TY - JOUR A1 - Gutheil, Inge A1 - Berg, Tommy A1 - Grotendorst, Johannes T1 - Performance Analysis of Parallel Eigensolvers of two Libraries on BlueGene/P JF - Journal of Mathematics and Systems Science N2 - Many applications in computational science and engineering require the computation of eigenvalues and vectors of dense symmetric or Hermitian matrices. For example, in DFT (density functional theory) calculations on modern supercomputers 10% to 30% of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of huge dense matrices have to be calculated. Therefore, performance and parallel scaling of the used eigensolvers is of upmost interest. In this article different routines of the linear algebra packages ScaLAPACK and Elemental for parallel solution of the symmetric eigenvalue problem are compared concerning their performance on the BlueGene/P supercomputer. Parameters for performance optimization are adjusted for the different data distribution methods used in the two libraries. It is found that for all test cases the new library Elemental which uses a two-dimensional element by element distribution of the matrices to the processors shows better performance than the old ScaLAPACK library which uses a block-cyclic distribution. KW - performance analysis KW - Elemental KW - ScaLAPACK KW - eigensolvers KW - Numerical linear algebra Y1 - 2012 U6 - https://doi.org/10.17265/2159-5291/2012.04.003 SN - 2159-5291 VL - 2 IS - 4 SP - 231 EP - 236 PB - David Publishing CY - Libertyville ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Timme, Michael T1 - HGB Crashkurs : der sichere Weg durch die Prüfung ; [Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht] Y1 - 2012 SN - 978-3-406-63679-0 PB - Beck CY - München ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Timme, Michael T1 - BGB Crashkurs : der sichere Weg durch die Prüfung ; [Fall für Fall durch das Privatrecht]. - 2. Aufl. Y1 - 2012 SN - 978-3-406-63681-3 PB - Beck CY - München ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Uibel, Thomas T1 - Spaltverhalten von Holz beim Eindrehen von selbstbohrenden Holzschrauben Y1 - 2012 SN - 978-3-86644-835-3 N1 - Karlsruhe, Univ., Diss. 2012 - Karlsruher Berichte zum Ingenieurholzbau ; 20 PB - KIT Scientific Publishing CY - Karlsruhe ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Blaß, Hans Joachim A1 - Uibel, Thomas T1 - Spaltversagen von Holz in mehrreihigen Verbindungen : Erweiterung des Rechen-modells für die Rissbildung beim Eindrehen von Holzschrauben Y1 - 2012 SN - 978-3-86644-852-0 N1 - Karlsruher Berichte zum Ingenieurholzbau ; Band 21 PB - KIT Scientific Publishing CY - Karlsruhe ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Nomdedeu, Mar Monsonis A1 - Willen, Christine A1 - Schieffer, Andre A1 - Arndt, Hartmut T1 - Temperature-dependent ranges of coexistence in a model of a two-prey-one-predator microbial food web JF - Marine Biology N2 - The objective of our study was to analyze the effects of temperature on the population dynamics of a three-species food web consisting of two prey bacteria (Pedobacter sp. and Acinetobacter johnsonii) and a protozoan predator (Tetrahymena pyriformis) as model organisms. We assessed the effects of temperature on the growth rates of all three species with the objective of developing a model with four differential equations based on the experimental data. The following hypotheses were tested at a theoretical level: Firstly, temperature changes can affect the dynamic behavior of a system by temperature-dependent parameters and interactions and secondly, food web response to temperature cannot be derived from the single species temperature response. The main outcome of the study is that temperature changes affect the parameter range where coexistence is possible within all three species. This has significant consequences on our ideas regarding the evaluation of effects of global warming. Y1 - 2012 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-012-1966-x SN - 1432-1793 VL - 159 IS - 11 SP - 2423 EP - 2430 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ER - TY - THES A1 - Schieffer, Andre T1 - Studies on diversity and coexistence in an experimental microbial community N2 - Biodiversity and the coexistence of species have puzzled and fascinated biologists since decades and is a hotspot in todays’ natural sciences. Preserving this biodiversity is a great challenge as habitats and environments underlying tremendous changes like climate change and the loss of natural habitats, which are mainly due to anthropogenic influences. The coexistence of numerous species even in homogeneous environments is a stunning feature of natural communities and has been summarized under the term ‘paradox of plankton’. Up to now, there are several mechanisms discussed, which may contribute to local and global diversity of organisms. Several interspecific trade offs have been identified maintaining the coexistence of species like their abilities regarding competition and predator avoidance, their capability to disperse in space and time, and their ability to exploit variable resources. Further, micro-evolutionary dynamics supporting the coexistence of species have been added to our knowledge, and deriving from theoretical deterministic models, non-linear dynamics which describe the temporal fluctuation of abundances of organisms. Whereas competition and predation seem to be clue structural elements within interacting organisms, the intrinsic dynamic behavior – by means of temporal changes in abundance - plays an important role regarding coexistence within a community. The present work sheds light on different factors affecting the coexistence of species using experimental microbial model systems consisting of a bacterivorous ciliate as the predator and two bacteria strains as prey organism. Additionally, another experimental setup consisting of two up to five bacteria species competing for one limiting resource was investigated. Highly controllable chemostat systems were established to exclude extrinsic disturbances. According to theoretical analyses I was able to show - experimentally and theoretically - that phenotypic plasticity of one species within a microbial one-predator-two-prey food web enlarges the range of possible coexistence of all species under different dynamic conditions, compared to a food web without phenotypic plasticity. This was accompanied by non-linear (chaotic) population dynamics within all experimental systems showing phenotypic plasticity. The experiments on the interplay of competition, predation and invasion showed that all aspects have an influence on species coexistence. Under undisturbed controlled conditions all aspects were analyzed in detail and in combination. Populations showed oscillations which were shown by quasi-chaotic attractors in phase space diagrams. Competition experiments with two up to five bacteria species competing for one limiting resource showed that all organisms were able to coexist which was mediated by species oscillations entering a regime of chaos. Besides that fact it was found, that the productivity (biomass) as well as the total cell numbers – under the same nutrition supply – increased by an increasing number of species in the experimental systems. Up to now, the occurrence of non-linear dynamics in well controlled experimental studies has been recognized several times and this phenomenon seemed to be more common in natural systems than generally assumed. N2 - Biodiversität und die Koexistenz von Arten fasziniert und verblüfft Biologen seit Jahr-zehnten und stellen einen Schwerpunkt in der heutigen Umweltforschung dar. Der Schutz und die Konservierung dieser Mannigfaltigkeit stellen eine große Herausfor-derung dar, da die natürlichen Lebensräume sowie die Umwelt enormen Verände-rungen unterworfen sind, welche meist in einem anthropogenen Ursprung wurzeln. Die Koexistenz vieler Arten, auch in relativ homogenen Habitaten ist ein faszinieren-des Charakteristikum natürlicher Lebensgemeinschaften und wird als ‚Paradox des Planktons‘ bezeichnet. Gegenwärtig werden diverse Ursachen diskutiert, welche vermutlich zur lokalen und globalen Diversität von Organismen beitragen. Einige die-ser möglichen Ursachen, die zur Aufrechterhaltung der Koexistenz der Arten beitra-gen, wurden identifiziert: Das Vermögen der Konkurrenz- und Prädationsvermeidung, die Fähigkeit räumlicher sowie zeitlicher Verteilung, sowie das Vermögen variable Ressourcen zu nutzen. Des Weiteren wurden mikro-evolutionäre Phänomene und Dynamiken identifiziert, sowie, von theoretischen deterministischen Modellen ausge-hend, nichtlineare Dynamiken, welche die zeitlichen Schwankungen der Abundanzen von Organismen beschreiben. Diese Aspekte stellen die Schlüsselkomponenten zwi-schen interagierenden Organismen dar, wobei das intrinsiche, nicht lineare dynami-sche Verhalten in Form von zeitlichen Veränderungen in Abundanzen eine zusätzli-che entscheidende Rolle bezüglich der Koexistenz von Arten spielen kann. Einige dieser Aspekte wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht. In Anlehnung an theoretische Analysen konnte experimentell sowie theoretisch gezeigt werden, dass phänotypische Plastizität in einer Bakterienart in einem mikrobiellen Ein-Räuber-zwei-Beute-Nahrungsgewebe den Bereich der möglichen Koexistenz unter sich än-dernden experimentellen Bedingungen (Änderungen der Durchflussraten der Chemostate) – im direkten Vergleich zu einem experimentellen Nahrungsgewebe ohne phänotypische Plastizität – erweitern kann. Dies wurde begleitet durch nicht lineare Abundanzschwankungen in den Populationen aller untersuchten Versuchs-ansätze. In weiteren Untersuchungen wurde das Zusammenspiel von Konkurrenz, Prädation und Invasion in einer experimentellen mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft untersucht. Unter kontrollierten Bedingungen konnten diese Aspekte detailliert untersucht werden und es konnten Aufschlüsse darüber gewonnen werden, welche Reaktionen (Interaktionen) innerhalb der untersuchten Gemeinschaften stattfinden. Im Versuchsverlauf wurden Veränderungen in den Abundanzen sowie chaotische Schwankungen der Zellzahlen festgestellt. In Konkurrenzexperimenten von zwei bis zu fünf um eine limitierende Ressource konkurrierende Bakterienarten konnte gezeigt werden, dass alle Arten – vermittelt durch chaotische Abundanzschwankungen – nebeneinander koexistieren konnten. Begleitend dazu wurde herausgefunden, dass die Produktivität (Biomasse) sowie die Gesamtzellzahl bei gleicher Nahrungsverfügbarkeit der experimentellen Systeme mit steigender Artenzahl zunehmen. Gegenwärtig ist das Auftreten von Chaos in gut kontrollierten experimentellen Studien vereinzelt beobachtet worden, wobei dieses Phänomen jedoch häufiger in der Natur aufzutreten scheint als generell vermutet. Y1 - 2012 N1 - Köln, Univ., Diss., 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hötter, Jan-Steffen A1 - Fateri, Miranda A1 - Gebhardt, Andreas T1 - Prozessoptimierung des SLM-Prozesses mit hoch-reflektiven und thermisch sehr gut leitenden Materialien durch systematische Parameterfindung und begleitende Simulationen am Beispiel von Silber JF - RTejournal - Forum für Rapid Technologie N2 - Additive Manufacturing durch Aufschmelzen von Metallpulvern hat sich auf breiter Front als Herstellverfahren, auch für Endprodukte, etabliert. Besonders für die Variante des Selective Laser Melting (SLM) sind Anwendungen in der Zahntechnik bereits weit verbreitet und der Einsatz in sensitiven Branchen wie der Luftfahrt ist in greifbare Nähe gerückt. Deshalb werden auch vermehrt Anstrengungen unternommen, um bisher nicht verarbeitete Materialien zu qualifizieren. Dies sind vorzugsweise Nicht-Eisen- und Edelmetalle, die sowohl eine sehr hohe Reflektivität als auch eine sehr gute Wärmeleitfähigkeit aufweisen – beides Eigenschaften, die die Beherrschung des Laser-Schmelzprozesses erschweren und nur kleine Prozessfenster zulassen. Die Arbeitsgruppe SLM des Lehr- und Forschungsgebietes Hochleistungsverfahren der Fertigungstechnik hat sich unter der Randbedingung einer kleinen und mit geringer Laserleistung ausgestatteten SLM Maschine der Aufgabe gewidmet und am Beispiel von Silber die Parameterfelder für Einzelspuren und wenig komplexe Geometrien systematisch untersucht. Die Arbeiten wurden von FEM Simulationen begleitet und durch metallographische Untersuchungen verifiziert. Die Ergebnisse bilden die Grundlage zur schnellen Parameterfindung bei komplexen Geometrien und bei Veränderungen der Zusammensetzung, wie sie bei zukünftigen Legierungen zu erwarten sind. Die Ergebnisse werden exemplarisch auf unterschiedliche Geometrien angewandt und entsprechende Bauteile gezeigt. N2 - Additive manufacturing by melting of metal powders is a method that has been established even for the manufacturing of final products. In particular, Selective Laser Melting (SLM) is currently applied for prosthetic dentistry. In the near future, this technology will access sensitive industries like aerospace engineering. This leads to the need to process new materials. Therefore, especially non-ferrous metals and noble metals must be determined and qualified. These materials have in common a very high reflectivity and an excellent thermal conductivity. In general, these two properties counteract the control of the melt pool and contribute to very narrow process windows. The “SLM” research team of the Aachen University of Applied Science, AcUAS (FH Aachen) systematically investigated process parameter fields for silver. The work focused on a small SLM desktop machine with comparably low laser power. The results are verified using FEA and metallographic inspections and will support future set-ups for complex geometries. Furthermore, the obtained parameter fields are applied to make different geometric objects and to manufactured parts, which are presented. KW - SLM KW - Selektives Laser Schmelzen KW - Silber Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:0009-2-33639 SN - 1614-0923 VL - 9 IS - 1 SP - 1 EP - 14 PB - Fachhoschule Aachen CY - Aachen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kern, Alexander A1 - Schelthoff, Christof A1 - Mathieu, Moritz T1 - Detaillierte Berechnung der Einfangwirksamkeiten von Fangeinrichtungen JF - Elektro-Praktiker N2 - Im Beitrag wird zunächst das Verfahren eines dynamischen elektro-geometrischen Modells vorgestellt. Dieses arbeitet im Gegensatz zum klassischen Blitzkugel-Verfahren nicht mit konstanten Radien; vielmehr wird der Radius der Blitzkugel variiert. Dabei werden ausschließlich vorhandene und in internationalen Normen anerkannte Ergebnisse, blitzphysikalische Grundlagen und Untersuchungen verwendet, und auf deren Grundlage ein numerisches Verfahren erarbeitet. Mit dem dynamischen elektro-geometrischen Modell werden dann einige Beispiele des Schutzes mit Fangstangen, die gemäß dem klassischen Blitzkugel-Verfahren nach DIN EN 62305-3 für die Schutzklassen I – II – III – IV geplant sind, untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Einfangwirksamkeiten wesentlich höher sind als in der Normenreihe DIN EN 62305 selbst angegeben. Grund dafür ist die Tatsache, dass das Blitzkugel-Verfahren sehr konservativ aufgebaut ist und dem Planer von Blitzschutzsystemen nur die möglichen Stellen für einen Einschlag aufzeigt, ohne eine Bewertung der Einschlagshäufigkeit zu liefern. Andererseits bedeutet dies jedoch, dass man mit dem klassischen Blitzkugel-Verfahren stets auf der „sicheren Seite“ liegt. Y1 - 2012 SN - 0013-5569 VL - 66 IS - 4 PB - Huss Medien CY - Berlin ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Reisert, Steffen A1 - Geissler, H. A1 - Flörke, R. A1 - Weiler, C. A1 - Wagner, P. A1 - Schöning, Michael Josef ED - Abdelghani, Adnane ED - Schöning, Michael Josef T1 - Characterisation of aseptic sterilisation processes using an electronic nose T2 - Nanoscale Science and Technology (NS&T´12) : Proceedings Book Humboldt Kolleg ; Tunisia, 17-19 March, 2012 Y1 - 2012 SP - 45 EP - 45 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Yoshinobu, Tatsuo A1 - Miyamoto, Ko-Ichiro A1 - Wagner, Torsten A1 - Schöning, Michael Josef ED - Yamaguchi, Takami T1 - Miniaturized and high-speed chemical imaging systems T2 - Nano-Biomedical Engineering 2012. Proceedings of the Tohoku University Global Centre of Excellence Programme, Sakura Hall, Tohoku University, Sendai Japan, 5 – 6 March 2012 Y1 - 2012 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1142/9781848169067_0045 SP - 386 EP - 395 PB - World Scientific CY - Singapur ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Leurs, Ulrike A1 - Mezo, Gabor A1 - Öhlschläger, Peter A1 - Orban, Erika A1 - Marquard, Andrea A1 - Manea, Marilena T1 - Design, synthesis, in vitro stability and cytostatic effect of multifunctional anticancer drug-bioconjugates containing GnRH-III as a targeting moiety JF - Peptide Science N2 - Bioconjugates containing the GnRH-III hormone decapeptide as a targeting moiety are able to deliver chemotherapeutic agents specifically to cancer cells expressing GnRH receptors, thereby increasing their local efficacy while limiting the peripheral toxicity. However, the number of GnRH receptors on cancer cells is limited and they desensitize under continuous hormone treatment. A possible approach to increase the receptor mediated tumor targeting and consequently the cytostatic effect of the bioconjugates would be the attachment of more than one chemotherapeutic agent to one GnRH-III molecule. Here we report on the design, synthesis and biochemical characterization of multifunctional bioconjugates containing GnRH-III as a targeting moiety and daunorubicin as a chemotherapeutic agent. Two different drug design approaches were pursued. The first one was based on the bifunctional [4Lys]-GnRH-III (Glp-His-Trp-Lys-His-Asp-Trp-Lys-Pro-Gly-NH2) containing two lysine residues in positions 4 and 8, whose ϵ-amino groups were used for the coupling of daunorubicin. In the second drug design, the native GnRH-III (Glp-His-Trp-Ser-His-Asp-Trp-Lys-Pro-Gly-NH2) was used as a scaffold; an additional lysine residue was coupled to the ϵ-amino group of 8Lys in order to generate two free amino groups available for conjugation of daunorubicin. The in vitro stability/degradation of all synthesized compounds was investigated in human serum, as well as in the presence of rat liver lysosomal homogenate. Their cellular uptake was determined on human breast cancer cells and the cytostatic effect was evaluated on human breast, colon and prostate cancer cell lines. Compared with a monofunctional compound, both drug design approaches resulted in multifunctional bioconjugates with increased cytostatic effect. Y1 - 2012 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/bip.21640 SN - 1097-0282 VL - 98 IS - 1 SP - 1 EP - 10 PB - Wiley CY - New York, NY ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Grinsven, Bart van A1 - Bon, Natalie vanden A1 - Strauven, Hannelore A1 - Grieten, Lars A1 - Murib, Mohammed A1 - Jiménez Monroy, Kathia L. A1 - Janssens, Stoffel D. A1 - Haenen, Ken A1 - Schöning, Michael Josef A1 - Vermeeren, Veronique A1 - Ameloot, Marcel A1 - Michiels, Luc A1 - Thoelen, Ronald A1 - Ceuninck, Ward de A1 - Wagner, Patrick T1 - Heat-Transfer Resistance at Solid-Liquid Interfaces: A Tool for The Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in DNA. JF - ACS Nano N2 - In this article, we report on the heat-transfer resistance at interfaces as a novel, denaturation-based method to detect single-nucleotide polymorphisms in DNA. We observed that a molecular brush of double-stranded DNA grafted onto synthetic diamond surfaces does not notably affect the heat-transfer resistance at the solid-to-liquid interface. In contrast to this, molecular brushes of single-stranded DNA cause, surprisingly, a substantially higher heat-transfer resistance and behave like a thermally insulating layer. This effect can be utilized to identify ds-DNA melting temperatures via the switching from low- to high heat-transfer resistance. The melting temperatures identified with this method for different DNA duplexes (29 base pairs without and with built-in mutations) correlate nicely with data calculated by modeling. The method is fast, label-free (without the need for fluorescent or radioactive markers), allows for repetitive measurements, and can also be extended toward array formats. Reference measurements by confocal fluorescence microscopy and impedance spectroscopy confirm that the switching of heat-transfer resistance upon denaturation is indeed related to the thermal on-chip denaturation of DNA. Y1 - 2012 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1021/nn300147e SN - 1936-086X VL - 6 IS - 3 SP - 2712 EP - 2721 PB - ACS Publications CY - Washington, DC ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Fredebeul-Krein, Markus A1 - Steingröver, Markus T1 - Wholesale Broadband Access to IPTV in an NGA environment : how to deal with it from a regulatory perspective? Y1 - 2012 N1 - Regional ITS Conference of the international Telecommunications Society , February 22-24, 2012 New Delhi, India SP - 1 EP - 16 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Timme, Michael A1 - Günnewig, Sebastian T1 - Betriebskostenabrechnung - Die Pflicht des Vermieters zur Beachtung des Wirtschaftlichkeitsgebots JF - Der Miet-Rechts-Berater : MietRB ; Miete, Immobilien, Wohnungseigentum N2 - Mit seiner aktuellen Entscheidung (BGH v. 6.11.2011 – VIII ZR 340/10, MDR 2011, 1095 = MietRB MDR 2011, 337) hat der BGH die Darlegungs- und Beweislast für einen Verstoß gegen das Gebot der Wirtschaftlichkeit bei der Abrechnung von Betriebskosten konkretisiert. Der Beitrag erläutert anhand der Hintergründe des Gebotes der Wirtschaftlichkeit die Konsequenzen für die Praxis. Y1 - 2012 SN - 1612-040X IS - 3 SP - 83 EP - 88 PB - Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt CY - Köln ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Hoepner, Gert A1 - Schminke, Lutz H. T1 - Dialog-Marketing und E-Commerce : ein anwendungsorientiertes und konzeptionelles Kompendium für Praxis und Ausbildung Y1 - 2012 SN - 978-3-942171-23-6 PB - Uni-ed. GmbH CY - Berlin ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Schusser, Sebastian A1 - Vaeßen, Christiane A1 - Schöning, Michael Josef T1 - 5. Graduiertentagung der FH Aachen 15. November 2012 T1 - 5th Graduate Symposium FH Aachen - University of Applied Sciences November 15th, 2012 N2 - Tagungsband der 5. Graduiertentagung der FH Aachen am 15. November 2012 N2 - Proceedings from the 5th Graduate Symposium, FH Aachen, Germany, November 15th, 2012 T3 - Graduiertentagung / FH Aachen - 5 KW - Graduiertentagung Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:hbz:a96-opus-50425 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Olaru, Alexandra Maria A1 - Kowalski, Julia A1 - Sethi, Vaishali A1 - Blümich, Bernhard T1 - Exchange relaxometry of flow at small Péclet numbers in a glass bead pack JF - Journal of Magnetic Resonance (JMR) N2 - In this paper we consider low Péclet number flow in bead packs. A series of relaxation exchange experiments has been conducted and evaluated by ILT analysis. In the resulting correlation maps, we observed a collapse of the signal and a translation towards smaller relaxation times with increasing flow rates, as well as a signal tilt with respect to the diagonal. In the discussion of the phenomena we present a mathematical theory for relaxation exchange experiments that considers both diffusive and advective transport. We perform simulations based on this theory and discuss them with respect to the conducted experiments. KW - NMR exchange relaxometry KW - Low-field NMR Y1 - 2012 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmr.2012.04.015 SN - 1096-0856 VL - 220 SP - 32 EP - 44 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fischer, Jan-Thomas A1 - Kowalski, Julia A1 - Pudasaini, Shiva P. T1 - Topographic curvature effects in applied avalanche modelling JF - Cold Regions Science and Technology N2 - This paper describes the implementation of topographic curvature effects within the RApid Mass MovementS (RAMMS) snow avalanche simulation toolbox. RAMMS is based on a model similar to shallow water equations with a Coulomb friction relation and the velocity dependent Voellmy drag. It is used for snow avalanche risk assessment in Switzerland. The snow avalanche simulation relies on back calculation of observed avalanches. The calibration of the friction parameters depends on characteristics of the avalanche track. The topographic curvature terms are not yet included in the above mentioned classical model. Here, we fundamentally improve this model by mathematically and physically including the topographic curvature effects. By decomposing the velocity dependent friction into a topography dependent term that accounts for a curvature enhancement in the Coulomb friction, and a topography independent contribution similar to the classical Voellmy drag, we construct a general curvature dependent frictional resistance, and thus propose new extended model equations. With three site-specific examples, we compare the apparent frictional resistance of the new approach, which includes topographic curvature effects, to the classical one. Our simulation results demonstrate substantial effects of the curvature on the flow dynamics e.g., the dynamic pressure distribution along the slope. The comparison of resistance coefficients between the two models demonstrates that the physically based extension presents an improvement to the classical approach. Furthermore a practical example highlights its influence on the pressure outline in the run out zone of the avalanche. Snow avalanche dynamics modeling natural terrain curvature centrifugal force friction coefficients. KW - Snow KW - Avalanche Y1 - 2012 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coldregions.2012.01.005 SN - 1872-7441 VL - 74-75 SP - 21 EP - 30 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pieper, Martin A1 - Klein, Peter T1 - Application of simple, periodic homogenization techniques to non-linear heat conduction problems in non-periodic, porous media JF - Heat mass transfer N2 - Often, detailed simulations of heat conduction in complicated, porous media have large runtimes. Then homogenization is a powerful tool to speed up the calculations by preserving accurate solutions at the same time. Unfortunately real structures are generally non-periodic, which requires unpractical, complicated homogenization techniques. We demonstrate in this paper, that the application of simple, periodic techniques to realistic media, that are just close to periodic, gives accurate, approximative solutions. In order to obtain effective parameters for the homogenized heat equation, we have to solve a so called “cell problem”. In contrast to periodic structures it is not trivial to determine a suitable unit cell, which represents a non-periodic media. To overcome this problem, we give a rule of thumb on how to choose a good cell. Finally we demonstrate the efficiency of our method for virtually generated foams as well as real foams and compare these results to periodic structures. Y1 - 2012 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s00231-011-0879-4 SN - 0947-7411 VL - 48 IS - 2 SP - 291 EP - 300 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ER -