties are currently negotiating the transatlantic free trade agreement Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). The aim is to create the largest free trade area in the world. The agreement, once entered into force, will oblige EU countries and the U.S. to further liberalize their markets. The negotiations on TTIP include a chapter on Electronic Communications/ Telecommunications. The challenge therein will be securing commitments for market access to Electronic Communications services. At the same time, these commitments must reflect the legitimate need for consumer protection issues. The need to reduce Electronic Communications-related non-tariff barriers to trade between the Parties is due to the fact that these markets are heavily regulated. Without transnational rules as to regulations national governments can abuse these regulations to deter the market entry by new (foreign) suppliers. Thus the free trade agreement TTIP affects in many respects regulatory provisions on and access to Electronic Communications markets. The objective of this paper is therefore to examine to what extend the regulatory principles for Electronic Communications markets envisaged under TTIP will result in trade facilitation and regulatory convergence between the EU and the U.S. As to this question the result of the analysis is that the chapter on Electronic Communications will be an important step towards facilitating trade in Electronic Communications services. At the same time some regulatory convergence will take place, but this convergence will not lead to a (full) harmonization of regulations. Rather the norm, also after TTIP negotiations will have been concluded successfully, will be mutual recognition of different regulatory regimes. Different regulations being the optimal policy response in different market settings will continue to exist. Moreover, it is very unlikely that such regulatory principles for the Electronic Communications sector are a vehicle for a race to the bottom in levels of consumer protection. KW - regulation KW - liberalisation KW - electronic communications markets KW - TTIP Y1 - 2016 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Heer, Thomas A1 - Redkowitz, Daniel A1 - Kraft, Bodo T1 - Tool Support for the Integration of Light-Weight Ontologies N2 - Abstract of the authors: In many areas of computer science ontologies become more and more important. The use of ontologies for domain modeling often brings up the issue of ontology integration. The task of merging several ontologies, covering specific subdomains, into one united ontology has to be solved. Many approaches for ontology integration aim at automating the process of ontology alignment. However, a complete automation is not feasible, and user interaction is always required. Nevertheless, most ontology integration tools offer only very limited support for the interactive part of the integration process. In this paper, we present a novel approach for the interactive integration of ontologies. The result of the ontology integration is incrementally updated after each definition of a correspondence between ontology elements. The user is guided through the ontologies to be integrated. By restricting the possible user actions, the integrity of all defined correspondences is ensured by the tool we developed. We evaluated our tool by integrating different regulations concerning building design. KW - Ontologie KW - Knowledge Management KW - Ontology Engineering KW - Information Integration Tools KW - Human Factors Y1 - 2008 SN - 978-3-642-00670-8 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Fredebeul-Krein, Markus T1 - Time for revision: The regulation of Germany's next generation networks in the light of new economic and technological challenges on telecom markets : Presentation for the 18th Biennial conference of the International Telecommunications Society, June 24–27, 2008 Montreal, Canada N2 - On 1st January 1998, the German telecom market was fully liberalised. Since then genuine competition between market participants has developed, based on a comprehensive legal and regulatory framework that provides for safeguards against unfair competition and market power by Deutsche Telekom. Today, about 10 years after the liberalisation of the telecommunications sector a revision of this regulatory approach has become necessary because at least on three dimensions the situation is quite different from the one 10 years ago: First, with numerous established alternative operators in the market monopolies have been successfully challenged and competition introduced. Second, not only is Cable TV becoming in large parts of Germany a viable alternative for the provision of broadband services but also mobile services are becoming increasingly a substitute for fixed services. Last but not least there are important technological changes under way, requiring huge investments in infrastructure upgrades for next generation networks. In the light of these new developments the question is to which extent the current regulatory approach of severe ex-ante regulatory intervention is still appropriate. Is any part of the network of the former incumbent still a bottleneck? A more light handed regulatory approach might be the right response to this new situation. The paper is organised as follows: The first section will briefly examine the economic rationale for regulating network access. Based on the assumption that regulation is always necessary when bottlenecks exist regulatory principles for an efficient network access regime will be derived. The second section compares the situation of the German market in early 1998 with the one of today. Thereby three dimensions will be considered: the degree of competition, the potential for substitution and technological developments. The third section will define some requirements for the future regulation of telecom markets. Proposals will be elaborated how to ensure competitive telecom markets in the light of new economic and technological challenges. KW - Telekommunikationsmarkt KW - Telekommunikationsmarkt Y1 - 2008 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Gregorio, Fabrizio de A1 - Fatigati, Giovanni A1 - Kallweit, Stephan T1 - Tiltrotor airframe flow field characterization by SPIV T2 - 11th International Symposium on Partivle Image Velocimetry - PIV15 , Santa Barbara, California, Sept 14-16, 2015 Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Molinnus, Denise A1 - Janus, Kevin Alexander A1 - Fang, Anyelina C. A1 - Drinic, Aleksander A1 - Achtsnicht, Stefan A1 - Köpf, Marius A1 - Keusgen, Michael A1 - Schöning, Michael Josef T1 - Thick-film carbon electrode deposited onto a biodegradable fibroin substrate for biosensing applications JF - Physica status solidi (a) N2 - This study addresses a proof-of-concept experiment with a biocompatible screen-printed carbon electrode deposited onto a biocompatible and biodegradable substrate, which is made of fibroin, a protein derived from silk of the Bombyx mori silkworm. To demonstrate the sensor performance, the carbon electrode is functionalized as a glucose biosensor with the enzyme glucose oxidase and encapsulated with a silicone rubber to ensure biocompatibility of the contact wires. The carbon electrode is fabricated by means of thick-film technology including a curing step to solidify the carbon paste. The influence of the curing temperature and curing time on the electrode morphology is analyzed via scanning electron microscopy. The electrochemical characterization of the glucose biosensor is performed by amperometric/voltammetric measurements of different glucose concentrations in phosphate buffer. Herein, systematic studies at applied potentials from 500 to 1200 mV to the carbon working electrode (vs the Ag/AgCl reference electrode) allow to determine the optimal working potential. Additionally, the influence of the curing parameters on the glucose sensitivity is examined over a time period of up to 361 days. The sensor shows a negligible cross-sensitivity toward ascorbic acid, noradrenaline, and adrenaline. The developed biocompatible biosensor is highly promising for future in vivo and epidermal applications. KW - biocompatible materials KW - biodegradable electronic devices KW - biosensors KW - carbon electrodes KW - glucose Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/pssa.202200100 SN - 1862-6319 N1 - Corresponding author: Michael J. Schöning VL - 219 IS - 23 SP - 1 EP - 9 PB - Wiley-VCH CY - Weinheim ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hagenkamp, Markus A1 - Blanke, Tobias A1 - Döring, Bernd T1 - Thermoelectric building temperature control: a potential assessment JF - International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering N2 - This study focuses on thermoelectric elements (TEE) as an alternative for room temperature control. TEE are semi-conductor devices that can provide heating and cooling via a heat pump effect without direct noise emissions and no refrigerant use. An efficiency evaluation of the optimal operating mode is carried out for different numbers of TEE, ambient temperatures, and heating loads. The influence of an additional heat recovery unit on system efficiency and an unevenly distributed heating demand are examined. The results show that TEE can provide heat at a coefficient of performance (COP) greater than one especially for small heating demands and high ambient temperatures. The efficiency increases with the number of elements in the system and is subject to economies of scale. The best COP exceeds six at optimal operating conditions. An additional heat recovery unit proves beneficial for low ambient temperatures and systems with few TEE. It makes COPs above one possible at ambient temperatures below 0 ∘C. The effect increases efficiency by maximal 0.81 (from 1.90 to 2.71) at ambient temperature 5 K below room temperature and heating demand Q˙h=100W but is subject to diseconomies of scale. Thermoelectric technology is a valuable option for electricity-based heat supply and can provide cooling and ventilation functions. A careful system design as well as an additional heat recovery unit significantly benefits the performance. This makes TEE superior to direct current heating systems and competitive to heat pumps for small scale applications with focus on avoiding noise and harmful refrigerants. Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s40095-021-00424-x N1 - Corresponding author: Markus Hagenkamp VL - 13 SP - 241 EP - 254 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kämper, Klaus-Peter A1 - Picard, Antoni A1 - Brill, Manfred A1 - Cassel, Detlev A1 - Jentsch, Andreas A1 - Merten, Sabine A1 - Rollwa, Markus T1 - The Virtual Clean Room - a new tool in teaching MST process technologies N2 - The Virtual Clean Room - a new tool in teaching MST process technologies University education in high-technology fields like MST is not complete without intensive laboratory sessions. Students cannot fully grasp the complexity and the special problems related to the manufacturing of microsystems without a thorough hands-on experience in a MST clean room. KW - Virtuelle Maschine KW - VM KW - Mikrosystemtechnik KW - MST KW - virtual clean room Y1 - 2003 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhubanova, Azhar A. A1 - Digel, Ilya A1 - Nojima, H. A1 - Artmann, Gerhard T1 - The use of bactericidal effects of cluster ions generated by plasma in medical biotechnology N2 - The most of conventional methods of air purification use the power of a fan to draw in air and pass it through a filter. The problem of bacterial contamination of inner parts of such a type of air conditioners in some cases draws attention towards alternative air-cleaning systems. Some manufacturers offer to use the ozone's bactericidal and deodorizing effects, but the wide spreading of such systems is restricted by the fact that toxic effects of ozone in respect of human beings are well known. In 2000 Sharp Inc. introduced "Plasma Cluster Ions (PCI)" air purification technology, which uses plasma discharge to generate cluster ions (I 0-14 ). This technology has been developed for those customers that are conscious about health and hygiene. In our experiments, we focused on some principal aspects of plasma-generated ions application - time-dependency and irreversibility of bactericidal action, spatial and kinetic characteristics of emitted cluster particles, their chemical targets in the microbial cells. KW - Clusterion KW - Raumluft KW - Luftreiniger KW - Plasmacluster ion technology KW - Air purification Y1 - 2007 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Mansurov, Zulkhair A1 - Zhubanova, Azhar A. A1 - Digel, Ilya A1 - Artmann, Gerhard A1 - Temiz Artmann, Aysegül A1 - Savitskaja, Irina S. A1 - Kozhalakova, A. A. A1 - Kistaubaeva, Aida S. T1 - The sorption of LPS toxic shock by nanoparticles on base of carbonized vegetable raw materials N2 - Immobilization of lactobacillus on high temperature carbonizated vegetable raw material (rice husk, grape stones) increases their physiological activity and the quantity of the antibacterial metabolits, that consequently lead to increase of the antagonistic activity of lactobacillus. It is implies that the use of the nanosorbents for the attachment of the probiotical microorganisms are highly perspective for decision the important problems, such as the probiotical preparations delivery to the right address and their attachment to intestines mucosa with the following detoxication of gastro-intestinal tract and the normalization of it’s microecology. Besides that, thus, the received carbonizated nanoparticles have peculiar properties – ability to sorption of LPS toxical shock and, hence, to the detoxication of LPS. KW - Kohlenstofffaser KW - Lipopolysaccharide KW - nanostrukturierte carbonisierte Pflanzenteile KW - lipopolysaccharides KW - nanostructured carbonized plant parts Y1 - 2008 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Booysen, Tracy A1 - Mathew, Thomas A1 - Knox, Greig A1 - Fong, W. K. A1 - Stüttgen, Marcel A1 - Ferrein, Alexander A1 - Steinbauer, Gerald T1 - The Scarab Project T2 - ICRA 2015 Developing Countries Forum N2 - Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) is an active research field in the robotics community. Despite recent advances for many open research questions, these kind of systems are not widely used in real rescue missions. One reason is that such systems are complex and not (yet) very reliable; another is that one has to be an robotic expert to run such a system. Moreover, available rescue robots are very expensive and the benefits of using them are still limited. In this paper, we present the Scarab robot, an alternative design for a USAR robot. The robot is light weight, humanpackable and its primary purpose is that of extending the rescuer’s capability to sense the disaster site. The idea is that a responder throws the robot to a certain spot. The robot survives the impact with the ground and relays sensor data such as camera images or thermal images to the responder’s hand-held control unit from which the robot can be remotely controlled. Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Niemueller, Tim A1 - Ferrein, Alexander A1 - Reuter, Sebastian A1 - Jeschke, Sabina A1 - Lakemeyer, Gerhard T1 - The RoboCup Logistics League as a Holistic Multi-Robot Smart Factory Benchmark T2 - Proceedings of the IROS 2015 Open forum on evaluation of results, replication of experiments and benchmarking in robotics research N2 - With autonomous mobile robots receiving increased attention in industrial contexts, the need for benchmarks becomes more and more an urgent matter. The RoboCup Logistics League (RCLL) is one specific industry-inspired scenario focusing on production logistics within a Smart Factory. In this paper, we describe how the RCLL allows to assess the performance of a group of robots within the scenario as a whole, focusing specifically on the coordination and cooperation strategies and the methods and components to achieve them. We report on recent efforts to analyze performance of teams in 2014 to understand the implications of the current grading scheme, and derived criteria and metrics for performance assessment based on Key Performance Indicators (KPI) adapted from classic factory evaluation. We reflect on differences and compatibility towards RoCKIn, a recent major benchmarking European project. Y1 - 2015 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Staat, Manfred A1 - Heitzer, Michael T1 - The restricted influence of kinematic hardening on shakedown loads N2 - Structural design analyses are conducted with the aim of verifying the exclusion of ratcheting. To this end it is important to make a clear distinction between the shakedown range and the ratcheting range. In cyclic plasticity more sophisticated hardening models have been suggested in order to model the strain evolution observed in ratcheting experiments. The hardening models used in shakedown analysis are comparatively simple. It is shown that shakedown analysis can make quite stable predictions of admissible load ranges despite the simplicity of the underlying hardening models. A linear and a nonlinear kinematic hardening model of two-surface plasticity are compared in material shakedown analysis. Both give identical or similar shakedown ranges. Structural shakedown analyses show that the loading may have a more pronounced effect than the hardening model. KW - Biomedizinische Technik KW - Einspielen KW - Shakedown KW - Ratcheting KW - Bruchmechanik KW - shakedown KW - material shakedown KW - linear kinematic hardening KW - nonlinear kinematic hardening KW - ratchetting Y1 - 2002 ER -