TY - CHAP A1 - Kroll-Ludwigs, Kathrin ED - Lipp, Volker ED - Münch, Joachim T1 - Rechtswahl und Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen T2 - Die neue Europäische Erbrechtsverordnung Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-95646-062-3 N1 - Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Notarrecht der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen ; Band 5 SP - 65 EP - 97 PB - Deutscher Notarverlag CY - Bonn ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kroll-Ludwigs, Kathrin T1 - Stärkung der Parteiautonomie durch die Europäischen Güterrechtsverordnungen JF - Neue Zeitschrift für Familienrecht - NZFam N2 - Mit der Verabschiedung der Europäischen Güterrechtsverordnung für Ehegatten und eingetragene Partner hat der Unionsgesetzgeber die Vereinheitlichung des Kollisionsrechts in Europa weiter vorangetrieben. Zentraler Baustein beider Rechtsakte ist die Parteiautonomie, die mit Blick auf Eheleute an bewährte Traditionen anknüpft, für Lebenspartner aber eine echte Neuerung bringt. Y1 - 2016 SN - 2198-2333 VL - 3 IS - 23 SP - 1061 EP - 1065 PB - Beck CY - München ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kroll-Ludwigs, Kathrin T1 - Vereinheitlichung des Güterkollisionsrechts in Europa – die EU-Ehegüterrechts- und EU-Partnerschaftsverordnung (Teil 1) JF - GPR: Zeitschrift für das Privatrecht der Europäischen Union N2 - Zehn Jahre nach Erlass des „Grünbuchs zu den Kollisionsnormen im Güterrecht“ vom 17.7.2006 hat der Rat der Europäischen Union am 24.6.2016 die EU-Ehegüterrechts-(„EuGüVO“) sowie die EU-Partnerschaftsverordnung („EuPartVO“) erlassen. Damit wird das europäische Güterkollisionsrecht fü rca. 16 Millionen „internationaler Paare“ in der EU auf eine neue, einheitliche Grundlage gestellt. Anders als ursprünglich geplant, handelt es sich bei beiden Verordnungen nicht um gesamteuropäische Rechtsakte, da die für Art. 81 Abs. 3 AEUV erforderliche Einstimmigkeit unter den Mitgliedstaaten letztlich nicht erreicht werden konnte. Das Scheitern der ersten Verordnungsvorschläge aus dem Jahr 2011 war dabei dem Umstand geschuldet, dass rechtspolitisch von Anfang an eine Verknüpfung beider Regelungsmaterien gewollt war. Mit Blick auf die Einführung einheitlicher güterrechtlicher Regelungen für eingetragene Partnerschaften war aber nicht nur das „Ob“ und „Wie“ etwaiger Rechtswahlmöglichkeiten heftig umstritten. Insbesondere diejenigen Mitgliedstaaten, die dem Rechtsinstitut der eingetragenen Lebenspartnerschaft kritisch gegenüberstehen, sahen in der Einführung einheitlicher Kollisionsnormen die Gefahr einer zwangsweisen Durchsetzung dieses Rechtsinstituts „durch die Hintertür“. Vor diesem Hintergrund erwies sich – ebenso wie schon bei der Rom III-VO – das Verfahren zur verstärkten Zusammenarbeit(Art. 20 EUV i.V.m. Art. 326 ff. AEUV) als probates Mittel, um den Integrationsprozess im Bereich des europäischen Kollisionsrechts voranzutreiben. Achtzehn Mitgliedstaaten nehmen an dieser Verstärkten Zusammenarbeit teil. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.9785/gpr-2016-0509 SN - 2193-9519 VL - 13 IS - 5 SP - 231 EP - 241 PB - Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt CY - Köln ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kroll-Ludwigs, Kathrin T1 - Das Verhältnis von Haager Unterhaltsprotokoll (2007) und Haager Unterhalts-übereinkommen (1973): lex posterior derogat legi priori? JF - IPRax : Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts N2 - In der EU richtet sich das auf unterhaltsrechtliche Sachverhalte mit grenzüberschreitendem Bezug anwendbare Recht seit dem 18. Juni 2011 nach dem Haager Protokoll über das auf Unterhaltspflichten anwendbare Recht vom 23. November 2007 („HUP“). Dieser Rechtsakt, der EU-weit anwendbar ist, hat das Haager Unterhaltsübereinkommen von 1973 („HUÜ“) ersetzt und das Unterhaltskollisionsrecht in der EU auf eine neue, einheitliche Grundlage gestellt. Bei den Vorschriften des HUP handelt es sich um sog. lois universelles, die unabhängig davon gelten, welche Staatsangehörigkeit die unterhaltsberechtigte bzw. die unterhaltsverpflichtete Person haben. Zu beachten ist aber, dass die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ebenso wie die Türkei, die Schweiz, Japan und Albanien das HUÜ ratifiziert hatten. Für die Nicht-EU-Staaten besteht aber keine Bindung an die Vorschriften des HUP, so dass sich im Verhältnis zu ihnen die Frage stellt, ob das HUÜ weiterhin Anwendung finden kann. Die Problematik ist gerade im Hinblick auf die erweiterten Rechtswahlmöglichkeiten des HUP von erheblicher praktischer Relevanz. Y1 - 2016 SN - 0720-6585 VL - 36 IS - 1 SP - 34 EP - 40 PB - Gieseking CY - Bielefeld ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kroll-Ludwigs, Kathrin T1 - Anmerkung zu EuGH, Urt. v. 9.9.2015, Rs. C-4/14 Christophe Bohez v. Ingrid Wiertz JF - GRP : Zeitschrift für das Privatrecht der Europäischen Union N2 - Die Entscheidung in der Rechtssache Bohez /Wiertz bot dem EuGH Gelegenheit, zur Abgrenzung der Anwendungsbereiche von Brüssel I-(jetzt: Brüssel Ia-) und Brüssel IIa-VO Stellung zu nehmen. Den Ausgangspunkt bildete dabei ein familienrechtlicher Sachverhalt, nämlich die zwangsweise Durchsetzung des Umgangsrechts eines Vaters im Hinblick auf seine beiden Kinder. Auf den ersten Blick lag daher eine Anwendung der auf Verfahren betreffend die elterliche Verantwortung bezogenen Brüssel IIa-VO nahe. Andererseits schien auch eine Argumentation denkbar, wonach es sich bei dem zu vollstreckenden Anspruch auf Zahlung des Zwangsgeldes um eine Geldforderung handele, deren Vollstreckung nach der Brüssel I-VO zu erfolgen habe. Was vordergründig die Ermittlung des einschlägigen EU-Rechtsaktes betraf, erwies sich bei genauerer Betrachtung als Bestimmung der dogmatischen Rechtsnatur des Zwangsgeldes. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.9785/gpr-2016-0509 SN - 2193-9519 IS - 5 SP - 255 EP - 258 PB - Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt CY - Köln ER - TY - THES A1 - Gaigall, Daniel T1 - Vergleich von statistischen Tests im verbundenen und unabhängigen Stichprobenfall N2 - Es werden Effizienzbegriffe zum Vergleich von statistischen Tests basierend auf verschiedenen statistischen Experimenten eingeführt. Dabei handelt es sich um die schon aus dem Vergleich von statistischen Tests in je demselben Modell bekannten asymptotischen relativen Effizienzen wie die Hodges-Lehmann-Effizienz, die Bahadur-Effizienz und die Pitman-Effizienz sowie um Kriterien basierend auf Volumina von Konfidenzbereichen. Effizienzaussagen werden unter anderem für Likelihood-Quotienten-Tests und Waldsche Tests im Rahmen eines allgemeinen multivariaten parametrischen Modells erhalten. Statistische Tests zur Prüfung von Hypothesen über die relative Wirksamkeit zweier Experimente werden vorgeschlagen. Auf der Grundlage der erhaltenen Ergebnisse erfolgt ein Vergleich der Wirksamkeit von korrespondierenden Verfahren bei verbundener Stichprobenerhebung und unabhängiger Stichprobenerhebung. Die Rolle der Kovarianzmatrix bei verbundener Stichprobenerhebung wird insbesondere unter der Annahme, dass die zugrunde liegenden Verteilungen durch k-parametrische Exponentialfamilien modellierbar sind, herausgearbeitet. Verbindungen zu Effizienzbegriffen bei Punkt- und Konfidenzbereichsschätzverfahren werden aufgezeigt. Ausführlichere Untersuchungen betreffen die korrespondierenden Hotellingschen T²-Tests im multivariaten Normalverteilungsfall, die klassischen Homogenitatstests bei k × k-Kontingenztafeln und die Wilcoxon Tests in nichtparametrischen Lagealternativmodellen KW - Vergleich von Experimenten KW - Hypothesentests KW - Effizienz KW - testing hypotheses KW - efficiency Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.15488/8678 N1 - Dissertation, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2016 PB - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover CY - Hannover ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Höfler, Matthias A1 - Groß, Rolf Fritz T1 - Optimierung der Oxidationskinetik von Sulfit zu Sulfat durch effiziente feinblasige Belüftung bei Anlagen zur Rauchgasentschwefelung fossil befeuerter Kraftwerke und Industrieanlagen mittels Seewasser ("Optiox") N2 - Das Forschungsvorhaben Optiox beschäftigt sich mit der Optimierung eines Belüftungsbeckens zur Rauchgasentschwefelung fossil befeuerter Kraftwerke mittels Seewasser. Unter Neutralisierung der entstehenden Hydroniumionen (H3O+) durch die natürliche Alkalität des Seewassers dissoziiert Schwefeldioxid aus dem Rauchgase im vorgeschalteten Absorber beim Phasenübergang von der Gas- in die Flüssigphase zu Sulfiten. Im Belüftungsbecken werden diese Sulfite mittels eingeblasener Luft zu Sulfaten oxidiert, was zu einer geringen Erhöhung der Sulfatfracht vor Einleitung ins Meer führt, die unterhalb der natürlichen Schwankungen liegt. Daneben dient das Belüftungsbecken der Konditionierung des Seewassers hinsichtlich pH-Wert und Sauerstoffgehalt und ist mit hoch effizienten Belüftern ausgestattet, deren Spezifikation den jeweiligen Randbedingungen, wie Abscheideleistung des Absorbers, Beckengeometrie sowie lokalen Gegebenheiten angepasst wird. Y1 - 2016 N1 - Projektlaufzeit: 10/2012 – 09/2015 Gefördert durch: BMBF – Förderkennlinie Ingenieurnachwuchs Kooperationspartner: Doosan Lentjes GmbH, Ratingen, FH Aachen, Fachbereich Energietechnik, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Groß ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bialonski, Stephan A1 - Caron, David A. A1 - Schloen, Julia A1 - Feudel, Ulrike A1 - Kantz, Holger A1 - Moorthi, Stefanie D. T1 - Phytoplankton dynamics in the Southern California Bight indicate a complex mixture of transport and biology JF - Journal of Plankton Research N2 - The stimulation and dominance of potentially harmful phytoplankton taxa at a given locale and time are determined by local environmental conditions as well as by transport to or from neighboring regions. The present study investigated the occurrence of common harmful algal bloom (HAB) taxa within the Southern California Bight, using cross-correlation functions to determine potential dependencies between HAB taxa and environmental factors, and potential links to algal transport via local hydrography and currents. A simulation study, in which Lagrangian particles were released, was used to assess travel times due to advection by prevailing ocean currents in the bight. Our results indicate that transport of some taxa may be an important mechanism for the expansion of their distributions into other regions, which was supported by mean travel times derived from our simulation study and other literature on ocean currents in the Southern California Bight. In other cases, however, phytoplankton dynamics were rather linked to local environmental conditions, including coastal upwelling events. Overall, our study shows that complex current patterns in the Southern California Bight may contribute significantly to the formation and expansion of HABs in addition to local environmental factors determining the spatiotemporal dynamics of phytoplankton blooms. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1093/plankt/fbv122 SN - 1464-3774 VL - 38 IS - 4 SP - 1077 EP - 1091 PB - Oxford University Press CY - Oxford ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mykoniou, Konstantin A1 - Butenweg, Christoph A1 - Holtschoppen, Britta A1 - Klinkel, Sven T1 - Seismic response analysis of adjacent liquid-storage tanks JF - Earthquake engineering and structural dynamics N2 - A refined substructure technique in the frequency domain is developed, which permits consideration of the interaction effects among adjacent containers through the supporting deformable soil medium. The tank-liquid systems are represented by means of mechanical models, whereas discrete springs and dashpots stand for the soil beneath the foundations. The proposed model is employed to assess the responses of adjacent circular, cylindrical tanks for harmonic and seismic excitations over wide range of tank proportions and soil conditions. The influence of the number, spatial arrangement of the containers and their distance on the overall system's behavior is addressed. The results indicate that the cross-interaction effects can substantially alter the impulsive components of response of each individual element in a tank farm. The degree of this impact is primarily controlled by the tank proportions and the proximity of the predominant natural frequencies of the shell-liquid-soil systems and the input seismic motion. The group effects should be not a priori disregarded, unless the tanks are founded on shallow soil deposit overlying very stiff material or bedrock. KW - liquid-structure interaction KW - seismic response KW - impulsive effects KW - liquid-storage tank KW - structure-soil-structure interaction Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/eqe.2726 SN - 1096-9845 (E-Journal); 0098-8847 (Print) VL - 45 IS - 11 SP - 1779 EP - 1796 PB - Wiley-VCH CY - Weinheim ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Butenweg, Christoph A1 - Roeser, W. T1 - Auslegung von Bauwerken gegen Erdbeben - Rechenbeispiele T2 - Stahlbetonbau aktuell 2016 : Praxishandbuch / herausgegeben von: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Josef Hegger, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Mark Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-410-25202-3 (Print) ; 978-3-410-25203-0 (E-Book) PB - Beuth Verlag GmbH CY - Berlin ; Wien ; Zürich ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Kubalski, T. A1 - Marinković, Marko A1 - Butenweg, Christoph ED - Modena, Claudio T1 - Numerical investigation of masonry infilled R.C. frames T2 - Brick and Block Masonry. Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Padova, Italy, 26-30 June 2016 Y1 - 2016 SN - 9781315374963 SP - 1219 EP - 1226 PB - CRC Press CY - Leiden ER - TY - CHAP A1 - König, Johannes Alexander A1 - Wolf, Martin R. T1 - A new definition of competence developing games - and a framework to assess them T2 - ACHI 2016 : The Ninth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions N2 - There are different types of games that try to make use of the motivation of a gaming situation in learning contexts. This paper introduces the new terminology ‘Competence Developing Game’ (CDG) as an umbrella term for all games with this intention. Based on this new terminology, an assessment framework has been developed and validated in scope of an empirical study. Now, all different types of CDGs can be evaluated according to a defined and uniform set of assessment criteria and, thus, are comparable according to their characteristics and effectiveness. KW - Serious Games KW - Gamification KW - Business Simulations KW - Assessment Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-1-61208-468-8 N1 - Proceeding of the Ninth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI 2016), Venice. SP - 95 EP - 97 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Bleninger, T. A1 - Brenda, M. A1 - Bung, Daniel Bernhard A1 - Hengl, M. A1 - Schmid, B.H. A1 - Schneider, E. A1 - Sonnenburg, A. A1 - Stoschek, O. T1 - DWA-Regelwerk M 544-2 : Merkblatt: Ausbreitungsprobleme von Einleitungen - Prozesse, Methoden und Modelle - Teil 2: Mehrdimensionale Modelle Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-88721-281-0 CY - Hennef ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Peloni, Alessandro A1 - Ceriotti, Matteo A1 - Dachwald, Bernd T1 - Solar-sail trajectory design for a multiple near-earth-asteroid rendezvous mission JF - Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics N2 - The scientific interest for near-Earth asteroids as well as the interest in potentially hazardous asteroids from the perspective of planetary defense led the space community to focus on near-Earth asteroid mission studies. A multiple near-Earth asteroid rendezvous mission with close-up observations of several objects can help to improve the characterization of these asteroids. This work explores the design of a solar-sail spacecraft for such a mission, focusing on the search of possible sequences of encounters and the trajectory optimization. This is done in two sequential steps: a sequence search by means of a simplified trajectory model and a set of heuristic rules based on astrodynamics, and a subsequent optimization phase. A shape-based approach for solar sailing has been developed and is used for the first phase. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated through a fully optimized multiple near-Earth asteroid rendezvous mission. The results show that it is possible to visit five near-Earth asteroids within 10 years with near-term solar-sail technology. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.2514/1.G000470 SN - 0731-5090 VL - 39 IS - 12 SP - 2712 EP - 2724 PB - AIAA CY - Reston, Va. ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bung, Daniel Bernhard A1 - Valero, Daniel T1 - Optical flow estimation in aerated flows JF - Journal of Hydraulic Research N2 - Optical flow estimation is known from Computer Vision where it is used to determine obstacle movements through a sequence of images following an assumption of brightness conservation. This paper presents the first study on application of the optical flow method to aerated stepped spillway flows. For this purpose, the flow is captured with a high-speed camera and illuminated with a synchronized LED light source. The flow velocities, obtained using a basic Horn–Schunck method for estimation of the optical flow coupled with an image pyramid multi-resolution approach for image filtering, compare well with data from intrusive conductivity probe measurements. Application of the Horn–Schunck method yields densely populated flow field data sets with velocity information for every pixel. It is found that the image pyramid approach has the most significant effect on the accuracy compared to other image processing techniques. However, the final results show some dependency on the pixel intensity distribution, with better accuracy found for grey values between 100 and 150. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2016.1173600 VL - 54 IS - 5 SP - 575 EP - 580 PB - Taylor & Francis CY - London ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Butenweg, Christoph A1 - Kubalski, Thomas A1 - Marinkovic, Marko A1 - Pfetzing, Thomas A1 - Ismail, Mohammed A1 - Fehling, Ekkehard T1 - Ausfachungen aus Ziegelmauerwerk T2 - Mauerwerk-Kalender 2016: Baustoffe, Sanierung, Eurocode-Praxis Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-433-03131-5 PB - Ernst & Sohn CY - Berlin ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Butenweg, Christoph A1 - Marinkovic, Marko A1 - Kubalski, Thomas A1 - Klinkel, Sven T1 - Masonry infilled reinforced concrete frames under horizontal loading T1 - Stahlbetonrahmen mit Ausfachungen aus Mauerwerk unter horizontalen Belastungen JF - Mauerwerk N2 - The behaviour of infilled reinforced concrete frames under horizontal load has been widely investigated, both experimentally and numerically. Since experimental tests represent large investments, numerical simulations offer an efficient approach for a more comprehensive analysis. When RC frames with masonry infill walls are subjected to horizontal loading, their behaviour is highly non-linear after a certain limit, which makes their analysis quite difficult. The non-linear behaviour results from the complex inelastic material properties of the concrete, infill wall and conditions at the wall-frame interface. In order to investigate this non-linear behaviour in detail, a finite element model using a micro modelling approach is developed, which is able to predict the complex non-linear behaviour resulting from the different materials and their interaction. Concrete and bricks are represented by a non-linear material model, while each reinforcement bar is represented as an individual part installed in the concrete part and behaving elasto-plastically. Each brick is modelled individually and connected taking into account the non-linearity of a brick mortar interface. The same approach is followed using two finite element software packages and the results are compared with the experimental results. The numerical models show a good agreement with the experiments in predicting the overall behaviour, but also very good matching for strength capacity and drift. The results emphasize the quality and the valuable contribution of the numerical models for use in parametric studies, which are needed for the derivation of design recommendations for infilled frame structures. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/dama.201600703 SN - 1437-1022 VL - 20 IS - 4 SP - 305 EP - 312 PB - Ernst & Sohn CY - Berlin ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rosin, Julia A1 - Butenweg, Christoph A1 - Klinkel, Sven T1 - Stabilitätsnachweis für seismisch beanspruchte Tankbauwerke nach dem LBA/MNA-Konzept JF - Bauingenieur N2 - Eine seismische Anregung verursacht in einem Flüssigkeitstank einen kombinierten Spannungszustand, was zu einem Stabilitätsversagen der häufig sehr dünnwandigen Konstruktionen führen kann. Für die Durchführung von Stabilitätsnachweisen stehen verschiedene Verfahren zur Verfügung. Üblicherweise werden aus Gründen der Einfachheit spannungsbasierte Verfahren angewendet. Diese sind für Einheitslastfälle experimentell abgesichert, wobei eine Übertragung auf kombinierte Spannungszustände wie im Erdbebenfall nur begrenzt möglich ist. Alternativ kann ein globales, numerisches Konzept, das LBA/MNA-Verfahren, angewendet werden. Das Verfahren kombiniert eine materiell nichtlineare Berechnung (MNA) mit einer linearen Beulanalyse (LBA) und erfasst die Interaktion verschiedener gleichzeitig auftretender Beanspruchungen implizit im Nachweis. Dieser Beitrag demonstriert die Anwendung der Verfahren am Beispiel verschiedener Tankgeometrien mit Höhe/Radius-Verhältnissen zwischen 1 ≤ H/R ≤ 2 und Radius/Tankwand-Verhältnissen zwischen 500 ≤ R/t ≤ 1000 und diskutiert zusätzlich die Defizite der spannungsbasierten Nachweisverfahren. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.37544/0005-6650-2016-12-74 SN - 0005-6650 VL - 91 IS - 12 SP - 518 EP - 526 PB - VDI Fachmedien CY - Düsseldorf ER - TY - JOUR A1 - König, Johannes Alexander A1 - Völker, Veronika A1 - Wolf, Martin R. A1 - Schuba, Marko T1 - Gamified Hacking Offence Simulation-based Training (GHOST) JF - Crisis Prevention Y1 - 2016 VL - 2016 IS - 3 SP - 44 EP - 46 PB - Beta CY - Bonn ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Bung, Daniel Bernhard A1 - Valero, Daniel ED - Dewals, Benjamin T1 - Image processing techniques for velocity estimation in highly aerated flows: bubble image velocimetry vs. optical flow T2 - Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change : Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Europe Congress (Liege, Belgium, 27-29 July 2016) Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-1-138-02977-4 SN - 978-1-4987-8149-7 (eBook) U6 - https://doi.org/10.1201/b21902-31 SP - 151 EP - 157 PB - CRC Press ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Oertel, M. A1 - Bung, Daniel Bernhard ED - Crookston, B. ED - Tullis, B. T1 - Scouring processes downstream a crossbar block ramp BT - Session 3: Scour, erosion, sedimentation T2 - Hydraulic Structures and Water System Management. 6th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Portland, OR, 27-30 June 2016 Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-1-884575-75-4 U6 - https://doi.org/10.15142/T3340628160853 SP - 549 EP - 559 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Ferrein, Alexander A1 - Maier, Christopher A1 - Mühlbacher, Clemens A1 - Niemüller, Tim A1 - Steinbauer, Gerald A1 - Vassos, Stravros T1 - Controlling logistics robots with the action-based language YAGI T2 - Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 9th International Conference, ICIRA 2016, Tokyo, Japan, August 22-24, 2016, Proceedings, Part I Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-319-43505-3 (Print) SN - 978-3-319-43506-0 (Online) U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-43506-0_46 N1 - Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) VL - 9834 SP - 525 EP - 537 PB - Springer ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Niemueller, Tim A1 - Reuter, Sebastian A1 - Ewert, Daniel A1 - Ferrein, Alexander A1 - Jeschke, Sabina A1 - Lakemeyer, Gerhard ED - Almeida, Luis T1 - The Carologistics Approach to Cope with the Increased Complexity and New Challenges of the RoboCup Logistics League 2015 T2 - RoboCup 2015: Robot World Cup XIX Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-319-29339-4 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-29339-4_4 N1 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 9513 SP - 47 EP - 59 PB - Springer International Publishing CY - Cham ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Turaliyeva, M. A1 - Yeshibaev, A. A1 - Saparbekova, A. A1 - Akynova, L. A1 - Abildayeva, R. A1 - Sadenova, M. A1 - Sartayeva, K. A1 - Schieffer, Andre A1 - Digel, Ilya T1 - Species composition and injuriousness of stranger xylophilous fauna affecting indigenous urban dendroflora of Central Asia JF - Asian journal of microbiology, biotechnology & environmental sciences : AJMBES N2 - At the present time, one of the most serious environmental problems of Central Asia and South Kazakhstan is the ongoing large-scale deterioration of principal urban tree populations. Several major centers of massive spread of invasive plant pests have been found in urban dendroflora of this region. The degree of damage of seven most wide-spread aboriginal tree species was found to range from 21.4±1.1 to 85.4±1.8%. In particular, the integrity of the native communities of sycamore (Platanus spp.), willow (Salix spp.), poplar (Populus spp.) and elm (Ulmus spp.) is highly endangered. Our taxonomic analysis of the most dangerous tree pests of the region has revealed them as neobiontic xylophilous insects such as Cossus cossus L. (Order: Lepidoptera L.) Monochamus urussovi Fisch., Monochamus sutor L., Acanthocinus aedelis L. and Ñetonia aureate L. (Order: Coleoptera L.). We relate the origin of this threatening trend with the import of industrial wood in the mid 90’s of the last century that was associated with high degree of the constructional work in the region. Because of the absence of efficient natural predators of the pest species, the application of microbiological methods of the pest control and limitation is suggested. Y1 - 2016 SN - 0972-3005 VL - 18 IS - 2 SP - 359 EP - 366 PB - EM International ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Kallweit, Stephan A1 - Schleupen, Josef A1 - Dahmann, Peter A1 - Bagheri, Mohsen A1 - Engemann, Heiko T1 - Entwicklung eines Kletterroboters zur Diagnose und Instandsetzung von Windenergieanlagen (SMART) T2 - Automatisierung im Fokus von Industrie 4.0 : Tagungsband AALE 2016 ; 13. Fachkonferenz, Lübeck Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-8356-7312-0 N1 - AALE-Konferenz <13., 2016, Lübeck> SP - 207 EP - 212 PB - DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH CY - München ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schiffer, Stefan A1 - Ferrein, Alexander T1 - Decision-Theoretic Planning with Fuzzy Notions in GOLOG JF - International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems N2 - In this paper we present an extension of the action language Golog that allows for using fuzzy notions in non-deterministic argument choices and the reward function in decision-theoretic planning. Often, in decision-theoretic planning, it is cumbersome to specify the set of values to pick from in the non-deterministic-choice-of-argument statement. Also, even for domain experts, it is not always easy to specify a reward function. Instead of providing a finite domain for values in the non-deterministic-choice-of-argument statement in Golog, we now allow for stating the argument domain by simply providing a formula over linguistic terms and fuzzy uents. In Golog’s forward-search DT planning algorithm, these formulas are evaluated in order to find the agent’s optimal policy. We illustrate this in the Diner Domain where the agent needs to calculate the optimal serving order. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218488516400134 SN - 1793-6411 VL - 24 IS - Issue Suppl. 2 SP - 123 EP - 143 PB - World Scientific CY - Singapur ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ferrein, Alexander A1 - Steinbauer, Gerald T1 - The Interplay of Aldebaran and RoboCup JF - KI - Künstliche Intelligenz Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s13218-016-0440-1 SN - 1610-1987 VL - 30 IS - 3-4 SP - 325 EP - 326 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Hering, T. A1 - Ulber, Roland A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Development of a screening system for antimicrobial surfaces T2 - New frontiers of biotech-processes (Himmelfahrtstagung) : 02-04 May 2016, Rhein-Mosel-Halle, Koblenz/Germany Y1 - 2016 SP - 129 PB - DECHEMA CY - Frankfurt am Main ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Finger, Felix T1 - Senkrechtstarter: FH-Absolvent wird für Transportdrohne ausgezeichnet JF - campushunter: das etwas andere Karrieremagazin - Wintersemester 16/17 Y1 - 2016 SN - 2196-9426 IS - 17. Regionalausgabe Aachen SP - 116 EP - 117 PB - Campushunter Media CY - Heidelberg ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Capitain, C. A1 - Hering, T. A1 - Tippkötter, Nils A1 - Ulber, Roland T1 - Enzymatic polymerization of lignin model compounds and solubilized lignin in an aqueous ethanol extract T2 - New frontiers of biotech-processes (Himmelfahrtstagung) : 02-04 May 2016, Rhein-Mosel-Halle, Koblenz/Germany Y1 - 2016 SP - 151 EP - 152 PB - DECHEMA CY - Frankfurt am Main ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Niemueller, Tim A1 - Reuter, Sebastian A1 - Ferrein, Alexander A1 - Jeschke, Sabina A1 - Lakemeyer, Gerhard ED - Almeida, Luis T1 - Evaluation of the RoboCup Logistics League and Derived Criteria for Future Competitions T2 - RoboCup 2015: Robot World Cup XIX Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-319-29339-4 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-29339-4_3 N1 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 9513 SP - 31 EP - 43 PB - Springer International Publishing CY - Cham ER - TY - THES A1 - Frotscher, Ralf T1 - Electromechanical modeling and simulation of thin cardiac tissue constructs - smoothed FEM applied to a biomechanical plate problem Y1 - 2016 N1 - Duisburg, Essen, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Diss., 2016 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Valero, Daniel A1 - Bung, Daniel Bernhard A1 - Oertel, M. ED - Dewals, Benjamin T1 - Turbulent dispersion in bounded horizontal jets : RANS capabilities and physical modeling comparison T2 - Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change : Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Europe Congress (Liege, Belgium, 27-29 July 2016) Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-1-138-02977-4 SN - 978-1-4987-8149-7 (eBook) U6 - https://doi.org/10.1201/b21902-13 SP - 49 EP - 55 PB - CRC Press ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Engel, M. A1 - Thieringer, J. A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Microbial electrosynthesis for sustainable biobutanol production T2 - New frontiers of biotech-processes (Himmelfahrtstagung) : 02-04 May 2016, Rhein-Mosel-Halle, Koblenz/Germany Y1 - 2016 SP - 77 EP - 78 PB - DECHEMA CY - Frankfurt am Main ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Molinnus, Denise A1 - Sorich, Maren A1 - Bartz, Alexander A1 - Siegert, Petra A1 - Willenberg, Holger S. A1 - Lisdat, Fred A1 - Poghossian, Arshak A1 - Keusgen, Michael A1 - Schöning, Michael Josef T1 - Towards an adrenaline biosensor based on substrate recycling amplification in combination with an enzyme logic gate JF - Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical N2 - An amperometric biosensor using a substrate recycling principle was realized for the detection of low adrenaline concentrations (1 nM) by measurements in phosphate buffer and Ringer’s solution at pH 6.5 and pH 7.4, respectively. In proof-of-concept experiments, a Boolean logic-gate principle has been applied to develop a digital adrenaline biosensor based on an enzyme AND logic gate. The obtained results demonstrate that the developed digital biosensor is capable for a rapid qualitative determination of the presence/absence of adrenaline in a YES/NO statement. Such digital biosensor could be used in clinical diagnostics for the control of a correct insertion of a catheter in the adrenal veins during adrenal venous-sampling procedure. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2016.06.064 SN - 0925-4005 VL - 237 SP - 190 EP - 195 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Tran, Ngoc Trinh A1 - Tran, Thanh Ngoc A1 - Matthies, H. G. A1 - Stavroulakis, G. E. A1 - Staat, Manfred ED - Papadrakakis, M. T1 - Shakedown analysis of plate bending analysis under stochastic uncertainty by chance constrained programming T2 - ECCOMAS Congress 2016, VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. Crete Island, Greece, 5–10 June 2016 Y1 - 2016 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Poghossian, Arshak A1 - Bronder, Thomas A1 - Scheja, S. A1 - Wu, Chunsheng A1 - Metzger-Boddien, C. A1 - Keusgen, M. A1 - Schöning, Michael Josef T1 - Label-free Electrostatic Detection of DNA Amplification by PCR Using Capacitive Field-effect Devices T2 - Procedia Engineering N2 - A capacitive field-effect EIS (electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor) sensor modified with a positively charged weak polyelectrolyte of poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH)/single-stranded probe DNA (ssDNA) bilayer has been used for a label-free electrostatic detection of pathogen-specific DNA amplification via polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The sensor is able to distinguish between positive and negative PCR solutions, to detect the existence of target DNA amplicons in PCR samples and thus, can be used as tool for a quick verification of DNA amplification and the successful PCR process. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2016.11.512 SN - 1877-7058 N1 - Proceedings of the 30th anniversary Eurosensors Conference – Eurosensors 2016, 4-7. Sepember 2016, Budapest, Hungary VL - Vol. 168 SP - 514 EP - 517 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Leicht-Scholten, Carmen A1 - Steuer-Dankert, Linda A1 - Bouffier, Anna T1 - Facing Future Challenges: Building Engineers for Tomorrow T2 - Conference proceedings : new perspectives in science education : 5th Conference edition, Florence, Italy, 17-18 March 2016 N2 - Future engineers are increasingly confronted with the so-called Megatrends which are the big social challenges society has to cope with. These Megatrends, such as “Silver Society”, “Globalization”, “Mobility” and “Female Shift” require an application-oriented perspective on Diversity especially in the engineering field. Therefore, it is necessary to enable future engineers not only to look at the technical perspectives of a problem, but also to be able to see the related questions within societies they are developing their artefacts for. The aim of teaching engineering should be to prepare engineers for these requirements and to draw attention to the diverse needs in a globalized world. Bringing together technical knowledge and social competences which go beyond a mere training of the so-called “soft skills”, is a new approach followed at RWTH Aachen University, one of the leading technical universities in Germany. RWTH Aachen University has established the bridging professorship “Gender and Diversity in Engineering” (GDI) which educates engineers with an interdisciplinary approach to expand engineering limits. In the frame of a sustainable teaching concept the research group under the leadership of Prof. Carmen Leicht-Scholten has developed an approach which imparts a supplication-specific Gender and Diversity expertise to engineers. In workshops students gain theoretical knowledge about Gender and Diversity and learn how to transfer their knowledge in their special field of study and later work. To substantiate this, the course participants have to solve case studies from real life. The cases which are developed in collaboration with non-profit organizations and enterprises from economy rise the students to challenges which are inspired by professional life. Evaluation shows the success of this approach as well as an increasing demand for such teaching formats. KW - Diversity KW - Engineering Education KW - Gender KW - Higher Education Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-886292-705-5 SP - 32 EP - 37 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wu, Chunsheng A1 - Poghossian, Arshak A1 - Bronder, Thomas A1 - Schöning, Michael Josef T1 - Sensing of double-stranded DNA molecules by their intrinsic molecular charge using the light-addressable potentiometric sensor JF - Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical N2 - A multi-spot light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS), which belongs to the family of semiconductor field-effect devices, was applied for label-free detection of double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (dsDNA) molecules by their intrinsic molecular charge. To reduce the distance between the DNA charge and sensor surface and thus, to enhance the electrostatic coupling between the dsDNA molecules and the LAPS, the negatively charged dsDNA molecules were electrostatically adsorbed onto the gate surface of the LAPS covered with a positively charged weak polyelectrolyte layer of PAH (poly(allylamine hydrochloride)). The surface potential changes in each spot of the LAPS, induced by the layer-by-layer adsorption of a PAH/dsDNA bilayer, were recorded by means of photocurrent-voltage and constant-photocurrent measurements. In addition, the surface morphology of the gate surface before and after consecutive electrostatic adsorption of PAH and dsDNA layers was studied by atomic force microscopy measurements. Moreover, fluorescence microscopy was used to verify the successful adsorption of dsDNA molecules onto the PAH-modified LAPS surface. A high sensor signal of 25 mV was registered after adsorption of 10 nM dsDNA molecules. The lower detection limit is down to 0.1 nM dsDNA. The obtained results demonstrate that the PAH-modified LAPS device provides a convenient and rapid platform for the direct label-free electrical detection of in-solution hybridized dsDNA molecules. KW - Layer-by-layer adsorption KW - Poly(allylamine hydrochloride) KW - Label-free detection KW - DNA biosensor KW - LAPS KW - Field effect Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2016.02.004 SN - 0925-4005 IS - 229 SP - 506 EP - 512 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rösch, C. A1 - Kratz, F. A1 - Hering, T. A1 - Trautmann, S. A1 - Umanskaya, N. A1 - Tippkötter, Nils A1 - Müller-Renno, C.M. A1 - Ulber, Roland A1 - Hannig, M. A1 - Ziegler, C. T1 - Albumin-lysozyme interactions: cooperative adsorption on titanium and enzymatic activity JF - Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces N2 - The interplay of albumin (BSA) and lysozyme (LYZ) adsorbed simultaneously on titanium was analyzed by gel electrophoresis and BCA assay. It was found that BSA and lysozyme adsorb cooperatively. Additionally, the isoelectric point of the respective protein influences the adsorption. Also, the enzymatic activity of lysozyme and amylase (AMY) in mixtures with BSA was considered with respect to a possible influence of protein-protein interaction on enzyme activity. Indeed, an increase of lysozyme activity in the presence of BSA could be observed. In contrast, BSA does not influence the activity of amylase. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2016.09.048 VL - 149 IS - 1 SP - 115 EP - 121 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wulfhorst, Helene A1 - Duwe, Anna-Maria A1 - Merseburg, Johannes A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Compositional analysis of pretreated (beech) wood using differential scanning calorimetry and multivariate data analysis JF - Tetrahedron N2 - The composition of plant biomass varies depending on the feedstock and pre-treatment conditions and influences its processing in biorefineries. In order to ensure optimal process conditions, the quantitative proportion of the main polymeric components of the pre-treated biomass has to be determined. Current standard procedures for biomass compositional analysis are complex, the measurements are afflicted with errors and therefore often not comparable. Hence, new powerful analytical methods are urgently required to characterize biomass. In this contribution, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) was applied in combination with multivariate data analysis (MVA) to detect the cellulose content of the plant biomass pretreated by Liquid Hot Water (LHW) and Organosolv processes under various conditions. Unlike conventional techniques, the developed analytic method enables the accurate quantification of monosaccharide content of the plant biomass without any previous sample preparation. It is easy to handle and avoids errors in sample preparation. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tet.2016.04.029 VL - 72 IS - 46 SP - 7329 EP - 7334 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Heuermann, Holger A1 - Sadeghfam, Arash T1 - Analog Amplitude-Locked Loop Circuit to Support RF Energy Solutions T2 - IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-150900698-4 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1109/MWSYM.2016.7540092 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Krause, Thomas T1 - Bauabrechnung und Mengenermittlung T2 - Zahlentafeln für den Baubetrieb N2 - In diesem Kapitel werden die Abrechnungsvorschriften wichtiger ATV kurz, aber umfassend zusammengestellt. Einigen Abrechnungsbestimmungen für Einzelleistungen, die keine Nebenleistungen sind ((siehe DIN 18299 und Abschnitt 4 der jeweiligen ATV), sind mit aufgenommen worden; die ATV enthalten jedoch weitergehende Festlegungen über Nebenleistungen und Besondere Leistungen. Im Anschluss folgen Hinweise zu den Toleranzen im Hochbau sowie im Straßenbau. Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-658-02838-1 (Online) SN - 978-3-658-02837-4 (Print) U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-02838-1_7 SP - 963 EP - 1027 PB - Springer Vieweg CY - Wiesbaden ET - 9., überarb. und aktual. Aufl. ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schopp, Christoph A1 - Doll, Timo A1 - Gräser, Ulrich A1 - Harzheim, Thomas A1 - Heuermann, Holger A1 - Kling, Rainer A1 - Marso, Michael T1 - Capacitively Coupled High-Pressure Lamp Using Coaxial Line Networks JF - IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques N2 - This paper describes the development of a capacitively coupled high-pressure lamp with input power between 20 and 43 W at 2.45 GHz, using a coaxial line network. Compared with other electrodeless lamp systems, no cavity has to be used and a reduction in the input power is achieved. Therefore, this lamp is an alternative to the halogen incandescent lamp for domestic lighting. To serve the demands of domestic lighting, the filling of the lamp is optimized over all other resulting requirements, such as high efficacy at low induced powers and fast startups. A workflow to develop RF-driven plasma applications is presented, which makes use of the hot S-parameter technique. Descriptions of the fitting process inside a circuit and FEM simulator are given. Results of the combined ignition and operation network from simulations and measurements are compared. An initial prototype is built and measurements of the lamp's lighting properties are presented along with an investigation of the efficacy optimizations using large signal amplitude modulation. With this lamp, an efficacy of 135 lmW -1 is achieved. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1109/TMTT.2016.2600326 SN - 0018-9480 VL - 64 IS - 10 SP - 3363 EP - 3368 PB - IEEE CY - New York, NY ER - TY - PAT A1 - Al-Kaidy, Huschyar A1 - Tippkötter, Nils A1 - Ulber, Roland T1 - Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Kontaktwinkels eines Flüssigkörpers mit einer Festkörperoberfläche N2 - Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung und ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Kontaktwinkels eines flüssigen oder mit Flüssigkeit gefüllten Körpers. Dieser besteht aus einem Träger (1) und einer damit verbundenen, in einem Winkelbereich von mehr als 0 ° bis maximal 90 ° neigbaren Ebene (8) mit einer darin ausgebildeten Abrollbahn (9) für den flüssigen oder mit Flüssigkeit gefüllten Körper. An der Ebene (8) sind mehrere Sensoren (11,12) zur Erfassung der Rolldauer des Körpers entlang der Rollstrecke angeordnet. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass die Einstellung des Neigungswinkels der Ebene (8) über ein Winkelmessgerät (10) erfolgt, wodurch ein Abrollwinkel erfassbar ist, bei dem der Körper in Bewegung gerät. Aus der Rolldauer, der Rollstrecke und dem Abrollwinkel wird der Kontaktwinkel des Körpers ermittelt. Y1 - 2016 N1 - Patent auch unter DE102014000419 und WO2015107159 veröffentlicht. ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Levers, A. A1 - Staat, Manfred A1 - Laack, Walter van T1 - Analysis of the long-term effect of the MBST® nuclear magnetic resonance therapy on gonarthrosis JF - Orthopedic Practice Y1 - 2016 VL - 47 IS - 11 SP - 521 EP - 528 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Gebhardt, Andreas A1 - Kessler, Julia A1 - Thurn, Laura T1 - 3D-Drucken: Grundlagen und Anwendungen des additive manufacturing (AM) Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-446-44672-4 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3139/9783446448452 PB - Hanser CY - München ET - 2., neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Bhattarai, Aroj A1 - Staat, Manfred ED - Erni, Daniel T1 - Female pelvic floor dysfunction: progress weakening of the support system T2 - 1st YRA MedTech Symposium 2016 : April 8th / 2016 / University of Duisburg-Essen N2 - The structure of the female pelvic floor (PF) is an inter-related system of bony pelvis,muscles, pelvic organs, fascias, ligaments, and nerves with multiple functions. Mechanically, thepelvic organ support system are of two types: (I) supporting system of the levator ani (LA) muscle,and (II) the suspension system of the endopelvic fascia condensation [1], [2]. Significantdenervation injury to the pelvic musculature, depolimerization of the collagen fibrils of the softvaginal hammock, cervical ring and ligaments during pregnancy and vaginal delivery weakens thenormal functions of the pelvic floor. Pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence, sexual dysfunction aresome of the dysfunctions which increases progressively with age and menopause due toweakened support system according to the Integral theory [3]. An improved 3D finite elementmodel of the female pelvic floor as shown in Fig. 1 is constructed that: (I) considers the realisticsupport of the organs to the pelvic side walls, (II) employs the improvement of our previous FEmodel [4], [5] along with the patient based geometries, (III) incorporates the realistic anatomy andboundary conditions of the endopelvic (pubocervical and rectovaginal) fascia, and (IV) considersvarying stiffness of the endopelvic fascia in the craniocaudal direction [3]. Several computationsare carried out on the presented computational model with healthy and damaged supportingtissues, and comparisons are made to understand the physiopathology of the female PF disorders. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.17185/duepublico/40821 SP - 11 EP - 12 PB - Universität Duisburg-Essen CY - Duisburg ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Teixeira Boura, Cristiano José A1 - Niederwestberg, Stefan A1 - McLeod, Jacqueline A1 - Herrmann, Ulf A1 - Hoffschmidt, Bernhard T1 - Development of heat exchanger for high temperature energy storage with bulk materials T2 - AIP Conference Proceedings Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4949106 VL - 1734 IS - 1 SP - 050008-1 EP - 050008-7 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Krause, Thomas A1 - Oettel, Britta T1 - Baumaschinen T2 - Zahlentafeln für den Baubetrieb N2 - Die Leistungsermittlung und Bemessung von Baumaschinen für die folgenden Bereiche werden bearbeitet: Maschinen für den Betonbau, Hebezeuge, Maschinen für den Erdbau, Straßenbaumaschinen, Rückbaugeräte und Elemente der Baustelleneinrichtung Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-658-02838-1 (Online) SN - 978-3-658-02837-4 (Print) U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-02838-1_9 SP - 1069 EP - 1163 PB - Springer Vieweg CY - Wiesbaden ET - 9., überarb. und aktual. Aufl. ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Martin, Joachim A1 - Martin, Angelika T1 - Größen, Formeln, Bemessung T2 - Zahlentafeln für den Baubetrieb N2 - Das Kapitel 1 vermittelt eine Übersicht für den schnellen Gebrauch von Größen, Einheiten und Zeichen. Es folgt die Darstellung wichtiger Grundlagen der Mathematik, Lastannahmen und einfacher statischer Systeme. Schließlich werden Hinweise zu charakteristischen Festigkeiten und Tragfähigkeitsnachweisen für Berechnungen im Mauerwerk, Holz- und Stahlbau sowie Stahlbetonbau gegeben. Für eine weitere Vertiefung des Themas empfiehlt sich der Wendehorst Bautechnische Zahlentafel Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-658-02838-1 (Online) SN - 978-3-658-02837-4 (Print) U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-02838-1_1 SP - 1 EP - 61 PB - Springer Vieweg CY - Wiesbaden ET - 9., überarb. und aktual. Aufl. ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Stollenwerk, Dominik A1 - Rieke, Christian A1 - Dahmen, Markus A1 - Pieper, Martin T1 - Biogas Production Modelling : A Control System Engineering Approach T2 - IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Bd. 32 Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/32/1/012008 SN - 1755-1315 N1 - ICARET 2016, International Conference on Advances in Renewable Energy and Technologies, Putrajaya, MY, Feb 23-25, 2016 SP - 012008/1 EP - 012008/4 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - König, Johannes Alexander A1 - Wolf, Martin R. ED - Stephanidis, C. T1 - The pyramid assessment framework for ‘competence developing games’ T2 - Communications in Computer and Information Science Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-331940541-4 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-40542-1_37 SN - 1865-0929 N1 - 18th International Conference on Posters’ Extended Abstracts, HCI International 2016; Toronto; Canada; 17 July 2016 through 22 July 2016 VL - 618 SP - 232 EP - 237 PB - Springer ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Tran, Ngoc Trinh A1 - Tran, Thanh Ngoc A1 - Matthies, Hermann G. A1 - Stavroulakis, Georgios Eleftherios A1 - Staat, Manfred T1 - FEM Shakedown of uncertain structures by chance constrained programming T2 - PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/pamm.201610346 SN - 1617-7061 N1 - Special Issue: Joint 87th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) and Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung VL - 16 IS - 1 SP - 715 EP - 716 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Staat, Manfred A1 - Duong, Minh Tuan T1 - Smoothed Finite Element Methods for Nonlinear Solid Mechanics Problems: 2D and 3D Case Studies T2 - Proceedings of the National Science and Technology Conference on Mechanical - Transportation Engineering (NSCMET 2016), 13th October 2016, Hanoi, Vietnam, Vol.2 N2 - The Smoothed Finite Element Method (SFEM) is presented as an edge-based and a facebased techniques for 2D and 3D boundary value problems, respectively. SFEMs avoid shortcomings of the standard Finite Element Method (FEM) with lower order elements such as overly stiff behavior, poor stress solution, and locking effects. Based on the idea of averaging spatially the standard strain field of the FEM over so-called smoothing domains SFEM calculates the stiffness matrix for the same number of degrees of freedom (DOFs) as those of the FEM. However, the SFEMs significantly improve accuracy and convergence even for distorted meshes and/or nearly incompressible materials. Numerical results of the SFEMs for a cardiac tissue membrane (thin plate inflation) and an artery (tension of 3D tube) show clearly their advantageous properties in improving accuracy particularly for the distorted meshes and avoiding shear locking effects. Y1 - 2016 SP - 440 EP - 445 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Valero, Daniel A1 - Bung, Daniel Bernhard T1 - Interfacial velocity estimation in highly aerated stepped spillway flows with a single tip fibre optical probe and Artificial Neural Networks T2 - 6th IAHR International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures, May 30th to June 1st 2016. Lübeck, Germany N2 - Air-water flows can be found in different engineering applications: from nuclear engineering to huge hydraulic structures. In this paper, a single tip fibre optical probe has been used to record high frequency (over 1 MHz) phase functions at different locations of a stepped spillway. These phase functions have been related to the interfacial velocities by means of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and the measurements of a classical double tip conductivity probe. Special attention has been put to the input selection and the ANN dimensions. Finally, ANN have shown to be able to link the signal rising times and plateau shapes to the air-water interfacial velocity. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.15142/T3Q590 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Valero, Daniel A1 - Bung, Daniel Bernhard T1 - Sensitivity of turbulent Schmidt number and turbulence model to simulations of jets in crossflow JF - Environmental Modelling and Software N2 - Environmental discharges have been traditionally designed by means of cost-intensive and time-consuming experimental studies. Some extensively validated models based on an integral approach have been often employed for water quality problems, as recommended by USEPA (i.e.: CORMIX). In this study, FLOW-3D is employed for a full 3D RANS modelling of two turbulent jet-to-crossflow cases, including free surface jet impingement. Results are compared to both physical modelling and CORMIX to better assess model performance. Turbulence measurements have been collected for a better understanding of turbulent diffusion's parameter sensitivity. Although both studied models are generally able to reproduce jet trajectory, jet separation downstream of the impingement has been reproduced only by RANS modelling. Additionally, concentrations are better reproduced by FLOW-3D when the proper turbulent Schmidt number is used. This study provides a recommendation on the selection of the turbulence model and the turbulent Schmidt number for future outfall structures design studies. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.04.030 SN - 1364-8152 (electronic) VL - 82 SP - 218 EP - 228 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Martin, Joachim T1 - Betriebsorganisation T2 - Zahlentafeln für den Baubetrieb N2 - Das Kapitel behandelt, ausgehend von Begriffen und Aufgaben der Betriebsorganisation, die Aufbau- und Ablauforganisation der Bauunternehmung sowie die Gestaltung einer Projekt-organisation. Es folgt eine Darstellung der Managementsysteme für Qualität, Umwelt und Arbeitsschutz, die sich zunehmend als sog. integrierte Managementsysteme (IMS) auch in Bauunternehmen etablieren. Grundlagen des Personalmanagements und des betrieblichen Rechnungswesens, die für eine(n) Baubetriebler(in) relevant sein können, ergänzen das Kap. Betriebsorganisation. Den Abschluss bilden Hinweise zum Berichtswesen der Baustelle. Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-658-02838-1 (Online) SN - 978-3-658-02837-4 (Print) U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-02838-1_12 SP - 1297 EP - 1389 PB - Springer Vieweg CY - Wiesbaden ET - 9., überarb. und aktual. Aufl. ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Neumann, Tobias A1 - Dülberg, Enno A1 - Schiffer, Stefan A1 - Ferrein, Alexander T1 - A rotating platform for swift acquisition of dense 3D point clouds T2 - Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 9th International Conference, ICIRA 2016, Tokyo, Japan, August 22-24, 2016, Proceedings, Part I Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-319-43505-3 (Print) SN - 978-3-319-43506-0 (Online) U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-43506-0_22 N1 - Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) VL - 9834 SP - 257 EP - 268 PB - Springer ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Funke, Harald A1 - Beckmann, Nils A1 - Keinz, Jan A1 - Abanteriba, Sylvester T1 - Comparison of Numerical Combustion Models for Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Rich Syngas Applied for Dry-Low-NOx-Micromix-Combustion JF - ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition Volume 4A: Combustion, Fuels and Emissions Seoul, South Korea, June 13–17, 2016 N2 - The Dry-Low-NOₓ (DLN) Micromix combustion technology has been developed as low emission combustion principle for industrial gas turbines fueled with hydrogen or syngas. The combustion process is based on the phenomenon of jet-in-crossflow-mixing. Fuel is injected perpendicular into the air-cross-flow and burned in a multitude of miniaturized, diffusion-like flames. The miniaturization of the flames leads to a significant reduction of NOₓ emissions due to the very short residence time of reactants in the flame. In the Micromix research approach, CFD analyses are validated towards experimental results. The combination of numerical and experimental methods allows an efficient design and optimization of DLN Micromix combustors concerning combustion stability and low NOₓ emissions. The paper presents a comparison of several numerical combustion models for hydrogen and hydrogen-rich syngas. They differ in the complexity of the underlying reaction mechanism and the associated computational effort. For pure hydrogen combustion a one-step global reaction is applied using a hybrid Eddy-Break-up model that incorporates finite rate kinetics. The model is evaluated and compared to a detailed hydrogen combustion mechanism derived by Li et al. including 9 species and 19 reversible elementary reactions. Based on this mechanism, reduction of the computational effort is achieved by applying the Flamelet Generated Manifolds (FGM) method while the accuracy of the detailed reaction scheme is maintained. For hydrogen-rich syngas combustion (H₂-CO) numerical analyses based on a skeletal H₂/CO reaction mechanism derived by Hawkes et al. and a detailed reaction mechanism provided by Ranzi et al. are performed. The comparison between combustion models and the validation of numerical results is based on exhaust gas compositions available from experimental investigation on DLN Micromix combustors. The conducted evaluation confirms that the applied detailed combustion mechanisms are able to predict the general physics of the DLN-Micromix combustion process accurately. The Flamelet Generated Manifolds method proved to be generally suitable to reduce the computational effort while maintaining the accuracy of detailed chemistry. Especially for reaction mechanisms with a high number of species accuracy and computational effort can be balanced using the FGM model. Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-0-7918-4975-0 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1115/GT2016-56430 PB - ASME CY - New York, NY ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Aimenova, Zh. E. A1 - Digel, Ilya A1 - Eshibaev, А. А. T1 - Dynamics of accumulation of lagochirzin in Lagochilus setulosus phytomass during the growing season and also features of its cultivation in the conditions of a typical sierozem JF - KazNU Bulletin. Biology series N2 - L.setulosus is offered for creation of biopreparation «Setulin», possesing he- mostatic action, the basic reactant of biopreparation is diterpen – lagochirzin. Results under the maintenance and dynamics of diterpen lagochirzin accumula- tion in various parts of L.setulosus are presented: in roots, stalks, leaves, flowers and calyx lobes during the growing season, and also results on conditions of cultivation L.setulosus in the conditions of a typical sierozem are resulted. From the obtained data is visible, that the given species of a plant is endemic. It is established, that dynamics of accumulation of lagochirzin in phytomass accrues from the beginning to the middle of the growing season. The chemical analysis of L.setulosus on a localization of lagochirzin in various organs of a plant, has shown, that the greatest quantity of lagochirzin collects in calyx lobes of the plants. Also it is established, that L.setulosus can be cultivated in the conditions of the typical sierozem, a mineral food is necessary for the given species of plants of Lagochilus genus, except nitric fertilizers. Comparative studying of wild-growing and cultural forms of L.setulosus has shown, that in the cultivated phytomass of plants the maintenance of lagochirzin on 17-20 % higher than in the wild-growing species. Y1 - 2016 SN - 1563-0218 N1 - Original in russischer Sprache VL - 69 IS - 4 SP - 4 EP - 11 PB - Al-Farabi Kazakh National University CY - Almaty ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Bleninger, T. A1 - Brenda, M. A1 - Bung, Daniel Bernhard A1 - Hengl, M. A1 - Schmid, B.H. A1 - Schneider, E. A1 - Sonnenburg, A. A1 - Stoschek, O. T1 - DWA-Regelwerk M 544-1 : Merkblatt: Ausbreitungsprobleme von Einleitungen - Prozesse, Methoden und Modelle - Teil 1: Anwendungsgrundlagen, Schätzformeln und eindimensionale Modelle Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-88721-280-3 CY - Hennef ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Dikta, Gerhard A1 - Reißel, Martin A1 - Harlaß, Carsten T1 - Semi-parametric survival function estimators deduced from an identifying Volterra type integral equation JF - Journal of multivariate analysis N2 - Based on an identifying Volterra type integral equation for randomly right censored observations from a lifetime distribution function F, we solve the corresponding estimating equation by an explicit and implicit Euler scheme. While the first approach results in some known estimators, the second one produces new semi-parametric and pre-smoothed Kaplan–Meier estimators which are real distribution functions rather than sub-distribution functions as the former ones are. This property of the new estimators is particular useful if one wants to estimate the expected lifetime restricted to the support of the observation time. Specifically, we focus on estimation under the semi-parametric random censorship model (SRCM), that is, a random censorship model where the conditional expectation of the censoring indicator given the observation belongs to a parametric family. We show that some estimated linear functionals which are based on the new semi-parametric estimator are strong consistent, asymptotically normal, and efficient under SRCM. In a small simulation study, the performance of the new estimator is illustrated under moderate sample sizes. Finally, we apply the new estimator to a well-known real dataset. KW - Volterra integral equation KW - Product-integration KW - Asymptotic efficiency KW - Semi-parametric random censorship model KW - Censored data KW - Survival analysis Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmva.2016.02.008 IS - 147 SP - 273 EP - 284 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Marinova, V. A1 - Kerroumi, I. A1 - Lintermann, A. A1 - Göbbert, J.H. A1 - Moulinec, C. A1 - Rible, S. A1 - Fournier, Y. A1 - Behbahani, Mehdi T1 - Numerical Analysis of the FDA Centrifugal Blood Pump T2 - NIC Symposium 2016 Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-95806-109-5 SP - 355 EP - 364 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Lohse, Wolfram A1 - Laumann, Jörg A1 - Wolf, Christian T1 - Stahlbau, 1: Bemessung von Stahlbauten nach Eurocode mit zahlreichen Beispielen Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-8348-0867-7 SN - 978-3-8348-2058-7 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-8348-2058-7 PB - Springer Vieweg CY - Wiesbaden ET - 25., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Frotscher, Ralf A1 - Muanghong, Danita A1 - Dursun, Gözde A1 - Goßmann, Matthias A1 - Temiz Artmann, Aysegül A1 - Staat, Manfred T1 - Sample-specific adaption of an improved electro-mechanical model of in vitro cardiac tissue JF - Journal of Biomechanics N2 - We present an electromechanically coupled computational model for the investigation of a thin cardiac tissue construct consisting of human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived atrial, ventricular and sinoatrial cardiomyocytes. The mechanical and electrophysiological parts of the finite element model, as well as their coupling are explained in detail. The model is implemented in the open source finite element code Code_Aster and is employed for the simulation of a thin circular membrane deflected by a monolayer of autonomously beating, circular, thin cardiac tissue. Two cardio-active drugs, S-Bay K8644 and veratridine, are applied in experiments and simulations and are investigated with respect to their chronotropic effects on the tissue. These results demonstrate the potential of coupled micro- and macroscopic electromechanical models of cardiac tissue to be adapted to experimental results at the cellular level. Further model improvements are discussed taking into account experimentally measurable quantities that can easily be extracted from the obtained experimental results. The goal is to estimate the potential to adapt the presented model to sample specific cell cultures. KW - hiPS cardiomyocytes KW - Homogenization KW - Hodgkin–Huxley models KW - Frequency adaption KW - Electromechanical modeling KW - Drug simulation KW - Computational biomechanics KW - Cardiac tissue Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiomech.2016.01.039 SN - 0021-9290 (Print) SN - 1873-2380 (Online) VL - 49 IS - 12 SP - 2428 EP - 2435 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Jung, Alexander A1 - Staat, Manfred A1 - Müller, Wolfram T1 - Effect of wind on flight style optimisation in ski jumping T2 - 15th International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics ; July 9th-11th 2015, Edinburgh, UK Y1 - 2016 SP - 53 EP - 54 PB - The University of Edinburgh ; Loughborough University CY - Edinburgh ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Finger, Felix T1 - Comparative Performance and Benefit Assessment of VTOL and CTOL UAVs T2 - Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress (DLRK) 2016, 13.-15.9.2016 Y1 - 2016 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Jin A1 - Heimbach, Tycho A1 - Scheer, Nico A1 - Barve, Avantika A1 - Li, Wenkui A1 - Lin, Wen A1 - He, Handan T1 - Clinical Exposure Boost Predictions by Integrating Cytochrome P450 3A4–Humanized Mouse Studies With PBPK Modeling JF - Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences N2 - NVS123 is a poorly water-soluble protease 56 inhibitor in clinical development. Data from in vitro hepatocyte studies suggested that NVS123 is mainly metabolized by CYP3A4. As a consequence of limited solubility, NVS123 therapeutic plasma exposures could not be achieved even with high doses and optimized formulations. One approach to overcome NVS123 developability issues was to increase plasma exposure by coadministrating it with an inhibitor of CYP3A4 such as ritonavir. A clinical boost effect was predicted by using physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling. However, initial boost predictions lacked sufficient confidence because a key parameter, fraction of drug metabolized by CYP3A4 (ƒₘCYP3A4), could not be estimated with accuracy on account of disconnects between in vitro and in vivo preclinical data. To accurately estimate ƒₘCYP3A4 in human, an in vivo boost effect study was conducted using CYP3A4-humanized mouse model which showed a 33- to 56-fold exposure boost effect. Using a top-down approach, human ƒₘCYP3A4 for NVS123 was estimated to be very high and included in the human PBPK modeling to support subsequent clinical study design. The combined use of the in vivo boost study in CYP3A4-humanized mouse model mice along with PBPK modeling accurately predicted the clinical outcome and identified a significant NVS123 exposure boost (∼42-fold increase) with ritonavir. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/doi.org/10.1016/j.xphs.2016.01.021 SN - 0022-3549 VL - Volume 105 IS - Issue 4 SP - 1398 EP - 1404 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Damm, Marc André A1 - Anthrakidis, Anette A1 - Fend, Thomas T1 - Keramische Porenkörpersysteme als SCR-Mischer und Hydrolysekatalysator : BMBF-Projekt: Hydromix : Schlussbericht : Laufzeit: 01.10.2011 bis 31.03.2015 Y1 - 2016 CY - Aachen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Dallas, Shannon A1 - Salphati, Laurent A1 - Gomez-Zepeda, David A1 - Wanek, Thomas A1 - Chen, Liangfu A1 - Chu, Xiaoyan A1 - Kunta, Jeevan A1 - Mezler, Mario A1 - Menet, Marie-Claude A1 - Chasseigneaux, Stephanie A1 - Declèves, Xavier A1 - Langer, Oliver A1 - Pierre, Esaie A1 - DiLoreto, Karen A1 - Hoft, Carolin A1 - Laplanche, Loic A1 - Pang, Jodie A1 - Pereira, Tony A1 - Andonian, Clara A1 - Simic, Damir A1 - Rode, Anja A1 - Yabut, Jocelyn A1 - Zhang, Xiaolin A1 - Scheer, Nico T1 - Generation and Characterization of a Breast Cancer Resistance Protein Humanized Mouse Model JF - Molecular Pharmacology N2 - Breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) is expressed in various tissues, such as the gut, liver, kidney and blood brain barrier (BBB), where it mediates the unidirectional transport of substrates to the apical/luminal side of polarized cells. Thereby BCRP acts as an efflux pump, mediating the elimination or restricting the entry of endogenous compounds or xenobiotics into tissues and it plays important roles in drug disposition, efficacy and safety. Bcrp knockout mice (Bcrp−/−) have been used widely to study the role of this transporter in limiting intestinal absorption and brain penetration of substrate compounds. Here we describe the first generation and characterization of a mouse line humanized for BCRP (hBCRP), in which the mouse coding sequence from the start to stop codon was replaced with the corresponding human genomic region, such that the human transporter is expressed under control of the murine Bcrp promoter. We demonstrate robust human and loss of mouse BCRP/Bcrp mRNA and protein expression in the hBCRP mice and the absence of major compensatory changes in the expression of other genes involved in drug metabolism and disposition. Pharmacokinetic and brain distribution studies with several BCRP probe substrates confirmed the functional activity of the human transporter in these mice. Furthermore, we provide practical examples for the use of hBCRP mice to study drug-drug interactions (DDIs). The hBCRP mouse is a promising model to study the in vivo role of human BCRP in limiting absorption and BBB penetration of substrate compounds and to investigate clinically relevant DDIs involving BCRP. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1124/mol.115.102079 SN - 1521-0111 VL - 89 IS - 5 SP - 492 EP - 504 PB - ASPET CY - Bethesda, Md. ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Bhattarai, Aroj A1 - Frotscher, Ralf A1 - Durong, Minh Tuán A1 - Staat, Manfred T1 - Schlussbericht zu BINGO. Optimierung des Systems Netzimplantat-Beckenboden zur therapeutischen Gewebeverstärkung nach der Integraltheorie. Y1 - 2016 N1 - Förderkennzeichen BMBF 03FH073PX2 CY - Aachen ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Stephan, Achim A1 - Heuermann, Holger A1 - Prantner, Michael T1 - Cutting human tissue with novel atmospheric-pressure microwave plasma jet T2 - 46th European Microwave Conference (EuMC) Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-2-87487-043-9 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1109/EuMC.2016.7824490 SP - 902 EP - 905 PB - IEEE ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Streit, Wilfried T1 - Kalkulation T2 - Zahlentafeln für den Baubetrieb N2 - Das Kapitel behandelt die Kosten- und Preisermittlung, die Kostenvorgabe und Kostenkontrolle. Der Angebotspreis wird aufgeschlüsselt in die Einzelkosten der Teilleistungen, die Baustellengemeinkosten, die Allgemeinen Geschäftskosten und einen Zuschlag für Wagnis und Gewinn. Auf der Basis der Angebotskalkulation werden die Vorgaben für die Kostenkontrolle entwickelt. Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-658-02838-1 (Online) SN - 978-3-658-02837-4 (Print) U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-02838-1_13 SP - 1391 EP - 1501 PB - Springer Vieweg CY - Wiesbaden ET - 9., überarb. und aktual. Aufl. ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Goßmann, Matthias A1 - Frotscher, Ralf A1 - Linder, Peter A1 - Bayer, Robin A1 - Epple, U. A1 - Staat, Manfred A1 - Temiz Artmann, Aysegül A1 - Artmann, Gerhard T1 - Mechano-pharmacological characterization of cardiomyocytes derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells JF - Cellular physiology and biochemistry N2 - Background/Aims: Common systems for the quantification of cellular contraction rely on animal-based models, complex experimental setups or indirect approaches. The herein presented CellDrum technology for testing mechanical tension of cellular monolayers and thin tissue constructs has the potential to scale-up mechanical testing towards medium-throughput analyses. Using hiPS-Cardiac Myocytes (hiPS-CMs) it represents a new perspective of drug testing and brings us closer to personalized drug medication. Methods: In the present study, monolayers of self-beating hiPS-CMs were grown on ultra-thin circular silicone membranes and deflect under the weight of the culture medium. Rhythmic contractions of the hiPS-CMs induced variations of the membrane deflection. The recorded contraction-relaxation-cycles were analyzed with respect to their amplitudes, durations, time integrals and frequencies. Besides unstimulated force and tensile stress, we investigated the effects of agonists and antagonists acting on Ca²⁺ channels (S-Bay K8644/verapamil) and Na⁺ channels (veratridine/lidocaine). Results: The measured data and simulations for pharmacologically unstimulated contraction resembled findings in native human heart tissue, while the pharmacological dose-response curves were highly accurate and consistent with reference data. Conclusion: We conclude that the combination of the CellDrum with hiPS-CMs offers a fast, facile and precise system for pharmacological, toxicological studies and offers new preclinical basic research potential. KW - Inotropic compounds KW - Pharmacology KW - Ion channels KW - CellDrum KW - Heart tissue culture KW - Induced pluripotent stem cells KW - Cardiac myocytes Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1159/000443124 SN - 1421-9778 (Online) SN - 1015-8987 (Print) VL - 38 IS - 3 SP - 1182 EP - 1198 PB - Karger CY - Basel ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Laack, Walter van T1 - Schnittstelle Tod: Wo stehen wir nach 40 Jahren NTE-Forschung? Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:101:1-201603132912 SN - 978-3-936624-30-4 (Print-Ausgabe) SN - 978-3-936624-32-8 (Online-Ausgabe) N1 - Tagungsbeiträge des 4. Europäischen Seminars am 07. November 2015 in Aachen zum Thema Nahtoderfahrungen mit dem Serientitel: "Schnittstelle Tod" PB - van Laack GmbH CY - Aachen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Roth, Jasmine A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Evaluation of lignocellulosic material for butanol production using enzymatic hydrolysate medium JF - Cellulose Chemistry and Technology N2 - Butanol is a promising gasoline additive and platform chemical that can be readily produced via acetone-butanolethanol (ABE) fermentation from pretreated lignocellulosic materials. This article examines lignocellulosic material from beech wood for ABE fermentation, using Clostridium acetobutylicum. First, the utilization of both C₅₋ (xylose) and C₆₋ (glucose) sugars as sole carbon source was investigated in static cultivation, using serum bottles and synthetic medium. The utilization of pentose sugar resulted in a solvent yield of 0.231 g·g_sugar⁻¹, compared to 0.262 g·g_sugar⁻¹ using hexose. Then, the Organosolv pretreated crude cellulose fibers (CF) were enzymatically decomposed, and the resulting hydrolysate medium was analyzed for inhibiting compounds (furans, organic acids, phenolics) and treated with ionexchangers for detoxification. Batch fermentation in a bioreactor using CF hydrolysate medium resulted in a total solvent yield of 0.20 gABE·g_sugar⁻¹. Y1 - 2016 VL - 50 IS - 3-4 SP - 405 EP - 410 PB - Editura Academiei Romane CY - Bukarest ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Krause, Thomas A1 - Ulke, Bernd ED - Krause, Thomas ED - Ulke, Bernd T1 - Zahlentafeln für den Baubetrieb Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-658-02838-1 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-02838-1 PB - Springer Fachmedien CY - Wiesbaden ET - 9., überarb. und aktual. Aufl. ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Steinbauer, Gerald A1 - Ferrein, Alexander T1 - 20 Years of RoboCup JF - KI - Künstliche Intelligenz Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s13218-016-0442-z SN - 1610-1987 VL - 30 IS - 3-4 SP - 221 EP - 224 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Tippkötter, Nils ED - Kaltschmidt, Martin T1 - Grundlagen der bio-chemischen Umwandlung T2 - Energie aus Biomasse : Grundlagen, Techniken und Verfahren Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-662-47437-2 (Print) SN - 978-3-662-47438-9 (Online) U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-47438-9 SP - 1447 EP - 1500 PB - Springer Vieweg CY - Berlin ; Heidelberg ET - 3., aktualisierte, erweiterte Auflage ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Albanna, Walid A1 - Conzen, Catharina A1 - Weiss, Miriam A1 - Clusmann, Hans A1 - Fuest, Matthias A1 - Mueller, Marguerite A1 - Brockmann, Marc Alexander A1 - Vilser, Walthard A1 - Schmidt-Trucksäss, Arno A1 - Hoellig, Anke A1 - Seiz, Marcel A1 - Thomé, Claudius A1 - Kotliar, Konstantin A1 - Schubert, Gerrit Alexander T1 - Retinal Vessel Analysis (RVA) in the context of subarachnoid hemorrhage: A proof of concept study JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Background Timely detection of impending delayed cerebral ischemia after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is essential to improve outcome, but poses a diagnostic challenge. Retinal vessels as an embryological part of the intracranial vasculature are easily accessible for analysis and may hold the key to a new and non-invasive monitoring technique. This investigation aims to determine the feasibility of standardized retinal vessel analysis (RVA) in the context of SAH. Methods In a prospective pilot study, we performed RVA in six patients awake and cooperative with SAH in the acute phase (day 2–14) and eight patients at the time of follow-up (mean 4.6±1.7months after SAH), and included 33 age-matched healthy controls. Data was acquired using a manoeuvrable Dynamic Vessel Analyzer (Imedos Systems UG, Jena) for examination of retinal vessel dimension and neurovascular coupling. Results Image quality was satisfactory in the majority of cases (93.3%). In the acute phase after SAH, retinal arteries were significantly dilated when compared to the control group (124.2±4.3MU vs 110.9±11.4MU, p<0.01), a difference that persisted to a lesser extent in the later stage of the disease (122.7±17.2MU, p<0.05). Testing for neurovascular coupling showed a trend towards impaired primary vasodilation and secondary vasoconstriction (p = 0.08, p = 0.09 resp.) initially and partial recovery at the time of follow-up, indicating a relative improvement in a time-dependent fashion. Conclusion RVA is technically feasible in patients with SAH and can detect fluctuations in vessel diameter and autoregulation even in less severely affected patients. Preliminary data suggests potential for RVA as a new and non-invasive tool for advanced SAH monitoring, but clinical relevance and prognostic value will have to be determined in a larger cohort. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0158781 SN - 1932-6203 VL - 11 IS - 7 PB - PLOS CY - San Francisco ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Stapenhorst, Carolin T1 - Concept : a dialogic instrument in architectural design N2 - Concept - this is a key term in architectural discourse. However, all too often it is used imprecisely or merely for marketing purposes. What is a concept actually? This publication moves between design theory and design practice and follows the history of the definition of concept in architecture, leading to the formulation of a specifically instrumental and operative definition. It bases concept in architecture on its strategic potential in design decision-making processes. In the changing profession of the designing architect, decisions are increasingly made in multidisciplinary groups. Concept can serve as a dialogic instrument in the process, making it possible to process heterogeneous information from a range of spheres of knowledge. The effective presentation of selected information becomes a relevant interface in the design process, which has a significant influence on the quality of the design. Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-86859-364-8 PB - Jovis CY - Berlin ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Stapenhorst, Carolin ED - Schmitz, Thomas H. ED - Häußling, Roger ED - Mareis, Claudia ED - Groninger, Hannah T1 - Grids. Projektdokumentationen als Denkinstrument T2 - Manifestationen im Entwurf Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-8394-3160-3 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1515/9783839431603-009 SP - 185 EP - 216 PB - Transcript CY - Bielefeld ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Chwallek, Constanze A1 - Frohn, Sandra T1 - Den Mitarbeitern den Rücken stärken JF - Personalwirtschaft N2 - Ein Drittel der Mitarbeiter der Saint-Gobain Glass Deutschland GmbH hat drei Jahre lang regelmäßig seinen Rücken trainiert. Mit Erfolg, wie eine abschließende Evaluation in Zusammenarbeit mit der FH Aachen zeigt. Die Fehltage der Trainingsteilnehmer sind enorm zurückgegangen, während die untrainierten Kollegen weiterhin unter Rückenbeschwerden leiden. Y1 - 2016 SN - 0341-4698 IS - 5 SP - 46 EP - 48 PB - F.A.Z. Business Media CY - Frankfurt a.M. ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stapenhorst, Carolin A1 - Dutto, Andrea Alberto T1 - Notes on conceptual learning in architecture JF - Cartha - The Form of Form Y1 - 2016 N1 - Auch enthalten in der Buchausgabe "CARTHA – On the Form of Form", ISBN 978-3-03860-070-1, Park Books, 2019 CY - Basel ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Stapenhorst, Carolin T1 - Cento Tavole BT - Referenzen als Werkzeuge des Entwurfs Y1 - 2016 N1 - Katalog zur Ausstellung im Reiff-Museum Aachen, 05/12/16 - 12/12/16 PB - RWTH Aachen CY - Aachen ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Stapenhorst, Carolin ED - Palma, Riccardo ED - Dutto, Andrea Alberto T1 - La Land Art come forma di cartografia applicata / Land Art as a Form of Applied Cartography T2 - Tracciare piani, disegnare carte / Sketching plans, drawing maps Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-88-99982-24-9 SP - 195 PB - Accademia University Press CY - Turin ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Engel, Mareike A1 - Thieringer, Julia A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Linking bioprocess engineering and electrochemistry for sustainable biofuel production T2 - Young Researchers Symposium, YRS 2016. Proceedings N2 - Electromicrobial engineering is an emerging, highly interdisciplinary research area linking bioprocesses with electrochemistry. In this work, microbial electrosynthesis (MES) of biobutanol is carried out during acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fermentations with Clostridium acetobutylicum. A constant electric potential of −600mV (vs. Ag/AgCl) with simultaneous addition of the soluble redox mediator neutral red is used in order to study the electron transfer between the working electrode and the bacterial cells. The results show an earlier initiation of solvent production for all fermentations with applied potential compared to the conventional ABE fermentation. The f inal butanol concentration can be more than doubled by the application of a negative potential combined with addition of neutral red. Moreover a higher biofilm formation on the working electrode compared to control cultivations has been observed. In contrast to previous studies, our results also indicate that direct electron transfer (DET) might be possible with C. acetobutylicum. The presented results make microbial butanol production economically attractive and therefore support the development of sustainable production processes in the chemical industry aspired by the “Centre for resource-efficient chemistry and raw material change” as well as the the project “NanoKat” working on nanostructured catalysts in Kaiserslautern. Y1 - 2016 N1 - Young Researchers Symposium, YRS 2016, 14th - 15th April 2016, Fraunhofer-Zentrum Kaiserslautern SP - 49 EP - 53 PB - Fraunhofer Verlag CY - Karlsruhe ER - TY - GEN A1 - Gamgami, Farid A1 - Czupalla, Markus A1 - Garcia, Antonio A1 - Agnolon, David T1 - From planetary transits to spacecraft design: achieving PLATO’s pointing performance T2 - A7. Symposium on technological Requirement for future space astronomy and solar-system science missions N2 - In the last decades, several hundred exoplanets could be detected thanks to space-based observatories, namely CNES’ COROT and NASA’s Kepler. To expand this quest ESA plans to launch CHEOPS as the f irst small class mission in the cosmic visions program (S1) and PLATO as the 3rd medium class mission, so called M3 . PLATO’s primary objective is the detection of Earth like Exoplanets orbiting solar type stars in the habitable zone and characterisation of their bulk properties. This is possible by precise lightcurve measurement via 34 cameras. That said it becomes obvious that accurate pointing is key to achieve the required signal to noise ratio for positive transit detection. The paper will start with a comprehensive overview of PLATO’s mission objectives and mission architecture. Hereafter, special focus will be devoted to PLATO’s pointing requirements. Understanding the very nature of PLATO’s pointing requirements is essential to derive a design baseline to achieve the required performance. The PLATO frequency domain is of particular interest, ranging from 40 mHz to 3 Hz. Due to the very different time-scales involved, the spectral pointing requirement is decomposed into a high frequency part dominated by the attitude control system and the low frequency part dominated by the thermo-elastic properties of the spacecraft’s configuration. Both pose stringent constraints on the overall design as well as technology properties to comply with the derived requirements and thus assure a successful mission. Y1 - 2016 N1 - 67th International Astronautical Congress, 26. - 30. September 2016, Guadalajara, Mexico ER - TY - GEN A1 - Roth, J. A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - New Approach for Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignocellulose with Selective Diffusion Separation of the Monosaccharide Products T2 - Chemie Ingenieur Technik N2 - Enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic material plays an important role in the classical biorefinery approach. Apart from the pretreatment of the raw material, hydrolysis is the basis for the conversion of the cellulose and hemicellulose fraction into fermentable sugars. After hydrolysis, usually a solid-liquid separation takes place, in order to separate the residual plant material from the sugar-rich fraction, which can be subsequently used in a fermentation step. In order to factor out the separation step, the usage of in alginate immobilized crude cellulose fiber beads (CFBs) were evaluated. Pretreated cellulose fibers are incorporated in an alginate matrix together with the relevant enzymes. In doing so, sugars diffuse trough the alginate matrix, allowing a simplified delivery into the surrounding fluid. This again reduces product inhibition of the glucose on the enzyme catalysts. By means of standardized bead production the hydrolysis in lab scale was possible. First results show that liberation of glucose and xylose is possible, allowing a maximum total sugar yield of 75 %. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.201650301 SN - 0009-286X SN - 1522-2640 (eISSN) N1 - ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2016 und 32. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2016, 12. - 15. September 2016, Eurogress Aachen VL - 88 IS - 9 SP - 1237 PB - Wiley-VCH CY - Weinheim ER - TY - GEN A1 - Hering, T. A1 - Ulber, Roland A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Antimikrobielle Oberflächenmodifikation durch Mikropartikel T2 - Chemie Ingenieur Technik N2 - Die Ausbildung von Biofilmen in technischen Anlagen, wie z. B. Kühlkreisläufen, Wasseraufbereitungssystemen und Bioreaktoren, führen zu Materialschäden (Biofouling) und stark erhöhtem Energieaufwand. Im Rahmen der aktuellen Forschungsarbeiten erfolgen aktive sowie passive Bio-Modifikationen auf funktionalisierten magnetischen Mikropartikelober-flächen. Um die verschiedenen funktionalisierten magnetischen Mikropartikel zu analysieren und ihre antimikrobielle Wirkung zu testen, wird der Einsatz einer 3D-gedruckten, magnetischen Plattform für ein Fluoreszenz-basiertes Screening-System untersucht. Für den Oberflächenschutz wurden verschiedene, antimikrobiell funktionalisierte Partikelkombinationen mit dem Mikroorganismus Escherichia coli GFPmut2 in Bezug auf aktiven Oberflächenschutz verglichen. Um die antimikrobielle Oberflächeneffekte von synergistischen Kombinationen unterschiedlich funktionalisierter Partikel zu bestimmen, werden Oberflächen einem Magnetfeld ausgesetzt, das die Mikropartikel als definierte Schicht auf ihnen zurück hält. Diese modifizierten Oberflächen können sowohl durch Fluoreszenzspektroskopie als auch -mikroskopie analysiert werden. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.201650084 N1 - ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2016 und 32. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2016, 12. - 15. September 2016, Eurogress Aachen VL - 88 IS - 9 SP - 1302 PB - Wiley-VCH CY - Weinheim ER - TY - GEN A1 - Kuthan, K. A1 - Al-Kaidy, Huschyar A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Tropfenbasierte Enzymreaktionen auf Glasoberflächen im μL-Maßstab mit ortsaufgelöster pL-Dosierung der Reaktanden T2 - Chemie Ingenieur Technik N2 - Mit der Entwicklung wässriger Tropfen, die mit einer schützenden Hülle magnetisierbarer, hydrophober Partikel umgeben sind, ergeben sich neue Möglichkeiten im Bereich der Mikrofluidik. So können die Tropfen als flüssige Mikroreaktoren eingesetzt werden. Der wässrige Kern dieser Mikroreaktoren besteht aus einer Substratlösung für enzymatische Umsetzungen. Durch Bewegen der Mikroreaktoren können diese über immobilisierten Enzymen positioniert werden, um so einen enzymatischen Umsatz innerhalb der Mikroreaktoren zu realisieren. Hierfür wurde eine neue Mikroreaktorplattform-Technologie etabliert. Die Mikroreaktoren können aufgrund ihrer magnetisierbaren Hüllenpartikel über elektromagnetische Spulen bewegt werden. Die Bewegung erfolgt dabei mit einer automatisierten Aktuatorplattform, bestehend aus einer 3x3 Doppelspulenmatrix mit Magnetkernen. Als modellhaftes Reaktionssystem wird eine Enzymkaskade eingesetzt, die sich aus einer b-Glucosidase, Glucose-Oxidase und Meerrettichperoxidase zusammensetzt. Primär untersuchte Substrate sind Fluorescein-di-b-D-glucopyranoside, und 1-(3,7-Dihydroxy-10H-phenoxazin-10-yl)-ethanon, bei deren Umsatz fluoreszierende Produkte entstehen. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.201650117 N1 - ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2016 und 32. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2016, 12. - 15. September 2016, Eurogress Aachen VL - 88 IS - 9 SP - 1336 EP - 1337 PB - Wiley-VCH CY - Weinheim ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wulfhorst, H. A1 - Merseburg, J. A1 - Tippkötter, Nils T1 - Batteriekomponenten aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen T2 - Chemie Ingenieur Technik N2 - In diesem Beitrag geht es um die Integration von Stoffströmen einer Lignocellulose-Bioraffinerie in Verfahren zur Batterieherstellung. Pflanzliche Reststoffe aus der Biokraftstoffherstellung wie Lignin sollen zur Herstellung neuer Batteriematerialien verwendet werden. Hierbei wird das Lignin als Matrix für die vorgraphitischen C-haltigen Einlagerungsverbindungen in den Elektroden genutzt. Die Si-C-Komposite werden durch das Einbetten von Si in eine Ligninmatrix mit anschließender Carbonisierung hergestellt. Das Lignin hierfür wird durch die sequentielle hydrothermale Vorbehandlung von Buchenholz bei variablen Bedingungen gewonnen und mit Si-Nanopartikel sowie als Referenz ohne Si-Nanopartikel gefällt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die sequenzielle Vorbehandlung höhere Ausbeuten im Vergleich zum LHW- oder Organosolv-Aufschluss liefert. Um eine Anode herzustellen, wurde das resultierende Si–C-Kompositmaterial carbonisiert, auf einen Stromsammler aufgetragen und elektro-chemisch charakterisiert. Der Einfluss der Vorbehandlungsschritte auf den Herstellungsprozess und die ökonomische Bewertung des untersuchten Bioraffinerie-Prozesses wurde mithilfe eines Stoffstrommodells analysiert. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.201650333 SN - 0009-286X SN - 1522-2640 (eISSN) N1 - ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2016 und 32. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2016, 12. - 15. September 2016, Eurogress Aachen VL - 88 IS - 9 SP - 1234 EP - 1235 PB - Wiley-VCH CY - Weinheim ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Stapenhorst, Carolin A1 - Van Den Bergh, Wim A1 - Goliasch, Simon A1 - Kühnle, Christian A1 - Läufer, Jonas A1 - Ring, Jana A1 - Schmalt, Nicola T1 - Roman traces for cross-border identification T2 - Design Strategies for Transforming Cross-Border Regions N2 - The research group focuses on the characteristics in the land-and cityscapes of the Drielanden-zone, which contribute to generate common identities, as well as on those features that trigger differences and specificities of the adjacent countries that enrich the perception of the zone. In this research, the instruments of cartography and land survey system serve to detect and localize the fragmented appearance of relevant historic elements. These analytic procedures help to develop strategies for infrastructures and processes that gradually initiate local forms of cross-border tourism. The architectural research displays how top-down and bottom-up interventions can be combined in order to guarantee a sustainable use and development of the considered area. KW - Building Culture KW - Archeology KW - Cartography KW - Land Survey and Measurement Systems KW - Infrastructures Y1 - 2016 SP - 5 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Becker, Sebastian A1 - Höfken, Hans-Wilhelm A1 - Schütz, Philip A1 - Schuba, Marko ED - Schartner, P. T1 - IT-forensische Erkennung modifizierter Android-Apps T2 - Proceedings of DACH Security 2016, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 2016 N2 - Malware auf Smartphones ist ein Problem, dem auch Strafverfolgungsbehörden immer häufiger gegenüberstehen. Insbesondere Telefone, bei denen potentiell schadhafte Apps zu einem finanziellen Schaden geführt haben, finden sich auf den Schreibtischen der Polizei wieder. Dabei müssen die Ermittler möglichst schnell und gezielt erkennen können, ob eine App tatsächlich schadhaft manipuliert wurde, was manipuliert wurde und mit wem die App kommuniziert. Klassische Malware-Erkennungsverfahren helfen zwar bei der generellen Erkennung schadhafter Software, sind aber für die polizeiliche Praxis nicht geeignet. Dieses Paper stellt ein Programm vor, welches gerade die forensischen Fragestellungen berücksichtigt und so für den Einsatz in der Strafverfolgung in Frage kommt. Y1 - 2016 SP - 120 EP - 125 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lagemaat, Miriam W. A1 - Breukels, Vincent A1 - Vos, Eline K. A1 - Kerr, Adam B. A1 - Uden, Mark J. van A1 - Orzada, Stephan A1 - Bitz, Andreas A1 - Maas, Marnix C. A1 - Scheenen, Tom W. J. T1 - ¹H MR spectroscopic imaging of the prostate at 7T using spectral-spatial pulses JF - Magnetic Resonance in Medicine N2 - Purpose To assess the feasibility of prostate ¹H MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) using low-power spectral-spatial (SPSP) pulses at 7T, exploiting accurate spectral selection and spatial selectivity simultaneously. Methods A double spin-echo sequence was equipped with SPSP refocusing pulses with a spectral selectivity of 1 ppm. Three-dimensional prostate ¹H-MRSI at 7T was performed with the SPSP-MRSI sequence using an 8-channel transmit array coil and an endorectal receive coil in three patients with prostate cancer and in one healthy subject. No additional water or lipid suppression pulses were used. Results Prostate ¹H-MRSI could be obtained well within specific absorption rate (SAR) limits in a clinically feasible time (10 min). Next to the common citrate signals, the prostate spectra exhibited high spermine signals concealing creatine and sometimes also choline. Residual lipid signals were observed at the edges of the prostate because of limitations in spectral and spatial selectivity. Conclusion It is possible to perform prostate ¹H-MRSI at 7T with a SPSP-MRSI sequence while using separate transmit and receive coils. This low-SAR MRSI concept provides the opportunity to increase spatial resolution of MRSI within reasonable scan times. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/mrm.25569 SN - 1522-2594 VL - 75 IS - 3 SP - 933 EP - 945 PB - International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kolditz, Melanie A1 - Albin, Thivaharan A1 - Abel, Dirk A1 - Fasse, Alessandro A1 - Brüggemann, Gert-Peter A1 - Albracht, Kirsten T1 - Evaluation of foot position and orientation as manipulated variables to control external knee adduction moments in leg extension training JF - Computer methods and programs in biomedicine N2 - Background and Objective Effective leg extension training at a leg press requires high forces, which need to be controlled to avoid training-induced damage. In order to avoid high external knee adduction moments, which are one reason for unphysiological loadings on knee joint structures, both training movements and the whole reaction force vector need to be observed. In this study, the applicability of lateral and medial changes in foot orientation and position as possible manipulated variables to control external knee adduction moments is investigated. As secondary parameters both the medio-lateral position of the center of pressure and the frontal-plane orientation of the reaction force vector are analyzed. Methods Knee adduction moments are estimated using a dynamic model of the musculoskeletal system together with the measured reaction force vector and the motion of the subject by solving the inverse kinematic and dynamic problem. Six different foot conditions with varying positions and orientations of the foot in a static leg press are evaluated and compared to a neutral foot position. Results Both lateral and medial wedges under the foot and medial and lateral shifts of the foot can influence external knee adduction moments in the presented study with six healthy subjects. Different effects are observed with the varying conditions: the pose of the leg is changed and the direction and center of pressure of the reaction force vector is influenced. Each effect results in a different direction or center of pressure of the reaction force vector. Conclusions The results allow the conclusion that foot position and orientation can be used as manipulated variables in a control loop to actively control knee adduction moments in leg extension training. KW - External knee adduction moments KW - Manipulated variables KW - Inverse dynamic problem KW - Inverse kinematic problem KW - Musculoskeletal model Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2016.09.005 SN - 0169-2607 N1 - Part of special issue: "SI: Personalised Models and System Identification" VL - 171 SP - 81 EP - 86 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Kolditz, Melanie A1 - Albin, Thivaharan A1 - Albracht, Kirsten A1 - Brüggemann, Gert-Peter A1 - Abel, Dirk T1 - Isokinematic leg extension training with an industrial robot T2 - 6th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob) June 26-29, 2016. UTown, Singapore Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1109/BIOROB.2016.7523750 SP - 950 EP - 955 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Belavy, Daniel L. A1 - Albracht, Kirsten A1 - Brüggemann, Gert-Peter A1 - Vergroesen, Pieter-Paul A. A1 - Dieen, Jaap H. van T1 - Can exercise positively influence the intervertebral disc? JF - Sports Medicine N2 - To better understand what kinds of sports and exercise could be beneficial for the intervertebral disc (IVD), we performed a review to synthesise the literature on IVD adaptation with loading and exercise. The state of the literature did not permit a systematic review; therefore, we performed a narrative review. The majority of the available data come from cell or whole-disc loading models and animal exercise models. However, some studies have examined the impact of specific sports on IVD degeneration in humans and acute exercise on disc size. Based on the data available in the literature, loading types that are likely beneficial to the IVD are dynamic, axial, at slow to moderate movement speeds, and of a magnitude experienced in walking and jogging. Static loading, torsional loading, flexion with compression, rapid loading, high-impact loading and explosive tasks are likely detrimental for the IVD. Reduced physical activity and disuse appear to be detrimental for the IVD. We also consider the impact of genetics and the likelihood of a ‘critical period’ for the effect of exercise in IVD development. The current review summarises the literature to increase awareness amongst exercise, rehabilitation and ergonomic professionals regarding IVD health and provides recommendations on future directions in research. KW - Intradiscal Pressure KW - Annulus Fibrosus KW - Disc Degeneration KW - Nucleus Pulposus KW - Intervertebral Disc Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-015-0444-2 SN - 1179-2035 VL - 46 IS - 4 SP - 473 EP - 485 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kolditz, Melanie A1 - Albin, Thivaharan A1 - Brüggemann, Gert-Peter A1 - Abel, Dirk A1 - Albracht, Kirsten T1 - Robotergestütztes System für ein verbessertes neuromuskuläres Aufbautraining der Beinstrecker JF - at - Automatisierungstechnik N2 - Neuromuskuläres Aufbautraining der Beinstrecker ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil in der Rehabilitation und Prävention von Muskel-Skelett-Erkrankungen. Effektives Training erfordert hohe Muskelkräfte, die gleichzeitig hohe Belastungen von bereits geschädigten Strukturen bedeuten. Um trainingsinduzierte Schädigungen zu vermeiden, müssen diese Kräfte kontrolliert werden. Mit heutigen Trainingsgeräten können diese Ziele allerdings nicht erreicht werden. Für ein sicheres und effektives Training sollen durch den Einsatz der Robotik, Sensorik, eines Regelkreises sowie Muskel-Skelett-Modellen Belastungen am Zielgewebe direkt berechnet und kontrolliert werden. Auf Basis zweier Vorstudien zu möglichen Stellgrößen wird der Aufbau eines robotischen Systems vorgestellt, das sowohl für Forschungszwecke als auch zur Entwicklung neuartiger Trainingsgeräte verwendet werden kann. Y1 - 2016 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1515/auto-2016-0044 SN - 2196-677X VL - 64 IS - 11 SP - 905 EP - 914 PB - De Gruyter CY - Berlin ER -