S. Lu, Katrin Beyer, V. Bosiljkov, Christoph Butenweg, D. D’Ayala, H. Degee, M. Gams, J. Klouda, S. Lagomarsino, A. Penna, N. Mojsilovic, F. da Porto, L. Sorrentino, E. Vintzileou
- This paper describes the procedure on the evaluation of the masonry chapter for the next generation of Eurocode 8, the European Standard for earthquake-resistant design. In CEN, TC 250/SC8, working group WG 1 has been established to support the subcommittee on the topic of masonry on both design of new structures (EN1998-1) and assessment of existing structures (EN1998-3). The aim is to elaborate suggestions for amendments which fit the current state of the art in masonry and earthquake-resistant design. Focus will be on modelling, simplified methods, linear-analysis (q-values, overstrength-values), nonlinear procedures, out-of-plane design as well as on clearer definition of limit states. Beside these, topics related to general material properties, reinforced masonry, confined masonry, mixed structures and non-structural infills will be covered too. This paper presents the preliminary work and results up to the submission date.
MetadatenAuthor: | S. Lu, Katrin Beyer, V. Bosiljkov, Christoph ButenwegORCiD, D. D’Ayala, H. Degee, M. Gams, J. Klouda, S. Lagomarsino, A. Penna, N. Mojsilovic, F. da Porto, L. Sorrentino, E. Vintzileou |
ISBN: | 978-1-138-02999-6 (Print) |
ISBN: | 9781315374963 (E-Book) |
Parent Title (English): | Brick and Block Masonry Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Padova, Italy, 26-30 June 2016 |
Publisher: | Taylor & Francis |
Place of publication: | London |
Editor: | Claudio Modena, F. da Porto, M.R. Valluzzi |
Document Type: | Conference Proceeding |
Language: | English |
Year of Completion: | 2016 |
First Page: | 695 |
Last Page: | 700 |
Link: | https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.1201/b21889-87/next-generation-eurocode-8-masonry-chapter-lu-beyer-bosiljkov-butenweg-ayala-degee-gams-klouda-lagomarsino-penna-mojsilovic-da-porto-sorrentino-vintzileou |
Zugriffsart: | campus |
Institutes: | FH Aachen / Fachbereich Energietechnik |
collections: | Verlag / Taylor & Francis |