TY - CHAP A1 - Kraft, Bodo A1 - Nagl, Manfred T1 - Parameterized specification of conceptual design tools in civil engineering N2 - Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004, Volume 3062/2004, 90-105, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-25959-6_7 In this paper we discuss how tools for conceptual design in civil engineering can be developed using graph transformation specifications. These tools consist of three parts: (a) for elaborating specific conceptual knowledge (knowledge engineer), (b) for working out conceptual design results (architect), and (c) automatic consistency analyses which guarantee that design results are consistent with the underlying specific conceptual knowledge. For the realization of such tools we use a machinery based on graph transformations. In a traditional PROGRES tool specification the conceptual knowledge for a class of buildings is hard-wired within the specification. This is not appropriate for the experimentation platform approach we present in this paper, as objects and relations for conceptual knowledge are due to many changes, implied by evaluation of their use and corresponding improvements. Therefore, we introduce a parametric specification method with the following characteristics: (1) The underlying specific knowledge for a class of buildings is not fixed. Instead, it is built up as a data base by using the knowledge tools. (2) The specification for the architect tools also does not incorporate specific conceptual knowledge. (3) An incremental checker guarantees whether a design result is consistent with the current state of the underlying conceptual knowledge (data base). KW - CAD KW - CAD KW - Bauingenieurwesen KW - CAD KW - civil engineering Y1 - 2004 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Kraft, Bodo A1 - Nagl, Manfred T1 - Support of Conceptual Design in Civil Engineering by Graph-based Tools N2 - WS GTaD-2003 - The 1st Workshop on Graph Transformations and Design ed Grabska, E., Seite 6-7, Jagiellonian University Krakow. 2 pages KW - CAD KW - CAD KW - Bauingenieurwesen KW - CAD KW - civil engineering Y1 - 2003 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Kraft, Bodo A1 - Meyer, Oliver A1 - Nagl, Manfred T1 - Graph technology support for conceptual design in civil engineering N2 - In: Advances in intelligent computing in engineering : proceedings of the 9.International EG-ICE Workshop ; Darmstadt, (01 - 03 August) 2002 / Martina Schnellenbach-Held ... (eds.) . - Düsseldorf: VDI-Verl., 2002 .- Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 4, Bauingenieurwesen ; 180 ; S. 1-35 The paper describes a novel way to support conceptual design in civil engineering. The designer uses semantical tools guaranteeing certain internal structures of the design result but also the fulfillment of various constraints. Two different approaches and corresponding tools are discussed: (a) Visually specified tools with automatic code generation to determine a design structure as well as fixing various constraints a design has to obey. These tools are also valuable for design knowledge specialist. (b) Extensions of existing CAD tools to provide semantical knowledge to be used by an architect. It is sketched how these different tools can be combined in the future. The main part of the paper discusses the concepts and realization of two prototypes following the two above approaches. The paper especially discusses that specific graphs and the specification of their structure are useful for both tool realization projects. KW - CAD KW - CAD ; KW - CAD KW - civil engineering Y1 - 2002 SN - 3-18-318004-9 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Weßling, Matthias T1 - Plädoyer für eigenverantwortliches Lernen und Arbeiten im Hochschulstudium : Bedeutung und Folgerungen für Studierende und Lehrende T2 - Effektiver lernen - Zeit gewinnen N2 - Inhaltsverzeichnis: I. Lern- und Arbeitstechniken im 1. und im 10. Semester II. Lern- und Arbeitstechniken als persönliches Selbstmanagement III. Diskussionsfragen und -thesen IV. Was heißt: Eigenverantwortung im Studium? V. Eigenverantwortung als gelebte Freiheit von Studierenden VI. Warum es unmöglich ist, Verantwortung an Studierende zu delegieren VII. Erziehungsauftrag: Studierende in ihrer Eigenverantwortung belassen VIII. Folgerungen für Lehrende IX. Folgerungen für Studierende KW - Lernstil KW - Selbstorganisation KW - Effektives Lernen Y1 - 1997 SN - 3-87575-012-8 SP - 70 EP - 82 PB - Neinhaus CY - Stuttgart ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Weßling, Matthias T1 - How to deal with foreign cultures: an cross-cultural training-approach based on the didactical methodology of 'experiential learning' following Kolb & Fry N2 - Many companies still conduct the worldwide management of people as if neither the external economic nor the internal structure of the firm had changed. The costs of cross-cultural failure, for individuals and their companies, are enormous: personal and family costs; financial, professional and emotional costs; costs to one’s career prospects, to one’s self-esteem, to one’s marriage and family. This scenario describes sufficiently the reason for learning “the art of crossing cultures” (Craig Storti). To this end, this research paper describes an innovative approach of cross-cultural training, following the didactical ideas of Kolb and Fry, the so-called 'experiential learning'. N2 - Viele international agierende Unternehmen verfahren mit dem weltweiten Personalmanagement so, als wenn sich weder der ökonomische Kontext noch die internen Strukturen der Firmen geändert hätten. Die Kosten von interkulturellen Mißverständnissen und Fehlschlägen sind enorm - sowohl für alle beteiligten Personen, als auch für die betroffenen Unternehmen: hier geht es um berufliche, emotionale, soziale Kosten bis hin zu Beeinträchtigungen der Selbstwertschätzung oder auch der ehelichen Paarbeziehungen. Dieses Szenario beschreibt die Notwendigkeit, sich intensive auseinanderzusetzen mit dem, was Craig Storti "the art of crossing cultures" nennt. Vor diesem Hintergrund beschreibt das vorliegende Forschungspapier einen innovativen Ansatz für ein interkulturelles Managementtraining auf der methodischen Basis der didaktischen Idee des 'experiential learning' nach Kolb und Fry. KW - Interkulturelles Lernen KW - Kulturvergleich KW - Interkulturelles Management KW - Erfahrungsorientiertes Lernen KW - Völkerpsychologie KW - Interkulturelles Training KW - Managementtraining KW - Erfahrungslernen KW - Interkulturelles Lernen KW - Kulturvergleichende Psychologie KW - Cross-Cultural Training KW - Intercultural Awareness KW - Experiential Learning KW - Managementtraining KW - Cross-Cultural Psychology Y1 - 2009 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weßling, Matthias T1 - Aktives Nachfolger-Coaching für den Mittelstand setzt früh an : innovative Idee für Studierende der FH Aachen N2 - Es gibt oft Schwierigkeiten in der Unternehmernachfolge wegen fehlender Beratung. Die FH Aachen bietet ihren Studierenden seit 2007 ein Coaching an. KW - Unternehmernachfolge KW - Coaching Y1 - 2008 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Fredebeul-Krein, Markus T1 - Encouraging competition and investment into next generation access networks: The case of long term risk sharing contracts N2 - Working paper distributed at 2nd Annual Next Generation Telecommunications Conference 2009, 13th – 14th October 2009, Brussels 14 pages Abstract Governments all over Europe are in the process of adopting new broadband strategies. The objective is to create modern telecommunications networks based on powerful broadband infrastructures". In doing so, they aim for innovative and investment-friendly concepts. For instance, in a recently published consultation paper on the subject the German regulator BNetzA declared that it will take “greater account of … reducing risks, securing the investment and innovation power, providing planning certainty and transparency – in order to support and advance broadband rollout in Germany”. It further states that when regulating wholesale rates it has to be ensured that “… adequate incentives for network rollout are provided on the one hand, while sustainable and fair competition is ensured on the other”. Also an EC draft recommendation on regulated network access is about to set new standards for the regulation of next generation access networks. According to the recommendation the prices of new assets shall be based on costs plus a projectspecific risk premium to be included in the costs of capital for the investment risk incurred by the operator. This approach has been criticised from various sides. In particular it has been questioned whether such an approach is adequate to meet the objectives of encouraging both competition and investment into next generation access networks. Against this background, the concept of “long term risk sharing contracts” has been proposed recently as an approach which does not only incorporate the various additional risks involved in the deployment of NGA infrastructure, but has several other advantages. This paper will demonstrate that the concept allows for competition to evolve at both the retail and wholesale level on fair, objective, non-discriminatory and transparent terms and conditions. Moreover, it ensures the highest possible investment incentive in line with socially desirable outcome. The paper is organised as follows: The next section will briefly outline the importance of encouraging competition and investment in an NGA-environment. The third section will specify the design of long term risk sharing contracts in view of achieving these objectives. The fourth section will examine potential problems associated with the concept. In doing so a way of how to deal with them will be elaborated. The last section will look at arguments against long term risk sharing contracts. It will be shown that these arguments are not strong enough to build a case against introducing such contracts. KW - Electronic Commerce KW - Breitband Markt KW - Regulierung KW - Internet KW - Bundesnetzagentur KW - broadband market KW - regulation KW - Internet KW - next generation access networks KW - risk sharing Y1 - 2009 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Groebel, Simone A1 - Kowollik, Silvia A1 - Crummenerl, Silvia A1 - Schöning, Michael Josef T1 - 2. Graduiertentagung : 5. November 2009 / [Hrsg.: S. Groebel ; S. Kowollik ; S. Crummenerl ; M. J. Schöning] T1 - 2nd Graduate Symposium N2 - Tagungsband der Graduiertentagung der FH Aachen, in dem Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden und ihre Forschungsbereiche vorgestellt werden T3 - Graduiertentagung / FH Aachen - 2 KW - Aachen / Fachhochschule Aachen ; Graduierter ; Promotionsstudium KW - Graduiertentagung KW - Graduate symposium Y1 - 2009 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:hbz:a96-opus-3131 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Roderburg, Katharina A1 - Schöning, Michael Josef T1 - 1. Graduierten-Tagung : 9. September 2008 / [Hrsg.: K. Roderburg ; M. J. Schöning] T1 - 1st Graduate Symposium N2 - Tagungsband der Graduiertentagung der FH Aachen, in dem Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden und ihre Forschungsbereiche vorgestellt werden T3 - Graduiertentagung / FH Aachen - 1 KW - Aachen / Fachhochschule Aachen KW - Graduierter KW - Promotionsstudium KW - Graduiertentagung KW - Graduate symposium Y1 - 2008 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:hbz:a96-opus-3125 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Schöning, Michael Josef A1 - Abdelghani, Adnane T1 - Advancements in Nanotechnology and Microelectronics (ANM '09) <2009, Tunisia>: Proceedings book ; Tunisia, November, 13 & 14, 2009 / Humboldt Kolleg. Ed. by Michael J. Schöning ; Adnane Abdelghani N2 - The ANM’09 multi-disciplinary scientific program includes topics in the fields of "Nanotechnology and Microelectronics" ranging from "Bio/Micro/Nano Materials and Interfacing" aspects, "Chemical and Bio-Sensors", "Magnetic and Superconducting Devices", "MEMS and Microfluidics" over "Theoretical Aspects, Methods and Modelling" up to the important bridging "Academics meet Industry". KW - Nanopartikel KW - Biosensor KW - Supraleiter KW - MEMS KW - Biophoton KW - Nanotechnology ; Microelectronics ; Biosensors ; Superconductor ; MEMS Y1 - 2009 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:hbz:a96-opus-3113 ER -