- High Froude-number open-channel flows can entrain significant volumes of air, a phenomenon that occurs continuously in spillways, in free-falling jets and in hydraulic jumps, or as localized events, notably at the toe of hydraulic jumps or in plunging jets. Within these flows, turbulence generates millions of bubbles and droplets as well as highly distorted wavy air–water interfaces. This phenomenon is crucial from a design perspective, as it influences the behaviour of high-velocity flows, potentially impairing the safety of dam operations. This review examines recent scientific and engineering progress, highlighting foundational studies and emerging developments. Notable advances have been achieved in the past decades through improved sampling of flows and the development of physics-based models. Current challenges are also identified for instrumentation, numerical modelling and (up)scaling that hinder the formulation of fundamental theories, which are instrumental for improving predictive models, able to offer robust support for the design of large hydraulic structures at prototype scale.