Plastic analysis of truss structures under random strength by chance constrained programming

  • This paper shows how probabilistic limit analysis of statically indeterminate truss structures can be done with the same simplicity as the deterministic limit analysis.

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Author:Ngoc Trinh Tran, Manfred StaatORCiD
Parent Title (English):Proceedings of the 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering
Document Type:Conference Proceeding
Year of Completion:2024
Tag:Chance Constraints; Computational Mechanics; Limit Analysis; Linear Programming; Plasticity
Length:11 Seiten
9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2024), 3.6. - 7.6.2024, Lisbon, Portugal
Institutes:FH Aachen / IfB - Institut für Bioengineering
open_access (DINI-Set):open_access
collections:Open Access / Gold
Licence (German): Creative Commons - Namensnennung-Keine kommerzielle Nutzung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen