Advancements in Nanotechnology and Microelectronics (ANM '09) <2009, Tunisia>: Proceedings book ; Tunisia, November, 13 & 14, 2009 / Humboldt Kolleg. Ed. by Michael J. Schöning ; Adnane Abdelghani
- The ANM’09 multi-disciplinary scientific program includes topics in the fields of "Nanotechnology and Microelectronics" ranging from "Bio/Micro/Nano Materials and Interfacing" aspects, "Chemical and Bio-Sensors", "Magnetic and Superconducting Devices", "MEMS and Microfluidics" over "Theoretical Aspects, Methods and Modelling" up to the important bridging "Academics meet Industry".
Author: | Michael Josef SchöningORCiD, Adnane Abdelghani |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:hbz:a96-opus-3113 |
DOI: | |
Document Type: | Conference Proceeding |
Language: | English |
Year of Completion: | 2009 |
Publishing Institution: | Fachhochschule Aachen |
Creating Corporation: | Humboldt-Kolleg Advancements in Nanotechnology and Microelectronics (ANM '09) <2009, Tunisia> |
Date of the Publication (Server): | 2009/11/24 |
Tag: | Nanotechnology ; Microelectronics ; Biosensors ; Superconductor ; MEMS |
GND Keyword: | Nanopartikel; Biosensor; Supraleiter; MEMS; Biophoton |
Institutes: | FH Aachen / Fachbereich Medizintechnik und Technomathematik |
Dewey Decimal Classification: | 5 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik / 57 Biowissenschaften; Biologie / 570 Biowissenschaften; Biologie |